annual general good shepherd lutheran...

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“Working together to know Jesus better and sharing His love with our community”

Annual General Meeting

Sunday, 27TH May 2018

Meeting to begin after worship







Welcome & Opening Prayer: Attendance: Roll Call (Member list doing the rounds) / Apologies Apologies: Minutes: (Adopt Minutes of A.G.M. 14TH May 2017 - copy attached to the back of this booklet) Moved: Seconded: Correspondence: Reports: Pastor Children’s Ministry Fellowship Music Ministry College Chair Treasurer - Budget for 2017: Actual

- Budget for 2018: Progress to date

Elections: See attached list

Appointments Approved (No election): See attached list

Business Arising from 2017 AGM:

• Carried motion: That Ministry Team re-examine the roles of pastoral assistants and worship leaders.

• Request the Boards of Ministry and Administration to discuss the Treasurer’s proposal that the GSLC Board of Administration be amalgamated with TELP since administrative matters in the parish parallel each other.

New business:

• Safe Church Program

• Pastoral Care

• Worship Leaders

• Ministry Possibilities Group Meeting – 15 June 2017

Date for 2019 AGM: ?/05/19

Close of the AGM: Closing Blessing: Pastor Geoff Kuchel


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Palmerston

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Sunday 14 May 2017

Present: Malcolm and Sue Tomes, Jann Martin, Erich and Sonia Holzknecht, Lynnne Pokela, Peter

Schubert, Rachel Wright, Madeleine von Muralt, Geoff Kuchel, Andrew and Karen Koehler, Helen

Taylor, Maja van Bruggen, Karen Cheal, Margaret Mickan, David and Sarah Mott, Karen Weier, Karl

Thomas. (20 = quorum)

Apologies: Rachel Boyce, Chris Kuchel, Christine Schubert, Eric Pokela, Elmar von Muralt.

Meeting opened 9.35 a.m. with prayer by Erich Holzknecht

Adoption of Minutes of 2016 AGM (15 May 2016): Erich gave a summary of the resolutions from

the 2016 AGM from the Minutes. Moved Madeleine, Seconded Malcolm. Carried.

Correspondence: Erich noted that that there had been quite a few emails received from the LCA

and LCA SA/NT District providing information, updates and news mostly of an administrative nature.

Pastor Geoff specifically mentioned emails regarding the new LCA Professional Standards initiative

of which the congregation has already been informed in the video message viewed recently. A face-

to-face training Workshop has been confirmed for this programme on 29 July, 2017 here in the

Top End – most likely at a College venue – to which all members, but especially those in

leadership positions, are asked to take part.

The relationship between the new standards and the LCA’s current mandatory ChildSafe and Safe

Place programmes is unclear.


Pastor: Pastor gave clarification to a number of points in his report:

• Pastor Geoff’s local Top End community leadership role in NT Disability Advocacy and the

NTCC (NT Council of Churches) is now much diminished due to re-structuring of the former

and him stepping back from the latter. In order to continue his proactive commitment in his

ministry to the wider community, Pastor will be taking an active leadership role in the

formation of the new NTCC Emergency Response Chaplaincy initiative which will be funded

by Government and, in working together with NT Government emergency responses, will

provide counselling support for community members affected by traumatic emergencies, ie.

cyclones, flooding, fire, road trauma etc. All other Australian States have this body already in

place. Pastor has stated that he has made a commitment of 18 months to 2 years to get this

chaplaincy initiative up and running. This should lessen Call pressures!

• Christian Life Week (CLW) was highly successful in 2016. In 2017, up to 10 young people are

slated to go with 3 adult helpers in leadership positions. Training for leadership is available

online. The LCA SA/NT District is supporting this financially.


• Katherine members: the new Anglican minister is keen to support Lutheran members. Pastor

will continue his active role in ministering to our members there.

Chair: Erich’s report as given.

