an introduction to social media and networking · across the globe. social networking on social...

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S1 What is Social Media?

TYPES OF SOCIAL MEDIA? ................................................................................................................................................3

S2 What is Social Networking, blogging and how can Content Communities

assist not-for-profit groups to grow?

WHAT IS SOCIAL NETWORKING AND BLOGGING? .........................................................................................................3

INTRODUCTION TO FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND YOUTUBE ........................................................................ 3

MICRO-BLOGGING WITH FACEBOOK AND TWITTER .......................................................................................................4

VIDEO-BLOGGING WITH YOUTUBE ...................................................................................................................................4

HOW CAN CONTENT COMMUNITIES ASSIST NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS TO GROW? .................................................. 4

S3 Getting started with Social Media

CREATING CONTENT FOR ONLINE COMMUNITIES .........................................................................................................5

SIMPLE STRATEGIES USING SOCIAL MEDIA ....................................................................................................................6

TIPS FOR CREATING A STRONG PASSWORD ....................................................................................................................6

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT TOOLS .............................................................................................................................7

S4 The advantages of using Social Media

HOW NOT-FOR-PROFIT GROUPS CAN INCREASE AND TARGET THEIR REACH .............................................................. 8

S5 Privacy, risks and policies governing Social Media


PRIVACY POLICIES AND TERMS OF USE ...........................................................................................................................8

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................................10

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................................13


Printed October 2015

DISCLAIMER: Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, Lint Graphic Design will not be held responsible or liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by the information presented in this document. The user of the information in this document agrees that the information is subject to change without notice. In no event shall Lint Graphic Design be liable for any action arising out of the use of the information in this document.



What is Social Networking, blogging and how can Content Communities assist not-for-profit groups to grow?

WHAT IS SOCIAL NETWORKING AND BLOGGING?Although Social Media sites and applications (apps) have been around for well over a decade, increased access to the internet has seen an evolution in how online social networks can expand. The world online exists in our pockets, on our arms, handbags, school bags, in our shopping centres and anywhere there is a wireless or cellular internet connection.

We no longer have to imagine a world where we can instantly connect across the globe. Social networking on Social Media sites has global applications, but can be invaluable on a local scale too.

INTRODUCTION TO FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND YOUTUBEFacebookhttps://www.facebook.comFacebook is a popular free social networking website that allows users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Now businesses, organisations, causes, communities all have a place in this content community.

Facebook users access their accounts multiple times a day, creating the ability to provide regular and timely updates. It has tools that can provide insights on effectiveness of pages and offers low cost promotion options.

Instagramhttps://instagram.comInstagram defines itself as “A fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever. We’re building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends’ lives through pictures as they happen. We imagine a world more connected through photos.”

Currently, photos on Instagram can be shared on a photo-by-photo basis on Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. Like Facebook, Instagram followers can ‘like’ (heart icon, not a thumbs up) and share users’ pics.

You can have a private or public account. Instagram was designed as an exclusively mobile app, it is accessible on a desktop with limited features.

Twitter states it is an information network made up of short messages called Tweets. It is an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. What is a tweet? A Tweet is an expression of a moment or idea. It can contain text, photos, and videos. Unlike other platforms tweets must be limited to 140 characters. They did recently remove this character limit from their direct messaging application so it could compete with other chat apps out there. Like Facebook it offers reporting and analytic tools.

YouTube is a video-sharing website that allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.

What is Social Media?

The Oxford Dictionary defines Social Media as ‘Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking’.

TYPES OF SOCIAL MEDIA?There are various definitions for the different types of Social Media, here are some examples:

Blogs: Short for web logs or an online journal. Blogs can be hosted on websites such as WordPress or Tumblr. eg:

Wikis: A ‘wiki’ is a collective website where any user is allowed to modify any page or create a new page using a web browser. The most well known of these is Wikipedia. eg:

Social bookmarking: Social bookmarking sites allow users to organise and share links to websites. Examples of these are Reddit and Stumbleupon.

Social network sites: These sites allow users to build personal profiles and network with other users within an application. The most well known of these is Facebook.

Status update services: also known as micro-blogging services. Status update services like Twitter allow users to share short updates about people or events and see updates by other users.

Media sharing sites: These sites allow users to post video or photography and most typically examples are YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest.

