bible 101 interpretation to explain or tell the meaning of something

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Bible 101InterpretationTo explain or tell the meaning of something

• Describe an experience when someone misunderstood your instructions or explanation.

• What factors contribute to misunderstanding?

Have you been misinterpreted?

Your interpretation of the Bible

•What are some truths you believe that you are sure come from a correct interpretation of the Bible?

•What gives you confidence about your interpretation?


• Hermeneutics: the art and science of Biblical interpretation– Sufficiency of Scripture: “We believe that this

Holy Scripture contains the will of God completely and that everything one must believe to be saved is sufficiently taught in it.” Belgic Confession (1561) Article 7

– Perspicuity of Scripture: The meanings of the text can be clear to the ordinary reader. God uses the text to communicate His person and will.


• Exegesis: The careful study of the original meaning

of a text, getting at the truth that the original author would endorse. It is the meaning that leads from the text.

• Eisegesis: Setting aside concern for the original

author’s intended meaning and proposing another meaning that is of greater importance to the reader. It is to push meaning into the text. Judson Poling, Discovering the Bible for Yourself: Interpretation, .pp. 28-29.

“As soon as the reader’s outlook is permitted to determine what a text means, we have… quite possibly as many meanings as readers.” E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Validity in Interpretation

Hapax (meaning: once)

• Referring to the occasional situation in which a verse appears to state something that cannot be corroborated anywhere else in Scripture. A “hapax” verse should not be the basis for doctrine (major teaching) or practice.

• For example the phrase, “baptized for the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:29) is the foundation for the Mormon system of proxy baptism.

Judson Poling, Discovering the Bible for Yourself: Interpretation, .p. 41.

Interpretation Activity

• Consider the following headline “Bears Maul Lions.”

• What are some ways of interpreting this phrase?

• Where could it be found in the newspaper?

Interpretation Activity

he is an old man and experienced in vice and wickedness he is never found in opposing the works of iniquity he takes delight in the downfall of his neighbors he never rejoices in the prosperity of his fellow creatures he is always ready to assist in destroying the peace of our society he takes no pleasure in serving the Lord he is uncommonly diligent in sowing discord among his friends and acquaintances he takes no pride in laboring to promote the cause of christianity he has not been negligent in endeavoring to stigmatize all public teachers he makes no effort to subdue his evil passions he strives hard to build up satan a kingdom he lends no aid to the support of the gospel among heathen he contributes largely to the devil he will never go to heaven he must go where he will receive the just recompense of reward

Figures of speech

• Metaphor describes something in terms of something else, creating a picture that throws light on the thing described. When Jesus said, ‘I am the Good Shepherd’ (John 10:11) he was using a ‘shepherd’ metaphor to describe his role.

• Simile is a comparison between people or things with something else that throws light on the description. A clue is the use of like or as. An example is this description of Jesus. “His appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow.” Matt. 28:3

• Parable is a contrived story that is intended to teach a lesson, such as the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8:4-8

Figures of speech (continued)

• Hyperbole is an exaggeration for the purpose of bringing force and vividness of the subject presented. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26

• Anthropomorphism is when human features are projected on God. (1 Pet. 3:12). "For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears unto their supplication: but the face of the Lord is upon them that do evil.“

• Others: round numbers, compressed events, metonymy, type, paraphrase, idiom. Judson Poling, Discovering the Bible for Yourself: Interpretation, .pp. 33-34.

Figures of speech: activityMatch the figure of speech with the Bible verse or verses in which it is used.

1. "So I (God) will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My miracles which I shall do in the midst of it; and after that he will let you go.” Exodus 3:20

2. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matt. 13:44-46

3. "Streams of water run down mine eyes, because they observe not thy law." Psalm 119:136

4. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

A. Anthropomorphism

B. HyperboleC. MetaphorD. SimileE. Parable

Types of literature: Styles

• Narrative: accurate but selective stories of important people and events in Biblical history.

• Didactic: Material that directly teaches readers to believe or do something.

• Poetry: Visual language and figures of speech that communicate truth, often using parallelism for emphasis.

• Prophecy: Writings that expose sin, call for repentance and obedience, and in some instances predict the future.

Types of literature: OT


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy


Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Poetry Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

Prophecy(Major Prophets)

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel

Prophecy(Minor Prophets)

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Types of literature: NT

Narrative Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts

Didactic (Teachings)

Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude

Prophecy Revelation

Types of literature: activityMatch the type of literature with the verse that is given as an example.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. Eccl. 3:1-2

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth… Rev. 21:1

All the believers were one in heart and mind... Acts 4:32

But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6

A. DidacticB. NarrativeC. PoetryD. Prophecy

Interpretation guidelines: S.A.L.T.

Structure• How are the author’s thoughts organized?• What is the subject? What are the verbs?• How does the verse begin? Does it connect to

a previous thought or is it a conclusion?Atmosphere• What is the emotional tone or mood of the

passage.• This helps with the interpretation and


Interpretation guidelines: S.A.L.T.

Literary Form (What is the Genre?)• Narrative• Poetry• Didactic• Prophetic

Terms• What significant terms need to be

defined by an English dictionary or Bible dictionary?

Interpretation guidelines: R. C. Sproul

1. Interpret the part by the whole.• Scripture interprets Scripture so

that whole remains consistent.• The clear interprets the unclear.• The primary interprets the

secondary.• That which is stated multiple

times interprets that which is said only once or rarely.

Interpretation guidelines: R. C. Sproul

2. Follow the literal sense first.• Attempt to go with the obvious

meaning rather than some “hidden” message.

• Simple sense is better than contrived.• Follow the rules of the type of literature

the passage belongs to. Don’t force poetry to follow the rules or narrative or apocalyptic material to follow the rules of historic material and so on.

Interpretation guidelines: R. C. Sproul

3. Use the grammatico-historical method as a starting point.

• The grammar and historical setting influences meaning.

• Elaborate or obscure schemes or meanings should be viewed with skepticism.

Interpretation activity

1. What type of literature is this?2. What figures of speech are

present?3. What obvious teaching of this

passage is consistent with other teachings of Scripture?

4. What words or concepts might uniquely reflect the grammar or historical setting of this passage and thereby influence the way it is to be interpreted?

5. What is a summary of the key content of this passage?

6. What should we do as a result of this message? (general application)

7. What should I do as a result of this message? (personal application)

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:18-20 

Interpretation activity

1. What type of literature is

this?2. What figures of speech

are present?3. What obvious teaching of

this passage is consistent with other teachings of Scripture?

4. What words or concepts might uniquely reflect the grammar or historical setting of this passage and thereby influence the way it is to be interpreted?

5. What is a summary of the key content of this passage?

6. What should we do as a result of this message? (general application)

7. What should I do as a result of this message? (personal application)

The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

Your interpretation of the Bible

•What topics from this presentation seem to be of greatest importance to you for correctly interpreting the Bible?

•What Bible passage or passages come to your mind that present challenges for interpretation?

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