all about cell phones & health

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  • 7/29/2019 All About Cell Phones & Health


    All About Cell Phones & HealthbyRyan Andrews, July 30th, 2012.

    Summary: Many factors contribute to the potential health risks of cell phones. Learn what they are, and how you

    can protect yourself.

    I dont know about you, but in the early 1990s I wanted one of these:

    P.S. Shut up.

    To me, radio transmissions from cell phones are kinda irrelevant. I forget about them and instead focus on

    important stuff, like what Im going to eat for lunch. But just because I cant see or touch radio transmissions,

    they still exist.

    There are advantages to cell phones: making emergency calls, catching up with friends, getting business done

    while on the bus, and so forth.

    But what about any disadvantages?

    Cell phones: a growing phenomenon

    In 1996, there were 15 million U.S. cell phone subscribers. In 2000, there were 110 million U.S. cell phone

    subscribers. Now (2012), there are over 303 million U.S. cell phone subscribers (the total U.S. population is

    311 million).

    Half of all eight year olds have a cell phone. 75% of twelve year olds do too.
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    How do cell phones work?

    Cell phones are a complex, low powered radiofrequency transmitter. Radiofrequency energy is a form of

    electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is used to transmit information from cell phones to

    base stations/antennas.

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    How safe is electromagnetic radiation?

    Electromagnetic radiation can be ionizing (e.g., X-rays) or non-ionizing (e.g., cell phones & microwave ovens).

    Our bodies absorb radiation.

    Electromagnetic spectrum

    While our cell membranes appear to block non-ionizing radiation, were not sure how it influences ouroverall health long term.

    For instance, some folks who live by base stations report various health conditions. Still, no data indicate a

    direct cause/effect relationship here.

    The SAR (specific absorption rate) is a measure of radiofrequency energy absorption by the body. The FCC

    requires that handheld mobile devices not exceed 1.6 watts/kg (e.g., the iPhone 3G = 1.39). Behaviour in

    animals appears to be disrupted at 4.0 watts/kg.

    The problem of safety standards

    Radiofrequency safety standards were based on the following imaginary person who:

    was 62; was over 200 pounds; had an 11 pound head; and talked on a cell phone for 6 minutes at a time, without placing it directly against the skull (before you

    laugh at the idea of holding a cell phone one inch away from your brain, its been estimated that for

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    every millimeter of distance that a cell phone is held away from the head, exposure is lowered by


    Well, based on demographic data, not many folks are that average person the average U.S. male is

    about 510 and the average female is 54. And those are the adults. Remember, 75% of twelve year olds

    have a cell phone. As you might imagine, they dont quite measure up to the radiofrequency safety standards


    Plus cell phones are changing.

    The old school Zack Morris cell phone operated at 902.5 MHz. Modern cell phones are double this. Zack

    Morris cell phones had antennas that extended out from the phone. Modern antennas are built into the

    phone. This means transmissions are closer to the brain.

    So what does this mean for our health?

    The potential health risks of cell phones

    Just because cell phones are available to purchase doesnt mean theyre a good idea to use.

    The United States FDA does not test cell phone safety. Most of the information provided to us as consumers

    comes from industry. And neither party government nor private industry necessarily has our best

    interests in mind.

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer (World Health Organization) has deemed electromagnetic

    fields from cell phones as possibly carcinogenic (same as lead, chloroform and engine exhaust).

    Yet possibly carcinogenic doesnt mean definitely harmful. One problem with figuring out the true risks isthat there are many variables to consider with cell phone use, such as:

    whos using the cell phone; how long theyve used it; how frequently they use it, and/or how long their calls last; what kind of phone it is; where they use it; and surrounding cell phone traffic.

    For every study that outlines something negative related to cell phones, there is another study showing no

    effect. As you can imagine, its tricky to find solid conclusions. And many studies related to cell phones were

    funded by organizations that have a vested interest in promoting cell phone use.

    However, even if we dont yet have solid data, we can make some informed guesses based on what we do

    know about radiation and the way the body works.

