bidding document bills of quantities for builders works · 2018-10-09 · section 2.6 - external...

Post on 14-Apr-2020






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Contract Identification No: MOH/EAKIP/ICB/004/2018-2019

ADB Loan Number: 2100150031997



Works Programme No: D108 NB/NB/1801 JOB NO. 10398A







P.O BOX 30016-00100




P.O BOX 30743-00100







P. O. BOX 30016 – 00100










Section 2.1 - Specifications

1 General Specifications 2- 2

2 Particular Specification for

Architectural Works 2-77

3 Particular Specification for Structural

and Civil Engineering Works 2-117

Section 2.2 - Particular Preliminaries 2-242

Section 2.3 - General Preliminaries 2-255

Section 2.4 - Main Building – Structural Works 2- 279

Section 2.5 - Main Building – Architectural Works 2-336

Section 2.6 - External Works within Plot Boundary

1 Clear Site 2-338

2 Drive and Parking 2-340

3 Walkways and Foot paths 2-341

4 Storm water Drainage 2-346

5 Sewer Drainage 2-348

6 Boundary Wall 2-353

7 Gate Houses 2-373

Section 2.7 - Sports Fields

1. Sports Fields

2. Storm water Drainage 2-378

3. Changing Rooms 2-400

4. Offices 2-416

Section 2.8 - Day Works & Schedule of Rates 2-426

Section 2.9 - Provisional Sums and Contingency 2-428

Section 2.10 - Summary for Volume 2 2-429








Materials generally

All materials shall be new and of the qualities and kinds specified herein and equal to

approved samples.

Deliveries shall be sufficiently approved in advance to enable samples to be taken and tested

if required. No materials shall be used until approved; materials, which are damaged in any

way, shall be immediately removed from site at the contractor’s expense

Alternative to proprietary brands or specified standards

Where materials are specified to a particular standard or by their proprietary names of where

fittings are specified by catalogues numbers of description, the contractor may offer

alternatives which are of equal quality. In such event the tender must be qualified by listing

the various alternatives to be used. The successful tenderer must then subsequently submit

samples of the alternative materials to the Engineer as soon as practicable after the award of

the contract, and must obtain his written approval before purchasing.

Measuring and testing equipment

The contractor shall provide on the site the following equipment for carrying out measuring

and control and tests and maintain the same in full working order; if relevant to the scope of

the works:

a) Straight edges 3 metres and 4 metres long for testing accuracy of finished


b) 150mm steel cube moulds with base plates and tamping rods to B.S. 1881

c) two 30 metres steel tapes

d) one dumpy or quick set level and staff

e) any other equipment as may be requested by the Engineer

Minor details of construction

Minor details of construction which are fairly and obviously intended and which may not

definitely be referred to in this specification and/ or drawings, but which are usual in sound

building practice and are essential to the works, shall be considered as included in the

contract sum.




The contractor is required to visit the site to establish the nature of the existing buildings to

be demolished and ascertain for himself the nature of the works and no claim arising from

lack of knowledge in this respect will be entertained. The dimensions and quantities given

in this section are approximate and the contractor is referred to the site to ascertain the exact

nature of the work.

The items pulling down and alterations are to include both labour and materials and for any

shoring needling and temporary works in connection therewith. The contractor must include

in his pricing for making good all works disturbed in all trades and carting away all debris.

The contractor must give all the necessary notices and must exercise due care in the

demolitions. He must not collapse large sections of walls, floors, etc and must provide all

necessary shoring and supports during the demolition.

During demolition the contractor shall keep the debris constantly watered to minimize the

dust arising and this shall be included in his prices.

All materials, including rubbish, shall be removed from the site as soon as possible.

The contractor is to erect dust-proof screens to the approval of the Engineer where deemed

necessary and to remove them on completion of the works, all to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

Such screens shall be deemed to have been priced for.

Materials arising out of demolitions which the Engineer considers of value should be

handed over to the Client.


a) “demolition” shall be deemed to mean cutting away, breaking up, demolishing, pulling

down, taking down, removing etc., as the context requires and shall include all cases

temporarily strutting and supporting and making good remaining works as necessary,

and clearing away and removing from site all debris etc.

b) “remove” shall be deemed to mean taking down, hacking up, breaking down, removing

etc., and clearing away from site and all other expenses thereby entailed.

c) “making good” shall be deemed to mean all making good, fitting, facing up, plastering

and repainting or match existing work.

d) “to match” shall apply to relevant existing work in design, workmanship and all other



e) “re- fix” shall apply to the existing materials arising from the works and shall mean take

from store and fix in new position, including making good, repairing and adjusting as




Removing trees, hedges and the like

The removal from site of trees, stumping, roots hedges bushes, scrub, under growth and the

like shall be deemed to be included with the items for cutting down and grubbing up roots.

Surface level

The term “surface level” shall mean ground level after clearing site.

Clearing site

Clearing site shall include the site of all loose debris and rubbish, bushes, scrub,

undergrowth, vegetable and small trees (i.e. not exceeding 600mm girth) and grubbing up

their roots.


The term “rock” shall mean any natural materials, which cannot be dislodged by a pick and

which can only be removed by the use of compressors or by blasting or wedging. This

classification does not include materials that can be removed by other means other than

drilling and blasting or drilling and wedging, but which for reasons of economy in

excavating, the contractor prefers to remove by drilling and wedging. Unless specifically

stated thereafter, the contractor must assume that permission to use explosives to remove

rock will be refused and he must therefore price for removing rock by compressors etc.

“ Tuff” will not be treated as rock for the purpose of extra payment to the contractor under

clause d5 of the S.M.M. and should isolated boulders of a different harder nature be located

in the course of excavations, these will be treated as rock.



The contractor shall be responsible for setting up and maintaining an accurately ascertained

datum level for the work. Immediately following the issue of the order to commence, the

contractor shall carry out and record a check grid of the site which shall be agreed between

the Architect and the Contractor within one week of the above order being given: no

alterations of levels shall be undertaken until an agreement has been reached and the


Architect’s instructions have been received.

Nature of the soil

It will be deemed that the contractor has inspected the drawings and the site and consulted

all available information concerning subsoil conditions before submitting the tender. In

making information available on subsoil conditions, the Employer does not in anyway

absolve the contractor from his responsibilities, nor is it guaranteed that similar conditions

apply to any specific part of the site.

Unauthorized excavations

The contractor is prohibited from making excavations other than those approved by the

Engineer as necessary for the works.

Borrow pits

No borrow pits will be allowed to be opened on the site.


The contractor must destroy any termites nests found within the perimeter of the buildings

and within a distance of 20 metres from the building externally and take out and destroy

queens, impregnate holes and tunnels with approved insecticide and back- fill with hard

materials well rammed and consolidated



Blinding shall be of the same materials as the hardcore bed crushed and graded from 4mm

upwards, free from clay, chemical or pollutions, pest, weeds roots and rubbish.


Hardcore shall be of good, clean, hard broken stone before placing to pass a 100mm ring

and free from all rubbish.

Approved filling for filling under floors

Approved filling for filling under floors shall be clean, dry pit or river sand, excavated

materials or subsoil free from clay, roots and any impurities.

Soil for backfilling around foundations

Soil for backfilling around foundations shall be dry, clean subsoil free from clay, vegetable

soil, roots and rubbish.




The contractor shall control the grading around the building so as to prevent water running

into excavated areas or into completed sections of the work.

Removal of obstructions

In the event of any derelict foundations, walls slabs, kerbs etc., being discovered upon the

site of the works they shall, if below new foundations, be completely removed to a level of

150 mm below the level of the foundations as instructed by the Engineer. For graded areas

any such obstructions shall be removed to a depth of 600mm below the finished grade.

Filling voids caused by the removal of such obstructions shall be executed for “filling”

Bottoms of excavations to be approved

The contractor shall give the engineer at least 48 hours notice when the excavations will be

ready for inspection. The bottom of every excavation will be inspected by the Engineer and

the level thereof agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor. If a good bearing bottom

is not obtained at the level shown, the Engineer is to be informed. No concrete is to be laid

until the bottom has been approved and the level thereof taken. Any concrete work or other

work done before such approval, shall, if so directed be removed and new work substituted

after excavations have been approved, at the Contractors expense. Notwithstanding such

approval any bottom which becomes water-logged or otherwise spoilt after approval, shall

be cleaned out and reformed to the Engineer’s approval before any concrete is placed.

Before placing concrete or masonry on rock surfaces, the surfaces shall be leveled off or

shelved to a slope not exceeding 25mm per 300mm.

Disposal of excavated material

Vegetable soil shall be spread and leveled where directed by the Engineer on site. surplus

excavated where directed or required shall be removed from the site to a tip, the location of

which first be approved by the Engineer in writing. All fees and charges in connection shall

be deemed to be included in the Contract Sum.

Excavation below required levels

Should any excavation be taken below the required levels or depth necessary to obtain a

suitable bottom, the Contractor will be required to fill in excavation to the proper level with

concrete of the same specifications for the foundation, at his own expense

Timbering, planking, strutting, etc

The contractor shall provide all necessary timbering, planking, strutting, etc to uphold the

faces of excavation, which shall only be removed when it is safe to do so.


Timbering, planking, strutting, etc

Where the Engineer instructs or agrees that it is necessary for the safety of the works to

leave in certain timbering, planking and strutting etc., such timber shall be measured and

agreed before covering up.


Return filling foundations and filling to make up levels under floors and pavings shall be

deposited until the formation level has been approved by the Engineer.

In no case shall fill be deposited until the formation level has been approved by the


In no case shall fill be deposited on a muddy foundation. Filling shall be deposited in layers

not exceeding 150mm in depth before compaction and shall be compacted by rolling,

pneumatic tamping or other approved means over whole of the area.

If necessary the filling shall be allowed to dry or be moistened to the correct moisture

content before compaction. The finished surface shall be approved by the Engineer prior to

further construction work thereon.

The Contractor shall afford every assistance to the specialist executing site sterilization to

enable each layer to be treated.

No excavation or foundation work shall be filled in or covered up until all measurements

necessary for the adjustment of variations have been made. Walling shall not be built upon

the foundation four days after depositing of concrete.

Consolidation of hardcore

Hardcore shall be consolidated with a roller, vibrating roller, or mechanical runner to a

compaction equivalent to that obtained with a 2.5 to 3 tone roller, care being taken that no

damage is done to the foundation walls.

Hardcore shall be blinded to receive any membrane, the blinding shall be finished and

compacted with fine material which will not cause the membrane to puncture under wheel

or foot traffic or by the placing of concrete thereon.

Existing services

Active existing services shall be adequately protected from damage. Where active services

are found but not shown on the drawings, the subsequent protection support or relocation

shall be as directed by the Engineer.

Where inactive services are encountered upon the site of the works, they shall be removed

or sealed off in accordance with the direction of the Engineer.



The contractor shall protect all graded and filled areas from the action of elements. Any

settlements or washing away of that occurs prior to acceptance of works shall be repaired

and grades re-established to the required elevations and slopes.

Laving polythene membrane

Where joints occur there is to be minimum of 300 mm welted lap of joint made with

approved tapes.

The contractor shall ensure that the membrane will not pierce during laying and concreting.

Anti-termite treatment

Anti-termite treatment shall be carried out using “gladiator TC” or other chemical approved

by the Engineer in writing diluted to a water emulsion containing a minimum of 1.00% of

the chemical.

The treatment shall be applied to the whole area of the hardcore bed and all surfaces

immediately prior to the placing of the concrete floor slab at the rate of 7 litres per square


Treatment shall be applied whilst it is raining or to surfaces of filling which are wet. The

Contractor’s attention is drawn to the fact that these treatments are toxic to animals and

human life, and he shall prevent contamination of water supply systems, shall cover up and

protect treated areas immediately after treatment and post written notices informing of the

treatment at prominent points on the site and the building.

Immediately following treatment, the Contractor shall provide to the Engineer for onward

transmission to the client, a written ten- year guarantees:

Immediately following treatment, the contractor shall provide to the Engineer to onward

transmission to the client, a written ten- year guarantees:

a) that the chemical used complies with this specification and has been used in the

concentrations stated herein;

b) that the guarantee shall be continuous for a period of ten years from the date of


c) that should infestation by any terminates appear before the end of five year

period, the Contractor will return and retreat as necessary to eliminate the

infestation entirely and at his own cost on each occasion that infestation appears

within the ten year period.


The Contractor shall carry out annual inspection commencing three months after treatment

and continuing to the end of the guaranteed period to ascertain the presence to eliminate any

infestation entirely and at his cost on each occasion that infestation is found.




The Contractor shall, as and when required by the Engineer, submit and deliver samples of

any materials for testing in accordance with the relevant current B.S specification. Samples

of mortar, when required are to be delivered in watertight boxes provided by the Contractor.

Samples and sample panels

Samples of all types of block, bricks and stone required for the works shall be to the

Engineer for his prior written approval before any orders are placed.

After approval of samples, the contractor shall erect a 1200mm x 1200mm sample panel of

brickwork, stone or any fair face block work required by the Engineer. No work shall be

commenced until written approval has been given to sample panels, which shall be

maintained for the duration of execution of the works to which the sample applies.

The work executed shall not be inferior in any respect to the approved sample. Inferior work

shall be taken down and removed if required by the Engineer. The cost of providing samples

and sample panels shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Sum.



Cement shall be as described in Concrete Work.

Fine aggregate

Fine aggregate for concrete blocks shall be as described in Concrete Works.

Coarse aggregate

Coarse aggregate for concrete blocks shall be good, hard, clean aggregate from approved

quarries. It shall be free from all decomposed materials and shall be graded up to 10mm and

all as described for course aggregate in Concrete Work


Hydrated limes for cement/lime mortar shall be semi- hydraulic or non-hydraulic calcium

limes. Lime/sand mortar shall be hydraulic.


Sand for mortal

Sand for mortal shall comply with B.S 1200 Concrete blocks.

Concrete blocks for walling shall be provided by the Contractor complying with B.S. 6073

part 1 and made in approved block making machines of a composition as follows:

Portland cement 1 cubic metre

Fine aggregate (grade up to 5 mm) 3 cubic metre

Coarse aggregate (grade up to 10mm) 6 cubic metres

Blocks shall be solid or hollow two-hole type as specified and are to be made under sheds

erected by the Contractor to the directions and approval of the Engineer. Samples shall be

approved by the Engineer any walling work is commenced.

The compressive strength of non-loading bearing shall be not less than:-

Average of 10 blocks 3.5 N/mm2 gross area

Lowest individual block 2.8 N/mm2 gross area

When load bearing, the compressive strength of blocks shall be:-

Average of 10 blocks 7.0N/mm2 gross area

Lowest individual block 5.6N/mm2 gross area

All testing shall be in accordance with B.S. 2028

The concrete is to be put into the machine’s moulds in thin layers and all properly tamped

therein. On removal from the machines blocks are to be carefully deposited on racks under

sheds erected by the Contractor to the direction and approval of the Engineer and there left

for three days and kept thoroughly wet the whole time, after which they shall be put out ion

the open on racks and protected with approval matting, sacking or straw and kept wet for

further five days, then kept in the same position and under same mat cover, but without

wetting, for a further two days and then left in the open without matting for wetting or a

further seven days to season.

The blocks must be left with good sharp edges. The blocks in use for works shall be 200mm

high and may vary in length from 300mm to 450mm and no variations above or below these

lengths will be allowed except where required to form proper bonding at corners, around

openings sills, lintel, beams, etc. and the like positions and the Contractor must make or cut

blocks to all varying sizes required for these purposes and include this in his price.

Blocks to be subsequently covered with an in-situ finishing may be slightly rough in texture.

Fair face blocks shall be perfectly smooth.



Precast concrete louvre or screen blocks shall comply in all respects with the specification

for precast items contained in the preambles to ‘Concrete Work’ and shall be constructed to

the dimensions and form shown in the drawings.


Stone shall be sound and hard and free from all defects and shall be obtained from a quarry

approved by the Engineer.

Storage of materials

a) Cement and Limes shall be stored off the ground, under cover and away from damp, and

in such a manner to enable them to be used in rotation in order of delivery.

b) Sands shall be stored separately according to type and on clean, hard dry stand and

protected from contamination.

c) Sands for pointing shall be stored separately, away from other sands and shall be

obtained in sufficient quantity at one time to enable materials of the approved colour to

be used for the whole of the work.

d) Blocks and bricks shall be open stacked to permit ventilation and protected from the

sun, rain and rising damp.

Wetting blocks and bricks

Concrete blocks and bricks or grille blocks shall be wetted as necessary before and after


Walls shall be kept wet for three days after building.

Bonding walls

The blocks shall be properly bonded together and in such a manner that no vertical joint in

any one course shall be within 115 mm of a similar joint in the course immediately above or

below. Sufficient through bonders shall be provided as directed by the Engineer. Alternative

courses of walling at all angles and intersections shall be carried through the full thickness

of the joining walls. All walling shall be built up entirely solid in blocks, without voids,

allowance being made for joints 10mm thick only.

All perpends; reveals and other angles of the walling shall be built strictly true and square.



The Contractor shall provide all setting out rods

All block work and brickwork shall be built uniform, true and levels, with all perpends

vertical and in line. No work shall rise more than 1 meter above adjoining work and all such

risings are to be properly racked back in long steps to prevent crack. Rising and all walls

shall be leveled around at each floor.

Joints generally are not to exceed 10mm in thickness. Cutting of block work against

concrete soffits, etc. shall include for cutting to give normal 10mm joints and complete

filling thereof with mortar.

All walls built in hollow concrete blocks, where finishing with an open to edge, ( i.e not

against ceiling, beams, etc), or at the underside of sills, shall be finished with a solid

concrete block top course.

Where walling is to be fair faced in block work the blocks shall be selected and shall all

have clean arises. The blocks are to be built to a true and even face with the joints finished

as specified hereinafter.

Openings for wooden doors, frames ventilators, etc., are to be set out and left unbuilt until

the wooden frames have been fixed in position.

Openings for metal frames are to be wide enough for the frames to fit without being forced

into position. Built the lugs into the joints of the walling and fill the space between the

walling and the frame with cement mortar well tamped into the channel of the frames and

point all around externally.


Where described walls and partitions shall be reinforced with a 25mm wide strip of 1mm

thick hoop iron built into alternate horizontal joints in the wall centre. The reinforcement

shall be lapped and hooked at the running joints, angles and intersections and carried at least

115mm into abutting walls at junctions.

Mortar mixing

The constituent materials shall be measured separately when dry in specially prepared gauge

boxes of sizes given the proportions specified without consolidation of the contents by

ramming and shaking. The mortar shall be mixed in an approved power driven mixer for not

less than two minutes per batch and using the minimum quantity of water necessary to

obtain a working consistency. The mixer shall be used as close as practicable to the works

and mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing. No partially or wholly set mortar will

be allowed to be used or re-mixed



When walling is cut, holed or chased for conduits, pipes or the like, all such chases shall be

filled in solid in cement mortar mix (1:4) prior to the application of finishes. In no case shall

a vertical chase be deeper than one-third the thickness of the wall and in no case shall a

horizontal chase be deeper than one-sixth the thickness of the wall.



The waterproofing material shall consist of a single ply VARNAMO EPDM RUBBER,

shall not be less than 1.2mm thick and shall have the properties specified below ( unless

otherwise agreed at the time of award of the contract).

The membrane material shall be supplied by the manufacture in the sheets ( or rolls) large

enough to minimize jointing which shall be capable of forming single bents in-situ. At the

points where the membrane goes over parapet, proper care shall be taken to seal the edges

per manufactures specifications, including chiseling grooves to tuck in the rubber.

Before fixing the waterproofing membrane, the substrate must be smooth, clean, dry, free of

oil/fat, sharp edges and foreign materials. All bituminous waterproofing materials

previously used must be removed in total and carted away. The membrane shall be adhered

to the substrate at least 50%, using an adhesive specified by the manufacture.

The rubber surfaces shall be painted with two coats of rubberized paint as manufactured by

Crown Paints, to give a grey finish or any other colour that may be specified. Areas as

specified in the drawings, prone to mechanical damage shall be protected by installing

paving tiles.

The application of waterproofing membrane shall be carried out by a specialist sub-

contractor who is to be specifically approved by the Architect and will be required to give a

TEN YEARS GUARANTEE against workmanship backed by a similar guarantee for

materials from the MANUFACTURES. Such a SUB-CONTRACTOR will have a

demonstratable experience in installing such materials in East Africa

Property Test or Demonstration Requirement

a) Thickness/ uniformity BS903 Part A38 In the range of +

3% to 5% stated


b) Tensile strength BS2782 Method Minimum Tensile

and Elongation 210A Strength at break

4kN/m Minimum

elongation at

Break 350%

c) Tear strength BS903 Part A3 Minimum tear

strength 8N/mm

d) Thermal expansion Change of dimension Maximum + 1%



e) Resistance to aging DIN 7864 Heat Tensile

and weathering aging at 80 strength maximum

degrees change on (b)

above after

28 days 20%

elongation at break,

maximum change

on (b) above after

28 days 20%

f) Deteriorating by lime DIN 7864 Tensile strength,

maximum change

on (b) above after

28 days 20%

Elongation at break

g) Ozone resistance BS 903 Part A4 No visible


under 7 x Magnification

after being exposed

under strain to the

standard ozone rich


h) Robustness Contractor to the material must

provide evidence be sufficiently

for similar work robust to be


for installation on the


foreseen in

the contract.

i) Bio-degration Contractor to the material shall

provide evidence immune to bacterial conditions at the

for similar work attack for installed site.

j) Chemical Contractor to Good resistance to

Resistance provide features corroding

of supply material. substances

with which the

may come in contact in

installed conditions at

the site.




Preparatory work

All areas shall be examined for structural defects.

Shrinkage cracks exceeding 0.3mm (0.01”) in width shall be cut or chiseled out at least

10mm wide and 15mm deep and washed out. Then a slurry coat of VANDEX super shall be

applied. Following this the groove is filled with a mixture of 3 to 1 sand and shall cement in

stiff mortar consistency.

Over-poured forms, around columns and/or inverted beams, form grooves shall be cleaned

out, rinsed with water and slurry coated with VANDEX super. These grooves shall then be

filled flush with a mixture of 3 to 1 sand and cement.

Any honeycombed concrete found in walls and /or inverted beams/columns shall be raked

out to solid concrete, washed out with water, coated with a slurry coat of VANDEX super

and filled out with a 3 to 1 mixture of sand and cement.


Concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted down in order to achieve the penetration of the

activated chemicals, and thereby starting the crystalline growth throughout the capillary


All free lying water must be removed from surface, leaving the concrete in a damp condition

just prior to VANDEX application


VANDEX super is mixed to slurry consistency. Add approx. 0.8 parts water to 2.0 parts

powder or 9 litres to 25 Kg when mixing full bags, and mix thoroughly until the mixture is

free from lumps.


The pre-watered concrete surface shall receive two coats of VANDEX super each coat

approx. 0.75 Kg/sqm. Use a VANDEX brush and work the material well into the surface.

The application should be as even as possible trying to avoid thick and thin spots. Areas

applied too thick will not cure right and when drying cracks and subsequently peeling may


The second coat may be applied when the first coat has set and is not drawn off by the

second coat.



VANDEX applications must be protected against sun and rain. After the application is dry

to the touch, cover with polyethylene sheet (Hessian cloth) or wet sand for five days. If this

is not possible, sprinkle with water several times a day for five days. Do not apply

VANDEX materials at temperature below 5 degrees C or on super cooled structures.

Additional information

When concrete is poured in sections, it is recommended that each section is keyed. After

keyed form is removed and just prior to pouring the next section the construction joint shall

receive a slurry coat of VANDEX SUPER (1.5 Kg/sq.m.)

This does not apply to control or expansion joints.




Pre-painted corrugated mild steel sheeting shall be No. 24 Gauge of best quality in

accordance with B.S. 3038, and shall be as per Mabati Rolling Mills Ltd manufactured

products or other equal and approved. Where stated aluminium sheets, they should conform

to a specified and approved thickness.


Sheets shall be laid wit 150mm end laps and side laps of 30mm corrugations on the side

away from the prevailing wind.


The sheets shall be fixed to mild steel angle purlins with 6mm diameter pre-painted mild

steel hook bolts 50mm longer in the shank than the depth of the steel purlins to which they

are fixed each with one diamond shaped bitumen washer, one, pre-painted steel to timber

purlins by using 14 gauge drive screws with bituminous felt washer backed by cranked

diamond shaped aluminium washer.


Holes for bolts or screws shall be punched from the inside of the sheet and through the

ridges of corrugations NOT in the hollows. A clearance of 0.80mm on the bolt of screw

must be allowed.


Ridges, Valleys, Flashings

The ridges, valleys and flashing etc., shall be formed on No. 24 gauge pre-panted mild steel

sheeting of a qualify to the sheeting on each side at 450mm centres maximum with 6mm

diameter seam bolts 20mm long each wit one diamond shaped bitumen washer one pre-

painted steel washer and one pre-painted steel nut.

Ridges and valleys shall not be less than 375mm girth.

Bolts and Screws

All fixing bolts and screws shall comply with B.S. 1494.

Square Abutments

At the square abutments the last tow corrugations of the corrugated iron sheets next to wall

shall be flattened and turned up against wall and covered with 2-gauge pre-painted sheet

iron apron flashing.

Bat Proofing

Bat proofing shall consist of “Perspex” or other equal and approved translucent plastic

corrugated sheeting.


Concrete Single-pin tiles and Fittings

Concrete singe-pin tiles and fittings shall comply to B.S. 473 and 550; Part 2 group B. Tiles

are to be 381 x 229mm nominal unless otherwise specified.

Concrete Single-pin tiles and Fittings

Surface coating, when specified must be firmly bonded. A full range of fittings are

available from the manufacturer and must match the tiles with which they are laid.

Mangalore Tiles

Mangalore tiles where specified, shall be interlocking clay tiles as manufactured by M/s

Kenya Clay Products Ltd., or other equal and approved. They shall be uniform in size,

shape and colour, hard, well burnt and free from defect.

They shall be laid in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions.

Polythene Underlay

Nails for underlay shall comply to B.S. 1202: Part I


Tying Wire

Tying wire shall comply to B.S. 443, 1.6mm diameter (16 S.W.G.) iron wire.

Decra Roofing Tiles.

Decra roofing tiles where specified, shall be interlocking steel tile with a coating as

manufactured by Decra roofing tiles products. They shall conform in size, shape thickness

and coating to the manufacturer’s specifications and standards. They shall be laid in

accordance with the manufacturer’s printed installation details and instructions.



The requirements of the following British Standards and Codes of Practice shall be


British Standards

a) B.S. 565 Glossary of items relating to timber

and wood work.

b) B.S. 1860 Part 1 Structural timber.

Measurements of characteristics affecting

strength (softwood)

c) B.S. 4471 Dimensions for softwood

d) B.S. 373 Methods of testing small clear

specimens of timber.

e) B.S. 1202 Part 1 Nails

f) B.S. 1579 Connectors for timber.

g) B.S. 4169 Glued laminated structural


h) B.S. 916 Black bolts

Codes of Practice

a) C.P. 112 The structural use of timber.

b) C.P. 98 Preservative treatment for

Construction timber.

c) NOTE: The contractor’s attention is

drawn to drawn to section ‘L’ of the Standard

Method of Measurement.




The term ‘selected’ shall be deemed to include keeping the materials so described clean for

staining, polishing, or any similar finish.

Hardwood or the like

The term ‘hardwood or the like’ which is used as a statement to which ironmongery is to be

fixed, shall be deemed to include plywood and other manufactured materials, except when

faced with metal, laminated plastics or the like.



All technical terms shall be as defined in the Glossary of Terms used in Timber Standards,

the British Standard Code of Practice No. 112.

Timber Generally

Timber shall be sound, well conditioned, properly, seasoned, containing of more than 15%

moisture for joinery work or 18% moisture for carpentry work and complying with the

following performance specifications.

Performance Specifications

The specifications refer to all conifer (softwood) and broad leaved (hardwood) species and

apply to timber sections incorporated in the building after they have had a sufficient time to

season. The period required for green timber to season fully after installation under cover

shall be assumed to be one month for each 25mm thickness.

Unless noted elsewhere timber shall conform to the listed specification as follows:

a) F Grade Furniture and high class joinery

b) GJ Grade General Joinery

c) S75 Grade Structural grade having grade stress value of 75% of basic Stress

d) S50 Grade Structural grade having stress value of 50% of basic stress.

e) C Grade A general construction grade for non-stressed construction.

f) L Grade A low grade for low quality.



All timber used for carpentry shall be sound, well conditioned, properly seasoned to suit

particular use and free from defects or combination of defects rendering it unsuitable for the

purpose intended.

Timber used for carpentry shall be in accordance with the latest approved Grade Rules as

may be directed by the Engineer Timber used structurally shall be to the approval of the

Engineer and shall comply with the requirements of the Export Grading Rules made under

the Export of Timber Act, Second or Select Grade, as per B.S. 1860.

The following timber shall be used:

a) Cypress

b) Podocarpus (Podocarpus spp)

c) Cedar (Junipers Procera)

d) Elgon Olive

e) Mahogany

All timber as it arrives on site shall be inspected by the contractor and any timber found not

to comply with the specifications or mot approved must be removed forthwith from the site

and only timber which has been approved shall be used.

Tolerances shall conform with the following extracts from the Government of Kenya

grading rules:

a) Softwood Grading strength grades first and second grades.

b) Undersize All timber to be sawn by 1.6mm per 25mm of thickness and width.

Not more than 3mm in thickness and not more than 6mm in width.

All timber shall be free of live borer, beetle or other insect attack when brought upon on

site. The contractor shall be responsible, to the end of maintenance period, for executing at

his own cost, all the work necessary to eradicate insect attack from timber attached or

suspected to be attacked, not withstanding that the timber concerned must have already been

inspected and passed as fit for use.


Timber shall be seasoned to moisture content of not more than 18%.

All carpentry timbers shall be treated with pressure impregnated “Celcure” or “Tenalith”

solution with a minimum wet retention of 5.46kg of dry salt per m3. If so required ‘charge

sheets’ issued after treatment with ‘Celcure’ or ‘Tenalith’ shall be submitted by the

contractor to the Architect for his retention. All out ends and other cut faces or timbers

sawn after treatment shall be treated before fixing with ‘celcure ‘B’ or ‘Wolmanol’ solution

brushed on.


The contractor’s rates for such timber hereinafter must allow for the above treatment.

All grounds shall be podocarpus or other light and approved hardwood.

Nails shall comply with the relevant standard as above.

Black bolts shall comply with B.S. 916.

Rag bolts, coach screws and others shall comply with B.S. 1494.

Where used externally nails and screws shall be sherardized.

Timber shall be delivered early to the site, stored under cover clear of the ground and

protected from the sun and dampness.

The Engineer shall be given facilities and reserves the right for inspection of all works in

progress whether in workshop or on site. The contractor is to allow for testing of pro-types

of special of special construction units and Project Manger shall be at liberty to select any

sample he may require for the purpose of testing i.e. for moisture content or identification,

species, strength etc.

The contractor is to clear out and destroy or remove all cut ends, shavings and other wood

waste from all parts of the building and the site generally, as the work proceeds and at

conclusions of the work.

The clearance, destruction and removal is to prevent accidental borer infestation and to

discourage termites and decay.

All carpentry work shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the drawings and

shall be framed together and securely fixed in the best possible manner with properly made

joints. All brads, nails and screws etc., shall be provided as directed and approved and the

rates shall be deemed to allow for these.

Carpentry work shall be left with sawn faces except where specified to be wrot.

All timber shall be as long as possible in length in order to minimize joints. If splitting is

likely, or is encountered in the course of the work, holes for nails are to e prepared at

diameters not exceeding 4/5th of the diameter of the nails. Clenched nails must be bent at

right angles to the grain.

Lead holes are to be bored for all screws. When the use of bolts is specified the holes are to

be bored from both sides of the timber and are to be of the diameter D/16 where D is the

diameter of the bolt. Nuts must be brought up tight but care must be taken to avoid crushing

of the timber under washers.




The requirements of the following British Standards and Codes of Practice shall be


British standards

a) B.S 565 Glossary of terms relating to timber and Woodwork

b) B.S 4471 Dimensions for softwood

c) B.S. 1186 Parts 1+2 Quality of timber and workmanship in joinery

d) B.S 373 Methods of testing small clear specimen of timber

B.S. 4512 Methods of test for clear plywood.

f) B.S.1142 Part 3 Fibre building board (Insulation board softwood)

g) B.S 3444 Block board and laminated board

h) B.S 1455 Plywood manufactured from tropical hardwoods

i) B.S 3794 Decorative laminative board.

j) B.S. 449 Part 2 Flush doors.

k) B.S.459 Part 3 Fire check flush doors and wood and metal frame (1.5 hour

and 1 hour types)

l) B.S. 1567 Wood door frames and linings.

m) B.S. 584 Wood trims (softwood architraves, skirtings, quadrants etc)

n) B.S. 1024 Synthetic resin adhesive

Part 1+2 (phenolic and type MR- Moisture

amino plastics) for wood

Resistant Type INT- Interior.

o) B.S 1210 Wood screws)

p) B.S 1494 Part 2 Fixing accessories for building purposes

(bolts, screws, staples etc.)

q) B.S 4174 Felt tapping screws and metallic drive screws.


Code of Practice.

a) C.P. 201 Timber flooring

b) C.P. 201 Flooring for wood and wood products

Parts 1+2

c) C.P.151 Doors and windows including

Frames and linings

d) NOTE: The contractors’ attention is drawn

to the Section “M” of the standard

Method of Measurement.



The term ‘selected’ shall be deemed to include keeping the material so described clean for

staining, polishing or any similar finish.

Hardwood or the like.

The ‘hardwood or the like’ which is used as a statement to which ironmongery is to be

fixed, shall be deemed to include plywood and other manufactured materials except when

faced with metal laminated plastics or the like.



All technical terms shall be defined in the glossary of Terms used in Timber Standards, the

British Standard Code of Practice No. 112.

Timber Generally.

Timber shall be sound, well conditioned, properly seasoned, containing no more than 15%

moisture for joinery work or 18% moisture for carpentry work, and complying with the

following performance specification:-



These specifications refer to all conifer (soft wood) and broad leaved (hardwood) species

and apply to timber sections incorporated in the building after they have had a sufficient

time to season. The period required for green timber to season fully after installed under

cover shall be assumed to be one month for each 25mm. thickness.

Unless noted elsewhere timber shall conform to the listed specifications as follows:-

a) F Grade Furniture and high class joinery

b) Gj Grade General joinery

c) S75 Grade Structural grade having grade stress value of 75% of basic stress

d) S50 Grade Structural grade having stress grade value of 50% of basic stress

e) C Grade A general construction grade for non-stressed construction

f) L Grade A low grade for low quality work

Defects shall not exceed those specified in tables 1, 2 and 3 of 02-17.


The timber for joinery shall be as specified in the Export Timber Ordinance of 1951 and

obtained from an approved sawmill. All such timber shall be Prime Grade and reasonably

straight, grained and shall be purchased immediately the Contract is signed. It shall be open

stacked on site for such further seasoning as may be required.

Timber which in the opinion of the Engineer does not satisfy the specification in character

or condition or is not suitable for the requirements of the work because of the blemishes it

contains shall not be used.

The following timber shall be used;-

a) Podocarpus

b) Mvuli

a) Cedar

b) Elgon Olive

c) Elgon Teak

d) Camphor

e) Mahogany

All timber shall be wrot by machine dressings. Non- exposed faces and machine marks shall

be removed with hand plane and sanded out, unless otherwise specified.

The dimensions and thickness stated in the Bills Quantities are the finished (unless

otherwise stated) and the Contractor will allow for the necessary waste.


The joinery shall be worked strictly in accordance with Drawings, and is to be framed up

and put together as soon as possible and stored in the drying rooms, for as long as possible

before being wedged up. All joints and angles are to glued and where necessary cross

tongued with hardwood tongues and surfaces finished clean and smooth, with machine

marks and sand- papered out before fixing.

Should any of the joinery work shrink, warp, wind, or defect unduly before the end of the

maintenance period of the Contract, the work is to be taken down and rectified at the

Contractor’s sole expense.

Tolerance in thickness shall conform with the following extracts from the Government of

Kenya Rules:-

Hardwood Grading: (first and second grades)

a) 1.6mm oversize on pieces up to 22mm in thickness.

b) 3mm over size on pieces over 25mm and up to 51mm in thickness.

c) 6mm over size on pieces over 51mm in thickness, under size will not be


d) Softwood grading Appearance Grades (First and Second Grades); under size will

not be allowed.

e) Oversize: All timber to be sawn oversize by 1.6mm per 25mm of thickness and

width. Not more than 3mm in thickness and not more than 6mm in seasoning of

timber shall be to a moisture content of not more than 15%.

Pressure impregnation treatment shall be as for “Carpentry”.

Where joinery is described as screwed, this is deemed to include sinking the head of the

screw and pellating with similar timber, and to grain I with the finished joinery.

All hardwood joinery shall be finished for oil paint/varnish, unless otherwise stated.

The rates shall be deemed to allow for all nails and screws and fixing, all labour, cuttings

notching, halving, morticing, tenoning and wedges except where otherwise stated.

All works described as plugged shall be fixed with screws to plug formed by drilling

concrete wall etc., with the proper tool of suitable size and 750mm. spacing and filling the

holes completely with “Phil plug” raw plastic or raw plugs in accordance with the

manufacture’s instructions. Alternatively and where so agreed by the Engineer, hardwood

dovetailed fixing slips in preservation and cut and primed or bedded in cement mortar (1:3)

may be used.

The rates are to allow for all surfaces of joinery where in contact with walling or plaster, or

where otherwise unexpected being treated before fixing with two coats of approved wood


Laminated plastic sheeting shall be “formica” manufactured by M/s Thomas de la Rue and

Co., or equal and approved, 1.6mm thick and accurately fixed with approved type

waterproof impact adhesive and in the colours selected by the Engineer.


Blockboard shall comply with the Standard as mentioned above.

Plywood shall comply with the standard as mentioned above and faced both sides unless

otherwise stated.

Fibreboard shall be 12.7 “Celotex” or other equal approved softboard.

All joinery work shall be accurately set out and framed together as soon after

commencement of the building as in practicable bit not to be wedged up or glued until the

building is ready for fixing same. Any portions that warp, wind or dent shall be removed

and new ones fixed in their place together with other work which may be affected thereby or

at the Contractors expense.

All work shall be properly mortised, tennoned, housed, shouldered, dovetailed, notched,

primed, braded etc., as directed and to the satisfaction of the Engineer and all glued up with

the best quality glue.

Joints and joinery shall be specified or detailed, and so designed and secured as to resist or

compensate for any stresses to which they may be subjected. All nails strings, etc., are to be

punched and putted. Loose joints are to be where provisions for shrinkage is necessary;

glued joints where shrinkage need not be considered and conditions may be damp must be

of the resin type. For non-load- bearing joints or where dry conditions may be guaranteed,

resin or organic glues may be used.

All exposed surfaces for joinery shall be wrot and all rises “cased off” by planning and sand

papered to an approved finish suitable to the specified treatment.

3 mm reduction of specified surfaces will be allowed to each wrot face except in members

25mm. Thick or less or where described as finished sizes in which case joinery shall hold up

the full dimensions.

In fixing all beads, fillets and small members shall be fixed with round or oval brads or nails

well punched in and stopped. All large members shall be fixed with screws. Brass screws

shall be used for fixing of all hardwoods, to the heads in and pellated with wood pallets to

match the grain.

Rates shall include for bedding frames, cills, etc, in mortar or dressing surfaces of walls, etc,

in lieu.

Round wood plugs shall not be used, and screws or plugs shall be spaced at 75mm. Centers.

All fixed joinery which in the opinion of the Engineer is liable to become bruised or

damaged in any way shall be completely cased and protected by the contractor at his own

expense until completion of works.

Bottom edges of doors shall be painted or polished with two coats of approved primer

before fixing.




The material for installing false ceiling system shall be made of appropriate board with

flexural strength not less than 485 N cross directional and 175 N machine directional, with

hardness at core, end and edge not less than 65 N, with capacity to withstand breaking load

not less than 556 N in longitudinal direction and not less than 275 N in transverse direction.

The thermal resistance value "R" shall be not less than 0.45, with fire propagation index "I"

not less than 2.1. It shall be fixed to the underside of the suspended grid comprising properly

placed at maximum distance 457mm c/c frame. Connecting clip and softie cleat using

standard screw and proper metal grip, as per drawing, manufacturers' specification, and

instruction of engineer, all complete.


The ceiling boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line and level. The

joints are sealed with plaster of Paris and nonwoven paper tapes without forming any bubble

the joints shall be finished flush to make the ceiling in one piece. The finished surface shall

be smooth and true to plane and curved as required. Once laying of ceiling is completed the

dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works.


It shall be measured flat in square metre of the actual area covered.


Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The

payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.

Gypsum Board

9.5 mm-12mm thick (or as specified) Gypsum board tiles of 610 x 610mm size ( or as per

design) conforming to IS 2095: 1982 & 2542-Detailed Specifications Of Building Works

(Civil) Page 1311981. The tiles shall be plain, textured or designed with design patterns as

per drawings or approved by site engineer. The suspenders are galvanized mild steel straps

of 28G and horizontal and transverse members are galvanized mild steel channel of 16 G.

Construction Procedures.

Frame Work

The frame work shall be of zinc coated mild steel or galvanized iron (G.I. framing) and shall

consist of 45 mm sq. or 50 x50 mm square tubes of 18G as main runners as specified in the

item at specified spacing welded together with 45 mm x 45 mm zinc coated Gypsteel

branded channels, or 50 x 50 mm G.I. channels of 18G as runners at specified spacing. The

above frame shall be suspended from existing RCC slab with adjustable 25 x 4 mm mild

steel flats welded at top to reinforcement bars, including exposing the reinforcement bars


and making good the damages with cement mortar as specified in the item and drawings.

Expanded Metal

Expanded metal shall be fixed with the long way of the mesh across the supports. The

strands in the various sheets shall all slope in one direction, in vertical work they shall also

slope inwards and downwards from the plaster face. To ensure continuity of key at the

fixing points small round rods, V-shaped ribs or strips of hardwood shall be fixed on the

face of the supports. All sheets shall be lapped not less that 25-mm at the sides and ends,

overlaps shall not occur only at supports. Sides of the sheets shall be wired together with

galvanized wire of not less than 18 SWG, at every 75 mm between supports. Cut ends of

wire used for fastening etc. shall be bent inwards and not towards the plaster finishing coat.

The expanded metal shall be secured to supports by means of galvanized staples at intervals

of not more that 100-mm. It shall be secured to steelwork by wire or clips. The fixing

centres should normally be not greater than 350 mm for mesh weighing 1.2 kg/sq.m. of 10

or 6 mm mesh. Care shall be taken to ensure that the anti-corrosion treatment is in good

condition after fixing.

Gyp-board or Boral plaster board

The material for installing false ceiling system shall be made of gypsum board with ISO

9002 and ISO 14000 certification, with minimum thickness of 12.5mm (maximum variation

in thickness +0.4mm or –0.4mm), with minimum density of 677 kg/cum, with flexural

strength not less than 485 N cross directional and 175 N machine directional, with hardness

at core, end and edge not less than 65 N, with capacity to withstand breaking load not less

than 556 N in longitudinal direction and not less than 275 N in transverse direction. The

thermal resistance value "R" shall be not less than 0.45, with fire propagation index "I" not

less than 2.1. It shall be fixed to the underside of the suspended grid comprising properly

galvanized 0.5mm thick 80mm x 26mm ceiling section to be placed at maximum distance

457mm c/c, 0.5mm thick 20mm x 45mm x 30mm channel along the wall, 0.9mm thick

15mm x 45mm intermediate channel to be placed at maximum distance of 122mm c/c,

0.5mm thick 25mm x

25mm ceiling angle to be placed at maximum distance connecting clip and 22mm x 37mm

softie cleat to be fixed at RCC ceiling by using standard screw and proper metal grip, as per

drawing, manufacturers' specification, and instruction of engineer, all complete.


The ceiling boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line and level. The

joints are sealed with plaster of Paris and nonwoven paper tapes without forming any bubble

the joints shall be finished flush to make the ceiling in one piece. The finished surface shall

be smooth and true to plane and curved as required.

Once laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works.


It shall be measured flat in square meter of the actual area covered.



Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The

payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.


The Armstrong fine fissures board of size 600 x 600 x 16 mm or 600 x 1200 x 16 mm size

shall be used. The Boards shall have texture and design pattern. The suspenders must

conform to Armstrong standard grid. Horizontal and transverse members are galvanized

mild steel channel.

Construction Procedures

The Armstrong ceilings are suspended from the concrete ceilings, and or truss and purling

by steel hangers to suspend the horizontal steel channels. The horizontal members are

screwed with steel screws and grip in the wall. The suspenders are clamped to the truss and

purling with steel screws. After the framing is completed the engineer in charge shall check

the framing before allowing fixing the ceiling boards.

The Armstrong fine fissures boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line

and level.

Once laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned.


Measurement of all the works will be made in m2 of works as specified.


Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ.

The payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labor, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.


Providing and fixing the prefabricated concrete panel of 50mm to 75mm thickness with

tongue groove joint on metal channel with all accessories, for interior and exterior walls for

dry construction.


Panels pre-casted as solid reinforced precast concrete (flat panels), or as reinforced concrete

ribbed panels with a thin exterior shell of specified thickness as approved by the site

engineer shall be used. 75 mm thick panels shall be used for the external wall and 50 mm

thick panels for internal partition walls shall be used or as specified in


the design. Engineering and energy performance documentation of the material shall be

submitted to the site engineer for approval. Standard panels (2.4 m x 0.6 m, 2.7 m x 0.6 m, 3

m x 0.6 m) shall be laid in the metal channels as per manufacturers’ specification with

approval of site engineer to


Protect installed products shall be protected until completion of project. Damaged products

shall be touched-up, repaired or replaced before Substantial Completion


It shall be done in exact square meter of the area done after deducting the openings.


Rate shall be for all the works including all Connections, bracing, reinforcement, labor and




All aluminium works are to be executed according to the valid standards, directives,

government calls and building regulations, fire regulations and any other such application,

regulations such as:-

a) DIN 107 Methods of testing windows; mechanical tests

b) DIN 1055 Design loads for buildings

c) DIN 1240 Flat glass for building construction

d) DIN 1745 Wrought aluminium alloy plates, sheet and strips greater than

0.35mm. thickness; conditions properties, technical delivery

e)DIN 1748 Wrought aluminium and aluminium extruded sections; design,

Permissible deviations.

f) DIN 1783 Strips, planes and sheet of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys

with thickness of over 0.335mm, cold rolled; dimensions.

g) DIN4102 Fibre behavior of building materials and building components.

h) DIN 4108 Heat insulation in buildings.

i) DIN4109 Noise control in buildings

j) DIN 4113 Aluminium constructions under predominantly static loading, static

analysis and structural design.


k) DIN7863 Non-cellular elastomer glazing and panel gaskets

l) DIN 16935 Sheets of polysobutylene used for damp proofing

m) DIN 17611 Anodized wrought products of aluminium and aluminium alloys with

layered thickness.

n) DIN17615 AlmgSi 0.5 precision profiles.

o) DIN 18000 Modular co-ordinations in building

p) DIN 18055 Windows; air permeability joints, water tightness and mechanical


q) DIN 18056 Window walls; design construction

r) DIN 18103 (Burglar resistant) doors

s) DIN 18201 Tolerances in building; terminology, principals, application,


t) DIN18202 Dimension tolerance; in building construction

a) DIN18203 Dimension tolerance; precast/reinforced/prestressed concrete.

b) DIN 18355 Contract procedure for building works; general

technical specification for steel construction works

c) DIN 18357 Contract procedure for mounting aluminium fittings.

d) DIN 18358 Contract procedures for rolling shutter works

e) DIN 18360 Contract procedures for locksmith works

f) DIN 18361 Contract procedures for works for protection

against corrosion of steel and aluminium structures

g) DIN 18540 Sealing of exterior wall joints in building construction using joint

sealants .

h) DIN 18801 Sealing of exterior wall joints in building construction using joint

sealants .

i) DIN 18808 Steel structures consisting of hollow section predominantly static


j) DIN 555920 Protection of steel structures from corrosion by organic and metallic


k) VD 2719 Sound insulation of windows or comparable British codes and



l) CP 3 codes of basic date for the design of building

m) CP 118 the structural use of aluminium

n) CP 158 windows and roof lighting

o) DD 22 tolerance and fit for building

p) BS 1470 wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering

purposes, plate, sheet and strip

q) BS 1474 wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering

purposes, bars, extruded round tubes and sections

r) BS 3987 specification for anodic oxide coatings on wrought aluminium for

external architectural application

s) BS4873 Aluminium alloy windows, specification

t) BS5950 structural use of steel bar in building

u) BS 6262 code of practice for glazing for buildings

v) BS 6375 performance of windows

w) BS 6496 specification for external architectural purposes, etc.

x) NOTE: The directives and guidelines on insulating glass Suppliers

The guidelines of accident insurers for local authorities

The guidelines of window/façade system manufacture


Extruded aluminium profile of alloy AlMgsi 0.5F22 in anode quality according to DIN 1748

and DIN 176615 are to used, for anodized sheets AlMgl, for colour coated AlMgl or A199.5

a) special anodizing processes to be taken into account , if determined by the

Bill of Quantities

b) the aluminium system shall be capable of achieving different colours and

finishes on the external/internal façade and within the same element



Steel parts for anchoring or braising must either be non- corrosive or galvanised. During

mounting all necessary welding points have to be painted with cold Zinc galvanizing.


All required sections are to be chosen according to foreseen application and data given by

the system manufacturer. Thermally insulated out and inner profiles must be continuously

connected and sheer-resistant by insulating bars.

The profiles must safely support all loads as described in DIN 1055. The effective moments

of inertia given by the system manufacturer are to be considered when selecting the optimal

profile. The principal of thermal is to be respected in all points of construction. All

thermally insulated profiles are determined by the Groups of DIN4108.

Ventilation and drainage of rebate base and from chamber must be foreseen in the

aluminium construction system in order to drain off moisture to the outside. The insulating

connection of outer and inner sections must be water-proof and water-resistant without

additional sealing if the connection uses the rebate or front chamber. When using insulting

glass the ventilation of the rebate base is to be guaranteed as the insulating glass suppliers


a) All aluminium and maximum vent sizes and weights as listed in all B.S. profile

system or binding

b) The glazing guidelines of the insulating glass supplier and DIN18056 determining

the allowed deflection of mullions and transoms are to be observed.


Corner cleats must have a cross section which corresponds to the interior profile contours.

At the mitres a perfect sealing and gluing is required. In T- joints the seeping of water into

the construction must be prevented by corresponding parking and elastic sealing.


All gaskets are to be inserted in order to fulfill the specific window requirements (type,

building height, etc) permanently the gaskets are to be exchangeable.

a) side hung, turn-tilt, bottom hung and double vent windows must have a middle




The system shall be so designed to suffer no permanent distortion or other damage.

Deflection of larger pane edges are not to exceed 1/250 for double glazed units and 1/200

for single glazing. When subjected to positive and negative pressures as determined by an

in accordance with B.SCP 3 Chapter 5 part 2.


The aluminium framework and glazing assembles shall be constructed and installed in the

prepared locations with sufficient tolerance and, where necessary, expansion joints

incorporated within the coupling, to provide for expansion and contraction as will be caused

by the climatic conditions and temperature changes, winter summer, day to night, without

buckling, distortion of joints, damage to sealants or other detrimental effects over the

temperature range-15 deg. C. to 35 deg. C. The design shall accommodate, noiselessly, the

thermal movement within the combination units and the curtain walling without distortion.

Details shall be prepared based upon the dimension at 20 deg. C. and take account of the

ambient temperatures at the time of assembly and installation.


All profile rebates where water or condensate could seep in are to be drained off and

ventilated by wind-protected slots or through cavities to the outside.

The system shall incorporate an integral and internal condensate collection drainage channel

to remove the condensate from within the assembly to the external drainage system.

Provision for the continuity of drainage for the transome to the mullion is to be provided.

No perforation of the internal structural members within areas of drainage will be permitted.

All internal section junctions are to be adequately sealed.

Transome members within sloped glazed areas shall permit water to drain from one area to

another without inhibiting the flow and creating pooling.


a) Construction systems of VS are to be assembled or completed by compatible system

fittings as specified. Other fittings may be selected but only if fulfilling DIN

standards. If not specified in the Bill of Quantities, all fittings except handles and

hinges are to be concealed.

b) The fittings are to be attached in their rebates tension and pressure proof. If required

because of profile wall thickness screw connections need nuts and washes.



Glass supply and glazing is described separately for each positions of the Bill of Quantities.

a) The glazing is to be executed by permanent elastic EPDM-gasket.

b) Guidelines and directives of insulating glass suppliers are to be strictly followed.

c) Supply and installation for fixed panels is always described in the position concerned.

d) All glass assembles shall be tape sealed between the units and within the structural unit

zone and prior to the installation of the external gasket and pressure plate.


The exact measurement must be produced by the tenderer himself on site.

a) If the client required the construction to be ready for mounting before the measurement

on site can be carried out, the tenderer shall determine the assembly dimension together

with the client taking into account the tolerance of the building according to DIN.


After award of contract, the contractor must submit working drawings for specific positions

and details as requested by the Engineer.


The anchoring of all aluminium elements must neutralize all movements of structure and

elements attracted without loading or stress the aluminium construction.

a) All mounting of aluminium elements is to be executed exactly in horizontal and vertical

alignment according to the measurement points provided by the client.

b) All attachment accessories necessary for mounting are to be calculated by the tenderer.

c) If described in the Bills of Quantities, some anchor rails for attachments will be

provided or will be fixed to the structure. In this case, the contractor is requested to

provide a location plan of required anchoring in time.

All connecting means, e.g. screws or bolts, must be non-corrosive zinc plated steel.

All attachments to neighbouring building parts are to be considered when calculating the

positions in the Bills of Quantities.



Appropriate EPDM- gaskets or seals are to be inserted according to design, dimensions and

its range of application. The gaskets or seals and their elasticity must fulfill all temperature

requirements. The contractor shall ensure total alignment of the gasketry in all visible


a) Permanent elastic sealing compounds on silicons or thiocol bases are to be applied for

sealings. Joints within any area of the system are to be adequately bolded together to

produce a water tight joint. The sealing must stick to the construction parts taking into

account the shape of elements and the range of existing temperature without loosening

when elements move caused by tension to be considered before. All guidelines of

sealing compound suppliers are to be respected.


The aluminium profiles and sheets are to be anodized according to DIN 17611. Surface

treatment coating and protection is determined by the specifications as described in the Bills

of Quantities.

a) After the Contract, the tone of colour is to be defined according to colour samples.

b) All visible fittings must suit the profile colour if available.



The requirements of the following British standards shall be observed:-

British Standards.

a) B.S 1227 Part 1 A Hinges

b) B.S.2088 Performances state for locks

c) B.S. 2911 Letter plates

d) B.S. 4112 Performance requirements for hardware domestic


e) NOTE: The contractors attention is drawn to Section “M” of the

Standard Method of Measurement.


All locks and ironmongery shall be fixed with screws etc, to match, before woodwork is

painted, handles shall be removed, carefully stored and re-fixed after completion of painting

and locks oiled and left in perfect wording order.


All keys shall be labelled with the door reference on labels before handing to the Engineer

on completion. All ironmongery shall be carefully protected until completion of the work

and any damage is to be made good at the contractor’s expense.

Rates shall allow for easing and adjusting all doors, etc, and for lubricating all locks, hinges,

etc, and left in perfect working order.

Where description fixing ironmongery includes catalogue numbers, such items shall be

obtained from the specified manufacturers if at all possible.

Rates shall include for labeling all keys with door references as directed by the Engineer.



The requirements for the following British Standards and Codes of Practice shall be



a) B.S.4 Part 1 Structural steel, Hot rolled screws

b) B.S. 4 Part 2 Structural steel, Hot rolled hollow sections

c) B.S.325 Black cup and countersunk bolts and nuts.


d) B.S. 916 Black bolts, screws and nuts.

e) B.S. 4174 Self tapping screws and metallic drive screws

f) B.S. 405 Metal washers for general engineering purposes.

g) 1161 and addendum Aluminium and aluminium alloy sections for

general engineering purposes.

h) B.S 938 Metal ore welding or structural steel tubes.

i) B.S 1856 Metal ore welding or mild steel

j) B.S.729 Part 1 Hot dip galvanized coating iron and steel articles

k) B.S 1474 Wrot aluminium and aluminium alloy

l) B.S 990 Part 1+2 Steel windows (Domestic and similar buildings.)


Codes of practice.

a) C.P. 499 Metallic railing and balustrades

b) C.P. 117 Composite construction in structural steel and concrete

c) C.P. 2008 Protection of iron and steel structures from corrosion.

d) C.P.3012 Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces

e) NOTE: The Contractors attention is drawn to section “P” of the Standard Method of



Iron and steel where galvanized shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 729, part 1

entirely with fine fabrication by complete immersion in zinc bath in one operation and all

excess carefully removed.

The finished surfaces shall be clean and uniform. All works in aluminium shall comply with

the standards mentioned above.

All smiting and bending shall be soundly and nearly executed care being taken not to


All strap bolts and similar works shall be forged neat and cleaned from the anvil.

All welded connections shall be ground to a smooth finish and rates shall be deemed to

allow for this.

Steel windows shall comply with the requirements of the standard mentioned above and

shall be fixed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

All mild steel except galvanized shall be cleaned of rust and scale, painted one coat red lead

priming paint before delivering to site and the rates shall include for this.



The requirements of the following British Standard and Codes of Practice shall be


British Standards

a) B.S.1191 Part 1 Gypsum building plaster (excluding premixed light weights



b) B.S. 1193 Standard for internal plastering with gypsum plasters.

c) B.S.1100 Table 1 Sands for external rendering, internal plastering with lime and

Portland Cement, and floor screeds

d) B.S. 1201 Aggregate for granolithic floor finishes.

e) B.S. 1281 Glazed ceramic tiles and tile fittings for internal walls

f) B.S. 1369 Metal lathing (steel for plastering)

g) B.S. 890 Class A Building limes

h) B.S. 1187 Woods Block for floor

i) NOTE: The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Section “S” of the

Standard Method of Measurement



Cement shall be described in “Concrete”


Sand shall comply with the requirements of the standard mentioned earlier.


Lime shall be non-hydraulic lime to satisfy the Standards mentioned above. It shall be

obtained from an approved source.

It must be freshly burnt and shall be slaked at least once a month before using by drenching

with water, well broken up and mixed and the wet mixture shall be passed through a sieve

of 10 mashes to the square centimeter. Lime putty shall consist of freshly slaked lime as

described above, saturated with water until semi-fluid and passed through the fine sieve, it

shall then be allowed to stand until superfluous water has evaporated and it has become

consistency of thick paste, in no case for shorter period of one month before being used

during which it must be kept dump and clean and no portion of it allowed to become dry.

Alternatively, hydrated lime with 70% average calcium oxide content may be used and it

must be protected from dump until required for use. It shall be soaked to a putty at least 24

hours before use.


Concrete Beds of Slabs.

All concrete beds and slabs shall be thoroughly brushed, hatched if necessary and well

wetted and flashed over with a cement and sand (1 grout immediately before screeds or

paving are laid.)

Screeds and cement paving shall be laid in accordance with the relevant British Standards

and/or Codes of Practice and in alternative bays generally not exceeding 3.0m during any

period of working hours with neat butt joints and shall be damp cured with sand and

sawdust and kept damp for at least 7 days after laying.

As bays are formed batten strips must be used to retain the exposed edge of the screed.

Thickness and mixes of screeds are adjusted to suit the various top dressing and the

Contractor must first ascertain what finish is intended to each specific area before the work

of laying screeds in put in hand.

Screeds shall be finished with a wood float for wood blocks and steel trowel for

thermoplastic and similar tiles.

Surface to be Plastered

All surfaces to be plastered must be brushed clean and well wetted before plaster is applied.

Joint of walling shall be raked and concrete hacked to form a key. Care shall be taken to see

that paving and plastering do not dry out prematurely. Adequate time intervals must be left

between successive coats in two coat work in order that the drying shrinkage of the

undercoat may be substantially complete.

Internal Lime Plaster

To be applied in minimum two coats to finish not less than 12mm total thickness. The

rendering coat shall be in the protection of cement and sand (1:4) and the finishing coat not

less than 1.50mm thick shall consist of fine sieved lime putty with 10% of cement

thoroughly incorporated immediately before use, trowelled hard and smooth with a steel

trowel and sprinkled with water during the process.

The first coat shall be well soaked to form a key and at least fourteen days must elapse

between the completion of any portion of the rendering coat and application of the finishing


Marmoran Aztec 3-1

This applies to concrete, plaster renders, fibre cement and gypsum substrates only- for other

substrates consult a Marmoran Technical Advisor or refer to the table in ‘Preparation of

substrates’. A primer may be required if the substrate is of porous or previously painted, or

if there is a distinct colour difference between the Marmoran Aztec 3-1 and the surface to

be coated.