Children’s Ministry: Sarah reported verbally about this ministry in 2016/17. Attendance was a big

issue last year, so in 2017 weekly activity sheets related to the Sunday readings have been provided

by Sarah for the children after the weekly Children’s Talk. This is under constant review since there

is sufficient material to revert to a Sunday School format at any time. Sarah was thanked for her

work with the children.

Good Shepherd Lutheran College Board Chair: Madeleine and Maja expanded briefly on their

written report. Government financial support to the Stow Road access point has been withdrawn,

so the College will need to fund this itself. The builder has dubbed this road – which is actually a

public road – Bureaucracy Road! So, financial pressures are ever present even as the College

continues essential building initiatives to accommodate enrolment numbers, particularly at the

Howard Springs site.

Music Ministry: Sonia has been closely supporting Pastor Geoff in music selection for Sunday

services. Angie Walker is organising singers for the playing groups.

Treasurer: Malcolm’s report and budget as given. He expanded on various points:

• Fewer members are willing to serve in leadership roles.

• Currently, the LCA and LCA SA/NT District are putting increasing administrative pressure on

congregation leadership, specifically the Treasurer and Chairperson. These pressures include

the new LCA HR and payroll system. Some of this pressure ends up devolving on to the

pastor. Pastor Andrew commented that the new system is good for pastors and that the LCA

is trying to standardise compliance issues across the church, but that it is by nature quite


• Recommendation to amalgamate the Treasurer roles in the Top End Parish (there are 3!)

into 1, and that this Treasurer role be an outsourced and a paid position due to the lack of

willing members to take on the responsibility. This new position to be allocated 8 hours per

week @ more that $ 20 per hour.

Resolution: That our congregation encourage TELP to bring this recommendation into

reality by the end of 2017. Moved: Erich. Seconded: Madeleine. Carried.

• In commenting on the 2016 Budget and Actual, Malcolm noted that some significant

expenses have had to be carried forward to the 2017 figures and that therefore the 2017

actual expenditure is likely to see a total deficit.

Motion: That the reports be accepted. Moved: Madeleine. Seconded: Erich. Carried

Business Arising:

• Review of Year 3 Bible purchases for the College: Since this is a TELP matter, Erich will

report to the congregation on this review at another time, since time for this meeting was

getting tight and the last important item (Election of position holders) for the meeting was

yet to be discussed.


Election of Position Holders & Representatives. See Table below.

Erich gave a big THANK YOU to all members in leadership positions for being involved in 2016 and in

accepting a continuation of their roles in 2017. Erich then called for nominations for Chairperson,

Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Music Ministry and TELP Representative, these positions being

vacated. None were proposed.

Angie Walker to be approached re the Music Ministry role.

Erich then explained that while he and Sonia were planning to leave the NT and the Holzknecht

house was on the market but not yet sold, they were prepared to continue in caretaker roles in the

absence of other members coming forward. However, the roles of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson

and Secretary would remain open for members to step in at any time.

Motion: That during the remainder of 2017, Erich and Sonia be endorsed as caretakers in their

respective roles until members are put forward to take over these roles or they leave the NT.

Moved: Helen Taylor. Seconded: Sarah Mott.


Position Nominated Nominated by Seconded Outcome


Chairperson Erich Holzknecht – Temporary until

4 July 2017

Nominations Committee

Vice Chairperson Nominations Committee

Secretary Nominations Committee

Treasurer Malcolm Tomes Nominations Committee

Assistant Treasurer Leanne Klau Nominations Committee

Maintenance Eric Pokela Nominations Committee

Music Ministry Nominations Committee

Children’s Ministry Sarah Mott Nominations Committee

Fellowship Coordinator Karen Weier Nominations Committee

Youth Coordinator Rebecca Curtis - until end 2017 Nominations Committee

College Chairperson Maya Van Bruggen Automatic inclusion

Principal Rachel Boyce Automatic inclusion

Chaplain Andrew Koehler Automatic inclusion

REPRESENTATIVES (May be invited to attend or be seconded to either Church Board meetings)

