at redeemer

Post on 08-Jan-2022






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Red e em e r at

May –July 2017

From Sally Rosser, Council President

Redeemer is enjoying an incredible year! We have a new Senior Pastor, Mark Larson, coming to join

our excellent staff on June 12, our “5 for the 500th Engagement Challenge” program is involving

hundreds of us in serving, learning and deepening our faith, our facilities are being restored, our

participation has increased, registration for summer programs has begun; and the ministry calendar is

overflowing with opportunities to Come Share Life! Redeemer is truly blessed!

I recall fondly one of the first services I attended at Redeemer nearly 40 years ago. Pastor Lee’s sermon

remarks included, “The Church of the Redeemer has the mind, the incredibly gifted lay leadership, the

sense of destiny, the resources, and the eternal gift of the Holy Spirit working in it, to lead it, in the

decades ahead, to ever and ever greater service and praise of God through faith in Jesus Christ.” So

much of what makes Redeemer who we are today is as a result of this history of faithful engagement.

We are blessed by the vision of those who led the charge in discovering new ways to touch lives,

bringing a message of hope and grace through our service!

I hope that your selection of engagement opportunities has led to as many new relationships and

wonderful experiences as mine. I have met members I didn’t know, learned a lot about Redeemer I

didn’t know and believe my faith is strengthened from my adventures into new areas with new people.

I have been personally inspired by the attention and kindness of our congregation as we serve together

on the “5 for the 500th Engagement Challenge”.

As we begin the second quarter of 2017, we will focus on relationships. We will begin inviting each of

you to meet your Redeemer family and assist you in finding those with whom you share common

interests and lifestyle. In the process, we will all get to know our new pastor Pastor Mark and his wife

Cindy... and they will get to know us.

On Sunday, June 4 we will express our thanks Pastor Dave and Karen at a reception in Sims Atrium

following the services that day. Pastor Dave’s kind and gentle leadership and great sense of humor has

made our time of transition smoother and less anxious. We are grateful for his work with our staff and

clergy as well as the Senior Pastor Call Committee. We will miss them both! Perhaps they will decide to

become part of the Redeemer family.

Pastor Mark Larson and his wife Cindy will arrive on June 12! Thanks be to God! Pastor Mark will

preach for the first time at Redeemer on June 18th. Don’t miss this celebration of a new chapter in the

life of our congregation as we welcome Pastor Mark and Cindy to our family.


C H I L D R E N & Y O U T H W O W

C O N C E R T W e d n e s d a y M a y 1 0 | 6 : 1 5 p m | S i m s A t r i u m

All are invited, beginning with dinner at 5:15 pm, followed by the concert at 6:15 pm. The program will feature the Cherub Choir, Redeemer Singers, J.O.Y. Choir, Redeemer Ringers and Joyful Rhythm Ringers. The Redeemer Singers will present the musical drama Elijah. All ages will enjoy this festive celebration of children and youth music ministry, so please come!

M a y 7 | L u t h e r a n To w e r s S u n d a y Art Show by Tower Residents in Sims Atrium

Lutheran Towers was established by Redeemer forty- five years ago as an affordable haven for the elderly in Midtown. The goal of Lutheran Towers isn’t just to be a safe place for people to live out their years in affordability. It’s a place for people to “thrive”. The towers mission is a deep rooted, person centered, culture that fosters, dignity, enrichment, and well-being. While HUD supplies the heat and power, it’s up to us to make it a “home”. Your support and contributions allow simple things, like yoga classes, visits to cultural events, jazzercise, coffee socials, bingo, prayer circles, shopping trips, crafts, and ice cream socials to take place. These are just some of the activities that makes the towers a home to its’ over 200 residents. Other services promote physical well-being, like health services, medication management, dental care and transportation. Lutheran Towers was a vision of Dr. Robert E. Lee, Senior Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. Through a partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the 15-story tower has served as a home for over 3000 residents since its construction in 1972. It remains the only faith-based residential facility of its kind in Midtown Atlanta. Get involved with Lutheran Towers. Can you drive a van, teach basic computer skills, or other activities to seniors? Why not volunteer a just a little of your time or consider a much needed donation. Help us celebrate this vital outreach ministry as we honor residents, staff, volunteers and donors.

Proverbs 24: 3-4 By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.


S U N D A Y S C H O O L T E A C H E R A P P R E C I A T I O N | M A Y 7 Thank you to all those who served in the Sunday School program this year! Our lead teachers take on creative lessons and instruct Redeemer children in the faith, while assistants and parent helpers play an important role in helping class to run smoothly. It was a great year with over 110 kids attending Sunday School, and almost 50 adult volunteers contributing to the ministry. Thank you!