New Work; Prepare substrate by removing all loose and friable particles. Stop and fill

appropriately. Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and sound in accordance to SABS ISO

1514; 1993(South Africa Market only). Apply the 2 coats of Marmoran Aztec 3-1 with a

stippled or lambs wool roller, depending on the desired texture. Allow for drying time

between coats.

The system must be applied in strict conformance to other manufacturer’s instructions.

Redecoration; Prepare by removing all loose and flaking paint, dirt, grease and grime. Spot

prime exposed substrates appropriately. Proceed as for new work.

External Cement and Sand Rendering

External cement and sand rendering shall consist of cement and sand (1:4) applied in two

cats and finished with wood float


If required the Contractor shall prepare samples of the screeds, pavings and plastering as

directed until the quality, texture and finish required is obtained and approved by the

Engineer, after which all work executed shall conform with the respective approved


Marmoran Caledonplast 2-1

This is a decorative plaster in a combined plaster and topcoat and may be applied at a

coating thickness of 1 mm. The use of a primer such as Marmoran Universal Primer is

recommended where the substrate is porous or dense or LP or RBP Acrylic primer on

previously painted surface, or where the is a distinct colour difference between the

Marmoran Caledonplst 2-1 and the surface to be coated.

Marmora Caledonplast 2-1 is applied using a steel trowel and floated with a plastic trowel to

give the finished effect. Marmoran Caledonplast 2-1 is supplied Ready for use .Do not thin


The coating should never be applied during adverse weather conditions, or on wet surfaces.

In hot climates, the coating should be applied during the morning and late afternoon hours,

and if possible away from direct sunlight.

Specification; This applies to concrete, plaster renders, fibre cement and gypsum substrates

only- for other substrates consult a Marmoran Technical Advisor or refer to the table in

‘Preparation of substrates’. New Work; Prepare substrate by removing all loose and friable

particles. Stop and fill appropriately. Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and sound in

accordance to SABS ISO 1514; 1993(South Africa Market only).Prime the surface with the

appropriate Marmoran Primer. Apply the Marmoran Caledonplast 2-1 by using a steel

trowel to achieve the desired patterned finish. Redecoration; Prepare by removing all loose

and flaking paint, dirt, grease and grime. Spot prime exposed substrates appropriately.

Proceed as for new work.


Screeds and pavings

All screeds and pavings shall be finished smooth, even and truly level, unless otherwise

specified and paving shall be steel trowelled.


Rendering and plastering shall be finished plump, square, smooth, hard and even and

junctions between surfaces shall be perfectly true straight and square.

All work not found to be of satisfactory standard shall be hacked away and made good at the

Contractor’s expense.

Partially or wholly set materials will not be allowed to be used or re-mixed. The plaster etc.,

mixes must be used within two hours of being combined with water.


Granolithic topping is to be in two layers to the total thickness shown on the Drawings and

topping shall consist of one part coloured cement to two parts aggregate shall be 70% black

trap and reminder approved local coloured stones.

Colours shall be as selected by the Engineer.

Paving shall be rolled and trowelled to a dense even surface and rubbed down at completion

to a grit finished surface free from holes and blemishes. The paving shall be laid in square

divided by plastic strips anchored securely in the screed and having their top edge truly with

the finished floor surface. The granolithic work shall be laid polished complete to the

approval of the Engineer.


Wood block flooring shall comply with the requirements of B.S 1187 mentioned above and

shall be dripped in a cold latex bitumen emulsion adhesive before laying.

Any one package or bundle shall contain wood blocks of single species, thickness, width

length and type of manufacture only. The pattern shall be approved by the Engineer.

Wood parquet flooring shall comply with relevant standards and shall be laid using and

approved adhesive in accordance with manufacture’s instructions.


P.V.C. coverings shall satisfy the Standard mentioned and shall be obtained from an

approved manufacture’s agent. Floor tiles shall be Dunlop or other equal and approved.

Rates shall include for two of an approved emulsion floor polish or other protective coating.



Glazed wall tiles shall be cushion edged and satisfy the relevant Standards as mentioned

earlier. Tiles shall be well soaked in water laid with straight horizontal and vertical joints

painted in white cement and cleared down at completion.

Tiles joints of 2mm width shall be formed and filled with the redding mix but using very

fine, well screened, care shall be taken that tiles are not overstocked and water shall be

avoided during fixing.

The fixed tiles shall be kept damp for 4 days. Tiles are splash backs to lavatory basins, sinks

and baths shall be fixed with necessary rounded-edge corner tiles.

Rates for linear items shall allow for all special fittings and cutting at angles and



Rates for in-situ work shall allow for raking out joints walling or hacking or treating with an

approved bonding fluid. Hacking concrete form key, dubbing out irregular surfaces of base

to provide a finished surface to in the same plane as the surrounding surface, cutting out

cracks, making good and leaving the whole of the work sound and perfect on completion.

Rates shall also allow for fair edges, whether square, splayed or rounded, arises, chamfered

external angles not exceeding 25mm wide, rounded external angles not exceeding 25mm

radius coved internal angles not exceeding 25mm radius, intersections to groins and the like,

and for making good around pipe, brackets, floor spring boxes and all other items of a like


Rates for all linear items shall allow for all short length, angles, end and arises, mitres and

intersections and the like.

Rates for all paving shall allow for adequate covering protection during the progress of the

work to ensure that the floors are handed over in perfect condition on completion.

Rates of external rendering shall allow for work at any height and for any scaffolding,

ladders, cradles etc. required.


Aggregate for terrazzo shall be good quality marble or other natural stone of similar

characteristics, hard angular in shape, free from clay, iron oxide and other foreign matter,

graded from 10mm to 6mm. unless otherwise specified and without excessive contents of

fine and dust. The source of supply and colour are to be approved by the Engineer before

bulk ordering.

Terrazzo flooring must be laid and finished by an approved specialist sub-contractor.


All base surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust, dirt, rust, oil and loose


Terrazzo shall be laid in two courses as follows:-

a) Base Course: cement –sand 1:3, not less than 20mm. thick, followed immediately


b) Topping terrazzo mix as specified, not less than 20mm. finished thickness

c) Skirtings are to be 6mm. thick on a screed not less than 10mm. thick.

Terrazzo bays shall not be more than 1M2 and joints shall be formed with plastic or

aluminium strips set out to an approved pattern. Strips must be through the backings screed

and finish flush with the floor surface.

Tamp lightly immediately after laying and compaction lightly, taking care to avoid

excessive laitance on the surface. Not less than 3 days after laying, rough polish by an

approved mechanical means using water. Grout with a fine mix reserved from the initial

mix. Not less than 8 days after grouting, fine polish by an approved mechanical means using

water to a texture approved by the Engineer.

Terrazzo Floor Tiles

Terrazzo floor tiles shall be to B.S 4131 of approved manufacture. The faces of tiles must be

free from projections, depressions, flakes and crazes. The overall colour must be practically

uniform in any one delivery. The facing level must not be less than 6mm. thick after


Unless otherwise specified or approved by the Engineer, tiles are to be 197mm x 197mm x


Mosaic finishes shall comply with the requirements of B.S Code of Practice C.P. 212 part 2.


Quarry tile finishes shall comply with the requirements of B.S 1286.



The material for installing false ceiling system shall be made of appropriate board with

flexural strength not less than 485 N cross directional and 175 N machine directional, with

hardness at core, end and edge not less than 65 N, with capacity to withstand breaking load

not less than 556 N in longitudinal direction and not less than 275 N in transverse direction.

The thermal resistance value "R" shall be not less than 0.45, with fire propagation index "I"

not less than 2.1. It shall be fixed to the underside of the suspended grid comprising properly

placed at maximum distance 457mm c/c frame. Connecting clip and softie cleat using


standard screw and proper metal grip, as per drawing, manufacturers' specification, and

instruction of engineer, all complete.


The ceiling boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line and level. The

joints are sealed with plaster of Paris and nonwoven paper tapes with out forming any

bubble the joints shall be finished flush to make the ceiling in one piece. The finished

surface shall be smooth and true to plane and curved as required. Once

laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works.


It shall be measured flat in square meter of the actual area covered.


Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The

payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.

Gypsum Board

9.5 mm-12mm thick (or as specified) Gypsum board tiles of 610 x 610mm size ( or as per

design) conforming to IS 2095: 1982 & 2542-Detailed Specifications Of Building Works

(Civil) Page 1311981. The tiles shall be plain, textured or designed with design patterns as

per drawings or approved by site engineer. The suspenders are galvanized mild steel straps

of 28G and horizontal and transverse members are galvanized mild steel channel

of 16 G. Construction Procedures.

Frame Work

The frame work shall be of zinc coated mild steel or galvanized iron (G.I. framing) and shall

consist of 45 mm sq. or 50 x50 mm square tubes of 18G as main runners as specified in the

item at specified spacing welded together with 45 mm x 45 mm zinc coated Gypsteel

branded channels, or 50 x 50 mm G.I. channels of 18G as runners at

specified spacing. The above frame shall be suspended from existing RCC slab with

adjustable 25 x 4 mm mild steel flats welded at top to reinforcement bars, including

exposing the reinforcement bars and making good the damages with cement mortar as

specified in the item and drawings.

Expanded Metal

Expanded metal shall be fixed with the long way of the mesh across the supports. The

strands in the various sheets shall all slope in one direction, in vertical work they shall also

slope inwards and downwards from the plaster face. To ensure continuity of key at the

fixing points small round rods, V-shaped ribs or strips of hardwood

shall be fixed on the face of the supports. All sheets shall be lapped not less that 25-mm at

the sides and ends, overlaps shall not occur only at supports. Sides of the sheets shall be


wired together with galvanized wire of not less than 18 SWG, at every 75 mm between

supports. Cut ends of wire used for fastening etc. shall be bent

inwards and not towards the plaster finishing coat. The expanded metal shall be secured to

supports by means of galvanized staples at intervals of not more that 100-mm. It shall be

secured to steelwork by wire or clips.

The fixing centres should normally be not greater than 350 mm for mesh weighing 1.2

kg/sq.m. of 10 or 6 mm mesh. Care shall be taken to ensure that the anti corrosion treatment

is in good condition after fixing.

Gypboard or Boral plaster board

The material for installing false ceiling system shall be made of gypsum board with ISO

9002 and ISO 14000 certification, with minimum thickness of 12.5mm (maximum variation

in thickness +0.4mm or –0.4mm), with minimum density of 677 kg/cum, with flexural

strength not less than 485 N cross directional and 175 N

machine directional, with hardness at core, end and edge not less than 65 N, with capacity to

withstand breaking load not less than 556 N in longitudinal direction and not less than 275

N in transverse direction. The thermal resistance value "R" shall be not less than 0.45, with

fire propagation index "I" not less than 2.1. It shall be fixed to the underside of the

suspended grid comprising properly galvanized 0.5mm thick 80mm x 26mm ceiling section

to be placed at maximum distance 457mm c/c, 0.5mm thick 20mm x 45mm x 30mm

channel along the wall, 0.9mm thick 15mm x 45mm intermediate channel to be placed at

maximum distance of 122mm c/c, 0.5mm thick 25mm x

25mm ceiling angle to be placed at maximum distance connecting clip and 22mm x 37mm

softie cleat to be fixed at RCC ceiling by using standard screw and proper metal grip, as per

drawing, manufacturers' specification, and instruction of engineer, all complete.


The ceiling boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line and level. The

joints are sealed with plaster of Paris and nonwoven paper tapes without forming any bubble

the joints shall be finished flush to make the ceiling in one piece. The finished surface shall

be smooth and true to plane and curved as required.

Once laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works.


It shall be measured flat in square meter of the actual area covered.


Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The

payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.


The Armstrong fine fissures board of size 600 x 600 x 16 mm or 600 x 1200 x 16 mm size

shall be used. The Boards shall have texture and design pattern. The suspenders must

conform to Armstrong standard grid. Horizontal and transverse members are galvanized

mild steel channel.


Construction Procedures

The Armstrong ceilings are suspended from the concrete ceilings, and or truss and purling

by steel hangers to suspend the horizontal steel channels. The horizontal members are

screwed with steel screws and grip in the wall. The suspenders are clamped to the truss and

purling with steel screws. After the framing is completed the engineer in charge shall check

the framing before allowing fixing the ceiling boards.

The Armstrong fine fissures boards free of damages are fixed to the framing in perfect line

and level.

Once laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned.


Measurement of all the works will be made in m2 of works as specified.


Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ.

The payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labor, and equipment to

complete the works as specified.


Providing and fixing the prefabricated concrete panel of 50mm to 75mm thickness with

tongue groove joint on metal channel with all accessories, for interior and exterior walls for

dry construction.


Panels precasted as solid reinforced precast concrete (flat panels), or as reinforced concrete

ribbed panels with a thin exterior shell of specified thickness as approved by the site

engineer shall be used. 75 mm thick panels shall be used for the external wall and 50 mm

thick panels for internal partition walls shall be used or as specified in

the design. Engineering and energy performance documentation of the material shall be

submitted to the site engineer for approval. Standard panels (2.4 m x 0.6 m, 2.7 m x 0.6 m, 3

m x 0.6 m) shall be laid in the metal channels as per manufacturers’ specification with

approval of site engineer to


Protect installed products shall be protected until completion of project. Damaged products

shall be touched-up, repaired or replaced before Substantial Completion


It shall be done in exact square meter of the area done after deducting the openings.


Rate shall be for all the works including all Connections, bracing, reinforcement, labor and





The requirements of the following British Standards and Codes of Practice shall be


British Standards

a) B.S 952 Glass for glazing

b) B.S. 544 linseed oil putty for use in wooden frames

c) NOTE: The Contractor’s attention is drawn to section “T” of the

Standard Method of Measurement

Codes of practice

d) C.P 152 glazing and fixing glass for buildings


The whole of the glass shall be of the best quality and free from bubbles, specks, waves

flaws or any other defects and shall comply with the requirements of the standards

mentioned above.

All glass is to accurately cut to fit easily into rebates. Glass shall be well puttied and

sprigged with copper springs.

Glazing to wood frames shall be secured with glazing beads fixed with grass caps and

screws and wash leather or approved “Neoprene” beading strips. Putty for lazing in wood

frames shall be composed of pure linseed oil and powdered whiting, free from grittiness all

in accordance with the standard mentioned above.

Glazing to metal frames shall be quick hard setting tropical putty specially manufactured for

use with steel windows.

Rebates of metal frames receiving glass shall be prepared and treated with primer for putty

prior to glazing shall be primed 10 days after glazing.

Rates for glazing Georgian wired glass shall include for aligning lines in adjoining panes

both ways.

Glass panes shall be cut to sizes to fit the opening with not more than 1.6mm play all round.

Clear sheet shall be ordinary glazing (0Q) quality and polished plate shall be (GG) quality.

Mirrors to be of selected glazing ( S.G.) quality plates glass of approved manufacture with

bevelled edge fixed at all corners of walls with raw plugs and brass screws with removable

chromium plated dome heads.

Cut out all cracked or broken glass re-glazed to match and leave perfect on completion. On

one account shall windows be cleaned by scraping with glass.




The requirements of the following British Standards and Codes of Practice on completion

shall be observed:-

British Standards

a) B.S. 2521 + 2523 Lead based joint

b) B.S. 3968 Calcium plumbate priming paints

c) B.S. 4756 Ready mixed aluminium priming paints for woodworks

d) B.S. 1336 Knotting

e) B.S 3842 Treatment of plywood with preservative

f) B.S. 4800 Paint colours for building purposes

g) B.S. 2524 Red-Oxide Linseed oil priming paint

h) B.S. 2525-7 Undercoating and finishing paints

i) B.S. 1215 Oil Stains

j) NOTE: The Contractor’s attention is drawn to section “U” of the

Standard Method of Measurements

Codes of Practice

k) C.P. 231 Paints for buildings

l) C.P. 3012 Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces.


All work under this trade must be executed by an approved Specialist unless otherwise


The Contractor’s Programme in this area shall be so arranged that all other trades are

completed and away from the area to be painted prior to the commencement of painting.

Before painting the Contractor must remove all concrete and mortar droppings and the like

from all work to be decorated and remove all strains from and obtain uniform colour to be

oiled and polished.



All plaster, metal, wood or other surfaces which are to receive finishes of paint, stain.

Polish, distemper or paint work of any description are to be carefully inspected by the

Contractor before he allows any of his painters to commence work. The Contractor shall be

held solely responsible for all defective works as a result of his painters’ failure to insist on

receiving from the other grades surface in proper condition to allow first class finishes to the

various kinds specified being applied to them.

All painting and decorating schemes shall be carried out in colours selected by the Engineer.

Paints shall be ready mixed, oil based priming paint shall comply with the requirements of

the relevant standards mentioned earlier.

The oil shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1215. All materials shall be of the best

quality and shall be an approved proprietary brand selected from the latest scheduled paints.

Materials to be applied externally shall be of external quality and/or recommended by the

manufactures for external use.

Materials shall be delivered to the site intact in the original sealed drums or tins and shall be

mixed and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacture’s instructions and to the

approval of the Engineer.

Unless specifically instructed or approved by the Engineer, no paints, distemper etc are to be

thinned or otherwise adulterated, but are to be used as supplied by the manufactures and

direct from the tins.

If required by the Engineer the Contractor shall provide at his own expense samples of

paints etc., with containers and cases to be forward, carriage paid, by the Contractor for

analysis to a laboratory.

The priming, undercoat and finishing coats shall be each be different tints, and the priming

and undercoat shall be the correct brands and tints to suit the respective finishing coats, in

accordance with the manufacture’s instructions. All finished coats shall be of colours and

tints selected by the Engineer. Each coat must be approved by the Engineer before the next

coat is applied.

Each coat shall be properly dry and in vase of oil or enamel paints shall be well rubbed

down with fine glass paper before the next is applied. The paint work shall be finished

smooth and free from brush marks.

Colour cards of all paints etc. shall be submitted to and samples prepared for approval of the

Engineer before laying on, and such samples, when approved, shall become the Standard for

the works.

All paints, emulsion paints and distempers shall be applied by means of a brush or spray gun

or rollers of an approved type, where so agreed by the Engineer.

No painting is to be done in wet weather or on surface, which are not thoroughly dry.


Materials and Workmanship (Contd.)

Woodwork to be painted shall be rubbed down and all knots and resin pockets shall be

scorched back and coated with knotting. After priming all nail holes and other imperfections

shall be stopped and the whole surface be rubbed down and all dust brushed off. The surface

of woodwork shall be lightly sand prepared between the coats.

All woodwork in contact with walling or plaster shall be treated after cutting and

preparation but before fixing assembly or fixing with one coat of approved wood

preservative. The solution is to be brushed on all surfaces of all timbers, unless exposed to

view and painted. The Contractor shall note that this solution is poisonous and shall take

necessary precautions and instruct his workmen accordingly.

Wax polish shall be furniture polish of an approved branch, and wood surfaces shall be

clean smooth free from oil or grease or any other blemishes. A minimum of two coats shall

be applied to approval.

Plaster surfaces shall be perfectly smooth free from defects ready for decorations. All such

surfaces shall be allowed to dry a minimum period of six weeks, stopped with approved

plaster compound stopping and rubbed down flush as necessary, and then thoroughly,

immediately prior to decorating.

Plaster surface which are to be finished with emulsion, oil or enamel paint shall be primed

with an alkali resisting primer complying with the particular paint manufacture’s

specifications and applied in accordance with their instructions.

Fibre board or similar surfaces shall be lightly brushed down to remove dirt, dust and loose

particles and have all nail holes or other defects stopped with an approved plaster compound

stopping rubbed down flush and left with a texture to match surrounding materials and shall

receive one coat petrifying liquid at last or two coats polyurethane or clear lacquer.

All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly brushed down with wire brushes and scraped where

necessary to remove all scale, rust etc. immediately prior to decorating. Where severe rust

exists and if approved by the Engineer a proprietary de-rusting solution may be used in

accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Hot primed and unprimed surfaces shall be given one coat of metal chromate primer.

Galvanized surfaces shall be treated before painting with an approved proprietary or de-

greased solution before priming.

Coated surfaces already treated with bituminous solution shall be scrapped to remove soft

parts and then receive two isolating coats of aluminium primer or other approved anti-tar


Existing painted and decorated surfaces shall be prepared as described above. Painted

plaster, metal or wood surfaces shall then be rubbed down to expose the material beneath

and paint burnt off with blow torches if necessary in the Engineer’s opinion.


Emulsion paint on ceilings and all undercoats of emulsions paint and complete oil painting

on walls only if and as recommended by the manufacture. An approved plaster primer tinted

to match may be submitted for the first coat.

Enamel paint shall be applied in two undercoats and one finishing coat after preparation and

commenced and shall be cleaned and renovated if necessary and re-fixed after completion of


Rates of painting shall be deemed to include for preparing and priming surfaces above


Rates for paints, distemper etc, shall allow for covering up all floors, fittings etc. with dust

sheets when executing the work and for removing, covering when no longer required and

floor cleaning, off, touching up and leaving perfect at completion.



The requirements of the following British Standards and Codes of Practice shall be


British standards

a) B.S. 556 Concrete cylindrical pipes and fittings

part 1 + 2 (including manholes, inspection chambers and street gullies)

b) B.S. 4101 Concrete un-reinforced tubes and fittings

(with ogee joints for surface water drainage)

c) B.S. 437 Part 1 Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings

d) B.S 1247 Manhole step iron (in malleable cast iron)

e) B.S 2760 Pitch-impregnated fibre drainage pipes and fittings

f) B.S 1211 centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure

pipes for water, gas and sewerage

g) B.S. 1130 Cast iron drain fittings.

h) NOTE: The contractor’s attention is drawn to

Section “V” of the Standard Method of



Codes of Practice.

i) C.P. 301 Building drainage

j) C.P 2005 Sewerage

k) C.P. 2010 Pipelines


Plastic Pipes.

The pipework and fittings for use underground shall be u PVC to B.S. 4660

Cast Iron pipework

Cast iron pipework which is used in connection with buried external services shall be

manufactured, coated and tested in accordance with the requirement of B.S 1211.

All buried cast iron bends, elbows sweep tees and other fittings, shall comply with the

requirements of B.S. 1130.

Jointing on external cast iron pipe shall be carried out in accordance with one of the

methods described in British Standards Code of Practice 301, clause 505 c(v), to the

approval of the Engineer.

Pitch Fibre Pipework.

Pitch fibre pipework and fittings for use in connection with external drainage services shall

be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of B.S 2760. Pipes shall be connected

by means of purposes made tapered joints manufactured in accordance with B.S. 2760.

Until such times as the use of pitch impregnated fibre is covered by Code of Practice, the

jointing , laying and cutting of these pipes shall be carried out in accordance with the

requirements of notes under appendix C of B.S. 2760.

Concrete pipework

Where concrete pipes and fittings are used in connection with the conveyance of surface

water and sewerage under atmospheric pressure, they shall be manufactured in accordance

with the requirements of B.S. 556, Class 1, except where otherwise stated.


The joints of concrete pipe and fittings may be one of the following depending upon

application and conditions:-

1. Flexible spigot and socket type

2. Flexible rebated type (storm water drainage only)

3. Ordinary spigot and socket type

4. Ordinary rebated type (Storm water drainage only)

Joints (1) and (2) shall be sealed with suitable rubber gaskets manufactured in accordance

with B.S/ 2494 except where they are likely to be contaminated by oil products, in which

case the gaskets shall be manufactured in accordance with B.S. 3514

Joints (3) and (4) shall be made with approved cement mortar mix.


Draw-offs and Stop Valves (Up to 50mm, Nominal Bore)

Draw off taps and stop valves up to 50mm nominal bore, unless otherwise stated or

specified, for attachment or connection to sanitary fitments shall be manufacturer in

accordance with the requirements of B.S 1010.

Gate Valves

All gate valves 80mm nominal bore above, other than those required for fitting to buried

water mains shall be of cast iron construction in accordance with the requirements of B.S


All gate valves required for fitting to buried water mains shall be of cast iron construction in

accordance with the requirements of B.S. 1218

All gate valves up to and including 65mm nominal bore shall be of bronze construction in

accordance with the requirement of B.S.1952.

The pressure classification of all gate valves shall depend upon the pressure conditions

pertaining to the site of works.

Globe valves

All globe valves up to and including 65mm. nominal bore shall be of bronze construction in

accordance with B.S. 2060.

All globe valves 80mm. nominal bore and above shall be of cast iron construction in

accordance with the requirements of B.S. 3961.


The pressure classification of all globe valves shall depend upon the pressure conditions

pertaining to the site of works.

Check or Non-Return Valves.

All check or non-return valves up to and including 65mm nominal bore shall be of the

swing check of bronze construction in accordance with B.S. 1953

All check or non-return valves 80mm nominal bore and above shall be of the swing check

type of cast iron construction in accordance with the requirements of B.S 4090

The pressure classification of all check-non-return valves shall depend on the pressure

conditions pertaining of Site of Works.

Ball valves

All ball valves for use in connection with hot and cold water services shall be of the

Portsmouth type in accordance with the requirements of B.S 1212, constructed from

classification as follows:-

a) Low Pressure 3.538 b maximum

b) Medium Pressure 7.725 b maximum

c) High Pressure 12,620 b maximum

The pressure classification required for each ball valve will be designated in the description

of its associated equipment contained in Part C of the Specification.

Manually Operated Mixing Valves

Mixing valves for shower fittings and other appliances being provided under the Sub –

contract Works shall be manufactured In accordance with the requirements of B.S. 1415

from bronze or other corrosion resistant materials


Standard and Deep Seal P & S Traps

Where standard or deep seal traps are specified they shall be manufactured in suitable non-

ferrous materials in accordance with the full requirements of B.S. 1184.

In certain circumstances, cast iron traps may be required for cast iron births and in these

instances bath traps shall provide which are manufactured in accordance with the full

requirements of B.S 1291.


Anti-siphon traps

Where anti-siphon traps are specified, these shall be similar or equal to the range of traps

manufactured by Greenwood and Hungers Limited, Deacon Works, Little Hampton, Sussex,



Drain pipes have been measured over all bends, junctions and other fittings and the

contractor shall include in his prices for all joints, short lengths, cutting and waste. Rates for

bends, junctions, etc. shall include for extra joints, cuttings and waste and any other labour


Lines of drains shall be accurately set out and trenches excavated and bottom trimmed to

accurate gradients to approval before pipe laying commences.

Generally the drainage is to be executed in suitable sections to cause the minimum

interference to the continual use of any existing drains. The location and depth of any

existing drains shall be ascertain before other work is commenced and the rates are to

include for all costs of complying with this requirement.

Excavations for drain trenches shall be not be less than 300mm. wider than the external

diameter of the pipes and rates shall include for grading ground under beds, carefully filling

earth to avoid damaging pipes, ramming and carting away surplus excavated material,

keeping excavations free from water, if necessary executing such works and installing such

pumps as may be required to keep the excavations dry at all times, and necessary planking


No subsoil water shall be discharged into the sewers without the written permission to the


Excavations shall be made to such depths and dimensions as may be required by the

Engineer to obtain proper falls and firm foundations. No permanent construction shall be

commenced or any bottom until the excavation has been examined and approved by the

Engineer. Should the Contractor in error or without instruction of the Engineer, make any

excavations below the required level of the drain or bed, as the case be, he will be required

to refill such excavations to the correct levels with concrete ( 1:4:8 –38mm gauge)

Rates shall include for excavating in all materials met with and for trimming bottoms to the

necessary falls and working space.

The first back filling of pipes trenches is to be of material free from stone and shall be

watered and carefully tamped over and around the pipes in 300mm layers until they are

covered to a depth of 600mm. subsequent filling is to be in 150mm layers watered and

rammed, only materials approved by the Engineer are to be used for backfilling.

Where hardcore is used for backfilling it is not to exceed 150mm gauge and all interstices

shall be properly filled with small pieces and fine binder. Surplus excavated materials are to

be removed from the site.


If in the opinion of the Engineer care has not been exercised in refilling trenches, he may

order a fresh test to be on the drain. In the event of the drain failing to pass the test the

Contractor will be required to remedy the fault in his own expense.

Concrete beds and surrounds shall be of concrete 1:3:6-20mm gauge to the thickness falls,

and widths specified. Hollows shall be left to receive the collar of the pipe, so that the pipes

sufficiently wide to form hard-holds to permit the joining of pipe, and after joining of pipe,

and after resting drains shall be haunched to both sides to half the diameter of the pipe in

similar concrete.

Where pipes are specified to the surrounds, the concrete shall be carried up from the bed in

a square section with a minimum of 150mm in thickness over the barrel of the pipe.

Rates for beds and surrounds shall include for forming recesses and filling with concrete, for

mortar layer etc. and for any necessary formwork.

Each pipe shall be carefully examined on arrival, any defective pipes shall be removed

immediately from site and not used in the works. Minor damage to the protective coating of

cast iron pipes shall be made good by painting hot tar; if major defects in the coating exists

such pipes shall be rejected and removed from site.


Waste Fitments Traps (Contd.)

Drains are to laid in a straight line from point to point and each pipe is to be properly bowed

in so that the invert is a true and even gradient and set up and maintain all sight rails,

bowing rods, and bench marks etc, necessary for the purposes.

All drains shall be kept free from earth debris, superfluous cement and other obstructions or

water during laying and until completion of the contract when they shall be handled over in

a clean condition.

Pipes shall be laid with sockets leading uphill and shall rest on solid and even foundations

for the full lengths of the barrel, sockets recesses shall be formed the foundations, as short

as practicable but sufficient deep to allow the pipe jointer room to work right round the

pipe. Such recesses shall be filled with cement mortar (1:4) on completion of laying.

All joints are to be accurately made by butting the pipes together, caulking with tarred rope

neat cement finished externally with bold fillet neatly pointed. As each pipe is laid it is to be

drawn with a badger and left of all obstructions.

Rates of bends junctions and other fittings in drains shall include all cuttings and waste and

extra joints.

The tasting of drains shall be done at completion and before the trenches are filled in. They

shall be tested in the presence of the Engineer and a representative of the Local Authority by

filling with water having a head not less than 1.5m at the highest point of the section under

test. A second and similar test may be applied, after the drain trenches are filled in and the

work completed.

Manholes shall be constructed in the positions indicated in the drawings or as instructed by

the Engineer. Such chambers shall be to the depth required to obtain even gradients in the

drain and of sufficient size to contain and requisite main channel and by branches thereto

and all the entire satisfaction of the Engineer and the Local Authority.

Rendering the manholes shall be trowelled smooth coved at all internal angles and rounded

at arises.

Manholes are to be tested for water-tightness in the same way as to drain by filling with

water but not exceeding 105mm head. The contractor shall apply all testing apparatus and

materials necessary for these tests and provide all labour and assistance required. Any

failure whatsoever in the drainage system to withstand the specific tests and any defects

appearing are to be made good and the drains re-tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer

and the Local Authority.

For connection to public drainage the Contractor shall make all arrangements with the Local


For connection to public drainage the Contractor shall make all arrangements with the Local

Authority and pay all fees that may be required for connections to main sewer.



Site Tests – Pipe works System

Underground Drainage System.

A site test shall be carried out on all drainage pipes before concrete haunchings or surrounds

are applied. These tests shall be carried out preferably from manhole to manhole.

Short drains connected to a main drain between manhole shall be tested as one system with

the main drain and the branch tested separately. After the tests have been passed, the testing

junction shall be effectively sealed.

All tests on underground drains shall be water tests. Smoke tests shall not be permitted

In certain circumstances air tests may be permitted on cast iron drain at the discretion and to

the approval of the Engineer.

Water tests shall be carried out in accordance with the methods described under B.S. Code

of Practice 301, Clause 601 (b) and (c) and the test pressure shall not be less than 1.520mm

head at the highest point in the pipe section and not ore that 10.360mm at any point in the


The test pressure shall be maintained for a period of one hour during which time the pipes

and joints shall be inspected for sweating and leakage. Any leaks discovered during the

leaks shall be made good by the sub-contractor and the section re-tested.

In addition to pressure tests, drainpipe runs shall also be tested for straightness where

applicable. These tests shall be carried out in accordance with one of the tow methods

described in B.S. Code of Practice 301, Clause 601 (f).


All soil, waste and ventilating pipe system forming part of the above ground installation

shall be given a smoke test to a pressure of 38mm of water gauge and this pressure shall

remain constant for a period of not less than 3 minutes.

Water tests on above ground soil, waste and ventilating pipe systems shall be permitted.

Pressure tests shall be carried out before any work which is to be concealed is finally


Any defects revealed by the tests shall be made good by the Sub-contractor and the test

repeated to the approval of the Engineer.

In all other respects, tests shall comply with the requirements of B.S Code of Practice 304.



Following satisfactory tests on pipework systems, operational tests shall be carried out in

accordance with the relevant B.S. Codes of Practice on the system as a whole to establish

the special valves, gauges, controls, fittings equipment and plant are functioning correctly to

the satisfaction of the Engineer.




Earthworks shall be deemed to include excavation, filling, grading and compaction of all

types of soil, sand gravel and rock as required in the construction of works and as specified

in drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

In execution of works, the contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent causing

nuisance to any neighboring land by causing flooding, erosion and deposition of sediments

in drain.

Removal of Top Soil

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, all surface soils shall be removed form areas to

be used for cuttings and embankments and stockpiled for re-use for any purpose such as

soiling of slopes of embankment and spreading on top of seepage beds.

The use of tope soil as a fill material shall be restricted to surface layers in position not

subject to loading by pavements of structures.

Formation Level.

Formation level on embankments and in cuttings shall be the surface level of the ground

obtained after completion of the earthworks, i.e. the underside of the sub-base, or where no

sub-base s specified, the underside of the base. Any excess depth unnecessarily excavated

below formation level shall be back-filled with material acceptable for construction and

compacted as directed by the Engineer and no payment shall be made for excess excavation

or for the filling and compacting. The levels of tolerance of irregularity of the surface of the

course shall be within the limits specified for sub-grade.

Removal of Unsuitable Materials

Materials which do not comply with the Specifications for fill Material for embankments,

sub-grade, sub-base or base shall be excavated to such a depth and over such areas as shown

on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Unsuitable material shall comprise:

(i) Materials from swamps or marshes, silt, perishable material, slurry or mud or

(ii) Any materials:


a) Which is highly organic clay or silt;

b) Which is clay having a liquid limit exceeding 55 and/or a plasticity index

exceeding 20;

c) Which is outside the limits of moisture content specified in the earthworks

series of clauses either when excavated or thereafter;

d) Which is susceptible to spontaneous combustion;

e) Consisting of such domestic refuse which but virtue of its physical or chemical

composition or moisture content will not compact to form stable fill.

Suitable material shall comprise all that which is acceptable in accordance with the

requirements of the Specification for use in the works, whether obtained from within or

outside the site. Any reference in this and other Clauses of the specification to suitable

material shall have meaning defined above.

For the purpose of selection for use in earthwork all common excavation shall be classified

as either plastic or non-plastic. Non-plastic materials shall be defined as those on which it is

impossible to carry out a plasticity index test and shall include “course grained, non

cohesive materials” included in Table I of British Standard B.S 6031: Earthworks, and such

sales, silts and other material which in the opinion of the Engineer are readily self draining.

Plastic materials shall be defined as all other materials included in the above mentioned

Table as “fine grained cohesive materials”, as defined in BS6031.

Unsuitable material shall be removed to locations outside the area of the site works provided

by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. All stray and isolated rocks or builders

found in the road bed which may affect the consolidation shall be excavated to a depth of

not less than 250mm below the bottom of the pavement and the excavated areas back-filled

with suitable materials, which shall be placed and compacted by mechanical rammer to at

least 100% maximum dry density in B.S Standard Compaction test.

Excavation of Cutting in Soil

Cuttings shall be shaped by excavation to the line, levels, slopes and width as shown on the

Drawings with due regard to settlement by compaction of formation level. Before

commencing excavations the contractor shall measure and record, in agreement with the

Engineer, the existing ground levels over the site of the works.

When boulders are encountered in cuttings, the side slopes shall be cut back beyond those

shown on the Drawings, if necessary, to avoid rock falls after completion.



Before the commencement of any part of the excavations which shall be claimed to be in

‘Rock’ the attention of the Engineer shall be called to the same and a section of the surface

prepared which shall form the basis of subsequent measurement.

In cases where drilling and blasting must be carried out, all completion excavation lines

shall be in accordance with the typical cross-sections. Within the limits of the shoulders, all

rocks depth of 300mm below the bottom of the pavement or as directed by the Engineer and


The contractor shall comply with all statutory requirements in respect of the use and storage

of explosives and shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses.

During blasting operation the Contractor shall exercise care not to overshoot, and shall be

required to remove at his own expense, any material outside the authorized cross-section

which may be shattered or loosened by the blasting. Excavation of rock shall be planned and

performed with reuse of the materials in mind.

Disposal of Excavated Materials

The Contractor shall plan and perform the earthwork with regard to the best possible

utilization of the different materials in the excavations, especially to use the best available

soil in the upper 300mm of the sub grade. Before commencing the earthwork the Contractor

shall submit to the Engineer a programme for disposal of excess materials.


The contractor shall at his own expense, take all reasonable precautions against damage to

all pipes, ducts, cables, roads, structures etc. encountered during excavations and shall be

responsible for the cost of repairing any damage caused by his acts or omissions or causes

within his control.

Preparing Ground Surface Under Embankments

The Contractor shall ensure that the natural ground is cleared of vegetation, rubbish and soft

and wet materials unsuitable for embankment construction. All necessary work to drain the

natural ground shall be executed. slopes greater than 1 in 2 shall be formed into horizontal

terrace not less than 2m wide


Embankment material shall be placed in successive layers not exceeding 150mm after

compaction unless the Contractor proves by testing to the Engineer’s satisfaction that his

compaction equipment is able to compact in greater layers. Each layer shall extend over the

full width of the embankment and shall be compacted according to requirements before the

next layer is placed.


It is the Contractor’s responsibility that only approved materials are incorporated in

embankments. If any suitable or oversize material is included it shall be removed and placed

with suitable material.

In forming embankments, the Contractor shall make due allowance in height and width for

consolidation and shrinkage. On the completion of the Contract, the levels, width and

dimensions of the finished surface of the carriageway on embankment shall correspond to

the levels and dimensions shown on the drawings.

Where the CBR value of the fill material obtained from general excavation is less than 8%

at BS Compaction after 48 hours soaking then the Engineer shall instruct the Contractor to

provide selected fill in the upper layer or layers of embankment. The thickness of the

selected fill, material shall be determined by the Engineer‘s Representative.

In cutting where the soaked CBR value of the sub grade is lower than 8% the Engineer shall

similarly instruct the Contractor to replace the upper layer or layers with selected fill


The fill material shall preferably conform to the following requirements:

Liquid Limit 0-45%

Plastic Index 0-20%

Linear Shrinkage 0-10%


All fill and sub grade shall be compacted to at least 100% o f the maximum dry density

obtained in the B.S Standard Compaction as follows:

Top 150mm of natural ground before filling

All fill in embankment

Top 300mm of formation in both cut and fill

The Contractor shall, when needed for proper compaction, distribute and incorporate

water in the layer of fill to be compacted.

When the moisture content in some material is in the excess of that for proper compaction

the wet material shall be allowed to dry before compaction is commenced.

Compaction Equipment

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site for the whole period during which

earthworks are in progress adequate and suitable compaction equipment approved by the

Engineer which is capable of compacting the various types of material included in the works

to such densities and at such moisture contents as are specified herein.

The Contractor shall also provide such other pneumatic tired and smooth tired rollers, tower

vibrating rollers, grid rollers, vibrating floats and mechanical rammers as may be required.


The equipment shall be of specific set out in the General specifications standard or higher in

order to achieve the specified compaction standards.


The Contractor shall determine the dry density of compacted earthwork at the following

maximum frequencies. The result of the Contractor’s findings shall be submitted to the

Engineer, who may approve or reject a volume of compacted earthworks on the evidence of

the Contractors tests or he may carry out tests himself in additional:

i) The top 150mm of the compacted original ground under embankments in

areas where compaction is specified or has been ordered by the Engineer: 1

density test per 1000m2.

ii) All fill in embankments except the top layer:1 density test per 1000m2

iii) Formation in cutting and fill: 1 density test per 400m2

The contractor shall carry out a B.S Standard Compaction test including CBR test and a set

of Atterberg Limit tests on soil samples from at least every tenth dry density determination

tests carried out as above. He shall also carry out a BS Standard Compaction test on soil

sample from any dry density determination which failed to reach the specified percentage of

soil in which it is related in the above mentioned 1:10 representative group.


Excavation and filling operation shall be carried out with side slopes so that water can run

off the surface. The contractor shall at his own expense maintain sufficient drainage of the

works to prevent ponding and scour.


The finished sub grade and shoulder levels shall at no place vary more than 15mm above or

below the levels shown on the Drawings. Deviations shall not be one sided.

Improved Sub-grade

Where necessary the contractor shall be responsible for providing material for earth-works

fill that is required over the above that which is available from cuttings on site. His rates for

this work shall include for all costs incurred in provision of this material such as purchase of

the land, site clearance, overburden strip, haulage, processing, spreading compaction and

any other associated costs.



Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer, the materials for sub-base shall

comply with the following requirements:

CBR of at least 30

CBR shall be measured at a dry density corresponding to 95% MDD (Heavy

compaction) and after 4 days soak.

Plastic index - maximum 25

Los Angeles value - maximum 70

Aggregate crushing - Maximum 50

Shall have a grading curve of materials after processing and compaction within

the following envelope:

Sieve size (mm).

80 100

63 95-100

50 90-100

40 85-100

28 72-100

20 55-100

10 30-100

5 18-85

2 10-65

1 8-52

0.425 7-42

0.75 4-35


Hand packed stones

In addition to requirement of clause 9709 of General Specification stones used shall comply

with the following:

Aggregate crushing value (9.V.C). Not more than 40%

Los Angeles Abrasion (L.A.A). Loss on 5 cycles not more than 12%

The hand packed stone base course will consist of stones of such grading and size that they

pack firmly when they are laid by hand. The greater number of stones shall be higher than

the thickness of the layer laid. Stones shall be free of top-soil or other deleterious material.


Stone Dust

Stone dust for building shall be blank trap or similar approved screened to the following


Passing 10mm Sieve 100%

No. 4 Sieve 85-100%

No.100 Sieve 5-25%


Prime Coat

The pre-mix Surfacing shall consist of a tack coat and a wearing course of specified


The tack coat shall be anionic Emulsion A1 – 55 sprayed at the rate of 0.5 litre/sq. metre.

Prior to application of the tack coat existing surface shall brushed off all loose material to

the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The tack coat shall be spread in one even layer to the widths as shown on the drawings by

the Engineer by pressure distributor. Hand spraying shall not be permitted except in small

areas when approved by the Engineer.

Wearing Course

The bituminous binder used shall be straight run bitumen of grade 80/100 penetration.

Nominal bitumen content should be between 4.5 to 8.0% by weight of the mix.

The nominal size of aggregate for 25 mm thick wearing course shall be 13 mm and nominal

size aggregate for 50 mm thick wearing course shall be 14 mm. Grading envelopes shall be

as follows:














90 – 100

70 – 95

55 – 85

46 – 75

35 – 60

25 – 45

17– 32

11 - 27

6 - 17

3 - 8


Sampling and testing Pre-mix

Sample of the premix should be done on the vehicles as follows:

1. Sample should not be taken within 300 mm of the side of the vehicle.

2. 3 locations should be sampled from each vehicle

3. Each location should produce 7 kgs and they should then be combined as one sample of

minimum weight 21 kg.

4. 100 mm of material should be removed from the top layer of the sampling location and

discarded. The underlying material shall then be removed care being taken to ensure

loose material from the sides does not fall back into the sampling hole.

5. A square mouth shovel should be used for above purposes

6. The position in the works of each sample load shall be recorded on drawings.

7. The bagged samples should be delivered to Materials Branch or other approved

laboratory immediately for analysis of binder content and the grading of the aggregate.

8. Delivery and rolling temperature should be taken for each load and recorded using

proper thermometers.

9. Specified rolling procedure must be complied with.

The working mix shall comply with the following requirements:

Marshal Stability N 6000 (Minimum)

Flow value 2 mm – 4 mm

Mix % by weights 4.5 – 8 %

The Engineer will have the right to take samples of the actual mix and of ingredients as

often as he considers necessary to determine whether specified requirements are confirmed


Before pre-mix is laid existing surface shall be cleaned of all loose or deleterious material.

No pre-mix shall be aid until the surface had been approved by the Engineer.

Pre-mix shall be laid by approved mechanical pavers to correct thickness, line and camber.

The mixture shall be laid at temperature between 120 deg C to 150 deg C.

Immediately after spreading, the mixture shall be compacted by 8 to 10 ton smooth wheel

roller and final compaction shall be done by 7 – 10 ton tired roller.


Paint for road marking shall comprise of Robialac Epoxy Road Marking Paint or similar

paint of equal quality.

Paint shall be applied in two coats if applied by the brush and one coat if applied by the

spraying machine.


Before the paint is applied the area to be painted shall be cleared to remove all dirt, grease,

oil laitance or any other foreign matter which shall reduce the bond between the paint and

the pavement. Paint shall be applied to surfaces which are clean and dry and painting shall

not be carried out when the weather is excessively windy or dusty.

Sub-Contractor shall provide experienced technician to supervise setting out of the areas to

be painted and the application of the painting. The Sub-Contractor shall protect painted

areas from all traffic and from injury or damage of any kind until the painting is completely


White marking shall be to approximately B.S. Colour No. 102, white of B.S.S 381 C.

Yellow markings shall be to B.S. Colour No. 305 (Lemon) of B.S.S 381 C (Colour 0.002 of

B.S.S. 2660).


Precast concrete kerbs and edgings shall be laid and bedded on a 12mm layer of cement

mortar (1:6) on a foundation or haunch of concrete mix. 1:3:6 as shown on the drawings.

All Kerbs, channels and quadrants shall be joined with cement mortar (1:3). No joint shall

exceed 12mm in width.

Specially cast circular Kerbs and edgings shall be used on curves where the radius is 20

metres or less.

All kerbs and edgings shall be laid true to line and level any unit found to be more than

3mm out of line or level at either end shall be lifted and relayed.

Precast concrete kerb, quadrants & channel have to be in accordance with B.S 340 and are

to be placed as indicated on the drawings.



The whole of the works are to be set out by the Sub-contractor who will provide fix and

maintain properly constructed sight rails of 150mm x 25mm wrought soft wood painted

black and white and secured to strong uprights embedded firmly in ground at intervals not

exceeding 40 metres.

Trenches for pipeline shall have a width not less than that shown on the drawings and must

have vertical sides unless the Project Manger has approved the use of sloping sides in lieu of


In rock, the trench shall be taken out to a minimum of 100mm below the underside of the

pipe and before the pipe is laid, approved, selected fill shall be placed.

Trenches for pie laying must be kept from all water all times.


Cars should be taken in handling of pipes and channels. Any pipe or channel damaged due

to improper handling storage or negligence will be condemned and removed from site.

Backfilling of trenches

Back of trenches up to a level of 300mm above the pipe shall be with suitable fine material

with maximum particle size of 20mm and shall placed in layers not exceeding 150mm in

depth, kept at the same level on each side of the pipe and carefully rammed under and

around it.

Subsequent filling shall be with the same material in layers not exceeding 150mm in depth,

and each layer shall be thoroughly rammed and consolidated using approved equipment, or

method, before another layer is added. Backfilling material shall be brought above the

required formation level to allow for subsequent settlement.

Where embankments re required to ensure sufficient cover to the pipes they shall be

constructed to the dimensions shown on the drawings or indicated b the Project manger.

They shall be built up evenly over their full width in layers not exceeding 150mm and

consolidated using vibrating hard rollers, vibrating plates or similar approved plant. The

cost of trimming the sides to shape and forming drainage ditches at the toe shall be included

in the rates.

Pipe bends, Junctions and Fittings

Pipes for sewers shall either be UPVC class 41 to BS 4660 or precast concrete pipes to BS

5911: Part I, as specified in the drawings.

Concrete pipes for surface water drainage shall be spun concrete pipes with ogee joints to

BS 4101. Pipes shall be bedded and surrounded by minimum of 150mm of concrete grade

10 to BS 8110.

Coarse Granular Fill

Coarse granular fill in seepage beds shall be broken stone between sizes 15 to 25mm.

Laying Pipes

Each pipe shall be carefully examined on arrival; any defective pipe shall be removed

immediately from the site and to used in the works. Minor damage to protective coating of

cast iron pipes shall be made good b painting with hot tar, if major defects if the coating

exist, such pipes shall be rejected and removed from the site.

Drains shall be laid in straight lines and to even gradients as required and to the satisfaction

the Engineer.

Great care shall be exercised in setting out and determining the levels of the pipes and the

contractor shall provide suitable instruments and set up and maintain all sight rails, boning

rods and bench marks, etc, necessary for the purpose.


All drains shall be kept free from earth, debris, superfluous cement and other obstructions or

water during laying and until completion of the contract when they shall be handed over in a

clean condition.

Pipes shall b laid with the sockets, leading uphill and shall rest on solid and even

foundations for the full lengths of the barrel. Socket recesses shall be formed in the

foundation, as short as practicable but sufficiently deep to allow the pipe jointer room to

work right round the pipe. Such recesses shall be filled with cement mortar (1:4) on

completion of laying.


Inspection chambers shall be constructed in the positions indicted o the drawing or as

required b the Engineer. Such cambers shall be to the depths required to obtain even

gradients to the drain and of sufficient size to contain the requisite main channel and any

trenches thereto and all to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

Protection PVC Pipes

PVC pipes under roads and in verges shall be protected by concrete slab where the cover is

less than 1.2m over the soffit o the pipe.

Cement Mortar

All block work exposed to air shall be plastered with mortar group 1, 1:3.

Where used for bedding stone and concrete blocks one volume of Portland cement to five

volumes of sand to be used.

For rendering one volume of Portland Cement to three volume of sand shall be used.

Concrete Blocks

Natural stone blocks complying with sections G08 and G09 of General Specifications can

be used. The source of stone blocks shall be approved by the Project Manger and stone

supplied there from shall be free from Magadi, overburden, mudstone cracks, sand holes,

veins, laminations and other imperfections. Concrete blocks shall be in accordance with

B.S. 6073.

Concrete blocks shall be hard, true to size and shape with sharp arises and shall comply with

BS 2028 and CP 111 Part 2, of minimum crushing strengths %N/mm2 maximum density

1500 kg/m3 and minimum density of 1000kg/m3. They shall be obtained on manufactured

on size in approved block making machines.


Manhole cover and Frame

Manhole cover and frames shall comply with B.S. 497. In trafficked areas heavy duty

manhole cover and frames shall be provided. In other areas light duty manhole cover and

frame shall be provided.

Step Irons.

In manhole more than 1.2m deep step irons of malleable cast iron with galvanised finish

condiment to B.S. 1247 shall be provided.


Each length of drain and manhole shall be tested as described hereinafter and approved b the

project manger before any backfilling of the trench takes place. Sewer pipes shall be tested

generally in accordance with CP 301.

Testing shall not be carried out until at least 12 hours have elapsed after the jointing of the

last pipe.

The test shall be as follows:-

(i) The lower end of the pipe and all junctions shall be securely stoppered and the

whole length under test filled with water.

(ii) When full a further stopper shall be inserted at the top leaving a pipe attached to

the drain plug. This pipe shall be bent through 900 and shall terminate in a

header tank shall be 225mm square. The vertical distance between the centre

line of the drain plug and the top of the header tank not less than 1.00 metre.

(iii) Water shall then be poured into the header tank, which shall be kept full for a

minimum period of 3 hours to allow absorption to take place. At the expiration

of this period the header tank shall be topped up and the testing of the drain

commenced. If, after a further period of 30 minutes, the water level in the header

tank has not fallen b more than 12mm the test will be considered satisfactory.

(iv) In the event of a pipe failing to withstand the test, the point of failure shall be

completely surrounded, at the Contractor’s expenses, with concrete (Grade 10 –

20mm maximum aggregate) so that there is minimum cover of 150mm in all

directions. The length shall then be re-tested.

(v) Immediately and length of drain ahs been approved the trench shall be backfilled

for a depth of at least 300mm above the top of the pipes.




All concrete shall be produced and tested to comply with requirements of BS 8110 and BS


The constituent materials shall comply with the relevant British Standard

Concrete mixes

The following grades of concrete shall be used (Max. size of aggregate in brackets).

Blinding: Class 15(30)

Beams slabs and columns: Class 20(20) and Class 25(20)

Foundation: Class 20(20).


The level of the top of fencing is to be as directed by the Architect but is generally to follow

the mean level of the ground on the line of the fencing. Any minor excavations on the line of

the fencing to enable this to be achieved to be allowed for in the rates.


Fence posts to be concrete Class “D” finishes fair on all exposed surfaces.

Intermediate fence posts shall be paced at 3.00 metres intervals, to be of 125mm x 125mm

section tapering to 75mm x 75mm at top and 2800mm long overall. The post to be reinforced

with four 8mm diameter mild steel bars with No. 12 S.W.G. wire binders at 600mm centres

and six times holed for wires or fixing bolts.

Raking struts to be of 200mm diameter section and 3000mm long overall with one end

splayed to suit notch in main post. The strut to be reinforced with four 20mm diameter mild

steel bars with No. 12 S.W.G. wire binders at 500mm centres and four times holed for wires or

fixing bolts. At the junction with the main or gate post the strut is to be bolted on with one

20mm diameter wrot bolt with head, nut and two washers.

Main posts, spaced at 9.00 metres centres, and corner posts to be of 150mm x 150mm section

and 2800mm long overall. The post to be reinforced with four 10mm diameter mild steel bars

with No. 12 S.W.G. wire binders at 600mm centres, ten times holed for wires or fixing bolts

and twice notched as required to receive end of raking struts. Two side faces of post to have

set of angle cleats and vertical clamp bars as last described bolted on.

Concrete filling around post bases to be in plain concrete Class “E”.

Intermediate and main post bases to be excavated to allow posts to be let into the ground for a

vertical depth of 750mm and filled with 600mm diameter x 400mm deep concrete well packed


around post, the excavated material to be part returned, filled and rammed and the surplus


Raking strut bases to be as last but let into the ground for a vertical depth of 600mm and filled

with 450 x 450 x 300mm deep concrete.

Barbed wires to be No. 8 S.W.G. galvanized mild steel fixed complete with all galvanized

staples strainers winding brackets and other necessary fittings. Fasten to intermediate concrete

posts with No. 16 S.W.G. galvanized annealed mild steel wire.

Tying wire for securing chain-link fencing to line wire to be No. 16 S.W.G. galvanized

annealed mild steel wire.

Chain-link fencing to be manufactured from No. 16 S.W.G. galvanized annealed mild steel

wire woven into 50mm mesh with barbed top and 2000mm high or as specified. The fencing

is to be supported by three single and one double (at top) lines of line wire and fastened to

each line at 900mm horizontal intervals with tying wire.



All trees, stumps, shrubs, undergrowth and other vegetation shall be completely cut down and

all roots entirely grubbed up and burned at a central point. All arising will be left on the site

for use in the garden development. Where roots are grubbed up in areas which are to remain

at existing ground level the resulting holes shall be filled up with approved material rammed in

150mm layers up to the existing ground level.


i) Areas to be grassed shall be cleared of all debris and roots and dug up to a

depth of 300mm.

ii) Where outcrops of rock or murram occur, these will be covered with suitable

soil to a depth of 150mm.


The trees, grass and flowers shall be watered and maintained until well established. The

contractor is advised to include all this in his rates.


Grass planting over rock or compacted fill material


Where grass is to be established in areas where decomposed or solid rock or other fill material

exists closer to the finished surface than 200mm, the following grass planting procedure shall


The rock shall be removed to a depth of 200mm below the finishes surface. The rock shall

then be ripped or otherwise broken up to a further depth of 150mm and lightly compacted;

200mm of selected red soil shall then be spread over the surface. The whole shall then be

lightly rotavated to obtain a homogenous mixture to a depth of 150mm. Prior to planting, the

soil shall be raked and 50 gm each per square metre of bone-meal and hoof horn meal shall be

spread on the surface.

The grass shall be cuttings of approximately 200mm long and shall be planted at 150mm

intervals, 150mm buried in the soil. Planting shall be carried out with the aid of a wooden peg

and the soil well rammed around the cuttings.

The grass shall be systematically watered, cut and weeded to maintain it in a healthy state

throughout the maintenance period.

The rate for grass planting over rock shall include for the ripping of the rock, provision of

grass and all subsequent materials, tools, etc.


Pits shall be 0.9 metre diameter x 0.9 metre deep. The sides shall be undercut and the soil

mixture shall be as follows:-

4 parts approved red soil

1 part sewage sludge.

These shall be thoroughly mixed together on the mixing ground and specifically set a side for

the purpose. The mixture shall be filled into the pits in 300mm layers, firming with hard earth

rammers at each layer. The surface is to be shaped into a bowl-depression 200mm deep to

assist in watering.

The tree plants are to be at least 0.9 metre high when brought to the works for planting.

In the two days before planting takes place, each pit is to be thoroughly soaked with 100 litres

of water. The trees or palms shall be planted and sticked in an approved manner, well watered

and maintained throughout the maintenance period.

The rates for tree planting shall include for provision of plants and materials described in this



Pits for shrubs shall be 750mm diameter x 750mm deep. They shall be excavated, refilled,

planted, maintained and paid for identical manner to trees and palms. All shrubs are grouped

together and the tenderer is to give a uniform rate that covers the cost of any of the shrubs.



Plant boxes, herbaceous borders and similar areas shall be excavated, refilled, planted,

maintained and paid for in an identical manner to trees and palms, excepting that four parts of

forest soil shall be used in place of red soil and 50 gm each per square metre of bone-meal and

hood and horn meal shall be spread on the surface of the soil mixture before planting.


Bouganvillea hedges and tables formed on fencing and fencing tables shall be planted between

100mm diameter cedar fence posts in a pit 0.75 metre deep and 0.75 metre diameter filled as

described above.

For tables, one plant is to be planted every 10 square metres as directed by the Architect.

Bouganvillea hedge plants are to be planted at 2.0 metres intervals. The cedar posts are

600mm high and placed at 2.0 metres centres with barbed wire stacked at the top.

Bouganivillea plants are to be attached to the fence wires and strained into a hedge or table in

the course of the maintenance period to the approval of the Architect. The plant pits are to be

excavated, refilled, planted, maintained and paid for in accordance with the requirements laid

down for shrubs.

The rates for bouganivillea plants and hedges and tables shall also include for all the materials

and operations described in this clause. Fence for bouganvillea hedges are measured lineally

and fence tables are measured superficially over the area formed by the outermost wires of the



Section 2.1.2



Revision: 02

Date: February 2018





1 General Requirements (preliminaries)

2 Waterproofing – External and Tanking

3 Masonry Walling

4 Roofing

5 Thermal Insulation

6 Partitions – Framed and Lined

7 Rendering and Plastering

8 Waterproofing – Wet Areas

9 Stone and Tiling

10 Sheeting Finishes

11 Cementitious Screeds

12 Suspended Ceilings

13 Acoustic Insulation

14 Adhesives, Sealants and Fasteners

15 Building Access Safety Systems

16 Windows and Glazed Doors

17 Glazing

18 Doors and Access Panels

19 Door Hardware

20 Metals and Pre-finishes

21 Metalwork

22 Joinery

23 Painting

24 Signage

25 Window Coverings




Specialist’s Design

Where a works are specified to be to specialist’s design / detail / specification; the

contractor is to use only appropriately qualified persons and conform to all statutory

requirements, in preparing the shop drawings for approval.

Conflict with the documents

If it is believed that a conflict exists between statutory requirements and the documents, the

contract administrator is to be notified immediately.


Responsibilities and duties of the respective parties in the contract are not altered by

requirements in the documents referenced in this specification.

Data sheets

Manufacturers’ data sheets forming part of this specification are current at time of Tender

Issue. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure they obtain and use the manufacturer’s

current data sheets at time of ordering and installation.

Manufacturers’ or suppliers’ recommendations

General: Provide and select, if no selection is given, transport, deliver, store, handle, protect,

finish, adjust and prepare for use the manufactured items in conformance with the

recommendations of the manufacturer.

Proprietary items/systems/assemblies: Assemble, install or fix to substrate in conformance

with the recommendations of the manufacturer.


General: For the purposes of this specification the following abbreviations apply:

KEBS: Kenya Bureau of Standards

BS: British Standard.

GRP: Glass Reinforced Plastic.

MOH: Ministry of Health.

NCA: National Construction Authority.

PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride.

UPVC: Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride.

VOC: Volatile Organic Compound.

EHS: Environment Health and Safety.


Damp Proof Courses to Blockwork Walls

The damp proof course is to consist of a 25mm screed of cement and sand (1:2) laid over

the area of the walls and finished to a level surface and covered with and including an

approved fibre based bituminous damp proof course weighing not less than 2.7 kgs. per

square metre and lapped 225mm at all joints and intersections. All walls are to be carefully

cleaned and wetted before the screed is laid.