Worship Leader Peter Schubert Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Madeleine von Muralt Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Margaret Mickan Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Helen Taylor Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Sean Synnott Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant Peter Schubert Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant Madeleine von Muralt Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant

Safe Place Advisor Helen Taylor Nominations Committee

Safe Place Coordinator Chris Kuchel Nominations Committee

ChildSafe Coordinator Sarah Mott Nominations Committee

TELP Representative Rachel Wright Nominations Committee


TELP Representative Nominations Committee

College Representative Karen Cheal Nominations Committee

College Representative Madeleine von Muralt Nominations Committee

College Appointee Helen Taylor College Appointee – Info


Women’s Fellowship Self-coordinating NA

Shed Men Coordinator Pastor Geoff NA

Lay Reader Peter Schubert Nominations Committee

OHS Liaison Officer Chairman NA

Auditor Leadership Team to appoint NA

NTCC Rep (TELP) Helen Graetz (St Andrew) TELP matter – Info only

Top End Lutheran Parish – 2018 Pastor's Report

The relationship between a pastor and the congregation that he serves is rather unique. The

pastor is not the CEO who manages, controls and directs the congregation’s activities. The pastor is

primarily a carer, a carer of souls. He has the unique responsibility for the spiritual care of each

person with whom he comes into contact, congregation members and associates, maybe even the

person sleeping on the doorstep.

Paul talks about the leadership of the body of Christ in the following terms: Now these are the gifts

Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.

Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of

Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that

we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

The role of those whom Christ has chosen as leaders is to equip God’s people to do his work, and

to build up the church. For Paul, equipping and building the community are at the core.

Furthermore, he describes this building in terms of spiritual maturity and a unity within the community,

so that the community grows to be like Christ.

It is simple enough to list all the activities that a congregation undertakes and that the pastor

carries out, and so account for the time that a pastor serves his community. It is far more complex to

understand and discern the nature of individual growth and maturity, let alone that of the


In terms of activities over the last twelve months, there has been a reduction in certain

congregation activities, including bible studies, Sunday School, social and youth activities. In terms

of worship, the actual numbers of people attending each Sunday has fluctuated, as it always does,

but has remained reasonably static, more so for St Andrew than for Good Shepherd.

In terms of care for each other, and the love that we express towards each other, there is a real

sense in which we are caring for each other, both as individuals and as a community. That doesn’t

mean that every person feels totally cared for in every situation, but that there is intentional caring

for each other which is a demonstration of the love that Christ has for us.

There are a few very dedicated members who have taken on many responsibilities; for those

people we can be truly grateful. Yet, there is indeed a deep need for others to recognize the needs

of this part of the Body of Christ and relieve our group of very dedicated members of some of their

responsibilities – to share the burdens.

In spite of the extra burdens that are carried out by a few, there are important developments and

challenges that can be identified. The excitement of the teens who attended the Hills CLW in July

has led us to commit to support and encourage any teens who wish to attend. We will pay for at

least 50 % of the costs, in order to encourage their attendance. This year that cost is likely to be

about $800 per family. One of those teens, Ariana Baldieri, was selected to attend the National

Youth Forum as the NT Representative. She was also joined Jacob Koehler who travelled from



Lynne Pokela will represent the Top End at the General Synod in October which will be held in

Sydney. Among other issues being debated at this Synod will be the Ordination of Women (again).

A different approach will be taken on this occasion, given that at the last General Synod the vote

was about 60% in favour, not sufficient to change an important theological issue. This time there will

be two discussions. The first asks the question whether the Ordination of Women should be a reason

to divide the church. The second presents a doctrine for the ordination of women and debates the

practical issues relating to the acceptance of ordained women into the ministry of the church.

A parish camp has been on the agenda for a couple of years, and Erich Holzknecht took the

responsibility of booking Riyala on behalf of TELP. This camp will be held on the weekend of June 15-

17 and will focus on the Team Ministry and what it means for our congregations. Verena Johnston,

who has been a leader for small groups ministry in South Australia, for many years and is now

currently involved in the Lay Workers leadership for the LCA will be our study leader. She will also

meet with all congregation and parish leaders on the evening of Thursday June 14, at St Andrew.

