angularjs - overcoming performance issues. limits

Post on 07-May-2015






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Presented as speaker at CodeCamp (Iasi - 2014).


AngularJS.Performance &

Limits.Dragos Rusu - CodeCamp Iasi 2014


Our story

From"We have to rethink this whole module, remove time navigation... it's just too sluggish." ★

to"It's awesome, really fast, it's like going from night to day!" ★

(★) SOFTVISION customer

A few words about me

Dragos Rusu @ SOFTVISION

WEB/ZEND ENGINEER since 2007 (backend, frontend)


PROJECTS: platforms for airlines (Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Air Berlin), tourism agencies,home automation and security, agriculture

We will discuss about...

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

Q / A


PERFORMANCE principles for heavy apps (+500 man days)

* many items are not covered here.

* code samples - only in AngularJS

never used AngularJS before? no problem, principles are general, yet the solutions are particular.

Shall we?

1. View watches / data bindings


"more of 2000 watchers can lag the UI" ("the expressions in curly braces denote bindings" ({{ ... }}) (

"AngularJS internally creates a $watch for each ng-* directive" ("ngRepeat directive instantiates a template once per item [...] each template instance gets its own

scope" (

Ok... but why would I be counting watches?

Every watcher is run at the digest cycle. The digest cycle is repeated until none of the results haschanged value

(Brian Ford - AngularJS contributor)

✈ A peak into AngularJS source code

$apply: function(expr) { try { beginPhase('$apply'); return this.$eval(expr); } catch (e) { $exceptionHandler(e); } finally { clearPhase(); try { $rootScope.$digest(); // Ouh my...// [...]


(1) double-binding creates tons of listeners

SOLUTION: Whenever feasible, use single-binding solutions

double binding DEMO / bindonce DEMO

Why? Is double-binding slow?

Not quite. The AngularJS way of implementing it is slow ($dirty flags instead of observableproperties).

pssst: ECMA6: Object.observe()

pssst: bindonce will be part of AngularJS 1.3 release!

(2) direct function calls from templates are called very oftenSOLUTION: pre-compute the values to shown in the view model (default values, totals, etc)

<ul> <li ng-repeat="item in items"> // {{ }} ({{ computeTotal(item) }}) {{ }} ({{ item.computedTotal }}) </li></ul>



vatTotal will be recomputed on each scope $digest, regardless if the values that vatTotal() depend onare changed or not (DEMO)

// ... controller ...$scope.vat = 24; // %$scope.vatTotal = function () { return ( $ * (1 + $scope.vat / 100) );};// ... template ...{{ vatTotal() }}


(3) iterating over large data sets slows down the pageSOLUTION: create a lightweight iterable view model

angular.module('codecamp').controller('testCtrl', [ '$scope', 'dm', '$q', function ($scope, dm, $q) { 'use strict'; $scope._init = function () { $scope.testViewModel = {}; $q.all([dm.getData1(), dm.getData2()]) .then(function (response) { $scope.computeViewModel(; } ); }; $scope._init(); });


(4) ng-repeat extra DOM manipulationsSOLUTION: ng-repeat with track by id (DEMO)

<ul> <li ng-repeat="item in items track by"> {{ }} </li></ul>


(5) filters are called very oftenSOLUTION: lightweight quasi-independent filters

<span>{{ value }}</span><ul> <li ng-repeat="item in items"> {{ |heavyFilter item.value, $index }} </li></ul>


WARNING: avoid touching DOM in filters and watches

(6) multiple recursive $watch might cause page flickeringSOLUTION: try to avoid recursive watch, where feasible

$scope.$watch('model.items', function (newValue, oldValue) { // do smth }, recursive = true););


(7) direct DOM watch functions might slow down the pageSOLUTION: try to avoid complex valueExpression, where feasible (use the data model instead)

// Directive LINK functionlink: function ($scope, $el, $attrs) { $scope.$watch( function () { return $el[0].childNodes.length; }, function (newValue, oldValue) {} );}



1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

2. What you see is what you show

ng-if vs. ng-show (1)

ng-hide and ng-show makes no speed difference (DEMO)

<ul ng-hide="hideCondition"> <li ng-repeat="item in items"> {{ item.value }} </li></ul>


ng-if vs. ng-show (2)

ng-if/ng-switch might make a difference on more content(e.g. tabbed page)

<ul ng-if="displayCondition"> // CONTENT</ul>


* fewer bindings* fewer linkers called at startup

remove non-visible elements in the scroll (1)

one easy way would be PAGINATIONdoesn't always apply though...