S1 S2

If you thought the word ‘feed’ referred to a meal and ‘tweet’ described the noise a bird made...then checkout the APPENDIX for a list of common terms used in each app!



Once your Social Media pages and profiles are established, make sure you place the appropriate widgets

on your website and in your email signatures so users can easily connect. Also make sure all your Social Media

pages have your web address on them!






Creating a profile or page can help not-for-profit groups expand the size and reach of their group.

Having your group on Social Media can also improve your website’s visibility online. For groups that already have a presence on the web in the form of a website, Social Media platforms are an effective way of disseminating current information from the group’s website.

Businesses are including Social Media as an integral part of their marketing strategy. Social Media can be used to launch a brand or campaign, or expand the market base of a business. This strategy can also be applied to not-for-profit groups.

Social Media can help an organisation maintain existing and build new relationships.

Being a part of an online community can result in a diversity of community members. With greater reach an organisation may be able to engage members of their community that otherwise would not have been possible through more formal methods of communication.

Fostering community collaboration can attract new member and volunteers.

Communicate in real time with community members.If your organisation is holding an event Social Media allows the public and members to communicate about the event as it is happening.

Being able to share information more easily between members and volunteers can improve productivity.

For an insight on using Social Media for Community Groups visit this link

MICRO-BLOGGING WITH FACEBOOK AND TWITTERLike most things today, blogging has evolved into an abbreviated format known as micro-blogging. Micro-blogging is posting brief and often frequent updates online. Unlike traditional blogs, which are often hosted on a custom website like WordPress, microblogs are typically published on Social Media sites like Twitter or Facebook. Wikipedia states, “Microblogs allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links, which may be the major reason for their popularity.”

VIDEO-BLOGGING WITH YOUTUBEIn addition to micro-blogging there is also the option to create a video-blog, not surprisingly abbreviated, or more commonly known as a vlog! Shoutmeloud ( explain that video-blogging is done with videos instead of text. The videos can be hosted with the use of free services like YouTube or Vimeo or self hosted using a professional service. Like all blogs, a vlog will be visible to the public and can be commented on or shared. The key to video-blogging, like micro-blogging, is frequency and of course brevity!

Visit the Living Mosman YouTube channel (Mosman Council) for an insight into how they engage theirlocal community.

What is Social Networking, blogging and how can Content Communities assist not-for-profit groups to grow?



Getting started with Social Media

Where do I sign up?? To get started you’ll need to set up an account for each application. In most cases you’ll need to supply your name, birth date, gender and create a username and password.

You can sign up for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube through their website or app, YouTube requires you to establish a Google account first. You can only sign up for Instagram though the app. You can login to Instagram through their website once you have an account.


CREATING POSTSAcross all platforms the most common way to interact is by creating a post. Whether you are uploading photos to Instagram, tweeting on Twitter, updating your status on Facebook or creating a new channel on YouTube, it’s all about sharing content within the Social Media community and engaging users.

CREATING CONTENT FOR ONLINE COMMUNITIESSocial Media platforms can be a useful conduit to and from a website. As news, current affairs, events, useful links, information about community partners become available on a website, groups can post and share this information across their Social Media accounts as well. These information updates are a valuable and necessary part of any online conversation. But Social Media offers a forum that can captivate audiences in a more informal and unique way.

Online community expert Venessa Paech suggests “...content for an online community should be about the community and its members. Tap into community discussions and debates and highlight naturally popular or engaged topics. Build content around that topic, and involve members in its creation wherever possible. Ask your influential members what they’re working on or thinking about. You can draw ideas for content programming that you know they’re likely to be invested in.” For more of this article go to

Getting Started with Social Media

What next;? Now you have established which applications you will use and created your accounts it is time to start generating engaging content.


What if they don’t ‘LIKE’ me? Monitor which of your posts have the best reach with Facebook Page Insights, Twitter and YouTube Analytics.

Learn more about these analysis tools: YouTube Analytics, Facebook Page Insights Twitter Analytics


Schedule your postsSchedule your posts in advance and when most of your community are online. You can find out when your followers are online by visiting your application’s insight or evaluation tools.

Connect with influencersCheck out which of your followers are influencers – those with a large and loyal following themselves. Cultivate the relationship by reaching out personally, through private messages, or by encouraging them to share your posts.

