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Annual Quality Assurance Report



Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 2

The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC

Part – A

AQAR for the year : 2014-2015

1. Details of the Institution

1.1 Name of the Institution : Fr. Agnel College of Arts and Commerce

1.2 Address Line 1 : Pilar

Address Line 2 : Tiswadi Taluka, North Goa

City/Town : Village

State : Goa

Pin Code : 403203

Institution e-mail address :

Contact Nos. : 0832-2218673

Name of the Head of the Institution : Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues

Tel. No. with STD Code : 0832-2218673

Mobile : 09822177441

Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator : Ms. Mini Gangadharan

Mobile : 09850833868

IQAC e-mail address :

1.3 NAAC Track ID(For ex. MHCOGN 18879)


1.4 NAAC Executive

Committee No. & Date

: March 31, 2007/254

1.5 Website address :

Web-link of the AQAR

: http://

1.6 Accreditation Details

Sl. No. Cycle Grade CGPA Year of




1 1st Cycle B++ 830 2007 2007-2012

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1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC:25/06/2007

1.8 Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment

and Accreditation by NAAC

i. AQAR 2007-2008 submitted to NAAC on 30/09/2008

ii. AQAR 2008-2009 submitted to NAAC on 27/01/2010

iii. AQAR 2009-2010 submitted to NAAC on 02/04/2012

iv. AQAR 2011-2012 submitted to NAAC on 16/03/2015

v. AQAR 2012-2013 submitted to NAAC on 27/07/2015

vi. AQAR 2013-2014 submitted to NAAC on 31/07/2015

1.9 Institutional Status

University : State

Central Deemed Private

Affiliated College : Yes


Constituent College : Yes


Autonomous college of UGC : Yes


Regulatory Agency

approved Institution (eg.



: Yes


Type of Institution : Co-


Men Women


Rural Tribal

Financial Status : Grant-in-






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Grant-in-aid + Self Financing




1.10 Type of Faculty/Programme:

Arts Science Commerce Law PEI





Engineering Health



Others (Specify):

Computer Applications

1.11 Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges):

Goa University

1.12 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR


Autonomy by State/Central Govt. /


University with Potential for Excellence


DST Star Scheme


UGC-Special Assistance Programme


UGC-Innovative PG programmes

Any other


UGC-COP Programmes

√ √


--- ---

--- ---

--- ---

--- ---


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2. IQAC Composition and Activities

2.1 No. of Teachers : 06

2.2 No. of Administrative/Technical staff : 02

2.3 No. of students : --

2.4 No. of Management representatives : 01

2.5 No. of Alumni : 01

2.6 No. of any other stakeholder and community representative : 01

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists : --

2.8 No. of other External Experts : --

2.9 Total No. of members : 11

2.10 No. of IQAC meetings held : 17

2.11 No. of meetings with various


: No. 07

Faculty 02

Non-Teaching Staff 02

Students 03

Alumni 00

Others (Committee

members of IQAC)


2.12 Has IQAC received any funding from

UGC during the year?

: Yes


If yes, mention the amount : Rs. 3 Lakhs

Amount santioned in the A.Y. 2013-14

2.13Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)

(i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC



International National State Institution


3 - -

- 3

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(ii) Themes:

A Faculty Development Programme was held on 19th

July 2014 for Teaching Staff

on the topic “Find God in Service”.

The Research And Development Cell organised a Two Day Workshop for the

teaching faculty on “SPSS” on 23rd

and 24th

March 2015.

The Commerce Departmentorganised a One Day State level Seminar on

“Companies Act 2013: Opportunities and Challenges” on 30th

March 2015.

2.14 Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC:

Conducted student‟s feedback on respective subject teachers at the end of the academic

year. After scrutiny and tabulation, the principal have appraised the teacher to adopt

corrective measures.

Encouraged faculty to participate and present papers in

seminars/workshops/programmes/refresher courses/orientation programmes in order to

get exposure to the new developments in their respective fields.

Have reached out to the socially and economically challenged students to a greater

extent through various scholarships, financial aid and other welfare schemes for

pursuing/ bringing them into the stream of higher education.

Collated reports of the various activities conducted by departments, committees, cells,

associations, units etc. for the respective academic year.

Along with the regular course, the students are also provided with Career Oriented,

Certificate Courses, Certification Courses and Credit Based Programme such as

Desktop Publishing, Tally, Office Automation, Library Services, Computer Garage

(Computer Maintenance and Repairs) which would help them to increase their

employability skills.

Training given to students for competitive exams such Civil Services, Banking etc.

Upgraded infrastructure in Classrooms, Computer Laboratories, Library, Physical

Education Department, Administrative Office etc.

Counselling for students was carried by a professional counsellor. In addition to this

the principal, administrator and class mentors also counselled students on need basis.

Encouraged faculty members to publish research papers in refereed/peer reviewed


Encouraged faculty members to pursue PhD and register for PhD.

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Remedial Classes was conducted by subject teachers or slow learners, weak students,

absentees and for students who had difficulties in understanding certain topics.

Conducted faculty development programmes for administrative staff and teaching


The departments/committees organised seminars, workshops, and activities for staff,

students and community.

The college has a SMS facility that informs the parents and students of the various

activities, events, extra classes, monthly attendance details of each student, campus

interviews etc.

Departmental meetings were conducted in each semester to assess the performance of

students and functioning of the department and formulate plans for the next

semester/academic year.

2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards

quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *

IQAC being the advisory body, it facilitates, coordinates activities and guides all

departments, committees, associations in disseminating activities that are aimed at

enhancing and sustaining quality culture in our institution. Apart from the activities and

events planned and executed by the IQAC, it also encourages each and every department,

committee and associations to plan and execute activities for each academic year. The plan

of activities and the outcomes are as follows:

Note: Details on activities conducted related to the plans, kindly refer to the Action Taken

report in 7.2

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Plan of Action

Outcomes Achieved

1 Enhancing Teaching Learning

a. To make available the detailed lesson

plans to students in the Library and

through Learning Management System –


This has helped the

students to get an overview

of the subject and to know

the portion covered in each


b. To counter check the execution of lesson


This has helped the

teachers and students to

track the portion covered.

It also helps the teachers to

complete the entire

syllabus on time.

c. To adopt ICT for teaching learning


d. To upgrade the library facilities in terms

of reference books, text books, journals


e. To encourage teachers to use innovative

teaching methods such as model making,

concept maps, role plays etc.

f. To organise field trips, study tours,

excursions, industry visits etc. for


g. To conduct guest lectures, interaction

with eminent personalities etc.

This helped the teacher to

make the lecture

informative and interesting.

This has enabled the

teachers to update the

knowledge in the relevant


It has promoted student

centric learning.

It has motivated the

student‟s to develop

independent learning.

The students have

enhanced their knowledge

in the respective subject.

It has also enriched the

students to acquire

knowledge beyond the

given syllabus.

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h. To provide additional references, study

materials, notes to students through

Moodle, emails, photocopies etc.

This has helped the

advance learners to make

their own notes.

It has also helped the

students to avail the study

materials/notes to prepare

for their exams.

i. To collect the feedback of subject


It has helped the teachers to

improve on their

drawbacks in teaching and

thereby has enabled

effective teaching learning


j. To conduct remedial classes for weak

students, absentees (due to medical

reasons, co-circular activities etc.)

This has helped the weak

students to perform better.

It also helped the absentees

to cover the portion that

was missed during their


2 Infrastructure

a. To extend the provision of LCD

projectors and screens in the remaining

classrooms and laboratories.

b. To increase in the number of benches in

existing classrooms.

c. To establish the Language Lab.

d. To increase/upgrade computers and its

related peripherals in

laboratories/office/staff rooms

e. To upgrade the software‟s in


f. To increase the bandwidth for internet

This has equipped the staff

and students with the latest

technology which has

enhanced the teaching

learning process.

This has helped the

teachers to make the

lectures more informative.

The teachers are able to

prepare for lectures more

conveniently and


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g. To increase the photocopying machines

(include coloured).

h. To upgrade the library software and

updation of e-resources.

It has helped students to

develop on soft skills.

It has also equipped

students in using ICT

facilities and motivates

independent learning.

This has created a

conducive environment for

effective teaching learning


i. To have an in-house stationary unit in the

computer laboratories for items such as

project paper, CD, DVD etc.

It has helped the students to

make avail of certain

stationary items like CD,

DVD, project paper,

printouts, photocopies etc.

at subsided rates

j. To install CCTV and surveillance devices

at the prominent locations

This has provided a secured

environment for staff and


k. To have a separate in-house stationary

centre such as project paper, CD, DVD


It has helped the students to

make avail of certain

stationary items like CD,

DVD, project paper,

printouts, photocopies etc.

at subsided rates

3 Evaluation Mechanism

a. To conduct orientation for students on

the pattern of examination and evaluation


This helped the students to

be aware examination

pattern and to plan their

study preparation for


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b. To conduct Pre-course test for First Year


The Pre-course test has

helped the teachers in

assessing the student‟s

knowledge in the given


It has also helped the

teacher to plan the teaching

module according to the

knowledge of the students

in the respective subjects.

c. To conduct the orientation for Third Year

students in writing research projects.

It has helped the students to

carry out their research

work and submit the

project report as per the

guidelines laid by the Goa


d. To provide flexibility in conducting

ISA‟s by teachers in the form of tests

(Objective tests, MCQ‟s, Long Answer

tests etc.), Assignments (role plays,

presentations, model making, videos etc.)

e. To inform the students of the

performance obtained in their ISA‟s.

This has given an insight to

the students into the

different modes of tests and

to prepare accordingly.

Assignments have given

the students an opportunity

to understand the practical

application of the concept

learnt in the classroom and

also has developed

independent learning.

It has enhanced the

knowledge and creativity

of students.

The different modes of

assessment have helped the

students to performance

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better in the subsequent


f. To display the timetable for First, Second

Year is put up one month prior to the

SEE schedule (Regular/Backlog/Special


g. To display the Third Year time table is as

and when received from Goa University.

This has helped the

students to plan their study

preparation in advance and

perform better in exams.

h. To declare the final results of the

semester end exams on pre-determined


i. To conduct Open house day.

Results of First, Second

Year students were

declared as per the pre-

scheduled date.

An open house day has

helped the parents to

interact and discuss the

performance of the wards

with the class mentors and

subject teachers.

This has helped in planning

the admission process for

the next academic year.

It has also helped in

scheduling the special

supplementary exams well

in advance to give backlog

students sufficient time to


4 Student Support Services

a. To inform and encourage the students to

avail various scholar ships, financial aid

and other welfare schemes.

It has helped many


backward students to

pursue their education


b. To make provision of payment of fees in

instalments for students.

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c. To conduct counselling sessions for


A professional counsellor

as helped the students to

address issues in various

matters and to cope up

with it. Personal

counselling is also done by

the teachers/class

mentors/principal on time

to time basis has also

helped the students.

d. To provide canteen facilities for students. Helps the students to provide

refreshments to the students at

nominal rates.

e. To conduct PTA meetings/Open House


It has helped to build a

cordial bond between

parents and class

mentors/subject teachers.

It makes the parent aware

of the performance of their

wards related to the

academic, co-circular and

extra-circular activities.

The interaction between

parents and teachers has

helped in complementing

their roles in handling

issues faced by the student

and their overall


f. To have two class mentors for each class

and remain with the students of the same

class till they graduate.

This has helped the class

mentors and students to

maintain a cordial bond

with each other.

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The class mentors provide

guidance to the students in

matters such as attendance,

overall performance in

academics, encourage them

to participate in extra

circular activities etc.

g. To help needy students under the scheme

„Earn While You Learn‟.

This has benefitted the

needy students to gain

employment and earn

income to meet their own

and family needs to certain


h. To felicitate the meritorious students.

i. To felicitate students with outstanding


j. To establish more endowment prizes for


This has helped in giving

recognition hard work put

in by the students

It has also motivated the

students to continue to

maintain the laurel.

k. To conduct value education class once-

twice in a month by the class mentors on

pre-defined topics.

This has helped to instil

values and make the

students more responsible

towards others/situations


It has also helped the

student to analyse and

handle various situations.

l. To use SMS facility. This helped in informing

the parents and students

regarding their attendance,

college events, placement

opportunities, special/extra

classes, recruitment drives,

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career guidance


m. To provide refreshments and travel

allowances to students to participate in

extra-circular and co-circular activities.

This has encouraged

students to participate in

co-circular, sports, NSS,

NCC activities.

5 Students Participation

a. To encourage students to participate in

Interclass/ Intercollegiate/State/National/

International activities, events, competitions,

seminars, workshops in the fields of

academics, co-circular and extra circular.

These activities have

helped in exploring the

talents of the students,

building their confidence

level, developing

personality and

organization skills.

b. To enrol for NCC and NSS. This has helped the

students in promoting a

sense of social

responsibility, inculcated

discipline, developed the

character, leadership

qualities, a secular outlook,

and service towards the


c. To encourage extension activities such as

Out Reach programme for school

students, visiting old age homes etc.

These activities have

helped the students to

provide an insight to the

problems and needs by the

community at large.

It has also helped the

students improve on their

teaching skills and

communication skills.

It has also developed a

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sense of humane approach

and to provide service

towards the society.

6 Skill Based Courses

a. To conduct various Career Oriented,

Certificate and Credit Based courses

These have helped in

augmenting the student‟s

skills and has help them to

acquire additional skills,

thereby improved their

potential to gain


7 Faculty Development Programmes

a. To encourage, organize and to participate



This has helped the faculty

to enhance and update their

knowledge as per the

current developments in

their respective field.

It has also helped the

faculty for their career


b. To encourage in pursuing M.Phil./PhD etc.

c. To undertake minor/major research projects

*Academic Year- Annexure 1

2.15 Whether the AQAR was placed

in statutory body

: Yes


Management Syndicate Any other


Provide the details of the action taken:

To prepare for the NAAC accrediation Cycle II.

Submitted the required documentation for RUSA.


- -




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Part – B

Criterion – I

1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Level of the


Number of



Number of


added during the


Number of



Number of value

added / Career



PhD Nil Nil Nil Nil

PG Nil Nil Nil Nil

UG 02 Nil 01 03

PG Diploma Nil Nil Nil Nil



Nil Nil Nil Nil

Diploma Nil Nil Nil Nil

Certificate 07# Nil Nil 02



Credit Based


Nil Nil 03^

Total 07 Nil 01 06

Interdisciplinary 03 - - -

Innovative - - - -

#Computer Hardware, Library and Information Sciences, Tally, DTP, Office Automation,

Photography, Web Designing

^D-Link Switching (Certification), Library services (Credit Based), Computer Garage

:Maintenance and Repair (Credit Based)

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1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option /Open options

(ii) Pattern of programmes:

Pattern Number of programmes

Semester 03

Trimester -

Annual -

1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* (On all aspects)


Parents Employers Students

Mode of feedback :

Online Manual Co-operating

schools (for PEI)

Student: The feedback was conducted at the end of the semester/academic year on

respective subject teachers. The mode of feedback for BA, BCOM and BCA is online.

