alexander hamilton’s financial program including the bank of the united states seemed to favor...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Alexander Hamilton’s financial program including the Bank of the United States seemed to favor which group of Americans?

A) Southern Farmers

B) Northern Businessmen

C) Western frontiersmen

D) East Coast Fishermen

Which of the following compromises dealt with representation in the national Congress?

A) Electoral College

B) Connecticut

C) Slave trade

D) 3/5

Which of the following court cases established governments practice of separate but equal

A) Plessy v Ferguson

B) Rust v Sullivan

C) Korematsu v. U.S.

D) Marbury v. Madison

What was President Washington’s response when Great Britain and France went to war against each other?

A) He issued the Monroe Doctrine

B) He allowed France to use American ports

C) He declared the Proclamation of Neutrality

D) He declared war on Great Britain

In George Washington’s Farwell Address, he warned against all of the following except

A) Foreign alliances

B) Formation of political parties

C) Engaging in Europe matters

D) Building of colleges

The Judiciary Act of 1801 and so called “midnight judges” were an attempt by the Federalists to

A) Weaken the Judicial branch of the government

B) Support of the policies of the incoming President, Thomas Jefferson

C) Prolong their power by increasing their hold on the judiciaryD) Do away with the Alien and Sedition Acts

When a local party organization becomes very powerful, it is sometimes referred to as a_________________ .

A) Political machine

B) Convention

C) Caucus

D) none of the above

In the 1803 the United States suddenly doubled its size when

A) It seized Louisiana from the Spanish empire

B) It bought Louisiana from Napoleon of France for $15 million

C) Daniel Boone cleared a road through a gap in eastern Tennessee called the Wilderness RoadD) It bought Louisiana from Spain for $15 million

What is the most significant result of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

A) Declared slavery open in all states

B) Limited the power of individual states

C) Expanded the power of the Bill of Rights

D) Established the Supreme Courts right to exercise judicial review

The case of McCullough v. Maryland declared that _____________ was constitutional

A) The National bank

B) Interstate trade

C) Westward expansion

D) The Fugitive Slave Law

Which of the following is the main reason the US declared war on Great Britain during the War of 1812

A) Embargo Act, Proclamation of Neutrality, and War Hawks

B) Indian relations, national pride, and War Hawks

C) Treaty of Paris (1763) violations

D) Treaty of Paris (1783) violations

A group of young Congressmen called The War Hawks wanted to

A) Declare war against France

B) Work out a new treaty with the Indians

C) Remove the Indians and declare war against England

D) Wipe out the Federalist party

Francis Scott Key was inspired to write “The Star–Spangled Banner” by the

A) American victory at New Orleans

B) Triumphs of Old Ironside

C) Signing of the Treaty of Ghent

D) Defense of Baltimore at Fort McHenry

As a result of the War of 1812, the US

A) Became more dependent on Great Britain

B) Lost some of its national pride

C) Became less dependent on Europe

D) Gained land in Canada and Florida

Under the Treaty of Ghent, the United States and Great Britain agreed to

A) Keep warships off the Great Lakes

B) Leave the Canadian boundary unfortified

C) Establish joint control over the Oregon Country

D) Resume peaceful relation

The nationalism during the War of 1812 is most clearly evident in the

A) Appointment of John Marshall as Chief Justice

B) Support for the Hartford Convention

C) Support for the protective tariff

D) Refusal to purchase Florida

The issue of slavery in the Louisiana Purchase was settled by the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which declared that

A) Maine and Missouri would come in as slave states, but from then on all states would be free

B) Maine would come in as a free and Missouri as a slave state, from then on the settlers would vote to decide which they wanted to beC) Both Maine and Missouri would hold an election to decide whether they wanted to be a slave state or freeD) Maine would come in as a free state and Missouri as a slave state and that the rest of the territory would be divided between slave and free states by the 36 30’ line

The Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823 by James Monroe was an expression of United States’ expanding nationalism

when Monroe

A) Warned all European powers not to interfere with the affairs in the Western hemisphere

B) Warned Napoleon to withdraw from his occupation of Spain and Portugal

C) Told Mexico and Cuba that the United States intended to take over their countriesD) Took over the Isthmus of Panama in order to build a short route between the Atlantic and the Pacific

Why did the Tariff of Abominations, passed in 1828, so enrage the Southerners?

