externalizing arcgis server & server ams/pll sites...

Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely An Azteca Systems Inc. White Paper 9/17/2013 For use with Cityworks Server AMS/PLL 2012.1 SP2 & above

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Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely

An Azteca Systems Inc. White Paper


For use with Cityworks Server AMS/PLL 2012.1 SP2 & above

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Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely


COPYRIGHT INFORMATION © Copyright 2013 by Azteca Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Azteca Systems, Inc. 11075 S. State St., Suite 24 Sandy, UT, 84070, U.S.A. TRADEMARKS: Cityworks®, the Azteca logo, and Azteca Systems products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Azteca. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY ADDED TO THIS INFORMATION. AZTECA MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR CHANGES IN THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE PROGRAM(S) DESCRIBED HEREIN AT ANY TIME. IN NO EVENT SHALL AZTECA AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTS, OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICES. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form.

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Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely


Table of Contents

Implementing SSL (HTTPS) with Server AMS and ArcGIS Server ......................................................... 4

Creating Corresponding Host File Entries ....................................................................................... 4

Creating a Trusted SSL Certificate ................................................................................................. 5

Configuring the HTTPS Binding in IIS Manager ............................................................................... 5

Installing the Web Adaptor to Run with SSL (HTTPS) ..................................................................... 7

Setting Up Secured Services in ArcGIS Server and Server AMS/PLL ................................................... 10

Creating a User and Role in ArcGIS Server Manager ..................................................................... 10

Setting Permissions at the Folder Level in ArcGIS Server Manager ................................................. 11

Modifying the WebAppSettings.config File to Pass ArcGIS Server Tokens Seamlessly ...................... 13

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Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely


Implementing SSL (HTTPS) with Server AMS and ArcGIS Server

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a commonly used communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet.

Technically, it is not a protocol, but rather a result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the SSL/TLS protocol. Essentially adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to

standard HTTP communications.

In a standard deployment on the Internet, HTTPS provides authentication of the web site and

corresponding web server that one is communicating with. It provides bidirectional encryption of

communications between a client and server, which protects against eavesdropping and tampering with

and/or forging the contents of the communication. Properly implemented, this provides a reasonable

guarantee that one is communicating with precisely the web site that one intended to communicate with,

as opposed to an imposter, while also ensuring that the contents of communications between the user

and site cannot be read or forged by any 3rd party.

Creating Corresponding Host File Entries

We are going to create a corresponding host file entry to match up with the trusted SSL certificate and

domain aliases that will be subsequently created. This allows us not to be concerned with the host name

– which in the case of an Amazon EC2 AMI, changes every time the machine stops running (i.e., when it

is shutdown).

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

Right-click the Hosts file and choose to Edit with Notepad++.

Add the following entry at the bottom and save the file. cityworks.training.com

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Externalizing ArcGIS Server & Server AMS/PLL Sites Securely


This entry will be used as part of the URL in accessing our Server AMS site (HTTPs on 443), while

also being used as part of the URL in accessing our GIS Services via the Web Adaptor (HTTPS on


Creating a Trusted SSL Certificate

There are simpler processes for creating an SSL certificate, but the one detailed below guarantees that

the certificate is trusted and alleviates any warning messages stating otherwise. Ideally, one would

purchase a signed certificate from a trusted source, but this is a legitimate alternative while waiting to

acquire one. Please make sure that the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Resource Kit Tools, only

the SelfSSL Version 1.0 piece, is downloaded ahead of time – as it is on the training machines.

Double-click the SelfSSL shortcut on the Desktop.

Type in the following in the tool command line – SelfSSL /N:CN=*.mydomain.com /V:10000 /T.

The *mydomain.com would be replaced with *.training.com in this case. This command line

syntax sets the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities for that machine and then

sets the bindings (https – 443) for site 1 (typically the Default WebSite) to that certificate.

SelfSSL /N:CN=*.training.com /V:10000 /T

When prompted, type in ‘Y’ to confirm replacing the SSL settings for site 1.

Type in ‘exit’ to close the tool command line window.

Configuring the HTTPS Binding in IIS Manager

A domain alias for the new binding we just created using the SelfSSL script now needs to be provided.

