alternative medicine explained ebook pdf

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Alternative Medicine


When it comes to StRAngE alternative remedies I

got YOU covered

By: Kevin Whitsitt

Table of Contents:

2) Table of Contents

3) Introduction (Read This First)

4) Why is Turmeric Popular in India?

5) Should I Take a COQ10 Supplement?

6) What is alpha lipoic acid?

7) What is Policosanol?

8) Should I Take Resveratrol?

9) Why Do People Take an Olive Leaf Supplement?

10) Is Bilberry Extract Really Worth it?

11) Garlic’s Negative Effects

13) Does Ginkgo Biloba Improve the Libido of a Woman?

14) Can Pine Bark Actually be used to help with Arthritis?

15) Hidden Black Cumin Information

16) Pros and Cons of Lycopene

17) Red Clover in a Dietary Supplement

18) Should I Consume Alfalfa?

19) Why use Natural Herbs and Not Prescription Drugs?

20) Closing

Introduction (READ THIS FIRST)

In this report I have compiled several alternative remedies and I share some history of them, what they

do and how they can be of benefit.

I encourage you NOT to read this e-book as a novel but to pick out a few chapters that might seem

interesting to you.

You might be tempted to purchase a few of these remedies online but there are a few dangers that you

should be aware of. If you’re taking any type of prescription drugs, you should contact a qualified

physician to be safe.

Another point I would like to make is that not all alternative medicines, herbs or supplements are safe.

In fact the president of Consumer Labs a company that has tested over 2,000 supplements found that 1

out of 4 have quality problems. The common problem is that it contains contaminations, and that the

quantities that are listed don’t actually come in the bottle.

What is even worse is that some government agencies like the FDA in the U.S. believe it’s up to

companies to ensure their products are harmless and that their labeling is accurate.

Due to this, some products are not only going to be a waste of money but are going to be harmful.

Before buying any supplements I would encourage you to get educated about the process. What

determines if a product is safe, herbs someone can take together, dosage amounts and how to spot a

risky brand?

To make this process more enjoyable, I not only have written a report on this but have video guides that

can be of assistance. Plus videos are more enjoyable, at least I think so. ☺

To view this FREE guide on buying supplement products, simply click on the link below.

FREE Guide to Buying Safe and Good Supplements.


Kevin Whitsitt

Why is Turmeric Popular in India?

The nutrient turmeric is common in the country of India for a variety of reasons. If you’re not sure

exactly what is turmeric, well in a nutshell it’s a plant.

It is a ginger plant and is native to South Asia, which is one of the reasons that it is common in the

country of India. The plant has a lot of useful uses however there are three main ones. For one it is used

as a medicine to heal the body. Second it can be used a spice in cooking food. Lastly it can used as a dye.

Believe it or not this spice can not only die various clothes but food as well. In fact it’s common in

making gelatin, popcorn, cake mixes and butter to give you a few examples.

The healing properties are fairly long for turmeric but most commonly it got started to help with

digestion, heal cuts and wounds as well as to lower inflammation.

Of course all these reasons plus its ability to fight off free radicals make turmeric a good remedy for

memory and cognitive functions.

One of the major problems that is facing the modern age is something called sugar. It’s really

everywhere and tastes amazing however there is a dark side to it. Basically humans are not designed to

eat tons of sugars and this can create problems such as diabetes.

Due to this spice being able to slow inflammation turmeric can be a great aid to diabetes. They even

gave this nutrient to some rats that had high blood sugar levels and it was proven to be helpful.

Due to all the benefits that this herb can give someone it’s really a no brainer on why it’s popular. The

main reason that it’s more common in the country of India is because 80% of all the turmeric grown is

produced in that country. So it really has its history rooted in South Asia.

Should I Take a COQ10 Supplement?

Maybe you have heard about coq10 and maybe you haven’t, however it’s hard to ignore what this

nutrient can do for someone.

