anatomy and physiology 2015

Post on 09-Feb-2022






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Anatomy and Physiology 2015

O = Temporal line I = coronoid process


A = elevates mandible


O = galea aponeurotica (layer of dense fibrous tissue which covers the upper part of the cranium) I = skin of eyebrows

A = raises eyebrows

O= has a portion of frontal bone and frontal process of maxilla

I: skin around eye

A: closes eyelids

O= muscle fibers around mouth

I= skin angle of mouth

A= puckers the lips,

aids in speech (smooching)

O = maxilla and mandible

I= orbicularis oris muscle

A= compresses cheeks inward

O= Zygomatic bone

I = skin and muscles around mouth

A = raises corner of mouth

O = zygomatic arch

I = Mandible A = Elevates mandible

O = Occipital bone & mastoid process

I = galea aponeurotica (layer of dense fibrous tissue which covers the upper part of the cranium) A = Pulls the scalp


O = Sternum and clavicle

I = Temporal (mastoid process)

A = flexes and rotates head

O = skin over lower neck and upper chest

I = Inferior border of mandible

A = depression of mandible

O = supraspinatus fossa

I = superior edge of greater tubericle

A = abducts arm

O = lateral border of the scapula

I = inferior region of the greater tubericle

A =laterelly rotates arm

O = infraspinatus fossa

I = medial edge of greater tubericle

A = laterally rotates arm

O = subscapular fossa

I = lesser tubericle

A = medially rotates humerus

O = outer surface of upper 8 or 9 ribs

I = Medial border of scapula

A = depresses scapula, elevates arm above

O = lower 8 ribs

I = iliac crest

A = lateral rotation of trunk

O = Pubic symphysis

I = Xiphoid process

A = Flexes and rotates vertebrae

O = medial clavicle, sternum

I = greater tubericle

A = adducts and medially rotates at the shoulder

O = occipital bone vertebrae I = Clavicle, scapula

A = Rotates scapula

O = iliac crest

I = intertubular groove

A = Extends and adducts arm

O = Acromion process, spine of scapula, clavicle

I = deltoid tuberosity

A = abducts arm to horizontal

O = anterior humerus

I = coronoid process of ulna

A = flexes forearm

O = Coracoid process/superior region of glenoid (scapula)

I = radial tuberosity

A = flexes forearm

O= scapula, proximal humerus

I = olecranon process of ulna

A = extends forearm

Flexors are on the medial/anterior side of the forearm

Extensors are on the lateral/posterior side of forearm

O= Medial Epicondyle

I = Medial Carpals (pisiform)

A = Flex/adducts wrist

O= Medial Epicondyle

I = Lateral Carpals (lunate)

A = Flex/abducts wrist

O = Lateral Epicondyle

I = Distal Metacarpal #5

A = Extends and abducts wrist

O = Lateral Epicondyle

I = Distal Metacarpal #3

A = Extends and adducts wrist

O= Iliac Fossa

I = Lesser Trochanter A= Flexes Thigh (at hip)

O = Superior Aspect of the pubis bone

I = middle portion of

the linea aspera

A = Adducts thigh

O = Anterior Iliac Crest

I = Lateral Condyle of Tibia

A = Abducts thigh

O= Anterior femur I = Patella & tibial

tuberosity A = Extends leg at knee

O= Greater trochanter of femur

I = Patella & tibial tuberosity

A= Extends leg at knee

O = Linea aspera I= Patella & tibial

tuberosity A= Extends leg at knee

O = Anterior inferior iliac spine I = Patella & tibial tuberosity A = Extends leg, flexes thigh at hip

O= Anterior superior iliac spine I = Medial tibia A = Flexes leg, laterally rotates thigh

O = Lateral ilium I = Greater trochanter of femur A = Abducts hip

O = iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx I = gluteal tuberosity A = Extends & laterally rotates

thigh at hip

O = ischial tuberosity

I = medial tibial condyle

A = extends thigh, flexes knee

O = Ischial tuborisity

I = medial tibia

A = extends thigh and flexes knee

O = ischial tuberosity, proximal femur

I = lateral condyle of tibia and head of fibula

A = extends thigh and flexes knee

O = condyles of tibia

I = tarsals and metatarsals

A = Dorsiflexes and inversion of foot

O = Lateral Condyle of tibia

I = Phalanx # 5 – #2

A = extend toes, dorsiflexion of ankle

O = Posterior Fibula and Posterior Tibia

I = Posterior Calcaneus

A = Plantar Flexes Foot

O = condyles of femur

I – Calcaneus (Achilles Tendon)

A = plantar flexes/ eversion of foot

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