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Financial Statement Auditing: A Risk-Based Approach, 11e

Solutions for Chapter 2

Answers to Check Your Basic Knowledge Questions

2-1 F

2-2 F

2-3 b

2-4 b

2-5 T

2-6 F

2-7 b

2-8 e

2-9 T

2-10 T

2-11 d

2-12 c

2-13 F

2-14 F

2-15 c

2-16 d

2-17 F

2-18 T

2-19 a

2-20 d

2-21 T

2-22 T

2-23 a

2-24 b

Review Questions and Short Cases


Fraud is an intentional act involving the use of deception that results in a misstatement of the

financial statements. Two types of misstatements are relevant to auditors’ consideration of fraud:

(a) misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets and (b) misstatements arising from

fraudulent financial reporting. Intent to deceive is what distinguishes fraud from errors.


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Three common ways that fraudulent financial reporting can be perpetrated include:

Manipulation, falsification, or alteration of accounting records or supporting documents

Misrepresentation or omission of events, transactions, or other significant information

Intentional misapplication of accounting principles

Common types of fraudulent financial reporting include:

Improper revenue recognition

Improper deferral of costs and expenses

Improper asset valuation

Concealed liabilities

Misrepresentations or omissions in financial statement footnotes of MD&A


The reporter’s statement makes sense. Asset misappropriations are much easier to accomplish in

small organizations that don’t have sophisticated systems of internal control. Fraudulent financial

reporting is more likely to occur in large organizations because management often has ownership

of or rights to vast amounts of the company’s stock. As the stock price goes up, management’s

worth also increases.

However, the reporter may have the mistaken sense that financial fraud only occurs rarely in

smaller businesses. That is not the case. Many smaller organizations are also motivated to

misstate their financial statements in order to (a) prop up the value of the organization for

potential sale, (b) obtain continuing financing from a bank or other financial institution, or (c) to

present a picture of an organization that is healthy when it may be susceptible to not remaining a

going concern.

Finally, smaller organizations may conduct a fraud of a different sort; i.e., misstating earnings by

understating revenue or masking owner distributions as expenses. This approach is often used to

minimize taxes. It would also be a mistake to think that asset misappropriations do not happen in

larger organizations. Whenever controls are weak, there is an opportunity for asset

misappropriation. When the opportunity is coupled with motivation and a belief that the fraud

could be covered up, some of those opportunities will result in asset misappropriation.


a. A Ponzi scheme occurs when the deposits of current investors are used to pay returns on

the deposits of previous investors; no real investment is happening.

b. The key elements of the Bernie Madoff fraud include the following actions Madoff

perpetrated, which led to the PCAOB now having oversight of the audits of SEC-

registered brokers and dealers:

Fabricated “gains” of almost $65 billion

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Defrauded thousands of investors

Took advantage of his high-profile investment leader status to establish trust in his


Accomplished the scheme by keeping all the fraudulent transactions off the real financial

statements of the company

Employed a CPA who conducted a sham audit

c. The Bernie Madoff fraud is primarily a case of asset misappropriation. However, it is

important to note that asset misappropriation then led Madoff to commit fraudulent

financial reporting to hide the asset misappropriation.


a. Management perpetrated the fraud by filling large containers with water and placing a

layer of salad oil on top. Furthermore, they transferred the oil from tank to tank in the

order in which they knew the auditors would proceed through the location.

b. The goal was to overstate inventory assets, thereby understating cost of goods sold and

overstating income.

c. The Great Salad Oil Swindle is primarily a case of fraudulent financial reporting.


Incentives relate to the rationale for the fraud; e.g., need for money, desire to enhance stock

price. Opportunities relate to the ability of the fraudster to actually accomplish the fraud; e.g.,

through weak internal controls, complex transactions. Rationalization is the psychological

process of justifying the fraud.


Common incentives for fraudulent financial reporting include:

Management compensation schemes

Other financial pressures for either improved earnings or an improved balance sheet

Debt covenants

Pending retirement or stock option expirations

Personal wealth tied to either financial results or survival of the company

Greed—for example, the backdating of stock options was performed by individuals who

already had millions of dollars of wealth through stock


Factors, or red flags, that would be strong indicators of opportunity to commit fraud include:

inadequate segregation of duties

opportunities for management override

absence of monitoring controls

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complex organizational structure

unauthorized access to physical assets

inadequate reconciliations of key accounts, especially bank accounts

access to cash that is not supervised or reconciled by someone else


The ability to rationalize is important. Unless fraudsters are outright criminals, they will often

want to come up with an excuse for their behavior. “Accounting rules don’t specifically disallow

it” or “the company owes me” are potential rationales. Other common rationalizations include:

Unfair financial treatment (perceived) in relationship to other company employees

“It is only temporary,” or “it’s a loan from the company”

“I deserve it”

“The company is so big, it won’t miss anything”

“ The company is unethical”