One of the reasons that may make taking this supplement attractive is because as someone gets older

they will actually produce less of coq10. That’s right this nutrient is manufactured in the human body.

Coq10 can also be called q10 for short or coenzyme 10 for the long version.

One of the major roles of this nutrient is that it helps create energy for a cells and was discovered

around the 1950’s in the United States.

Coenzyme q10 can help with something called chronic fatigue. Don’t laugh it’s not actually a lazy

person’s disease but a real condition.

This ailment is caused when someone has unusual levels of being tired that last months and can cause

all kinds of social and work related problems. The top scientists don’t actually know what causes this

condition to happen however some of the top coq10 research has figured out that people who have this

health problem are lacking coq10. So taking coq10 could improve chronic fatigue syndrome.

If your curious on knowing does coq10 helps bodybuilders than the answer is yes it usually does. This

vitamin can do two important things in relations to exercise. For one it can help prevent damage that is

done with free radicals.

What is fascinating is that when someone exercises a lot they actually create free radicals. The free

radicals can damage the body. Coq10 has antioxidants which can help give the free radical an electron

that it needs to stop it from causing destruction. The second thing that this herb can do is stretch

muscles which helps them get stronger.

Plus q10 can also help with athletic performance but some people are skeptical about this. Some studies

show that it helps and a few studies show that it doesn’t help.

What is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid that is created in our bodies. When you hear the word fatty acid what

imagine comes to your mind? Well since acid is related to something very bad and fatty is also known

for being unhealthy, it might be a bad image am I correct?

However this fatty acid is actually very healthy and good for people. One of its chief roles is to convert

glucose into usable energy for the human body.

Glucose is basically sugar so as you can probably imagine this substance can be of great help to many

people. The fact is that people love sugar however sugar not always love people. One example on how

sugar can hurt people is that it can create cavities.

Alpha lipoic assists with weight loss because this substance can increase a person’s metabolism.

Metabolism is the process in which calories are burned off. An example of this would be something like

exercise. When a person exercises they increase their metabolism and thus burn off more calories in less


Alpha lipoic acid can help the skin for a variety of reasons. For instance this nutrient is a antioxidant.

What is so great about antioxidants is that they stop and prevent free radicals form causing damage. If a

free radical comes into contact with a cell of someone’s skin in can change the way that this cell


Altered cell behavior can lead to all kinds of negative things such as wrinkles and even cancer. Also this

nutrient has anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Inflammation is the process in which the skin becomes red, damaged and can lead to scarring. Lastly this

nutrient can assist with eye health however lutein for the eyes is a better nutrient. Studies show that

diabetecis have much larger chance of getting cataracts.

Alpha lipoic acid reduces blood sugar which can prevent diabetes as well as cataracts. Also the

antioxidants in this substance protect the eyes as well.

What is Policosanol?

Policosanol is a substance which is most famous for being able to help someone’s cholesterol levels. It

usually comes from sugar cane however it has also been created using bees wax as well as yams. Sugar

cane policosanol is usually grown around Cuba and policosanols history is very interesting.

It was actually discovered in the 1980’s around Japan when scientist gave animal’s sugar extract and

they noticed that their cholesterol levels got lower. Then somehow the Cuban government took hold of

this information and really ran with it. The Cuban government did all kinds of studies and created an

extract that could be sold.

This is one of the reasons some people are hesitant about this nutrients healing capabilities. Some

people think that the Cuban government might be inflating the health benefits of policosanol so that

more money and fame can enter the country.

Of course nothing has been proven it’s just theories. When people first hear about this herb they usually

ask what is policosanol and what does it do for nutrition? This nutrient can lower someone’s cholesterol

levels however more importantly it can lower someone’s LDL cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is the bad stuff that can clog up arteries. There is also some cholesterol which is named

HDL and it’s actually the good kind. To fully understand how great this can be you first should look at the

big picture.