2 N D G R A D E FA I T H S T E P P I N G S TO N E | M AY 7

We celebrate the Second Graders’ Faith Stepping Stone, ‘I Believe’. They have been learning about the words of our faith through the Creeds, and we welcome their blessing during 11:00 worship. Faith Stepping Stones is a ministry where Redeemer partners with families to carry out the promises made during their child’s baptism. For more information about Faith Stepping Stone classes for all ages, contact Jen Fuchs at To schedule a baptism, contact Pastor Mary Peters at

M I D T O W N A S S I S TA N C E F O O D D R I V E Distributing Bags beginning Sunday, May 7

List of needed foods below: We will be delivering the food to MAC on Sunday, June 4, after the 11:00am service. We need volunteers to go with us to help put away the food we have collected.

· Canned Fruits (Fruit Cocktail, Pineapple, Peaches) · Canned Salmon · Vienna Sausage · Beef Stew · Hamburger and Tuna Helper · Cooking Oil · Pancake Mix · Syrup

· Toiletry Items (deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste) · Canned Vegetables · Peanut Butter · Jelly · Mac N’ Cheese · Kroger gift cards · Oatmeal · Grits

Please pick up a bag

and help us with

summer demands!

M i d t o w n L u t h e r a n P r e s c h o o l w r a p s u p y e a r 4 !

We had a great year welcoming new staff and families. Once again, we will be offering limited summer camp opportunities to our families in June and July.

Preschool will resume for our 5th year on August 9th! We are on rolling admission and would love to have a few more children join our roster for our year so pass our name along! We greatly appreciate your constant support, encouragement, and word of mouth referrals to your friends and families! We look forward to more new adventures in 2017-2018!


Spring Fling and WELCA Fashion & Doll Show | May 13 | 11 am

S u n d a y, M a y 1 4 | G r a d u a t e R e c o g n i t i o n S u n d a y

Congratulations to all the graduates! If you know someone who is completing their degree at the high school,

college, or Master/Doctoral level, we'd love to know about it. Contact by May 7

to be included in the day. We'll have a special blessing for graduates during 11:00 worship followed by a

reception in Sims Atrium.

Redeemer's Sisters of the Good Shepherd and Northside Circle are

sponsoring this fun day of fashion, dolls, and food. Purchase your tickets

this Sunday, May 7 in Sims Atrium. The cost for this luncheon, and the

"American Women in History through Dolls" program is $10.00 for adults

and $5.00 for children. If you would like to sign up to display, share, or

present your own favorite or historic doll in addition to the dolls of the

program presented by Jo Adams, please e-mail

or call Diana Palma at 404-667-6290.

f r o m C h i l d r e n ’ s C h u r c h Thank you to Fraser Pearson! Tenth grader, Fraser Pearson is working towards the rank of Eagle Scout, and has worked with Children's Ministry for almost a year to plan, design, and build an altar for our Children's Church space. All were blessed to receive communion at the newly dedicated altar during the Children's Easter Celebration in April. Thank you, Fraser, for your service and care.


M U S I C & A R T S C A M P

“ O n c e U p o n a T i m e ” June 12-16 | 9am—4pm with free before & after care

Registration is now available at Rising kindergarteners through 7th graders will explore music, art, drama and more! The focus of the week will be working toward presenting “Joust! A Mighty Medieval Musical.” Tuition for the week is $165, and includes all activities, a hot lunch, and a t-shirt. Sibling discounts apply, and financial need based scholarships are available. Non-members are welcome, so tell your friends and neighbors. For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Sarah Hawbecker at 404-874-8664, ext. 206 or Follow the camp and share our posts on Facebook at

R e d e e m e r W e e k at L u t h e r i d g e | J u n e 4 — 1 0 Redeemer children & youth will experience a week on the mountain. They will learn about “The Water of Life” in Bible study and enjoy all sort of adventures with new and old friends. Pray for our campers and adult leaders, and the counselors and camp staff preparing for our arrival!

