ber 17, 2021

Post on 16-Jan-2022






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TO: Policy Committee Members

FROM: Steve Stepek, AICP, Executive Director

DATE: November 10, 2021


REMOTE The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Policy Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. The following materials are included in the meeting packet:

1. Agenda for the November 17, 2021 Meeting 2. Informational Memorandum 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Technical Committee Report 5. Southcentral Michigan Planning Council Report 6. Draft Minutes of the October 27, 2021 Meeting 7. Congestion Management Process Draft Link 8. 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Draft Link 9. Traffic Data Collection Contract

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Zoom Video Conference Meeting or

Dial-in Number: 1-646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 835 8971 4861

Passcode: 530116

AGENDA Public Comments are limited to four minutes in length.




4. CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA (Any item listed under the Consent Agenda may be moved to the Regular Agenda upon request of any member of the public, any Policy Committee Member, or any staff member).


6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Non-agenda items only. Comments on agenda items should be made during discussion of those items.)












Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 15, 2021, 9:00 am

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Information Memo

TO: Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Policy Committee FROM: Steve Stepek, AICP, Executive Director DATE: November 10, 2021 SUBJECT: Information on the Policy Committee Agenda for the October 27, 2021 Meeting Here is information on the Policy Committee agenda items. 8. Congestion Management Process Draft A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a regionally accepted, systematic approach for managing congestion. It is a multi-modal approach to assess alternative strategies for congestion management and move these strategies into the funding and implementation stages. KATS developed the CMP in parallel with the draft Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Overall, the CMP is a minor update to the 2013 CMP. It incorporates data from our latest travel demand model and recently adopted performance measures. The draft has been available for public review since August. Due to the size of the file, a link to the document is included on the agenda. The Technical Committee and KATS staff recommend approval of the document. 9. Metropolitan Transportation Plan Draft The 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan final draft was posted for public review October 1st. Portions of the plan, including the non-motorized section, have been available for review since May. KATS held four virtual public engagement opportunities which had several attendees and robust discussion. The final draft incorporates comments received through the end of October. A few minor changes from the last draft were made, primarily due to comments from the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County. Those changes include a minor verbiage change to the last paragraph of the non-motorized chapter and an additional map layer to the proposed non-motorized facility map. After robust discussion at the November Technical Committee meeting (Link to recording, password is L7Q#0Hj& ), the Technical Committee and KATS Staff overwhelmingly supported the adoption of the plan as presented, but requested the non-motorized subcommittee meet in the first quarter of the year to discuss the RCKC’s concerns. The only dissent was from the RCKC. Due to the size of the MTP file, a link to the document is included on the agenda. 10. Traffic Data Collection Contract As previously discussed, KATS posted a request for proposals for traffic data collection during the month of September. The RFP requested work for 2022, 2023, and 2024 with an option to renew for an additional two three-year periods (2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028, 2029, and 2030). KATS received one response for our current contractor, Traffic Tech Services, LLC. The updated cost proposal is a notable increase in the cost for guaranteed counts, but essentially static in the optional work categories. The proposed contract, cost sheet, and signed agreement from the City of Kalamazoo, City of Portage, and the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County is attached. KATS Staff recommends approving the contract and authorizing the Chair to sign the document.

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Information Memo

12. Executive Directors Report

• With the start of FY 2022, please continue sending your contributed service timesheets to KATS. • KATS Staff completed assisting the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and the

Washtenaw Area Transportation Study in collecting trunkline PASER Ratings. • The FY 2021 Audit is schedule to begin November 15, 2021. • KATS is reviewing and scoring the project applications received from our recent call for projects.

The next prioritization subcommittee is November 15. • Congress recently passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. KATS will share any

funding changes as we receive them. • Upcoming agenda items for the December Policy Committee meeting include TIP Amendments

and our Ozone Conformity Report.

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Beginning Balance of Checking as of October 1, 2021 $214,138.24

Receipts 7,481.00 Checks -12,747.03Withdrawals/Debits -25,972.72

Ending Balance of Checking as of October 31, 2021 $182,899.49

If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me.

Marsha C DrouinTreasurer, Kalamazoo Area Transportation Studymdrouin@richlandtwp.net269-629-4921

ActualFY2022 FYTD 10/31/21 Over(Under) YTD % ofUPWP 8.33% Budget Budget

PERSONNEL COSTAnnual Salaries 325,752.02 25,608.55 (300,143.47) 7.86%

Total Fringe Expense 173,156.02 17,665.54 (155,490.48) 10.20%

DIRECT COST 89,045.81 408.33 (88,637.48) 0.46%

INDIRECT COSTServices and Equipment 48,900.00 5,554.80 (43,345.20) 11.36%Operating Costs 44,600.00 850.76 (43,749.24) 1.91%

Total Indirect Costs 93,500.00 6,405.56 (87,094.44) 6.85%

If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me.