Always use icons and widgetsAdd social icons to your digital signature on emails, as this is also a way to inform everyone on your distribution list that you are active on Social Media. Also, use Social Media widgets on the blogs or websites that you maintain, so users can like your page on the spot, conveniently saving them time manually searching for your page.

Include a call to actionIt doesn’t hurt to nudge readers and ask them to like and share your posts with others. This way, any shares and retweets they did for your page will appear on their friends’ newsfeeds, increasing your exposure.

Connect with other pagesBy liking and connecting with other groups on Facebook you can improve your Facebook reach. By liking a Facebook page your engagement shows up in other people’s newsfeeds, including that of the page. You get the ability to interact with the page you have liked and their audience, thus expanding your community.

Comment on Other People/TweetsLike yourself, everyone else is also seeking out engagement on Twitter. Lead by example and get the ball rolling by replying, asking questions, or commenting on posts you find interesting or helpful. This often piques interest, or results in a dialogue.

These strategies have been sourced from the links below. For more tips and detail go to:, OR OR OR

SIMPLE STRATEGIES USING SOCIAL MEDIAUse variety on your postsSince most people who are on Social Media are always on the go, they usually only glance at each post. Make your posts more engaging by applying some variety in how you create them. Images and videos that connect with the reader’s sentiments will most likely be clicked on, rather than just sharing a link.

Be consistent in postingBy frequently posting interesting and clickable content, you encourage your audience to check out your posts on a regular basis. Post at regular intervals however, avoid flooding your followers’ newsfeeds, as this is a surefire way to get yourself unfollowed.

Engage your followers and get them involvedMore than posting quality content and having your followers share it, make them interact with the page. Post questions and ask followers to share their insights and post comments.

Use engaging copy, images and videosRich media like photos and videos get more attention and help your message stand out in feeds.

Be timelyAn audience will be more likely to engage with posts when they’re related to subjects that are top of mind, like current events. Timeliness is also important when replying to comments on your posts. The faster you reply, the more likely fans will engage with you in the future.

Follow and follow back Check your newsfeeds or analytics for your page and see who followed you recently, and follow them back. It adds a personal touch, letting people know that there is a person behind the page.

Share Other People’s Content and Tag ThemShare content that relates to your own industry created by other people or businesses.

Use the hashtagYou can search for hashtags specific to your industry and help maintain an online presence.

Getting started with Social MediaS3


Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorised access to your computer. The stronger your password, the more protected your computer and accounts will be from hackers and malicious software.

A strong password:• Is at least 8 characters long.• Does not contain your user name, real name, or company name.• Does not contain a complete word.• Is significantly different from previous passwords.• Contains upper and lowercase, numerals and symbols.

Also...• Change passwords frequently• Do not use the same passwords for all accounts and email.

Now...How do I remember them?

For more a detailed explanation go to this link


SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT TOOLSSocial Media Management Tools (SMMT) offer solutions for managing multiple social profiles, as well as offering enhanced analytics and advanced message scheduling capabilities. These apps manage all your profiles from the one web-based dashboard. Below is an example of a Hootsuite dashboard.

Subscription prices of these applications vary and additional features cost more. Consider trying free and trials versions first. There are many reviews and lots of information on all products – do your research before making a choice. You may even find more than one of these tools could be useful.

To get an insight into the different types of management tools available go to this link for a review of the following 12 apps; Hootsuite, Buffer, IFFTTT, SocialOomph, TweetDeck, Tweepi, SocialFlow, SproutSocial, SocialBro, CrowdBooster, ArgyleSocial and DashBurst go to

Getting started with Social Media

What if you need to manage more than one profile or app? Having a presence on more than one Social Media application can mean juggling the same content several times over. Or does it?

Be inspired by what other organisations are achieving and learn from their experiences by being a part of their community online. have a mission to bring clean and safe drinking water to every person in the world. This September they ran a campaign #nothingiscrazy which was derived from their catch phrase ‘the craziest thing we can do is nothing”. Look them up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube...




Some of the reasons your organisation may have decided not to use Social Media might include; concerns over security and privacy, a loss of control of published content, poor quality of communication and content, difficulty in keeping a record of published content, an overload of information online, uncertainty of response and a lack of expertise and understanding.