“The company comes by its profits in a way that exploits people”


a. incentive

b. incentive

c. opportunity

d. incentive

e. rationalization

f. opportunity


Refer to Exhibit 2.3 for brief descriptions.

a. Enron: fraudulent financial reporting

b. WorldCom: fraudulent financial reporting

c. Parmalat: fraudulent financial reporting

d. HealthSouth: fraudulent financial reporting

e. Dell: fraudulent financial reporting

f. Koss Corporation: asset misappropriation

g. Olympus: fraudulent financial reporting

h. Longtop Financial Technologies: fraudulent financial reporting

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i. Peregrine Financial Group: asset misappropriation

j. Sino-Forest Corporation: fraudulent financial reporting

k. Diamond Foods, Inc.: fraudulent financial reporting

l. Wells Fargo: asset misappropriation

m. Weatherford Int’l: fraudulent financial reporting

n. Lime Energy: fraudulent financial reporting


a. Professional skepticism is an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical

assessment of audit evidence; requires an ongoing questioning of whether the information

and audit evidence obtained suggests that a material misstatement due to fraud may exist.

b. Professional skepticism is helpful in detecting fraud, because without it the external

auditor will be easily convinced of alternative explanations that management will provide

to conceal the fraud.

c. The key behaviors necessary to successfully exercise professional skepticism include

validating information through probing questions, critically assessing evidence, and

paying attention to inconsistencies.

d. It is difficult to exercise professional skepticism in practice for a variety of reasons,

including the natural tendency to trust people (especially client personnel with whom you

have worked), lack of repeated exposure to fraud, and many repeated exposures to

situations that do NOT involve fraud.

e. Personal characteristics and behaviors that might make you skeptical about an individual

include some of the following:

Providing inaccurate or conflicting evidence

Interacting in a difficult or unhelpful manner

Acting in an untrustworthy fashion

Engaging in conspicuous consumption of material possessions beyond the level to which

his/her salary would normally make that lifestyle possible.

Publicly available evidence exists that might help you assess whether an individual warrants

increased skepticism. Information can include: tax liens, credit scores, and legal filings.


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a. If a company has good products, it would be expected that it should have comparable

profitability with other industry participants. The fact that it does not have that

profitability, coupled with a weakness in internal controls over disbursements, should

lead the auditor to embrace the idea that there is an opportunity for a disbursement fraud

and that such a fraud could be hurting the reported profitability of the company.

b. The company is doing better than its competitors, and it appears to have achieved these

better results through cost control. While cost control might be a valid explanation, the

auditor should consider other potential explanations such as inappropriately capitalizing

expenses, inappropriately recognizing revenue, etc.

c. The company would appear to be using ‘window dressing’ in order to bypass debt

covenants. It is doing so by sharply discounting current sales. These actions are not

necessarily fraudulent, but they may be created to portray a misleading picture of the

current economic health of the organization.

d. This brief description mirrors that of the Koss case where the CFO was very intimidating,

not a CPA, and possessed limited accounting experience. The company did not increase

profit during her tenure. The external auditor should consider these factors to suggest a

heightened risk of fraud.


Some of the key findings by COSO:

The amount and incidence of fraud remains high

The median size of the company perpetrating the fraud rose tenfold to $100 million

during the 1998-2007 time period

There was heavy involvement in the fraud by the CEO and/or CFO

The most common fraud involved revenue recognition

Many of the companies committing fraud changed auditors

The majority of the frauds took place at companies that were listed on the over-the-

counter (OTC) market rather than those listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ


a. The various failures and environmental characteristics during the time of the Enron fraud


Weak management accountability

Weak corporate governance

Accounting became more rule-oriented and complex

The financial analyst community was unduly influenced by management pressure

Bankers were unduly influenced by management pressure

Arthur Andersen was unduly influenced by management pressure, especially since

consulting revenues at Enron were very high

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b. In terms of the fraud triangle,

Incentives: Management was very concerned about managing stock prices through

keeping debt off the balance sheet; the underlying business model of the company was

not working; the company had strayed too far away from its “utility” roots; and

employees were taking significant risks in the financial markets that did not yield

expected profits, thereby creating strong incentives for top management to conduct the


Opportunity: Corporate governance and external auditor accountability were lacking.

Rationalization: Although not discussed in the text specifically, there have been

speculations in the press that management thought they were smarter than everyone else

and that they were very confident that they could get away with the fraud. It is difficult to

know the internal rationalizations of top management.


Auditing standards historically have reflected a belief that it is not reasonable for auditors to

detect cleverly implemented frauds. However, it is increasingly clear that the general public

expects that auditors have a responsibility to detect and report on material frauds. Professional

auditing standards do require the auditor to plan and perform an audit that will detect material

misstatements resulting from fraud. As part of that requirement, auditors will begin an audit with

a brainstorming session that focuses on how and where fraud could occur within the

organization. Auditors also need to communicate with the audit committee and management

about the risks of fraud and how these risks are addressed. The auditor should then plan the audit

to be responsive to an organization’s susceptibility to fraud.


