alabama update december 2012

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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This is the December 2012 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.




Merry Christmas

Empowered For Service!White Wing Messenger 2010

Daryl Paul Lobban–Brooklyn, New York

Acts 1:8 records, “But you will receive

power when the Holy Spirit has come upon

you, and you will be my witnessess in

Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and

to the end of the earth” (ESV). This

statement given by Jesus to His disciples,

just before He ascended, is a clarion call,

proclaiming to the young church–full of

then emerging leaders–that the fruit of

empowered living is missional living. The

apostles did not hesitate in this call, but

took the message of Christ all over the

world, beginning with their local

community in Jerusalem and the

s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a s .

The call of Christ to empowered

missional living that was instituted at the

beginning of the church is still relevant

today. We must be reminded that we are

not to only be evangelistic witnesses of

salvation, but also to be witnesses of His

power, His grace, His mercy, and His love.

When this world sees us, they ought to see

Christ’s power, grace, love, and mercy be

extended to them, thereby producing a

platform to extend salvation to this world.

The harvest is still great, and the time

is now in which this emerging generation

must be released to work in the vineyard

of the Lord. The vineyard of the Lord is

not exclusive to the church walls, but it

extends to schools, hospitals, local food

p a n t r i e s , a n d w o r k p l a c e s .

There are wonderful opportunities

in which emerging leaders can serve in

their schools. One idea includes forming

a Christian Bible study club by gathering

some fellow Christians in one’s high

school or college who will meet around

lunchtime to discuss the Bible and pray

maybe once or twice a week. This can

prove to be an effective evangelism tool in

spreading the Gospel since many skeptics

might walk in or show up by invitation,

and this would provide a platform to

introduce them to Jesus by the Word of

God. Many colleges also have Christian

clubs on campus, such as Intervarsity

Christian Fellowship, which can be a great

asset to network with other Christians.

This generation is very musically

influenced; therefore, another great idea

is to form a Christian band or choir in

one’s school. This would attract both

Christians and non-Christians alike as

well as provide another great platform to

i n t r o d u c e J e s u s .

Hospitals and nursing homes are

a great place for emerging leaders to

extend Christ’s love and power. Typically,

hospitals and nursing homes are lonely

places, where patients tend to be more

or less hopeless and in despair due to

their medical situation. Consequently,

when a patient receives a visit from a

person—and even more so from a young

person—the patient is overwhelmed

with joy and hope.AY 2010 15 Most patients tend to be open and

receptive and are quite eager to be

prayed for and hear about the Good

News of Jesus. Hospital and nursing

home administrations are usually quite

receptive in allowing young people to

visit their institutions, which can easily

be arranged by calling and scheduling a

visit or getting in contact with the local

hospital or nursing home chaplain.

Food pantries are another great

opportunity to fulfill the call of Christ to

serve the world through empowered

living. An emerging leader must have

a commitment to serve the needy. If

there is no passion for this, then one

m u s t b e d e v e l o p e d .

It is the poor and hopeless with whom

Christ had a strong dedication and

connection. In Luke 4:18 (NKJV), Jesus, in

His first recorded sermon, declared, “The

Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He

has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the

poor. . . .” There is a strong connection in

that passage to the Spirit and the poor; Jesus

was empowered to preach and give the

G o s p e l t o t h e p o o r .

A Christ-centered leader must be

missionally focused to helping those

in need. Food pantries and clothing

drives are great resources in developing

this commitment. Partnering with local

food pantries will help to build the

character of Christ in a person. There is

a phenomenal, intrinsic transformation

that occurs in a person’s life when he or

she begins to serve and help others; it

teaches humility and patience, which

are character traits essential to being a

fruitful worker in the Lord’s vineyard.

Mission trips, both local and

international, are transformative service

opportunities. Habitat for Humanity, a

Christian service organization, is always

looking for volunteers in their many

service projects, which revolve around

building homes for people in need.

In 2004, at the age of 16, I was

privileged to go on a mission trip to

Nigeria with the International Youth

Ministries Department to serve in a

youth camp. This trip changed my life

by releasing me into ministry, and I have

never been the same since. Subsequently,

it led me to have a passion for souls and

Christ’s Kingdom. The International Youth

Ministries Office/Operation Omega has

launched Y.M.I.A., which is the mission

arm of the Youth Ministries Department, to

engage student-leaders and release them

into a plethora of international mission

p r o j e c t s .