A) Because it favored imported goods from Britain

B) Because it was passed over the protests of President John Quincy Adams

C) Because the tariff was too high

D) Because it favored manufacturing in the northeast at the expense of southern agriculture

The Tariff of Abominations resulted in which of the following?

A) The Monroe Doctrine

B) Religious revivals

C) The concept of nullification

D) Establishment of labor unions

As a result of President Jackson’s policy, most Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River

A) Lost the right to vote

B) Gained the right to sue in court

C) Were forced to give up land

D) Supported Jackson in his reelection

What is the modern-day equivalent of the Kitchen Cabinet?

A) The Diplomatic Corps

B) The President’s personal advisors

C) The Central Intelligence Agency

D) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions stated the position of a group of people who were seeking

equal rights forA) People without property

B) women

C) immigrants

D) Freed slaves

What term best describes why Americans felt justified in expanding its territory from on coast to the other?

A) Manifest destiny

B) Trail of Tears

C) Territorial expansion

D) Tariff of Abominations

The immediate cause of the Mexican War was

A) A debt owed by Mexico to the American government

B) The movement of American settlers into Mexican territory

C) A revolution in Mexico between the Mexican rebels and Spain

D) A dispute over the southern boundary of Texas

All of the following were reasons Americans went west except for

A) Gold and silver

B) Factory work

C) farmland

D) Religious freedom

The acquisition of territory that gave the US ownership of land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean was the

A) Mexican Cession

B) Louisiana Purchase

C) Gadsden Purchase

D) Texas annexation

One agent of the Underground Railroad, often called “The Moses of her People,” was

A) Elizabeth Stanton

B) Elizabeth Blackwell

C) Harriet Tubman

D) Harriet Beecher Stowe

The American Temperance Union called for an end to

A) The North’s interfering in the affairs of the South

B) The excessive use of alcoholic beverages

C) Domestic violence and injustices against women

D) The abuse of the mentally ill in prison

Many Southerners strongly defended slavery because

A) Slaves were needed to build the South’s transportation system

B) The Southern economy was based on slave labor

C) Immigrants were not willing to work on plantations

D) Slaves were needed to work on small southern farms

The term “popular sovereignty” refers to resolving the slave issue by

A) A referendum in all slave states

B) Elections in Texas and California

C) A territorial election in the western territories

D) A vote in the House of Representatives

“Bleeding Kansas” refers to the mid-century violence in the state of Kansas over:

A) Native American land rights

B) A high protective tariff that hurt the South

C) Slavery in the new states

D) Voting rights of non-property owners

In the Supreme Court case of Dred Scott v. Sanford (1856), Chief Justice Roger B. Taney expressed all of the following

ideas except

A) Slaves are property

B) Masters can take slaves anywhere

C) The Fugitive Slave Law is unconstitutional

D) The Missouri compromise is unconstitutional

The event causing the first southern states to secede from the Union was

A) The Dred Scott Decision

B) John Brown’s raid

C) Lincoln’s election as president

D) The Kansas-Nebraska Act

President Lincoln’s goal, after the Election of 1860 was to

A) Abolish slavery

B) Preserve the Union

C) Defeat the Confederacy

D) Leave slavery alone

Which of the following was a Confederate advantage at the beginning of the Civil War?

A) More factories and people

B) More help from France

C) More experienced generals

D) More miles of railroad

The purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution was to

A) Help black Americans achieve equal rights

B) Keep black Americans as slaves

C) End Reconstruction in the South

D) Ease the burden of Reconstruction on white Southerners

The black codes developed by the southern states were designed to

A) Help former slaves obtain farmland

B) Help former slaves receive an education

C) Keep freed slaves subordinate to whites

D) Require freed slaves to vote for southern candidates

General Winfield Scott’s “Anaconda Plan” involved all of the following except

A) Blockading Confederate ports

B) Dividing the Confederacy into three theaters of war

C) Gaining control of the Mississippi River and of New Orleans

D) Pushing north to capture Washington, D.C.

Which battle, fought in July 1863, was a turning point of the Civil War?

