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Terms of Reference

Handicap International Bangladesh

Socio Economic Empowerment of Extreme Poor People with Disabilities.




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Section 1: Overview Project Summary

Project title: Socio Economic Empowerment of Extreme Poor People with Disabilities Working area: Sitakundu Upazila in Chittagong district Direct beneficiary households: 600 Project period: 3 years Purpose: 600 extreme poor persons with disabilities in Chittagong district have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty by 2014 Output 1: Income related capacity building support provided to targeted households with persons with disabilities.

- Conduction of baseline study

- Support in Developing individual micro business plan

- Starting of individual economic activities Output 2: Targeted persons with disabilities provided with capacity building support for functional autonomy.

- Providing comprehensive community based rehabilitation services for the persons with disabilities

- Conducting community awareness sessions to facilitate inclusion of the persons with disabilities

- Training 10 artisans for basic production and repair of assistive devices Output 3: Targeted persons with disabilities in extreme poverty facilitated to access basic health and social services..

- Sensitizing and awareness raising of important government and non-government stakeholders Engaging Disabled People’s Organization (DPO) in view of sustainable socio-economical inclusion of persons with disabilities

- Facilitating access to the mainstream health and social services and social protection schemes

Purpose of project

The project will respond to the problem of extreme poverty being both a major cause and consequence of disability. People with disabilities are disproportionately over-represented among the poor, and poverty creates disabling living conditions with increased vulnerability and exclusion. The UN estimates that one in five people living below the poverty threshold has a disability; 82% of people with disabilities live below the poverty line1, and 80%-90% of

                                                            1 Cited in ILO: Promoting the Employability and Employment of People with Disabilities through Effective

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people with disabilities of working age are unemployed2. In Bangladesh, it is estimated that 5.6% of the population are living with single or multiple disabilities (NFOWD-HI, 2005)3. Poverty and disability are linked through malnutrition; limited access to safe employment, health/hygiene, social services; and lack of information and knowledge of rights, healthy living, and of disability. Poverty and disability reinforce each other, contributing to increased vulnerability and exclusion. In Bangladesh, persons with disabilities are mostly excluded from mainstream economic development and social interactions due to misconceptions, negative attitudes, and lack of knowledge of mainstream development actors. People with disabilities living in remote, ecologically vulnerable areas are at even greater risk as their participation in disaster management activities is limited. Therefore, sustainability of income increase among extreme poor households with member(s) having a disability is a significant challenge, with their higher than normal propensity to fall back into the poverty trap once project interventions end. The need of people with disabilities to be able to be economically involved is fundamental human right and thus a responsibility of the nation and all its citizens. The Millennium Development Goals can be reached in Bangladesh only by taking into consideration the person with disabilities and enhancing their social and economic participation in the society. The project will work with households with disabilities to lift them up of their extreme poverty which is in line with target 1 (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) of the Millennium Development Goal in Bangladesh and also in line with article 27: Work and Employment (States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities.) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Outputs The project will address the problems described under section: purpose of the project to ensure that 600 households of persons with disabilities in Chittagong district have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty by the project period. The project will target persons with disabilities to facilitate their access towards economic activities which will assist them to have a dignified life and to access towards empowerment in the family as well as in the mainstream society. As a first step, the identified persons with disabilities will get a comprehensive community based rehabilitation service through which they will get functional autonomy. This is important as functional autonomy is a pre-requisite to enter into the economic activities in many of the cases. In case of severe disability and children with disabilities, their family member will be involved for the economic activity while they will get continuous rehabilitation support. The next step is to prepare and plan for the economic activities by the target households with disabilities. Skill training and other capacity building                                                                                                                                                                                                            Legislation (PEPDEL) 2 Source: UN. Employment of persons with disabilities factsheet. 3 National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD) & Handicap International (HI), Prevalence Study. 2005


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trainings (business management training, money management etc.) will prepare them to enter into the main economic action, i.e. self employment or wage employment. Income generation through self or wage employment will raise households’ economic status and consequently will lift them out of extreme poverty line. Advocacy, sensitization and awareness activities will be carried out continuously by engaging local level government departments, livelihood and rehabilitation actors, Disabled People’s Organisations, private sector and community people to achieve a supportive environment for the extreme poor households with disabilities which will lead towards sustainable inclusion.

