arcgis server version 10 install and configuration with...

Post on 17-Feb-2018






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ArcGIS Server Installation Page 1

ArcGIS Server version 10 Install and Configuration with SQL

By Vince DiNoto

Contents Prerequisite ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

SQL Express 2008 R2 ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Virtual Studio 2010 ....................................................................................................................................... 3

ArcGIS Desktop v10 ....................................................................................................................................... 3

ArcGIS Server v10 .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Setting permissions ................................................................................................................................... 8

ArcSDE for Workgroup v10 ........................................................................................................................... 9

SQL Group Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 9

ArcCatalog ................................................................................................................................................... 10

ArcInfo ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Index............................................................................................................................................................ 13

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 2

Prerequisite Prior to begin this module you should be a knowledgeable user of ArcGIS Desktop this exercise

will use version 10 of Esri products. You should understand how to create maps using ArcInfo

version 10 and have used services from a ArcGIS Server. If you are not familiar with either of

these operations you need to gain that familiarity before proceeding.

Overview All connections to the server will be done using a Remote Desktop connection (which is typical

in most production environments), make sure that the server will accept a remote connection. It

is assumed that Microsoft Server 2008 has been installed and is working properly including

configuration of IIS (this is accomplished in the Roles section of Server Manager). It is further

assumed that all appropriate virus protection has been installed. You will need to install any

server updates required prior to beginning the configuration. The server can be either virtual or

physical. For this lesson we will be using a virtual server. The server will needs to have a public

ip address if it is to be outside of the organization, if only used within the organization network

this is not needed.

The configuration of the server will be done in such away so that it can serve out ArcGIS Server

feature services, which will allow online browser editing and editing within ArcInfo, this will

require either SQL or SQL Express.

You should turn off IE Enhanced Security, to accomplish this you need to do the following:

1. Go to Server Manager

2. Click on the upper left “Server Manager”

3. Go to “Security Information”

4. Find “Configure IE ESC”

5. Turn off IE ESC then do a refresh

SQL Express 2008 R2 We will use the free Microsoft SQL Express 2008 R2 with advanced options, downloaded from: we are using the 64 bit variety. The major

difference between SQL Express and SQL is the maximum size of the database and the version

of ArcSDE limits the number of connections to the database. Of course the cost is another factor

since SQL Express is free. SQL Express can also be installed from the ArcSDE for Workstation

or ArcSDE for Desktop. Note that ArcSDE from the ArcGIS Server DVD will only work with

the full version of SQL.

1. Download the software

2. Install the software

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 3

a. Make sure you have Microsoft Installer 4.5 Installed it will prompt you for this.

b. Load any other software you are prompted for.

c. Restart if required

3. Starting Installation again

a. Note it will show as SQL at times and not SQL Express

b. Use the defaults for the install.

i. Use the default name for the instance SQLExpress

ii. It requests the name of the administrator make sure you are in that group

c. Check for product updates after completing the install and restart if required

You can do the installation of SQL Express when you do the installation of ArcSDE. If you

have already completed the installation of SQL Express you just need to do the post install part

of ArcSDE.

Virtual Studio 2010 Next you will install Virtual Studio 2010, components of this software is used both with

Silverlight and also ArcGIS Server.

1. Secure the software, MSDNA might be your source.

2. Install the software which will require a machine reboot during the installation process

You may also wish to install Microsoft Expressions 4, while it is not needed for the server

operation for this lesson, it is useful if you plan to work with Silverlight.

ArcGIS Desktop v10 ArcGIS Desktop is installed on the server so that map files can be constructed directly on the


1. Install ArcInfo V 10 on the server

a. Note all versions (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo) of the desktop may be in one file

and depending on the key code inputted or the license manager which of the three

versions you will have available to use.

b. Depending on how you are getting your media, you might need an iso program to

install from an iso image.

c. Registered software with license manager or input key codes

d. Do a complete install

2. Connect to the license manager or input appropriate key codes

3. Do not add ArcSDE from here

4. Install Service Pack(s) (SP1)

5. Make sure the software is operating properly before moving to the next step

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 4

ArcGIS Server v10 We will be installing the Enterprise level of ArcGIS Server. We will be installing the .NET

Framework version, first we will install the

server and then the web application. Don’t

forget you must also do a post install when

you finish the installation for each

component. You must have specific Web

Server (IIS) components and Management

Tools for proper function, if you do not have

them installed you will be prompted for them.