These concerns can be addressed by:• Attending training – as we would with any new software.• Implementing guidelines and policies for use.• Understanding each application’s Terms of Use.• Understanding each application’s Privacy policy.• Setting goals and objectives that your organisation would like to achieve.

Stay Smart Online is the Australian Government’s online safety and security website, designed to help everyone understand the risks and simple steps to take to protect information online, go to It is a useful guide on using Social Media safely. It recommends checking each site’s privacy policy, being mindful of sharing personal information or opinions online, always remaining wary and has useful links informing users where to get help if needed.

The Cyber Safety Lady is Leonie Smith a cyber safety online privacy expert based in Sydney. Leonie provides education for parents, students, teachers, seniors and business go to for more information.


A presence on Social Media can:• Raise awareness of an organisation within a community.• Increase the number of members and volunteers of an organisation and attendees of organised event.• Potentially raise more money.• Get an organisation’s message out quickly and effectively to a large number of people, sometimes with an instant response.• Helps an organisation listen to what the community is saying online and tailor their services to meet their needs.• Target audiences more effectively.• It is a cheap and easy way to learn about your audience.• Increase traffic to an organisation’s website.• Create alliances and meaningful relationships with other organisations by sharing content.

Setting goals• Set a brief and decide on a vision for how Social Media could be a part of your organisation. • Assign leadership roles within the organisation for the management of your Social Media strategy. • Set goals and identify what your organisation would like to achieve by having a Social Media strategy.• Define the audience you would like to reach and what their needs are. Define how this audience uses Social Media.

Evaluate• Use the evaluation and analysis tools available in each of the apps to monitor your progress and refine your path forward.

Read about more benefits of Social Media for business at


An organisation should consider setting out its own policies and terms of use to govern how organisation members and social media users interact online. Notify users of your Social Media pages what their responsibilities are when interacting on your pages. This is particularly important on Facebook where people can comment directly on your page. Guidelines can be outlined on the ‘Notes’ or the ‘About’ page. Refer to this example at

Here are direct links to the privacy and terms of use policies for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Facebook Data Policy

Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Instagram Privacy Policy

Instagram Terms of Use

Twitter Privacy Policy

Twitter Terms of Use

YouTube Privacy Policy

YouTube Terms of Use

The advantages of using Social Media

Organisations can use Social Media to more effectively engage with their existing members and attract new members. It is a great tool for spreading information quickly and cheaply.

S4 Privacy, risks and policies governing Social Media

Some people still consider the risks of using Social Media outweigh the benefits. Fear of the associated risks can result in a reluctance to consider using Social Media. Some argue that the biggest risk to an organisation is not to use Social Media!




The simple glossary the 19 terms you have to know (

A post A post simply refers to an image uploaded to Instagram. A post may include a caption, a geo tag and also tags of other users.

A like Instagram (like many other social networks) is based on receiving likes, and liking other users’ photos. You might ‘like’ an image by double tapping the image itself, or by clicking the ‘like’ button to the bottom left of the image.

Your username Often referred to as your ‘handle’ your username is the name of your account – which people will type to find you, and which is also the address to view your profile online at[username].

A follower Much like many other Social Media platforms, Instagram is based on ‘followers.’ A follower is a user who follow your account, and consequently sees every photo you publish on their feed.

A bio The bio section (the area below your ‘name’ on your profile) is an area designated to writing a small description about yourself, or about your brand.

Filters The filter is perhaps Instagram’s hallmark. Somewhat revolutionising photo editing, before Instagram became the community platform for sharing and connecting it is now, many used the app to simply add vintage style effects to their personal photos... many people choose to manually edit their photos through Instagram’s manual editing options instead.

The hashtag A word becomes an active ‘hashtag’ when it has the symbol ‘#’ before it – and will appear in blue. Check out the #ink361 hashtag for some cool photos! The ‘hashtag’ has been one of the innovations brought by both Twitter and Instagram to Social Media; allowing users to connect with others, and discover


News Feed Your News Feed is an ongoing list of updates on your homepage that shows you what’s new with the friends and Pages you follow.

Notifications Notifications are updates about activity on Facebook.

Page Pages allow businesses, brands and organisations to connect with people on Facebook.

Password Your password is a series of letters, symbols and numbers you use to log into your account.

Phishing Phishing is a way for spammers to get your personal information. They often do this by creating fake pages that ask you to provide your email address and password.

Poke You can poke someone to get their attention or say hello.