After scrutiny, the principal has appraised the teacher and asked to adopt corrective


Parents: The feedback from parents is mostly verbally communicated in the open house

interactions or in the meetings held by the Parent Teacher Association. The issues

addressed or suggestions made by parents were scrutinized by the higher authorities and

they were initiated.

Alumni: The feedback from the alumni is communicated verbally/through emails/social

media. The issues addressed or the suggestions made by the alumni were scrutinized by

the higher authorities and they were incorporated.

Associated Industries/Institutions/Guests: The feedback is verbally

communicated/through emails from time to time basis and the same is analysed and



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1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their

salient aspects.

Our college being affiliated to Goa University follows a syllabi designed by the Board of

Studies, Goa University in respective subjects.

As and when the update/revision is informed to the college by the Goa University, the

college implements the same.

In this academic year, there was revision/updation of syllabi of various subjects in the

BA, BCom. and BCA.

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.

Established a Research center, it is affiliated to the Department of Commerce, Goa

University. The Department of Commerce, Goa University have assigned 03 full time

research scholars to an approved guide from the college.

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Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty:

# Includes Sports Director , *Includes College Librarian

Total Asst.



Professors Professors Others

19 10# 09* - 0

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.: 02

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during the year:

*Includes Contract basis and Lecture basis faculty




Professors Professors Others Total


- - - - - - 20* 0 20 0

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and

Temporary faculty

* Lecture basis



Contract basis

and Lecture

basis faculty

63 *07 *20

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2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia*:

No. of Faculty International

level National level State level




09 20 25



07 07 -


Persons - 01 -

*Includes Seminars, Workshops, Refresher Course, Orientation

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

Each subject teacher prepares semester wise lesson plan (with week wise execution plan

of the portion and its references) which is made available to the students in the beginning

of the academic year. It is also uploaded in Moodle and copy is made available in the


Use of ICT in teaching learning process in addition to in addition to Chalk and Talk


Making use of learning management systems such as Moodle and Cloud technology such

as Google drive to make learning materials available to the students.

Teachers provide the hard copy/soft copy of additional references, study materials, power

point presentations, concept maps, hand-outs etc. to the students.

Subject teachers provide well in advance photo copies of questions to be solved, study

materials etc. which need to be solved or discussed in the next class.

Past question papers in all subjects is discussed by the subject teacher. Question banks

are also given to the students.

Guest lectures are conducted by departments in the respective subjects. Ex-students and

external faculty are invited to share experience/deliver lectures.

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Orientation is given to the students in the beginning of each semester by the respective

subject teachers on the pattern of examination (ISA and SEE).

All staffrooms are provided with internet connectivity and Wi-Fi facility. This has

enabled the faculty to conveniently prepare for the lectures.

Updated computer laboratories with required software have also enhanced teaching

learning process.

Pre course test conducted in the beginning of the academic year for the First Year BA

and BCOM students have helped the teachers to assess the knowledge in their respective

subjects. This has helped the faculty to prepare their teaching module as per the level of

the understanding of students in each subject.

Tests and Assignments of various forms such as case studies, role plays, group

discussions, model making, oral and written quizzes, power point presentations, mini-

projects, multimedia presentations (documentary, short videos) etc. are conducted.

Remedial classes by the respective subject teachers are conducted for weaker students,

slow learners, absentees etc. The classes are conducted as per the schedule or on need


Educational trips, field trips, industrial visits, excursions etc. are arranged to enhance the

practical knowledge of the respective subjects for the students.

Newspapers are provided in each classroom to instil reading habits among students and

to be aware of current news happening all over the world. It has also helped the teachers

to discuss the news reports in their respective subjects and related areas.

SMS are sent to the students regarding attendance, college events, placement

opportunities, special/extra classes, recruitment drives etc.

Career oriented (Tally, DTP), credit-based (Library services, Computer Garage :

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

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Maintenance and Repairs), certificate courses (Computer Hardware, Library and

Information Science) are conducted to provide additional skills to the students to gain


Initiatives are taken to provide internship programmes for students with the industries,

commercial institutions etc. to gain hands on experience.

Organised seminars, workshops, guest lectures for faculty and students. The faculty have

also accompained the student to participate in workshops/seminars organised by other

institution. This has helped the students to gain additonal knowledge in their respective


Faculty Development Programme on various topics such as team building, teaching skills

etc., is conducted per semester academic year.

2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year: 180 days

2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open

Book Examination, Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice


Examination and evaluation process carried out as per the guidelines of Goa University.

As and when reforms are introduced in examination and evaluation process, the same is

initiated in the college.

Exam process is computerised and has customised software that allows the marks to be

entered for the current student as well those who have backlogs, generate mark sheets for

the first and second year students etc.

Apart from the university examination reforms, the college has established an

examination committee for the smooth conduct of the regular/supplementary exams.

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The college follows the continuous evaluation system as per the rules prescribed by the

Goa University. The evaluation process is divided as intra semester evaluation and end

semester evaluation. Internal evaluations are conducted subject wise by respective

departments and SEE exams are conducted as per the schedule given by the Goa


Some reforms carried for internal assessment and end semester assessment for First year

and second year of all streams are:

- Internal evaluation for ISA in the form of multiple choice questions, short

answers questions, long answers questions, presentations, assignments etc.

- Photocopy facility available for students to photocopy questions papers of end

semester exams.

- Computerised entry of marks and generation of the results.

- In cases where the students have grievances with respect to the marks scored in

subjects, re-evaluation and verification is carried out as per the rules of the Goa

University. Re-evaluation process is a transparent process whereby the students

can access their answer scripts in the presence of the principal at a scheduled


Question banks and copy of the past question papers in all subjects are made available in

the library to the students

2.9 No. of faculty members involved in

curriculum restructuring/revision/syllabus development

as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development



2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students: 84.1%

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2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage :

Title of the


Total no. of






I % II % III % Pass %

BA 68 13.2 23.5 32.5 19.1 88.2

BCOM 107 0.06 37.3 43.9 0.07 95.3

BCA 26 38.4 30.7 19.4 0.03 100

2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes :

Pre course test is conducted at the beginning of the academic year.

Apart from regular lecture methods, film screening, field visits, quizzes etc. were

arranged by the subject teachers.

Hands on experience were given to the students through placement for voluntary work

and internships within college such as library, office etc. and outside the college such as

in neighbouring banks, offices etc.

Credit based, career oriented, and certificate courses were conducted in Computer

Hardware, Tally etc. in this academic year.

Execution of the academic time table and lesson plan is monitored.

Internal assessment papers are shown to the students.

An Orientation was conducted regarding preparation of lesson plan, pedagogy, execution

etc. by the senior teachers/HOD to the newly recruited teaching faculty.

To ensure the completion of syllabus, the execution of the lesson plan is counter checked

and signed by the principal/administrator.

Student‟s feedback is conducted on each teacher subject-wise at the end of the academic

year. After scrutiny and tabulation, the principal appraises and guides the teacher and

expects to improve/correct in the teaching methods used.

Every month the class mentor meets and interacts with their respective class students.

They listen and address the common problems/individual problems faced by students and

are accordingly rectified. On need basis the class mentors also counsel the student.

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Each department evaluates the performance of students at the end of the

semester/academic year and accordingly plan for the next semester/academic year.

2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Faculty / Staff Development Programmes Number of faculty


Refresher courses -

UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme 62

HRD programmes -

Orientation programmes 01

Faculty exchange programme -

Staff training conducted by the university 02

Staff training conducted by other institutions -

Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 23

Others-Seminars, Interactive Events, Short

Term 57

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of



Number of



Number of


positions filled

during the Year

Number of

positions filled


Administrative Staff 20 1 21 3

Technical Staff - - - 3

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Criterion – III

3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution:

The IQAC informs and circulates details on various research projects/ grants available

under UGC and other research funding agencies.

The faculty is encouraged to apply for minor and major research projects under UGC or

other research funding agencies and encourages the faculty to apply for the same. The

schemes to apply for major and minor research projects are also made available.

In order to inculcate the research culture among the faculty and students, a research and

development committee has been established. It promotes various research related

activities such as workshops, publishing yearly in-house research journal, training etc.

The Research And Development Cell organised a Two Day Workshop for the teaching

faculty on “SPSS” on 23rd

and 24th

March 2015 .

The committee plans to release the journal with an ISBN number.

The faculty is encouraged to participate in State, National and International conferences,

seminars, symposia, workshops etc.

The faculty is encouraged to present and publish their research work in refereed journals

at state, national and international conferences, seminars and symposia.

The faculty is encouraged to pursue doctoral and post-doctoral programmes on full time

or part time basis.

The college also has a well-equipped computer laboratory with internet connectivity and

library facilities to supplement in the research activities carried by faculty and students.

The students are encouraged to participate in inter-class/inter-collegiate seminars,

workshops etc.

The students are encouraged to present papers in their related areas at inter-class and

inter-collegiate seminars. The faculty assists the students in the preparation of the paper

to be presented.

Conducted an orientation programme on Project work for TYBCOM and TYBA students

on 26th

August 2014 and TYBCA on 16th

June 2014.

As per the curriculum designed by Goa University, the Third Year students have to

compulsorily submit an elementary research project in their related stream. The faculty is

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 28

assigned to guide the students individually or in groups to complete the same.

3.2 Details regarding major projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number --- --- --- ---

Outlay in Rs.


--- --- --- ---

3.3 Details regarding minor projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number --- --- --- ---

Outlay in Rs.


--- --- --- ---

3.4 Details on research publications

International National Others

Peer Review Journals 05 - -

Non-Peer Review Journals - 04 -

e-Journals - - -

Conference proceedings 06 02 -

3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications:


Average h-index Nos. in


- - -


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 29

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and

other organisations

Nature of the Project Duration


Name of the



Total grant



Major projects - - - -

Minor Projects - - - -

Interdisciplinary Projects - - - -

Industry sponsored - - - -

Projects sponsored by the

University/ College - - - -

Any other(Specify) - - - -

Total - - - -

3.7 No. of books published

i) With ISBN No.

Chapters in



ii) Without ISBN No.

3.8 No. of University Departments receiving funds from:






3.9 For colleges





CE Any Other


- -


- - -

- -

- - -

- - -

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 30

3.10 Revenue generated through consultancy:

3.11 No. of conferences organized by the Institution*:

*Inclusive of Seminars, Workshops, Faculty Development programmes

Level International National State University College

Number - - 03 - 05



- - UGC,


- UGC,


3.12 No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons:

3.13 No. of collaborations:


National Any other

3.14 No. of linkages created during this year:01

3.15 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs :Nil

From Funding agency



3.16 No. of patents received this year:

Type of Patent Number

National Applied --

Granted --

International Applied --

Granted --

Commercialised Applied --

Granted --

- 03









Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 31

3.18 No. of faculty from the Institution

who are Ph. D. Guides

and students registered under them

3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution:

3.20 No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones)


SRF Project


Any other

3.21 No. of students Participated in NSS events:

University level







3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events:

University level







3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS:

University level







3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC:

University level







3.25 No. of Extension activities organized:

University Forum








- - -


- -




- 03 18


- - -


- - -


- 05

04 07 -

Not applicable

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 32

3.26 Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional

Social Responsibility

Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues has partnered and also provided financial support to the Leprosy

Mission Trust of India.

The BCA department in collaboration with Our Lady of Desterro Church, Vasco, Goa

designed and conducted a one month “Basic Education Computer Course” to help the

parishners of the church to become computer literate.

The Extension cell of the college in collaboration with Home Nursing Care have

employed two qualified nurses to attend to the elderly people in the three villages of

Pilar, Agassim and Goa Velha of the St. Andre Constituency. This is an attempt to take

care of the elderly, dispel their loneliness and propagate to the society the need for

geriatric care. The nurses along with four students of the college have visited 22 homes

to give the required nursing care for the elderly persons staying in their respective homes.

They visited two days in a week (Monday and Tuesday) the homes of the elderly, which

was enlisted by the cell. This outreach programme was initiated from July to September

2014 and November 2014 to February 2015.

The NCC Unit of the college in collaboration with Majorda Club and I Goa Naval Unit

organised of our college Garbage Collection Drive (24th

August) , Tree Plantation Drive


August), Anti-Plastic Rally (26th

August) and Visit to the Old Age Home (27th

August) by SD and SW cadets in Majorda Village

The NSS Unit of the college organised a community cleaning drive in and around Pilar

Seminary on 23rd August 2014. The activity focused on cleanliness in the community,

segregation of plastic waste and team work. There were nearly 350 students who

enthusiastically participated in the activity.

The Sociology department in collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority,

North Goa-Panaji organised a seminar on “Legal Awareness” for the students and local

community. This seminar focussed on critical issues such as Right to Information Laws,

Domestic violence, Rape etc. Judge Cynora Teles, the Chief Justice of Fast track court,

was the Chief Guest for the day.

The NSS unit of the college conducted a social awareness campaign for the people in and

St. Andre constituency. Several street play performances were conducted on social issues

such as conservation of water, environmental protection, and pollution control and

women empowerment during September and October 2014.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 33

The NSS unit of the college is actively providing assistance to the community towards

EPIC card registration from 1st July 2014-20th March 2015. 80 people were benefitted.

The NSS unit of the college launched a “Social Benefit Campaign” to assist Senior

Citizen for obtaining Senior Citizen Cards from 1st July 2014-20th March 2015. The

volunteers of the unit identified the eligible senior citizens of St. Andre constituency and

any other and assisted them accordingly.

The Goa Football Association organised the ARC “D” license course for football coaches

in the college premises from 19th


August 2014. 42 coaches participated in this


The Extension cell of the college in association with Goa Velha Church and American

Heart Foundation organized a medical camp for people of Goa Velha who are suffering

from diabetes, obesity and thyroid on 4th

January 2014. 91 people attended the camp.

The NCC B certificate examination for the year 2014-15 was conducted at the college

premises n 14th-15thFebruary 2015. A total of 296 SD/SW/NCC cadets participated in

the B certificate exam.

The Extension cell of the college in association with Goa Renal (kidney) support

Association (GRSA) organized an awareness program for the general public on various

kidney diseases. Leaflets were distributed on the prevention of kidney related and its

allied diseases. This awareness program was held on 12th March 2015 to celebrate the

World Kidney Day.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 34

Criterion – IV

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

Facilities Existing Newly


Source of



Campus area 9 acres -- -- 9 acres

Class rooms 16 -- -- 16

Laboratories 02 -- -- 02

Seminar Halls 01 -- -- 01

No. of important equipments purchased

(≥ 1-0 lakh) during the current year.

-- 8.1 Government,

Management 8.1

Value of the equipment purchased during

the year (Rs. in Lakhs)

-- 1.4 UGC,




Others(Rs. in Lakhs) - 1.8 Government,



4.2 Computerization of administration and library:


The administrative work is fully computerised specify software are installed as per the

nature of their job.

Internet connectivity available for the administrative staff.

Examination related work is fully computerised.

After the admission of students, a student database is created.


Library is fully computerized since June 2005 with NewGenLib library software and has

an online catalogue.

All the documents, reader‟s identity cards are bar-coded.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC): The users can search through the library

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 35

catalogue, booking and renewal facility, information of new arrivals etc.

