audience profiling

Post on 05-Apr-2017



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Audience Profiling – Alt-JIndie/alternative/electronic







These finding are accurate because these survey questions were answered by Alt J fans themselves. The target audience of Alt J is similar to my chosen band’s because they enjoy culture and the arts, as well as sharing the same

gender dominance and age range. Yougov Profiles is a fantastic source to gather target audience information because it goes in depth about the audience’s lifestyle and preferences, as if we personally know them – for example, it states which type of pet and dishes Alt J’s audience prefers. Their interest on discovering more about the world and other

music reinforces the young age of the people consuming Alt J’s productions.

Audience Profiling – Alt JAnalysing Webpages

After you click onto Alt-J’s official website, electronic music begins playing and the rectangular image behind the text transitions to other images. These techniques help to grab and maintain the viewer’s attention as it would make them want to see the rest of the animation – this is excellent for attracting their audience because YouGov insists they are arty people who appreciate these kind of things. Also, the bright flashing colours are in tune with the music, emphasizing their electronic/indie genre. This says that the band is creative and inventive with their ideas and how they want to connect to their target audience. The website carries advertising as information about their new album is directly in the centre of the webpage so the viewer sees it before anything else.

On the left is the official Twitter page for Alt-J, and the right is the Twitter page of a fan account for the band. It can be noted that the bio of Alt-J’s account instantly advertises their new album because it is easy for their target audience to see this on their profile. The fan account, on the other hand, makes it obvious through their biography, username and name that is is not the official account for the band. This is so the target audience will not the wrong impression and will follow Alt-J’s account for instant updates. Their tweets are more formal than the fan account’s, and the admins of @altJ_Fans focus more time on replying to its followers than the band themselves because they are extremely busy.

In order to construct my target audience accurately, I looked at bands who would be considered as related artists because they share the same genre as mine.

Foals is an indie rock band that formed in 2005. Their upbeat and catchy music is similar to our selected song, Tidal wave. Foals have also played at many festivals across the UK so they attract large audiences of 16-24 year olds, as well as university students whilst they were making music in Oxford. Considering both Foals and Tempesst behold large elements of rock, my chosen band attracts a similar age group demographic.

The lead singer of Arctic Monkeys, Alex Turner, sounds very similar to the lead singer of Tempesst. If Arctic Monkey’s audience love the sound of Alex’s voice, then they may enjoy listening to Tempesst’s music. Also, the music video of ‘Do I wanna Know? By the Arctic Monkeys include psychedelic animations that transition into one another, similar to Tidal Wave’s music video. Both videos attract those who are interested in art or the making behind the video.

Captial cities is an indie pop band. I feel as though my band will attract a similar audience because the narrative behind my replication of Tidal Wave is similar to their song, ‘Kangaroo court’. This is because its music video features mask and has a cinematic feel to it.

Audience Profiling – TempesstIndie/alternative/electronic

Audience Profiling – TempesstIndie/alternative/electronic

Demographics – AgeThe age range for our target audience would be in between 15-25 year olds. Many of Tempesst’s songs, including tidal wave, does not include explicit words so their music attracts the younger generation. Because my year group is in this age range, individuals in our year would want to

watch our music video because they would want to support young filmakers like our group. The actors in my video are also the same age as me, so my target audience may find they can relate to them or feel part of the video. My target audience is aimed at the age period of approaching and breaching adulthood, so these people are curious about their surroundings as shown by the male actor in my music video. Furthermore, the characters will be wearing clothes that are casual but are in fashion in this age group (e.g. North Face, topshop, zara, primark), relating to the target

audience more. Demographics – Gender

The gender of my target audience would prominently be male. This is because my band does not sing above love, which females are more interested in listening to as they can emotionally relate to the lyrics. My music video also gives an insight to the male’s vision, making him more of the

protagonist than the female. However, my song and music video will not be male subjected as the narrative can interest both genders. The music video will feature the theme of love in a non over-

romanticized and stereotypical way so it can be enjoyed and liked by both genders.

Audience Profiling – TempesstIndie/alternative/electronic

Social groups

My music video would be aimed at a middle class. This is because indie music have a low budget and are not normally found in the charts, so many bands are unheard of by people outside their demographic range. The locations featuring in my music video are in urban places – one of them is based outside an abandoned building. The actors will be wearing casual clothing. These aspects of my music video suggest it is not specifically targeted at a higher status because we have to make to with what we can work with/afford. However, this does not mean my music video is aiming to exclude other social groups because the plot line can be appreciated and felt by my target audience, regardless of which social class they belong to.


My target audience have a lifestyle that involves having fun and trying out new things, but also have aspirations. The minds of my target audience work more creatively/expressively than academically/logically. My music video will not be over complicated but the appearance of the mask and the drink opens up to numerous interpretations. This implies that my target audience may be more interested in educational subjects such as art and humanities than maths and science. They are regular festival-goers in the summer, and go to the ones with big indie/electronic artists headlining (Reading/Leeds, truck, Parklife) and those with a fantastic & eccentric hippy atmosphere (Latitude, Boomtown). When it comes to going clubbing, they will go to the ones that are cheaper than others which have no dress code (Waterfront, for example). They are certainly concerned with popular culture, being regular users of a variety of social media apps (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat), Instagram being their top favourite because they love to document their life through photographs. Technology has significantly impacted this generation, so my target audience always use their devices produced by large scale companies such as Apple and Samsung to correspond with their friends and find new music. Travelling is a hobby that intrigues my target audience, meaning they may want to have a gap year with their friends to learn about other cultures and to see other parts of the world they have never seen before. I also predict that a large majority of my target audience have tattoos and get a lot of vintage clothing from designer brands in charity shops. They see their appearance as being one of the most crucial and noticeable ways of expressing your true self.

Audience Profiling – TempesstLifestyle Moodboard

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