Graduation Process The graduation process starts with identification of the extreme poor households with disabilities. The interest, skill and capacity to start income generating activities of identified households will be assessed. Person with disabilities will get community based rehabilitation lead by the disability officers to facilitate their access towards inclusion. The rehabilitation will include all necessary aspects including assistive device provision, home/ workplace modification, community awareness and follow ups. The livelihood officers will lead the process of economic inclusion for the identified households. This starts with developing a micro business plan in a participatory way by giving priority to the beneficiaries’ capacity and interest in engaging in economic activity as well as the demandable options in the market. After drafting the plan, the target beneficiaries will get skill training in accordance with the chosen economic activity. They will get the start up capital and will start their economic activity. Regular follow up support will be done to assist them reach graduation; i.e. to lift themselves above the extreme poverty line. Besides, Advocacy, awareness and sensitization of the important stakeholders will be done to facilitate their access to mainstream heath and social services as well as towards social protection schemes. It is expected that beneficiaries will start receiving income by 12 months from the date of getting skill training and will be graduated by 18 months. Skill training, business kit, experience of the economic activity, linkage with relevant business community and enabling environment through advocacy and awareness of important stakeholders will make the beneficiaries able to sustain their economic activities.

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The following diagram shows the graduation pathway of the target households:

Functional rehabilitation, Assistive devices, follow ups..

Livelihood Officer

1-Identificationof person

with disability

Community worker

3- Referpersonwith


Community worker & Disability Officer:

Accessibility, awareness …

How? Baseline study:• individual visits • PRA Tools

Livelihood ReferralAssess the situation of disability towards the livelihood situation

2- Asses interest, Skills, etc.

Which tool?Individual assessment form

Towards economic inclusion

Disability Officer

Identification to Action plan

After livelihood referral, home visit by livelihood officer 


General rapid market analysis 

Beneficiary analysis 

Business idea generation  

Activity appraisal 


Accompaniment of the person to define a livelihood project according to his/her motivation, skill, potentials and need

Developing Micro Business Plan

Elaboration of individual action plan



Towards Economic Inclusion


Towards Graduation

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Action Plan:  compile all steps needed to reach graduation

Project support‐ Skill training ‐ Start up support‐ Tools and workplace adaptation  

Facilitate Inclusive approach‐ Access to social protection scheme ‐Access to health and social services‐Socio‐economic inclusion


Regular follow‐up

Livelihood situation AFTER support

Action plan to graduation

Direct input


DPOs, Govt. representatives…

Project staffCommunity worker

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Section 2: Activities

Activities related to output 1: Income related capacity building support provided to targeted households with persons with disabilities.

1.1 Conduction of baseline study

The first six months will be used to conduct a baseline study on assessment of socio-economic situation of the extreme poor households as well as the livelihood opportunities and challenges in the target area. Two hundred fifty extreme poor households will be selected for economic activity by the first sixth month and another 350 will be selected by the next six months. . A detailed assessment will be initiated of the person with disability, their capacity and interest in engaging in economic activity and social participation, opportunity and barriers faced in the process. A market survey will be conducted to gauge sustainable self-employment and wage employment opportunities in the area appropriate for persons with different types of disabilities to undertake along with marketing options. The study will also include detail information about the available skill trainings and economic activity opportunities as well as assess the barriers to include persons with disabilities within these opportunities in the area to prepare the target member for self or wage employment. Other important stakeholders including relevant government departments, livelihood and rehabilitation actors, Disabled People’s Organisations etc. as well as existing situation of social protection schemes in the area will also be identified. An individual profile will be developed composed on rehabilitation services includes need of assistive devices, work-tools and workplace modification to best suited with desired economic activity. Some persons with disabilities might require specific rehabilitation service pre-requisite to economic activity for instance: functional rehabilitation therapy, assistive device, adaptation/installation of physical accessibility feature at homestead, workplace and vocational training centre. Project estimated average unit cost for assistive device 5000BDT and accessibility cost for homestead &/workplace &/vocational training centre is 11000BDT; actual costs will vary by individual and will be determined through individual assessments conducted by project Disability Officer and Disability Technical Unit of Handicap International. The Regional Technical Advisor (Livelihood) of Handicap International will provide distance support which will continue through program technical unit. The community livelihood workers will play a vital role to conduct the study as well as to implement other activities of the project. At the beginning of the project, an induction session will be organised for the project staffs and for the community livelihood workers to harmonise their understanding about the project. After the induction, a training session will be organised for the community livelihood workers to provide them basic skill and knowledge on rehabilitation and on

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livelihood aspects. Office set-up and team recruitment will be done by the end of first month of the project. 1.2 Developing micro business plan Based on the findings of the baseline study, individual micro business plan will be developed jointly with the selected beneficiaries. One-on-one interaction along with business counselling will be provided to the person with disability and their family members to motivate them, and to raise awareness and confidence.