The three ways in which individuals involved in the financial reporting process, including the

external auditor, can mitigate the risk of fraudulent financial reporting include:

Acknowledging that a strong, highly ethical tone needs to exist at the top of an

organization that permeates the corporate culture, including an effective fraud risk

management program.

Continually exercising professional skepticism, a questioning mindset that strengthens

professional objectivity, in evaluating and/or preparing financial reports.

Remembering that strong communication among those involved in the financial reporting

process is critical.

Will these actions be effective? This should promote a lively debate among students if this

question is discussed in class. Some will argue that frauds happen no matter what, so these types

of actions will be futile. Others will be more optimistic, arguing that these actions, if consistently

applied, could help to mitigate fraud risk.

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a. The financial literacy, integrity, and reputation of board members enhance credibility of

the regulation and oversight of the auditing profession. Inspections by the PCAOB act as

a highly visible enforcement mechanism, hopefully leading to higher quality audits.

Furthermore, information that is learned through the inspection process can be used as a

basis for modifying and enhancing auditing standards.

b. These sections improve auditor independence by separating consulting and auditing by

the same audit firm. The partner rotation requirement ensures that a “fresh set of eyes”

will be responsible for oversight on the engagement.

c. The “cooling-off” period helps to avoid conflicts of interest between top members of the

engagement team and the client. By requiring a cooling-off period, an auditor will not be

unduly influenced (or appear to be unduly influenced) by the possibility of high-level

employment with the client.

d. Audit committees clearly serve the role of the “client” of the auditor. They act as

surrogates for the shareholders who are the actual audit client. They act as the liaison

between management and the external auditor. By being independent, they gain

credibility and ensure that the external auditor can rely on them to perform their

governance role. By requiring that audit committees can hire their own attorneys and by

ensuring that they have adequate monetary resources, the external auditor has confidence

that they will act as truly independent monitors of management.

e. The certification requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 help address the risk of

fraud by forcing the CEO and CFO to take internal controls and high quality financial

reporting seriously. The Act requires the CEO and CFO to affirmatively sign the financial

statements. As such, they will likely require individuals below them to provide assurance

that those departments or organizational units are each committed to internal controls and

high quality financial reporting as well. Of course, a signature is just a signature! So, the

likelihood that a CFO who is committing fraud will certify falsely is probably 100%.

Thus, this mechanism is not without practical flaws.

f. It addresses off-balance sheet transactions and special purpose entities, which were the

main mechanisms used to conduct the Enron fraud.

g. A strong internal control system is critical to preventing fraud. These sections of the

Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandate the disclosure of weak internal controls, thereby providing

a strong motivation to managers to ensure that controls are effective. By requiring

external auditor assurance on management’s assessment, financial statement users can

believe in management’s assertions about controls.

h. One member of the audit committee needs to be a financial expert to ensure that there is

the knowledge necessary on the audit committee to critically evaluate management’s

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financial reporting and internal control choices. Without that knowledge, the committee

may be unduly influenced by management’s preferences.


No, nonpublic organizations are not required to abide by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. However,

many organizations view these requirements as “best practice,” and so nonpublic organizations

sometimes voluntarily adhere to certain requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


Refer to Exhibits 2.6 and 2.7.


These principles include:

• The board's fundamental objective should be to build long-term sustainable growth in

shareholder value for the corporation.

• Successful corporate governance depends upon successful management of the company,

since management has the primary responsibility for creating a culture of performance with

integrity and ethical behavior.

• Effective corporate governance should be integrated with the company's business strategy and

not viewed as simply a compliance obligation.

• Transparency is a critical element of effective corporate governance, and companies should

make regular efforts to ensure that they have sound disclosure policies and practices.

• Independence and objectivity are necessary attributes of board members; however, companies

must also strike the right balance in the appointment of independent and non-independent

directors to ensure an appropriate range and mix of expertise, diversity, and knowledge on the



a. Independent directors are more likely to stand up to management and report fraud than

those directors that are not independent.

b. Holding meetings without management present enables a frank and open discussion,

including enabling board members with concerns about potential fraud or weak

management to alert other board members and express these concerns.

c. By having a nominating/corporate governance committee composed of independent

directors, the organization is more likely to attract high quality board members that are

not unduly influenced by management. And by having a corporate governance

committee, this important element of control achieves prominence in the organization and

acts as a deterrent to fraud.

