bernina - 7th heaven campaign results 2012-2013

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Bernina - 7th Heaven Campaign Results 2012-2013


Campaign Report: November 1, 2012 – January 17, 2013 Client: BERNINA Canada Campaign:7eventh Heaven Date Prepared: January 25, 2013 Prepared By: E. Melton

Bernina Canada’s goals were ultimately fivefold: 1)  Commence the process of email list building

2)  Engage the dealer network in digital marketing

3)  Test online response to “contest/offer” 4)  Test consumer response to online coupons

5)  Drive in-store traffic

Campaign Goals


Google Dashboard

Campaign Statistics

•  Impressive Results 121,000 Visits

•  Email via PURL 8,731 visits – approx. 7%

•  Sharing & Primer Advertising over 110,000 visits – 93%

•  Google indicates that almost all traffic is Canadian

•  Smc2 indicates 14,122 new opt-ins – 12% overall (weak)

•  Email indicates 14,122 email: 3,596 existing & 10,526 NEW

•  Coupon Activations 3,861 – 27% of Optins (strong)

•  Sharing 4,091 – 29% of Optins (standard 30%)

Results Notes

Google Audience

•  Google indicates 117,129 visits (very close to system stats) •  Interestingly, Google reports site had 77% new visits •  Page views impressive on both Smc2 & Google (brand building) •  Google suggests 97% of the Traffic is Canadian •  675,000 page views •  5 pages per visit

Google Audience

•  Program has some irregularities although we cannot pinpoint the activity to any one specific IP or activity

•  December 5-18, 2012 chart indicates unexplained activity

•  December 14, 2012 – 12,097 visits & only 271 Optins

•  Smc2 & Google charts show this activity consistantly

Results Irregularities


Google Funnel

Keeping in mind that Smc2 tracks unique visitors via email and we captured 14,122 emails, there are some discrepancies. Google on the other hand tracks all visits, as such, it would appear that the program is getting multiple entries per person. Yet based on 115,000 unique visits and 14,122 email addresses tracked, it would seem that each email is entering 8 times which I believe is unlikely. Given the unexplained activity Dec 5 - Dec 18, 2013 and the 12,097 visits on December 14, 2012, a ‘bot’ or group is the likely explanation. That issue is one part of the discussion, as there are obviously people entering multiple times.

Funnel Notes

Google Content

Programs generally pick up momentum over time, however, the chart is a visual to the overall impact. Clearly the chart shows that we have steady activity during the program term. Noting that the Prime Advertising Program ran November 12 - December 12, 2012 we can see that the email drivers from the Dealers had more impact over the program. This is further evidence that Smc2 is more responsive to email drivers.

Google Content

Traffic Analysis

The use of email and the PURL is evidenced again by the results, with a 53% Optin rate. 8,734 via PURL – 4,670 Optin (53%) – 21% shared 25,332 via Share – 1,993 Optin (8%) – 49% shared 87,877 via Other – 7,457 Optin (8%) – 28% shared* As such, the purl accounted for a significant Optin rate again at 53%. Those arriving from “SHARE” are most most likely to share again at 49%. Sharing is reasonable, 21%, 49% and 28%, all in the normal range, most cased approx. 30%. *Prime Advertising (email inclusive) impacts Other category.

Traffic Analysis Notes

Pleased to see 6 generations of sharing, and note that those that enter and Optin via Share continue to share at a strong rate of 49% and over.

Generations Summary

Sharing Vehicles

Interesting result with this program, Facebook generally is at the 70-80% range. Yet in this specific case Facebook sharing is at the 58% level. Twitter at 12% and Email at 9% (based on the demographic, this was expected to be higher). LinkedIn however accounted for 21% of the share, which is quite unusual. We will watch for any consistency with LinkedIn on future programs.

Sharing Vehicles Notes

Channel Analysis


Survey Resulys

Much information can be gleaned from the basic introductory questions we have asked of the respondents. Again,15% are indicating a purchase over the next 12 months. It would seem prudent to consider an offer directly to this 1,991 consumers directly. Keep in mind that many respondents click “all” buttons to be sure they are not overlooked in any way. Email marketing plans should include information and offers that surround sewing, quilting, embroidery and home décor which corresponds to the previous campaign. Keep in mind that many respondents click “all” buttons to be sure they are not overlooked in any way.

Survey Says

Facebook Likes (New: 1617)

Twitter Followers (New: 96)

There were 8 dealers that participated in the program and for the most part the open rates were in the 22-31% range. 1)  Academy of Fine Sewing – 528 2)  Cotton by Post – 803 3)  Fabric Boutique – 279 4)  Huckleberrys – 805 5)  My Sewing Room – 7,468 6)  Oakville Sewing – 1,733 7)  Piece Makers – 599 8)  Triangle Sewing – 775 9)  Bernina Canada 10,024*

Not returning – Sew in Tune, Sew A Way, Creekbank, Running Stitch, Shirley’s Sewing, Great Notion, Knit & Stitch, Sewing Sensation

Dealer Email Notes

1)  Twitter Followers + 96 2)  Facebook LIKES + 1,617 3)  Email + 10,527 Unique 4)  Total Email + 20,689

*Argyle Social tracks conversions generated from owned social media properties. We’ve found that the average value of a Twitter follower for our customers is $3.00 per year, a Facebook fan is $3.68 and an Email address approx. $6.00. The overall goal is to build these properties into engaged consumers and into measurable sales.


Experts in Contests, Sweepstakes & Promotions. Incentive

styled marketing solutions using email, social media and

advertising techniques that build digital communities,

engage consumers and deliver a targeted response.

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