Concrete Blocks

Concrete blocks shall be hollow or solid as required and shall be hard, true to size and shape

with sharp arises in accordance with B.S. 2028 type 'A'. They are to be obtained from an

approved manufacturer and shall be equal in every respect to a sample to be deposited with

and approved by the Architect. Blocks must be cured at least 4 weeks before delivery to site

and the Contractor is to order his entire stocks as soon as the Contract is signed.

Before bulk delivery commences and thereafter, if the Architect so directs, the Contractor

shall dispatch twelve sample blocks to the Ministry of Works (M.O.W.) Materials Testing

Laboratory (or alternative approved materials testing lab). Should tests indicate that the

blocks do not comply with the Specification, the batch from which they were taken shall

forthwith be removed and re-executed or otherwise rectified at the Contractor's expense.

Blocks shall be generally 390mm long, 190mm high and of the thicknesses required for the

walling to be built. Blocks of other sizes will, however, be required to form proper bonding

at corners, around openings, etc. and the like positions and the Contractor must make or cut

blocks to all the varying sizes required for these purposes.

Load Bearing Concrete Blocks

Blocks described as load bearing shall have the minimum compressive strengths specified

for each block, determined and tested in accordance with the appropriate B.S. and to the

entire satisfaction of the Architect. Blocks of the various strengths shall be differentiated by

means of an approved colour code marking.

Hollow Clay Blocks

Hollow clay blocks are to be hard, well burnt, true to size and shape with sharp arrises

(edges) and keyed faces and joints in accordance with B.S. 1190 Type 'A'. They are to be

equal in every respect with a sample to be deposited with and approved by the Architect.

The hollow clay blocks are to be bedded and jointed in gauged mortar.

Machine-Cut Natural Stone Walling

The machine rotary blade cut stone for walling shall be sound and hard throughout free from

all defects and shall be obtained from a quarry approved by the Architect. Samples shall be

submitted for approval and, if approved, shall be regarded as the standard for the work

generally. All stone rejected by the Architect shall be removed immediately from the site.

Stones shall be laid on their natural beds and properly lapped and bonded and thoroughly

wetted before laying and again after laying for at least three days. The machine cut into true

rectangular blocks with each surface even and at right angles to all adjoining surfaces and

shall generally be not less than 390mm long, 190mm high and of the thickness required for

the walling to be built. All arrises (edges) shall be plumb and square and all joints properly

bonded and true to line.

Stone walling described as load bearing shall have a minimum crushing strength of 10

Newtons per square mm (N/mm2).


Stone Block Walling Generally

The Contractor shall provide proper setting out rods and set out all work on same for

courses, openings, heights, etc., and shall build the walls, piers, etc., to the widths, depths

and heights indicated on the drawings.

Concrete blocks shall be thoroughly wet before being laid and shall be kept wet during that

day. Where unfinished work is continued, the completed walling shall be wetted before

laying mortar.

All walls throughout the work shall be carried up evenly in 200mm courses, no part being

carried up more than 1m higher at one time than any other part, and in such cases the

jointing shall be made in long steps so as to prevent cracks arising, and all walls shall be

levelled round at each stage. All faces of walls to be plastered are to have all the joints raked

out as key for plaster.

Alternate courses of walling at all angles and intersections shall be carried through the full

thickness of the adjoining wall. All walling shall be built up entirely solid in blocks,

without voids. All perpends, reveals and angles of the walling shall be built strictly true and

square and all walling shall be flushed up and grouted solid as the work proceeds.

All putlog holes shall not be less than one course deep and carefully filled with a block cut

to fit size of opening with beds and joints filled with mortar well tamped in after scaffolding

is removed and if in fair faced wall to match facings.

All walling 150mm thick and under is to be reinforced with one layer of 25mm x 16 B.W.G.

hoop iron built into every second course well lapped at joints and intersections and carried

at least 115mm into abutting walls at junctions.

Where concrete and stone walling are bonded together at intersections or heading joints the

horizontal cement mortar beds shall not exceed 15mm thickness and vertical joints are to be



Profiled Metal Sheeting

Tekdek IT5, as manufactured by Mabati Rolling Mills (MRM) or equivalent and approved,

angular trapezoidal-ribbed profile coated steel roofing sheets of five troughs and six ribs,

with a 0.60mm total coated thickness (TCT). Sheet dimensions 980mm overall width and

profile depth of 34mm.

Profiles steel sheeting to be pierce-fixed to steel purlins and support structure through the

sheet crests with approved roofing screws. Roofing sheets to be laid steel purlins spaced to

structural engineer’s specifications and manufacturer’s recommendations, and to specified

pitch as indicated in the drawings, with minimum 250mm and maximum 300mm end-

lapping as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

Installation: direction of sheet laying to be done with due consideration of the direction of

the prevailing wind, in accordance to the manufacturer’s recommended method.

Accessories: roofing to be installed complete with all recommended accessories including

barge flashing, ridge capping, side wall flashing of matching finish and colour to the roof

sheets as applicable.

Eaves and ridge fillers, as manufactured by Sondor and supplied by MRM Kenya OR


EQUIVALENT AND APPROVED, manufactured from cross-linked, closed cell, expanded

Polyethylene to match roof sheeting profile. Eaves and ridge fillers shall be fixed

underneath ridge capping and at eaves between the purlin and roof sheeting.

Waterproofed concrete slab

All concrete slabs that will serve as open to sky decks, roofs or planted bed areas are to be

waterproofed, and the waterproofed concrete is to have an approved waterproofing additive

or an approved surface applied product, to the specifications and approval of the structural



Light weight concrete cement/sand/pumice (1:3:7) laid to slope as indicated on the


Waterproofing Membranes – Standards applicable

DIN EN 495-5:2013 Flexible sheets for waterproofing -

Determination of foldability at low temperature - Part 5: Plastic and rubber sheets for

roof waterproofing.

BS EN 1107-1:2000 Flexible sheets for waterproofing.

Determination of dimensional stability. Plastic and rubber sheets for roof


BS EN 1296:2001 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Bitumen,

plastic and rubber sheets for roofing. Method of artificial ageing by long term

exposure to elevated temperature.

BS EN 1849-2:2009 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of thickness

and mass per unit area - Part 2: Plastic and rubber sheets.

BS EN 1928:2000 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Bitumen, plastic and rubber

sheets for roof waterproofing. Determination of water tightness.

BS EN 12310-2:2000 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of resistance

to tearing (nail shank). Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing.

BS EN 12311-2:2013 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of tensile

properties. Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing.

BS EN 12316:2013 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of peel

resistance of joints. Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing.

BS EN 12317-2:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Determination of shear

resistance of joints. Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing.

BS EN 12691:2006 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Bitumen, plastic and rubber

sheets for roof waterproofing. Determination of resistance to impact.


DIN 16726 Plastic sheets - Testing

Mastic Asphalt Roofing Membrane

All asphalt roofing shall be manufactured and applied in accordance with BS 988 Mastic

Asphalt for Roofing (Limestone Aggregate). Proportions of component ingredients shall be

generally within the limits laid down in the BS but the ratio of bitumen to Lake asphalt shall

be appropriate for use in tropical climates. The asphalt shall be applied in two coats each of

10mm thickness laid to the falls formed in the screeds, by an approved Subcontractor.

The first coat of all horizontal work shall be laid on a single layer of black sheathing felt

complying with B.S. 747, Table 4A (i) laid and lapped in accordance with the

manufacturer's instructions. Rates for asphalt shall include for underlay.

All vertical surfaces, tops of parapets, gutter sides and bottoms shall be finished with one

coat of bituminous aluminium paint. All other surfaces shall have a 12mm layer of black

trap chippings graded from 6 - 12mm, laid loose.

Before commencement of the roofing membrane works the contractor shall submit to the

Architect for his approval the method of application of the membrane.

The contractor is to obtain from the approved sub-contractor a statement in writing to the

effect that the screed and/or under bed is clean and otherwise satisfactory before the

coverings are laid. A copy of the statement is to be forwarded to the Architect.

After completion of the roofing membrane works the contractor shall test all the roof areas

for water tightness and leakage by blocking the rainwater outlets, filling the roofs with water

and monitoring and testing over a forty eight hour period.

The Contractor must submit to the Employer a ten year guarantee for the roof coverings

against leakage. If a Subcontractor is to execute the roofing the Contractor is responsible

for obtaining this guarantee for them for submission to the Employer.

The contractor is to provide a written guarantee and undertaking to the effect that during a

period of ten years from and after the certified date of Practical Completion of the Works,

he shall at his own expense, make good to the approval of the Architect all and any leakage

or defects in the work which shall be attributable to improper materials or faulty

workmanship, and shall bear the cost of any consequential damage.

This guarantee in no way compromises or indemnifies the manufacturer’s guarantee for the


Rubber Waterproofing Membrane

Rubber waterproofing membrane shall consist of a single ply “Varnamo” EPDM Rubber,

shall not be less than 1.2mm thick and shall be laid in strict compliance with the

manufacturer’s specifications, by a manufacturer-licensed specialist contractor.

Green Roofs

Roofs that will be covered by vegetation, specifically the roof over the mechanical electrical

and plumbing (MEP) plant rooms, shall be suitably waterproofed with a comprehensive

waterproofing membrane and geotextile plant root barrier system to approval.

Note: Green roof planting may comprise of either:


Planting soil beds (soil depth to landscape specialist’s details) laid over

gravel beds, to landscape specialist’s specifications, OR,

‘Extensive GreenGrid’ Modular green roof system, as manufactured by

SealEco, to landscape specialist’s specifications. The Extensive GreenGrid

System to comprise of 100mm of lightweight soil media and drought-tolerant

vegetation requiring little or no irrigation, fertilisation or maintenance. The

approximate weight of a fully saturated 100mm GreenGrid extensive green

roofing system is 75kg/m². Modules are to be pre-planted in a plant nursery, with

planting as specified by the landscape specialist. The modules shall be laid in

strict compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications, by a manufacturer-

licensed specialist contractor.


Roof Underlay Insulation for Metal Sheeting Roof Coverings

Insulation foil underlay shall be equal to Jumbolene Heavy Duty Roof Insulation

(code: RF155), 5mm thick closed cell polyethylene foam laminated with aluminium foil, as

manufactured by Jumbo Chem Ltd. (U Value 0.215 W/m²K).

The insulation underlay shall be screwed to purlins, under the IT5 steel roof sheeting,

complete with strainer wires between purlins, and all proprietary accessories.

Roof Insulation for Concrete Slab Roofs

Jumbolene Heavy Duty Roof Insulation to the Architect’s approval.


Refer to walls schedule for specifications and detail sections through the wall types.


Plastering and Rendering Generally

All surfaces to be plastered or rendered shall be brushed clean and be well wetted before

plaster is applied. All plaster and rendering shall be kept continuously damp for seven days

after application. All arrises (edges) shall be finished true and slightly rounded except

where otherwise stated, and shall be run at the same time as the adjoining plaster. No

partially or wholly set plaster or rendering will be allowed to be used or re-mixed.

The Contractor shall prepare samples of the plastering and rendering as directed until the

quality, texture and finish required is obtained and approved by the Architect after which all

plastering executed in the work shall conform to the respective approved samples.

The Contractor shall cut out and make good all cracks, blisters and other defects and leave


the whole of the work perfect on completion. When making good defects, the plaster or

rendering shall be cut out to a rectangular shape with edges undercut to form dovetailed key,

and all finished flush with face of surrounding plaster or rendering.

Rates for plastering and rendering are to include for raking out joints of walling or hacking

concrete to form a key. Instead of hacking the Contractor will be permitted to treat concrete

surfaces, at his own expense, with approved bonding fluid applied in strict accordance with

the manufacturer's printed instructions.

Internal Plaster

Internal plaster on masonry blockwork shall be applied in two coats as follows, overall

12mm thick unless otherwise described:-

(a) 9mm first coat consisting of cement, and sand (1:4) well scratched, wetted and keyed to

receive finishing coat.

(b) 3mm finishing coat consisting of cement and lime putty (1:5) skim coat finished with a

steel trowel to a smooth and even surface. Adequate time intervals must be left between

successive coats in order that the drying shrinkage of the under coat may be substantially

complete. All internal and external angles shall be pencil rounded.

External Rendering

External rendering on masonry blockwork or concrete, shall consist of cement and sand

(1:8) applied in one coat and finished with a wood float as specified. Unless otherwise

described rendering is to be 12mm thick applied in one coat. Rendering described as 20mm

thick or over shall be applied in two coats.


At junctions of structure frame and panel walling, cut through the entire thickness of plaster

with a trowel leaving a gap of not more than 1mm width.


The concrete floors slabs and masonry walls (up to a height of 200mm) shall be

waterproofed with “Vandex Super” waterproofing solution.

Concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted down in order to achieve the penetration of the

activated chemicals, and thereby starting the crystalline growth throughout the capillary

tracts. All free lying water must be removed from surface, leaving the concrete in a damp

condition just prior to Vandex application

Application shall be as per manufacturer’s specifications, on the pre-watered concrete

surface, in two coats of Vandex Super (each coat approx. 0.75 Kg/sqm), with

manufacturer’s proprietary Vandex brush, and worked well into the surface.




Granite floor paving or wall cladding shall be of type and colour as supplied by Athi River

Mining Ltd., P.O. Box 41908, Nairobi or other equal and approved, 1st grade granite cut and

polished to required size and thickness, and fixed in accordance with BS 8298:1989 and

manufacturer's instructions, all to the Architect's approval.

The granite supplier shall prepare fully dimensioned drawings from details supplied by the

Architect and from site survey. No granite shall be fixed/laid until these drawings are

approved by the Architect and the Contractor.

Exposed surfaces shall be finished in accordance with an approved sample.

Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles shall be from an approved manufacturer, and shall conform to the

requirements of B.S. 1281. Tiles shall be of standard quality and of the specified

dimensions for walls and floors. Tiles shall be laid with continuous 2mm wide straight

joints with plastic spacers and internal angles shall be butt jointed. Wall tile outer edges

shall e mitre-cut for mitred vertical joints.

Tile laying - Tiles shall be well soaked in water, bedded in approved tile adhesive, pointed

in approved grout cement, and cleaned and polished on completion. The appropriate tile

adhesive and tile grout shall be used for porcelain and ceramic tiles respectively.

Ceramic tile class:


Technical Data

1. Slip Resistance (DCOF-Dynamic coefficient of friction) =

2. Hardness = 1 – 10.

3. Abrasion resistance: or durability classification or PEI rating = 0-5.


The Contractor shall without charge prepare samples of work as directed until the quality,

texture and finish required are obtained and approved by the Architect, after which all work

executed shall conform to the respective approved samples.

Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain stoneware tiles for walls and floors.

Product characteristics

Porcelain stoneware is full body porcelain stoneware tiles, unglazed, composed of a very

fine mixture of quality clay with the addition of feldspar, quartz and kaolin, manufactured

by dry pressing of atomized powders and subsequently sintered by industrial firing at

temperatures above 1200°C.

The complete vitrification of the tiles allows for a compact, non-absorbent, frost-proof

product, resistant to bending, impacts, staining, chemical attack and thermal shock.

Compliance with EN 14411-G /150 13006-G

Porcelain tiles are to be in compliance with the regulations required for first quality

products in Kenya and Europe UNI EN 14411-G and internationally through ISO


Quality and environmental certifications

The conservation of the product characteristics to be guaranteed by the Quality

Management System and certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 900l.

Tiles to be manufactured in plants with UNI EN ISO 14001 certified Environmental

Management Systems (internationally recognized standard) and EMAS (Regulation

1221/09 - eco-management and audit community system).

Tiles with a content of "pre-consumer" recycled material of 40%, as certified by a

qualified external body (LEED V4 Regulations - MR Credit), will be preferable. The

tiles are to contain no VOC (volatile organic compounds).


Tile size, colour, thickness and surface finish to be as specified. All tiles to have

rectified edges.

Tile Technical data & specification - Full-body porcelain

ISO 13006-G (Group Bla), EN 14411-G (Group Bla)

Technical features Test method Required values

ISO 13006-G & EN 14411-G

Water absorption ISO 10545-3 ≤ 0.5%

Breaking strength ISO 10545-4 ≥ 1300N

Modulus of rapture ISO 10545-4 ≥ 35N/2mm2

Deep abrasion resistance ISO 10545-6 ≤ 175mm3

Linear thermal expansion ISO 10545-8 -

Stain resistance ISO 10545-14 Class 3 min.

Chemical resistance ISO 10545-13 As indicated by manufacturer

Frost resistance ISO 10545-12 No alteration

Length x width ISO 10545-2 ± 0.6% ±2mm

Straightness of sides ISO 10545-2 ± 0.5% ±1.5mm

Rectangularity ISO 10545-2 ± 0.6% ±2mm

Warpage ISO 10545-2 ± 0.5% ±2mm

Thickness ISO 10545-2 ± 5% ±0.5mm

Slip resistance DIN 51130 -

DIN 51097 -


ANSI A326.3 -

BS 7976-2 -

UNE ENV 12633 -

Shade variation ANSI A137.1 As indicated by manufacturer

Fire reaction EN 13823 CPR (UE) 305/2011,

2000/147/CE, UNI EN 13501 EN 12524

Thermal conductivity EN 12524 -



Rubber flooring

Property Standard Requirement

Total thickness 2mm

Roll width

Roll length

Abrasion resistance ISO 4649 (Met. A – 5N) ≤ 250

Residual indentation EN/ISO 24343-1 (EN 433) ≤ 0.15

Fire resistance EN 13501-1

Hardness ISO 7619

Fire reaction EN 1350-1 Class


Colour fastness to artificial


ISO 105-B02 Met. 3 ≥ 6, ≥ 3

Improvement in footfall

sound absorption

ISO 10140-3 Up to 6dB

Dimensional stability EN/ISO 23999 (EN 434) ±0.4%

Slip resistance EN 13893 ≥ 0.3 (DS)

Flexibility EN/ISO 24344 Met. A

Ø20mm (EN 435)

No cracking

Electrostatic discharge EN 1815 ≤ 2kV

Electro Static Dissipative (ESD) vinyl sheet flooring.

ESD flooring classification o as per EN 14041, with an electrical resistance of 106 Ohm to

109 Ohm.

Flooring to be installed strictly in accordance to the manufacturer’s specification , with:

1. Conductive adhesive.

2. Copper foils laid under the floor creating grounding grids.

3. Connection of the grounding grid to the earth points.

Equipotential earth points (earthing) shall be done in accordance with all applicable local

and international regulations (CEI, DIN, NFPA, ANSI etc).

For grounding grid installation, refer to appendix Electrical Flooring.


Screeds And Backings

Screeds and backings shall be composed of one part of cement to three parts of sand unless


otherwise specified in the Bills of Quantities by volume and shall be trowelled hard and

smooth to the texture required by the finish to be applied.

Waterproofing Agent

Screeds and pavings described as incorporating waterproofing agent shall have an approved

waterproofing agent by Sika, or equivalent and approved, mixed in. Mixing and application

shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Bonding Liquid

The bonding liquid shall be Sealocrete Sealobond high P.V.A. content brushed on. Surfaces

to be treated shall be thoroughly cleaned down and be free from all loose material, dust,

mould, oil, grease and any other foreign matter. The bonding liquid shall be allowed to dry

before screeds and renderings are applied. All mixing and application shall be carried out

strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, Sealocrete Products


Hardening Agent

Screeds and pavings described as incorporating hardening agent shall incorporate Sealocrete

Double Strength Premix Plus S.R.A., or equivalent and approved hardener, mixed with the

gauging water at the rate of 2.3 litres of Sealocrete to every 50 kgms of cement. Mixing and

application shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the

manufacturers, Sealocrete Products Ltd.

Terrazzo and Granolithic Work

The whole of the terrazzo and granolithic work is to be carried out by a specialist

Sub-Contractor who is to be specifically approved by the Architect and the Contractor will

be required to make arrangements for the execution of this work and bear all expenses

incurred. No change in the rates for this work inserted by the Contractor in these Bills of

Quantities will be allowed.

The materials used and method of construction for terrazzo work are to be in accordance

with the B.S. Code of Practice C.P. 204/1951.

The surface finish to terrazzo or granolithic is to be brushed, ground or polished as

specified. These textures are to comply with samples approved by the Architect.

Dividing strips shall be 3mm thick plastic and of a similar height as the paving in which

they are embedded. Strips shall be cut to lengths and embedded in the paving to form

margins or bays to a detailed pattern or between differing floor finishes. Dividing strips are

to be cut as required to ensure a flush level surface with the paving.

The terrazzo topping is to be 20mm thick with imported white cement and 12mm marble

aggregate, rolled and trowelled to a dense even surface and rubbed down at completion to a

grit finished surface free from holes and blemishes. Colours shall be as selected by the

Architect. The paving is to be laid in squares divided by plastic strips anchored securely in


the screed and having their top edges truly level with the finished floor surface. The

terrazzo work is to be laid and finished complete to the approval of the Architect. The

screed between the terrazzo topping and the concrete floor is to be cement and sand (1:3),

laid by the Sub-Contractor.

The granolithic topping is to be 15mm thick and shall consist of one part coloured cement to

two parts aggregate to 6mm gauge mixed with 15% fine dust. Aggregate is to be 70% black

trap and remainder approved local coloured stone. Colours shall be as selected by the

Architect. Paving is to be rolled and trowelled to a dense even surface and rubbed down at

completion to a grit finished surface free from holes and blemishes. The paving is to be laid

in squares divided by plastic strips anchored securely in the screed and having their top

edges level with the finished floor surface. The granolithic work is to be laid and polished

complete to the approval of the Architect. The screed between the granolithic topping and

the concrete floor is to be cement and sand (1:3), laid by the Sub-Contractor.

The Contractor is to twice scrub the topping with soap and water before twice wax polishing

and handing over.

Dividing Strips

Dividing strips shall be 3mm thick and of a similar height as the paving in which they are

embedded. Strips shall be cut to lengths and embedded in the pavings to form margins or

bays to a detailed pattern or between differing floor finishes

Lightweight Screeds

Lightweight screeds shall be composed of cement, sand and approved lightweight

vermiculite (1:4:8) finished with a minimum 12mm thickness of cement and sand (1:5) laid

whilst the base course is still green and trowelled smooth to the satisfaction of the roofing or

flooring Sub-Contractor. Alternatively an approved pumice aggregate screed may be used

to the approval of the Architect.

The Architect reserves the right to delete the lightweight screeds from the Contractor's work

and to order their execution by a Nominated Sub-Contractor. No claim for loss of profit

will be entertained in this eventuality.


Plasterboard Lining


Gypsum plasterboard and fibre reinforced gypsum plaster: To:

BS EN 15283-1:2008+A1:2009 Gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement.

Definitions, requirements and test methods. Gypsum boards with mat reinforcement

BS EN 520:2004+A1:2009 Gypsum plasterboards. Definitions, requirements and

test methods

BS EN 13963:2014 Jointing materials for gypsum boards. Definitions, requirements

and test methods

BS EN 14566:2008+A1:2009 Mechanical fasteners for gypsum plasterboard

systems. Definitions, requirements and test methods


Suspended flush ceilings: Fix using screw or screw and adhesive to ceiling members or


Access Panels

General description: Hinged, budget lock lockable access panel, 600 x 600 unless noted

otherwise. Set bead surround


Finish to: Match the access panels to the ceiling in appearance and performance.


Refer to wall section details.


As per specific finishes specifications.

Tile adhesives

Porcelain Tiles

TAL Porcelainfix or equal approved porcelain tile adhesive, suitable for fixing

porcelain tiles to applications of up to12mm.

Ceramic Wall Tiles

TAL Goldstar 6 or equal approved ceramic tile adhesive, suitable for fixing

ceramic tiles to applications of up to12mm..

Wall & Floor Grout

TAL wall & floor grout or equal approved porcelain and ceramic tile grouting

suitable for filling 2mm wide wall and floor tile joints..


Building edge safety railing.

Window cleaning apparatus anchorage.



Aluminium sheet shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1470 and be suitable for the

purpose required.

Aluminium shall be extruded sections with an anodised or powder coated finish, either

natural or coloured, to give a 25 micron minimum depth to European norm EWAA.

Extruded aluminium sections shall be obtained from an approved source and be equal to


samples to be submitted to and approved by the Architect. The surface finish shall be matt.



Glass used in glazing and for mirrors shall be best quality clear glass free from visible

defects to afford uninterrupted vision or reflection as appropriate and without obvious



Glass for glazing and mirrors shall be of approved manufacture and is to comply with B.S.

952 in all respects free from flaws, bubbles, specks and other imperfections.

Clear Sheet Glass

The clear sheet glass shall be ordinary glazing (OG) quality.

Plate Glass

Polished plate and Georgian wired polished plate glass to be selected glazing (SG) quality.

Obscured Glass

To be of type described and as approved by the Architect.

Solar Glass

Solar control glass is to be obtained from a manufacturer approved by the Architect. Details

of the characteristic and properties of the glass are to be provided to the Architect before


Solar glass is to be of the spectrafloat type incorporating metallic irons in the glass with a

bronze tinted colour. Unless otherwise specified thickness of glass is to be 6mm.

Safety Glass

Where safety glass is required this shall be toughened safety glass by approved toughened

glass manufacturer.

All safety glass is to be clearly marked by means of sandblasting, acid-etching or the

application of transparent labels in accordance with the requirements of international



Laminated Glass

Where laminated glass is required this shall be 2 skins of glass of required thickness and

characteristics / performance with a PVB interlayer. Unless a colour and or tint specifically

stated, this shall be clear glass.

The contractor shall provide details of the specification and manufacturers of laminated

glass for the Architects approval before ordering.

Laminated glass is to be installed in accordance with:

a) The recommendations of the glass manufacturer

b) Relevant British Standards

Installation of Laminated Glass:

There is to be no glass to metal contact.

All opening sections shall be fitted with vinyl or other approved weather strips and draught


Fittings are to be fitted to the frame with stainless steel set screws. The riveting of screws

or brackets will not be accepted.

The glass shall be sufficiently inset in the rebate to meet the requirements of the application,

and no edges of the glass may be visible.

No excess sealant or spillage shall be visible when viewed from a distance of three metres.

Sealants used are to have no gaps or air pockets and are to be visible on both sides of the

glass when bead glazed.

Gaskets are to be continuous and not loose or unsightly at corners. If mitred corners are

used, only corner joints are permissible

Glazing Gaskets

Glazing to metal frames shall be secured with clip-in gaskets of butyl rubber. The gaskets

shall be of size and section to suit the frame and glazing so as to provide a weather and air

tight seal. The mechanical properties of the gasket shall be such as to resist the climatic

conditions experienced in Kenya.



Glazing of all types and in all locations shall be carefully executed by artisans skilled in this

type of work and in conformance with the recommendations of CP 152. Glazing shall be

carefully fitted so that it is not subject to pressure and stresses imposed by being an

overtight fit within the framing.


Each element (door, window, etc.) to receive glass shall be accurately measured to ensure a

perfect fit subsequently.


Single Glazing

Single glazing shall be executed with glass of the various types described herein Ordinary

(non-safety) glass may be pre-cut or cut on site.

Wired Glass

Wired glass shall be cut so that the wires embedded are truly vertical and horizontal (i.e. at

right angles to the cut edges).

Safety Class

Safety glass shall be factory cut before delivery to site. Site cutting will not be permitted.

Storage and Handling

Glass shall be delivered to site in stout containers and clearly marked. The containers shall

incorporate sling attachment points for lifting bridles. Glass shall be store under cover so

that the panes are truly vertical.


After fixing, glass shall be boldly marked with paper or whitewash so that it is clearly

visible. In positions where damage due to construction traffic or activity is likely to occur

stout screens composed of hardboard or fibreboard on battens shall be arranged to protect

the glass.


Should any glass delivered to site be found to be damaged it shall not be incorporated into

the works without the express permission of the Architect. Should glazing installed be

damaged for any reason it shall be removed and replaced free of charge to the satisfaction of

the Architect. Should any adjacent works be damaged this shall equally be reinstated free of

charge to the satisfaction of the Architect.

Defective Work

All glass shall be checked before installation to ensure that defective glass is not installed.

Notwithstanding that, if in the opinion of the Architect any installed glazing is defective, it

shall be removed and replaced free of charge to the satisfaction of the Architect.

Glazing To Wood

Glazing shall be secured to wood framing with hardwood beads. Edges shall be wrapped in

washleather so that the washleather finishes just below the surface of the bead. No

adhesives shall be used.


Glazing To Metal

Glazing shall be secured to metal framing with clip in butyl rubber gaskets.

Glass Thickness

Glass thickness shall conform to the recommendations of CP 152 and the manufacturer’s

recommendations for sizes of panes relative to the position in the building and the effects of

wind pressure (both negative and positive).


All window glazed panels and mirrors shall be cleaned both inside and outside immediately

prior to the handing over of the building to the satisfaction of the Architect.


Mirrors shall be polished float glass silvering quality, tropicalized and protected at back

with electro-copper backing coated with Shellac varnish and paint. The mirrors are to be

fixed with chromium plated dome headed mirror screws with plastic or rubber distance

pieces and washers unless otherwise stated and rates shall include for this.

Where no framing is specified for the mirror, mirror glass edges to be beveled to approval.

The contractor shall provide details of the specification and manufacturers of laminated

glass for the Architects approval before ordering.

Aluminium Doors Overhead closer:

To have a variable resistance to opening forces and successfully type-tested for conformity

to the requirements of BS EN 1154.


Glass to be set against extruded EPDM rubber gaskets retained in undercut grooves within

the aluminium profile and clip-in glazing beads.


Profiles powder coated in a range of RAL or ‘Coatex’ colours to APA Qualicoat standard or

BS EN 12206-1:2004.

Anodized in satin or bronze colours to EWAA/ EURAS-Qualanod standard or BS


Aluminium profiles shall be extruded from EN AW-6060 (AlMgSi0.5 F22) aluminium alloy

to comply with EN 573 – parts 3 and 4.

Designed and manufactured to comply with BS 4873


Flush Doors

Flush doors shall be 3mm plywood / pressed veneer skin faced doors with solid or


semi-solid cores, in accordance with B.S. 459 Part 2, as per architect’s specifications,

obtained from a manufacturer approved by the Architect and equal in every respect to a

sample to be submitted to and approved by the Architect. Doors shall be lipped with

hardwood strips on all edges and shall be finished for painting on both faces unless

otherwise stated. Plywood for use on external doors shall be of exterior grade as described


The proportion of solid area in semi-solid doors shall not be less than 50% of the total and

shall be evenly distributed throughout the door.

Construction Of Doors

(a) Flush doors specified as solid construction shall have a 100% solid core of vertical

laminated approved softwood or equal and approved timber.

(b) Flush doors specified as semi-solid construction shall be constructed with timber

stiles and rails, infilled with horizontal intermediate rails spaced equally apart and

tenoned into the stiles.

(c) Unless otherwise specified, doors scheduled to receive a clear or veneered finish

shall be lipped on all edges.

(d) Where panels over doors are specified, such panels shall be constructed in the same

way and with the same materials as the doors above which they are situated, and the

panels shall match the doors in every respect.

(e) For doors specified as MDF boards faced, the MDF boards shall not be less than 6

mm thick. Face veneers shall be Grade 1 for painted doors.

(f) All doors shall be provided with lock blocks of a minimum size 300 mm x 75 mm.

(g) Glass beading strips shall be approved washleather self adhesive tape turned up over

both sides of the glass and glazing surfaces and turned to the straight line


Refer to ironmongery schedule


The Contractor is to check consignments of ironmongery upon receipt and store them in safe

keeping until required for fixing.

All ironmongery shall be fitted and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s

instructions. Rates for fixing are to include for all cutting, sinking, boring, mortising and

fitting in hardwood or softwood and for supplying all necessary and matching screws. Rates

for door furniture shall also include for fixing before painting, removal during painting

operations and afterwards fixing and for labeling all keys with door references and handing

to the Architect upon completion.

All locks, springs and other items of ironmongery with movable parts shall be properly


tested, cleaned and adjusted where necessary and left in perfect working order upon

completion of the works by the Contractor who shall include for this in his prices for fixing.


a) Ironmongery shall be fixed with suitable screws in matching finish and prices shall

include for this.

b) All locks and ironmongery shall be fixed before the woodwork is painted, handles

shall be removed before the painting commences, carefully stored and re-fixed after

completion of painting.

c) All locks, springs and other items of ironmongery with moveable parts shall be

properly tested, cleaned and adjusted where necessary to ensure proper working

order at the completion of the works and left in perfect working order by the


d) All locks shall be provided with a master key system and prices shall include for this

as required by the Client and as instructed by the Architect. The client's requirements

are to be obtained by the Contractor before ordering. All locks are to be provided

with two keys and no key is to operate any other but its own lock, except for master

keys. All keys are to be provided with a key ring a plastic tag on which is to be

firmly written the door reference number.

e) Unless specified otherwise, ironmongery for doors and for aluminium windows to be

stainless steel satin finish or satin anodized aluminium finish.

f) Where items of ironmongery are not specified by manufacturer’s catalogue

reference, the contractor shall submit proposals for the Architect’s approval within

one month of the date of commencement of the works. Specifications including

manufacturer’s catalogue reference numbers of the items he proposes to purchase.

g) Prior to fixing any item of ironmongery, the contractor shall obtain the Architect’s

approval of a sample.



Preparation Galvanized steel - New:

De-grease with white spirit and ensure the surface is clean and dry.

On exterior work, allow the surface to etch by weathering or treat

with Passivating Wash / Mordant Solution prior to the application

of the appropriate primer.

New Mild Steel metal surfaces

Remove all corrosion mechanically. Surface to be carefully milled

and all blemishes, joints, angles carefully worked to an even

surface. Remove all dirt, oil and grease from the surface by

swabbing with lint free rags soaked in white spirit. Ensure the

surface is thoroughly dry.



All materials shall be of the best of their respective kinds and conform at least to the

relevant B.S. where such exists. All work shall be carried out strictly as directed and

approved by the Architect before fixing.

The materials in all stages of transportation, handling and stacking shall be kept clean and

prevented from injury by breaking, bending or distortion and weather action.


Welding shall comply with the provisions of B.S. 538.

Mild Steel

Shall be of approved manufacture complying with the requirements of B.S. 15. Welding to

comply with the requirements of B.S. 538, 938 and 1856. Screws, bolts, washers, etc., to

comply with the requirements of B.S. 916 and 1494.

Hollow Section Tubing

Square and rectangular hollow section tubing shall be hot-rolled mild steel in accordance to

approved standards including BS 4360 & BS 7668, to the structural engineer’s


Galvanised Steel Sheet

Shall be of approved manufacture, free from all defects and shall hold up to the gauge

specified. Galvanising shall be to B.S. 729 Part 7.

Bolts And Set Screws

All bolts to be the best screw bolts with hexagonal heads and nuts and round washers.


Set screws to be similar but with circular flat slotted head for screwing or with round

countersunk slotted head, similar to a wood screw, the threaded end suitable for screwing

into tapped steel to the required depth.


Aluminium sheet shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1470 and be suitable for the

purpose required.

Aluminium shall be extruded sections with an anodised or powder coated finish, either

natural or coloured, to give a 25 micron minimum depth to European norm EWAA.

Extruded aluminium sections shall be obtained from an approved source and be equal to

samples to be submitted to and approved by the Architect. The surface finish shall be matt.

Hoop Iron

Provide 25mm wide 24 gauge hoop iron reinforcement and anchors to be laid where

specified under masonry, and anchored in ring beams and columns.


Quality Of Timber

The qualities of timber stated hereinafter are to be in accordance with the Grading Rules

(Third Edition) dated 8th April, 1959, approved by the Forest Department of Kenya.

All timber described as 'Sawn Podocarpus' shall be Second (Select) Grade Sawn

Podocarpus Gracilior.

All timber described as 'Sawn Cypress' shall be Second Grade Sawn Cupressus.

All timber described as 'Wrot Cypress' shall be First (Prime) Grade Wrot Cupressus.

All timber described as 'Wrot Cedar' shall be First (Prime) Grade Wrot Red Cedar

(Juniperus Procera).

All timber described as 'Wrot Meru Oak' shall be First (Prime Grade Wrot Meru


All timber described as 'Wrot Camphor' shall be First (Prime) Grade Wrot Camphor

specially selected for straight grain and colouring. No joinery work is to be put in

hand until the Architect has seen and approved the colour and grain of the timber.

Where hardwood is specified it shall be Mvuli, Mahogany, Mninga, Camphor, Rosewood,

Blackwood or Meru Oak as selected by the Architect at the letting of the contract and all

tenders will be deemed to have allowed for this.

When employed for carpentry work the above timbers shall be well seasoned to a moisture

content not exceeding 18% of the dry weight.

When employed for joinery work the above timbers shall be well seasoned to a moisture

content not exceeding 6% of the dry weight.



All timber for permanent work in the buildings shall before use, be dry and be approved by

the Architect for quality in accordance with the foregoing specification for its respective

grade. All structural timber shall be in accordance with C. P. 112.

All carpenter's work shall be left with sawn surfaces unless particularly specified to be wrot.

Scantlings and boarding shall be accurately sawn and shall be left uniform in width and

thickness throughout. All Carpenter's work shall be accurately set out together and securely

fixed in the best possible manner with properly made joints. Provide all brads, nails,

screws, bolts, etc. as necessary. Nails shall comply with B.S. 1202 and bolts with B.S. 916.

Knotting shall comply with B.S. 1336

Variations from specified dimensions of scantling shall not exceed the tolerance stated in

the aforementioned Grading Rules. Boards 25mm thick or less shall hold up to the specified

sizes. All timber shall be as long as possible and practicable to eliminate joints.

Ends of timbers required to be built into walls shall have 12mm space between same and

walling. All ends of timbers to be strapped with hoop iron and primed.

All Joiners’ work shall be wrot unless otherwise specified.

All mouldings shall be accurately run and finished and all arrises shall be slightly rounded.

Framed work shall be cut out, properly tenoned, shouldered, etc., and framed together as

soon after the commencement of the works as is practicable but should not be wedged up

until required for fixing in position and any portions that warp, get in winding, develop

shakes or other defects shall be replaced with new. As soon as required for fixing in

position the framing shall be glued together with best quality glue and properly wedged or

pinned, etc., as described.

Unless otherwise described oval or round brads will be used for fixing all face work, all

heads shall be properly punched in. Where described as pellated work shall be countersunk

screwed and the screw heads covered with timber pellets to match the adjacent timber.

Should any of the Carpenter's or Joiner's work shrink, warp, wind or develop any other

defects within six months after the completion of the works, the same shall be removed and

new fixed in its place together with all other work which may be affected thereby, all at the

Contractor's cost and expense.

Insect Damage

All timber, whether graded or ungraded, and including shuttering, scaffolding and the like

shall be free of live borer beetle or other insect attack when brought upon the site. The

Contractor shall be responsible up to the end of the maintenance period for executing at his

own cost all work necessary to eradicate insect attack to timber which becomes evident

including the replacement of timbers attacked or suspected of being attacked,

notwithstanding that the timber concerned may have been inspected and passed as fit for




(a) Timber not specified to be wrought shall be as from the saw and full to the nominal

dimensions stated. No undersizes shall be permitted but oversize to the following

tolerances may be allowed:-

(i) 1.5mm oversize on dimensions up to 25mm

(ii) 3mm oversize on dimensions up to 50mm

(iii) 6mm oversize on dimensions over 50mm.

(b) Where 'nominal' dimensions are stated for wrot timber a tolerance of 3mm shall be

allowed for each wrot face.

Before putting in hand any joinery work, whether built-in or fixed later, the joiner is to

ascertain and check on site all dimensions which affect or govern the joinery work.

Preservation of Timber

All timber described as impregnated shall be vacuum pressure impregnated with Tanalith or

Celcure preservative in accordance with Specification No. 1/56 (Buildings) for the

Vacuum/Pressure Impregnation of Timber with Hickson's 'Tanalith' wood preservative, or

equivalent and approved.

(i) All timber described as "pressure impregnated" shall be impregnated under vacuum and

pressure with "Celcure" or "Tanalith" wood preservative with an average absorption of not

less than 6.7Kg of dry salt per cubic metre. In case of resistant species where this retention

cannot be obtained the timber shall be treated to refusal point. All treated timber shall not be

exposed to wet conditions for at least 14 days after treatment has been carried out. All cut

ends, drilling or fabrications on the site producing new surfaces shall be thoroughly brushed

or soaked with "Celcure B" salts applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

(ii) Any other method of timber impregnation will only be allowed at the Architect's


Species of Timber

Only those timbers specified in these Bills of Quantities and drawings specifications are to

be used for the works, unless alternatives are authorised by the Architect.

Seasoning of Timber

All carpentry timbers are to be seasoned to a moisture content of not more than 18% of the

dry weight. All joinery timbers are to be seasoned to a moisture content of not more than

6% of the dry weight. The Contractor is to make available on site a meter for testing

moisture content of all timber delivered.

Preparation and Protection of Timber

(a) All timber necessary for the works is to be purchased immediately the Contract is signed,

and when delivered is to be open stacked for such further seasoning as may be necessary.

Preparation of the timber is to be commenced simultaneously with the commencement of

the works generally.


(b) All timber and assembled woodwork is to be protected from the weather and stored in

such a way as to prevent attack by decay, fungi, termites or other insects.

Clearing Up

The Contractor is to clear up and destroy or remove all cut-ends, shavings and other

woodwaste from all parts of the buildings and the site generally as the work progresses and

at the conclusion of the works.

Timber in Masonry

Ends of timber built into walls shall be thoroughly brush treated with creosote or other

approved preservatives and clean air space maintained around the timbers where they adjoin

the walls.

Priming Woodwork

All woodwork which is to be painted or hidden from view, backs of door frames, etc. are to

be primed and painted one coat before fixing. Allow for touching up priming during

progress of works.


(a) All joints must be made as specified or detailed and the execution of all jointing shall be

to the satisfaction of the Architect.

(b) Joining surfaces of all connections exposed to the weather are to be thickly primed

except where glueing is specified. Surfaces are to be in good contact over the whole area of

the joint before fastenings are applied.

(c) No nails, screws or bolts are to be placed in any end split. If splitting is likely or is

encountered in the course of the work, holes for nails are to be pre-bored at diameters not

exceeding 4/5ths of the diameter of the nails. Clenched nails must be bent at right angles to

the grain. Lead holes are to be bored for all screws.

(d) Where the use of bolts and washers are specified the holes are to be bored from both

sides of the timber and are to be a diameter D + D/16 where D is the diameter of the bolt.

Nuts must be brought up tight but care is to be taken to avoid crushing of the timber under

the washers.

(e) Joints in joinery must be as specified or detailed and so designed and secured as to resist

or compensate for any stresses to which they may be subjected. All nails, sprigs, etc., are to

be punched and puttied.

(f) Loose joints are to be made where provision must be made for shrinkage, glued joints

where shrinkage need not be considered and where sealed joints are required. All glued

joints shall be cross-tongued or otherwise reinforced.

(g) Glues for load-bearing joints or where conditions may be damp must be of the resin

type. For non-load-bearing joints or where dry conditions can be guaranteed, casin or

organic glues may be used.



(a) All joinery shall be accurately set out on boards to full size for the information and

guidance of artisans with all joints, ironwork and other works connected therewith fully

delineated. This setting out shall be submitted to the Architect and approved before the

work is commenced.

(b) All joinery shall be executed with workmanship of the best quality in strict accordance

with the detailed drawings. All mouldings shall be accurately and truly run and all work

planed, sand-papered and finished to the approval of the Architect.

(c) All framed work shall be cut out, properly tenoned, shouldered etc., and framed together

as soon after the commencement of the building as is practicable but shall not be wedged up

until the building is ready for fixing the same and any portions that warp, wind, develop

shakes or other defects shall be replaced with new. As soon as required for fixing in the

building the framing shall be glued together and properly wedged or pinned, etc., as


(d) Should any of the joinery shrink, warp, wind or develop any other defects within the

maintenance period specified in the Contract the same shall be removed and new fixed in its

place together with all other work which may be affected thereby. All at the Contractor's



Reasonable tolerance shall be provided at all connections between joinery works and the

building carcass, so that any irregularities, settlement or other movements shall be

adequately allowed for.


All cornices, architraves, frames and other joinery works shall be accurately scribed to fit

the contour of any irregular surfaces against which they may be required to form a close butt

connection. In particular, architraves are to be cut to fit against side walls and maintain

proper mitres at top corners.


The arrangement, jointing and fixing of all joinery shall be such that shrinkage in any part

and in any direction shall be compensated for and not impair the strength or appearance of

the work or cause damage to adjacent structures


All veneers are to be specially selected for grain and colouring and no veneered work shall

be put in hand until the Architect has approved the sample of grain and colour.

Natural Finish

When natural finish is specified, the timber in adjacent pieces shall be matched and uniform

or symmetrical in colour and grain. The surface finish is to be as specified.


Particleboard / Chipboard

Chipboard shall comply in all respects with B.S. 2604 for medium density resin bonded

wood chipboard and shall be veneered or not as shown on the drawings and as described in

the Bills of Quantities. Chipboard of any origin shall comply with the tests enumerated in

the said B.S. and samples shall be submitted to the Architect for this purpose and for his



Blockboard is to be of approved quality, solid and glued throughout. Where described as

faced it shall be faced with an approved veneer of the timber specified.


Plywood shall be in accordance with B.S. 1455 and shall be of second grade and that for use

externally shall be of external grade conforming at least to Clause 138 of the B.S.


Hardboard shall be oil-tempered or otherwise as specified of the thicknesses, specified and

is to be glued and fixed with the special hardboard nails supplied by the manufacturer.

Sheeting is to be wetted the day before fixing. All sawn edges to be carefully sandpapered.


The softboard is to be of approved quality and manufacture, fixed with approved clout nails

or an approved adhesive as necessary, or both as specified.

Plastic Laminate

Plastic laminate shall be as manufactured by Formica Ltd. As ‘Formica High Pressure

Laminate (HPL)’ or other equal and approved and shall be worked and fixed strictly in

accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions with the adhesive recommended by the

manufacturer. Colours shall be selected by the Architect from samples to be submitted early

in the Contract.

Laminated plastic veneers shall be a decorative sheet 1.6 mm thick complying with BS 3794

Class 1. The pattern will be selected by the Architect. The laminate shall have decorative

(pattern) finish on one face only. Patterns will be selected from the manufacturer’s standard



All plugs described as fixing for joinery etc., shall be approved plugs such as Rawlplugs or

‘Philplugs’ set into holes drilled in masonry in accordance with the manufacturer’s

instruction. No wooden plugs are to be used.

Protect Joinery

Any fixed joinery which is liable to become bruised or damaged in any way shall be

properly cased and protected by the Contractor until the completion of the works.


Site Dimensions

Before putting in hand any joinery work, whether to be built in with the carcass or fixed

later, the joiner is to ascertain and check all dimensions on the site which affect or govern

joinery work.

Bills of Quantities Dimensions

All wrot timber dimensions given in the Bills of Quantities are finished sizes unless

otherwise stated.


All pencil marks are to be removed before oiling or varnishing joinery work. Leave all

joinery work perfect and clean without nail holes; clean up all waste and protect finished

work from staining or damage. Oil all locks and adjust to give a perfect fit and leave clean.



The whole of the work shall be executed to the entire satisfaction of the Architect, and all

work rejected is to be re-executed by the Contractor at his own expense. Subject to the

foregoing, the methods of application adopted i.e. brush, spray, roller, etc. are at the

discretion of the Contractor, unless otherwise described.

All paints shall be Grade A in accordance with the Ministry of Works approved paint list.

Sumps and drains shall not be used for the disposal of waste or dirty water.


The Contractor shall make good after other trades have carried out maintenance work. In

cases where the defective work is not caused by, or the responsibility of, the Contractor, or

his Sub-Contractors, he should make arrangements for payment with the party concerned.

Where cracks have been made good, apply two coats to the new filling and one coat to the

whole wall in which the crack has appeared.


Any deviation from the materials and makes specified must be approved in writing by the

Architect to whom application must be made before decoration starts.


All ironmongery already fixed is to be removed before painting doors and refixed on

completion of the finishing coat. If any paint should get on to ironmongery, it must be

removed with chemical solvents and not scratched off.

Approved Sub-Contractors

The Contractor shall arrange for the painting and decorating work to be executed by an


approved Sub-Contractor. The Contractor shall state on the form provided and included as

a tender document the name of the Sub-Contractor he proposes to employ and he shall not

employ any other Sub-Contractor for the work without the written permission of the



All materials shall be delivered on site intact in the original containers and shall be mixed

and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. No addition

will be allowed to be made locally without the express permission of the Architect.


The priming, undercoats, and finishing coats shall each be of differing tints, the priming and

undercoats shall be the correct brands and tints to suit the respective finishing coats, in

accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All finishing coats shall be of the colour

and type specified by the Architect.

The Contractor will be required to paint trial panels and will be required to adjust tints as


Areas to Be Ready For Painting

Before the painting or decorating is started the Contractor shall arrange that all other trades

have been completed and other tradesmen removed from the vicinity of the area to be

painted. All plaster, mortar, concrete, oil or stains of any kind shall be removed by the

Contractor from work to be decorated before painting commences.


Plastered and rendered surfaces to be decorated shall be allowed to dry for a minimum of

four weeks before decoration commences.

Plaster finished with a steel trowel and fair face concrete surfaces shall be well rubbed down

filled and made good as necessary and thoroughly cleaned down immediately before

decoration is applied.

Plaster finished with a wood float or other rough textured surface of a similar nature shall be

made good as necessary and thoroughly brushed clean immediately before decoration is


Insulating board or similar surfaces shall be filled and made good as necessary and lightly

brushed down to remove all dirt, dust and loose particles.

Metal work to be painted shall be scaled clean and thoroughly wire brushed.

Woodwork to be painted shall be well rubbed down. All knots shall be covered with good

knotting before priming and all defects shall be filled with hard stopping after priming.

Plywood shall be brush filled over the entire surface

Woodwork to receive finishes other than paint shall have all stains and pencil marks

removed, be well rubbed down and have all defects levelled up with hard stopping of a


colour to match the adjoining surface.

Woodwork to be clear varnished shall be well rubbed down and the varnish is to be applied

with a chamois leather pad, rubbed back with fine graded steelwool between coats and

afterwards buffed up to produce an approved finish.

All woodwork to be varnished is to have all pencil and other marks removed and surfaces

smoothed down prior to application.


All paints used should be obtained from one of the following manufacturers after obtaining

the Architect's approval and of the product specification hereinafter described.

a) Basco Paints

b) Crown Paints

c) Dulux Paints

Plastic Emulsion Paints

Plastic emulsion paint for internal and external application shall be of a manufacturer

approved by the Architect.

Alkyd Enamel Paints

Enamel paints for internal and external application shall be of a manufacturer approved by

the Architect.

Bituminous Solution

Bituminous solution for use on coated pipes shall be obtained from a manufacturer

approved by the Architect.


Unprimed steelwork shall be primed with a Red Lead Primer.

Galvanised steelwork shall be treated with a mordant solution and primed with a Zinc

Chromate Primer.

Woodwork shall be primed with a Pink Wood Primer.


The undercoat for use under enamel finishing coats shall be an approved undercoat.


Product Specification For Paints

Product specification for paints shall be in accordance with the composition requirements

and may be required to be tested by the M.O.W. Materials Testing Branch.

1st Quality Emulsion


2nd Quality

Emulsion Paint

1st Quality Alkyd

Gloss Paint

Non-volatile (B.S

Content3900 B2)

Must not exceed 50%

by weight

Not more than

60% by weight

Less than 50%

by weight

Pigment Volume


Not more than


Not more than


Less than


Resin type Vinyl Acetate/

Acrylic Ester


Vinyl Acetate/

Acrylic Ester


Long Oil Alkyd

minimum oil length

not less than 60%

Opacity requirement

(contrast ratio to B.S.

3900 D4)

Not less than


Not less than


Not less than


Pigment/ Binder


Not more than


Not more than


Not more



To specialist’s schedule and specifications


Window blinds.



Ref. Finish Type Description


F1 Power-floated

concrete finish

In-situ cast concrete slab to structural engineer’s details

with power-float finish (and laid to falls where applicable),

to architect’s and structural engineer’s approval.

F1a Resilient

monolithic cement

screed flooring

50 mm thick monolithic screed with approved hardener

admixture, laid off and polished smooth with steel float

(and laid to falls where applicable), on reinforced concrete

slab to structural engineer’s details.

F2 Raised Access


300mm high raised access flooring comprising of 600mm x

600mm metal panel with 3mm thick anti-static fully

flexible vinyl floor finish (colour to Architect’s selection),

on proprietary bolt-on stringer access system support

understructure, with screw fasteners and allowing lifting,

all to Architect’s approval.

F3 Non-slip Acid-


Porcelain Tiling

600mm x 600mm x 10.5mm thick acid-resistant non-slip

matt porcelain tile (“Blutech” by Blustyle or equivalent and

approved) , with rectified tile edges, laid with straight,

continuous joints not exceeding 2 mm wide in both

directions, fixed with appropriate adhesive on cement sand

screed (1:3) mix, jointed and flush pointed with tinted

flexible epoxy grout. Tile and grout colour to approval.

Total thickness 50 mm.

F3a Non-slip Porcelain


600mm x 600mm x 10 mm thick non-slip matt porcelain

tile, with rectified tile edges, laid with straight, continuous

joints not exceeding 2 mm wide in both directions, fixed

with appropriate adhesive on cement sand screed (1:3) mix,

jointed and flush pointed with tinted flexible epoxy grout.

Tile and grout colour to approval. Total thickness 50 mm.

F4 Parking pre-cast




60mm thick hexagonal pre-cast concrete interlocking

pavers (of 35N/mm2 compressive strength or as per civil

engineer’s specifications), laid on bedding and compacted

fill layers to civil engineer's details. Colour to be selected

by architect.

F5 Footpath pre-cast




200mm x 100mm x 60mm thick (nominal size) pre-cast

concrete “heavy duty” interlocking pavers (of 49N/mm2

compressive strength or as per civil engineer’s

specifications), laid in a herringbone pattern, on bedding

and compacted fill layers to civil engineer's details. Colour

to be selected by architect.


F6 Non-slip Ceramic


300mm x 300mm x 8.4mm thick non-slip matt finished

ceramic tile, with rectified tile edges, laid with straight,

continuous joints not exceeding 4 mm wide in both

directions, fixed with appropriate adhesive on cement sand

screed (1:3) mix, jointed and flush pointed with tinted

flexible epoxy grout. Tile and grout colour to approval.

Total thickness 50 mm.

F7 Electro Static

Dissipative (ESD)

vinyl sheet


‘Polyflor’, or equivalent and approved, 3mm thick x

2000mm wide Electro Static Dissipative (ESD)

Homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring sheets laid with weld

joints and fitted with radiused coved junction skirting.

F8 Non-slip External

Porcelain Tiling 600mm x 300mm x 10mm thick non-slip ‘rustic finish’

porcelain tile, with rectified tile edges: laid with straight,

continuous joints not exceeding 4 mm wide in both

directions, fixed with appropriate adhesive on cement sand

screed (1:3) mix, jointed and flush pointed with tinted

flexible epoxy grout. Tile and grout colour to approval.

Total thickness 50 mm.

F9 Interlocking pre-

cast concrete tiles

‘Kenbro’, or equivalent and approved, 250mm x 250mm

(nominal size) x 25mm approved interlocking concrete tiles

on 20mm thick cement sand 1:4 bedding screed laid to fall

to rainwater outlet, on concrete roof slab.

F10 Laminated Board


Plank format laminated High Density Fibre board

interlocking flooring boards as manufactured by ‘Pergo’,

wear rating type ‘AC5’, colour ‘Wenge Oak’, comprising

of high grade wearing layer and High-Density Fibre

composite board with balancing backing and moisture

barrier. Planks to be laid in continuous joints, on expanded

polystyrene acoustic sheeting to manufacturer’s

specifications, to Architect’s approval.



FB1 Monolithic Screed with


100 mm high x 12mm thick cement skirting built up of a

cement sand screed (1:3) mix with approved hardener

admixture, laid off with steel float with a 20mm radius coved

junction between floor and skirting.

FB2 Porcelain skirting tile (to

match floor finish F3).

125mm high x 8.4 mm thick, porcelain tile skirting of colour

and size to match adjacent floor tiling, with joints not

exceeding 4 mm wide, fixed with adhesive on keyed rendered

background, jointed and flush pointed with tinted flexible

epoxy grout. Tile grout colour to approval.

FB3 Ceramic skirting tile 125mm high x 8.4 mm thick, ceramic tile skirting of colour

and size to match adjacent floor tiling, with joints not

exceeding 4 mm wide, fixed with adhesive on keyed rendered

background, jointed and flush pointed with tinted flexible

epoxy grout. Tile grout colour to approval.

FB4 ESD Vinyl Sheeting ‘Polyflor’, or equivalent and approved, Electro Static

Dissipative (ESD) Homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring sheet

ESD Vinyl sheeting laid extending seamlessly from floor

finish to wall and vertically up to prescribed height, with

proprietary packing piece accessory at floor – wall junction.

FB5 External porcelain skirting


125mm high x 8.4 mm thick, porcelain tile skirting of colour

and size to match adjacent floor tiling, with joints not

exceeding 4 mm wide, fixed with adhesive on keyed rendered

background, jointed and flush pointed with tinted flexible

epoxy grout. Tile grout colour to approval.

FB6 Laminated Board Skirting 125mm high laminated High Density Fibre board skirting to

match adjacent floor finish as manufactured by ‘Pergo’,

colour ‘Wenge Oak’, laid to manufacturer’s specifications, to

Architect’s approval.

FB7 Granite Skirting 125mm high x 18 mm thick polished black colour granite tile

fixed with approved granite adhesive on keyed rendered

background, jointed and flush pointed with tinted flexible

epoxy grout. Joints not exceeding 3mm wide.



WA1 Washable Matt Emulsion


‘Crown’ ‘Matt Emulsion with Teflon’, or equivalent and

approved, 1st grade matt emulsion paint incorporating

additive for washable surface, applied in 3 coats and as per

manufacturer’s specifications, to approval

WA2 Matt Emulsion Paint 1st grade matt emulsion paint, applied in 2 coats (or as per

manufacturer’s specifications) over 1 coat primer and 1 coat

undercoat, to approval

WA3 Ceramic wall tiling to

2000mm height

300mm x 200mm x 8m thick matt finish ceramic tiles with

rectified edges laid in horizontal format, to 2000mm height

above finished floor level, with straight, continuous joints not

exceeding 2 mm wide in both directions, fixed with adhesive

(see spec. 8.2) on rendered background, jointed and flush

pointed with grouting (see spec.9.1) in colour to match tile.

WA4 Vinyl Wall Sheeting Vinyl sheeting laid extending seamlessly from floor finish to

wall and vertically up to prescribed height, with proprietary

packing piece accessory at floor – wall junction.

WA5 Decorative Vinyl Wall


1300mm wide “Pleso-healthcare” by ‘Vescom’, or equivalent

and approved, vinyl wall coating comprising of a vinyl

finishing coat printed with water-based inks, in a subdued

two-coloured travertine design, on a woven cotton backing,

fixed with adhesive as per manufacturers specifications.

Colour to architect’s selection.

WA6 Wall paper / special wall


‘Crown’ Decorative wall finish to interior designer’s


WA7 Vinyl Emulsion Paint ‘Crown’ “Silk Vinyl Zero VOC Emulsion” paint, applied in 3

coats to manufacturer’s specifications.

EW1 Exterior Emulsion Paint ‘Crown’ “Permaplast” Zero-VOC exterior paint, with low

sheen finish, applied in 3 coats, on prepared wall surface to

manufacturer’s specifications.



C1 Lime plaster and paint to

slab soffit

1st grade matt emulsion paint on undercoat and primer, applied

on lime plastered concrete slab soffit.

C2 1200mm x 600mm

suspended ceiling tiles

1200mm x 600 mm wide x 17mm thick ARMSTRONG

‘Optima’ (or similar), mineral fibre drop-in ceiling tile, with

fine textured surface finish. Ceiling tiles laid on Trulok F15

suspension grid system to manufacturer’s requirements, and

with metal shadow line edge cornice to approval. For height

above finished floor level refer to Reflected Ceiling Layouts.

Suspended gypsum ceiling tiles in proprietary grid system of

1200mm x 600mm.

C2a 1200mm x 600mm

suspended ceiling tiles

12.5mm Vinyl Faced Gypsum Ceiling Panels, face-covered

with white embossed vinyl, size 1200 x 600mm, laid on fire

rated ‘OWAconstruct S3’ exposed demountable Butt-cut T24

suspension system, including galvanised main tees, cross tees,

etc., all suspended with galvanised hangers at centres not

exceeding 1200mm and all installed to manufacturer's


Edge trim: ‘OWAconstruct Shadowline’ W-trim plugged and

screwed at centres not exceeding 200mm.

For height above finished floor level refer to Reflected Ceiling


C3 600 x 600mm moisture-

resistant suspended ceiling


15mm ‘Mavroc – Constellation’ mineral wool Ceiling Panels,

size 600 x 600mm, colour ‘white’, laid on fire rated

‘OWAconstruct S3’ exposed demountable ‘Butt-cut T24’

suspension system, including galvanised main tees, cross tees,

etc., all suspended with galvanised hangers at centres not

exceeding 1200mm and all installed to manufacturer's


Edge trim: ‘OWAconstruct Shadowline’ W-trim plugged and

screwed at centres not exceeding 200mm.

