ao2 investigate ict tools

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

AO2 – Investigate ICT Tools to Support Collaborative Working

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Individual Task

• You will be working individually to complete the work for this Assessment Objective (although you will need your groups assistant to collect examples).

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Communication Methods

• There are many different methods for working collaboratively:– Forums– Intranet/Extranet– Instant Messaging (IM)– Voice Over IP (VoIP)–Web Conferencing– Online Whiteboard

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working


• Online discussion site.

• Usually somebody starts the discussion with a topic and others respond in a series of threads.

• (You can start a forum on the Sixth Form ICT Social Networking site.)

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working


• Intranet is a “private” version of the Internet.

• A private computer network set up to securely share part of an organisation’s information with it’s employees.

• Extranet means you can login externally (like SharePoint).

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Instant Messaging (IM)

• Communication between two or more people using typed text.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Voice over IP (VoIP)

• Voice communication over a network (usually the Internet).

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Web Conferencing

• Used to conduct live meetings over the Internet.

• Flashmeeting is a free website that offers web conferencing.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Online Whiteboard

• A whiteboard that others can view and contribute to in realtime.

• ScribLink is a good online whiteboard.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Methods of Sharing Information

• Collaborative Editing• Sharing Calendars• Wikis• Blogs• Content Management Systems

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Collaborative Editing

• Software that allows several people to edit a file using different computers.

• Google Docs is a good example of this.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Sharing Calendars

• Good way of ensuring everyone is aware of:– Important deadlines–Meetings

• This feature is built into Outlook.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working


• Collection of web pages that can be modified by anyone.

• Video

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working


• An online diary to share thoughts and ideas.

• Other people can comment on your blog entries.

• (You can create a blog on the Sixth Form ICT Social Networking site.)

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

Content Management Systems

• Usually a web-based system for managing media.

• SharePoint is an example of a Content Management System (it is also used by businesses).

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

AO2 Portfolio Evidence – Part 1

Describe in detail each of the following methods of communication:ForumsIntranet/ExtranetInstant Messaging (IM)Voice Over IP (VoIP)Web ConferencingOnline Whiteboard

Give examples of using some of these methods to share ideas with your group.

OCR Nationals Level 3 - ICT

Unit 2: Collaborative Working

AO2 Portfolio Evidence – Part 2

Explain the following methods that can be used to share information effectively.Collaborative EditingSharing CalendarsWikisBlogsContent Management Systems

Give examples of using some of these methods to share information with your group.

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