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January 17, 2021

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  • January 17, 2021 Page 1

    January 17, 2021

  • Page 2 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    A Prayer for Our Nation

    God of all nations, Father of the human family, we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy in these

    United States of America.

    We ask for your protection and guidance for all who devote themselves to the common good, working for

    justice and peace at home and around the world.

    We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants, those who will serve us as president, as legislators and

    judges, those in the military and law enforcement. Heal us from our differences and unite us, O Lord,

    with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment to achieve liberty and justice in the years ahead for

    all people, and especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst. Amen.

    The "Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, revised edition (Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2007).

    Readings for the Week of January 17, 2021

    Sunday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42

    Monday Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4; Mk 2:18-22

    Tuesday Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c; Mk 2:23-28

    Wednesday Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr; Saint Sebastian, Martyr Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4; Mk 3:1-6

    Thursday Memorial of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr Heb 7:25—8:6; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17;Mk 3:7-12

    Friday Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14; Mk 3:13-19

    Saturday Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Mk 3:20-21

    Sunday Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20

    A Note From Our Pastor


    This week’s big event is the inauguration of the new president. This is important both for our nation and for the world. All citizens should want American democracy to grow and prosper.

    The Catholic community is very diverse. We are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, but Americans all. So we are called to a common commitment to ensure that the “American way of life” serves the common good and the human person.

    The Church encourages people to use their voices and votes to enrich the democratic life of our nation and to act on their values in the political arena. American Catholics, as both believers and citizens, should use the resources of our faith and opportunities of democracy to help shape a society respectful of the life, dignity, and rights of the human person, especially the poor and vulnerable.

    As America once again turns a page in history we should all be united in wishing President Biden well. And not only our new president, but all elected officials, too. May God grant them the wisdom to serve and lead our beloved United States.

    Let your light shine this day.

    Msgr. Tom Rice

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—Monday, January 18

    “…Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Oslo, 1964


  • January 17, 2021 Page 3

    Prayers in our Parish


    Saturday January 16 4:30p Joe Sokolowski—Special Intention

    Sunday January 17 8:30a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    11:30a Susan Lipak Kathy Mills—Special Intention Dianne Szluha

    Wednesday January 20 9:00a Marianne Davis Agnes Doran—Birthday Remembrance John Wolak—1st. Anniversary

    Saturday January 23 4:30p George J. Bugarin James D. Pawlowski

    Sunday January 24 8:30a Carol Black—Special Intention The Dickow Family—Special Intention Sandy Pusdesris

    11:30a Susan Lipak

    Congratulations to the new member of God’s family, who was welcomed into the

    Catholic Church through the waters of Baptism on January 10, 2021

    † Jonathan Guy Skinner Son of Scott and Jacklyn (Pronovich) Skinner

    May God bless and keep this little one safe in His tender love and mercy.




    Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the family of:

    † George J. Bugarin—father of Msgr. Michael Bugarin † Sr. Mary Finn

    † Fr. Canon Stanislaw Flis † Fr. C. Richard Kelly

    † Bernadine Kregor—sister of Margaret Qualmann † Phillip Kregor—brother-in-law of Margaret Qualmann

    † Fr. Louis Madey † Frances Mary Sakmar—mother of Ann Marie Nystrom

    † Joseph Silagy—brother-in-law of Joann Silagy

    “Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; Let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go with them.”

    Rosanne Bishop Jim & Maurine Brennan

    Bill Budowick Tom Cavanaugh

    Lauri Dannemiller Judy DeKeyser

    Kathryn DePorre Nancy Hefferman

    Tom Lingeman

    Jack McKay Kathy Mills

    Daniel O’Hara Simona Paul

    Jerome Schroeder Carol Simmons Joe Sokolowski Irene Tondera Helen Walczak

    Major Matthew Altomari SSgt. Cory Borders Lt. Andrew Boschert Major Phil Brule Sgt. Maj. Patrick Corcoran Capt. Joel Cortright ENS Michael Dwyer Major Charles Evans Spc. Evan K. Fowler 2nd Lt. Theresa Corsentino SSgt. Daniel F. Jamison M1st Class Megan Jamison

    ENS Julia Jermstad Lt. Christopher Mitek OS2 Emily Muhlenbeck Airman 1st Class Calen Nido Senior Airman Grant Pensa LTjg. Bradley Pienta Capt. Nick Pollock Spc. Jack Steinhauer Sgt. Kyle Stout Capt. Ben VanHorrick Lt. Adam Weisgerber


    STM Prayer Requests

    Prayers for the Sick: Names are read at the Altar during the Prayers of the Faithful for two weeks and are published in the bulletin for four weeks. If you wish to have the person remain on the prayer list when the four weeks have passed, call the parish office and the cycle will start again.

