april 2, 2017 page 1 fifth sunday of lent -...

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April 2, 2017 ___ ______Page 1

Fifth Sunday of Lent Miriam Americo, Lisa B., Baby Alexandra Bachert, Caroline Bachert, Frances Baio, Dolores Barbieri, Al Barton, Catherine Capato, Sally Capoziello, Shang Cheng, Antoinette & Catherine Chiarelli, Marge D’Auria, Mary Ann D’Angelo, Baby Chris-topher Brian Demmerle, Domenica DeVito, Virgin-

ia DiGangi, Mary Divers, Francesca Gaudino, Ian Genovese-Williams, Joseph Gentile, John Joseph Gleeson, John Pierce Gleeson, Christine Healy, Aurea Hernandez, Maria Hernan-dez, Rosemary Hogan, Elizabeth Isolano, Jennie Iuggiano, Keri & Baby Tristan, Amelia Kalb, Pam Karwan, Baby T.J. Krieg, Kathleen Krieg, Klavdia Krieg, Anthony Lamantia, James Leung, Valerie Librizzo, Thomas & Patricia Lipari, Wil-liam J. Litt, Cindy Maione, Maryann Maione, Ralph Maresco, Mary Mastrangelo, Camillo Mazella, Rosemary Menechella, Jordan Miller, John Myers, Salvatore Noto, Angela Ottomanelli-Hubbs, Michael Palermo, Gina Palya, Santo Pantina, Ann Parsell, Anna Petito, Doris, Carlo, Philip & Frank Pecchillo, Vivian Puglissi, Joseph Questore, Mary Romano, Jake Roth-man, Louise Ruggiero, Bill Sangirardi, Felice Scimeca, Fred Sepulveda, Rosalia Sindone, Michael Tamburo, Chrissie Tremblay, Paul Tremblay, Paul John Tremblay, Ann Marie Vayda, Sr. Joanne Walters, Elizabeth Weimer.

Deceased: Rose Dellecamelie & Blanche Migliaccio, Joseph J. Ruggiero

T h i s We e k ' s M a s s I n t e n t i o n s

Sunday, April 2, 2017 8:00AM Annette Verso (Madeline & Joe Bongiorno) 9:30AM Lucy DeCrescenzo (St. Helen Rosarians) 11:00AM Geraldine Azuwike-Nwachukwu (Vita & Paul) 12:30PM Alejandro & Fideligna Camelo (Loving Granddaughter) 5:00PM For The Parishioners

Monday, April 3, 2017 9:00AM Frank T. Serpico (Loving Mom & Dad)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 St. Isidore 9:00AM Maria Pizzo (Evola Family)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 St. Vincent Ferrer 9:00AM Karl Albrecht (Loving Family)

Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:00AM Pasquale DeSantis (Loving Daughter) 7:30PM Andrew Mele (Ferri Family)

Friday, April 7, 2017 St. John Baptist de la Salle 9:00AM Butler Family (Margaret Butler)

Saturday, April 8, 2017 9:00AM Emma Anna Puyat (Kathleen Cabrera) Dorothy Schmitt (A Friend) Carl Vigliarolo (Ann) 5:00PM Joseph Cervone, Robert Devine, Margaret Rosina, Ben Pepitone

Sunday, April 9, 2017—Palm Sunday 8:00AM George & Ann Papandrea 9:30AM Baby Salvia (Grandma & Grandpa Salvia) 11:00AM Pauline Ferrara (Josephine Passarella) 1:00PM Raffaele Moscatiello (Elvira Moscatiello) 5:00PM For The Parishioners

GOOD SHEPHERD STATUE We would like to thank Jeri Formanek, who kept the statue this past week. Anyone interested in keeping the statue in their home and praying for vocations for one week should contact the Rectory.


Last Friday Teresa Downing, a teacher at Saint Helen Catholic Academy for many years, became the victim of a fire in her garden apart-ment. Escaping with her life, she now is in the process of finding a new home and rebuilding her life. Many parishioners have rallied immediately to assist her in this dark moment, and many have requested how they may help. This weekend’s second collection will be dedicated to assisting Teresa Downing. There is already a second col-lection envelope dedicated for this weekend, we request that it be included with the first collection (it will be separated at the count). The second collection will be dedicated solely to assisting Teresa Downing as she rebuilds. The parish will also supplement this collection through monies in an outreach account.

Understanding you may not have been prepared to assist in this second collection, the parish will continue to accept any donations throughout the week. Please make any checks out to Saint Helen Parish. As with all special collec-tions, these monies will be amassed and one check will be issued to Teresa Downing.

Fr. Colamaria

Rice Bowls will be col- lected at all Masses next weekend, Palm Sunday weekend, April 8 & 9.

PLEASE NOTE: Next Sunday’s (Palm Sunday) regularly scheduled 12:30PM Mass will be held instead at 1:00PM!

The Altar Candles for this week are donated in Thanksgiving, re-quested by John and Maryann Dal-ton.

