alex trinkner

Post on 14-May-2015






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World War I Virtual Museum



Causes of WWI


Treaty of Versailles(Punish Germany)

• Germany must take full responsibility for the war (even though they did not start it)

• Germany had to pay $33 Billion dollars for the war (a ridiculous amount of money at the time)

Treaty of Versailles(Created League Of Nations

• The League of Nations was an organization that was formed to maintain world peace

• The United States did not join

Treaty of Versailles(Made New Countries)

• Out of Russia they made, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Latria, Estonia

• Out of Austria-Hungary they made Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

• Out of Ottoman Empire they divided up between the Allies


Why The US Entered WWI (Unrestricted Submarine Warfare)

• Sussex pledge – Germany said that won’t sink merchant ships

without warning and that they will try to rescue the survivors

• By 1917 Germany was defeating Russia in the east but they wanted a quick and easy victory in the west

• To do this they used unrestricted submarine warfare– That means they sank any ship that was going

toward the Allies

Why The U.S entered WWI(Zimmerman Note)

• Zimmerman sent a letter to Mexico asking Mexico to attack the United States– He promised to give them back the land that

America took from them– He did this because he hoped that if America

had a war going on at home they wouldn’t be able to go over to Europe and fight there

Why The U.S. entered WWI (Sinking Of Lusitania)

• Sinking of The Lusitania– A passenger ship that was secretly carrying

ammunition– A German U-boat Sunk it– 1198 Passengers died (128 were American) – Wilson demanded Germany to apologize and

pay for the damage

USA In World War One

• General Pershing led the U.S. troops• By 1917 Germany controlled Belgium, Italy and Northern

France (Germany could now concentrate on the Western front

• By July 1918 the U.S. had 1 million troops at war• The United States plan was to cut of the German rail lines• The US attacked through the Argonne forest and it lasted

47 days and 1.2 million soldiers were killed but America cut off Germanys supply

• On the 11th day of the 11th hour of the 11th month the war finally is brought to an end by a peace treaty


• Having Pride In Your Country

• This made many people love their country and thought that their country deserved to have more land

Causes of World War I


• Forming Partnerships with other nations

• When alliances were formed, if there was a conflict nations had to help out their allies leading to a world war


• Building Up Of The Military

• With bigger armies people felt that they needed to build up their armies leading to very tense situations


• Competing for colonies

• When there are many different colonies and not much space left people will fight over who gets which one


Trench Warfare

• Used to protect their positions and cut down on loses

• Supplies were brought in and scouts sent out during the nighttime

• At dawn/dusk attacks came; Artillery followed my men “going over the top”

• The men had to go through barbed wire and machine guns


• Mud, Rats, Smell, Body Rot, Cold,

• Staying Dry, Maggots, Lice, Disease

• Trench Foot was the condition caused when your feet are in cold wet places for an unsafe amount of time

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