annual work plan fiscal year 2010/2011

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Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Florida International University


Florida International University

Division of Information Technology

Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2010/2011

July 2010


Introduction/Vision/Mission………………………………………….. 3 Administrative Software/PantherSoft………………………………… 4 Business Services Office……………………………………………… 5 Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA)…. 9 Communications, Customer & Employee Relations………………….. 10 Information Technology Security Office……………………………… 12 Media & Technology Support…………………………………………. 16 Network Engineering and Telecommunications………………………. 19 Operations/Enterprise Systems………………………………………... 21 Support Center………………………………………………………… 23



The Division of Information Technology (IT) is Florida International University's central technology service provider and is led under the direction of Mr. Robert Grillo, Interim Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO). It consists of four technology organizational units, including University Technology Services (UTS), the Information Technology Security Office (ITSO), the Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA) and the Office of the CIO.

Vision The vision of the Division of Information Technology is to advance FIU as a leader in using technologies for learning, teaching, research and administration.

Mission The mission of the Division of Information Technology is to support FIU in its pursuit to become a leading student-centered urban public research university that is locally and globally engaged by providing leadership, consultation, service and secure access for the use of technology.


Administrative Software/PantherSoft Goal 1: Provide the highest level of customer support, product reliability, and operational efficiency to the university community for all technological solutions. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continue to review current roles and responsibilities to meet the demands and needs of departmental power users, core users, and senior management.

• Create an organizational model to support all facets of a software, support center, and operations unit. This includes design, development, testing, enhancement requests, production support, maintenance and training.

• Continue to recruit, hire, and retain the best candidates and employees available in the market.

• Develop continuous training and succession plans for employees in all units. • Create a solid working relationship with all administrative, academic, and

research areas to ensure proper communication and strategy across departments. • Evaluate remaining legacy systems and determine if migration to newer

technologies will benefit the university. • Continue to build and enhance PantherSoft and Support Center to support

operational goals and customer service. Goal 2: Continue to design, develop, enhance, and launch PantherSoft solutions for the university community. Measurable Outcomes:

• Launch the testing phase for Core Human Resources, Base Benefits, Running Payrolls, Time and Labor, and Contracts functionalities.

• Launch the PeopleSoft Degree Audit System. • Continue to enhance and deliver additional functionality for the current Student

Administrative System: o Academic Redesign o Student Payment Plans o Mobile Applications

• Continue to enhance and deliver additional functionality for the Financial 9.0 Management System.


Business Services Office  

Goal 1: Continue to evaluate financial stability of the IT budget in lieu of state budget reductions and impact on IT. Measurable Outcomes:

• Monthly review and evaluate the Phase Three budget reductions and implications of these reductions. Phase III budget reductions implemented with no major implications to the Div. of IT overall.  

• Continue to review and modify how we do business in order to achieve maximum use of decreasing base budget. On-going – Div. of IT has received additional budget support from the Technology Fee for approved projects and auxiliary revenues stable which helps to offset the decreased base budget which is no longer able to provide funds for the non-recurring projects and unfunded IT operation.

• Bi-weekly budget reviews with managers and quarterly variance analysis. The budget reviews with managers and quarterly variances are on-going; The fiscal year closed successfully with all funds being utilized and minimal carry forward; 2010/11 “zero based” budget E&G budget reviewed and approved through Budget Review Process with CFO.

Goal 2: Work with PantherSoft as they stabilize and further develop version 9.0 (Purchasing and Travel & Expense modules). Measurable Outcomes:

• Attend training sessions throughout the year to ensure BSO staff follows the proper procedures. BSO Staff are constantly upgrading and keeping their skills up to date so they and be aware of all the constant changes that occur regularly in HR, Controllers’ Purchasing, etc. We are very pro-active and like to make sure that we follow procedures and make sure are managers are aware of the proper procedures overall.

• Delegate decision-making appropriately to promote an open communication with the Purchasing Department and Property Control in order to establish the Asset Management process in PantherSoft. The Asset Management PS module is not currently live so we are still processing inventory through paperwork and forwarding to property control. We did successfully update and complete the annual fiscal year inventory process working closely with Property Control to “clean up” lots of old, lost, etc. equipment that was still showing on many departmental accounts.