Night Out Being a mom is tough! It helps to hear from other moms who share the joys, sorrows, and hilarity of our parenting journey. The moms are planning a night out, Wednesday, May 31 at 6 pm. For more information email Jen Fuchs at

Adult VBS June 26—30 with

Pastor Mark Larson

9:45—11:30 am

Rudisill Hall


Vacation Bible School

J U N E 2 6 — 3 0 | 9 A M — 1 2 : 3 0 P M *Free before care at 8:00 am | After-care available until 6:00 pm for a fee The Maker Fun Factory is a place where kids are created by God, built for a purpose. This is a huge ministry of Redeemer where the entire church will be transformed into God’s work-shop. Here are some of the ways you can be involved: -Give a financial contribution to support our Vacation Bible School ministry. A donation of $40 sponsors one

camper for the week, and contributions of all levels support the ministry. Gears for our Wall of Thanks are available at the Welcome Desk.

- Check your garage, attic, and tool shed for old household items that can be repurposed for VBS fun. Wrenches, pots and pans, wooden spoons and the like are all needed. We are also in need of large sheets of peg board and various lengths/ sizes of PVC pipe. Donations are accepted at the Resource Room (across from room 204).

- Collect LARGE cardboard boxes (i.e. appliance boxes), clean tin cans, and clean plastic tubes (i.e. Airborne containers). Bring items to the Resource Room (across from room 204)

- Donate in-kind supplies. Check here (add link: ) for updates about supply needs.

- Join us during the week of June 20-24 to begin transforming Redeemer into the Factory. - Join us on June 25 & 26 to put on the final touches. June 25, 9 am – 3 pm; June 26, noon – 3 pm. - Register your child or grandchild today at redeemervbs. - Register as a volunteer! Adults and youth are needed to serve many roles. Lots of volunteers serve the en-

tire morning, but there are roles for people who can only serve one hour a day, or one day in the week. - Listen to VBS music in advance to learn all your soon-to-be-favorite songs from our week together. CDs are

available at the Welcome Desk. - Spread the word. Invite your friends and neighbors for a fun-and-faith-filled week! - For more info, contact Jen Fuchs a



H a v e a P h y s i c a l l y & S p i r i t u a l l y H e a l t h y S u m m e r

Eat more berries. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries all are good for you .

Enjoy water. Drink lots of water, swim, canoe, kayak, run in the rain.

Remember your baptism as you enjoy the water.

Wear sunglasses and sunscreen as you rejoice in the light!

Attend Worship regularly. Worship the Son, not the sun.

Relax and read. There are great books in the Redeemer library.

Read something you have been putting off,

maybe a book in the Bible.

Rest, vacation, take time away, to restore yourself and your

relationship with God and others.

Have a great summer, Karen Medford

Faith Community Nurse

“This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.” From Paul’s letter to the Colossians 1:6

You Can Change Someone’s Life With Eight Words As we begin our second quarter of our “5 for 500th Engagement Challenge” our emphasis turns to engagement through relationships. Engagement begins with invitation, to us, or by us. Most of us are blessed by a circle of family, friends and colleagues. This circle can remain small and limiting or it can continue to expand as we invite others to share our lives, our interests, and our hearts! We find it easy to extend invitations for dinner, a sports event, a play date, etc. We are eager to share our best experiences, we share the excitement of our favorite places and we welcome new friends into our homes. As we engage others and become engaged we begin to appreciate the value of the larger circle and the importance of community.

Please consider how this applies to your faith life... Sometimes it can be intimidating to talk about our faith or invite someone to join us. Sometimes it can be awkward. Sometimes we feel we are intruding. Sometimes people say no, before they say yes. But that short moment of discomfort in extending an invite is so worth it when we see that invitation may change someone’s life. Perhaps God is using you for that purpose. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is leading you to just the right person.

All it takes is 8 words, Would you join me at Redeemer this week? Joining you at Redeemer means engaging in worship, learning, service and fellowship! There will surely be opportunities that will be a “fit” for those you wish to invite. Pray for specific people in your life who need to know that God loves them, and ask God to give you an opportunity to invite them. Pray that when God gives you the opportunity to invite someone to Redeemer, that you would have the courage to extend that invitation. That is how engagement begins!



5/7-End of Year Party 5/7-Teacher Appreciation Day (Say a special

“Thank You” to your Sunday School Teacher or Confirmation Teachers/Small Group Leaders)

5/14-Graduation Recognition Sunday 5/14-Mother’s Day Bake Sale 5/20-Confirmation Banquet 5/21-Confirmation Sunday 5/21-Last day of Confirmation Class and HS

Sunday School 6/18-6/23-AFFIRM 6/25-7/1-Confirmation Camp at Lutheridge

(rising 8th graders) 6/26-6/30-VBS (Youth Volunteers Needed-

Contact Jen Fuchs) 7/8-7/15-High School Mission Trip-Chicago,IL 7/16-7/21-Middle School Mission Trip-Nashville,


Youth Ministry Team

Acolyte & Crucifer News

We are now utilizing an online tool, Planning Center, for Youth Worship Assistants! All Youth are asked to serve in worship as part of their Confirmation experience and beyond as Youth members of the congregation. Please sign up around your summer plans now. Thanks for your service!

