benaraby state school newsletter...2020/12/11  · benaraby state school newsletter established 1886...

Post on 02-Apr-2021






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Benaraby State School Newsletter Established 1886

O’Connor Road, Benaraby, Q 4680

4970 4333



Principal: Michele Krause

Term 4 Week 6 12 November 2020 Enrolments: 103


Week 6 Term 4 2020

Last Friday was ‘Crazy Sock Day’ and we saw some very original socks. Thank you to all the students and parents who supported the P & C Sock sales. Now that ‘Crazy Sock Day’ is, over we will be monitoring school uniform. The expectation is that students will wear plain white or black socks.

Wednesday this week was Remembrance Day and we had a whole school service to remind students of why it is important to remember and know about these days. It was great to see so many students wearing poppies and being respectful during the service.

Attendance is always an area we focus on at this time of the year. We have less than 4 weeks of school left for 2020 so students need to be at school to complete assessment. ‘Every day counts’ is one Education Queensland’s agendas and it is our focus right up until the last day. Please remember to notify the office on the same day, of any absences for your child.

QAR- Question Answer Relationships at home- What parents can do to help.

In the Book Together with the book or in my head

Right There Who is the main character? How old was the girl? When did the story take

place? Where did the children live? Where…..? When…..? What…..? Who did…..? How…..? questions.

Children need to scan to find the answer Right There in the


Author and Me The answer is not stated directly in the text but you have to read between the lines to understand the hidden or implied meanings. They are usually about what the

author wants you to know or think. What did the author mean in

this paragraph? Why do you think the author

wrote this text? How does the author want readers to feel about…? After reading the book what words would best describe this character? The

setting? Who does ______ remind you of…..? What do these words reveal /tell us about the character? What do these words reveal/ tell us about the setting? What mood is the author creating in this paragraph? What would be another good title for this text?

Think and Search

Answers will be in the text but you need to search What is the main idea of this passage? Put these events from the

text into the correct order. (sequencing) What does this word………….

in the text/story mean? Compare and contrast how characters are alike or different How did…… Explain why….. Retell the story

The answer will be in more than one place Underline key

words. Re-read the text.

On Your Own What do you already know about this word/

topic? E.g tsunamis What do you think it would be like to… What if…. In you opinion…. Is it ever ok to……. (behave in a certain way) Do you believe….? Do you agree/disagree ? How do you know….? What do you think about….? Have you ever….(done something brave) Would you ever? Where can we find more information?

The answers are NOT anywhere in the text. Students need to connect to their

background knowledge or go beyond the text.

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How to engage students with books and making meaning Before, During and After reading Before reading— A time when readers begin to connect their own experiences with text ideas Look at the (title-cover-illustrations-chapter titles). What do you think the book will be about? Make predictions.

During reading— A time when readers pay close attention to making sense of the author’s words -Who is the main character? -What is the problem (goal) in the story? -How was the problem solved (goal met)? -What might happen next? Why do you think so? -What does (word/phrase) mean? -How do you think (a character) feels? Why?

After reading— A time when readers consider what they have gained from the text relative to their own knowledge and experiences -What did (a character) learn? -What was the author’s message? -Why do you think that? -Would you like (a character) for a friend? Why? -What do you think about (what a character did)? -What would you have done?

Classes for 2021-

Prep- Mrs Esparza (F Block)

Year 1- Mrs Martin (3 days a week) & Still to be confirmed ( 2days a week) (C Block)

Year 2 & 3- Mrs Krause (4 days a week) & Miss Ashdown(1 day a week) (B Block- current year 4/5 classroom) Year 4- Miss Laffin (B Block- current year 2/3 classroom)

Year 5 & 6- Mr Esparza (D Block)

ICT- Mr Esparza (1 day a week)

Learning & Literacy Support- Miss Ashdown

Health, PE & Year 5/6 (1 day a week)- Mrs Wemmerslager

Music – Mrs Heinemann

Book Fair

Next week we are running our Book Fair. Students will get a chance to have a look at the books available and write a wish list. Parents can come to the school library to buy books. Cash is accepted and you can also order online via the website on the back of the wish list. The library will be open Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8am to 8:45am and Monday to Wednesday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:15pm. If you would like to buy books at a different time, please see the school office.

Dress Up Day

Next Friday is our Book Week dress-up day. Students can come to school dressed as their favourite character.

Our 1/2 class enjoying Crazy Sock Day!

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Last Week: Henry, Darcey, Indi, Vincent, Laiahnna, Noah W, Cohen, Jemma, Kaylee, Samuel, Jeremy, Sienna, Jorja x2, Rowan, Emily, Milla, Ella M, Scarlett, Ty S (1/2), Jai, Saxon, Kade

Bronze: Jack, Cooper B, Gracie, Emily, Asha

Silver: Scarlett, Alec, April

Gold: Harry, Charlee

Principal: Ty S (1/2) JavaScript must be enabled.

Fun Run Can any parents that haven’t chosen their prizes please do so on-line. If you are unable to order your prizes, please let us know and Mrs Harrington has offered to come in on Monday and help students with this. If you have any cash money left from donations to the Fun Run, please return to the school office as soon as possible.

X-mas Multi Raffle Draw The P & C Association will be doing a Multi Draw Raffle from next week that will be drawn at our End of Year School Concert on Wed 9th December. If anyone has any donations/vouchers that could be used can you please drop these to the front office by Tuesday next week.

Lost property Can all students please check in lost property for items belonging to them and take them home. The boxes will be sorted on Friday 20th November and any items not named will be washed and put in the uniform shop for reselling.

P&C Budget Meeting Next Thursday 19th November we are having our P&C Budget meeting at 3pm in the seminar room next to the library. Parents are welcome to attend, please come along and have your say about where our funds will be allocated next year.

Congratulations to all of last week’s awardees.

Year 7 2021 Tannum Sands SHS Uniforms

Due to COVID there has been a delay to our uniform orders. Information will be coming out shortly regarding when, where and how parents can purchase uniforms for next year. The uniform shop will have additional opening hours prior to school starting next year which we will be advertised on our Facebook page and through the primary schools. Parents will also be able to make a deposit if finances are a concern. Please contact our uniform convener, Jacki Westlake should you have any questions or concerns.

Tupperware Lunchbox Drive From tomorrow we are running a lunchbox drive to raise funds for our school and give parents the opportunity to buy some good quality Tupperware items for the children. Order packs will be sent home to each family tomorrow, please read the flyer below for information. To order, please contact Tracey Smith as per the details below or click this link to order online.

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