A) Fredericksburg

B) Vicksburg

C) Pittsburgh

D) Gettysburg

Lincoln’s plan fro Reconstruction was:

A) A hope of peace without bitterness and a restoration of southern economic and political rightsB) Harsh treatment of the South, both economically and politically

C) Vague because he did not have time to develop his plan

D) Harsh politically, but economically easy

Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction was:

A) Harsh and similar to the Radical Republican’s plan

B) The same as Lincoln’s plan

C) A reflection of the demands of the southern states

D) Harsher than Lincoln’s, but far short of what was demanded by the Radical Republicans

Which of the following statements characterized big business in the US during the “New Industrial Age”,

(approx. 1865-1900)?

A) Demand for government action to end immigrationB) Pressure exerted on government to create economic stability

C) Use of organizational power to control market prices and eliminate competition

D) Opposition to the introduction of labor saving devices

During the Gilded Age, many Americans opposed trusts became

A) Trusts could destroy small companies

B) Trusts increased competition among businesses

C) Trusts allowed foreign investments

D) Unemployment in the cities increased

The court case Brown v. Board of Education dealt with which of the following:

A) 1st Amendment

B) 2nd Amendment

C) 5th Amendment

D) 14th Amendment

The Interstate Commerce Act was the government’s response to the problems of

A) farmers

B) railroads

C) Factory workers

D) immigrants

The purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to stop the growth of

A) Government regulations

B) railroads

C) monopolies

D) Holding companies

All of the following were demands of early labor unions except

A) Higher wages

B) Better living conditions

C) A shorter workday

D) Increased use of unskilled workers

In the early 1900’s newly arrived immigrants usually worked

A) In skilled trades

B) At the lowest paying jobs

C) For higher pay than other Americans

D) On small farms in the South

Bosses in big-city political machines got votes for their candidates by

A) Stealing from immigrants

B) Ignoring immigrants

C) Criticizing immigrants

D) Helping immigrants

The Jim Crow Laws passed by southern legislatures were designed to segregate blacks socially. In 1896, the Supreme Court supported such laws in the case of:A) Munn v. Illinois

B) The Sherman Antitrust Act

C) Brown v. Topeka, Kansas

D) Plessy v. Ferguson

As a leader of the black community, Booker T. Washington, did al of the following except

A) Advocated social equality

B) Helped found the NAACP

C) Discovered hundreds of uses for he peanut

D) Grudgingly agreed to segregation

The Homestead Act of 1862, completion of the transcontinental railroad, ranching and “dry farming” all

helped shift part of the population of the US byA) Forcing conditions of over-crowding in Northeast cities

B) Aiding in economic “reconstruction” of the South

C) Aiding in the settlement of the Great Plains

D) Shifting opportunities away from the New England States

Improvements in communication and transportation in the late 1800s were important because:

A) It became more comfortable to travel

B) The telegraph made it possible to have more efficient trains

C) The telephone allowed families to stay in touch

D) Inventions created new industries

Innovations that spurred industrial growth led to the creation of large fortunes. Some philosophers applied the survival of the fittest theory to defend the accumulation of wealth by individuals. This theory was called:

A) Laissez-faire

B) Social Darwinism

C) The Trustee of Wealth Theory

D) The American Plan

The goal of the progressive movement was

A) Isolationism from Europe

B) Growth of industry

C) Reform of government

D) Prohibition of alcohol

Journalists who kept the public informed of wrongdoings in business and government were known as

A) muckrakers

B) consumers

C) Yellow journalists

D) populists

All of the following are examples of muckraking journalism except

A) Ida Tarbell’s History of the Standard Oil Company

B) Lincoln Steffen’s The Shame of the Cities

C) Russell Conwell’s Acres of Diamonds

D) Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives

During the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson the government finally passed effective antitrust legislation in the form of the

A) Sherman Antirust Act

B) Underwood-Simmons Act

C) Mann-Elkins Act

D) Clayton Act

After 1898, how did the need for markets affect the United States

A) Eliminated poverty in the cities

B) Improved economic growth and political prestige in world affairs

C) Decreased concern for minority and women’s rights

D) Limited involvement in world affairs

All of the following were reasons given by American imperialists for US involvement in foreign lands except

A) To Christianize and civilize natives

B) To gain ports to improve US naval power

C) To spread the ideas of democracy

D) To slow immigration to the US

What was the common purpose of the Open Door Policy?