Elizabeth RumickOffice & Finance Manager, Kalamazoo Area Transportation Studyerumick@katsmpo.org269-343-0766 ext. 11

KALAMAZOO AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDYPolicy Committee Meeting November 17, 2021



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Technical Committee Report

TO: Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Policy Committee

FROM: Steven Stepek, AICP, Executive Director

DATE: November 10, 2021 SUBJECT: Technical Committee Report (November 4, 2021)

The Technical Committee met November 4, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.



Transit. The Kalamazoo County-wide Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority (KCTA) proposed millage passed at the November 2, 2021 election with 72 percent in favor and 82 of the 85 precincts reporting. Candidates will be interviewed this week for the KCTA Director of Operations position.


Michigan Department of Transportation. The M-96 project near Augusta is complete except for the second pavement marking application. The I-94 at Portage Road project Kilgore Service Road is expected to open to two-way traffic in two weeks. Although material and health delays are impactful, the project is progressing.

City of Kalamazoo. The Portage Street project is wrapping up for the year and will continue next spring. The second round of sidewalk repair and replacement is complete. A total of 5 miles of sidewalks were repaired in the city this year, with more planned for next year. The Sun Valley water main replacement and resurfacing project is wrapping up. The city is planning 2022 projects including a Stadium Drive culvert replacement project that will be bid, awarded, and constructed before the Stadium Drive resurfacing project from Howard to Lovell can begin.

Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC). The Nichols Road project should be wrapping up in the next couple weeks. Most other projects are wrapped up for the year. RCKC is in the process of turning in 2022 projects for obligation and letting.


City of Kalamazoo. The final version of the Street Design Manual will be out next week.

City of Portage. The City Council approved another phase of the planned residential development off Osterhout that will add 26 new duplexes for a total of 52 new dwelling units. Nonmotorized pedestrian improvements are also planned to accommodate the development.

Comstock Township. A Redwin Apartments project was presented to the Planning Commission and will be passed along to the Township Board to recommend conditionally rezoning the G Avenue and Gull Road area for 189 dwelling units.

Oshtemo Township. The Board voted last month to initiate a housing study so results can be incorporated into the Master Plan update in 2022. The Oshtemo sewer project is moving forward which would cover 17

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miles of the total 77 miles of local roads in the township and take approximately 2-3 years to complete.

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TO: KATS Policy Committee

FROM: Steven Stepek, KATS Executive Director

DATE: November 9, 2021

SUBJECT: Southcentral Michigan Planning Council Report

During the month of October 2021, KATS staff worked on the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Planning Activities for the Southcentral Michigan Planning Council (SMPC). Work was concentrated in the following activities:

• Participated in the MDOT October Rural Task Force monthly meeting • Attended the virtual Transportation Asset Management Council’s Fall 2021 Asset Management

Conference • Worked on quality control of PASER ratings collected in 2021 • Worked on scheduling, public notice and creating materials for 4 county level rural task force and

7 small urban meetings to start the process of selecting projects for the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program. Meetings will all be held in November. Links to Microsoft Teams meetings and meeting materials are posted on the SMPC website’s Transportation page at

Anticipated future activities include:

• Updating project data in JobNet for the 2021 – 2023 Transportation Improvement Program as project data sheets are submitted or as otherwise needed

• Facilitating scheduled meetings of Rural and Small Urban Task Forces. Calls for Projects for FYs 2023 – 2026 have been issued for both Small Urban and Rural Task Force programs that will require local Small Urban, county Rural Task Force and full Rural Task Force #3 meetings in the next several months

• Complete quality assurance checks on PASER rating for all counties and submit the data to the Transportation Asset Management Council when checks are complete

• Work with Region 3 agencies on approving and programming of projects and activities using recently authorized federal Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) and HIP COVID Relief funding

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The October 27, 2021 Policy Committee Meeting was called to order remotely in accordance with Kalamazoo County State of Emergency Declaration, by Chair Randy Thompson at 9:00 a.m.


Participants in the meeting stated name and location from which they are attending the meeting remotely.


Remote meeting attendance was recorded on the sign-in sheet.