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    How cell phones might harm the body

    Scientists speculate that cell phones might harm our bodies in a couple of ways:

    Thermal: Radiation can elevate body temperature (think: microwave oven). With a cell phone in ourpocket or by our head, slight temperature increases might disrupt cellular functioning. The eyes and

    testes appear especially susceptible.

    Non-thermal: Radiofrequency energy can alter cell membrane permeability, the movement ofcalcium ions, cell excitability, free radical production, blood-brain barrier integrity, the stress

    response and/or neurotransmitter release.

    The role of the blood-brain barrier (as in the non-thermal effect) may be key.

    When the blood-brain barrier loses integrity, it gets leaky, and microorganisms moving around the body have

    a better chance of entering the brain space. Rats exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency (the strength of the old

    Zack Morris phone) show a leaky brain.

    Leakage across the blood-brain barrier also appears in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS). Still,observational studies have found little association in humans between cell phone use and the development

    of MS (though data have indicated that MS symptoms might get worse with cell phone use).

    Another thought is that increased cell phone usage can lead to increased oxidative stress (with concurrent

    decreases in antioxidant function). More oxidative stress is associated with a host of problems, such as

    damage to DNA, enzymes, lipids and proteins.

    Whatever the mechanism, it seems clear that cell phones may have wide-ranging health effects on several

    body organs and systems.

    Effects on brain health

    Data indicate that the brain is susceptible to electromagnetic field radiation.

    When we hold a cell phone by our head, the electromagnetic fields can penetrate up to 6 cm inside the

    brain. Nerves innervating the eyes and ears may also be exposed to cell phone radiation. Some cell phone

    users have reported blurred vision, difficulty concentrating and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

    There are some associations between cell phone (and cordless phone) use and brain cancer, with the highest

    risk in those under the age of 20 years. Tumors in the brain/neck seem to be higher in those who have usedcell phones for more than 10 years.

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    Source: Lehrer S, et al. Association between number of cell phone contracts and brain tumor incidence in nineteen U.S.

    States. J Neurooncol 2011;101:505507.

    There are a few indicators of how cell phone use might affect the brain. For example:

    Brain glucose metabolism around the area of the cell phone antenna tends to increase while the cellphone is in use (by the head).

    Alpha brain waves (a sign of relaxed brain activity) seem to increase with cell phone use. Data isntconsistent here and variations might be due to the type of cell phone used.

    Cognitive performance (e.g. attention and memory) are another possible indicator, but data on thecognitive effects of electromagnetic fields from cell phones are mixed. Overall, the trend shows no

    major impact (note: many of the tests used in the studies were very simple). One study in mice found

    that low amounts of radiation from cell phones might actually help to fight off Alzheimers disease

    (the study has been criticized by experts).

    Effects on reproduction, fertility & pregnancy

    There are some potential problems with electromagnetic radiation and testicular tissues. For example:

    More cell phone use is correlated to less sperm motility, altered sperm morphology (in other words,funny-looking wigglers) and a decreased sperm count. Animal studies have shown decreases in

    testicular size and sperm cell death with exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

    Cell phone radiation might also lead to lower testosterone and testicular cancer.

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    Source: Agarwal A, et al. Cell phones and male infertility: A review of recent innovations in technology and

    consequences. Int Braz J Urol 2011;37:432-454.

    If pregnant women use cell phones, there seems to be a greater chance that their children will have

    behaviour problems or hyperactivity.

    Effects on sleep & immunity

    While the exact relationship isnt clear, it seems that cell phone use might affect sleep patterns and

    neuroendocrine function. For example:

    We know that the light from electronic screens can affect our brains circadian clock. Electromagneticradiation can also alter melatonin production and brain activity during sleep. Melatonin is involved

    with sleep, metabolic health, and other processes.

    Some cell phone users report more fatigue and headaches might also increase. Its unclear if thesefactors are related to other variables (like overworking, or constantly focusing the eyes to see the

    text on the screen).

    There are associations between cell phone use and the development of non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

    Effects on kids & youth

    I believe that 30% of all childhood cancers are associated with electromagnetic field exposure.

    Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health State University of New York

    Ah, the kids these days, with their funny pants, their rock music, and their cell phones. And maybe, their poor

    health thanks in part to cell phones.

