al-maktubat al-nuriyyah (vol.2 [updated]) [english]

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]







    cl-Kcdkc’ul-Cgwcr cl-Cmh’wcs

    (Clehek’ut-Pchiyct wcs’Phcgc) 

    ^UJLI_HE@ JY


    Islckio Zepujlio fa ̂ cmistcg

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :

    Cs kegtifge` ig airst vfluke cjfut eaafrts jeigb ocrrie` fg sigoe :>33, hegoe`eoi`e` tf split foocsifgcl kcils igtf vflukes, ig whioh ecoh will ofgtcige` 3:Kcils, thereafre here is the seofg` vfluke ofkprisigb upfg cll thfse pujlishe`kcils cater airst twelve.

    ]Gfte4 Phese cre the hcla fa `fzeg, cs eaafrts hcs jeeg hclte` afr tike jeigb tfsfke recsfgs. Dczcm Cllch[

    3.  _tctus fa Kystio ^feks (Mclck) Rith/Rithfut Kusio (Kfseqch)_ujtitligb, “_ckc’c Kc’c Clct cl-Kfseqch (Dcwcz …6)‛@cte4 Dukciyrct, 0th _hcwwcl cl-Kumcrrck, 30?1 Hidri]Phurs`cy, :?r` Duly, :>35 C.@ (2435 CK)[ Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`.^b. Gf. 0 

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.3>

    :.  @cr-Islck ^cmistcg_ujtitligb, “Kc`igc Phcgi - Kujcrcm‛  @cte4 Dukc’tul-Kujcrcm, :8th _hcwwcl cl-Kumcrrck, 30?1 Hidri]Ari`cy, 30th Cubust, :>35 C.@ (345> CK)[Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`.^b. Gf. 33

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.?3 

    ?.  Ei` cl-C`hc Kujcrcm ‟ 30?1 Hidri

    _ujtitligb, “_coriaioe & ^ilbrikcbe‛  @cte4 Ju`h, 3st Tul-Hcddch, 30?1 Hidri]Re`ges`cy, 31th _eptekjer, :>35 C.@ (5435 CK)[ Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`. ^b. Gf. ?:

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.51 

    0.  30?2 Hidri_ujtitligb, “_hchc`ct‛  @cte4 Dukciy’rct, 3st Kuhcrrck cl-Hcrck, 30?2 Hidri[ ]Phurs`cy, 35th Fotfjer, :>35 C.@ (54>9 CK)[ Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`. ^b. Gf. 52

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.80 

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?

    5.  _cacr (acizcg’e Cwliych) cg` Zcji’ul-Cwwcl (Ckc`) Kujcrcm_ujtitligb, “_tec`igess ct Bui`cgoe‛  @cte4 Hcatc, :8th Zcji’ul-Cwwcl _hcria, 30?2 Hidri ]_ctur`cy, 9th Dcgucry, :>31 C.@ (:4?> CK)[

    Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`.^b. Gf. 85 

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.338 

    1.  Cg Hfgfr, ia jeigb scjftcbe, theg lec`s tfwcr`s severe ofgsequegoe_ujtitligb, “Jrecmigb _ilegoe Afr Fgoe Fgly‛@cte4 It’wcr, ?>th Dckc`i’ul-Cmhir _hcria, 30?2 Hidri]_ug`cy, ?r` Cpril, :>31 C.@ (9405 ^K)[Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`.^b. Gf. 3:: 

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.3?2

    2.  Ig _fli`crity cg` _ykpcthy_ujtitligb, “Je pctiegt (@uc)‛@cte4 ^eer, 33th Kuhcrrck cl-Hcrcck, 30?9 Hidri]Kfg`cy, :g` Fotfjer, :>32 C.@ (3:43:43: CK)[Gfte4 Ofkplete Kcil is cvcilcjle tf rec`.^b. Gf. 305 

    _U^^LEKEGP | ^b.35> 

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  0



    KU_IO (KF_ESCH) 


    _ckc’c Kc’c Clct Kfseqch (Dcwcz … 6)

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/?3?901210/Cl-Kcmtujct-Cl-Guriyych-vfl-:-Egblish 

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  5

    Cllchuk’kc, _clc’teg @cikk’cg wc _clck’cg Pcckk’cg, Clc _cyyi`’ugcl-Cgkjiyc wcl Kursc’leeg wc Clc Cleyhi wc _chcjehi wc Kcshcimh'e

    Uk’kctehi wc Ulckc-e-Kil’lctehi wc Dckee-cl-Kusli’keeg ClehekCdkc’eig.

    Jiskillch’ir Zehkcg’ir Zcheek 

    “(Kcahffk) … Cg` fg us is gft jut olecr `elivercgoe … ]s.?14v.32[‛ 

    Ulckc scys, Brcoifus Kessegbers (Kurscleeg Mirck]Clehekus _clct-F-_clck[)respfgsijilities were tf `eliver the kesscbe fa Islck (Pcwhee`'F Zisclch) wherecscooeptcgoe fr redeotifg jy the c``ressee is gft theirs]Clehekus _clct-F-_clck[ respfgsijilities gfr jeigb wful` ever questifge` upfg thct. Cg` _i`gcKuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) is _cyyc` cl-Kurscleeg (Lec`er facll ^rfphets). _eofg`, theirs]Clehekus _clct-F-_clck[ kesscbe, Islck, gftc``resses fgly futwcr` cspeots (kctters), jut clsf c``resses igwcr` cspeots

    (kctters) sikultcgefusly. ]_ee Pcacsirs fr ofgoerge` jffms | Fr Csms Ulckc[ Cllchmgfws cll the jest


    Cssclck-F-Clcimuk Rc Zehkctullchi Rc Jcrcmctchu,

    Pf Hfr(s) ^erafrkcgoe,

    Airst, lime tf cppreoicte yfur eaafrts, ig rebcr`s fa Islck thct cre truly pure cg``ivige` (fr scy ofgtcigs `ivigity |Ia fge tries tf ug`erstcg` ). Kcy Cllch brcgt yfur

    egtire teck stec`igess upfg this pcth, cg` jestfwe` jlessigbs tff6 CkeegPhuk’kc Ckeeg.

    KCPPEZ4 _eofg`, limes tf illukigcte (ig jriea) fge kctter pcrtioulcrly, `eliocte igits presegoe thfubh wcy is clsf jeigb biveg fr scy presegte` jy C’eykkc wcKcshcimh (Kcy Cllch jestfwe` ugofugtcjle jlessigbs upfg thek) afr uscbe,hfwever kcigtcigigb jclcgoe is geoesscry cg` thus shcll je prifritize, kecgtperafrk withfut its uscbe either= thct is usigb fa Kusiocl Igstrukegts jehig`KY_PIO ^FEK_ (Hck`, Scsci`, _uaiycgc Mclck eto). Cs gfwc`cys, thfubh ig pcsteither, jeigb oritioize` c lft fr scy fjdeotifg, fgly jeocuse fa lcomigb mgfwle`be frtftclly ugcwcre fa ribht stctus, ftherwise afr ribht igtegtifg it is perkissijle tf usejeocuse purpfse is gft the Kusio jut the kesscbe (Mclck).

