auto public relation management

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 auto public relation management.



    The Indian market confounds global carmakers simply because of

    the way it is segmented. In the West, automobiles are generally

    segmented according to platforms -- that is chassis-engine

    combinations. Price plays a factor but only up to a point. In India,

    though, price plays the primary role in segmentation.

    Consider first the segments in the European or American market.

    At the bottom, you have city cars' -- which include the Daewoo Matiz,the Hyundai Santro, the Maruti 800, Alto, Fiat Uno, the Zen as well as

    the Wagon R. Next come the budget minis -- which would include cars

    like the Suzuki Swift (our own Esteem). The next segment, the

    superminis, would take in cars like the Opel Corsa, the Ford Ikon.

    Above the superminis are small family cars -- which include models like

    the Opel Astra and the Ford Escort. Medium-sized family cars are

    bigger and include cars like the Opel Vectra and Peugeot 406. Compact

    executive cars are small but immensely prestigious and include theBMW 3 series and the Mercedes C class. Executive cars embrace their

    bigger brothers -- the BMW 5 series and the Mercedes E class. Only a

    handful of cars are classified as true-blue luxury cars namely-- Jaguar

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    XJ8, the BMW 7 series. And of course there are the niches like

    sports, sports utility, and exotics.

    The Indian market, of course, is quite differently segmented.

    The Maruti 800 and Zen fall in a class by their own -- and are referred

    to as the sub-Rs 2.5-lakh cars. The next is the Rs 3-4 lakh segment --

    which includes all the other cars that would normally be classified as

    city cars in Europe. Strictly speaking, the Tata Indica should fall in the

    super-mini category because of its specifications -- but because of

    price, it competes in the same segment. Above Rs 4 lakh and all the

    way up to Rs 10 lakh is the luxury car range. It is loosely divided into

    two halves -- with Maruti Esteem, Ford Ikon, Hyundai Accent, Daewoo

    Cielo, Opel Corsa and Honda City 1.3 falling in the bottom layer, andthe Opel Astra, Honda City 1.5 and Ford Escort in the upper range. The

    last segment is of premium car segment, which includes cars like

    Mercedes Benz and BMW.

    Scooters India Ltd (SIL), US-based Amerigon and Bangalore-

    based Maini Group are negotiating a joint venture to manufacture an

    electrical passenger car. Priced at Rs 1.75 lakhs, the car will target the

    segment between two-wheelers and petrol/diesel based cars. Assembly

    from imported Completely Knocked Down (CKD) kits will start as soonas an agreement is finalised among the partners. This venture

    represents a major manufacturing shift for SIL, a public sector

    enterprise, which so far has only produced two- and three-wheelers. It

    also plans to introduce an electric three-wheeler model, already in use

    in Nepal, into the Indian market.

    Bajaj Auto has introduced its diesel three-wheeler in Hyderabad.

    The vehicle has a 416 cc engine and is priced at Rs 83,000, lower than

    its nearest competitor the Greaves Garuda, which is priced at Rs85,000 (in Hyderabad). Bajajs petrol three-wheelers already account

    for 85 per cent of the India market. Its new product, consequentially,

    could erode its own base.

    Indian Automobile industry has become more competitive in the

    export market due to its technological and quality advances, so much so

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    that in quality conscious markets such as Europe and America, Indian

    automobile industry is emerging as a major player judging by its

    performance. India today exports: Engine and engine parts, electrical

    parts, drive transmission & steering pats, suspension & braking parts

    among others.

    Opportunities for the Automobile Industry:Global automobile companies are setting up manufacturing

    facilities in India. Also, many Indian automobile manufacturers have

    announced their plans to increase the export of vehicles from India.

    The year 2002-03 has already seen a significant 65% increase in

    export volumes during the period April to March. This trend is

    expected to continue with more global OEMs sourcing vehicles fromtheir Indian plants.

    Additionally, the introduction of newer technologies such as

    Electronic Diesel Control Systems to reduce emission levels, safety

    devices such as Air Bags, Anti-lock Braking Systems, etc. augur well

    for the Company and the automotive sector as a whole. These

    technologies not only offer increased safety for drivers and

    passengers, but also result in greater comfort and better drivability.

    While there exist many opportunities for growth in business,there are also quite a few factors, which act as an impediment.

    In my last years speech I mentioned about the need for a well

    thought out and clearly defined policy on emission norms. It is now

    fairly certain that Bharat Stage II norms (equivalent of Euro II

    norms) will be implemented countrywide starting 2005. It is important

    that this plan is implemented in time in the interest of a cleaner

    environment. Technology is available to meet the advanced emission

    norms using gasoline and diesel fuel; Bosch and many other companieshave proved this worldwide. There is no need for the authorities to

    specify the type of technical solution required for this purpose as long

    as the end objectives are met.