remove non-visible elements in the scroll (2)

DISPLAY elements, but ONLY THE VISIBLE ones


remove non-visible elements in the scroll (3)

usually occurs when large data sets need to be displayed

OpenSource solutions:

DEMO / DEMO (with virtual scroll)

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

3. The risk of polluting scopes


(1) relying on multiple $rootScope and appCtrl functions may slow down the $digestSOLUTION: try to avoid polluting $rootScope/appCtrl/* scopes

angular.module('codecamp').service('appInit', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) { 'use strict'; $rootScope.computeStuff = function () { ... }; $rootScope.getData = function () { ... }; $rootScope.i18n = function () { ... }; $rootScope.manageAppStates = function () { ... }; $rootScope.manageFormatters = function () { ... }; // ... and so forth});


- dispatch to specialized services/factories/filters/*

... and have some privacy in all scopes

angular.module('codecamp').controller('testCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { 'use strict'; $scope._privateMethod = function () {}; function notRecommended () { // ... }});


1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

4. Core directives to avoid

ALL of them

... right

Remember what we've said earlier?

"more of 2000 watchers can lag the UI" (

var ngEventDirectives = {}; forEach('click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover blur mouseout mousemove mouseenter mouseleave copy keydown keyup keypress submit focus cut paste' .split(' '), function(name) { // [...] return function(scope, element, attr) { //LINK element.on(lowercase(name), function(event) { // scope.$apply => $rootScope.$apply scope.$apply(function() { fn(scope, {$event:event}); }); // [...]



Does that really matter?

video not displayableQuad core, 8 GB of RAM, Win7

Seems so...

video not displayable

SOLUTION: write custom directive(s), catch the events you need and...

.directive('customMouseEnter',[function () { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { var fName = attrs.customMouseEnter, func = function (ev) { scope[fName](ev); }; elem.on('mouseenter', func); scope.$on('$destroy', function () {'mouseenter', func); });// [...]


...trigger local $digests (DEMO $digest over $apply)

// TEMPLATE<tr custom-mouse-enter="ctrlMouseLeave"> // CONTROLLER / DIRECTIVEscope.mouseLeave = function (ev) { // highlight, etc // $digest() only on the scope you need scope.$digest();};


Seems to be pretty common in the community

(★) if you actually override default directives, remember to set a higher priority

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

5. Splitting the page

identify what is shareable and what is not

avoid splitting the page in too many sub-components

design your components in a blackbox manner

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

6. Miscenallaneous

(1) evalAsync(f) over $timeout(f)


(2) Watch out for external components performance and their usage

We had a problem with Moment.JS library (20% of the page load time, according to ChromeProfiler)

(3) $eval your code from time to time - PERF wise

Batarang (identify $watchers), Chrome Profiler (memory, performance),

(BONUS) demythify events

$emit / $broadcast (1)


$emit / $broadcast (2)


Ok... but why?

AngularJS 1.2.6 and below ▶ 12-15x differenceAngularJS 1.2.7+ ▶ 1.1x difference

"limit propagation of $broadcast to scopes that have listeners for the event"(

RECAP: Common sense still says we should use them according to their design

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

7. Limits

"you quickly reach the end of what Angular can do for you when it comes to structuringapplications, at which point the community fragments transform to best practices, and few people

have figured out how to write large-scale Angular apps" (EmberJS core member)

Technical limits

1. + 2.000 dynamic elements on the screen2. + 3.000 watchers3. real time apps, where data changes very often

(★) depending on the device

Some apps examples:

stocks exchangegoogle mapsoffice apps

OUTPUT: screen flickering, low UX, unresponsive screens

And there's nothing you can do about it... except rewriting it in a lightweight framework

1. View watches / data bindings2. What you see is what you show3. The risk of polluting scopes4. Core directives to avoid5. Splitting the page6. Miscellaneous7. Limits

Recap? (1)

(1) be aware of too many data bindings (bindonce)

(2) try to minimize the number of $digest cycles

(3) have pre-computed values at template level

(4) display only the visible elements (virtual scroll)

Recap? (2)

(5) be aware of core directives PERF problems

(6) don't pollute your scopes and make them TDD friendly

(7) watch out for external components (angular or non-angular) performance

What's next?

it's a good habit to think PERF (pre-$compile the code in your head)don't assume the frameworks are fast, whatever you may write

watch out for memory leaks

REMINDER: AngularJS is quite easy, just try it!... and last but not least important: find a company that would allow you to grow your skills!

Q / A

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