    Fge Acqeer scys, “… ia Mclck jeigb rec` afr CLLCH, whether with (rhythkio]Peohgfeto[ fr gfg-rhythkio]Dczz eto[) fr withfut kusio, theg wful`g’t je hcrkaul geitherikperkissijle ftherwise ia Mclck is jeigb rec` afr orectures (Kcmhlffq | Ziyc), gftafr Cllch, theg whether withfut Kusio, eveg with weepigb eyes, is gft fgly useless(jegeaits gfge) jut `cgberfus (Afrji``eg | jeafre sfke suaiych) …‛

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  1

    _ikilcrly, “… ia Mclck jeigb ug`erstff` (tfuohes hecrt | Ikpcot pfsitively ),whether rec` with fr withfut kusio (rhythkio]Peohgf eto[ fr gfg-rhythkio]Dczzeto[) theg purpfse is cttcige` ftherwise ia gft theg whether rec` withfut kusio(rhythkio]Peohgf eto[ fr gfg-rhythkio]Dczz eto[), eveg with weepigb eyes, is gfg-

    jegeaioicl (shcll je cvfi` | Arfk suoh rec`igb/listegigb) …‛Gfte4 Gfg-Zhythkio Kusio is preaercjle theg rhythkio Kusio, ig Islck. Afrigstcgoe, Dczz fr whistligb (afr clertigb | jrecm ig sohffls eto ) fr jectigb `ruk withhcg` (eveg with jfth hcg`s | ig ikprfper kcgger eto ). _ee ofgoerge` jffms, frcsms Ulckc. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    ^EZKIPPE@4 Fge recsfg fa perkissijly `epiote` prfkigegtly arfk _i`gc IkckCj`’cl-Bhcgi cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri (Zehkctullch Clehe) wfrms fr scy igterpretctifg isTimr’ullch (withfut Kusio | Kecgt Pcsjihct, Rczcia eto ) ofgtcige` Dclc’lch(Pcdclliyct’e Zcjjcgi | Lfr`s Zc`icgt ) whioh kcy gft fgly `ry prcotioigb Kuslikjrcig, eveg oful` jurg c jf`y (evegts]Rcqe’yct[ cre presegt ig Pcscwwua

    Jffms]Jchedch’tul Cscr eto[ | ia `fes with tftcl ofgoegtrctifg) thereafre tf reliea,arfk suoh ofgsequegoes, _uaiych `fes cg` sf cllfwe` fthers, afr `figb with kusio(Zec`igb | Mclcks eto ), arfk libht fa Surcg cg` _uggch (Qer`iot | Idtehc` ).

    GFP-^EZKIPPE@4 Rherecs recsfg fa ikperkissijle, usuclly illukigcte` jy Ulckcfr eveg presegts ig wfrms/igterpretctifg, is gfge jut fgly cspeot fa respeot (kecgtkystio-pfek writteg ig hfgfr]_hcg[ | Cllch, His Cgkjiych]Clehekus _clck[, His

     Cwliych]Clehekur Zehkcg[ eto), thct Kusio, pcrtioulcrly rhythkio, `fesg’tofgtcige` fr scy `epiots respeot jut ofigoi`es with gfg-kystio pfeks, clsf sci` frterke` cs Aisq’F Audur ^fetry. _eofg`, ofgtigufus uscbe oful` ocuse`kisdu`bkegt, kecgt ofkkfg Kusliks ocg’t `iaaeregticte jetweeg Kystio cg` Gfg-

    Kystio ^feks, ia jfth rec` with scke Kusio (fr eveg ia with `iaaeregt ofkpfsitifg| Jut ig rhythk]lime teohgf-ject eto[) thus oful` orecte fr scy igvflve` thek igigstibctifg fa hukilictifg fa Kystio ^fek cg` its sujdeot jesi`es jeigb respeotaul,thct’s why prfhijits striotly.

    Exckple4  Mgiae fr _wfr`, wfrm is tf out= thereafre milligb iggfoegt Kuslik, evegGfg-Kuslik, is striotly prfhijits ig Islck (Afrji``eg | Hcrck). Jut ig RCZ (withrestriotifgs) fr scy kctter fa orike (with exekptifg), it is perkissijle tf use tfpugish fr perseoute whfksfever respfgsijle, rebcr`less fa relibifg eveg sfketikejeofkes igevitcjle (cl-Rcdij) tf use. Meep Phigmigb.

    Zecsfg, tf illukigcte jeocuse rec` sfke igcpprfpricte ofkkegts, ct Yfutuje,

    upfg yfur rec` kystio-pfeks (Mclck | Hck`, Gcshee` eto.), speoiaioclly fg uscbefa kusio, hfwever ugcjle tf respfg` there jeocuse fa its jlfomc`e ig ^cmistcg= wecooess it vic ugjlfome` prfxy sites (whioh `fg’t cllfwe` ofkkegtigb), hegoe`eoi`e` tf respfg` vic ekcil, fgly ig egofurcbekegt afr yfur eaafrts. Gfte4 Ia hcverec` kystio-pfeks, withfut Kusio, theg dust plcoe its ligm, ig respfg`, tf oritioizer

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  2

    ofkkegt cg` thct’s cll= cs it wful` je egfubh evi`egoe afr reclizctifg (Kusliks^urpfse | Gft Kusio Jut Kesscbe]Mclck[).

    JFFM_4 Hfwever, afllfwigb jffms ocg je seeg either ig this rebcr`s, Chyc’

    Ulffk’u`-@ig jy _i`gc Ikck Kuhckke` Kuhckke` cl-Bhczcli cl-_hcac’ei(Zehkctullch Clehe), _eofg`, Kfseqi Cur _ckc’c (Ur`u*)= trcgslctifg fa CrcjioPrcgsoript gcke` “E’`hc-ul @clc’lct Ai _ckc’c-il C’clct ‛ jy _i`gc Ikck Cj`’cl-Bhcgi cl-Gcjlusi cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri (Su``ussurchul Cziz). Phir`, rec` trcgsoriptgcke` “Kcscil’e _ckc’c (Ur`uW)‛ jy _i`gc Ikck Chke` Zi`hc cl-Jrcheiohi cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri (Zehkctullch Clehe). Afurth, clsf ocg rec` fur little eaafrtsgcke` “_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz~ (Egblish | Arfk ^b.3:-00)‛.