The big picture is that heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in the United States. A big reason

that people have heart disease is because they have a clogged up artery and this can prevent blood from

reaching the heart. If the blockage stops blood from reaching the brain than that is called a stroke.

What makes policosanol interesting is due to the fact that it can lower someone’s bad cholesterol levels

without some of the side effects of other prescription drugs. Also it can raise someone’s HDL cholesterol

and this can help as well.

Should I Take Resveratrol?

The nutrient of resveratrol offers a tremendous amount of advantages to someone however there are

still some good questions to answer before someone gets too excited.

Resveratrol comes from the skin of grapes. This is why red wine has a lot of resveratrol and of course

white wine does not. Other foods that have this nutrient are chocolate, blueberries, strawberries and

peanuts. Resveratrol is most famous for being able to extend life.

In some of the top resveratrol research scientists were able to extend the life of rats, worms, flies and

worms. Also they extended these living organisms lives by as high as 70 percent, which is no small


This is because this substance can activate something called a SIRT1 gene which restricts calories.

Caloric restriction is an idea that if someone consumes less food while still gaining the nutrients they

need it will extend their life. I think of it like not using something as much so there is less wear and tear

on it which enables it to last longer.

Another one of the major benefits of resveratrol is it’s cancer fighting abilities. Scientists tested this herb

on rats that were given a substance to create cancer and resveratrol was found to prevent the growth of

this serious health problem.

It’s not concrete that there can be a cancer cure with resveratrol however there is a chance. One of the

ways that this nutrient can fight this disease is because it can penetrate the cells mitochondria and

turning it off. The mitochondrion of a cell is how it gets its power supply.

The side effect of resveratrol is fairly mild however it may interact with various drugs. If someone is

taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medicine they should be careful with this substance. Also

someone may experience various reactions such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, pain when moving

muscles and feeling dizzy.

Why Do People Take an Olive Leaf Supplement?

The olive leaf extract supplement can provide someone with a good amount of health benefits. What is

interesting is that this supplement comes from the olive tree.

This tree has been referenced throughout history. In the bible when Noah had an ark full of animals it

was a bird that had an olive branch that symbolized that the waters where receding. Some people even

think that the tree of life was an olive tree. It has also been referenced in the Olympic Games as well a

token of friendship.

The uses for olive leaf extract really involve improving heart health as well as improving the immune

system. One of the ingredients in this substance is called omega 3. This substance can thin someone’s


The great thing about thin blood is that a blockage will less likely occur as well as more nutrients can

reach organs that need it. This blood also can have a positive impact on the heart. Olive leaf can be great

with the disease diabetes due to the fact that it can reduce blood sugar.

Diabetes is a problem in which someone consumes a lot of glucose and they have a problem

transporting it to cells or their pancreas has a difficult time making insulin.

Another great thing about lowering blood sugar is that this can decrease something called AGE proteins.

These nasty proteins are not good because they can help harm cells leading to all kinds of health


If you are curious if olive leaf can help with weight loss than you will be happy to know that it can. One

of the ways that it can help someone shed pounds is due to it preventing inflammation. Inflammation is

bad because it leads to more blood flow and swelling in an area.

The blood flow has white blood cells that can contribute to damage in an area. Also this herb can lower

blood sugar which lowers triglyceride levels as well weight gain.

Is Bilberry Extract Really Worth it?

There are really a lot of reasons that can make bilberry extract worth in terms of trading dollars for a

supplement. If you have never heard of a bilberry before it’s basically a blueberry that grows around

Great Britain. However there are a few differences.

For one bilberry’s are bigger than their North American cousin and also have more leaves. The fruit has

been around for a very long time and bilberry extract can help the eyes and this got known during WW2

British pilots would eat some bilberries before their flight and they noticed their night vision improved.

One of the reasons for this is that it has a whole lot of antioxidants which knock free radicals out so they

go crying to their mother.

In one study scientists gave this nutrient to people with cataracts and it was found to be 97% effective.

