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1WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia


04FloresCBT Sharing Between Sikka District and Waturaka Village 07

Tanjung PutingBabukung Festival 15

TorajaSwisscontact Board of Trustees Visits Toraja 16

WakatobiGalampa Palaenga

Cover storyA HospitalityCoaching Programfor Hotels in Flores4th Edition October - December 2015

2 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Progress on Toraja Programs Presented to Regional Stakeholders

WISATA Program

South Sulawesi’s Tourism and Culture Office along with the Regional Secretariat’s Partnership Bureau on August 27, 2015 facilitated a focus group discussion to go over the developments of programs that have been implemented in Toraja. During the half-day meeting, the Makassar office presented updates and information on progress that have been made for each targeted project outcomes, exit survey results, as well as the vocational education program to stakeholders at the provincial level. The meeting, expected to be held three times in one year in the future, was attended by the destination, marketing, and partnership departments under the Tourism Office of South Sulawesi, representatives from the Makassar Tourism Office, the South Sulawesi Development Planning Board (Bappeda), which overlooks all ongoing NGO programs in the region, as well as the Honorary Consul of Switzerland.

Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Sulawesi Selatan bersama dengan Biro Kerja Sama Sekretariat Daerah pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2015 memfasilitasi diskusi mengenai perkembangan implementasi program di Toraja. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, perwakilan dari kantor Makassar mempresentasikan kemajuan-kemajuan yang telah dicapai dari tiap proyek yang ditargetkan, hasil exit survey, dan program pendidikan kejuruan pada pemangku kepentingan di tingkat provinsi. Diskusi tersebut dihadiri oleh bidang destinasi, marketing, dan kerja sama Dinas Pariwisata Sulawesi Selatan, perwakilan dari Dinas Pariwisata Kota Makassar, Bappeda Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Biro Kerja Sama Pemerintah Sulawesi Selatan yang mengawasi seluruh program organinasi non pemerintah di kawasan tersebut, serta Konsulat Kehormatan Swiss di Makassar. Kegiatan serupa diharapkan dapat diadakan secara regular setiap empat bulan.


Deputy Program Manager of Swisscontact WISATA presented about the progress on Toraja programs to regional stakeholderMakassar

By Ferry Samosir – Deputy Program Manager

3WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

The project is supported by SECO in cooperation with Ministry of

Tourism, implemented by Swisscontact

*No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form by

any means.

Apa KabarThe WISATA program initiated a unique package as part of quality and standard improvement. HoCo, a new hospitality coaching program for small hotels and guesthouses. Through a sequence of trainings and coaching, HoCo supports small hotels and guesthouses to improve its working mechanism and service quality targeting to be more competitive and efficient; increase guest satisfaction, and learn the benefits of low-cost and easy solutions to being environmentally friendly.

This edition highlights pilot activities of the HoCo program in Labuan Bajo, Flores with five small hotels as participants and you can observe how participants will benefit through its implementation to improve quality and standard of their workplace.

Happy reading and warmest regards from all of us.

Ruedi NuetziSwisscontact WISATAProgram Manager


PublisherSwisscontact WISATAJl. Batur Sari No. 20SB, SanurDenpasar - Bali 80227Indonesia

PhotographySwisscontact WISATADinas Pariwisata Wakatobi

CoverTraining & coaching sessions of HoCo with 5 small hotels and guesthouses in Labuan Bajo, Flores

Sesi pelatihan dan pendampingan HoCo bersama 5 hotel dan guest house kecil di Labuan Bajo, Flores

Design & LayoutSwisscontact WISATA

PrinterPT Cintya Denpasar


07 15 1604 Tanjung PutingBabukung Festival

TorajaSwisscontact Board of Trustees Visits Toraja

WakatobiGalampa Palaenga

FloresCBT Sharing Between Sikka District and Waturaka Village

08 18Cover StoryA Hospitality Coaching Program for Hotels in Flores

Vocational & Higher EducationFirst-Ever International Forum on Destination Management Held in Bali

Content & Publisher's Note


04 FloresCBT Sharing Between Sikka District and Waturaka Village 07 Tanjung Puting

Babukung Festival 15 TorajaSwisscontact Board of Trustees Visits Toraja 16 Wakatobi

Galampa Palaenga

Cover storyA HospitalityCoaching Programfor Hotels in Flores4th Edition October - December 2015

4 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Terletak di kaki Kelimutu, Desa Waturaka adalah sebuah destinasi wisata di Flores yang kini berkembang sukses dalam mengelola pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, dengan Air Terjun Muru Keba, pemandian air panas Kolorongo, dan agro wisata sebagai beberapa atraksi menarik yang ditawarkan. Dengan perkembangan tersebut, Waturaka dipilih menjadi tuan rumah sebuah program kunjungan pada tanggal 29 September hinga 3 Oktober 2015 yang diikuti oleh 40 perwakilan dari desa wisata lainnya di Ende dan Sikka. Program tersebut merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari pelatihan yang sebelumnya pernah dilangsungkan di Desa Wolowiro dan Poma dan bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas para peserta dan membangun kemitraan antar desa. Michael Mane, selaku kepala bidang kerja sama Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Sikka yang memfasilitasi kunjungan tersebut, menyatakan bahwa tujuan dari program kunjungan adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan daerah-daerah tersebut dalam mengembangkan daya tarik pariwisata mereka. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam program kunjungan ini antara lain adalah para peserta dari Desa Poma, Wolowiru, Sikka, Humauta, dan Wuliwtarik, yang juga berkesempatan memberikan presentasi mengenai daya tarik wisata yang ditawarkan di masing-masing wilayah.Pelatihan keuangan juga menjadi bagian dari rangkaian program kunjungan, dipandu oleh Ida Ayu Danik Suardhani selaku manajer program operasional Swisscontact Wisata. Pelatihan yang berlangsung selama tiga hari tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi para pelaku pariwisata lokal mengenai cara-cara mengelola pendapatan yang diterima dari pengembangan daya tarik wisata di tiap-tiap daerah. Acara ditutup dengan pidato oleh Wilhelmus Sirilus selaku kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Sikka.