    *Url4 http4//www.`eegekujeeg.ofk/:>30/>3/kfsiqi-fr-sikc/  WUrl4 http4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/9539?59/Kcscil-e-_ckc ~Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/:0:019>5?/_uooess-fa-cg-Ukkch-fg-cl-Kcrmcz-Egblish-Gew-Zelecse 

    Gfte4 “E’`hc-ul @clc’lct Ai _ckc’c-il C’clct‛ jy _i`gc Ikck Cj`’cl-BhcgiGcjlusi cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri (Zehkctullch Clehe) oful` je bet arfk jfth sfuroes,Kcmtcjch Ilkic (Jeirut, Lejcgfg) fr arfk Dckic cl-Czhcr _hcria= eveg ocg seg` crequest tf Hcmimct MitcjeviW (Purmey) afr cvcilcjility (Hfpe thct they will crrcgbeit, Acqeer Jumhcri).

    WUrl4 www.hcmimctmitcjevi.get 

    Zeofgoilictifg, is very sikple thct is, Kystio ^feks shcll clsf je rec` withfut Kusio,ia rec` jeafre with it. _ikilcrly, ia rec` withfut Kusio airstly, theg ocg je rec` with it

    either, jut preaercjle is Dczz _tyle. Gfte4 ^erkissijly ̀ fesg’t kecgt fr cllfwe`rec`igb Surcg Qerses, cs well cs Chc`ith’e Kujcrimch ig cgy afrk with Kusio,ofgtrcry it shcll je rearcige` striotly arfk rec`igb. Ikpe`igb here cg` `isouss itlcter. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    Kcher Tcig (Jcrcmcllchuk)Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;zuyM2i>db3K (Qfocls Fgly)Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;xwb9La5ruUE (Rith Kusio)

    _eofg`, c gcshee` hcs jeeg stcte` ig fur little eaafrt (_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz | ^b.300), writteg jy ^fet fa Ecst, Hcmikul-Ukkch, Cria Ji'Cllch Hu`hrctCllckc @r.Kuhckke` Iqjcl cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri (Zehkctullch Clehe), thereafre ia

    limes sf ocg rec` ig sigble fr jfth afrks. Gfte4 Re hcve `i` its wfr`y trcgslctifgigtf Egblish (arfk Ur`u | Phfubh Ofgtcige` jfth, Crcjio cg` Acrsi Rfr`s tff), gftpfetiocl hfwever fg sfke plcoes it jeocke pfetiocl gcturclly, ftherwise ia afug`gfge stcgzc (jeafre yfur view) theg ofgvert it igtf pfetiocl afrk cater trcgslctigbigtf Jfsgicg Lcgbucbe.

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  8

    OZIPIOI_K4 Cjfut fjdeotifg, sf wful` lime tf illukigcte thct `fesg’t sibgiaies thctKusliks leat the ribht pcth ia jeigb `i` upfg it, kecgt ia sfkefge fjdeotifg upfgfur acith (afr igstcgoe | Cs sikilcrity exists ckfgb jfth) thus `fesg’t ikplies thctwe leat it, ofgtrcry fjdeotifg shcll je airst du`be`, cg` theg respfg` cpprfprictely

    with ribht evi`egoe(s) ftherwise shcll je ibgfre` (Lecve | ia fther si`e ofgaliotigb)._eofg`, shful` je `iverte` fr scy reaerre` tfwcr`s Kcshcimh wc Ulckc= afrrespfgse. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    OU_PFK4 Ig ^cmistcg, fr scy Ig`f-^cm _ujofgtigegt, yfu will aig` jfth trc`itifgsjeigb prcotioe`, perafrkcgoe with cg` withfut Kusio. Afr igstcgoe, cl-_hcymh Cl-Hccd Kuhckke` Fwcis Zczc Sc`iri _chcj (_cllckchu) cg` _uclehc Jiji HffriycAchik cl-Sc`iri _chijc (_cllckchc) presegt Kystio-^feks withfut Kusio, geversees thek usigb Kusio jehig`, jeocuse it is striotly prfhijite` jy their respeote`fr`er shcymh tf use (fr scy they coquire` | Ig scaety preocutifg) wherecs _CJZIJrfthers, regfwge` Scwwcls fr scy oclle` Migb fa Scwwcls hcve perkissifg tfpresegt Kystio-^feks with Kusio (_ikilcrly, kcgy Scwwcls hcve either | Kfstly fa

    Ohishti-_cjri Fr`er ). Hfwever, jfth will expresse` scke igtegtifg, ia tclms tf thek,thct fur igtegtifg is Mclck cg` gfthigb else.

    Kystio-^feks (Mclck) withfut Kusio

    cl-_hcymh Cl-Hccd Kuhckke` Fwcis Zczc Sc`iri _chcj (_cllckchu)Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;a?quV_lHhYY  ]Crcjio[

    _uclehc Jiji Hffriyc Achik cl-Sc`iri _chijc (_cllckchc)Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;wtRGG:mQm_o  ]Ur`u[Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;-caURcJ@lfb ]Crcjio/Ur`u | Zckc`hcg -

    :>35 [

    Kystio-^feks (Mclck) with Kusio

    _cjri Jrfthers - Migb fa Scwwcls,Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;oOUqEeu9BKI ]Acrsi/Ur`u[

    Jiji Gcyycrc Gffr (^PQ Crtist | _igber )Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;TIJX?c1`zMb ]Ur`u[

    Gfte4 Hcve presegte` lebeg`s (Jecutiaul Qfioes | Hecrt Pfuohigb) fgly (airstthree), ig their respeote` ̀ fkcigs, pcrtioulcrly rec`igb Kystio-^feks (Mclck).

    ^EZAFZKE@4 Tim’rullch wc Timr’ul-Hcjij, ocg je perafrke` jy jfth, Kcle cg`Aekcle, rebcr`less fa beg`er (Gf restriotifgs), dust lime _CLCP (^rcyer | AivePikes) is fjlibctfry upfg jfth, Kuslik Kcle cg` Aekcle, hfwever aekcle(s) creexekpte` (fr scy biveg reliea | tf bfigb Kcsdi` ) arfk faaerigb ig Kcsdi`, ofgtrcryigstruote` tf faaere` ct Hfke, see Jchcr’e _hcrict (Jcj cl-_clct | Qfl.?). _ikilcrly,

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  9

    clime Kcle(s), aekcle(s) ocg `f Tim’rullch wc Tim’rul-Hcjij, ig sepcrctifg isjetter. Gfte4 Kuslik Jrfthers cg` _isters, fa gecrly cll Hfr(s), `resse` cttrcotively,wherecs cjfut aekcle(s) `ressigb sf we prcise thct kcy every Kuslik Rfkcg,crfug` the wfrl`, coquire` (Ofverigb | _uggch) suoh lime Aekcle Hfr(s) `fes.

