anvil june 2016

Post on 02-Aug-2016






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The Anvil - Newsletter of the Star Trek fan club U.S.S. Hephaestus. Part of Starfleet International. Located in Birmingham, Alabama


The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004 June 20165



The Anvil NCC-2004

Inside This Issue

From the Ready Room 1

XO Briefing 1

Theme Article: The Planet is Earth-like 2

Race to Kentucky for IC 2016 3

Quotable Quotes 4

While on an Away Mission 5

Name the Episode 6

Reviews 7

Star Trek News & More 8

Do You Know this Alien… 9

Ship’s Log 10

Crew Happenings 11

Exploring Trek 12

The Captain’s Top 10 12

STARFLEET Marine Corps 13

STARFLEET Renewal Reminders 13

Treasury Report 13

Anvil Focus Schedule 13

Away Team and Activity Schedule 14

Recommendations 14

Challenge Contest 15

STARFLEET Academy 15

Hunt for the Icon 16

Name the Doctor Answers 16

Feedback 17

Command Structure 19

HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god

of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s

largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We

named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us

ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own

Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and

weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and

weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The


Cover: William Shatner and Joan Collins,

TOS: The City on the Edge of Forever

Web Links


Region 2

USS Hephaestus


Anvil Back Issues

Editor MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting MarkAdam Miller

Fiction Donald Arnold

The Anvil, Issue 2928 is the monthly newsletter of the USS

Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star

Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek

are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of

Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 1 Always Onward

From the Ready Room

Greetings from your Captain,

Lot of things coming up. We will have a cookout for the July Social so plan for a day of fun on July 9.

Also in July we have the premier of Star Trek Beyond on July 22. We need to discuss if we want to go as a

group or if we want to see if we want to do something with one of the local theaters. This would be a great time

for people who are Star Trek fans to get to know about some of the things we do in the area.

Also August 12-14, is the International Conference for STARFLEET. Brenda and I will be attending and

looking forward to meeting people from others regions in STARFLEET. If anyone else is going let us know

and we can meet up to do some of the panels as a group. This is also pushing the social to Aug 20, so mark

your calendars of the change.

The Dejah Thoris wants to get together with us in August or September to visit the Birmingham Zoo. Get

your calendars out and see what dates are good for you so we can tell them when we are available.

Check out the Challenge Contest (pg. 15) and you could win yourself $5 to

If you have any ideas, complaints or things you would like to see then send those thoughts to me.

See you around the ship,

FCapt. MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing

Hello crew,

After going on a mission for Sec 31 with the Captain, we ended up going to NASA Rocket Center in

Mississippi which was very interesting. We saw where they are testing rocket boosters for new rockets. We

also went to New Orleans and explored just a little of the city. Those were just a couple things we did while on

the mission. Wish we stayed there longer.

This month we explore Class M or earth-like planets. There are no doubt millions of earth-like planets out

there to be explored. There have been several times that Starfleet would do terraforming to transform a dead or

unusable planet turning it into an earth-like planet suitable for colonization.

If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31,

Lt. Phillip Mangina,

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 2 Always Onward

The Planet is Earth-like By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller

One of the complaints about Star Trek was that the planets and the aliens looked too Earth-like and not alien

enough. Star Trek did this to save cost by not having to create sets and costumes: all they had to do was utilize

sets already made and have the wardrobe department to get the costumes they needed. One of the most well-

known sets used was the Mayberry Street set which was used in Miri and in The City on the Edge of Forever.

Floyd’s Barber shop is prominent in the later. The question is: “Is this a detriment or a help to Star Trek as a


The complaint is: would other worlds really have some of the same cultures that happened here on Earth? I

think that the critics who say “no” are wrong. There are many cultures that in a broad enough sense make it

hard to count them but we can group some cultures together because of their similarities. (i.e. Native American,

Europeans, Americans, etc.)

