cell phones


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The cell phones

Valeria GarcíaJavier Duarte

History of cell phones

Goes back to the beginnings of World War II, is born by the need of remote communication, its promoter was the Motorola services company in the military, it was only a matter of time before the technologies of Tesla and Marconi and join gave birth to the radio-telephone communication.

The cell phone

That is a cell phone?

The cell phone is a wireless electronic device that allows to have access to the network of cellular or mobile telephony. His principal characteristic is his portability, which one allows to communicate from almost any place. The principal function is the communication of voice, as the conventional telephone.

Why are they called cell phones?

The systems of wireless telephony divide in cells or cells, it is for this that the devices of mobile telephony know also as cell phones

The first cell phonesThis one is the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X and first appeared in 1983, the cell phone was used only to communicate and had a battery charge lasted only a few hours.

Did you know?

Martin cooper is the creator of the cell phones

The evolution of the cell phones

They were evolving in less than one decade they have had many notable changes: now you assemble several possibilities of communication and entertainment: one or two lines, transmission and receipt of voice, etc. In addition they reproduce music

Some companies of cellular telephony

Advantages and disadvantages


• Talk to whoever you want where you want to walk • You can quickly call in case of an emergency • Facilitates communication with people who do not have

close • It is comfortable • The can carry around • You find out what's happening in the world • You can take photos • listen to music • You can send text messages, images or videos


• Walk with a vice if you know not to use limits becomes

• The rates they charge are expensive • You get used to it and returns you need • Not all people make good use of the • By providing information sometimes people

do not reason

Negative effects of the cell phone

The use of the mobile telephone, beside communiqués being kept and in the wave of the 21st century, brings side effects in which, in case of being informed, we do not even think. And the worse thing; as the tobacco concerns the "passive" users and big hurts the environment. Did you know that the battery of your mobile can contaminate 600.000 liters of water? Did you know that the radiation of your mobile overcomes 3 million times the radiation of the Sun? Not speak about the Car Crashes while a "call" was attended...

Since the cell phone works

The cell phone works by means of the union of a network of stations transmitting-receiving of radio, so called towers; (base station, which this formed by a tower; a small building where the equipment of radio is) and a set of telephone central offices.