“When the Son of Man comes in his

glory, and all the angels with him, then

he will sit on his glorious throne. Before

him will be gathered all the nations, and

he will separate people one from another

as a shepherd separates the sheep from

the goats. And he will place the sheep on

his right, but the goats on the left.

“Then the King will say to those on his

right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my

Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for

you from the foundation of the world.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I

was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was

a stranger and you welcomed me, I was

naked and you clothed me, I was sick and

you visited me, I was in prison and you

came to me.’

“Then the righteous will answer

him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you

hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give

you drink? And when did we see you

a stranger and welcome you, or naked

and clothe you? And when did we see

you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And

the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say

to you, as you did it to one of the least

of these my brothers, you did it to me’”

( M a t t h e w 2 5 : 3 1 – 4 0 E S V ) .

Empowered living means empowered


America Needs RevivalBy Bryan Baysinger, State Evangelist

God in His infinite grace and mercy allows men andnations to make their own choices whether to serve orreject Him. Our God is not a harsh dictator that demandssubmission. In fact, we are free moral agents beforeHim. We are instructed to work out our own salvationwith fear and trembling.

In the 33 chapter of II Chronicles we are told therd

story of King Manasseh. Here is a King of Judah thathas this legacy according to scripture; “So Manassehmade Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, andto do worse than the heathen, whom the LORD haddestroyed before the children of Israel.” This King wentdown in history as a king who made the people of Judahsin. Even though he later repented of his sins before theLord, he had still caused “gross darkness and sin” tocover the land.

Manasseh had a great example of how to lead anation, in a godly manner, by the former king, his father,King Hezekiah. Yet, we see that Manasseh did not walkaccording to the ways of the Lord or his father. Duringthe early reign of Manasseh the nation of Israel fell intospiritual collapse. Leadership is vital to have success ina nation. There is a quote that says, “Everything risesand falls on leadership”. If there has ever been a time inAmerica when we need to pray for revival, it is now. Weneed to pray for our leadership.

Manasseh committed gross idolatry and taught thenation to do so, also. He erected altars to Baal,worshipped the sun, stars and planets, set-up Asherahpoles and even sacrificed his sons in the fire. Hepracticed sorcery, divination and witchcraft. He hadmany altars and images erected to the pagan gods whichwere worshiped by the nations surrounding them. In allof this, God still said that His name would remain inJerusalem forever. Although men and women,throughout history, have practiced every kind of evil andhave practiced every abominable thing imaginable, Godhas a plan for His people. His plan is to restore them toHimself again.

The tribe of Judah was chosen by God to complete aspecial work. When our God sets nations in order, Hispurposes for that nation will be brought to pass. Godbegins the process of restoring his people by remindingthem that His name will remain in Jerusalem forever. Hegoes on further in II Chornicles 33:8 by sending strongadmonition, and reminding them of the promise to keepthem in the land of their forefathers. The prerequisite to

keeping the land’ of promise was to be careful to doeverything He commanded; concerning the laws,decrees, and ordinances given through Moses. Whilethis seemed to be a tall order to fill considering thewickedness into which the land had fallen, God hasnever spoken words that could not be accomplished. Soit is with you and me today. We can fulfill what our Godhas outlined for us to accomplish.

However, even with strong admonition to remember,repent, and return, Manasseh fell prey to his own wickeddevices. He was taken captive by the Assyrians and waspunished by God. Like Manasseh and the land of Israel,our leaders and country have fallen prey to wickedliving. We have chosen our own path. The Word saysthat there is a way that seems good to a man yet the endis destruction. (death)

When we look at the US and research the history ofour nation it is evident that we have been a nation thathas been blessed by God. How long these blessings willcontinue depends on the path that we continue tochoose. While I love our country, we can see howAmerica has fallen into spiritual collapse. Furthermore,we should be able to see how America and her leadersparallel the account in scripture of the beginning reignof Manasseh and the nation of Judah. He did evil in theeyes of the Lord. (II Chronicles 33:2)

However, it is great to know that God forgives thoseindividuals or nations that turn to Him and repent oftheir wicked ways. Regardless of how far down thiscountry and her people have gone, God can still reviveher, if she is willing. Pray for America and her leaders!

If you would like for me to speak at your church orevent, I may be reached at 601-679-1381 or 601-604-0438

November 15, 2012 Greetings International Presbytery of the Church of God of Prophecy: I just wrote this post to Facebook and I thought I would share it with you as well.