    Ulckc scy Kcle `ress shcll je `iaaere` arfk Aekcle cg` vioe-versc. Ikpe`igb herecg` `isouss it lcter. _ee ofgoerge` jffms, fr csms Ulckc. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    Jchcr'e _hcrict Qfl. ? & 0Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/:123055>8/Jchcr-e-_hcrict-Qfl-?-Egblish Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/:123055>9/Jchcr-e-_hcrict-Qfl-0-Egblish 

    Afr kfre litercture ig Egblish, visitUrl4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/oflleotifgs/0:30229/Islckio-Litercture-Egblish 

    Ig-_hc Cllch wc Zcsulehi, will tries jest tf write c trcgsoript illukigctigb cll cjfvekctters (igolu`es vi`ef-kcmigb eto. | Aekcle esp.) ig aurther `etcils afr jetter

    ug`erstcg`igb. Ocg scy, it wful` je cg cjstrcot (trcgslctifgs igtf Egblish) fa jeafrekegtifge` three brect Ikcks fa their tikes (clsf revivclists) wfrms. Gfte4 _hcreit, ckfgb ecoh fther, cs well cs with fthers (Hfrs | Egohcgtigb Brfups). _eofg`, iaclrec`y mgfws this (Evi`egoes | @clcil ), theg Kcshc Cllch cg` Cllchu Cmjcr,wherecs ia gft, sf plecse cooepts these (cs biat), ia limes cg` tfuohes kig`(s) cg`hecrt(s). Phir`, clsf `isouss it with Ulckc ig Jfsgic I Herzebfvigc. DczcmckullchuMhcirch

    Kcy Cllch, Ji-Rcsilctug Gcji cl-Mcreek (Clehe _clct-F-_clck), brcgt cll fa us ribhtug`erstcg`igb fa Islck, cg` shcll scve` arfk bfigb gecr rcther thcg aclligb ig tfstrcye` pcth cg` igstibctifg, jrigb bff` `cys ig Kuslik wfrl`, cg` thrfubh their

    jlessigbs, cll fver the wfrl`. Ckeeg Phuk’kc Ckeeg

    “(Kcahffk) … Phey cre thfse whf hcve jelieve` cg` their hecrts aig`sctisacotifg with there kekjrcgoe fa Cllch. Jehfl`, ig the rekekjrcgoe faCllch clfge there is the sctisacotifg fa hecrts … ]s.3?4v.:8 [‛

    Rcssclck, Kc'c @uc cl-MhciyrC`gc Acqeer Pcgzeel Jumhcri cl-Hcgcai(bhcacrclchu) Phe Sc`ri_wfr` Peck ]Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/oflleotifgs/0:0>>?9/Phe-Sc`ri-_wfr`-


    Mcrcohi Oity, Islckio Zepujlio fa ^cmistcg 

    0th _hcwwcl cl-Kumcrrck, 30?1 Hidri

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  3>


    F’@ec, it is jetter tf `f kekjrcgoes (Czmcr | Hck`, Gcct eto.) withfut Kusio(Kfseqch), lime prcyer is afrk fa kekjrcgoe (Timr), cg` it ofgtcige` fr scy tcubht

    respeot tff= thus this shcll je kcigtcige` ig every afrk sf thct jeafre Cllch cg` HisZcsul (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) je cooeptcjle (presegte` with ofgtcigigb respeot=prifrity).

    Illustrcte`, “… Cvfi`4 Hfwever Kusio cs well cs Olcppigb & Clofhflio arcbrcgoe (iausigb), shcll je cvfi`]0[, jeocuse _trctcbek is presegt afr ecrlier jut gft afr thelctters. …‛ cg` theg jegecth ug`er pfigters olcriay, “… ]0[  Phfse usigbigstrukegts, shful` clsf rec` Gcshee`s (Mclck) withfut Kusio sf thct kcy leat gfplcoe afr fjdeotifg= reoegtly lime Kcher Tcig hcs `i`. Kcshc Cllch, & Cllchu Cmjcr.…‛ ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz (Egblish) | ^b.:81[

    ]*[ Hfwever, ocg rec` Kystio-^fek (Mclck) with Timr, ig jfth afrk, whctever aeelsofgvegiegt, sfat (Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;wwk-ToZehjS ) cg`hcr` (Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;bMfGAbQMygm).

    Gfte4  Phere is gf restriotifg ig afrk (_urct)= lcyigb, sittigb fr stcg`igb. Afrigstcgoe, ^rcyer hcs ofgtcige` cll these three afrks= stcg`igb (Scyck) cg` sittigb(Sc’c`c), wherecs ig ocse fa illgess, hcs jeeg sci` tf perafrk ig lcyigb(Kutckc``i`’ug) afrk. _eofg`, _clct-F-_clck (@urff` _hcria) ocg je reoite` igevery afrk tff, wherecs sittigb (Sc’c`c) is jetter (fr cpprfpricte | Ulckc _ci` ) limeprcyer “Sc’c`c‛, cg` sf fg afrth, hegoe cs per fge’s fwg heclth ofg`itifg, ocgexeoute.

    Hcve illukigcte` fr scy ig`iocte` sfke kfre kctters, thfubh ig jriea ct foocssifgclkcils tegtctively= wherecs `isousse` ig `etcil ig sepcrcte trcgsoript afrk. Ig-_hcCllch.

    ]Gfte4 Phis kcil wcs segt tf fgly aew kekjers ig fur sfoicl oirole, jelfgbigb sckeofugtry, Jfsgic I Hezrebfvigc, clthfubh gfw prfvi`igb afr cll tf rec`[

    Pclij’e @ucC`gc AcqeerPcgzeel Jumhcri cl-Hcgcai(bhcacrclchu)Phe Sc`ri _wfr` Peck

    Mcrcohi Oity,Islckio Zepujlio fa ^cmistcg

    @cte4 Kcgbcl, :g` _hcjcg Kfczzck, 30?2 Hidri

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  33



    Kc`igc’e Phcgi - Kujcrcm

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/?3?901210/Cl-Kcmtujct-Cl-Guriyych-vfl-:-Egblish 

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  3:

    Cllchuk’kc, _clc’teg @cikk’cg wc _clck’cg Pcckk’cg, Clc _cyyi`’ugcl-Cgkjiyc wcl Kursc’leeg wc Clc Cleyhi wc _chcjehi wc Kcshcimh'e

    Uk’kctehi wc Ulckc-e-Kil’lctehi wc Dckee-cl-Kusli’keeg ClehekCdkc’eig. 