One of the similarities is how the culture learns. In everything there is a learning period and how those

things are learned is mostly through trial and error. A culture is going to invent the light bulb through testing

different substances till one works and the one that works is most likely going to look like what Thomas Edison

invented. Now some people would then give examples of animals using tools to get what they need done and

that those tools don’t look like what we use. The tools the animals use are made for what the animals

paws/claws can use but they do the same thing as a tool we use and most often we could use the tool the animal

used to do the same thing. {

Now when comparing the different era’s that happened on earth, another planet would most likely go

through those same eras. Some of them may take longer where others may be able to go through in shorter

period. There is the possibility that a group may go from throwing rocks to flint locks without first going

through perfecting the bow and arrow but still there would be the learning process of how to get an object from

where you are to the target you want to hit. There is still a testing period to learn that.

Are the cultures on the other plants that similar? Let’s look at the American Indian culture in the episode

The Paradise Syndrome. The planet’s indigenous people lived in teepees and seemed to be a hunting and

fishing culture. If they are hunters, then they also are going to have to have homes that are easy to move (i.e.

teepees) when the animals migrate for feeding purposes. (Also their clothes are going to be made out of skins

instead of a planet fiber like cotton which would be an agricultural product.

This culture is different from Native Americans because it has to depend on one person knowing how to use

a deflector beam to stop a meteor from hurting them every so many decades. I don’t think we had a culture on

our earth like that.

By using similar cultures in Star Trek then the writers don’t have to explain the culture. This explanation

would take time away from the story. Also explaining the culture would be boring. What the writers did was

give you a culture then show you what happens if a meteor was going to destroy it.

For what Star Trek was trying to do, this small problem can be overlooked. The point was to think outside

the box not how the box looks like the one we have. Also two of the cultures looked like Earth because Earth

had interfered. [Pattern of Force (Germany/Nazi) and A Piece of the Action (Chicago/ Gangsters)]. Trek: A The Original Series.

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 3 Always Onward

Race to Kentucky for IC 2016 By Vice Admiral Lucy Ferron Franck

Fun fact: 95% of the world’s bourbon supply comes from Kentucky!

The IC 2016 Committee invites everyone to attend International Conference

in Louisville, KY, on August 12-14. There will be plenty of fun, festivities,

and informational panels for first-timers and veteran attendees alike.

In the Bluegrass State of Kentucky, Louisville is home to the famous

Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs, Kentucky bourbon producers,

Louisville Sluggers production (which has a museum), and the Muhammad

Ali Museum to name a few of the sites. It is also the home of the Hot Brown

Sandwich. I can’t wait to try a Hot Brown after reading the description: an

open-faced turkey, cheese and bacon sandwich with Mornay sauce. {

The theme for IC 2016 is “Trekkin’ II: Horsing around on the Ohio!” We’ll be racing to the future as we

take you out to the holodeck and explore NASA and celebrate Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary. The conference

hotel is the Crowne Plaza Airport Louisville. The hotel has plenty of roomy rooms to host all meetings, panels,

merchandise dealers, and fun times. We will be having all the traditional activities such as Opening

Ceremonies and Awards, General Session, Ask the Brass, Charity Auction, Music and Dance, Marine Mess and

Saturday night banquet. Some unique concurrent sessions/panels are being planned, such as The Star Trek

Barkeep, Propmaking 101, Star Trek Celebrations, Sports around the Federation, Star Trek and Religion,

Making Prostheses, STARFLEET Special Ops, the National Space Society and more.

Start making your plans now to join us! Rooms at the Crowne Plaza Airport Louisville are $102.00 per

night plus state and local tax. Reservationists are standing by at 1-888-233-9527 (be sure to mention you are

with STARFLEET International Conference.) The registration fee is $35 for adults (up to Aug. 5th) and

registration for children 12 and under is $5.00 regardless of time of registration. The Marine Mess Friday night

and the IC Banquet Saturday night are $38.50 each. All the information you need is on the IC website:

The auction Saturday night will benefit the Space Camp Scholarship Fund and STARFLEET Scholarships.