The individual plan will be developed in a participatory way by giving priority to the beneficiaries’ capacity and interest in engaging in economic activity in accordance with the market opportunities. It is of utmost importance that the person with disability is involved actively from the beginning in the choice of her/his economic plan and future possible livelihood activity to avoid passivity or acceptance of whatever is proposed to them due to the stigmatization they face. Therefore, it will be very important for the project staff to have thorough discussion, cross checking of information with family and neighbourhood, understanding and adapting the motivation of the person towards a suitable economic path and to avoid mistakes. This will be ensured by cross checking and discussion involving the different members of the multidisciplinary team, the person with disability, family members and the neighbours, if required. The business plan will have different relevant parts including targeted business, training plan, production plan, and management plan, marketing plan, financial plan and risk management plan. Livelihood officers in association with the community livelihood workers will facilitate the process of developing the business plan. The target beneficiaries for the economic activities, which start from developing the business plan, will include extreme poor persons with mild and moderate impairments who, with project support, are able to undertake some form of economic activity. In the case of persons with severe impairments or children with disabilities, a member of the household will be targeted. 1.3 Starting of economic activities Specific skill training will be organised according to the business plan for the target beneficiary. The project will make liaison with existing organisations delivering training to facilitate access of the persons with disabilities. Depending on the context and nature of targeted business and job, the training will be conducted either by attending vocational training courses available in the area or by tailor-made courses organised by the project. The project will also include business management training, money management etc. for the target beneficiaries and will facilitate peer support, exchange of practice etc. The estimated average cost of trainings per beneficiary is 5000 BDT which will vary from person to person, depending on individual need. The project will target a total of 600 direct beneficiary households. It is estimated that 550 beneficiaries will be targeted for self employment and the remaining 50 beneficiaries will be targeted for wage employment by creating linkages with potential employers in the public and private sectors. Self Employment:

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Identified persons best suited for self-employment opportunities will receive start-up capital support e.g. assets or “professional kits”. The average total package for the capital per beneficiary will be 21364 Bangladesh Taka which will be tailored according to individual business plan. For example: start up capital could be 40000 Bangladesh Taka in case of a grocery shop while it would be around 10000 Bangladesh Taka in case of sewing machine. Project will also facilitate further support to maintain the running cost of the economic activities for graduation period and to address the risk management. The asset or professional kit will be chosen and purchased jointly by the beneficiary and the project staff. The running support for economic activity will be provided to the beneficiary on a periodic basis depending on the nature of the economic activities. The amount estimated for the risk management (potential reinvestment, if significant loss happen to the economic activity that is beyond the control of project/beneficiary) of the economic activity will be kept by the project and will be delivered when required. Waged employment: In case of waged employment, the project will create linkages with potential employers in the public and private sectors. The employers will be aware and sensitized through organising awareness raising events including meetings, seminars and workshops on specific needs of persons with disabilities in the work environment, on disability awareness, on making the working place accessible, etc. Regular liaison will also be maintained to motivate them to recruit person with disabilities. Identified persons best suited for waged employment will get skill training to prepare them getting waged employment. The livelihood officers along with the community livelihood workers will conduct regular and frequent support visits to the beneficiaries’ house and to their workplace to provide continuous assistance throughout the project duration. Meanwhile, the beneficiary will be facilitated to keep regular linkage with the relevant local business community and to share experience with each other which will help him to be included in the group and to learn from their lessons.

It is expected that targeted beneficiaries will start receiving income by 12 months from the date of getting skill training. However, it will depend on the individual livelihood options that are chosen by the beneficiaries. Economic activity such as running a small glossary shop will give a quicker return than cow fattening activity. Project staff will jointly work with beneficiaries to develop a long-term strategy for continuing their chosen economic activity and/ starting new economic activity. Skill training, business kit, experience of the economic activity, linkage with relevant business community and enabling environment through advocacy and awareness of important stakeholders will make the beneficiaries able to sustain their economic activities. The project will develop a detailed profile of every beneficiary household at the beginning of the project. The household profile will be updated regularly respecting project change monitoring system which will enable to track changes in their income.

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Activities related to output 2: Targeted persons with disabilities provided with capacity building support for functional autonomy.

2.1 Providing comprehensive rehabilitation service for the persons with disabilities Rehabilitation is a set of measures which enables people with disabilities to achieve and maintain optimal functioning in their environments. Rehabilitation services range from the basic to the specialized and are provided in many different locations e.g. hospitals, homes and community environments. The project will provide community based rehabilitation service which is a strategy within community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social integration of all people with disabilities. For some persons with disabilities rehabilitation services are pre-requisite for economic activity. Thus, based on the needs and resources of the community a community rehabilitation services will be designed. Based on the identification of persons with disability, the disability officers and community livelihood workers will conduct detail assessment to develop rehabilitation plan. Community based rehabilitation services will include: Physical therapy/exercise, caregiver training on rehabilitation process, provision of assistive devices (wheelchair, tricycle, hearing aid), skill training on activities of daily living, environmental modification/facilitation of physical accessibility features, work tool modification to suit with specific needs, appropriate referral for further medical services, referral for inclusive education, individual counselling, provide relevant information Home based therapy and subsequent follow-up will be conducted by disability officer and community worker, frequency of follow-up visit will be determined through detail assessment. For instance; some person with disability might require 2-3 session/week whilst some might need once a week.