This will allow for both the Server AMS and ArcGIS Server sites to run together under the Default Web

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Site. Remember you need to either go HTTP or HTTPS for both sites and the GIS Services here, as there

is no allowance for using a mix of protocols.

Double-click the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager shortcut on the Desktop.

Click on the plus sign next to the server to expand it.

Click on the plus sign next to Sites and highlight Default Web Site.

Right-click on the Default Web Site and choose Edit Bindings… or click on the Bindings… link

under the Actions heading at the top right of the form.

Select the https 443 binding and click on the Edit… button in the Site Bindings form.

Provide the following under Host name: - cityworks.training.com and click OK to set this


Click on the Browse cityworks.training.com on *:443 (https) link now showing under the Browse

Web Site. You will notice that the IIS 7 welcome screen is returned, indicating that

https://cityworks.training.com/ is a resolvable address.

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Installing the Web Adaptor to Run with SSL (HTTPS)

The next step is to install the Web Adaptor on port 443, it will run on 6443 once installed in an https

environment as opposed to 6080 (port 80).

Open the WebAdaptor folder on the Desktop and navigate to the Setup.exe under the IIS folder.

Right-click on the Setup.exe and Run as administrator – click the Next button once the Welcome

screen appears.

Accept the license agreement and click Next.

Choose to install the Cross-domain policy files as part of the selected features, although the

clientaccesspolicy.xml, which is essentially the same thing but provided by Microsoft as opposed

to Adobe, already exists at C:\\inetpub\wwwroot as part of the Server AMS install requirements.

Click Next.

Select the Default Web Site (443) option as the web site for the Web Adaptor and click Next.

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Keep the default of ‘arcgis’ for the virtual directory entry that will correspond to the Web Adaptor

and click Next.

Click Install.

Once the install finishes, click Finish – the link to the Web Adaptor page will attempt to open –

but will not work at this point.

Provide the following address to access the ArcGIS Administrator page, as we need to make a

configuration change – http://localhost:6080/arcgis/admin. Enter arcgis as the user name and

password as the password, given these are the credentials for your Primary Site Admin in

ArcGIS Server.

Navigate to security -> config -> update and select the HTTPS Only option from the Protocol:

dropdown under the Security Configuration heading. This will switch the ArcGIS Server

Administrator to solely be accessed from https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin, as administrative

access will not be enabled via the Web Adaptor.

Provide the following address to access the Web Adaptor page –


Enter the following in the corresponding fields in the Web Adaptor page and click Configure.

GIS Server URL: https://cityworks.training.com:6443

Administrator Username: arcgis

Administrator Password: password

Do not click on the checkbox next to the Enable administrative access option, unless you wish for

a user with access rights to be able to hit the ArcGIS Server Manager and/or Administrator using

only the alias (i.e., https://cityworks.training.com/arcgis/manager or


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Once the configuration successfully finishes, the Status will show the GIS Server (server name)


Open a new tab and provide the following address to access the GIS Service REST Services

Directory using the Web Adaptor – https://cityworks.training.com/arcgis/rest/services. This will

match what is being referenced in the REST URLs that are provided under GIS Services -> Server

Setup -> Designer.

Log back into the ArcGIS Server Administrator – https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin

(arcgis/password) - and navigate to system -> webadaptors -> config to show the Shared key:

value under the Web Adaptors Configuration heading.

Open a new tab, log into the ArcGIS Server Manager – https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager

(arcgis/password) - and navigate to Security -> Settings -> Token Settings -> Edit Token

Settings (click on pencil icon next to the Token Settings heading) to show the Shared key: value

under the Edit the token settings and click Save heading. Ensure both shared key value entries


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Setting Up Secured Services in ArcGIS Server and Server AMS/PLL

Creating a User and Role in ArcGIS Server Manager

Log into the ArcGIS Server Manager – https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager (arcgis/password) -

and navigate to Security -> Users.

Click on the New User button and provide the following credentials.

Username: cwid

Password: Cwid1

Repeat Password: Cwid1

Email: [email protected]

Full name: Cityworks ID

Description: Token User

Click on the Create button to create the user.

Click on Roles under Security and then on the New Role button. Provide the following


Role name: Users

Description: Role for token users

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Role Type: User (default bullet)

Click on the icon (person with plus sign) next to the cwid user to add it as a member of the

Users role.