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    The spurious and reconditioned goods market, which I also dealt

    with in detail in my speech last year, continues to be a worrying factor

    as it directly affects our market share. The Company on its part has

    intensified the anti-spurious operations by conducting several raids

    across the country with the help of local regulatory authorities. Large

    quantities of spurious and fake products have been seized and legal

    action has been taken against those indulging in such activities. The

    Company believes that continued focus and concerted action against

    spurious activities would improve safety and fuel efficiency of the

    vehicles and at the same time help in expanding our market share in

    the Aftermarket. The Company is also continuously educating the users

    about the benefits of using genuine spares in place of spurious andreconditioned spares.

    The lack of any significant change in the labor law reforms also

    continues to be a matter of concern. It is essential that legal reforms

    be put in place at the earliest to provide more flexibility in

    manufacturing operations and enable the industry to quickly adjust the

    work force in line with fluctuating market conditions.

    Challenges for the Indian automobile industry:As we move into the new millennium, the Indian Automobile

    Industry faces some tremendous opportunities and also great

    challenges. The growth in automobile sales has been impressive for the

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    past ten years since liberalization began. However, with liberalization,

    the Indian customer has been presented with a wide range of choices

    in automobiles, to suit every requirement and budget. The market has

    turned into a buyers market where the customer is being wooed by the

    manufacturers and the dealers with a range of freebies unheard of

    before in India. Financing has become so easy that an automobile is

    within every aspirant's reach.

    Competition has meant that manufacturers' margins have been

    squeezed severely and they are all under pressure to cut costs to be

    profitable and competitive. Some of the older manufacturers like

    Premier Automobiles (manufacturers of Premier cars), Automobile

    products of India (manufacturers of Lambretta scooters) and IdealJawa (manufacturers of Jawa and Yezdi motorcycles) have closed

    shop. Hindustan Motors (manufacturers of Ambassador and Contessa

    cars) is in trouble due to the declining sales of its cars, as most

    customers prefer the newer models available in the market. Even the

    dominant player Maruti has seen its market share decline rapidly due

    to its models being old and jaded and is in addition facing labour

    problems in its plant.

    To add to the problems, come April 2001, under the WTOagreement, India will have to permit import of fully built automobiles,

    which hitherto was not permitted. The foreign manufacturers such as

    GM, Ford and Daimler Chrysler will almost certainly import vehicles

    from their large portfolio of models and makes, further segmenting

    the market into niches, although how competitive they are in terms of

    price remains to be seen.

    The challenge before the industry is to figure out the strategy

    for survival and growth. It is clear from the picture painted above thatthe industry will have to increase volumes in each segment to achieve

    lower cost of manufacture. One way to achieve this will be to go for

    exports in a big way. Maruti is already exporting vehicles, as are

    Mahindra, Telco, Daimler Chrysler and more recently Daewoo. The

    overseas markets will have to be exploited more aggressively, but this

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    will mean the companies will have to invest more in Research and

    Development of new models with better features.

    The second opportunity is to become contract manufacturers for

    overseas companies. A number of Japanese and Korean companies have

    been following this strategy very successfully. Hindustan Motors is

    said to be considering this option. The third opportunity is to overcome

    the vulnerability of the automobile market to oil prices by designing

    vehicles, which can offer lower fuel consumption. Recent reports

    suggest the government is exploring the possibility of introducing

    Gasohol, which is a mixture of Petrol and Alcohol. Gasohol has been

    very successful in Brazil. Since Alcohol is a by-product of the Sugar

    industry (of which India has the worlds largest), this is a very logicalstep that should have been taken many years ago. Even a small

    percentage reduction in the consumption of petroleum per vehicle can

    make a big difference to the balance of payments.

    The industry must focus its R&D efforts in line with the global

    trends, which is to build vehicles that are considerably more fuel

    efficient and less polluting. With growing awareness among the public

    about pollution and the effective campaigns carried out by the NGO's,

    this will increasingly become an important selling feature. It wassurprising to see how the industry kept stalling the introduction of

    pollution norms for vehicles on the pretext that they needed more

    time to get the technology. Even Maruti despite its foreign affiliation

    was caught off guard when the Supreme Court finally ruled that all

    new vehicles should strictly adhere to the Euro II norms.