MEMBERS PARTICIPATING Agency Call-In Location Curtis Aardema Central County Transportation

Authority City of Kalamazoo

Rob Britigan City of Parchment Comstock Township Carol Daly Village of Mattawan Village of Mattawan Marsha Drouin, Treasurer Richland Township Richland Township Jeff Franklin Michigan Department of

Transportation, Planning Owosso, MI

Libby Heiny-Cogswell, Vice Chair Oshtemo Township US-131 Various Locations Jeff Heppler Village of Augusta Village of Augusta Adam Herringa City of Portage City of Portage Lisa Imus Village of Lawton Village of Lawton Martin Janssen Kalamazoo County Transportation

Authority Cooper Township

Sarah Joshi Greg Kinney

City of Galesburg Van Buren County Road Commission

City of Galesburg Village of Decatur

Judy Lemon City of Galesburg City of Galesburg Tracy Locey Brady Township Brady Township Sherine Miller Kalamazoo Township Kalamazoo Township Ryan Minkus Road Commission of Kalamazoo

County City of Kalamazoo

Dennis Olson Village of Vicksburg Village of Vicksburg Pete Pfeiffer Michigan Department of

Transportation, TSC Otsego Township

Chris Praedel City of Kalamazoo City of Kalamazoo Jeff Sorensen Cooper Township Cooper Township Paul Sotherland KATS Citizens Advisory Committee Kalamazoo Township Randy Thompson, Chair Comstock Township Comstock Township Jerry VanderRoest Charleston Township Charleston Township

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Agency John Gisler Kalamazoo County Nick Loeks Texas Township Roman Plaszczak Village of Paw Paw Don Ulsh Schoolcraft Township


Agency Megan Mickelson Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Elizabeth Rumick Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Paul Selden Bike Friendly Kalamazoo Steve Stepek Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Ali Townsend Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Craig Williams KATS Citizens Advisory Committee


No changes or additions to the agenda were requested.


MOTION by Sorensen, SECOND by Drouin, “to approve the agenda of the October 27, 2021 Policy Committee Meeting.” MOTION APPROVED.


Selden of Bike Friendly Kalamazoo reported the Fall Bike Celebration hosted by the Village of Vicksburg recently concluded. Close to $2,000 in prizes was awarded for a Bike Art Competition to create banners to display on light poles. Jurisdictions can consider displaying the banners during Bike Week in May 2022. Painted murals to be placed on sides of buildings will be judged for future contests. Contact Selden if your municipality has a potential building site for a mural.



MOTION by Britigan, SECOND by Aardema, “to accept and approve the items on the Consent Agenda.” MOTION APPROVED.


Stepek referred to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments included in the meeting packet. Three if the six amendments have an increase in local cost. The Central County Transportation Authority project is a reprogramming of a prior programmed job to align with the

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grant application. Budget costs significantly decreased on the I-94 project in Van Buren County. Britigan asked for clarification on what Traffic Signal Interconnect means on the Mosel Avenue project. Minkus answered, it is a traffic signal modernization project to interconnect all signals to a hub where control and troubleshooting can be performed remotely within an overall network. KATS Staff and the Technical Committee recommend approval of the amendments as presented.

MOTION by Heppler, SECOND by Sorensen, “to approve the Fiscal Year 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program Amendments.” MOTION APPROVED.


Referring to the schedule included in the meeting packet, Stepek explained we adopt the schedule every year to alert agencies of amendment deadlines. Although this schedule continues the standard every other month deadline, it should be noted that since this is a Transportation Improvement Program development year, the last opportunity to amend FY 2023 projects is January 28, 2022 until the lockdown ends on October 1, 2022. Heppler inquired what impact the potential federal $1-trillion-dollar Infrastructure Improvement Package would have on this funding. Stepek responded the current Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act Funding Continuing Resolution only goes through the end of October, so another Continuing Resolution will be required. Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) funding may actually increase so there will not be much impact on the amendments. Plus, KATS maintains a robust illustrative project list so more projects are available should more funding be granted.

MOTION by Sorensen, SECOND by Heppler, “to approve the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Schedule.” MOTION APPROVED.


Referring to the meeting schedule included in the packet, Chair Thompson explained Stepek mentioned the possibility of moving the April meeting one week earlier to avoid the Michigan Township Association conference conflict. Stepek concurred and added the proposed calendar year 2022 meeting schedule is a continuation of the current meeting schedule of monthly meetings the last Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Sorensen asked if meetings would be back to in-person. Stepek stated meetings will most likely return to in-person beginning in January 2022 since the current State of Emergency Order expires December 31, 2021.

MOTION by Sorensen, SECOND by Daly, “to approve the Calendar Year 2022 Meeting Schedule as amended by moving the April 27, 2022 meeting to April 20, 2022.” MOTION APPROVED.


Stepek reported both the Congestion Management Process (CMP) Draft and the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Draft are too large to be included in the packet, so links to the documents are alternatively part of the meeting materials. For both this agenda item and the next, the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Stepek reiterated the last day for comments and feedback on the drafts is today October 27, 2021. Both drafts have been out a couple months, lots of feedback has been received, and is very much appreciated. Both drafts will be presented for adoption at the November Policy Committee meeting. Drouin pointed out the correction needed to change the date of adoption from November 24, 2021 to November 17, 2021.


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As previously noted, discussion on this 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Draft was incorporated into the Congestion Management Process Draft agenda item.