A) To prevent Europe from taking over islands in the Pacific Ocean

B) To prevent European powers from gaining an unfair advantage in China

C) To promote good will among all nations

D) To give America an advantage in gaining trading routes to Asia

All of the following were colonial acquisitions in the late 1800s except

A) Cuba

B) Alaska

C) Hawaii

D) Samoa

An important result of the Spanish-American War was that it

A) Increased tension between the US and Russia

B) Forced Spain to recognize the Monroe Doctrine

C) Strengthened American control over the Caribbean

D) Made the US a leader of the “free world”

By the treaty ending the Spanish-American War the US acquired

A) Puerto Rico

B) Guam

C) Philippines

D) All of the above

Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” policy was directed at countries in the

A) Caribbean

B) Far East

C) Western Hemisphere

D) Soviet Union

President Taft’s foreign policy was most closely associated with the term

A) Watchful waiting

B) Dollar diplomacy

C) Moral diplomacy

D) nonintervention and noncolonization

The immediate cause of World War I was

A) An Austro-Hungarian archduke and his wife were assassinated

B) A strike by Serbians led to a violent riot

C) An Austro-Hungarian archduke and his wife murdered a Serbian

D) Serbians refused to salute the Austro-Hungarian flag

Before the US entry into World War I, American opposition to Germany increased because of Germany’s

A) Invasion of France by German troops

B) Continued unrestricted submarine attacks on US ships

C) Kidnapping and murder of American diplomats in Germany

D) Refusal to purchase American goods

President Wilson convinced the American people to enter World War I by doing which of the following?

A) Appealing to our tradition of helping Great Britain in her times of need

B) Promising to have the troops home for Christmas

C) Convincing Americans that we would soon be attacked by Germany

D) Pledging to fight “a war to end all wars” and “make the world safe for democracy”

All of the following are reasons why the US entered World War I except

A) The increasing threat to trade by the Allied Powers

B) The renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans

C) A natural desire to assure victory by the Allies

D) The collapse of Russia which made Wilson fear Germany would win

The only point of the Fourteen Points that Wilson successfully saved was the provision

A) For a new state of Poland

B) For a League of Nations

C) For Germany to accept responsibility for the war

D) For the total disarmament of Germany

After World War I, which of the following influences did we see dominate American political thinking

A) internationalist, pro civil rights, and pro business

B) isolationist, pro civil rights, and anti-business

C) isolationist, anti-immigration, and pro business

D) internationalist, anti-immigration, and anti-business

In the 1920s the United States experienced which of the following?

A) A period of great prosperity

B) A new period of isolationism

C) A Red Scare

D) All of the above

The prosperity of the 1920s was due to all of the following except

A) Installment buying

B) Mass merchandising

C) Mass production

D) Higher prices for agricultural staples

The term “flappers” was used to describe the

A) Guns used by gangsters during the 1920s

B) “new” women of the 1920s

C) Blacks who moved North in search of jobs

D) Model T automobile

Religious fundamentalism was an issue in the

A) Arbuckle trial

B) Sacco-Vanzetti trial

C) Lindbergh trial

D) Scopes trial

The Harlem Renaissance describes

A) The migration of blacks to the North

B) Cultural revolution of blacks in America

C) A major literary movement by black authors

D) The beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

The group that suffered the most economically during the prosperous 1920’s was the

A) Factory workers

B) Movie industry

C) immigrants

D) Farmers

All of the following were important effects of he automobile on America in the 1920s except which one?

A) Consumers borrowed more money

B) Workers commuted longer distances

C) Families traveled more extensively

D) Industry experienced oil shortages

A wide disregard for the law in the 1920’s was brought about by

A) anarchism

B) fundamentalism

C) prohibition

D) The “bonus march”

Why was the 1925 Scopes Trial called the greatest challenge to religious fundamentalism in the 1920s?

A) Because Scopes was represented by the great defense lawyer, Clarence Darrow

B) Because William Jennings Bryan assisted the State of Tennessee in the prosecution

C) Because of the extensive press coverage of the trial

D) Because Darrow and Bryan made evolution, rather than guilt or innocence, the real issue of the trial

One reason for the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was that

A) Many people bought stocks on credit

B) Strict government regulations kept many people from buying stocks

C) Banks closed and depositors lost their savings

D) American manufacturers were forced to lower prices

The most urgent task facing President Roosevelt in 1933 was

A) Protecting the nation’s territorial possessions

B) Tariff reform

C) Keeping the nation out of war

D) Relief for the unemployed

Which of the following was “new” about the New Deal?