The Project will facilitate rehabilitation services for all targeted persons with disabilities including children to adult throughout the project duration aiming enhance maximum independence in their daily living activity. As regards children with disabilities, the families of children with disabilities will be eligible to participate in the project and launch an economic activity, whereas the children themselves will benefit from functional rehabilitation service. Improvement of functional capacity of mobility is one of the objectives achieved through provision of therapy, assistive devices, user training of the devices, and facilitation of physical accessibility. Here mobility refers to define that a person with disability has improved functional capability to move by himself/herself. 2.2 Conducting community awareness sessions to facilitate inclusion of persons with disabilities Persons with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups in any society. In Bangladesh, persons with disabilities face prejudice, social isolation and discrimination and are often marginalized within the society. This is because many people have lack of knowledge about

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disabilities and thus often treat the persons with disabilities with less priority with respect to fulfillment of their rights as members of the society. The project staffs and the community livelihood workers will organize courtyard meetings regularly at community level involving the persons with disabilities, their family members, their neighbors and other community people to sensitize them on disability issues and rights of persons with disabilities, and to provide information on existing health, social and rehabilitation services. These meetings will facilitate to minimize the misconceptions of community people about disability and will be the first step towards socializing of people with disabilities in mainstream society. Relevant international and national day will be observed involving the community people to raise awareness. Various IEC materials, such as leaflets, posters, stickers will be produced and distributed to disseminate the message on disability issues and on rights of the persons with disabilities. All of the awareness raising actions will give special attention on livelihood aspect of persons with disabilities. 2.3 Training 10 artisans for basic production and repair of assistive devices

Assistive devices are the devices that are designed, made, or adapted to assist a person perform a particular task. For examples, canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, tricycles, etc facilitate mobility of a person. In Bangladesh, assistive devices are normally produced by few specialized workshops in capital and big cities. Therefore, it is difficult for a person with disability living in the remote area and/or with a very low income to get appropriate assistive devices as well as to get repair service of the device.

In the first year, the community livelihood workers will identify 10 artisans from the local community who are already involved in producing or repairing metal and wood products in the community such as producing furniture, repairing bicycles etc. Awareness raising sessions will be organized with these artisans to provide information on the situation of the persons with disabilities, their rights and on how assistive device could facilitate their mainstreaming process. Through these sessions, the artisans will be motivated to get involved in producing and repairing assistive devices. Afterwards, these motivated artisans will receive training on basic assistive devices production, repair and maintenance to address the need locally. A kit with necessary tools and equipments will be provided to the trained artisans by the first year of the project to start producing their new products. Subsequently, these trained artisans will receive refresher training in second and third year of the project. Their contributions to the production of simple assistive devices and repair other devices to improve daily living will save both time and money for assistive device user at local level. On the other hand, it will widen the artisans’ production and will create opportunity to earn more by getting more customers.

Activities related to output 3: Targeted persons with disabilities in extreme poverty facilitated to access basic health and social services.

3.1 Sensitizing and awareness raising of important government and non-government stakeholders

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As a first step towards this activity, a list of important stakeholders related to livelihood and disability at the working area will be prepared. This will include the livelihood actors, Disabled People Organizations, rehabilitation actors and other relevant government and non-government stakeholders. Meetings, seminars, workshops and discussion sessions will be organised on a regular basis involving these key stakeholders to facilitate sustainable empowerment of the target beneficiaries to increase their social participation, to get access in social protection schemes beyond project period and to increase recognition of rights and potential among their communities and within existing services.