    Prayers for the Deceased: Names of the newly deceased are read at the Altar during the Prayers of the Faithful for two weeks and are published in the bulletin for two weeks.

    Prayers for the Military: The names of those in the Military are published in the bulletin weekly until they are no longer serving.

    To add, change, or remove a name from our prayer lists, please call the Parish Office at 248-647-2222.

  • Page 4 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    We Welcome the New Members who have Joined our Parish

    † Brian and Elaine Herbon and children, Derek, Elise, and Dana

    † Mark and Joy Niehaus

    † Barry and Nicole Sutton and children, Dylan, Cole, Madison, and Bryce

    † James and Mary Sywak and son, Avery

    In our Parish


    MASS TIME 4:30 PM Saturday 8:30 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Sunday


    Msgr. Tom Rice Michael Stach

    Msgr. Tom Rice Don Baross

    Fr. Robert Spezia Don Baross

    READER Phil Kotwick Bridget Kavanaugh Cindy Hansen

    SERVERS TBD Isela Mulcahy Riley Logan

    USHERS Jim Hager Cary Sheremet Ernesto Tuazon Jim Ward

    John Gielniak Gerry Gostomski Dan Hayden Mike Morrison

    Zack Azzam George Halter Marvin Olane Mark Parent Mike Tauscher

    MASS COORD. Larry Jeziorski David Michalak Marvin Olane

    Faith Formation Baby Bottle Donation Drive (8th Grade Confirmation Service Project)

    Pope John Paul II outlines in Evangelium Vitae many challenges and concerns that expectant mothers may face, including lack of support. He recognizes that an “unborn child is totally entrusted to the protection and care of the woman carrying him or her in the womb.” For this reason, the Church must come alongside mothers, offering them encouragement, assistance and support. You can do this by helping out the 8th grade confirmation students’ service project.

    Mary’s Mantle is a Catholic residential program for women who are pregnant and experiencing a housing crisis. Parishioners are encouraged to take a bottle home to fill with spare change, cash, and checks (made out to Mary’s Mantle). Bottles are due back to church January 31. Confirmation students are asked to donate their own money, ask for donations before and after Masses, and to sort and count the money. For questions or more information, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 248-647-4680.

    Thank you for your continued kindness and support in helping those in need!

    Keep Up To Date with St. Thomas More

    Download the Parish App!

    Have information about St. Thomas More at your fingertips. Download the parish app to your phone.

    Text APP to 88202 and follow instructions to download.

    Parish Calendar, online giving, Mass times and more now available on your phone.


  • January 17, 2021 Page 5

    Unleash the Gospel EVANGELIZATION


    We the Christian Community of St. Thomas More, in an atmosphere of hospitality, are dedicated to proclaiming the life, death, and resurrection of

    Jesus Christ through excellence in worship, education, and service to others.

    We believe that the nurturing of the community around the Eucharistic Table is extended

    through gatherings which further strengthen and support us. We shall pursue this mission faithfully through the power

    of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and talents of our members.

    A Winter Retreat By John Hannigan

    The Annual Men's Retreat was to have been next weekend at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House. For many decades, men of STM have taken part in this 40-hour silent respite in deep winter to reflect on all God has given us and what He asks of us. This year the retreat is canceled due to the pandemic. I will dearly miss quiet time set aside to relax, reflect and rejoice.