C4 Suspended ceiling tiles with

gypsum board bulkhead


Hybrid ceiling comprising of a suspended ceiling tile system

with a gypsum board surround bulkhead.

Suspended ceiling tile system: 600mm x 600 mm x

17mm thick ARMSTRONG ‘Dune’ (or similar),

mineral fibre drop-in ceiling tile, with fissured finish.

Ceiling tiles laid on ‘Trulok F15’ suspension grid

system to manufacturer’s requirements, and installed

with a metal cornice edge and all necessary

accessories, to approval.

Gypsum bulkhead: 12 mm thick gypsum plasterboard


butt jointed with scrim joint filler and taped finish

fixed on proprietary galvanized steel framing system,

skimmed pried and painted to approval with1st grade

matt emulsion paint.

C5 Acoustic baffles ARMSTRONG / OWA mineral wool / gypsum suspended

acoustic baffles ceiling system

C6 Decorative ceiling (ward


OWA 600mm x 1200mm mineral wool suspended acoustic

ceiling panels with bamboo effect printed finish.

C7 Metal ceiling tiles


ARMSTRONG 600mm x 600mm metal suspended ceiling

tiles with Bioguard.

C7a Metal ceiling tiles non-


ARMSTRONG 600mm x 600mm metal suspended ceiling

tiles without Bioguard.

C8 Acoustic ceiling tile with


ARMSTRONG 600mm x 600mm mineral wool suspended

ceiling tiles with Bioguard.

C9 Non-magnetic false ceiling 9.5mm thick skimmed gypsumboard ceiling


W1 Washable Matt Emulsion


‘Crown’ ‘Matt Emulsion with Teflon’, or equivalent and

approved, 1st grade matt emulsion paint incorporating

additive for washable surface, applied in 3 coats and as per

manufacturer’s specifications, to approval

W2 Matt Emulsion Paint 1st grade matt emulsion paint, applied in 2 coats (or as per

manufacturer’s specifications) over 1 coat primer and 1 coat

undercoat, to approval

WA3 Ceramic wall tiling to

2000mm height

300mm x 200mm x 8m thick matt finish ceramic tiles with

rectified edges laid in horizontal format, to 2000mm height

above finished floor level, with straight, continuous joints not

exceeding 2 mm wide in both directions, fixed with adhesive

(see spec. 8.2) on rendered background, jointed and flush

pointed with grouting (see spec.9.1) in colour to match tile.

WA4 Vinyl Wall Sheeting Vinyl sheeting laid extending seamlessly from floor finish to

wall and vertically up to prescribed height, with proprietary

packing piece accessory at floor – wall junction.

WA5 Decorative Vinyl Wall


1300mm wide “Pleso-healthcare” by ‘Vescom’, or equivalent

and approved, vinyl wall coating comprising of a vinyl

finishing coat printed with water-based inks, in a subdued

two-coloured travertine design, on a woven cotton backing,

fixed with adhesive as per manufacturers specifications.

Colour to architect’s selection.


WA6 Wall paper / special wall


‘Crown’ Decorative wall finish to interior designer’s


WA7 Vinyl Emulsion Paint ‘Crown’ “Silk Vinyl Zero VOC Emulsion” paint, applied in 3

coats to manufacturer’s specifications.

EW1 Exterior Emulsion Paint ‘Crown’ “Permaplast” Zero-VOC exterior paint, with low

sheen finish, applied in 3 coats, on prepared wall surface to

manufacturer’s specifications.


WF1 Hardwood bumper handrail

Ex- 125mm x 25mm wrot hardwood handrail-cum-bumper

rail, mounted to wall surface with 50mm bracket plugged,

screwed & pelleted on wall finish at 900mm height above

floor finish level.

WF2 PVC bumper rail

‘Gerflor’ or equivalent 125mm x 20mm PVC wall protection

bumper rail, plugged, screwed & pelleted on wall finish at

150mm height above floor finish level.

WF3 Hardwood bumper handrail

+ Bottom crash


Ex- 125mm x 25mm wrot hardwood handrail-cum-

bumper rail, mounted to wall surface with 50mm

bracket plugged, screwed & pelleted on wall finish at

900mm height above floor finish level.

‘Gerflor’ 125mm x 20mm PVC wall protection

bumper rail, plugged, screwed & pelleted on wall

finish at 150mm height above floor finish level.











Page ii of 10


Table of Contents

GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... i

1.1 General Instructions .................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Setting out of works ................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Concrete ..................................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Structural Steelwork ................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Stainless Steel Fabrication ......................................................................................... 5

1.6 Excavation .................................................................................................................. 5

1.7 Filling ......................................................................................................................... 6

1.8 Construction Stage ..................................................................................................... 6

Page 121 of 10


1.1 General Instructions

1. Maximum design foundation bearing pressure: 1000 kPa.

2. All levels on drawings refer to the top of concrete unless otherwise indicated.

3. Dimensions of beams are shown as Depth x Width.

4. All beams and structural slabs must be provided with an upward camber as shown

below unless indicated otherwise:

Cantilevers: Span divided by 200

All other spans: Span divided by 500

5. Joints, indicated in surface beds, slabs and beams, are also to be constructed in brick

walls, screeds and finishes.

6. The contractor must ensure that all embedded items for services have been provided for

and positioned, according to the latest drawings of all disciplines before casting concrete.

7. Provisions for props under slabs and beams: The contractor must ensure that beams and/or slabs have sufficient strength and/or are adequately propped to carry construction loads from above. Discuss with engineer. 8. Engineer to confirm excavation levels on site. Extra excavation down to acceptable

material shall be backfilled with mass concrete, unless otherwise specified.

9. Refer to architects drawings for concrete finishes, grooves, chamfers, etc. unless

otherwise shown all smooth surface concrete corners are to be provided with 20x20mm


10. Storage of cement: Cement shall not be stored for periods longer than 6 weeks, without the approval of

the engineer.

11. Symbols denoting layers of reinforcement in slabs:

Page 122 of 10


1.2 Setting out of works

1. The contractor shall request the principal agent for the information relating to the basic

reference pegs of the site with coordinates and benchmarks for the true and proper setting out

of the works to the contractor.

2. The contractor shall confirm in writing to the principal agent that all boundary pegs and

benchmarks have been identified, verified and found to be in position and delivery thereof is

accepted by the contractor. The contractor shall confirm this checking of the mentioned items

through a registered land surveyor. A land surveyor's certificate must be issued to the principal


3. The principal agent is responsible for the placing of the building(s) on the site. 4. The contractor is responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and for the

correctness of the position, grid system, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the

works. It is advisable that the contractor verifies this through a registered land Surveyor.

1.3 Concrete

1. Materials and mix proportions

1.1 The grades for concrete, unless otherwise indicated shall be as follows:

a) Columns Class 35 (35MPa) at 28 days

b) Bases Class 35 (35Mpa) at 28 days

c) Ground beams Class 30 (30Mpa) at 28 days

d) Retaining walls Class 30 (30MPa) at 28 days

e) Shafts and shear walls Class 30 (30MPa) at 28 days

f) Structural slabs Class 30 (30MPa) at 28 days

g) Mass concrete Class 15 (15MPa) at 28 days

h) Blinding layers Class 15 (15MPa) at 28 days

i) Stairs Class 30 (30MPa) at 28 days

1.2 When ready mixed concrete is used, test cubes are to be taken on site whilst casting.

1.3 Reinforcement for concrete shall comply with BS 4449

Mild steel yield stress = 250MPa

High tensile steel yield stress = 460MPa

Page 123 of 10


2. Concrete cover over reinforcement unless shown differently

a) Slabs and beams : 25mm.

b) Columns : 35mm cover to main reinforcement

c) Foundations : top 50mm;

: bottom and sides 50mm;

d) Walls : 30mm.

e) Ground beams : top and sides 35mm;

: bottom 35mm.

f) Retaining walls : 40mm.

3. Reinforcement shall be inspected by the engineer only after it has been completely

fixed in position, formwork is clean, spacers are placed in position, and the contractor has

inspected it himself.

4. Welding of reinforcement is not allowed unless it has been approved by the engineer in


5. 50mm blinding layer is to be provided under all bases unless indicated otherwise. 6. Construction joints:

a) No horizontal joints shall be allowed in bases, or other deep elements.

b) Construction joints are to be formed according to specification.

c) All pipes through joints, shall be provided with an expansion joint or flexible

coupling - this includes all cable sleeves, conduits and pipes.

d) No vertical construction joints shall be made in elements directly exposed to 7. Any additional construction joints required by the contractor must be clearly marked on a

drawing and submitted to the engineer for approval. These joints must be accepted in writing

by the engineer before any work commences.

1.4 Structural Steelwork

1. All hot rolled and cold formed steel shall have a guaranteed minimum yield stress of

350mpa and 200mpa respectively. The contractor shall provide test certificates to verify the

steel grade.

2. All relevant concrete and steel dimensions shall be checked on site before manufacture of

structural steel commences.

Page 124 of 10


3. All gusset plates shall be 8mm thick unless noted otherwise.

4. No field welds shall be permitted without the approval of the engineer.

5. All fillet welds shall be 6mm (min.) and shall be sealed and impervious unless noted


6. For full penetration field welds, backing plates shall be used. Tack weld backing plate to

appropriate member for shipment.

7. For full penetration shop welds, backing plates may be used or, back-up fillet welds may

be used at fabrication option, unless noted otherwise.

8. Omit paint within 50mm of field welded connections. 9. Shop splicing of members will not be permitted without prior written approval of the design

engineer. Approved splices shall have a capacity of 100% of the spliced member and

acceptance shall be subject to the results of non-destructive tests. Cost of splicing and

testing shall be borne by the fabricator.

10. All welding and surface preparation shall be discussed, inspected and approved by the

engineer in conjunction with approved inspection agency.

11. All bolted connections shall have a minimum of 2 bolts unless noted otherwise. 12. Slotted holes allowing 25mm total horizontal adjustment (12mm each side) shall be

provided when one or both ends of a steel member is fixed onto concrete or masonry.

13. Drilled holes for bolted connections shall be 2mm larger than the bolt diameter unless noted


14. Holes in structural base plates shall be 4mm larger than the anchor bolt diameter for M20

bolts and smaller, and 6mm larger for M24 bolts and larger.

15. Edge distance for connections shall be in accordance with BS 5950 unless noted otherwise. 16. Workshop detail drawings shall be checked by the engineer before manufacture of

structural steel commences.

17. Burrs and rough edges shall be ground prior to painting and welding of end plates, cleats,

and brackets.

18. Hold out-to-out dimensions exact for all continuous runs of beams to avoid an

accumulative error.

19. Paint specification: final paint colour to architect's schedules. 20. Grout:

a) Non-metallic, non-shrink grout, to be approved by engineer before use. Minimum

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compressive strength required at 28 days is 60 MPa. b) All grouting under mechanical equipment and structural steel plates by main


c) Grouting under column base plates to be completed at least 7 days prior to erection of roof

and side cladding.

21. Galvanized structural steel to be hot dipped to 610g/m² according to BS EN ISO 14713. 22. The contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the structure until all elements have

been erected and fixed in position.

1.5 Stainless Steel Fabrication

1. Where welding is necessary, the appropriate "L" grade (low carbon content) shall be used.

2. Welding procedures shall be only those recommended by the stainless steel manufacturer.

Only suitably coded welders shall be employed (refer BS 4870 -1980 part 1 of ASME 1x


3. Fabrication of stainless steel components shall be carried out in clean workplaces where

there is no contamination by mild steel.

4. Grinding and polishing equipment shall be dedicated and shall not be contaminated with iron

or mild steel.

5. Stainless steel shall be suitably handled to avoid scratching the surface. 6. Pickling and passivation: cut edges, welds and heat treated surfaces shall be pickled and

passivated to remove all discolouration. Proprietary pickling and passivating pastes shall be

used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Care shall be taken not to exceed

the maximum contact time recommended.

After passivasion, surfaces shall be thoroughly washed with clean potable water to remove all

traces of acid. The surface shall be allowed to dry, then polished where

necessary, using polishing compounds recommended by the stainless steel manufacturer. 1.6 Excavation

1. Expansive soil, if any, in plinth and upto one meter beyond the outer face on all sides

shall be completely removed.

2. Before proceeding excavation in rock which requires use of pneumatic/Hydraulic

breakers reduced levels of the rock surface shall be recorded jointly with

consultant/owner’s representative at site.

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3. Wherever the termite mounds are observed within the vicinity of the building or in the

soil type exhibits the likely presence of termites it shall be immediately brought to the

notice of the consultant to enable him to take the necessary measures for the pre-

construction anti-termite treatment.

4. Land development activity, particularly earth filling activity for general site grading

shall be carried out prior to digging for foundation pits.

1.7 Filling

1. The material to be used for filling shall be soil, murrum, gravel or a mixture of these or

any other material as approved by the engineer. The material shall be free of organic

matter or any other deleterious material. Expansive clay like black cotton soil shall not

be used as a fill material.

2. Typical specifications of engineering backfill material shall be as follow:

a) Backfill shall be typically well graded silty sand.

b) Plasticity index and liquid limit shall be less than 6% and 20% respectively. Back

fill shall not be compacted with free water on the surface.

c) Prior to placement of backfill, approval of the material is required. 1.8 Construction Stage

1. Study carefully the GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS of material and trade mark

important points.

2. Read general notes and the technical information sheets.

3. Go through the abbreviations and symbols.

4. Also study the standard drawings carefully and note the peculiar details.

5. The contractor shall demand and take custody of the said drawings and documents

before commencement of work. In case of any doubts please ask us.

6. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all the work at site is being carried

out strictly in accordance with relevant drawings and specifications. No deviation will

be allowed without our prior written permission.

7. The contractor shall study the drawing release procedure; with every set of drawings a

fresh list of drawings will be issued. The list of drawings gives the exact status of

drawings including the number of copies issued, release status ( like for material

procurement, excavation, execution etc.) and revisions if any. The contractor shall

Page ii of 39


display the list of drawings on display board in the site office. Whenever a fresh list of

drawings is received ensure that the new list replaces the previous one on display board.

See for the revisions in drawings. Cancel the old drawings to avoid confusion.

8. Before commencement of any work the contractor shall ensure that the drawing he is

referring to bears an indication for execution and carries the latest revision number.

He shall check the revision number with the latest list of drawings.

9. The contractor shall study the execution drawings carefully well in advance of actual

execution. He shall mark the important details and notes. The consultant will not

be responsible in case the work is held up due to delay in answering last moment


10. Any discrepancy/omission shall be brought to the notice of the consultant prior to


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Table of Contents

STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................. ii

1.9 Concrete Foundation Inspections ............................................................................... 2

1.10 Materials for Concrete ................................................................................................ 2

• General ................................................................................................................ 2

• Standards ............................................................................................................. 2

• Independent Testing Laboratory ......................................................................... 4

• Test Certificates .................................................................................................. 4

• Source of Supply ................................................................................................. 5

• Cement ................................................................................................................ 5

• Common Requirements ...................................................................................... 5

• Aggregates ........................................................................................................... 6

• Water ................................................................................................................... 7

• Admixtures .......................................................................................................... 7

• Admixtures shall comply with one of the following British Standards .............. 7

1.11 Concrete Mix Design .................................................................................................. 8

• General ................................................................................................................ 8

• Blinding ............................................................................................................... 9

• Air Content .......................................................................................................... 9

• Workability ......................................................................................................... 9

• Maximum Salt Content of Concrete ................................................................... 9

• Alkali Aggregate Reactions ................................................................................ 9

1.12 Workmanship ........................................................................................................... 10

• Batching and Mixing ......................................................................................... 10

• Ready Mix Concrete ......................................................................................... 11

• Compacting Concrete ........................................................................................ 11

• Curing Concrete ................................................................................................ 12

• Protecting Concrete ........................................................................................... 13

• Concreting in Hot Climates ............................................................................... 13

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1.13 Construction Joints ................................................................................................... 14

• General .............................................................................................................. 14

• Horizontal joints in columns and walls ............................................................. 14

• Kickers .............................................................................................................. 15

• Guidelines for the location of joints .................................................................. 15

• Movement Joints ............................................................................................... 15

• Materials ........................................................................................................... 15

• Joint filler material ............................................................................................ 16

• Slip membrane .................................................................................................. 16

• Damp proof membrane ..................................................................................... 16

• Sealants ............................................................................................................. 16

• Dowel bars ........................................................................................................ 16

1.14 Concrete Finishes ..................................................................................................... 16

• Finishing formed surface ................................................................................... 16

• Finishing Unformed Surfaces ........................................................................... 18

1.15 Compliance of Concrete with Specifications ........................................................... 18

• General Requirements ....................................................................................... 18

• Sampling ........................................................................................................... 19

• To Test for Workability .................................................................................... 19

• To Test for Strength .......................................................................................... 19

• Testing workability ........................................................................................... 19

• Testing the strength ........................................................................................... 19

• Report of the results of tests .............................................................................. 19

• Compliance ....................................................................................................... 20

• Action to be taken in the event of non-compliance ........................................... 20

1.16 Reinforcement .......................................................................................................... 20

• Materials ........................................................................................................... 20

• Schedules .......................................................................................................... 21

• Workmanship .................................................................................................... 21

Page cxxxii of 39


• Cutting and bending of reinforcement .............................................................. 22

• Site installation and handing ............................................................................. 22

1.17 Formwork ................................................................................................................. 23

• Materials ........................................................................................................... 23

• Design ............................................................................................................... 23

• Workmanship: deflection and camber .............................................................. 24

• Supports ............................................................................................................ 24

• Joints and edges ................................................................................................ 24

• Cleaning and treatment ..................................................................................... 25

• Striking .............................................................................................................. 25

• Defective work .................................................................................................. 26

SECTION B ........................................................................................................................ 27

PRECAST CONCRETE WORK ........................................................................................ 27

Section B: Precast Concrete Work ...................................................................................... 28

1.18 Precast Concrete Work ......................................................................................... 28

• Materials and workmanship .............................................................................. 28

• Tolerances ......................................................................................................... 28

• Handling and erection ....................................................................................... 28

SECTION C ........................................................................................................................ 31


Section C: Concrete for Aqueous Liquid-Retaining Structures .......................................... 32

1.19 Concrete for aqueous liquid-retaining structures .................................................. 32

• General .............................................................................................................. 32

• Concrete mix design: cement content ............................................................... 32

• Construction joints ............................................................................................ 32

• Defects .............................................................................................................. 32

• Testing ............................................................................................................... 32

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Section A: Standard Concrete Work

1.9 Concrete Foundation Inspections The Contractor is to report to the Engineer when the excavations are complete and ready for

inspection, prior to depositing concrete.

The Contractor is to excavate all load bearing bases to the founding strata, which is to be ap-

proved by the Engineer. All over-excavation is to be made up in mass concrete.

The Contractor is to allow safe access to enable the inspection to be carried out.

1.10 Materials for Concrete

1. General

This specification covers materials - including formwork - design, workmanship and testing

for mass and reinforced concrete.

2. Standards

All materials, workmanship and practices shall be in accordance with the current issue of the

listed Standards.

a) ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting.

b) ASTM C 87 Effect of organic impurities in fine aggregate on strength of mortar.

c) ASTM C 142 Clay lumps and friable particles in aggregates.

d) ASTM C 227 Potential Alkali reactivity of cement - Aggregate combinations

(Mortar bar method).

e) ASTM C 289 Test for potential reactivity of aggregates (chemical method).

f) BS 12 Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening).

g) BS 812 Testing aggregates.

h) Part 1 Methods for determination of particle size and shape

i) Part 2 Methods for determination of physical properties

j) Part 3 Methods for determination of mechanical properties

k) Part 101 Guide to sampling and testing aggregates

l) Part 102 Methods for sampling

m) Part 103 Methods for determination of particle size distribution

n) Part 105 Particle shape: flakiness index

o) Part 106 Method for determination of shell content in coarse aggregate

p) Part 117 Method for determination of water - soluble chloride salts

q) Part 118 Method for determination of sulphate content

Page 135 of 39


r) Part 119 Method for determination of acid soluble material

s) in fine aggregate

t) BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete.

u) BS 1305 Batch type concrete mixers.

v) BS 1370 Specification for low heat Portland cement.

w) BS 1521 Waterproof building.

x) BS 1881 Testing concrete.

y) Part 1 Methods of sampling fresh concrete

z) Part 2 Methods of testing fresh concrete

aa) Part 3 Methods of making and curing test specimens

bb) Part 4 Methods of testing concrete for strength

cc) Part 5 Methods of testing hardened concrete for other than strength

dd) Part 6 Analysis of hardened concrete

ee) Part 101 Method of sampling fresh concrete on site

ff) Part 102 Method for determination of slump

gg) Part 106 Methods for determination of air content of fresh concrete

hh) Part 107 Method for determination of density of compacted fresh concrete

ii) Part 108 Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete

jj) Part 111 Method of normal curing of test specimens

kk) Part 112 Method of accelerated curing of test cubes

ll) Part 116 Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes

mm) Part 122 Method for determination of water absorption

nn) Part 125 Method for mixing and sampling fresh concrete in the laboratory

oo) Part 201 Guide to the use of non - destructive methods of test for hardened con-


pp) Part 202 Recommendations for surface hardness testing by rebound hammer

qq) Part 203 Recommendations for measurement of velocity of ultrasonic pulses in


rr) BS 2004 Foundations

ss) BS 2787 Glossary of terms for concrete and reinforced concrete.

tt) BS 3148 Tests for water for making concrete.

uu) BS 3681 Methods for sampling and testing of lightweight aggregates for con-


vv) BS 3797 Specification for lightweight aggregates for concrete

Page 136 of 39


ww) BS 4251 Truck type concrete mixers

xx) BS 4340 Glossary of formwork terms.

yy) BS 4408 Recommendation for non - destructive methods of tests for concrete.

zz) BS 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

aaa) BS 4461 Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

bbb) BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of


ccc) BS 4482 Hard-drawn mild steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

ddd) BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement concrete.

eee) BS 4550 Part 2 Methods of testing cement - chemical tests.

fff) BS 4627 Glossary of terms relating to type of cement, their properties and com-


ggg) BS 5075 Part 1 Accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reduc-

ing admixtures. Metric Units.

hhh) BS 5328 Ready mixed concrete.

iii) BS 5337 The structural use of concrete for retaining aqueous liquids.

jjj) BS 5975 Falsework

kkk) BS 6089 Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing structures.

lll) BS 6100 Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.

mmm) BS 8007 Code of practice for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous


nnn) BS 8110 The structural use of concrete.

ooo) CP 116 The structural use of precast concrete.

3. Independent Testing Laboratory

The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of his proposed materials testing labora-


4. Test Certificates

Two copies of certificates verifying that the material used complies with these Specifications

shall be promptly submitted to the Engineer at the intervals specified below.

a) Aggregate - each 500 cubic metres or weekly for each aggregate

b) Cement - each consignment

c) Water - at commencement of work then monthly.

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5. Source of


At the start of the contract and at the Engineer’s request, the Contractor shall submit for ap-

proval the name of the source from which it proposes to obtain aggregates, together with evi-

dence showing that the material satisfies the requirement of the appropriate British Standard,

and additional information required by Clause 7 BS 882 and this Specification.

6. Cement

The cement to be used throughout the Works shall be Portland Cement - unless specified oth-

erwise and shall be as described under one of the following headings:

a) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) equivalent ASTM C 150 Type I

Cement complying with BS 12 but containing not less than 8% and not more than 13%

proportion by weight of tri-calcium aluminate.

b) Moderate Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement (MSRC)

Cement complying with BS 12 but containing not less than 4% and not more than 8%

proportion by weight tri-calcium aluminate, or cement complying with ASTM C150

Type II. In either case the cement shall not contain more than 2.7% proportion by

weight of Sulphur trioxide.

c) Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement (SRC)

Cement complying with either BS 4027 or ASTM C 150 Type V

d) Low Heat Portland Cements (LHC)

Low heat generating cements such as :- • Portland Blast furnace to BS.146:Part 2 ; • Low Heat Portland to BS.1370 ; or • Low Heat Portland Blast furnace to BS.4246:Part 2

may be used in the concrete mix when control of heat of hydration is called for.

7. Common Requirements

The temperature of the cement shall not exceed 75ºC at the time of incorporation into a concrete


Each consignment of cement shall be kept separate, identified with an appropriate certificate

detailing place of manufacture and results of specified test carried out on the original bulk

supply and used in order of delivery.

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In addition to tests carried out by the manufacturers, the Engineer shall from time to time re-

quire tests to be carried out in accordance with the British Standard and at the Contractor’s


Cement purchased in bulk shall be in purpose built containers that are maintained in good con-

dition to the approval of the Engineer. Bag cement shall be stored in a weather tight building,

which shall be damp proof and well ventilated. The cement shall be stored in such a manner as

to permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of each consignment.

Any consignment of cement not used within six months from the date of manufacture shall not

be used in the Works.

8. Aggregates

Aggregate shall comply with BS 882 and the following:

a) Coarse Aggregate

Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement in an amount

sufficient to cause excessive expansion of concrete shall not be used.

b) Fine Aggregate

Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement amount suffi-

cient to cause excessive expansion of concrete shall not be used.

Grading for the aggregates shall be within the limits specified.

c) Aggregate Shrinkage

Drying shrinkage of aggregate not to exceed 0.05%.

9. Storage Aggregates shall be stored on a hard, dust-free surface and shielded from dust and the sun.

Aggregates of each grade and type of material shall be kept separate until batched. Segregation

in each stockpile shall be prevented.

Stockpiles shall be protected against contamination from soil, vegetable matter or other dele-

terious material.

The floors of bins shall be 75mm thick mass concrete (or equal and approved) and shall be laid

to fall to the outer edge or provide a free draining apron.

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• Water Water shall be clean and free from salt and other impurities to the satisfaction or the Engineer.

It shall be tested in accordance with BS 3148.

Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall have a PH value in the basic range of 7 to


• Admixtures Unless specified in the drawings, the use of admixtures is not permitted without the prior ap-

proval of the Engineer. In any case, the suitability of the admixture shall be verified by trial


Admixtures if approved, shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Neither Calcium Chloride nor any admixture containing it shall be used.

The following data pertaining to the proposed type of admixture shall be submitted to the En-

gineer for his information and consideration. These are:

• The chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.

• Whether or not the admixture contains Chlorides

• The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage.

• Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the

manufacturer’s recommended dosage.

• Long term and short term effects of the admixture on concrete and the effect of

different types of cement and aggregate.

• Storage life and any special storage requirements.

• Safety precautions in handling.

• Availability of on-site technical service. • Admixtures shall comply with one of the following British Standards

BS 1014, BS 3587 or BS 5075 as appropriate. Air entrainment agents shall be such that the air content can be maintained within the limits

specified even if the mixing time is extended to 30 minutes.

If two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, the manufacturers of each

shall be consulted and their advice passed to the Engineer.

Admixtures for improving the workability of the concrete or as a retarding agent shall only be

permitted when the type and dosage of the additive is clearly stated in the proposed design mix

Page 140 of 39


and supported with sufficient evidence, in the form of manufacturer’s certificates or proven

trial tests of the suitability of the materials of the additive and its effectiveness.

When proposing an admixture for the workability of the concrete, the Contractor must specify

range of slump to be expected.

Should more than three tests of a delivery fail to achieve the expected slump within the speci-

fied range, the concrete delivery stand condemned.

Also, should a failure in this fashion reoccur in twelve successive deliveries, the entire mix

design shall be deemed dissimilar to the approved design mix and its further usage in the project

will immediately cease.

In this event, no concreting from the supplier of the condemned concrete shall be permitted

and the Contractor must obtain fresh approval of the materials, design mix and its further usage

in the project will immediately cease.

When an admixture is specified as a retarding agent, the Contractor must specify the recom-

mended retarding period, i.e. the time period between dispatch from plant to pouring on site.

The concrete delivery is deemed condemned if the retarding period is exceeded.

However, its acceptability will only be at the Engineer’s discretion. The above rules apply when one additive is proposed and approved for the combined purpose

of workability and retardingness.

• Concrete Mix Design • General The grades of concrete are stated in the Specification and Drawings by reference to the 28-days

characteristic compressive strength in N/sq. mm without accelerated curing.

The proportions of the ingredients of the concrete including the water, shall be so chosen that

the concrete will be workable enough to be fully compacted and not be prone to segregation or


The mix shall be such that there will be no excess water on the top surface on completion of

compaction. It may be necessary to reduce the water content of batches at the top of deep lifts

to compensate for water gain from the lower levels, but this should be avoided by designing

the mix, checking with preliminary trials and accurately controlling the mix proportions

throughout the work.

Designed mixes shall comply with the requirements BS 8110. The Contractor’s mix proposals

for each mix require the Engineer’s approval. Existing data provided as evidence of satisfactory

Page 141 of 39


previous performance shall include the workability and water/cement ratio. During production

the Contractor shall inform the Engineer of all changes in sources of materials or cement con-

tent. The Engineer will require trial mixes to be made initially and before any substantial

change is made. No changes shall be made without the Engineer’s approval.

• Blinding Blinding concrete and mass concrete to over - excavation shall be Class 15. It shall provide a

dense layer/mass impervious to the fines of subsequent concrete placed thereon.

• Air Content The average allowable air content of the fresh concrete (other than those from air-entraining

agents) shall be 1%.

The percentage of air content determined from individual samples taken at the point of placing

the concrete and representative of any given batch of concrete shall be within +/- 1.5 of the

required value. The average percentage air content from any four consecutive determinations

from separate batches shall be within +/- 1.0.

• Workability The workability shall be measured by slump cone and shall not be less than 25mm and not

more than 75mm without the Engineer’s permission.

• Maximum Salt Content of Concrete The total content of soluble Chlorides (expressed as Cl) in concrete containing Ordinary Port-

land Cement shall not exceed 0.3% by weight of cement.

The total content of soluble Chlorides (expressed as Cl) in concrete containing Sulphate resist-

ing cement shall not exceed 0.15% weight of cement.

The total content of soluble Sulphates (expressed as SO3) shall not exceed 4% by mass of

cement in the mix.

The limits for salt contents aggregates specified in Section 3.0 may need to be reduced to com-

ply with the above.

• Alkali Aggregate Reactions It is the responsibility of the Contractor to demonstrate to the Engineer’s satisfaction that the

alkali resistivity of the complete concrete matrix will be stable and not liable in the future to

breakdown and loss of strength.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer test certificates for:

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• Petrographic tests of the sand and aggregates proposed for the concrete and mortar


• Cement alkali content. Also required are test certificates from an independent testing laboratory for:

8. Quick Chemical Test to ASTM C 289

9. Mortar bar test to ASTM C 227.

The test will be repeated at interval to be agreed with the Engineer and the cost of all testing to

be allowed for by the Contractor in its Tender.

• Workmanship • Batching and Mixing

e) The quantity of cement, the quantity of fine aggregate and the quantity of the various sizes

of coarse aggregate shall be measured by weight.

f) A separate weighing device should be provided for weighing the cement. Alternatively, the

cement may be measured by using a whole number of bags in each batch.

g) The amount of water should be measured, by volume or weight. Any solid admixtures to

be added should be measured by weight but liquid or paste admixture may be measured by

volume or weight.

h) The batch weights of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical of

the aggregate being used.

i) The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within +3% of the quantity of cement,

water or total aggregate being measured and within +5% of the quantity of any admixture

being used. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in clean, serviceable condition.

j) The mixer should comply with the requirements of BS1305 or BS 4251 where applicable.

The mixing time should not be less than that used by the manufacturer in assessing the

mixer performance.

k) For mixes of low workability or high cement content the Engineer may direct that the mix-

ing time be determined by tests to ensure that maximum strength is achieved.

l) Plant used for making concrete shall be free from any concrete or mortar containing either

high alumina or super - sulphated cements.

Page 143 of 39


• Ready Mix Concrete

23. Ready mixed concrete shall comply with the requirements of this Specification and with

BS 5238, except for those Clauses, which are directly over-ridden by this Specification, and

the Supplier shall be made aware of the requirements of these documents.

24. Concrete shall only be mixed at a depot approved by the Engineer. Unless specially author-

ised by the Engineer, the concrete shall be mixed and the water added to mixer at the depot.

25. No additional water shall be added at any stage from batching to placing. When the Engi-

neer is asked to authorise dry batching, he will require to be satisfied that appropriate steps will

be taken to ensure the quality, consistency and strength of the concrete as placed and that the

water will be added to the dry ingredients under properly controlled conditions.

26. Truck mixers shall comply with BS 4251 and the mixing performance when tested in ac-

cordance with BS 3963 shall be within the limits of Table 5 of BS 1305.

27. The drum of the truck agitator or truck mixer shall be completely clean and empty before

it is filled with concrete. Trucks shall not be loaded in excess of the manufacturer’s rated

capacity, which shall be displayed on the vehicle in terms of the column of mixed concrete.

Trucks shall be discharged within thirty minutes after the introduction of the water to the

cement unless a longer time is authorised by the Engineer.

28. If a delay exceeding thirty minutes occurs during the concreting of a floor slab or beam,

concreting shall be completed against a newly placed stop end. If this joint is not in a sat-

isfactory position, the Engineer will require the concrete to be cut back to an acceptable

position. In any case unloading must be completed within one and half hour of batching.

• Compacting Concrete

d) Concrete should be thoroughly compacted by vibration during the operation and thoroughly

worked around the reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork to

form a solid mass free from voids and which will have the required surface finish when the

formwork is removed. When vibrators are used to compact concrete, vibration should be

applied continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has

practically ceased and in a manner, which does not promote segregation of the in- gredients.

The vibrators shall be applied systematically and at such intervals that the zones of influence

overlap. The vibrator shall be applied at any point only for such a period that the concrete is

properly compacted and not for such time that segregation occurs.

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e) Whenever vibration has to be applied externally the design of formwork and disposition of

vibrators should receive special consideration to ensure sufficient compaction and to avoid

surface blemishes.

f) When directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall demonstrate the efficiency of the pro-

posed method of construction on a trial section prior to the commencement of the perma- nent


g) Sufficient standby equipment shall be retained on site during concreting operations to en-

sure that suitable equipment is always available in the event of breakdown.

• Curing Concrete Concrete shall be protected from adverse weather conditions after placing. It shall be cured to

ensure that it has satisfactory durability and strength, the minimum distortion, freedom from

excessive efflorescence and will not cause, by its shrinkage, undue cracking in the structure.

To achieve these objectives, it may be necessary to insulate the concrete so that it is maintained

at a suitable temperature, or so that the rate of evaporation of moisture from the surface is kept

to appropriate level, or both.

Concrete shall be cured for 7 days. Where structural members are of considerable depth or bulk or have a usually high proportion

of cement or the concrete incorporates admixtures or is subjected to special or accelerated cur-

ing methods, the method of curing requires the approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval, its proposed methods of curing for all

concrete members. The Engineer’s approval will be conditional until the proposed method

proves to be satisfactory on site. In the event that the cured concrete does not, in the Engineer’s

opinion, meet the requirements of the Specification, the Contractor shall submit proposals for

an alternative method of curing.

The following methods of curing may be adopted:

• Covering with an absorbent material; such as Hessian; to be kept damp during the cur-

ing period with clean water; or

• An impermeable sheet; such as polythene sheet; covering the area to prevent the evap-

oration while the surface is kept flooded with water.

• Resin based curing compound.

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Alternate wetting and drying is not permitted, especially in the form of cold water applied to

warm concrete surfaces. In order to avoid surface cracking, cold water shall not be applied to

members immediately after striking the formwork while the concrete is still warm.

• Protecting Concrete

7. Concrete shall be protected to prevent damage from weather, plant, overloading or any

other causes.

8. Concrete surfaces, which are to be exposed at the completion of the works, shall also be

protected to prevent discolouration or disfiguration from rush and damage by falling mate- rials

or by any other cause.

9. Before making good any damage, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of

the methods and materials proposed.

10. No concrete shall be broken down or demolished without the prior knowledge and approval

of the Engineer.

• Concreting in Hot Climates During hot weather concreting precautions shall be taken to ensure that the concrete will be

placed at the coolest temperature practicable. In no case shall the temperature of the concrete

on placing be more than 32oC.

Also, concrete shall not be mixed or placed when the shade air temperature is 40o C or

above or is expected to reach such a level during concreting and 3 hours after placing.

The following measures shall be taken by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer.

• The stores of cement and stockpiles of aggregate shall be kept shaded from the direct

rays of the sun.

• The water for concrete making is to be kept shaded from the sun and appropriate

measures taken to ensure that the water temperature is kept as low as possible. When flaked

or crushed ice is added to the water for concreting, it shall be completely melted prior to the

addition of water to the concrete mix. However, the temperature of the water used for curing

purpose shall not be much lower than the placed concrete temperature.

• Stockpiles shall be kept moist by water sprays. The Contractor shall control these with

great care to ensure a constant moisture content of the aggregate at all times and demon- strate

its ability to do so to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

• In a prevailing arid wind, temporary wind breaks shall be provided.

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• All surfaces on which concrete will be placed shall be moist but free of standing water

at the time of concreting by spraying the forms and reinforcement prior to placing con- crete.

• The concrete mixing plant, mixers, pipelines, pumps and chutes etc. shall be shaded

and / or painted white. The pump lines and other surfaces can be kept appreciably cooler by

covering them with damp hessian and kept damp by spraying with water.

• When daytime temperature and drying conditions may be critical, the concreting shall

be scheduled to begin in the later afternoon to prevent the occurrence of severe thermal effects.

1.5 Construction Joints

1.5.1 General Construction joints shall be deemed to include stop ends and crack inducing joints.

The number of construction joints shall be kept to the minimum necessary for the execution of

the work.

Prior to casting, the Contractor shall submit, for the Engineer’s approval, details and locations

of the proposed construction joints.

Construction joints shall be at right angles to the member. Formed joints shall have a key unless

shown otherwise on the Drawings. The reinforcement shall continue through the joints unless

directed otherwise. Joints shall be located to meet the requirements of the finish, e.g. granolithic

finish on floors.

1.5.2 Horizontal joints in columns and walls

Concealed joints in columns and walls shall generally be formed about 15mm above the soffits

of suspended floors, at floor levels, and at the tops of kickers, which shall not be less than

75mm high. Joints in other locations may be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer. Joints

in exposed concrete members will be located strictly in accordance with Engineer’s drawings.

When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit AUTOCAD workshop drawings

showing his proposed locations of joints for the Engineer’s approval.

In certain circumstances the Engineer may limit the number of joints allowed in a vertical

member in accordance with the requirements of the design.

Contractor shall also arrange for a sample element with treated / finished joints for the Engi-

neer’s approval.

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1.5.3 Kickers Concrete in kickers shall be of the same mix as the main member. The concrete shall be vibrated

or rammed into place and prepared as for other joints.

1.5.4 Guidelines for the location of joints

The Contractor’s proposals for the location of construction joints shall be based on the follow-

ing guidelines:

a) The number of construction joints should be kept as few as possible, consistent with

reasonable precaution against the effects of shrinkage; their location shall take due ac- count of

shear and other stresses. Joint lines shall be arranged so that they can coincide with features of

the finished work.

b) Joints in slabs on ground shall coincide whenever practicable with the locations of joints

as shown on the drawings. Where additional joints are required, their location shall be to the

approval of the Engineer.

c) Joints in unreinforced slabs on ground (including slabs normally reinforced with not

more than 0.1% steel in either direction) shall be centres not greater than 5m.

d) Vertical joints in walls generally shall not be spaced at intervals greater than 6m. Where,

however, a wall changes direction by at least 600 C the overall spacing of the joints may be

increased to 10m subject to the length of pour in either leg of the wall being no more than 5m.

Where possible joints should be positioned at least 2m away from cor- ners.

e) Joints in a suspended floor system, if required, shall be 1/4 and 1/3 points of the span

unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. It is preferable that no joints are formed in the end


1.5.5 Movement Joints

Movement joints are those, which are designed to permit relative movement of adjacent parts

of a member or structure without impairing its structural integrity.

Movement joints shall be formed in the locations and to the details shown on the Drawings.

1.5.6 Materials

Materials forming the joint - if not specified by name - require the Engineer’s approval with

full technical details and a sample to be submitted. All materials to be installed strictly in ac-

cordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

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1.5.7 Joint filler material

As directed by the Engineer or as specified on the drawings joint fillers shall be semi-rigid non-

absorbent closed cell material, which has the following properties:

a) Resilient, low load transfer, compressible, high recovery after compression.

b) Non-tainting, non-extruding.

c) Bitumen free and Rot proof.

1.5.8 Slip membrane

Slip membrane shall be slip strip by serviced or approved equivalent

1.5.9 Damp proof membrane

DPM shall be bituminous material with PVC backing to Engineer’s approval.

1.5.10 Sealants

Joint sealant shall be a two-part polysulphide sealant to BS 4254, of a suitable colour to Engi-

neer’s approval.

1.5.11 Dowel bars

Dowel bars shall be straight, round steel bars, which comply with BS 4449 and have no defor-


Where shown on the drawings, dowel bars shall be debonded with an approved debonding

compounded or proprietary dowel bar sleeve. Dowel bars shall be rigidly supported so that they

are parallel and in the same place ensuring efficiency of the joint.

1.6 Concrete Finishes

1.6.1 Finishing formed surface Before commencing work the Contractor may be instructed to construct suitable, agreed, full-

scale samples with reinforcement to show each type of finished formed surfaces for approval.

These samples shall be typical of the structure being constructed and shall include junctions

between members and joints. The approval samples shall be retained as models and the finished

work shall not be inferior to the appropriate sample.

All forms shall be true to shape and free from defects likely to detract from the general appear-

ance of the finished concrete surface.

Concrete exposed by the removal of formwork shall be inspected by the Engineer, before any

remedial work or subsequent treatment of any kind.

The finish of formed surfaces shall be Type F1, F2, F3 or special as explained below.

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A. Type F1 Finish

This finish is obtained by the use of properly designed formwork or moulds of closely

joined sawn or wrought boards or other suitable material. The surfaces will be imprinted

with the grain of the boards and their joints. In addition, small blemishes caused by

entrapped air or water may be expected but the surface should be free from avoids,

honeycombing or other large blemishes. Fins and irregularities projecting more than

3mm shall be cleaned off.

B. Type F2 Finish

This finish is obtained by the use of properly designed forms of closely jointed wrought

boards, plastic, steel or other suitable material, provided that the surfaces shall be free

from the imprint of the forms. Small blemishes caused by entrapped air or water may

be expected, but the surface should be free from voids, honey-combing or other large

blemishes. The holes left by formwork bolts shall be filled. Fins and other projections

shall be removed and all blemishes repaired to the approval of the Engineer. Care

should be taken in the choice of any release agent used, to ensure that the finished con-

crete surface is not permanently stained or discoloured.

C. Type F3 Finish

This finish can only be achieved by the use of high quality concrete and by using

properly designed forms having a hard, smooth surface. The concrete surfaces should

be smooth with true, clean arises. Only very minor surfaces blemishes should occur and

there should be no staining or discolouration from the mould oil or curing agent.

The surface shall be free from the imprint of wood grain. Unfaced rough boarding or

standard panels shall not be used. The material for the form shall be provided in large

sheets and arrange in an approval uniform pattern.

Joints between sheets shall be arranged to coincide with architectural features, sills or

heads of windows or changes in direction of the surface; all joints between sheets shall

be accurately aligned in the plane of the sheets. Bold holes are not allowed.

D. Other Types of Finish (e.g. Fair Face)

These shall include any finish other than F1, F2, F3, which requires the use of special

forms or linings, the use of different concrete mix near the surface, grinding, bush ham-

mering, or any other treatment. If any of these special finishes is required it shall be

fully specified on the Drawings.

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When fair face finish is specified the Contractor shall submit the details of his formwork

type, assembly etc. for fairface concrete work for the engineer’s scrutiny and approval.

Once a provisional approval of the formwork is granted by the engineer the Contractor

shall prepare sample elements, e.g. walls, columns, slabs etc. as required for the Engi-

neer’s approval of the finished surface.

Remedial treatment to the finish of the concrete, additional to that specified above, re-

quires the approval of the Engineer.

1.6.2 Finishing Unformed Surfaces

The finish of unformed surfaces shall be tamped, floated, trawled or brushed as defined below

and shown on the Drawings.

The concrete finish surface shall not be wetted to assist the production of the surface finish.

Concrete surfaces to receive thin tile or sheet finishings shall be free from any defects, which

would adversely affect the appearance of the applied finish.

U1 (Tamped) - surface shall be formed by levelling and tamping the concrete to produced a

uniform plain or ridged surface, surplus concrete being struck off by a straight edge immedi-

ately after compaction. It is also the first stage of the following finishes.

U2 (Floated) - shall be a uniform surface, which has been worked, no more than if necessary

to remove screed marks by hand with a wood float or by power float of a type approved by the

Engineer. The surface shall not be floated until the concrete has hardened sufficiently.

U3 (Steel Trowelled) - shall be a hard, smooth finish free from trowel marks formed with a

steel trowel under firm pressure. Trowelling shall not commence until the moisture film has

disappeared and the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess laitance from being

worked to the surface. If laitance is brought to the surface it shall be removed.

U4 (Brushed) - shall be formed by first producing a U2 finish and then, before the concrete

has hardened by drawing a wire broom over the concrete surface at right angles to give an

average texture depth of 1 mm.

Power float finished surfaces where indicated on the drawings are to be free of marks and have

a uniform and “closed” texture and appearance.

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1.7 Compliance of Concrete with Specifications

1.7.1 General Requirements Provided that the specified materials have been used and the concrete has been properly made

and handled, concrete will be judged by the strength of the hardened concrete, in comparison

with the specified characteristic strength together with the cement content, in comparison with

the specified minimum cement content.

Sampling and testing of concrete shall comply with BS 1881, Parts 1 to 6 and be carried out in

the presence of the Engineer.

1.7.2 Sampling

Test samples obtained from a ready-mixed concrete production plant as part of its quality con-

trol system are for acceptable. Test samples shall be taken from ready mixed concrete on loca-


1.7.3 To Test for Workability

At least one sample shall be taken from each mix (OPC or SRC) of concrete each day and an

additional sample for each 5 cu.m. of structural concrete.

1.7.4 To Test for Strength

At least six cubes from each mix shall be made for each 30m3 of concrete, three shall be

tested at 7 days and three at 28 days age.

Additional samples will be required of all mixes until concrete production has been shown to

be at the Engineer’s satisfaction.

1.7.5 Testing workability

Each sample required shall be tested for workability.

For each mix of each grade the equivalent slump measured by the cone test shall be determined

by trial mixes. Control shall be maintained by measuring the slump at the point of placing.

1.7.6 Testing the strength

A standard 150mm cube shall be made from each sample taken and stored and tested at 28 days

in accordance with BS 1881.

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1.7.7 Report of the results of tests The reports of the tests for strength shall embody the information required by Clause 1.4 of BS

1881: Part 4, together with the information about the workability required by Clause 2.4, 3.4

of BS 1881: Part 2 and the information listed below:

a) Name of Contractor

b) Identification of mixer or ready mix supplier and depot

c) Grade of concrete

d) Type of concrete

e) Section of work represented by sample

f) Added water

g) Density of cube (kg/cu.m) Single copies of the completed report forms shall be given to the Engineer within 4 days of

each test.

A record of the statistical checks shall be prepared and supplied to the Engineer within 4 days

of preparation and 10 days of completion of a set of test results.

1.7.8 Compliance

Compliance with the characteristic strength shall be determined if:

a) The average strength of each group of 4 consecutive test cubes for each mix exceeds

the specified characteristic strength by not less than 7.5 N/sq. mm.

b) Each individual result exceeds 85% of the specified characteristic strength. Note the margin of 7.5 N/sq. mm may be adjusted by the Engineer at his discretion on the basis

of test results.

1.7.9 Action to be taken in the event of non-compliance

The action to be taken in the event of non-compliance shall be determined by the Engineer and

may range from qualified acceptance to rejection and removal of all or part of the concrete cast

between the previous set of 4 cubes and the next set of 4 cubes.

The Contractor shall provide at its own expense all records, samples including core samples,

tests and their results as may be required by the Engineer, whether the concrete is finally ac-

cepted or not.

1.8 Reinforcement

1.8.1 Materials Two copies of the certificates verifying that the reinforcement complies with this Specification

shall be given by the Contractor to the Engineer in accordance with Clause 15 of both BS

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4449:1997, and BS 4461:1978 for each consignment or reinforcement from each sources.

The Contractor shall submit two copies of the reinforcement manufacturer’s route test records

upon request by the Engineer.

Mild steel reinforcement shall be plain hot rolled bars complying with BS 4449. Unless otherwise directed, high yield reinforcement shall be either hot rolled deformed bars or

cold worked deformed bars complying with BS 4449 or BS 4461 respectively.

Fabric reinforcement shall be made from plain, indented or deformed wires, which shall be

welded, and it shall comply with BS 4483.

Tying wire shall be either 1.6m diameters galvanised steel wire or any other type, which has

the approval of the Engineer.

The type of spacer requires the approval of the Engineer. The materials and designs shall avoid

reinforcement corrosion and concrete spalling and be durable.

1.8.2 Schedules

The Contractor shall schedule the reinforcement in accordance with BS 8110 and the infor-

mation on the Drawings, this Specification and subsequent instructions.

The Contractor shall include for all necessary chairs and spacers, and its price and rates for

steel thus shown shall include for these. Approval by the Engineer of bending schedules and

reinforcement detail drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility for their ac-


1.8.3 Workmanship

1. Reinforcement shall be cut and bent in accordance with BS 4466. Cutting or bending by

the application of heat is not permitted. Welding of reinforcement shall only be permitted

unless approved in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit full technical de- tails

of its proposed procedures for such approval.

2. Reinforcement shall be secured against displacement outside the specified limits. Unless

specified otherwise:

a) The actual concrete cover as specified on the drawings shall not be less than the required

nominal cover minus 5mm.

b) Where reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member (e.g. a straight

bar in a slab) the actual concrete cover shall be not more than the required nominal cover


5 mm on bars up to and including 12 mm size

10 mm on bars over 12 mm up to and including 25 mm size

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15 mm on bars over 25 mm size

3. Cover shall be maintained to all embedded fixings, conduits and all chases and pockets.

Spacers, chairs together with such other supports as may be necessary, shall be used to

maintain the reinforcement in its correct position. In a member where the nominal cover is

dimensioned to the links, spacers between the links and formwork should be of the same

dimensions as the nominal cover.

4. Spacers shall be of such materials and designs as will be durable and not lead to corrosion

of the reinforcement and not cause spalling of the concrete cover. Spacers blocks made

from cement, sand and small aggregate shall match the mix proportions of the surrounding

concrete so far as is practicable with a view to being comparable in strength, durability and

appearance. Approved plastic spacers to be used where fair- face concrete is specified.

5. Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be made with steel

wire or tying devices. Care shall be taken to ensure that projecting ends of ties or clips do not

encroach into the concrete cover.

6. Reinforcement shall not be surrounded by concrete unless it is free of mud, oil, rust, grease

or any other substance, which may affect the steel or concrete structurally, chemically or

reduce bond.

7. The Contractor shall take whatever means necessary such as grit blasting, degreasing to

clean the reinforcement and protected by covering, painting until surrounded by concrete to

the approval of the Engineer.

1.8.4 Cutting and bending of reinforcement

All reinforcement shall be bent cold unless otherwise specially permitted by the Engineer.

Wooden mandrels or steel mandrels with nylon collars shall be used and the minimum internal

radius of bending shall be 4 bar diameters for both high yield and mild steel reinforcement. No

plain unribbed reinforcement shall be used unless specifically permitted by the Engineer.

1.8.5 Site installation and handing

Reinforcement of all types shall be stored on site in protected racks above ground in an ap-

proved manner so as to avoid damage to the coating. Direct metal coating contact should be

avoided wherever possible.

The reinforcement shall be lifted with nylon slings in accordance with Clause 10.1 of ASTM


The Engineer is to be notified of all errors and omissions prior to the cutting, bending and

fixing of the reinforcement.

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The Contractor shall provide adequate scaffold boards or similar to ensure that the reinforce-

ment is not displaced by being walked upon during the placing of the concrete or other opera-

tions. Prior to concreting, the Contractor shall ensure that the reinforcement is cleaned of all

concrete from previous pours and any damage to the coating is repaired.

1.9 Formwork

The design and use of formwork shall be in accordance with BS 5975:1982 Falsework.

1.9.1 Materials Temporary formwork shall be constructed of materials approved by the Engineer.

Permanent formwork shall be constructed of materials approved by the Engineer. Slabs or

blocks shall have an exposed surface of the specified quality; they shall

be positively anchored to the structure and the joints between them shall prevent bleeding of

cement paste from the concrete.

Representative samples of the material proposed for temporary and permanent formwork shall

be supplied by the contractor for the engineer’s approval.

The material for ties passing through the concrete requires the approval of the Engineer.

1.9.2 Design The design and construction of formwork shall be carried out by competent persons taking due

account of the surface finish required. The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to

prevent loss of grout or mortar from the concrete at all stages and for the appropriate method

of placing and compaction.

Formwork (including supports) shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms in their correct

position and to correct shape and profile so that the final concrete structure is within the limits

of the dimensional tolerances specified. The supports should be designed to withstand the worst

combination of self weight, formwork weight, formwork forces, reinforcement weight, wet

concrete weight, construction and wind loads, together with all incidental dynamic effects

caused by placing, vibrating and compacting the concrete.

The formwork shall be so arranged as to be readily dismantled and removable from the cast

concrete without shock, disturbance or damage. Where necessary, the formwork shall be so

arranged that the soffit form, properly supported on props only, can be retained in position for

such periods as may be required by maturing conditions or specifications.

In addition to the above, formwork shall be provided to the top surface of concrete where the

slope or the nature of the work requires it.

Provisions shall be made for forming holes and chases for services and for building in pipes,

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conduits and other fixings shown on the Engineer’s and plant manufacturer’s drawings.

The position of any ties passing through the concrete requires the Engineer’s approval. Where

part of a metal tie remains embedded in the concrete, it shall not have less cover than the rein-

forcement. Any holes left after the removal of ties shall be filled with an approved non-shrink


The Contractor shall upon request supply to the Engineer, drawings and calculations for the

formwork he proposes to use. Approval of such calculations and drawings shall not relieve the

Contractor of its responsibility.

1.9.3 Workmanship: deflection and camber

The Contractor shall make allowance for any deflection of formwork that is likely to arise

during construction, so that the hardened concrete conforms to the specified line and level.

All beams, bands, and slabs shall have the following camber, unless otherwise shown on the


Cantilevers: Span/200

Other spans > 5m Span/500

1.9.4 Supports

Props and supports shall be designed to allow the formwork to be adjusted accurately to line

and level and to be erected and removed in a sequence without damage to the concrete.

1.9.5 Joints and edges

All joints in formwork shall be close-fitting to prevent bleeding of cement paste from the con-


At construction joints formwork shall be tightly secured against previously cast or hardened

concrete to prevent the loss of grout or the formation of stepping or rides in the concrete.

Formwork shall be constructed to provide straight and true angles, arises or edges. Where

chamfers are called for, the fillets shall be accurately sized to provide a smooth and continuous


Formwork panels shall have the true edges to permit accurate alignment of their sides and to

provide clean lines at construction joints and shall be fixed with joints either vertical or hori-

zontal; unless otherwise specified.

The type and treatment of any lining (plywood, metal, plastics) to the forms shall be appropriate

to the concrete finish required.

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Where holes are needed on forms to accommodate projecting reinforcement or fixing devices

care shall be taken to prevent loss of grout. Special care shall be taken when demoulding in

order not to break off the edge of the concrete adjacent to the projecting reinforcement.

1.9.6 Cleaning and treatment

All formwork to be in contact with the concrete shall be clean and treated with suitable release

agent before fixing steel. All rubbish shall be removed from the interior of the forms before the

concrete is placed.

Release agents for formwork shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be carefully chosen

for the particular conditions they are required to fulfil. Where a concrete surface is to be per-

manently exposed only one agent shall be used throughout the entire area. Release agents shall

be applied evenly and contact with reinforcement and concrete at construction joints avoided.

Where the surface is to receive an applied finish, care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility

of the release agent with the finish.

Surface retarding agents shall not be used.

Damaged or distorted formwork shall not be used.

1.9.7 Striking

The formwork shall be removed slowly as the sudden removal of wedges is equivalent of a

shock load on the partly hardened concrete.

Materials and plant shall not be stacked on any newly constructed floor without the permission

of the Engineer.

Provided the concrete strength is confirmed by tests on cubes stored as far as possible under

the same conditions as the concrete in the member under consideration, formwork supporting

cast insitu concrete in flexure may be struck when the cube strength is 10 N/ or twice

the stress to which it will then be subjected whichever is the greater provided that such earlier

striking will not result in unacceptable deflections due to shrinkage, creep. The Contractor shall

submit calculations and cube results to prove compliance with this Clause.

When formwork is removed within the seven (7) days curing period, particular care shall be

exercised to avoid damage to the concrete, especially to arises and features. The provision of

suitable curing methods shall immediately follow the removal of formwork and the concrete

shall be protected from high temperatures by means of suitable shielding.

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1.9.8 Defective

work Concrete, which is defective from any cause whatsoever, is, if so directed by the

Engineer, to be cut out and the work reconstructed at the Contractor’s expense.

The faces of the concrete work are to be sound and solid, free from honeycombing,

excrescence and exposure of reinforcement. No “patching” of any concrete surface is to be

allowed without the express permission of the Engineer.

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Section B: Precast Concrete Work

1.10 Precast Concrete Work

1.10.1 Materials and

workmanship Gen

eral All the above specification requirements for concrete works shall apply in precast

concrete unless otherwise specified hereafter or on the Contract Drawings.



s Moulds shall be constructed so as to facilitate cleaning out immediately prior to concreting

and shall be designed to allow the units to be demoulded without causing spalling,

cracking under stress or other damage.


ting The concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation rising uniformly in the

mould. Reinforce

ment Mild steel reinforcement, which projects from the face of units, may be bent to facilitate

the casting or demoulding the unit subject to the approval of the Engineer in each case.

The rein- forcement shall not be re-bent to its final position in the works before the

concrete has achieved two-thirds of its characteristic strength. The maximum

permissible diameter of bars, which may be re-bent, is 32 mm. High yield reinforcement

shall not be re-bent. The minimum internal bend radius shall be two times the diameter of

the bar.

1.10.2 Tolerances



a) All precast units shall be constructed so that the dimensions of the finished concrete

members lie within the tolerances specified unless otherwise specified on

drawings, or closer tolerances are required to meet the specified finish

requirements or requirements for fixings.

b) The position of individual connecting bolts, bolts holes, projecting steel or other

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devices shall be within 6mm of the specified position.

1.10.3 Handling and

erection General

a) Contractor shall prepare a statement for the Engineer’s approval including, but not limited

to the following:

Minimum ages of handling and transporting

The position and design of lifting points

Method of lifting

Type of lifting equipment

Methods of supporting and stacking for both storage transportation

Method of assembly and erection

Temporary support if applicable

Composition of mortar or concrete to till joints

Method of protection from damage at all times.

b) No unit shall be lifted from the base on which it was cast before the concrete has

attained a strength of at least 8N/mm2 and is strong enough to prevent the unit from being

damaged, overstressed or distorted beyond the tolerance limits.

c) Units shall only be lifted or supported at approved positions and shall be handled and

placed without impact. Inserts provided for the purposes shall not be used for handling.

d) Unless otherwise approved any unit which is vertical in its final position in the Works

shall be raised to the vertical or near vertical, before being lifted from the base on which it

was cast. Thereafter it shall not be handled, stored or transported in a position not

exceeding 150 from the vertical.

e) All members shall have indelible identity and location marks and if they are of

symmetrical section, the face which will be uppermost when the unit is in its correct

position in the Works shall also be identified. The markings shall be located so that they

will not be ex- posed to view in the finished work.

f) Units shall be stacked in the storage area so that identification marks are clearly

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visible and with packing pieces between each unit. Units stacked vertically shall be

supported and the lower edge protected from damage by suitable bearers.

g) The Contractor shall ensure that units are adequately protected from staining,

damage or distortion at all times. Projecting reinforcement shall be coated with cement

grout where necessary to prevent the staining of exposed surfaces.

h) The Contractor shall keep records for each precast member tabulating the following

infor- mation:

Identification mark on member

Type of member

Identification mark on mould (where applicable)

Date of casting

Details of relevant works cubes.

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Section C: Concrete for Aqueous Liquid-Retaining Structures

1.11 Concrete for aqueous liquid-retaining structures

1.11.1 General The requirements of Section A: Standard Concrete Work of this specification shall apply with

the required amendments and additions as stated below.