Season of Seeking:

In 45 days we will begin a new Season of Seeking in the Church of God of Prophecy. This will be year number seven for our church all around the world to unite together to start the New Year with prayer and fasting. To express our commitment to this important Core Value, thousands in many nations are joining together to fast and pray for some part, or all, of this 21 day period. As I reflect on our six years of ‘seeking’ I realize that God has honored us with so many blessings of grace as we prayed. Just this week I heard a new testimony which is obviously a God/grace thing. For the first time since the International Office has used budgets the International Assembly expenses were on budget. To God be the glory, with thanks to Bishop Paul Holt and his Assembly Task Force for leading the way in this. In the next 45 days I will share some other awesome ways God has poured out His grace as we have committed to ‘SEEK HIM.’

This note is to let you know that once more we will be turning our eyes toward the heavens as we begin this New Year. I invite you to consider how you can join this prayer season. I also invite you to pass the word along to your pastors and churches. Our International Office Facebook page already has the first post and will have a new post each week as we approach this season, as well as many posts during the season. Of course our web site will have information also.

I sat with a leader recently and we reflected on the six years that have just passed. There were numerous situations that ‘could have’ brought distraction or disruption to our Gospel work, but they did not. We both breathed a sigh of relief, said ‘thank God,’ and agreed that prayer has covered us with grace to this point. When God’s people pray, God often answers their prayers, and then God always goes the extra mile to pour grace on them beyond their prayers. I believe that is the testimony we have in the Church of God of Prophecy as we look to our seventh annual ‘Season of Seeking’ to start the New Year with God. Help me invite our people to join this journey.

Glorifying God Through Prayer and Leadership Development, All for the Harvest!

R. E. Howard General Overseer REH/djs

A lexander City: For

Pastor’s Appreciation, we

honored our pastor and

family with lunch and a

very nice love offering. We

appreciate Brother Jeremy

and Sister Becky for

everything they do for the

c h u r c h . W e a l s o ,

appreciate their children,

Jeremiah and Isabella for

being such a blessing in the

C h i l d r e n ’ s C h u r c h


Altoone: Our church had

a special day for Brother

and Sister Taylor. We

showered them with gifts

and a special offering followed with a nice

dinner. Everyone enjoyed the day.

Alton: We began October with a new

purpose: The purpose of “Loving,

Growing, Going.” As Pastor Jeremy Hitt

preaches and teaches “Jesus’ Intent For

The Church”, we are reaching out to the

community with: A new Emergency Food

Pantry has been built (by Roger Johns) and

approved by the Community Food Bank of

Central AL. We plan to begin this

ministry in November or December. We

had a fun night of fellowship at our

Community Fall Festival. A number of

visitors from the community attended.

Boldo church joined us Sunday evening,

for a very special Communion and

Baptismal Service. What an outstanding


Anniston-Praise and Worship: Around

45 showed up at the Saks High School for

a marvelous event filled with the Holy

Spirit. It was an exciting event with both

fun and a variety of musical artists

ministering to the students. After a

powerfully, anointed sermon by Tim Beck,

315 kids stood up and stepped up to the

altar to accept Christ. It was an awesome

experience to watch and listen as Brother

Beck led those kids in a simple but

effective prayer for salvation. From the

PWC booth, our volunteers distributed

1,750 tract, plus, one to two hundred New

Testament booklets and lots of candy.

One of our volunteers also prayed with a

young lady who stopped by our table at the

end of the event. We are excited about

what God is doing here. And, we are

looking forward to ministering to these

new babes in the Lord. We appreciate

Tim Beck and the whole Hydrate Team for

coming to both the Weaver and Saks high

schools and ministering to our kids. Praise

God for what He is doing among the youth

here! Now we must do something too.

We had a great time with our trunk n treat

this year. We had about 350 children and

parents come for the hayride, hot dogs and


Browntown: We had a wonderful and

busy October. We kicked off the first

Sunday with a Pastor’s Appreciation

Lunch. Each Sunday in October the

congregation presented a gift to Brother

Butch and Sister Chris Tanner. We could

never thank them for all they do for us. We

had perfect weather when a few folks from

church met at Guntersville State Park for a

hike. For the harvest festival it was a lot of

fun even though it was chilly outside. The

Duncan Family came for a musical worship

time that was enjoyable to everyone.

Thanks, GOD, YOU provided a great

month for our church family.

Calera: The month of October was a

beautiful beginning, with all the brilliant

fall colors coming forth. God certainly is

an awesome artist. We were so blessed to

have Donna Howard and Clint Knowles for

revival. Sister Howard preached on

Sunday and Monday and Pastor Knowles

was there on Tuesday and Wednesday.