Located at the foot of the Kelimutu volcano, Waturaka is a growing destination in eastern Flores region that has successfully developed community-based tourism, with the Muru Keba Waterfall, Kolorongo hot springs, and agro tourism being among its most appealing attractions. Look at to its success, the village was selected to host a visitation program that ran from September 29 to October 3, 2015 with a total of 40 participants from tourism villages in Ende and Sikka districts. Held as a capacity building and networking event, the activity is a follow-up to earlier training programs held in the villages of Wolowiro and Poma and is facilitated by the Sikka Tourism Office. Michael Mane, head of the office’s partnership department, emphasized that the visitation is aimed at expanding participants’ knowledge on ways to develop the tourism industry in each of their areas. Involved in the event were participants from the villages of Poma, Wolowiru, Sikka, Humauta, and Wuliwutik—all of whom conducted a presentation on their region’s tourism attractions—as well as the subdistrict head, musolaki, and Sikka’s tourism awareness group. The program also covered a three-day financial training, which was delivered by Swisscontact Wisata program operation manager, Ida Ayu Danik Suardhani, with the purpose of training locals on how to manage income received from the development of tourism attractions in the area. The visit culminated with a speech by Wilhelmus Sirilus, head of the Sikka Tourism Office.

Community Based Tourism Sharing Between Sikka District and Waturaka Village


Participants of Internship Program on Community Based Tourism from Sikka and WaturakaWaturaka, Flores

Participants of financial trainingWaturaka, Flores

By Nadia Natasha – Intern from STP Bandung

5WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

“Flores adalah wilayah di mana tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan kualitas yang tidak dapat diremehkan dari wilayah lain. Misalnya kopi, yang sangat terkenal bagi masyarakat setempat di mana kopi menjadi salah satu unsur yang harus ada di setiap rumah.” Tulisan tersebut adalah kutipan dari artikel karya Stephen, siswa kelas XI tata boga SMK Swakarsa Ruteng yang memenangkan lomba menulis artikel pada 12 Desember 2015 lalu.Kegiatan tersebut merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang diinisiasi oleh Swisscontact dalam program kerja sama dengan SMK Swakarsa. Kegiatan yang mengangkat tema “Kuasai Duniamu dengan Membaca” ini diadakan dengan tujuan untuk membangun kesadaran pihak sekolah mengenai pentingnya program perbaikan perpustakaan untuk menciptakan sebuah ruang yang dapat menyalurkan minat baca, serta untuk meningkatkan kompetensi serta wawasan siswa dan guru dengan buku yang tersedia. Untuk mengawali program ini, Swisscontact menyerahkan 550 buku sebagai alat pendukung pengembangan perpustakaan.Diikuti oleh 29 siswa, para peserta didorong untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas dalam menulis sesuai minat mereka. Selain itu, tiga orang guru dari SMK Swakarsa Ruteng juga turut mengikuti lomba merangkum bacaan dari sebuah buku, kegiatan yang bertujuan menambah wawasan baru dan mendorong para guru untuk menemukan solusi bagi masalah yang terjadi dalam sekolah melalui bacaan tersebut. “Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada Swisscontact yang telah menyelenggarakan acara ini dan berharap peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini dapat membagikan kepada teman yang lain,” ucap Bapak Kanisisus Wirawan, wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum. Pengumuman pemenang dilangsungkan pada 14 Desember 2015 dan mendapat apresiasi yang besar dari Bapak Donatus Renggo selaku kepala sekolah. Flores DMO mensponsori hadiah yang diberikan kepada pemenang lomba.

“Flores is an area where plants area able to grow with the kind of quality that should not be overlooked by other regions. Coffee, for example, is an important part of the local culture, one that has become an important element that is present in every household.” These lines are an excerpt from an essay written by Stephen, a grade 11 student studying food and beverages at the Swakarsa Ruteng vocational high school (SMK) who on December 12, 2015, won a writing competition held by Swisscontact. In a partnership with the school, Swisscontact initiated a writing competition themed “Reading is to Know”, which is hoped to raise awareness among the school’s teachers and staff on the importance of creating a library that can nurture interest in reading among students, improve students’ competency, as well as expand their knowledge through the books provided at the library. As the first move, Swisscontact handed over 550 books as supported tools to develop the library.A total of 29 students participated in the competition, where they were required to get creative in writing an essay on their preferred topic of interest. Separately, three teachers also participated in a reading comprehension contest, where they were required to present a book summary from their reading, an activity aimed at encouraging teachers to learn new things and at helping them discover solutions to issues within the school from the books that were read. “We thank Swisscontact for organizing the event and we hope participants who have joined these activities are able to share their experience with their friends,” said Kanisius Wirawan, curriculum vice principal of SMK Swakarsa Ruteng. Winners of the contest were announced on December 14, 2015, which also received positive feedback from school principal, Mr. Donatus Renggo. Prizes offered to the winners were sponsored by the Flores DMO.


Conquer The World Through Reading


The winners of writing competition hold the prizes sponsored by Flores DMOSMK Swakarsa Ruteng, Flores

By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications

6 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

E Food covers have come a long way from serving its function of keeping food on tabletops away from unwanted visitors. At traditional wedding parties in Central Kalimantan, food covers are often used as decorative accessories—replete with flowers, leaves, beads, and letters attached to them, tailor-made upon request. Today, however, this must-have kitchen item, known locally as tudung saji, have become a local ethnic handicraft sold to tourists as souvenirs. In the Mendawai neighborhood of Pangkalan Bun, Kotawaringin Barat,

food covers made of rampias (nypa frutican) leaf are among the most sought-after local handicrafts and are sold to both local and international tourists at a price of approximately Rp15.000 to Rp500.000 a piece, depending on its size. While popular, however, there remains a decreasing number of artisans producing this traditional craft as its popularity seem to have waned among the younger generation. Local artisans would therefore gladly welcome anyone interested in learning the art of making beautiful food covers at their workshops.

Tudung saji tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai penutup makanan. Di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, kerajinan tradisional berbahan dasar daun rampias (nipah) ini menjelma menjadi cinderamata yang diminati oleh wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri. Awalnya, kerajinan etnik ini digunakan dalam acara pernikahan sebagai dekorasi dinding dengan hiasan manik-manik berbentuk bunga, daun, huruf, dan sebagainya sesuai pesanan. Seiring berjalanannya waktu, tudung saji mulai diperjualbelikan dan menjadi oleh-

oleh khas Kotawaringin Barat.Sayangnya, saat ini kerajinan khas yang dijual dengan kisaran harga Rp 15.000 hingga Rp 500.000 ini dibuat oleh para manula saja dengan jumlah pengrajin yang semakin sedikit. Pengrajin tudung saji banyak ditemui di daerah Mendawai, Pangkalan Bun dan mereka sangat menyambut baik bagi siapapun yang tertarik mempelajari cara membuat kerajinan ini, termasuk memberikan pelatihan kepada para wisatawan yang ingin belajar langsung saat ke sana.