Youth Mission Project

April 9



MAY 1 Mary Ann Kuettner

Mahlon Stiles

Phyllis Oblander

Sam Berg

Keith Bruno

Benjamin Street

John Pakkala

Patrick Bello

Matthew Baer

2 Douglas Carl

Isabel Benson

Alyce Wise

Shera Taylor

Josephine Durdin

Evan Fowler

Richard Spady

Ken Carrig

Jane Liston

3 Sara Conaway

Rachel Tilley

Ilene Brown

Mallorie Platko

Hilda Holcomb

Nathaniel Pearson

Barbara Dougherty

4 Joyce Sharpe

Karena Cramer

5 Catherine St. John

Allison Englert

Celia O'Shea

Jennifer Cobb

David Sides

6 Elizabeth Currie

Mark Buchanan

Carl Tiegreen

Jonathan Fuller

Samuel Aldridge

Ashley Freudenstein

Wyatt Brune

7 Elaine Griner

Ezra Hawley

Theodore Mulford

Matthew Wessinger

8 Ryder Keel

9 Ann Otterness

Cathy Ott

Hewan Peterson

Jennifer Meszaros

Morgan Stempler

10 Stacie Kershner

Maureen Hetrick

Hogan Hans

Brendan Jackson


Alisa Norvelle

Joe Wilkins

Daniel Kershner

Thomas McPherson

Cynthia Wilson

Natalie Chu

Lydia Van Hoosear

Elyse Van Hoosear

12 William Wiederhold

Leonardo Puline

Christopher Heath

13 Chris Spielmann

John Steinmetz

Steven Sween

Daniel Englert

Amy Nowatzki

Anna Love

Shannyn Serfozo

Jerry Johnson

Brendon Keinath

David Miller

Dylan Frost

14 Mason Nieman

Thomas Forsberg

Barbara Liptak

Elise Bansen

Robert Blatecky

Rick Nemeck

15 Kathy Wray

Sue Frierson

Stan Schubert

Amy Hendershot

16 Elijah Thomas

Cole Flournoy

Kelly Schlegel

Hallie Anderson

Ivan Struensee

Krista Baire

Martha Cantrell

Samuel DeKinder

Isabella Bensch

James Bensch

Myrna Kysar

17 Erin Deebel

Colin Moore

Pam Amy-Cupp

Jacob McCloskey

Julie Bitter

Mary Bowers

Michael McIntire

Kristin Murnahan

18 David Yelich

Ilsa West

Christian Nowatzki

Kathlyn Updegrove

Andrea Emmel

Brannan Moss

19 Sydney Sosebee

Megan Alexander

Robert Palma

Madison Heath


Sidney Robinson

Penny Saunders

Gisela Zimmer

Andrew Pearson

Cheryl Jackson

21 Lori Deuben

Carol Maxwell

Sigrid Spitler

Sally Rosser

Dylan Miranda

Jennifer King

Megan Guetter

John Hickman


James Maxwell

Sarah Boone

23 Terrell Weitman

Patrick Volan

Chelsea Beimfohr

John Perantoni

Max Weterrings

Ella Kim

24 Brandon Lambert

Zachary Heisler

Katelyn Warren

Hollis Lichtman


Jeanne Andersen

Matthew Barr

Lauren Hull

Leslie Carson

Cindy Noland

William Porter

26 Matt Reynolds

Ken Wayco

Emily Patterson

Carrie Viberg

Noelle Herren

27 Marykay Gilbert

Cliff Burt

Leslie Paulsen

Harrison Weber

Thomas Forsberg


Stine Sides

29 Mabrey Pearson

Sandra Williams

Melita Hobby

Jeremy Smith

30 Bruce Lewis

Randy Rekoske

James Robertson

Loren Hunter

31 Kristin Bitter

Todd Larsen

Robert Stinson

Cecelia Tiller

JUNE 1 Lou Simon

Justin Mason

Jordan Mason

Roberta Miller

Oliver Mullen

Katherine Bastin

Theresa McIlraith

Karen Whitehead

2 Mindy Tanzola

3 Lisa Johanson

Michael Thornton

Gina Carter

Chasity Palma

William Gay

4 Heather Gilbert

Ernestine Vogel

Diane Currence

Michael Medford

Lisa Medford

Lydia Medford

Elsie Richards

Diane Shea

James Price

Eric Boye

5 Chris Brueckner

Barbara Howard

Michael Verner

Darrel Peterson

6 Rudi Wooten

Philip Vogel

Wendy Tiegreen

Julie McWilliams

Renae Parent

William Lotz

Karen Teeple