What powerful Word preached, and mighty

presence of the Lord along with the healing

power of God. The church, under the

direction of Kay Jones, mailed a large box

of goodies and necessities, to Karl Martin

and his guys in Afghanistan. It was a time

of giving. Thank you Church for your love

and compassion. Our children’s church

under the leadership of Sabrina Johnson,

took the children on the Pumpkin Patch

Train ride and the kids got to get off the

train and pick out their special pumpkin.

That was a very good time enjoyed by all.

C h i c k a s a w :

Wonderful month! It

started with our Pastor

A p p r e c i a t i o n

Celebration. Brenda

Blaylock honored the

P ig o r sc h w i th a

special program of

poems and letters

from fam ily and

friends. Several

expressed their love

for them. The youth

put a meaning of

appreciate to each

letter of PASTOR.

The they sung “Pastor

We Love You! An

offering and gifts were

given with a wonderful lunch and cake.

What a blessing it was. On youth night we

played a Bible game of Tic-Tac-Toe, it

was so much fun. Some of our youth went

to Luredale, Mississippi for “Praise In The

Park.” Each local service one of our youth

gives a devotion before worship. They are

coming up with wonderful topics. We

thank God for the prayer request He has

answered. Good reports and praise are

coming in with healings. Our God is so


Fayette-North Pointe: We welcomed

another ad d ition to our church

family....Mr. Dakoda Nelson was born

October 17 , weighing 6 lbs. We wereth

blessed to have former pastor, Brother and

Sister James Wallace as our guest minister

for homecoming. The message, “A New

and Living Way” ministered to us and the

presence of the Lord was felt by all. Our

drama and praise and worship teams

ministered with several in the altar

praying. The men held their annual skeet

shoot and cookout. They enjoyed the time

of fellowship, food, and relaxation.

Goodwater-Joyful Praise: Pastor Jimmy

Scales held an evening program for his 1st

Pastor Appreciation. It was a great

success. October 31 , we had anst

Hallelujah Fest in which the city of

Goodwater joined together with us for this

outreach ministry. Five churches joined

and we had over 250 attending. It was


Green Pond: What a mighty God we

serve. His blessings are abundant in every

thing that we do. Shirley Hosmer, speaker

for Ladies Day, blessed us with the topic

“Falling In Love With Jesus. The

manifestation of the Holy Ghost was

awesome when we had communion and

feet washing. Thirty seven participated,

with it being the first time for some.

Pastor Noe and Sister Noe were honored

with a love offering and gift cards for

Pastor Appreciation. Their leadership in

our church and community is to be

commended. We love and appreciate

them. Pat and John Chase hosted a

cookout for the Junior Sunday School

class. It was a great evening of fun and

games. Our fall festival was a success

over five hundred in attendance. It gets

bigger and better each year. There were

three moonwalks for the children. We had

five hundred hot dogs, fourteen thousand

pieces of candy, six hundred bags of

popcorn and fifty cakes that were given

away. WOW! A “Meet and Greet” has

been started for the new people attending

our church. This is a great way for the

new people to meet everyone and the

current members to meet the new people.

A busy church is a growing church. We

are growing!

Grove Hill: Our youth held a fall festival

on Saturday, October 20. This was the

first one for Grove Hill. It was a great

success in reaching out to the community.

Thanks to those who organized and made

it happen.

Haleyville-Pathway: Thank you all that

came to help make our homecoming


Harris Chapel: Praising God for a

wonderful revival with Evangelist

Nicholas McSpadden and his family. God

blessed us every service with His presence

and manifestation. Five testified to

receiving Holy Spirit baptism and three

received physical healing. We were

visited by a new family looking for a home

church. God is doing a great work among

His people and we give Him all praise.

We are so glad to be a part of what HE is


Hazel Green: Excitement and praise is in

the air for all God’s blessings. We were

recently honored to have Brother and

Sister Johnnie Carver in a Sunday morning

and night services. God’s anointing was

upon him in a special way and many were

touched by the Lord. We had a wonderful

Sunday School picnic at Sharon Johnson

Park with about fifty in attendance. There

were games and plenty of food and

fellowship. For our World Mission

Offering, we had a beans and greens meal

one Sunday night. The month of October

was Pastor Appreciation month. On the

first Sunday the St. Clair’s were given a

nice grocery pounding. The second

Sunday, the pastor’s wife was honored with

a love offering and roses. Also, Sister

Deena St. Clair received roses as she is the

Assistance Pastor’s wife. The third

Sunday, the pastor’s family was presented

with a meat pounding. We also gave them

a lunching in their honor and the last

Sunday, some of the members took them

out to lunch. On Halloween we had a trunk

or treat with about 400 people to come

through. Soup, chili and hotdogs were

served to our workers. The drama team is

doing great! They presented several skits

lately and we thank Sisters Deena St. Clair

and Nancy Smith for the wonderful job of

working with the teens.