Auction donations are always appreciated so check through your stuff and see what you can part with for two

good causes. As Programming Chair, I am still taking volunteers for panels so contact me at if you would like to present.

Lay in supplies, file your flight plan, fire up the shuttle thrusters or head to the transporter pad to join the

celebration at IC 2016 in August! We would love to hear from you about your plans or any questions you may

have. On Facebook, look for us at SFI IC 2016.

The most co-operative man in this world is a dead man.

And if you don't keep your mouth shut, you're going to be co-operating.

- Okmyx, TOS: A Piece of the Action, S2E20

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Quotable Quotes

McCoy: Now, this is marvelous. The most

horrible conglomeration of antique architecture

I've ever seen.

– TOS: Miri, S1E11

[calling Kras a liar to Akaar]

McCoy: What the Klingon has said is unimportant,

and we do not hear his words.

TOS: Friday's Child, S2E3

[Scotty, after Kirk tells him that the Argelians use

the table lights to applaud]

Scotty: Now, no one has to tell an old Aberdeen pub

crawler how to applaud, Captain!

– TOS: Wolf in the Fold, S2E7

[as McCoy describes the planet as the

Garden of Eden]

Chekov: The Garden of Eden was just outside

Moscow. A very nice place. It must have made

Adam and Eve very sad to leave.

– TOS: The Apple, S2E9

[John Gill's final words]

Even historians fail to learn from history...they

repeat the same mistakes.

Let the killing end, Kirk. Let…

– TOS: Patterns of Force, S2E23

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 5 Always Onward

While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller

Recap: Ambassador Mike Burtyk has been called to the Klingon home world on a direr emergency. At the

Federation /Klingon border we are stopped by a Romulan War bird and a Jem’Hadar ship. They accuse the

Klingons of messing with their suns and moons. Making an agreement to help resolve the dispute we were

escorted by the Romulans and the Jem’Hadar to Kronos to negotiate with the Klingons. On the way the

Hephaestus Science team researched the information provided by the Romulans that the Jem’Hadar have fooled

the Romulans into believing the Klingons have caused a problem with Romulan sun.


As we reached Kronos, Chancellor Martok’s ship met the Hephaestus and the Jem’Hadar ship. The

Romulan Ship cloaked before we entered the Klingon system as to not cause a Klingon battle fleet to intercept

us. The Chancellor’s ship’s shields and weapons powered up as they saw the Jem’Hadar ship but I was able to

convince Martok that they were here to help settle the dispute with the Romulans. That’s why we believed

Martok called us here: to help with this dispute. While talking with Martok we revealed that a Romulan ship

which was under Commander Vobok’s command was orbiting Kronos. Martok was not pleased but agreed to

allow the Romulan warbird to decloak. Vobok also didn’t like the idea but agreed to decloak.

I stepped aside to let Ambassador Burtyk take over the negotiations. Mike got Vobok to agree to allow us

to talk to Martok to get the Klingon side. Vobok was sure that this was a deception but allowed it. Mike and I

beamed over to Martok’s ship. We were greeted by Ambassdor Worf as we stepped off the transporter

platform. Worf and Mike greeted each other as the old friends they are and I was introduced to this legend of

Starfleet. I was surprised at what Worf knew about me but he said that I am making a name for myself and the

Hephaestus that might out shine both Admiral Mohney and Admiral Potts. I appreciated his complement but I

am just doing the missions that need done.

We met with Martok and again I was awed to be in the presence of a legend. We sat down and Martok told

us what he knew: An underground group of Romulan scientists had contacted the Klingon Science Directorate

about the destruction of Praxis. The Romulan scientists thought they were experiencing some of the same

conditions that the Klingons had ignored when Praxis exploded. We sent two science ships to help out.