    The inadequacy of road infrastructure in India is well known. This

    is compounded by the fact that traffic management is very poor or

    non-existent and the drivers are mostly ill trained and in disciplined.As more vehicles come on the road, this will become a major

    bottleneck. The industry will need take initiatives firstly to train all

    drivers in safe driving and proper road discipline and manners. They

    will also need to assist government agencies in better road design and

    in building of multilevel parking lots. Training of police personnel in

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    better traffic management and advising them on better equipping

    themselves to deal with various problems will also have to be done.

    In terms of the world averages, India's vehicle density is very

    low and if we have to achieve those density levels, the industry can

    look forward to a bright future. However in the industry's interest

    care must be taken to see that we also achieve the safety and

    convenience levels of using automobiles.

    The Challenges:

    External Level : Integrating into Global Supply Chains

    WTO Multilateral trade regimes

    FTAs (i.e. Bi-lateral Trade) Country Level :


    Cascading effect of Taxes

    Cost of Capital

    Cost of Power

    Inflexible labor laws Inflexible labor laws

    Firm Level : Export as a mind set

    QCDDM equation taken for granted


    Warranties & Liabilities

    Challenges for CEOs:

    Dilemma of Investment Addressing fast Global Business Environment

    Changing mind set of teams

    Developing & employing people with right right skills


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    Automotive PR undertakes a wide range of corporate

    communications consultancy services for its clients. These services aredesigned to help clients promote their businesses and protect their

    interests through all channels of contact with customers, suppliers,

    distributors, shareholders and employees. Services provided, either as

    a long-term co-ordinate activity or on an individual project basis,


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    Corporate communications counsel

    Strategic public affairs planning and implementation

    Government and political relations

    Product PR and marketing services

    Event management and product launches

    Presentation and speech writing

    Crisis communications management

    Internal communication support

    Strategic marketing advice and guidance

    Media monitoring and evaluation

    In addition, and in order to create awareness, generatesales and establish customer loyalty for clients' products and services,

    Automotive PR is able to provide high quality marketing communication

    support in areas such as brochure production, annual reports, design,

    photography, internet marketing support and advertising.

    In the highly specialised area of media relations Automotive

    PR provides a complete press and broadcast service including the

    writing and accurate placement of news releases, articles and case

    studies that editors will want to publish as well as maintainingeffective, positive contact with journalists to identify new editorial


    By analysing media coverage for our clients we measure the

    extent to which the opinions of key audiences may have been

    influenced and the possible impact that this media coverage is having

    on the company's reputation. Our major objective of course is to

    maximise the level of favourable publicity in key publications, achievedthrough contributed articles, news releases, editorial briefings, visits,

    interviews and press launches.

    PR TEAM:

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    The Automotive PR team has a range of talents and expertise

    gained from experience within the motor industry communications

    arena. This gives APR unique insights into what is required from both

    the client and media perspective.

    APR's reputation for providing informed, relevant editorial

    matter is hard-earned and our team gives clear guidance to clients on

    what will work and what will not. We have the confidence, based on

    real, daily contacts with key automotive journalists throughout Europe,

    to create and place stories of real value.


    A PR operates from offices in central London and works on behalf

    of a range of clients, from the largest multinational corporations to

    one-man businesses, all focused on reaching customers in and for the

    world's largest engineering-based industry - the automotive business.

    APR undertakes a range of promotional services but its principal

    specialisation is in effectively developing and managing hard hitting

    media relations programmes on behalf of its clients.

    NATURE OF THE WORK:public relation managers coordinate their companies' market research,

    marketing strategy, sales, advertising, promotion, pricing, product

    development, and public relations activities. In small firms the owner

    or chief executive officer might assume all advertising, promotions,

    marketing, sales, and public relations responsibilities. In large firms,which may offer numerous products and services nationally or even

    worldwide, an executive vice president directs overall advertising,

    marketing, promotions, sales, and public relations policies.

    Public relations managers. Public relations managers plan and

    direct public relations programs designed to create and maintain

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    a favorable public image for the employer or client. For example,

    they might write press releases or sponsor corporate events to

    help maintain and improve the image and identity of the company

    or client. They also help to clarify the organizations point of view

    to their main constituency. They observe social, economic, and

    political trends that might ultimately affect the firm, and they

    make recommendations to enhance the firm's image on the basis

    of those trends. Public relations managers often specialize in a

    specific area, such as crisis management, or in a specific industry,

    such as healthcare.

    In automobile industry, public relations managers may

    supervise a staff of public relations specialist. They also work withadvertising and marketing staffs to make sure that the advertising

    campaigns are compatible with the image the company or client is

    trying to portray.