The first meeting will be organised to share the project idea with these key stakeholders. This will help the project to forward its advocacy work smoothly. Such sharing meetings/ workshops will be organised on a regular basis to share the update of the project activities and to collect recommendations. A newsletter with relevant update information will be published and distributed twice a year in this regard. The project staffs will also work regularly with the local government as well as with Union Parishad Standing Committee related to disability and social safety nets and with the Union Information Centre. They will be stimulated to have update information on available government services related to disability and livelihood as well as various social safety net schemes. In addition, they will be encouraged to have update list of eligible people to get the social safety net benefits and of the people who are already getting the benefits in their area. Handicap International country program will adopt this advocacy issue with other activity at national and local level. The project will also work closely with shiree in all advocacy and networking activities as shiree is already looking at on advocacy package for the persons with disabilities and other vulnerable group of people. 3.2 Engaging Disabled People’s Organization (DPO) in view of sustainable socio-economical inclusion of persons with disabilities Linkages will be established with local level Disabled People Organizations in which identified households may join/access for institutional support during and beyond the project period. This will also contribute to empowerment and raising the voices of persons with disabilities. These organisations will be facilitated to play a vital role in all advocacy works of the project. The local and regional level advocacy work will be done in association with DPOs. The DPOs would not get direct inputs, but would be engaged in the organization of advocacy workshops, seminars etc, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of advocacy efforts. In such cases, the cost of such events will be borne by the project. Further, the DPOs will assist marketing the products produced by the self employed persons with disabilities. Although wage employment is not the main component of this project, it will be carefully analysed with the Disabled People’s Organisation to what extent the private sector can be prepared for increasing its percentage to employment of extreme poor persons with disabilities. Networking and awareness raising will be the centre of the approach. Through awareness rising and networking, the employment policies of enterprises will be targeted to include the persons with disabilities to facilitate better access in the job market. 3.3 Facilitating access to the mainstream health and social services and social protection schemes

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Through the base line survey conducted at the first six months of the project, necessary information regarding the existing health and social services as well as social protection schemes will be collected. The information will be disseminated to the project beneficiaries through courtyard meetings to make them aware about the existing social protection schemes, available social and health services for persons with disabilities and for extreme poor. The project staffs will facilitate referral services for health and social services. For example: the target household member who is in need of medical support will be referred to the government hospital, the children with disabilities will be referred to the nearest mainstream/formal school. The enlistment of the eligible extreme poor households will also be facilitated through the Standing Committee for the social safety net. In the next step, the households will file a request for getting access to governmental financial /social support. Section 3: Targeting The project will develop a specific format which will be used to identify, and select the 600 extreme poor households having at least one person with disability. Two hundred and fifty extreme poor households will be selected for economic activity by the first sixth month and another 350 will be selected by the next six months. The selection will be done jointly by project team, DPO and local government representatives respecting shiree criteria. The following table shows the selection criteria of the target households:

Essential Criteria At least one member of the household has disability The family income/ expenditure is below the extreme poverty line, respecting shiree guideline The household is not covered by other shiree/ livelihood projects at that time Supplementary Criteria Preference to woman headed family

The target group includes extreme poor households having at least one person with disability in Chittagong district. The project will work with 600 households in the unions of Sitakundu Upazila in Chittagong district. The indirect beneficiaries of the project will be the community people of these 600 direct beneficiaries’ households, relevant stakeholders from government and private, and members of DPOs. According to a study done by HI and NFOWD in 2005, 4.2% of the population of Chittagong Division has a disability. Chittagong Division is vulnerable to climate change: increased salinity, reduction of agricultural/ residential land area, forced migration owing to climate change. It is made up of both hilly and coastal areas, Sitakundu is also the central place for ship breaking industry and due to high hazard in working conditions the disability prevalence is high. Numerous initiatives have been undertaken by Government and NGOs on Disaster

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Risk Reduction in the area, but persons with disabilities continue to remain the most vulnerable during disasters due to mobility issues and the need for assistance to evacuate in an emergency. The project will consider the local disaster while choosing the livelihood options and some basic awareness on disaster preparedness will be delivered to the households. Access to vocational training, micro-finance, etc is very limited for persons with disabilities since they are not regarded as productive members of society. Most persons with disabilities depend on the income of their extended families. Begging tends to be their most preferred income generation activity since they are targets for sympathy and it does not require vocational or business skills. Persons with disabilities experience discrimination due to negative attitudes and misconceptions on disability which limits their access to financial services, labour market information and social protection support mechanisms. Women and children with disabilities are the most affected because they are traditionally not involved in income-generating activities, and highly vulnerable to exploitation. Children with disabilities are seen as a burden, often used by the family for begging and labour. The project will give particular consideration to women and women-headed households with disabilities in its selection of target participants. It is anticipated that the proportion of such households amongst extreme poor households is high relative to that of men. Indeed, there is a disproportionate ratio of female to male caregivers of people with disabilities which hinders the caregivers’ opportunity for self-development, and thereby economic empowerment. Gender-based perspectives will be ensured as a cross-cutting issue through baseline surveys, target group selection, awareness and advocacy, to take into consideration the different roles of men and women as generally perceived in the target area. As regards children with disabilities, the families of children with disabilities will be eligible to participate in the project and launch an economic activity, whereas the children themselves will benefit from functional rehabilitation. Section 4: Sustainability strategy

