best feed reader apps

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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When Google announced that Google Reader was being discontinued, Feedly gained 3 million new users in less than a month. It's not hard to see why Feedly is popular—its clean

and simple interface is a perfect solution for the casual reader who wants to see all of their websites in one place.

Price : Free; $5.41/month

Building a personalized newsfeed


Another very popular RSS app is Feedbin. Once you’ve subscribed to your favorite sites, you

can use Feedbin’s tagging system to organize your content into categories. Reading content

on Feedbin is a breeze—the interface is nicely designed and allows for distraction-free

reading (think Pocket with built-in feeds). Feedbin integrates with many popular Read Later

and social media apps, and also allows you to add custom sharing services if your favorite

tool isn't supported.

Price : $3.00/month

Advanced search


NewsBlur's most interesting feature is its sophisticated filtering, which can automatically highlight or hide stories based on certain criteria. If you spend some time "training" your filters, the system will learn your preferences and try to surface the stories that interest you

most. That way, you can subscribe to as many sites as you want, and still only see the content you're interested in.

Price : Free; $2.00/month

Predictive article filtering

Feed Wrangler

Feed Wrangler’s goal is to help you "wrangle" the news. It's a distraction-free reader—boasting perhaps the cleanest interface in this list—that makes managing feeds simple. You can follow your favorite sites, and even use its beta podcast stream to listen to


Price : $1.60/month

Advanced feed organization


Inoreader allows you to subscribe to Twitter and Google+ users or searches, giving you one app for all of your online reading needs. You can then share your favorite articles on social networks or broadcast them within Inoreader, which shares your favorite content with your


Price : Free; $1.25+/month

Long term content archiving


One of the most popular self-hosted RSS apps is Fever. It's a standard RSS reader, with folders to organize your feeds and a simplified reading view. Once you've added your favorite sites, Fever's goal is to "take the temperature" of your RSS feeds and highlight

popular content—the more content you subscribe to, the better it works.

Price : $30/month

Surfacing most popular content

Self Hosted


Selfoss is open source, so you can download it for free, dig into its code, and customize

things if you'd like. You can add additional data sources, build plugins to add extra features,

and download pre-made extras from its community. It'll take a bit more work to start using,

but will let you make a feed reader that's tailored to your needs.

Price : Free

Customizing your RSS reader

Self Hosted

Read more about the best feed reader apps here

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