• Ensure effective and cooperative relationships with our purchasing agents, vendors and department members. On-going.

• Ensure that opportunity is extended toward solicitation through the RFQ & ITB process, in order to obtain a diverse pool of vendors.

• Consolidate purchases to obtain discounts and identify & choose alternative qualified supplier.

• Provide Requisition & PO assistance to UTS departments.


• Out of 287 Purchase orders processed, 237 were completed for the Division of IT.

• Provide Commodity & Travel Card assistance to UTS card holders and approvers. We have already decreased the number of Commodity cards by 63 and Travel cards by 2. Therefore currently assigned 19 Commodity cards and 4 Travel cards within the Division of IT.

• Decreasing monthly limits on various departmental cards in turn, centralizing any purchases over 1K within the Business Office.

Goal 3: Leverage and grow UTS auxiliary services to increase overall efficiency and increase revenues. Measurable Outcomes:

• An increase in revenue due to a more accurate collection of billable items through Pinnacle Software upgrade. On-going – we are working with Media and also HW/SW to assist them with their internal billing process and utilize Pinnacle which will provide a regular flow of revenues monthly and less paperwork and time.

• Establish new auxiliary enterprise – University Computer Store, which will provide computer and technical support to students, faculty, and staff. On-hold – We lost our SW License Manager which delayed this process. Hiring a new Assistant Director for the HW/SW team who can then evaluate the possibility of establishing a University Computer Store. Also, there is a lack of space on MMC so that also is another reason for this delay.

• Disaster Recovery (DR) at NWRDC and Enterprise Storage – new auxiliary revenue streams. On-going

• Evaluate and focus on auxiliary components of IT to enhance customer service and support. On-going.

• Evaluate auxiliary structures, revise and further update business plans to provide additional and new support to university customers. Annual Business Plans reviewed and updated to reflect revenues, growth, loss etc. These plans were successfully reviewed with the Auxiliary Enterprise Team.

Goal 4: Further develop and expand Pinnacle Software capabilities by upgrading to Version 6 which will improve the overall productivity and efficiency in the billing process. This goal has been partially completed. Pinnacle Software was upgraded to Version 6 and currently is running. This function has been moved to Voice Services Billing Team (Odalys Diaz) and she will update the measurable outcomes. Measurable Outcomes:

• Billing inquiries and better customer satisfaction surveys. • An increase in revenue due to a more accurate collection of billable items. • Reports enhancement will allow for a more efficient way of validating data. • Potential integration with Remedy and Call Manager will reduce time spent as

well as avoid data entry errors.


• Improvements in work order processing: o Reduction of employee time spent in work order submission. o Software upgrade reduces employee errors. o Better communication with customers and enhance ability for

development of reports. • Training to become the “Pinnacle Support” to end users..

o On-going training via the Pinnacle Webinar.

Goal 5: Continue to act as HR Liaison for the Division of IT. Measurable Outcomes:

• Process all HR paperwork for the Division (hires, promotions, salary increases, etc.). On-going. BSO has hired a permanent dedicated HR Assistant to facilitate and streamline the HR process on a day to day basis.

• Decrease all process timelines through better communication & centralization within IT. Trying to make progress in this area, however, much of it is dependent on HR’s internal processes. Have spoken to several HR staff on the possibility of streamlining their own processes.

• Keep the Division informed of all HR policies, procedures, and programs. On-going.

• Develop salary equity plans for Division of IT staff. Developed for Networking. On-going.

Goal 6: Tracking and monitoring of adopted Technology Fee projects/initiatives revise guidelines/procedures for next phase of proposals.  Measurable Outcomes:

• Internal tracking of the use of the Technology Fee and accountability of the funds collected. Spreadsheets were created to track and monitor all revenues, expenses, savings, transfers, etc.

• Monitor expenses on all department ID’s that have been created for Technology Fee Projects and ensure only the approved purchases are processed in these ID’s. Savings in these accounts will be transferred back to the main Tech Fee account for future projects. A total of 27 new department ID’s were created the first year to clearly monitor all transactions by project. Realized savings were transferred back to the main Tech Fee account and allocated in 2010/2011 towards other projects.