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d. Having a written charter and an annual performance evaluation ensures that the

committee responsibilities are appropriate, and that the responsibilities are actually

accomplished (or shareholders are alerted if they are not accomplished). Accomplishing

such activities acts as a deterrent to fraud.

e. By having an independent compensation committee, top management will be less able to

inappropriately influence compensation decisions for themselves.

f. Having a written charter and an annual performance evaluation ensures that the

committee responsibilities are appropriate, and that the responsibilities are actually

accomplished (or shareholders are alerted if they are not accomplished). Accomplishing

such activities acts as a deterrent to fraud.

g. This requirement ensures an adequate size and independence of the audit committee,

which acts to strengthen governance and deter fraud.

h. Having a written charter and an annual performance evaluation ensures that the

committee responsibilities are appropriate, and that the responsibilities are actually

accomplished (or shareholders are alerted if they are not accomplished). Accomplishing

such activities acts as a deterrent to fraud.

i. These requirements encourage a high quality set of corporate governance behaviors,

which taken together act as a deterrent to fraud.

j. By making the ethics issue a prominent disclosure, it encourages management and other

individuals within the organization to take it more seriously. It acts to encourage a high

quality “tone at the top.”

k. By requiring this disclosure, users of the financial statements can evaluate for themselves

whether the foreign companies’ governance is adequate, or gain an appreciation for

governance differences. This knowledge encourages companies to adopt corporate

governance mechanisms that they otherwise may not, thereby affecting the control

environment and the opportunity for fraud. It also helps users know where deficiencies

may exist, making them more skeptical.

l. It attempts to ensure that top-level executives place appropriate importance on corporate

governance and that they would be required to disclose if their company is not compliant,

which would alert users to heightened fraud risk.

m. An internal audit function is important to the control environment. Having that oversight

internally improves internal control, thereby deterring fraud.


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a. This requirement forces audit committees to take internal controls seriously, and to

consider any potential independence impairments for the external auditor. Both internal

controls and high quality external auditing are critical for the prevention and/or detection

of fraud.

b. This requires the audit committee to be engaged and informed about financial accounting

at the company; being engaged and informed enhances the ability of the audit committee

to detect fraud.

c. Analyst interactions and the pressure to meet their expectations provide incentives for

fraud. By requiring that the audit committee discuss the earnings release process, this

ensures that audit committees have more control over how management engages with

analysts, and this control should assist in deterring fraud.

d. Understanding risk assessment and risk management should alert the audit committee to

weaknesses in the company, thereby encouraging positive change, which should thereby

deter fraud.

e. Meeting separately with these groups encourages frank conversations about concerns,

and such communication is helpful to deterring or detecting fraud.

f. By understanding the nature of any problems that the external auditor is having with

management, the audit committee gets a good sense of potential management

aggressiveness and the sources of disagreement between the auditor and management. In

addition, this requirement gives the external auditor someone to turn to in reporting fraud

on the part of management.

g. By setting hiring policies pertaining to employees of the external audit firm, the audit

committee can ensure that management is not exerting undue influence over the members

of the audit team by possibly promising them employment at the company.

h. By reporting regularly to the board of directors, the audit committee is put in a position of

power in the organization, thereby giving it the clout necessary to oversee management

and deter fraud.


a. The audit committee must be comprised of “outside” independent directors, one of whom

must be a financial expert. The audit committee now has the authority to hire and fire the

external auditor, and will therefore serve as the auditor’s primary contact, especially for

accounting and audit-related issues. In addition, at many organizations the audit

committee sets the scope for and hires internal auditors. It would also review the work of

both internal and external auditors.

b. The audit committee certainly takes on much more responsibility with the new

regulation. It will now be much more informed about the audit function and financial

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reporting processes within the company it evaluates. The auditor must report all

significant problems to the audit committee. For auditors, the reporting relationship

should reinforce the need to keep the third-party users in mind in dealing with reporting


c. The audit committee is basically in a position of mediator, but not problem solver. One

member must be a financial expert, but all members must be well versed in the field. This

financial knowledge can help the audit committee to understand the disagreement.

Ultimately, the company would like to receive an unqualified audit opinion. If the

external auditor believes a certain accounting treatment to be wrong, the committee does

not have to give an unqualified opinion. The audit committee’s responsibility is to assist

in resolution of the dispute so that financial reporting is accurate. Skills of audit

committee members that would assist in this type of situation include interpersonal skills,

negotiation skills, and communication skills.


Factors Explain Your Reasoning and Indications of Poor


a. The company is in the

financial services sector and has

a large number of outstanding

consumer loans, including


This is not necessarily poor governance. However, the auditor

needs to determine the amount of risk that is inherent in the

current loan portfolio and whether the risk could have been

mitigated through better risk management by the organization.

The lack of good risk management by the organization

increases the risk that the financial statements will be misstated

because of the difficulty of estimating the allowance for loan


b. The CEO’s and CFO’s

compensation is based on three

components: (a) base salary, (b)

bonus based on growth in assets

and profits, and (c) significant

stock options.