Leesburg: We had 45 people that made a

bus trip to Fields of the Wood. We had a

great time and enjoyed the beautiful day

and scenery! We had a free harvest festival

for the community with approximately 185

in attendance. It was a fun-filled Saturday

with inflatable, food, puppets, skits, and

lots of giveaway prizes. On the following

Sunday, we had Children’s Day. We’ve

had several people that came to the festival

attend our regular services. We recently

had a baptismal service with four people

getting baptized.

Pinson Vally: By invitation of Bishop

Benjamin Aldana, National Overseer of

Colombia, a team of four members of

Pinson Parkway participated in “Mission 7"

a 7 day, multi-faceted mission endeavor in

Bogota, Colombia. The team was

composed of Pastor Phil Pruitt, Diana

Pruitt, Matt Denard and Chris Denard.

“Mission 7" was a very well planned

program for evangelism, church growth and

discipleship. The local churches in Bogota

followed a 70-day program of fasting and

prayer. Each member invited 7

unconverted friends and acquaintances.

The publicity team created a website,

Facebook account, a Youtube video, and

radio spots. Flyers and posters were also

printed and distributed. A sports stadium

was rented for the main event–an

evangelistic crusade. More than 800

people attended the crusade, 40% of which

were unconverted. Direct Contact, a CGP

Colombian praise and worship band

provided the opening music and led in

worship. Matt Denard was the

evangelist(interpreted by Pastor Pruitt).

Matt preached a powerful message, and

hundreds responded to the invitation

(including a security officer)! Local

pastors reported new people in their

churches the following Sunday. Matt had

also preached in a pre-event unity service

for the church in Colombia, in which the

Holy Spirit poured out His blessings.

Other facets of “Mission 7" included a

children’s crusade (with 250 children in

attendance), conducted by Diana Pruitt

and Chris Denard, in which many children

were saved, or received blessings. The

children’s crusade was followed by a

children’s workers workshop. Diana and

Chris also taught Sunday School at a local

church. Pastor Pruitt preached in two

local services, and conducted a 5-session

pastors and leaders conference on various

themes requested by the National

Overseer. Bishop Aldana said that

“Mission 7" made history for the church in

Colombia, which was the largest and most

comprehensive event ever planned. He

and other ministers commented that the

Pinson Parkway team had greatly impacted

the church in Colombia. Pinson Parkway

is blessed to have had the opportunity to

participate in “Mission 7.”

Short Creek: We had a wonderful

homecoming on the third Sunday with

plenty of food and was blessed with

anointed singing by the “Paige Trio.” It

was a joy to have several visiting pastors

and former members. The children

enjoyed a fall harvest party and dressed up

in costumes, played games, and decorated

pumpkins. The seniors met for a meal

together and we ended the month with a

night of trunk n treat for the children of

the community.

Summerbrook: Our youth did a drama

based on September 11 and did a

wonderful job. We have a great group of

youth. Brother Jim Carr came and held us

a revival. It was a refreshing from God!

May God bless him for coming. We are

so blessed to have our pastor and wife.

They do so much for us. May God bless

them over and over again.

Tarrant: October, what a beautiful month.

The leaves on the trees turning different

colors, what a lovely picture displayed by

the hand of the Lord. The residents at the

Manor enjoy seeing our ladies each

Continued on next page—News------


Prayer Line with Dr. Wessly

Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690

Access Code: 650786#


Sterrett: “The Howards” a Southern Gospel

group is open for bookings. P O B 75

Sterrett, AL 35147. Call Glynda Howard:

205-67 2 -2 6 3 4 /205-229-5042 . Email:

j h o w a r d s i n g e r s @ y a h o o . c o m


A l a b a m a U p d a t e B l o g :WWW.alabamaupd

Alabama Web Site:

C o l l e g e a n d C a r e e r w e b Full CupCafe for information contact Liz Knowles at

Youth-Tim B eck W eb: NEW!!


James Adkins, P O Box 921, Collinsville,AL 35961-0920, Telephone (256) 524-3130.