    Young brains continue to develop well into the third decade of life, and of course our brains are at their

    busiest when we are young. Plus, in case you havent noticed, children are smaller people than grownups.

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    So, the brains of children and teenagers may be more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, many

    concerned parents and phone-happy kids have reported symptoms related to cell phone use, such as sleep

    problems, dizziness, fatigue, asthma, behavioral problems, etc. However, without solid experimental data,

    much of this remains anecdotal.

    Data show that young folks who use cell phones have diminished memory. Is this because the phones store

    things like phone numbers and addresses (which means we dont have to work to remember them), or

    because were distracted by texting, or some other reason? Hard to say.

    Effects on skin & joints

    Modern technology has been implicated as a cause of various skin conditions, often to the hands and face.

    Cell phone dermatitis can be related to nickel, chromium, and/or cobalt sensitivity.

    Frequent users of smart phones have also reported conditions such as Blackberry thumb and phone neck

    minor but still annoying tendonitis or muscle pain.

    Effects on driver attention

    We think were better multi-taskers than we really are, and cell phone use while driving is no exception.

    Some research suggests that talking on a cell phone while driving is effectively like driving while impaired. In

    fact, a study at the University of Utah that compared drunk drivers to drivers on cell phones even found that

    cell phone drivers exhibited greater impairment than intoxicated drivers. Ouch.

    The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that of all the traffic accidents

    caused by distracted drivers, about 20% of those involved cell phone use.

    As a result, many regions have banned cell phones for drivers outright, or restricted cell phone use to hands-

    free devices only.

    Environmental effects

    Cell phones arent just a health hazard whilewere using them. They can be a health hazard before and after

    we use them, too.

    Producing new cell phones requires precious metals to be extracted from the earth. This is resource-intensive and generates tons of carbon dioxide. This can impact global weather patterns.

    An expensive mineral called coltan is a component of cell phones. It can resist heat and store an electrical

    charge. Its found mainly in regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the mining and production

    process often involves child/youth labour and environmental hazards. Riverbeds must be cleared, toxic waste

    is generated, and mining zones include areas that are home to gorillas (gorilla populations in Congo have

    decreased by 90% in the last several years).

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    Despite the difficulty of producing cell phone materials, we dont treat our phones as permanent


    Worldwide, more than 1.2 billion cell phones were sold in 2009. And the average consumer only keeps their

    cell phone for 18 months. More than half of cell phones are replaced because we get tired of the design.

    What happens when they are discarded? Cell phones are classified as hazardous waste. Their components

    include non-degradable plastics and often, heavy metals.

    Unfortunately, the U.S. recycling rate on cell phones is only 8%. Yikes.

    Thus, cell phones can also affect our health even when we arent using them.

    Discarded cell phones

    Summary and recommendations

    I think that in 20 years well look back on cell phones in the same way we look back on cars and alcohol.

    They have valuable functions in society, but when misused they can kill you.

    Devra Davis, PhD, MPH

    Its still not clear exactly how risky cell phones are for both us and our environment. We still dont know all

    the factors involved, nor which ones are most harmful to us.

    But when put together, all the data on cell phones suggest that we should be careful. If we wait for scientificproof on this issue, it might be too late.

    Luckily, we can implement simple, low-cost preventive measures right now to help keep ourselves safe.

    Simplify your phone. Additional capabilities on cell phones might mean additional health risks. Use it less. If you can use a landline for a call (i.e., phone with a cord), do it. Turn it off. A cell phone only emits radiation when its turned on. Text more. Texting can reduce radiation exposure to the brain.

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    Set limits for kids. Use landlines for most calls. Find a phone with a lower SAR value (see resources below) Dont hold a cell phone next to your head. Use a hands free device/ear piece. Use the speaker

    function when possible.

    Keep cell phones away from your body. Instead of keeping them in your pocket, keep them in apurse, man-purse or backpack. The further the cell phone is away from your body, the less exposure

    you have to the radiofrequency (another benefit of texting).

    Pregnant women: dont keep a cell phone next to your body (when its turned on).