This is a rather common compensation package and, by itself, is

not necessarily poor corporate governance. However, in

combination with other things, the use of ‘significant stock

options’ may create an incentive for management to potentially

manage reported earnings in order to boost the price of the

company’s stock. The auditor can determine if it is poor

corporate governance by determining the extent that other

safeguards are in place to protect the company.

c. The audit committee meets

semi-annually. It is chaired by a

retired CFO who knows the

company well because she had

served as the CFO of a division

of the firm before retirement. The

other two members are local

community members – one is the

President of the Chamber of

This is a strong indicator of poor corporate governance. If the

audit committee meets only twice a year, it is unlikely that it is

devoting appropriate amounts of time to its oversight function,

including reports from both internal and external audits.

There is another problem in that the chair of the audit

committee was previously employed by the company and

would not meet the definition of an independent director.

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Factors Explain Your Reasoning and Indications of Poor


Commerce and the other is a

retired executive from a

successful local manufacturing


Finally, the other two audit committee members may not have

adequate financial experience.

This is an example of poor governance because (1) it signals

that the organization has not made a commitment to

independent oversight by the audit committee, (2) the lack of

financial expertise means that during the course of the audit the

auditor does not have someone independent with whom

controversial accounting or audit issues can be discussed. If

there is a disagreement with management, the audit committee

does not have the expertise to make independent judgments on

whether the auditor or management has the appropriate view of

the accounting or audit issues.

d. The company has an internal

auditor who reports directly to

the CFO, and makes an annual

report to the audit committee.

The good news is that the organization has an internal audit

function. However, the reporting relationship is not ideal.

Furthermore, the bad news is that a staff of one isn’t necessarily

as large or as diverse as it needs to be to cover the major risks

of the organization.

e. The CEO is a dominating

personality – not unusual in this

environment. He has been on the

job for 6 months, and has decreed

that he is streamlining the

organization to reduce costs and

centralize authority (most of it in


A dominant CEO is not especially unusual, but the

centralization of power in the CEO creates a risk that many

aspects of governance, as well as internal control, could be

overridden, which of course increases the risk of fraud and the

risk faced by the external auditor.

f. The company has a loan

committee. It meets quarterly to

approve, on an ex-post basis, all

loans that are over $300 million

(top 5% for this institution).

There are a couple of elements in this statement that yield great

risk to the audit and to the organization, and that are indicative

of poor governance. First, the loan committee only meets

quarterly. Economic conditions change more rapidly than once

a quarter, and thus the review is not timely. Second, the only

loans reviewed are (a) large loans that (b) have already been

made. Thus, the loan committee does not act as a control or a

check on management or the organization. The risk is that

many more loans than would be expected could be delinquent

and need to be written down.

g. The previous auditor has

resigned because of a dispute

regarding the accounting

This is a very high risk indicator that is indicative of poor

governance. The auditor would look extremely bad if the

previous auditor resigned over a valuation issue and the new

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Factors Explain Your Reasoning and Indications of Poor


treatment and fair value

assessment of some of the loans.

auditor failed to adequately address the same issue. Second, this

is a risk factor because the organization shows that it is willing

to get rid of auditors with whom it does not agree. This is a

problem of auditor independence, and coincides with the above

identification of the weakness of the audit committee.

Fraud Focus: Contemporary and Historical Cases


a. Management at Koss may have placed a high level of trust in Sachdeva because they

knew her for a long period of time and she did not exhibit behaviors that caused concern.

Furthermore, management at the company was reportedly quite relaxed in its approach to

monitoring and control. These behaviors led to a lack of professional skepticism on the

part of management.

b. Grant Thornton was obligated to uncover the fraud in the sense that it ignored red flags

(weakening financial condition, poor internal control and monitoring) that should have

alerted it to problems in the company. Grant Thornton experienced an audit failure

because it issued unqualified audit opinions on materially misstated financial statements.

It appears that Grant Thornton may not have employed an appropriate level of

professional skepticism.

c. Sachdeva’s lavish lifestyle should have raised suspicions because her level of

conspicuous consumption far exceeded her apparent ability to pay, given her relatively

modest salary. However, her lifestyle may have been explained away or ignored because

of her husband’s prominent medical practice. People likely assumed that her lifestyle was

none of their business and that she simply used her family’s joint money to fund her

lavish purchases. Even when confronted with a known fraud, individuals that know a

fraudster often have difficulty believing that it is true – denial is a common factor even in

the face of seemingly obvious signs of fraud.

d. Management and the audit committee should have been skeptical of Sachdeva because of

the weak internal controls in place, coupled with deteriorating financial conditions at the

company. The auditors should have been more skeptical of her explanations for the

financial condition of the company. They should have collected more audit evidence to

better understand the increase in cost of goods sold. Also, the auditors should have

realized that there was a risk of fraud given the lack of monitoring and the high level

access to corporate bank accounts that Sachdeva had.

e. The audit committee plays an important oversight role in any organization. The benefit of

the audit committee should be that it is independent from the daily operations of the

organization, and should therefore be in a position to more critically evaluate the

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personalities and behaviors of senior management, including the CFO in this particular

case. Furthermore, audit committees of public companies are required to have at least one

financial expert, and it is the obligation of that individual to consider and initiate

investigation of anomalies in the financial statements. Clearly this oversight did not occur

in the case of Koss.

f. Whenever an organization uses corporate credit cards, there should be controls over their

use. Most typically, such controls involve review and approval of payment by a senior

official. In Sachdeva’s case, senior management allowed her to use the credit cards

without review, and she was the individual in charge of making payments on the cards.