1.11.2 Concrete mix design: cement content The minimum cement content shall be 325 kg/m3. The maximum water: cement ratio shall be

0,55 for ordinary Portland cement (OPC)

1.11.3 Construction joints Each section of the Works that is required, in terms of the project specification, to hold or

exclude water shall be watertight, and special care, particularly at construction joints, shall be

taken by the Contractor to ensure water tightness. Shutter ferrules and ties shall be of the cast-

in type, rust resistant, specifically designed for water tightness without forming a hole through

the element, and approved by the engineer. Should any such section of the Works fail to pass

the tests for water tightness as required in terms of the project specification or as ordered, or

show any sign of water leakage or penetration after being taken into use, it shall be deemed

defective and the provisions of under DEFECTS shall apply.

1.11.4 Defects The concrete shall be homogeneous and free from honeycombing, interstices, and planes of

weakness. If, after the removal of the forms, the concrete shows any defect, the Contractor shall

immediately report such defect to the Engineer, and he shall not carry out any patching or

remedial work until authorized to do so by the Engineer.

After thorough inspection and investigation of the quality and strength of the defective work

and after due consideration of the possible consequences of such defect, the Engineer will either

specify the extent and method of repair or order the demolition and reconstruction of the whole

of the defective work to the extent that he considers necessary. The cost of all such investiga-

tion, repair, and remedial work and of any demolition and reconstruction of defective work

shall be borne by the Contractor and all repair, remedial, and reconstruction work shall be

executed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.11.5 Testing For a test of liquid retention, the structure should be cleaned and initially filled to the normal

maximum level with the specified liquid (usually water) at a uniform rate of not greater than


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in 24 h. When first filled, the liquid level should be maintained by the addition of

further liquid for a stabilizing period while absorption and autogenous healing take

place. The stabi- lizing period may be 7 days for a maximum design crack width of 0.1

mm or 21 days for 0.2 mm or greater. After the stabilizing period the level of the liquid

surface should be recorded at 24 h intervals for a test period of 7 days. During this 7-

day test period the total permissible drop in level, after allowing for evaporation and

rainfall, should not exceed 1/500th of the average water depth of the full tank, 10 mm

or another specified amount.

Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the test, any evidence of seepage of

the liquid to the outside faces of the liquid retaining walls should be assessed against

the requirements of the specification. Any necessary remedial treatment of the

concrete, cracks, or joints should, where practicable, be carried out from the liquid

face. When a remedial lining is applied to inhibit leakage at a crack it should have

adequate flexibility and have no reaction with the stored liquid.

Should the structure not satisfy the 7day test, then after the completion of the remedial

work it should be refilled and if necessary left for a further stabilizing period; a further

test of 7 days’ duration should then be undertaken in accordance.

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Table of Contents

Structural Steel Specifications ....................................................................................................... i

Structural Steel Specifications A ................................................................................................. 1

Structural Steel Specifications A ................................................................................................. 2

1.20 Equivalency of standards ............................................................................................ 2

1.21 Project specification .................................................................................................... 2

1.22 Welding Procedures .................................................................................................... 3

• Weld testing ......................................................................................................... 3

• Testing ................................................................................................................. 4

1.23 Additional clauses ....................................................................................................... 4

• Protective treatment and painting ........................................................................ 4

• Surface preparation in the workshop ................................................................... 4

• Paint system ......................................................................................................... 5

• Hot dipped galvanizing ....................................................................................... 6

• Repairing of damaged coatings ........................................................................... 6

Structural Steel Specifications B ................................................................................................. 7

Structural Steel Specifications B ................................................................................................. 8

1.24 Structural Steel Specifications B ................................................................................ 8

1.25 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 8

• Steel products ...................................................................................................... 8

• Welding consumables ........................................................................................ 10

• Structural fasteners ............................................................................................ 10

• Shear studs ......................................................................................................... 13

• Protective treatment materials ........................................................................... 13

• Proprietary items ............................................................................................... 13

• Substitution of material or form ........................................................................ 13

1.26 Information provided by the steelwork contractor .................................................... 14

• Fabrication information for components ........................................................... 14

1.27 Erection information ................................................................................................. 15

Page clxviii of 34


• Erection drawings .............................................................................................. 15

• Temporary steelwork drawings ......................................................................... 15

1.28 Drawing or information review ................................................................................ 15

• Submission to the Engineer ............................................................................... 15

• Extent of submissions ........................................................................................ 15

1.29 Workmanship ........................................................................................................ 16

10. Identification ..................................................................................................... 16

11. Handling ............................................................................................................ 16

12. Cutting and shaping ........................................................................................... 17

13. Machining .......................................................................................................... 17

14. Dressing ............................................................................................................. 17

15. Holing ................................................................................................................ 17

16. Assembly ........................................................................................................... 18

17. Curving and straightening ................................................................................. 18

18. Inspection ....................................................................................................... 19

19. Storage ........................................................................................................... 19

• Workmanship - welding ........................................................................................ 19

• General .............................................................................................................. 19

• Welder qualification .......................................................................................... 20

• Welding procedures ........................................................................................... 20

• Assembly ........................................................................................................... 21

• Non-destructive testing of welds ....................................................................... 22

• Shear stud welding ............................................................................................ 23

• Workmanship - bolting ......................................................................................... 24

• Ordinary (non-preloaded) assemblies ................................................................ 24

• Fit-up if using non-preloaded bolt assemblies .................................................. 25

• Preloaded assemblies ......................................................................................... 26

• Fit-up if using preloaded bolt assemblies .......................................................... 26

• Protective treatment .............................................................................................. 27

Page clxix of 34


• General .............................................................................................................. 27

• Surface preparation ............................................................................................ 27

• Sprayed metal coating ....................................................................................... 27

• Hot dip galvanizing ........................................................................................... 28

• Paint treatment ................................................................................................... 28

• Coating of surfaces to be encased in concrete ................................................... 28

• Quality management ............................................................................................. 28

• Quality system ................................................................................................... 28

• Additional inspections and tests ........................................................................ 29

• Records .............................................................................................................. 29



Structural Steel Specifications A



Structural Steel Specifications A

• Equivalency of standards Wherever reference is made in the Contract to British Standards and/or code requirements to

be met by the goods and materials to be furnished, work performed or tested, the provisions of

the latest edition or revision of the relevant British Standards and codes in effect shall apply,

unless otherwise stated in the Contract. Whenever reference is made to British Standards and

codes, other authoritative standards and codes that ensure an equal or higher quality than the

relevant British Standards and codes, will be accepted subject to the Project Engineer’s prior

review and written consent. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed al-

ternative standards shall be fully described in writing by the Tenderer/Contractor and submitted

to the Project Engineer at least twenty eight days prior to the date when the Contractor/Tenderer

desires the Project Engineer’s consent. In the event that the Project Engineer determines that

such deviations are not of a high enough or better standard, the Tenderer/Contractor shall com-

ply with the specified document.

A copy of the said specifications shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be kept on the


• Project specification

Should a requirement of the said standardized specification be inconsistent with a requirement of

the project specification, the latter shall take precedence.

• Applicable specifications

Structural steel specification part b: general specification • General specification

• Steel Product

The steel shall be Grade S355JR for hot rolled steel sections (I, H, C, L) and plates and Grade S275JR W for cold formed elements. All members shall carry the relevant steel symbol to iden-

tify steel grade prior to manufacturing.

The thickness specified of a checker (“vastrap”) floor plate, is the under-pattern thickness. • Drawing or Information


The contractor shall furnish the engineer with shop-detail drawings within two weeks of having received the design drawings. Workshop drawings shall be drawn in AutoCAD. The engineer

will check the drawings for conformity with design requirements and will return the drawings



with additions and corrections, if any, within one week of having received them. Detailed

checking of shop details for dimensional accuracy and installation fit, will not be done by the


• Welding Procedures

The applicable welding code for fabrication and erection is AWS D1.1.

• No staggered or intermittent welding is permitted.

• No welding on site is permitted unless approved by the engineer. Any site welder

and site welding procedure will have to be re-qualified for site welding.

• Weld testing

• General

• Personnel performing non-destructive testing other than visual shall be qualified in ac-

cordance with the stipulations of the code.

• Full penetration butt welds are to be radio graphically tested in accordance with the

clause below. A minimum of 50% of full penetration welds shall be tested. If more than

5% of the examined welds show unsatisfactory results, then additional examinations

covering all welds shall be performed.

• Non-destructive examination

• Non-destructive procedures, techniques and acceptance criteria shall be as required and

specified by the engineer.

• All non-destructive examination shall be in accordance with written procedures. The

Engineer shall have the right to examine and approve the written procedures.

• Full penetration butt welds shall be radio graphically tested or ultrasonically tested to

the specified requirements.

• Ultrasonic and radiographic examinations shall not be made within the period of 24

hours after completion of welding.

• Cost of examination listed under to be borne by the Contractor.

• All costs (time, travelling, tests) incurred by non-destructive examinations due to non-

conformance of specifications and due to any latent defects in material and welding

shall be borne by the Contractor.

• Fillet welds will be inspected and tested at the discretion of the Engineer. For costing

purposes allowance must be made for ultrasonic testing of at least 5 % of all fillet welds.



• Certificates of non-destructive testing shall be submitted to the Engineer. 1.3.2 Testing

Test certificates pertaining to the steel to be used shall be submitted to the engineer by the

contractor before fabrication commences.

The engineer reserves the right to inspect all structural steel in the workshop before it is deliv-

ered to the site.

• Additional clauses

• Protective treatment and painting General h) All paint shall be delivered at the workshop as well as on the site in the original

containers that display the manufacturer’s name and trademark as well as the iden-

tification mark of the relevant Standards Authority. The engineer may, at his discre-

tion, prescribe the manufacturer and the type of paint. The coating system shall be

from one manufacturer only. The paint manufacturer’s instructions shall be strictly

adhered to.

i) Surfaces in contact with each other after assembly or erection shall receive the pri- mer beforehand, except for faying surfaces for friction-grip fasteners. j) The application of the final coats of paint before erection will be permitted by the

engineer only in special circumstances or where specified elsewhere.

k) After erection of the steelwork, the specified paint system shall be reinstated in all

areas where it has been damaged. All fasteners shall also be treated in accordance

with the specified paint system.

l) No painting on the site shall be done in inclement weather or when humidity or frost is liable to cause wet or damp conditions on the surface to be painted.

m) No painting shall be done if the temperature falls below 7oC. n) Welded seams shall be thoroughly steel-brushed before painting. Permission shall

be obtained from the engineer before slag residue may be neutralized with acids or


• Surface preparation in the workshop

ISO 8501 shall apply and shall be referred to in respect of this clause.



• Manual scraping and wire brushing. This treatment shall normally be applied in all circumstances except if and where blast cleaning

is specified.

• Prior to treatment, the steel surface shall be cleaned of dirt and grease

• Heavier layers of rust shall be removed by chipping

• All loose mill scale, rust and foreign matter shall be removed by very

thorough scraping, wire-brushing, machine-brushing, grinding, etc

• Finally the surface shall be cleaned by vacuum cleaner, with clean dry

compressed air, or with a clean brush

• The surface shall have a pronounced metallic sheen with an appearance

equal to or better than that shown on the prints in ISO 8501.

• Blast-cleaning This treatment may be used but is not obligatory unless so specified hereinafter. If blast cleaning

is preferred to normal scraping and wire brushing, the final sur- face shall be equal to or better

than that specified above.

• Paint system

The application may be by brush, roller or sprayed. Red lead may not be used. All structural steel which is not visible, e.g. purlins, rafters and trusses, shall receive only the

primer coat. All visible steel shall receive the full appropriate paint system treatment.

In all cases the manufacturer’s specification for any paint product must be followed. • Paint system for newly galvanized surfaces

• Recommended surface preparation:

• Degrease with Plascon Aquasole Degreaser GR 1 or similar approved. Any ce-

ment or foreign material must also be removed from the metal surface.

• Rinse with clean running water while protecting the floors and walls.

• Wash with Galvanised Iron Cleaner GIC 1 by Plascon, or similar ap-


• Rinse with clean running water and allow to dry. Protect the floors and


• Apply one coat of Plascon Aquafast Etch Primer no EMS 18 or similar approved

to a total dry thickness of 35 micron. Must be overcoated within 72 hours to

avoid excessive hardening.



• Apply the final coat as specified. 1.5.12 Hot dipped galvanizing

Steelwork described as "galvanised" shall be galvanised after manufacturing and before deliv-

ering to site by means of the hot dipped process complying with the minimum requirements of

BS EN ISO 1461), 1999 latest amendment. Structural steel members shall be given an 85 mi-

cron thick galvanised coating or such other thickness as may be specified in accordance with

BS EN ISO 1461.

Damaged surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and if welding has been carried out all slag must

be removed preferably by the use of a chisel hammer.

Before galvanising all surfaces of the metalwork shall be thoroughly cleaned of all scale and

rust by shot-blasting in accordance with BS EN ISO 8501-1 or by pickling and then fluxed

ready for galvanising.

The zinc coating shall be even and continuous over all surfaces, free of bare spots, dull or rough

patches, blisters or other imperfections. The zinc coating shall show no signs of peeling and

shall be uniform in thickness.

All M8 and greater bolts, nuts, screws and other threaded components, shall be hot-dip galva-

nised to BS EN ISO 1461.

1.5.13 Repairing of damaged coatings

a) Plant repairs

Should any black spots or uncoated areas greater than 5 mm2 (individual) or 25 mm2 (collective)

per m2 or per m run be present after galvanizing, the coating shall be repaired. This is to be

carried out using abrasive blasting followed by zinc metal spray. The zinc metal spray shall be

applied at least 25 % thicker than that specified and shall overlap the damaged area by 20-25

mm. The finished coating shall be wire brushed to remove any excess metal spray.

Hot patch soldering is an alternative at the plant but is seldomly used, as the method needs to

be conducted while the product is still hot before quenching.

b) Site Repairs

This shall involve using a zinc rich paint provided it has at least 90 % zinc in the dry film, by

mass. The paint should be a zinc rich epoxy in conformance with BS EN ISO 14713. A single

pack zinc rich paint such as Plascon’s “Plascozinc Polygalv Primer” or equal can be applied.



Structural Steel Specifications B



Structural Steel Specifications B 1.5 Structural Steel Specifications B A. General

The structural steel framework is designed in accordance with the requirements of the latest

British Standard BS 5950 and all materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with that

standard unless specified otherwise.

All the technical notes given in the steelworks drawings are deemed to be part of the Specifi-

cation for the Works.

B. Equivalency of standards

Wherever reference is made in the Contract to British Standards and/or code requirements to

be met by the goods and materials to be furnished, work performed or tested, the provisions of

the latest edition or revision of the relevant British Standards and codes in effect shall apply,

unless otherwise stated in the Contract. Whenever reference is made to British Standards and

codes, other authoritative standards and codes that ensure an equal or higher quality than the

relevant British Standards and codes, will be accepted subject to the Project Engineer’s prior

review and written consent. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed al-

ternative standards shall be fully described in writing by the Tenderer/Contractor and submitted

to the Project Engineer at least twenty eight days prior to the date when the Contractor/Tenderer

desires the Project Engineer’s consent. In the event that the Project Engineer determines that

such deviations are not of a high enough or better standard, the Tenderer/Contractor shall com-

ply with the specified document.

A copy of the said specifications shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be kept on the


1.8 Materials 1.8.1 Steel products

a) Qualities

Material shall be steel in rolled sections, structural hollow sections, plates or bars and shall comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1. Note: When specifying and ordering,

full steel designation should be given including the standard number, strength grade and impact

quality (e.g. BS EN 10025-2 3275J0) so that the correct properties for fracture toughness and

weldability are ensured.



b) Testing All steel products for use in construction shall have been specifically tested in accordance with

the appropriate material product standard shown in Table 2.1. The steel product manufacturer

shall declare the results using an inspection certificate to BS EN 10204. The Steelwork Con-

tractor shall have access to the inspection documents to BS EN 10204 provided by manufactur-

ers of all steel products used in the construction. If requested, the Steelwork Contractor shall

make these inspection documents available to the Engineer or Inspection Authority.

c) Dimensions and tolerances

Dimensions and tolerances shall comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1.

d) Surface condition

Steel surfaces when used shall not be more heavily pitted or rusted than Grade C of BS EN

1508501-1. Surface defects in hot rolled sections, plates and wide flats revealed during surface



preparation which are not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10163 shall be recti-

fied accordingly. Surface defects in hot finished hollow sections revealed during surface prep-

aration which are not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10210-1 shall be rectified

accordingly. Surface defects in cold formed hollow sections revealed during surface preparation

which are not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10219-1 shall be rectified accord-


1.8.6 Welding consumables

• Standards

Consumables for use in metal arc welding shall comply with BS EN ISO 2560, BS EN 440, BS

EN 756 or BS EN 758 as appropriate.

• Storage

Consumables in the Steelwork Contractor’s works and on the Site, shall be stored and handled

in the manner described in BS EN 10 11-1 and in accordance with the relevant standard. Any

drying or baking of consumables before issue shall be carried out in accordance with the man-

ufacturer’s recommendations.

1.8.7 Structural fasteners

• Declaration of conformity

The Steelwork Contractor shall make declarations of conformity provided by suppliers of struc-

tural fasteners available to the Engineer or Inspection Authority, if requested. If the fasteners

are to be surface coated, then this shall be included in the declaration of conformity.

• Ordinary (not for preloading) assemblies

Ordinary bolt and nut (and washer if used) assemblies for use without preloading shall be as

given in Table 2.2 or Table 2.3.

• Preloaded assemblies

Preloaded assemblies shall be as given in Table 2.4 Note: The term “preloaded” refers to pre-

loadable fasteners to be used in the preloaded condition. The previous usage “HSFG” referred

to fasteners suitable for use as preloaded high strength bolts and nuts in friction grip connec-

tions. Preloaded assemblies to BS EN 14399-1 tested to BS EN 14399-2 may also be used

provided that the Project Specification specifies which system is to be used:

• HR assemblies to BS EN 14399-3, or

• HV assemblies to BS EN 14399-4.



Components from the two different systems shall not be mixed. Plain washers to BS EN 14399-

5 and/or plain chamfered washers to BS EN 14399-6 may also be used with either of these


• Foundation bolt assemblies

Holding down bolt assemblies shall be as given in Table 2.5. • Cup and countersunk bolts

Cup and countersunk bolts shall be as given in Table 2.6.



• Lock nuts for bolt assemblies Lock nuts shall be in accordance with BS 4190. • Coatings for bolt assemblies

If specific coatings are required, they shall be provided by the fastener manufacturer and shall



comply with the appropriate part of BS 7371. Shear studs

Shear studs shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 13918. Protective treatment materials

• Metallic blast cleaning abrasives

Chilled iron grit shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 11124-2, and cast steel grit shall be in

accordance with BS EN ISO 11124-3.

• Surface coatings

Paint materials and other coatings supplied shall be in accordance with the appropriate British

Standard for the materials specified in the Project Specification

• Sherardized coatings

Sherardized coatings shall be in accordance with BS 7371-8. The thickness of the coating needs to

be specified.

• Galvanizing Materials

The composition of zinc in galvanizing baths shall be in accordance with BS 7371-6. • Electrodeposited coatings

Electrodeposited coatings shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 4042. The thickness of the

coating needs to be specified.

Proprietary items

All proprietary items shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations

and instructions.

Substitution of material or form

Material quality or form of components may, with the agreement of the Engineer, be substituted

if it can be demonstrated that the structural properties are not less suitable than the designed

component and that compatibility with the intention of the design is maintained.



1.10 Information provided by the steelwork contractor 1.10.1 Fabrication information for components

Fabrication drawings and fabrication data

Fabrication Drawings or Fabrication Data used in the manufacturing system need only provide

details and dimensions necessary for the manufacture of components. Such details shall be

available to the Employer if so specified in the Project Specification. The system shall include

full details of the date when component information in the form of Fabrication Drawings and

Data is released for manufacture.

Attachments to facilitate erection

Details of holes and fittings in components necessary for safety or to provide lifting and erection

aids shall be included. Unless specified otherwise by the Project Specification, such holes and

fittings may remain on the permanent structure.


Any requirements for edge preparations for welds shall be indicated. Welding inspection re-

quirements which differ from the specified shall be clearly indicated.

Packs, clearances and camber

The Steelwork Contractor shall make provision for:

• Packs which may be necessary to ensure proper fit-up of joints,

• The need for clearances between the fabricated components so that the permitted

deviations in fabrication and erection are not exceeded,

• The Engineer’s requirements for pre-set or cambers. Hole sizes

Holes in components shall be shown to the following nominal sizes:

• For ordinary bolts and preloaded bolts:

not exceeding 24mm diameter - 2mm greater than the bolt diameter; greater than 24mm

diameter - 3mm greater than the bolt diameter.

(ii) For holding down bolts:

6mm greater than the bolt diameter, or with sufficient clearance to ensure that a bolt, whose

adjustment may cause it to be out of perpendicular, can be accommodated through the base




Holding down bolt cover plates Holding down bolt details shall include provision of loose cover plates or washers with hole

diameter 3mm greater than the holding down bolts.

Connections to allow movement

If the connection is designed to allow movement, the assembly used shall remain secure without

impeding the movement.

Machining note

Any machining requirements shall be clearly indicated. Drilling note

The component information shall indicate those locations where holes are to be drilled but not

punched or formed in another way.

Faying surfaces for friction grip connections

Faying surfaces which are to receive special treatment shall be identified.

1.11 Erection information 1.11.1 Erection drawings

If necessary to amplify the information given in the erection method statement Steelwork Con-

tractor shall prepare Erection Drawings.

1.11.2 Temporary steelwork drawings

Details and arrangements of temporary steelwork necessary for erection purposes shall be

shown with the erection information.

• Drawing or information review

• Submission to the Engineer

Drawings or Electronic Data shall be submitted for review by the Engineer in accordance with

the construction programme.

• Extent of submissions

Unless stated otherwise in the Project Specification the following drawings, and connection

calculations shall be submitted:



• General Arrangement Drawings. The Steelwork Contractor shall mark references on the

General Arrangement Drawings or provide another suitable system such that a connec-

tion calculation or standard simple connection can be identified to a specific location on

the structure.

• Connection Design calculations except for those where industry standard simple con-

nections are used. Calculations shall include sketches or drawings showing the arrange-

ment of the connection and shall be referenced to a location on the structure. If neces-

sary, drawings showing complex geometry shall also be submitted.

1.10 Workmanship General • Identification

• Traceability of steel products

All steel products to be used in The Works shall have a reference to a suitable declaration of conformity so that the properties are known and can be verified. Unless required by the Project

Specification individual pieces do not need to be traceable to a particular inspection document.

• Material identification

The material grade, quality and other relevant properties shall be identifiable within the manu- facturing system. • Marking steelwork

Individual pieces shall be capable of positive identification at all stages of fabrication. Com- pleted components shall be marked with a durable and distinguishing erection mark in such a

way as not to damage the material. Hard stamping may be used for steel grades up to and in-

cluding S355, except where otherwise specified in the Project Specification. Where areas of

steelwork are indicated on the drawings, or fabrication information, as being unmarked, they

shall be left free of all markings and hard stamping.

1.11.6 Handling

Steelwork shall be bundled, packed, handled and transported (as appropriate) in a safe manner

so that permanent distortion does not occur and surface damage is minimized. Particular care

shall be taken to stiffen free ends and adequately protect any machined surfaces.



1.11.7 Cutting and shaping • Cutting operations

Cutting and shaping of steel may be carried out by sawing, shearing, cropping, thermal cutting, nibbling, planing or machining. Hand-held cutting shall only be used if it is impractical to use

machine thermal cutting. Any areas where thermal cuffing is not permitted shall be so indicated

by the engineer.

• Thermally-cut edges

Thermally-cut edges which are free from significant irregularities shall be accepted without further treatment except for the removal of dross. Otherwise cut edges shall be dressed to re-

move irregularities.

• Columns and compression members

Columns and compression members with ends not in direct bearing or intended to be erected on packs shall be fabricated to the accuracy. Columns and compression members intended to

be in direct bearing shall be fabricated to the accuracy as specified. The butting surfaces of

column sections which are one meter and over in width or depth and are to be in direct bearing,

shall be specially prepared so that after erection both the deviation in plumb and the permitted

gap are not exceeded.

1.10.5 Machining

The thickness of machined parts shown on the drawings as requiring machining shall mean the

minimum thickness after the machining operations.

1.10.6 Dressing Removal of burrs

Cut edges shall be dressed to remove dross, burrs, and irregularities. Holes shall be dressed as required to remove burrs and protruding edges. Dressing of edges

Sharp edges shall be dressed, but a 90 degree rolled, cut, sheared or machined edge is acceptable without further treatment. 1.10.7 Holing Holes

Round holes for fasteners or pins shall be drilled, punched or plasma cut. The engineer shall indicate any areas on components where due to design requirements thermal cutting or full size

hole punching is not permitted


2-187 Matching

All matching holes for fasteners or pins shall register with each other so that fasteners can be inserted freely through the assembled components in a direction at right angles to the faces in

contact. Drifts may be used but holes shall not be distorted. Drilling through more than one thickness

If the separate parts are tightly clamped together drilling shall be permitted through more than one thickness. The parts shall be separated after drilling and any burrs removed. Punching full size

Full size punching of holes shall be permitted if all the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) The tolerance on distortion of the punched hole does not exceed that speci-


(ii) The holes are free of burrs which would prevent solid seating of the parts

when tightened.

(iii)The thickness of the material is not greater than 30mm for material up to S355, not

greater than 10mm for higher grades, nor greater than the diameter of the hole being


(iv) The holes in mating surfaces in spliced connections are punched in the same direc-

tion and the splice plates marked to show the assembly faces, if packed separately. Punching and reaming

Punching is permitted without the conditions above, provided that the holes are punched at least 2mm less in diameter than the required size and the hole is reamed to the full diameter after

assembly. Slotted holes

Slotted holes shall be punched, thermally-cut or formed by drilling two holes and completed by cutting. 1.10.8 Assembly

Connected components shall be drawn together such that they achieve firm contact consistent

with the requirements for fit-up or direct bearing. Drifting of holes to align the components

shall be permitted, but must not cause damage or distortion to the final assembly.

1.10.9 Curving and straightening

Curving or straightening components during fabrication, shall be performed by one of the fol-

lowing methods:



i. Mechanical means, taking care to minimise indentations, or change of cross-

section; (ii) The local application of heat, ensuring that the temperature of the

metal is carefully controlled, and does not exceed 650°C;

ii. The induction bending process if the procedure used includes careful tempera-

ture control and the procedure is validated beforehand in terms of its ability to

retain suitable properties for the as-bent material.

After curving or straightening, welds within the area of curving or straightening shall be visu-

ally inspected. Welds which are to be subject to non-destructive testing shall have these tests

carried out after curving or straightening

1.10.10Inspection Sufficient components shall be checked for dimensional accuracy and conformity to drawing,

to prove that the manufacturing process is working satisfactorily.

1.10.11Storage Stacking

Fabricated components which are stored prior to being transported or erected shall be stacked clear of the ground and arranged if possible so that water cannot accumulate. They shall be kept

clean and supported in such a manner as to avoid permanent distortion. Visible markings

Individual components shall be stacked and marked in such a way as to ensure that they can be identified.

1.11 Workmanship - welding 1.11.1 General

Welding shall be a metal arc process in accordance with BS EN 1011-1, the guidance given in

BS EN 1011-2 as appropriate, together with other clauses contained in this section, unless oth-

erwise specifically permitted by the Engineer. The Steelwork Contractor’s system for the man-

agement of welding shall meet the standard quality requirements described in BS EN ISO 3834-

3. If required by the Project Specification, the welding coordination personnel shall be subject

to approval by the Employer. All welding documentation (welder qualifications, welding pro-

cedure qualification records, welding procedure specifications and associated work instruc-

tions) shall be reviewed for applicability by the person responsible for welding coordination. If



requested, the documentation shall be made available to the Employer, Engineer and the In-

spection Authority if appointed. The Steelwork Contractor shall ensure that materials to be

welded are compatible with the welding procedure being used. Joints shall be prepared in ac-

cordance with BS EN ISO 9692-1 and -2. Precautions shall be taken to ensure cleanliness of

the joint prior to welding.

Alternatively to any British standards regarding welding, American Welding Standard AWS

D1.1 can be used.

1.11.2 Welder qualification Testing

Welders shall be tested to meet the requirements of BS EN 287-1. As an alternative, if permitted by the Engineer, welders may be tested to meet the requirements of the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers, ASME IX, or the American Welding Society, AWS D1.1. Certification

Welder testing shall be witnessed and certificates endorsed by a competent Examiner or Exam- ining Body. The certification shall remain valid providing it complies with the conditions for

re-approval of certification specified in BS EN 287-1.

1.11.3 Welding procedures Preparation of welding procedure specifications

Written welding procedure specifications (WPSs) shall be available in accordance with BS EN ISO 15609-1, and tested in accordance with BS EN ISO 15614-1 by the Steelwork Contractor

They shall comply with the guidance of BS EN 1011-2 Annex C, Method A to avoid hydrogen

cracking, and Annex D to provide adequate toughness in the heat affected zone. Verification of procedures

The Examiner or Examining Body shall verify that the welding procedure qualification records (WPQRs) are in accordance with BS EN ISO 15614-1. Use of welding procedure specifications

Appropriate work instructions shall be produced from the WPQRs under the authority of the welding coordinator. The work instructions shall be either WPSs or contain all the relevant

information required from the WPS in other formats suitable to the Steelwork Contractor’s sys-

tem. They shall be provided for the welder prior to the commencement of welding and shall be

suitable for the joint configuration and material to be welded. These work instructions shall be



made available to the Employer, Engineer or Inspection Authority on request, and shall include

a cross-reference to the WPS upon which they are based.

1.11.4 Assembly Fit-up

Joints shall be fitted up to the dimensional accuracy required by the welding procedure, de-

pending on the process to be used, to ensure that the quality given in Annex C of this Specifi-

cation is achieved. Jigs

Fabrications assembled in jigs may be completely welded in the jig, or may be removed from the

jig after tack welding. Tack welds

Tacks may be used provided:

i. They are laid in an area to be welded and are thoroughly removed by grinding

or gouging such that subsequent welding is unaffected; or

ii. They are undertaken by a welder qualified as in 5.2 as short length normal welds

of a length at least four times the thickness of the thicker part being joined and

at least 50mm long, and the procedure for welding complies with 5.3; or

iii. They are subsequently fully re-melted using a welding procedure that complies

with the above and that demonstrates that the tack is fully re-melted during sub-

sequent welding; or

iv. They are located away from zones where subsequent welding is to take place

and in a zone where only compressive forces are present in service. Distortion control

The sequence of welding a joint or a sequence of joints shall be such that distortion is mini-

mised. Fabrication or erection attachments

Welding of attachments required for fabrication or erection purposes shall be made in accord-

ance with the requirements for a permanent weld. If removal is necessary, they shall be flame

cut or gouged at a point not less than 3 mm from the surface of the parent material. The resid-

ual material shall be ground flush and the affected area visually inspected. If parent metal



thickness is greater than 20 mm it shall also be checked by penetrant testing. Extension pieces

If the profile of a weld is maintained to the free end of a run by the use of extension pieces they

shall be of material of a similar composition, but not necessarily the same grade, as the

component. They shall be arranged so as to provide continuity of preparation and shall be re-

moved after completion of the weld and the end surface of the weld ground smooth. Production test plates

If production test plates are required for testing purposes they shall be clamped in line with

the joint. The grade and quality of material, carbon equivalent, and rolling direction shall

match the parent plate, but need not be cut from the same plates or cast.

1.11.5 Non-destructive testing of welds Scope of inspection

Visual inspection of all welds shall be carried out. If ALL of the following conditions apply, further non-destructive testing is NOT mandatory:

i. The “connection” is fillet welded,

ii. The leg length of the fillet weld is not greater than 10mm,

iii. The greatest component thickness is not greater than 20mm. If these conditions are not met, the scope of inspection shall be as specified. If a workshop is

only producing work where all these conditions are met, then a monthly programme of further

non-destructive testing shall be instituted by the person responsible for welding coordination

such that a representative sample of each month’s output is subjected to appropriate non-de-

structive testing (NDT). Inspection requirements may be reduced at the Engineer’s discretion,

based upon satisfactory performance in the initial production. Conversely, if testing indicates

that weld quality problems have occurred (in similar materials, assembly methods or welding

procedures) non-destructive testing requirements should be increased and should be extended

to non- mandatory components. Record of testing

The results of visual inspection, surface flaw detection and ultrasonic testing shall be recorded and be available for inspection. Visual inspection of welds

100% visual inspection shall be carried out during welding and on completion to determine the production quality is being maintained. Unless specified in the Project Specification, visual



inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the guidelines specified. A suitably qualified

person for visual inspection of welds may be a welding inspector or a welder who can provide

evidence of having been trained and assessed for competence in visual inspection of the relevant

types of welds during and after welding. Hold times before final NDT

lf there is a risk of delayed cracking, a period may be needed before the final inspection is made of as-welded fabrications. Whatever hold time period is used shall be stated in the inspection

records. If it can be demonstrated by the Steelwork Contractor through records that delayed

hydrogen cracking is not a risk, hold times may be reduced or waived at the discretion of the

Engineer. Surface flaw detection

If a closer examination of a weld surface is required, magnetic particle testing shall be used in accordance with the recommendations given in BS EN 1290 and this shall be preceded by visual

inspection to BS EN 970 undertaken by the NDT technician. If magnetic particle testing is

impractical, penetrant testing may be used in accordance with the recommendations given in

BS EN 571-1. Final surface flaw detection of a welded joint shall be carried out after completion

of the weld. A suitably qualified person for surface flaw detection of welds may be a welding

inspector or a welder who holds a current certificate of competence in surface flaw detection of

the relevant types of work, from a nationally recognised authority. Ultrasonic testing

If ultrasonic testing is required, it shall be made in accordance with BS EN 1714 using reference level to Method 1, evaluation reference level -14dB (20% DAC) and examination level B unless

agreed otherwise by the Engineer. Ultrasonic testing of a welded loint shall be carried out after

completion of the weld. Persons carrying out final ultrasonic testing of the weld shall hold a

current certificate of competence from a nationally recognised authority.

1.11.6 Shear stud welding Method

Shear studs shall be welded in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for mate- rials, procedures and equipment. Adequate return earth connections shall be made local to the

area being stud welded. If the studs are to be welded by other than drawn arc stud welding, then

the size of the fillet weld used shall be checked for compliance with the Project Specification.

The local area around where the stud is to be welded shall be free of standing water before

commencement of welding.


2-193 Trial


If specified by the Engineer and before production welding of studs commences, procedure trials shall be carried out. The trials shall be made on samples of material and studs representa-

tive of those to be used in the work. At the start of each shift when stud welding is in progress

each welder shall perform the fixing of at least two trial studs. If either of these trial studs fails

a bend test, then further trials shall be conducted until satisfactory performance is established. Tests and inspection

All studs are to be visually inspected and ring tested. Studs shall be replaced if they show less than a full 3600 collar of weld or if they do not give a clear ring when struck by a metal club

hammer. After satisfactory visual inspection and ring testing, bend tests shall be made at loca-

tions agreed with the Engineer. A minimum of 5% of the studs, but not less than two studs per

beam shall be tested by bending the head of the stud towards the nearer end of the beam. In

addition, the studs immediately adjacent to any stud found to be defective shall be subjected to

bend testing. The bend test shall be made by means of a steel tube placed over the stud and

bending the head until it is displaced laterally a distance of one quarter of the height of the stud.

The stud weld shall not show any signs of cracking or lack of fusion. Studs subjected to the

bend test shall not be straightened. Defective studs

Studs with defective welding or that have failed the bend test shall be replaced with a new stud in an adjacent location. The replacement stud shall be inspected, ring tested and tested by bend-

ing it towards the defective stud. The defective stud need not be removed.

1.12 Workmanship - bolting 1.12.1 Ordinary (non-preloaded) assemblies Bolt/nut combinations

The combinations of bolts and nuts which may be used are as tabulated in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. Galvanized or sherardized bolts in grades 8.8 or 10.9 shall be fitted with higher grade/class nuts.

Any bolt assemblies which seize when being tightened shall be replaced. Cup and countersunk head bolt assemblies

The combinations of bolts and nuts which may be used are as tabulated in Table 2.6. Differing bolt grades

Different bolt grades of the same diameter shall not be used in the same structure, except if agreed otherwise by the Engineer.


2-194 Bolt length

The bolt length shall be chosen such that, after tightening, at least one thread plus the thread run-out will be clear between the nut and the unthreaded shank of the bolt and at least one clear

thread shall show above the nut. Washers

If washers are used they shall be as tabulated in tables 2.2 and 2.3. If full bearing capacity is required when connecting thin-gauge sections of 4mm or less to each other, washers shall be

used under both the bolt head and the nut. If the components being connected have a finished

surface protective treatment which may be damaged by the nut or bolt head being rotated, a

washer shall be placed under the rotating part. A suitable plate or heavy duty washer shall be

used under the head and nut if bolts are used to assemble components with oversize or slotted

holes. Taper washers

If the bolt head or nut is in contact with a surface which is inclined at more than 3° from a plane at right angles to the bolt axis, a taper washer shall be placed to achieve satisfactory bearing. Galvanized nuts

Nuts shall be checked after being galvanized for free running on the bolt and re-tapped if nec- essary to ensure a satisfactory tightening performance. Bolt tightening

Bolts may be assembled using power tools or shall be fully tightened by hand using appropriate spanners in accordance with BS 2583. Fitted bolts

Precision bolts to BS 3692 may be used as fitted bolts if holes are drilled or reamed after as- sembly so that the clearance in the hole is not more than 0.3mm. 1.12.2 Fit-up if using non-preloaded bolt assemblies Fit-up

Connected parts shall be firmly drawn together. If there is a remaining gap which may affect the integrity of the joint, it shall be taken apart and a pack inserted. Reaming

If parts cannot be brought together by drifting without distorting the steelwork, rectification may be made by reaming, provided the design of the connection will allow the use of larger

diameter holes and bolts.



1.12.3 Preloaded assemblies Bolt/nut/washer combinations

The combination of bolt and nut and washers may be used as specified in Table 2.4. The hard- ened washer is to be placed under the nut or head being turned. Other preloaded assemblies

The combination of preloaded assemblies other than those tabulated in Table 2.4 is to be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Tightening

The use of preloaded fasteners in friction grip applications shall comply with BS 4604-1 or -2. Tightening which complies with BS 4604-1 may be by the torque control method, part-turn

method, or direct tension indicators used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommenda-

tions. Calibration of torque equipment

Torque spanners and other devices shall have a calibration check at least once per shift, and shall be re-calibrated if necessary in accordance with BS 4604. Discarded bolt assemblies

If, after complete tightening, a bolt or nut has to be slackened off, the whole bolt assembly is to be scrapped. 1.12.4 Fit-up if using preloaded bolt assemblies Fit-up

Connected parts intended to transfer force in friction shall be firmly drawn together with all bolts partially tightened. The joint shall then be examined and if there is any remaining gap

which may affect the integrity of the joint, it shall be taken apart and a pack inserted before

recommencing the tightening procedure. Reaming

If parts cannot be brought together by drifting without distorting the steelwork, rectification can be made by reaming, provided that the design of the connection will allow the use of larger

diameter bolts. Calculations shall be made to demonstrate that the connection remains adequate

for the forces in the connection.



1.13 Protective treatment 1.13.1 General Specification

The coating and associated surface preparation required for structural steelwork shall be as specified in the Project Specification. Method statement

Before any work commences for the application or reapplication of protective coating, a method statement shall be prepared and given to the Employer for approval. A copy of the approved

method statement shall be available where the work is being carried out. Coating procedures

Coating materials shall be prepared, and coatings applied to surfaces, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Transportation, handling and storage of coated steelwork

The procedures for the transportation, handling and storage of coated steelwork shall be so arranged as to minimise the risk of damage to the coating. 1.13.2 Surface preparation Surface cleanliness

At the time of coating the surface cleanliness of the steelwork to be coated shall be in accord- ance with BS EN ISO 8501-1. Surface profile

The surface profile of the steelwork to be coated shall be compatible with the coating to be applied in accordance with BS EN ISO 8503-2. Measurement of surface profile

Measurement of the surface profile of steelwork to be coated shall be made using the methods given in BS EN ISO 8503 Surface defects

Surface defects revealed during surface preparation shall be dealt with as specified. 1.13.3 Sprayed metal coating Procedures

Zinc or aluminium sprayed coatings shall be applied to the surface as required by BS EN ISO 2063 to a thickness given in the Project Specification or on the Design Drawings.


2-197 Reinstatement of damaged coating

All reinstatement of damaged coatings shall be made good to the standard of the original work. Sealing before painting

If a sprayed metal coating is to be over coated subsequently, it shall be sealed before the appli- cation of the over coating. 1.13.4 Hot dip galvanizing Procedures

Galvanizing shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461. All galvanized compo- nents shall be subjected to 100% post-galvanizing inspection. The Engineer shall identify: The

results of post-galvanizing inspection shall be recorded. These records shall be made avail- able

to the Engineer on request. If evidence of cracking is identified, then the component and all

similarly shaped components fabricated with similar materials and weld details shall be

identified and quarantined as non-conforming products. A photographic record of the cracking

shall be made and the scope and origin of the problem established. The results shall be submit-

ted to the Engineer. Quarantined components may only be repaired for use in The Works with

the agreement of the Engineer. Vent holes

The Steelwork Contractor shall agree with the Engineer the position of vent and drainage holes in hollow components as laid down in BS EN ISO 14713, and any requirements for subsequent


1.13.5 Paint treatment


The paint coatings for structural steelwork shall be as specified in the Project Specification. 1.13.6 Coating of surfaces to be encased in concrete

Structural steel surfaces to be encased in concrete may be left unpainted and need not be blast

cleaned unless required by the Project Specification.

1.14 Quality management 1.14.1 Quality system System requirements

The Steelwork Contractor shall maintain and operate a management system to ensure that the procedures for design, detailing, purchasing, fabrication, erection and protective treatment of



steel components and structures can provide completed work that conforms to the requirements of

this specification. The Steelwork Contractor shall review the requirements of the Project

Specification prior to commencing work, and shall provide a project-specific quality plan to

supplement the quality management system if the work is not covered by a generic plan. System acceptance

The system shall be either:

i. Assessed and certified as complying to the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001 by an

accredited certification body; or

ii. Open to audit and approval by the Employer Scope The system shall cover all procedures as detailed in BS EN ISO 9001 and BS EN ISO 3834-3. 1.14.2 Additional inspections and tests

The Steelwork Contractor shall provide the necessary facilities for any tests and inspections

required by the engineer.

1.14.3 Records

All records made in accordance with the system described in clause 11.1 shall be available for the

Employer and the Inspection Authority to examine during the contract period.





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Table of Contents

ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................. i

Road and Bridge Specifications ................................................................................................... 1

1.30 General ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.31 Site Clearance .............................................................................................................. 1

1.32 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage .................................................................. 2

• Construction Operations ....................................................................................... 2

• Methods, tools and equipment: ............................................................................ 3

• Rock excavation: .................................................................................................. 3

1.33 Granular Sub Base ....................................................................................................... 4

• Materials ............................................................................................................... 4

• Strength of sub-base ............................................................................................. 4

• Construction Operations ....................................................................................... 4

1.34 Bituminous Pavement Layers ...................................................................................... 6

• Materials ............................................................................................................... 6

• Mixing .................................................................................................................. 7

• Transporting ......................................................................................................... 7

• Laying ............................................................................................................... 8

1.35 Quality Control for Road works .................................................................................. 9

1.36 Control of Alignment, Level and Surface Regularity ............................................... 12

• General .............................................................................................................. 12

• Horizontal Alignment ........................................................................................ 12

• Surface Levels ................................................................................................... 12

• Rectification ...................................................................................................... 12

1.37 Quality Control Tests during Construction ............................................................... 14

• General .............................................................................................................. 14

• Tests on Earthwork for Embankment, Subgrade Construction and Cut Formation


• Tests on Sub-bases and Bases (excluding bitumen bound bases) ..................... 15

Page iii of 21


1.38 Additional References .............................................................................................. 16

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Road and Bridge Specification s 1.11 General

These Specifications shall apply to all such road and bridge works as are required to be executed

under the Contract or otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (hereinafter referred to as

the Engineer). In every case, the work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer

and conform to the location, lines, dimensions, grades and cross-sections shown on the draw-

ings or as indicated by the Engineer. The quality of materials, processing of materials as may

be needed at the site, salient features of the construction work and quality of finished work shall

comply with the requirements set forth in succeeding sections. Where the drawings and Speci-

fications describe a portion of the work in only general terms, and not in complete detail, it shall

be understood that only the best general practice is to prevail, materials and workmanship of

the best quality are to be employed and instructions of the Engineer are to be fully complied


1.12 Site Clearance

This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees, bushes,

shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, rubbish

etc., which in the opinion of the Engineer are unsuitable for incorporation in the works, from

the area of road land containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such

other areas as may be specified on the drawings or by the Engineer. It shall include necessary

excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps to required com-

paction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of cleared materials. Clearing and grubbing shall be

performed in advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of these


All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of Government

and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or directed by the Engineer.

Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and stacked. Also

boulders, stones and other materials usable in road construction shall be neatly stacked as di-

rected by the Engineer. Stacking of stumps, boulders, stones etc., shall be done at specified

spots with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 m.

All products of clearing and grubbing, which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used or

auctioned, shall be cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the Engineer.

Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed of in such a manner that

Page 203 of 21


there is no likelihood of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for embankment, sub-

grade and road construction.

1.13 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage

This work shall consist of excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials neces-

sary for the construction of roadway, side drains and waterways in accordance with require-

ments of these Specifications and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown in the drawings or

as indicated by the Engineer. It shall include the hauling and stacking of or hauling to sites of

embankment and subgrade construction, suitable cut materials as required, as also the disposal

of unsuitable cut materials in specified manner, trimming and finishing of the road to specified

dimensions or as directed by the Engineer.

1. Construction Operations

Setting out: After the site has been cleared, the limits of excavation shall be set out true to lines, curves,

slopes, grades and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Con-

tractor shall provide all labour, survey instruments and materials such as strings, pegs, nails,

bamboos, stones, lime, mortar, concrete, etc., required in connection with the setting out of

works and the establishment of bench marks. The Contractor shall be responsible for the

maintenance of bench marks and other marks and stakes as long as in the opinion of the Engi-

neer, they are required for the work.

Stripping and storing topsoil: When so directed by the Engineer, the topsoil existing over the sites of excavation shall be

stripped to specified depths constituting Horizon "A" and stockpiled at designated locations for

re-use in covering embankment slopes, cut slopes, berms and other disturbed areas where re-

vegetation is desired. Prior to stripping the topsoil, all trees, shrubs etc. shall be removed along

with their roots, with approval of the Engineer.



All excavations shall be carried out in conformity with the directions laid here in under and in

a manner approved by the Engineer. The work shall be so done that the suitable materials avail-

able from excavation are satisfactorily utilized as decided upon beforehand.

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While planning or executing excavations, the Contractor shall take all-adequate precautions

against soil erosion, water pollution etc. and take appropriate drainage measures to keep the site

free of water

The excavations shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on the drawings

or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not excavate outside the limits of excava-

tion. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth/ width excavated beyond the speci-

fied levels/dimensions on the drawings shall be made good at the cost of the Contractor with

suitable material of characteristics similar to that removed and compacted as required.

All debris and loose material on the slopes of cuttings shall be removed. No backfilling shall

be allowed to obtain required slopes excepting that when boulders or soft materials are encoun-

tered in cut slopes, these shall be excavated to approved depth on instructions of the Engineer

and the resulting cavities filled with -suitable material and thoroughly compacted in an ap-

proved manner.

After excavation, the sides of excavated area shall be trimmed and the area contoured to mini-

mise erosion and ponding, allowing for natural drainage to take place. If trees were removed,

new trees shall be planted, as directed by the Engineer. The cost of planting new trees shall be

deemed to be incidental to the work.

2. Methods, tools and equipment:

Only such methods, tools and equipment as approved by the Engineer shall be adopted/used in

the work. If so desired by the Engineer, the Contractor shall demonstrate the efficacy of the

type of equipment to be used before the commencement of work.

3. Rock excavation:

Rock, when encountered in road excavation, shall be removed up to the formation level or as

otherwise indicated on the drawings. Where, however, unstable shales or other unsuitable ma-

terials are encountered at the formation level, these shall be excavated to the extent of 500 mm

below the formation level or as otherwise specified. In all cases, the excavation operations shall

be so carried out that at no point on cut formation the rock protrudes above the specified levels.

Rocks and large boulders which are likely to cause differential settlement and also local drain-

age problems, should be removed to the extent of 500 mm below the formation level in full

formation width including drains and cut through the side drains.

Where excavation is done to levels lower than those specified, the excess excavation shall be

made to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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1.14 Granular Sub Base

This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared subgrade in

accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The material shall be laid in one or

more layers as sub-base or lower sub-base and upper sub-base (termed as sub-base hereinafter)

as necessary according to lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed

by the Engineer.

1. Materials

12. The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, murrum, gravel, crushed

stone, or combination thereof depending upon the grading required. Materials like

crushed slag crushed concrete, brick metal and kankar may be allowed only with the

specific approval of the Engineer. The material shall be free from organic or other del-

eterious constituents and conform to one of the three gradings. The grading to be

adopted for a project shall be as specified in the Contract.

13. Physical requirements: The material shall have a 10 per cent fines value of 50 kN or more (for sample in soaked

condition) when tested in compliance with BS: 812 (Pan 111). The water absorption value of

the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per IS: 2386 (Pan 3); if this value is greater than 2

per cent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to site as per IS: 383.

For Grading II and III materials, the CBR shall be determined at the density and moisture

content likely to be developed in equilibrium conditions, which shall be taken as being the

density relating to a uniform air, voids content of 5 per cent.

2. Strength of sub-base

It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the sub-base satisfies

the requirements of CBR and other physical requirements when compacted and finished. When

directed by the Engineer, this shall be verified by performing CBR tests in the laboratory as

required on specimens re-molded at field dry density and moisture content and any other

tests for the "quality" of materials, as may be necessary.

3. Construction Operations

a) Preparation of subgrade:

Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, the subgrade (already finished) shall be prepared by removing all vegetation and other extraneous matter, lightly sprinkled with water if neces-

sary and rolled with two passes of 80 -100 kN smooth wheeled roller.

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b) Spreading and compacting: The sub-base material of grading specified in the Contract shall be spread on the prepared sub-

grade with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity, its blade having hydraulic controls

suitable for initial adjustment and for maintaining the required slope and grade during the op-

eration or other means as approved by the Engineer.

When the sub-base material consists of combination of materials mentioned, mixing shall be

done mechanically by the mix-in-place method.

Manual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of laying is not adequate for mechanical

operations, as in small-sized jobs. The equipment used for mix-in-place construction shall be a

rotavator or similar approved equipment capable of mixing the material to the desired degree.

If so desired by the Engineer, trial runs with the equipment shall be carried out to establish its

suitability for the work.

Moisture content of the loose material shall be checked in accordance with IS: 2720 (Pan 2)

and suitably adjusted by sprinkling additional water from a truck mounted or trailer mounted

water tank and suitable for applying water uniformly and at controlled quantities to variable

widths of surface or other means approved by the Engineer so that, at the time of compaction,

it is from 1 per cent above to 2 per cent below the optimum moisture content corresponding to

IS: 2720 (Pan 8). While adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses. After

water has been added, the material shall be processed by mechanical or other approved means

like disc harrows, rotavators until the layer is uniformly wet.

Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thickness of the compacted layer does not ex-

ceed 100 mm, a smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a compacted

single layer upto 225 mm the compaction shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of

minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain drum or pad foot-drum or heavy pneumatic

tyred roller of minimum 200 to 300 kN weight having a minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MN/m2

or equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving the required compaction. Rolling shall com-

mence at the lower edge and proceed towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions having

unidirectional cross fall and super-elevation and shall commence the center at the edges and

progress towards for portions having cross fall on both sides.

Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one-third of the track made in the

preceding pass. During rolling, the grade and cross fall (camber) shall be checked and any high

spots or depressions, which become apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh material.

The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km per hour. Rolling shall be continued till the density

achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry density for the material determined as per

Page 207 of 21


IS: 2720 (Part 8). The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be

well closed, free from movement under compaction equipment and from compaction planes,

ridges, cracks or loose material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made

good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.

c) Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements specified herein.

Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer.

• Bituminous Pavement Layers

Bituminous pavement courses shall be made using the materials described in the following


The use of machinery and equipment mentioned in various Clauses of these Specifications is

mandatory. Details of the machinery and equipment are available in the Manual for Construc-

tion and Supervision of Bituminous Works. Equipment mandatory for any particular project

shall be in accordance with the Contract Specification for the project.

• Materials

• Binder:

The binder shall be an appropriate type of bituminous material complying with the relevant

Indian Standard (IS), as defined in the appropriate Clauses of these Specifications, or as other-

wise specified herein. The choice of binder shall be stipulated in the Contract or by the Engi-

neer. Where penetration grades of bitumen are specified, they are referred to by a single-figure

designation in accordance with IS:73. Thus bitumen grade 35 refers to a bitumen in the pene-

tration range 30 to 40. Where Modified Binder is specified, these Specifications shall apply.

• Coarse Aggregates:

The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material re-

tained on the 2.36 mm sieve. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from dust

and soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter. Where the Contractor’s selected

source of aggregates have poor affinity for bitumen, as a condition for the approval of that

source, the bitumen shall be treated with approved anti-stripping agents, as per the manufac-

turer’s recommendations, without additional payment. Before approval of the source the aggre-

gates shall be tested for stripping.

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The aggregates shall satisfy the physical requirements set forth in die individual relevant clause

for the material in question.

Where crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 90% by weight of the

crushed material retained on the 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces.

• Fine Aggregates:

Fine aggregates shall consist of crushed or naturally occurring material, or a combination of the

two, passing 2.36mm sieve and retained on the 75 micron sieve. They shall be clean, hard,

durable, dry and free from dust, and soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter.

• Source of material: The source of all materials to be used on the project must be tested to the satisfaction of and be

expressly approved by the Engineer. The Engineer may from time to time withdraw approval

of a specific source, or attach conditions to the existing approval. Any change in aggregate

source for bituminous mixes, will require a new mix design, and laying trials, where the mix is

based on a job mix design. Stockpiles from different sources, approved or otherwise, shall be

kept separate, such that there is no contamination between one material and another. Each

source submitted for approval shall contain sufficient material for at least 5 days work.

b) Mixing

Pre-mixed bituminous materials, including bituminous macadam, dense bituminous macadam,

semi-dense bituminous concrete and bituminous concrete, shall be prepared in a hot mix plant

of adequate capacity and capable of yielding a mix of proper and uniform quality with thor-

oughly coated aggregates. Appropriate mixing temperatures shall be considered; the difference

in temperature between the binder and aggregate should at no time exceed 14°C. In order to

ensure uniform quality of the mix and better coating of aggregates, the hot mix plant shall be

calibrated from time to time.

If a continuous mixing plant is to be used for mixing the bituminous bound macadam, the Con-

tractor must demonstrate by laboratory analysis that the cold feed combined grading is within

the grading limits specified for that bituminous bound material. In the case of a designed job

mix, the bitumen and filler content shall be derived using this-combined grading. Further details

are available in the Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Works.

c) Transporting Bituminous materials shall be transported in clean insulated vehicles, and unless otherwise

agreed by the Engineer, shall be covered while in transit or awaiting tipping. With the approval

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of the Engineer, a thin coating of diesel or lubricating oil may be applied to the interior of the

vehicle to prevent sticking and to facilitate discharge of the material.

d) Laying

• Weather and seasonal limitations:

Laying shall be suspended while free-standing water is present on the surface to be covered, or

during rain, fog and dust storms. After rain, the bituminous surface, prime or tack coat, shall be

blown off with a high pressure air jet to remove excess moisture, or the surface left to dry before

laying shall start. Laying of bituminous mixtures shall not be carried out when the air t temper-

ature at the surface on which it is to be laid is below 10°C or when the wind speed at any

temperature exceeds 40 km/h at 2m height unless specifically approved by the Engineer.

• Cleaning of surface:

The surface on which the bituminous work is to be laid shall be cleaned of all loose and extra-

neous matter by means of a mechanical broom or any other approved equipment / method as

specified in the contract. The use of a high-pressure air jet from a compressor to remove dust

or loose matter shall be available full time on the site, unless otherwise specified in the Contract.

• Spreading:

Except in areas where a mechanical paver cannot access, bituminous materials shall be spread,

levelled and tamped by an approved self-propelled paving machine. As soon as possible after

arrival at site, the materials shall be supplied continuously to the paver and laid without delay.

The rate of delivery of material to the paver shall be regulated to enable the paver to operate

continuously. The travel rate of the paver, and its method of operations, shall be adjusted to

ensure an even and uniform flow of bituminous material across the screed, free from dragging,

tearing and segregation of the material. In areas with restricted space where a mechanical paver

cannot be used, the material shall be spread, raked and levelled with suitable hand tools by

experienced staff, and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The minimum thickness of material laid in each paver pass shall be in accordance with the

minimum values given in the relevant parts of these Specifications. When laying binder course

or wearing course approaching an expansion joint of a structure, machine laying shall stop

300mm short of the joint. The remainder of the pavement up to the joint, and the corresponding

area beyond it, shall be laid by hand, and the joint or joint cavity shall be kept clear of surfacing


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Bituminous material, with a temperature greater than 145°C, shall not be laid or deposited on

bridge deck waterproofing systems, unless precautions against heat damage have been ap-

proved by the Engineer.

Hand placing of pre-mixed bituminous materials shall only be permitted in the following cir-


• For laying regulating courses of irregular shape and varying thickness.

• In confined spaces where it is impracticable for a paver to operate.

• For footways.

• At the approaches to expansion joints at bridges, viaducts or other structures.

• For laying mastic asphalt.

• For filling of potholes.

• Where directed by the Engineer. Manual spreading of pre-mixed wearing course material or the addition of such material by

hand-spreading to the paved area, for adjustment of level, shall only be permitted in the follow-

ing circumstances:

g) At the edges of the layers of material and at gullies and manholes.

h) At the approaches to expansion joints at bridges, viaducts or other structures.

i) As directed by the Engineer. • Quality Control for Road works

29. All materials to be used, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be strictly in

accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor shall set up a field

laboratory at locations approved by the Engineer and equip the same with adequate equip-

ment and personnel in order to carry out all required tests and Quality Control work as per

Specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. The internal layout of the laboratory shall

be as directed by the Engineer. The list of equipment and the facilities to be provided shall

be got approved from the Engineer in advance.

30. The Contractor’s laboratory should be manned by a qualified Materials Engineer/Civil En-

gineer assisted by experienced technicians, and the set-up should be got approved by the


31. The Contractor shall carry out quality control tests on the materials and work to the fre-

quency stipulated in subsequent paragraphs. In the absence of clear indications about

method and or frequency of tests for any item, the instructions of the Engineer shall be


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32. For satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work, quality control tests will

also be conducted by the Engineer (by himself, by his Quality Control Units or by any other

agencies deemed fit by him), generally to the frequency set forth here in under. Additional

tests may also be conducted where, in the opinion of the Engineer, need for such tests exist.

33. The Contractor shall provide necessary co-operation and assistance in obtaining the samples

for tests and carrying out the field tests as required by the Engineer from time to rime. This

may include provision of labour, attendants, assistance in packing and despatching and any

other assistance considered necessary in connection with the tests.

34. For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of subsequent layer of

same or other material over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining permission from

the Engineer. Similar permission from the Engineer shall be obtained in respect of all other

items of works prior to proceeding with the next stage of construction.

35. The Contractor shall carry out modifications in the procedure of work, if found necessary,

as directed by the Engineer during inspection. Works falling short of quality shall be recti-

fied/redone by the Contractor at his own cost, and defective work shall also be removed

from the site of works by the Contractor at his own cost.

36. The cost of laboratory building including services, essential supplies like water, electricity,

sanitary services and their maintenance and cost of all equipment, tools, materials, labour

and incidentals to perform tests and other operations of quality control according to the

Specification requirements shall be deemed to be incidental to the work and no extra pay-

ment shall be made for the same. If, however, there is a separate item in the Bill of Quanti-

ties for setting up of a laboratory and installing testing equipment, such work shall be paid

for separately.

37. For testing of samples of soils/soil mixes, granular materials, and mixes, bituminous mate-

rials and mixes, aggregates, cores etc., samples in the required quantity and form shall be

supplied to the Engineer by the Contractor at his own cost.

38. For cement, bitumen, mild steel, and similar other materials where essential tests are to be

carried out at the manufacturer's plants or at laboratories other than the site laboratory, the

cost of samples, sampling, testing and furnishing of test certificates shall be borne by the

Contractor. He shall also furnish the test certificates to the Engineer.

39. For testing of cement concrete at site during construction, arrangements for supply of sam-

ples, sampling, testing and supply of test results shall be made by the Contractor as per the

Page 212 of 21


frequency and number of tests specified in the Handbook of Quality Control for Construc- tion

of Roads and Run ways (IRC: SP: 11) and relevant IS Codes or relevant clauses of these

Specifications, the cost of which shall be borne by the Contractor.

