‘tis so sweet to trust in jesus #442...congratulations are going out to logan & mathew smith...

Post on 19-Dec-2020






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Prepared for the members & friends of:

St. John’s United Church of Christ (Huntersville)

300 N. Huntersville Road Batesville, IN 47006

(812)934-4144, Church Office (812)933-9000, Church Fax

www.stjohnsuccbatesville.org www.facebook.com/sjuccbatesville/ stjohnsuccbatesville@etczone.com pastorjoeystjohns@etczone.com

Rev. Joseph Feldmann, Pastor Thought to Ponder: “Do something wonderful; people may imitate it.” ―Albert Schweitzer

a page from the hymnal…


Louisa M. R. Stead, born in 1850 in Dover, England, was the author of the text of this hymn. Mrs. Stead was called to be a missionary and lived for a while in Cincinnati. She served as a missionary in China, and later in South Africa, where she died in 1917. She married in 1875 and had a daughter, Lily. It was first published in 1882 in Stead’s “Songs of Triumph.” The story of It’s being written is as follows: “When the child was four years of age, the family decided one day to enjoy the sunny beach at Long Island Sound, New York. While eating their picnic lunch, they suddenly heard cries of help and spotted a drowning boy in the sea. Mr. Stead charged into the water. As often happens, however, the struggling boy pulled his rescuer under water with him, and both drowned before the terrified eyes of wife and daughter. Out of her ‘why?’ struggle with God during the ensuing days glowed the meaningful words from the soul of Louisa Stead.” The tune, TRUST IN JESUS, was written by William Kirkpatrick. Born on February 27, 1838 in the parish of Errigal, Keerogue, County Tyrone, Ireland, he immigrated with his family to Philadelphia in 1840. He was the composer of many hymns and other works and was involved with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Kirkpatrick died in Philadelphia on September 20, 1921.

David W. Hanson, organist/choir director St. John’s (Huntersville) UCC

As a baseball fan, very little in this world can give me such a thrill as the phrase “pitchers and catchers report.” It’s a small thing, almost insignificant. I have never been to spring training; I don’t get to experience any of the Florida or Arizona warmth. Yet the reminder that spring training has begun, that my favorite baseball players are starting to gather for the season to come, it makes me excited. I begin to think about the season, about the games I will watch, maybe even the games I will get to attend. It is a sure sign of spring. In the middle of a cold winter, it warms my heart.

As a Christian pastor, the announcing of Ash Wednesday feels somewhat similar. It’s not that the reminder that “you are dust” is particularly thrilling. But behind the phrase lies so much. The coming of Ash Wednesday heralds the coming of Lent with all the intentionality and reflection it brings. The coming of Ash Wednesday heralds the approach of Easter, my favorite of the high holy days of our calendar. I am able to handle the reminder of my own mortality (and that of my congregation) because I am also reminded of the promise of new life, of resurrection. As much as spring training, Ash Wednesday and Lent are a sign of the coming of spring. And, almost despite myself, they warm my heart.

Of course, it is worth noting that spring training is not just a fun event. On the contrary, the players who attend it work very hard as they prepare themselves for the baseball season. Some of them are trying to win a job. Others are just striving to do their job to the best of their ability. But for all of them, it is a time of preparation. As much fun as it is, hitting a 90 m.p.h. fastball is pretty hard work. So professional baseball players need that time of preparation. By engaging in it, they are better able to do their jobs. (And bring the Cardinals that elusive 12th World… What?)

I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to suggest that Lent, too, is a time of preparation. We are preparing our hearts for all that comes with Holy Week- the cross, the pain of Good Friday, the joy of Easter morning. But, more than that, we are preparing ourselves our job as Christians. What job is that? Our callings to love our neighbor, pray for those who persecute us, and care for the least of these. We are preparing to turn the other cheek, to keep our eyes on Jesus, and to work for God’s Kingdom of justice, righteousness, and shalom. We are preparing for the tasks given to us as disciples of Jesus Christ. Much like playing professional baseball, these are not easy tasks. So we need this time of preparation. By having engaged in it, we will be better able to live the lives God calls us into.