A) Increased power of the president in legislation

B) First political advertising slogan

C) The authority of the executive branch over the judicial branch

D) The expanded role of the federal government in the lives of the citizens

The Bonus March to Washington DC was

A) A protest of American isolationism

B) A plea for an amendment giving women the right to vote

C) A demand for and increase in pay for members of the AFT

D) A demand for World War I pension payments

All of the following were components of the New Deal laws except

A) A minimum wage

B) Bank loans to farmers

C) Regulations of the stock exchange

D) Lowering of taxes

A major criticism of the New Deal was that it

A) Greatly increased the size and power of the federal government

B) Gave too many benefits to minorities

C) Brought about conditions that led to the “dust bowl”

D) Relied too much on advice from college professors and business leaders

Which conditions are most characteristic of a depression

A) High production and high demand

B) Much money in circulation and high stock prices

C) Few jobs and little demand

D) Supply meeting demand and high unemployment

Which event did not occur between the World Wars

A) Great Depression

B) Great Migration

C) Rise of totalitarianism

D) Bootlegging and Jazz Age

The ___________ of 1928 outlawed war and ordered that all disputes must be settled peacefully

A) non-aggression Pact

B) Treaty of Versailles

C) Kellogg-Briand Pact

D) Washing Conference

The Good Neighbor Policy of the U.S. in the 1930’s was directed to

A) Canada

B) Latin America

C) England and France

D) Soviet Union

The response of the League of Nations to the aggression of warlike countries during the 1930’s was to

A) Take military action against the aggressors

B) Force the aggressor nations out of the League

C) Give military supplies to nations that were being attacked

D) protest, but avoid taking military action

In 1931, Japan took the first step in building an empire by conquering

A) China

B) French Indochina

C) Malaya

D) Manchuria

Totalitarian governments gained control in Germany, Italy, and Japan because of the

A) Poor economic conditions

B) Spread of communism

C) Fear of the military

D) Treaty of Versailles

How did the worldwide depression of the 1930’s contribute most to the World War II?

A) Germans thought other countries were vulnerable

B) Dictators were able to gain popular support by promising

to solve economic problemsC) Europeans became increasingly resentful of United States demands for repayment of World War I debts

D) Major world powers were in severe competition for scarce natural resources

World War II finally ended the Great Depression because

A) People were too concerned about the war to worry about the economy

B) Roosevelt ordered the New Deal

C) Of the great demand for weapons and supplies

D) The United States began to purchase more goods from European Nations

The US entered World War II after

A) The Germans attacked Great Britain

B) Italy controlled the Mediterranean

C) The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor

D) France fell to the Germans

The __________ policy gave money and supplies to the Allies before the US entered World War II?

A) Cash and Carry

B) Open Door

C) Lend-Lease

D) Good Neighbor

The Allied Powers of World War II refers to all of the following countries except

A) France, the United States, and Great Britain

B) France, Great Britain, and Italy

C) Great Britain, France, and Soviet Union

D) Belgium, France, and the United States

Turning points for the Allies in World War II refers to all of the following except

A) El Alamein

B) Midway

C) Battle of the Bulge

D) Stalingrad

In the war against Japan in the central Pacific, the United States forces

A) Used the strategy of island hopping

B) Took many Japanese prisoners

C) Often did not have enough supplies

D) Were usually outnumbered

The long awaited invasion of France on June 6th 1944 is sometimes called

A) D-day

B) V-J day

C) V-E day

D) F-day

A violation of civil rights that occurred in the United States during World War II was the

A) Arrests made as a result of the Palmer Raids

B) Passage of an open immigration law

C) Internment of Japanese Americans

D) Forced removal of Native American Indians from their reservations

In the US during World War II, the role of women changed at they

A) Were drafted and assigned military roles equal to those held by men

B) Continued to work outside the home only in jobs traditionally performed by women

C) Made major contributions to the war effort by taking jobs in factories

D) Achieved positions of leadership in most major industries

As World War II was ending, the US decided to join the United Nations mainly because we

A) Sought to meet the American public’s overwhelming demand for free trade

B) Wanted to continue to play the same role it had in the League of Nations

C) Wanted to stop the growing influence of new independent developing nations

D) Recognized that efforts to achieve world peace required United States involvement

Which of the following best explains why the United States did not return to isolationism after World War II

A) Fear of renewed Japanese aggression

B) Lack of leadership in Allied countries

C) Threat of Soviet expansion

D) American guilt for using the atomic bomb

All of the following are associated with American patriotism during World War II except

A) Victory Gardens

B) War Bonds

C) hoarding

D) Scrap metal drives

What was the immediate affect of the end of World War II on American family life?