Privacy settings Your privacy settings let you manage basic privacy preferences. For other stuff you share on Facebook, you can choose your audience right when you post.

Profile Your profile is your collection of the photos, stories and experiences that tell your story. Your profile also includes your Timeline.

Profile picture Your profile picture is the main photo of you on your profile. Your profile picture appears as a thumbnail next to your comments and other activity on Facebook.

Tagging A tag links a person, Page or place to something you post, like a status update or a photo. For example, you can tag a photo to say who’s in the photo or post a status update and say who you’re with.

Timeline Your Timeline is where you can see your posts or posts you’ve been tagged in displayed by date. Your Timeline is also part of your profile.


Facebook Glossary of Terms Activity log Your activity log is a tool that lets you review and manage things you share on Facebook. Only you can see your activity log.

Admins Admins are people who create and manage activity in groups or Pages. Learn more about group admins or Page roles.

Cover photo Your cover photo is the large picture at the top of your profile, right above your profile picture.

Event Events is a feature that lets you organise gatherings, respond to invites and keep up with what your friends are doing.

Friend Friends are people you connect and share with on Facebook.

Follow Follow is a way to hear from people you’re interested in, even if you’re not friends. The Follow button is also a way to fine-tune your News Feed to get the types of updates you want to see.

Like Clicking Like is a way to give positive feedback and connect with things you care about.

Login alerts Login alerts are an extra security feature. When you turn on login alerts, we’ll send you a notification, email or text message if someone tries logging into your account from a new place.

Malware Malware is malicious software that tries to interrupt the operations of your computer or gain access to information.

Messages Your messages and messages inbox contain your ongoing conversations with people on Facebook.




10 Basic Twitter Terms You Need to Know

Follower On Twitter, you “follow” another user to see his or her updates on your Twitter home page, and they follow you to see yours. This is the basic social relationship of Twitter. If you have more followers, your updates reach and potentially influence more people. If you follow someone he or she may choose not to follow you back.

Tweet Each message you send out to your followers through Twitter is called a “tweet.” It works as a verb, as well; you tweet a message. Twitter is one big network for delivering tweets to people, and by fault, tweets are public and searchable. Each tweet must be 140 characters or less or else it won’t be published.

Retweet Twitter is all about sharing things that your followers might find useful, interesting, or entertaining. The “retweet” is a manifestation of this. When you see a tweet that you think your followers would be interested in, you can click the “retweet” button to make that tweet appear in your followers’ home pages. They’ll know you were the one who shared it. Some people retweet manually by typing “RT @username” before typing out or pasting the tweet’s contents, where “username” is the original author’s Twitter username. This allows you to provide your own context as well.

@Mention You direct public messages to other Twitter users by inserting an “@” sign immediately followed by their username. For example, “@SproutSocial Hi there.” This causes your tweet to also appear in the “@Mentions” section of the target’s Twitter account. A tweet that begins with “@username” will only appear on the home pages of followers who also follow the person you’re referencing, but if you place the @Mention later in your update, it will appear to everyone who’s following you.

DM “DM” is short for “Direct Message,” a tweet-like message sent in private between two Twitter users. Unlike the public @Mentions, DMs are private and do not appear to anyone besides their

INSTAGRAM LINGO Your personal activity feed Your activity tab will show you: when a user likes or comments on one of your photos; when a user mentions your username in a comment; when your photo is posted to the popular page and when you are tagged in a photo by another user.

The following activity feed This shows a feed of photos that people you are following have liked or commented, and also accounts they have started following. This is normally limited to only showing around 5 minutes worth of information, after which no more history can be loaded.

The explore tab This tab facilitates searching and discovering.

Suggested Users The team at Instagram select – based on an unknown but very much publicly debated criteria – a selection of users who become recommend as ‘suggested users’ to new users creating a profile.

Private VS public Upon signing up, and indeed, even after, a user must choose between having a ‘private’ or ‘public profile’. The essential difference is that public profiles can be viewed and followed by any user. Private profiles, on the other hand, require acceptance after a request is sent to follow.

Instagram direct This feature allows you to send to a photo to single user, or a group – privately. This image doesn’t appear on the news feed, search results or on any users’ profile.

A geotag A geotag is the location attached to an image, which corresponds to a longitude and latitude on a map.