Now of course there are a lot of variables involved so it’s not guaranteed to cure anything but I’m sure

bilberry extract can’t hurt.

Another great benefit of the herb is that it can improve someone’s digestive system. It can help with

diarrhea and slow the movement of food through someone’s system. Also don’t you agree that varicose

veins and spider veins are horrible?

Well, bilberry extract has been proved to be helpful because it can make blood vessels stronger and thus

reduce this disease. It can also help with diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

There are a few very important bilberry extract side effects. The most common are a stomach pains a

dry mount and a few allergic reactions.

These reactions could include rashes, difficulty breathing, swelling, and maybe a headache. If someone

takes too much of this nutrients they can also feel some negative effects and this is why it’s important to

know the best bilberry extract dosage.

My conclusion is that it is worth it to take bilberry extract, of course the final decision is yours to make.

Garlic’s Negative Effects

Garlic does have a few negative effects along with the rewards it can give someone. Garlic is in the

happy family of chives, onions and leeks and is believed to have originated around central Asia.

Historians speculate that it was used as a food flavoring and spice at first but then people started to

discover more of its benefits.

As it spread through Asia it’s documented that the Egyptians gave it to slaves as they built pyramids

because it was thought to increase stamina.

When the Spanish brought it to the New World Native Americans thought it was a great aphrodisiac.

Garlic can help blood circulation and is great for guys with ED or that have problems with love making

due to something called NOS. This spice increases the production of NOS which is called Nitric Oxide

Sythase and its primary responsible is to help guys with arousal and to rise to the occasion.

During the second major war that got started in 1939 garlic was actually used to treat open wounds

from infection and prevent gangrene.

Gangrene occurs when tissue dies because it doesn’t get the nutrients and blood it needs. Garlic helps

because it increases circulation as well as help the body fight infection.

This brings me to my next topic on how it this herb improves the immune system.

This herb is a natural antibiotic and this basically implies that it combats bacteria, viruses as well as


More good news is that unlike man-made antibiotics there is no risk of it hurting helpful bacteria or it

enables the enemy to build up a resistance. You see when someone takes antibiotics that are created

from a lab the bacteria sometimes gets smart and learns how to fight it.

In 2001 a study compared the effects of a garlic supplement to the common cold. Many participants

took either a placebo pill or a garlic supplement and it was found that the patients that took garlic were

less likely to develop cold symptoms by about half and recovered much quicker.

Besides fighting the common cold it can reduce the chance of getting cancer, heart disease and even

slows aging.

So let’s talk about how garlic can be bad for someone. If you’re a vampire than garlic can be very bad for

you and you might want to steer clear of it.

After you eat a bunch of this herb it is usually a good idea to take a breath mint because one of the

negative effects of this substance is that it makes someone’s breath stinky.

Another risk with garlic is because it increases blood flow it can make it easier for someone to bleed. Say

you’re about to go to surgery than it might not be a good idea to take a bunch of this herb. If someone

bleeds too much than this isn’t good because blood brings nutrients to organs and it might make it

easier for someone to get an infection.

Other side effects that can take place would be vomiting, diarrhea, a heat feeling in the mouth or

stomach, gas and possibly someone may experience an allergic reaction.

In a nutshell these side effect can take place with many common herbs and shouldn’t deter people away

from all the benefits of garlic. My advice would be that if you’re not used to taking garlic just take a little

bit and not go crazy at first and to talk to your physician as well.

Someone can take garlic through food or perhaps a supplement. I like a garlic supplement just because

it’s convenient and doesn’t stink up someone‘s breath.

Does Ginkgo Biloba Improve the Libido of a Woman?

You might be wondering if ginkgo biloba improves the libido of a woman and the answer is that it does.

So what is so important about libido?

Well, sex is a very important aspect of a relationship and if a woman is having a problem in this area

than it doesn’t take a genius to realize that it increases the chance of a guy to find another partner.

