august 2010 print

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 August 2010 Print



    Coca Cola a big help


    Soccer World Cup

    Bloemspruit news


    Bethlehem news 4

    Feedback on Max

    Brockmeyer s visit to

    South Africa


    Virginia news

    Photos about hap-

    penings at the centre


    Kroonstad news

    Thank you


    Eden TC Leaders 8


    I N T E R N A T I O N A L


    The Faith-based Solution for the Drug Epidemic

    Proud to be South -African

    www.edentc.wordpress.comAugust/September 2010 Spring edition

    In this issue

    Distributed worldwide free of charge

    Dear Eden Teen

    Challenge Minis-


    I have to

    start off by thanking each and

    every person in and around

    Eden Teen Challenge. Every

    single one of you guys trulyhelped me to have such a

    memorable and exciting trip. I

    really cannot thank you

    enough for allowing me to

    grow in so many ways while

    being in South Africa. I must

    say that I was extremely hon-

    ored to have been a part of all

    the centers and what it had to

    offer. I can honestly say that I

    grew as a person emotionally

    as well as spiritually. Even

    though you may not know it,

    each and every one of the peo-

    ple in the Eden centers helped me grow in so many unimaginable ways!

    I must say that when I first arrived in South Africa, it was pretty tough. For about the

    first three weeks that I was down there, I wasnt exactly sure what it was that God wanted me to

    do in such a different and foreign country. But, as the weeks progressed and the lifestyle became

    more normal to me, I slowly realized that this was truly one of the best trips I had ever taken. All

    thanks to God and to the people who make up all of Eden.

    I was more than blessed to have been given so many wonderful opportunities. From

    preaching a lot of the Sunday services, to teaching the children at the center in Bethlehem, to

    the devotions in Bloemfontein, and just the many wonderful conversations that took place

    about so many things was really just another highlight of my trip. I know for a fact that if I was

    doing this type of internship in the United States, I would never had the chance to do themany things that I did in South Africa.

    Once again I cannot tell you guys enough how blessed I was and just what an honor it

    was to be down in the great country of South Africa. As the weeks were rapidly coming to an

    end, it was slowly occurring to me that it was becoming weird to think that I was actually going

    to leave. Unfortunately, I had to leave to return back to my family. But, don t worry; I will try my

    best to make another trip to South Africa. I hope and pray for every single one of you guys that

    God will use you all in a mighty way. Take care and God Bless!

    Yours Truly,

    Max Brockmeyer

    A letter from Max Brockmeyer

    Continue on page 5

    Max Brockmeyer

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    With the arrival of

    winter came the

    problem of

    clean clothes for

    the residents. Because of the

    cold weather clothes just takes

    so long to dry and added to this

    the number of patients in-

    creased quite dramatically. It all

    resulted in the load of the laun-

    dry increasing quite substantially

    in a short period of time. We

    knew that our machines justwould not cope. God however

    knows what is needed in His

    house and before we knew it

    we had a brand new 10.5 kg

    washing machine plus a 10.5

    kg tumble dryer. Needless to

    say our clean clothing prob-

    lems are a thing of the past

    and for this we are sincerely

    grateful to Coca Cola (Ilse van

    Dyk and Bernadine Wilke)

    who gives so unselfishly of


    Coca Cola donate washing machine

    First and foremost we thank our Heavenly Father for all the blessings that were showered on this Ministry over thelast couple of months. We thank God for the amazing people and the open hearts that are involved in the daily op-erations of His house.

    In the previous newsletter we mentioned that we wanted to

    redo all the residents rooms by painting them, putting up

    new rails for curtains, curtains and duvets. Well, this month

    we can share with you the fact that Coca Cola stepped in

    and they sponsored 80 tins of Enamel paint.

    We worked out that this will enable us to paint all the residents

    rooms. We can never thank God enough for the wonders and

    blessings of His house. We painted the ladies quarters and I don t

    have to tell you the joy on their faces. A huge thank you once

    again to Bernadine Wilke and Ilse van Dyk for putting smiles on

    so many faces.