The hashtag (Continued)...images based on a common word or phrase. A hashtag can create a trends, and is often also used by marketers or event organisers to build a collection of images under a specific hashtag. If your posts are public, adding a hashtag to your photo allows your photo to be found by searching the hashtag, or by clicking on the hashtag once you have posted the comment.

A caption Adding a caption to an image can be one of the most important aspects to contextualise, explain or capture someone scrolling through their feed. Unlike Twitter, the number of characters is far less limited. The caption is the breeding ground for the hashtag, and provides an opportunity to link photos to their relevant subject matters. To create paragraphs, users often create their captions under a word processor like the ‘notes’ app on an iPhone in order to format, and then copy this into the Instagram app.

Comments Simply, a user can comment on another users photo. However there is a key difference with interaction between Instagram, and say, Facebook. In order to receive a notification, you must be tagged by your ‘username.’ As a result, you will not simply receive a notification as a result of another user commenting on the same photo as you.

Your feed, gallery or album Many refer to a user’s collection of photos (posted to their profile) as their feed, gallery or even album.

The posts figure on a profile This is how many photos you, or another user, have posted in total. This may be an indication of how long someone has been using Instagram, or it may just show how frequently they post.

The News feed Accessed by the ‘home’ button on the Instagram app, this shows a feed of the images from those you follow as they are uploaded, and so appears in chronological order.




Favourite(s) A user action that adds a video to their channel’sFavorites playlist. This action can also be broadcast to subscribers

Feed A stream of activity either for one channel (via the channel page feed) or for multiple channels (the homepage feed). Feed activities include uploads, updated playlists, video comments, channel comments, new subscriptions, bulletins, likes, favorites and sharing. Users control what feed activities they broadcast and, by subscribing to channels, what feed activities are broadcasted to them in their homepage feed.

Hook Content that is meant to keep viewers interested in what happens next. Ideally, a video’s hook happens within the first 15 seconds.

Like(s) A user action that shows appreciation for a video. This action can be broadcast to subscribers in the feed.

Metadata The textual information that describes a video, channel or playlist. Video metadata includes title, tags and description. Playlist metadata includes title and description. Channel metadata includes a description.

Optimisation An action that increases the potential success of a video, channel, playlist or content strategy.

Packaging Graphics and/or content that adds context to a video. Packaging can build your brand, connect your host with the audience, add relevant context to archived content, or add scripted/annotated Calls to Action.

Playlist A playlist is a collection of videos that can be viewed, shared and embedded like an individual video. You can create playlists using any videos on YouTube. Videos can be in multiple playlists. Uploaded videos and favorited videos are default playlists on your channel.


Trending When a term is extremely popular on Twitter at any given moment, it’s “trending.” Twitter’s home page offers a list of trending terms, and even lets you view terms trending in certain locations as opposed to the whole world. When a particular term is much-talked about on Twitter, like a natural disaster or a celebrity who’s just done something notable, that term can said to be “trending,” but the Twitter community is fickle; trends often evaporate as quickly as they appear.


YouTube Glossary: Terms You Must Know

Calls to Action (CTAs) These prompt the viewer to take an action.

Channel or Channel Page A channel is the public page for a user account on YouTube. It contains uploaded videos, playlists, liked videos, favourited videos, channel comments and general activity. Some creators manage or create content across multiple channels.

Comments These are written comments on videos, channels, playlists or in response to other comments. Comments may be posted either on the watch page or on a channel page.

Community Actions Any actions taken by a viewer on or around your channel and content. Includes likes, favorites, subscriptions and comments.

End-card or End-slate A graphic that creators include at the end of their videos. End-cards typically include specific Calls to Action to subscribe, watch more content, or visit a channel page. They may also contain credits for the video. Generally, end-cards prominently feature annotations.


DM (Continued)...specified recipients, but you can only send a DM to someone who’s following you. They’re still limited to 140 characters, though.

Engagement When people talk about “engagement” on Twitter, they’re referring to the practice of responding to and making conversation with your followers and other people on Twitter. Doing so lets people know you’re a human being they can have a relationship, and encourages them to continue following your updates. Most of the businesses that are successful on Twitter make engagement a priority.