• Monthly reviews with the FIU employee assigned to the approved projects/initiatives. Met with Division of IT managers to review status of projects and its approved budget. For the areas or departments outside of our division, quarterly emails were sent on the outstanding fund balances and the use of it.

• Annual report submitted on the status and outcome of each project approved and funded in May of each year. Report submitted to Office of Financial Planning on the first year of the fee. Ultimately, 48 proposals were approved, ranging from small one time projects to major recurring initiatives.

• All submitted proposals as well as the outcome and status of each project/initiative will be posted on the Technology Fee website. This website


can be accessed by all students, faculty and staff giving them the opportunity to see what the fee is being used for. Website has been continuously updated to reflect the first and second year of proposals. A total of 97 proposals were received during the second year and 58 were approved.

• Revise guidelines established to set monetary limits for IT equipment and add requirements for certain purchases. Expenditure guidelines were posted on Tech Fee website to guide submitters on certain requirements.


Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment CIARA

Goal 1: Increase awareness and usage of communications network resources and cyber-infrastructure to support FIU and the NSF research and education objectives. Measurable Outcomes:

• Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) NSF awards to support FIU undergraduates to work on a research project where they learn about a research problem and contribute to the solution.

Goal 2: Increase connections to technology resources for FIU researchers and students, and connectors to the AMPATH international exchange point. Measurable Outcomes:

• Increased peering agreements with carriers of commercial Internet services. The result of these agreements is cost savings to the university by minimizing the use of transit services to commercial Internet carriers.

Goal 3: Perform contracts and NSF grants to support FIU and NSF research and education objectives. Measurable Outcomes:

• Project milestones. • Quarterly and annual reports.

Goal 4: Foster new and existing partnerships between the Division of IT and the FIU academic units to bridge the gap between the research-education community and the ICT community. Measurable Outcomes:

• Existing partnerships including A&S: Physics/ Astronomy; Engineering: Computer Science.

• Number of new partnerships. Goal 5: Increase external funding from contracts and grants to support the CIARA center and the FIU goals and objectives. Measurable Outcomes:

• Number of NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates. • Number of proposals submitted to the NSF program solicitations. • Number of contracts renewed or initiated.


Communications, Customer & Employee Relations

Goal 1: Continue to develop and manage the Division of IT identity. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop and implement organizational branding strategies. • Develop and implement promotional activities to improve the Division’s public

image. • Develop and implement effective external/internal communication strategies for

the Division. • Archive and maintain all materials from communications campaigns. • Publish the Divisional newsletter DoIT Now twice yearly. • Publish the Division annual report once yearly.

Goal 2: Provide communications consultation to other organizations in the Division of Information Technology. Measurable Outcomes:

• Provide consultation on the creation of effective communication strategies and promotional activities related to these organizations.

• Develop and implement communications strategies for projects. Goal 3: Develop and implement strategies to assess the Division’s customer segments. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop and implement customer satisfaction or other miscellaneous surveys for faculty, staff, and students as requested.

• Provide editorial assistance to Division workgroups related to the dissemination of university-wide announcements, memos, system alerts, printed user documentation (handouts, announcements, orientation handbooks/ information cards, etc.) and web site/page content.

Goal 4: Enhance the orientation process for new customers. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continuously enhance current communication and promotional strategies at institutional orientation sessions for faculty.

• Continuously enhance current communication and promotional strategies at institutional orientation sessions for staff.

• Continuously enhance current communication and promotional strategies at institutional orientation sessions for students.

Goal 5: Continue to develop and implement reactive customer relations strategies relative to the Division’s public image. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop remedial communiqué to address any shortcomings that may arise in the organization’s ability to deliver current products and services.

• Develop damage control communication strategies to address escalated situations that adversely affect the organization’s public image.


Goal 6: Continue to develop and implement activities aimed at improving quality of life and workplace environment. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop and implement team building activities for the Division as requested. • Continuously maintain and promote the Division’s internal website/portal. • Coordinate the Employee Recognition Award Program. • Host the Division’s General Annual meetings. • Act as liaison, on behalf of all IT staff, to the University’s Human Resources

Employee Relations Department (ties in with Business Services Office Goal #5). Goal 7: Continue to develop and implement team building programs for the workgroup. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop staff activities focused on improving communication internally and externally.