Food Covers Find New Life as Unique Souvenirs from Kotawaringin Barat

Food cover sold as local ethic souvenir from Kotawaringin BaratKotawaringin Barat, Pangkalan Bun

Hj. Nur Bakti, one of food cover artisan

By Oxa Faradila Ramadhani – Intern from STP Bandung

7WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Tanjung Puting

Up to 1,000 bukung participated while local community from 88 surrounding villages were in attendance on October 11, 2015, at the second Babukung Festival, a program aimed to preserve Kalimantan Tengah culture and promote Lamandau’s range of tourism offerings. The annual festival, which broke a MURI (Indonesian Museum of Records) record, saw locals come together to perform as bukungs—men wearing masks of local animals such as a hornbill, pig, monkey, bird, bay, and prawns, among others—in a dance ritual typically held as part of a funeral ceremony for an individual from within the Dayak Tomun community. Called babukung, the ritual is a symbol of joy and togetherness where a bukung would dance to unique beats and sounds made using bamboo sticks as a means of comforting the grieving family.Kalimantan Tengah governor opened the festival, which was held at the Nangabulik Square in Kalimantan Tengah’s Lamandau district and involved judges from STSI Jogjakarta.

Sebanyak 1.000 bukung berpartisipasi dan masyarakat dari 88 desa sekitar meramaikan Festival Babukung pada 11 Oktober 2015 di Alun-alun Nangabulik, Kabupaten Lamandau, Kalimantan Tengah. Digelar selama tiga hari berturut-turut, festival kedua ini merupakan bagian dari usaha pelestarian budaya masyarakat Dayak Lamandau, khususnya Dayak Tomun, sekaligus sarana promosi potensi wisata Kabupaten Lamandau. Bukung adalah sebutan orang yang mengenakan topeng unik dalam berbagai wujud binatang yang dikenal masyarakat lokal, seperti rangkong, babi, monyet, burung, bahkan udang dalam ritual upacara kematian masyarakat Dayak Tomun. Sebagai simbol kebahagiaan dan kebersamaan masyarakat Dayak, sambil menggoyangkan bambu panjang yang menghasilkan bebunyian unik, para bukung akan menari untuk menghibur keluarga yang berduka. Acara tahunan tersebut berhasil memecahkan rekor MURI (Museum Rekor Indonesia) dan dibuka oleh Gubernur Kalimantan Tengah, sementara kelompok juri dihadirkan dari STSI Jogjakarta.


Preserving, Promoting Lamandau Culture through Babukung Festival

Bukungs dance on the Babukung FestivalLamandau, Kalimantan Tengah

By Oxa Faradila Ramadhani – Intern from STP Bandung

8 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

A Hospitality Coaching Program for Hotels in Flores

While beautiful and noteworthy sites may be essential elements in attracting tourists to a certain destination, the existence of solid hospitality services built around them, including the availability of accommodations whose quality and standards meet the needs of visitors, is also an important element that marks the success of a tourism destination. Unfortunately, this aspect of tourism development continues to be a challenge across many destinations in Indonesia, including Flores, which is a popular tourism destination that cunts access to the Komodo National Park and Kelimutu as two of its top attractions.In an exit survey developed by Swisscontact WISATA, 25 percent of visitors in Flores highlighted the need for better quality and variety of accommodation on the island. It is based on this demand that the DMO Flores has come together with the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association’s (PRHI) Manggarai Barat branch to implement a pilot Hospitality Coaching (HoCo) program that runs from November 2015 to March 2016. HoCo was developed by Swisscontact in close cooperation with Flores DMO, in reference to ILO’s Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) program, which is a global technical assistance program initially developed for medium- to large-scale enterprises in the manufacturing sector. HoCo is a program for small hotels and guesthouses that sets out to support these businesses to become

more competitive and efficient, enable them to improve guest satisfaction, and teach them the benefits of using simple and low-cost solutions to being environmentally friendly. HoCo begins with a personalized business assessment for each participant in order to measure the impact of the program and subsequently adapts the training to cater to individual challenges faced by the different participating businesses. The training program includes workshops that offer practical information through interactive group activities as well as discussions where each participating hotel is required to create an own action plan to tackle challenges in their workplace. In in-house coaching visit, activities are tailored to the needs of the participating business and offer one-on-one intensive guidance by a HoCo trainer who assists in the implementation of action plans and in finding solutions. HoCo training program has a maximum of five participating businesses, ranging from small hotels to guesthouses with a maximum of 15 employees and a minimum of one staff. It is hoped that by involving members of the management and staff in the training cycle, as well as through the creation of hotel improvement teams, HoCo could have a positive impact in creating business operations that are more sustainable.


Coaching session on workplace cooperation with the staffs of Matahari HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

Coaching session on workplace cooperation with the staffs and manager of CF Komodo HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications

9WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Daya tarik wisata yang mengagumkan merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi minat turis untuk mengunjungi sebuah destinasi. Namun guna menciptakan industri pariwisata yang berkelanjutan, adanya pelayanan pariwisata yang baik, tersedianya akomodasi berkualitas dan sesuai dengan standar yang diharapkan oleh pengunjung, juga merupakan elemen penting yang menandai keberhasilan sebuah destinasi. Sayangnya, hal tersebut kerap menjadi tantangan bagi sektor pariwisata di berbagai destinasi, termasuk Flores, pulau yang kerap menjadi tujuan turis lokal dan internasional yang hendak mengunjungi Taman Nasional Komodo dan Kelimutu. Dalam sebuah exit survey yang dikembangkan oleh Swisscontact WISATA, sebanyak 25 persen wisatawan Flores merasakan perlunya akomodasi yang lebih bervariasi dan berkualitas. Untuk memenuhi harapan tersebut, DMO Flores bersama

dengan Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Manggarai Barat mengimplementasikan program Hospitality Coaching (HoCo) di Flores sebagai proyek percontohan selama November 2015 hingga Maret 2016. HoCo dikembangkan oleh Swisscontact bekerja sama dengan DMO Flores, dengan merujuk pada program Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) dari ILO, sebuah program teknik bantuan global yang awalnya dicetuskan untuk usaha kecil menengah dalam sektor manufaktur. Dalam implementasinya di bidang pariwisata, HoCo adalah sebuah program pembinaan untuk hotel-hotel kecil dan guesthouse yang bertujuan mendukung usaha-usaha kecil tersebut agar lebih efisien dan memiliki daya saing, mampu meningkatkan kepuasan tamu, dan untuk membantu para pelaku usaha tersebut menyadari manfaat dari solusi mudah dan murah untuk menjadi usaha