Reports came back that the moons were fine but the Romulan sun was having problems. A mole leaked to

Romulan intelligence that the Klingons were studing the Romulan moon. I reluctantly called for Ambassador

Burtyk since he is well versed in Romulan and Klingon ways. I am hoping that he can find a way to get us out

of this situation. {

As we were discussing this, Martok also showed us a transmission from three Romulan scientists. Mike

was stunned because the transmission showed a scientist, Telok, that Mike knows died several years back. I

asked Mike how he could be sure it was Telok. Mike responded, “Telok was on a Romulan science ship that

had exploded in Federation space. Starfleet intellengence classified it because of the sensitive nature of what

the Romulns were studing. Romulus never learned that the ship was destroyed. The only way Telok could be

alive is that he is a Founder. He must not have been to the great link in a while so never got the disease that

ravage the Founders. He is still fighting the Dominion War.”

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Name the Episode

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 7 Always Onward



X-Men: Apocalypse

by Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller

Fox brings out its 6th X-Men movie – X-Men: Apocalypse. My background is DC

comics so what I know of X-Men is what I have seen in the previous movies and what

my Marvel friends tell me. I like comics so new movies on comics excite me. The

problem is that some movie studios don’t understand comics.

This is one of those movies that the studio went through several issues of a comic

and picked what they thought were iconic scenes and then created a script to link them

together. They did well in creating each of the scenes, the problem is that the scenes

don’t flow together. They just jump from one scene to the next.

As an action movie it also falls flat. The action doesn’t happen till the last quarter

of the movie. The rest is just the characters getting to know each other and trying to build the so-so plot. I

don’t know if they felt it was running too long and they cut the parts out that would make it flow better or they

just didn’t know how to smooth it out.

As for the characters, there are so many that it becomes a jumbled mess. You really don’t get a feel for any

of the characters’ motivation. The one exception is Quicksilver. You know why he is doing what he does and

it makes sense. I am not sure if they did this by accident or if they wanted to make sure that he was as good as

the Quicksilver that was in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. (X-Men Quicksilver is a step behind Avenger

Quicksilver) They have some good actors: Olive Munn, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. They just

didn’t give them anything good to work with. Olive Munn looks good as Psylocke but there is more to

Psylocke than a nice outfit.

Studios need to learn that what makes the Marvel Studio movies so good is Marvel hires people who know

the material and then lets them do the job. For this movie, Fox either didn’t hire a person who knows the

material or was back seat driving throughout the production.

If you need to see a comic movie, then go see Captain America: Civil War and leave this for watching when

it comes to video or online viewing.

Rate: AAaaa

Did I miss something? You have an interesting movie or TV show you would like to review or be reviewed?

Then send me your suggestions and articles to

I know this world needs help. That's why some of my generation are kind

of crazy and rebels, you know? We wonder if we're gonna be alive when

we're thirty.

– Lincoln, TOS: Assignment: Earth, S2E26

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 8 Always Onward

Star Trek News & More Axanar Lawsuit Dismissed?

On May 20, 2016, J.J. Abrams announced that Paramount/CBS would drop its lawsuit against Axanar

Productions. This seems like good news. The reason behind this announcement: the director for Star Trek

Beyond, Justin Kin, a longtime fan himself, felt that there were better ways than suing fans over the copyrights

that Paramount/CBS hold on Star Trek. Also the lawsuit could cause problems such as the fans not showing up

to Star Trek Beyond.

There is a long way between J.J. Abrams announcing it and the Paramount/CBS legal team putting it to

writing. A court deadline was coming up for Axanar Productions to file a response to the amended claim that

Paramount/CBS filed in March. Axanar filed a response and counter claim for Declaratory Relief. The

response included their defense for fair use and Axanar Producer Alec Peters’ history as a fan and the four years

he worked to get Paramount/CBS to give him guidelines to make a fan film. The Declaratory Relief is to get

money back that was used to fight the lawsuit.