• Conduct regularly scheduled staff meetings and related project status meetings to ensure that all team members are cognizant of strategic and operational activities.

• Meet with staff individually to ensure that all team members understand how they add value to the organization and how career paths can be defined.

• Ensure that staff has access to the necessary resources (tools, training, information etc.) to be able to carry out their daily responsibilities efficiently.

• Ensure that applicable team members under purview comply with professional development requirements stipulated by the Office of Human Resources.


Information Technology Security Office Goal 1: Address the copyright infringement notices that are sent to the university.

Measurable Outcomes: • Identify users and/or computers implicated by copyright infringement notices. • Send notices to users, supervisors, or the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict

Resolution as necessary based on confirmed identifications. • Block identified computers as necessary based on the status of the copyright

infringement in which it was identified. • Maintain a record of all copyright infringements.

Goal 2: Review requests submitted by faculty and staff for administrative access to university owned workstations and facilitate the granting of those rights when deemed necessary. Measureable Outcomes:

• Vet requests for administrative rights and offer alternatives where feasible. • Maintain a record with the ITSO of those users granted administrative rights. • Limit the amount of computers that users have administrative rights on. • Increase user awareness on the responsibility inherent of having administrative

rights on university computers. • Require supervisors to approve that their employees be granted administrative

rights. Goal 3: Work with the UTS Field Team to implement Microsoft Application Virtualization for desktops on AD. Measureable Outcomes:

• Inclusion of the App-V client on UTS Field Team Base images. • Increase productivity by speeding up the time it takes a user to have all their

applications restored when working on a new or different computer. • Increase productivity by presenting users with the same set of applications

regardless of what computer they are using. • Increase the convenience and response time for the deployment of software to

users. Goal 4: Investigate security breaches and system compromises as necessary. Measureable Outcomes:

• Take images of systems in question for later reference. • Record what data, if any may have been exposed. • Determine the method/s by which the data may have been exposed. • Sanitize the storage of the affected systems and return them to a working state.

Goal 5: Provide the highest level of customer support and operational efficiency to the university community with regards to IT security and enterprise security. Measurable Outcomes:


• Continue to review current roles and responsibilities to meet the demands and needs of all FIU departments and divisions.

• Continue to recruit, hire, and retain the best candidates and employees available in the market.

• Develop continuous training and succession plans for employees. • Create a solid working relationship with all administrative, academic, and

research areas to ensure proper communication and strategy across departments. • Live our mission.

Goal 6: Support the university’s design and development plans and initiatives for new technology. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continue to monitor and participate in the development of new technology and insuring the security of the infrastructure with Disaster Recovery strategy.

• Verify compliance of new technology with applicable regulations.

Goal 7: Provide training and upgrade employee skills to increase awareness and importance of quality customer services to the university community. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continuous customer service training. • Compliance Training, Red Flag, HIPAA, and Research Security

Goal 8: Continue to develop and implement team building programs for the IT Security Office. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop staff activities focused on improving communication internally and externally.

• Meet with staff individually to ensure that all team members understand how they add value to the organization and how career paths can be defined.

• Ensure that staff has access to the necessary resources (tools, training, information etc.) to be able to carry out their daily responsibilities efficiently.

• Continuing education certification for staff. • Ensure that applicable team members under purview comply with professional

development requirements stipulated by the Division of Human Resources.

Goal 9: Participate and assist in university web standards development and risk assessment process. Measurable Outcomes:

• Participate and assist in the establishment of web standards that: o Address Web 2.0 awareness concerns o Define acceptable web development controls o Insure compliance for all university web pages o Insure that web pages are regularly upgraded and have established system

for upgrades o Have an acceptable security strategy for all new web page development.


Goal 10: Establish a campus-wide IT security program that incorporates IT security as an integral part of the university culture. Measurable Outcomes:

• Implement recommendations to the IT audits conducted by the State of Florida and the FIU Office of Internal Audit.