Janssen reiterated the proposed millage for Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority (KCTA) will be on the upcoming November 2, 2021 ballot. Outreach was performed in many municipalities. KCTA recently began inviting the Metro Connect Contractor to meetings in appreciation of the hard work they’ve done over the past year-and-a-half in the pandemic environment.

Aardema elaborated the proposed millage is to support the county-wide, on-demand Metro Connect van and medium-duty bus service. Contact Aardema or McBride for further outreach requests. Metro’s Comprehensive Operations Analysis led by an outside consultant has started. The analysis will review the overall Metro system and include many opportunities to provide feedback and ideas. There have been no issues from changing security services at the downtown Kalamazoo Transit Center from the Kalamazoo County Sheriff to a private security group. New bus stop signs and bus stop shelters have been installed throughout the region.


In addition to the Informational Memo included in the packet, Stepek stated that Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) recently received the audit engagement letter. The audit is scheduled to begin November 15, 2021. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Subcommittee met earlier this week and will meet again in a couple weeks. A key factor considered in the prioritization scoring process is traffic volume. Since traffic volume was unusually and temporarily lower in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, the committee will look consider using 2017 through 2019 traffic volume data. Over 60 projects were received including lots of large-scale projects. KATS, in agreement with the City of Kalamazoo, City of Portage, and the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County hires a consultant to perform traffic counts for cost sharing and saving. Since the contract with the current consultant expires December 31, 2021, KATS issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new bids. The only bid received was from the current consultant. While the cost has gone up significantly from the previous contract, it is still lower than the second highest bid KATS received in 2018 when the last RFP was issued. The three agencies have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding agreement with KATS. The contract will be presented for approval at the November meeting. KATS continues to monitor two bills in the State Senate Subcommittee which offer a state buy-out of federal aid. KATS as a Metropolitan Planning Organization would select and program the job in the TIP but local agencies would then have the option of getting bought out by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for $0.90 on every $1.00. Stepek provided information on the advantages and disadvantages of the bills pointing out that they could impact how projects are selected. Heppler asked if the Village of Augusta and other smaller agencies would be able to continue to work with KATS for PASER Ratings every three to four years at no cost. Stepek responded the service can continue as it has been done in the past. Email Stepek or Nagler to schedule local road ratings for the upcoming season. Heppler asked if that service includes traffic counts as well. Stepek responded traffic counts can be scheduled and performed by the KATS consultant for a nominal fee. Trunkline counts are still performed by MDOT with data available through them. Janssen asked if both Senate bill 465 and 466 were related. Stepek responded they are companion bills with one being the actual writing and one being the amendment. Minkus pointed out that since 2016, the Rural Task Force (RTF) has practiced a similar program to the proposed federal buyback program where road commissions can purchase from other road commissions. Stepek stated that

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while the RTF program is a good example, one major difference is that it is still local funds transferred to local funds whereas the Senate bills propose transferring local funds to the state.


Heppler thanked the Michigan Department of Transportation for new road out of the Village of Augusta toward Battle Creek.


Selden of Bike Friendly Kalamazoo gave a shout-out to the Michigan Department of Transportation for sponsoring and putting on the Training Wheels program sessions throughout the year, while recommending everyone attend a future session. Selden thanked the Policy Committee, KATS Staff, and agencies for non-motorized development and progress in the area and on the 2050 Plan.


Praedel reported the City of Kalamazoo Portage Road project is delayed and will not be complete by the October 31, 2021 target. Pavement base course and leveling is expected to be complete by November 15, 2021 with final resurfacing to be done next spring. The Parkview contract was awarded in September. Consumers Energy is laying gas lines for the project so work will begin in spring of 2022. Praedel reminded attendees to vote next Tuesday.

Britigan reported the City of Parchment Glendale watermain project is complete. Britigan echoed the reminder to vote November 2, 2021.

VanderRoest asked if Stepek had any insight into the local news that construction projects must be halted due lack of supplies and gas and what impact that would have on our projects. Stepek does not have additional insight or information.

Heiny-Cogswell from Oshtemo Township stated the Green Meadow sidewalk is complete. There are two other sidewalk projects in progress that are expected to be complete by the end of this construction season. Next year Oshtemo plans to construct a sidewalk on the south side of Stadium Drive, a twin to what was built on the north-side of Stadium Drive this year. In mid-November the township plans to request bids for Phase 1 of the USDA Sanitary Sewer project. It was determined that an insufficient number of signatures were obtained on the petition against the project.

Heppler explained the Village of Augusta completed gathering information for a grant to repave Augusta Drive next year. The Village continues to review its five-year rolling road project plan. Heppler recommended motorists use extra caution this time of year with increasing darkness limiting visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists, especially with trick-or-treaters for the upcoming Halloween holiday. The Village enforces speed limits and all other traffic laws.

Daly reported the Village of Mattawan finished the culvert replacement project on Main Street coming into town.

