analysis of three double page spreads from music magazines

Post on 21-May-2015






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Analysis of three double page spreads (Articles)

Analysis of double page spreadDouble page spread 1. TOTP Kristen Stewart

Colour schemeThe colours used in this double page spread are feminine colours of pink and white which shows that this magazine is aimed towards females. The background is plain black which is used to make the bright coloured words stand out on the page and to create a mystical and magical sense to match the text as the article is about Bella from twilight.

The main imageThe main image is a medium shot of Kristen Stewart who plays a lead role of Bella in twilight. The image dominants the right page and this is done to catch the readers attention and tells us that this article is about her. She is dressed in smart/casual black and white clothing which fits in well with the colour scheme and she looks a bit wind swept because stands of her hair are sticky out/going back and her clothes look as if they are being pulled to one side and she also looked distracted, as she isn’t looking directly at the camera she is looking in a different direction which suggest that something else has got her attention. This relates to the story of the article as it shows that life as an actress in twilight is exciting and sudden, you never know what is going to happen next and there is always something happening that is unexpected and grabs your attention. This makes the article seem fun and makes people want to read it.

The textThe text relates to the image and the title and is the main part of the double page spread as it is what people want to read and it tells the audience the information that they want to know. The main bulk of the text on this page is an interview with Kristen Stewart. The questions are written in pink and the Kristen's answers are written in white and this is done to clearly separate the questions and answers to make it clear and easy for the audience to read. An interview would be used because people generally enjoy reading interviews as the questions asked about her profession provide the target audience with an insight into her life and show the advantage and disadvantages of the world of working in the film industry, as the people who are reading this double page spread would probably be inspired by Kristen and admire/look up to her as a role model and may want to have a life like hers working in the film industry. The magazine speaks to Kristen in a friendly tone so that the audience feel comfortable and more involved so that they can confide in the advice given by Kristen that is conveyed by the magazine.

Pull Quotethis pull quote is situated at the bottom of the main image and is in white so that it stands out over the image. This is done to show the importance of this quote as it is the main part of what Kristen talks about . The quote is also outlined in vibrant pink so that it is easy to see and more visible for the audience to read, it also done to grab the readers attention as it is a point that the magazine clearly want the audience to read and see as very important.

The titleThe title is written in big letters and the two words are in different colours and different fonts and the word “Bella” is in bold also the title takes us almost half of the left page and this is done to make the title stand out as it is important because it tells the reader what this double page spread is about and it grabs their attention and draws them in, the use of the ellipsis also tells the reader that the rest of the double page spread links to the title and that there is more information related to this title further on. The use of the stars on the word “being” is done to make the page look nice, and exciting and shows that the magazine is aimed at younger children.

The subheadingThe subheading is used to introduce the main text and give the target audience an idea on what the article is about to catch their attention and persuade them to read it. This text is in pink and is bigger so that it is separate from the rest of the text are the audience knows where the article starts. Also the last two words are written in capitals and in white, this is done because it is the name of the actress that is in this article so she is an important person in this article as it revolves around her, therefore her name is made to stand out so it catches the audience’s eye and they know the article is about her .

Analysis of double page spreadsDouble page spread 2. NMELily Allen

The main imageThis photo is a medium shot of Lily Allen. She is standing in a very strong position and looking directly at us with an intense expression on her face which makes her looks powerful and dominating. She is wearing a casual shirt which consists of the colours red, white and black and follows the colour scheme for the NME magazine. Her hair and make up is also black and dark which again matches the colour scheme, this is done to keep consistency throughout the magazine so that the audience recognize it has being NME. The image takes up almost the whole of the right page of this double page spread and continues slightly onto the left page, this makes her the main focus of the article, making her stand out and drawing our attention to her. This and the fact that she is the only image on the page instantly tells the audience that the article is about her and would persuade Lily Allen fans to buy this magazine.

Pull quote/main headlineThis quote is written in a big bold font and the background is white so the letters stand out in the black blocks. This emphasises the words and draws the readers attention to them, this is done because the quote inspires the readers interests and encourages them to read the article. The font is also very arty which creates the impression that Lily Allen might be a arty person and suggests that she is unique and original, making the audience look up to her and maybe see her as a role model.