Paramount/CBS will have to respond to the Axanar’s filing if they wish to dismiss the lawsuit. We will

have to wait and see how Paramount/CBS responds and also what guidelines CBS says they are trying to draft

to help Fan Films. My hope is that Paramount/CBS understand how important we, the fans, are to their

continued success with Star Trek.,

New Star Trek Series CBS has unveiled a teaser for the new Star Trek

Series. It has some great graphics and shows the new

logo. It promises new crew, new villains, new heroes and

new worlds. Nothing else has come out except some

rumors about who the crew will be. CBS has a web page

set up for the series where you can see the new trailer. It

also lets you watch all the Star Trek series if you want to

sign up for their access service. You will get one week

free. They also allow you to sign up for email that will

let you know the latest news on the series.,

For the Love of Spock

Adam Nimoy, son of Leonard Nimoy, has completed a documentary of his father, For the Love of Spock. It

will be released to limited theater and on demand September 9, 2016. This is 50 years and a day after Star Trek

premiered. This film honors not only Leonard Nimoy, but all of his dedicated fans. A trailer for the film was

released in April. You can see the trailer here:

Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words.

– Kirk, TOS: The Omega Glory, S2E25

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 9 Always Onward

Never Forget…

Angela Paton - 26 May 2016, age:86

Ms. Paton is known to Star Trek fans as Aunt Adah in VOY: Caretaker. She may be better known as

Mrs. Lancaster the Owner of the Bed and Breakfast in Groundhog Day.

Enrico "Rico" Bueno - 4 June 2016; age 68

Mr. Bueno may not be well known because he was a background character in Star Trek: Insurrection

and in Star Trek DS9: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges. In both of these cases he didn’t receive credit for

his work. He was a Vietnam veteran with combat experience. He, along with Rony Traylor, founded

“The Wild Bunch of Hollywood” that was a unique database of actors who had special looks and special

talents. He lost his battle with cancer at the VA Hospital in San Diego.

Muhammad Ali - June 3, 2016 (age:74)

He was the heavy weight boxer known as The Greatest. He had a signature tag line: ‘Float like a

butterfly, sting like a bee.” Ali will be remembered for being an inspiring, controversial and polarizing

figure both inside and outside the ring. He was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., but changed it

Muhammad Ali when he converted to Islam.

Do you know this alien?

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 10 Always Onward

Ship’s Log Ships Log

May 14, 2016 – Social

We played Firefly Fluxx and watched Legends of Tomorrow. We were visited

by the local Ghostbuster: Werewolf Division in their Ghostbuster Truck. We also

visited Bren Tiner who could not travel. We presented her with her promotion

certificate to Crewman 3rd Class. Richard Childers, our Region 2 Zone

Coordinator called to announced that MarkAdam Miller was promoted to Fleet

Captain. We also found out that Danny Potts was promoted to Admiral.

Attendance: 19 people

May 28, 2016 – Exploring Trek

We held our Exploring Trek panel at the local Comic Shop (Kingdom Comics) to introduce people to Star

Trek, STARFLEET and the Hephaestus. The panel discussed TOS: Balance of Terror. The discussion went

very well. We also decided to discuss the “Tribble” episodes at the next meeting.

Attendance: 7 people

Captain Personal Log

May 15-19, 2016 – Gulfport, MS

I and 1st Officer Phillip Mangina, Jr. took the 1st Officer’s shuttle down to Gulfport, MS. We visited the

Infinity Science Center: Astronaut Fred Haise serves on its Board of Directors. We also visited the World

War II museum and Blaine Kern Mardi Gras World in New Orleans, LA. We had a fun time.

Attendance: 2 Hephaestus personnel

May 29, 2016 – X-Men Movie

I, 1st Officer Phillip Mangina, Jr. and 2nd Officer Brenda Miller went to see X-Men: Apocalypse. Phillip’s

nephew also went with us. We had a fun time seeing the latest X-Men movie.