Friends, spring is coming. That means baseball will once again very soon be played. (Set you TV stations now.) It means that Ash Wednesday and Lent will also be upon us. But most of all, it means the reminders of new life- from the ashes on our forehead and more- will once again be with us. Because in Christ we have that new life. So…. Pitchers and catchers and all Christians report! Shalom,

"Spud, Soup & Salad Luncheon"

On Sunday March 1 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM we will be having our 12th Annual Spud, Soup & Salad

Luncheon. In years passed we have had many appreciative remarks how this is such a fun and enjoyable luncheon. We are excited to repeat this fun time of fellowship for everyone in our congregation and the whole community.

People are amazed at the array of soups that we have. This is only possible with your help. Everyone has

always been so generous helping us by donating their favorite. Therefore we are putting a donation sheet

out in the Commons in the month of February asking for your help again. We ask that you bring your soup

to the Church on Saturday, February 29 between 10:00 and noon, or on Sunday morning by 9:00. Also, please put your name and type of soup on the container when you bring it in.

Remember to put this date on your calendar and invite your friends and family to join us on March 1.

Thank you,

Friends of the Huntersville School

A hearty thank you goes to the Growing Servants

youth group for the surprise Christmas basket! We

really enjoyed the goodies and appreciated the card

and visit. Keep up your good work!

Elton (and Sherry) Linville


Kids Giving Back Shopping Event:

Thank you so much to everyone who donated

money for our Families Helping Families Annual

shopping event. It was a very successful shopping

trip, thanks to your generous donations. The kids

always enjoy shopping for these families and they put

a lot of thought into these gifts. We know it brings

smiles to these families.

Thanks again!

Charrel and Kara


Thank you to the “Growing Servants Youth

Group” and advisers for the thoughtful Christmas

basket. Also, for the visit from the St. John’s

Christmas carolers. This is the true meaning of



Dale & Marian Koester

Congratulations are going out to Logan & Mathew

Smith for the birth of a son “Korbin August” on

January 2nd

. “Korbin” is the grandson of Jim & Jane

Link of our congregation. Congratulations to


to the family of Toni Frye who passed away

on December 22. Toni is the mother of Peter

Frye of our congregation. A memorial service

took place here at St. John’s on January 11th.

Please keep Peter, Kristina and their children

in your thoughts and prayers.



Our Ecumenical Easter Cantata Practices starts

this year on February 3rd

. Anyone wanting to join

us are welcome to come on Monday evenings at

7:00 PM. Easter is on April 12th

and we will be

performing this at our 6:00 AM Sunrise Service

and again on Sunday, April 19th

at 7:00 PM.

Youth After our meeting in January, the rest of the school year’s calendar is set. Here is what is coming up.

February 16- Youth Worship: Our worship will be led by… YOU. Mark your calendars so you can put your spin on our worship here at St. John’s. Planning for this service will take place at 7:00pm (during the year two Confirmation class) on January 29 and February 5. Please join us for this planning… and for worship on Feb. 16.

March 1- National Youth Event Informational Meeting: In July, there will be a gathering of close to a thousand UCC youth and chaperones at Perdue called National Youth Event. We want a group to attend. Are you interested in be a part of that? Join us at noon on March 1 to hear information, ask questions, and deliberate your involvement. Please note, attendance at this meeting is NOT a commitment to go to the event in July. So come join us to have your questions answered.

March 15- Skyzone: We will leave at 11:45 for Skyzone, a trampoline park. This is a fun place to spend an afternoon. Other details, such as cost, will be announced later. However, Pastor Joey needs an approximate count by March 8 in order to get out tickets. So please RSVP. Friends and family are welcome.

Other dates: April 12- Confirmation Breakfast; May 1-2: 30-Hour Famine, July 21- 25: National Youth Event

Youth Worship Our youth will be leading us in worship during both services on February 16. We are so pleased to be bringing this tradition back to St. John’s after a temporary hiatus. Join us to see our great youth in action.

Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday this year will be on February 26. Join us as we begin our celebrations of Lent with ashes, remembrance of our sins, and a celebration of the grace of God that is with us even in the midst of it all. Service will be begin at 7:00pm. See you there!

A prayer for Ash Wednesday Lord of the winds,

I cry to thee,

I that am dust,

and blown about

by every gust

I fly to thee.

Lord of the waters,

unto thee I call.