We will share a meal and engage in a conversation about our relationships with each other, as a

preparation for the camp.

Throughout the whole of my ministry in the Top End I have maintained a very strong ecumenical

and community relationship, whether through the Darwin and Palmerston Christian Ministers

fellowships, the Northern Territory Council of Churches, the Family Transition Network, the Down

Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory, Hospital Chaplaincy, The NT Emergency Response

Chaplaincy Service, the Australian Volunteer Emergency Chaplaincy Alliance, or funerals for people

who have had a Lutheran connection some time in their lives. These have resulted in significant

commitments of time, all of which have been fulfilling. Here is a brief summary for the last 12 months:

• Hospital on call nights: 34

• Funerals: 5

• NTCC Meetings: 5

• DSANT Meetings: 5

• ERCS: Training Days: 7

Meetings: 15

Response Days: 14

• C4C: 8

• Child Care Visits: 20

These are the times that I have recorded in my diary. There have been many other times that I have

been called in to DSANT for pastoral care, and the hospital for visits (which are part of my weekly

program). I place them here to remind myself of the extent that our Top End ministry reaches the

lives of many people beyond our worshipping communities.

I have taken a significant responsibility in establishing the NT Emergency Response Chaplaincy

Service on behalf of NTCC. This has also involved me in national meetings with a newly established

Australian Volunteer Emergency Chaplaincy Alliance (AVECA), now recognized by the National

Council of Churches in Australia. We have trained 13 pastors as volunteer emergency response

chaplains, with the encouragement of the NTG. However, the NT ERCS operates without financial

support; although NTCC is prepared to accept some financial responsibility, even though there are

limited funds available.

Chris and I have also planned and participated in a number of worship services in Katherine, where

the gathering has averaged around eight for each worship service. They have not been on a

regular basis, but we have attempted to get down there about once every two months


I have also appreciated the opportunity to meet with Pastor Andrew on a weekly basis, during the

school terms. While there are other activities which sometimes prevent the meeting from occurring,

we have been able to meet about 6-7 times each term. His support, spiritual and emotional, for my

ministry has been very encouraging and I value our relationship and team work.

I look forward to continuing my role as Pastor of the Top End Lutheran Parish and thank you for your

strong support and encouragement.

Pastor Geoff


Ministry Possibilities Group Meeting – 15 June 2017

Summary: This Top End Lutheran Parish group was formed in 2015 to explore ways in which the

members of the Parish could engage in wider forms of Christian Ministry, mindful of Christ’s

exhortation to “make disciples”. As a result of a survey of members, it seemed clear to the Group

that a strong feeling from members was that they wanted help in identifying their gifts so that they

could identify their gifts and become more effective in ministry. Out of this notion the SHAPE series of

Bible Studies was born in 2016, though only a small group of members chose to participate in them.

As the results of the SHAPE series were inconclusive, towards the end of 2016 the TELP Committee

asked the Group to reconvene, tasking them with a further exploration of what ministry means to our

two congregations, how it can we make it happen and what do we need to do to do it. The notes

below describe some of the discussion that ensued from that reconvened meeting.

Present: Helen Graetz, Pastor Geoff Kuchel, Karen Koehler and Erich Holzknecht

Apologies: Suzanne Tomes, Rachel Wright


• Our initial question was: What is our Church doing here? Almost immediately the discussion

focussed on the structure of our Church here in the Top End. It was obvious that the current

structure essentially comprises two parts: Ministry and Administration.

• It must be emphasised that those involved in the congregations’ and parish’s administration

are also doing ministry of a vital kind because it involves matters that just have to be done.

• Of these two, Administration has been the busiest and “easiest” activity because it involves

matters which actually have to be done on a legal, organisational and constitutional basis.