Issue and return of books, stock verification etc. are recorded using library software.

The readers are also contacted through emails.

In the website, all library information about the e-resources, institutional repository such

as old question papers, curriculum, power point presentations etc. are provided.

4.3 Library services:

Existing Newly added Total

No. Value No. Value No. Value

Text Books 4320 5,85,967 95 23,058 4415 6,09,025

Reference Books 12,737 21,16,524 276 93,450 13,013 22,09,974

e-Books 9700+ - - - 9700+ -



- - 85 51,672 85 51,672

e-Journals 6000+ - 16,000+ 5,000 16,000+ 5,000

Digital Database - - - - - -

CD & Video 724 25,500 32 610 756 26,110

Others: Maps and


40 5,000 - - 40 5,000

4.4 Technology up gradation (overall)




Labs Internet




Centres Office





Existing 55 22 256 Kbps

Lines (08


- - 12 21

Added 15 15 01

(1 Gbps)

- - 01 -

Total 70 37 09 - - 13 21

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 36

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme

for technology up gradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

WIFI campus

Laptops given to the teachers with free internet facility in order to use ICT facility in


Computers with free internet connectivity facility are available for the faculty and

administrative staff.

Language lab for soft skills training has been installed.

Separates LAN‟s are available for office, computer laboratories, library

Computer systems and other perphierals available in the library for executing and

handling library services.

Well equipped computer labortaories along with free internet facility available for

students to carry out their assignments, project works and other related work..

Training given to the faculty in the use of language lab software.

Basic training facilities are provided for the faculty and students to use of OPAC and


Examination related activities are also computerised for generating of collated results

sheets, collating results, notices, individual marksheets etc.

Training for faculty for certification programmes by D-Link Academy, Mumbai in order

to conduct Networking courses for the students.

4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs :

i) ICT Rs. 1,145/-

ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities Rs. 23,791-

iii) Equipments Rs. 1,22,332/-

Total : Rs. 1,47,268/-

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 37

Criterion – V

5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services:

Admission process:

The College follows the rules and regulations laid by the Directorate of Higher

Education, Government of Goa, for giving admissions to students to various courses.

The admission of students to the various courses is transparent and is based on first

come first serve basis. The college admits academically challenged students adhering

to the vision of the college.

The details of the courses, activities and other support services are made available to

parents and students through the prospectus.

Orientation programme for First Years:

This is conducted at the beginning of the academic year by the Principal and the

class mentors. The points discussed are

- Aims, Mission, Objectives of the college

- Facilities provided in the college

- Conduct of classes

- Examination/Evaluation Process

- Discipline, Attendance

- Extra-circular activities, Sports etc.

Financial Assistance:

The College through the Student‟s Welfare Cell have helped socially and

economically disadvantaged students to avail various scholarships, financial aid for

pursing their higher education.

The students are allowed to pay fees in instalments.

In some cases, students are allowed to pay only a part of their total fees in case of

financial difficulty.

Placements for Students:

The Career Guidance and Placement cell organises various recruitment drives,

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 38

workshops on career guidance, training sessions etc. for students to gain employment.

It also ensures campus visits by companies for recruitment and training every year.

(Refer to 5.6 for details)

The college maintains a link with various industries, commercial establishments and

other institutions to conduct internship programmes, recruitment drives or career

counselling sessions.

The college provides employment to bonafide needy students under the scheme „Earn

while learn‟. In this academic year, the students have worked after their lecture hours

in the library and IGNOU Study Centre, Pilar.

Various career oriented and certificate courses were conducted to aid the students in

gain additional skills for employability.

Facilities for students:

The college has a well-equipped library with books, journals and e-resources. It also

provides facilities such as OPAC, INFLIBNET N-list, book bank facility, additional

library cards for scholars, SC, ST, OBC students, access of past question papers,

syllabus, spelt out syllabus etc. Basic training facilities are provided for the students

in use of OPAC and INFLIBNET N-list.

The canteen provides refreshments to the students at nominal rates.

A professional counsellor was appointed and is available on two days a week for

counselling students. Personal counselling is also done by the teachers/class

mentors/principal on need basis

Remedial classes were conducted by subject teachers for slow learners/ weak

students/ absentees and also for students who faced difficulty in understanding

certain topics.

SMS facility is provided to inform students and their parents of the various activities

taking place in the college, campus placement activity, attendance, college functions,


The computer laboratories provide free internet facility for students to access

information and also to perform their assignments, project related work etc.

Photocopy, stationary, print and scanning facility is also provided to the students at

subsidized rates.

Sports activities are conducted at inter-class/inter-collegiate event, participation of

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 39

students in inter-class, inter-collegiate and national level. Sports equipments are

provided to the students while participating in practices and for sporting events. In

college campus, a well-equipped gymnasium and sports field is also available to the


Refreshments and travel allowances were given to the students participating in extra-

circular and sports activities.

NSS/NCC/Extension services were also carried out to explore and to participate in

activities in and beyond college campus.


The ex-students were invited as guest lecturers, guest of honour/chief guest for a

function, jury etc. The ex-students were also invited to share their experiences related

to their college life, job etc. The Alumni association of the college organises

felicitation for meritorious students and makes contribution/donations towards

sponsoring awards or for conducting an event(s).

Activities were organised at interclass level and participation in activities at inter-

collegiate, state and national level enhances the knowledge and personality of the


Awards and felicitation are given to meritorious students who excel in academics,

sports and extra-circular activities.

Value education class were conducted once-twice in a month by the class mentors on

pre-defined topics.

Student‟s Contributions such poems, articles, experiences etc. are made to the

College Annual Magazine and monthly news bullentin “Happenings”.

The students are a part of the editorial board for the monthly news bullentin


The Parent Teacher Association organised meetings and open house day. The parents

are allowed to walk-in to inquire of their ward during the college hours. The college

also provides SMS facility to the parents to give information on attendance and other

related information. The interactions with the parents have also helped to overcome

shortcomings/difficulties faced by the students.

A Research Centre was established.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 40

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression:

Departments assess the performance of students in various subjects the end of each

semester/academic year and accordingly formulate plans for the next semester/ academic


Achievements of students are published in the monthly newsletter “Happenings” and the

annual magazine and in some cases the news reports or notices related to the

achievements of students are put in the notice board. The students with short fall in

attendance are individually addressed by the Coordinator of the Attendance Committee,

Administrator and Principal.

The internal evaluation (Tests, Quiz, Presentations, and Assignments etc.) of the various

subjects are regularly appraised to the students and are displayed on the notice board.

After assessing the performance of students by each subject teacher, remedial classes are

conducted to those students who have difficulties in the subject/slow learners/weak

students/absentees etc.

Counselling sessions are conducted for students by a professional counsellor, class

mentors on time to time basis. This also has helped in tracking the progression of the


Open house day, class mentors interactions with the respective groups of students and

PTA meetings have also helped in tracking the progression.

The Alumni Association helps to track the progress of the ex-student through personal

contacts, social media etc.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 41

5.3 (a) Total Number of students

UG PG Ph. D. Others

628 -- -- --

(b) No. of students outside the state

(c) No. of international students

Men No % Women No %

221 35.2 407 64.8

Demand ratio:1:1.07 Dropout % Nil

Last Year This Year

General SC ST OBC Physically


Total General SC ST OBC Physically



457 18 128 74 0 667 387 15 150 76 0 628

5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations (If


No. of students beneficiaries

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations



IAS/IPS etc.

State PSC UPSC Others




- - -


- - -


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 42

5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance:

Student Counselling

A professional counsellor is appointed by the college and counselling sessions are conducted

twice a week. The counsellor has helped the students on various issues addressed by them

and provided guidance.

Informal counselling is also done by the teachers/class mentors/principal on time to time

basis has also helped the students.

Career Guidance

The Career Guidance and Placement Cell helped in organising the placement drive

conducted by Suleman Bury the Senior Manager, Bajaj Alliance Life Insurance for the

SYBCom students on 9th

August 2014.

The Career Guidance Cell organised a guest lecture on “Work Place Skills” for all Third

Year Students on 25th

August 2014. Ms. Shirley D‟Cunha, Executive Counsellor of Labour

Net, was the resource person. The certified trainees are then eligible for placement which is

assisted by Labour Net.

The Career Guidance Cell in collaboration with „Edwise‟ organised a workshop for Third

Year students on “Pursuing Higher Education in Overseas Educational Institution” on27th

November 2014.

The Career Guidance Cellin collaboration with Tendulkar Academy conducted a career

guidance workshop for Third Year Students on 09th January 2015.

The Career Guidance Cell conducted coaching classes for 40 students for competitive exams

in banking sector from 15th January-10th June 2015.

The Career Guidance Cell organised a career planning and recruitment drive for Third Year

students on 20th February 2015.

The Career Guidance Cell conducted career guidance course by Kesarkar Enterprises

(Banking Sector) on 03rd March 2015.

No. of students benefitted: Counselling

Career Guidance

210 194

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 43

5.7 Details of campus placement:

On campus Off


Number of



Number of











08 125 25 07

5.8 Details of gender sensitization programmes:

The NSS unit organised workshop on “Breast Cancer Awareness” for women on the 14th


2014. The resource person, Dr. Sharmila Sardessai from NGO Muskaan emphasized on the

early detection and prevention of cancer. This session benefitted nearly 200 students.

The Department of Sociology organized a talk on various social issues on 10th


2014. Mr. Paul Noronha from Kripa Foundation highlighted the evils of alcohol consumption

and drug abuse. Advocate Emidio Pinho discussed the evil associated with child labour and

also commented on the existing traffic rules. Chief Justice of fast track Court Panaji, Cynora

Teles highlighted on the importance and impact of the social issues.

Ms. Angela Dias e Rodrigues, was invited as a Resource person for a two day UGC

sponsored National Seminar organised by Mangalore University on 12th



2014 on the topic “Women and political Representation in India.”

Ms. Angela Dias e Rodrigues presented a paper titled “Human Rights and Rights of Migrant

children in Goa,” at the National Seminar organised by Department of Political Science,

P.E.S‟s S.R.S.N college of Arts and Science, Ponda-Goa on 28th

& 29th

November 2014.

The Department of Political Science, organized a state level seminar on “Human Rights of

Women and Children in India” on 20th

February 2015. The seminar focused on the increasing

violations of Human Rights in India and provided a platform for students to discuss the role

of society in ensuring these rights.

A faculty member participated in a one day national seminar on ‟Social Inclusion:

Mainstreaming the Marginalized,‟ held on 27th

March, 2015 at S.V. Sridora Caculo College

of Commerce and Management Studies, Mapusa Goa.

Two faculty members participated in the seminar - Prevention of Sexual Harassment of

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 44

women at work place organised by women‟s wing committee GCCI, Panaji in April 2015.

The Women‟s Cell along with the NSS Unit of the college organized International Women‟s

Day celebration wherein various inter-class competitions were organized on topics such as

“Violence against Women”, “Women Empowerment” etc. from 7th- 10th March 2015.

The Women‟s Cell organized a workshop on the topic “Issues faced by women in India”

held on 17th

March 2015. The resource person was Dr. Nishta Dessai, Director of Children‟s

Rights in Goa, Porvorim Goa, highlighted on issues faced by women and girls in India such

as female infanticide, sexual harassment, domestic violence, property rights and featured a

presentation on the “Nirbhaya Case”.

The FYBA students along with two faculty members attended a day long meet “Mahila

Melva”. The theme was 'Bitiya haiVices‟ meaning ‟The Daughter Is Special‟. This meet was

organized by the Institute of Menezes Braganza, Panjim on 25th

April 2015. The resource

person was Dr. Mrs. Mridula Sinha, Governor of Goa who focused on building healthy

relationship and understanding between the mother and daughter. The event also featured a

panel discussion on issues such as the factor of Mother- Daughter relationship, Cyber Crime,

Pre- Marital Counselling, Divorce and Legal Issues.

The Sociology Departments conducted a poster competition on the theme “‟Domestic

Violence and Child Labour” on 14th August 2014.

The NSS unit actively participates in social awareness campaign in and around St. Andre

constituency through several street play performances on social issues women empowerment

were covered under this activity. The performances of these street plays were conducted

from September to October 2014.

5.9 Students Activities

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events: 62

State/University level





No. of students participated in cultural events: 219

State/University level





5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events

57 05 0

219 - 0

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 45


State/University level






State/University level





5.10 Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of

students Amount in Rs.

Financial support from institution 02 45,000

Financial support from government 80 5,62,458

Financial support from other sources 38 1,18,500

Number of students who received

International/ National recognitions

01 60,000

5.11 Student organised / initiatives :



State/University level







State/University level





5.12 No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students :

5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed: Nil

1 1 0

103 0 0

01 - -

01 - -


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 46

Criterion – VI

6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution


To provide quality higher education to all, including the socially, economically and

academically challenged students and through honest toil build successful citizens in all

walks of life who will sustain the ethos of our great country through imbibed values of

truth, love and justice for all


To promote quality education without discrimination

To inculcate in students the value of hard work as a stepping stone to success

To enrich in young men and women the value of truth, love and justice for all

To inspire students to use their knowledge as an instrument of social change

To build a pool of successful citizens in all walks of life

6.2 Does the Institution has a Management Information System.

No. The college plans to adopt a Management Information System in the near future.

6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

The college is affiliated to the Goa University therefore follows the syllabus

set by Board of Studies in respective subjects. As and when the

update/revision is informed to the college by the Goa University, the college

implements the same.

Some of our faculty members are currently members of the Board of Studies

in their respective subjects have contributed to framing/revising of the

existing syllabi.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 47

Some of our faculty members also participated in the workshops to review

the existing syllabus organised by the department of Goa University and

other institutions.

Considering the existing industry/market demand, the college has introduced

various career oriented courses, certificate courses, and training

programmes, internship programmes to enhance the additional skills needed

for by the students to gain employment.

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

The academic calendar informs the students of the various activities and

events to be held on the college which are made available in the prospectus.

Each subject teacher prepares semester wise lesson plan (with week wise

execution plan of the portion and its references) which is made available to

the students in the beginning of the academic year. It is also uploaded in

Moodle and copy is made available in the library.

The college promotes student centric learning by providing ICT facilities

and encourages faculty to use the same.

Guest lectures are conducted on various topics of respective subjects to

students which cater to a wider perspective to the related topic.

Field trips, industry visits, excursions, study tours during vacations are also


Assignments are given in the form of case study, role plays, models, videos,

student presentations, class discussions, quizzes, films etc.

The students have attended/participated in interclass and intercollegiate

seminars and workshops and other events.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 48

The students have been deputed as resource persons to teach the students in

neighbouring schools under extension activities.

Faculty Improvement Programme is conducted per semester to empower the

teachers with new methods on teaching and other related areas.

Feedback is conducted on respective subjects of teacher‟s evaluation at the

end of each academic year and corrective measures are taken to

modify/improve on the teaching methods.

Organised seminars, workshops, guest lectures for faculty and students.

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

The tentative dates of examination schedule for all streams are informed to

the students in the beginning of the academic year.