Cover Story

Coaching session on workplace cooperation with the staffs of Green Perundi HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

Coaching session on workplace cooperation with the staffs and manager of CF Komodo HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

10 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

yang ramah lingkungan. Guna mendapatkan mendapatkan penilaian yang sesuai, rangkaian kegiatan HoCo dimulai dengan penilaian usaha peserta yang disesuaikan dengan berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi tiap hotel. Dalam sesi loka karya, para peserta mempelajari berbagai informasi praktis melalui kegiatan-kegiatan kelompok yang interaktif serta diskusi yang mengharuskan peserta untuk membuat rencana aksi

dalam menghadapi tantangan di tempat kerja. Sebagai lanjutan dari sesi loka karya, Pelatih kemudian mengadakan kegiatan pembinaan, di mana dalam kunjungan tersebut disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan tiap usaha. Pelatih juga menawarkan bimbingan intensif perorangan dalam mengimplementasikan rencana aksi dan membantu tiap usaha menemukan solusi untuk tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi. Program HoCo dapat menampung paling

banyak lima hotel kecil dan guest house yang mempunyai maksimal 15 karyawan dan minimal satu karyawan. Melalui keterlibatan dari pihak pengelola dan staf dalam program pelatihan, serta dengan adanya tim naik kelas, diharapkan program HoCo dapat meningkatkan operasional usaha-usaha para peserta secara berkelanjutan.

Coaching session on service quality with the staffs of Green Perundi HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

Coaching session on workplace cooperation with the staffs of Komodo Indah HotelLabuan Bajo, Flores

11WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Cover Story

The HoCo program covers three different issues, all of which are explored across a series of activities that include both training workshops and in-house coaching sessions. The first workshop addressed the issue of workplace cooperation and took place at Jayakarta Hotel, Labuan Bajo, on November 18, 2015. Five hotels participated in the training, namely the Matahari Hotel, CF Komodo Hotel, Surya Hotel, Green Perundi Hotel, and Komodo Indah Hotel. Representatives of these properties had the opportunity to learn the importance of team work and communication in solving workplace problems, as well as ways to improve their businesses through what is called the 5S strategy (Sort, Set in place, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), and techniques of measuring changes that have been made. As a follow-up to this training session, in-house coaching activities were held, where trainers paid participating businesses a visit and assisted their teams in implementing action plans that had been developed during the workshop session. The second training workshop touched on the issue of service quality and human resources management and was conducted at the Luwansa Beach Resort in Labuan Bajo on December 8, 2015. During this session, the trainer highlighted the importance of human resources management, as well as service quality and

The HoCo Training and Coaching

E customer satisfaction. Participants were also taught to use simple tools in measuring customer satisfaction, such as by using customer feedback forms. Komodo Indah Hotel emerged as the participant that showed the most progress in implementing their action plan during the session and received a prize from the Flores DMO. These changes were measured from the improved cleanliness of guestrooms and the living room, and in the better organization of items. “We expect to implement what HoCo has taught us and improve the hotel. We expect that more guests will come and stay longer at our hotel,” said Wiya, a Komodo Indah Hotel staff.For the program to achieve its goal, appropriate teaching strategies had to be implemented. Trainers made sure to involve participants in a learning-by-doing approach, as well as in an integrated learning methodology that they also hope would better motivate participants. DMO Flores has also trained a number of local trainers as a capacity building effort and to ensure the sustainability of the HoCo program, which is expected to continue in the long run. A total of four would-be local trainers were given the chance to gain deeper understanding of the HoCo coaching method and the specific training contents. Local trainers are hoped to help participants in tackling challenges in their businesses as well as improve the quality of their properties.

Trainers and participants of first HoCo training on workplace cooperationLabuan Bajo, Flores

12 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Pelatihan dan Pembinaan HoCoProgram HoCo menyorot tiga tema utama yang dipelajari melalui beberapa sesi loka karya dan program kunjungan pembinaan. Sesi loka karya pertama menyorot isu kerjasama di tempat kerja, dan diadakan pada tanggal 18 November 2015 di Hotel Jayakarta. Lima hotel berpartisipasi dalam program HoCo yang pertama ini, yaitu Matahari Hotel, CF Komodo Hotel, Surya Hotel, Green Perundi Hotel, and Komodo Indah Hotel. Para peserta berkesempatan mempelajari pentingnya kerja sama dan komunikasi dalam memecahkan masalah, strategi 5S dalam pengembangan bisnis (Sisih, Susun, Sasap, Sosoh, Suluh) dan juga beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan

untuk mengukur berbagai perubahan yang nantinya akan dilakukan. Loka karya kedua didakan di Luwansa Beach Resort pada tanggal 8 Desember 2015, membahas pengelolaan sumber daya manusia serta kualitas pelayanan. Dalam sesi ini, para pelatih menyampaikan pentingnya perhatian akan kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan, dan mengajarkan penggunaan metode-metode sederhana dalam meningkatkan pelayanan, yaitu dengan penggunaan lembar kritik dan saran yang nantinya diisi oleh para pengunjung. Pada sesi kedua tersebut, Hotel Komodo Indah memenangkan penghargaan dari Flores DMO sebagai hotel yang menunjukkan kemajuan terbesar dalam mengimplementasikan berbagai rencana yang dibuat pada sesi loka karya awal. Perubahan terlihat dari meningkatnya kebersihan kamar dan ruang tengah, serta penyusunan barang-barang di gudang. “Kami berharap bisa melaksanakan apa

yang diajarkan untuk membangun hotel dengan baik. Kami berharap agar lebih banyak tamu yang datang dan menginap lebih lama,” tutur Wiya, seorang karyawati dari Hotel Komodo Indah.Untuk memastikan tercapainya tujuan program HoCo, para pelatih menggunakan pendekatan yang aktif dan terintegerasi yang diharapkan dapat memotivasi para peserta. DMO Flores juga membina beberapa pelatih-pelatih lokal guna membangun kapasitas masyarakat setempat dan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan program HoCo ke depannya. Selama proses pembinaan tersebut, empat kandidat pelatih lokal berkesempatan mempelajari metode pengajaran dan pembinaan HoCo serta materi pelatihan secara mendalam. Para pelatih lokal diharapkan dapat membantu peserta HoCo dalam mengatasi tantangan di tempat kerja dan memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan di hotel mereka.