These include good stewardship of resources: obligations to the national/district church

(LCA) and its programmes, management of finances, Human Resources matters, legal

compliance, professional standards, Childsafe and Safe Place programmes, maintenance of

Church property/manse, Child Care Centre – in fact, most of the positions and

representatives elected each year at AGMs are involved with Administration/organisational

matters. We realise that this is not a negative: they are things that just have to be done for

the sake of proper order...and we also realise that our congregations are dealing with these

matters quite well.

• To reduce it to a basic level, Administration matters can be seen as office management. TELP

has accepted a proposal to formulate a part-time, paid, office managerial position for

assisting our Parish with the most pressing of these matters, with a requirement to bring

forward a job description to put to the 2018 AGM next May.

• The other side of our Church’s reason for being here is Ministry – some would say this is a

more important issue as we follow Christ in “making disciples”, in being the leaven in our

wider community because we are Christ’s hands and feet in the community. What makes it

“harder” to do is that it involves personal cost or sacrifice.

• How are we doing here? Ministry activities can be categorised as internal and external.

• Internal: The most basic ministry responsibility for all members is that we are as Christ to each

other. The next level of internal ministry to the congregation/parish is in a specialised church

activity: Welcomers at Sunday service, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Bible Study

leadership, Worship leading, Administration, Music Ministry, Womens’ Fellowship, Lay reading,

Service set-up, Shed Men, Christian Life Week, assisting with confirmees and so on...and we

do this after a fashion with some, and quite well with others. Volunteering to do the churches

administrative work would fit in this area of ministry.

• External: Essentially, this is outreach beyond the confines of our congregations. There is an

“easy” way to do this and one more sacrificial. The “easy” outreach is to be fundraisers for

areas of need within Australia and overseas. To that end, for example, Good Shepherd


apportions the cash offerings of each 4th Sunday to a ministry project every quarter – Bethany

Home (Malaysia – this is also a College project), Mick Hauser (Seminary Lecturer in PNG), Bible

Translation in Australia (Ausil) and ALWS (Australian Lutheran World Service). Next year, the

cost of the Year 3 Bibles for the College will also be a parish fundraiser. The “cost” of this is not

to individual members but to the congregational/parish budget, so it impacts more indirectly

on the financial viability of the congregation. St Andrew’s Child Care Centre is a bit like this in

that it is a service ministry for the community but personal involvement by congregational

members is not required apart from volunteering to be on the Board.

The personal cost ministry outreach is the “hard” one. This is hands-on, sacrificial involvement with

outreach to our wider community where there is no thought of remuneration. Think soup kitchens,

driving for Cash for Containers on a Saturday, being involved with helping the homeless...any

community service that will cost us time and comfort. “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord,

when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we

see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick

or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters

of mine, you did for me.’

Discussion outcomes:

The Group felt that Administration receives more attention in our congregations than Ministry.

It is, of course, vital that the administrative functions of the congregations and the parish are well

catered for, but it also means that those members who are willing to “do things for the church” are

elected annually to administrative functions, and that ministry can miss out since the critical mass of

both our congregations is very low; ie. those who put their hands up to do things are “caught” by

administrative functions, and then fewer individuals who are considering being involved are left to

step in for the “harder” ministry roles.

With the possibility of employing a part-time office manager sometime next year, administrative

functions are catered for. Ministry needs to receive more attention.

Ministry Possibilities Group Recommendation:

Firstly, it is recommended that each level of our Lutheran Church structure in the Top End (ie.

congregational and parish) sets about deliberately analysing/de-constructing its own structure in

order to simplify administrative functions. This may mean abandoning some long held roles that no

longer serve a useful need.

Secondly, it is recommended that each level of our Lutheran Church structure in the Top End, having

streamlined its administrative activities (this could mean, for example, to consolidate administrative

function under a parish office manager), examine its ministry with a keen eye in order to reinvigorate

its activities to welcome and nurture our members and visitors on the one hand, and, on the other

hand, to research/explore/spend time on other, “harder” ministry opportunities where outreach

becomes sacrificial which members corporately or individually might be lead to take up.