Page Number/NME Title/Date The page number is put on here so that the audience can find this page easily when they see it on the contents. The NME title is put on here so that the audience knows that this double page spread is NME’s work and also that they took this picture. It is also used as means of copyright so that no one else can use NMEs image or words as their own. The date is used so that the target audience knows what issue they have when they read the magazine- whether it is an old magazine or a recent copy, this way they can keep on track with the magazine if they are regular buyers of NME and make sure they get each copy in order and so that they know whether they miss an issue.

Copy/textThe text relates to the image and is the main part of the double page spread as it is what the audience want to read. The text is an article and is written in a simple and easy way with some slightly slang like terms, this is done to capture the personality of the artist and get it across to the reader. Interviews are often used in music magazines because they grab the readers attention and make them feel more involved so they feel like they know the artist better. The text begins with a large letter I using drop caps and this is done for presentation reasons, to make it obvious that this is the start of the text and to make it stand out so that people know where to start reading from, it also makes the text look more interesting, instead of just dull small print. There is also four columns used in the text which follows the codes and conventions of music magazines as the majority of music magazines has four columns it also separates the text and presents it in a more appealing way, as if it way just a page of constant writing it would seem like too much writing and wouldn’t persuade people to read it.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme used is red, white and black and so it follows the colour scheme of the NME magazine. It also shows that this magazine is for young adults, around 16+ as soft pastel colours haven't been used, they are dark bold colours and the black and white gives a newspaper affect which wouldn’t be appealing to younger children. Also the use of the plain white background draws attention to the text and the image as it isn’t clutter and there’s nothing distracting going on and it emphasises the red on the shirt and the word which catches the readers eye and makes them focus on these things as they are points of importance.

Analysis of double page spreadDouble page spread 3. BillboardRihanna

Page Number/Billboard title/ Date The page number is put on here so that the audience can find this page easily when they see it on the contents. The Billboard title is put on here so that the audience knows that this double page spread is Billboard’s work and also that they took this picture. It is also used as means of copyright so that no one else can use Billboard’s image or words as their own. The date is used so that the target audience knows what issue they have when they read the magazine- whether it is an old magazine or a recent copy, this way they can keep on track with the magazine if they are regular buyers of Billboard and make sure they get each copy in order and so that they know whether they miss an issue.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme is white, pink and black and these colours are used because they appeal to females and and the target audience for this magazine females that are of the late teen to young adult age, the colours also show this because the black and white creates a newspaper affect which wouldn’t be appealing to younger children and the bright pink colour wouldn't be as appealing to older adults.

The main imageThe main image is of the singer Rihanna. She is used because she is probably a icon/role model to a lot of the people who read this magazine. She is wearing a vibrant pink outfit and the image of her is in front of a black background which draws more attention to her as it makes her stand out on the page, the pink also shows her feminine side where as the black shows her more edgy, dark side and personality. Her pose and facial expression suggests that she is a fun person knows how the enjoy herself which would again appeal to the target audience and make the article seem fun and exciting so it encourages them to read it.

The main lineThe main line opens the article and tells the audience what the article is about, it is big, bold and in capital letters so that it stands out because it need to capture the readers attention so that they want to read the rest of the article. it is also something which would be of interested to the target audience, so that it draws them in and again makes them want to read the rest of the text.

Pull quoteThe pull quote is used to draw the readers attention to an area of importance. This is again written in capitals, and big bold letters so that it stands out because the quote would inspire the target audience and would be something that is of interest to them to encourage them to carry on reading the rest of the article. The use of the pink words makes the reader focus on them as they are inspirational words that the magazine want to emphasise so that the audience feel like they know Rihanna better and feel more involved.

Text/copyThe text relates to the main image as it is about Rihanna and it is an important part of the article as it is what the audience wants to read. The text is split up into subheading which are written in pink to make them stand out, this is done to make the text more interesting and entertaining to read and to present it in a more fun way and separate the writing into different sections so it add variation, this will again attract the target audience and persuade them to read the article.

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