    Men: avoid keeping a cell phone in your pocket (when its turned on).

    Use the quiet car. If you can ride the car on the train that prohibits cell phones, youll be exposed toless electromagnetic radiation. If everyone around you has a switched-on cell phone, you are getting

    exposed to more electromagnetic radiation.

    Dont sleep with your cell phone on your nightstand. If you can get your cell phone repaired and avoid buying a new one, do it. Cell phone waste is a

    major problem.

    When you must discard your cell phone, make sure to recycle it properly or donate it (see resourcesbelow).


    Highest radiation cell phones Lowest radiation cell phones Is there a cell phone antenna near you? Environmental Working Group Guide to Safer Cell Phone Use A major study, known asCOSMOS, was launched in 2010 in Europe, tracking cells phone users for 20

    years. Another study ismobi-kids.

    Cell phone recycling & donation resources just enter your zip code and find a drop off location United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency Recycle Cell Phones- options for drop off or mail-in

    recycling options for donating old cell phonesReferences

    Volkow ND, et al. Effects of cell phone radiofrequency signal exposure on brain glucose metabolism. JAMA


    Lehrer S, et al. Association between number of cell phone contracts and brain tumor incidence in nineteen

    U.S. States. J Neurooncol 2011;101:505507.;page;page;page;page;page;page
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    Hardell L, Carlberg M. Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours. Int J Oncol 2009; 35:5


    Myung SK, et al. Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:55655572.

    Agarwal A, et al. Cell phones and male infertility: A review of recent innovations in technology and

    consequences. Int Braz J Urol 2011;37:432-454.

    Harbo Poulsen A, et al. Mobile Phones and Multiple Sclerosis A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark. PLoS

    ONE 2012;7:e34453.

    National Cancer Institute.

    World Health Organization.

    American Cancer Society.

    Davis D. Disconnect. 2010. Penguin.

    Reardon M.Cell phone radiation: Harmless or health risk?CNET. May 2011.

    Reardon M.The trouble with cell phone radiation standard. CNET. June 2011.

    Reardon M.Cell phone radiation: A self-defense guide. June 2011.

    Dellorto D. WHO:Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk. CNN. May 2011.

    Arendash GW, et al. Electromagnetic field treatment protects against and reverse cognitive impairment in

    Alzheimers disease mice. J Alzheimers Dis 2010;19:191-210.

    Gerner C, et al. Increased protein synthesis by cells exposed to a 1,800-MHz radio-frequency mobile phone

    electromagnetic field, detected by proteome profiling. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2010;83:691-702.

    Schwarz C, et al. Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effecs in vitro

    in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2008;81:755-767.

    Hardell L, et al. Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the

    risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2006;79:630-639.

    Hardell L, et al. Use of cellular or cordless telephones and the risk for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Int Arch

    Occup Environ Health 2005;78:625-632.

    Ketcham C.Warning: Your cell phone may be hazardous to your health. February 2010.

    Gittleman AL. Zapped. 2010. HarperCollins.

    Rongen EV, et al. Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the human nervous system. Journal of

    Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews 2009;12:572-597.
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    Li K & Barankin B. Ctaneous manifestations of modern technology use. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and

    Surgery 2011;15:347-353.

    Valentini E, et al. Republished review: Systematic review and meta-analysis of psychomotor effects of mobile

    phone electromagnetic fields. Postgrad Med J 2011;87:643-651.

    Roosli M & Hug K. Wireless communication fields and non-specific symptoms of ill health: a literature review.

    Wien Med Wochenschr 2011;161:240-250.

    Feychting M. Mobile phones, radiofrequency fields, and health effects in children Epidemiological studies.

    Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 2011;107:343-348.

    Kwon MS & Hamalalnen H. Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields: Critical evaluation of behavioral

    and neurophysiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics 2011;32:253-272.

    Electronics Take Back Coalition.

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    Earth 911.E-waste: Harmful materials.

    Cell phones qualify as hazardous waste. Science Daily.

    Lasar M. Ars Technica.Add billions of mobile phones to the worlds e-waste problem.

    Mooallem J.The afterlife of cell phones. NY Times Magazine.

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