
Post on 03-Nov-2015






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|| 8

Chapter Ten

Battle Between the Devas and Demons|| 8.10.1 ||r-uka uvca

iti dnava-daitey

nvindann amta npa

yukt karmai yatt ca


ukadeva Gosvm said: O King! The demons and Daityas, though engaged with full attention in churning the ocean, did not obtain the nectar because they were opposed to the Lord.The Tenth Chapter describes how, after the Lord disappeared, the demons and devats wages war, and how the Lord made his appearance when the devats were overpowered by the demons my.|| 8.10.2 ||sdhayitvmta rjan

pyayitv svakn surn

payat sarva-bhtn

yayau garua-vhana

O King! After the Supreme Lord had produced nectar and given it to his devotees the devats, he disappeared on Garua while everyone watched.Yayau means he disappeared.|| 8.10.3 ||sapatnn parm ddhi

dv te diti-nandan

amyam utpetur

devn pratyudyatyudh

Seeing the superior good fortune of their enemies, the demons, unable to tolerate it, attacked the devat with raised weapons.|| 8.10.4 ||tata sura-ga sarve

sudhay ptayaidhit

pratisayuyudhu astrair


Thereafter, the devats, who were under the shelter of Nryaas feet and were strengthened by drinking the nectar, counterattacked the demons with their weapons.

|| 8.10.5 ||tatra daivsuro nma

raa parama-drua

rodhasy udanvato rjas

tumulo roma-haraa

O King! A fierce, hair-raising battle took place on the beach of the ocean of milk between the devas and the demons. The verb took place should be supplied.

|| 8.10.6 ||tatrnyonya sapatns te

sarabdha-manaso rae

samsdysibhir bair

nijaghnur vividhyudhai

Both parties, extremely angry, with hatred for each other, met on the battlefield and attacked each other with swords, arrows and a variety of other weapons.

|| 8.10.7 ||akha-trya-mdagn

bher-amari mahn


nadat nisvano 'bhavat

The sounds of the conchs, horns, drums, bhers and amars as well as the sounds made by the elephants, horses, chariots and soldiers, were tumultuous.

|| 8.10.8 ||rathino rathibhis tatra

pattibhi saha pattaya

hay hayair ibh cebhai

samasajjanta sayuge

On that battlefield, the charioteers fought with the opposing charioteers, the infantry soldiers with the opposing infantry, the soldiers on horseback with the opposing soldiers on horseback, and the soldiers on the backs of elephants with the enemy soldiers on elephants. In this way, the fighting took place between equals.

|| 8.10.9 ||urai kecid ibhai kecid

apare yuyudhu kharai

kecid gaura-mukhair kair

dvpibhir haribhir bha

Some soldiers fought on the backs of camels, some on the backs of elephants, some on asses, some on red-faced monkeys, some on tigers and some on lions. In this way, they all engaged in fighting.

|| 8.10.10-12 ||gdhrai kakair bakair anye

yena-bhsais timigilai

arabhair mahiai khagair

go-vair gavayruai

ivbhir khubhi kecit

kkalsai aair narai

bastair eke ka-srair

hasair anye ca skarai

anye jala-sthala-khagai

sattvair vikta-vigrahai

senayor ubhayo rjan

vivius te 'grato 'grata

O King! Some soldiers fought on the backs of vultures, eagles, cranes, hawks and other types of vultures. Some fought on the backs of timigila fish, some on the backs of arabhas, and some on buffalo, rhinoceroses, cows, bulls, jungle cows and aruas. Others fought on the backs of jackals, rats, lizards, rabbits, human beings, goats, black deer, swans and boars. In this way, mounted on animals of the water, land and sky, including animals with deformed bodies, both armies faced each other and went forward.Bastai means on goats.

|| 8.10.13-15 ||citra-dhvaja-paai rjann

tapatrai sitmalai

mah-dhanair vajra-daair

vyajanair brha-cmarai


arcirbhir varma-bhaai

sphuradbhir viadai astrai

sutar srya-ramibhi


dhvajinyau pu-nandana

rejatur vra-mlbhir

ydasm iva sgarau

O King! O descendant of Mahrja Pu! The soldiers of both the devats and demons were decorated with canopies, colorful flags, umbrellas having diamond handles, and fans made of peacock feathers. Their garments and turbans waved in the breeze. In the sunshine their shields, ornaments and sharp, clean weapons appeared dazzling. The ranks of soldiers gathered in two lines seemed like two oceans with bands of aquatics.