Some studies show that 1 out of 3 woman face loss of libido at some time in their life. Also some of

these studies show that it’s not all just a mental problem but also physical. Guys have it a little bit more

easily in this category because they can usually pop a pill and bam there is usually results. Women are a

little bit more complicated and it’s harder to get a major cure.

Some experts believe that it has to do with intimacy. For instance if your angry at your partner than it

might decrease desire to be intimate with them. Another common cause has to do with testosterone.

With woman testosterone usually starts to decline after the late twenties than after menopause it drops

much more rapidly.

Other common causes of loss of libido for women include medications and of course stress. If someone

is really stressed out than their mind is going to be too distracted to want to be intimate with their


Ok let’s go over exactly what ginkgo biloba really is. In a nutshell the herb comes from the ginkgo tree,

which is an extremely old tree. In fact the ginkgo tree was around during the time of dinosaurs and

nearly became extinct. Somehow it survived and has been benefiting mankind ever since.

Ginkgo biloba can provide a lot of health benefits and just one of them is to improve blood flow. For

example an increase in the blood flow can improve memory and reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s.

Another major advantage to taking this herb is that it prevents eye diseases such as macular

degeneration or cataracts. It’s also a very popular supplement for improving libido in both men and


Men mostly have a problem when it comes to ED and it’s a huge industry. You probably already knew

that because there are TV commercials that run all the time. Ginkgo can be of help to guys because it

can increase blood flow and this helps with their problem.

Ginkgo biloba helps with women as well because it increases blood flow. This helps remove dryness,

increases lubrication and sensitivity that not only improves desire but also helps with pleasure.

The easiest way to consume ginkgo is through a supplement.

Can Pine Bark Actually be used to help with Arthritis?

Pine bark can be used to heal people with arthritis and actually has a history with doing it. This

substance is also known as French maritime pine bark.

One great piece of info of French maritime bine bark extract is that it contains something known as


This pycogenol is also found in other sources such as grapes and peanuts. One of the reasons that this

substance is called French maritime bine bark is because it grows around the country of France as well

as around Europe. It can also be known as a cambium of a tree and ancient cultures used to actually eat

this substance.

If you’re wondering does pine bark extract improves arthritis than the answer is yes. To fully understand

how it can do this you first should understand arthritis.

This is an ailment in which a person’s joints that connect muscles are worn down. When someone with

arthritis moves these joints they experience pain.

Many health experts believe that the main cause of this pain is inflammation. Basically inflammation is

when healthy tissues get attacked by the immune system. Pine bark may not be able to fully cure

someone of arthritis but it can help with the pain

One of the ways that it can do this is by reducing inflammation. Not only can this help reduce pain but it

can reduce damage. The bad news is that there are some negative side effects of pine bark extract.

Someone may experience common supplement side effects such as the feeling of wanting to vomit, pain

in the stomach as well as fatigue.

Most importantly if someone is taking prescription drugs they should be cautious of taking the

substance due to adverse effects. Pine bark extract has been reported to interact with blood pressure

medicine as well as blood thinners.

Hidden Black Cumin Information

I’m going to guess that you probably don’t know about the medicine called black cumin but of course I

can be wrong. If you are wondering what is black cumin technically black cumin comes from a plant

called Nigella Sativa.

The plant itself has been referenced through history and in the Islam culture it has been said to cure a

variety of diseases. One of the things that black cumin very unique is that the seeds of this plant have

around a hundred different ingredients that can all be very helpful to someone’s health.

It has also been called the seed of blessing and has even been found in the tomb of certain Egyptian

Pharaohs because I’m guessing that they thought it could bring them great benefits in the afterlife.

The major benefits of black cumin include a fairly long list but I’m going to list a few of the biggest ones

in this article. In earlier times when cars and planes where not around this medicine was very popular

with helping digestion and fighting off infections from diseases.

A good thing to remember is that proper food storage wasn’t always around and people ate spoiled

food more common back in history and thus digestion issues were more common as well. Infection was

also more common through history than it is nowadays.