• Conduct risk assessments for IT services. • Develop new on-line IT security awareness training. • Develop new awareness campaign for students and staff. • Develop an on-line IT security awareness course for students. • Complete enterprise encryption practices. • At least one employee to achieve HIPAA Certification. • Complete phase one of IT security policy development by process and approval of

the following policies & procedures: o Revision of Acceptable Use Policy o Revision of Code of Computing Practice o Remote Access Policy o Email Policy o HIPAA Technical Standards.

Goal 11: Build a secure infrastructure that will enforce established policy and protect availability, integrity, and confidentiality of the university’s information and resources using National Institute for Standards and Technology recommendations. Measurable Outcomes:

• Control network access o Scan and monitor the MS Enterprise services (AD, Sharepoint, Exchange) o Monitor network for malicious behavior o Secure VOIP infrastructure through the use of firewalls and intrusion


Goal 12: Develop a security wiki/knowledgebase on SharePoint that is publicly accessible and offer update functionality to the IT administrators on campus. Measurable Outcomes:

• Quicker, more fluid updating of security information and procedures to help educate the university community.

• Collaborative environment to tackle today's security issues using more modern methods of information dissemination.

Goal 13: Set up security alerting ITSO RSS feed to push to AD machines and allow subscriptions. Set up a form to have the community submit IT security alerts and articles and we approve so they are published to the feed. Goal 14: Continue to enhance network security & systems engineering. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop strategy for web security in alignment with university web standards. • Assessment of new learning management system.


Goal 15: Management of the Microsoft campus agreement. Measurable Outcomes:

• Conduct annual assessment of MS contract and additions to agreement. Goal 16: Continue PCI Assessment Measurable Outcomes:

• Development of FIUPAY portal • Assess departments requesting credit card collections

Goal 17: Annual Risk Assessment Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop scope of annual risk assessment • Develop Request for Quote • Manage Assessment • Evaluate and mitigate results


Media & Technology Support

Goal 1: Continue to improve and develop Media and Technology Support (MTS) resources including processes, equipment and personnel. Measurable Outcomes:

• Utilize an MTS SharePoint Site to improve workflow in MTS areas. • Continue professional development dependent on budget availabilities. Some

workshops may be necessary based on critical/strategic initiative training and local training opportunities. Staff will take advantage of state held conferences, webinars, and FIU professional development opportunities.

• Human Resources – Fill the following positions. o Fill position, Coordinator for Education and Media Communications --

Instructional Designer o Fill position, Coordinator for Education and Media Communications --

Instructional Designer o Fill position, Coordinator for Education and Media Communications --

Resource Center Coordinator o Fill position, Assistant Director for Media and Technology Support

• Continue space utilization and improvement. o Work with Academic Space to identify space for a RCET at BBC Discuss o Renovate Video Production Studio GL 149

• Power for lighting grid and lighting system • Replace Cyclorama • Install Curtain Cyclorama

• Enhance collaboration with other groups outside the Division of IT. o Continue the implementation and migration from the Blackboard CE 6 to

the Moodle learning management system. (Details in Goal 5 below) o Reestablish a relationship and collaboration with the Academy for the Art

of Teaching by providing workshops and discussions on teaching with technology once the new Director is on staff.

o Collaborate with University Library on any initiatives to meet the technology needs of FIU students.

• Update software and hardware for the Resource Center and training labs • Renovate AC1 393 which will increase seating to accommodate more people for

workshops (Faculty, staff and students). • Create a Knowledge Bar/Station for the Resource Center – This will be a resource or

reference center that provides software reference materials. Some books and manuals exist but additional manuals need to be purchased.

• Deploy the Xsan video/media network to provide a local area network for BVP, EWS, and Photo for collaboration and media file sharing.


Goal 2. MTS will continue to improve the organization, to streamline processes and provide better customer service. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan for the Training Center, Resource Center, Educational Technology Services workshops, Broadcast Video Production, and Instructional Photography Services.

• Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing plan for Media Technology Support services such as Instructional/Open Lab services, Media Equipment services, Enterprise Web Services and Media Engineering support.

• Conduct a faculty technology survey to learn what technology faculty is using, what they need, and what support is needed to be successful with technology.