7 Tracy Roberts

Peyton Morgan

Carolyn Gray

Jim McCloskey

Bruce Miller

Ellie Broad

Ansley Forsberg

8 Lynn Thomay

Jordan Pakula

Megan Patterson

Robert Doan

9 Rob Brown

Sharen Kilpatrick

Robbie Love

Jacob Thomas

Deborah Morton

10 Ed Kohler

Robert Tanzola

Amy Platter

11 Cole McWilliams

Tyler Wells

Jenny Steele

Joseph Kidd

Katherine Hickman

Reid Teeple

12 Carey Rosser

Judith Featherstone

Sarah Lanham


Michael Williams

Brant King

Beth Gibble

Paul Frendak

13 Kathryn Morris

Ronald Gilbert

Susan Cordell

Jean Iverson

Jack Verner

Milon Biswas

14 Stephen Gundersen

Ana Walker

Jan Abshire

Walter Roberts

Betty Ginn

Bill Alexander

Emily Ott

Gwendolyn Johnson

Olivia Stephens

Zane Yntema

15 Leif Johanson

Lorna Reasor

Jilda Kettel

Dexter Beck

Robert Trimble

Lauren Englisbe

16 Nathan Gundersen

Kay Sins

Heyward Jones

Janet Baker

Malorie Switzer

Katherine Tanzola

Jason Steele

Marie Cole

Benjamin Pearson

Henry Puckhaber


Bill Wise

Sandi Van Gorder

18 Wiley Boney

Helen Tiegreen

Josefina Wernecke

Paul Cortopassi

19 Myles Rowe

Boyd Mayfield

Lisa Burnett

Nathan May

20 Laverne Nienow

Phillip Zenoni

Cynthia Zettler

Justin Wilde

Kathryn Elkins

Ansley Freudenstein

Anne-Marie May

21 Barry Spurlock

Eric Kuettner

Alan Borchers

Greg Parent

Matthew Kyle

Janet Hedlund

22 Joyce Autrey

Luise Papaik

23 Cheryl Collier

Adam Kimmich

Jeffrey Beimfohr

Meko McCray

Samuel Gore

Graham Harrison

Gene Chapman

24 Cheryl Smith

Sara Horehled

Reilly Tiegreen

Brian Borchers

Mackenzie Boler

Jennifer Dumont

Charlotte Sexton

Savannah Sexton

25 Charlie Hutsell

Linda Lael

Theresa Burleson

26 Aaron McGaffigan

Adam McGaffigan

Bruce Bohannon

Chase Van Gorder

Brandon Worrell

Sharon Colburn

27 Spencer Barnes

Liz Alexander

Meredith Wieland

Dawn Adamson

Scott Anderson

28 Elise Thomas

Ashley Grice

Jude Elkins

Claire Johnson

Isaac Perantoni

Nicholas Perantoni

Will Lewis

Jonathan Stich

Kristen Sheffield

Ethan Deuson

Beverly Frendak

29 April Tilley

Owen Ritger

Monika Giolito

Oscar Garcia-Ide

Barbara Ulven


Deirdre Jennings

Phil West

JULY 1 Claire Marie deNeergaard

Annette Forster

Emma Johnson

Elizabeth Kovack

Lori Hickman

Patrick Sickles


Millie West

Sue Zellner

Garrett Anderson

3 John Sabine

Karen Fore

Kendrick McWilliams

Lynne Presdorf Moss

Brenda Bondesen

Phillip Grice

4 Peg Wyse

Margaret Bragg

Ethan Jennings

John Cornwell

5 James Kaukula

Kathy Bihl

Graham Wilde

Stephen Powner


Gertrud Detweiler

Dennie Jarrard

Nathan Miller

Jason Liebzeit

Jordan Whitaker

7 BernardBenson

Cynthia DeKinder

Traci Switzer

Charles Lofstrom

Helena Viberg

Cheryl Bansen

8 Margaret Wooten

Caren Warren

Erin Dawson

Justin Bansen

Alicia Bates


Andrea Waterhouse

Lillian Steele

Chalmers Stewart

Damien Scott

Jane Forstner


Austin Bradley

Andrew Bragg

David Ott

Dennis Kirr

Megan Dawson

Luke Hawley

Joyce Smith

Bryan McLendon


Suzanne Sims

Christopher Bowman

Ingrid Neale

Lance Muller

Heidi Couch

Marlee Hattermann

Jennifer William

Brady Grant

12 Amanda Hoomes

Lesley Robertson

Sarah Al-Hussein

Molly Wyse

13 Ed Kleckley

Madison Tiegreen

Susan Wilson

Robert Altmann

Johanna May


Victoria Volan