See Figure 1: Web Server Requirements. If you

are prompted for missing components, cancel

the installation process, install the missing

components and restart the installation

process. A good resource is:


1. Install ArcGIS Server for Microsoft

.NET Framework

a. If prompted for missing

components cancel the

installation process for ArcGIS


b. Make sure all IIS Components

(web services) are installed do

not move forward without

these components installed. If

you did you installation via a sys prep, you may need to change the pipeline for

application pool to Classic instead of Integrated.

c. Install appropriate Management Tools on the server as required.

d. Restart the installation process.

e. Provide a Name for the instance.

2. Run the Post Install which will automatically start after the installation is complete.

a. You will configure the GIS Server and also authorize the GIS Server in the Post


Figure 1: Web Server Requirements

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 5

b. The first step will be to create the Arc SOM and Arc SOC Accounts which will be

used to communicate with the server. You can use the default names or select

your own names; you will be required to generate a password. See Figure 2:

ArcGIS Server Accounts. The password needs to be a strong password use capital

letters and numerical characters. SOM stands for Server Object Manager and

SOC stands for Server Object Container. These two accounts are critical for the

complete operation.

Figure 2: ArcGIS Server Accounts

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 6

c. The next step will be to create and ArcGIS Web Services account and password,

you may use the same password as in the previous part, you may accept the

provided name or create one of your own.

Figure 3: ArcGIS Server Web Services

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 7

d. You will next need to specify the location of the output images, press the open

folder button and select or create a storage location, you will need to share the

folders and provide appropriate permissions to the folders. You can change the

webserver name, include using the IP address. You need to keep the web port at

80. I normally create a new folder for the mxd files and also keep the default

folder as shown above. Make sure the SOC, SOM and Webservices accounts

have appropriate access to these folders. The Inetpub and wwwroot are used by


e. Complete the configuration process

f. Next you will need to authorize the software; you must have appropriate key

codes for the software and extensions.

g. You will need to give rights to certain accounts but this will be discussed later in

this module.

3. Next we need to install the web applications (post install) for the dot net framework. This

install looks very much like the one done in step 2.

4. You need to install any service packs (SP1) for ArcGIS Server and for the Web


a. You will need to redo the post install for ArcGIS Server including putting the

authorization codes in.

b. Web Applications will be similar to what you did in the initial install, there is no

post install.

Figure 4: Image storage directory

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 8

Setting permissions Once you have installed the server software you need to make sure that permissions are set

correctly. This including putting your account into agsadmin and agsusers groups and put the

SOC and SOM accounts into the proper shares.

1. Add your account to agsadmin Group

a. Open the Server Manager from Administrative Tools

i. Under Configuration

ii. Under Local Users and Groups

iii. Open Group Folder

iv. Open the agsadmin group

Note that I am already in this

group as is the ArcGIS

Webservices account. While it

is not required to put the SOC

and SOM accounts in this group

you may decide to add them. If

you need to add additional

people to the administrative

account please do so. The SOC,

SOM and webservices have been

added automatically to the Users

Group. When you add an

account make sure that you

denote the location of the

account the SOM and SOC

accounts are not part of the

Domain, they are local machine

accounts, while your user

account most likely is part of the


2. Add your account to

agsusers group, this is

done with the same procedure as discussed for the agsadmin group.

3. Granting permission to directories (folders). You must make sure that the SOC account

has permission to the location in which the data is being stored. This can be

accomplished by sharing of folders. The data folders for shapefiles should be located in

your new folder or in the arcgisserver folder, also make sure you have full permission to

this folder by being in the administrator group or adding yourself to this folder. I suggest

Figure 5: agsadmin Group

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 9

adding the SOC and SOM account to the administrator group therefore you will need to

add only one group. This is done as described in the part 1. Make sure the SOC account

has at least read/write permission, We will couple the SQL database with the ArcGIS

Server at a later point.

ArcSDE for Workgroup v10 If you have available ArcSDE for workgroup it allows for 10 concurrent connections, ArcSDE

for the desktop allows only 3. The full version of ArcSDE for Enterprise must be used in

conjunction with the full version of SQL, which does not limit the number of connections. The

number service connections are an important consideration, because it can limit your flexibility.