Joey Dobbs: Member of Sterrett Churchof God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-3017.

Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone (205) 921-5637.

Christine & Curtis Englebert, 111Woodland Road, Dora, AL 35062Telephone (205) 648-2871 or cell # 205-275-1199. Fill in for pastors also.

Avvis Motes, P O Box 272, Warrior, AL35180. Telephone (205) 647-4819.

Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30 Cordova,AL 35550; 205-388-1087 or 388-3129. Fillin for pastors also.

Kevin Rhodes, member at Red Bay, ALPhone # 256-460-8105 home: 256-356-4997, .

Kenneth Wilkins, is available for week-endrevivals and filling in for pastors and specialservices. Telephone: (205)-763-7101. Email:


Anita Falkner, 3615 Moody Pkwy, Moody,AL 35004. Telephone (205) 640-6207.

Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30; Cordova,AL, 35550; 205-388-1087 or 388-3129.


Alton: Jenna Williams and Blake Johnswere married October 13 . th

Moody-Trinity Worship Center: AshleyBatten and John Moody were marriedOctober 20 . th


Fayette-North Pointe: October 17 wasth

the birthday for Dakoda. Parents are Toniaand Jason Nelson.

Anniston-Praise and Worship: GageAnthony was born to Tony and BrittanyRivera on October 11 . th


Tarrant: October was the month for MiaRichardson to be dedicated to the Lord.


Carbon Hill: Mabeth Mullins passed fromthis life October 26 . th

Fort Payne: Barbara Stanley went to herfinal home on October 8 .th

Happy Hill: Wilma Miller left us thismonth. She was a faithful warrior over fiftyyears. She will be greatly missed.

Moody-Trinity Worship Center: LannyHenderson was called home on October23 . th



James Caples

Angela Fell

Jeremy Hitt

Gerome Key

Betty Oliver

James Oliver

Connie Patterson

Paulette Ramsey


Elmer and Susan Atchley

Morris and Linda Bates

Leland and Gail Lowery

Joey and Lisa Mojica

Shane and Tamera Pate

Terry and Kathy Taylor

Kelly and Robin Williams

News continued--------------

month as we celebrate their birthdays

Pastor Judy and Robert attended aconference in Cleveland, Tennessee,“Hearing God’s Voice” with guest speakerBishop Randall Howard, General Overseer. Worship With Shoes On went to the nursinghome to treat all the seniors with candy. Candy was given out on Halloween to thekids in the neighborhood. We had PastorAppreciation Day and dedicated MiaRichardson to the Lord.

Twillytown: God is certainly blessing us. One service, Pastor Don said here is mymessage and laid it down. It was not whatGod wanted. Instead he asked several topray. One for the church, one for thefamilies, one for healing, Missions and soon. Then the whole church prayed. We hadour first Fashioned By The Master Designerby the ladies ministry. As the people startedarriving we gathered together in prayergroups, ministering to one another, prayingand fellow-shipping for 30 minutes. SisterKim Dunn led us in worship and Sister PatGreen under the anointing brought theWord, “Going To The Potter’s House.” Several seeking God for direction in theirlives. Every Thursday, we are still havingour prayer gatherings and seeing newpeople come. The presence of God is soreal and we just bask in His love. Also, weare praying Sunday mornings at 9:30. TheLord is soon to come back and He is callingus to move up higher.

Winfield City Family: We had a great fall

festival/chili cook-off with over $700 raised

for building fund. Thank you to Beth Smith

and Johnny Faucett for organizing the

festival with Wes Hallman and Amanda

Seals over youth/children’s programs.




Awaken Tour PREPARE 2013

March–April–May TBA

December29-Jan 1 Winter Conference “Collision”

Camp Boothe


January18-19 Pastors & Wives Retreat

April25-28 Gordon Conwell

Camp Boothe

August1-4 State Convention

Embassy Hotel–Hoover


July30-Aug 3 International Assembly

Rosen Shingle Creek Resort andConvention Center

Prescription for Anxiety Elizabeth Knowles Co-Pastor

Hackleburg Community Church

O f t e n o u r

physician will give us a

p r e s c r i p t i o n o r

instruction on how to

combat a sickness or

disease. I am amazed at how we as believers have conditioned

ourselves to hang on the very words and instructions earthly

doctors give us. Of course I'm not against the medical field by

any means, me, my family and those I love dearly have been

spared and brought back to health because of the God given

wisdom imparted to the medical field. Yet we often forget where

the wisdom that our doctors and surgeons possess comes from.