Beatrix Lay

Bradley Sickles

Mary Peterson

15 Jeffrey Williams

Tiffany Rice

Cecelia Sickles


Anneliese Hermann

Julianna LeVorse

Alyssa LeVorse

Don Cornwell

Susan Verner

Natalie Tanzola

Alison MacDougall

Bradley Ploeger

Katie Moss

Kathryn Durham


Bobby Sigmon

Mike Langford

Joshua Sosebee

Steve Morgan

Elisabeth Giolito

Brian Pakkala

Tim Schroer

Isabella Vargo

Gibby Slappey

18 Roy Wise

Amanda Wolfe

Travis Tolar

Jill Williams

Marika Johnson

Anne Feyereisen

Amanda Otey

Natallia Akulenka

19 Sherri Mason

Nancy Anderson

John Nieman

Courtney Bohannon

Dorthey Hurst

Meghan Campbell

Hayes Smith

20 Anders Johanson

Erin Hyde

Katherine Wessinger

Yvonne Whitaker

21 Susan McCart

Jack Gundersen

Julie Freudenstein

Chris Borchers

Henrik Sides


Jacqueline Runningen

John Howard

Evan Leeder

Thad Ellett

23 Susan Shannon

LaDonna Williams


Anne Amos

Jeffrey St. John

Marilyn Grant

R. E. Wolfe

Charles Wessinger

Robin Jonas

Lucie Ide

Dawn Weterrings

25 Bailey Keiger

Peter Olsson

John Olsson

Carol Bloomquist

Carolyn Ramsey

April Jones

Seth Brown

Michelle Spady


Solomon Ghebreyesus

Nicholas Wooten

William Rawls III

Rod McMurrey

Penelope Scarpucci

Maria Maxwell

Jane Bastin

Emma Bastin

Richard Sanders

27 Allen Gary

Caroline Iverson

Neil Ligon

William Fike

28 Lloyd Marquardt

Debra Borchers

Josephine Howard

David Buechner

Barbara Berger

Diana Palma

Lisa Carrig

Kris Weterrings


29 Jo Adams

Harrison Vassar

Clark Tomlin

Benjamin Williams

Kevin Dougherty

Caroline Hickey

Nicholas Miller

Courtney Williams

Allison Stinson

Steven Miles

30 Terry Massar

Audrey Mullen

Heather Chastain

Ryan Zegarelli

31 Beth Sides

Clare Ranney

Mary Roesel

Darrick Wilkins

Carol Bell

Max Rafferty



S a t u r d a y, A u g u s t 5 In 2013, Redeemer led the way in the Southeastern Synod and raised $358,000 toward the building of the retreat center facility and named a wing in memory of our beloved former pastor, The Reverend Dr. Carl F.W. Ficken. Construction is now underway! Plan now to join the Ficken family as we gather to celebrate this historic event! For questions, contact Charles Bridgers

at or Amy Carpenter at

S t e p h e n M i n i s t r y Crisis: An emotionally charged time of instability during which a crucial change occurs The Chinese word for "crisis" is a combination of two characters: one for

"danger" (危 - wei) and the other for

"opportunity" (機 -ji). This helps drive

home the idea that every crisis, though it may involve impending danger, also

offers opportunities for personal or spiritual growth. Stephen Ministers are trained to walk with you through the dangers of your crisis and to help you find the opportunities God has in store for you. For more information about Stephen Ministry, please contact Pr. Mary Peters at 404.874.8664 or

7 3 1 Pe a c h t re e S t . N E | At l a n t a , G e o rg i a | ( 4 0 4 ) 8 7 4 . 8 6 6 4


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This Quarterly Newsletter is published by the Communication Ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church.

Contact Robin Durdin, for information or to submit articles.

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