Since it is a continuous evaluation system, we adopt various methods to

conduct internal assessment like tests (objective, long, short questions-

answers), assignments (presentations, case studies, open book tests, quizzes


For totalling of the final marks for internal assessment, the best scores are

selected. The student failing to perform well, are given re-tests on time to

time basis. The performance of the students is communicated to parents.

The internal evaluation of the various subjects is regularly appraised to the

students and displayed on the notice board.

The exam evaluation is a transparent process wherein the students can avail

of revaluation and re-verification services as per the Goa University


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 49

In order to handle mal-practices, the college has established an Unfair means


The project work carried out by Third year students (individually/group) in

their respective subjects as a part of the curriculum enhances their research

skills, gains extra knowledge, helps in team building and acquires leadership


The computerised automation of the working of the examination committee

which has ensured the easy conduct of examinations and timely declaration

of results of first year and second year students of all streams.

Exam related matters such as timetable, payment of fees etc. informed and

displayed on the notice boards to students well in advance (one month prior).

Question banks and copy of the past question papers in all subjects are made

available in the library to the students.

6.3.4 Research and Development

Details along with application forms which are sponsored through UGC

grants and other research funding agencies are made available to the faculty.

Established Research and Development Committee and promotes various

research related activities such as workshops, publishing yearly in-house

research journal (ANCHOR), training etc. Plan to apply for ISBN.

The faculty is encouraged to participate in State, National and International

conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops etc.

The faculty is encouraged to present and publish their research work in

refereed journals at State, National and International conferences, seminars

and symposia.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 50

The faculty is encouraged to pursue doctoral and post-doctoral programmes

on full time or part time basis.

Adjustments of lectures, supervisions are done for facilitating research


The college also has a well-equipped computer laboratory with internet

connectivity and library facilities to supplement in the research activities

carried by faculty and students.

The students are encouraged to participate in inter-class and inter-collegiate

seminars, workshops etc.

The students are encouraged to present papers in their related areas at inter-

class and inter-collegiate seminars. The faculty assists the students in the

preparation of the paper to be presented.

As per the curriculum designed by Goa University, the Third Year students

have to compulsorily submit an elementary research project in their related

stream. The faculty is assigned to guide the students individually or in

groups to complete the same.

6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation


Fully computerized and bar-coded

Availability of open access facility for searching of books, journals etc.

Availability of the INFLIBNET N-list services to the users

Classifications and cataloguing is done as per international standards for all

library documents.

Regular up gradation of books, addition of journals, reference books and other

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 51

resources on the basis of the suggestion made by the faculty and students.**

Regular updation of library software is to include new features; bug fixes etc.

therefore provide ease to the users.

Regular binding of old issues of magazines, journals and other reference books

Separate section for career guidance, competitive examinations, local history

and donated books.

Availability of book bank facility for economically backward students.

Additional library cards provided for scholar students, SC, ST and OBC students

Availability of the library services and resources for general public.

In addition to the above services, Department of Library and Information


- Conducted Certificate course in library available for general public approved

by Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Goa, of 4 months

duration (3 months theory/practical‟s and 1 month Job training).

- Conducted Credit based course in Library Science is introduced for college

students. The student is required to spend a minimum 25 hours in the

academic year (without missing the regular lectures) under the guidance of

the college librarian.

- Organised Book exhibitions on special occasions

- Organised Field trips for students to various major libraries around Goa

- Selected students of the college are trained by the department to for data

entry of the books and other services and are deputed to the same in other

libraries in Goa under the Earn While You Learn scheme

- Provides career guidance for students

- Consultancy services provided to various libraries in Goa

- Training on information literacy for faculty, students and general public


Fixed LCD projectors and screens available in all classrooms and laboratories in

addition to this, two portable LCD projectors are also available.

Wi-Fi facility in the Campus

Use of Learning Management Systems (Moodle)

Laptops available for staff

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 52

Physical Infrastructure/Instrumentation

Classrooms: 90% classrooms are equipped with LCD projectors, green chalk

boards, dust free chalks, good quality benches, notice boards in each classroom,

proper ventilation and lightning

Computer Laboratories: Well-equipped computer laboratories with sufficient

number of computers and latest software. Internet connectivity is available to all

systems. Printer cum Xerox systems available for faculty and students. LCD

Projectors installed in the laboratories.

Sports: Availability of various sports equipments and accessories, separate store

room available for sports equipments and accessories, sports fields for

basketball, football, badminton, cricket etc., indoors sports rooms with indoor

sports facilities, sports locker facility.

Separate rooms available for staffrooms for based on each course, separate

toilets for boys, girls and staff, NCC, NSS, Girl‟s Common Room, Sick bay,

Staff Recreational Room, Prayer Room, Canteen, Counselling, IQAC etc.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management


The recruitment of full/contract/lecture basis faculty has been done on the

basis of the vacancies created and strictly adhering to the rules and

regulations laid down by the UGC, Goa University and Directorate of

Higher Education, Government of Goa.

Administrative staff for permanent vacancies is recruited on the basis of the

vacancies created and strictly adhering to the rules and regulations laid down

by the Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Goa. Temporary

vacancies for administrative work are recruited at institutional level on

contract basis (yearly).

Orientation given to newly appointed staff members on the nature of the job,

work etiquettes, process of caring out, necessary documentations to be

maintained etc.

The staff is encouraged to participate in seminars/workshops/training

programmes/conferences to enhance their knowledge, work skills and also to

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 53

attain career advancement.

The faculty feedbacks are obtained and this creates a scope for improvement.

Many welfare measures are provided for the staff.

The members of the Xaverian Educational Society interacts are present on

certain occasions and also interacts with the staff.


The students are admitted in to the college as per the rules and regulations laid

on the basis of the Goa University.

Apart from the student‟s regular academic schedule, they enhance their

knowledge and develop their personalities further through the opportunities or

participation in co-circular, extra co-circular, departmental, sports, NCC, NSS

activities etc.

In addition, student are given value education, counselling, Earn While You

Learn, opportunities given through campus interviews, scholar ships

(SC/ST/OBC/Minority) and financial aid to economically backward classes of


Other Stake holders:

The college also involves all its stakeholders like parents, alumni, tie-up

partners, and bankers etc. to be a part of all its activities.

Suggestions from stakeholders are considered before implementation of any

new system in college.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

The recruitment of faculty and staff has been done as per the guidelines in of

UGC, Goa University, Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Goa

and the Management of the Pilar Society.

Staff recruited in this academic year:

Teaching Staff: Assistant Professor (Contract basis):13

Assistant Professor (Lecture basis):07

Non-Teaching Staff: 01

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 54

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

The college has maintained cordial relations with the industries and

commercial institutions. Partnering members of the industries/agencies etc.

are invited for guest lectures, chief guest, guest of honour, or as a jury

member for various occasions in the college.

The college has a linkage with various industries and commercial institutions

wherein students are trained for internship training.

The industries and commercial institutions communicate to the college for

several job vacancies which are available for students and students with the

appropriate bio-data are recommended for the job.

Arrangements are made for campus interviews as and when the company

wants to make a recruitment drive.

MoU with D-Link Academy, Mumbai has benefitted selected faculty to be

trained as trainers for certification programmes.

MoU‟s signed in this academic year:

Sr. No. Name of the Industry/

Commercial Institution


1. D-Link Academy, Mumbai Certification Programme in


2. Language lab ETAIL Networks

3. Labour NET Work place skills Course

4. INFRES Methodex Ltd. Xerox cum Printer Machine

5. Superior Office

Equipments, Taleigao Goa

Risograph machine KS 800-


6. Armour Communication,


EPABX system-Intercom


7. Smart Information Systems Software maintenance

8. Pai Kane Group Generator

6.3.9 Admission of Students

Keeping in view with the vision of the college “to provide quality higher

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 55

education to all, including the socially, economically and academically

challenged students”, thus the college endeavours to provide opportunity to all

students who apply for admission for various courses irrespective of the caste,

creed, religion, gender, financial background, disabilities etc.

The admission is done on first come first serve basis and therefore, there is no

cut-off percentage system followed in the college.

Admissions conducted for BCA course through entrance test.

During the admissions process, the counselling session is conducted by the

principal/senior teachers to inform the parents and wards regarding:

- The available courses/programmes

- Advises the appropriate courses for the ward

- Emphasize on rules and regulations of the college

- Informs about the facilities available, academic schedule and

examination pattern etc.

- Development of additional skills for the ward through various career

oriented/certificate courses available.

- Provision of fees paid in instalments and also can avail scholarships.

After the admissions, the data entry of the admission forms, collation, generation

of roll nos., creation of identity cards etc. are computerised.

6.4 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Leave Travel Concession facility as per the rules of Indian Government

Medical reimbursements as per the rules of Indian Government

Leave Facility (Earned Leave, Casual Leave, Child Care Leave, FIP


Provisions of Loans on Provident Fund as per government rules

Assistance to avail loans for banks

Free health check-up‟s on time to time basis

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 56

Annual Gathering of staff members from Pilar Educational Complex for


Annual staff picnic

Staff Fellowships Meal per semester

Wi-Fi Campus-Free Internet Access

Participation of the staff in various outdoor sports with faculty from

other institutions

Non-teaching Leave Travel Concession facility as per the rules of Indian Government

Medical reimbursements as per the rules of Indian Government

Leave Facility (Earned Leave, Casual Leave, Child Care Leave etc.)

Internal festival advance

Children education allowance

Provisions of Loans on Provident Fund as per government rules

Assistance to avail loans from banks

Free health check-up‟s on time to time basis

Annual Gathering of staff members from Pilar Educational Complex for


Annual staff picnic

Staff Fellowships Meal per semester

Wi-Fi Campus-Free Internet Access

Participation of the staff in various outdoor sports with faculty from

other institutions

Students Provision of Scholarship (Government, Non-Government), Student

financial aid

Payment of fees through instalments/accepting only a part of the fees in

case of financial difficult faced by the student.

Remedial classes

Training for competitive exams

Water cooler facility available for drinking purpose

Common-room for female students

Counselling services

Medical assistance through doctors around the vicinity of the college

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 57

Free of cost internet access

Availability of First Aid Box

Facility of Earn While You Learn

Internship programmes

Availability of book bank facility for students

Additional library cards provided for scholar students, SC/ST and OBC


Appreciation awards for students in academics, sports and extra-circular


Collaborations from neighbouring banks to open new Saving Bank

Accounts with zero balance

6.5 Total corpus fund generated:

6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been




6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority

Academic No Goa University No --

Administrative Yes Goa Government Yes^ Management

^ For Accounts Section only

6.8 Does the University/ Autonomous College declare results within 30 days?

For UG Programmes Yes No

For PG Programmes Yes No

6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination


Since the college is affiliated to the Goa University, the reforms introduced by the Goa

√ -

- -

7.8 lakh

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 58

University are initiated in the college. The Examination Reforms are introduced by the Goa

University are:

Semester Pattern with Internal (ISA) and External (SEE) Evaluation

Additional marks given to students for participation in NSS/NCC/Sports activities

Grace marks given in case of a shortfall for passing a paper/division.

Provision of repeat/supplementary exams for back log students

Declaration of result date notified in the leading newspaper

Results declared on Goa University website and on the leading newspapers

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the

affiliated/constituent colleges?

Not Applicable

6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association

The college has fixed 26th

January date for the annual meet of the ex-students every year

and is celebrated with a get together function.

The members of the alumni participate in various functions of the college and come as

judges to the events, guest lectures, chief guest etc.

The Alumni sponsors/contributes to the financial aid of students.

The ex-students have also contributed for endowment prizes.

Sponsors prizes and trophies for felicitating meritorious students.

On various occasions, the ex-students share their experience with the students.

The alumni association supplements or provides donations for various


The members of the association and other ex-students make initiates to provide

information of job opportunities available for the current students.

6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association

Parent Teacher meeting is held per each semester. In the meeting, various matters

pertaining to the college such as attendance, academics, facilities etc. are discussed.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 59

Issues/Suggestions have been verbally communicated by the parents and are considered

by the association and scrutinized by the higher authorities and accordingly initiated.

SMS facility also helps the parents in close contact with the college informing of the

various activities taking place in the college.

The parents also participate in many events organised by the college such as Annual Day


6.13 Development programmes for support staff

Computer training was given to few support staff.

Training was given to certain support staff to handle equipment such as Xerox,

cyclostyle, sound system, generator etc. by senior staff.

Annual staff fellowship programmes is held at each semester of the academic year and

achievements of staff members are felicitated.

Annual Staff picnic is conducted every year.

Faculty development programme was conducted to the support staff.

6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

Use of CFL bulbs for energy conservation.

The college has instituted „Best Civic Sense class Award‟ every semester that is based on

the criteria of switching off all lights, fans and keeping the classroom clean.

Segregation of dry and wet waste

Dustbins placed at various places including classrooms, staffrooms, office, laboratories


Paper recycling is done in the form of paper shredding which is then given to paper scrap

dealers. The paper collection is assisted with the help of the NSS unit.

E-waste given to dealers who deal with collection and recycling of e-waste materials.

Planting of plants and sapling of various trees around the college and proper maintenance

of the same.

Availability of water cooler facility for drinking purpose for students and staff to avoid

the usage plastic bottled water.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 60

Vermi-composting unit for treating bio-degradable waste

Collection of plastic bottles, milk packet from various localities by the NSS unit of the

college and sent for recycling.

Encourages minimum use of plastic such as plastic cups replaced with porcelain cups

plastic files replaced by thick paper files etc.

Campus cleaning organised twice in each semester by NSS unit of the college

Awareness campaigns organised to sensitize on environment


October cleaning drive campaign organised by the Government of Goa. Rooms,

lobbies, laboratories, campus cleaning are carried out by the staff and students on this


Minimum use of AC (only in computer laboratories) helps in reducing the carbon


Switching of electric gadgets when not in use toward energy conservation.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 61

Criterion – VII

7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact

on the functioning of the institution. Give details.

Out Reach Programme:

Social responsibility towards the community

The college in collaboration with Home Nursing Care have employed two qualified nurses to

attend to the elderly people in the three villages of Pilar, Agassim and Goa Velha of the St. Andre

Constituency. This is an attempt to take care of the elderly, dispel their loneliness and propagate to

the society the need for geriatric care. The nurses along with four students of the college have

visited 22 homes to give the required nursing care for the elderly persons staying in their

respective homes. They visited two days in a week (Monday and Tuesday) the homes of the

elderly, which was enlisted by the cell. This outreach programme was initiated from July to

September 2014 and November 2014 to February 2015.

The NSS Unit of the college helped people to avail for the Senior Citizen Identity cards. The

application forms for availing the cards were distributed by the NSS students to the people area

wise and the filled forms were collected for further processing. The forms were also made

available in the college.

The local community in the vicinity of the college makes use of the playgrounds for recreation in

the evenings, basketball court to dry paddy, grains, red chillies etc. after the college hours/

vacations/holidays etc. with the prior from the principal.

The extension cell in association with Goa Velha Church and American Heart Foundation

organised a medical camp in Goa Velha for the people suffering from diabetes, thyroid and obesity

on 4th January 2015. 91 people benefitted from this outreach programme.