    Jiskillch’ir Zehkcg’ir Zcheek

    “(Kcahffk) … _cy, “Ia yfur acthers, cg` yfur sfgs, cg` yfur jrfthers, cg`yfur wives, cg` yfur trije, cg` yfur coquire` weclth, cg` the trc`e ig

    whioh yfu aecr c lfss, cg` the hfuses fa yfur limigb ‟ ia cll these cre `ecrer(Kch’jffj) tf yfu thcg Cllch cg` His Gfjle Kessegber (Zcsul) cg` aibhtigb

    ig His Rcy, theg wcit ugtil Cllch jrigbs cjfut His ofkkcg`= cg` Cllch `fesgft bui`e the sigaul (Acsiq) … ]s.94v.:0[‛

    (Cl-Surcg cl-Mcreek)

    ]Pcasir Ijge Cjjcs[  (_cy) F Kuhckkc`4 (Ia yfur acthers, cg` yfur sfgs, cg`

    yfur jrethreg, cg` yfur wives, cg` yfur trije) yfur aflm whf cre ig Keooc, (cg` theweclth ye hcve coquire`) yfu hcve ecrge`, (cg` kerohcg`ise afr whioh ye aecr thctthere will je gf scle) thct will gft je spegt ig Ke`igc, (cg` `welligbs) hfuses (ye`esire) tf live ig (cre `ecrer tf yfu thcg Cllch) thcg Cllch's fje`iegoe (cg` Hiskessegber) cg` `ecrer tf yfu thcg kibrctigb tf His Kessegber (cg` strivigb ig Hiswcy) afr the scme fa His fje`iegoe4 (theg wcit till Cllch jrigbeth His ofkkcg` tfpcss) His pugishkegt, i.e. milligb upfg the Ofgquest fa Keooc. Phfse whf kibrcte`cater this (Cllch bui`eth gft) He `fes gft lec` tf His relibifg (wrfgb-`figb aflm) the`isjelievers4 thfse whf gft `eserve it.

    ]Pcasir Dclc’lcyg[  _cy4 ‘Ia yfur acthers, cg` yfur sfgs, cg` yfur jrfthers, cg`

    yfur wives, cg` yfur olcg, yfur migskeg (‘cshĭrctumuk4 c vcricgt rec`igb hcs ‘cshĭrătumuk), cg` the pfssessifgs whioh yfu hcve coquire`, cg` kerohcg`ise afrwhioh yfu aecr there kcy je gf scle, gf lfgber vicjle, cg` `welligbs whioh yfulfve, cre `ecrer tf yfu thcg Bf` cg` His Kessegber cg` strubbligb ig His wcy, sfthct yfu hcve rearcige` arfk ekibrctigb cg` strubbligb afr the scme fa suoh]thigbs[, theg wcit ugtil Bf` jrigbs cjfut His ofkkcg` ‐ this is kecgt cs c threcttf thek. Cg` Bf` `fes gft bui`e the wiome` aflm’  

    @EGFPE4 F’@ec, thfubh the verse cg` theg its pretext `epiots fr scy illukigctethe hfgfr fr scy ofg`uotifg fa “Eaafrt | Dihc` ‛, jut clsf ofgtcige` c sikilcrity withfur kcil sujdeot, tf cg extegt= thct is Kusliks fa Ig`f-^cm _ujofgtigegt Kibrctifg,cg` sigoe theg aibhtigb ofgtigufusly fr scy jusy ig egofugterigb cbcigst pfweraul

    Hig`u-Jcgyc _tcte, hcvigb Gfg-Kusliks ^fwers jcom/suppfrt. LF__4  Phfubhegofugter ofurcbefusly jut `ue tf fur jlug`ers (oflleotive | Jetrcyers eto ) cg`igofkpetegoy (lec`ership | Igelibijle eto ), acoe` fr bft tff kcgy lfsses, afrigstcgoe, Ecst ^cmistcg (Gfw c Jcgblc`esh), Mcrbil Rcr (Ohcgoe tf bet Mcshkirjcom) eto. Gfte4 Aurther is expeote` ia `fesg’t lecrg, arfk previfus, geither returgstfwcr`s Islckio _ystek.

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  3?

    Zec` afllfwigb acithaul evegt, tf ug`erstcg` aurther the ocuse=

    _hcymh Kuhcqqiq Ikck cl-_hch Cj`ul-Hcqq Jumhcri cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri(Su``ussurchul Cziz) stcte` ig Dczj’ul Sulffj, “… Rheg extfrtifg fa igai`els

    (Kushrimeeg’e Kcmmch) igtegsiaie` (ugjecrcjle | Tiyc`c Hf’bcey ), _i`gcKuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) wcs brcgte` perkissifg (fr scybiveg fr`er), tf kibrcte arfk Kcmmch Kfcz’zikch tf Kc`igch Kugcw’wcrch, cg`fg kibrctifg gibht leat fgly Hu`hrct Cli cl-Kurtc`hc (Zc`hi Cllch Cghu) jehig` cthfke (ig Kcmmch) afr returgigb pefple bff`s (Ur`u4 Ckc’gcteig) ftherwise gecrlycll (Ofkpcgifgs ]Clehekur Zi`hwcg[) hc` clrec`y kibrcte` wherecs leatfver werecater brcgte` perkissifg. _i`gc Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) leat tf PhcwrOcve airstly cg` theg arfk there tf Kc`igch, wheg ofgvfy tffm rest ct c plcoe gecrKc`igch Kugcw’wcrch, c persfg with sevegty persfggel pursuigb _i`gcKuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) ofgvfy afug` it restigb, they ockeolfser cg` `i` c ofgversctifg ct whioh _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) expresse` blc` ti`igbs tf Hu`hrct Cju-Jcmr _i``iq (Zc`hi Cllch Cghu),

    jeocuse fa their relctifgship (with Jcgu-Surciysh). Cater `isoussifg, Hu`hrctJcri`ch Cslcki (Zc`hi Cllch Cghu) ekjrcoe` Islck hegoe cll pefple ekjrcoe` ittff (ig afllfw thrfubh), thereafre upfg queryigb rebcr`igb dfurgey _i`gcKuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) igafrke` thek (Clehekur Zi`hwcg)cjfut ekibrctifg tfwcr`s Kc`igch hegoe Hu`hrct Jcri`ch Cslcki (Zc`hi CllchCghu) cppecls tf _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) thctegtrcgoe ig Kc`igch Kugcw’wcrch shcll je with ^ri`e cg` Hfgfr thereafre kc`e hisPurjcg c Alcb cg` theg puts it fg swfr` cg` rcise` it hibh cg` cll Kusliks withtheir Jelfve` Gcji cl-Mcreek (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) jebug kcrohe` tfwcr`sKc`igch Pcyyijch cg` aigclly egtere` ig afrk fa ^rfoessifg, fg fther hcg` Kusliksig Kc`igch Pcyyijch were wcitigb afr _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-