Vocational and business skills training for persons with disabilities/ household members, and one-on-one counselling with goal of raising confidence levels, will be retained throughout their lifetime. Assets/professional kits will be retained/ maintained by ensuring high quality at the outset, along with the capacities and motivation to work. Minimal contribution and a clear plan of action will be sought to ensure ownership. The Livelihood Officers along with the Community Livelihood Workers will conduct regular and frequent support visits to the beneficiaries’ houses and to their workplaces to provide continuous assistance throughout the project duration. However, project will ensure more frequent support until six-months after each beneficiary starts their respective projects , to ensure technical, business and counselling support when economic activity is most at risk. In order to strengthen coping mechanism of the target group against shocks, the project will provide coaching on money management, including savings.

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Detailed survey conducted at the start of the project to determine self-employment and waged employment opportunities will be structured so as to ensure that the products/services are in continuous demand, regardless of existence of the project. Functional rehabilitation will ensure mobility for extreme poor persons with disabilities; sustained throughout their lifetime to strongly facilitate their ability to protect project gains despite challenges. Community level artisans/carpenters will be trained in repair and maintenance of assistive devices in order to ensure availability and affordability of these services. Community/institutional level awareness and advocacy activities will ensure sustainable social empowerment for identified households to 1) increase social participation 2) ensure benefit from social protection beyond project period, and 3) increase recognition of rights and potential among their communities and within existing services. Linkages established with local level Disabled People’s Organizations in which identified households may join/access for institutional support during and beyond the project period, also contributing to empowerment and raising the voices of persons with disabilities. Linkages established with local level government departments, NGOs and private sector to ensure access to entitlements/services for extreme poor households with disabilities, so that sustainable institutional linkages are ensured beyond project period. Section 5: Risks/assumptions and mitigation strategies

Assumptions: • Government, donor, civil society remain committed/engaged in poverty

reduction/disability • Political situation of Bangladesh is favourable • Economic stability: national/ local • No major disaster in operation area

Risk Explanation Mitigation


Natural disaster: as this coastal area is prone to floods and cyclones, Target group may have to move to flood shelters during monsoon - rehabilitation services discontinued; persons with disabilities discriminated.

1. HI is already present in the area on a disaster risk reduction project.

2. HI disability officers will Teach functional rehabilitation practices to conduct independently mainly by caregivers.

3. Awareness campaigns for members of local Disaster Management Committee to support inclusion of persons with disabilities in flood shelter

Political Political unrest that can hamper the implementation of the project (Hartals, political instability during

1. Handicap International senior staffs of local team will monitor the situation and adapt field work

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Risk Explanation Mitigation

pre election period).

Change in policies/ actions regarding rights of persons with disabilities.

accordingly based on evolution of situation and HI internal security standard operating procedures will also assist.

2. Networking with local disability advocacy movement and key stakeholders will allow adapting and working on these policies at local level.

3. Close links with local DPOs and other NGOS will help to promote disability friendly practices locally.


Persons with disabilities may face higher risks to accident/ injury at home/workplace due to inaccessible environment

1. Careful assessment, fitting, training; educating person with disability and household members about impairment and safe activity.

2. Adhere to principles of Universal Design while ensuring accessibility.

3. Personalized support will be provided by disability officers, orientation of work provider to specific health/ safety requirements, job specific skill development, assessment, rehabilitation and provision of appropriate assistive device/ referral.


Economic downturn reduces work opportunities

1. Accurate market survey on areas of self-employment to ensure persons with disabilities start economic activities with real growth potential, that can be carried out regularly even in case of moving/ displacement and in hard situation.

2. Follow-up/ re-assessment of economic improvement by team, providing coaching in first six months after start-up when economic activity is most vulnerable; additional support as necessary.


Negative attitudes of communities/workplace resisting economic/ social inclusion of persons with disabilities

Women/ girls with disabilities discriminated against in employment

1. Awareness-raising/capacity building for communities/ employers will be done to prepare and support the inclusion process.

2. The baseline survey will pay particular attention to the gender subject and the field team will be trained on Gender and disability in order to be ready for this

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Risk Explanation Mitigation

kind of risk.

Section 6: Project management and organisational structure

Handicap International has prior experience both in Bangladesh and in other countries that equips the organisation to undertake a project of this size and nature.

