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Fedor Kormilitsyn

Economic Affaires Officer

Transport Infrastructure Section

Transport Division, UNESCAP

Developing intermodal transport connectivity

for enhancing Euro-Asian transport linkages

Management arrangements for selected intermodal

transport corridors in Asia

Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening transport

connectivity between the Republic of Korea and

Europe through the Eurasian Transport Corridors

Beijing, 28 February 2019

I. ESCAP project on developing

corridor management arrangements

Objectives of the project

o assist in development of the identified major transport routes into

multimodal transport corridors or in enhancing coordination along

the existing corridors

o create awareness of the existing good practices on transport

corridor management and advising on the ways of their adaptation

by the target member States

o decide on feasibility and scope of cooperation in corridor

management arrangements

o assist in the establishment of practical arrangements for corridor



Activities under the project (phase 1)

o A comparative study of four existing/potential intermodal

transport corridors to: (i) assess their operation and

propose a corridor management arrangement, and (ii)

develop the recommendations on harmonization of legal

frameworks for intermodal transport systems

o An EGM to review the draft comparative study and

assess the possible scope of cooperation among the

target member States for developing a corridor

management mechanism


Activities under the project (phase 2)

o Development of an institutional arrangement for

management of prospective intermodal transport

corridor(s) in Asia with possible extension to Europe,

optionally of an agreement on intermodal transport or of

amendments to existing legal instruments

o Consultation meetings to refine and finalize the proposed

corridor management arrangement and discuss the

approaches for its formalization and practical application


Comparative study on selected existing or

potential intermodal transport corridors

o Republic of Korea - China – Central Asia – Russian

Federation – further to Europe

o Viet Nam (and further to ASEAN member states) –

China - Russian Federation - further to Europe

o India – Islamic Republic of Iran – Azerbaijan – Russian

Federation («North – South International Transport


o China – Mongolia – Russian Federation


II. Findings and recommendations of the

ESCAP study on the initiatives for

development of transport connectivity

between Asia and Europe

As presented at the Inter-regional Expert Group Meeting on Transport

Connectivity between Asia and Europe

Bangkok, 30-31 January 2019

1. Overview of initiatives

contributing towards Asia-Europe


The e-road and e-rail systems were extended to Central Asia and the

Caucasus at the turn of the millennium

The 15 member countries are: Armenia,

Austria (associate member), Bosnia and

Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech

Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Italy,

Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,

Slovenia and Turkey.

The 17 member countries are: Armenia,

Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,

Georgia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland,

Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia,

Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Turkey

Trans-European Railway (TER) Project Trans-European Motorways (TEM)


ESCAP/OSJD Container Block Train Runs

Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway

From the Asian side …

UNESCAP - Comprehensive Planning of Eurasian Transport

Corridors to Strengthen the Intra- and Inter-regional Transport

Connectivity - Study Report 2017

Belt and road Initiative, Central Europe Train

Construction and Development Plan (2016-2020)

Source: "Central Europe Train Construction and Development Plan (2016-2020)", National

Railway Bureau, PRC, 2016-10-19

2. Issues and Recommendations of

Selected Studies and Decisions


Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)

Belt and Road Initiative

Euro-Asian Conferences on Transport, St. Petersburg

Euro-Asian Transport Links (EATL) project

ECMT, “Transport Links Between Europe and Asia”, 2006

ESCAP, “Comprehensive Planning of Eurasian Transport Corridors to Strengthen the

Intra- And Inter-Regional Transport Connectivity”, Study Report, 2017

Eurasian Development Bank, "The EurAsEC Transport Corridors", 2009

European Commission, "Potential for Eurasia land bridge corridors & logistics

developments along the corridors, Work Package 13 (WP13)", RETRACK

(REorganization of Transport networks by advanced RAil freight Concepts) Project,

July 2012

IRU, New Eurasian Land Transport Initiative, NELTI-I (2008 - 2009), NELTI-II (2009-

2010), NELTI-III (2011 – 2012)

OTIF, "Study on Corridors", January 2016

The World Bank, “The Eurasian Connection Supply-Chain Efficiency along the Modern

Silk Route through Central Asia”, 2014, ISBN 978-0-8213-9913-2

Immediate Problems and Objectives

o 01. Infrastructure and traffic control systems

o 02. Vehicles and rolling stock

o 03. International transport (visas, permits and interoperability

o 04. International transport operations

o 05. Border Crossing Infrastructure and equipment

o 06. BCP control procedures

o 07. BCP operations

o 08. Intermodal infrastructure (incl. intermodal nodes and logistics centres)

o 09. Intermodal control procedures (incl. intermodal nodes and logistics centres)

o 10. Intermodal operations (incl. intermodal nodes and logistics centres)

Root Problems and Objectives

o 11. Euro-Asian policy, planning, institutions and capacity

o 12. Subregional policy, planning, institutions and capacity

o 13. National policy, planning, institutions and capacity

o 14. Transport sector reform

o 15. Data, analysis, monitoring, modelling and studies

o 16. Best practices and models

o 17. Financing infrastructure, traffic control systems, vehicles and rolling stock

o 18. Human resources capacity

o 19. Transport technological resources

o 20. Logistical service providers

Root Problems and Objectives

o 21. Stakeholder participation

o 22. Commercial considerations

o 23. ICT technological resources

o 24. Technical and operational standards (T&O standards)

o 25. UN transport Conventions & intergovernmental agreements

o 26. Environment Social and Safety

3. Developing an agenda for enhancing

transport connectivity between Asia and


o (i) Selection of priority tasks and activities

o (ii) Step-by-step strategy

o (iii) Geographical approach

o (iv) Sectoral approach

o (v) Physical/non-physical approach

o (vi) Working simultaneously on “short-term” and “longer-term” projects

o (vii) Addressing entire length of routes within transport corridors verses a links and nodes of a network approach

o (viii) Dissemination and promotion of the findings of existing studies, best practices and models

Ban Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Thank you


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