Thus, basic controls involving review and segregation of duties were not used at Koss.

g. Top-level managers should have been skeptical about the reasons for Sachdeva’s

behavior. In retrospect, it seems that she was purposely trying to intimidate her

subordinates through this dominating behavior. Management may have questioned why

she was trying to intimidate her subordinates. Was there something that she was trying to

cover up? This tactic was also used at Enron, whereby top-level management would

explicitly indicate that any questioning of its actions (from employees, external analysts,

etc.) was an indication of how dense the questioner was. Top-level managers should have

wondered why she felt the need to behave in this manner, and they should have objected

to it in person or at least told her in private to eliminate the behavior if for no other reason

than to establish and maintain a more professional tone in the workplace. This kind of

behavior puts subordinates in a very awkward position. In Sachdeva’s case, she

reportedly acted domineering to the vast majority of her subordinates. In such a setting

where one individual is not singled out, it should be easier for the group to act cohesively

and approach senior management privately to complain about the situation. In a setting

where one individual is singled out, that individual should consider finding a formal or

informal mentor to provide assistance in deciding how to garner the support to approach

senior management with his or her concerns.


a. Yes, the members of the audit committee appear to be professionally qualified. They

have all held financially responsible leadership positions at large companies in industries

similar to those as Koss Corporation. The committee meets less frequently than quarterly,

which is fairly infrequent. Prior to SOX, this level of audit committee involvement was

common, but it is now more likely for audit committees of public companies to meet at

least bi-monthly, if not monthly. Without frequent meetings, committee members are not

able to generate sufficient questions and then gather sufficient evidence in order to

develop a professionally skeptical view of the true situation at the company, and that is

what appears to have happened at Koss. You might consider gathering evidence to

support your conclusions about the professional qualifications of audit committee

members. For example, you might observe the questions that they ask during meetings,

and their level of preparedness. You might inquire about their continuing professional

education and experiences. You will obtain this information in various ways, but personal

observation will likely be very important.

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b. Lawrence Mattson is the audit committee financial expert. He is a retired president of a

large consumer products company, which should make him financially knowledgeable.

However, the fact that he has clearly been retired for quite some time (he is in his late

70’s) calls into question whether he is currently “up to speed” on the financial reporting

demands faced by a public company. Without adequate financial knowledge, it is nearly

impossible to exercise adequate professional skepticism – knowledge is one of the bases

upon which skepticism rests. Financial expertise is important for audit committee

members because they play a significant role in corporate governance over financial

matters – they are a key defense in potential problems with financial reporting.

c. Their compensation is very low given the important role that they play in the company,

and the fact that this is a public board. Furthermore, many audit committee members at

public companies receive stock options or stock grants to align their interests with the

long-term goals of stockholders. These audit committee members receive no stock

options, and hold very few (if any) shares.

d. Theodore Nixon is the only audit committee member who is still an active, working

financial professional. The other members of the audit committee are relatively older, and

are no longer working in the public sector. This certainly does not disqualify them, but

coupled with the relatively few meetings that the committee has, it calls into the question

whether the audit committee is really functioning in a strong oversight capacity. The

responsibilities that the proxy statement outlines seem reasonable, but it seems

impossible that an audit committee with these characteristics could carry out those

responsibilities in so few meetings.


This exercise is based on an article in the Wall Street Journal (“Dell Investors Protest CEO in

Board Vote,” by Joann S. Lublin and Don Clark, Aug. 18, 2010). The article provides more

details on shareholder voting for directors if the instructor is interested in pursuing that aspect of

governance. In terms of the specific questions:

a. The following are the corporate governance principles presented in the chapter. Students

could argue that many of the principles could be in question at Dell. Of great concern is

that management has a great deal of control over the governance, and there are questions

about management’s ethics and integrity. If the financial statements were intentionally

misstated, this calls into question the company’s commitment to transparency.

Furthermore, given Mr. Dell’s roles, there are questions about the independence of the


The Board’s fundamental objective should be to build long-term sustainable growth in

shareholder value for the corporation.

Successful corporate governance depends upon successful management of the company, as

management has the primary responsibility for creating a culture of performance with

integrity and ethical behavior.

Good corporate governance should be integrated with the company's business strategy and

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not viewed as simply a compliance obligation.

Transparency is a critical element of good corporate governance, and companies should

make regular efforts to ensure that they have sound disclosure policies and practices.