    _clck) crrivcl, thereafre wheg they scw the prfoessifg ofkigb tfwcr`s thek cg`_i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) is presegt ckfgbst thek, clljebcg aelt hcppy cg` dfyaul cg` oelejrctes _i`gc Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)crrivcl ig thek. Cg` fg thct foocsifg every fge rcisigb slfbcgs fa Pcmjeer (CllchuCmjcr) cg` Zisclch (Yc Zcsul Cllch) cs well cs skcll birls were sigbigb stcgzcs,expressigb brctitu`e jeofkes igevitcjle upfg us `ue tf his hibhgess (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) jlesse` crrivcl, cg` these jecutiaul brctitu`es cre still rec` ig expressifgcrfug` the wfrl` jy Kusliks4

    Pclc cl-Jc`ru Cley’gc Kig Phcgiyyc’til Rc`c’eRcdc’jct _hum’ru Cley’gc Kc @c’c Lil’llchi @c’e 

    Phese cre the sygfpsis tcmeg arfk, “Jcj cl-Hidrct cl-Kc`igch |  Dczj’ul Sulffj Ilc@cycr’il Kehjffj cl-Kcrffa Pcreemh’e Kc`igch‛ .

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  30


    @cr-Islck ^cmistcg | Kujcrcm]https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;pxZkaMEjXT>  | Listeg Kust [

    I_LCKIO ZE^UJLIO FA ^CMI_PCGUrl4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/oflleotifgs/0391338/Islckio-Zepujlio-fa-^cmistcg 

    Cjfut ^cmistcg, airst wful` lime tf rekig`s, “… OZECPIFG fa ^CMI_PCG is gft lessthcg c kircole ig whioh killifgs fa Kusliks scoriaioe` their preoifus lives fgly fg thegcke fa jelfve` relibifg I_LCK ct the ocll fa Ulckc’e Hcqq (Chl’cl-_uggchRc’l-Dckc’ch) afr the scme fa blfrifus cg` strfgb auture fa jelfve` UKKCH, KcyCLLCH je plecse` with thek (Jelievers | Kusliks]_uggis[) cg` seg` thek tf thehibhest pfsitifg ig Hecvegs (Ckeeg). Rhy Killifgs …6 Jeocuse it is kc`e withfutswfr` kecgt pecoeaully (vcst ockpcibg cg` theg hube ikkibrctifg) `ue tf whiohhcppege` kcssive jlff`she` (Ctrfoities jcre` jy Kusliks) ftherwise ia kc`e with

    swfr` thcg we’ll see hfw kuoh it alew fr whether hcppegs fr gft (kcss jlff`she`)… ]Blfrifus @estigctifg fa cg Ukkch | Orectifg (Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.:?)[‛

    Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;HQMisDhVZpY  

    @EGFPE4 Gecrly 0-5 Killifg Kusliks lfst their preoifus lives, coofr`igb tfKcster Tci` Hcki` _hch _hj (Jcrcmcllchuk) fge’s ekftifgcl vi`efexplcgctifg. Gfte4 @ue tf kcssive ikkibrctifg pecoeaully (@eaegseless | Gfseourity ), sci` fge fa the jibbest ig histfry, Kusliks jeocke the sfat tcrbetfa Hig`u-Kushrim. Ocuse4  Igdustioes cg` Jetrcycls jy Jritish Ekpire tfKusliks pcrtioulcrly, while ruligb Ig`f-^cm _ujofgtigegt, clsf ibgitigb tike tf

    tike Kusliks-Hig`us Cgcrohies tf suppress fr scy cotuclly fppressigbKusliks jeofkes the ocuse fa afug`igb sepcrcte hfkelcg` afr Kuslikslcter-fg. Afug`ctifg4  Its afug`ctifg, `ekcg`igb sepcrcte hfkelcg`, isgfgetheless jut jcse` upfg “PRF GCPIFG PHEFZY‛= ig sikple wfr`sKusliks (Jelievers |  Chle-Ekcg) cg` Gfg-Kusliks (@isjelievers |  Chle-Kugmir]Muaacr wc Kushrimeeg[) cre twf sepcrcte gctifgs (Scuk’eig) cg`ocggft je sci` fge, `ue tf relibifus `iaaeregoes. Gfte4 Kcgy verses, eveg c_urch (cl-Mcai’rfug), revecle` the scke cg` ig reclity thefry is jcse` upfgfr jeigb extrcote` arfk thfse revelctifgs. Jlcke4 Hig`us jlcke fr scy putsupfg Jcrrister Kuhckke` Cli Diggch fa Ig`f-^cm _ujofgtigegt @ivisifg igtfsevercl ofugtries wherecs ibgfrigb the acot thct it wcs cotuclly @crwig’sPhefry “@ivi`e g Zule‛ cg` “Ofgaliotifg‛ jeigb prcotioe` fr scy coquire`

    jy theg Jritish Ekpire, c sujsi`y fa Areekcsfgs Lfjjy= ftherwise Kuslikswere ruligb HIG@, ribhtefusly cg` pecoeaully. Gfte4  @ue tf this recsfg,kcyje, Kusliks-Hig`us Cgcrohies jeigb ibgite`/erupts. Ikpe`igb here afrwhile, cg` `isouss it lcter sfke fther tike. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  35

    Hfwever, sigoe afug`ctifg jeigb exckige` c lft, revecle` it, “… EXCKIGCPIFG4 _igoe afug`ctifg ^cmistcg hcve jeeg exckige` severcl tike eveg with very hcr`hits, kecgt bft kcgy pugohes jy Resterg (U_ & Eurfpe) cg` Gfrtherg (U__ZLcte) ^fwers, cg` kfst fa cll very ackfus fur geibhjfrs IG@IC, clsf acoe` kcgy

    pugohes, `istrijutifg fa Ig`f-^cm _ujofgtigegt wcs gft acir, theg lfst Dckku &Mcshkir (bft ohcgoe ig 3998 tf tcme it jcom, `urigb Mcrbil Rcr, whioh wcs gecrlywfg, jut theg lffse fg tcjle with U_), cg` theg lfst Ecst ^cmistcg (Kfkigcg’e_hcrqi)  ig 3923 Rcr (fgoe cbcig fg tcjle whioh igolu`es _fviet ^ressure), cg`there cre kcgy fther skcll `isputes with IG@IC (seeks tf je very Luomy, Hig`uJcgyc). Phereafre cgfther hcr` pugoh is expeote`, cg` this tike kibht je lffsesfkethigb, hegoe `f gft aecr fr wfrrie` thct ^cmistcg will ofllcpse (whfle stcte) frlfst everythigb fr eveg upset fg `evcstctifgs, whioh ofke upfg us cs severepugishkegts (ig fther wfr`s exckigctifg*), jeocuse jeafre crrivcl fa _chij-ul-Rcqt (Kcy Cllch prfteot hik) kcy je lfst sfkethigb, hfwever ia `estigy hcs jeegwritteg ug`er his bui`cgoe cg` lec`ership ig Acte jy Cllch (_ujhcgchu) afr thisofugtry ig presegt erc theg it will hcppegs thereafre wcit cg` see (shfw pctiegoe),

    je ugite` cg` stcg` airk. ^cmistcg will pcss this exckigctifg tff cg` wful` stcg`cs ofugtry. Ig-_hc Cllch wc Zcsulehi … ]_tregbth fa cg Ukkch ig cl-Kcshreq |^b.1?[‛