In fact all of our gifts, knowledge and experiences come from the

Creator, He is the Great Physician, every cell in our body was

designed by Him.

Most often we become perplexed by the sickness and

diseases of this earth. The cycle of Galatians 6 continues to

unwind due to the seeds of corruption that have been sown in the

earth. Yet we do have hope. And my purpose through this small

reading is to remind us of that hope. We don't want to be

entangled by the chains of corruption that brings upon us disease

and anxiety.

Depression, hopelessness and anxiety are the rotten

fruits of sin that come from Satan's tree of disobedience. Anxiety

is a curse that has been loosed on the earth to bind God's people.

It is a fruit that contains a poisonous venom which causes a

paralyses that traps it's prey in a death grip, causing the believer

to feel entangled and unable to function in freedom. For the most

part, I believe that the pressure of materialism in our world,

pressures us to be burdened with worry and fear. But, there is so

much more good news than all of the tactics that the enemy uses

to control us. We find the good news in Matthew 6.

Matthew 6:25-34 25 “This is why I tell you: Don’t worry about

your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about

your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and

the body more than clothing?

26 Look at the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or

gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t

you worth more than they?

27 Can any of you add a single cubit to his height by worrying?

28 And why do you worry about clothes? Learn how the

wildflowers of the field grow: they don’t labor or spin thread.

29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was

adorned like one of these!

30 If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is

here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t He do

much more for you — you of little faith?

31 So don’t worry, saying, ‘What will we eat? ’ or ‘What will

we drink? ’ or ‘What will we wear? ’

32 For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your

heavenly Father knows that you need them.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,

and all these things will be provided for you.

34 Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow

will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

After the tornado disaster in 2011, I understood the real

value of not worrying, living free from anxiety. You would think

with no home, cars or clothes, a person would have just a little

anxiety. But the meaning of Matthew 6 took on a whole new

shape and color. One day follow the disaster I was standing on

the front lawn of the destroyed church, I looked across the

highway to the parsonage. As I gazed upon the destroyed home

the reality of what had happened in those four walls finally set in.

Within myself I prayed, "Lord, you saved our life, we could

have lost our life in that storm." So as I looked around at our

destroyed vehicles, borrowed clothes and the rationing of fuel

and water, I realized that the sale at the Mall that weekend was

futile and all of the other "things" in life that we often think are

so important, well, they just were not as urgent as before. What

was priority? Father God spared my life, so where do I go from

here, what was my purpose? What is His plan?

As the scripture stated, there is no need to worry about

tomorrow. If your life has been Saved, if you are marked by His

cross, then tomorrow, whatever it holds, will take care of itself.

The King of Kings, our Heavenly Father loves us more than the

birds and fish, He watches, guards and protects.

So the prescription to not being overcome with anxiety,

depression, or worry? It is truly the simple belief or Faith in God

who really cares about our every need. In my pre-storm mind I

would have never walked in Faith, anxiety free, living like I did

after the storm. It seemed like every minute of everyday God

would supply every single need we had and we never had to

worry longer than a few minutes. You learn when you are up

against a wall physically, emotionally and financially, to just

simply look up to Him and follow in Faith. I have applied that

new found freedom of Simple Faith to my everyday post-storm

life. All of us can recall the deep dark valley's of our past, and

clearly see how God provided when we were in our bleakest

hours. When there is no where to go, we go to Him.

But, the everyday pressures of life, what about those

things that are not classified as "crisis" yet are still just as huge

to us? The prescription, well, it's still the same, just follow Him

in Faith, tell Him what you need, ask Him for what you lack, call

on Him for wisdom and strength. He loves us more than the birds

and fish. He knows everything

about our bodies. He understands

our challenges and trials. He cares

for us, we are His children! So let's

follow Him with our whole hearts

through the valleys and the hard

times. Lets seek Him first before

buckling under the pressures of the

world. His Word says it, and I

believe it, He will provide

EVERYTHING we have need of,


collision Winter Conference




PREPARE Awaken Tour presents…


~ March ~ April ~ May ~

EvangelismOctober Church Statistics

Taken from Church Reporters and Pastors Reports

1.Saved 2.Sanctified 3.Holy Ghost 4.Baptized 5.Added to Church


Alton Jeremy Hitt 4Anniston-Praise & Worship Sylvester Smith 1Bessemer-Hopewell Road Joey Mojica 5 1 1Boldo Lynn Hitt 1 7Carbon Hill John Butler Bryan BaysingerDothan Morris Bates 2 1Fayette-North Pointe Brent Smalley 2 1 4Greenpond Bill Noe 2Hamilton-New Heights James Clanton 1 1 1Happy Hill Curtis Sutton 2Harris Chapel Jim Ramsey Nicholas McSpadden 5Leesburg Tim Douglas 1 4Pelham K. T. Martin Donna Howard/Clint KnowlesSheffield-Cliff Haven Neal Wright 4 4 4Summerbrook Tony Burns Jim CarrMoody-Trinity A. L. Henderson 1