Bangladesh: HI, funded by US Bureau of Population, Repatriation, Migration, has been working in two Rohingya refugee camps and surrounding communities in Teknaf and Ukhiya sub-districts of Cox’s Bazaar since August 2007, currently in the 4th phase of implementation. HI provides specialized rehabilitation services, and mainstreams disability. It ensures the inclusion of persons with disabilities and impairments within mainstream activities conducted by other development actors in livelihoods, education, social recreation, health and infrastructure. HI provides training for persons/children with disabilities to develop soft skills, facilitates inclusion in mainstream schools, livelihood training, provides material and technical support for instructors/family members, and sensitization for communities. HI has been implementing economic and social inclusion projects since the 1980s. Recent projects in Asia include: Cambodia. Project: Towards Sustainable Income Generating Activities, 2008-2010 Cost: 580,000. Funding: EC and HI. Description: The project provided support for 560 persons with disabilities and their families to access social services and start or enhance income generating activities (including access to vocational training, provision of professional kits, referral to access microfinance, training to develop basic business plans, and ongoing coaching). The major activities of the project were:

- Identification and dissemination of information about vocational training services - Assessment s and feasibility studies with beneficiaries - Provision of trainings and professional kits for livelihood activities (IGA, Small Business) - Public Awareness Campaigns; awareness workshops for communities’ stakeholders - Promotion of Business Experiences and Success Cases - Facilitation/provision/referral to support material and services - Dissemination of service providers’ directory - Capacity Building actions for OEC, local partner NGO - Trainings on the rights of persons with disabilities, counselling and sustainable, inclusive

livelihoods methodologies

Nepal. Project: Empowerment and Social Change for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, 2007-2010. Cost: 750,000. Funding: EC. Description: HI worked alongside organizations of persons with disabilities to improve access to: vocational training and skills development, savings and credit groups, rehabilitation services, policy-making processes, the education system, and raised awareness.

Afghanistan. Project: Facilitating the economic and social inclusion of people in disabling situations into Afghan society, 2005-2007. Cost: 530,000. Funding: French and Dutch

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Embassies, UNOPS, SADC. Description: The project coached the Community Centre of the Disabled in Kabul to improve its capacities to advise and provide counselling to persons with disabilities, focusing on women. Topics covered personal development, professional training and employment, and awareness-raising.

Handicap International will contribute significantly in terms of human resources dedicated to the quality implementation of the project. An expatriate Technical Coordinator and Administrative Coordinator in Dhaka will closely monitor and supervise project activities to ensure technical quality and efficient implementation. The national Program Coordinator, Domain Coordinator (Rehabilitation), Technical Advisor and Accessibility Expert will support day-to-day implementation. The expatriate Country Director will provide comprehensive oversight of the project. All of the mentioned positions already exist within HI Bangladesh, specifically for these roles. In addition, the project team will also be supported by Handicap International’s Livelihoods Advisor, Rehabilitation Advisor, and a Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, all of which are regional positions focused on supporting Handicap International’s South Asia programs and bringing in expertise from past and ongoing projects on similar issues. These positions are fully funded by HI institutional funds. The project manager fully dedicated for this project will work closely with other team members. He will be involved with day to day implementation, monitoring and management of this project. Like other projects of Handicap International, the project manager will work in close collaboration with the Disability Technical unit (technical advisor, accessibility expert etc.) to ensure the technical quality of the project. The disability officers will be in charge of the rehabilitation part of the project and the livelihood officers will focus on livelihood aspects. Since the target households will have both disability and extreme poverty issues, disability officers and livelihood officers will work closely and share their experience and expertise with each other for planning, implementing and monitoring the actions. The community livelihood workers will be involved in all relevant actions of the project.

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The project organogram is presented below:

 The Project team including the project manager, disability officers, livelihood officers, logistic assistant and community livelihood workers will be recruited while the remaining of the human resources is already available in the organisation.

To ensure the protection and the rational management of our resources and assets, internal control and risk management are largely developed within Handicap International and are implemented in all of the projects. This includes risks on fraud and corruption: 1) Procedures on logistics, commitment of expenditure, recruitment, procurement, minimize the risk of fraud and corruption. 2) Internal regulations, which form part of the employment contract, signed by every staff member, also include a paragraph on fraud and corruption and the obligations and mechanism for staff to alert relevant personnel if abuses are identified. 3) The HI handbook develops the responsibilities of control for key staff at programmes and HQ level. 4) There is at HQ a risk management committee which monitors the risks and incidents that occur at programme level. The committee supports the programme on the way theses risks are managed. 5) Finally, all expatriates follow a 3-week training at HQ before being appointed. This 3-week training includes a half day session on internal control and risk management.