Second HoCo training session on service quality and human resources management. Labuan Bajo, Flores

13WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Cover Story

“Green Perundi needs to learn to improve the quality of its services in order for tourism, especially in Labuan Bajo. HoCo was very helpful in assisting hotels to improve our services, cleanliness, guest reception, and in responding to guest complaints.”

“Green Perundi perlu belajar untuk bisa meningkatkan pelayanan lebih baik supaya pariwisata, khususnya di Labuan Bajo, lebih bagus lagi. HoCo sangat membantu hotel untuk meningkatkan pelayanan, kebersihan, cara menerima tamu, dan menanggapi keluhan tamu.”

UdinManager of Green Perundi Hotel

“After two days of training and coaching, I’m glad to learn about improvements that can be made, especially within this hotel. I would like to thank you for enabling me to learn more about the tourism industry, especially about hospitality.”

“Setelah dua pelatihan kemarin, saya merasa lega melihat perubahan yang bisa dilakukan di hotel ini. Saya sangat senang dan berterima kasih karena saya bisa mendalami ilmu pariwisata khususnya di bagian perhotelan lebih dalam lagi.”

AnaStaff at Komodo Indah Hotel

“The tight competition in the hospitality industry triggered me to improve the management of our property. I hope the things that were taught during HoCo could be implemented in our hotel as we get better in our management, facility, services, in recruiting human resources as well as in handling online promotion.”

“Persaingan hotel yang semakin ketat memacu saya untuk memperbaiki tata kelola di hotel kami. Harapannya, apa yang diajarkan di HoCo bisa dipraktekan di hotel kami sambil kami menyiapkan pengelolaan yang bagus, fasilitas, pelayanan, rekruitmen SDM, dan promosi online.”

RusdingManager at Matahari Hotel

“Participants have started putting into practice the things that were taught during the training. Hotels have put together and implemented their action plans and the coaching activities help them in ensuring that these plans can be implemented sustainably.”

“Para peserta sudah mulai mengadaptasi apa yang diajarkan saat pelatihan. Hotel sudah menyusun dan melaksanaan rencana aksi dan kegiatan pendampingan membantu agar rencana tersebut dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan.”

SefnittaFlores DMO

“Participants were very enthusiastic towards making improvements in their hotels. This can be seen in the progress that’s been made. The existence of local trainers will also be very helpful.”

“Para peserta sangat bersemangat untuk memperbaiki hotel mereka. Hal ini dapat terlihat dalam kemajuan yang telah mereka buat. Keberadaan dari pelatih lokal akan sangat membantu.”

Edi PurnomoOne of the Master Trainers

“We are glad to have someone pay attention to our work, because all this time we’ve only done things on our own and learned independently. HoCo was able to motivate us.”

“Kami senang karena ada yang memperhatikan kami, karena selama ini saya berjalan sendiri, belajar sendiri dalam usaha kecil kami, sehingga dengan HoCo ini bisa memotivasi kami.”

VeroOwner of CF Komodo Hotel

“I was interested to join HoCo as there are so many aspects that can be improved from this hotel, such as daily teamwork, communication, and the servicing of guests.”

“Saya tertarik ikut HoCO karena hotel masih banyak kekurangan mengenai bagaimana cara kerja sama harian, komunikasi, dan pelayanan kepada tamu.”

EnaReceptionist at Surya Hotel

What they said?

14 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

A Housekeeping Workshop for Trainers in Denpasar

Excellent skills and a positive attitude are both important elements to have when it comes to providing the finest services for guests in the hospitality industry. In a move to improve the qualifications of workers in the industry, Swisscontact WISATA developed a set of technical skill trainings on the topics of housekeeping, food and beverage, cooking, and guest reception. The technical skill training module on housekeeping has been finalized and successfully been tested. The module has been developed in reference to training material from the global HITT (High Impact Tourism Training) initiative. On November 20, 2015, a two-day training of trainers (ToT) program on housekeeping was held at SMKN 3 Denpasar, Bali. The program is focused on improving the capacity of local trainers, who will then be able to transfer the knowledge learned from the workshop to beneficiaries in their respective destinations. During the event, trainers had the opportunity to learn from Lisa Gordon Davis, an international training consultant from South Africa who is also one of HITT Cambodia’s leading consultants. Those who participated in the training include related project officers of Swisscontact WISATA, representatives of model SMKs (vocational schools), as well as Edi Purnomo, who is set to be a master trainer and will subsequently be responsible for training local trainers in the destinations. Based on the high impact training methodology, the program taught participants how to involve trainees in a learning-by-doing approach and how to connect lessons to practical work experiences through demonstrations and fun games.

