all who are able are invited to stand. gathering · * all who are able are invited to stand....

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow

enough to shut out all envy, pride, and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to

straying feet, but rugged and strong enough to turn back the tempter’s power. God, make the door of this house the gateway

to Thine eternal kingdom. Amen. --The Gathering at St. Stephen’s Wolbrook, England

PRELUDE “Selections from Sonata No. 6 in D Minor” Felix Mendelssohn

* CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird

Minister: Come and worship! In wonder and awe let us seek the face of God.

People: God invites us to come just as we are. Minister: We come hungry to encounter the Word.

People: God feeds us the Bread of Life.

Minister: We come parched for renewal and restoration.

People: God quenches our thirst at God’s holy table.

Minister: Come and worship! In wonder and awe God reveals the divine self to us.

People: We come as we are and are changed by God's love and grace.

Give glory to God! Hallelujah! Amen.

* HYMN No. 482 “Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty” LOBE DEN HERREN

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Rev. Paul E. Gilmore

God of wilderness people whose children often traveled confused and fearful, we confess our own

wanderings in sorrow, sadness and doubt. We know how it feels to be lost, hurt, troubled. It seems

often that we are wandering scared from all that threatens us. Desperate for survival, we settle for

only half-hearted attempts at life. Forgive our reckless measures to find security. Forgive our lack of confidence in the face of death.

Give us a large measure of your spiritual nourishment so that even in the great difficulties, we will

flourish in your grace. Amen.


RESPONSE “Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God”


* CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE No. 579 The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please sign the card and pass it to your neighbor. As you pass it back to the center, take note of who is here

so we can become better acquainted. Visitors, please give your address, telephone, and e-mail information.

CENTS-ABILITY COLLECTION – New Canaan Food Pantry & Presbyterian Hunger Program


(Please bring your buck and a can offering with you to Sunday’s Cool)


PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) Michele McBride

Spirit of Wisdom and Light, shine in the deepest recesses of our minds and hearts. Allow no

hiddenness to remain in us. Instead, flood us with the truth of your Word, which has the power to

change and renew us. For truth is found in the Word Incarnate, and the truth will set us free. Amen.

FIRST LESSON Ezekiel 37:1-14 (OT page)

Minister: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

People: Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM “Out of the Depths” Camille Saint-Saens

Out of the depths I cry unto thee, O Lord hear my voice! Hear thou my supplications.

If thou, O Lord, should mark my iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?

SECOND LESSON John 11 selected verses (NT page)

Minister: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Telling Secrets: What Happened At the Table” Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird


* HYMN No. 507 “I Come with Joy” DOVE OF PEACE


OFFERTORY “Prayer of Self-Dedication” Gary Davison

Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to thee, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations,

so control our wills, that we may be wholly thine, utterly dedicated unto thee; and then use us,

we pray thee, as thou wilt, and always to thy glory and the welfare of thy people; through our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



PRAYER OF GREAT THANKSGIVING Minister: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Minister: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Minister: It is truly right and our greatest joy...

The congregation is invited to sing responsively after the Cantor.

LORD’S PRAYER (unison)

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive

our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom

and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.



Communion will be served by intinction in which the bread is dipped into the cup. The wine is served in

two chalices: the larger chalice contains wine, the smaller, grape juice. Gluten- free crackers are

available on each plate. “Thanks be to God,” is a proper response to the receiving of communion.

We will begin with people in the back rows and work our way to the front.


Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant

that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others in the name

of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


* HYMN No. 309 “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” DIVINUM MYSTERIUM

* CHARGE AND BLESSING (Please be seated for the Choral Response & the Ringing of the Church Bell)

CHORAL RESPONSE “God Be in My Head” John Rutter


* POSTLUDE “Allegro Molto from Sonata No. 6 in D Minor” Felix Mendelssohn


Welcome to the Service of Worship for the Lord’s Day. Parents of infants through age four are encouraged to

take their children to the Nursery School classrooms during our services. Students in PreK- 4th grade should

follow Mrs. Volanakis to the Common Room. 5th-7th Grades meet in the Youth Barn.

Today in Sunday’s Cool Mrs. Volanakis will lead chapel at Sunday’s Cool while our confirmation class wraps up

its final day of Stations of the Cross. They will be leading the children in two rotations: the crucifixion and the

empty tomb. Please bring your buck and a can and join us! Crucifixion and Empty Tomb: The Confirmation Class

with Scott Beyer assisting. Kinder School (for 4’s, 5’s, and 6 year olds) in the Bay Window Room with Ashley

Walker and Sarah Van de Graaf. 1st-4th Teachers at Chapel: Huw Gilbert and Scott Beyer. Rev. Paul Gilmore in

the Barn with the 5th, 6th, and 7th graders for Feasting on the Word.

