assignment 4 film

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Unit 8 Assignment 4 Stefan Constantinou

How has technology in TV and Film changed and what has been the impact of these changes for audiences and producers of film and TV?

Film Cinema 3D The world of 3D cinema all changed after Avatar came out in December 2009. This film was considered the best movie to see in 3D in cinema due to the amazing special effects it has and how highly anticipated it was for over 5 years. Cinema has always had a family traditional heritage; this is why film companies and producers are trying to make films that can be shown in 3D via cinema or disc. This is now what the world is accustoming too, even more than 2D films as it’s seen as a better viewing experience for a small increase in price. However, they cause problems for the audience, such as brightness concerns; the lighting for 3D films is considerably more than 2D films, which can have a strain on the viewer’s eyes, this was later changed. Another problem is that films are not being filmed in 3D but converted into 3D in postproduction, which reduces quality. 3D cinema has some advantages for the producers and audiences. Films that are shown in 3D tend to make a greater profit, for example, Street Dance 3D gained a 30% rise from its opening Friday to the following Saturday. The cinemas can increase prices to make more money. However, there are many disadvantages to 3D Cinema. If the target audience is not correct, the movie can result in losing a lot of money because. Producers are worried that 3D movies and 3D technology is just a heat of the moment fad and that it will not lost much longer, which therefore means companies have wasted their time and money. Another main disadvantage could be that British companies may fall behind in the market as they cannot afford to produce 3D films as frequently and to the high standards of Hollywood (or other big companies) movies. The prices of the cinema tickets may not satisfy the audience and they may be drawn off watching it.

Online Streaming Online streaming has become very popular nowadays in comparison to years ago when watching films online was very limited in terms of amount of films and ways to watch. Netflix is possibly the most popular way people are watching films online. It is simple and offers many films that are popular and they’re trying to stay on top and provide the most recent movies. Online streaming wasn’t around in 2000, it became popular around 2010, and there are also other ways to stream online. If you are a Sky or Virgin customer, you have access to Sky Movies on your laptop/PC which people find very useful. Another way to actually watch the films is through a specific device. For example, people watch films through Netflix on

Unit 8 Assignment 4 Stefan Constantinou

devices such as: XBOX 360, PS3, DVR’s, Nintendo Wii, iPhone, iPad, Android Phones, Smart TV’s, Apple TV and Windows Phone. The impact from these online streaming applications, such as Netflix or LoveFilm, have made is incredible. They allow people to watch their favourite films at home, which allow them to gain popularity. Having numerous devices to play the app on allows a much larger audience to have access to it. The impact it has had has allowed online streaming to become a lot bigger and more popular due to the number of devices increasing. This affects the audience in a positive way as they can view their favourite films from home on numerous devices. This affects the producer by filmmakers having the option to sell the movie to Netflix upon request, this benefits both parties as the producer gains more money and allows the movie to gain popularity/views, and the audience have more movies to watch. For the audience, an advantage of online streaming is that it’s all available instantly once subscribed. This is very beneficial because audiences get very frustrated with buffering and adverts whilst they’re watching their films. However, a disadvantage would be that you need Wi-Fi for online streaming to happen and certain countries only get certain films, which could cause some complaints.

CamerasCameras have changed greatly over the years in terms of the quality of film. They have greatly decreased in size; however, the quality of film has gone up greatly. The actual size of the body of the camera has gone down, but the lens size and complexity has increased. Cameras of great quality have made their way on mobile phones, which is actually used in the film world. For example, Project X was a popular film for a teenage/young adult demographic and has many shots recorded on an actual mobile phone, possibly an iPhone. The main changes from 2000 to now is that the quality of film has been increased to a high standard and not many people see how the viewing experience can get any better as ‘8K’ is the highest resolution possible to get out of a film camera. The impact this has had on the public is that they’re able to enjoy films with a very high quality and can make it more appealing. The producer has been affected by this in a very positive way as they will be able to choose the quality they want the film in as there are many different ones, this wasn’t possible 10 years ago as there were much fewer camera lenses and quality choices. This affects the audience by them being able to enjoy the films that are highly anticipated in the best possible way.


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