A) Decrease in birth rate

B) Baby boom

C) Decline in living standards

D) Greater family instability

The GI Bill benefited veterans in all of the following ways except

A) Money for college tuition

B) Loans in buying a house

C) Vocational training

D) Exemption from income taxes

Which of the following pairs are associated with the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s?

A) Sigmund Freud and Ernest Hemingway

B) Gertrude Ederle and Rudolph Valentino

C) Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald

D) Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen

On the Political spectrum Roosevelt’s domestic program for relief, recovery, and reform was

A) At the far left between socialism and communism

B) At the far right between conservatism and fascism

C) Right of center between moderate and conservative

D) Left of center between moderate and liberal

In the early 1940’s, the “destroyers-for-military-bases deal” with Great Britain and the Lend-Lease Act were evidence

that the United States

A) Followed its policy of neutrality more strictly as World War II progressed in Europe

B) Recognized that its policy of neutrality conflicted with its self-interests and the interests of our allies

C) Believed that the Allied policy of appeasement would succeedD) Wanted to honor the military commitments it had made just after World War I

War measures adopted by the U.S. prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor included all of the following except

A) Passage of the Lend-Lease Act

B) Repeal of the 1939 Neutrality Law

C) Assignment of African Americans to integrated army units

D) Arming of American merchant vessels to combat Nazi submarines

Brown v. Board of Education is a significant Supreme Court Decision because

A) It reaffirmed the legality of separate but equal schooling for blacks and whites

B) It ended segregation of U.S. armed forces

C) It ruled that separate schools for blacks and whites were illegal

D) It declared bussing to be a legal and necessary option to achieve desegregation of schools

Martin Luther King, Jr. was all of these except

A) A Nobel Prize winner

B) An admirer of Mohandes Gandhi in his non-violent protests

C) An ordained minister who was jailed sixteen time

D) A one time mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. It was

A) A U.S. initiated space probe

B) The first man-made object to orbit the Earth

C) A Soviet Union space telescope

D) A joint U.S./ Russian communications satellite

A) He was commenting on the progress of the Johnson civil rights acts

B) He had just become the first person to land on the moon

C) He was commenting on U.S. victory in the Vietnam TET offensive

D) He was inspired by Richard Nixon’s announced trip to China

In July 1969 Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Why?

U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War can be traced to all of the following except

A) We were allies of the French and gave economic aid to them after World War II

B) We were trying to contain communism and were enthralled by the “domino theory”

C) After a nation wide Vietnamese election we were asked to send aid and assistance

D) We were very concerned about Ho-Chi-Minh’s support of communism and his pro-Soviet leanings

Watergate is all of the following except

A) The scandal that brought down the Nixon administration

B) A hotel/apartment complex in Washington, DC

C) The tragic site of a botched burglary attempt by the committee to reelect the president

D) The dam in Colorado that’s over-inflated price toppled and led to Nixon’s impeachment

The Berlin Airlift was the significant and heroic response by the US to

A) The Soviet Union’s attempted blockade of West Berlin

B) Anglo/French attempts to speed up German war reparations

C) The Soviet Union’s attempts to take over large portions of West Germany

D) The German attempt at reviving Nazism after World War II

The term “iron curtain” refers to all of the following except

A) Term coined in speech by Winston Churchill

B) The Soviet Union’s attempt to assert its control and create a buffer zone with the west

C) The symbol for the distrust between the Soviets and the west due to their felling of betrayal by the Allies during World War II

D) President Truman’s attempt to isolate the Soviet Union as exemplified by the Marshall Plan

The United States was the first country to recognize Israel because

A) It was the right thing to do in principle

B) The Jewish state would serve as a strong voice of democratic principles in the region

C) Israel’s strategic importance in the Middle East and its potential as a natural ally of the USD) All of the above