April 2, 2017 ___ ______Page 2

Update ON Church Renovation #13

"Spring Has Sprung"

Well, Howard Beach is engaged in Spring Cleaning. You may ask, "Father, how do you know?" Because some people think the dumpsters are their own personal property, using them for their own trash. I caught one person, in flagrante delicto (red handed) and the in-dividual played it off as if he was just making a donation! Liar! Lying to a priest is just plain wrong, and by the way I know who you are! Another person used my name and said "It’s all right, Father Colamaria knows". The dumpsters are for the renovation and not for personal trash. Thank you. The floors continue to be shaved or what the professionals call mortaring. Some of the sections of the floor have revealed its true color. It’s beautiful! Then a fine powdery sand is dusted over the floor and its buffed again. This process continues. The sound/speaker company was installing wiring throughout the Church, especially in the new seating areas. The HVAC company continues streamlining and installing new duct work, and the marble company is finishing installation of the marble in the sanctuary. The electricians have been working fast! The installation of a new electrical panel is un-derway. They also installed the new spot lights in the sanctuary. When the architect ex-plained that the new lights had already been installed, I did not believe him. The lighting is so natural and unobtrusive you don't even notice it! NET TV, the Diocesan News channel, also gave me a call; they want to do an update on the renovation. Must be a slow news week. On an interesting side note, Saint Finbar parish in Bath Beach Brooklyn has ordered the exact same organ we have purchased! If anyone runs into Fr. Michael Gelfant, the pastor of Saint Finbar, tell him we had it first or tell him that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. On one day this past week, someone told me how surprised they were at how many indi-vidual contractors were working in the church. It’s true, on any given day this past week, there were six to seven separate contractors working simultaneously in the Church! Again, if anyone is interested in seeing the progress of the renovation, please do not hesi-tate to contact me or check out the parish Face Book page. Enjoy your Spring cleaning.

Fr. Colamaria

Summer Assistant Priest While the renovation has been underway, I have been in discussion with the Diocese of Brook-lyn on negotiating a summer assistant priest. In recent years, Fr. Anthony has assisted the parish as both parochial vicar and summer assistant. Currently, Fr. Anthony is working on his Doctorate in Civil Law while remaining in residence in the rectory. His status as resident in the rectory affords Fr. Anthony the opportunity to focus on his studies and also assist the parish at his convenience. Upon completion of his studies, Fr. Anthony informed me that he will be returning to Nigeria. I have received confirmation that as of June 1st, Fr. David Michael, will be able to assist the parish as a summer assistant. Just in time for vacation!! Yes priests are granted vacation time, it is written in Canon Law (Universal Church Code of Law) and the last thing I want to do is break the Law! I look forward to Fr. David Michael's arrival (and some down time) and though Fr. Anthony will be returning to Nigeria, he knows he always has a home in Howard Beach.

Fr. Colamaria

The Holy Name Society will hold their meeting next Sunday, April 9th after the 8:00AM Mass. All men of the parish are invited.

April 2, 2017 ___ ______Page 3

Policies Regarding Infant Baptism at St. Helen Parish

Parents seeking Baptism for their children who live within the territory of St. Helen Parish are asked to regis-ter as members of the parish before requesting an initial interview for Baptism. Registration is easily done at the parish office anytime during business hours. Parents seeking Baptism for their children who live outside the territory of St. Helen Parish are asked to obtain a letter from the parish in which they live authorizing the

Baptism to take place at St. Helen. Initial meetings with parents seeking Baptism for their children will normally take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:00–9:00PM and on the fourth Saturday of each month from 10:30AM–12:30PM.


Mornings of Preparation-Required Before a Baptism: (All begin at the 11:00AM Mass and continue in the Msgr. McGinness Room)

April 23 — May 7 & 28

Schedule for Baptisms: (All begin at 2:00PM)

No Baptisms in April — May 21 & 28

Please call 718-738-1616 for more information and/or to schedule an appointment.

Please realize that the Church building of Saint Helen is undergoing a renovation thru May 2017. The Church will be closed and Fr. Dooley Hall will be used as a worship space in the interim. Baptisms will still be offered in this time peri-od in the Hall. Some may choose to wait for Baptism until the construction is completed and this is fully understanda-ble. If there are any questions please contact the Deacons who can give more details as to the renovation period.

Saint Helen Religious Education Program Christian of the Month—January 2017

These students regularly attended and actively participated in religion classes seeking knowledge of God. In addition, these students gave witness by treating others with the kindness and compassion of Jesus.

Kindergarten Aurora Trinchese

First Grade Claudia DePascale Sully Garcia Vanessa Henry Gianna Torres

Second Grade Annie Daly Alexandra Brooks Jason Grupposo Ava Leo David Szymanski Third Grade

Julianne Quinn Mia Quintana Isabella Russo

Fourth Grade Isabella Collao Anthony Sassone Alexander Turner Fifth Grade Bianca Deodato Thomas DePascale Matthew Mele-Chiarenza Sixth Grade Giselle Charles

Carmelina Maniaci Angelina McCabe Seventh Grade Matthew Bodziony Danielle Ray Emma Wickers RCIC Alberto Baret

Lenten Schedule 2017

Stations of the Cross: Monday afternoons at 12:30PM Friday evenings at 7:30PM followed by Benediction

Weekday Masses: Monday—Saturday: 9:00AM Thursdays at 7:30PM

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM & 5:00PM

Confessions: Monday—Friday at 8:45AM Saturdays 12:30-1:30PM, or by appointment (please call Rectory)

Throughout the N.Y. region, this day is set aside for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in preparation for Easter. Here at St. Helen, the opportunity for the Sacrament will be offered


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