Talks, street plays on social issues, community cleaning, rallies etc. were conducted to create

awareness among the local community of St. Andre Constituency by the NSS/NCC Unit.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 62

Helping Hand: A high geared sports cycle was donated by the Alumni Association to a needy

student participating and a champion winner in cycling.

Assistance provided to Foreign students: The First year foreign students are given orientation to

help them to get acquainted to the Indian pattern of Education. Special English classes were

conducted for these students to improve on their communication skills and comprehension skills.

Adaption of new methods to teaching learning process:

The management and the principal has made various provisions to enhance the teaching learning

process by

Equipping the teachers with (laptops, internet connectivity, interactive boards) and

creating necessary infrastructure such as multimedia classrooms, e-resources etc.

The use of Social Media such as Facebook etc.

Moodle, blogs etc. are available for the students to access study material, upload

assignments etc.

Appreciation day: Appreciation awards for students who bought laurels in the area of academics,

sports and extra-circular activities and was sponsored by D-Link Academy Mumbai

Prayer Service: Two staff members are assigned week wise to organise and conduct the prayer

service for all the staff. A Prayer service for students is also conducted in class for 5 minutes

during the first lecture by the respective subject teacher. It has been a tradition in the college to

start any event with a prayer service. The college emphasizes on promoting communal harmony

and help healthy and conducive environment.

Earn while you learn: The college provide employment to bonafide needy students. The students

work after their lectures in library and IGNOU study centre Pilar.

Abreast students with the current news: The local newspaper O-Herald and the weekend

newspaper “The Goan”, is provided in each classroom and the teachers discuss the reports in their

respective subjects and it related areas. In addition, the library subscribes to 12 local newspapers

and national newspapers.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 63

Peer Teaching: Peer teaching is conducted where one student explains the given topic to the

other students. This helps in building teaching skills for the student and the ease in learning for the

other students.

Monthly Bulletin: Since 2007, the college publishes a monthly bulletin called “Happenings”. It

reflects and reports on the various activities, events, students and staff achievements, student and

staff participations, write-ups on certain issues, experiences etc. It is circulated among the staff,

students and other stakeholders through email.

Library Bulletin: The library bulletin “Full Circle” publishes the various activities and events

which are conducted by the Department of Library and Information Science.

Faculty development programmes: The college conducts faculty development programmes

twice in an academic year.

Mentoring: Each first year class is assigned two faculty members who act as class mentors and

remain with the students of the same class till they graduate.

Inculcating saving habits: The neighbouring banks encouraged the students to open savings

account in the bank with zero balance.

7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the

beginning of the year

Common Activities conducted by the College



Plan of Action Action Taken

1 To conduct an Orientation by the

class mentors for their respective


To organize a Fresher‟s for the

First Year Students.

Orientation for the

students conducted by

the class mentors for the

respective classes of BA,



June 2014

Address and prayer

service conducted by the

principal for the students


June 2014

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 64

of BA, BCOM and BCA

Organised Faculty

Development Programme

on “Find God in Service”


July 2014

2 To organize the 1stinter-collegiate event


Organized a 1st inter-

collegiate event

“Impetus” aims to

energize business

acumen, technological

flair along with Goan

history and tradition in

the students.



February 2015

3 To organize State/National



Organized the Annual


21st December


Organized the Annual

Christmas Party for the

Five Sister Institutions of

the Pilar Society




In association with the

Indian Medical

Association Organised a

Road Safety Awareness

for FY students


January 2015

Guest lecture on “Gram

Sabhas,-A Grass Root

Democracy” for SY and

TY students





In collaboration with


organized a workshop for

students on „Citizenship

and Civic Sense.‟


March 2015

4 To organize field

trips/excursions/industrial visits

Organized a field trip for


21st February 2015

Organized a field trip for



February 2015

Organized a field trip for



February 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 65

Organized a field trip for



February 2015

Organized a field trip for



February 2015

Organized a field trip for



March 2015

Organized a field trip for



March 2015

5 To record all events and activities for in-

house monthly newsletter “Happenings”

Reporting of all events June 2014-May


Activities conducted by the Departments



Plan of Action Action Taken Date

1 Bachelor of Computer Application

To conduct orientation for

TYBCA students in Project


To conduct ISA for Theory

and Practical courses for all


To conduct Project Work

presentations for TYBCA


To motivate students to

organize and manage inter-

collegiate competition

To organize State level

intercollegiate event

To organize a field visits

Orientation by the Project

Coordinator on the project work to

be carried out by TYBCA students


June 2014

Launched a credit based

programme “Computer Garage”:

Maintenance and Repairs


June 2014

First ISA for theory courses 21st -28

th July 2014

Second ISA for theory courses 16th




Third ISA for theory courses 22nd




First ISA for practical courses 16th




Second ISA for practical courses 22nd




First ISA for theory courses 27th

January -3rd

February 2015

Second ISA for theory courses 23rd




Third ISA for theory courses 23rd


March 2015

First ISA for practical courses 23rd




Second ISA for practical courses 23rd


March 2015

BCA final topic project 06th

July 2014

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 66


First Internal Project Work



July 2014

Second Internal Project Work



November 2014

Third Internal Project Work



November 2014

Submission of final TYBCA

project report


January 2015

Final Internal Project Work

Presentation & Project



February 2015

Designed and executed a “Basic

Education Computer Course” for

the parishners of Our Lady of

Desterro Church, Vasco, Goa

01st July-31

st July


Conducted “Basic Java

Programming Course”





Conducted “Basic Computer

Hardware and Networking






Conducted D-Link Switching

Certification Course





Organised a talk on “Pursuing

higher education” for TYBCA



January 2015

Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in March 2015

2 Commerce

To organize inter-class

advertisement competition

To organize inter-class quiz


To organize a field visits

Organised Commerce Quiz


1st August 2014

Organized inter-class competition

Video Ad making competition


August 2014

Organized Field trips for classes as

per the common schedule planned

by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


Organised a One Day State Level

Seminar on „Companies Act- 2013

- opportunities and Challenges'


March 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 67

3 Economics

To organize inter-class


To organize a field visits

To organize State Level inter-

collegiate event

To conduct guest lectures

To motivate student

participations in


Organized an Inter-class wall

paper competition on “World

Population Day”


July 2014

Organized an Inter-class Written

Quiz competition


August 2014

Organized an Inter-class Essay



January 2015

Accompanied Students for 8th


D. Kosambi Festival of Ideas 2015


, 19th



Organized Field trips for classes as

per the common schedule planned

by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


4 English

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

To conduct soft skills training

To participate in inter-collegiate


Organized inter-class spelling and

vocabulary quiz competition-

“Spell Bound”


August 2014

Organized Field trips for classes as

per the common schedule planned

by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


5 Hindi

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

Guest Lecture on Hindi Poetry 29th

November 2014

Organized Field trips for classes as

per the common schedule planned

by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


6 History

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

To participate in inter-collegiate


Organized an Inter-class Pencil

Shading Portrait competition on

“Valiant Voices in India‟s

Freedom Struggle”


August 2014

Organised a study trip to Pilar



December 2014

Accompanied Students for 8th


D. Kosambi Festival of Ideas 2015


, 19th



Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


7 Konkani

To organize inter-class


In collaboration with V.IXTT

organised “KALA SADHAK” and

felicitation of well-known

Konkani Writer-Mr.


August 2014

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 68

To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

Mahabaleshwar Sail

In association with Central

Institute for Indian Languages

Mission, Mysore as part of the

National Translation Mission, a 7

day translation workshop for 40






Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


8 Library and Information Science

To organize exhibition

To conduct a career oriented


To conduct credit base course

Recruited 25 students and

commenced the library and

information science course


April- 21st

August 2014

Conducted one credit based

programme in the academic year


June 2014- 30th

April 2015

9 Information Technology

To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

To organize inter-class


To conduct certificate course

Organized Field trip to New Age

Printers for SYBA (Computer

Systems Students)


September 2014

Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


10 Mathematics and Statistics

To conduct guest lectures

To organize a training

programme for student

To organize a field visits

Organized a Guest Lecture on

“How Mathematics change your

life” for FYBCOM A and B



August 2014

Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


11 Physical Education

To organize inter-class


To organize inter-collegiate


To participate in inter-collegiate


Organized an Intra mural

competition on table tennis,

badminton and chess



July 2014

Organised the All Goa FIFA

World Cup Quiz Competition


July 2014

Organized the Intra Mural cross

country race


July 2014

Organized the 7th

Inter collegiate

cross country race

31st July 2014

Organized the Intra Mural football






Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 69

Organized the Intra Mural hockey



December 2014

Organized the Intra Mural

basketball tournament


January 2015

Many students have participated

in State and National level

intercollegiate events

30th June 2014- 30th

April 2015

12 Political Science

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

To participate in inter-collegiate


To organize a state level seminar

Organized Field trips for First

Year and Second Year BA


August 2014

Witnessed the live proceedings of

the Goa Legislative Assembly

during the Question Hour Session.


August 2014

Organised a state level seminar on

”Human Rights of Women and

Children in India”


February 2015

13 Sociology

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To organize a field visits

To participate in inter-collegiate


To organize inter-collegiate


Organised Interclass Competition

“Kopel Making” to commentrate

the feast of Sao Joao


June 2014

In collaboration with the Narcotics

Control Bureau, Government of

India organised a workshop on an

awareness programme titled

“Drugs & U”


July 2014

In collaboration with the District

Legal Services Authority, North

Goa, Panjim organised a seminar

on “Legal Awareness”


August 2014

Organised Interclass Competition

“Poster Making” on Domestic

Violence And Child Labour


August 2014

Organised a seminar on “Social



September 2014

Organized Field trips for classes

as per the common schedule

planned by the college

On pre-determined

days in February


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 70

Activities conducted by the Committees/Units/Cells/Association



Plan of Action Action Taken Date

1 Student Council

To organize student elections for

student council

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To conduct a study tour

To encourage students to

participate in inter-collegiate


Conducted the student elections

for various posts under the

student council


July 2014

Conducted the elections for the

University Representative Post

by Class Representatives


July 2014

Swearing in ceremony of the

Student Council Members


July 2014

Organised Friendship day



July 2014

Organised an inter-class Patriotic

Singing Competition and Folk

Dance Competition


August 2014

Organized “FUN DAYZ” based

on various themes for students






To conduct orientation

programme for students

To select and depute students for

training programmes

To conduct trekking

To make provision to hold NCC

certificate exam

To organize events/services

towards the community

Orientation on the objectives and

activities of NCC


June 2014

NCC Parade Training Every Saturday of

July 2014-March


In collaboration with Majorda

Club and I Goa Naval Unit

organised an outreach activities

in Majorda Village (Garbage

Collection Drive, Tree Plantation

Drive, Anti-Plastic Rally and

Visit to the Old Age Home)



August 2014

Participated in the flag hoisting



August 2014

Deputed to participate in Sailing

from Betul to Panjim


September 2014

Deputed 03 NCC cadets RDC



January 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 71

Arrangement made in the college

to hold All Goa NCC B

certificate exams






To conduct orientation

programme for students

To organize inter-class


To conduct guest lectures

To encourage students to

participate in inter-collegiate


To participate in awareness


To organize events/services

towards the community

To conduct trekking

Organised a Poster making

competition on “Substance



July 2014

Orientation on the objectives and

activities of NSS


July 2014

Organized workshop on “Breast

Cancer Awareness for women

14th July 2014

Participated in the flag hoisting



August 2014

Organised Community cleaning

drive in and around Pilar



August 2014

Organised social awareness

campaign through street plays for

the local people in and around St.

Andre Constituency on social




Talk on Sex Education 8th

September 2014

In collaboration with SAME

movement organised a talk on

“Menstrual Exclusion”


September 2014

Rally on “Substance Abuse” 16th

September 2014

Talk on “Legal Rights of



September 2014

Organised Campus Cleaning 2nd

October 2014

Under taken to provide assistance

towards EPIC card registration

for the community.

1st July 2014-20


March 2015

Launched a “Social Benefit

Campaign” to assist Senior

Citizen for obtaining Senior

Citizen Cards.

1st July 2014-20


March 2015

Collection of used clothes, paper

shredding and making cloth bags

1st July 2014-20


March 2015

Organised Annual Special Camp 31st October-6


November 2014

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 72

Organised Plastic bottle

collection drive





Conducted Fire Fighters Drill and



November 2014

Deputed volunteers for St.

Francis Xavier Exposition



December 2014

Organised Campus Cleaning 6th


February 2015

In collaboration with Women‟s

Cell organized interclass

competitions to celebrate

“International Women‟s Day”



March 2015

Organised workshop on “Civic

Sense and Citizenship”


March 2014

4 Extension Cell

To organize outreach

programmes to the community

To conduct visits to old age

homes, orphanages etc.

In association with Home

Nursing Care organised an

outreach programme to visit the

elderly and providing required



2014, November

2014-February 2015

In association with Goa Velha

Church and American Heart

Foundation organized a medical

camp for people suffering from

diabetes, obesity and thyroid.


January 2015

In association with Goa Renal

(kidney) support Association

(GRSA) organized an awareness

program for public


March 2015

5 Value education cell and Interfaith


To organize value education

classes monthly for all classes

To conduct programmes/events

reflecting communal harmony

To organize guest lectures

To organize/participate in State

level seminar/workshops

Conducted value education class

to various classes on pre-defined



, 21st and 22


August 2014

Organised various interclass

competitions and a talk to

celebrate “Communal Harmony




December 2014

Conducted value education class

to various classes on pre-defined



January, 18th



February 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 73

6 Career Guidance and Placement


To organize career guidance


To help in organizing placement

drives for various industries etc.

To organize guest lectures

To organize career fair

To interact with various

industries institutions etc. for

holding campus interviews and

other job opportunities for


To recruit eligible students

under the scheme “Earn While

You Learn”

Under the scheme Earn While

You Learn, 04 students from the

current batch and 01 ex-student

of the college was appointed as

staff at IGNOU Pilar Study



June 2014

Organised a placement drive by

Suleman Bury the Senior

Manager, Bajaj Alliance Life

Insurance for the SYBCom


09th August 2014

Organised a guest lecture on

“Work Place Skills” for all Third

Year Students by Labour Net


August 2014.

Conducted a placement drive by

Xaverian Pustokal, Society of


01st October 2014

Conducted a recruitment drive

by St. Francis Xavier School,

Champad, Karwar

01st October 2014

Conducted a recruitment drive

by Times Collection, Caculo

Mall, Panjim

01st October 2014

Conducted a recruitment drive

by Mission Commission Office,


01st October 2014

Conducted a recruitment drive

by Syntel Company, Pune


October 2014

In collaboration with „Edwise‟

organised a workshop for TY

students on “Pursuing Higher

Education in Overseas

Educational Institution”


November 2014

Conducted career guidance

workshop by Tendulkar

Academy for Third Year


January 2015

Coaching for 40 students for

competitive exams in banking




June 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 74

Conducted a placement drive for

Customer Service Representative

by HDFC Bank


February 2015

Organised a career planning and

Recruitment drive for TY



February 2015

Conducted career guidance by

Kesarkar Enterprises (Banking



March 2015

Conducted career guidance by

Caculo group


March 2015

Conducted a placement drive for

BPO by Kramah Mphasis



March 2015

Conducted a placement drive for

Customer Service Representative

by HDFC Bank



April 2015

7 Skill Will Club

To conduct career

oriented/certificate courses for


To conduct summer courses

To study and short list eligible

courses for students

Enrolment for Add On/Career

Oriented Courses


June 2014

Courses conducted are

Library and Information

Science (Certificate Course)

DTP (Certificate Course)

Tally (Certificate Course)

Photography (Certificate


DLink Switching Course

(Certification Course)



August 2014

Different Batches

held in the academic


8 Women’s cell

To take assistance of the Lady

Representative of the respective

streams with regard to girl

student issues.