The Iran hostage crises was caused by

A) The overthrow of the Shah and creation of a fundamentalist Islamic Republic

B) The Discovery of new oil resources coveted by the US

C) The Yom Kippur War

D) Richard Nixon’s insistence of aid for Iraq

The Cuban Missile crisis was

A) The armed US reaction to the tariff on Havana cigars

B) The Soviet attempt to place nuclear missile in Cuba

C) The creation of a communist state by Fidel Castro 90 mile form Florida

D) The exiled Cuban population in Florida clamoring to recapture their homeland

The TET offensive in Vietnam was all of the following except

A) A well engineered strategic plan by General Ngo Vinhgiap (hero of Dien Binh phu) to attack US bases

B) An overwhelming defeat of US forces with great US casualties

C) An example of careless media reporting which directly led to a feeling that the US was losing the war

D) An event which further polarized opinion in the US both for and against the war

The civil rights acts of the mid 1960s were intended to accomplish all of the following except

A) A disenfranchise the black minority in the north

B) Serve as an answer to desegregating in the south

C) Provide more equality of opportunity for all US citizens

D) Correct 100 years of racial injustice linked to ignoring Amendments 13, 14, and 15 to the Constitution after the Civil War

How did Senator Joseph McCarthy achieve his fame?

A) False accusations against members of the State Department

B) Running for president against Harry S. Truman in 1948

C) His use of the press to further Democratic goals

D) His opposition to the Korean War

The President who issued the executive order integrated the armed forces was

A) John F. Kennedy

B) Harry S Truman

C) Lyndon B Johnson

D) Dwight D Eisenhower

Voting patterns in the post World War II era strongly suggest that

A) African Americans and young people vote often

B) African Americans vote Republican

C) Most labor unions support the Republican party

D) Citizens over age fifty vote more often than other groups

Which president never won a presidential election?

A) Richard Nixon

B) Gerald Ford

C) George Bush

D) William Clinton

The government health program for the elderly is called

A) Peace Corps

B) Alliance for progress

C) Medicare

D) Medicaid

Geraldine Ferraro was

A) A senator from Maine

B) The first female candidate for Vice President of the U.S.

C) Head of Carlos Gambino’s mob family

D) Founder of the Women’s Rights movement

Television is largely responsible for all of the following except

A) A deepening protest of the Vietnam War

B) Exposing the racial injustices during the 1960’s Civil Rights movement

C) An increase in American enthusiasm for sports

D) Electing several of our most recent presidents

The computer is revolutionizing which area?

A) Business-the stock market

B) education-learning

C) Social-media and discourse

D) All of the above

All of the following were leaders in the 1960s civil rights movement except

A) Martin Luther King

B) Medgar Evers

C) Bill Gates

D) Andrew Young

In which president’s administration did the following events occur: escalation of Vietnam War; civil rights

legislation; Malcom X, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King assassinations

A) Gerald Ford

B) Richard Nixon

C) Jimmy Carter

D) Lyndon Johnson

The breakdown of the family in the last thirty years has been caused by all of the following except

A) High birth rates to unwed mothers

B) Moving of people to rural areas

C) Necessity for two income families

D) divorce

The Iran-Contra controversy during the Reagan administration related to

A) The Naval build-up to bring down the “evil empire” Soviet Union

B) A misguided attempt to trade arms for hostages

C) Reagan’s attempt to support Iraq against Iran

D) Reagan’s supply side economic plan for the Middle East

The Long Hot Summer’s race riots in Newark, Detroit, Los Angeles, and other US cities was a direct result of

A) The Vietnam War

B) The election of Richard Nixon

C) Poverty and inequity long inherent in the black city environment

D) Lyndon Johnson’s failure to support civil rights legislation

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was voided by the War Powers Resolution. This is an example of

A) Checks and balances

B) Judicial review

C) federalism

D) An amendment

Long gas lines, high inflation, and high interest rates occurred during which presidency

A) Jimmy Carter’s

B) Ronald Reagan’s

C) John F Kennedy’s

D) Richard Nixon’s

One of the most significant deterrents to nuclear war during the Cold War was

A) Numerous peace conferences with the Soviet Union

B) The United Nations

C) The vast number and sheer destructive power of the nuclear weapons

D) Other great powers serving as intermediaries

The United Nations has supported the US in all of the following except

A) Bosnian peace keeping

B) Korean War

C) Gulf War

D) Vietnam War

Colin Powell is famous for which of the following

A) Harlem Congressman who was censured by House of Representatives officials

B) Vietnam draft resistor and heir to Martin Luther King’s non-violent philosophy