I that am weed

upon the waters borne,

and by the waters torn,

tossed by the waters,

at thy feet I fall.

—Mary Coleridge (1861-1907)

Notice The “card committee” would appreciate knowing of any card requests before Sunday mornings. We are trying to have the cards prepared before then so everyone has a chance to sign them all before the service starts. We know there will be “last minute” situations and we will certainly accommodate them. I have been taking care of the cards while Sandy recovers from her surgery, so please call, text, or email any requests to me at: cindyfeller1@gmail.com 812-212-8308


St. John's has a long standing tradition of offering

Vacation Bible School to our kids and the kids of

our community. This year Vacation Bible School

will be June 8th - June 12th from 12:30-4pm. We

are looking for volunteers!! If you cannot commit

to the entire week but are interested in helping a

day or a few days please let us know! We would

love to have you join our staff for a great week!

You may call or text Miranda Wintz (812-212-

4069) or Sarah Dobson (812-212-2781) or see us at

church if you are interested in volunteering!



Graduation time will soon be upon us. Here at St.

John’s we do not want to leave out or forget to

congratulate any graduating senior. So please –

please – if you have a son or daughter graduating

from High School or College this year, please contact

the church office, 934-4144 (or leave a note on the

church secretary’s desk), AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

We’re so very proud of our young people and want to

let them know just how much we love and appreciate




Please keep these members and friends in your prayers. These folks are in nursing/retirement homes: St. Andrews: Carol Maple, Willis Rouse,


2 – Gerald & Candy Bessler

9 – Larry Eaton

16 – Kyle & Amber Wirth

23 – Bob & Vicki Wilhelm


2 – Mike Vonderheide (8:00 & 10:15 AM)

9 – Joan Westerfeld (8:00 AM)

Linda Westrup (10:15 AM)

16 – Youth Sunday

23 – Gary Weber (8:00 AM)

Cathy Wildt-Francisco(10:15 AM)


2 – Luke Sarringhaus (8:00 AM)

(volunteer needed) (10:15 AM)

9 – (volunteer needed) (8:00 AM)

Will Jaisle (10:15 AM)

16 – (volunteer needed) (8:00 AM)

(volunteer needed) (10:15 AM)

23 – Luke Sarringhaus (8:00 AM)

Gwen Haakinson (10:15 AM)

26 - Luke Sarringhaus & Will Jaisle (7:00 PM)


Please note: The newsletter is typed on Tuesday following the deadline date. Any items submitted after 9:00 A.M. on that day will be TOO LATE to be included in the Messenger!

Changes or Additions for Birthday/Anniversaries If there are any changes or additions to the Birthday and/or Anniversary list, please call the church office. We appreciate your phone calls. They are a big help in keeping us up to date on our list. Thank you

5 - Roger & Becky Schutte 13 - Carl & Bertha Hazelwood 14 - Gerald & Jenny Huffmeyer Joe & Cindy Volk 20 - Don & Georgia Haarman

1 - Megan Volk 2 - Zach Placke, Garrett Wagner 3 - Carol McPherson, Sarah Schumacher, Kindred Lehfeldt 4 - Roberta Siebert, Christine(Baldwin)Roell, Breanna Meyer 5 - Floyd Wirth 8 - Barb Foster, Emily Vonderheide,

Abigail Vonderheide 9 - Alice Steiner, Larry Eaton 10 - Mark Meyer, Charlotte Huffmeyer, Jeremy Raver 11 - Tim Pohlman, Joe Vonderheide, Steve Vonderheide 12 - Bob Weber, Jane Link 13 - Jessica Wagner, Gail Miller, Debbie Rollins 15 - Marlene Riehle, Travis Westerfeld, Quinten Sarringhaus 16 - Ruth Thie, Leland Hornberger 18 - Tyler Placke 19 - Jeff Schwier, Lisa Slagle 21 - Jessica Lehfeldt 22 - Linda Meyer, Georgia Haarman 23 - Gary Cornett 24 - Amber Wirth 25 - Mark Johnson, Landon Boor 26 - Nathan Pohlman, Jerry McKinney 27 - Korey Weber 28 - Anita Oliver, Gretchen Oppelt, Grant Meyers, Pam Narwold 29 - Craig Weberding

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