arab spring unit 6 mr. hardy rms ib middle school

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Arab Spring

Unit 6Mr. Hardy

RMS IB Middle School


• Answer the following questions in the back of your notebook. Date the entry with today’s date and make sure to answer in complete sentences.

1. What is a revolution? 2. What are the causes and effects of a


“The Tragic Life of a Street Vendor”

• After reading the article discuss with your team the following questions…

• What do you think Tunisia was like before the revolution?

• Do you think it would be fair to call the President of Tunisia and the military/ police officers “bullies”?

• Do you think Bouazizi is a martyr?

Egyptian RevolutionFor much of the 19th and 20th century, Egypt was run by these guys?

Who do you think they are?

The British Army. Egypt was a territory of Great Britain during Imperialist Era.

Egyptian Revolution• President Mubarak- ruled

Egypt for 30 years– Resigned Feb. 11th, 2011

• Country was governed by the military throughout his reign

• Revolution– 18 days of protest– High poverty rate– Low literacy of population– High unemployment

Libyan Revolution• 1969- overthrow of the monarchy

– Led by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in power for 40 years

• Dictatorship- only 1 political party allowed

• August 2011- Gaddafi fled Tripoli– Captured in October and killed

• Revolution– National Transitional Council-

revolution leaders and current government of Liyba

– Most people live in overcrowded cities• 1 in 5 people are farmers, but only 1%

of the land is farmable– Government very controlling- little


Algerian Revolution

• President of Algeria- Abdelaziz Bouteflika• Pressured to change the Constitution and limit Presidential power• Issues with the government and the people had been brewing for over 19

years• Revolution

– Triggered by high food prices, starvation– Small population (elite) controlled the government– Riots and protests occurred throughout the country

• In February, Bouteflika promised changes and freedom of the press. • In April 2013 Bouteflika was hospitalized in Paris after having a stroke.

Tunisia• President of Tunisia- Zine al-

Abidine Ben Ali, ruled Tunisia for over 25 years and forced from power

• Revolution– Protestor’s suicide (angry with

the governments neglect for human welfare)

– Over 300 citizens died during the revolution

– Revolution goals- to end poverty, unfair treatment of citizens, gain human rights and political power for the people

• Musical influence- El General• President and wife sentenced to

35 years in jail

Arab Spring Political Cartoons

• In your groups, review the assigned political cartoons.

• Use the knowledge you have acquired about Arab Spring to find the “deep meaning” of each cartoon.

• One person from your group will be called on to present your findings.

Cartoon #1

Cartoon #2

Cartoon #3

Cartoon #4

Cartoon #5

Cartoon #6

Cartoon #7

Cartoon #8

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