Olson stated the Village of Vicksburg sewer project is on-going and going well. The village mourns the passing of former village Chief of Police and Kalamazoo County Sheriff Deputy Eric West. The Vicksburg High School football coach Tom Marchese was named the 2021 High School Football Coach of the Week by the Detroit Lions.

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Joshi reported the City of Galesburg crews are surveying and planning for spending the Category B grant funds, with expected construction to begin in April of 2022. A sidewalk project on Grant Street will be complete in time for trick-or-treating.

Janssen announced the Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority (KCTA) has made some progress hiring drivers but still has a shortage and as a result has had to scale back service. KCTA appreciates the work between partnering agencies to complete the new bus stops.

Minkus reported most Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) projects are complete for the year. The Nichols Road project is expected to wrap-up in a couple weeks. The board reviewed the draft budget which is planned to be presented for public hearing on November 9, 2021. The Road Commission is meeting with Township partners to plan estimates for next year projects. RCKC is hiring both full-time and seasonal drivers.

Sotherland echoed Selden’s praise of the Non-motorized chapter of the KATS 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as it sets up work on the non-motorized plans in the Kalamazoo region and will make drafting the 2055 MTP easier.

Thompson added condolences to Eric West’s family and the Kalamazoo County Sheriff on his unexpected passing.


Following a motion by Sorensen and a second by Heppler, Chair Thompson adjourned the October 27, 2021 Policy Committee Meeting at 9:48 a.m.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 9:00 a.m.

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Traffic Data Collection Services Contract through Calendar 2024 with Traffic Tech Services L.L.C.

Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study 5220 Lovers Lane, Suite 110 Portage, MI 49002

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Traffic Data Collection Services

Contract Extension through Calendar 2024

This represents the three-year Traffic Data Collection Services Contract with Traffic Tech Services for the calendar years 2022, 2023, and 2024. The data gathering will be contained within Kalamazoo County and the four townships of Almena, Antwerp, Paw Paw, and Waverly in Van Buren County including cities and villages. The option is available to renew this contract for two additional three year periods.

The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study and its member agencies have agreed to jointly collect the traffic data needed by all parties under one contract issued and administered by the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study. The contract will be for a three-year period. The consultant will be free to schedule data gathering to be most effective, however approximately 100% of the City of Kalamazoo counts and studies, 100% of the counts and studies taken in the Village of Mattawan, and 23% of the Road Commission for Kalamazoo County counts and studies shall be taken during the times when Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, and the Public Schools are in regular Fall and Winter/Spring sessions. Special counts may be requested which may have a time frame assigned to them (schools are one example). Any optional inventory work that may be entered into with the consultant can be scheduled at the consultant’s discretion.

The agencies that are participating in this data gathering contract include the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County, the Cities of Kalamazoo, Portage, and Galesburg, and the Villages of Mattawan and Vicksburg. Other parties, such as the Villages of Augusta, Climax, Lawton, Paw Paw, Richland, the Van Buren County Road Commission, and other townships may be added during the life of the contract. Unless insurance or other requirements change with the addition of agencies, data will be gathered at the as bid price.

The anticipated data to be gathered under this contract are listed as guaranteed and optional. The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study at its option reserves the right to award all or some, or none of the optional data gathering listed. The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) reserves the right to reject the contract extension. The choice of data gathering equipment is the consultant’s except that any traffic counter used must have a data file format supported by the Midwestern Software Solutions (MS2) traffic count program for direct uploading of the data.. The City of Kalamazoo is willing to rent its counters to the consultant. The counter information is attached as Appendix B. The consultant will be responsible for negotiating any counter rental directly with the City of Kalamazoo. Payment for this rental as well as all vehicle, operating supplies, equipment, insurances and other expenses to the consultant as part of the data gathering and processing work completed under this contract will be included as a portion of the unit prices for the data as part of this contract. No separate payment will be made for these or any other miscellaneous expenses. Payment will be per the unit price for each successfully completed item.

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Center turn lanes on roadways will generally not be included in the counts or studies gathered except in the City of Portage, and with the exception of intersection turn counts.


City of Kalamazoo 2022 2023 2024 24 hour count 2 lane road 27 15 17 24 hour count 4 lane road 22 7 10 48 hour count 2 lane road 8 6 6 48 hour count 4 lane road 3 5 5 City of Portage 24 hour count 2 lane road 36 23 12 24 hour count 4 lane road 13 11 11 24 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 1 24 hour count 6 lane road 0 2 2 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 0 0 48 hour count 2 lane road 6 3 3 48 hour count 4 lane road 2 9 4 48 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 0 Road Commission of Kalamazoo County 24 hour count 2 lane road 50 36 54 24 hour count 4 lane road 7 8 10 48 hour count 2 lane road 13 13 13 48 hour count 4 lane road 2 2 1 Total Guaranteed Counts 24 hour count 2 lane road 113 74 83 24 hour count 4 lane road 42 26 31 24 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 1 24 hour count 6 lane road 0 2 2 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 0 0 48 hour count 2 lane road 27 22 22 48 hour count 4 lane road 7 16 10 48 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 0