To organize various talks and

workshops on various issues

related to women/gender


To address to the requirements

& difficulties of the girl


In collaboration with NSS unit,

organized interclass competitions

to celebrate “International

Women‟s Day”



March 2015

Organised a workshop on “Issues

faced by Women in India”


March 2015

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 75

To display of the notices related

to women‟s issues to create

awareness among the girl


9 Alumni Association

To organize Alumni meets

To organize events

To maintain a link between

the college and ex-students

through website, social

networking website etc.

To invite the alumni as

guest lecturer/jury/chief

guest etc.

Organized a felicitation for 60

meritorious students of the

academic year 2013-2014


August 2014

Contributions made towards the

prizes and awards for outstanding

performance of students


, 7th


2015, 21st December


Jury members for the

intercollegiate events like


Chief Guest for Annual Day

Organized the Annual Alumni



January 2015

10 Parent Teacher Association

To organize PTA meet

To conduct general body

meeting at least once in a


To maintaining a link with

the parents to inform and

discuss about the

developments of their wards

as well as the college

To organize Open day

To organize guest lectures

Organized PTA Annual Meet 22nd

August 2014

Organized Open Day



December 2014

11 Project Coordinating Committee

To organize project

orientation for students

To schedule the Third year

project viva voce

Organized a workshop “How to

effectively write a project report”

for TY students


August 2014

12 Cultural Committee

To organize cultural

programmes in the college

To conduct guest lectures

To encourage students to

participate in intercollegiate

Organized inter-class Solo

singing Competition


August 2014

Organized inter-class Matoli

making competition


August 2014

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 76


13 Research and Development Cell

To conduct guest lectures

To encourage staff and students

to carry out research activities

To publish in-house journal

Organized a Two Day workshop

on “SPSS” –Statistical Package

for Social Science



March 2015

14 Counselling Committee

To make provision to conduct

counselling for students on

regular basis and need basis.

Coordinated and made provisions

for the professional counsellor to

conduct counselling sessions for



June 2014-27th

March 2015

Conduct counselling session

twice a week

Student Achievements

Khatral Ruksarbanu G won the Gold Medal in 44kgs weight category for the second year in

succession in the Inter college Judo event held on 5th & 6th

August 2014.

Juwelle Savia Abreu, Monteiro Mabel, Rego Babylon secured the 1st, 2

nd and 3

rd place

respectively in Intra-Mural Table Tennis competition (Women‟s category) held at the college

on 10th


July 2014.

Rego Babylon, Monteiro Mabel, Nair Shivani secured the 1st, 2

nd and 3

rd place respectively in

Intra-Mural Badminton competition (Women‟s category) held at the college on 17th-19th

July 2014.

Ashrin Fernandes, Rushil Diniz, Velinton Colaco secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

respectively in Intra-Mural Table Tennis competition (Men‟s category) held at the college on

10th-12th July 2014.

Ashrin Fernandes, Dezlie Pereira, Samuel D'mello secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

respectively in Intra-Mural Badminton competition (Men‟s category) held at the college on

17th-19th July 2014.

Juwelle Savia Abreu, Monteiro Mabel, Rego Babylon secured the 1st, 2

nd and 3

rd place

respectively in Intra-Mural Chess competition (Women‟s category) held at the college on



July 2014.

Vas Xavier Anthony, Naik Govinda G, De Oliviera Johnson secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

respectively in Intra-Mural Chess competition (Men‟s category) held at the college on 08th



July 2014.

Two students won the second place in the All Goa Inter collegiate FIFA World Cup Quiz was

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 77

organised by Fr. Agnel College held on 9th July 2014.

Govinda Naik, Brijesh Naik, Jeston Dias and Branson Fernandes participated in the

Intercollegiate FIFA World Cup Quiz Competition organised by St. Xaviers College, Mapusa

held in July 2014.

Jayashree Talwar, Moses Araujo, Nikshita Palekar won the 1st place in the inter-class

Commerce Quiz Competition held on 1st August 2014.

Sonia Monterio, Disksha Naik, Ratanlal Kharol won the 2nd

place in the inter-class Commerce

Quiz Competition held on 1st August 2014.

Nathania Dourado and Juwelle Savia Abreu secured the 1st place in the inter-class spelling

and vocabulary quiz competition- “Spell Bound” organised by the English Department on 25th

August 2014.

Branson Fernandes and Ratanlal Kharol secured the 2nd

place in the inter-class spelling and

vocabulary quiz competition- “Spell Bound” organised by the English Department on 25th

August 2014.

Myrrel Fernandes and Raina Fernandes secured the 3rd

place in the inter-class spelling and

vocabulary quiz competition- “Spell Bound” organised by the English Department on 25th

August 2014.

Ms. Kirti Kundaikar, Ms. Cyabby Fernandes, Mr. Arun Mangeshkar, Mr. Stiven Fernandes,

and Mr. Suraj Naik are employed as the part time staff at IGNOU Study Centre, Pilar-Goa.

Vikram Balekar and Jeston Dias won the first prize in the Inter-Class Pencil Shading Portrait

Competition organised by the History Department on 14th

August 2014 to commemorate

India‟s 68th Independence Day.

Anand Talwar and Akshadeep Naik won the second prize in the Inter-Class Pencil Shading

Portrait Competition organised by the History Department on 14th

August 2014 to

commemorate India‟s 68th Independence Day.

Suhel Madkaikar and Shailesh Madkaikar won the third prize in the Inter-Class Pencil

Shading Portrait Competition organised by the History Department on 14th

August 2014 to

commemorate India‟s 68th Independence Day.

Alisha Fernandes and Juwelle Abreu secured the 3rd place in the inter-collegiate Quiz on

“India‟s Freedom struggle‟ organised by Rosary College, Navelim on 26 August 2014.

Bindia Kavlekar was selected to represent Goa State U-19 Cricket Team to be held at Guntur

(A.P.) from 10th


October 2014.

Sancia Dias Do Rosario, Neveille Cardoz and Shane Almeida secured the 1st place, 2nd place

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 78

and 3rd place in the Solo Singing Competition organised by the Cultural Association held


August 2014.

Neveille Cardoz and Raina Azavedo won the 3rd place in the Inter-collegiate Duet singing

competition organised by the Goa University Student Council held on 2nd

August 2014.

Dipita Daware secured the 2nd

place in Poetry writing competition in the “Hindi Srujanotsav”

organized by Institute Menezes Braganza, Panaji on 15th

September 2014.

Kajal Halarnkar Keshav was awarded a National Merit Award of Rs.60000/-under the Dr.

Ambedkar National Merit Awards Scheme for attaining 1st position, in Commerce Stream, in

the Senior Secondary School, (Class XIIth) exam- 2014 conducted by Goa Board of

Secondary Educational, Alto Betim.

Saideep Naik, Anishka Vernekar, Pritam Gawade, Fatima Almeida, Priya Kundaikar,

Aishwarya Chari, Suhal Madkaikar, Shailesh Madkaikar and Vicky Kerker secured the 1st

place in the skit competition organized by ”Zindagi- Goa NGO” held on 13th

December 2014.

Gawade Pritam Prabhakar won the 3rd place in the Konkani section in the 24th

State level

inter-collegiate and University Poets Meet organised by CES College in the memory of late

Adv. Pio F. Lawrence, held on 22nd

January 2015.

Ms. Anishka Vernekar, participated and secured the 1st consolation prize in an inter-collegiate

Konkani Poetry competition organised by Govt. College, Khandola.

Melita D‟Costa, Juwelle Abreu and Fidora Fernandes secured the 3rd place at the VII All Goa

Inter-collegiate Bible Quiz organized by AICUF cell, Rosary college of Commerce & Arts,

Navelim, Goa on 9th

December, 2014.

Alisha Naik, Magdalena Fernandes, Pooja Naik, Leena Maity, Ankita Honawarkar, Dipti

Haldenkar, Preetam Gaude and Suhel Madkaikar won the 2nd

place in Lokmand (Folk Dance)

participated in the Goa Yuva Mahotsav organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at the Sport

complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

Jolton D‟Cunha, Balkrishna Chopdekar, Ali Hazrat, Merryl Fernandes, Fidora Fernandes,

Dipita Daware, Deepika Gauns, Shivani Sharma, Evita D‟Souza and Priyanka Konkar won the


place in the Kavan Kalzantley (Poetry Enactment) participated in the Goa Yuva Mahotsav

organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

Nikhil G.D. Lotlikar, Saideep Naik, Preetam Gaude, Shailesh Madkaikar, Suhel Madkaikar,

Vicky Kerkar, Cosmos Colaco, Priya Kundaikar, Anishka Vernekar, Chanita Naik, Reshmi

Naik, Riddhi Pednekar, Karishma Chari and Maria Dias won the 3rd

place in the Street Play

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 79

participated in the Goa Yuva Mahotsav organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at the Sport

complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

The college secured the second position among all colleges and took the overall 4th


among the 48 groups participating at the Goa Yuva Mahotsav organised by the Konkani

Bhasha Mandal at the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

Chandrakant Kundaikar secured the first place in the poster making competition organised by

the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Goa on the occasion

of National Consumer Rights Day celebrated on 9th

January 2015.

Ankita Shelekar, Fatima Bepali, Shivraj Hirekulkar, Nikesh Mangueshkar, Nevil Cardozo and

Mrunal Phadte secured the first place in the event “Psyche Groove (Dance)” at „Psychozest

2015‟, a one day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the Adolescent in

the 21st Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Ankita Shelekar, Fatima Bepali, Shivraj Hirekulkar, Nikesh Mangueshkar and Nevil Cardozo

secured the second place in the event “Zip your words (mime)” at „Psychozest 2015‟, a one

day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the Adolescent in the 21st

Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Mrunal Phadte secured the first place in the event “Explore & Mesmerize” at „Psychozest

2015‟, a one day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the Adolescent in

the 21st Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Fatima Bepari secured the first place in the event “Ms. & Mr. Psychozest” at „Psychozest

2015‟, a one day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the Adolescent in

the 21st Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Nikesh Mangueshkar secured the second place in the event “Umbrella Painting” at

„Psychozest 2015‟, a one day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the

Adolescent in the 21st Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Nevil Cardozo secured the second place in the event “Psychedelic symphony (solo singing)”

at „Psychozest 2015‟, a one day state level psychology festival titled „Changing Psyche of the

Adolescent in the 21st Century,‟ organised by the M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

The college secured the runner‟s place at „Psychozest 2015‟, a one day state level psychology

festival titled „Changing Psyche of the Adolescent in the 21st Century,‟ organised by the

M.E.S college held on 7th January 2015.

Reena Shirodkar, Deepika Gauns, Joe Pires, Jovina Menezes, Jeremy Menezes, Glen

Abranches, Vikram Balekar, Nilesh Mangueshkar, Carlton Rodrigues, Devraj

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 80

Hirekurbarsecured the first place in the event “Conqering All ODDs” at „Meteora 2015‟,

organised by the Don Bosco college, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Reema Shirodkar, Jovina Menezes, Karina Kankonkar, Deepika Gauns, Vasudha Vaigankar,

Ankita secured the first place in the event “Kick to Win” at „Meteora 2015‟, organised by the

Don Bosco college, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Devraj Hirkurban, Joe Pires, Carlton Rodrigues, Vikram Balekar, Jeremy Menezes, Nikesh

Mangueshkar, Glen Abranches, Hansel Fernandes secured the first place in the event “The

Excitement Begins” at „Meteora‟, organised by the Don Bosco college, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Ashifa C Fernandes, Shifra Mascarenhas secured the second place in the event “Weave A

Spell” at „Meteora 2015‟, organised by the Don Bosco college, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Elton Fernandes secured the second place in the event “Rock on” at „Meteora 2015‟,

organised by the Don Bosco College, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Jules Viegas, Deelip Palkar, Nikhil Haldankar, Ali Hazrat secured the second place in the

event “Musically Yours” at „Meteora 2015‟, organised by the Don Bosco College, Panjim

held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Shane Almeida secured the second place in the event “Spooked out” at „Meteora 2015‟,

organised by the Don Bosco College, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th

January 2015.

Nikesh Manjuishkar, Vikram Balekar secured the first place in the event “Different Strokes”

at „Meteora 2015‟, organised by the Don Bosco college, Panjim held on 15th

and 16th



Sushant Vengurlekar and Royston Fernandes secured the first place and second place

respectively in the “Slogan Writing” competition for the Communal harmony week held from


November to 2nd


Neekasha De Araujo, Christ Mascernhnas, Fatima Bepari, Jesmin Dias, Vijay Colcao, Rayna

Azavedo, Cynthia Vas, Avenie Dias, Devraj Hinekobar, Aletta Fernandes and Mariyam Khan

are employed as Customer Service Representatives at HDFC Bank, Panjim.

Melissa D‟souza and Saideep Naik secured the first place and second place respectively in the

“Elocution” competition for the Communal harmony week held from 28th

November to 2nd


Sweta Palyekar secured the first place in the “Poster Making Competition” on “Violence on

Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 81

Valencia Barbosa, Evita De Souza, Alisha Ferrao, and Clarisha Ferrao secured the second

place in the “Poster Making Competition” on “Violence on Women” as a part of International

Women‟s Week from 7th



Bhavana Naik and Sonal Salvi secured the third place in the “Poster Making Competition” on

“Violence on Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Juvelle Abreu secured the first place in the “Wall paper competition” on “Still I Rise” as a part

of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Pavitra Kanclula, Shivani Nair, Heramb Amonkar secured the first place in the “Wall paper

competition” on “Medical issues faced by Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week

from 7th



Anand Talwar, Dalvina Da Costa and Mariyam secured the first place in the “Wall paper

competition” on “Inspiring women personalities” as a part of International Women‟s Week

from 7th



Fatima Almeida secured the first place in the “Poem writing competition” as a part of

International Women‟s Week from 7th



Sanifa Mascarenhas secured the second place in the “Poem writing competition” on “Violence

on Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Madhumita Dhar secured the first place in the “Quotes” as a part of International Women‟s

Week from 7th



Sushant Vengurlekar secured the second place in the “Quotes” on “Violence on Women” as a

part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Suvidha Shirodkar secured the first place in the “Hair Styling Competition” as a part of

International Women‟s Week from 7th



Cynthia Vaz secured the second place in the “Hair Styling Competition” on “Violence on

Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Muriel Rodrigues and Clesha Lopes secured the first place in the “Nail Art competition” as a

part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Bebina Joao and Sweta Palyekar secured the second place in the “Nail Art competition” on

“Violence on Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Sayika Naik and Reshmi Vernekar secured the first place in the “Mehendi Art competition” as

a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Gauri Kankonkar and Anisha Darwajkar secured the second place in the “Mehendi Art

competition” on “Violence on Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 82



Rosella Lourenco and Sylvia A. Coutinho secured the first place in the “Flower- making

competition” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Karishma Dessai and Lydia Carvalho secured the second place in the “Flower- making

competition” on “Violence on Women” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th




Rowena Gonsalves and Manju Kuncalkar secured the first place in the “Wealth out of Waste”

as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th



Shilpa and Nehali secured the second place in the “Flower- making competition” on “Wealth

out of Waste” as a part of International Women‟s Week from 7th -10th March 2015.