Youth News: What is happening at FPC for our MSYG (6th-8th graders and their friends), and HSYG (9th-12th graders and their friends). Everyone is welcome!

MSYG (6th-8th) HSYG (9th-12th)

4/9 5-6:30pm Cooking for Domus 4/9 5-6:30pm Cooking for Domus

4/23 4-5:30pm Mission Trip Orientation to RI 4/23 11-12:30pm Mission Trip to Alaska

4/23 6-7:30 Barn Night

Greeters: The Santora family; Worship Coordinator: John Servidea; Ushers: Kip and Mike Farrell, Janet and

John Lanaway ; Cross Bearer: Kristen Rodgers; Lay Reader: Michele McBride; Communion Preparers: Erica

Bergmans and Rose Scott Rothbart; Communion Officers: Emma Dahill, Jack Dahill, Jennifer Van de Graaf;

Musicians: First Presbyterian Church Choir.

Let us keep in our thoughts and prayers: New Concerns: family of Jacqueline Bradley. Continued concerns:

Grace Chung; Neil Coakley; Ann Depuy; Darren Dionne; Ed Elbert; Anne Blose Eydt (daughter of Marion

Blose); Jennifer Gallagher (a member of the Riehl family); Graham Harden; Sister Therese Jacobs (friend of Mary

Jane Bolin); Vince Lombardi; Doris Mierendorf; Beryl Stone (a friend of the Van de Graaf’s); The Abo Noktah

family (our Syrian refugees): Khaldoun (father), Khawla Alzob (mother), daughters Hanin (12) and Zain (5), and

sons Yaman (11) and Ahmed, (10).

Easter Flowers: Would you like to see our sanctuary filled with flowers during the joyous weeks of Easter? Please call

the church office, (203) 966-0002, if you would like to contribute.

Flower Memorials: If you wish to have flowers in the sanctuary to celebrate an anniversary, a baptism, a

birthday, or to memorialize a loved family member or friend please call Barbara Wentzel, Flower Coordinator, at

203-966-5402 or email at

If you have remembered FPCNC in your estate plans, and would like to be included on

the list of members of the Bell Tower Society, please let the church office know. Thank

you for making plans to leave a legacy.

2017 Lenten Food Drive: It is the tradition of the First Presbyterian Church to add something during The Lenten

season rather than take away something. Over the past several years, we have added items needed by the New

Canaan Food Pantry into our carts as we do our grocery shopping during Lent. We fill the back of the sanctuary

with our donated groceries until on Palm Sunday (April 9) we deliver the bags to the NC Food Pantry. Grocery

bags with an attached list of items needed will be distributed beginning Ash Wednesday (March 1) and available

every Sunday during Lent. The items needed are canned fruit (except pineapple), dried fruit, honey, canned

pasta, side dishes (instant potatoes, rice and pasta), tea (regular, decaf and herbal – no green tea), nuts,

salad dressings and Kleenex. Many people remember the NC Food Pantry around the Thanksgiving and

Christmas season. Donations drop in the spring and summer. Please think of our New Canaan neighbors in need as

you go grocery shopping during Lent and throughout the year.

Cents-ability: On March 5, we collected $187. Our total collection since we began Cents-ability at our church in

November 2011 is $16,858. Thank you for your awareness and generous response to hunger. If you would like

more information on Cents-ability or need a Cents-ability cup, please see Robin Lewis. Remember to fill up your

Cents-ability cup ‘til it runneth over! Our next collection is May 7. Staying Put Presents Panel on End-of-Life Planning ● Today ● 11:30 a.m. in the Common Room

Staying Put in New Canaan will present a program on End-of-Life planning on Sunday, April 2nd at 11:30 am in

the Common Room. The panel will provide guidance to seniors and their adult children on how to orchestrate a

family conversation which ensures that final wishes will be honored, and will outline the purpose of various legal

and medical directives, as well as options for end-of-life care. Panelists will include Sherman Bull, M.D.,

Stamford Health, Michelle Beltrano, J.D., R.N., Beltrano Law, Kristin Edwards, M.D., Yale-New Haven Health,

and Staying Put Advisory Council Member Pat Stoddard. For more information, please call 966-7762.