All 24- and 48-hour counts shall include the 24 or 48 hours from midnight to midnight and be summarized by direction, i.e. northbound and southbound for locations contained in Appendix C. The counts shall be taken in 15-minute increments. The counts shall all gather volume, speed, and vehicle classification data. The counts shall be uploaded onto the MS2 website and a data file in Excel format provided to KATS for any information not uploaded to MS2. Intersection Turn counts shall be recorded in 15 minute intervals and shall be conducted for a 6 hour period (7 – 9 a.m., 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and 4 – 6 p.m.). Payment will be made for each successful 6 hour turn count completed, with the Excel data file provided to KATS summarizing the 15 minute count intervals by direction totaled to the 24 hour day . Payment will be made

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for each successfully uploaded count of the type listed up to the numbers authorized. Counts posted shall be limited to Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays only unless specifically requested by KATS. The consultant shall be provided with a list of the guaranteed count locations to be gathered each year at the beginning of the year. In addition, each jurisdiction participating in this contract will provide the consultant a letter authorizing the placement of counting equipment in the rights of way and giving permission for the consultant to gather the traffic data requested as part of this contract.


There is an interest in obtaining additional traffic data as an option to this contract. This data is not guaranteed as part of the minimum part of the contract. The listing is for information and pricing to aid in determining what, if any additional data gathering will be added to this contract at the discretion of KATS and its participating members.

City of Kalamazoo 2022 2023 2024 24 hour count 2 lane road 2 2 2 24 hour count 4 lane road 2 2 2 24 hour speed study 2 lane road 3 3 3 24 hour speed study 4 lane road 1 1 1 Intersection Turn Count (6 hour) 3 3 3 City of Portage 24 hour count 2 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 3 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 4 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 5 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 6 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 8 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 9 lane road 1 1 1 Intersection Turn Count (6 hour) 14 10 11 Intersection Turn Count (Additional count hours) 4 4 4 Road Commission of Kalamazoo County 24 hour speed study 2 lane road 4 4 4 24 hour speed study 4 lane road 2 2 2 24 hour 2 lane counts in townships/smaller Act 51 274 279 299 Intersection Turn Count (6 hour) 5 5 5 85% speed studies 1 1 1 Corridor floating car speed studies* 3 3 3 Total Potential Optional Counts 24 hour count 2 lane road 3 3 3 24 hour count 3 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 4 lane road 4 4 4

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24 hour count 5 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 6 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 8 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour count 9 lane road 1 1 1 24 hour speed study 2 lane road 7 7 7 24 hour speed study 4 lane road 3 3 3 24 hour 2 lane counts in townships/smaller Act 51 274 279 299 Intersection Turn Count (6 hour) 22 18 19 Intersection Turn Count (Additional count hours) 4 4 4 85% speed studies 1 1 1 Corridor floating car speed studies* 3 3 3

(Average corridor length is 4 miles, a.m. peak, p.m. peak and of peak periods))

KATS reserves the right to not ask for any; to ask for some, to ask for all, or to ask for more than the amount of estimated optional data listed above.

Optional work shall be undertaken only upon prior approval by KATS. All 24- and 48-hour counts shall include the 24 hours from midnight to midnight and be summarized by direction, (i.e. northbound and southbound) for locations preauthorized by KATS. The counts shall be taken in 15-minute increments. All counts, except for speed studies, shall include volume and vehicle classification data. The counts shall be uploaded onto the MS2 website and a data file summarizing the 15-minute count intervals by direction totaled to the 24 hour day shall be provided to KATS. 24-hour speed studies may be completed using lane traffic data collectors, radar equipment or other equipment. 85% speed studies will be conducted for the length of time needed for the recommended 100-unit sample size. Payment will be made for each successfully uploaded count and speed study of the type listed up to the numbers authorized. Counts posted shall be limited to Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays only unless specifically requested by KATS. Intersection Turn counts shall be recorded in 15-minute intervals and shall be conducted for a 6 hour period (7 – 9 a.m., 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and 4 – 6 p.m.) Payment will be made for each successful 6 hour turn count completed with the data file given to KATS as an Excel file. The consultant shall be provided a list of the optional data gathering authorized from KATS as the determination is made. In addition, each jurisdiction participating in this contract will provide the consultant a letter authorizing the placement of counting equipment in the rights of way and giving permission for the consultant to gather the traffic data requested as part of this contract.

Other Optional Work:

Entering point pavement markings into the Roadsoft inventory system. The Roadsoft download into the laptop data collector shall be provided by the road agency asking for the inventory work. Payment shall be made per entered point pavement marking. The completed inventory will be successfully uploaded to the agencies system before payment is made.