• Continue improvement of internal process flow and management of projects utilizing the new SharePoint environment.

• Establish a customer service and satisfaction measurement process and survey for Media & Technology Support departments (Educational Technology Services, Media Equipment and Engineering Services, Enterprise Web Services, Broadcast Video Production and Instructional Photography Services).

• Deploy new billing and project tracking application for to Broadcast Video Production and Enterprise Web Services.

• Migrate applicable university websites to SharePoint website environment. • Enhance maintenance contract service level agreements within EWS to improve

support and establish a proactive process. • Explore alternative to end-of-life PeopleWare training registration system.

Goal 3: Provide training and documentation services to enable students, faculty and staff to become productive and optimize their use of technology. Measurable Outcomes:

• Update the ETS web site pages with resources for using Microsoft Office and other University-wide licensed software and resources for using technology for teaching and learning, including Web 2.0 and other collaboration tools.

• Develop online course on teaching online for faculty. • Develop new workshops for the Resource Center in partnership with faculty and

other university experts. • Support Division of IT initiatives such as SharePoint with appropriate training

opportunities for users. • Design, develop and deliver custom technology workshops for administrative and

academic workgroups upon request. • Expand Office 2010 workshop options with advanced skill sessions.

Goal 4. Maintain and improve the support of eClassrooms and Instructional/Open Labs. Measurable Outcomes:

• Fully implement Room View to monitor classroom media equipment and provide remote support to eClassrooms.

• Develop and implement Panther Domain to support various FIU labs that are currently


on PantherLabs Domain. In addition add other labs to Panther to meet audit requirements.

• Lab Upgrades. o Instructional Labs – Upgrade to eClassroom standards o ACI 326 new furniture, carpet, install new equipment o All open labs (PC 413, AC1 293) upgrade computers o Upgrade Mac Lab computers and software and make dual boot to

accommodate windows and windows based software (e.g., SPSS) o PC 414 renovation to include new computers to accommodate both open

lab and student applications workshops • Implement media installations for 12 general classrooms from Tech Fee funding

(Mainly PC building). • Upgrade classrooms to current standards (ECS 135, PC310 – pending

infrastructure). • Enhance classroom support with the use of new technologies. Upgrade Panopto (a

system that can automatically capture and publish rich media lectures for students to review on demand) test to production.

• Continue to expand iTunesU and Panopto for classes. • Develop a Virtual Lab environment to support student lab access 24/7 from any

location. Goal 5: Carry out transition to Moodle learning management system. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continue to implement the communication plan for communicating with faculty, students and other Moodle migration project stakeholders and audiences, to include objectives, activities, and materials.

• Expand face-to-face and develop online Moodle training and documentation. • Continue revising the training, migration and support strategies as appropriate

based on migration experience. • Develop a request, review and approval process for customizations and enhanced

functionality for the FIU Moodle site, based on best practices identified for managing open source software in academic settings.

• Coordinate efforts and collaborate with groups having special interests or needs related to the Moodle LMS, including FIU Online and the School of Computing and Information Sciences.

• Develop a Mobil App for Moodle. • Test the next version (2.x) Spring/Summer for Fall 2011 deployment


Network Engineering and Telecommunications

Goal 1: Continue to enhance voice services. Measurable Outcomes:

• Expand the Emergency Notification System. o Emergency phones

Recreation Exhibition Lounge Athletics Spectator Seating

• Deploy E911 Emergency Responder. • Upgrade to Informacast 8.x. • Upgrade to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.x. • Upgrade to IP Contact Center version 8.x.

Goal 2: Continue to enhance network security & systems engineering. Measurable Outcomes:

• Continue deploying equipment at off-site disaster recovery environment at NWRDC.