E Keterampilan dan perilaku yang baik adalah dua hal penting untuk memastikan para pengunjung mendapatkan pelayanan yang terbaik dalam sebuah usaha pariwisata. Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan kualifikasi para pekerja, Swisscontact WISATA mengembangkan modul pelatihan keterampilan yang meliputi bidang tata graha, makanan dan minuman, masak memasak, serta penerimaan tamu. Modul pelatihan ketrampilan tata graha telah selesai dan berhasil diujicobakan. Modul tersebut dikembangkan dengan referensi materi pelatihan inisiatif global HITT (Pelatihan Pariwisata Berdampak Besar). Pada 20 November 2015, sebuah pelatihan tata graha diadakan di SMKN 3 Denpasar, Bali, selama dua hari. Pelatihan ini bertujuan mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan para pelatih lokal, yang kemudian akan membagikan pengetahuan yang didapatkan dari pelatihan tersebut pada pihak-pihak terkait di destinasi mereka masing-masing. Para peserta pelatihan berkesempatan belajar langsung dari Lisa Gordon Davis, seorang konsultan pelatihan internasional dari Afrika Selatan yang sekaligus merupakan konsultan unggul dari HITT Kamboja. Peserta yang hadir antara lain staff terkait dari Swisscontact WISATA, perwakilan dari SMK model, serta Edi Purnomo yang disiapkan untuk menjadi pelatih utama dan bertanggung jawab melatih para pelatih-pelatih lokal di destinasi nantinya. Berdasarkan metodologi pelatihan berdampak besar, para para hadirin dilatih untuk dapat melibatkan peserta secara aktif dengan berbagai kegiatan praktek langsung dan juga dilatih untuk dapat menghubungkan hal-hal yang dipelajari dengan pengalaman kerja melalui demonstrasi dan berbagai permainan interaktif yang menarik lainnya.


Cover Story

Ms. Lisa Gordon Davis delivered hospitality skill training on housekeeping to the participantsDenpasar, Bali

By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications

15WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia


The Swisscontact Board of Trustees (BoT) on November 25 to 27, 2015 took a trip to Toraja for an annual visit, accompanied by Swisscontact WISATA program manager Ruedi Nuetzi and deputy program manager Ferry Samosir. The visit kicked off with a brief meeting with the team at Swisscontact’s Toraja office and was followed by a visit to the Eran Batu vocational high school (SMK), one of the partnering SMKs in the region. Board president Heinrich Lanz inaugurated SMK Eran Batu’s school library, which was completed in a library improvement program that was initiated by Swisscontact.

In a visit to Sesean Suluoara, a community-based tourism area, members of the board were welcomed by a Manganda’ dance and were served traditional Toraja food for lunch, before a local guide named Simon took the group to visit Lo’ko’ Mata’, a burial area where bodies of the dead are stored inside a giant stone. Simon is one of the local guides who had joined an English class facilitated by Swisscontact to improve their skills in guiding visitors in the area.

An informal dinner was later held at Heritage Hotel to conclude the trip, attended by representatives from Toraja DMO, the tourism office, and other tourism stakeholders in the region. Board member Anna Christine Crole-Rees noted the Sesean Suluoara as one of the highlights of the Toraja visit.


Dewan Kepercayaan (BoT) Swisscontact mengadakan kunjungan ke Toraja pada 25-27 November 2015 lalu dalam rangka kunjungan tahunan yang juga dihadiri oleh Ruedi Nuetzi selaku manajer program Swisscontact WISATA dan Ferry Samosir selaku deputi manajer program. Kunjungan diawali dengan pertemuan singkat dengan tim kantor Toraja dan dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke SMK Eran Batu sebagai salah satu SMK partner. Heinrich Lanz selaku ketua dewan meresmikan perpustakaan sekolah yang pengerjaannya belum lama diselesaikan dalam program perbaikan perpustakaan yang diinisiasi Swisscontact.

Sementara itu, dalam kunjungan ke Sesean Suluoara’, sebuah area pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, para anggota dewan disambut dengan tarian Manganda’ dan disuguhi makanan tradisional Toraja oleh para pemangku kepentingan lokal, sebelum mengunjungi Lo’ko’ Mata’, kuburan dalam batu raksasa, dalam perjalanan yang dipandu oleh Simon. Simon adalah salah satu dari beberapa pemandu wisata lokal yang mengikuti kelas Bahasa Inggris, sebuah kegiatan yang difasilitasi oleh Swisscontact dalam rangka mengembangkan keterampilan para pemandu lokal.

Menutup rangkaian acara kunjungan, sebuah acara makan malam informal diadakan di Hotel Heritage, diikuti oleh perwakilan dari Toraja DMO, Dinas Pariwisata, dan pemangku kepentingan pariwisata lainnya. Anna Christine Crole-Ress, salah seorang anggota dewan, memberikan pujian atas kunjungna ke Toraja, terutama perjalanan ke Sesean Suluoara, yang menurutnya sangat menarik dan bernilai.


Swisscontact Board of Trustees Visits Toraja

Member of Borad of Trustees Swisscontact WISATA, and local stakeholder on a visit to TorajaToraja

By Tri Laksono Juliharto – PO External Destination Marketing

16 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Galampa Palaengaa Veranda of Creativity for Craftsmen in Tomia Island

With the breathtaking Hu’untete and Marimabu beaches, as well as the production of handicrafts by the local community, Tomia Island has become a leading destination for travelers who have set their eyes on Southeast Sulawesi’s Wakatobi National Park. But while it may have a lot to offer, the lack of market access remain an issue for the region’s craftsmen whose production—from bamboo bags and mats to wooden keychains—continues to hinge mainly on the orders they receive, a big bulk of which today comes solely from the government. Answering to the need to develop Tomia’s crafts sector as a supporting element to the island’s tourism scene, Swisscontact on October 22, 2015 initiated the establishment of a local craftsmen association. Named Galampa Palaenga, which means a “veranda of creativity”, the activity saw craftsmen come together to discuss a range of challenges faced in the industry, such as a lack of capital, facilities, marketing, skills, raw material, and product development. According to a participant, the business of producing and selling such crafts is yet to be sustainable enough for craftsmen to do it as their full-time livelihood and main source of income. The establishment of the association is therefore expected to help solve such issues through a series of trainings on financial management, partnership,

marketing strategy, and capacity building, among others.Attending the event was Head of Tomia Subdistrict, Mr. Safiuddin, who emphasized the importance of focusing on a marketing strategy to ensure locals could see their welfare as craftsmen improve. He also added, “We will prepare a place dedicated to selling local crafts in the region.”