    On average we serve approximately 480 meals per day

    here in our Bloemfontein Centre. It is through peo-

    ple like Pieter and Leonie Marie Combrinck of Eggz

    Distributors that this just not only stays a dream,

    but it becomes reality. We thank you from the bottom of our

    hearts for allowing God to use you to make a difference in the

    lives of those less fortunate than yourselves. Pieter and Leonie

    Marie donate up to 3000 eggs to the Ministry at a time.


    Eggz distributors

    Coca Cola donate paint

    To all the other donors who so unselfishly give of them-

    selves, we want to say thank you. Thank you for allow-

    ing God to work in your hearts and thus improving the

    lot of others.

    Finally please keep us in your prayers as to the day to day opera-

    tion of the Ministry.

    Should you want to get involved in any of the activities of the

    Ministry, please contact us on 051 430 5769.



    placed here on01/09/09 by

    Bongani Hospi-

    tal in Welkom.

    He was found on

    the streets ofWelkom in avery neglected

    state and brought to the Hospital. All attempts to trace his family

    in and around Welkom have proven unsuccessful, so it s really a

    battle to apply for an identity document for him. His age is esti-

    mated to be 17 years and George is also not able to help us

    much as he cannot speak. He has however fitted in nicely withthe other residents and is as a child to some of the residents.

    George by all accounts will spend the rest of his life in the Min-

    istry as no attempt by anyone has been made to trace him in


    George Marumo

    BEFORE AFTERGeorge Marumo

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    On the day that the world cup started, 11 June 2010, we had our own little tourna-

    ment. All the residents were divided into two groups and they played for a tro-

    phy. A really wonderful time was had by all and they even had cheerleaders, man-

    agers, coaches. Petrus Greyling showed the most enthusiasm and was duly re-

    warded with the man of the match award.

    With regard to the real World Cup, I think it was everybodys dream to attend even justone match. Myself and Rhoda (more so Rhoda, because shes never been to any stadium)

    also wanted to go. We enquired from the local Fifa office regarding the prices of tickets

    and were shocked to learn that the cheapest ticket

    cost R594 and then you ended up sitting high up in

    the stadium. Well we consoled ourselves with the idea that we would have to watch the

    games on television as we do not have that kind of money. God had other plans which we

    were not even aware of. A week before the Bafana vs France game, I received a call from Pas-

    tor Herman asking me which team I supported and well I told him that I supported Brazil.

    He told me that he has bad news for me as he cant give me tickets to the Brazil game, but he

    has 2 A grade tickets valued at more than R1200 per ticket. He was given these tickets and

    thought that we would appreciate attending a game. These seats were six rows from the field

    and well I dont have to tell you how we enjoyed the atmosphere, the game and the mere fact

    that we were part of an historic event. This truly was a dream come true for the both of us

    and we want to thank Pastor Herman and Dr Jana Viljoen.

    Soccer world cup 2010


    I just want to use this opportunity to thank all our donors for their help and support towards

    our centre and also for everyone who is praying for us. Be assured that it is highly appreciated

    knowing that there is someone who has the same heartbeat for the work we do.

    Should you want to get involved in our ministry here at Bloemspruit please feel free to contactme Kobus sonnekus at 0793438998.

    Eph 6:18bpraying always with all prayers and supplications in the spirit and watching thereunto with all

    perseverenace and supplication for all saints:

    Prayer is important in our ministry. We would like to pray for you. You are welcome to use this opportunityto write in your prayer request and forward it to any of the addresses on the back or use our email address

    Please provide the first name of the person to pray for:

    Prayer request:

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    BethlehemCrche news

    Ashort while ago we received a phone call from a parent

    who s children attend our crche during the day, saying

    that she just wanted to thank us for everything we do for

    her children and that since the children attend our crche

    they will never eat at home before saying grace. It is so nice to hearwords like that , knowing that God is working in these little chil-

    dren's lives.