Attendance: 3 Hephaestus personnel

June 1, 2016 - Checking in with Space Station Nikola Tesla

I and 2nd Officer Brenda Miller took the captain’s yacht to Ohio and stopped at Elizabethtown, KY to

visit with the crew members of Space Station Nikola Tesla: Jill and Dennis Rayburn, Donald Horn and

Patrick Hebert. We had a good meal and great fellowship.

Attendance: 2 Hephaestus and 4 Nikola Tesla personnel

(If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you

recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments).

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 11 Always Onward

Crew Happenings

Enjoying the social

Having Fun in New


At Exploring Trek

Meeting up with the

Space Station Nikola

Tesla crew.

Klingon needlepoint

by Jill

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 12 Always Onward

Exploring Trek May 26th: Exploring Trek discussed TOS: Balance of Terror. The

dichotomy between the Kirk and the Romulan Commander was

discussed as well as the support those two character received from

McCoy and Spock for Kirk and the Romulan Centurion for the

Romulan Commander. We discussed the similarities between this

episode and the movie The Enemy Below, which was based on a book

in which the writer* used firsthand knowledge on submarine warfare.

We also touched on the discrimination that is running in the

background of the episode.

The following are the question we handed out for the participants to explore another show based on

firsthand knowledge.

1. Discuss TNG: The Chain of Command

A. The use of eyewitness accounts to help understand torture

B. What this program might have helped you understand

2. Name other Movies or TV shows that gave a fictional story based on real accounts.

A. The impact of the program on the culture

B. What effect it had on you.

*Denys Arthur Rayner (9 February 1908 – 4 January 1967): the story of a prolonged duel between a U-boat

and a British destroyer - The Enemy Below - adapted in 1957 for a film by Dick Powell.

You can email me your thoughts on these questions at

The next meeting is June 23, 2016, 7PM at Kingdom Comics. The discussion will about the tribble

episodes in TOS, Animated and DS9. If there is an episode or topic you would like to explore please email me

with your suggestions. You can email me your thoughts on these questions at

The Captain’s Top 10 Captain Top Ten Cosplay costumes I would like

1. Klingon outfit (TNG, DS9)

2. Maroon Monster Uniform from the Star Trek Movies

3. The Grey Uniform from Star Trek (2009) and ST Into Darkness

4. Andorian costume

5. Penguin from Batman (1966)

6. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (almost have this one complete)

7. Jawa costume (Star Wars)

8. TNG Captain’s uniform

9. Jedi Robes (Star Wars)

10. Werewolf Costume

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STARFLEET Marine Corps We wish to congratulate Brigadier General Roy Green Jr. for receiving the Good Conduct Medal. Make sure

to congratulate him at the social. Way to go Roy!

Our Marines are headed up by Lt. General Neil Yawn. The Marines are part of STARFLEET but are for

those who want a more military aspect to STARFLEET. There are two categories of Marines: Active which

means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily STARFLEET and only use

Marine ranks when doing marine activities. If you are interested or have questions about the Marines, then

contact Lt. General Neil Yawn at

Also check out the Marine Academy for some interesting courses to take to help you achieve your Boothby


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Green 06/04/16 Youngblood-Yawn 11/30/16

Hicks family 06/17/16 Arnold 11/30/16

Lindsay 07/07/16 Potts Family 03/05/17

Miller Family 08/26/16 Mohney Family 04/21/17

Davis 08/31/16 Mangina 05/15/17

Tiner 09/13/16 Holsey 05/30/17

Treasury Report June

Description Payments Deposits Balance

Beginning Balance $ 24.00

Ending Balance $ 24.00

Anvil Focus Schedule Month Theme

June Earth-Like Episodes

July Engineers (Scotty, LaForge, O’Brien, Torres, Trip)

August The Prime Directive

September 50th Anniversary of Star Trek

(Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics.

Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

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Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Event/Time Location June 4, 2016 Anvil Deadline

June 11, 2016 Social – 7 pm Pete Mohney’s House

June 17, 2016 Poker – 7 pm Dennis Evan’s House

June 23, 2016 Exploring Trek – 7pm Kingdom Comics

July 2, 2016 Anvil Deadline

July 9, 2016 Captain’s Cookout – 2 pm Pete Mohney’s House

July 15, 2016 Poker – 7 pm Pete Mohney’s House

July 22, 2016 Star Trek Beyond Premier Various Theaters

July 28, 2016 Exploring Trek – 7pm Kingdom Comics

Aug 6, 2016 Anvil Deadline

Aug 12-14, 2016 IC 2016 Louisville, KY

Aug 19, 2016 Poker – 7 pm MarkAdam Miller’s House

Aug 20, 2016 Social – 7 pm Pete Mohney’s House (date change)

Aug 25, 2016 Exploring Trek – 7 pm Kingdom Comics

Sept 3, 2016 Anvil Deadline

Sept 10, 2016 Social – 7 pm Pete Mohney’s House

Sept 16, 2016 Poker – 7 pm Pete Mohney’s House

Sept 22, 2016 Exploring Trek – 7pm Kingdom Comics



Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller

Something to watch on Netflix.

What can I do, Captain? You know we're always supposed to

maintain good relations with the natives.

– Chekov, TOS: Spectre of the Gun, S3E1

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Challenge Contest Name the Doctor Challenge

Congratulations to Mike Burtyk for his entry in Name the Doctor contest. There were 10 Doctors and you had

to give the episode/movie they were in and what actor played them for 30 different answers. Mike answered the

most right with 18 out of the possible 30. Mike will have 5$ to spend at Good job Mike. This

month is name the episode. We are going to give you a scene from a Star Trek series and you need to give the

episode. So you will need only 10 answers this time. Again I will give $5 to the one who gets the most correct.

In cases of a tie the first person to get it in will win. {

Email your answers to or IM me on Facebook at MarkAdam Miller.

Good luck.


By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller

Starfleet is made up many different people. Because of our many differences Starfleet academy does not

just focus on Star Trek. One of the course I enjoyed is in the Institute of Performing Arts and Entertainment.

It is the College of Charles Schulz. This covers the life of Charles Schulz and the Peanut characters he

created. It also comes with a nice manual that I printed out and bound for my book collection. So take a look

at the STARFLEET Academy course catalog and “learn things.” *

If you have a favorite course you would like to promote, please send me a review and I will include it in

this article. To take any STARFLEET Academy course go to If you need help you can

contact me ( and I will be happy to help you get started. The best course to start

with is OTS 101, Officer Training School ( ). This is directed by a

good friend of the ship General Jill Rayburn ( The courses are a lot of fun and you

will be surprised at what you will learn. You may even learn something that might help you in your regular


Let’s get studying…

Have fun! Live Long and Prosper!

The handcrafted prize for winning the

Academy Challenge.

* “Learn things” – Dwayne Pride (Scott Bakula) from NCIS: New Orleans

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 16 Always Onward

Hunt for the Icon Did you find the five Icons last month? Last month’s Icon was five Starships }. If you did not find them all

they were:

1. Pg 3, Ship’s Log, after Spring Cookout

2. Pg 5, Anvil Focus Schedule, before the June Theme

3. Pg 8, Theme Article. 2nd page, in Brenda Miller’s comment

4. Pg 13, Star Trek News, end of paragraph on Star Wars Land

5. Pg 15, Reviews, end of 3rd paragraph

I hope you found them all. This Month five Starships { going the other way are hidden in the Anvil.

The five doesn’t include the example above. When you find them, send me an email and the first one who

sends me the right answers will be given credit in the newsletter and in the Facebook Group.