C) First African-American chairman of joint chiefs of staff

D) First African-American astronaut

Sally Ride is known for achievements in which field

A) aeronautics

B) innovations

C) politics

D) business

Thurgood Marshall achieved his fame as

A) The lawyer who argued Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka before the US Supreme Court

B) Early civil rights spokesman and leader

C) First African American Supreme Court Justice

D) All of the above

The Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968 is famous for

A) Protests and riots over the Vietnam War

B) The re-nomination of Lyndon B Johnson

C) Racial riots

D) The nomination of Richard Nixon as the party candidtae

A social trend in the United States that has been increasing in the last forty years is

A) The growth of the Libertarian Party

B) A movement of people into the city

C) A new wave of immigration from northern and western Europe

D) A movement of people into suburbia

The largest population growth in the United States in the 1990s has been in

A) The Northeast

B) The Midwest

C) The South and Southwest

D) The West

All of the following are social trends that have increased in the last quarter of the twentieth century except

A) Crime, especially violent crime, as an important issue to Americans

B) A rising African American middle class

C) An increase in immigration of Asian and Hispanics

D) An increase in poverty throughout the nation

Famous occurrences during the Vietnam War included all of the following except

A) Gulf of Tonkin incident and resolution

B) National Guard shooting, student protests at Kent State

C) The intervention of the Chinese across the demilitarized zone

D) The TET offensive

Apollo, Mercury, and Voyager, Gemini and Pioneer are all

A) US computer invention

B) New technological inventions

C) Names of NASA programs and US space crafts

D) Joint US/Soviet exploration of space initiatives

The Camp David agreement was the significant achievement of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. It was a

settlement between Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of

A) Syria

B) Saudi Arabia

C) Lebanon

D) Egypt

In 1976 celebrations occurred throughout the United States because

A) The Red Sox and Cubs finally made the World Series

B) The US won the Olympics

C) It was our bicentennial year

D) The Vietnam War officially ended

In 1981 Sandra Day O’Connor achieved her place in history because she

A) Became the first female governor of California

B) Became the first female Justice on the US Supreme Court

C) Became the first female astronaut

D) Became the first female head of a major US company

President Ford created controversy by pardoning Richard Nixon. Who did Jimmy Carter pardon in 1977 that caused

him difficulties?

A) Spiro Agnew

B) The Watergate “plumbers”

C) Mob leader John Gotti

D) Vietnam War draft evaders

Woodstock became famous in 1969 because it was

A) The biggest peace demonstration ever held in the US

B) The largest music festival ever held in the US

C) The largest civil rights protest march

D) The site of the women’s rights movement congerence

Who was Rosa Parks?

A) The woman who started the first company owned and managed solely by a woman

B) The first female cadet at West Point

C) The woman who started the boycott of Montgomery, Alabama bus lines

D) The woman whose tapes led to the downfall of Richard Nixon

The significant Twenty Second Amendment to the Constitution was enacted in 1951

A) The US getting involved in Korea without a declaration of war

B) Martin Luther King’s peaceful protest marches

C) Ronald Reagan running for a third term

D) Richard Nixon’s impeachment

To what does this cynical post World War II jingle refer: “There will always be a USA, If we don’t give it away.”

A) The “Trickle Down” Theory

B) Domino Theory

C) Perkins Plan

D) Marshall Plan

Generally, when did the Cold War begin?

A) just after the Russian Revolution

B) When Communist came to power in China

C) When the Berlin Wall was constructed

D) Just after WWII

Which problem most likely cause the US space program to reconsider its direction in the 1980’s?

A) Space exploration costs

B) The Challenger explosion

C) The Hubble Space telescope performance

D) Political posture of the Presidents during the 1980’s

Which is a major difference between immigration to the US during the period of 1860-1920 and immigration since 1970?

A) The primary areas of origin have changed dramatically

B) Immigrants today are not likely to experience discrimination.

C) There is a greater need for unskilled labor

D) Today’s immigrants tend to be middle-class

How did the invention of the atom bomb affect the post war world?

A) European nations were afraid to stand up to US aggression

B) The UN become symbolic, having no real power

C) The Japanese continued to defy the US

D) An arms raced developed between the US and USSR.

The Three-Mile Island incident was

A) A near nuclear reactor disaster in Pennsylvania





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