|| 8.10.16-18 ||vairocano bali sakhye

so 'sur cam-pati

yna vaihyasa nma

kma-ga maya-nirmitam


sarvcaryamaya prabho

apratarkyam anirdeya

dyamnam adaranam

sthitas tad vimngrya

sarvnkdhipair vta


reje candra ivodaye

O King! For that battle the commander-in-chief, Mahrja Bali, son of Virocana, was seated on a most astonishing, inconceivable and indescribable airplane named Vaihyasa, manufactured by the demon Maya. It was equipped with weapons for all types of combat, was sometimes visible and sometimes invisible, and could travel anywhere. Seated in this airplane under an umbrella and being fanned by the best of cmaras, Mahrja Bali, surrounded by his commanders, appeared just like the rising moon. || 8.10.19-24 ||tasysan sarvato ynair

ythn patayo 'sur

namuci ambaro bo

vipracittir ayomukha

dvimrdh klanbho 'tha

prahetir hetir ilvala

akunir bhtasantpo

vajradaro virocana

hayagrva akuir

kapilo meghadundubhi

traka cakradk umbho

niumbho jambha utkala

ario 'rianemi ca

maya ca tripurdhipa

anye pauloma-kley


alabdha-bhg somasya

kevala klea-bhgina

sarva ete raa-mukhe

bahuo nirjitmar

siha-ndn vimucanta

akhn dadhmur mah-ravn

dv sapatnn utsiktn

balabhit kupito bham

Surrounding Mahrja Bali on all sides were the commanders of the demons, with their vehicles. Among them were the following demons: Namuci, ambara, Ba, Vipracitti, Ayomukha, Dvimrdh, Klanbha, Praheti, Heti, Ilvala, akuni, Bhtasantpa, Vajradara, Virocana, Hayagrva, akuir, Kapila, Meghadundubhi, Traka, Cakradk, umbha, Niumbha, Jambha, Utkala, Aria, Arianemi, Tripurdhipa, Maya, the sons of Puloma, the Kleyas and Nivtakavaca. All of these demons had been deprived of their share of the nectar and had merely shared the labor of churning the ocean. Strong and competent to defeat the devats, they made a tumultuous sound like the roaring of lions and blew loudly on conchs. Lord Indra, upon seeing his proud rivals, became extremely angry.

|| 8.10.25 ||airvata dik-kariam

rha uubhe sva-r

yath sravat-prasravaam

udaydrim ahar-pati

Sitting on Airvata, an elephant which can go anywhere and which holds water and wine in reserve for showering, Lord Indra looked just like the sun rising over Udayagiri with its waterfalls.Prasravanam means waterfalls and giving water.|| 8.10.26 ||tasysan sarvato dev


lokapl saha-gaair


Surrounding Lord Indra were the devats, seated on various types of vehicles and decorated with flags and weapons. Present among them were Vyu, Agni, Varua and other rulers of various planets, along with their associates.

|| 8.10.26 ||te 'nyonyam abhisastya

kipanto marmabhir mitha

hvayanto vianto 'gre

yuyudhur dvandva-yodhina

The devats and demons came before each other and reproached one another with words piercing to the heart. Then they began fighting in single combat.|| 8.10.28 ||yuyodha balir indrea

trakea guho 'syata

varuo hetinyudhyan

mitro rjan prahetin

O King! Mahrja Bali fought with Indra, Krttikeya with Traka, Varua with Heti, and Mitra with Praheti.Asyata means they threw weapons.

|| 8.10.29 ||yamas tu klanbhena

vivakarm mayena vai

ambaro yuyudhe tvar

savitr tu virocana

Yamarja fought with Klanbha, Vivakarm with Maya Dnava, Tva with ambara, and the sun-god with Virocana.

|| 8.10.30-31 ||aparjitena namucir

avinau vaparva

sryo bali-sutair devo

ba-jyehai atena ca

rhu ca tath soma

pulomn yuyudhe 'nila

niumbha-umbhayor dev

bhadrakl tarasvin

Aparjita fought with Namuci, and the two Avin-kumra brothers fought with Vaparv. The sun-god fought with the one hundred sons of Mahrja Bali, headed by Ba, and the moon-god fought with Rhu. Vyu fought with Puloma, and umbha and Niumbha fought the supremely powerful Bhadra Kl.

