bajenski george vera 1981 poland

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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missionary newsletters


  • Guidance Committee: Department of MissionsKenneth Meade, Secretary Polish Ministry ^ 3Howard Brammcr EASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGEGerald L. Cowan cj j I I u P-0. Box 629Edmund L. JohnCarol Kakac Bel Air, Maryland 21014AdamJ. Korenczuk Phone: 301-734-7250 , ... . Paul Bajko, DirectorC. Wayne Murphy * 'Max Ward Randall

    Charles StceleDesmond TeaseJ. Thomas ScgrovesWilliam Walker

    May, 1981


    In a couple of weeks we will be in Poland. Every letter we receive is full ofhopes and expectations of the fellowship in homes, churches, around the Lord'sTable, in study of the Word of God and in preaching of the Good News.

    As the song says: "What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the ever -lastind arms.... 0 how sweet to walk in this pilgrims way.... What have I todread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms?"

    We are looking forward to the fellowship of hundreds of Christians and of thosewho seek the truth. With God's help we will try*to lead them to the safe andsecure arms of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    We have this unbroken fellowship with them all through letters, literaturewhich we print and send, through the cassette ministry etc. and now we will bethere in person.

    But it is not only our fellowship, it is yours also. You are our co-laborersin the great Vineyard of the Lord. Because of your prayers and your faithfulsupport we are able to reach people for Christ, to comfort the sad, to teachthe seeking the truth, to strengthen our churches.

    Because of you, we are able this year to go to Poland in person. You respondedto our appeal in a tremendous way - We will be able to buy our tickets ontime and save hundreds of dollars which will be taken to Poland and given toward the work there.Thank you very, very much for your special love gifts toward our trip to Polandand for your regular support of our ministry and of the Polish ministers.We ask you to pray for our safe journey to Poland and back, our travels in Poland and that the Word might reach many souls for His Kingdom.Please remeber also in prayers the ministers in Poland their labour and theirservice, and pray for peace, the peace of Christ.May the Lord bless you richly. Yours in Christ,



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    LkBaptismal Service in Kolobrzeg


    EUringthelast 3years we developed the cassette ministry. Bro Winnik preparesevery week several original cassettes with songs and messages, duplicates themand each month hundreds of them are sent to Poland and other countries.The results are over our expectations. People in Poland meet in groups tolisten to the beautiful Gospel songs and messages in the Word and give theirhearts to Jesus. Here is one of many letters:

    "Dear Sir. Thank you very much for the precious gift /cassettes/ which I received from you. It is hard to describe my joy. The Word of God opened my eyesso I can see now the precious treasures in the Bible. I live in a small city.We meet each Sunday in a small place for study of the Word of God. Each daymyself and many others listen to one of the cassettes you sent and we meditateand discuss the Word presented to us. These are the most beautiful moments inny life. Now I know that Jesus lives in my heart. From the bottom of my heartI thank you once more.So far I received from you 20 cassettes. Please tell me how I can recompensatefor them. Please send us Christian literature. We have few people who are interested in reading the Bible and your literature. May the Lord bless you. W.J."


    For over 20 years we are engaged in writing, translating and printing Christianliterature. Everything what is printed is usually gone in a few months.We receive constant requests for more literature,songbooks, Bibles and NewTestaments. We are happy that through the printed word souls are reached for

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  • Christ and our labour is not in vain.We would like to share with you a couple of letters received recently."Peace be unto you. Although I do not know you in person I feel that I know youthrough literature which you produce. Recently I saw your Polish magazine "TheGuidepost", songbooks "One Song and Heavenly Sunshine" and other books.In the poems and in your articles I saw myself and found guidance how to conquernyself and evil and sin.You are a wonderful example for the young people how to go through life with thename of Jesus on our lips. Thank you very, very much.Music and poems help me also in following Jesus every day.I would like to receive regularly your magazine and other Christian literature.I send you greetings with the words from Hebrew 13:20-21: "Now the God ofpeace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd ofthe sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect inevery good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing inhis sight,through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen" E."

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    Bro. Sacewicz distributes literature

    "Dear minister: I would like to inform you that I received a packagewith literature which you sent tome. It is a precious package with"Life of Christ, visualized" song-books, poems, Bibles and your magazine. I never had such treasu -res in my life.Thank you very much and may theLord bless you richly.

    I wish you blessed Holidays of theBirth of Christ and New Year.With respect, Z.K."

    "Dear Brethren. I received from you two Bibles and I am very happy. Thank youalso for your letter. How can I pay for the Bibles?May the Lord bless you. S.K."

    "I am glad that the message of Christ goes all aroud the world. I am a studentin High School. I would like to come to know the New Testament better. It isnot possible to get one around here. I speak fluent English and I would bevery glad to receive an English New Testament. It is my desire to study thelife of Christ and follow in His steps." H.D

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    4-010 PKZYlDt


    Peter Karel preaches in Kolobrzeg

    In 1973 while visiting the church in Bialogard, together with Br. Kobus we visited a family in Kolobrzeg. It is a beautiful city on the Baltic Sea. We talkedabout possibilities of starting new work in that city. Bro Kobus showed me abakery which looked like a church building. The place was ideal for the church,so I left S 1200.00 toward the work in Kolobrzeg and started to pray.Few years later Bro. Peter Karel after graduation from Theological Academy inWarsaw, moved to Kolobrzeg and started regular services in his own apartment.In 1978 together with Adam Korenczuk I preached there and looked for a permaraentlocation for the Church. Again we looked at the same building and one year laterthe Lord answered our prayers. The building was purchased for amount of $ 3000-Peter Karel with Brethren in Kolobrzeg worked a whole year remodeling the buidingand finally through their work and sacrificial giving, and another S3000.- fromthe Department of Missions the building was ready for dedication in Nov. 1980.Over 300 people gathered for that occasion and 4 souls were baptized into Christ.In the last letter received by us in April Bro. Karel thanks all contributorsfor help and writes that the Lord is blessing them. New people attend servicesand there are great prospects for the growth of the church.But they have still debts in the amount of over SlOOO.- and must install centralheating. They do everything what they can but they need another S 2000- from us.If the Lord is laying upon your hearts to help this new congregation to pay offtheir debts and have heating system, please sent your contributions to theDEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS, P.O. Box 629. Bel Air,Md. 210U with indication: Churchin Kolobrzeg.

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