angularjs - services

service-side development

Upload: nir-kaufman

Post on 02-Dec-2014




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A presentation made for the AngularJS-IL meetup group that took place in oct 2014 at Google TLV Campus ( its an overview of how to use services in your app. this slideshow contain a link for a reference code on github. (link in the last slide)


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service-side development

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quick introduction

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Nir Kaufman

Head of AngularJS development department @

[email protected]

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services - definition dependency injection services types common patterns

We will cover:

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all examples and reference code are written in ES6

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Services defined

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the term ‘services’ refers to injectable objects

whose API is defined by the developer (not the framework)

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services contain reusable business logic independent of views

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each service starts as a plain javaScript!

object, function or primitive

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we use one of the module methods to register!

our code as a service

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now we can inject it into other angular components like controllers, directives & services

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Dependency Injection

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let’s take a high level overview of dependency injection

in angular!

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the key players are the provide & injector!


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we register our code on the injector with the provide service$provide

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we need to provide a key as the first argument

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the injector keeps our code in an internal object called


angular source code, line 3926

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we use the injector retrieve object instances$injector

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the first time we inject a service, the injector evaluates the code and

stores the result in an instanceCach object

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the next time that we inject the same service, the injector will first

look in the instanceCache

angular source code, line 3940

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that’s why our services are singletons

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we can’t use a service in the module config phase because the instanceCache

is empty until the service is injected for the first


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registering services

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We don’t need to use the provider directly. The module exposes

the necessary methods.

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the module exposes 5 methods used to instruct the injector how to

evaluate our code

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.provider!an object with a $get method.

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module.providerConstruction function for creating new instance of the service.

class Logger { ! constructor() { ! let logToConsole = false; ! this.enableConsole = function (flag) { logToConsole = flag; }; ! this.$get = function() { return { debug: function (msg) { if (logToConsole) { console.log(msg) } } } } } }

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module.provideruse it if you need to config your service before it’s instantiatedclass Logger { ! constructor() { ! let logToConsole = false; ! this.enableConsole = function (flag) { logToConsole = flag; }; ! this.$get = function() { return { debug: function (msg) { if (logToConsole) { console.log(msg) } } } } } }

angular.module('app', []) ! .provider(‘logger’, Logger) .config(function(loggerProvider){ loggerProvider.enableConsole(false); }) ! .run(function(logger){ logger.debug(‘log message'); });

we need to call our service with a ‘Provider’ suffix when injecting into config function.

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.service!plain javaScript Object

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module.servicea constructor function that will be instantiated.

class Logger { ! constructor() { this.enableConsole = true; } ! debug(msg) { if (this.enableConsole) { console.log(msg) } } }

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module.serviceuse if your object does not need to be configured.

class Logger { ! constructor() { this.enableConsole = true; } ! debug(msg) { if (this.enableConsole) { console.log(msg) } } }

angular.module('app', []) ! .service(‘logger’, Logger) ! .run(function(logger){ logger.debug(‘log message'); });

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.factory!just a plain function

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module.factoryFunction for creating new instance of an Object.

function logger() { ! return { ! debug: function (msg) { console.log(msg); } } } !!!function logger() { ! return function (flag) { return function (msg) { if (flag) console.log(msg); } } } !!

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module.factoryif you want to return something other than an Object instancefunction logger() { ! return { debug: function (msg) { console.log(msg); } } } !!function logger() { ! return function (flag) { return function (msg) { if (flag) console.log(msg); } } } !!

angular.module('app', []) .factory(‘logger’, logger) .run(function(logger){ logger.debug(‘log message'); });

angular.module('app', []) ! .factory(‘logger’, logger) .run(function(logger){ logger(true)(‘log message'); });

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.value!a value of any type

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module.valueService instance object. registered “as-is”.

function randomise() { return Math.random() * 10; } !var id = 52334556; !var product = {id: 52345, inStock: true}; !!class User { ! constructor(name) { this.firstName = name; } }

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module.valueuse it when you need a simple object or primitive.

function randomise() { return Math.random() * 10; } !!!!!!!!class User { ! constructor(name) { this.firstName = name; } }

angular.module('app', []) ! .value(‘randomise’, randomise) ! .run(function(randomise){ var num = randomise() });

angular.module('app', []) ! .value(‘User’, User) ! .run(function(user){ var joe = new User(‘joe’) });

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.constant!a value of any type

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module.constantConstant value. registered on the injector instanceCache.

var SERVERS = { DEVELOPMENT : "http://localhost:8080/app", DEBUGGING : "http://localhost:5789", PRODUCTION : "" };

angular.module('app', []) .constant('SERVERS', SERVERS) ! .config(function (SERVERS) { console.log(SERVERS.PRODUCTION); }) ! .run(function (SERVERS) { console.log(SERVERS.DEVELOPMENT); });

because constants are registered on the injector instanceCache, they can be injected into the config function.

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service and factory are shorthands for providersclass Logger { ! constructor() { ! let logToConsole = false; ! this.enableConsole = function (flag) { logToConsole = flag; }; ! this.$get = ! function () { return { debug: function (msg) { if (logToConsole) { console.log(msg) } } } } } }


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common patterns

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Problem:!I want to decide which service to

inject dynamically.

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Solution:!use the $injector service to grab an instance of the service you need.

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show me some code!

class Logger { ! constructor($injector) { this.injector = $injector; } ! debug(msg, useLogService) { useLogService ? this.injector.get('$log').debug(msg) : console.log(msg); } }

angular.module('app', []) ! .service('logger', ['$injector', Logger]) ! .run(function (logger) { logger.debug('something to debug', true) });


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Problem:!I want to be able to extend an

existing service.

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Solution:!Services are plain javaScript

objects. Prototypal inheritance works as usual.

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show me some code!class ItemList { ! constructor() { this.items = []; } ! addItem(item) { this.items.push(item); } ! removeItem(item){ this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(item), 1); } } !!class TaskList extends ItemList { ! constructor() { super() } ! getItems () { return this.items; } }


angular.module('app', []) ! .service('taskList', TaskList) ! .run(function (taskList) { taskList.addItem("some item to be added"); console.log(taskList.getItems()); });

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Problem:!I want to be able to extend core angular or 3rd party services.

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Solution:!use the $decorator method to extend or override services.

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show me some code!function logDecorator($delegate) { ! $delegate.debug = function (msg) { let time = new Date().getTime(); console.log(time + " : " + msg); }; ! return $delegate } !export default logDecorator;


angular.module('app', []) ! .config(['$provide', function ($provide) { $provide.decorator('$log', logDecorator) }]) ! .run(['$log', function ($log){ $log.debug('logging with timestamp!'); }]);

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Problem:!I want to register new services at

runtime (lazy register)

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Solution:!get a reference to the $provide service and use it outside the

config block

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show me some code!class Product { ! constructor(type) { this.productType = type; } ! getType () { return this.productType; } } !class ProductFactory { ! constructor($provider) { ! let provider = $provider; ! this.$get = function () { return { registerProduct : function (type) { provider.value(type, new Product(type)); } } } } } product-factory.js

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show me some code!angular.module('app', []) ! .provider('productFactory', ['$provide',ProductFactory]) ! .run(function($injector, productFactory) { ! productFactory.registerProduct(‘chair'); ! var theChair = $injector.get(‘chair'); ! console.log(theChair.getType()); });


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grab the code

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Thank you.