    In addition, public relations managers may handle internal

    company communications, such as company newsletters, and may help

    financial managers produce company reports. They may assist company

    executives in drafting speeches, arranging interviews, and maintaining

    other forms of public contact; oversee company archives; and respondto requests for information. Some of these managers handle special

    events as well, such as the sponsorship of races, parties introducing

    new products, or other activities that the firm supports in order to

    gain public attention through the press without advertising directly.

    Work environment.

    public relation managers work in offices close to those of

    top managers. Working under pressure is unavoidable when schedules

    change and problems arise, but deadlines and goals still must be met.Substantial travel may be required in order to meet with

    customers and consult with others in the industry. public relations

    managers travel to meet with special-interest groups or government


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    Long hours, including evenings and weekends are common. In

    2008, over 80 percent of public relation managers worked 40 hours or

    more a week.

    public relation managers often serve as liaisons between the firmrequiring the advertising and an advertising or promotion agency that

    develops and places the ads.

    Training, Other Qualifications, and AdvancementAbout this section.

    A wide range of educational backgrounds is suitable for entry into,

    public relations manager jobs, but many employers prefer college

    graduates with experience in related occupations.

    EDUCATION AND TRAINING:For public relations management positions, some employers

    prefer a bachelor's or master's degree in public relations or

    journalism. The applicant's curriculum should include courses in

    advertising, business administration, public affairs, public speaking,political science, and creative and technical writing.

    Most public relation management positions are filled through

    promotions of experienced staff or related professional personnel. For

    example, many managers are former sales representatives; purchasing

    agents; buyers; or product, advertising, promotions, or public relations

    specialists. In small firms, in which the number of positions is limited,

    advancement to a management position usually comes slowly. In large

    firms, promotion may occur more quickly.


    Computer skills are necessary for recordkeeping and data

    management, and the ability to work in an Internet environment is

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    becoming increasingly vital as more marketing, product promotion, and

    advertising is done through the Internet.

    Persons interested in becoming public relation managers should be

    mature, creative, highly motivated, resistant to stress, flexible, and

    decisive. The ability to communicate persuasively, both orally and in

    writing, with other managers, staff, and the public is vital. such

    managers also need tact, good judgment, and exceptional ability to

    establish and maintain effective personal relationships with

    supervisory and professional staff members and client firms.


    Some associations offer certification programs for these managers.

    Certificationan indication of competence and achievementisparticularly important in a competitive job market. Although relatively

    public relation managers currently are certified, the number of

    managers who seek certification is expected to grow. Today, there are

    numerous management certification programs based on education and

    job performance.

    In addition, the Public Relations Society of America offers a

    certification program for public relations practitioners that is based

    on years of experience and performance on an examination.

    Because of the importance and high visibility of their jobs promotions,

    public relation managers often are prime candidates for advancement

    to the highest ranks. Well-trained, experienced, and successful

    managers may be promoted to higher positions in their own or another

    firm; some become top executives. Managers with extensive

    experience and sufficient capital may open their own businesses.

    EMPLOYMENTABOUT THIS SECTION:Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales

    managers held about 623,800 jobs in 2008. The following tabulation

    shows the distribution of jobs by occupational specialty:

    Sales managers 346,900

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    Marketing managers 175,600

    Public relations managers 56,700

    Advertising and promotions managers 44,600

    Job OutlookAbout this sectionEmployment is projected to grow about as fast as average. As with

    most managerial jobs, keen competition is expected for these highly

    coveted positions.

    Employment change. Overall employment of public relation managers is

    expected to increase by 13 percent through 2018. Job growth will be

    spurred by competition for a growing number of goods and services,

    both foreign and domestic, and the need to make ones product or

    service stand out in the crowd. In addition, as the influence of

    traditional advertising in newspapers, radio, and network television

    wanes, marketing professionals are being asked to develop new and

    different ways to advertise and promote products and services to

    better reach potential customers.

    Public relations managers are expected to see an increase in

    employment of 13 percent between 2008 and 2018, which is about as

    fast as average for all occupations, as organizations increasinglyemphasize community outreach and customer relations as a way to

    enhance their reputation and visibility. Especially among the growing

    number of nonprofit organizations, such as education services, business

    and professional associations, and hospitals, where many of these

    workers are employed, public relations managers will be charged with

    promoting the mission of the organization and encouraging membership

    or use of the organizations services.

    RELATED OCCUPATIONS ABOUT THIS SECTION:public relation managers direct the sale of products and services

    offered by their firms and communicate information about their firms
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    activities. Other workers involved with public relations include the


    Actors, producers and directors

    Advertising sales agents Artists and related workers

    Authors, writers, and editors

    Demonstrators and product promoters

    Market and survey researchers


    Public relations specialists

    Sales representatives .
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