Click on the Create button to create the role and set its member.

Setting Permissions at the Folder Level in ArcGIS Server Manager

Click on Services at the top of the screen and highlight the KSMMS folder.

Click on Edit Folder Security button (unlocked lock icon).

Click on the bullet next to the Private, available only to selected users option.

Click on the icon (person with plus sign) next to the Users role to add it under Allowed roles and

hit the Save button.

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When clicking off and back on the KSMMS folder, the Edit Folder Security button will now show

as a locked lock icon. The folder and all GIS Services contained within it can now only be

reached if providing the user credentials for the cwid user in the Users role.

Open a new tab and provide the following address to access the GIS Service REST Services

Directory using the Web Adaptor – https://cityworks.training.com/arcgis/rest/services. You will

see that only the Utilities folder is visible.

Click the Login link and provide the cwid user credentials (cwid/Cwid1) in the ArcGIS Server

REST API Login screen.

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Click the Login button. The KSMMS folder is now visible – click on it to access the GIS Services

under it.

Just for review, for HTTPS (SSL), the following rules apply:

With https enabled on the ArcGIS Server, you must define the GIS services (REST URLs) in

Designer with either all https or all http but not mixed and matched http and https.

If you are going to access your REST endpoint using https, then your Server AMS/PLL site needs

to also utilize https, whether in an all-in-one or a distributed environment.

To learn more about configuring HTTPS (SSL) via the Web Adaptor in ArcGIS Server 10.1, click on the

link below:



Modifying the WebAppSettings.config File to Pass ArcGIS Server Tokens Seamlessly

Server AMS/PLL 2012.1 SP3 and 2013, the current releases at this moment, fully support token-based

security models with ArcGIS.com (formerly, ArcGIS Online) and “localized” instances (onsite or another

vendor’s configuration).

The corresponding settings in the WebAppSettings.config at …\WebSite have to be populated to

allow access to the secure services REST URL endpoints without getting a prompt from ArcGIS Server.

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The AGSOnlineId value needs to be the name of an ArcGIS Server user who belongs to an

ArcGIS Server role that has at least User rights to the secured services.

You could also use the Primary Site Admin credentials. However, providing those credentials

opens a security risk as opposed to a user who only has User rights. A user with only User rights

cannot even log into ArcGIS Server Manager, whereas a Primary Site Admin mostly certainly can

and also make any number of modifications to the instance.

The AGSOnlinePwd value needs to be the password of an ArcGIS Server user who belongs to

an ArcGIS Server role that has at least User rights to the secured services.

The AGSSecureUrl value needs to be the URL to the ArcGIS Token Service form. This is

always the same to a degree for every site – http or https://<server_name> or

<server_IP> or <server_alias>/arcgis (virtual directory name)/tokens/ (make sure

the final ‘/’ is present as this path leads to the generate token form). If utilizing ArcGIS.com

(formerly, ArcGIS Online), there is no need to define this value, as the software is automatically

set to read that default value.

The AGSOnlineTimeOut value is automatically set at 60 minutes to match the Esri default for a

short-lived token.

It is now time for us to apply what was just covered and set up the values under the ArcGIS Online

Configuration heading. The reason why the heading is named as such is because the genesis of the

configuration was to provide a solution for secured ArcGIS Online services as an addition to the

Cityworks Online concept.

Navigate to D:\CWAdmin\Sites\KSMMSII\WebSite and double-click the

WebAppSettings.config file to open it.

Provide cwid as the AGSOnlineId value.

Provide Cwid1 as the AGSOnlinePwd value.

Provide https://cityworks.training.com/arcgis/tokens/ as the AGSSecureUrl value.

Copy the URL above into your browser to view the ArcGIS Token Service form.

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Leave the AGSOnlineTimeOut value at its default.

Save the modifications to the WebAppSettings.config file and exit.

Open Firefox and provide the following address to access the Server AMS/PLL site –


Log in using the credentials of pwadmin/pwadmin and click on the Side by side or

Maximize the map button at the top right of the page to load up the map page panel with the

corresponding GIS Services. Notice how this skips the authentication pop-up form when the GIS Services load in the map

page panel. Otherwise, you would receive the authentication required pop-up form from ArcGIS Server per Esri standards.

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