Assembled out of the discussion by Erich - 15.06.2017


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Treasurer’s Report –

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Treasurer’s Report 2018 - 27th May 2018 Fellow Members

Blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ. I prayerfully encourage you to come and participate in our

Annual General Meeting to be held on the 27 May. This year we will need to give some prayerful

deliberations on our budget for 2018. Last year our finances have shown that we were in deficit and

this year our Budget has increased that deficit. We thank God that he has allowed us to have a

surplus in our operating account due to the provision a single Pastor for the Parish. This surplus will

allow the Holy Spirit to work within the Good Shepherd Congregation to supply earnest renewal of

our church now and in future years. The financial support that our blessed members provide enables

the church to reach out to others in mission. May the Holy Spirit come into your hearts and minds to

prayerfully consider giving to our Lord through Regular Electronic Giving (REG) Name: Palmerston

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church BSB: 704942. Acc. No: 100391745. These donations can be made in

confidentiality. Can members commit to prayer the discussions and meetings to be held between

Verena Johnston, the Parish and our congregation on our church Ministry, Mission, Administration

and Financial journeys, to serve our Father God, his son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. These

discussions will be held at prior and during the Parish Camp.

Your Servant in Christ.

Malcolm Tomes






Bethany 2000 1313 1500

AuSil 2000 776 1000

PNG 2000 300 500

ALWS 2000 874 1000

Interest/Grants 3000 2558 2500

Book Sales 100 0 0

Plate 20000 8807 10000

REG 55000 54860 55000

Total Income 86100 69488 71500


Bookkeeping 800 425 600

Congregation Meals 400 275 500

Congregation Gifts 100 0 0

Insurance 850 967 1000

LCA Tithe 5500 5500 5500

Manse Maintenance 4000 2064 4000


Bethany / 1st 2000 1313 1500

AuSil / 2nd 2000 776 1000

PNG / 3rd 2000 300 500

ALWS / 4th 2000 874 1000


Venue 3500 0 3500

Worship 250 0 100

Office 100 125 150

Rubbish Removal 500 330 500

Water & Sewerage 3000 2456.68 3000

Sunday School 800 0 800

TELC 55000 55020 55000

Total Expenses 82800 70425.68 78650

Profit/(Loss) 3300 -937.68 -7150


GSLC REG $52888

GSLC Youth $2210

GSLC Building $35983

Westpac $9659

Bank Total $100740



Position Nominated Nominated by Seconded Outcome


Chairperson Nominations Committee

Vice Chairperson Nominations Committee

Secretary Angie Walker Nominations Committee

Treasurer Malcolm Tomes Nominations Committee

Assistant Treasurer Leanne Klau Nominations Committee

Maintenance Eric Pokela Nominations Committee

Music Ministry Angie Walker Nominations Committee

Children’s Ministry Sarah Mott Nominations Committee

Fellowship Coordinator Karen Thomas Nominations Committee

College Chairperson Maya Van Bruggen Automatic inclusion

Principal Rachel Boyce Automatic inclusion

Chaplain Andrew Koehler Automatic inclusion

REPRESENTATIVES (May be invited to attend or be seconded to either Church Board meetings)

Worship Leader Helen Taylor Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Lynne Pokela Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Rachel Boyce Nominations Committee

Worship Leader Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant Peter Schubert Nominations Committee

Pastoral Care Assistant Nominations Committee

Safe Place Advisor Helen Taylor Nominations Committee

Safe Place Coordinator Chris Kuchel Nominations Committee

ChildSafe Coordinator Sarah Mott Nominations Committee

Church Record Keeper Nominations Committee

TELP Representative Rachel Marks Nominations Committee

TELP Representative Nominations Committee

Lay Reader Nominations Committee

OHS Liaison Officer Chairman NA

Auditor Leadership Team to appoint


NTCC Rep (TELP) Helen Graetz TELP matter – Info only

top related