Independence and objectivity are necessary attributes of board members; however,

companies must also strike the right balance between the appointment of independent and

non-independent directors to ensure that there is an appropriate range and mix of expertise,

diversity, and knowledge on the board.

b. The discussion in part a. suggests that Dell’s auditors should have some concerns about

the quality of governance at Dell. In turn, this concern suggests that the audit might have

heightened risk of fraud.

c. Dell’s auditor can respond in various ways. At the extreme, the auditor may decide to not

retain Dell as a client. Another approach would be to increase the audit work and audit

rigor to mitigate any risks that may be associated with the lower quality governance.

However, if the governance is really poor, extra audit work may not be sufficient.

Furthermore, if the auditors have reason to question the integrity and ethics of Mr. Dell, it

could be hard to “audit around that.” This is a setting where it is important that the

auditors employ an appropriate level of professional skepticism.

d. In general, having an independent board chair would improve governance. Given the

alleged behavior of Mr. Dell, it may be even more important at Dell, Inc. Recall,

however, that no individual or company admitted wrongdoing in this case.

e. Removing Mr. Dell from his CEO position may not be as likely as removing him from

his board position. Student discussion will likely not come to a consensus on this point.


a. Yes, auditors can commit fraud through their deliberate, negligent actions. When auditors

sign an audit opinion, they are asserting that they have complied with professional

auditing standards in arriving at their conclusion. In this case, it is clear that William

Uniack failed to comply with professional auditing standards; thus, we can conclude that

he provided a knowingly false and misleading audit report, which constitutes fraud.

b. See paragraph 12 of the enforcement action, which reads as follows:

“In connection with the audit, Respondents failed to exercise due professional care,

including professional skepticism, and failed to plan and perform the

audit in accordance with PCAOB standards. During audit planning, Respondents failed

to develop and document an audit plan that included a description of the planned nature,

timing, and extent of risk assessment procedures. Consistent with this planning

deficiency, Respondents failed to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement

at the financial statement and assertion levels. Respondents also failed to plan and

perform any analytical procedures as risk assessment procedures. Respondents also

failed to identify any risks with respect to revenue recognition and management override

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of controls, even though PCAOB standards provide that the auditor should presume that

there is a fraud risk involving improper revenue recognition and should include the risk

of management override of controls in his identification of fraud risks. Respondents also

failed to perform audit procedures in a manner that addressed the assessed risks of

material misstatement for each relevant assertion of each significant account and


c. Some auditing firms try to ‘game the system’ by providing an audit report without really

conducting an audit. This is called a ‘sham audit,’ whereby the audit firm is essentially

providing its opinion without performing the appropriate procedures. Clients that desire a

low-quality audit hire these types of very low quality auditors because they know that the

auditor will not do a quality audit. So, there is really fraud going on with both the client

and the audit firm.


a. The student will be able to obtain insights on this case from a variety of online news

sources. News accounts of this case indicate the following red flags: Beazer's culture was

to "make the numbers" during a time when housing sales had significantly slowed; ; the

company's employees were dealing with unrealistic budgets and pressure to achieve

financial goals; the company had weak internal controls; Beazer was likely not recording

impairments on its land assets in a timely manner; and Beazer’s financial periods were

regularly held open or re-opened.

b. When red flags are present, auditors need to alter the nature, timing, and extent of

auditing procedures to adequately address the heightened risk of misstatement indicated

by the red flags. In the case of many red flags, auditors should employ a heightened

degree of professional skepticism.

c. Students will likely vary in their reactions to Deloitte’s settlement. Some will take the

position provided by the firm’s spokesperson. Others will suggest that Deloitte was

indeed liable and that a court case would have resulted in a guilty verdict, thereby

subjecting Deloitte to even higher settlement costs.


a. The skepticism continuum is founded on the belief that professional skepticism is related

to a questioning mind, and that an individual’s mindset may range from neutral to

presumptive doubt to complete doubt. Complete trust would be outside the range on the

continuum of professional skepticism. The continuum then relates to evidence collection,

whereby lower skepticism is associated with less audit evidence and documentation and

higher skepticism is associated with more audit evidence and documentation.

b. Threats to individual auditor professional skepticism include judgment biases, lack of

knowledge and expertise, deadline pressures, auditor character/personal attributes,

cultural attributes, and performance incentives. Mitigating factors include professional

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education and licensing requirements, supervision, review, performance metrics that

reward the auditor for quality work, effective recruiting requirements, effective

engagement partner leadership, and training.

c. Common human judgment tendencies that can weaken individual auditor professional

skepticism include the following:

Overconfidence—The tendency of individuals to overestimate their own abilities.

Overconfidence can lead the auditor to not spend enough time critically thinking about

client-related facts that would otherwise raise red flags.

Confirmation—The tendency of individuals to seek information and evidence that

supports their initial beliefs or preferences. If individual auditors do not seek

contradictory evidence, their professional skepticism is not heightened because the

auditor does not detect discrepancies.