Palm Sunday FPC Craft Fair and Egg Hunt, Sunday, April 9

Calling all children!! 11:15 am egg hunt begins

The Children's Ministry Committee is pleased to sponsor our Annual Easter Craft Fair, this

year during worship on Palm Sunday. After a special children’s chapel, the children will

be invited to enjoy many religious crafts about Holy Week. During Coffee Hour, the kids

will be invited to participate in our Easter Eggstravaganza Egg Hunt outside (rain or shine,

so please be prepared). Please bring a basket for hunting. Children will hunt eggs by age

group. This is an excellent opportunity to invite a friend to our church. Bring your

cameras, your family, friends, and join us!

Spring Musical!

Sunday, June 4th at the 10am service! This Wednesday, April 5th, we begin rehearsals for the spring musical "In the Image." The musical features all

ages, singers and non-singers who tell the story of God's creation in a Sunday School classroom. Thinking their

teacher won the lottery and moved to Tahiti, the class takes over as teachers and discover that God really is the

creator of all things - even snakes, mosquitos and Brussels sprouts! This fun, funny and uplifting musical is sure to

be a hit! The directors, Chris Tate, Victoria Shields, and Sherry Tate all hope you can join us in the choir room from 5:30-

6:30 this Wednesday, April 5th. Rehearsals will break for Spring Break on Wednesday, April 12th, but will resume

on Wednesday, April 19 from 5:00-6:30. The musical will be on Sunday, June 4th. Contact Chris Tate at or Victoria Shields at for more information. We hope you'll join us!


Tel.: 203-966-0002 /

Church Office Hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

SUNDAY, APRIL 2: Fifth Sunday in Lent

10:00 AM Holy Communion

Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird preaching

10:15 AM Sunday’s Cool for Grades PreK-7

11:15 AM Cherub Choir

11:15 AM Coffee Hour

11:30 AM Staying Put Presentation

3:30 PM Pro Arte Benefit High Tea

5:00 PM Pro Arte Concert and Reception


2:00 PM Meditation Group

TUESDAY, APRIL 4 9:30 AM Leadership Team

11:30 AM Gentlemen Songsters

4:00 PM English Handbell Choir

8:00 PM Men’s A.A.


10:00 AM Music Librarians

5:00 PM Cherub Choir

5:00 PM Carol Choir

5:00 PM Confirmation Class

5:30 PM Spring Musical Rehearsal

THURSDAY, APRIL 6 3:30 PM Special Church

7:30 PM FPC Choir


9:00 AM Goodwill Truck in Parking Lot

9:15 AM A.A. (closed discussion)

10:30 AM A.A. (open discussion)

SUNDAY, APRIL 9: Palm Sunday

9:15 AM Ecumenical Blessing of Palms

on God’s Acre

10:00 AM Worship

10:15 AM Easter Craft Fair (no MS classes)

11:15 AM Easter Egg Hunt

11:15 AM Coffee Hour

11:20 AM Cherub Choir

5:00 PM MSYG/HSYG Cooking for Domus

Pro Arte Singers Benefit High Tea

and Concert

Sunday, April 2nd

Tea at 3:30 pm

The Benefit includes tea, refreshments,

silent and live auction, and a short

musical program by Pro Arte. The event

will benefit Pro Arte’s mission to bring

the world’s finest choral music, in

professional performances, to Fairfield

County audiences.

Concert at 5:00 pm

At 5 p.m., the Pro Arte Singers and

Festival Chorus present a program of

works by Herbert Howells and Josef

Rheinberger, two Pro Arte audience

favorites, along with a sampling of

beautiful choral music from around the

world. Pro Arte is celebrating 45 years of

leadership of its founder and Artistic

Director Arthur Sjögren.

Tickets for the Benefit High Tea and the

concert are $60; tickets for the concert

alone are $35, or $30 for seniors and

students. Tickets will be sold at the door.

Tuesday Mornings during Lent Tuesday, April 4, 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. “Not A Silent Night – Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem” – Teacher Paul E.

Gilmore. Presbyterian poet and author, Ann Weems, wrote, “If there is no cross in the manger, there is no Christmas.”

This class, using a book and video by Adam Hamilton, views the life of Jesus through Mary’s eyes, beginning with the

last years of her life and her death. Then in each succeeding chapter we’ll work our way backward, from the crucifixion

and Jesus’ ministry, to his discovery in the Temple as a twelve-year-old, to the announcement of the Savior to come,

until finally we end with the birth of Jesus. By looking at the significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we will

reconsider the meaning of his birth – of the cross in the manger. Book available for $17.