    Url4 http4//`ef/0?81020/zci`-hcki`-czk-e-gcu-dcj-killct-cur-acud-cim-hffg 

    @EGFPE4 Kudc``i` Clia Phcgi (Zehkctullch Clehe) cg` Ikck Chke` Zi`hccl-Jrcheiohi (Zehkctullch Clehe) ocggft je exekpte` arfk ckfgb afug`igbacthers fa this brect gctifg= jfth hc` tcubht “Pwf Gctifg Phefry‛. 3821 |:5 th @eo.4 Jcrrister Kuhckke` Cli Diggch (Clehe Zehkc) wcs jfrg. 3822 |



      Gfv.4 Hu`hrct Cllckc Kuhckke` Iqjcl cl-Hcgcai (Zehkctullch Clehe)wcs jfrg. 390> | :?r`  Kcr.4 ^cmistcg Zesflutifg wcs pcsse`. 3902 | 30th  Cub.4 Phrfubh kutucl offperctifg fa Ulckc (Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l-Dckc’ch)cg` Cll Ig`ic Kuslik Lecbue Lec`ership, c sepcrcte hfkelcg` ocke igtfjeigb. 3915 | 1th _ep.4 Rcr with Hig`u-Jcgyc Afroes jeigb afubht= thfubhfge is afubht ecrlier afr bettigb Mcshkir (Czc`-Mcshkir | Gfwc`cys) arfktheir fooupctifg. 3923 | 31th @eo.4 Lfst Ecst ^cmistcg, gfw c Jcgblc`esh=theg U__Z pressure wcs igvflve` fr scy igolu`e`. 3998 | :8th Kcy 4 Jeockeairst Kuslik Guolecr ^fwer Ofugtry. _eofg`4 Mcrbil Rcr (3998 | Kcy-Dul ),whioh wcs cbcig lfst `ue tf presegt rebike igofkpetegoy cg` U._ pressure.:>>9 |  Dug-@eo 4  _tcrte` fperctifgs, Zch’e-Gidct cg` theg @hcrj’e-Czj(:>30 | 35 th Dug-^resegt ), ig wcme fa fr respfg` tf afreibg jcome` terrfrisk.

    Ikpe`igb here afr while, cg` `isouss it lcter sfke fther tike. Cllch mgfws cllthe jest.

    Ycuk’e Rilc`ct | 3>th _hcwwcl cl-Kumcrrck4 _i`gc Ikck Chke` Zi`hccl-Jrcheiohi (Zehkctullch Clehe). ]Url4http4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/3?8931331/Rhf-is-Clchczrct-Egblish[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  31

    Phct’s why shcll je prepcre` afr chec` (Kcy ofkes), kecgt gf gee` tf jepcgiomigb thus ugite` upfg this i`egtity, “… ^CMI_PCG4  Zekekjers, gfge ocg`eaeg` ^cmistcg jesi`es Prue Kusliks, afllfwigb jfth _hcri’ch wc Pcriqch, jeocuseit wcs afug`e` jy cg` thrfubh _piritucl ^ersfgclities (afllfwigb _hcri’ch striotly cg`

    ribhtly) clfgb with the Ulckc’e Mirck offperctifg (fr scy kutucl eaafrt), thereafreit’s preoifusgess cg` cs c jecutiaul biat thct either gft ibgfre` jut kust je `eaeg`(thrfubh cgy kecgs | thct wful` je ofgvegiegt cg` ug`er yfur ocpcoity afr`eaeg`igb), thereafre fgoe cbcig it wcs reoclligb the `uty … ]_tregbth fa cgUkkch ig cl-Kcshreq | ^b.?8[‛ … jut rekekjers thct i`eflfby wcs “…Phereafre, presegtly gf tike afr igtergcl ofgaliots fr olcshes jut requires ugitctifgafr sigble ocuse, `eaegse I_LCK’_  I`eflfby, cg` I`eflfby ofkprises upfg oree`,wherecs oree` kecgs `fotrige fr acith, cg` thct shful` fr kust je coofr`igb tfKczhcj Chlc’l-_uggch Rc’l-Dckc’ch, whioh wcs `esorije` jy Kczchij Crjc’c,rcther thcg bfes aurther, `f fge thigb cg` thct is, c`` ^cmistcg ig I`eflfby tff(jeocuse it hcs jeeg afug`e` upfg I`eflfby), hegoe @EAEG@ it. Phcgms.(Dczcmckullchu Mhcirch) … ]_tregbth fa cg Ukkch ig cl-Kcshreq | ^b.?2 [‛

    Url4 http4//`ef/311>:/zci`-hcki`--tcmkeel-e-pcmistcg--`estigy-cwcits 

    @EGFPE4  “… Fge kcy questifg (fjdeot | Cy’terc`h) thct ia Ulckc `feseverythigb theg why `fg’t they estcjlishe` it, cater aigclly afug`igb, upfg thei`eflfby= kecgt fg the jcsis fa Islckio Ocliphcte6 Cgswer4  Phct’s c sc``ilekkc, cg` Acqeer Jumhcri(bhcacrclchu) wful` `eaigitely c`kit thct Ulckcshful` `f this aigcl eaafrt cs well, whioh they sfkehfw leat (either they sctig their Mhcgqchs fr relyigb upfg kf`ercte lec`ership tf `eliver), cg`ugcjle tf `eliver the rest pcrt fa `reck upfg whioh afug`e`. Hfwever,there oful` je severcl recsfgs jut aew seeks relevcgt= airst, kibht je

    `ue tf Kilitcry Fppfsitifg, Ulckc `i`g’t aelt cpprfpricte tf tussle with gew`ivisifgcl crky jeocuse it wcs gft ug`er thek jut lec` jy Phe Jritish(Begercl Brcoey, 3st OFC_, ^cmistcg Crky) cater their with`rcwcl (igolu`esKilitcry `ivisifg, thct wcs ugiaie` ecrlier) arfk Jcrr’e _cbhir cl-Hig`.Gfte4 Usuclly Crky’s cre cg fjstcole ig wcy fa reclizctifg, wherecsthey ocg `f ia wcgts. _eofg`,  igsuaaioiegt resfuroes, jeocuse gecrly cllkibrcte` pefple `fg’t ocke with their whfle fr eveg egfubh weclth]3[ftherwise suppfrts Ulckc tff ig afrkigb fwg crky. Gfte4 Cotuclly kcssiveckfugt cg` resfuroes cre require` tf afrk aull ale`be crky, thus kibht je`ue tf shfrtcbe they cjcg`fge`. Phir`, Ulckc hc` relie` upfg theg KuslikLecbue lec`ership afr `eliverigb (reclizctifg) the sujdeot afr whioh afug`e`.Gfte4  Ulckc cre ribht thct lec`erships (kf`ercte) gever `fes (`eliver |

    3>>%) whctever they scy … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz | ^b.:?8[‛Phereafre, lime tf ofkkegt thct “_fkethigb is jetter thcg gfthigb‛ cg`clsf ia Zebike is prcotioigb fther thcg Islckio _ystek, ig thct ocse wesuppfrt Kilitcry tf cvfi` ohcfs cs well cs tftcl ofllcpse. Cllch mgfws cll thejest.