|| 8.10.32-34 ||vkapis tu jambhena

mahiea vibhvasu

ilvala saha vtpir

brahma-putrair arindama

kmadevena durmara

utkalo mtbhi saha

bhaspati coanas

narakea anaicara

maruto nivtakavacai

kleyair vasavo 'mar

vivedevs tu paulomai

rudr krodhavaai saha

O suppressor of enemies! Lord iva fought with Jambha, and Vibhvasu fought with Mahisura. Ilvala, along with his brother Vtpi, fought the sons of Lord Brahm. Durmara fought with Cupid, the demon Utkala with the Mtk demigoddesses, Bhaspati (Jupiter) fought with ukrcrya (Venus), and anaicara (Saturn) fought with Naraksura. The Maruts fought the Nivtakavacas, the Vasus fought the Klakeya demons, the Vivedevas fought the Pauloma demons, and the Rudras fought the Krodhavaa demons. || 8.10.35 ||ta evam jv asur surendr

dvandvena sahatya ca yudhyamn

anyonyam sdya nijaghnur ojas

jigavas tka-arsi-tomarai

All of these devats and demons, engaged in single combat on the field, came close to each other, attacked, and struck each other vigorously with sharp arrows, swords and lances.|| 8.10.36 ||bhuuibhi cakra-gadari-paiai

akty-ulmukai prsa-paravadhair api

nistria-bhallai parighai samudgarai

sabhindiplai ca irsi cicchidu

They severed one another's heads, using weapons like bhuuis, disks, clubs, spears, three-pointed spears, pikes, firebrands, barbed darts, hatchets, swords, lances, iron clubs, hammers and javelins.These are different types of weapons.

|| 8.10.37 ||gajs turag sarath padtaya

sroha-vh vividh vikhait



The elephants, horses, chariots, infantry soldiers and various kinds of carriers, along with their riders, were slashed to pieces. The arms, thighs, necks and legs of the soldiers were severed, and their flags, bows, armor and ornaments were torn apart.Those riding the carriers and the carriers were cut. vsa means a bow. Tanutra is armor.

|| 8.10.38 ||te padghta-rathga-critd

yodhand ulbaa utthitas tad

reur dia kha dyumai ca chdayan

nyavartatsk-srutibhi pariplutt

Because of being ground by feet of the combatants and the wheels of the chariots, particles of dust from the battlefield flew violently into the sky and covered the sky and sun. But when the particles of dust were filled with drops of blood, they fell back to earth.

The dust which had risen up because of being ground up on the battlefield fell back to earth, because of being soaked with drops of blood. Another version has paripluta, modifying the dust particles. It should be understood that the particles of blood floated up to the sun.

|| 8.10.39 ||irobhir uddhta-kira-kualai

sarambha-dgbhi paridaa-dacchadai

mah-bhujai sbharaai sahyudhai

s prstt bh karabhorubhir babhau

In the course of the battle, the field became strewn with the severed heads of heroes, their eyes still staring and their teeth still pressed against their lips in anger. Helmets and earrings were scattered from these severed heads. Similarly, many arms, decorated with ornaments and clutching various weapons, were strewn here and there, as were many thighs, which resembled the trunks of elephants.Prstt means completely covered.

|| 8.10.40 ||kabandhs tatra cotpetu



dhvanto bhan mdhe

Many headless trunks appeared on that battlefield. With weapons in their arms, those ghostly trunks, which could see with the eyes in the severed heads, attacked the enemy soldiers.

The headless bodies could see using the eyes from the severed heads.

|| 8.10.41 ||balir mahendra daabhis

tribhir airvata arai

caturbhi caturo vhn

ekenroham rcchayat

Mahrja Bali then attacked Indra with ten arrows and attacked Airvata, Indra's carrier elephant, with three arrows. With four arrows he attacked the four guardians of Airvata's legs, and with one arrow he attacked the driver of the elephant.

Vhn refers to the porters of the elephants legs. He pierced the elephant driver (roham).

|| 8.10.42 ||sa tn patata akras

tvadbhi ghra-vikrama

ciccheda niitair bhallair

asamprptn hasann iva

Before Bali Mahrja's arrows could reach him, Indra, who is expert in dealing with quick arrows, smiled and cut the approaching arrows with sharp arrows, so that they did not reach their targets.

|| 8.10.43 ||tasya karmottama vkya

durmara aktim dade

t jvalant maholkbh

hasta-sthm acchinad dhari

When Bali Mahrja saw the expert military activities of Indra, he could not tolerate the action. Thus he took up a pike blazing like a great firebrand. But Indra cut that weapon to pieces while it was still in Bali's hand.Bali could not tolerate (durmara).

|| 8.10.44 ||tata la tata prsa

tatas tomaram aya

yad yac chastra samdadyt

sarva tad acchinad vibhu

Thereafter, one by one, Bali Mahrja used a lance, a dart, a javelin, swords and other weapons, but whatever weapons he took up, Indra cut them to pieces.

|| 8.10.45 ||sasarjthsur mym

antardhna-gato 'sura

tata prdurabhc chaila

surnkopari prabho

O King! Bali Mahrja then disappeared and resorted to demoniac illusions. A giant mountain then appeared above the heads of the devat soldiers.