    Whether you ever planned to go on retreat or not, anyone can benefit from a “personal retreat” at home modeled loosely on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. Next weekend, try setting aside quiet time for prayer and reflecting on Scripture. Even an hour or so each day can help “recharge your spiritual batteries.” I posted ideas for a personal retreat under PRAYER WARRIORS on the website (www.stthomasmoretroy.org). In brief:

    • Embrace Silence. Turn off your phone, television and computer (except to check the retreat ideas).

    • Rest. Take a nap … maybe by a fireplace. • Reflect on the truths revealed in Scripture, e.g., :

    God loves you always (Luke 15:11-32). In sinning, you turn from Him (Luke 7:36-50). Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins (Matt 27:1-61). Jesus rose from the dead that you might have eternal

    life (Luke 24:36-49 or John 20:19-29). • Practice Lectio Divina with these passages. (A ‘how-to’

    for lectio is included on the web posting.) • Pray. Pray from your heart to discern God’s will for you.

    Pray the Rosary. Pray for particular physical and spiritual needs of people you love. Pray for the salvation of those who would do you harm. Pray to praise God, to say you’re sorry, to ask for what you need, and especially to give thanks. Pray mostly by listening within the Silence.

    • Do an Examination of Conscience. Guides are posted. If your health permits it, take time Saturday at 3:00 pm to go to Confession at STM.

    • Reflect on The Way of the Cross. There is a virtual version on the website showing The Stations of the Cross at STM parish.

    • Celebrate Mass either at the parish or by streaming online.

    May your weekend be filled with blessed silence.

    Comments/Questions? [email protected]


    STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Our readings today focus on the vital attributes of being a disciple of Christ.

    The Gospel of John portrays these attributes as he bears witness to Jesus’ first disciples. Upon seeing Jesus, John proclaims, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” The lamb is a reference to the Jewish sacrificial offering at Passover and reveals Jesus as Savior. Once the two that were with John heard this, they immediately followed Jesus. Jesus turned to them and asked, “What are you looking for?” They responded with, “Rabbi, where are you staying?”

    Imagine Jesus asking you, “What are you looking for?" We might respond with answers like a better job, more kids, retirement, or any number of things that we think will make our lives better. The things we seek may be righteous, but as disciples of Christ, we should first and foremost seek the Kingdom of God. If we strive to respond to Jesus’ question in the same way the first disciples responded, essentially by asking, “Where are you, Lord?” then we will not be disappointed with the outcome.

    Our story of Jesus’ first disciples concludes with Andrew intentionally sharing the Good News of Christ to his brother Simon Peter. Andrew had the gift of meeting the Lord and did not hoard it to himself. Instead, he sought his brother and proclaimed what he had experienced, which serves as a reminder for us. Our calling is to be missionary disciples — to seek the Lord and share what we have found. Our faith is a gift! We should strive to share this gift with others.



    Monsignor Thomas G. Rice, Pastor 248-647-2222 x. 1111

    Weekend Mass Assistance Fr. Robert Spezia

    Deacon Don Baross 248-647-2222 x. 8888 [email protected]


    Deacon Michael Stach, Pastoral Associate 248-647-2222 x. 5555

    [email protected]

    MUSIC MINISTRY Brian Foos, Director

    248 -647-2222 x. 4444 [email protected]


    Lois Sokolowski, Business Manager 248-647-2222 x. 7777 [email protected]

    Kathy Strong, Parish Secretary/Bulletin

    248-647-2222 x. 3311 [email protected]


    Josylin Mateus, Director 248-647-4680 x.5533

    [email protected]

    Ella Prendi, Secretary 248-647-4680 x.5544

    [email protected]

    SOCIAL MEDIA Debbie Knauss, Website and Facebook

    [email protected]


    Pete Whiting 248 -647-2222 x. 4422

    St. Thomas More Parish Directory 4580 Adams Rd., Troy, MI 48098

    PARISH OFFICES: 248-647-2222

    FAX: 248-647-8192 FAITH FORMATION: 248-647-4680

    Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Closed for lunch 12:30 to 1:00 pm

    [email protected] www.stthomasmoretroy.org

    MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 4:30 pm

    Sunday, 8:30 am and 11:30 am Wednesday, 9:00 am

    Holy Days: 9:00 am and 7:00 pm

    Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 3:00 pm

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]