ancil at lse

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Presentation given at


Dr Jane Secker & Maria Bell

University of York 26th March 2012 12pm

Implementing ANCIL at LSE: Implementing ANCIL at LSE: A New Curriculum for Information LiteracyA New Curriculum for Information Literacy

Background to ANCIL• Developed as part of Arcadia Programme at

Cambridge University Library• Academic advisor: Prof. John Naughton• Research remit: Develop a new, revolutionary

curriculum for information literacy in a digital age in 10 weeks!– Understand the needs of undergraduates entering HE over

the coming 5 years

– Map the current landscape of information literacy

– Develop practical curriculum and supporting resources

MethodologyModified Delphi study

– means of obtaining expert future forecasting

– consulted widely in the fields of information and education

Literature review– theoretical overview of the field

– revealed conflicts in terminology, pedagogic approach, values

Expert workshop– method, findings and preliminary curriculum presented

– curriculum refined in light of feedback

What do we mean by information literacy?

Digital fluency

Rehabilitating information literacy

IL is:

•a continuum of skills, abilities, values and attitudes around analysing, evaluating, managing and assimilating information

•fundamental to the ongoing development of the individual, social as well as academic

IL is not:

•seen as part of the mainstream academic mission

•merely functional/technological skills

•the preserve or saviour of the library

“Information literacy empowers people in all walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information

effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals.

“It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes social inclusion in all nations.”

UNESCO (2005) Alexandria Proclamation

The expert consultation• Consulted librarians, researchers, educators,

trainee teachers, school librarians• How you teach at least as important as what

you teach• Must be embedded into the academic

curriculum and disciplines will vary• Must be based on real needs: students are not

homogeneous• Must be opportunities for reflection

Our key curriculum attributesHolistic – supporting the whole research process

Modular – ongoing ‘building blocks’ forming a learning spiral

Embedded within the context of the academic discipline

Flexible – not tied to a specific staff role

Active and assessed – including peer assessmentTransitional : Transferable : Transformational

Curriculum strands1. Transition from school to higher education2. Becoming an independent learner3. Developing academic literacies4. Mapping and evaluating the information landscape 5. Resource discovery in your discipline 6. Managing information7. Ethical dimension of information 8. Presenting and communicating knowledge 9. Synthesising information and creating new knowledge10. Social dimension of information literacy

Information literacy is a continuum of skills, behaviours, approaches and values that is so deeply entwined with the uses of information as to be a fundamental element of learning,

scholarship and research.

It is the defining characteristic of the discerning scholar, the informed and judicious citizen, and

the autonomous learner.

ANCIL definition of information literacy (2011)

ANCIL Phase 2• October - December 2011• ‘Strategies for implementing the Curriculum

for Information Literacy’ Dr Helen Webster & Katy Wrathall

• Work undertaken at Cambridge, University of Worcester and York St Johns

@Xavierkuai on flickr


ANCIL at LSE• Information and digital literacy primarily

supported by Library

• CLT offer classes for staff and research students – IL part of PGCert

• Optional programme for students

• Liaison librarians teaching on request integrated with some programmes in some departments

• LSE100 Information Skills materials

Why carry out an audit?• To help us provide better support for


• To understand where there is good practice and where there are gaps

• To explore how joined up provision is with other support departments

• To explore how embedded IL is in academic programmes

Careers UnitAlumni Office

Student ServicesResearch Support Unit

FacultyLearning Development

Learning DevelopmentStudent ambassadorsInternational Office

Disability UnitStudent Services

Careers Unit


LibraryLibraryStudent ambassadors


Learning DevelopmentFaculty

FacultyResearch Support


How?• @SmilyLibrarian to the rescue!

• Interviews with key members of staff to explore provision in other central support departments, e.g. Language Centre, Teaching and Learning, Careers, IT, Student Services

• Interviews with academic staff - sample

• Questionnaire to Academic Support Librarians

What will we do with it?

• Inform our own provision: review our portfolio of support for undergraduates

• Encourage support services to collaborate

• Put information literacy on the agenda at LSE in academic departments

• Possible papers to committees

@Kaiho on flickr

Watch this space!

ANCIL outputsPhase 1 reports•Executive summary, expert consultation report, and theoretical background•Curriculum and supporting documents Phase 2 resources and case studies•Case studies - University of Worcester, York St John University•Cambridge resources

http://implementingancil.pbworks.comYouTube Video•Search for “ANCIL curriculum”

LSE links

• ANCIL audit project at LSE

• Library

• Centre for Learning Technology

Thank you

Image: ‘Tulip staircase at the Queens House, Greenwich’ by mcginnly,

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