Fredson Marshall secured the second place in the Olympic Length, Goa Triathlon conducted

at Bambolim Beach Goa on 22nd February 2015.

Melita D‟Costa, Nevile Cardozo and Juwelle Abreu were awarded the first place in the inter-

collegiate Quiz competition on „The Life of St. Joseph Vaz‟ organised by AICUF and the

Youth cell of St. Xavier‟s college, Mapusa on 21st February 2015.

Marellta Rebello and Zarina Bragranza is employed at Xaverian Pustokal, Society of Pilar.

Susan D‟Silva is employed at St. Francis Xavier School, Champad, Karwar.

Yesudas C. is employed at Times Collection, Caculo Mall, Panjim.

Ria Da Cunha is employed at Mission Commission Office, Pilar.

Student Participation

S.Harideep, Debora Chalagali, Kiran K. Vaigankar, Saideep K Naik, Preetam P. Gaude

participated in the One day Yuva Shibir, Swami Vivekananda for Human Excellence, held on

5th July, 2014, organised by Vivekananda Kendra (Goa Branch) in association with DCT's

S.S. Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Panjim Goa

Snehal Naik and Surekha Shirodkar participated in the National Translation Mission held a 21

day workshop in May 2014 at the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.

Jaya Gauns, Shabnam Sauthodkar, Alisha Fernandes, Evita D'Souza, Clifton Gonsalves, Freya

D'costa, Vishanka Borkar, Priyanka Naik participated in the platinum jubilee celebrations of

the All India Konkani Parishad held on 8th July, 2014 at the Directorate of Arts and Culture,


09 students of SYBA Journalism class attended 'Journoscope' - News making and presentation

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 83

workshop organized Institute Menezes Braganza, Panjim on 26th July 2014.

Fredson Marshal, Govinda Naik, Melino Botelho, Velinton Colaco and Kharol Ratanlal

secured the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place respectively in the Men‟s Section All Goa Intra

Mural 7th Cross Country Race Men/Women held on 31st July 2014.

Deepika Gauns, Cyntia Vaz, Reshmi Naik, Karuna Kankonkar and Gauri Kankonkar secured

the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place respectively in the Women‟s Section All Goa Intra Mural

7th Cross Country Race Men/Women held on 31st July 2014.

Fredson Marshal secured the 3rd place in the Men‟s Section All Goa Inter-collegiate 7th Cross

Country Race Men/Women held on 31st July 2014.

Juwelle Savia Abreu, Monteiro Mabel, Rego Babylon, Sharma Shivani and Nair Shivani

participated and reached the quarter final round in Inter-Collegiate Table Tennis competition

in July 2014.

Ashrin Fernandes, Dezlie Pereira, Samuel D'mello, Botehlo Melino, Bharti Rakesh, Dias

Jeston reached the quarter final round in Inter-Collegiate Badminton competition in July 2014.

Ashrin Fernandes, Rushil Diniz, Velinton Colaco, Gonsalves Aliston, D'melo Lindsay

participated and reached the quarter final round in Inter-Collegiate Table Tennis competition

in July 2014.

Vas Xavier Anthony, Naik Govinda G, De Oliviera Johnson, Amit Kumar, Nair Shivani,

Moses Araujo participated in Inter-Collegiate Chess Competition held on 08th

and 09th



NCC Cadet Ratnalal Kharol was deputed to participate in Sailing from Betul to Panjim on 2nd

September 2014.

NCC Cadets Ramesh Patil, Ratnalal Kharol and Mohammed Ali were selected and deputed to

participate in RDC (CATC-Belagum) on 26th January 2015.

Melita D‟Costa and Shamia Fernandes participated in the Quiz competition on “The Life and

Contribution of Lokmanya Tilak,” held on 1stAugust 2014 at Institute Menezes Braganza.

08 students participated in life changing workshop titled “Understanding PURPOSE and

PASSION for success,” at Cardium Hall, NIO, Dona Paula-Goa organised by GEMS in

August 2014.

11 students attended a workshop on “Personality Development through Theatre” organised by

Antruz Ghudiyo at Sneh Niketan, Ponda in July 2014.

Pednekar Riddhi, Vernekar Nikita and Daware Dipita attended “Hindi Srujanotsav” organized

by Institute Menezes Braganza, Panaji on 15th

September 2014.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 84

Jacyl A. Fernandes, Nevil G. Cardozo and Sushant R. Vengurlekar participated in a one day

State level seminar on ‟Monsoon Bio-diversity in Goa‟ held on 4th

September 2014.

Neha Bandodkar, Ana Crasto, Evita D‟ Souza and Anisha Fernandes participated in the Adv.

Arun Singbal Memorial State level intercollegiate quiz competition held at Ravindra Bhavan,

Curtorim and organized in association with Govt. College, Quepem on 29th September 2014.

Ms. Derina D‟Mello attended a One Day State Level Seminar on “Tax Planning and Wealth

Management” held on 12th

January 2015, organized by the Post Graduate Department of

Commerce, St. Xaviers College Mapusa- Goa.

Nikhil G.D. Lotlikar, Preetam Gaude, Suhel Madkaikar, Shailesh Madkaikar, Vicky Kerkar,

Saideep Naik, Jolton D‟Cunha, Ali Hazrat, Cosmos Colaco, Balkrishna Chopdekar, Neha

Bandodkar, Fidora Fernandes, Evita D‟souza, Divya Amonkar, Ana Crasto, Reshmi Naik,

Priti Naik, Mallapa Hadpad, Ana Crasto, Anabella Fernandes, Nueneet Dias, Luizina Dias and

Sushmita Naik were volunteers for a children‟s literature publication function organised by

Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Margao at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao on 27th January 2015.

Evita D‟Souza participated in the IV Rohan and Lavita Monteiro, All India Konkani Poetry

Reciting competition - Finals organised by the Karnataka Konkani community in association

with Government of Karnataka held at the Kavita Fest at Chowlikere, Barkur, Udupi on


January 2015.

Anishka Vernekar, Neha Bandodkar, Priti Naik, Alisha Naik, Reshmi Naik, Riddhi Pednekar,

Liviksha Murgaokar, Vicky Kerkar, Preetam Gaude, Shailesh Madkaikar, Divya Amonkar,

Dipita Dawre, Ana Crasto, Fidora Fernandes, Annabella Fernandes, Neuneet Dias, Luizinaa

Dias, Suhel Madkaikar and Saideep Naik participated in the IV Rohan and Lavita Monteiro

organised by the Karnataka Konkani community in association with Government of Karnataka

held at the Kavita Fest at Chowlikere, Barkur, Udupi on 11th

January 2015.

Anishka Vernekar and Dipita Dawar participated in “Kavya Sandheya”, a State level inter-

collegiate poetry recitation competition organized by Chowgule College, Margao on 25th

January 2015.

Gawade Pritam Prabhakar, Vicky Kerkar, Alisha Naik and Reshmi Naik participated in the

Konkani section in the 24th

State level inter-collegiate and University Poets Meet organised by

CES College in the memory of late Adv. Pio F. Lawrence, held on 22nd

January 2015.

Vicky Kerker, Shailesh P. Madkaikar and Suhel S. Madkaikar participated in the preliminary

rounds of Rohan & Lavita Monteiro Poetry Reciting Competition for youth held on


September 2014 at the T.B Cunha hall, Panjim.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 85

Nikhil G.D. Lotlikar and Ana Crasto participated in Quiz Show at the Goa Yuva Mahotsav

organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

Sushant Vengurlekar, Sweta Palyekar and Dhiraj Kunkalekar participated in the Poster

Making Competition at the Goa Yuva Mahotsav organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at

the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th &18th January 2015.

Ana Crasto and Nikhil G.D. Lotlikar participated in “Mustaiki” at the Goa Yuva Mahotsav

organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal at the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

70 students participated in the Goa Yuva Mahotsav organised by the Konkani Bhasha Mandal

at the Sport complex Peda, Mapusa on 17th


January 2015.

Alisha Naik, Ankita Honawarkar, Leena Maity, Pooja Naik, Dipti Haldankar, Magdelina

Fernandes, Suhel Madkaikar, Shailesh Madkaikar and Preetam Gaude participated in an Inter-

Collegiate Folk Dance competition organized by the NSS Unit of St. Xavier‟s College,

Mapusa, in view of the National Youth Week on 13th

January 2015.

Suhel Madkaikar, Diksha Naik, V.K Kerkar, Saideep Naik, Shailesh Madkaikar, Pritam

Gaude, Kharishma Chari, Magdalena Fernandes, Alisha Naik, Pooja Naik, Gaude Kankonkar,

Neha Naik, Deepti Haldonkar participated in an Art Workshop during the Pilar Art Fest

organised by Pilar Theological College and the Directorate of Art & Culture, Goa on January


Shivani Sharma participated in the “Rotary Orator of Goa,” contest held in memory of Past

President late Rtn. Rajesh Rao on January 26 at the Art and Culture Hall, Panaji.

Bindia Kavlekar has been selected to participate in the West Zone Inter-University Cricket

Championship 2014-15 held at Barkatullah University Bhopal from 29th January- 4th

February 2015.

Karuna Kankonkar has been selected to participate in all India Inter-University Athletics

championship 2014-15 to be held at Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Mangalore

from 16-20 January 2015.

Alisha Makwana has been selected for the pre-national coaching camp of the probable

Kabaddi Players of the Goa State Kabaddi team representing 62nd Senior National Kabaddi

Championship for Men & Women at Tirucengode (Tamil Nadu) from 14th to 18th January


Ruksarbanu Khatral was selected to participate in the Junior National Judo Championship

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 86

2014-15 that was held at Shillong Meghalaya from 7th to 11th Dec 2014. She also attended

the Pre-National Coaching Camp from 17th November to 3rd December 2014 at Sai STC

Peddem, Mapusa-Goa.

Marshal Fredson participated in the West Zone inter University Football championship for

men, 2014-15 at LNUPE, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh from 22nd to 27th December 2014.

Riddhi Pednekar, Anfila Fernandes, Priya Kundaikar, Diksha Parvatkar, Nikita Vernekar,

Karuna Kandkonkar and Reshmi Naik attended a one day meet “Mahila Melva”, organized by

the Institute of Menezes Braganza, Panjim on 25th

April 2015.

Staff Achievements

Mr. Milind Mhamal, the College Librarian is invited as the Guest Faculty at Department of

Library & Information Science, Goa University for the academic year 2014-15.

Mr. Milind Mhamal, college librarian and senior staff member received the Best Librarian

award awarded by Department of Art and Culture, Government of Goa on 23rd

April 2015.

Ms. Rajashree Sail has completed a translation project where 400 Vachannar poems of 12th

century Kannada Saint Poets were translated into Konkani as a part of the Konkani

Translation Project undertaken by the Bassava Committee from Bangalore.

Ms. Angela Dias e Rodrigues, was invited as a Resource person for a two day UGC sponsored

National Seminar organised by Mangalore University on 12th -13th September 2014 on the

topic “Women and political Representation in India”.

Mr. Jayesh Raut hosted a quiz show called “Kaleidoscope 5”, in association with

Communicare Trust and HCN, a Goan channel which was aired in August 2014.

Ms. Diana De Souza presented a paper titled “ Society in Transition: The Upheavel ” at a

National Seminar on “Celebrating Creativity, commemorating Genius - Glimpses of Goan

Writing in English and in Translation” organised by Institute Menezes Braganza, Panaji on



September 2014.

Ms. Maria Pratibha Da Cruz has been awarded for her contribution to academia through her

research paper titled “Lambert Mascarenhas‟ Novel ‟Sorrowing lies My Land‟: Can the

subaltern speak?” which was published in Contemporary Discourse: A peer reviewed

International Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1. The paper was selected as the best paper.

Ms. Maria Pratibha Da Cruz presented a research paper titled “Political Writing and Literature

in Pre- Liberation Goa. - A Fourth World Perspective” at an International conference on

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 87


World Literature & Culture organized by Higher Education & Research society on 12th



September 2014, at Pune.

Ms. Reji George has published a paper titled “Corporate taxes in India: The road travelled so

far”, Decision 40(3): 213-221.

Ms. Reji George has published a paper titled “Corporate tax in emerging countries: Some

Aspects of India” in the International Journal of Law and Management, 57(5), August 2015.

Ms. Reji George has published a paper titled “Corporate taxes in Goa: An Analysis”,

Arthashastra Indian Journal of Economics and Research, 2015, March-April, Vol. 4, Issue 2,

pg. 47-55

Dr. Maria V. Biula Pereira presented a paper at a National Conference on the theme “God,

Cosmos & Humanity: Science in Dialogue with Religion,” organized by the Department of

Zoology, Carmel College for Women, Nuvem, held on 23rd & 24th January 2015.

Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues has been appointed as a Member of the Disciplinary Committee of the

Goa Football Association.

Mr. Mario D‟Souza published the paper on “Tourism Economy and Role of National

Government in India- Issues, Perspectives and Challenges ” published in Research Chronicler,

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue VII, November, 2014, pp.90-

104. ISSN: 2347-503X.

Ms. Shilpa Desai presented and published a paper titled “AutoParse : an Automatic Paradigm

selector for Nouns in Konkani” in the International Conference Proceedings of the “11th

International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2014)”, on 19th to 20th

December 2014 at IIIT-Hyderabad and Goa University .

Ms. Shilpa Desai presented and published a paper titled “Staged Approach for Grammatical

Gender Identification of Nouns using Association Rule Mining and Classification” in the

International Conference Proceedings in Research in Computing Science (ISSN 1870-4069)”-

Peer Review Journal, April 2014.

Ms. Shilpa Desai presented and published a paper at the 16th International Conference on

Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2015), Nile University

Egypt on 14th to 20th April 2015.

Dr. Anthony Rodrigues presented research paper on „Environmental Accounting and

Reporting: Study Based on selected Pharmaceutical Industry in Goa‟ at an International

conference held on 27th Dec 2014.

Dr. Anthony Rodrigues presented research paper on „A study of the perception of college

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 88

students with reference to the use of e-banking technologies in Banks‟ at an International

conference held on held on 28th Dec 2014.

Ms. Shilpa Desai published a paper titled “A Framework for Learning Morphology using

Suffix Association Matrix” in the International Conference Workshop Proceedings of “5th

Workshop on South and Southeast Asian NLP, 25th International Conference on

Computational Linguistics”, on 23rd to 29th August 2014.