|| 8.10.46 ||tato nipetus taravo

dahyamn davgnin

il saaka-ikhar

crayantyo dviad-balam

From that mountain fell trees blazing in a forest fire along with stones with sharp edges like hatchets, which smashed the enemy troops. Burning trees fell along with stones which were sharp like hatchets.

|| 8.10.47 ||mahorag samutpetur

dandak savcik

siha-vyghra-varh ca

mardayanto mah-gaj

Scorpions, large snakes and many other poisonous animals, as well as lions, tigers, boars and huge elephants, all began falling, crushing the enemy soldiers.

|| 8.10.48 ||ytudhnya ca ataa

la-hast vivsasa

chindhi bhindhti vdinyas

tath rako-ga prabho

O King! Many hundreds of female demons, naked and carrying spears, and many Rkasas as well appeared, crying "Cut them to pieces! Pierce them!"

|| 8.10.49 ||tato mah-ghan vyomni


agrn mumucur vtair

hat stanayitnava

In the sky, huge clouds, thundering with deep, cruel sound, harassed by strong winds, began to shower embers.Stanayitnava means thundering.

|| 8.10.50 ||so daityena sumahn

vahni vasana-srathi

svartaka ivtyugro

vibudha-dhvajinm adhk

A huge, fierce fire created by Bali Mahrja accompanied by blasting winds, like the fire of final devastation, began burning all the soldiers of the devats. Adhk means it burned.

|| 8.10.51 ||tata samudra udvela

sarvata pratyadyata

pracaa-vtair uddhta-


The ocean with frightening waves and eddies whipped by fierce winds flooded over the shoreline on all sides.|| 8.10.52 ||eva daityair mah-myair

alakya-gatibh rae

sjyamnsu mysu

viedu sura-sainik

When invisible demons who were expert at tricks created this illusion, the soldiers of the devats lost hope.

|| 8.10.53 ||na tat-pratividhi yatra

vidur indrdayo npa

dhyta prdurabht tatra

bhagavn viva-bhvana

O King! When the devats could find no way to counteract the activities of the demons and meditated upon the Supreme Lord, the protector of the universe appeared.

|| 8.10.54 ||tata suparsa-ktghri-pallava

piaga-vs nava-kaja-locana

adyatyudha-bhur ullasac-


The Supreme lord, whose eyes resembled the petals of a newly blossomed lotus, with his feet on Garua's shoulders, dressed in yellow, decorated by the Kaustubha gem and Lakm, wearing an priceless helmet and earrings, and holding eight weapons, became visible.|| 8.10.55 ||tasmin pravie 'sura-ka-karmaj

my vineur mahin mahyasa

svapno yath hi pratibodha gate

hari-smti sarva-vipad-vimokaam

As a dream ceases when the dreamer awakens, the illusions created the demons were vanquished by the power of the Supreme Lord as soon as he entered the battlefield. Indeed, simply by remembrance of the Lord, one becomes free from all dangers.Mahin means by his power (mahimn).|| 8.10.56 ||dv mdhe garua-vham ibhri-vha

vidhya lam ahinod atha klanemi

tal llay garua-mrdhni patad ghtv

tenhanan npa savham ari tryadha

O King, when the demon Klanemi, who was carried by a lion, saw that the Supreme lord, carried by Garua, was on the battlefield, the demon shook his trident, and discharged it at the Lord. The Lord, the master of the three worlds, easily caught the trident as it approached Garuas head. With the very same weapon he killed Klanemi, along with his carrier.Klanemi had a lion as his carrier (ibhri-vha). vidhya means shaking. The Lord caught it as it approached with his left hand killed (ahanat = ahan) the demon.

|| 8.10.57 ||ml sumly atibalau yudhi petatur yac-

cakrea ktta-irasv atha mlyavs tam

hatya tigma-gadayhanad aajendra

tvac chiro 'cchinad arer nadato 'ridya

Thereafter, two very powerful demons named Ml and Suml were killed by the Supreme Lord, who severed their heads with his disc. Then Mlyavn, attacked the Lord. With his sharp club, the demon, who was roaring like a lion, attacked Garua. But the Supreme Lord, the original person, with his disc cut off the head of that enemy who roared like a lion.He cut off his head with his cakra (yat-cakrena). He struck at the Lord (tam). As soon as Mlyavn attacked Garua, the Lord severed his head. dya means the Lord. Thus ends the commentary on the Tenth Chapter of the Eighth Canto of the Bhgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous cryas This is an animal with eight legs and the strength of an elephant and lion.

This is perhaps a firearm.

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