    The feedback from parents is so positive and it is things like that,

    that gives us hope and courage to go on, and like I said to someone

    the other day we don t do anything special we just teach them thefoundation Jesus Christ.

    We also want to use this opportunity to thank the community for

    their involvement in our crche. And also for each and every volun-

    tary worker. May God bless your richly.

    Left: Two crche teachers looking after the children whilst playing

    in the sandpit....suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such isthe kingdom of God. ( Luke 18:16)

    W e want tothank Mr. A. Ezeagu

    for the clothes he

    bought for the

    crche children. All

    of them received a

    brand new tracksuit.

    Right: The crche

    children with their

    new clothes.

    We want to thank all

    our regular donators

    who donate weekly,

    monthly or daily. We

    cannot do our work

    without your help and


    We recently took Ntswaki ( our little foster child) to a specialist who specialise in HIV chil-

    dren. He examined her and was impressed with her well-being, if you take into considera-

    tion from where she was up to where she is now.

    My first question to the doctor was is there any change for her to be cured from this disease ? And

    his answer to me was why do you want to cure her? I was shocked and speechless about this doctor sreaction but then he explained to me that she is as healthy as any other normal child. There is basicallynothing wrong with her, the virus is sleeping and not active in her body.

    It is the same with diabetics, the only difference is that people with diabetics are sometimes sicker than

    HIV children and there is also no cure for that.

    That word was a revelation to me, it gave me hope for our little girl.

    We are in the process of adopting her like God told us to do. We get a lot of resistance about this, but we made peace with it. We

    want to do what is right in Gods eyes, we are here to please God and not friends and family. So please, we need your prayers andsupport.

    We want to do what is right in Gods eye

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    What a privilege it was to have met the young man Max Brockmeyer. I've got to know him as a man of God who love

    life. In spite of his physical disabilities (look out for his powerful testimony in the next issue) he is always ready to

    lend a helping hand or to assist in any way possible. While visiting our centre Max spent a lot of time with the chil-

    dren, playing soccer, had discussions, and dealing with issues from our Teens Clinic program. Our own children grewvery fond of him and spent a lot of time with Max, also visiting a movie house, and like children they were always munching. BeforeMax left our centre to visit the centre in Bloemfontein we had the privilege of celebrating the 4th of July Independence day with himas he was far from home.

    We wish him the best with his studies and pray God s blessing upon his life. We are really looking forward to his next visit.

    Eden TC Bethlehem

    It was such a blessing having Max Brockmeyer from Shrewbury, USA here in South Africa. He really got involved in all the

    centre's activities, and his interaction with the youth of the centre appreciated by everybody. His testimony reflected once

    again God's endless mercy, grace and love. His message was an inspiration, showing that if God starts intervening in once life,He does it swiftly. We are looking forward to a future visit by Max, and wish him all the best for the future. May God bless you

    richly!Eden TC Virginia

    It was a privilege and an honour to host Max who came from America. We picked him up at Bloemfontein airport on the 20

    May. We took him to Virginia where he spend a couple of days and also went on vacation with Pastor Herman and Dr. Jana tothe Kruger National Park. After he came back from vacation he spent 10 days with us at the ministry in Kroonstad. He helped

    out at reception and the kitchen where he helped peel the vegetables. We also treated him to a nice blue bull steak. He had an

    opportunity to go out on a gliding trip with Trevor Fisher. We took him to a lion farm where he came close up to a lion that theydarted, but it was his testimony that he gave in church that touched our hearts and lives. We want to thank him for the time he spent

    with us for I truly realised that it does not matter what circumstances you come out, the Lord will always make a way. I pray that

    God will bless him where ever he goes. From us he went to the ministry in Bethlehem.

    Eden TC Kroonstad


    ax was in Bloemfontein from 11 July 2010 to 20 July 2010 when he returned to the USA. In that short period of time

    we learned that this 20 year old has really learnt to put his faith and trust in God. We also noticed Max s desire to suc-

    ceed and overcome his shortcomings at all cost. We in Bloemfontein say thank you for the input whilst you were here.