Ms. Shilpa Desai presented and published a paper titled “Finite State Transducer Based

Morphological Lexicon Extraction for Konkani” in the National Conference Proceedings of

“All India Celebrations of Women in Computing (AICWIC‟ 14)”, on 26th September 2014 at

ACM-W –Goa University.

Mr. Anthony P. D‟Souza participated and presented a paper entitled “Training and its impact

on performance and productivity: An employer‟s perception,” at the 35th World Management

Congress held on 28th-29th December, 2014, Pune.

Ms. Angela Dias e Rodrigues participated and presented a paper titled “Human Rights and

Rights of Migrant children in Goa,” at the National Seminar organised by Department of

Political Science, P.E.S‟s S.R.S.N college of Arts and Science, Ponda-Goa on 28th& 29th

November 2014.

Carina Vaz and Ashley Fernandes presented and published a paper titled “Academic

Innovation in Teacher Education: Case Study at Fr. Agnel College of Arts and Commerce-

Pilar” in the National Conference Proceedings on “Exploring Teacher Education in 21st

Century”, on 19th, 20th March 2015 at Nirmala Institute of Education, Althinho, Panjim.

Staff Participation

Ms. Eunicia Fernandes participated in the One day Yuva Shibir, Swami Vivekananda for

Human Excellence, held on 5th July, 2014, organised by Vivekananda Kendra (Goa Branch)

in association with DCT's S.S. Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Panjim Goa.

Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues has actively participated in the Principal Inter-Active Meet held on


August 2014 at the UGC Academic staff college, Goa University.

Dr. Jenet Borges attended “Hindi Srujanotsav” organized by Institute Menezes Braganza,

Panaji on 15th

September 2015.

Ms. Melissa Rodrigues and Mr. Ashley Fernandes attended a National Workshop on

“Instructional Design, Mulitmedia and e-resources in Higher Education” organised by Centre

for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) on 29th

September -1st October 2014 in Christ

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 89

University, Bangalore.

Ms. Shona Saldanha attended a One Day State Level Workshop on “Writing Effective

Research Proposal for Phd./MPhil. registration and research project” organised by Research

Center, D. M.‟s College, Assagao, held on 7th

October 2014.

Ms. Shona Saldanha attended a One Day State Level Seminar on “Tax Planning and Wealth

Management” held on 12th

January 2015, organized by the Post Graduate Department of

Commerce, St. Xaviers College Mapusa- Goa.

Ms. Reshamkaur Bhambra attended a UGC approved short term course in Research

Methodology organised by Academic Staff College, Goa University from 22nd


September 2014.

Ms. Reshamkaur Bhambra, Ms. Shona Saldanha, Mr. Ashwin D‟Souza and Ms. Cheryl Pinto

attended a one day state level seminar on “Writing Effective Research Papers” organised by

Department of Commerce, Rosary College, Navelim on 10th

October 2014.

Ms. Reshamkaur Bhambra attended one day content-revision workshop on the subject of

Auditing conducted by DCTs S. S. Dempo College of Commerce and Economics, Altinho,

Panaji, Goa on December 6, 2014.

Mr. Anthony P. D‟Souza, had participated in the state level workshop on “Introduction to

Statistical and Econometric Softwares,” organised by Department of Economics,

Dnyanprassarak Mandal‟s College, Assagao on 13th January 2015.

Ms. Maria Pratibha D‟Cruz attended a two day National level seminar on “Celebrating

Creativity Commemorating Genius- Glimpses of Goan Writing in English and in translation”

organised by Institute Menezes Braganza on 9th


September 2014.

Ms. Maria Pratibha D‟Cruz attended an UGC sponsored 89th

Orientation Programme

organised by Academic Staff College, Goa University from 23rd




Ms. Shilpa Desai participated in a one day State level Workshop by All India Survey of

Higher Education(AISHE), Goa on 18th December 2014.

Ms. Shilpa Desai participated in a one day International level tutorial on "Techniques of

named entity and relation Extraction" by IIIT-Hyderabad and Goa University on 15th

December 2014.

Ms. Eunicia Fernandes, participated in a workshop on Research Methods & Data Analysis

using SPSS held on 12th and 13th December 2014 organised by Goa University, Department

of Management Studies.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 90

Ms. Eunicia Fernandes participated in one day content revision workshop in subject of

Auditing conducted by DCTs S.S. Dempo College of commerce and Economics, Altinho,

Panaji-Goa on 6th

December 2014.

Ms. Soraya Rebelo attended a seminar on „Tristao Braganca Cunha : Colonialism,

Nationalism and Reminiscence‟ on 28th November 2014 organised by Goa University‟s,

Dept. of History and T.B Cunha charity trust.

Ms. Liana Antao & Mr. Ashley Fernandes participated in a workshop on “Research Methods

& Data Analysis using SPSS” held on 12th & 13th December 2014 at the Department of

Management Studies, Goa University.

Dr. Anthony Rodrigues, attended a one day workshop on the topic ”Recent trends in Financial

Markets” which was organised by the State Council of Educational Research & Training

(SCERT) Porvorim-Goa on 26th November 2014.

Dr. Maria V. Biula Cruz e Pereira participated in a one day national seminar on ‟Social

Inclusion: Mainstreaming the Marginalized,‟ held on 27th

March, 2015 at S.V. Sridora Caculo

College of Commerce and Management Studies, Mapusa Goa.

Dr. Anthony Rodrigues attended a one day workshop on the new B.Com (Sem.V/VI) syllabus

in the subject of Industrial management held at Dnyanprassarak Mandal‟s College, Assagao

on 23rd

February 2015.

Mr. Mario D‟Souza participated in 2-day workshop on „Statistical Package for Social

Sciences‟ organized by Research and Development Cell, Fr. Agnel College, Pilar, on 23-24

March 2015.

Mr. Mario D‟Souza participated in state Level Seminar on „Companies Act 2013-

Opportunities and Challenges‟ organized by Dept. of Commerce, Fr. Agnel College, Pilar, on

23-24 March 2015

Mr. Mario D‟Souza participated in „International Conference on Business Excellence‟

organized by Bharati Vidyapeet‟s Institute of Management Studies and Research, Navi

Mumbai on 9-10 April 2015 at International Center, Dona Paula, Goa.

Anneliese D‟Costa and Ashwin D‟Souza have attended NSS Training Programmme on AIDS

Awareness held on 29th

January 2015 at the Goa University, held for NSS Programme


Anneliese D‟Costa has participated in the BOS (Board of Studies) Workshop for

Undergraduate Teachers organized by the Dept. of Economics, Goa University on 13th

February 2015.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

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Ms. Mini Gangadharan & Ms. Soraya Rebelo participated in the seminar –„Prevention of

Sexual Harassment Of Women at work place‟ organised by women‟s wing committee GCCI,

Panaji on 30th

April 2015.

Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues participated in the Management & Leadership Seminar on Laws

relating to Religion (Indian Constitution) Forms of Organisation, Finance Management,

Income Tax Act, FCR Act 2010 at Pilar Animation Centre from 9th-10th February 2015

organised by Christian Institute of Management, Chennai

Ms. Soraya Rebelo and Ms. Mini Gangadharan attended a one day meet “Mahila Melva”,

organized by the Institute of Menezes Braganza, Panjim on 25th

April 2015.

Melissa Rodrigues, Liana Antao, Ashley Fernandes, Carina Vaz and Eunicia Fernandes

participated in a two day National Conference on "Exploring Teacher Education in 21st

Century" on 19th, 20th March 2015 at the Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho, Panjim.

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution

Prayer Service:


To build religious tolerance.

To respect the other religion and its belief.

To build a healthy relationship among staff and students.

- Every morning, all staff members gather in the prayer room. Two staff members are assigned

week wise to organise and conduct the prayer service. Each staff member has the flexibility in

designing the execution of prayer service., it includes a moral value (wherein the reflection is

represented with the help of stories, poems, audio pieces etc.), prayer for students, staff,

birthday wishes etc.

- Prayer is also conducted in class for 5 minutes during the first lecture by the respective subject


- It is a hallmark of our college to begin every event with a prayer service. For the prayer

services, quotations/reading is taken from different religious books, audio visual presentations

which reflect a message of a theme.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 92

- Value education and Inter-faith cell conducts various competitions, field trips, talks etc. which

promotes communal harmony.

Appreciation Awards:


To boost the morale of students for their hard work.

To encourage the students to continue in participating in various activities.

Every year, the college has marked a day called as “Appreciation Day”, preferably conducted on


February. The students are awarded for their outstanding performance and participation at

various inter-collegiate, state, national and international level event in co-circular and extra

circular events (Sports, NCC, NSS, Cultural Events etc.)

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection

The college takes special initiatives to create and promote environmental consciousness among

the staff, students and community through the following:

Plantation drive carried out in and around the campus

Talks, workshop, awareness drives through street plays, screening of movies,

documentaries etc.

Nature walks, trekking, field trips to spice plantations/farms by NSS, NCC and

Environment Club

Anti-plastic campaign, Campus and Community cleaning, Paper Shredding.

Clean up drive for 2nd

October (an initiative by the Goa Government).

Setting up of Vermi-composting unit has helped in managing the bio-degradable waste

Celebrating the World Environment Day

Inculcating the sense of saving energy thought the Civic Sense Award

A compulsory paper “Environmental Studies” in First Year for all streams have helped in

sensitizing the students on various environmental issues and also its importance in

protecting it.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 93

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted? Yes


7.6 Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add.

25 students successfully completed newly introduced certificate course in Library and

Information Science.

02 students successfully completed, a credit based course “Computer Garage” -Computer

Maintenance and Repairs for the academic year 2014-2015.

The value education class were conducted twice in a month by the class mentors/guest

lecturers/ex-students on pre-defined topics to instil values and make the students more

responsible towards others/situations etc.

Students have participated and also have won in various academic, sports, cultural

activities at State and National level events.

04 students successfully completed short term course in library science, a credit based

programme for the academic year 2014-2015.

Minor renovation works for classrooms, computer laboratories etc. were carried.

Students have taken initiatives to organise and have successfully managed programmes in

the college such as Impetus, exhibitions etc.

9. Plans of institution for next year

To install CCTV and surveillance devices at the prominent locations to enhance the

security in the college for staff and students.

To plan various programmes for the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the college.

To install solar energy panels.

To introduce the Centre for Research and Excellence between Society and Technology

(C.R.E.S.T ).

To introduce additional certificate courses to provide additional skills to the students.

To complete and submit the Self Study Report for the NAAC Accreditation Cycle II.

To make stronger the Career Guidance and Placement Cell by developing more linkages

with industries/organisations to hold campus recruitments and also have more training

sessions for students to enhance their skills for employability.

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 94

To continue to train and guide the students for entrance and competitive examinations.

To strengthen the extension cell to hold more community outreach programmes.

To encourage the faculty to pursue and complete their Ph.D.

To encourage faculty and students to participate/present papers at

International/National/State seminars/conferences.

To encourage the faculty to use innovative teaching methods.

To organize a National Level Conference.

To invite experts to interact with students and share their experiences.

To apply for a minor/major research project of the UGC.

To continue with the upgradation of the infrastructure.

To continue in conducting the credit based, certification and certificate courses.

Name Ms. Mini Gangadharan

Name Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues



Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC Signature of the Chairperson, IQAC

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 95

Annexure I


CAS - Career Advanced Scheme

CAT - Common Admission Test

CBCS - Choice Based Credit System

CE - Centre for Excellence

COP - Career Oriented Programme

CPE - College with Potential for Excellence

DPE - Department with Potential for Excellence

GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test

NET - National Eligibility Test

PEI - Physical Education Institution

SAP - Special Assistance Programme

SF - Self Financing

SLET - State Level Eligibility Test

TEI - Teacher Education Institution

UPE - University with Potential Excellence

UPSC - Union Public Service Commission


Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 96

Annexure 1


Sr. No.




Date Activity

1. Class Mentors 16th June Odd Semester Begins

Orientation to all classes by Class Mentors

2. BCA 16th June Project Work Orientation for TYBCA

3. NCC 20th June Orientation for students

4. Second and Third

Year Students along

with Class Mentors

24th June Fresher‟s Day

5. Sociology 24th June Inter-class competition

6. 2nd

July Re-organisation Day of Pilar Society

7. NSS 7th July Orientation for students

8. Physical Education 9th July Inter-class FIFA PC tournament

9. Economics 11th July Inter-class Wall Paper Competition

10. IQAC 19th July Faculty Development Programme

11. BA/BCOM/BCA 21st-28

th July First ISA (Theory)

12. Physical Education 30th July Inter-Collegiate Cross Country Race

13. Student Council 22nd

July Student Council Elections

14. Student Council 27th July Inauguration of Student Council

Friendship Day Celebrations

15. Commerce 1st August Commerce Quiz

16. Mathematics and



August Guest Lecture for FYBCOM students

17. Mathematics and



August Guest Lecture

18. Konkani 8th August Konkani Writers Meet

19. Value Education 11thAugust Value Education Class

20. Economics 14th August Inter-class Written Quiz Competition

21. History 14th August Interclass Pencil Shading Competition

22. Sociology 14th August Inter-class competition

23. 15th August Independence Day

24. Student Council 15th August Interclass Singing Competition

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 97

25. Alumni Association 15th August Felicitation of meritorious student AY 2012-


26. BA/BCOM/BCA 16th-23

rd August Second ISA (Theory), First ISA (Practical)

27. Value Education 21st and 22

ndAugust Value Education Class

28. Parent Teacher



August PTA Annual Meet

29. English 25th August Spell Bound Competition

30. Commerce 26th August Video Ad making competition

31. BA/BCOM 26th August Project Orientation for BA/BCOM

32. Hindi 29th August Guest Lecture

33. Student‟s Council 5th September Teacher‟s Day

34. Sociology 10th September Seminar

35. BA/BCOM/BCA 22nd

-29th September Third ISA exam (theory), Second ISA (practical)

36. 2nd

October Gandhi Jayanti Birthday

37. 3rd

October End Semester Exam Commences

38. 2nd

November Diwali Vacations

39. NSS 3rd

-10th November Annual Camp

40. 23rd

November Even Semester Begins

41. 3rd

December St. Xavier‟s Feast

42. Parent Teacher


6th December Open Day

43. 19th December Goa Liberation Day

44. 21st December Annual Day

45. Student Council 22nd


December “FUN DAYZ”

46. 24th December Winter Vacations Begin

47. 5th January College Reopens

48. Value Education 12th January Value Education Class

49. Economics 24th January Inter-class Written Quiz Competition

50. 26th January Republic Day

51. Alumni association 26th January Ex-students Reunion

52. “Impetus”



th February National Level Intercollegiate Event “Impetus”

53. Political Science 20th February Seminar

Annual Quality Assurance Report (2014-2015)

Page 98

54. Value Education 18th, 28

th February Value Education Class

55. BA/BCOM/BCA 23rd

-28th February Second ISA (Theory), First ISA (Practical)

56. BA/BCOM/BCA 23rd

-28th March Third ISA Exam (Theory), Second ISA


57. Commerce 30th March State Level Seminar

58. 2nd

April End Semester Exam Commences

top related