apps for good pitch presentation - inspiring inspiration

Post on 06-May-2015






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Inspiring Inspiration


Georges Khoury, Adam Blackburn,

Owen Harte, Damian Krawczynski

Background situation

• Inspiring Inspiration:

- Who? Students & Beginner Authors

- What? Students and other people that are stuck on writing a story

- When? The person writing the story is stuck and is unable to continue therefore have writers block.

- Where? In the study

- Why? To help people to continue in their stories whether it is for homework for just writing a story.


Many students or authors when writing a creative piece of writing get stuck on what to write next. This is known as ‘Writers Block’. This problem can usually be broken through via some form of inspiration.

Our group, Inspiring Inspiration, Is trying to answer is

“Can students and writers

alike get through writers

block with our app that

provides the inspiration to

get through it.”


Key insight statement(s)

Students are easily confused and are left puzzled to figure out what to write in a creative piece of homework , starting authors may also have this problem and unless you intensively plan your piece you may be left to wonder what to write next. You can pick out which pieces of inspiration to choose, look at genres or randomise.

Mini Elevator Pitch

Our team, Inspiring Inspiration, is developing a mobile app which is based towards authors and writers alike who have had or are experiencing writers block and are stuck on writing

and continuing what they are doing, this app shows them some inspiration.

User profiles

• 13 out of 23 people have looked somewhere to get inspiration when getting trouble whilst writing a story.

• 13 out of 23 people would agree that it would be easier to have an application on their phone to receive inspiration.

• 10 out of 23 people have had trouble whilst writing a creative piece of writing.

Competitors or alternative solutions that already exist in the market

There aren’t any other solutions or alternatives on the market so they don’t fully solve the problem because they don’t exist.

MVP user stories and feature chosen

The app is unique because it shows you inspiring pictures and quotes to help you if

you ever get writers blank.

Flow of app Name: Adam Blackburn Date: 19/3/14

0.0 (Starter screen)















Key wireframes

Feasibility Data, content, technical

Our app needs some content for the inspiring images and

quotes, the content owner should be ok to share it. There

shouldn’t be authorization required. Our solution isn’t hard

to build because it just contains images and quotes. I think

a professional developer could build the app in less then

three months because its not a high tech app. There isn't a simpler solution to the app using existing technology.

Business Case

There weren’t many customer pledges and we didn’t have to change our plans to find customers that are willing to pay because our app is unique.

Marketing Strategy

We would make posters advertising the app, create pages on social networks and spread the word.

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