Wednesday Nights during Lent Wednesday, April 5, 3:45 pm at the United Methodist Church; 6:00 pm at the New Canaan Library

“An Evening with Debby Irving” The Interfaith Council of New Canaan invites all of us to an evening with Debby

Irving, racial justice educator and author of the book, “Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race.”

Irving will share her journey from believing that she was “color blind” to race, a “good person,” and a great ally to

people of color till an “aha!” moment in 2009 woke her up to the reality that she still had a lot of work and

understanding to do. Book available for $20. It’s been called “one of the most important books on race in recent

memory.” The Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016), the Reverends Denise Anderson and Jan

Edmiston, are urging Presbyterians via their “One Church, One Book” project to read and discuss it. “Her story

resonates with a lot of Presbyterians,” Edmiston said in a workshop at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Polity

Conference in October. “Our hope is that it would start conversations. But it’s not just about reading the book. My

hope is that we would be somewhat changed.” The Co-Moderators’ “One Church, One Book” project invites

Presbyterians over the next couple of months to read and discuss Irving’s book where they gather—in pastor support

groups, ministry alliances, mid councils, church school classes, Bible studies, book clubs, and anywhere else.

DEACONS’ FUND: Special envelopes are enclosed today, as they are on every Communion Sunday, for the Deacons’

Fund. These may be placed in the offering plates. The Deacons’ Fund enables the church, on a confidential basis, to help

individuals in our congregation who are in special need. Please let the ministers know of any who might now be helped by

this Fund. Various specific needs are great at this moment, so do give generously.

Calling all lads and lassies!! Scottish Sunday is April 30

With Scottish activities leading up to the big day

Sunday, April 23, 11:30am: Kiltmaker Bonnie Heather Greene will discuss the kiltmaking tradition and provide

tartan sample books for perusal to find you family tartan or pick one you like. In the Common Room. Wednesday, April 26, 6:00pm: Assist master shortbread bakers Molly Ludtke and Susan Gress in the FPCNC

kitchen to bake batches of homemade shortbread to share on Scottish Sunday. RSVP: Friday, April 28, 6:00-8:00pm: Scottish Heritage Cocktail Party and Kirkin’ (get measured and order a custom kilt)

at the home of Scott and Susan Gress. Bring an app and beverage to share. RSVP: Sunday, April 30: (drop off lunch items in Common Room before going to the sanctuary) Join the fanfare starting

with a bagpipe procession at the beginning of the 10:00 service, grab some coffee and homemade shortbread in the

back of the sanctuary and enjoy the Ceilidh featuring Scottish songs, harp and bagpipes. Follow the pipers to the

Common Room for lunch immediately following the Ceilidh and try some haggis (or not), bring something to share

(plenty of non-haggis options) based on the first letter of your last name: A-E bring cold cuts; F-J bring sliced

bread and cheese; K-N bring salads (green, pasta, cole slaw, potato salad); O-R bring fruit or dessert;

S-V bring appetizers; W-Z bring condiments (mayo, mustard, pickles). The FPCNC Scottish Committee will

provide wine, Scottish beer and soft drinks. A wee donation is much appreciated to defray our costs (we must pay the

piper after all). Monies leftover will be donated to the Deacons Fund. RSVP: Brought to you

by The FPCNC Scottish Heritage Committee


The Entire Congregation


The Rev. Paul E. Gilmore, Pastor

The Rev. Kathryn Kibbie Laird, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Families


Victoria Shields, Director of Music / Sherry Tate, Cherub Choir director

Michelle Olsen, Church Administrator / Tina St. Armand, Office Manager

Erika Hagan, Administrative Assistant to Children and Youth Ministries

Kuky and Andres Pereira, Operations/Security Managers / Edgar Torres, Day Sexton



PALM SUNDAY, April 9 • 10 A.M.

(preceded by Ecumenical Blessing of the Palms at God’s Acre at 9:15 A.M.)

MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 13 • 7:30 P.M. Communion Service

GOOD FRIDAY, April 14 • 7:30 P.M. Tenebrae Service



Two services with Holy Communion: 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.

The First Presbyterian Church Choir

Carol and Cherub Choirs; Choir Chimes (9 am service)

English Handbells

Brass Quintet and Organ

Presenting festive music by Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Ferguson,

J.S. Bach and Charles-Marie Widor

The Rev. Paul E. Gilmore preaching

Infant care and special program for children for both services

Triumphal Entry - Procession with Palms and

The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

St. John Passion Choruses

Tomás Luis de Victoria

The First Presbyterian Church Choir

Infant care and special program for children.

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt (rain or shine)

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