MINISTERS NOT PASTORINGJason Cobb 1Anita Falkner 3 1


Number Reports 65Sermons 380Church Homes Visited 719New Homes Visited 1011

October, 2012 Statistics����


Alexander City 39 3479.50Aliceville 06 1835.64 Alton 54 4844.24Altoona 19 1375.96Anniston Praise & Worship 34 3211.77Arab NO REPORT Bayou La Batre 08 330.98Bessemer Hopewell ` NO REPORT Woodland Hills 72 9527.88Boaz 11 1124.91Boldo ----- 2047.00Brown’s Chapel 30 2066.10Browntown 53 3596.00Calera Harvest Chapel NO REPORTCarbon Hill 92 10,713.97Chickasaw 23 1930.00Citronelle 12 802.00Clanton 25 2558.00 Collinsville Harvest Center 25 3748.70Cordova 59 5256.00Cottondale NO REPORT Cunningham Bridge 03 388.00Decatur 41 2781.55Dothan 12 1434.84Dry Valley ---- 2149.57East Lake Highlands 39 3331.95Elba 10 649.00 Elkmont 10 755.00Eoline-Tuscaloosa 15 2140.37Fayette-North Pointe 101 4911.25 Fort Payne 11 703.19Gadsden Living Waters NO REPORT Goodwater Joyful Praise 28 867.81Gordo 52 5079.73Grant 20 6950.81Green Pond 85 6135.33Grove Hill 15 815.00Hackleburg 189 27,525.88Haleyville Pathway 28 1829.60 Hamilton-New Heights NO REPORT Happy Hill 80 8245.04


Harris Chapel 47 6116.84Hartselle 11 1161.51Hazel Green NO REPORT Huntsville Bell Rd 15 1703.73 Mastin Lake 78 7392.26 Mission NO REPORT Jasper 16 2685.79Leesburg 63 5729.00Lincoln 27 2027.70Mentone 14 1418.08Montgomery 19 1300.00Moulton NO REPORT Munford-Silver Run NO REPORT Odenville 50 2245.26Pelham 36 2856.10Parrish 27 1707.50Phil Campbell NO REPORTPinson Parkway 36 1836.00Poarch 10 913.68 Red Bay 31 2882.00Robertsdale 22 801.92Rock Cliff NO REPORTRussellville Living Word 29 2303.61 Sheffield-Cliff Haven 126 12,480.05Short Creek 40 3877.18Sterrett 167 7425.68Summerbrook 40 3612.80Sylacauga-Power of Cross 11 485.00 Tannehill Mission 18 ---------Tarrant City 48 3142.29Trinity Worship 62 8346.70 Twilley Town ---- 3940.70 West Blocton ----- 647.50 West Mobile NO REPORT Winfield Family Church 45 1857.81






Eastlake Highlands-Sept 42 3492.95

Hazel Green - Sept --- 3587.19Hazel Green - Aug. 57 3896.19


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Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

Kenny BelcherNovember 25, 2012

Pastor Dustin Atkins step-father

Marion Dewitt CaldwellNovember 13, 2012

Michael (Susie) and Adelle Caldwell’s father and husband

Deacon Dwane FalknerNovember 9, 2012

Anita Falkner’s husband

Pasty R. FlippoNovember 11, 2012

Deceased Minister Curtis Flippo’s wife

Deacon James GunterNovember 30, 2012

Birdie SimsNovember 14, 2012

Former Pastor Steve Sims wife

Bobby R. SnowNovember 14, 2012

Former Pastor, General Headquarters Official

Kay WebbNovember 25, 2012

Pastor Larry Webb’s wife

The Alabama Update is the official monthly publication of

the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama. Yearly

subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publication

referring to the Church of God have reference to the Church

of God of Prophecy. Articles and news briefs submitted for

publication must be received by the fifth of the month for

publication, and should be sent to: Alabama Update, PO

Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



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