Another cool thing that black cumin oil can help with hair growth. I myself have a very thin hair line so I

choose to shave my head rather than look dumb.

It’s believed that the many healing nutrients in this substance can create a great environment for hair

follicles to grow. Of course there is no such thing as a miracle cure so it will probably take some time

before any results are seen.

Other common uses for this nutrient is that it can fight cancer, it’s an antioxidant, helps the respiratory

system, liver, kidney and is anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory is good because it prevents damage to

various cells and tissues.

Pros and Cons of Lycopene

Lycopene has a few pros as well as cons when it comes to someone taking it. Lycopene mostly comes

from tomato products. Foods that have the highest amount of lycopene are ketchup, pasta sauce, pizza

sauce and tomatoes.

Have you ever wondered why tomatoes have a bright red color? This is because this vegetable has

carotenoids in them which turn them colors. It’s also responsible for converting sunlight into usable

energy for the plant.

One of the many advantages for someone to consume lycopene is that it can help with prostate health.

The prostate is a small gland near a man’s penis which is about as big as a golf ball.

This gland can help with reproduction which is very important for a man. It does this by improving the

health of sperm and enabling ejaculation. What is so special about lycopene is that it can stop and

prevent prostate cancer in men.

Many studies confirm this fact and even one done by Harvard University. One study done with around

50 thousand people showed that this nutrient can prevent cancer of the prostate by as high as 50


However there are a few negative effects with this nutrient. One of them is that pregnant and breast

feeding woman should not consume this substance. This is because there have not been studies on the

effects of newborn infants and this herb.

There could be negative side effects so a variety of health experts believe pregnant woman should not

take this substance.

Another disadvantage of someone using this substance is which is often overlooked is that it can

interact with cigarette smoke. Researchers think that lycopene can interact with the chemicals in

cigarettes and have an increased risk of cancer and disease with the heart.

Lastly someone’s body may react negatively to lycopene and cause some strange behavior. For instance

a persons may have upset stomach, vomiting and skin coloration.

Red Clover in a Dietary Supplement

The herb red clover can be a good choice in a dietary supplement for a variety of reasons. Let’s start

with this plant and surprising enough you can take the pedals, stick them in a salad and eat them up.

You can also add it to tea or chop it up to spice up an ordinary entrée you have regularly.

The plant itself originated around Asia, Europe and North Africa and just like St. John’s Wort was

originally used to help someone against evil spirits.

With this plant having 4 leaves and being associated with a 4 leaf clover a few people think it’s magical,

which makes sense. It’s not clear how it migrated to the United States but Indians would use this herb

for eye sight and to help with bites and burns.

Similar to alfalfa this herb is popular to feed cattle and livestock but since it can offer a ton of health

advantages it might not be such a bad idea for humans to consume it as well.

One of the major health benefits that it can provide someone is that it has lots of vitamins and minerals.

Maybe not as much as alfalfa since that plant is the king of plants and has a root system very long, but it

has a lot.

The next well known advantage to taking this plant is antioxidants. If you are just a tiny bit interested in

alternative medicine and health than you probably know about antioxidants.

Grape seed extract has tons of benefits due to this. Basically they stop free radicals and can slow aging

and enable someone to live longer.

Now I’m not going to list every single benefit this plant can provide because I would bore you into

sleeping but some others would be helping with digestion, skin care, the immune system, acne, asthma

and cancer to name a few.

Oh and I can’t forget that this herb is mostly known for being a woman’s herb. It can improve with

osteoporosis and strengthening bones. Red clover can also help with menopause with reducing night

sweats and hot flashes.

Ok, so we all know that red clover can be a great tool in the fight to stay alive and feeling healthy, which

is good right? Do you think it has any disadvantages? Just like every single herb including green tea that

has side effects it does.