40. The method of sampling and testing of materials shall be as required by the “Handbook of

Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways” (IRC: SP: 11), and these MOST

Specifications. Where they are contradicting, the provision in these Specifications shall be

followed. Where they are silent, sound-engineering practices shall be adopted. The sam-

pling and testing procedure to be used shall be as approved by the Engineer and his decision

shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

41. The materials for embankment construction shall be got approved from the Engineer. The

responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrowing or exploitation in any other

way shall rest with the Contractor who shall ensure smooth and uninterrupted supply of

materials in the required quantity during the construction period.Similarly, the supply of

aggregates for construction of road pavement shall be from quarries approved by the Engi-

neer. Responsibility for arranging uniterrupted supply of materials from the source shall be

that of the Contractor.

42. Defective Materials All materials which the Engineer/his representative has determined as not conforming to the

requirements of the Contract shall be rejected whether in place or not; they shall be removed

immediately from the site as directed. Materials, which have been subsequently corrected,

shall not be used in the work unless approval is accorded in writing by the Engi- neer. Upon

failure of the Contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer/his repre- sentative, given

under this Clause, the Engineer/his representative shall have authority to cause the removal of

rejected material and to deduct the” removal cost thereof from any payments due to the


43. Imported Materials At the time of submission of tenders, the Contractor shall furnish a list of materials/finished

products manufactured, produced or fabricated outside Kenya, which he proposes to use in the

work. The Contractor shall not be entitled to extension of time for acts or events occur- ring

outside Kenya and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to make timely delivery to the job

site of all such materials obtained from outside Kenya. The materials imported from outside

Kenya shall conform to the relevant Specifications of the Contract. In case where

materials/finished products are not covered by the Specifications in the Contract, the details of

Specifications proposed to be followed and the testing procedure as well as laboratories/

Page 213 of 21


establishments where tests are to be carried out shall be specifically brought out and agreed to in

the Contract.

The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a certificate of compliance of the tests carried out.

In addition, certified mill test reports clearly identified to the lot of materials shall be furnished

at the Contractor's cost.

• Control of Alignment, Level and Surface Regularity

• General

All works performed shall conform to the lines, grades, cross sections and dimensions shown

on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, subject to the permitted tolerances described


• Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal alignments shall be reckoned with respect to the centre line of the carriageway as

shown on the drawings. The edges of the carriageway as constructed shall be correct within a

tolerance of± 10 mm there from. The corresponding tolerance for edges of the roadway and

lower layers of pavement shall be ± 25 mm.

• Surface Levels

The levels of the subgrade and different pavement courses as constructed, shall not vary from

those calculated with reference to the longitudinal and cross-profile of the road shown on the

drawings or as directed by the Engineer beyond the tolerances provided.

• Rectification

Where the surface regularity of subgrade and the various pavement courses fall outside the

specified tolerances, the Contractor shall be liable to rectify these in the manner described be-

low and to the satisfacion of the Engineer.

• Subgrade: Where the surface is high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. Where the same is low,

scarifying the lower layer and adding fresh material and recom- pacling to the required density

shall correct the deficiency. The degree of com- paction and the type of material to be used

shall conform to the requirements herein.

• Granular Sub-base:

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Same as at (i) above, except that the degree of compaction and the type of ma- terial to be

used shall conform to the requirements of sub base provided.

• Lime/Cement Stabilized Soil Sub-base: For lime/cement treated materials where the surface is high, the same shall be suitably

trimmed while taking care that the material below is not disturbed due to this operation.

However, where the surface is low, the same shall be corrected as described herein below.

• For cement treated material, when the time elapsed between detection of irreg-

ularity and the time of mixing of the material is less than 2 hours, the surface

shall be scarified to a depth of 50 mm supplemented with freshly mixed materi-

als as necessary and re-compacted to the relevant specification. When this time

is more than 2 hours, the full depth of the layer shall be removed from the pave-

ment and replaced with fresh material to Specification. This shall also apply to

lime treated material except that the time criterion shall be 3 hours instead of 2


• Water Bound Macadam/Wet Mix Macadam Sub-base/Base: Where the surface is high or low, the lop 75 mm shall be scarified, reshaped with added material

as necessary and re-compacted. This shall also apply to wet mix macadam.

• Bituminous Constructions: For bituminous construction other than wearing

course, where the surface is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding

fresh material over a suitable tack coat if needed and re-compacting to specifi-

cations. Where the surface is high, the full depth of the layer shall be removed

and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications.

• For wearing course, where the surface is high or low, the full depth of the layer

shalt be removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifica-

tions. In all cases where the removal and replacement of a bituminous layer is

involved, the area treated shall not be less than 5 m in length and not less than

3.5 m in width.

• Dry Lean Concrete Sub-base/Rolled Cement Concrete: The defective length of

the course shall be removed to full depth and replaced with approved material

as applicable. The area treated shall be at least 3 m long, not less than 1 lane

wide and extend to the full depth. Before relaying the course, the disturbed sub-

grade or layer below shall be corrected by levelling, watering and compacting.

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• Cement concrete pavement: The defective areas having surface irregularity ex-

ceeding 3 mm but not greater than 6 mm may be rectified by bump cutting or

scrabbling or grinding using approved equipment. When required by the Engi-

neer, areas which have been reduced in level by the above operation(s) shall be

retextured in an approved manner either by cutting grooves (5 mm deep) 01

roughening the surface by hacking the surface. If high areas in excess 6 mm or

low areas in excess of 3 mm occur, exceeding the permitted numbers and if the

Contractor cannot rectify, the slab shall be demolished and reconstructed at the

Contractor's expense and in no case the area removed shall be less than the full

width of the lane in which the irregularity occurs and full length of the slab.

• If deemed necessary by the Engineer, any section of the slab, which deviates

from the specified levels and tolerances, shall be demolished and reconstructed

at the Contractor's expense.

• Quality Control Tests during Construction

• General The materials supplied and the works carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the speci-

fications prescribed in the preceding Clauses.

For ensuring the requisite quality of construction, the materials and works shall be subjected to

quality control tests, as described hereinafter. The testing frequencies set forth are the desirable

minimum and the Engineer shall have the full authority to carry out additional tests as fre-

quently as he may deem necessary, to satisfy himself (hat the materials and works comply with

the appropriate specifications.

Test procedures for the various quality control tests are indicated in the respective Sections of

these Specifications or for certain tests within this Section. Where no specific testing procedure

is mentioned, the tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted engineering practice to

the directions of the Engineer.

• Tests on Earthwork for Embankment, Subgrade Construction and Cut Formation

• Borrow material :

Grid the borrow area at 25 m c/c (or closer, if the variability is high) to full depth of proposed

working. These pits should be logged and plotted for proper identification of suitable sources

of material. The following tests on representative samples shall be carried out:

• Sand Content [IS: 2720 (Part-4)]: 2 tests per 3000 cubic metres of soil.

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• Plasticity Test [IS: 2720 (Part-5)]: Each type to be tested, 2 tests per 3000 cub.

metres of soil.

• Density Test [IS: 2720 (Part 8)]: Each soil type to be tested, 2 tests per 3000

cubic metres of soil.

• Deleterious Content Test [IS: 2720 (Part-27)]: As and when required by the En-


• Moisture Content Test (IS: 2720 (Part-2)]: One test for every 250 cubic metres

of soil.

• CBR Test on materials to be incorporated in the subgrade on soaked/unsoaked

samples [IS: 2720 (Part-16)]: One CBR test for every 3000 cu. m. at least or

closer as and when required by the Engineer.

• Compaction Control

Control shall be exercised on each layer by taking at least one measurement of density for each

1000 square meters of compacted area, or closer as required to yield the minimum number of

test results for evaluating a day's work on statistical basis. The determination of density shall

be in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part-28). Test locations shall be chosen only through random

sampling techniques. Control shall not be based on the result of any one test but on the mean

value of a set of 5-10 density determinations. The number of tests in one set of measurements

shall be 6 (if non-destructive tests are carried out, the number of tests shall be doubled) as long

as it is felt that sufficient control over borrow material and the method of compaction is being


However, for earthwork in shoulders (earthen) and in the subgrade, at least one density meas-

urement shall be taken for every 500 square metres for the compacted area provided further that

the number of tests in each set of measurements shall be at least 10. In other respects, the control

shall be similar to that described earlier.

• Cut formation

Tests for the density requirements of cut formation shall be carried out as explained in the sub

clause above.

1.8.3 Tests on Sub-bases and Bases (excluding bitumen bound bases) The tests and their frequencies for the different types of bases and sub-bases shall be as specified

by the engineer.

Acceptance criteria: The acceptance criteria for tests on the strength of cement/lime

Page ii of 15


1.9 Additional References Republic of Kenya, Standard specification for road and Bridge construction (1986)

applied in whole and as may be practical. In case of conflicting

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Table of Contents

MASONRY SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................. ii

Masonry Specification ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Stone Masonry Specification ...................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 1

• Materials ............................................................................................................. 1

• Personnel ............................................................................................................. 1

• Type of masonry ................................................................................................. 1

• Construction operations ...................................................................................... 1

General Requirements ................................................................................................................. 1

• Tests and standard of acceptance ........................................................................ 7

1.15 Brick Masonry ............................................................................................................ 7

1. Description .......................................................................................................... 7

2. Materials ............................................................................................................. 7

3. Personnel ............................................................................................................. 8

4. Cement mortar .................................................................................................... 8

5. Soaking of bricks ................................................................................................ 8

6. Joints ................................................................................................................... 8

7. Laying ................................................................................................................. 9

8. Jointing old and new work .................................................................................. 9

9. Curing ............................................................................................................... 10

10. Scaffolding ........................................................................................................ 10

11. Equipment ......................................................................................................... 10

12. Finishing of surfaces ......................................................................................... 10

1.16 Architectural coping for wing/return/ parapet wall .................................................. 12

1.17 Acceptance of work .................................................................................................. 12


M a so nry S pecific a tion 1.1 Stone Masonry Specification 1.1.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of structures with stones jointed together by cement

mortar in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and these specifications or as ap-

proved by the Engineer.

• Materials All materials used in stone masonry shall conform to the specifications hereunder. • Personnel

Only trained personnel shall be employed for construction and supervision. • Type of masonry

The type of masonry used for structures shall be random masonry (coursed or uncoursed) or

coursed rubble masonry (First sort). The actual type of masonry used for different parts of struc-

tures shall be specified on the drawings.

For facing work, ashlar masonry shall be used where indicated on the drawings. • Construction operations

General Requirements The dressing of stone shall be as specified for individual type masonry work and it shall also

conform to the general requirements of IS: 1597 and requirement for dressing of stone covered in

IS: 1129. Other specific requirements are covered separately with respect to particular types of

rubble stone work.


• The masonry work shall be laid to lines, levels, curves and shapes as shown in the plan. The height in each course shall be kept same and every stone shall be fine tooled on all beds

joints and face full and true. The exposed faces shall be gauged out, grooved, regu- lated and

sunk or plain molded as the case may be. The faces of each stone between the draft be left

rough as the stone comes from quarry except where sacrificial layer is to be provided or

plastering is resorted to due to aggressive environment.

• Stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water from mor-


• Stratified stones must be laid on their natural beds. All bed joints shall be normal

to the pressure upon them.


• Stones in the hearting shall be laid on their broadest face that gives a better oppor-

tunity to fill the spaces between stones.

• The courses of the masonry shall ordinarily be pre-determined. They shall gener-

ally be of the same height. When there is to be variation in the height of courses,

the larger courses are to be placed at lower levels, heights of courses decreasing

gradually towards the top of the wall. The practice of placing loose mortar on the

course and pouring water on it to fill the gaps in stones is not acceptable. Mortar

may be fluid mixed thoroughly and then poured in the joints. No dry or hollow

space shall be left anywhere in the masonry and each stone shall have all the em-

bedded faces completely covered with mortar.

• In tapered walls, the beds of the stones and the planes of course should be at right

angles to the batter. In case of bridge piers with batter on both sides, the course

shall be horizontal.

• The bed which is to receive the stone shall be cleaned, wetted and covered with a

layer of fresh mortar. All stones shall be laid full in mortar both in bed and vertical

joints and settled carefully in place with a wooden mallet immediately on place-

ment and solidly embedded in mortar before it has set. Clean chips and spalls shall

be wedged into the mortar joints and bed wherever necessary to avoid thick beds

or joints of mortar. When the foundation masonry is laid directly on rock, the face

stones of the first course shall be dressed to fit into rock snugly when pressed down

in the mortar bedding over the rock. No dry or hollow space shall be left anywhere

in the masonry and each stone shall have all the embedded faces completely cov-

ered with mortar. For masonry works over rock, a levelling course of 100 mm

thickness and in concrete Class 15shall be laid over rock and then stone masonry

work shall be laid without foundation concrete block.

• Face works and hearting shall be brought up evenly but the top of each course shall

not be levelled up by the use of flat chips.

• For sharp comers specially in skew bridges, through stones shall be used in order

to avoid spalling of comers.

• In case any stone already set in mortar is disturbed or the joints broken, it shall be

taken out without disturbing the adjoining stones and joints. Dry mortar and stones

thoroughly cleaned from the joints and stones and the stones reset in fresh mortar.

Attempt must never be made to slide one stone on top of another, freshly laid.


• Shaping and dressing shall be done before the stone is laid in the work. No dressing

and hammering, which will loosen the masonry, will be allowed after it is once

placed. All necessary chases for joggles, dowels and clamps should be formed


• Sufficient transverse bonds shall be provided by the use of bond stone extending

from the front to the back of the wall and in case of thick wall from outside to the

interior and vice versa. In the latter case, bond stones shall overlap each other in

their arrangement.

• In case headers are not available, precast headers of Class 15 concrete shall be

used. Cast-in-situ headers are not permitted.

• Stones shall break joint on the face for at least half the height of the course and the

bond shall be carefully maintained throughout.

• In band work at all angle junctions of walls, the stones at each alternate course shall be

carried into each of the respective walls so as to unite the work thoroughly.

• The practice of building up thin faces tied with occasional through stones and fill-

ing up the middle with small stuff or even dry packing is not acceptable.

• All quoins and the angles of the opening shall be made from selected stones, care-

fully squared and bedded and arranged to bond alternately long and short in both


• All vertical joints shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints shall be staggered as far as

possible. Distance between the nearer vertical joints of upper layer and lower shall

not be less than half the height of the course.

• Only rectangular shaped bond stones or headers shall be used. Bond stones shall

overlap each other by 150 mm or more.

• All connected masonry in a structure shall be carried up nearly at one uniform

level throughout but when breaks are unavoidable the masonry shall be raked in

sufficiently long steps to facilitate jointing of old and new work. The stepping of

raking shall not be more than 45 degrees with the horizontal.


Random Masonry (Uncoursed and Coursed)

5. Dressing

Stone shall be hammer dressed on the face, the sides and beds to enable it to come in

proximity with the neighboring stone. The bushing on the exposed face shall not be more than 40


6. Insertion of chips Chips and spalls of stone may be used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar beds or joints

and it shall be ensured that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry. The chips shall

not be used below hearting stones to bring these upto the level of face stones. Use of chips shall

be restricted to filling of interstices between the adjacent stones in hearting and they shall not

exceed 20 per cent of the quantity of stone masonry.

7. Hearting stones The hearting or interior filling of the wall face shall consist of rubble stones not less than 150 mm

in any direction, carefully laid, hammered down with a wooden mallet into posi- tion and solidly

bedded in mortar. The hearting should be laid nearly level with facing and backing.

8. Bond stones Through bond stones -shall be provided in masonry up to 600 mm thickness and in case of

masonry above 600 mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other at

least by 150 mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. -In case of highly absorbent types

of stones (porous limestone and sandstones, etc.,) the bond stone shall extend only about two-

third into the wall, as through stones in such cases may give rise to penetration of dampness and

therefore, for all thicknesses of such masonry, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping

each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided. One bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be

provided for every 0.50 sq. m. of the masonry surface.

9. Quoin stone Quoin stone i.e. stone specially selected and neatly dressed for forming an external angle in

masonry work, shall not be less than 0.03 cubic metre in volume.

10. Plum stone The plum stones are selected long stones embedded vertically in the interior of the ma- sonry to

form a bond between successive courses and shall be provided at about 900 mm intervals.


11. Laying

The masonry shall be laid with or without courses as specified. The quoins shall be laid header

and stretcher alternately. Every stone shall be fitted to the adjacent stone so as to form neat and

close joint. Face stone shall extend and bond well in the back. These shall be arranged to break

joints, as much as possible, and to avoid long vertical lines of joints.

12. Joints The face joints shall not be more than 20 mm thick, but shall be sufficiently thick to pre- vent

stone-to-stone contact and shall be completely filled with mortar.

Square Rubble - Coursed Rubble (First Sort)

10. Dressing Face stones shall be hammer dressed on all beds and joints so as to give them rectangular shape.

These shall be square on all joints and beds. The bed joints shall be chisel drafted for at least 80

mm back from the face and for at least 40 mm for the side joints. No portion of the dressed surface

shall show a depth of gap more than 6 mm from the straight edge placed on it. The remaining

unexposed portion of the stone shall not project beyond the surface of bed and side joints. The

requirements regarding bushing shall be the same as for random rubble masonry.

11. Hearting stones The hearting or interior filling of the wall face shall consist of flat bedded stone carefully laid, on

prepared beds in mortar. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of inter- stices between

the adjacent stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 10 per cent of the quantity of masonry.

While using chips it shall be ensured that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry.

12. Bond stones The requirements regarding through or bond stone shall be the same as for random rubble

masonry, but these, shall be provided at 1.5 metre to 1.8 metre apart clear in every course.

13. Quoin stone The quoins shall be of the same height of the course in which these occur and shall be formed

of header stones not less than 450mm in length. They shall be laid lengthwise alternately

along each face, square in their beds, which shall be fairly dressed to a depth of at least 100 mm.


14. Face stone

Face stones shall tail into the work for not less than their heights and at least one-third of the

stones shall tail into the work for a length not less than twice their height. These shall be laid as

headers and stretchers alternately.

15. Laying The stones shall be laid on horizontal courses and all vertical joints should be truly verti- cal.

The quoin stones should be laid header and stretcher alternately and shall be laid square on

their beds, which shall be rough chisel dressed to a depth of at least 100 mm.

16. Joints The face joints shall not be more than 10 mm thick, but shall be sufficiently thick to pre- vent

stone-to-stone contact and shall be completely filled with mortar.

Ashlar Masonry (Plain Ashlar)

j) Dressing Every stone shall be cut to the required size and shape, chisel dressed on all beds and joints

so as to be free from all bushing. Dressed surface shall not show a depth of gap of more than 3

mm from straight edge placed on it. The exposed faces and joints, 6 mm from the face shall be

fine tooled so that a straight edge can be laid along the face of the stone in contact with every

point. All visible angles and edges shall be true and square and free from chippings. The corner

stones (quoins) shall be dressed square and comer shall be straight and vertical.

k) Bond stones Through bond stones shall be provided in masonry upto 600 mm thickness and in case of

masonry above 600 mm thickness, a set of two or more bond stones overlapping each other at

least by 150 mm shall be provided in a line from face to back. In case of highly absorbent types

of stones (porous limestone and sandstones, etc.,) the bond stone shall extend only about two-

third into the wall, as through stones in such cases may give rise to penetration of dampness and,

therefore, for all thicknesses of such masonry a set of two or more bond stones overlapping

each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided. One bond stone or a set of bond stones shall

be 1.5 metres to 1.8 metres apart clear in every course.


a. Random Rubble : 20 mm



Coursed Rubble :

Ashlar Masonry :

15 mm

5 mm

l) Laying

The face stone shall be laid header and stretcher alternately, the header being arranged to come as

nearly as possible in the middle of stretchers above and below. Stones shall be laid in regular

courses not less than 300 mm in height and all courses of the same height unless otherwise

specified. No stone shall be less in width than its height or less in length than twice its height,

unless otherwise specified.

m) Joints All joints shall be full of mortar. These shall not be less than 3 mm thick. Face joints shall be

uniform throughout, and a uniform recess of 20 mm depth from face shall be left with the help of

a stone plate during the progress of work.

n) Pointing Pointing shall be carried out using mortar not leaner than 1:3 by volume of cement and sand or

as shown on the drawing. The mortar shall be filled and pressed into the raked out joints before

giving the required finish. The work shall conform to IS: 2212. The thickness of joints shall not be

less than 3 mm for Ashlar masonry. However, the maximum thick- ness of joints in different

works shall be as follows:

• Tests and standard of acceptance All work shall be done to the lines and levels as indicated on the drawing or as directed by the

Engineer subject to tolerances as specified in these specifications.

Mortar cubes shall be taken in accordance with IS: 2250 for compressive strength, consistency of

mortar and its water retentivity. The frequency of testing shall be one sample for every two cubic

metres of mortar subject to a minimum 3 samples for a day's work.

• Brick Masonry

• Description

This work shall consist of construction of structures with bricks jointed together by cement mortar

in accordance with the details shown on the drawings or as approved by the Engineer.

• Materials

All materials to be used in the work shall conform to the requirements laid down.


• Personnel Only trained personnel shall be employed for construction and supervision. • Cement mortar

Cement and sand shall be mixed in specified proportions given in the drawings. Cement shall be

proportioned by weight, taking the unit weight of cement as 1.44 tonne per cubic metre. Sand

shall be proportioned by volume taking into account due allowance for bulking. All mortar shall

be mixed with a minimum quantity of water to produce desired workability consistent with max-

imum density of mortar. The mix shall be clean and free from injurious type of soil/acid/alkali/

organic matter or deleterious substances.

The mixing shall preferably be done in a mechanical mixer operated manually or by power. Hand

mixing can be resorted to as long as uniform density of the mix and its strength are assured subject

to prior approval of the Engineer. Where permitted, specific permission is to be given by the

Engineer. Hand mixing operation shall be carried out on a clean water-tight platform, where ce-

ment and sand shall be first mixed dry in the required proportion by being turned over and over,

backwards and forwards several times till the mixture is of uniform colour. Thereafter, minimum

quantity of water shall be added to bring the mortar to the consistency of a stiff paste. The mortar

shall be mixed for at least two minutes after addition of water.

Mortar shall be mixed only in such quantity as required for immediate use. The mix, which has

developed initial set, shall not be used. Initial set of mortar with ordinary Portland cement shall

normally be considered to have taken place in 30 minutes after mixing. In case the mortar has

stiffened during initial setting time because of evaporation of water, the same can be re-tempered

by adding water as frequently as needed to restore the requisite consistency, but this re-tempering

shall not be permitted after 30 minutes. Mortar unused for more than 30 minutes shall be rejected

and removed from site of work.

• Soaking of bricks

All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in a tank filled with water for a minimum period of one

hour prior to being laid. Soaked bricks 'shall be removed from the tank sufficiently in advance so

that they are skin dry at the time of actual laying. Such soaked bricks shall be stacked on a clean

place where they are not contaminated with dirt, earth, etc.

• Joints

The thickness of joints shall not exceed 10mm. All joints on exposed faces shall be tooled to give

concave finish.


• Laying All brickwork shall be laid in an English bond, even and true to line, in accordance with the

drawing or as directed by the Engineer, plumb and level and all joints accurately kept. Half and

cut bricks shall not be used except when necessary to complete the bond. Closer in such cases

shall be cut to the required size and used near the ends of the walls. The bricks used at the face

and also at all angles forming the junction of any two walls shall be selected whole bricks of

uniform size, with true and rectangular faces.

All bricks shall be laid with frogs up on a full bed of mortar except in the case of die bricks. Each

brick shall be properly bedded and set in position by slightly pressing while laying, so that the

mortar gets into all their surface pores to ensure proper adhesion. All head and side joints shall

be completely filled by applying sufficient mortar to brick already placed and on brick to be

placed. All joints shall be properly flushed and packed with mortar so that no hollow spaces are

left. No bats or cut bricks shall be used except to obtain dimensions of the different courses for

specified bonds or wherever a desired shape so requires.

The brick work shall be built in uniform layers, and for this purpose wooden straight edge with

graduations indicating thickness of each course including joint shall be used. Comers and other

advanced work shall be raked back. Brickwork shall be done true to plumb or in specified batter.

All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and vertical joints shall be truly vertical. Vertical joints

in alternate courses shall come directly one over the other. During construction, no part of work

shall rise more than one metre above the general construction level, to avoid unequal settlement

and improper jointing. Where this is not possible in the opinion of the Engineer, the works shall

be raked back according to the bond (and not toothed) at an angle not steeper than 45 degrees

with prior approval of the Engineer. Toothing may also be permitted where future extension is


Before laying bricks in foundation, the foundation slab shall be thoroughly hacked, swept clean

and wetted. A layer of mortar not less than 12 mm thick shall be spread on the surface of the

foundation slab and the first course of bricks shall be laid.

• Jointing old and new

work Where fresh masonry is to join with masonry that is partially/entirely set, the exposed jointing

surface of the set masonry shall be cleaned, roughened and wetted, so as to effect the best possible

bond with the new work. All loose bricks and mortar or other material shall be removed.

Page 10 of 15


In, the case of vertical or inclined joints, it shall be further ensured that proper bond between the

old and new masonry is obtained by interlocking the bricks. Any portion of the brickwork that

has been completed shall remain undisturbed until thoroughly set.

In case of sharp corners specially in skew bridges, a flat cutback of 100 mm shall be provided so

as to have proper and bonded laying of bricks.

• Curing

Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering and shall be kept constantly moist

on all faces for a minimum period of seven days. Brick work carried out during the day shall be

suitably marked indicating the date on which the work is done so as to keep a watch on the curing

period. The top of the masonry work shall be left flooded with water at the close of the day.

Watering may be done carefully so as not to disturb or wash out the green mortar.

During hot weather, all finished or partly completed work shall be covered or wetted in such a

manner as will prevent rapid drying of the brickwork.

During the period of curing of brick work, it shall be suitably protected from all damages. At the

close of day's work or for other period of cessation, watering and curing shall have to be main-

tained. Should the mortar perish i.e. become dry, white or powdery through neglect of curing,

work shall be pulled down and rebuilt as directed by the Engineer. If any stains appear during

watering, the same shall be removed from the face.

• Scaffolding

The scaffolding shall be sound, strong and safe to withstand all loads likely to come upon it. The

holes which provide resting space for horizontal members shall not be left in masonry under one

metre in width or immediately near the skew backs of arches. The holes left in the masonry work

for supporting the scaffolding shall be filled and made good. Scaffolding shall be got approved

by the Engineer. However, the Contractor shall be responsible for its safety.

• Equipment

All tools and equipment used for mixing, transporting and laying of mortar and bricks shall be

clean and free from set mortar, dirt or other injurious foreign substances.

• Finishing of

surfaces • General

All brickwork shall be finished in a workmanlike manner with the thickness of joints, manner of

striking or tooling as described in these above specifications.

Page 230 of 15


The surfaces can be finished by "jointing" or "pointing" or by "plastering" as given in the draw-


For a surface, which is to be subsequently plastered or pointed, the joints shall be squarely raked

out to a depth of 15 mm, while the mortar is still green. The raked joints shall be well brushed to

remove dust and loose particles and the surface shall be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned

and wetted.

• Jointing

In jointing, the face of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a finished surface

flush with the face of the brick work. The faces of brick work shall be cleaned to remove any

splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brick work.

• Pointing

Pointing shall be carried out using mortar not leaner than 1:3 by volume of cement and sand or as

shown on the drawing. The mortar shall be filled and pressed into the raked joints before giving

the required finish. The pointing shall be ruled type for which it shall, while still green, be ruled

along the centre with half round tools of such width as may be specified by the Engineer. The

super flush mortar shall then be taken off from the edges of the lines and the surface of the ma-

sonry shall be cleaned of all mortar. The work shall conform to IS: 2212.

• Plastering

Plastering shall be done where shown on the drawing. Superficial plastering may be done, if nec-

essary, only in structures situated in fast flowing rivers or in severely aggressive environment.

Plastering shall be started from top and worked down. All putlog holes shall be properly filled in

advance of the plastering while the scaffolding is being taken down. Wooden screeds 75 mm wide

and of the thickness of the plaster shall be fixed vertically 2.5 to 4 metres apart, to act as gauges

and guides in applying the plaster. The mortar shall be laid on the wall between the screeds using

the plaster's float and pressing the mortar so that the raked joints are properly filled. The plaster

shall then be finished off with a wooden straight edge reaching across the screeds. The straight

edge shall be worked on the screeds with a small upward and sideways motion 50 mm to 75 mm

at a time. Finally, the surface shall be finished off with a plasterer's wooden float Metal floats

shall not be used.

When recommencing the plastering beyond the work suspended earlier, the edges of the old

plaster shall be scrapped, cleaned and wetted before plaster is applied to the adjacent areas.

No portion of the surface shall be left unfinished for patching up at a later period.


The plaster shall be finished true to plumb surface and to the proper degree of smoothness as

directed by the Engineer.

The average thickness of plaster shall not be less than the specified thickness. The minimum

thickness over any portion of the surface shall not be less than the specified thickness by more

than 3 mm.

Any cracks which appear in the surface and all portions which sound hollow when tapped, or are

found to be soft or otherwise defective, shall be cut in rectangular shape and re-done as directed by

the Engineer.

• Curing of Finishes

Curing shall be commenced as soon as the mortar used for finishing has hardened sufficiently not to

be damaged during curing. It shall be kept wet for a period of at least 7 days. During this period, it

shall be suitably protected from all damages.

• Scaffolding for Finishes

Stage scaffolding shall be provided for the work. This shall be independent of the structure. • Architectural coping for wing/return/ parapet wall

This work shall consist of providing an Architectural coping for wing/return/parapet walls. The material used shall be cement mortar 1:3 or as shown on the drawings. The cement mortar

shall be laid evenly to an average thickness of 15 mm to the full width of the top of the wall and in

continuation a band of 15 mm thickness and 150 mm depth shall be made out of the mortar

along the top outer face of the walls.

• Acceptance of work

All work shall be true to the lines and levels as indicated on the drawing or as directed by the

Engineer, subject to tolerances as indicated in these specifications.

Mortar cubes shall be tested in accordance with IS: 2250 for compressive strength, consistency of

mortar and its water retentivity. The frequency of testing shall be one sample for every 2 cubic

metres of mortar, subject to a minimum 3 samples for a day's work.

In case of plaster finish, the minimum surface thickness shall not be less than the specified thick-

ness by more than 3mm.


Section VI




Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Prices SHALL BE INSERTED against items of “preliminaries” in the

tenderer’s priced Bills of Quantities.

Failure to price any item of general or particular preliminaries will be construed

to mean that the tenderer wishes to provide for them in his rates and shall

nevertheless be expected to perform or provide for them fully.


The Contractor's rates shall be net of all Value Added Tax. The contractor shall

price for VAT at the Main Summary page of these Bills of Quantities.



The “Employer" is Ministry of Health whose address unless otherwise notified is

P.O. Box 30016 - 00100, Nairobi.”


The term "Project Manager" wherever used in these Bills of Quantities shall be

deemed to imply the Project Manager, East Africa's Centre of Excellence Project,

Ministry of Health.


The term "Employer's Representative" wherever used in these Bills of Quantities

shall be deemed to imply the The Works Secretary, Ministry of Transport,

Infrastructure, Public Works, Housing & Urban Development (State Department

of Public Works), P.O Box 30743 - 00100, Nairobi


The term “ Engineer” whenever used in the Bills of Quantities shall be deemed to

imply, Lead Consultant


The term “ Lead Consultant” whenever used in the Bills of Quantities shall be

deemed to imply, Politecnica Ingegnerra ed Architettura Societa Coopertiva 220,

Via Galileo Galeli, 41126 MODENA - ITALY, Tel +3939 89545296

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The term “ Team Leader ” whenever used in the Bills of Quantities shall be

deemed to imply, “Eng. Peter Scott, of Britech Ltd. whose address unless

otherwise notified is P.O Box 15130 – 00509, NAIROBI, Tel : +254 733 –



The term "Architect" shall be deemed to mean “Caleb Mutali of Symbion Kenya

Ltd, whose address unless otherwise notified is P.O. Box 24002 - 00502,

NAIROBI . Tel : +254 722 950032 "


The term "Quantity Surveyor" shall be deemed to mean ‘Christopher Kiboi

Nderitu’ of Nderitu Consultants, whose address unless otherwise notified is P. O.

Box 62405 - 00200, NAIROBI Tel: +254 722-334175


The term "Electrical Engineer" shall be deemed to mean ‘ George M. Njoroge of

Geomax Consulting Engineers Ltd. whose address unless otherwise notified is P.

O. Box 53748 - 00200, NAIROBI Tel: +254 722-519427”


The term "Mechanical Engineer" shall be deemed to mean ‘Weche Okubo

Raphael of Geomax Consulting Engineers Ltd. whose address unless otherwise

notified is P. O. Box 53748 - 00200, NAIROBI Tel: +254 722-207236”


The term "Civil Engineer" shall be deemed to mean ‘Patrick Owuor Oyunga of

Britech Ltd., Consulting Engineers whose address unless otherwise notified is

P.O. Box 15130 – 00509, NAIROBI, Tel : +254 733 – 618641”


The term “ Environmental Impact Assessment Expert” shall be deemed to mean

“M/S Fred Aronya of Envi Lead Ltd whose address unless otherwise notified is

P.O. Box 20899 - 00100, NAIROBI. Tel: +254 711 640754

Carried to Collection -



Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The term “Land Surveyor” shall be deemed to mean” Wycliff Abiero of Ramani

Land Services, whose address unless otherwise notified is P. O. Box 15353 -

00509, NAIROBI, Tel +254 722 6862078


The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the security of all the works

stores, materials, plant, personnel, etc., both his own and sub-contractors' and

must provide all necessary watching, lighting and other precautions as necessary

to ensure security against theft, loss or damage and the protection of the public.


Maintain as required throughout the execution of the works and make good any

damage to public or private roads arising from or consequent upon the execution

of the works to the satisfaction of the local and other competent authority and the

Employer's Representative.


The Contractor shall take every precaution to avoid damage to all existing

property including roads, cables, drains and other services and he will be held

responsible for and shall make good all such damage arising from the execution

of this contract at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Employer's



The Contractor is recommended to examine the drawings and visit the site the

location of which is described in the Particular Preliminaries hereof. He shall be

deemed to have acquainted himself therewith as to its nature, position, means of

access or any other matter which, may affect his tender. No claim arising from his

failure to comply with this recommendation will be considered.


The contractor shall provide 3 sets of As-built drawings for specialized

installations works.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The contractor shall provide operating and maintenance manuals for specialized

installations works. The contractor shall train and carry out demonstrations to the

end users of the Installations.


The scope of this contract comprises construction of 6–Storey building,

comprising one basement, Ground, 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th floors. The entire third

and fourth floors SHALL NOT be fitted out internally in addition to the spaces

defined by the following grids on Basement floor: (U-W, 12-15), (U-V, 15-16),

(T-Q, 15-16) and (R-P, 12-14). 2No. Theatres on First Floor shall not be

installed. The corresponding Electrical and Mechanical Engineering works shall

equally be omitted.

External works shall comprise Drive & Parking, Sewer drainage, Stormwater

drainage, Fences, Sports field, etc.


The works are on a gently sloping site.

The works comprised a framed reinforced concrete structure which includes

column base, columns, slabs and beams, infilled as necessary with masonry

walling, flat roof finishes, floor tiles, wall tiles, plaster, timber and metal doors

steel casement windows, plaster and paint, services include electrical and

mechanical engineering works. External works include Drive and Parking

paving around building, rainwater and sewer drainage, landscaping and boundary


There is an existing playfield that shall be relocated elsewhere within the site.

This being a specialized Teaching and Referal Hospital, works shall include large

infrastructure for medical equipment and facilities.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Plinth area is given without warranty and is for guidance only.

Basement Parking 2088 SM

Hospital Departments 16,426 SM

Internal Technical Room 230 SM

External Technical Room 340 SM

Roof Technical Area 326 SM

Gate Houses (3No.) 30 SM

Games Changing Rooms 117 SM

Games Office 22 SM

Total floor area 19,579 SM


In the event of any discrepancies arising between working drawings and the Bills

of Quantities, the working drawings shall take precedence. The Contractor shall

report such discrepancies to the Employer's Representative for the correct

measurements to be established on site. Any work measured as Provisional shall

be re-measured as executed on site.


The site for the works is located in the open field of Kenyatta National Hospital

along Ngong Road and opposite Nairobi Hospital.


There is an existing play field which will be relocated to the Western end of the



The Contractor is referred to the General Specifications for Building Works

1976 Edition with and including those specifications under sections of these Bills

of Quantities for the complete description of all items of work and must allow for

all costs in complying with these clauses.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Allow for providing, erecting and maintaining throughout the course of the

contract and afterwards clearing away, a sign board in accordance with the

Directory of Public Works standard detail to be obtained from the Employer's



The contract completion period in accordance with the conditions of contract

must be strictly adhered to.

The “Employer's Representative” shall strictly monitor the Contractor’s progress

in relation to the progress chart and should it be found necessary, the “Employer's

Representative” shall inform the Contractor in writing that his actual performance

on site is not satisfactory.

In all such cases, the Contractor shall accelerate his rate of performance,

production and progress by all means such as additional labour, plant e.t.c, and

working overtime all at his cost.


The Contractor is notified that these works are very URGENT and should be

completed within the period stated in these Particular Preliminaries. The

Contractor should allow for any costs they may incur by completing the works

within the stipulated period.


Advance payment may be granted up to 10% of the contract sum subject to

submission of a signed and sealed bank guarantee of the same amount from an

approved bank and with consent from the client and in accordance with the



The Contractor shall not be allowed to house labour on site. Allow costs for

transporting workers to and from the site during the tenure of the contract.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Contractor shall be required to provide a site office with all the necessary

furniture and sanitary facilities to accommodate about 40 persons during site

meetings and for inspections. The Employer's Representative will issue the

detailed specifications for these buildings but they will in general be of timber

and thick 0.5 mm Galvanised corrugated iron Sheets (G.C.I) construction with

board lining internally and partitions. The site office will be located as directed

on site.


Provide space for Clerk of works adjacent to the site office. The office shall have

a desk, chairs lockable drawers cupboard etc. for safe keeping of Clerk of Works



Provide a computer, A4 printer complete with Microsoft office, MS project

programme and connect to internet for easy communication of site with

respective consultant’s and employer's office.


The Contractor should provide and maintain survey equipment (total station and

engineer's level together with tripods staff, batteries, e.t.c,) on site at all times

during construction at his own cost.


Provide, maintain and later remove on completion of the works a site telephone

and pay all charges. The telephone shall be accessible to the Employer and

Consultants at all times during normal working hours for use on project matters


Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Any materials arising from demolitions and not re-used shall become and remain

the property of the Employer. The Contractor will preserve the same until they

are safely handed over to the client for storage as directed by the Employer's



The Contractor ‘s rates for any item shall be deemed to include all costs involved

in the execution of that particular item which include the cost, transportation and

handling of materials, fixing and for complying with other conditions of contract

except where otherwise priced separately (Taxes and levies shall be priced

seperately at the grand summary page).


The Contractor is notified that these works are to be carried out on a site where

the Client is going on with other normal activities. The Contractor is instructed

to take reasonable care in the execution of the works as to prevent accidents,

damage or loss and disruption of normal activities being carried out by the Client.

The Contractor shall allow in his rates any expense he deems necessary by taking

such care within the site.


The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain throughout the course of the

Contract and thereafter clear away and make good disturbed areas, temporary

hoarding 3000 mm high above ground consisting of; 100 x 50 mm timber posts at

1200 mm centres firmly founded and secured, 75 x 50 mm horizontal timber rails

at 900 mm centres, painted GCI sheets, proper timber gates with suitable locks.

Defined by the architect.

Take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to adjoining property. Any

damage occurring must be made good to the satisfaction of the Employer's

Representative and/or owner(s) of the adjoining property at the contractor’s


Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to adjoining property. Any

damage occurring must be made good to the satisfaction of the PM and/or

owner(s) of the adjoining property at the contractor’s expense.


The Contractor shall not use the site for any other purpose other than carrying out

the works. He shall not permit or display any advertisement without the consent

of the Employer's Representative.


Allow for destroying any white ants and termites nests found in the vicinity of

the buildings, destroying Queen Ants, depositing cyanide lumps in holes and

tunnels and filling with hard-core and murram well rammed and sealed

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Brought forward from page 2-233

Brought forward from page 2-234

Brought forward from page 2-235

Brought forward from page 2-236

Brought forward from page 2-237

Brought forward from page 2-238

Brought forward from page 2-239

Brought forward from page 2-240

Brought forward from page 2-241



Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.



Prices will be inserted against items of Preliminaries in the Contractor's

priced Bills of Quantities and Specification.


Throughout these Bills, units of measurement and terms are abbreviated and shall

be interpreted as follows:-

C.M. or m3

or cu m Shall mean cubic metre

S.M. or m2

or sq m Shall mean square metre

mm2 or sq mm Shall mean square milimetre

ha Shall mean hectare

L.M.or m Shall mean linear metre

wk Shall mean week

mon Shall mean month

MM Shall mean Millimetre

h Shall mean hour

Kg. Shall mean Kilogramme

t Shall mean metric ton

No. or nr Shall mean Number

Prs. Shall mean Pairs

sum Shall mean lumpsum

B.S. Shall mean the British Standard Specification

Published by the British Standards Institution, 2 Park Street,

London W.I., England.

Ditto Shall mean the whole of the preceding description

except as qualified in the description in which it


m.s. Shall mean measured separately.

a.b.d Shall mean as before described.

KEBS Shall mean Kenya Bureau of Standards.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Fix Only:-

"Fix Only" shall mean take delivery at nearest railway station or Employer's store

(Unless otherwise stated), pay all demurrage charges, load and transport to site

where necessary, unload, store, unpack, assemble as necessary, distribute to

position, hoist and fix only.


The form of contract shall be the Bank Harmonized Edition of the General

Conditions of Contract prepared by (FIDIC) International Federation of

Consulting Engineers in agreement with various Multi Lateral Development



The Contractor shall find and submit on the Form of Tender an approved bank

and who will be willing to be bound to the Government in an amount equal to ten

per cent (10%) of the Contract amount for the due performances of the Contract

up to the date of completion as certified by the Employer's Representative and

who will when and if called upon, sign a Bond to that effect on the relevant

standard form included herein. (without the addition of any limitations) on the

same day as the Contract Agreement is signed.


Allow for providing all scaffolding, plant, tools and vehicles required for the

works. No timber used for scaffolding, formwork or temporary works of any kind

shall be used afterwards in the permanent work.


Allow for transport of workmen, materials, etc., to and from the site at such hours

and by such routes as may be permitted by the competent authorities.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


All materials and workmanship used in the execution of the work shall be of the

best quality and description unless otherwise stated. The Contractor shall order all

materials to be obtained from overseas immediately after the Contract is signed

and shall also order materials to be obtained from local sources as early as

necessary to ensure that they are on site when required for use in the works. The

Bills of Quantities shall not be used for the purpose of ordering materials.


The Contractor will be required to sign a receipt for all articles and materials

supplied by the Employer's Representative at the time of taking deliver thereof, as

having received them in good order and condition, and will thereafter be

responsible for any loss or damage and for replacements of any such loss or

damage with articles and/or materials which will be supplied by the Employer's

Representative at the current market prices including Customs Duty and V.A.T.,

all at the Contractor's own cost and expense, to the satisfaction of the Employer's



The Contractor shall provide at his own risk and cost where directed on the site

weather proof lock-up sheds and make good damaged or disturbed surfaces upon

completion of the works to the satisfaction of the Employer's Representative.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Contractor shall furnish at his own cost any samples of materials or

workmanship including concrete test cubes required for the works that may be

called for by the Employer's Representative, for his approval and until such

samples are approved by the Employer's Representative and the Employer's

Representative, may reject any materials or workmanship not in his opinion to be

up to approved samples. The Employer's Representative shall arrange for the

testing of such materials as he may at his discretion deem desirable, but the

testing shall be made at the expense of the Contractor and not at the expense of

the Employer's Representative. The Contractor shall pay for the testing in

accordance with the current scale of testing charges laid down by the Ministry of


The procedure for submitting samples of materials for testing and the method of

marking for identification shall be as laid down by the Employer Representative.

The Contractor shall allow in his tender for such samples and tests except those in

connection with nominated sub-contractors' work.


Allow for complying with all Government Acts, Orders and Regulations in

connection with the employment of Labour and other matters related to the

execution of the works. In particular the Contractor's attention is drawn to the

provisions of the The Occupational Safety and Health Act (2007) and his tender

must include for all costs arising or resulting from compliance with any Act,

Order or Regulation relating to Insurances, pensions and holidays for workpeople

or so the safety, health and welfare of the workpeople.

The Contractor must make himself fully acquainted with current Acts and

Regulations, including Police Regulations regarding the movement, housing,

security and control of labour, labour camps , passes for transport, etc. It is most

important that the Contractor, before tendering, shall obtain from the relevant

Authority the fullest information regarding all such regulations and/or restrictions

which may affect the organisation of the works, supply and control of labour, etc.,

and allow accordingly in his tender. No claim in respect of want of knowledge in

this connection will be entertained.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Means of access to the Site shall be agreed with the Employer's Representative

prior to commencement of the work and Contractor must allow for building any

necessary temporary access for the transport of the materials, plant and workmen

as may be required for the complete execution of the works. Upon completion of

the works, the Contractor shall remove such temporary access and make good and

reinstate all works and surfaces disturbed to the satisfaction of the Employer's



The area of the site which may be occupied by the Contractor for use of storage

and for the purpose of erecting workshops, etc., shall be defined on site by the

Employer's Representative.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The contractor shall provide, erect and maintain where directed on site and

afterwards dismantle the site office of the type noted in the Paricular

Preliminaries complete with furniture.

The contractor shall also provide a strong metal trunk complete with strong hasp

and staple fastening and two keys.

He shall provide, erect and maintain a lock-up pedestal type water closet for sole

use of the Engineer including making temporary connections to drain where

applicable to the satisfaction of the Employer and Medical Officer of Health and

shall provide the services of a cleaner and pay all conservancy charges and keep

both office and closet in a clean and sanitary condition from the commencement

to the completion of the works. The office and closet shall be completed before

the contractor is permitted to commence works.

The contractor shall make available on the site as and when required by the

Engineer an accurate level together with levelling staff, ranging rods and 30-

metre metallic or linen tape.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Contractor shall provide at his own risk and cost all necessary water, electric

light and power required for use in the works. The Contractor must make his own

arrangements for connection to the nearest suitable water main and for metering

the water used. He must also provide temporary tanks and meters as required at

his own cost and clear away when no longer required and make good on

completion to the entire satisfaction of the Employer Representative. The

Contractor shall pay all charges in connection herewith. No guarantee is given or

implied that sufficient water will be available from mains and the Contractor must

make his own arrangements for augmenting this supply at his own cost.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Sanitation of the works shall be arranged and maintained by the Contractor to

the satisfaction of the Government and/or Local Authorities, Labour Department

and the Employer's Representative


The works shall be executed under the direction and to the entire satisfaction in

all respects of the Employer Representative who shall at all times during normal

working hours have access to the works and to the yards and workshops of the

Contractor and sub-Contractors or other places where work is being prepared for

the contract.


The term "Provisional Sum" wherever used in these Bills of Quantities shall have

the meaning stated in Section A item A7(i) of the Standard Method of

Measurement. Such sums are net and no addition shall be made to them for



The Contractor shall provide within two weeks of Possession of Site and in

agreement with the Employer's Representative a Progress Chart for the whole of

the works including the works of Sub-Contractors; one copy to be handed to the

Employer's Representative and a further copy to be retained on Site. Progress to

be recorded and chart to be amended as necessary as the work proceeds.


In the final account all Provisional Sums shall be deducted and the value of the

work properly executed in respect of them upon the Employer's Representative

order added to the Contract Sum. Such work shall be valued as described for

Variations in Condition No. 13 of the Conditions of Contract.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


The Contractor shall allow for the attendance of trade upon trade and shall afford

any tradesmen or other persons employed for the execution of any work not

included in this Contract every facility for carrying out their work and also for use

of his ordinary scaffolding. The Contractor, however, shall not be required to

erect any special scaffolding for them. The Contractor shall perform such cutting

away for and making good after the work of such tradesmen or persons as may be

ordered by the Employer's Representative and the work will be measured and paid

for to the extent executed at rates provided in these Bills.


The Contractor shall insure as required in Conditions No. 18 of the Conditions of

Contract. No payment on account of the work executed will be made to the

Contractor until he has satisfied the Employer's Representative either by

production of an Insurance Policy or and Insurance Certificate that the provision

of the foregoing Insurance Clauses have been complied with in all respects.

Thereafter the Employer's Representative shall from time to time ascertain that

premiums are duly paid up by the Contractor who shall if called upon to do so,

produce the receipted premium renewals for the Employer's Representative's



All work described as "Provisional" in these Bills of Quantities is subject to

remeasurement in order to ascertain the actual quantity executed for which

payment will be made. All "Provisional" and other work liable to adjustment

under this Contract shall be left uncovered for a reasonable time to allow all

measurements needed for such adjustment to be taken by the Employer's

Representative. Immediately the work is ready for measuring, the Contractor shall

give notice to the Employer's Representative. If the Contractor makes default in

these respects he shall if the Employer's Representative so directs uncover the

work to enable all measurements to be taken and afterwards reinstate at his own


Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Any unauthorised alteration or qualification made to the text of the Bills of

Quantities may cause the Tender to be disqualified and will in any case be

ignored. The Contractor shall be deemed to have made allowance in his prices

generally to cover any items against which no price has been inserted in the

priced Bills of Quantities. All items of measured work shall be priced in detail

and the Tenders containing Lump Sums to cover trades or groups of work must

be broken down to show the price of each item before they will be accepted.


Blasting will only be allowed with the express permission of the Employer's

Representative in writing. All blasting operations shall be carried out at the

Contractor's sole risk and cost in accordance with any Government regulations in

force for the time being, and any special regulations laid down by the Employer's

Representative governing the use and storage of explosives.


Materials of any kind obtained from the excavations shall be the property of the

Government. Unless the Employer's Representative directs otherwise such

materials shall be dealt with as provided in the Contract. Such materials shall

only be used in the works, in substitution of materials which the Contractor would

otherwise have had to supply with the written permission of the Employer's

Representative. Should such permission be given, the Contractor shall make due

allowance for the value of the materials so used at a price to be agreed.


Provide protection of the whole of the works contained in the Bills of Quantities,

including casing , casing up, covering or such other means as may be necessary to

avoid damage to the satisfaction of the Employer's Representative and remove

such protection when no longer required and make good any damage which may

nevertheless have been done at completion free of cost to the Government.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


Removal of rubbish and debris from the Buildings and site as it accumulates and

at the completion of the works and remove all plant, scaffolding and unused

materials at completion.


Clean and flush all gutters, rainwater and waste pipes, manholes and drains, wash

(except where such treatment might cause damage) and clean all floors, sanitary

fittings, glass inside and outside and any other parts of the works and remove all

marks, blemishes, stains and defects from joinery, fittings and decorated surfaces

generally, polish door furniture and bright parts of metalwork and leave the whole

of the buildings watertight, clean, perfect and fit for occupation to the approval of

the Employer's Representative


Unless otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Data and/or Particular

Preliminaries this is a firm price contract and the Contractor must allow in his

tender rates for any increase in the cost of labour and/or materials during the

currency of the contract.


For the full description of materials and workmanship, method of execution of the

work and notes for pricing, the Contractor is referred to the Ministry of Roads

and Public Works General Specification dated 1976 or any subsequent revision

thereof which is issued as a separate document, and which shall be allowed in all

respects unless it conflicts with the General Preliminaries, Trade Preambles or

other items in these Bills of Quantities.

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


All materials for incorporation in the works must be stored on or adjacent to the

site before payment is effected unless specifically exempted by the Employer's



The contractor shall constantly keep on the works literate English speaking Agent

or Representative, competent and experienced in the kind of work involved and

shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the works. Such Agent or

Representative shall receive on behalf of the contractor all directions and

instructions from the Employer's Representative and such directions or

instructions shall be deemed to have been given to the contractor in accordance

with the Conditions of Contract

Carried to Collection


Item DESCRIPTION Amount Kshs.


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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs CtsBILL NO. 1



SUBSTRUCTURE (All Provisional)

Excavation and Earthworks

A. Bulk excavation to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from ground level CM 10223

B. Ditto exceeding 1.50 metres deep but not exceeding 3.0 metres deep from stripped level CM 10223

C. Excavate for column bases not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from stripped level CM 306

D. Excavate for strip footing ditto CM 30

E. Excavate for lift shaft base ditto CM 403

F. Excavate for retaining wall base ditto CM 60

G. Excavate for staircase base ditto CM 101

H. Excavate for sumps/interceptors tanks ditto CM 46

I. Excavate for oil tanks ditto CM 50

J. Extra over for excavating in all types of rock irrespective of depth CM 996

K. Load and cart away excavated materials to approved City Council damp site CM 16062

L. Load, cart and store on site for re-use CM 7379

M. Level and compact bottom of all excavations including cabro area SM 6815

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Earth moulds

A. Take from spoil hip, form moulds not exceeding 2000mm high including steps, gentle sloping to details CM 2015

Plunking and strutting

B. Allow for plunking and strutting to sides of the whole excavations Item 1

C. Allow for keeping excavations free of surface and spring/underground water Item 1

Filling and treatment

D. Return fill and ram approved selected excavated material rolled and consolidated in layers not exceeding 300mm thick around concrete foundation walls (500mm wide) CM 672

E. Ditto below basement slab CM 2726

Anti-Termite Treatment

F. Treat surface of hardcore with "Termidor" insecticide to manufacturers specification and provide 10 years guarantee certificate SM 4300

Damp Proof Membrane

G. 1000 gauge damp proof membrane SM 4594

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Concrete Works

Mass concrete class 15/20:-

A. 50mm blinding to column bases SM 1654

B. Ditto to lift shaft base SM 115

C. Ditto to sumps/interceptors/oil tank SM 44

D. Ditto to foundation wall bases/basement slab SM 4400

E. Ditto to staircase bases SM 144

F. Ditto to strip footing SM 78

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 35/20 in:-

G. Columns CM 238

H. Column bases CM 1705

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 30/20 in:-

I. 250mm thick basement slab SM 4400

J. 300mm thick tank slab SM 108

K. 300mm thick tanks walls SM 162

L. Ditto suspended tank slabs SM 108

M. 200mm thick suspended ground floor slab SM 4594

N. 250mm thick ramp slab SM 180

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 30/20 in:-Cont'd.

A. Retaining wall bases CM 28

B. Staircase bases CM 101

C. Strip footing CM 30

D. Lift shaft bases CM 70

E. Staircases CM 12

F. Beams (ground floor) CM 391

G. Intermediate beams on external walls CM 30

H. Ramps, steps at main entrance CM 50

I. 200mm thick basement drainage channel walls SM 90

J. 250mm thick foundation wall SM 1511

K. 250mm thick lift shaft walls SM 578

L. 200mm thick sumps/interceptor/oil tank slabs SM 49

M. 200mm thick ditto walls SM 151

N. 200mm thick staircase landing SM 24

O. 250mm thick staircase walls SM 306

P. 250mm thick suspended drain cover slab SM 488

Mass concrete 1:3:6

Q. To create sumps/channels in basement CM 140

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Fabric mesh

A. Fabric mesh reinforcement Ref. No. A193 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 8800

High tensile steel reinforcement bars to BS 4461(Provisional)

B. 8mm diameter KG 39174

C. 10mm diameter KG 88950

D. 12mm diameter KG 103944

E. 16mm diameter KG 18450

F. 20mm diameter KG 66001

G. 25mm diameter KG 73770

H. 32mm diameter KG 66269

Sawn formwork to:-

I. Edges of basement floor slab between 225mm and 300mm high LM 425

J. Edges of ground floor slab between 150mm and 225mm high LM 505

K. Sides of column bases SM 1666

L. Sides of retaining wall bases SM 85

M. Sides of strip footing SM 78

N. Sides of channel walls SM 180

O. Soffits of suspended drain cover slab SM 488

P. Leave or make 900 x 900mm openings on drain slab NO 35

Q. Sides of lift pit sumps and foundation wall drainage SM 201

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Sawn formwork to:- Cont'd.

A. Sides of columns SM 1698

B. Ditto curved to radii SM 19

C. Sides of lift shaft bases SM 50

D. Sides of staircase bases SM 62

E. Sides and soffits of ground floor beams SM 3108

F. Sides and soffits of intermediate beams SM 358

G. Sides of foundation walls SM 3022

H. Sides of tank walls SM 324

I. Soffits of tank slabs SM 108

J. Sides of sump/interceptors/oil tank walls SM 302

K. Soffits of sump/interceptors/oil tank slabs SM 49

L. Sofitts of ground floor slab exceeding 3.5m but not exceeding 5.0m high SM 4213

M. Sloping sofitts of ramp slabs SM 180

N. Sloping soffits of staircase SM 40

O. Sides of lift shaft walls SM 1156

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Sawn formwork to:- Cont'd.

A. Sides of staircase walls SM 552

B. Ditto curved to radii SM 60

C. Sofitts of staircase landing SM 24

D. Edge of risers 150mm high LM 100

E. Edge of staircase, ramp open string 150mm to 225mm girth LM 65

F. 200mm wide to form door openings in walls (lifts, staircases) LM 60

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 25mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

G. 200mm thick (parallel to concrete walls) SM 1089

H. Ditto curved to radii SM 55

Three ply hessian based bituminous felt horizontal damp

proof course to BS 743 ,Type A weighing 3.8kg/m 2

bedded on cement/sand (1:3) mortar

I. 200mm wide LM 325


Cement/sand (1:3) screed with XYPEX C-100 or other equal and approved admixture, steel trowelled hard and smooth to receive waterproofing (m/s)

J. 40mm thick (average) on floor slab, sump slab, interceptor slab, oil tank slab, lift shaft slab, channels SM 6815

K. 12mm thick to internal surfaces of sump, lift shaft, foundation walls, tank walls, channels, etc. SM 2416

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Masterseal 501 waterproofing by a specialist applied to manufacturer's written instructions and provide 10 years guarantee

A Prepare surface and apply to slab, bases, walls SM 9231

French drain


B. Excavate for 200mm diameter french pipe not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from stripped level, part refill, part load and cart away a.b.d LM 852

Drain pipe

C. 200mm diameter perforated agricultural french drain pipe LM 852

Washed gravel fill

D. 300mm thick bed and surround washed gravel fill for 200mm diameter pipe (m/s) LM 852

Water bar

E. V250mm wide PVC water bar or equal and approved at construction joint to engineer's details LM 420

F. Ditto laid vertically LM 75

G. Ditto at construction joints LM 85

Theoflex Cover

H. Theoflex 600 sealant to construction joint LM 580

Mild Steel Dowels

I. 120 mm dia x 1200 mm long high tensile steel NO 1735

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From page 2- 257

" " 2- 258

" " 2-259

" " 2-260

" " 2-261

" " 2-262

" " 2-263

" " 2-264



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Vibrated reinforced concrete class 35/20 in:-

A. Columns CM 689

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 30/20 in:-

B. Floor Beams CM 1206

C. Intermediate beams - Provisional CM 50

D. Roof Beams CM 195

E. Staircases CM 98

F. Steps on ground floor CM 36

G. Steps/ramps support beams CM 27

H. Parapet coping beam CM 39

I. 200mm thick 1st floor slab SM 4017

J. Ditto 2nd floor slab SM 3025

K. Ditto 3rd floor slab SM 2792

L. Ditto 4th floor slab SM 2765

M. Ditto roof slab SM 2485

N. Ditto sloping ramp slabs (ground floor) SM 175

O. 250mm thick lift shaft walls SM 2130

Carried to Collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 30/20 in:-Contd.

A. 250mm thick lift shaft and staircase cover slabs SM 195

B. 250mm thick staircase walls SM 1940

C. 600mm thick Brachytherapy walls SM 114

D. Ditto suspended slab SM 58

E. 200mm thick staircase landing SM 310

F. 200mm thick gutter slab and fascia SM 82

High tensile steel reinforcement bars to BS 4461 (Provisional)

G. 8mm diameter KG 45884

H. 10mm diameter KG 125495

I. 12mm diameter KG 227199

J. 16mm diameter KG 79599

K. 20mm diameter KG 86402

L. 25mm diameter KG 89122

M. 32mm diameter KG 60430

Sawn formwork to:-

N. Sides of columns SM 4788

O. Ditto curved to radii SM 74

P. Sides and soffits of floor beams SM 9942

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Sawn formwork - Cont'd.