Anchoring—The tendency of individuals to evaluate information from a starting point

and then not adjusting sufficiently away from that starting point despite evidence to the

contrary. For example, the individual auditor may anchor on last year’s account balance

or procedures used last year and insufficiently adjust for new information.

Availability—The tendency of individuals to consider information that is more easily

available from memory to be more likely, relevant, or important. By focusing on more

readily available information, the individual auditor may not make the effort to engage in

critical thinking about patterns available in audit evidence.


This research question asks students to summarize the PCAOB’s concerns with respect to

problems their inspection teams have noted in auditors’ performance in each of the following


a. Auditors’ overall approach to the detection of fraud

Problems noted:

1. Auditors often document their consideration of fraud merely by checking off items

on standard audit programs and checklists rather than by considering unique features

of their individual clients.

2. Lack of involvement by senior members of the engagement team.

3. Failure to expand audit procedures despite recognition of heightened fraud risk.

b. Brainstorming sessions

Problems noted:

1. Engagement teams have been found not to conduct brainstorming sessions.

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2. Brainstorming sessions were sometimes conducted AFTER audit evidence

collection had begun, rather than as an integral part of the planning process.

3. Key members of the engagement team did not attend the brainstorming session.

c. Auditors’ responses to fraud risk factors

Problems noted:

1. Auditors sometimes do not address known fraud risk factors via evidence.

2. Auditors sometimes collect evidence, but do not tie it to specific known fraud risk


d. Financial statement misstatements

Problems noted:

1. Failure to appropriately determine whether items are material or not.

2. Failure to investigate known departures from GAAP to determine if those

departures were indicative of fraud.

3. Failure to post material items to a summary sheet indicating material

misstatements, or inappropriately netting misstatements. This causes senior

engagement personnel and audit committee members to be unaware of problems that

engagement teams encountered on the engagement that could be indicative of fraud.

e. Risk of management override of controls

Problems noted:

1. Failure to evaluate the risk of management override of controls.

2. Failure to evaluate the fraud risk potential associated with end of period journal

entries or accounting estimates.

3. Failure to document or test management’s assumptions about accounting estimates.

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f. Other areas to improve fraud detection

Problems noted:

1. Improper use of analytical procedures in fraud detection.

2. Failure to adequately audit accounts receivables, which are related to revenue

recognition (an area in which auditors are supposed to presume fraud)

3. Failure to determine that interim audit testing appropriately rolled forward to apply

to end-of-year conclusions.


a. The PCAOB sets standards for audits of public companies and defines the auditing

profession’s responsibilities for detecting fraud and other financial misdeeds. It also

establishes and tests quality control guidelines for external audit firms that audit public

companies. The inspection process keeps the external audit profession acutely alert to its

responsibilities of assuring audit quality; i.e., the threat of inspection should lead to more

consistently high audit quality on all engagements even though not all engagements will

actually be inspected.

b. The rationale for the requirement was probably to get people from diverse disciplines to

comprise the board. This way, more thoughts are generated. Congress probably was

under the impression that CPAs tend to think alike. The disadvantage to having only two

CPAs on the board is that they do not form a majority and that the board may not have a

sufficient level of accounting and auditing expertise. The board sets standards for an

industry made up almost entirely of CPAs, yet the strongest voice may not be that of a


c. No, the audit standards promulgated by the PCAOB apply only to public listed

companies in the U.S. However, many of the auditing standards that have been adopted

by the PCAOB include U.S. audit standards originally developed by the Auditing

Standards Board of the AICPA.


a. Shareholders would normally not know what qualifications are important for their

external auditors. If the CEO or CFO had these responsibilities, the auditor would be

more likely to bend to their wishes rather than take the hard stances that may be required

for fair financial reporting. Part of the purpose of designating the audit committee to

oversee the audit is to have an advocate for the stockholders of the company.

b. Factors to consider in evaluating the external auditor’s independence include:

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The nature and extent of non-audit services provided to the client.

The policies and procedures the external auditor’s firm has to assure independence.

The lengths of time individuals have been in charge of the audit.

Any pending or completed investigations by the SEC or PCAOB of the firm.

c. This part of the problem will vary based upon the company that each student selected.

This is a good problem to assign if you feel that your students are unfamiliar with

locating basic public company filings using the SEC online data system.


The purpose of this project is to get students familiar with resources related to businesses and

acquaint them with the process of gathering evidence about corporate governance and evaluating

the effectiveness of corporate governance. Another alternative is to discuss what students have

observed in their part-time jobs.


The goal of this exercise is to allow the student to see how audit committees really function in

the “real world.” The differences between the various companies will likely indicate that audit

committees, charters, and company goals differ across organizations.


This exercise illustrates that the issue of corporate governance is a global issue. The insights the

students will obtain will depend, in part, on the countries selected for research.

Academic Research Cases


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