One of the interesting side effects with this herb is that long term use can decrease fertility. If you’re like

me and not looking to have any children than a decrease in fertility might be an advantage. Yea, I love

kids I just don’t want any right now but in the future maybe.

Anyways, other disadvantages with this herb that might occur would be the common ones for herbs

such as headaches, diarrhea, muscle pains and stomach cramps

Red clover can be a great asset in a dietary supplement only if it’s a quality supplement.

Should I Consume Alfalfa?

Alfalfa is a plant that could also be known as father of plants. It’s history is fairly rich and some believe

that it got famous when Arabians gave this plant to their horses and noticed that it improved their

health. Then some really intelligent guy thought up the idea of consuming this herb as well.

Alfalfa has some benefits as well as a few hidden side effects. Before I go into the negative reasons that

could influence someone if they consumed alfalfa, first let’s talk about the positive.

Alfalfa can improve a person’s scalp. One of the top alfalfa benefits for someone’s hair is that it can help

improve baldness.

The reason for this is because this herb can reach very far in the ground and soak in a whole lot of

nutrients. These nutrients are believed to be able to promote hair growth. Nothing is a hundred percent

certain but all these minerals create a favorable atmosphere for hair follicles to grow.

If you are wondering is alfalfa extract good for skin care than you will be happy to know that this herb

can help. The skin is actually the largest organ on the human body.

One of the ways that it can help the skin is that it has something called antioxidants. These helpful guys

prevent free radical damage that can make the skin look old. Also it’s believed that alfalfa can

strengthen collagen, which can prevent wrinkles.

Side effects of alfalfa can result in some adverse effects. This is usually caused by someone’s system

having a negative reaction. These results can include stomach discomfort, diarrhea, gas and some red

colored skin.

High doses of this plant are usually not recommended since it can also cause some unwanted effects.

These side effects could include a drop in white and red blood cells. This can also result in a higher risk

of infection from a virus.

Why use Natural Herbs and Not Prescription Drugs?

There are many reasons on why natural herbs can be a better choice than drugs. One of the biggest

reasons is that herbs have much less severe side effects than drugs.

Some prescription drugs can permanently damage the liver as well as cause cancer, and might even

enlarge the breast of guys. Yea Propecia for hair loss has an ingredient that could do this. So you a bald

guy could grow hair but also breast as well.

Another big reason is that there are less free radicals in natural herbs. As prescription drugs break down

in someone’s body they release a ton of free radicals that can damage health.

A natural herb for an example resveratrol and prostate cancer doesn’t provide free radicals. Instead it

has something known as antioxidants which actually fight free radicals. Free radicals can chance the way

cells behave, damage them, make skin look wrinkly and can even cause death.

If you really do some homework you will probably fight an alternative herb solution to every

prescription drug on the marketplace.

A very popular prescription drug helps guys with erectile dysfunction and one natural herb that can help

is ginkgo biloba and its description is that it comes from a plant this is extremely old. This herb can help

blood flow and help a man with libido

I just read an article today about how a prescription drug that helps soldiers with blood clotting is

actually causing strokes and other major side effects. The natural solution is vitamin k and If someone is

deficient in vitamin k than their wounds will not heal and someone can bleed much more easily.

Blood clotting is the ability of someone’s blood to block an injury. This not only helps someone from

losing blood but it helps prevent bad viruses and bacteria from entering someone’s body.


I hope you enjoyed this short e-book on alternative medicine. These were some articles that I wrote a

long time ago and since that time I have learned a lot more about all these remedies.

As I mentioned in the introduction just because a remedy is natural or alternative that doesn’t mean it’s


The next step for you to do is to view a free report that I have written on purchasing supplements. It

includes video guides on herbal remedies, how to be safe when buying products and a lot more that I

think you will enjoy.

Please click on the link below to learn more, and have a great day!

FREE Guide to Buying Safe and Good Supplements.


Kevin Whitsitt

Click on the link below to learn what someone really

should be looking for when buying supplements!

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