Hashtag People on Twitter insert “hashtags” into their tweets to provide context, and to make them easily searchable for people looking for updates on a specific topic. They’re kind of like blog tags. A hashtag is simply a keyword preceded by the hash symbol, like #marketing. Include it in your tweet and anyone who searches for that hashtag will see your updates. This convention is used a little less than it was in the past, but it’s still quite common.

Feed A “feed” is any constantly-updating list of tweets or other updates, usually sorted chronologically with the most recent updates appearing at the top. Almost every page on Twitter includes a stream; your home page is a feed of tweets from the people you follow, your profile page is a feed of your tweets, and Twitter’s search results are feeds of tweets containing the searched-for terms.

URL shortener Since tweets are limited to a succinct 140 characters or less, services have popped up around the web that create short website addresses that you can share with your followers without using up too many precious characters in your tweet. These services are called “URL shorteners” because “URL” is the technical term for a web address. Typically, URL shorteners create very short addresses that automatically transfer anyone who clicks on them to the longer address of the page you want to share.



S1 What is Social Media

Beginners Guide to Social Media

Oxford Dictionary online

S2 What is Social Networking...

Introduction to FacebookFacebook Help Centre

Facebook Glossary of Terms

Beginners Guide to Facebook

Your Handy Guide to Facebook Marketing Terms

Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Facebook Data Policy

Introduction to TwitterTwitter Help Centre

Twitter Glossary

Getting Started with Twitter

Beginners Guide to Twitter

10 Basic Twitter Terms You Need to Know


Programming The practice and strategy of organising videos, shows or channel content and activity into a daily, weekly or season-long schedule.

Share Ability to distribute videos via Social Media, email or direct links. This action can be broadcast to subscribers.

Suggested Videos Video thumbnails that appear in the right-hand column of watch pages and the homepage, or the tiled thumbnails that appear when a video has finished playing.

Subscriber / Subscription By subscribing to a channel, users will see that channel’s activity in their homepage feed. Subscribers can also opt into email communication from subscribed channels on a per-upload and weekly digest basis.

Tags Words or phrases used to describe the content of your videos. Added to videos at time of upload (see Metadata).

Teaser A short video that acts as a preview or trailer for longer content. Can be used to promote larger content initiatives or announcements.

Templates Different pre-set channel designs that can be used to highlight videos, playlists and other channels.

Thumbnails The images selected to represent your videos or playlists on the site.

Vlog A video-blog. A casual, conversational video format or genre featuring a person talking directly to camera.

Watch Page The page where the majority of video viewing happens. URLs with the format are watch pages.


Here is a small selection of acronyms and abbreviations you may have pondered the meaning of...

BIZ ACRONYMSB2B: Business-to-businessB2C: Business-to-consumerCC: Carbon copyCMS: Content management systemCTA: Call to actionCTR: Clickthrough rateCX: Customer experienceDM: Direct MessageESP: Email service providerFB: FacebookG+: Google+HTML: Hyper text markup languageIG: InstagramIM: Instant messageISP: Internet service providerKPI: Key Performance IndicatorLI: LinkedInMT: Modified TweetP2P: Person to personPM: Private messagePV: PageviewsROI: Return on investmentRSS: Really simple syndicationRTD: Real-time dataRT: RetweetSEO: Search engine optimisationSM: Social MediaTOS: Terms of serviceUGC: User generated contentUI: User interfaceURL: Uniform Resource LocatorUX: User experienceYT: YouTube

CHAT ACRONYMSAFAIK: As far as I knowAMA: Ask Me Anythingb/c, bc: BecauseB4: BeforeBFF: Best Friends ForeverBTW: By the wayDFTBA: Don’t forget to be awesomeFBF: Flashback FridayFOMO: Fear of Missing OutGr8: GreatGTG: Got to goGTR: Got to runHBD: Happy birthdayICYMI: In case you missed itIDK: I don’t knowIMO: In my opinionJK: Just kiddingL8: LateLMAO: Laughing my a** offLMK: Let me knowLOL: Laughing out loudNVM: Never mindOMG: Oh my GodPPL: PeopleQOTD: Quote of the DaySMH: Shaking my headTBH: To be honestThx: ThanksTMI: Too much informationTTYL: Talk to you laterTTYN: Talk to you neverTTYS: Talk to you soonWBU: What about you?WOTD: Word of the DayYOLO: You only live onceYSK: You should know


For more detailed explanations and more acronyms try these two links and




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