    Thank you for sorting out the library, for helping with the patients, cleaning in the kitchen, all the Devotions you con-

    ducted and for your special messages. Go well child of God and we look forward to your return.Eden TC Bloemfontein

    Max spend 5 days with us in Bloemspruit and my first impression was a gentle, charming man who is a definite disciple

    for Jesus Christ . Wherever we went he was always spontaneous with people and he courageously partook in conver-

    sations. A young man whom makes a big difference in life, wherever he goes.

    Eden TC Bloemspuit

    We will publish Max Brockmeyers testimony in the next edition of the newsletter.

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    t is frightening to think

    we are coming to the

    end of the year. Time

    waits for nobody. Somany positive things

    have happened, but their were

    also a lot of negative things.

    But what a wonderful privi-

    lege to share in the Kingdom

    of God. It is wonderful to

    look back and see the Father's

    grace in your life taking one

    to greater heights, where we

    will all one day share in His

    Majesty. It is indeed an hon-

    our to serve God. Thank you

    to each one forming part ofthis beautiful Creation of




    den Christian Ministries offer our deepest con-

    dolencesto Round Table 40 at their huge loss.

    Irreplaceable artefacts and souvenirs of priceless

    value in the clubhouses of Round Table 40 andTable Round 204 in Welkom were destroyed by a fire.

    The infrastructure damage and value of appliances in the

    shared kitchen and hall amounts to more than R3 million,

    according to the Chairman of Table Round 40, Mr Mark

    Reagal. He says the biggest losses were the banners, flags,

    photos and other items of sentimental value, that were

    collected during the past 40 years, and that cannot be re-


    Amongst those items are artifacts from abroad, that were

    exchanged with other Table Round clubs throughout the


    Our deepest condolencesto

    the family and friends of

    Mr JA Robus and JD Ro-

    bus who passed away. We

    pray that God

    will strengthen them durimng this diffi-

    cult time.

    Thank you to all our loyal supporters, that helped us in one way or another. May God bless youThank you to all our loyal supporters, that helped us in one way or another. May God bless you

    in abundancein abundance.

    From Janets


    Great thanks to the ladies of Hospice who

    donated clothing and a warm waterbag to

    each resident at our center

    The wall after repair, we want to thank God for prevision

    to do the maintenance

    The wall collapsed after a storm Our center are blessed with Me Lydia Khiba

    and Me. Veronica Marumo from the Institute

    for Development. They assist us whilst doing

    their training at Eden.

    Max Brockmeyer , enjoy the company with some of

    the teens from Virginia, whilst on his visit to South


    Mr. Mario CockrillMr. Welkom 2010

    Our deepest condolences

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    KroonstadWe want to thank thecommunity of Kroonstad that

    opened their hearts and

    helped us with our needs dur-ing this winter time, when it

    was so cold. Thank you toeverybody who brought blan-

    kets, food, clothes, toiletries,

    electricity ext. We want to

    pray the Lord s blessingsover each and everyone that

    brought a donation, however

    small .

    We thank Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, Octa engineering fortheir donations, for we truly would not be able to provide meals for our

    ministry without your help, we pray that the Lord will reward you for

    your generosity and pray God s blessings over your business.

    We want to thank Rotary for the do-nation of blankets that they gave to the

    ministry, it truly were a necessity and our

    residents truly was so happy for they could

    sleep warm, for the ministry building isvery cold.

    On the 23 July 2010 we held a wedding for Dirkie Janse van

    Vuuren and Anne Marie Visser. It was the first time that

    we had a wedding in Kroonstad since we have been here.

    We pray that the Lord will bless this marriage and that the

    fruit of their relationship with the Lord will show in their relationship

    with each other.

    Marriage is one of the most awesome experiences when we build our

    relationship on the rock Jesus Christ. Without Him the marriage is an

    open target for Satan to steal and destroy us, but Jesus says that He

    promises us life in abundance. That is what we pray for in your mar-

    riage abundance in every area of your lives.