• Deploy Host Intrusion Prevention for all EPO clients. • Develop and deploy a more robust guest access solution for wireless users. • Develop a way for smart phones to be registered on wireless. • Redesign and upgrade enterprise DNS/DHCP environment • Deploy network and security environment for College of Medicine at Disaster

Recovery site at NWRDC • Configure network security for the PantherSoft HR project

 Goal 3: Continue to enhance network engineering services. Measurable Outcomes:

• Assist Facilities Management with video surveillance deployment. • Assist in deployment of emergency phones for hazardous materials labs. • Complete Catalyst 3500 refresh for 187 switch replacements. • Continue deployment of Student Technology Fee WiFi services. • Remove unencrypted WiFi SSID – FIUAIR. • Reduce Wireless GUEST users. • Enable WPA2 Enterprise (802.1x) on WiFi network. • Implement network services for College of Medicine at HLS2 • Begin router upgrades. • Expand IP subnet at Disaster Recovery site.

Goal 4: Develop and rollout planning and design services for the following. Measurable Outcomes:

• Complete cabling for Phase 2 Tech Fee Wireless Project.


• Complete cabling installation for Emergency Outdoor Speakers at MMC & BBC Campus.

• Complete cabling installation for Emergency Phones Phase IV, V, VI, & VII. • Complete cabling, voice and data services installation for Parking Garage 5 Public

Safety Area. • Complete cabling, voice and data services installation for Health Care Network

Clinic in PG-5. • Complete cabling, voice and data services installation for College of Medicine

HLSII 170-180, 3rd Floor, & 4th Floor Renovation. • Complete design for cabling, voice and data services Science Classroom

Complex. • Write RFP for a campus Distributed Antenna System (DAS).

Goal 5: Continue to enhance the Division of IT’s Disaster Recovery Services. Measurable Outcomes:

Conduct several table top disaster recovery exercises. • Conduct two disaster recovery tests for critical services at our remote site. • Continue to leverage the Division of IT’s remote site for Disaster Recovery

Services. • Continue to maintain and update the Division of IT’s disaster recovery plan. • Reduce FIU's leasing equipment dependency with NWRDC.

• Pursuing a Business Continuity Planner Certification in order to enhance the knowledge base of the DR team.

Goal 6: Develop a project management system. Measurable Outcomes:

• Maintain Division of IT project dashboard and post on website. • Ensure assigned projects are on schedule and within budget. • Ensure that appropriate project methodology and templates are used in strategic

level projects. • Provide business process documentation related to strategic projects. • Provide project management training for all IT project leads. • Implement a Project Management Application which allow for the ability to

manage projects from a planning, execution, reporting and resource management perspective.


Operations/Enterprise Services

Goal 1: Roll-Out FIUNIX to the University. Measurable Outcomes:

• This project will provide a UNIX environment for students and faculty to run various mathematics software and provide a facility to teach UNIX & UNIX scripting to students.

• Expected to be complete by June 30th 2011. Goal 2: Implement Phase III of MyAccounts System. Measurable Outcomes:

• Phase III will entail creating custom account management interfaces to be used for consultants and courtesy appointments. This is a need that has been expressed by HR and Academic Affairs.

• Expected completion date: Summer 2011 Goal 3: Full Convert UTS Managed Courses to Moodle LMS. Measurable Outcomes:

• Currently about 1 / 2 of all UTS managed online courses have been migrated to Moodle. During the 2010 – 2011 academic year, we will fully migrate all remaining UTS managed courses to Moodle.

• Expected completion date: Fall 2011 Goal 4: Improve FIU’s DR capabilities for critical systems. Measurable Outcomes:

• PeopleSoft will have increased failover capacity. The increase is expected to go from 50% to at least 75%. Also, outdated and leased equipment will be replaced to provide cheaper and more reliable DR capabilities.

• Implement a DR component of MyAccounts, a critical system for managing computer accounts and changing passwords for systems such as: PantherSoft, Exchange, VPN, AD, Moodle, AIRS, Clean Access, Phonebook, and others.

• Implement a DR component of CAS. CAS is a web single sign-on solution that uses MyAccounts passwords. It is used by Moodle, Atomic Learning, Qualtrix, the Library and other systems.

• Expected completion date: Fall 2011 Goal 5: Upgrade PeopleSoft Production Hardware. Measurable Outcomes:

• Additional hardware will be installed to support the HR implementation and to migrate some of the existing environment over to Linux, a cheaper alternative to what is being used today.