Name the Doctor Answers CMO of Voyager (Jeff McCarthy)

– VOY: Caretaker, S1E1

Dr. Elizabeth Lense (Bari Hochwald)

– DS9: Explorers, S3E22

Dr. Sarah April (Nichelle Nichols (voice))

– TAS: The Counter-Clock Incident, S2E06

Dr. Mark Piper (Paul Fix)

TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before, S1E1

Dr. Phillip Boyce (John Hoyt)

– TOS: The Cage, The Menagerie, S0E01, S1E15-16

Dr. Zaius (Maurice Evans)

– Planet of the Apes (1968)

Dr. Arthur Coleman (Harry Landers)

– TOS: Turnabout Intruder, S3E24

Dr. Christine Chapel (Majel Barrett)

– ST:The Motion Picture

Dr. Selar (Suzie Plakson)

– TNG: The Schizoid Man, S2E06

Dr. Simon Tam (Sean Maher)

– Firefly

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to

Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 5) Mordanites, Karnas (TNG: Too Short a Season, S1E16)

– played by Michael Pataki

One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible

energies – maybe even the atom; energies that could ultimately hurl

us to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach

out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions

of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a

way to give each man hope and a common future… and those are

the days worth living for.

– Keeler, on her vision of man's future,

TOS: The City on the Edge of Forever, S1E28

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 17 Always Onward

Feedback – Good use of personal pictures showing what is going on within the group.

– Realizing you want people to read all that is going on, I would put the interesting article, stories,

pictures up front and the boilerplate material at the back. Need to make it showy up front!

– Enjoyed reading about the doctors, but of course I am most familiar with Bones.

— John Miller (father of CO)

Does the anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you

disagree with a review or point of view in one the articles?

Did we miss some news article that you think should have

been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback so that

we are sending out something that you are interested in. Send

your feedback to:

Looking for the following people to help

with the Anvil:

Reporters for the Following:

Star Wars News

Dr. Who News

Firefly News


Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out






Convention Scouts:

Someone to find conventions in a 2 - 3 hr driving

distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis

and give possible websites

We once were as you are – spears, arrows. There came a time

when our weapons grew faster than our wisdom, and we almost

destroyed ourselves. We learned from this to make a rule during

all our travels – never to cause the same to happen

to other worlds.

– Kirk, explaining to Nona why he won't supply phasers to Tyree,

TOS: A Private Little War, S2E16

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 18 Always Onward

} Carly Strickland Art {

The Anvil NCC-2004

USS Hephaestus 19 Always Onward


Command Staff Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer

Phillip Mangina, Lt – 1st Officer

Brenda Miller, Lt Cmdr – 2nd Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain

Denby Potts, Rear Admiral

Danny Potts, Admiral

Sciences Navigation

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC

– Archaeology and Anthropology

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Computer Sciences Engineering

Danny Potts, Admiral Flo Hurst, Commander

Communications Security

Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr

Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

Donald Arnold, Ensign 1st Class

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC

– Chief of Security Intelligence

Sandra Hosley, Lt JG

Nicole Breanne Bentley, Ensign

Operations Marines

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain

– Chief of Operations and Counselor

Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC – Stampede Coordinator

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC

Roy Green, Brigadier General, SFMC

Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC

Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr

– Ship Administrative Assistant

Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer

Medical Ambassadors

Sheila Benton, Lt Cmdr,

– Chief Medical Officer, SFMD

Mike Burtyk

Shirley Burton

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain (ret.)

Cadet Training Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Recruit

Tara Mohney, Cadet 2nd Class

Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class

Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training

Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain

Brenda Tiner, Crewmen 3rd Class

Haley Youngblood, Crewmen

Matthew Potts, Crewmen

James Davis, Lt JG

Gabrielle Davis, Civilian

For More Information Contact:

Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr.

Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail

Fultondale, AL 35068

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