    We also want tothank our trustee mem-

    bers Tony Norval,

    Trevor Fisher and Dr.Leon van Wyk. Thank

    you that you are alwaysthere to help us when

    we need you.

    We want to take this

    opportunity to ask

    for help. We need toreplace a lot of win-

    dow panes in the ministry, and wewould like to paint out our singleladies quarters, we also need a gey-

    ser for our crche. We have a won-

    derful swimming pool that we use

    during summer, but it is in a bad

    condition and we need to paint it.

    We want to bring a

    request to you

    today and ask thatyou will pray with

    us for our leader Pastor Herman.He had a bypass operation andwhen he went back for his check

    up, they discovered that there are

    veins that are still blocked. He is

    not well and he needs our prayers,

    not just him, but his wife Jana as

    well. We trust the Lord for a


    We ask the community of Kroonstad if they areaware of anyone that needs help to contact us. Weare here to serve the community and help those in

    need. We thank the Lord for working in the residentslives. There is no reward bigger than seeing how theLord can change people s lives and seeing them

    grow in the Lord. We want to thank those that stand

    with us in the ministry. I want to give an extra thanks

    to Hannetjie Bester who is always there for us and

    does our administration work. We pray that the Lord

    will provide every need of these people that stand

    with us.

    We thank the churches thatsupport us every month. Thank

    you for your prayers we truly ap-

    preciate you. May God bless youeven more than He is blessing you


    We ask for help ! Prayer request If anyone are in need...

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    Eden TC centers


    Pastor Herman ViljoenPO Box 631

    Virginia, 9430Tel: 057 2123755

    Fax: 0866403065


    Me. Janet BotmaPO Box 631

    Virginia, 9430Tel: 057 2123755

    Fax: 057


    Pastor Johan Esterhuyse

    PO Box 2333Kroonstad, 9500Tel: 056 2127275

    Fax: 0866401709

    BLOEMSPRUITMr. Kobus Sonnekus

    PO Box 19076Bloemspruit, 9364

    Tel: 0793438998Fax: 0866401714

    BETHLEHEMPastor Dicky Maritz

    PO Box 1886Bethlehem, 9700

    Tel: 058 3033241Fax: 058 3033380

    BLOEMFONTEINMr. Ralph Bruiners

    PO Box 8772

    Bloemfontein,9300Tel: 051 4305769


    The newsletter is produced anddistributed free of charged by

    Eden TC

    Editor: Jakkie

    Headoffice Virginia

    Bethlehem Bloemspruit

    Kroonstad Bloemfontein

    Pastor Herman & Dr. Jana Viljoen Me. Janet Botma

    Pastor Dicky & Jakkie Maritz Mr. Kobus Sonnekus

    Pastor Johan & Carol Esterhuyse Mr. Ralph & Rhoda Bruiners

    W e provide community-based education, prevention and restoration on an international basis concerning alcohol, drugsand behavioural abuse.

    We hope to create a framework that challenges people to reach their fullest potential spiritually, socially, educationally as wellas occupationally. We also hope to develop and nurture the transformation of rehabilitated individuals into useful, productive,

    law-abiding citizens; committed to Christian faith, values and living. This is accomplished through outreach, church services,training and equipping programs.

    An introduction course called the Way to God is introduced to the new students, to help orient him in his new environment. A

    discipleship course is then followed for a period of five months in order to strengthen the student s foundation in biblical

    truths. In order to further help the students solidify and strengthen what he has previously been taught, he is then introduced to

    Group Studies for new Christians, the duration is normally six months.

    A two year Bible School is offered to those who would like to further their biblical studies. Cell-groups, group therapy, work

    therapy and support groups are also offered to those with life controlling problems. Occupational therapy is offered to those

    who are mentally challenged.

    If you required more information concerning the ministry of Eden, please feel free to call us, all the centres are listed here, you

    may also visit our website at:

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