• Expected completion date: Fall 2011


Goal 6: Implementation of Version 2 of the Online Phonebook. Measurable Outcomes:

• Version 1 of the new phonebook is rolling out in January of 2011. The second version which will include additional features, such as sending vcards, mapping office locations to a campus map, the ability for HR and Public Safety to access emergency and/or cell phone contact numbers and the ability for managers to view home and/or cell phone numbers of their employees.

• Expected completion date: Fall 2011 Goal 7: Virtual Server Consolidation 2010/2011 Measurable Outcomes:

• Currently there are over 150 virtual servers in the UTS managed virtual environment. These systems provide service for not only UTS, but for all departments on campus. It has allowed all areas to save money on hardware costs, power and it saves data center space. We will continue to expand our virtual server offerings to the campus to incur more savings.

• Expected completion date: Spring 2012 Goal 8: SharePoint Environment Measurable Outcomes:

• Re-Evaluate SharePoint environment and determine if any additional infrastructure needs to be implemented to support Development (end user development) & DR. If any additional infrastructure is needed, it would be installed and implemented in the 2011-2012 Academic year.

• Expected completion date: Spring 2012


Support Center

Goal 1: Work toward self service\automatic password resets to improve the average speed of service in the UTS Call Center Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop options for password reset automation. (in progress) • Select viable option based on ease of implementation, cost, etc. • Plan, develop and test selected option. • Implement password reset option selected

Goal 2: Complete customer service training, all new Support Center employees. Measurable Outcomes:

• Work with ODL to arrange training. (in progress). • Schedule training.

Goal 3: Expand statistical reporting from Remedy and publish as needed. Measurable Outcomes:

• Identify needed reports. • Modify, Crystal reports, Excel Spreadsheets and Remedy queries as required. • Test reports. • Begin publishing reports. 

Goal 4: Hire and train Assistant Director for Hardware Team Measurable Outcomes:

• Post Position. (Done) • Review and interview candidates. (Done) • Make selection and submit to HR. (Done) • Bring in and train in current processes.

Goal 5: Open an on-campus computer store for FIU students and employees. Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop a Business Plan. (done). • Meet with Business Services and agree on plan and location. (in progress). • Build out location and hire Store Manager. • Procure inventory and advertise opening. • Open store.

Goal 6: Stand up Development environment for Remedy Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop Plan\Timeline. (in progress) • Work with OES Windows Admin. Team to setup Virtual servers. • Load necessary software and configure.


• Test environment.

Goal 7: Upgrade Remedy to the latest version Measurable Outcomes:

• Develop Plan\Timeline for upgrade. • Upgrade in development environment. • Import data and test in development. • Upgrade production environment. • Test and Go-live.

Goal 8: Expand the adaptation and use of Remedy at FIU as central point of service. Measurable Outcomes: 

• Review existing workflow processes within existing support teams. • Review existing workflow processes between Support Center and other

workgroups within and outside of the Division of IT. • Assess additional modules and capabilities of Remedy. • Determine integration opportunities available using Remedy; determine which

opportunities to use. • Adopt\develop additional processes suited to above opportunities.

Goal 9: Begin training Support Center management Team in Service Management Processes (ITIL). Measurable Outcomes:

• Create training plan spreadsheet. (Done) • Acquire approvals & procure funding. (Done) • Begin to have Managers register for and attend classes.

Goal 10: Train resources in Hardware Repair MCC for certifications. Measurable Outcomes:

• Identify resources (Done) • Allow training and study time for identified resources (in progress) • Have team members certified (Apple, Dell and HP) • Update position\job descriptions.

Goal 11: Require HP certification for BBC PC Repairs & Upgrade resource. Measurable Outcomes:

• Notify existing team members of new requirement. (Done) • Update position\job descriptions. • Have team members certified.



Goal 12: Begin integration of Remedy with other systems after upgrade (i.e. SharePoint and Pinnacle) and implement additional features. Measurable Outcomes:

• Review systems to be integrated. • Review existing workflow and intersections with Remedy. • Assess additional features and capabilities of Remedy (i.e. RSS feeds, email

solution and reporting infrastructure). • Determine integration possibilities and which to develop. • Develop integration and feature enhancement plan and schedule. • Execute integration and feature enhancement plan.


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