A. Sides and soffits of roof beams SM 1549

B. Sides and sofitts of intermediate beams SM 1062

C. Sides and sofitts of coping beams SM 383

D. Sides and sofitts of ramps,steps support beams SM 263

E. Sides of of staircase walls SM 3880

F. Sides of of lift shaft walls SM 4260

G. Soffits of suspended lift shafts and staircases cover slabs SM 170

H. Soffits of suspended first and second floor slabs exceeding 3.5m but not exceeding 5.0m high SM 5871

I. Soffits of suspended third to roof floor slabs SM 6698

J. Sloping soffits of ramp slabs SM 175

K. Sloping soffits of steps (ground floor) SM 80

L. Soffits of suspended slabs exceeding 300mm wide SM 58

M. Soffits of staircase landing SM 310

N. Sloping soffits of staircase SM 430

O. Sloping soffits of steps - ground floor SM 125

P. Sides and sofitts of gutter slab and fascia SM 134

Q. Edge of risers 150mm high - staircases LM 1141

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Sawn formwork to:- Cont'd.

A. Edge of risers 150mm high - steps on ground floor LM 275

B. Edge of staircase open string 150mm to 225mm girth LM 228

C. Edge of steps open string 150mm to 225mm girth - ground floor LM 50

D. Edges of suspended floor/roof slabs, ramps 150mm to 225mm girth LM 2406

E. Edges of suspended lift shaft and staircase cover slabs ditto LM 127

F. 200mm wide to form door openings in walls (lifts, staircases) LM 348

G. Sides of walls 600mm wide SM 228

Expansion/Seismic Joint

H. 150 x 50mm thick seismic joint as Joint or other equal and approved comprising acid resistant flexible elastomer insert on aluminium profiled support system with perforated anchoring fins, elastic neoprene gasket, all accessories to approval LM 649

Joint cover

I. 300 x 3mm thick anodized aluminium joint cover as Joint or other equal and approved bent to profile and fixed onto masonry/concrete with proprietary bolts, double interlocking water tight elastic gasket , all accessories to approval (floor, ceiling, walls) LM 1398

Fireproof sealant

J. 20mm thick x 20mm wide mineral fibre non-toxic expansion joint roll sealant fixed in accordance with manufacturer's instruction LM 649

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From page 2- 266

" " 2-267

" " 2-268

" " 2-269



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 25mm wide x 3mm thick hoop iron every alternate course

External walls

A. 200mm thick SM 2520

B. Ditto downpipe enclosure SM 112

C. 200mm thick parapet wall - main roof - 1000mm high SM 425

D. 200mm thick parapet wall - services area roof - basement - 750mm high SM 162

E. 200mm thick x 200mm high upstand walls - terrace edgesLM 0

Internal walls

F. 150mm thick SM 12510

500mm thick comprising 2No. 150mm thick walls, 200mm wide cavity SM 72

Precast concrete class 25/12 units bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar in:-

G. 350 x 75mm (average) thick twice weathered and throated coping to parapet wall LM 425



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Light weight concrete cement/sand/pumice (1:3:7) laid to fall and cross falls in: -

A. 75mm (average) thick onto roof slab SM 2485

Cement/sand (1:3) screed with approved waterproof admixture to roof slab, terraces, gutters, upstands laid to falls and cross-falls where applicable

B. 50mm thick to roof slab SM 2485

C. Ditto basement services area SM 1010

D. Ditto at terraces SM 3333

E. Ditto gutter slab SM 43

F. 12mm thick render to roof upstands SM 959

G. Ditto to gutter fascia SM 65

H. 50 x 50mm angle fillet LM 3709

Two coat mastic asphalt to BSS 988 each 10 mm thick laid in accordance with manufacturer's instructions by specialist including one coat bituminous anti-dust primer and provide 10-year guarantee

I. Prepare surface and apply waterproofing to roof slab including spray torching to receive tiles (m/s) SM 2485

J. Ditto basement services area SM 1010

K. Ditto at terraces SM 3333

L. Ditto gutter slab SM 43

M. Ditto to wall and gutter upstands SM 1024

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Two coat mastic asphalt to BS 988 each 10mm thick laid in accordance with manufacturer's instructions by specialist including one coat bituminous anti-dust primer and provide 10-year guarantee

A. Extra over ditto for working around fullbora outlets NO 45

B. Prepare and apply one coat bitumen aluminium primer to SM 1024

C. Verticle surfaces gutters SM 43

Floor screed

Cement/sand (1:3) screed with approved waterproof admixture to roof slab, terraces to falls and cross falls where applicable

D. 50mm (average) thick laid to falls and cross-falls SM 6828

Approved exterior non-slip matt porcelain floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour

E. 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed onto prepared screed (m/s) -F8 SM 2978

F. 125mm high x 8.4mm thick tile skirting to match - FB5 LM 2889

Supply and fix Interlocking cement tiles to M/s Manson Hart catalogue or other equal and approved

G. 250 x 250 x 20mm thick interlocking quarry tiles on prepared screed SM 3495

H. 100mm high skirting LM 640

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Rainwater goods

A. 100mm diameter heavy gauge uPVC down pipe fixed to wall with and including hold fasts at 1000mm centres LM 790

Extra over for :-

B. 100mm diameter shoe NO 35

C. 100mm diameter bend NO 125

D. 100mm diameter fulbora outlet NO 125

Steel Roof over Technical Room - 4th floor

E. 26 gauge IT5 roofing sheets as MRM or other equal and approved fixed onto steel roof structure (m/s) with manufacturer's approved self drilling screws, bolts to approval SM 360

F. Extra over for ridge cap to match LM 25

Thermal insulation

G. 'Jumbolene' code RF 155or other equal and approved heavy duty roof sisilation fixed to roof structure with approved wire fixing system SM 360

Unframed steel including all necessary cutting, welding, grinding, all drilling for bolts, two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360 in:-

H. 150 x 50 x 20 x 2mm weighing 4.44kg/lm thick cold-formed steel 'Z' purlins welded on rafters (m/s) LM 198

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Unframed steel including all necessary cutting, welding, grinding, all drilling for bolts, two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360 in:-

A. 75 x 75 x 6mm thick x 6.67kg/lm angle bracing welded to end plates (m/s) LM 95

B. R16 antisag rods threaded at ends bolted to roof members (m/s) including drilling to approval LM 168

Framed steel including all necessary cutting, welding (6mm thick fillet weld), drilling, grinding and two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360, hoisting 22200mm high above ground

C. Girder trusses spanning 7000mm (average) x 400mm high comprising 75 x 75 x 6mm thick x 6.67kg/lm angle rafters, tie beam infilled with 50 x 50 x 6mm thick x 4.50kg/lm angle struts and ties (2No.) KG 1158

D. Trusses spanning 11500mm (average) x 600mm high comprising 100 x 100 x 6mm thick x 10.74kg/lm angle rafters, 150 x 150 x 10mm thick x 23.0kg/lm angle tie beam infilled with 75 x 75 x 6mm thick x 6.67kg/lm angle struts and ties (9No.) KG 4240

E. 152 x 152mm x 30kg\lm universal column welded to base and top plates (m/s) (9No.) LM 31

F. 110 x 30 x 6 x 120mm long angle cleat welded to trusses (m/s) and once drilled for 12mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for holding purlins) NO 76

G. 140 x 20 x 6mm leg plate welded and twice drilled for 16mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for trusses to girder) NO 14

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Framed steel including all necessary cutting, welding (6mm thick fillet weld), drilling, grinding and two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360, hoisting 22200mm high above ground

A. 250 x 250 x 12mm thick mild steel plate welded to RHS (m/s) 4 times drilled for 16mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for holding trusses at ends) NO 27

B. 250 x 500 x 8mm thick mild steel plate welded to RHS (m/s) 12 times drilled for 16mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for holding girders, trusses at ends) NO 6

C. 200 x 200 x 8mm thick mild steel plate welded to RHS (m/s) 4 times drilled for 16mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for holding girders at centres) NO 9

D. 200mm (average) x 200mm (average) x 8mm thick mild steel plate welded to RHS (m/s) 2 times drilled for 11mm diameter bolts (m/s) (for bracing) NO 35

E. 16mm diameter x 200mm long anchor bolts grade 8.8 holding-down bolts complete with head nuts, washers, 50 x 50 x 6mm anchor plate, setting into concrete, grouted in 1:11/4:2 concrete (10mm aggregate) after erection

NO 180

F. 16mm diameter x 150mm bolts grade 8.8 complete with head nuts and washers NO 126

G. 12mm diameter x 150mm bolts grade 8.8 complete with head nuts and washers NO 70

Touch primer after fixing, apply two undercoats and one gloss oil finishing coat to metal:-

H. General surfaces of roof structure SM 345

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Steel Roof over Shafts

A. 26 gauge IT5 roofing sheets as MRM or other equal and approved fixed onto steel roof structure (m/s) with manufacturer's approved self drilling screws, bolts to approval (6 No.) SM 96

B. Extra over for ridge LM 24

Thermal insulation

C. 'Jumbolene' code RF 155or other equal and approved heavy duty roof sisilation fixed to shaft with approved wire fixing system SM 96

Unframed steel including all necessary cutting, welding, grinding, all drilling for bolts, two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360 in:-

D. 150 x 50 x 20 x 2mm weighing 4.44kg/lm thick cold-formed steel 'Z' purlins welded on shaft (m/s) LM 180

Roof Over Shaft ( 6No.) - All Provisional

E. 75 x 75 x 6mm x 9.11kg/m posts LM 30

F. 50 x 50 x 3mm x 4.59kg/lm rafters LM 125

G. 600mm high x 16 gauge x 150mm girth mild steel louvre vents fixed frame at 125mm centres LM 96

H. Ditto shaft vent SM 57

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From page 2-272

" " 2-273

" " 2-274

" " 2-275

" " 2-276

" " 2-277



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


1 Substructure From Page 2-265

2 Superstructure Concrete '' " 2-270

3 Walling '' " 2-271

4 Roof '' " 2-278



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts




Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts





Dry wall partition

A. 125mm thick composite partition comprising 2-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board each 12.5mm thick both sides, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to both sides of DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 63.5 x 35mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 63.5 x 40mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, 75mm thick glasswool accoustic infill, joints tapped and skimmed to approval (90min fire rating) -WT1, WT1A SM 50

B. 100mm thick composite partition comprising 1-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board 12.5mm thick both sides, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to both sides of DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 75 x 45mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 75 x 45mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, 75mm thick glasswool accoustic infill, joints tapped and skimmed to approval (90min fire rating) - WT3 SM 0

C. 150mm thick composite partition comprising 1-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board on one side and 1-layer moisture resistant plasterboard each 12.5mm thick, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to both sides of DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 103 x 50mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 103 x 50mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, 100mm thick glasswool accoustic infill, joints tapped and skimmed to approval (90min fire rating) - WT3B SM 0

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Dry wall partition Contd.

A. 500mm thick composite partition in 2No. parallel parts creating 423mm cavity each comprising 1-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board 12.5mm thick, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 63.5 x 35mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 63.5 x 35mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, (90min fire rating) - WT3A SM 0

Gypsum wall cladding

B. 12.5mm thick gypsum board cladding as Gyproc Rhino board to masonry/concrete walls (m/s) screw fixed a.b.d to 51 x 25mm DONN Ultra Steel or equivalent galvanized steel tracks, studs at centres not exceeding 600mm, joints tapped and skimmed to approval (90min fire rating) - WT2, WT6A, WT4A SM 0

C. Ditto but in moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard SM 0

Glazed dry wall partition

D. 125mm thick partition comprising 2-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board each 12.5mm thick both sides, 12.5mm niche covers, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to both sides of DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 63.5 x 35mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 63.5 x 40mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, 75mm thick glasswool accoustic infill, joints tapped and skimmed to approval, incorporating 1350mm intermediate glazed part comprising 8mm thick laminated clear glass on 50 x 50 x 3mm thick profiled powder coated aluminium bearers and frames at 900mm centres, glazing beads, rubber gasket, one way micro film on glass as 'Tirupati' or equal and approved to Architect's details (90min fire rating) - WT5

SM 170

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Specialized Partitions

Theatre Module

A. 300mm thick proprietary prefabricated theatre walls as 'Lindner' or other equal and approved in 1200mm wide panels comprising electrostatically powder coated galvanized steel posts at 600mm centres in 2No. parallel sections to create cavity, fire and sound proofing, stainless steel wall lining (inside), High Pressure Laminate (HPL) (outside), HPL on gypsum fibre base to ceiling and floor with fully sealed weld joints, LED-backlit glass lighting technology, service routes, covers, all other accessories, to specialists details - (Floor area - 290Sm, Wall area - 705Sm) - WT8 NO 4

Farady cage cladding - MRI

B. 150mm thick farady cage as Itel or other equal and approved comprising aluminium framework at centres not exceeding 1000mm both ways, infilled with proprietary aluminium sheet on both sides of framework to walls, floor and ceiling, including 0.12mm thick copper sheet sandwitch all round, fixed onto framework, floor to have HDF backing to receive vinyl sheet flooring (m/s), observation window in approved shielding glass, acoustic noise suppression, LED lighting system, all cabling to approval - (Floor Area - 42Sm, Wall Area - 90Sm) -WT7A NO 1

X-Ray and CT scan

C. 130mm thick composite partition comprising 2-layer plasterboard as Gyproc Rhino board 12.5mm thick both sides, 3.5mm diameter screw fixed to both sides of DONN UltraSteel or equivalent galvanized steel profile guide studs 75 x 45mm friction fitted at centres not exceeding 600mm, 75 x 45mm galvanised steel floor, head tracks, 3mm thick lead plate fixed to framework, 2No. continuous soundseal beads at junction with structure, 2No. 600 x 800mm shielding glass view panels, 75mm thick glasswool accoustic infill, joints tapped and skimmed to approval (90min fire rating) - WT9

SM 216

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Technical Rooms walling

Mild steel works including all necessary cutting, welding, grinding and two coats calcium plumbate primer before fixing as described to BS 4360

A. Mild steel weld mesh wall comprising 50 x 50 x 3mm thick RHS posts fixed onto concrete with bolts, plates at centres not exceeding 900mm, including 50 x 25 x 3mm thick rails welded at 900mm centres, infilled with and including 81/2 gauge galvanized weld mesh welded to posts, rails, all plates, cleats, bolts, curving to radii, etc. to details - 4th floor - WT10 SM 208

B. Ditto basement - WT10 SM 293

C. Ditto parking area - WT10 SM 450

Touch up primer after fixing, apply three coats gloss oil paint as 'Crown' or other equal and approved to:-

D. General surfaces of steel works SM 951

Prepare and apply one undercoat, one coat filler skimming and two final coats Silk vinyl Zero-VOC Emulsion as 'Crown' or other equal and approved to:- WA7

E. Gypsum board partitions and claddings SM 270

Carried to collection

COLLECTIONFrom page 2-281

" " 2-282

" " 2-283

" " 2-284



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



3mm thick moulded Powder Coated Aluminium Door Frame fixed to masonry, concrete, light weight partitions with and including fixing clips, bolt,screws, rivets to match in-built permanent ventilation to approval

A. 100 x 50mm frame with rounded edges/corners fixed to partitions walls to details LM 1650

B. 100 x 50mm transome with 4 labours LM 210

C. 25 x 50mm moulded architrave LM 1650

D. 20 x 40mm glazing bead LM 610

Laminated Aluminium Flush doors

E. 1600mm x 2400mm high solid core double swing flush door in 2no equal leafs laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with and including 1no. 6mm thick x 200mm x 600mm clear glass view window each leaf, glazed with beads (D1) NO 17

F. 1600mm x 2400mm high solid core flush door in 2no leafs 900mm wide and 400mm wide respectively laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round (D1b) NO 23

G. 1000 x 2100mm high semi-solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round (D2) NO 15

H. 800 x 2100mm high semi-solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with hardwood frame (D2b) NO 62

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Laminated Aluminium Flush doors - Cont'd

A. 800 x 2100mm high semi-solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with hardwood frame (D2c) NO 7

B. 1000 x 2100mm high semi-solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with hardwood frame (D2d) NO 45

C. 1000 x 2100mm high solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round (D3) NO 38

D. 1000 x 2100mm high semi-solid core flush door laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with handicapped accessories (D3c) NO 18

E. 1000 x 2400mm high semi-glazed door comprising 1no 50 x 75mm ledge, 1000 x 900mm high solid core flush door laminated lower panel, 1000 x 1425mm high x 8.38mm thick clear laminated glass upper panel (D4) NO 45

F. 1600mm x 2400mm high solid core flush door in 2no equal leafs laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round (D5) NO 0

G. 1500 mm x 2400mm high double leaf semi-glazed door each leaf comprising 1no 50 x 75mm ledge, 750 x 900mm high semi-solid core laminated lower panel, 750 x 1425mm high x 8.38mm thick clear laminated glass upper panel (D6) NO 15

H. 1200 mm x 2400mm high laminated single leaf doorditto (D6b) NO 2

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Laminated Aluminium Flush doors - Cont'd

A. 2000 x 2400mm high solid core flush door in 2no equal leafs laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with and including 2no.200mm x 600mm x 6.38mm laminated clear glass view window (D8) NO 4

B. 1600mm x 2400mm high solid core flush door in 2no equal leafs laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round with and including 2no. 200mm x 600mm x 6.38mm laminated clear glass view window (D8b) NO 7

C. 1200mm x 2400mm high solid core flush door in 2no equal leafs laminated with beech veneer both sides hardwood lipped all round (D8c) NO 8

Sliding glass door

D. 1500 x 2400mm high double leaf aluminium framed door each leaf comprising 750 x 2100mm high x 8.38mm thick sliding laminated glass panel, 1500mm x 300mm x 8.38mm fanlight complete with and including top and bottom sliding rail, locking devices, automatic sliding doors sensors, all electrical components, accessories, etc. to details (D7) NO 9

E. 1000 x 2400mm high single leaf aluminium framed door comprising 1000 x 2100mm high x 8.38mm thick sliding laminated glass panel, 1000mm x 300mm x 8.38mm fanlight complete with and including top and bottom sliding rail, locking devices, automatic sliding doors sensors, all electrical components, accessories, etc. to details (D7b) NO 4

F. 1800 x 2400mm high double leaf aluminium framed door each leaf comprising 900 x 2100mm high x 8.38mm thick sliding laminated glass panel, 1800mm x 300mm x 8.38mm fanlight complete with and including top and bottom sliding rail, locking devices, automatic sliding doors sensors, all electrical components, accessories, etc. to details (D7c) NO 3

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement doors in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete

A. 1000 x 2400mm high single leaf door comprising 1No. 75x 50mm ledge infilled laminated glass m.s. all to details ditto (D3b) NO 2

B. 1350 x 3000mm high single leaf composite door and window comprising 900 x 2400mm opening leaf, 450 x 1200mm top hung opening window, 1350mm wide x 1000mm high fanlight, 1no 450 x 1200mm fixed light (D9) NO 19

C. 2700 x 3000mm high double leaf composite door and window comprising 2no. 750 x 2400mm opening leaf, 6000 x 1200mm top hung opening windows, 2700mm wide x 600mm high fanlight, 2no 600 x 1200mm fixed lights (D10) NO 27

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement doors in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete - Cont'd

A. 1200 x 3000mm high single leaf composite door and window comprising 900 x 2400mm opening leaf, 300 x 1200mm top hung opening window, 1200mm wide x 1000mm high fanlight, 1no 300 x 1200mm fixed light (D11) NO 4

B. 1600 x 3000mm high double leaf door comprising 2no. 800 x 2400mm opening leaf, 1no. 1600mm wide x 600mm high fanlight, (D13) NO 10

Laminated clear Glass

C. 8.38mm thick clear laminated glass and glazing with rubber gasket in panes exceeding 0.1sm but not exceeding 0.5sm SM 200

Service duct doors (Provisional)

D. 45 x 905 x 2100mm high equal double leaf duct door comprising 225 x 45mm wrot mahogany top and bottom rails, 2No. 100 x 45mm rebated stiles, 4No. 50 x 50mm bearers infilled with 25mm thick laminated (both sides) HDF hardwood lipped all round, ironmongery including hinges, locks, handles to details NO 30

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Fire escape door - Fire Rated Doors as supplied by ASSA ABLOY or other equal and approved

A. 63mm thick x 1600 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door comprising 1.5mm thick galvanized iron frame, 3mm thick hinges, non combustible rockwool and plasterboard, lined with vertically laid mahogany veneer, 400 x 900mm high 26mm thick REI 60 fire rated glass view window, external door loser, spring lock with polished brass front, satin finish stainless steel push plate and kick plate, polished brass fixed handle, panic bolt, access locks, etc, all to manufacturer's written specifications (FD1)

NO 42

B. 63mm thick x 1200 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door ditto (FD1b) NO 9

C. 63mm thick x 1600 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door comprising 1.5mm thick galvanized iron frame, 3mm thick hinges, non combustible rockwool and plasterboard, lined with vertically laid mahogany veneer, 400 x 900mm high, external door loser, spring lock with polished brass front, satin finish stainless steel push plate and kick plate, polished brass fixed handle, panic bolt, access locks, etc. , all to manufacturer's written specifications (FD2)

NO 8

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Fire escape door - Fire Rated Doors as supplied by ASSA ABLOY or other equal and approved Contd.

A. 63mm thick x 1200 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door comprising 1.5mm thick galvanized iron frame, 3mm thick hinges, non combustible rockwool and plasterboard, lined with vertically laid mahogany veneer, 400 x 600mm high 26mm thick REI 60 fire rated glass view window, external door loser, spring lock with polished brass front, satin finish stainless steel push plate and kick plate, polished brass fixed handle, panic bolt, access locks, etc. , all to manufacturer's written specifications (FD2b)

NO 0

B. 1600 x 2400mm high 60 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door with 1No. 200 x 600mm high fire rated glass view window ditto (FD3) NO 54

C. 1200 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated double leaf fire escape door with 1No. 200 x 600mm high fire rated glass view window ditto (FD3b) NO 8

D. 1000 x 2400mm high 90 minutes rated single leaf door ditto but without view panel (FD4) NO 3

E. 1000 x 2400mm high 60 minutes rated single leaf door ditto (FD4b) NO 18

Roller Shutter doors

F. Supply and fix 3600 x 3000mm high mild steel roller shutter door complete with frame, electric and manual operating gear, spray painted, all ironmongery to details (D14) NO 1

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Roller Shutter doors - Cont'd

A. Supply and fix 6000 x 3300mm high mild steel roller shutter door complete with frame, electric and manual operating gear, spray painted, all ironmongery to details (D14b) NO 1

Mild steel doors/partitions (Technical Rooms)

B. 2400 x 2400mm high mild steel double leaf louvre door comprising 100 x 50 x 3mm thick mild steel frame, stiles top and bottom rail, heavey duty pin hinges, fixing lugs, infilled with 175mm x 16gauge twice bent mild steel louvres apply primer, to details (D12) NO 11

C. 2400 x 2100mm high mild steel double leaf door comprising 50 x 100 x 3mm thick frame all round, heavy duty pin hinges, stiles, rails, infilled with mesh, apply prime before fixing NO 6

Supply and fix the following ironmongery with matching screws to Union Catalogue or other equal and approved

D. 100mm satin stainless butt hinges with washers ref. HN-403030-SN PRS 473

E. 180o floor spring hold open complete with ceiling pivot, all accessories ref. FS75B-SS PRS 126

F. Cylinder mortice deadlock ref. 2B22 NO 63

G. Cylinder mortice deadlock ref. 2B21 NO 168

H. Key and key cylinder lock ref. 2x18-SS NO 63

I. Key and key cylinder lock ref. 2x28-SS NO 168

J. Euro-Escutheons ref. SSE-001-SS PRS 63

K. Rebate conversion set ref. 2772-SS NO 63

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Supply and fix the following ironmongery with matching screws to Union Catalogue or other equal and approved - Cont'd

A. 150mm satin flush bolts ref. DB-02-200-SS NO 126

B. 300 x 75mm stainless steel 'PUSH' plate ref. PSP-300-75-SS NO 354

C. 3-Lever mortice dead lock ref. 2188 complete with back fix pull handle ref. PHD-BF-225-19 SS NO 30

D. Stainless steel indicator bolt ref. ER-TT & IB-004 NO 22

E. Stainless steel indicator bolt ref. 08-8094-SS NO 84

F. Stainless steel lever door handle on rose ref. QDT-001-SSPRS 136

G. 225 x 19mm stainless steel back fix pull handle ref. PHD-BF-225-19 SS PRS 102

H. Silver door closer pwr 4 ref. 7772 SIL NO 60

I. Floor mounted door stop ref. DS-002-SS NO 396

J. Male/female/disabled/washrooms signage plates NO 50

K. Stainless steel hat and coat hook ref. CH-39-SS NO 84

L. 200mm wide stainless steel kickplate ref. KP-200 x 800 - SS NO 1152

M. 25mm wide x 300mm girth metal cramp once bent, twice drilled, one end screwed to timber frame and other split and built into wall NO 240

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Fan lights

A. 5mm thick clear sheet glass and glazing with beads (m/s) in panes between 0.15m and 0.5sm SM 172

Prepare and apply three coats clear stained lacquer polyurathane matt to wood

B. General surfaces of door SM 717

Touch up primer after fixing and spray apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

C. General surfaces both sides SM 131

D. General surfaces both sides (Fire doors) SM 669

E. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 84


X-RAY, CT Room doors as Dortek or equal and approved

F. 1200 x 2400mm high double leaf shielding door as Dortek or other equal and approved comprising heavy gauge galvanised steel framing, powder coated sheets on either sides, 3mm thick lead shielding sheet sandwitch complete with frame, ironmongery, fully automated with safety sensors, sound proofing, air seal to specialist's details and specifications to specialist's details and specifications (XD1) NO 3

G. 1000 x 2400mm high single leaf ditto (XD2) NO 3

H. 1000 x 1500mm high ditto (XD3) NO 1

I. 900 x 2400mm high ditto (XD4) NO 6

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

MRI Room doors as Dortek or equal and approved

A. 1000 x 2400mm high single leaf shielding door as Dortek or other equal and approved comprising heavy gauge galvanised steel framing, powder coated sheets on either sides, 0.12mm thick copper sheet sandwitch complete with frame, ironmongery, fully automated with safety sensors, sound proofing, air seal to specialist's details and specifications (MRI1) NO 1

B. 1600 x 800mm high ditto but in fixed shielding glass view panel to specialist's details and specifications (RMD2) NO 1

Surgical Theatre Doors as Linder or equal and approved

C. 1500 x 3000mm high single leaf sliding theatre door as Lindner or other equal and approved comprising heavy gauge galvanised steel framing, HPL sheets on either sides, complete with frame, view panels with venian blinds, sliding rail, ironmongery, fully automated with safety sensors, sound proofing, double neoprene gasket air seal, radiation and laser protection, safety sensors, to specialist's details and specifications NO 7

D. 1500 x 3000mm high ditto but hinged NO 4

Brachytherapy Doors as M/s Dortek or equal and approved

E. 1500 x 2400mm high single leaf shielding door as Dortek or other equal and approved comprising heavy gauge galvanised steel framing, powder coated sheets on either sides, 5mm thick lead shielding sheet sandwitch complete with frame, ironmongery, fully automated with safety sensors, sound proofing, air seal to specialist's details and specifications to specialist's details and specifications (B1)

NO 1

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Powder coated aluminium casement windows in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete

A. Aluminium curtain walling with laminated safety glass (m.s), fixed and openable lights to Architect's details (Provisional) SM 230

B. 6000mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No. 1200 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 1200 x 600mm fixed lights (W1a) NO 19

C. 1500mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 2No. 750 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 2No 750 x 600mm fixed lights (W1b) NO 1

D. 5700mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No. 1140 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 1140 x 600mm fixed lights (W1c) NO 1

E. 2400mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 2No. 1200 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 2No 1200 x 600mm fixed lights (W1d) NO 6

F. 3000mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 3No. 1000 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 3No 1000 x 600mm fixed lights (W1e) NO 5

G. 8400mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 7No. 1200 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 7No 1200 x 600mm fixed lights (W1f) NO 2

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement windows in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete - Cont'd

A. 3900mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 4No. 950 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 4No 9500 x 600mm fixed lights (W1g) NO 8

B. 4800mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 4No. 1200 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 4No 1200 x 600mm fixed lights (W1h) NO 5

C. 5100mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 4No. 1275 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 4No 1275 x 600mm fixed lights (W1j) NO 7

D. 5700mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No.1140 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 1140 x 600mm fixed lights (W1k) NO 8

E. 6300mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No. 1260 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 1260 x 600mm fixed lights (W1m) NO 38

F. 6600mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No. 1320 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 1320 x 600mm fixed lights (W1n) NO 20

G. 6900mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 6No. 1150 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 6No 1150 x 600mm fixed lights (W1p) NO 4

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement windows in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete - Cont'd

A. 1800mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 2No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 2No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W2a) NO 2

B. 4500mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 5No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 5No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W2b) NO 4

C. 5400mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 6No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 6No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W2c) NO 4

D. 7200mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 8No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 8No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W2d) NO 9

E. 8100mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 9No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 9No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W2e) NO 1

F. 14100mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 12No. 1175 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 12No 1175 x 600mm fixed lights (W3a) NO 1

G. 12900mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 11No. 1173 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 11No 1173 x 600mm fixed lights (W3b) NO 2

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement windows in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete - Cont'd

A. 15000mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 13No. 1154 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 13No 1154 x 600mm fixed lights (W3c) NO 2

B. 1800mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 2No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 2No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3d) NO 3

C. 10800mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 9No. 1200 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 9No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3e) NO 3

D. 2700mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 3No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 3No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3f) NO 4

E. 7800mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 8No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 8No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3g) NO 4

F. 3300mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 3No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 3No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3h) NO 5

G. 3600mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 4No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 4No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3j) NO 6

H. 2100mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 2No. 1050 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 2No 1050 x 600mm fixed lights (W3k) NO 7

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Powder coated aluminium casement windows in 100 x 50 x 3mm back, top, transome, mullion, 50 x 25mm x 3mm casement frame, stiles, 15 x 10mm glazing beads, mosquito proofed permanent vents at top, fasteners, pop-up arm (sliding arm) ironmongery and glazing with approved adhesive, rubber gasket, weathering strip, including all necessary fixing to masonry/concrete -Cont'd

A. 1200mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 1No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 1No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3m) NO 11

B. 6300mm wide x 1800mm high comprising 7No. 900 x 1200mm top hung openable light, 7No 900 x 600mm fixed lights (W3n) NO 1

C. 1800mm wide x 900mm high comprising 2No. 900 x 900mm top hung openable light (W4) NO 3

D. 600mm wide x 900mm high comprising 1No. 600 x 900mm top hung openable light (W5) NO 64

E. 2100mm wide x 1200mm high comprising 1No. 700 x 1200mm sliding sash, 2No 700 x 1200mm fixed light (W10) NO 3

F. 600mm wide x 900mm high comprising 1No. 600 x 900mm top hung opening light (W11) NO 3

G. 750mm wide x 900mm high comprising 1No. 750 x 900mm top hung opening light (W12) NO 6

H. 900mm wide x 1200mm high comprising 1No. 900 x 1200mm top hung opening light (W13) NO 3

I. 1800mm wide x 1500mm high comprising 2No. 900 x 900mm top hung opening lights, 2No 900 x 600mm fixed light (W14) NO 3

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Aluminium louvre vent windows

A. 200mm wide x 2400mm high fixed louvre vents (W6a) NO 2

B. 600mm wide x 2400mm high fixed louvre vents (W6b) NO 1

C. 3000mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 3No. 1000 x 2400mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W6c) NO 1

D. 3600mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 3No. 1200 x 2400mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W6d) NO 1

E. 4200mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 4No. 1050 x 2400mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W6e) NO 1

F. 4800mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 4No. 1200 x 2400mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W6f) NO 1

G. 5100mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 5No. 1020 x 2400mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W6g) NO 1

H. 300mm wide x 1800mm high fixed louvre vents (W7a) NO 40

I. 200mm wide x 1800mm high fixed louvre vents (W7b) NO 69

J. 600mm wide x 1800mm high fixed louvre vents (W7c) NO 6

K. 450mm wide x 1800mm high fixed louvre vents (W7d) NO 27

L. 5100mm wide x 2400mm high comprising 8No. 900 x 1800mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W7e) NO 5

M. 3000mm wide x 1200mm high comprising 3No. 1000 x 1200mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W8a) NO 18

N. 4500mm wide x 1200mm high comprising 5No. 900 x 1200mm vertical divisions fixed louvre vents (W8b) NO 2

O. 900mm wide x 600mm high fixed louvre vents (W8c) NO 12

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


A. 6.38mm thick laminated one way glass and glazing with gasket/approved adhesive in panes between 0.5sm and 1.0sm SM 2181

B. Ditto for curtain walling SM 230

C. 6mm obscure glass ditto SM 34

Burglar proofing

D. 20mm diameter mild steel burglar proofing welded at centres not exceeding 150mm to form pattern, fixed to masonry/ concrete including forming opening for fastener and stay reach all to details SM 20

Precast concrete class 25/12 units bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar in:-

E. 300 x 100mm once weathered and throated window cill, complete with and including 25 x 3mm thick galvanised mild steel weather bar, stepped damp proof course LM 1436

Wrot celcured cypress

F. 25 x 50mm parking piece plugged LM 2807

Wrot Mahogany

G. 75 x 25mm window board with rounded edge plugged LM 1615

H. 25mm quadrant LM 1615

I. 75 x 25mm lining all round LM 2807

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Prime back of wood before fixing

A. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 1615

B. Surfaces between 100mm and 200mm girth LM 4442

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

C. Burglar proofing SM 20

Prepare and apply three coats clear lacquer polyurathane matt to wood

D. Surfaces exceeding 100mm but not exceeding 200mm girth LM 4442

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



External Wall Finishes

Cement/sand (1:8) wood float finish render

A. 12mm thick render to masonry walls to receive paint SM 4418

B. Ditto to beams and columns SM 3632

C. Ditto to sides and soffits of gutter slab and fascia SM 95

D. Ditto to edges of terraces/roof 200mm girth LM 3267

Internal Wall Finishes

2-coat plaster comprising 9mm cement/sand (1:4) and 3mm cement/lime (1:5) fine skimmer coat plaster steel trowelled hard and smooth to:-

E. 12mm thick to masonry walls internally SM 25671

F. Ditto to columns and beams SM 18321

G. Ditto to basement outer masonry walls SM 1089

H. Ditto to lift shaft walls (both sides) SM 5416

I. Ditto to X-Ray room walls SM 228

J. Ditto to staircase walls (both sides) SM 4492

Cement/sand (1:4) wood float finish render

K. 10mm thick render to receive ceramic wall tiles SM 3470

L. Ditto to receive granite wall tiles (lift lobby, main entrance) SM 598

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Approved matt finish ceramic wall tiles with rectified edges laid in horizontal format to 2100mm high above finished floor level with straight continuous joints not exceeding 2mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour including rounded aluminium edge strips to approval

A. 300 x 200 x 8mm thick tiles fixed onto prepared cement/sand backing (m/s) - WA3 SM 3470

Approved polished granite wall tiles with rectified edges laid in horizontal format with straight continuous zero joints both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive including rounded aluminium edge strips to approval

B. 250 x 330 x 10mm thick thick granite tiles fixed in zero joints with and including manufacturer's approved adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including aluminium rounded edge strips SM 598

Vinyl Wall Sheeting

C. Vinyl wall sheeting laid seamlessly from floor finish to wall, vertically up to prescribed height with proprietary packing piece at floor-wall junction with Manufacturer's approved adhesive - WA4 SM 300

Decorative Vinyl Wall Covering

D. 1300mm wide 'Pleso-healthcare' by 'Vescom' or equal and approved vinyl wall coating comprising vinyl finishing coat printed with water-based inks in a subdued two-coloured travertine design on woven cotton backing fixed with Manufacturer's approved adhesive - WA5 SM 400

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Floor Finishes

A. Power float concrete floor finish laid to falls where applicable polished to architect's approval (basement parking) - F1 SM 2124

B. Ditto open to sky area on basement, generators, heating, etc. - F1 SM 1533

Tamped Concrete Ramp Finish

C. Ramp finish with 50mm wide non-slip grips channels at 150mm centres SM 220

Cement/sand (1:4) wood float finish render incorporating Double Strength Plus SRA hardener or other equal and approved

D. 50mm thick monolithic screed with approved hardener steel trowelled hard and smooth (plant rooms) - F1a SM 447

E. Ditto to receive raised floor deck - F1a SM 180

F. 125mm x 20mm thick skirting - FB1 LM 220

G. 30mm thick to receive 600 x 600mm porcelain floor tiles (m/s) - F3a SM 5014

H. Ditto to receive 600 x 600mm acid-resistant porcelain tiles (m/s) - F3 SM 578

I. Ditto to receive 600 x 600mm non-slip external porcelain tiles (m/s) - (Ground Floor, Wards) - F8 SM 570

J. 20mm thick to receive interlocking concrete tiles (m/s) (Technical Room) - F9 SM 310

K. 32mm thick to receive 300 x 300mm non-slip ceramic floor tiles (m/s) - F6 SM 1348

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Cement/sand (1:4) wood float finish render incorporating Double Strength Plus SRA hardener or other equal and approved

A. 37mm thick to receive electro static dissipative (ESD) vinyl sheet flooring (m/s) - F7 SM 2381

B. 30mm thick to receive non-slip porcelain tiles tiles to staircase landing - F3a SM 195

C. Ditto in 300mm (average) wide treads LM 971

D. Ditto in 300mm (average) wide steps LM 202

E. Ditto in 150mm high risers LM 1012

F. Ditto in 150mm high risers to steps LM 212

G. 15mm thick to receive laminated floor boards - F10 SM 150

Recycled rubber acoustic sheeting as Damtec or other equal and approved to receive floor screed (m/s) to manufacturer's instructions

H. 5mm thick sheet to approval SM 0

Approved Non-slip matt porcelain floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour

I. 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed onto prepared screed (m/s) -F3a SM 5014

J. Ditto at staircase landing - F3a SM 195

K. Ditto in 300mm (average) wide treads with 3No. anti-slip grooves to approval LM 971

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Approved Non-slip matt porcelain floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour (Cont'd)

A. Ditto in 150mm high risers LM 1012

B. 125mm high x 8.4mm thick tile skirting to match - FB2 LM 4902

C. 50mm wide aluminium tile-in anti-slip edge strip LM 971

Approved acid-resistant non-slip matt porcelain floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour

D. 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed onto prepared screed (m/s) -F3 SM 578

E. 125mm high x 8.4mm thick tile skirting to match - FB2 LM 430

Approved non-slip matt finish ceramic floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour

F. 330 x 330 x 8.4mm thick fixed onto prepared screed (m/s) - F6 SM 1348

G. 125mm high x 8.4mm thick tile skirting to match - FB3 LM 1106

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Polyflor or other equal and approved Electro Static Dissipative (ESD) homogeneous vinyl sheet flooring laid with weld joints with approved acrylic adhesive and fitted with radiused coved junction skirting

A. 3mm thick flooring onto prepared screed (m/s) - F7 SM 2381

B. 250mm high skirting laid extending seamlessly from floor with proprietary packing piece accessory at floor-wall junction - FB4 LM 1712

Raised access flooring comprising 600 x 600mm thick metal panels with 3mm thick anti-static fully flexible vinyl floor finish on and including understructure support system in 100mm diameter stainless steel pedestals at 600mm centres both ways bolted onto concrete floor, screws, fasteners, etc. allowing for lifting, all to Architect's approval

C. 400mm high platform - F2 SM 180

Plank format laminated high density fibre interlocking floor boards as Pergo or other equal and approved with wear rating type 'AC5' in 'Wenge Oak' colour comprising high grade wearing layer and high density fibre composite board with balancing backing and moisture barrier on and including expanded polystyrene acoustic sheeting to approval

D. 25mm thick onto prepared screed (m/s) - F10 SM 150

E. 125mm high laminated high density fibre board skirting to match to Architects approval - FB6 LM 120

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Approved exterior non-slip matt porcelain floor tiles with rectified edges laid in straight continuous joints not exceeding 4mm wide both directions with manufacturer's approved adhesive, jointed and flush pointed with tinted and flexible epoxy grout in approved colour

A. 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed onto prepared screed (m/s) -F8 SM 570

B. Ditto in 300mm (average) wide steps with 3No. anti-slip grooves to approval LM 202

C. Ditto in 150mm high risers to steps LM 212

D. 125mm high x 8.4mm thick tile skirting to match - FB5 LM 364

E. 50mm wide aluminium tile-in anti-slip edge strip LM 202

Supply and fix Interlocking cement tiles to M/s Manson Hart catalogue or other equal and approved

F. 250 x 250 x 20mm thick interlocking quarry tiles on prepared screed - F9 SM 310

G. 100mm high skirting LM 235

Ceiling Finishes

2-coat plaster comprising 9mm cement/sand (1:4) and 3mm cement/lime (1:5) fine skimmer plaster to:-

H. Soffits of suspended third to roof slabs not exceeding 3.5m high - C1 SM 4743

I. Soffits of suspended ground to second floor slabs exceeding 3.5m but not exceeding 5.0m high- C1 SM 10523

J. Soffits of staircase landing ditto SM 344

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Ceiling Finishes

2-coat plaster comprising 9mm cement/sand (1:4) and 3mm cement/lime (1:5) fine skimmer plaster to:- (Cont'd)

A. Sloping soffits of ramps (ramp to basement and on ground floor) SM 355

B. Sloping soffits of staircase SM 360

C. Sloping soffits of steps SM 125

D. Open string of staircase and ramp 150mm to 225mm wide LM 197

Gypsum mineral fibre drop-in ceiling tiles as 'Armstrong Optima' or other equal and approved with fine textured surface finish fixed to and including 'Trulok F15' suspension grid system comprising tee and cross tee, clips, bolts, etc.,6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, metal shadow line edge cornice to manufacturer's written instructions

E. 1200 x 600 x 17mm thick tiles in approved proprietary grid system - C2 SM 1115

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Vinyl faced gypsum ceiling panels or other equal and approved face-covered with white embossed vinyl drop-in ceiling tiles fixed to and including fire rated 'OWAconstruct S3' exposed demountable butt-cut T24 suspension system comprising main tees, cross tees, 6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, clips, bolts, etc. metal OWAconstruct edge trim shadow line wall trim plugged and screwed at centres not exceeding 200mm to manufacturer's written instructions

A. 1200 x 600 x 12.5mm thick tiles in approved proprietary grid system - C2a SM 150

Moisture resistance mineral wool ceiling panels as 'Mavroc-Constellation' or other equal and approved drop-in ceiling tiles fixed to fire rated 'OWAconstruct S3' exposed demountable butt-cut T24 suspension system comprising main tees and cross tees, 6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, clips, bolts, etc. metal shadowline wall trim plugged and screwed at centres not exceeding 200mm to manufacturer's written instructions

B. 600 x 600 x 15mm thick tiles in approved proprietary grid system - C3 SM 952

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Gypsum mineral fibre drop-in ceiling tiles as 'Armstrong Dune' or other equal and approved with fissured finish fixed to 'Trulok F15' suspension system comprising tee and cross tee, clips, bolts, etc.,6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, metal shadow line edge cornice to manufacturer's written instructions

A. 600 x 600 x 17mm thick tiles in approved proprietary grid system - C4 SM 505

B. Gypsum bulkhead comprising 12mm thick gypsum plasterboard fixed onto proprietary galvanized steel framing system at 600mm centres, all clips, bolts hangers a.b.d, joints tapped and skimmed to approval - hybrid ceiling for C4 SM 568

The following ceiling finishes fixed onto and including 'OWA construct S3' exposed demountable butt-cut T24 suspension system comprising tee and cross tee, clips, bolts, etc.,6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, metal shadow line edge cornice to manufacturer's written instructions

C. Approved mineral wool acoustic baffles as Armstrong or other equal and approved - C5 SM 1342

D. 600 x 1200 x 17mm thick acoustic drop-in ceiling panels with bamboo effect as OWA or other equal and approved - C6 SM 1224

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Gypsum mineral fibre drop-in ceiling tiles as 'Armstrong or other equal and approved with fissured finish fixed to 'Trulok F15' suspension system comprising tee and cross tee, clips, bolts, etc., 6mm diameter galvanized threaded rod hangers or approved alternative fixed to concrete, metal shadowline edge cornice to manufacturer's written instructions

A. 600 x 600mm perforated aluminium panels with fibreglass acoustic fleece as Armstrong or other equal and approved factory painted with polyster paint to approval - C7a

SM 1297

B. Ditto but with bioguard - C7 SM 184

C. Ditto but with bioguard - C8 SM 973

Gypsum board non-magnetic false ceiling or equal and approved as before descibed

D. 9.5mm thick skimmed gypsum board non-magnetic ceiling - C9 SM 40

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Prepare and apply one acrylic based undercoat and three coats self-cleaning permaplast zero -VOC paint as 'Crown' or other equal and approved to:- EW1

A. Plastered external walls SM 4418

B. Ditto to beams and columns SM 3632

C. Ditto to sides and soffits of gutter slab and fascia SM 95

D. Ditto to edges of terraces/roof 200mm high LM 3267


Prepare and apply two undercoats, one coat filler skimming between the undecoats and two final coats matt Emulsion with Teflon as Crown or other equal and approved incorporating additive for washable surface to:- WA1

E. Plastered walls SM 25671

F. Ditto to beams and columns SM 18321

G. Ditto to basement walls SM 1089

H. Ditto to staircase walls SM 4492

I. Ditto to lift shaft walls walls SM 5416

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Prepare and apply one undercoat, one coat filler skimming and two final coats matt emulsion paint as Crown or other equal and approved to:- WA2

A. Soffits of suspended slab SM 15266

B. Soffits of staircase landing SM 344

C. Sloping soffits of staircase/ramps SM 825

D. Ditto open string of staircase 150mm to 225mm wide LM 202

E. Gypsum board ceiling SM 2162

Decorative wall finish

F. Special wall treatment/colour creation as 'Crown' or other equal and approved applied in accordance with manufacturer's specifications - WA6 SM 180

Prepare and apply one undercoat, one coat filler skimming and two final coats silk vinyl zero VOC emulsion paint as Crown or other equal and approved to:- WA7

G. Plastered surfaces internally SM 90

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Reception Counter Desks

A. 8830 x 900 x 1100mm high curved to radius comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metalic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm grranite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel skirting on softwood bearer, 3no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 9no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (Main Reception Desk - RC-01)

NO 1

B. 4750 x 900 x 1100mm high curved to radius comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metalic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm grranite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel skirting on softwood bearer, 1no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 3no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (University Wing GR FL - RC-01)

NO 1

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Reception Counter Desks - Cont'd

A. 3820 x 600 x 1100mm high comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metalic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm granite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel skirting on softwood bearer, 2no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 6no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (Guard post - GR FL - RC-03)

NO 1

B. 3905 x 900 x 1100mm high curved to radius comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metallic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm granite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel kirting on softwood bearer, 2no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 6no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (Waiting Area RC - 04)

NO 1

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Reception Counter Desks - Cont'd

A. 3225 x 900 x 1100mm high curved to radius comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metallic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm grranite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel skirting on softwood bearer, 2no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 6no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (Reception Counter - RC - 06)

NO 1

B. 2650 x 900 x 1100mm high curved to radius comprising 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 18mm thick particle board with HPL formica bottom, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 12mm primed and painted MDF rear cover under counter and top, with and including metallic effect aluminium finish on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, 20mm polished 1st quality granite slab, 20 x 20mm grranite fascia, 20 x 300mm granite top all with rounded edges on 18mm thick blockboard, 100mm high stainless steel skirting on softwood bearer, 2no CPU cage, 50mm dia grommettes, 6no. drawers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (Reception Counter - RC - 07)

NO 1

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Cafeteria Counter

A. 6500 x 900 x 1100mm high counter comprising 600mm wide top at 900mm height, 400mm wide top at 1100mm height both finished in first quality polished granite on 18mm thick plain MDF with approved adhesive, 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 170mm high x 2mm thick stainless steel skirting on both sides, 18mm thick MDF board to shelves, sides, tops, bottoms, doors including all ironmongery, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 150mm wide x 170mm high foot rest in 25 x 25 x 2mm thick RHS framework at 450mm centres finished in 20mm granite a.b.d., metallic effect brushed aluminium finish HPL on 12mm MDF cladding curved to profile, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (cafeteria counter)

NO 1

Information Desk

B. 6515 (average) x 900 x 1100mm high counter comprising 600mm wide top at 900mm height, 300mm wide top at 1100mm height both finished in first quality polished granite on 18mm thick plain MDF with approved adhesive, 50 x 100mm wrot celcured softwood plinth bearer, 170mm high x 2mm thick stainless steel skirting on both sides, 18mm thick MDF board to sides, tops, 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame work, 150mm wide x 170mm high foot rest in 25 x 25 x 2mm thick RHS framework at 450mm centres finished in 20mm granite a.b.d., metallic effect brushed aluminium finish HPL on 12mm MDF cladding, 3No. CPU cages, 50mm dia grommettes, 12No. drawers, all ironmongery, make holes in granite/MDF for gromet covers, prepare and apply primer two under coats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood (RC-10)

NO 1

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

The following in 7No. in-built low level kitchen worktop and cupboards (Total Length 60Lm Provisional)

Concrete (1:3:6)

A 100mm thick plinth SM 30

Sawn formwork to:-

B Edges of plinth 75-150mm high LM 50

Cement/sand (1:3) in:-

C. 40mm thicl floor screed steel trowelled hard and smooth SM 30

Wrot hardwood in:-

D. 50 x 50mm frame with three labours plugged LM 100

E. 50 x 25mm bearers LM 620

18mm thick post-formed medium density fibre (MDF) board laminated both sides in:-

F. Door size 450 x 490mm high with hardwood lipping all round NO 110

G. Shelves SM 30

H. Top SM 30

I. Sides/divisions SM 60

J. 100mm wide x 18mm thick fascia LM 50

K. Form or leave 450 x 450mm hole in 18mm thick MDF board NO 9

L. Chase 50 x 50mm deep into wall for building in granite slab top (m/s) and make good to match LM 50

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Approved first quality polished granite slab in:-

A. 20mm thick chamfered slab fixed with an approved adhesive on MDF backing (m/s) SM 30

B. 100mm high skirting LM 50

Ironmongery as “ASSA ABLOY” or other equal and approved

C. Approved magnetic ball catch NO 245

D. Approved malpha hinges PRS 110

E. 100mm long aluminium D-door pull handle NO 110

F. 50mm long aluminium barrel bolt NO 245

G. Drawer size 400 x 550 x 150mm deep comprising 20mm MDF laminate front and 12mm sides and back, 6mm thick plywood bottom tongued in all round, 38 x 25mm drawer stopper including easy pull track rollers NO 110


Prepare and spray paint three coats of gloss oil paint as 'Crown or equal and approved to:-

H. Surfaces of wood 100mm to 200mm girth LM 615

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Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

High level kitchen Cupboards

A. 300mm wide x 600mm high cupboard comprising 50 x 50mm wrot softwood frame plugged, 50 x 25mm softwood bearers, 18mm thick MDF board with melamine laminate to doors including decorative moulding, shelves, divisions, complete with piano hinges, kimbs, ball catches, apply three coats, clear lacquer polyurathane matt, to Architect's details LM 40

Counter Tops for servery tops, laboratory, etc.

B. 800mm (average) wide x 1000mm (average) high tops comprising, 100mm thick mass concrete plinth fiinished in 40mm thick cement/sand (1:4) screed steel trowelled hard and smooth, 75mm thick concrete 20/20 top slab with mesh A142 reinforcement including opening for sinks, computer cables, etc. as necessary finished in 20mm thick polished granite slab and 75mm fascias with coved edges, 100mm thick masonry front and support walls at 1500mm centres plastered and ceramic tiled both sides, to Architect's details LM 55

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Corridor Fenders


Wrot Mahogany in:-

A. 125 x 38mm fender piece with two labours screwed onto mild steel brackets (m/s) to details (basement) LM 370

B. 200 x 38mm ditto crash rail plugged into masonry with and including screws, dowels to details LM 370

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Mild steel

A. 75mm long x 200mm high x 4mm thick mild steel 'H' bracket bolted onto masonry with and including 12mm diameter anchor bolts complete with head, nuts, washers, fixing into masonary walls, drilling holes, screws to fenders NO 450

Knot, prime, stop, prepare and apply three coats clear lacquer polyurethane matt to wood

B. Surfaces not exceeding 300mm girth LM 740

'Gerflor' or approved equivalent wall protection, hand rails to approval

Ground to 4th Floor


30 x 90mm moulded smooth ground anti-bacterial PVC hand rail fixed to and including 2-point self-locking perforated aluminium brackets screwed to wall at 800mm centres, wall return curved ends, etc. in accordance with manufacturer's specifications to approval LM 926

D. 200 x 25mm thick smooth ground anti-bacterial PVC crash rail with 2 labours, fixed to masonry/dry wall with and including continuous aluminium rail bracket, bevelled end pieces, in approved colour to manufacturer's specifications to approval LM 926

E. 45mm wing width x 2.5mm thick round smooth ground anti-bacterial PVC corner protector fixed onto and including continuous pre-drilled aluminium core to manufacturer's specifications - 1050mm high LM 225

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The following in duct covers

A. 1200mm girth (average) duct covers comprising 9mm thick gypsum plasterboard fixed with and including 51 x 25mm DONN ultra steel galvanised steel tracks at 600mm centres a.b.d., joints tapped and skimmed, painted to approval LM 180

The following in downpipe covers

Mild steel including cutting, drilling, welding a.b.d

B. 50 x 25 x 2mm thick RHS posts fixed to concrete/masonry with and including bolts, plates LM 688

C. 50 x 25 x 2mm thick bearers welded LM 230

Eurobond or other equal and approved aluminium composite panels fixed to bearers (m/s) with and including approved clips

D. 4mm thick fixed to bearers (m/s) SM 137

Touch up primer after fixing, apply three coats gloss oil paint as 'Crown' or other equal and approved to:-

E. Surfaces between 100mm and 200mm girth LM 918

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Vanity tops

A 550mm wide x 850mm high top comprising 75mm thick concrete 20/20 top slab with mesh A142 reinforcement including opening for sinks, computer cables, etc. as necessary finished in 20mm thick polished granite slab and 75mm fascia with coved edges, 100mm thick masonry support walls at 1500mm centres plastered and ceramic tiled both sides, to details LM 100

Stainless steel railing


B. 950mm high stainless steel railing, ground smooth comprising 50mm diameter x 4mm thick handrail fixed to 50mm diameter stainless steel balusters with approved clips at centres not exceeding 1000mm rawl bolted onto concrete floor (m/s) including base plate, cap, infilled with and including 10mm diameter solid top, intermediate, bottom rails fixed onto balusters with approved clips, all curving to radii where applicable to Manufacturer's details (Staircases) LM 108

C. 950mm high stainless steel railing, ground smooth comprising 50mm diameter x 4mm thick handrail fixed to 50mm diameter stainless steel balusters with approved clips at centres not exceeding 1000mm rawl bolted onto concrete floor (m/s) including base plate, cap, infilled with and including 900 x 725 x 12mm thick toughened clear glass fixed with stainless steel glass patch fitting, including all drilling, all curving to radii where applicable to Manufacturer's details (Main staircase) LM 114

D. 800mm high ditto terraces and verandahs LM 250

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A. 50mm diameter x 4mm thick stainless steel handrail, smooth ground welded onto 20mm diameter x 150mm girth wall bracket rawl bolted onto concrete floor (m/s) including plate, cap, all curving to radii where applicable to Manufacturer's details LM 376

Mild steel grille - Basement, Cleaning rail

Mild steel basement security grille

B. Mild steel grille comprising 75 x 75 x 4mm thick posts at 3000mm centres built into concrete, infilled with 50 x 50 x 3mm thick top, intermediate and bottom rails, rest infilled with 25 x 25 x 2mm thick decorative infills at 150mm centres both ways to detail around basement SM 403

C. 75mm diameter x 4 mm thick mild steel rail weled onto 20 mm diameter x 150 mm long nail bracket at 600 mm cetres bolted onto concrete including plate, cap etc to details LM 1,750

Prepare and apply red oxide primer and three coats gloss oil paint to metal

D. General surfaces SM 816

Concrete upstand at Verandah, balcony

E. 100mm wide x 150mm high upstand in concrete (1:2:4) including all necessary formwork, finished in porcelain tiles to match floor including cement/sand (1:3) screed backing to Architect's approval LM 1,026

The following in mild steel column lipping

F. 1050mm high lipping comprising 50 x 50 x 3mm vertical angle bearers at each corner, welded to 50mm wide x 3mm thick plate at top, middle and top, apply primer before fixing to approval NO 110

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Prepare and apply one coat red oxide primer and three coats gloss oil paint to metal

A. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 1,122

View Windows and service hatch

B. 1500 x 1500mm fixed light view window comprising 75 x 75 x 3mm thick standard section aluminium casement window frame mullions, transomes, infilled with and including 8mm thick toughened glass and glazing with 25 x 25mm aluminium beads NO 10

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Cut away for and make good after installation by sub-contractor for the following points including cutting or leaving all holes, mortices, sinkings in the structure and its finishes and for all making good therewith:-

Electrical Builder's Work

A. Main switch board 1 NO

B. Consumer unit 10 NO

C. Meter board 1 NO

D. Lighting point with associated switch point 1350 NO

E. External security light fittings ditto 80 NO

F. Socket outlet points 1200 NO

G. DP switch outlet point 20 NO

H. Cooker points 4 NO

I. TV aerial points 15 NO

J. CCTV points 150 NO

K. Lightning arrestor points 4 NO

L. Telephone outlet points 150 NO

Electricity Reticulation

M. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m deep for electricity pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter, part refill, part load and cart away from site 100 LM

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Heavy duty (Class 41) uPVC pipe to BS 4660A. 100mm diameter duct pipe in trench 100 LM

Concrete bed and surround

B. 100mm thick mass concrete 1:3:6 bed and surround Type 'C' to drain pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter pipe including all necessary formwork 100 LM

Inspection Chambers

C. 500mm x 500 x 450mm deep (internal dimensions) inspection chambers comprising 200mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base slab on 50mm thick blinding, and benching,150mm thick reinforced concrete cover slab reinforced with Y-8 bars at 100mm centers both ways, 150mm thick natural stone wall, 12mm thick plaster and 20mm thick screed to benching, dishing out, concrete bench to form channel for and including concrete manhole cover and frame fixed to top slab with mild steel lags

10 NO

Mechanical Builder's Work

D. Chasing and making good for small pipe in masonry walls 250 LM

E. Ditto but large pipes 250 LM

F. Making holes for small diameter pipes in 150mm thick concrete slabs 250 NO

G. Ditto but large pipes 250 NO

H. Making holes and pipe sleeves for small pipes in 200mm masonry walls 200 NO

I. Do but large pipe 100 NO

J. Do but large pipe in 350mm thick beams 50 NO

Plumbing Reticulation

K. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m deep for drainage pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter, part refill, part load and cart away from site 100 LM

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Heavy duty (Class 41) uPVC pipe to BS 4660

A. 100mm diameter duct pipe in trench 100 LM

Concrete bed and surround

B. 100mm thick mass concrete 1:3:6 bed and surround Type 'C' to drain pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter pipe including all necessary formwork 100 LM

Inspection Chambers

C. 500mm x 500 x 450mm deep (internal dimensions) inspection chambers comprising 200mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base slab on 50mm thick blinding, and benching,150mm thick reinforced concrete cover slab reinforced with Y-8 bars at 100mm centers both ways, 150mm thick natural stone wall, 12mm thick plaster and 20mm thick screed to benching, dishing out, concrete bench to form channel for and including concrete manhole cover and frame fixed to top slab with mild steel lags

10 NO

Splash areas

D. 300mm high plinth comprising mass concrete 20/20, A142 mesh reinforcement, finished in 40mm thick screed steel trowelled hard and smooth, upstands, all necessary formwork to details 16 SM

Carried to collection


From page 2-333

" " 2-334

" " 2-335



Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


1 Light Weight Partitions From Page 2-284

2 Doors '' " 2-296

3 Windows '' " 2-304

4 Finishes '' " 2-316

5 Painting and Decorating '' " 2-318

6 Fixture and Joinery '' '' 2-332

7 Builder's Work '' " 2-335


2- 337



2- 338

Unit Qty Rate KShs CtsBILL NO. 3




A. Clear site bushes shrubs, not exceeding 600mm girth remove debris from site (Approx 25000 SM) Item 1

B. Cut down trees and grub out their roots girth exceeding 1200mm but not exceeding 1500mm and hand over to client NO 5

C. Cut down trees and grub out their roots girth exceeding 3000mm but not exceeding 3600mm and hand over to client NO 5


Credit to Employer

D. The contractor shall allow credit to employer for all materials that shall become property of the contractor.


2- 339

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Excavating and Earthworks

A. Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from ground level CM 1365

B. Ditto between 1.50 metres to 3.0 metres CM 90

C. Load and cart away excavated materials to Local Authority's approved sites and pay all charges CM 1455

D. Level and compact bottom of excavation to 100% M.D.D. SM 910

E. Approved imported subgrade filling rolled and compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm thick to 98% BS CM 1365

F. 250mm thick murram subbase in two layers rolled and compacted SM 910

Precast concrete Bamburi blox paving or other equal and approved

G. 210 x 125 x 80mm thick heavy duty concrete paving blocks on and including 50mm thick sand bed laid to Engineer's approval