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Entering longitudinal (lane) pavement markings into the Roadsoft inventory system. The Roadsoft download into the laptop data collector shall be provided by the road agency asking for the inventory work. Payment shall be made per centerline mile of the roads where longitudinal pavement markings are being inventoried. This payment will include the inventory and entry of all longitudinal lane markings in the section of road surveyed for both directions of travel including turn lane bays at intersections. The completed inventory will be successfully uploaded to the agencies system before payment is made. The Village of Mattawan is at this point interested in this optional work. Retro-reflectivity measures are not part of this inventory work.

Entering traffic signal inventory data into the Roadsoft inventory system. The Roadsoft download into the laptop data collector shall be provided by the road agency asking for the inventory work. Payment shall be made for each major signal component entered. For the purposes of this contract a major signal component shall be:

A. all overhead traffic signal heads at the intersection, B. all pedestal or pole mounted traffic signal heads at the intersection, C. all pedestrian signal heads at an intersection, D. all pedestals at an intersection, E. all pedestrian actuation buttons at an intersection, F. all audible pedestrian equipment at an intersection, G. traffic signal controllers including interconnection and or communication equipment H. all overhead advance traffic signal heads I. all pedestal or pole mounted advance traffic signal heads

The intersection area shall be the area included from right of way to right of way on the streets entering the intersection. Mid-block pedestrian crossings or traffic signal locations shall be treated as intersections for inventory purposes. The completed inventory will be successfully uploaded to the agencies system before payment is made. The unit of payment is each complete intersection inventoried.

Entering sign data into the Roadsoft inventory system. The Roadsoft download into the laptop data collector shall be provided by the road agency asking for the inventory work. Payment shall be made for each direction mile of inventoried two-way street, one-way streets inventoried will be paid for by each curb mile inventoried. On boulevards or streets with islands if accurate island sign location data is required by the agency, then the section with an island will be paid for by curb mile inventoried. If general location data is acceptable, then the contractor shall only be required to drive the street once in each direction and the segment will be considered a simple two way road. The interested parties in this optional work at this point are the City of Portage and the Village of Mattawan so the road segments are urban in nature. The completed inventory will be successfully uploaded to the agencies system before payment is made. Retro-reflectivity measures are not part of this inventory work.

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KATS reserves the right to have the consultant do none of, some of, or all of the optional Roadsoft inventory work listed above. As with the studies, the consultant will be provided written authorization from the jurisdiction giving permission for the work authorized for that jurisdiction by KATS.

Uploading 24-hour volume data into Roadsoft. A per count cost to upload this data will be paid as an option authorized by the local agency. Payment shall be for the upload of both the volume data into Roadsoft and is an addition to the cost per guaranteed or optional count.


Traffic Tech Services, L.L.C. shall furnish proof of general liability insurance in amounts not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and general aggregate, proof of automobile liability in amounts not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident, bodily injury per accident, and property damage per accident, and in an amount not less than $500,000 for bodily injury per person. Such proof of insurance shall include a valid certificate of insurance demonstrating that the entities and staffs of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study, the Road Commission for Kalamazoo County, the City of Kalamazoo, the City of Portage, the City of Galesburg, the Village of Vicksburg, and the Village of Mattawan are additional insured parties on the policy. Such insurance shall cover a period not less than the term of this contract extension or shall be annually renewed for each of the three years and shall provide that it cannot be cancelled without 30 days advance written notice to KATS, by certified mail, first-class, return receipt requested. This permit is invalid if insurance expires during the authorized period of work described herein. Indemnification In addition to any liability or obligation of the Permit Holder that may otherwise exist, Permit Holder shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold harmless the entities, board members, and staffs of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study, the Road Commission for Kalamazoo County, the City of Kalamazoo, the City of Portage, the City of Galesburg, the Village of Vicksburg, and the Village of Mattawan against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, liabilities, losses, and damages thereof, and any and all costs and expenses, including legal fees, associated therewith which may arise by reason of claims for or allegations of the negligence or violation of the terms and conditions of this contract extension.

Permits: Traffic Tech Services L.L.C. shall obtain any permits required by the affected road agencies that they may require in order to complete the work under this extension.

Protective Equipment:

The consultant’s personnel in the field shall use personal protective vests, hard hats, and other clothing, shoes, and equipment as required by the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration for workers in the right of way. The

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consultant’s vehicles shall have at a minimum a yellow 360 degree flashing light mounted on the vehicle roof which shall be active while the vehicle is stopped or moving slowly in the roadway.

Schedule for Data Gathering:

Data gathering shall be scheduled at the consultant’s discretion for operational efficiency. However, some, approximately100% of the City of Kalamazoo counts and studies, 100% of the Village of Mattawan counts and studies, and 23% of the Kalamazoo County Road Commission counts and studies shall be obtained while Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, and Public Schools are in regular Fall and Winter/Spring sessions. Any optional inventory work that may be entered into with the consultant can be scheduled at the consultant’s discretion.