Pulau Tomia, dengan keindahan Pantai Hu’untete dan Marimabu, serta banyaknya hasil kerajinan karya masyarakat setempat, kini menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata unggulan di Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Namun meski memiliki banyak potensi pariwisata, keterbatasan akses pasar bagi para pengrajin di Wakatobi, khususnya di pulau Tomia, kerap menjadi masalah bagi mereka yang saat ini memproduksi kerajinan—seperti tenun, tas dan tikar bambu, juga gantungan kunci kayu—yang sejauh ini didominasi oleh pesanan dari kalangan pemerintah.Untuk menjawab kebutuhan pengembangan sektor kerajinan sebagai salah satu pendukung kepariwisataan, Swisscontact pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2015 menginisiasi pembentukan asosiasi pengrajin Pulau Tomia. Dinamakan Galampa Palaenga, yang berarti “teras kreativitas”, dalam kegiatan organisasi tersebut para pengrajin


One of artisan in Tomia Island showed his handmade handicraft sold as souvenirTomia Island, Wakatobi

By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer Communications

17WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia


Swisscontact Connects CBT with the Tourism Businesses

As a community-based tourism (CBT) management in Liya Togo, Kepo’oli is aware of the importance of building partnerships and cooperation among related businesses in an effort to create a sustainable tourism system. On December 14, 2015, a workshop on partnership building was arranged by Swisscontact for Kepo’oli on Wangi-Wangi Island in Wakatobi, Central Sulawesi, bringing together a number of local tourism businesses such as dive operators, hotels, and resorts.

During the workshop, Kepo’oli presented a selection of tourism packages that range from natural sites, local heritage, and culture, including local activities, crafts, and culinary experiences as tourism attractions that can potentially be offered to visitors. The businesses in attendance responded with high enthusiasm, as witnessed from their words of appreciation as well as feedback on possible improvements that can be made to Liya Togo’s tourism packages. As a follow up to the program, a discussion will be held on the matter of creating a written agreement between CBT Liya Togo and any interested businesses.


berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan berbagai kendala yang dihadapi, antara lain masalah modal, fasilitas, pemasaran, keterampilan, bahan baku, serta pengembangan produk. Pada perkumpulan tersebut, seorang pengrajin menyampaikan bahwa hasil penjualan kerajinan masih belum bisa memenuhi kehidupan sehari-hari para pengrajin, sehinga sejauh ini hanya dapat dijadikan pekerjaan sampingan. Nantinya, Galampa Palaenga diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah penyelesaian masalah-masalah tersebut dengan mengadakan berbagai pelatihan, seperti pengelolaan keuangan, kemitraan, strategi pemasaran, dan peningkatan keterampilan.Bapak Camat Tomia, Bapak Safiuddin turut hadir dalam acara tersebut dan menekankan perlunya strategi pemasaran yang baik agar masyarakat dapat merasakan peningkatan kesejahteraan sebagai pengrajin. Beliau juga menegaskan, “Pemerintah setempat akan menyiapkan satu lokasi untuk memasarkan berbagai hasil kerajinan masyarakat Pulau Tomia secepatnya.”

Kepo’oli sebagai komunitas pengelola pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (CBT) di Liya Togo menyadari pentingnya kemitraan dan kerjasama antar pelaku usaha sebagai bagian dari upaya membangun sistem kepariwisataan yang berkelanjutan. Swisscontact pada 14 Desember 2015 memfasilitasi sebuah loka karya guna membangun kerja sama antara Kepo’oli dan pelaku usaha pariwisata seperti operator selam, hotel, dan resort yang diadakan di Pulau Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi, Sulawei Tengah.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Kepo’oli mempresentasikan paket wisata mereka mulai dari keindahan alam, peninggalan sejarah, dan budaya, termasuk berbagai aktivitas masyarakat, kerajinan, hingga kuliner lokal yang menjadi daya tarik bagi pengunjung. Antusias pelaku usaha sangat nampak dari berbagai apresiasi dan masukan yang disampaikan untuk menyempurnakan paket wisata di Desa Liya Togo. Rencananya, kegiatan tersebut akan ditindaklanjuti dengan pembahasan kesepakatan tertulis antara CBT Liya Togo dengan pelaku usaha yang berminat.


Weavings made by artisans in Tomia IsalandTomia Island, Wakatobi

Ms. Mursida, Chief of Kepo’oli presented about tourism package offered in Liya TogoWangi-wangi Island, Wakatobi

By Asri Kasim – Field Office Manager Wakatobi

17WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

18 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Vocational & Higher Education

The Bali Tourism Forum International (BTFI), the world’s first international forum on the issue of destination management, landed on the island of the gods on November 25 to 27, 2015, under the theme “The First World Destination Management Outlook.” Organized by the Nusa Dua Bali Tourism College (STPNB) and the Tourism Research Consortium of Udayana University, the event brought together both local and international speakers and participants with the aim of enhancing tourism destinations’ competitive edge and to ensure the development of sustainable and inclusive tourism practices in destinations across Asia-Pacific and around the world. During the pre-event, Swisscontact, together with Alastair Morrison, a distinguished professor from Purdue University and CEO of International Studies Association (ITSA), initiated a number of workshops on destination management issues. Swisscontact also facilitated Shassy Cahyani, a tourism destination studies student from Bandung Tourism College (STP Bandung) in presenting her research titled “The Effect of Bio-rock Reed Restoration on Tourist Travel Decisions at Pemuteran Bay, Bali.” Shassy was among the 60 individuals selected to deliver a presentation at the event and receive positive feedback from the audience. Speakers coming from a wide range of international background also presented talks on various issues during the forum, such as “Crisis Management for Destinations and DMOs” by Professor Lori Pennington-Gray from Florida University; “Destination Management and DMOs Challenges in Indonesia” by Dr. Frans Teguh from the Ministry of Tourism; “Digital Marketing for DMOs” by Professor Ulrike Gretzel from Queensland University; “Destination Community at the Center of Tourism Planning Process by Laurie Murphy, PhD from James Cook University. Closing remarks at the event was delivered by STPNB Director Drs. Dewa Gede Ngurah Byomantara, M. Ed and was subsequently followed by the official launch of the BTFI logo. Attended by over a hundred participants, the success of the BTFI–which presented “Contemporary Issue in Destination Management and DMOs” as the sub-theme–has seen a wave of positive feedback from both participants and presenters. “I thoroughly enjoyed my time and think the forum was a huge success,” Professor Lori Pennington-Gray said.