ArcSDE is the software that connects SQL Express and ArcGIS Server together. This

application is found on the ArcGIS Server for Workgroup DVD.

1. You will need to upgrade your SQL Express to have Advanced Extension and also enable

it. You could also install SQL Express at this time, if you had not already installed it on

your server previously. This process will take several minutes.

2. You will be prompted to add a Windows Login if this is a domain account you will need

to put the domain in front of the account. Click next to continue.

3. Next step requires a re-authorization

4. Check for service pack

The overall install is very quick

SQL Group Configuration Once you have gotten ArcSDE installed you need to make sure that the SQL groups have your

domain account and the SOC and SOM accounts included, there are three different groups. The

procedure is the same as done for ArcGIS Server. Note the names in Figure 6: SQL Groups, will

be different depending on the name of the server.

Figure 6: SQL Groups

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 10

ArcCatalog Open ArcCatalog and click on Add Database

Server as in Figure 7: Adding Database Server.

You will be requested to give the name of the

database to make the connection. It will take the

form of server name\sql server.

Next you will need to right click on the SQL

Express Server and create a GeoDatabase. If you

have problem connecting make sure you have

installed all service packages, you also may need

to run the following patch which is located on the

page at:

leShow&d=37983 . Make sure the ArcGISSOC

account is added to the database and that

permission of read and write have been given to

the database,

Next you will need to add a shapefile to the geodatabase just created. Locate your SQLExpress

Figure 7: Adding Database Server

Figure 8: Geodatabase Shapefile Creation

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 11

geodatabase you created. Right click on the geodatabase and press import. In the import

window you need to select the input filename and provide a name for the file that will reside in

the geodatabase, I suggest keeping the name short and omitting spaces. You should get the same

results by exporting the file to the geodatabase. See Figure 8: Geodatabase Shapefile Creation

ArcInfo Launch ArcInfo and select add data. The data source will be the SQL Database server instead of

a folder

connection or

geodatabase like

you have done in

the past.

Once all the data

has been added to

the map you will

need to save the

map project file

(.mxd) into the

shared directory.

The ArcGIS

Server has full

rights to this

directory which is

required to be

able to display the map project. You can have multiple sources for the data, but for any layer

you wish to modify via a web browser they must be contained in a relational database such as

SQL Express. Other sources such as traditional Geospatial database or just shapefiles can be

used. Multiple services can also be used in the construction of the final map.

Once an MXD file has been created using the relational database server (SQL), you will need to

create a service, I suggest this to be done in the ArcGIS Server Manager, since it must be created

from an MXD file and not a MSD file as done with ArcGIS Desktop. The service that will be

created can be edited within ArcGIS Desktop as well as on a web browser since it will be a

feature class service.

Figure 9: Adding data from SQL Express Server

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 12

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Web Server Requirements ............................................................................................................. 4

Figure 2: ArcGIS Server Accounts ............................................................................................................... 5

Figure 3: ArcGIS Server Web Services ........................................................................................................ 6

Figure 4: Image storage directory ................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 5: agsadmin Group ............................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 6: SQL Groups ................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 7: Adding Database Server .............................................................................................................. 10

Figure 8: Geodatabase Shapefile Creation .................................................................................................. 10

Figure 9: Adding data from SQL Express Server ....................................................................................... 11

ArcGIS Server Installation Page 13


.NET Framework, 4 Administrative Tools, 8 agsadmin, 8 agsusers, 8 Arc SOC, 5 Arc SOM, 5 ArcCatalog, 10 ArcGIS Desktop, 2, 3, 11 ArcGIS Server, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11 ArcGIS Web Services, 6 ArcInfo, 2, 3, 11 ArcSDE, 2, 3, 9 Configure IE ESC, 2 Database Server, 10 Domain, 8 Esri, 2 geodatabase, 10, 11 IE Enhanced Security, 2 IIS, 2, 4, 7

Inetpub, 7 IP address, 7 key codes, 3, 7 license manager, 3 Microsoft Server 2008, 2 Microsoft SQL Express, 2 MXD, 11 Post Install, 4 Remote Desktop, 2 Roles, 2 Server Manager, 2, 8 Server Object Container, 5 Server Object Manager, 5 Silverlight, 3 SQL, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 Virtual Studio 2010, 3 Web Application, 7 wwwroot, 7

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