The consultant shall invoice KATS for work completed. KATS will pay from the invoice for work that is satisfactorily completed, uploaded to the Midwest Software Solutions site, and a file given to KATS. The invoices shall be timely and shall to the extent possible contain work completed by the KATS fiscal year, October 1 through September 30.

Project Manager:

The project manager for KATS will be:

Steven Stepek, AICP Executive Director Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Anticipated Award: November 17, 2021.

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Traffic Data Collection Services Contract Between The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study and Traffic Tech Services, L.L.C.

Having become thoroughly familiar with and understanding the requirements of this three-year contract for the Traffic Data Collection Services for calendar years 2022, 2023, and 2024; The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study and Traffic Services, L.L.C. agree to continue data gathering under this contract. The three-year guaranteed work shall not exceed: $106,438 The three-year optional work is estimated to be: $147660 This optional work by its nature may change and either increase or decrease as authorized by the member agencies and KATS. The contract unit prices for guaranteed and optional work is attached and made part of this extension. Traffic Tech Services, L.L.C. and the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study agree to the terms and conditions of this contract extension for Traffic Data Collection Services.

Traffic Tech Services L.L.C. Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study

Signed: Signed:

Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date:

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Traffic Data Collection Services Contract Between The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study and Traffic Tech Services, L.L.C.

Total Guaranteed Counts 2022 2023 2024 2022 Unit$

2023 Unit$

2024 Unit$

2022 $

2023 $

2024 $

24 hour count 2 lane road 113 74 83 $200 $200 $210 $22,600 $14,800 $17,430.00 24 hour count 4 lane road 42 26 31 $22 1 $ 221 $232 $9,282 $5,746 $7,192.00 24 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 1 $231 $231 $243 $231 $0 243 24 hour count 6 lane road 0 2 2 $241 $24 1 $253 $0 $482 $506.00 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 0 0 $252 $252 $ 265 $252 $0 0 48 hour count 2 lane road 27 22 22 $249 $ 249 $ 262 6723 $5,478 $5,764.00 48 hour count 4 la ne road 7 16 10 $281 $ 28 1 $ 295 $1,967 $4,496 $2,950.00 48 hour count 5 lane road 1 0 0 $ 296 $296 $ 310 $296 $0 $0.00

$41,351.00 $31,002.00 $34,085.00 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024

Estimated Optional Counts 2022 2023 2024 Unit$ Unit$ Unit$ $ $ $ 24 hour count 2 lane road 16 45 4 $100 $100 $100 $ 1,600 $4,500 $400 24 hour count 3 lane road 1 1 1 $150 $150 $ 150 $150 $ 150 $ 150 24 hour count 4 lane road 10 3 3 $200 $200 $200 $ 2,000 $600 $600 24 hour count 5 lane road 1 1 1 $250 $250 $ 250 $ 250 $250 $250 24 hour count 6 lane road 1 1 1 $300 $300 $ 300 $ 300 $300 $300 24 hour count 7 lane road 1 1 1 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 24 hour count 8 lane road 1 1 1 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 24 hour count 9 lane road 1 1 1 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 48 hour count 2 lane road 9 5 5 $150 $150 $ 150 $1,350 $750 $750 48 hour count 4 lane road 4 3 2 $250 $250 $250 $1,000 $750 $500 24 hour speed study 2 lane 7 7 7 $150 $150 $150 $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 24 hour speed study 4 lane 3 3 3 $250 $250 $250 $750 $750 $750 24 hour 2 lane counts in twps

270 275 295 $100 $100 $ 100 $27,000 $27,500 $29,500

Intersection Turn Count (6 hours)

22 19 20 $500 $500 $500 $11,000 $9,500 $10,000

Intersection Turn Count (Additional count hours)

4 4 4 $80 $80 $80 $320 $320 $320

Small City and Village 24 hr 4 4 4 $100 $100 $100 $400 $400 $400 85% speed studies 1 1 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Corridor floating car speed 3 3 3 $500 $500 $500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

$50,070 $49,720 $47,870

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Entering point pavement marking into Roadsoft

2022 $7.00

2023 $7 .00

2024 $7 .00 /point marking

Entering longitudinal pavement marking into Roadsoft

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 /Base rate marking mile

Entering longitudinal pavement marking into Roadsoft

$10.00 $10.00 $10.00 /additional fee marking mile

Entering traffic signal inventory data into Roadsoft

$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 /major signal component

Entering sign data into Roadsoft

$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 /direction/curb mile

Entering 24-hour volume into Roadsoft

$15.00 $15.00 $15.00 /count

KATS reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to add any or no optional work.

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