SM 910

H. Ditto (basement service yard) SM 690

I. Extra over for curved cutting LM 50

Kerbs and Channels

J. 125 x 250mm precast concrete 20/12mm half battered kerb and channel bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar on and including 100mm thick x 425mm girth mass concrete (1:3:6) bed and haunching to back, all necessary formwork, excavations and disposal to Engineer's details LM 250

K. Ditto curved to radii LM 50

Carried to collection

2- 340

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Kerbs and Channels (Cont'd)

A. 125 x 100mm precast concrete 20/12mm channel block bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar on and including 100mm thick x 225mm girth mass concrete (1:3:6) bed and haunching to back, all necessary formwork, excavations and disposal, to details LM 100

B. Ditto curved to radii LM 30

C. 450 x 250mm high quadrant NO 15

Road marker paint to BS 2523 and BS 3262 Part 1 specifications

D. 100mm wide yellow road marker paint for parking LM 150

E. Black and/or white road marker paint to kerbs LM 300

Carried to collection


From page 2-339

" " 2-340


2- 341

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Excavating and Earthworks

A. Excavate to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from ground level CM 1125

B. Load and cart away excavated materials to Local Authority's approved sites and pay all charges CM 1125

C. Level and compact bottom of excavation to 100% M.D.D. SM 750

D. Approved imported subgrade filling rolled and compacted in layers not exceeding 300mm thick to 98% BS CM 1125

E. 100mm thick hand packed stones compacted to approval dittoSM 750

Precast concrete Bamburi blox paving or other equal and approved

F. 210 x 125 x 60mm thick medium duty concrete paving blocks on and including 50mm thick sand bed laid to Engineer's approval SM 600

G. Extra over for curved cutting LM 500


H. 125 x 250mm precast concrete 20/12mm half battered kerb bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar on and including 100mm thick x 375mm girth mass concrete (1:3:6) bed and haunching to back, all necessary formwork, excavations and disposal to Engineer's details LM 100

I. Ditto curved to radii LM 400


2- 342

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Trench excavations

A. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m deep for 800mm wide open channel drain, part refill, part load and cart away to approve dump sites LM 310

B. Ditto for 500mm wide open channel LM 180

C. Ditto for 450mm diameter concrete drain pipe LM 50

D. Ditto for 300mm diameter concrete drain pipe LM 70

E. Ditto for 250mm diameter UPVC drain pipe LM 95

F. Ditto 750mm wide shallow IBD LM 45

Precast concrete class 20/12mm jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar in:-

G. 750 x 125mm high shallow invert block drain laid on and including 150mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base LM 45

H. 450mm diameter culvert laid on concrete base (m/s) LM 50

I. 300mm diameter drain pipe ditto LM 70

UPVC underground pipe class 41 in:-

J. 250mm diameter drain pipe LM 95

Mass concrete 15/32 bed and surround in:-

K. 100mm thick type 'C' to 450mm diameter drain pipe including all necessary formwork LM 50

L. Ditto for 300mm diameter pipe LM 70

M. Ditto for 250mm diameter pipe LM 95

Carried to collection

2- 343

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Open channels

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 25/20 in:-

A. 150mm thick channel bottom slab - within plot SM 343

B. Ditto walls SM 833

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

C. Assorted reinforcements to engineer's details KG 10000

Sawn formwork to:-

D. Sides and soffits of slabs and walls SM 1828

E. Leave or make 75 x 75mm recess on concrete wall LM 980

Cement/sand (1:3) mortar in channel finishes

F. 20mm (average) thick waterproofed screed steel trowelled hard and smooth laid to falls SM 196

G. 12mm thick ditto to walls SM 833

Precast concrete 25/12 jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar in:-

H. 500 x 500 x 75mm thick precast concrete grated cover slab reinforced with 10mm bars at 100mm centres both ways, including lifting slot to details NO 980

I. 600 x 225 x 75mm interlocking side slabs, laid on and including 150mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base SM 288

Carried to Collection

2- 344

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

The following in 10No. Headwalls

A. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from ground level, part refill, part load and cart away a.b.d CM 32

Mass concrete (1:3:6)

B. Strip foundations CM 5

Sawn Formwork to:-

C. Edges of footing 75mm to 150mm high LM 70

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 25mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

D. 200mm thick SM 105

Cement/sand (1:4) render

E. 12mm thick render to masonry walls SM 105

Stone Pitching bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar

F. 100mm thick stone pitching to end of drain in Engineer's approved selected stone SM 120

Mass Concrete ( 1:3:6)

G. 75mm thick dishing around culvert inlet SM 30

Road gulley/sumps


450 x 450 x 600mm deep (internal dimensions) road gulley comprising 200mm thick concrete (1:3:6) base, 200mm thick concrete (1:2:4) walls reinforced with A142 mesh, render to wall internally, leave opening on wall for connection pipe, all necessary formwork, excavation, disposal and connecting to pipe, 450 x 450mm cast iron gulley grating including 50 x 50 x 6mm angle frame embedded in concrete, to details NO 10

Carried to collection

2- 345

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Concrete Sump/Interceptor


1500 x 1500 x 1500mm deep (internal dimensions) sump/interceptor comprising 200mm thick concrete (1:3:6) base, 200mm thick concrete (1:2:4) walls, dividing walls, reinforced with A142 mesh, render to wall internally, leave opening on wall for connection pipe, all necessary formwork, excavation, disposal and connecting to pipe, 450 x 450mm cast iron gulley grating including 50 x 50 x 6mm angle frame embedded in concrete, to details NO 2

Galvanized steel grating

B. 500mm wide channel grating in galvanized steel comprising 50mm x 50mm x 8mm thick frame infilled with 30mm wide x 8mm thick flats welded at 40mm centres, fabricated in 3000mm lengths to Engineer's details LM 140

C. 50mm x 50mm x 8mm thick angle frame fixed to concrete wall at 1000mm centres LM 56

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

D. General surfaces of grating SM 28

E. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 56

Connecting to County Storm water system

F. Allow for connecting to Local Authority's storm water system and pay all charges Item 1

Carried to collection

2- 346

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From page 2-342

" " 2-343

" " 2-344

" " 2-345


2- 347

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Trench excavation

A. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m deep for drainage pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter, part refill, part load and cart away from site LM 380

Heavy duty (Class 41) uPVC pipe to BS 4660

B. 300mm diameter pipe in trench (m/s) LM 380

Concrete bed and surround

C. 150mm thick mass concrete 1:3:6 bed and surround Type 'C' to drain pipe not exceeding 300mm diameter pipe including all necessary formwork LM 380


D. 650mm long x 450mm wide not exceeding 600mm deep (internal dimension) inspection chamber (Type A) comprising 200mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base slab and benching,150mm thick reinforced concrete cover slab reinforced with Y-8 bars at 100mm centers both ways, 150mm thick natural stone wall, 12mm thick sulphate resistant plaster and 20mm thick screed to benching, dishing out concrete bench to form channel for cast iron manhole cover (m/s) and frame fixed to top slab with mild steel lags, step irons at 300mm centres NO 16

E. 900mm long x 650mm wide not exceeding 1000mm deep ditto (Type B) NO 10

F. 1000mm long x 800mm wide not exceeding 1500mm deep ditto (Type C) NO 15

Carried to Collection

2- 348

Unit Qty Rate KShs CtsRing manholes

A. 1050mm diameter x 2500mm deep (internal dimension) inspection chambers comprising 225mm thick mass concrete (1:2:4) base slab and benching, 150mm thick reinforced concrete cover slab reinforced with Y-8 bars at 80mm centers both ways, 75mm thick pre-cast concrete shaft chamber sections bedded with resin mastic sealant, 150mm concrete sorround,12mm thick sulphate resistant plaster and 20mm thick screed to benching, dishing out concrete bench to form channel for cast iron manhole cover (m/s)and frame fixed to top slab with mild steel lags, 900mm girth x 25mm diameter step irons at 300mm centres NO 5

Gulley traps

B. 450 x 300 x 450mm deep gulley trap comprising 200mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base slab and benching, 150mm thick natural stone wall, 12mm thick plaster, cast iron P- trap, drain pipe, and heavy duty metal grating cover a.b.d, all necessary formwork, excavation, disposal NO 20

Manhole covers to BS 497 and BS 556

C. 600 x 450mm light duty cast iron manhole cover with frame including bedding frame in concrete, grease air seal NO 16

D. 600 x 450mm heavy duty cast iron manhole cover with frame including bedding frame in concrete, grease air seal NO 5

E. 540 x 560mm heavy duty ditto NO 10

Connection to County Sewerline

F. Allow for connecting sewerline to Local Authority's sewer line and pay all charges Item 1

Carried to collection


From page 2-347

" " 2-348


2- 349

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Existing Perimeter Fence

A. Carefully remove existing 4500mm wide x 1800 mm high mild steel vehicular gate, cart away debris ( 1No) Item 1

B. Carefully remove existing 900mm wide x 1800 mm high mild steel personnel gate, and cart away deliver (2No) Item 1

C. Carefully demolish existing 400mm x 400mm x 1800 x 2000 mm high gate pillars piers, grub out their foundation, cart away debris (3No.) Item 1

Include Plunking and strutting and keeping excavation free of water in earth work rates

D. Excavate for column bases not exceeding 1500mm deep from existing ground level CM 48

E. Return fill and ram with selected and approved materials around excavations CM 34

F. Load, cart spread excavated materials on site as directed CM 14

Mass concrete class 15/15 in:-

G. 50mm thick blinding to column bases SM 32

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 25/20 in:-

H. Columns CM 10

I. Column bases CM 12

Carried to collection

2- 350

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

A. Assorted reinforcements to engineer's details KG 3000

Sawn formwork to:-

B. Sides of columns SM 90

C. Sides of column bases SM 30

Cement/sand (1:3) render to:-

D. 12mm thick to columns SM 54

Approved brick facing bedded and jointed in coloured cement/sand (1:3) mortar and 3mm thick steel butterfly hoop iron anchor to wall to details

E. 50mm thick facing on prepared render (m/s) SM 54

F. Extra over for key pointing in recessed vertical and horizontal joints SM 54

Carried to Collection

2- 351

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Precast concrete class 20/12mm in:-

A. 300 x 50mm (average) thick once weathered and twice throated copping LM 0

B. 600 x 500 x 50mm thick (average ) weathered and throated coping to columns NO 14

Mild steel hinged gates

C. 6000 x 2400mm high (max height) double leaf mild steel gate comprising 2No. 50 x 75 x 2mm RHS stiles, 50 x 50 x 2mm thick top, bottom and 2No. intermediate rails, infilled with 4mm thick plate welded to rails 15 x 15mm solid bars welded to rails at 100mm centres on alternate sides per leaf. 2No. tower bolts

with staple and hasp for padlock, 11/2 pairs heavy duty pin hinges fixed to reinforced concrete columns (m/s), to Architect's details NO 1

D. 4500 x 2400mm high ditto NO 1

E. 1000 x 2400mm high single leaf ditto NO 5

Mild steel sliding gates

F.6000 x 2400mm high (max height) sliding mild steel gate comprising 100 x 50 x 2mm RHS stiles at 200mm centres, top and bottom rails infilled with 15 x 15mm solid bars at 100mm centres, tower bolts with staple and hasp for padlock, 2No. sliding gear at top and side comprising sliding rail, wheels, etc. fixed to reinforced concrete columns (m/s), to Architect's details

NO 4

Carried to collection

2- 352

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Apply calcium plumbate primer before fixing touch up primer after fixing and apply two undercoats and one coat gloss oil paint to metal

A. General surfaces of gates SM 190

Mild steel Pitch Perimeter Fence - Approx. 300m long x 8000mm high

B.8000mm high fence comprising 100 x 75 x 6mm thick angle posts at 2500mm centres on 1500mm deep x 900mm diameter mass concrete 15/15 foundation bed and surround, including anchor cramps, excavations and disposal, 4No. 100 x 75 x 6mm thick angle rails bolted onto posts with and including 150 x 150 x 6mm plates welded, bolts,100 x 70 x 6mm thick angle straining posts at 10000mm centres fixed a.b.d, 50 x 50 x 3mm thick angle bracing (3No. per bay after every 5 bays) diagonally welded, infilled with and including approved 12 gauge galvanized cyclone wire mesh fixed to posts, rails, to details

LM 300

Apply calcium plumbate primer before fixing touch up primer after fixing and apply two undercoats and one coat gloss oil paint to metal

C. General surfaces of fences SM 480

Chain Link Fence

D. 2100mm high chain link fence comprising 125 x 100mm precast concrete posts at 3000mm centres with 500mm top crank, 4No.

plain wire threaded through holes, 12 1/2 gauge chainlink tied to

plain wire, 4No. stand of 12 1/2 gauge meshed barbed wire at top, mass concrete bed and surround, excavating 600mm diameter x 900mm deep pit and disposal including 100 x 125mm straining posts at every alternate post LM 700

Carried to collection

2- 353

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From Page 2-349

" " 2-350

" " 2- 351

" " 2- 352


2- 354



SUBSTRUCTURE (All Provisional)

Excavations and Earthworks

Note: Include Plunking and strutting and keeping excavation free of water in earth work rates

A. Clear site of all grass, shrubs, small trees and cart away as directed SM 15

B. Bulk excavation to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep and cart away CM 9

C. Excavate foundation trench not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from reduced level CM 6

D. Extra over for excavating in rock irrespective of depth CM 6

E. Return fill and ram selected excavated materials around foundations CM 3

F. Load and cart away excess excavations as directed CM 3


G. Approved imported hardcore filling rolled and consolidated in layers not exceeding 300mm thick CM 6

H. 300mm thick hand packed hardcore filling rolled and compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 8

I. 50mm thick murram blinding SM 8

J. Treat surface of hardcore with "Termidor" insecticide to manufacturers specification and provide 10 years guarantee certificate SM 10

K. 1000 gauge polythene sheet damp proof membrane on blinded hardcore SM 10

Carried to collection

2- 355

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Concrete Works

Mass concrete class 15/20 in:-

A. 50mm blinding to strip foundation SM 9

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

B. 150mm thick floor slab SM 10

C. Strip foundation CM 2

D. 150mm thick ramp/steps at entrances CM 1

E. 200 x 200mm columns LM 0

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

F. 8mm diameter KG 35

G. 12mm diameter KG 0

Fabric mesh

H. Fabric mesh Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 10

Sawn formwork to:

I. Sides of strip foundation SM 6

J. Sides of columns SM 0

K. Edges of ramp/steps exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm high SM 8

L. Edges of slab exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highLM 13

Carried to collection

2- 356

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 40mm hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 23

Three ply hessian based bituminous felt horizontal damp proof

course to BS 743 ,Type A weighing 3.8kg/m 2 bedded on cement/sand (1:3) mortar

B. 200mm wide LM 11

C. 150mm wide LM 3

Carried to collection


From page 2-354

" " 2-355

" " 2-356


2- 357

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

A. Beams CM 2

B. Upstand beams CM 1

C. 150mm thick roof slab SM 18

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

D. 8mm diameter KG 90

E. 10mm diameter KG 180

F. 12mm diameter KG 125

Sawn formwork to:

G. Sides and soffits of roof beams SM 17

H. Sides and soffits of tank slab SM 15

I. Sides of upstands beams SM 11

J. Soffits of suspeded slab SM 15

K. Edges of slab exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highLM 17

Waterproofed cement/sand (1:3) screed to gutter slab and upstands

L. 50mm (average) thick laid to falls SM 16

M. 12mm thick render to upstands SM 8

Carried to collection

2- 358

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

A. P. P. water proofing membrane weighing 4.5 Kg/sm mineral finished laid to manufacturer's instructions

A. A.P.P. waterproof membrane laid to manufacturer's written instructions on and including one coat bituminous anti-dust verdit primer to slab to gutter slab SM 16

B. Ditto on upstands SM 8

Carried to collection


From page 2-357

" " 2-358


2- 359

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



External walls

Medium chisel dressed natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 40mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 20

B. 200mm thick parapet screen wall SM 6

C. 275 x 100mm (average) thick once weathered and throated window cill LM 2

D. 350 x 100mm (average) thick once weathered and throated coping to wall LM 18

Internal walls

Machine cut natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 40mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

E. 200mm thick SM 0

F. 150mm thick SM 7


2- 360

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Rainwater goods

A. 100 x 100mm box down pipe fixed to wall with and including hold fasts at 1000mm centres LM 6

Extra over for :-

B. 100 x 100mm box shoe NO 2

C. 100mm diameter fulbora outlet NO 2


2- 361

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Wrot mahogany to door frames and finishings

A. 100 x 50mm frame with 3 labours LM 5

B. 100 x 50mm transome with 4 labours LM 1

C. 25 x 50mm moulded architrave LM 5

D. 25mm diameter quadrant LM 5

E. 15 x 15mm glazing bead LM 2

Flush doors

F. 45 x 800 x 1950mm high single leaf semi solid core flush door lined with 2mm thick veneer both sides, hardwood lipped all round NO 1

Mild steel door

G. 900 x 2250mm high single leaf door comprising 900 x 2100mm opening leaf, 900 x 300mm permanent vent at top infilled with 5No 300 x 20mm diametre vertical welded, 50 x 100 x 3mm RHS frame, 5 0x 100mm transome, 50 x 50 x 3mm stiles, top, middle, bottom railslined with 16gauge mild steel sheet all welded, complete with 20mm x 300mm long barrel bolt, staple and hasp for padlock, anchoring lags, apply primer before fixing to later detail NO 1

Carried to collection

2- 362

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Supply and fix the following ironmongery with matching screws as Union Catalogue or other equal and approved

A. 100mm brass butt hinges with washers NO 2

B. 3-Lever mortice lock ref. 2270 complete with lock furniture ref 687-24-02AS NO 0

C. Indicator bolt No.8094 complete with approved handle NO 1

D. 38mm diameter x 59mm deep rubber door stop ref No. 8400 NO 2

E. Male/Female aluminium plate NO 1

F. 800 x 200mm wide aluminium kick plate ref. KP-80-200 NO 2

G. Door closer ref. 8823 NO 1

H. 25mm wide x 300mm girth metal cramp once bent, twice drilled, one end screwed to timber frame and other split and built into wall NO 6

Fan lights

I. 800 x 150 x 4mm thick clear sheet glass and glazing with beads (m/s) in panes between 0.15m and 0.5sm NO 1

Prime back of wood before fixing

J. Surfaces between 100 and 200mm girth LM 5

K. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 10

Knot prime stop and apply two undercoats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood

L. General surfaces of door SM 4

M. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 5

Carried to collection

2- 363

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

A. General surfaces of door SM 4

B. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 6

Carried to collection


From page 2- 361

" " 2- 362

" " 2- 363


2- 364

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



The following in purpose made steel casement windows in 4mm x 25mm 'T' and 'Z' section frame including mullions, transomes, in-built 150mm high mosquito proofed permanent vents at top in 4mm thick mild steel louvres, high quality heavy duty polished brass ironmongery to M/s Kensmetal Ltd or other equal and approved fasteners, window stays, fixed onto masonry/concrete with and including 150 x 25 x 3mm fish tailed fixing lugs, and apply primer before fixing (small panel windows)

A. 600 x 900mm high overall comprising 1no 600 x 450mm top hung openable lights 1no 600 x 450mm fixed light to detail NO 1

B. 900 x 1200mm high overall comprising 2no 450 x 1200mm high sliding sashes to detail NO 1

C. 2200 x 1200mmhigh overall comprising 2no 550 x 1200mm high fixed lights and 2no 550 x 1200mm high sliding sashes to detail NO 1


D. 4mm clear sheet glass and glazing with putty in panes of various sizes SM 4

E. Ditto obscure glass pane SM 1

Burglar proofing

F. 16mm diameter mild steel burglar proofing welded to form pattern at centres not exceeding 200mm both ways, forming opening for fastener and stay reach, including spiked decorative infill fixed onto masonry/concrete all to architect's details

SM 5

Carried to collection

2- 365

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

A. General surfaces internally SM 5

B. Ditto externally SM 5

C. Burglar proofing SM 5

Carried to Collection


From page 2-364

" " 2- 365


2- 366

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Cement/sand (1:4) external wall finishes

A. 12mm thick render to masonry and concrete externally SM 34

B. 12mm thick render to reveals of niches not exceeding 300mm wide around windows LM 14

C. 12mm thick render to plinth SM 6

Internal wall finishes

Cement, lime, sand plaster

. Cement/lime/sand (1:1:6) fine plaster to walls and beams internally

D. 12mm thick fine plaster to walls and beams internally SM 28

Cement/sand (1:4) render

E. 10mm to receive wall tiles SM 9

Glazed wall tiles to Saj Catalogue

F. 250 x 250mm thick patterned glazed wall tiles fixed with adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including rounded plastic edge tiles (1500mm high) SM 9

Floor Finishes

Cement/sand (1:4) screed

G. 32mm thick to receive ceramic floor tiles SM 8

Carried to collection

2- 367

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Ceramic floor tiles to Saj Ceramics Ltd. manufacture

A. 300 x 300mm non-slip rustic tiles fixed onto prepared screed with manufacturer's approved adhesive SM 8

B. 100 x 10mm thick skirting LM 14

Paving around the building

C. 300mm thick approved imported murram compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 8

Precast concrete paving slabs bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar

D. 600 x 600 x 50mm thick slabs on prepared screed (m/s) SM 8

Stormwater drainage around buildings

E. Excavate trench for 300mm diameter open drain part refill part cart away LM 13

Precast concrete class 25/12 bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar in:

F. 150mm diameter half round invert block drain jointed in cement/sand (1:3), laid on and including 75mm thick compacted murram base, all necessary formwork LM 13


Cement/lime/sand (1:1:6) fine plaster to walls and beams internally

G. 12mm thick to soffits of suspended slab SM 15

Carried to collection

2- 368

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


From Page 2-366

'' '' 2-367


2- 369

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts




Prepare and apply undercoats and three coats plastic emulsion paint to:

A. Rendered surfaces SM 34

B. Plastered niches and reveals not exceeding 300mm wide LM 14


Prepare and apply three coats silk viny paint to:-

C. Plastered walls and beams SM 28

Prepare and apply three coats plastic emulsion paint to:-

D. Plastered soffits of ceiling SM 15

Prime back of wood before fixing

E. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth (cornice) LM 0

Prepare and apply two coats black bituminous paint to:

F. Rendered plinth externally SM 6


2- 370

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



The following in 1No. Conrete work top

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

A. 100mm thick slab SM 2

Fabric mesh

B. Fabric mesh Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 2

Sawn formwork to:

C. Soffits of slab SM 2

D. Edges of slab between 75mm and 150mm high LM 2

Masonry support walls

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 40mm hoop iron every alternate course

E. 100mm thick SM 1


Cement/sand (1:4) plaster to:-

F. 10mm thick to receive ceramic tiles (masonry walls) SM 2

Glazed wall tiles to Saj Catalogue

G. 250 x 250mm thick patterned glazed wall tiles fixed with adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including rounded plastic edge tiles SM 2

Carried to collection

2- 371

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Cement/sand (1:4) screed

A. 15mm thick to receive terrazzo SM 2

B. Ditto to 100mm high edges LM 2


C. Chase in wall for 75mm thick slab and make good disturbed areas LM 2

Carried to collection


From Page 2-370

'' '' 2- 371


2- 372

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Cut away for and make good after installation by sub-contractor for the following points including cutting or leaving all holes, mortices, sinkings in the structure and its finishes and for all making good therewith:-

Electrical Builder's Work

A. Consumer unit 1 NO

B. Lighting point with associated switch point 3 NO

C. External security light fittings ditto 2 NO

D. Socket outlet points 1 NO

E. CCTV points 2 NO

F. Lightning arrestor points 0 NO

G. Telephone outlet points 1 NO

Mechanical Builder's Work

H. Chasing and making good for small pipe in masonry walls 3 LM

I. Ditto but large pipes 3 LM

J. Making holes for small diameter pipes in 150mm thick concrete slabs 1 NO

K. Ditto but large pipes 1 NO

L. Making holes and pipe sleeves for small pipes in 200mm masonry walls 1 NO

M. Do but large pipe 1 NO


2- 373

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



1 Substructure From Page 2-356

2 Superstructure " " 2-358

3 Walling " " 2-359

4 Roof " " 2-360

5 Doors " " 2-363

6 Windows " " 2- 365

7 Finishes " " 2- 368

8 Painting and Decorating " " 2-369

9 Fixture and Joinery '' '' 2-371

10 Builder's Work " " 2-372




2- 374

Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


1 Clear Site From Page 2-338

2 Drive and parking '' '' 2-340

3 Walkways/Footpath '' '' 2- 341

4 Storm water drainage " " 2-346

5 Sewer Drainage " " 2-348

6 Boundary Wall " " 2-353

7 Gate Houses " " 2-373






Unit Qty Rate KShs CtsBILL NO. 4



Trench excavations

A. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.5m deep for 750mm wide shallow drain, part refill, part load and cart away to approve dump sites LM 195

B. Ditto for 450mm diameter concrete drain pipe LM 12

C. Ditto for 300mm diameter IBD LM 220

Precast concrete class 20/12mm jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar in:-

D. 750 x 125mm high shallow invert block drain, laid on and including 150mm thick mass concrete (1:3:6) base LM 195

E. 300mm diameter invert block drain ditto LM 220

F. 450mm diameter culvert jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar, laid on concrete base (m/s) LM 12

Mass concrete 15/32 bed and surround in:-

G. 100mm thick Type 'C' to 450mm diameter drain pipe including all necessary formwork LM 12

The following in 4No. Headwalls

H. Excavate trench not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from ground level, part refill, part load and cart away a.b.d CM 13

Mass concrete (1:3:6)

I. Strip foundations CM 2

Sawn Formwork to:-

J. Edges of footing 75mm to 150mm high LM 28

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 25mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 42

Cement/sand (1:4) render

B. 12mm thick render to masonry walls SM 42

Stone Pitching

C. 100mm thick stone pitching to end of drain in Engineer's approved selected stone bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar SM 48

Concrete Dishing

D. 75mm thick mass concrete ( 1:3:6) dishing around culvert inlet SM 12

Road gulley/sumps

E. 450 x 450 x 600mm deep (internal dimensions) road gulley comprising 200mm thick concrete (1:3:6) base, 200mm thick concrete (1:2:4) walls reinforced with A142 mesh, render to wall internally, leave opening on wall for connection pipe, all necessary formwork, excavation, disposal and connecting to pipe, 450 x 450mm cast iron gulley grating including 50 x 50 x 6mm angle frame embedded in concrete, to details NO 10

Concrete Sump

F. 1500 x 1500 x 1500mm deep (internal dimensions) sump/interceptor comprising 200mm thick concrete (1:3:6) base, 200mm thick concrete (1:2:4) walls, dividing walls, reinforced with A142 mesh, render to wall internally, leave opening on wall for connection pipe, all necessary formwork, excavation, disposal and connecting to pipe, 450 x 450mm cast iron gulley grating including 50 x 50 x 6mm angle frame embedded in concrete, to details NO 2

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Connect pipes to sumps

UPVC underground pipe class 41 in:-

A. 150mm diameter drain pipe including 100mm thick bed and surround Type 'C' all necessary formwork, excavations and disposal LM 30

Carried to Collection

From Page 2-376

" " 2-377

" " 2-378



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



SUBSTRUCTURE (All Provisional)

Excavations and Earthworks

Note: Include Plunking and strutting and keeping excavation free of water in earth work rates

A. Clear site of all grass, shrubs, small trees and cart away as directed SM 131

B. Bulk excavation to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep and cart away CM 196

C. Excavate foundation trench not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from reduced level CM 11

D. Extra over for excavating in rock irrespective of depth CM 2

E. Return fill and ram selected excavated materials around foundations CM 32

F. Load and cart away excess excavations as directed CM 175


G. Approved imported hardcore filling rolled and consolidated in layers not exceeding 300mm thick CM 153

H. 300mm thick hand packed hardcore filling rolled and compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 102

I. 50mm thick murram blinding SM 102

J. Treat surface of hardcore with "Termidor" insecticide to manufacturers specification and provide 10 years guarantee certificate SM 117

K. 1000 gauge polythene sheet damp proof membrane on blinded hardcore SM 117

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Concrete Works

Mass concrete class 15/20 in:-

A. 50mm blinding to strip foundation SM 45

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

B. 150mm thick floor slab SM 117

C. Strip foundation CM 9

D. 150mm thick ramp at entrances CM 1

E. 200 x 200mm columns LM 3

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

F. 8mm diameter KG 130

G. 12mm diameter KG 230

Fabric mesh

H. Fabric mesh Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 117

Sawn formwork to:

I. Sides of strip foundation SM 31

J. Sides of columns SM 1

K. Edges of ramp exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highSM 1

L. Edges of slab exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highLM 46

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 40mm hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 115

Three ply hessian based bituminous felt horizontal damp proof

course to BS 743 ,Type A weighing 3.8kg/m 2 bedded on cement/sand (1:3) mortar

B. 200mm wide LM 74

C. 100mm wide LM 25

Carried to collection


From page 2-379

" " 2-380

" " 2-381



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:

A. Beams CM 7

B. 200 x 200mm column LM 10

D. 150mm thick tank upstand beams CM 1

C. 150mm thick water tank slab SM 11

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

E. 8mm diameter KG 150

F. 10mm diameter KG 200

G. 12mm diameter KG 450

H. 16mm diameter KG 100

Sawn formwork to:-

I. Sides and soffits of roof beams SM 77

J. Sides and soffits of tank slab SM 10

K. Sides of upstands SM 8

L. Sides of columns SM 8

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Waterproofed cement/sand (1:3) screed to gutter slab and upstands

M. 50mm (average) thick laid to falls SM 11

N. 12mm thick render to upstands SM 16

A. P. P. water proofing membrane weighing 4.5 Kg/sm mineral finished laid to manufacturer's instructions

O. A.P.P. waterproof membrane laid to manufacturer's written instructions on and including one coat bituminous anti-dust verdit primer to slab to gutter slab SM 11

P. Ditto on upstands SM 4

Carried to collection


From page 2-382

" " 2-383



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



External walls

Medium chisel dressed natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 40mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 103

B. 200mm thick parapet screen wall SM 60

C. 275 x 100mm (average) thick once weathered and throated window cill LM 67

D. 200 x 300mm high eaves closing LM 67

Internal walls

Machine cut natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 40mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

E. 200mm thick SM 62

F. 100mm thick SM 52



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Roof cover

A. 26gauge Resincot" oven baked IT5 profile roofing sheets covering on timber trusses (m.s) SM 129

B. Extra over for ridge cap to match LM 2

C. 600mm girth x 26gauge plain sheet flashing built into wall LM 48

Supply and fix sawn celcured 2 nd grade cypress with and including nailing or bolting, scarf joints, drilling for bolts

D. 150 x 50mm ridge board LM 2

E. 150 x 50mm rafters LM 135

F. 150 x 50mm wall plate bolted at 1000mm centres LM 27

G. 150 x 50mm purlins LM 124

Wrot celcured prime grade cypress

H. 200 x 38mm fascia board LM 17


I. 300 x 12mm diameter bolts complete with head nuts and washers built into concrete to hold wall plate NO 30

J. M10 bolts not exceeding 200mm long complete with head nuts and washers NO 99

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Rainwater goods

A. 200 x 250mm box gutter fixed LM 17

B. 100 x 100mm box down pipe fixed to wall with and including hold fasts at 1000mm centres LM 12

Extra over for :-

C. 100 x 100mm box shoe NO 4

D. 100 x 100mm box bends NO 8

Painting and Decorating

Prepare and apply three coats of clear lacquer polyurathane matt to wood

E. General surfaces of fascia board SM 4

Carried to collection


From page 2- 385

" " 2- 386



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Wrot mahogany to door frames and finishings

A. 100 x 50mm frame with 3 labours LM 23

B. 25 x 50mm moulded architrave LM 23

C. 25mm diameter quadrant LM 23

D. 15 x 15mm glazing bead LM 8

Flush doors

E. 45 x 800 x 1950mm high single leaf semi solid core flush door lined with 2mm thick veneer both sides, hardwood lipped all round NO 4

F. 45 x 1000 x 2000mm high for physically challenged persons ditto NO 2

Mild steel door

G. 900 x 2400mm high single leaf door comprising 900 x 2100mm opening leaf, 900 x 300mm permanent vent at top infilled with 5No 300 x 20mm diametre vertical welded, 50 x 100 x 3mm RHS frame, 5 0x 100mm transome, 50 x 50 x 3mm stiles, top, middle, bottom railslined with 16gauge mild steel sheet all welded, complete with 20mm x 300mm long barrel bolt, staple and hasp for padlock, anchoring lags, apply primer before fixing to later detail NO 3

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Supply and fix the following ironmongery with matching screws as Union Catalogue or other equal and approved

A. 100mm brass butt hinges with washers NO 18

B. 3-Lever mortice lock ref. 2270 complete with lock furniture ref 687-24-02AS NO 3

C. Indicator bolt No.8094 complete with approved handle NO 6

D. 38mm diameter x 59mm deep rubber door stop ref No. 8400 NO 9

E. Male/Female aluminium plate NO 2

F. 800 x 200mm wide aluminium kick plate ref. KP-80-200NO 18

G. Door closer ref. 8823 NO 2

H. 25mm wide x 300mm girth metal cramp once bent, twice drilled, one end screwed to timber frame and other split and built into wall NO 36

Fan lights

I. 900 x 450 x 4mm thick clear sheet glass and glazing with beads (m/s) in panes between 0.15m and 0.5sm NO 3

Prime back of wood before fixing

J. Surfaces between 100 and 200mm girth LM 18

K. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 46

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Knot prime stop and apply two undercoats and one gloss oil finishing coat to wood

A. General surfaces of door SM 23

B. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 23

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

C. General surfaces of door SM 13

D. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 20

Carried to collection


From page 2-387

" " 2-388

" " 2-389



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



The following in purpose made steel casement windows in 4mm x 25mm 'T' and 'Z' section frame including mullions, transomes, in-built 150mm high mosquito proofed permanent vents at top in 4mm thick mild steel louvres, high quality heavy duty polished brass ironmongery to M/s Kensmetal Ltd or other equal and approved fasteners, window stays, fixed onto masonry/concrete with and including 150 x 25 x 3mm fish tailed fixing lugs, and apply primer before fixing (small panel windows)

A. 600 x 750mm high overall comprising 1no 600 x 450mm top hung openable lights 1no 600 x 300mm fixed light to detail NO 6

B. 1500 x 750mm high overall comprising 3no 500 x 450mm top hung openable lights 3no 500 x 300mm fixed light to detail NO 3


C. 4mm clear sheet glass and glazing with putty in panes of various sizes SM 4

D. Ditto obscure glass pane SM 3

Burglar proofing

E. 16mm diameter mild steel burglar proofing welded to form pattern at centres not exceeding 200mm both ways, forming opening for fastener and stay reach, including spiked decorative infill fixed onto masonry/concrete all to architect's details

SM 7

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

A. General surfaces internally SM 7

B. Ditto externally SM 7

C. Burglar proofing SM 7

Carried to collection


From page 2- 390

" " 2- 391



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Cement/sand (1:4) external wall finishes

A. 12mm thick render to masonry and concrete externally SM 163

B. 12mm thick render to reveals of niches not exceeding 300mm wide around windows LM 23

C. 12mm thick cement/sand render to plinth SM 14

Internal wall finishes

Cement, lime, sand plaster

Cement/lime/sand (1:1:6) fine plaster to walls and beams internally

D. 12mm thick fine plaster to walls and beams internally SM 144

Cement/sand (1:4) render

E. 10mm to receive wall tiles SM 245

Glazed wall tiles to Saj Catalogue

F. 250 x 250mm thick patterned glazed wall tiles fixed with adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including rounded plastic edge tiles (1500mm high) SM 245

Floor Finishes

Cement/sand (1:4) screed

G. 100 x 25mm thick skirting LM 10

H. 32mm thick to receive ceramic floor tiles SM 102

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Ceramic floor tiles to Saj Ceramics Ltd. manufacture

A. 300 x 300mm non-slip rustic tiles fixed onto prepared screed with manufacturer's approved adhesive SM 102

Paving Slabs around the building

B. 300mm thick approved imported murram compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 29

Precast concrete paving slabs bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar

C. 600 x 600 x 50mm thick slabs on prepared screed (m/s) SM 29

Stormwater drainage around buildings

D. Excavate trench for 300mm diameter open drain part refill part cart away LM 50

Precast concrete class 25/12 bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar in:

E. 150mm diameter half round invert block drain , laid on and including 75mm thick compacted murram base, all necessary formwork LM 50


Gypsum plaster board Ceiling

F. 12mm thick fixed/nailed onto brandering (m/s) SM 102

Wrot Celcured Cypress

G. 75 x 38mm moulded cornice LM 101

Sawn celcured cypress

H. 50 x 50mm brandering LM 170

I. 50 x 100mm brandering LM 170

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

A. 100 x 50mm ditto plugged to wall LM 101

Trap door

B. 600 x 450mm chipboard trap door including 50 x 50mm frame, 100 x 50mm framing to detail NO 1

Carried to collection


From Page 2-392

'' '' 2- 393

'' '' 2-394



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts




Prepare and apply undercoats and three coats plastic emulsion paint to:

A. Rendered surfaces SM 163

B. Plastered niches and reveals not exceeding 300mm wide LM 23


Prepare and apply three coats silk viny paint to:-

C. Plastered walls and beams SM 144

Prepare and apply three coats plastic emulsion paint to:-

D. Ceiling internally SM 102

Prime back of wood before fixing

E. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth (cornice) LM 101

Prepare and apply two coats black bituminous paint to:

F. Rendered plinth externally SM 14



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



The following in 2No. Conrete vanity tops

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

A. 100mm thick slab SM 3

B. 50 x 100mm thick upstand LM 6

C. 100mm thick plinth SM 3

Fabric mesh

D. Fabric mesh Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 3

Sawn formwork to:

E. Soffits of slab SM 3

F. Edges of slab between 75mm and 150mm high LM 6

G. Edges of upstand not exceeding 75mm high LM 6

H. Ditto to plinth LM 6

Masonry support walls

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 40mm hoop iron every alternate course

I. 100mm thick SM 2

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Cement/sand (1:4) plaster

A. 10mm thick render to receive ceramic tiles (masonry walls) SM 4

Glazed wall tiles to Saj Catalogue

B. 250 x 250mm thick patterned glazed wall tiles fixed with adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including rounded plastic edge tiles SM 4

Cement/sand (1:4) screed

C. 15mm thick screed to receive terrazzo SM 3

D. Ditto to 100mm high edges LM 6


E. Chase in wall for 75mm thick slab and make good disturbed areas LM 9

F. Make or leave holes in slab for waste sinks NO 2

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

The following in Blockboard shelves

A. 425 x 75 x 25 x 3mm RHS frame with one end split and built 100mm deep into masonry NO 12

Blockboard softwood lipped all round

B. 325 x 20mm thick LM 7

Prepare and apply red oxide primer and three coats gloss oil paint to metal

C. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth LM 4

Prepare and apply three coats of clear lacquer polyurathane matt to wood

D. General surfaces of eaves boarding externally SM 6

Carried to collection


From Page 2-396

'' '' 2-397

'' '' 2- 398



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Cut away for and make good after installation by sub-contractor for the following points including cutting or leaving all holes, mortices, sinkings in the structure and its finishes and for all making good therewith:-

Electrical Builder's Work

A. Consumer unit 1 NO

B. Lighting point with associated switch point 20 NO

C. External security light fittings ditto 2 NO

D. Socket outlet points 0 NO

E. CCTV points 4 NO

F. Lightning arrestor points 0 NO

G. Telephone outlet points 0 NO

Mechanical Builder's Work

H. Chasing and making good for small pipe in masonry walls 30 LM

I. Ditto but large pipes 30 LM

J. Making holes for small diameter pipes in 150mm thick concrete slabs 5 NO

K. Ditto but large pipes 5 NO

L. Making holes and pipe sleeves for small pipes in 200mm masonry walls 5 NO

M. Do but large pipe 5 NO



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



1 Substructure From Page 2-381

2 Superstructure " " 2-383

3 Walling " " 2-384

4 Roof " " 2-386

5 Doors " " 2-389

6 Windows " " 2-391

7 Finishes " " 2-394

8 Painting and Decorating " " 2-395

9 Fixture and Joinery '' '' 2- 398

10 Builder's Work " " 2- 399



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



SUBSTRUCTURE (All Provisional)

Excavations and Earthworks

Note: Include Plunking and strutting and keeping excavation free of water in earth work rates

A. Clear site of all grass, shrubs, small trees and cart away as directed SM 28

B. Bulk excavation to reduce levels not exceeding 1.50 metres deep and cart away CM 17

C. Excavate foundation trench not exceeding 1.50 metres deep starting from reduced level CM 7

D. Extra over for excavating in rock irrespective of depth CM 7

E. Return fill and ram selected excavated materials around foundations CM 3

F. Load and cart away excess excavations as directed CM 4


G. Approved imported hardcore filling rolled and consolidated in layers not exceeding 300mm thick CM 12

H. 300mm thick hand packed hardcore filling rolled and compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 18

I. 50mm thick murram blinding SM 18

J. Treat surface of hardcore with "Termidor" insecticide to manufacturers specification and provide 10 years guarantee certificate SM 22

K. 1000 gauge polythene sheet damp proof membrane on blinded hardcore SM 22

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Concrete Works

Mass concrete class 15/20 in:-

A. 50mm blinding to strip foundation SM 11

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

B. 150mm thick floor slab SM 22

C. Strip foundation CM 2

D. 150mm thick ramp at entrances CM 1

E. 200 x 200mm columns LM 0

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

F. 8mm diameter KG 45

G. 12mm diameter KG 0

Fabric mesh

H. Fabric mesh Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 22

Sawn formwork to:

I. Sides of strip foundation SM 7

J. Sides of columns SM 0

K. Edges of ramp exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highLM 8

L. Edges of slab exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm highLM 19

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 40mm hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 27

Three ply hessian based bituminous felt horizontal damp proof

course to BS 743 ,Type A weighing 3.8kg/m 2 bedded on cement/sand (1:3) mortar

B. 200mm wide LM 17

C. 100mm wide LM 0

Carried to collection


From page 2-401

" " 2-402

" " 2-403



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:

A. Beams CM 2

High tensile steel reinforcement to BS 4461

B. 8mm diameter KG 48

C. 12mm diameter KG 70

Sawn formwork to:

D. Sides and soffits of roof beams SM 20



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



External walls

Medium chisel dressed natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar (12mm joints) reinforced with 40mm wide hoop iron every alternate course

A. 200mm thick SM 34

B. 275 x 100mm (average) thick once weathered and throated window cill LM 6

C. 200 x 300mm high eaves closing LM 18



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Roof cover

A. 26gauge Resincot" oven baked IT5 profile roofing sheets covering on timber trusses (m.s) SM 38

B. Extra over for ridge cap to match LM 6

Supply and fix sawn celcured 2 nd grade cypress with and including nailing or bolting, scarf joints, drilling for bolts

C. 150 x 50mm ridge board LM 6

D. 150 x 50mm common rafters LM 0

E. 150 x 50mm wall plate bolted at 1000mm centres LM 10

F. 150 x 50mm purlins LM 35

Supply and fix sawn celcured 2 nd grade cypress with and including nailing or bolting, scarf joints, drilling for bolts

The following in 5No. Trusses spanning 4000mm x 1500mm high

G. 150 x 50mm rafters LM 32

H. 150 x 50mm tie beams LM 20

I. 150 x 50mm struts and ties LM 30

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Wrot celcured prime grade cypress

A. 200 x 38mm fascia and barge board LM 25

B. 25mm thick T&G eaves boarding on and including 50 x 50mm brandering SM 15

C. 25mm thick moulded quadrant LM 50


D. 300 x 12mm diameter bolts complete with head nuts and washers built into concrete to hold wall plate NO 20

E. M10 bolts not exceeding 200mm long complete with head nuts and washers NO 35

Rainwater goods

F. 200 x 250mm box gutter fixed LM 12

G. 100 x 100mm box down pipe fixed to wall with and including hold fasts at 1000mm centres LM 6

Extra over for :-

H. 100 x 100mm box shoe NO 2

I. 100 x 100mm box outlet NO 2

J. 100 x 100mm box bends NO 4

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Painting and Decorating

Prepare and apply three coats of clear lacquer polyurathane matt to wood

D. General surfaces of fascia board SM 10

D. General surfaces of eaves boarding SM 15

Carried to collection


From page 2-406

" " 2-407

" " 2-408



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Mild steel door

A. 900 x 2400mm high single leaf door comprising 900 x 2100mm opening leaf, 900 x 300mm permanent vent at top infilled with 5No 300 x 20mm diametre vertical welded, 50 x 100 x 3mm RHS frame, 5 0x 100mm transome, 50 x 50 x 3mm stiles, top, middle, bottom railslined with 16gauge mild steel sheet all welded, complete with 20mm x 300mm long barrel bolt, staple and hasp for padlock, plate for lock (m/s) anchoring lags, apply primer before fixing to Architect's later detail

NO 1

Supply and fix the following ironmongery with matching screws as Union Catalogue or other equal and approved

B. 3-Lever mortice lock ref. 2270 complete with lock furniture ref 687-24-02AS NO 1

C. 38mm diameter x 59mm deep rubber door stop ref No. 8400 NO 1

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

D. General surfaces of door SM 4

E. Surfaces between 200mm and 300mm girth LM 6



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



The following in purpose made steel casement windows in 4mm x 25mm 'T' and 'Z' section frame including mullions, transomes, in-built 150mm high mosquito proofed permanent vents at top in 4mm thick mild steel louvres, high quality heavy duty polished brass ironmongery to M/s Kensmetal Ltd or other equal and approved fasteners, window stays, fixed onto masonry/concrete with and including 150 x 25 x 3mm fish tailed fixing lugs, and apply primer before fixing (small panel windows)

A. 1800 x 1200mm high overall comprising 2no 600 x 900mm side hung openable lights 1no 600 x 900mm fixed light, 3no 600 x 300mm fixed lights to detail NO 3


B. 4mm clear sheet glass and glazing with putty in panes of various sizes SM 7

C. Ditto obscure glass pane SM 0

Burglar proofing

D. 16mm diameter mild steel burglar proofing welded to form pattern at centres not exceeding 200mm both ways, forming opening for fastener and stay reach, including spiked decorative infill fixed onto masonry/concrete all to architect's details

SM 7

Touch up primer after fixing and apply three coats gloss oil paint to metal

E. General surfaces internally SM 7

F. Ditto externally SM 7

G. Burglar proofing SM 7



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Cement/sand (1:4) external wall finishes

A. 12mm thick render to masonry and concrete externally SM 43

B. 12mm thick render to reveals of niches not exceeding 300mm wide around windows LM 18

C. 12mm thick render to plinth SM 8

Internal wall finishes

Cement, lime, sand plaster

D. Cement/lime/sand (1:1:6) fine plaster to walls and beams internally

E. 12mm thick fine plaster to walls and beams internally SM 43

F. Cement/sand (1:4) render

G. 10mm to receive wall tiles SM 0

Glazed wall tiles to Saj Catalogue

H. 250 x 250mm thick patterned glazed wall tiles fixed with adhesive to rendered surfaces (m/s) with and including rounded plastic edge tiles (1500mm high) SM 0

Floor Finishes

Cement/sand (1:4) screed

I. 32mm thick to receive ceramic floor tiles SM 19

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Ceramic floor tiles to Saj Ceramics Ltd. manufacture

A. 300 x 300mm non-slip rustic tiles fixed onto prepared screed with manufacturer's approved adhesive SM 19

B. 100 x 10mm thick skirting LM 17

Paving around the building

C. 300mm thick approved imported murram compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick SM 12

Precast concrete paving slabs bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar

D. 600 x 600 x 50mm thick slabs on prepared screed (m/s) SM 12

Stormwater drainage around buildings

E. Excavate trench for 300mm diameter open drain part refill part cart away LM 12

Precast concrete class 25/12 bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:4) mortar in:

F. 150mm diameter half round invert block drain jointed in cement/sand (1:3), laid on and including 75mm thick compacted murram base, all necessary formwork LM 12


Gypsum plaster board Ceiling

G. 12mm thick fixed/nailed onto brandering (m/s) SM 18

Wrot Celcured Cypress

H. 75 x 38mm moulded cornice LM 18

Carried to collection


Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Sawn celcured cypress

A. 50 x 50mm brandering LM 23

B. 50 x 100mm brandering LM 23

C. 100 x 50mm ditto plugged to wall LM 18

Trap door

D. 600 x 450mm chipboard trap door including 50 x 50mm frame, 100 x 50mm framing to detail NO 1

Carried to collection


From Page 2-411

'' '' 2-412

'' '' 2-413



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts




Prepare and apply undercoats and three coats plastic emulsion paint to:

A. Rendered surfaces SM 43

B. Plastered niches and reveals not exceeding 300mm wide LM 18


Prepare and apply three coats silk viny paint to:-

C. Plastered walls and beams SM 43

Prepare and apply three coats plastic emulsion paint to:-

D. Ceiling internally SM 18

Prime back of wood before fixing

E. Surfaces not exceeding 100mm girth (cornice) LM 18

Prepare and apply two coats black bituminous paint to:

F. Rendered plinth externally SM 8



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



Cut away for and make good after installation by sub-contractor for the following points including cutting or leaving all holes, mortices, sinkings in the structure and its finishes and for all making good therewith:-

Electrical Builder's Work

A. Consumer unit 1 NO

B. Lighting point with associated switch point 4 NO

C. External security light fittings ditto 2 NO

D. Socket outlet points 4 NO

E. CCTV points 2 NO

F. Lightning arrestor points 0 NO

G. Telephone outlet points 1 NO

Mechanical Builder's Work

H. Chasing and making good for small pipe in masonry walls 0 LM

I. Ditto but large pipes 0 LM

J. Making holes for small diameter pipes in 150mm thick concrete slabs 0 NO

K. Ditto but large pipes 0 NO

L. Making holes and pipe sleeves for small pipes in 200mm masonry walls 0 NO

M. Do but large pipe 0 NO



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



1 Substructure From Page 2-403

2 Superstructure " " 2-404

3 Walling " " 2-405

4 Roof " " 2- 408

5 Doors " " 2-409

6 Windows " " 2-410

7 Finishes " " 2-413

8 Painting and Decorating " " 2-414

10 Builder's Work " " 2-415



Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


1 Stormwater Drainage From Page 2-378

2 Changing Rooms '' '' 2-400

3 Games Office " " 2-416





Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts





Payment of labour authorised by the Project Manager to be employed on Day works will be the net amount of wages paid in respect of such labour in accordance with the rates to be inserted below by the Contractor, plus the percentage addition also to be inserted by the Contractor.

The rates inserted against each category of labour will be deemed to be the hourly wages paid to workmen and charge hands working with their gangs, inclusive of allowances for housing, holidays with pay, annual leave, sick leave, safari allowances and all other Allowances required by Government enactments concerning regulations of wages and conditions of employment.

The percentage addition on net amount of wages defined above will be deemed to cover:-supply, transport about the site use, maintenance and removal of ordinary hand tools and equipment used in Dayworks ( such as picks, shovels, barrows, ladders handsaws, bar benders, buckets, trestles stages, scaffolding, hoses, rubber boots, special clothing, Tarpaulins and all items of a like nature), insurance, superintendence (including wages of foremen), water supply, artificial lighting, overheads, head office site staff and Establishment charges, profit, and establishment charges, profit, and all other liabilities and obligations whatsoever.

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Net Amount of wages

A. Labourer Hrs 10

B. General Tradesmen, category learner Hrs 10

C. Do. - Ungraded Hrs 10

D. Do. - Grade III trade tested Hrs 10

E. Do. - Grade II trade tested Hrs 10

F. Do. - Grade I grade tested Hrs 10

G. Light plant operator (compressors, mixers, tractors, rollers, etc.) Hrs 10

H.Heavy plant operator (D7 tractors, graders, excavators, etc.) Hrs 10

I. Junior headman Hrs 10

J. Senior headman Hrs 10

Sub- total of Net Amount of Wages

K. Allow a percentage addition on net amount of wages to cover tools, insurance, etc. as defined above %

Carried to Collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Payments for materials authorised by the Project Manager to be used in Dayworks will be the approved net cost of supply and delivery to site of such materials, plus the percentage Addition to be inserted below by the Contractor. The ' approved net cost of supply and delivery to site of materials' ( covered by a provisional sum below) shall mean the approved invoiced cost, including delivery to site after deduction of trade discounts, but without deduction of cash discounts not exceeding 2.5% which shall be retained by the contractor, or, in the case of materials supplied from the Contractor's stock current prices plus justifiable charges for handling and delivery to site. Where the materials are not in the work, 50% only of such cost will be allowed for use and waste.

The percentage addition on net cost of materials as defined above will be deemed to cover insurances, overheads head office, site staff and establishment charges, profit and all other liabilities and obligation whatsoever

A. Include the Provisional sum Kenya Shillings Hundred Thousand ( KShs 100,000.00) for the approved net cost of supply and delivery to site of materials to be used in Dayworks. SUM

B. Allow percentage addition on net cost of materials to cover insurances, overhead charges, profit etc., as defined above. 0%

Carried to collection Kshs.


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Payment for the use of heavy plant ( such as compressed air equipment, concrete mixers, pumps, excavators and the like) authorised by the Architect to be used in Dayworks will be the approved net hire charges, plus the percentage addition to be inserted below by the Contractor. The ' approved net hire charges' of heavy plant (covered by a provisional sum below) shall mean the approved invoiced hire charges including delivery to site, and subsequent removal, after deduction of trade discounts but without deduction of cash discounts not exceeding 2.5 % which shall be retained by the Contractor, or, in the case of use of the Contractor's own heavy plant, current hire charges plus justifiable charges for handling, delivery to and removal from the site.

The percentage addition on net hire charges for heavy plant as defined above will be deemed to cover insurances, overheads, head office, site staff and establishment charges, profit, maintenance costs, fuel and all other liabilities and obligations whatsoever.

A. Include the Provisional Sum of Kenya Shillings One Hundred Thousand (KShs. 100,000.00) for the approved net hire charges of heavy plant to be used in Dayworks SUM

B. Allow a percentage addition on net hire charges of heavy plant to cover insurances overhead charges, profit, etc., as defined above. 0%

Carried to collection Kshs.


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


Payment for direct charges authorised by the Architect to be incurred in Dayworks will be the approved net cost of such direct charges plus the percentage addition to be inserted below by the Contractor. The ' approved net cost of direct charges' ( covered by a provisional sum below) shall mean the approved invoiced cost of work executed by the Sub-Contractors or specialists after deduction of trade discounts but without deduction of cash discounts not exceeding 2.5% which shall be retained by the Contractor.

The percentage addition on net cost of direct charges as defined above will be deemed to cover insurances, overheads, head office, site staff and establishment charges, profit, attendance and all other liabilities and obligations whatsoever.

A. Include the provisional sum of Kenya Shillings One Hundred Thousand (KShs. 100,000.00) for the approved net cost of direct charges incurred in Dayworks. SUM

B. Allow a percentage addition on net cost of direct charges to cover, profit, etc., as defined above. 0%

Carried to collection Kshs.


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts


The Unit Rates shall be applied on when authorized variation of specifications works merits to apply these rates.

Note: The contractor shall price, extend and carry forward to the Grand Summary Page the totals of the schedule of rates

Fabric mesh

A. Fabric mesh reinforcement Ref. No. A142 (measured net) (No allowance for laps) SM 1

Fine chisel dressed natural stone wall bedded and jointed in cement/sand (1:3) mortar reinforced with 25mm wide x 3mm thick hoop iron every alternate course

B. 200mm thick SM 1

Machine dressed natural stone wall cladding in zero joints on prepared plaster (m/s) with approved fixing adhesive

C. 50mm thick SM 1

Mazeras stone wall cladding in zero joints on prepared plaster (m/s) with approved adhesive

D. 50mm thick SM 1

Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20/20 in:-

E. Columns/beams CM 1

Penetron waterproofing applied to manufacturer's instructions and provide 10 year guarantee to:-

F. Concrete surfaces SM 1

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Roof cover

A. 24 gauge pre-painted IT5 profile roofing sheets on steel roof construction (m/s) with and including self drilling screws

SM 1

B. 28 gauge ditto SM 1

Rainwater goods

C. 150mm diameter heavy gauge uPVC down pipe fixed to wall with and including hold fasts at 1000mm centres LM 1

Steel Windows

The following in purpose made steel casement windows in heavy duty 45 x 45 x 4mm thick mullions, transomes infilled in 40mm x 4mm thick 'T' and 'Z' section bearers, in-built mosquito proof gauze permanent vents hood with at top, high quality heavy duty polished brass ironmongery to M/s Kensmetal Ltd or other equal and approved fasteners, window stays, fixing lags, and apply primer before fixing, (burglar proofing m/s)

D. 3000 x 1500mm high comprising 2No. 600 x 1000mm high sliding sashes, rest fixed lights NO 1

Mild Steel Burglar Proofiing

20mm diameter mild steel burglar proofing welded at centres not exceeding 150mm to form pattern, fixed to masonry/ concrete including forming opening for fastener and stay reach all to details SM 1


E. 8mm thick clear laminated sheet glass and glazing with putty in panes exceeding 0.1sm but not exceeding 0.5sm SM 1

F. 6mm thick clear float glass and glazing with beads SM 1

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Approved polished terrazzo paving with and including plastic dividing strips

A. 15mm thick onto prepared screed (m/s) SM 1

B. 20 x 100mm thick skirting with rounded top and coved junction with floor LM 1

Approved polished granolithic paving with and including plastic dividing strips

C. 15mm thick onto prepared screed (m/s) SM 1

D. 20 x 100mm thick skirting with rounded top and coved junction with floor LM 1

Chipboard ceiling fixed to brandering (m/s) all necessary cutting, trimming and filling all joints

E. 9mm thick SM 1

Softboard ceiling fixed to brandering (m/s) all necessary cutting, trimming and filling all joints

F. 12mm thick SM 1

Heavy duty Polyvinyl chloride floor tiles fixed with approved adhesive to Dunlop (K) Ltd. Manufacturers or equal and approved

G. 2.0 mm thick SM 1

Medium Density Fibre Board

H. Ordinary MDF board not exceeding 25mm thick softwood lipped all round SM 1

I. MDF board veneered to one face hardwood lipped all roundSM 1

J. Ditto veneered both sides SM 1

Carried to collection


Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts

Reflective glass film as 'Tirupati' or other equal and approved (Provisional)

A. Supply and fix one-way reflective film onto glazed doors to client's approval SM 1

Automatic sensor sliding glass door

B. 1000 x 2400mm high x 10mm thick frameless toughened glass door complete with and including top and bottom sliding rail, locking devices, sensors, all electrical components, accessories, etc. to details (basement floor) NO 1

Carried to collection


From Page 2-419

'' '' 2- 420

'' '' 2-421

'' '' 2-422

'' '' 2-423

'' '' 2-424

'' '' 2- 425

'' '' 2-426

'' '' 2-427





Item Description Unit Qty Rate KShs Cts



A. Provide the Provisional Sum for Fluctuations Sum 30,000,000


B. Provide the Provisional Sum for Landscaping Sum 5,000,000

External Walk Ways Cover

C. Provide the Provisional Sum for External Walkways Canopy to Later Details Sum 5,000,000

Project Manager's Costs and Expenses

D. Provide the Provisional Sum for Project Manager's Costs and Expenses Sum 5,000,000

Sports Fields

E. Provide the Provisional Sum for Sports Fields Sum 10,000,000


F. Provide the Provisional Sum for Contingency Sum 50,000,000







2.1 Particular Preliminaries 2-242

2.2 General Prelimaries 2-255

2.3 Main Building - Structural Works 2-279

2.4 Main Building - Architectural Works 2-336

2.5 External Works within Plot boundary1. Clear Site 2-3382. Drive and Parking 2-3403. Walkways and Foot paths 2-3414. Storm water Drainage 2-3465. Sewer Drainage 2-3486. Boundary Wall 2-3537. Gate Houses 2-373

2.6 Sports Fields Support Facilities1. Storm Water Drainage 2-3782. Changing Rooms 2-4003. Offices 2-416

2.7 Day Works & Schedule of Rates 2-426

2.8 Provisional Sums and Contingency 2-428


2.10 ADD: 16% VALUE ADDED TAX 16%









2.0Preliminaries, Structural, Architectural, Civil Engineering Works, Provisional Sums


3 VOLUME 3 - ELECTRICAL WORKS3.1 General Electrical Installation Works3.2 Standby Power Generator3.3 AVR & UPS Installations3.4 Nurse Call and Master Clock & P.A.3.5 Security Systems3.6 ICT3.7 Lifts3.8 BMS

Sub Total Volume 3

4 VOLUME 4 - MECHANICAL WORKS4.1 Plumbing, Drainage and Fire Fighting Services

4.2Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Services Installation

4.3 Medical Gases4.4 Renal Unit4.5 Kitchen & Laundry Equipment Installation4.6 Borehole Sinking & Equipping

Sub Total Volume 4

6 SUB TOTAL - Vol 2 + Vol 3 + Vol 4



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