Forum Pariwisata Internasional Bali (BTFI) yang merupakan forum internasional pertama di dunia mengenai pengelolaan destinasti pariwisata diselenggarakan pada 25-27 November 2015 dengan mengangkat tema “Tinjauan Pengelolaan Destinasi Dunia Pertama.” Diorganisir oleh Sekolah Tinngi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali (STPNB) dan Konsorsium Peneliti Pariwisata dari Universitas Udayana, acara ini bertujuan meningkatkan daya saing destinasi pariwisata dan memastikan praktek pariwisata yang lebih inklusif dan berkelanjutan di kawasan Asia-Pasifik dan seluruh dunia. Pada persiapan forum tersebut, Swisscontact bersama dengan Alastair Morrison, profesor Universitas Purdue dan CEO International Studies Association (ITSA), memfasilitasi sejumlah loka karya mengenai pengelolaan destinasi pariwisata. Selain itu, Swisscontact juga memfasilitasi Shassy Cahyani, seorang mahasiswa jurusan destinasi pariwisata dari STP Bandung, dalam mempresentasikan penelitiannya yang berjudul “Dampak Terumbu Karang Bio-rock pada Pilihan Perjalanan Turis di Teluk Pemuteran, Bali”. Shassy adalah salah satu dari 60 individu yang terpilih sebagai presenter pada forum BTFI dan mendapat sambutan baik dari para hadirin. Beberapa pembicara yang memiliki pengalaman kelas dunia juga memberikan presentasi mereka seputar topik-topik hangat lainnya, seperti “Manajemen Krisis untuk Destinasi dan DMO” oleh Professor Lori Pennington-Gray dari Universtias Florida; “Pengelolaan Destinasi dan Tantangan DMO di Indonesia” oleh Dr. Frans Teguh dari Kementerian Pariwisata; “Pemasaran Digital Untuk DMO” oleh Professor Ulrike Gretzel dari Universitas Queensland; serta “Komunitas Destinasi di Pusat Proses Perencanaan Pariwisata” oleh Laurie Murphy, PhD. dari Universitas James Cook. Direktur STPNB, Drs. Dewa Gede Ngurah Byomantara, M. Ed, menutup acara yang diikuti oleh peluncuran logo BTFI. Kesuksesan BTFI yang menyajikan “Isu Kontemporer dalam Pengelolaan Destinasi dan DMO” sebagai sub-tema ini mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari para pembicara dan peserta. “Saya sangat menikmati acara ini, dan menurut saya forum ini berjalan sukses,” ucap Profesor Lori Pennington-Gray.


First-Ever International Forum on Destination Management Held in Bali

Committees, speakers, and partners of Bali Tourism Forum International Nusa Dua, Bali

Article by Adityani Masita - Project Officer Higher Education

19WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

Success Story

Toraja New Brand Launched at Lovely Toraja

Visitors, local communities, and traditional art groups from Toraja and other districts across Sulawesi Selatan came together to an annual festivity of Lovely Toraja on November 8 to 9, 2015. Groups of people in heavily decorated traditional costumes performed traditional dances, music, even a fashion show of a local designer. The two-day event was also a blaze showcasing Toraja’s finest buffalos. Twelve ambassadors from countries around the world witnessed the event, including the Ambassador of Zimbabwe, Ms. Alice Mageza, who emphasized in her speech how impressive the Toraja cultural performance was and the event as a whole indicated Toraja’s commitment to Indonesia’s “unity in diversity” slogan. “Toraja is the pride of Sulawesi Selatan, and it is a world heritage that should be maintained and preserved,” the Governor of Sulawesi Selatan - Syahrul Yasin Limpo – said in his remark. A new chapter of Toraja history in the Indonesia tourism also marked Lovely Toraja’s final day when a new brand for Toraja launched. Thousands of balloons set free into the sky above Toraja represented the new beginning of Toraja tourism development after hibernating for over a decade. The new logo and tagline development–“Discover the Sacred Highlands”–was initiated by Toraja DMO with support from the local and provincial governments. The initiative inspired the people and the local government authorities of the two districts i.e. Toraja Utara and Tana Toraja, to work hand in hand as a united tourism destination. The unity is expected to create a sustainable tourism that brings a positive impact on the preservation of Toraja culture and on economic growth for the local community.cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Pengunjung, masyarakat setempat, dan berbagai kelompok kesenian daerah dari Toraja dan beberapa kabupaten lainnya di Sulawesi Selatan turut hadir pada 8-9 November 2015 lalu dalam perayaan kebudayaan tahunan bertajuk Lovely Toraja. Kelompok kesenian memeriahkan rangkaian acara dengan mengenakan pakaian daerah dan menampilkan berbagai kesenian khas Toraja, mulai dari tarian, musik tradisional, hingga pagelaran busana karya perancang Toraja. Acara yang berlangsung selama dua hari tersebut juga dimeriahkan dengan pertunjukan berbagai jenis kerbau unggulan Toraja. Dua belas Duta Besar dari negara-negara sahabat menyaksikan acara tersebut termasuk Duta Besar Zimbabwe, Ibu Alice Mageza, yang dalam sambutannya menyampaikan bahwa dirinya terkesan dengan pagelaran kebudayaan yang ditampilkan dan bahwa acara tersebut menunjukkan komitmen Toraja pada slogan “Bhineka Tunggal Ika.” “Toraja adalah harga diri dan kebanggaan Sulawesi Selatan dan merupakan warisan dunia yang patut dijaga dan dilestarikan,” ucap Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan Syahrul Yasin Limpo yang turut hadir dalam acara tersebut.

Sebuah babak baru dari sejarah pariwisata Toraja di Indonesia menandai hari terakhir perayaan Lovely Toraja ketika citra baru Toraja diluncurkan. Ribuan balon yang dibebaskan ke langit Toraja merupakan awal baru pengembangan pariwisata Toraja setelah terlelap selama lebih dari satu dekade. Logo dan slogan baru Toraja–“Temukan Dataran Tinggi Nan Sakral”–digagas Toraja DMO dengan dukungan dari pemerintah daerah dan provinsi. Inisiatif ini menginspirasi rakyat dan pemerintah daerah dari dua kabupaten yaitu Toraja Utara dan Tana Toraja, untuk bekerja bersama sebagai satu kesatuan destinasi pariwisata. Hal ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan yang membawa dampak positif pada pelestarian budaya Toraja dan pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi masyarakat setempat.



Traditional dancers took picture in front of Toraja's logo backdropToraja

By Shyerly Hariyanto - Project Officer Communications

20 WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia

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