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Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Bojan Schianetz, Beyond Good Health , Brisbane



News & Updates

Inside this issue:

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by Bojan Schianetz


What Are The Dangers Of MRI Scans

Personal Invitation to a special one day seminar

Special OfferHumor Corner

Dear Friend, Since being introduced in 1974, the Magnetic resonance imaging device (MRI) has become an important medical diagnostic tool. Even though the MRI is not using any dangerous radiation like X-rays, it uses a magnetic field that is

about 10.000 times stronger than that of the earth. Some experts see a potential danger, especially for patients with certain medical devices implant. As an Environmental Health Engineer and highly energy sensitive person, I am worried about all potential sources of magnetic and electromagnetic fields in our environment. To be clear, if you are inside an

MRI, you are lying within a huge magnet. Like all magnets, those within the MRI machine attract iron and iron-containing materials like implants, certain medication pumps, older vascular stents, pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators or

What Are The Dangers of MRI Scans?



gastrointestinal clips. For this reason make sure your doctor knowns about all implants in your body before doing the MRI. And what about a person without any implants? Is there any risk? Let’s look at first at EMF safety values. After more than 25 years of intensive study, the health and safety conscious Swedish government has established a safety limit for exposure to ELF magnetic field at 2.5 milligaus and VLF magnetic fields at only 0.25 milligaus. To give you an idea, whilst writing this article I am exposed to 0,80 milligaus in front of my mac tower and two large screens. I did several measurements in my car and got 12 milligaus, in some other newer cars of my clients I measured up to 94 milligaus. Some people experience sore legs, especially the right leg which operates the gas pedal where EMF is highest. Pilots who are exposed to EMF from 100-200 milligauss cannot fly more than a limited amount without considerable brain fog and fatigue. And an average hair dryer, vacuum cleaner or can opener can emit 300 milligaus or more!An MRI uses amazing 75,000 milligauss Electromagnetic Field Radiation (ELF). Let’s say a metal object, such as a spoon were to be in the room when they switch the machine on, it would pass through the MRI machine and might cause you injuries. Because of this strong field, MRIs can cause internal free-radical metallic minerals in the body to pass through cellular walls like tiny bullets and can cause internal cellular bleeding.As you are perhaps aware, EMF-safety is a very controversial topic. The Swedish standard is the lowest in the world and generally accepted by alternative engineers and scientists. If someone consistently experiences exposure which exceeds the standard, that person could be at risk for developing health problems which range from headaches, fatigue, and dizziness to skin rashes, miscarriage, leukemia, and cancer. I leave the conclusions of this article totally to you. But consider this, every time you have an MRI, you are exposed to an incredible ELF bombardment. And depending on the purpose, an MRI scan can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. Do you think your body can withstand this punishment and completely unharmed? What is your decision?

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It is only a few weeks ago since I ran a one-day “Secret of Longevity” event. The participants really loved it and now I am excited and thrilled to invite you to the next amazing event in only a couple of weeks ahead. My passion is teaching, sharing and helping you to live the life you really want.

From my experience working with thousands of clients, I believe that diseases, all unhappiness and discontent in life arises from conflicts set up in the body as a result of chronic stress, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. These conflicts causes your muscles to tense up and block energy flow which causes pain, discontent, depression and tiredness.

You have an infinite energy source in the universe always available to you for your creation. If you can intentionally harness this energy source, you can transform your current experience of reality and create and design the life you truly desire.

This seminar (and all my training and treatments) are VERY different. Although I acknowledge and use some of the techniques of The Law Of Attraction and other self-help philosophies, I know they are simply not complete and for this reason don’t work on their own. My intention is to show you how you can uncover a deep, inner source of power within you and how you can direct your energy positively and intentionally to influence your body, your emotional state, your environment, your financial conditions and your purpose.

PERSONAL INVITATION FROM BOJAN“The Secret of Creating Your Reality”The Proven 7 Step System That Gives You Purpose And

Power to Create The Life You Want!

One Day SeminarBrisbane, Sat, 06 Oct 2012

This Is Different To Every Other Book, Course Or Coaching Program You’ve Been To - Here’s Why...

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This will not be another quick fix seminar, as you know, I am simply not into it. I want to impact you long term by sharing with you amazing tools that really have worked in my life and with many of my clients. Only 3 years ago I launched a new system, called Accelerated Creation System (ACS), to help people to create what they want in all areas of their life. Since then I tested and refined it with more than 2000 clients very successfully. In fact I’m continually humbled with the results we have achieved. I find many of my clients are looking for…

A solution for health problems An effective plan for money worries An answer for relationship struggles A Way to find direction and personal


There is no better time to start to change your life than right now. Make this decision once and I will be there with you as your coach. Many people want to create the life they always dreamed of, and the mere thought of it paralyzes them. Why? Because they are tired, frustrated, stressed, desperate, ashamed, doubtful or fearful. Or some are simply looking unconsciously for an escape plan. Perhaps just moving to a new city or changing the partner would allow them to start over.

The Secret to Creating Change is knowing in your heart that you are ready to change and by taking actually the first step! My upcoming seminar could be for you a new start.

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