Country Director

Programme Coordinator Disability Technical Coordinator

Project Manager

Administrative Coordinator

Disability Officer-2 Livelihood Officer-2 Accounts and Admin. Officer

Community Livelihood Worker-8

Technical Advisor Accessibility Expert

Regional Technical Advisor: Livelihood

Domain Coordinator (Rehabilitation)

Finance Manager

Logistic Assistant

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Fraud and corruption are therefore addressed in various places in our procedures and processes. We are also part of discussions led by Voice and Transparency International on corruption in humanitarian context. Section 7: Monitoring, Evaluation and Research All existing projects in Bangladesh of Handicap International are using a project planning and monitoring tool which has been developed by its monitoring unit at headquarters. The tool is based on the logical framework and budget estimate which includes, a management chart monitoring the logical framework indicators, a table for planning and monitoring activities and budget and an accounting table of the project’s beneficiaries. At the beginning, the project manager will also update the tool for this project which will help him to have basic instrument to plan and monitor the implementation and management of the project. The tool will have three sections:

• The “Project Planning and Monitoring" section: This section will be used for the general planning and monitoring (operational and financial) of the project over its entire duration, as well as detailed planning and monitoring for each specific year.

• The “Indicator Monitoring” Section: This section will present the indicators of the logical framework. It will specify how these should be verified and it will analyse the progress made in achieving them.

• The “Beneficiaries” section: This section will be used for collecting information on beneficiaries.

The tool will be used by the project manager on a regular basis to track the progress of the project in line with the indicator, activity plan and budget.

The project will also use other tools as per procedure of Handicap International monitoring requirements. The tools are as below:

- Internal Project Bi-monthly Reports: The project manager will prepare a progress report on a bi-monthly basis which will be reviewed and checked by his/ line manager.

- Case Studies: The project team will collect interesting case studies on a regular basis. - Field Monitoring Visit Reports: Handicap International staffs will prepare a visit report

after completion of each visit. - Meeting Minutes: Important discussion and decisions will be noted in form of meeting

minutes. - Event Reports: Informative reports will be prepared after organizing any important

event. The project will also ensure the change monitoring system of shiree. Handicap International will take assistance and guidance from shiree to practice all of the following 4 required tools for innovation projects:

• CMS 1: The Household Baseline Profile • CMS 2: The Monthly Snapshot • CMS 4: Quarterly Group Reflections • CMS 5: Research Templates

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At the beginning to address the change monitoring system, the project will develop a database which will contain a detailed profile of every beneficiary household identified by the baseline study. The database will be updated by the project staffs on a monthly basis to track the changes in household livelihoods and of events capable of impacting these livelihoods. The project staffs with a sample of beneficiary groups will collect a range of data on changes at the household level, and reasons for those changes using participatory group exercises. The project manager will collate this information into a short Quarterly Change Report and will be submit to shiree. The project staffs will also participate in research exercises lead by shiree to practice CMS5 to analyze in depth qualitative understanding of extreme poverty dynamics and of the impact of innovations.

As per required by HI`s M&E Policy, one mid –term evaluation and one final external evaluation are required for 3-year project. A participatory mid –term evaluation will be jointly carried out by the project team and other relevant staffs of Handicap International. The final external evaluation will be conducted at the end part of the third year. Further, the technical unit of Handicap International will play a vital role to ensure the quality aspect of the disability services including rehabilitation. In this regard, the technical advisor (rehabilitation) will work closely with the project manager to plan, implement and to monitor the activities. The project disability officers will get regular technical guidance and assistance from the disability technical unit to implement the project activities maintaining quality standard.

Section 8 – Workplan

The project activity plan is provided on the next pages:

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ANNEX 1.1: Activity Plan 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

Month Quarter Quarter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Output 1 Income related capacity building support provided to targeted households with persons with disabilities. .

Activity 1.1: Conduction of baseline study

Activity 1.2: Developing micro business plan

Activity 1.3: Starting of economic activities

Sub activity i for activity 1.3: Skill training

Sub activity ii for activity 1.3: Starting economic activity

Sub activity iii for activity 1.3: Follow up support

Output 2 Targeted persons with disabilities provided with capacity building support for functional autonomy.

Activity 2.1: Providing comprehensive rehabilitation service for the persons with disabilities

Sub activity i for activity 2.1: Assessment and assistive Device and functional rehab support

Sub activity ii for activity 2.1: Assessment and home and workplace modification for accessibility

Sub activity iii for activity 2.1: Follow up support

Activity 2.2: Conducting community awareness sessions to facilitate mainstreaming of the persons with disabilities

Activity 2.3: Training 10 artisans for basic

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production and repair of assistive devices

Output 3 Targeted persons with disabilities in extreme poverty facilitated to access basic health and social services.

Activity 3.1: Sensitizing and awareness rising of important government and non-government stakeholders

Activity 3.2: Engaging Disabled People Organization (DPO) in view of sustainable socio-economical inclusion of persons with disabilities

Activity 3.3: Facilitating access to the mainstream health and social services and social protection scheme


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