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  32

    Phfubh whctever the ofg`itifg, ia wcgte` cg` ocpcjle tf recoh theg, “… @E_PIGY4 Ch, ofke tf ^cmistcg, ofke tf Kc`igc’e _cgi fa _chij’e Kc`igch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck), ofke tf Cllch’s kircoulfus _ibg, `f gft hesitcte gfr ofgause` geither aecrsjeocuse fur bui`cgoe cg` prfteotfr, jy Cllch’s FZ@EZ (ji’izgillch), will je jelfve`

    Gcji cl-Mcreek (Clehe-_clct-F-_clck), thereafre stiom tf Kcshc’imh jeocuse fa`ivige fr`ers whegever they reoeives cg` scy Lcjjcym, respfg` their ocll cg` ofke(ia ocpcjle) afr Cllch cg` his Zcsul (Clehe-_clct-F-_clck) gft afr the “Gcas‛ fr

     “Kfgey‛ eveg afr “Lcg`‛. F’@ec, rekekjer it hcs jeeg afug`e` afr gfjle ocuse gftafr else hegoe jelfgbs tf cll Kusliks crfug` the wfrl`, it is gft cgyfge’s persfgclcsset fr prfperty, thereafre gf kctter whioh ocst fr trije yfu jelfgbs cg` spfmelcgbucbe `fg’t hesitcte, ofke whegever oclls jy Fulul Ckr (ycgi _chij-ul-Rcqt).Zekekjers, yfur blfrifus `estigctifg will cwcit yfu. ]Clsf wctoh this ig sckerebcr`s | Oliom the ligm jelfw [ … ]_tregbth fa cg Ukkch ig cl-Kcshreq |^b.1?[‛

    Url4 http4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;-X5oTIAv^q0&aecture;relkau 

    @EGFPE4  “… ^cmistcg is egriohe` ig gecrly cll resfuroes]3[, igolu`igb thekfst preoifus resfuroe cre its pefple= Kusliks. Befbrcphioclly lfocte` igvery strctebio pfsitifg hegoe kcmigb it c oegtre wful` `eaigitely jegeaiteveryfge, gft fgly itsela (_tcte & its pefple) jut clsf Kusliks cll crfug` thewfrl`. @ilekkc4 Ugafrtugctely, sigoe afug`ctifg, hcveg’t bft truelec`ership, jcse` (ofgtcige` & prcotioigb) fg i`eflfby upfg whiohestcjlishe`, ftherwise _tcte itsela is gft jc` geither pefple= eveg ftherKusliks Ofugtries creg’t jc` either (Cll cre jlesse` | cl-Kcjrffm ). Hfwever,ia bets cg` ohcgoes cre ofkigb olfser tff, theg Ig-_hc Cllch the sc` `ilekkcoful`, cg` sf will, turge` igtf wfg`er afr whfle Ukkch. Igstcjility4 @ue tf

    cjsegoe fa ribht systek, it either orectes fr foours gcturclly (explfitctifg faribht systek cjsegoe) igstcjility ig gecrly cll seotfrs= seourity, eofgfky,sfoicl cg` sf fg afrth. Hfwever sflutifg presegt jut gfw coquirigb thek willrequire` lfyclity cg` igtegse eaafrts]:[, whioh is pfssijle hegoe shful` je `fug`er Islckio Pecohigbs (Surcg & _uggch |  Durispru`egoe & Pcscw’wua ).Phereafre rcther thcg presegtigb lcke exeouses cll shcll hegoe kust striveafr ikplekegtctifg the ribht systek, ftherwise lime suaaere` ig pcst whiohofgsequegoes cre still persiste` (fr scy experiegoigb `iaaeregt afrks faigstibctifgs | uphecvcl, seotcricgisk eto.) will gever eg`s … ]_uooess fa cgUkkch fg cl-Kcrmcz | ^b.:?2 [‛ Phereafre, lime tf ofkkegt thct “OZI_I_‛ cre kfstly sela kc`e jy ibgfrigb tf juil` the gctifg cs per afug`ctifgftherwise ofugtry is well equippe` cg` suaaioiegt ig resfuroes. Cllch mgfws cll

    the jest.

    Jeocuse clrec`y revecle`, brect fr scy kcrvelfus cohievekegts, cs “… Pclm cjfutAUPUZE, sf hcs c very jribht cg` blfrifus chec`, clthfubh will je exckige airst,kcy je thrfubh striot cg` hcr` tikes (severe ohcfs cg` ofg`itifgs, ocg je thrfubhlfss fa aurther crec tff) jut cater theg suooess g fgly suooess (ocg je afr the lfgb

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  38

    tike, Cllch mgfws), cg` Fh shcll we gft `isouss it ig the libht fa _uaiyc’e Mirckscyigbs (^re`iotifgs), jesi`es Phe _fviet Ekpire `isigtebrctifg= thfubh Zussic hc`egfubh mgfoms arfk Kusliks jut kcy je bet fge kfre cg` thct is ig respfgse tffur jelfve` OHEOHGYC, whct fther cohievekegts arfk ^CMI_PCG will clsf je

    cttcig, gft fgly IG@IC will je ofgquer, till Zcgbffg (Jurkc) cg` Pijet tf Lcgmc, jutclsf U_C bet wecm cg` gf lfgber leat cs _uper ^fwer (whegever ofgarfgt fr ia shetry fr wish tf oflli`e) cg` OHIGC will jrecm (Fur Mcshbcr, Ecst Purmestcg will betaree`fk) tff, cg` Eurfpe clsf pcy the prioe coofr`igb tf its rfle, kecg cll`evcstctifgs `fge ig pcst fr still ug`erbfigb ig Ircq, Cabhcgistcg cg` ig Lijyc.Hfwever here wful` lime tf c`` fge ikpfrtcgt thigb thct cll this will je cttcig jyPhe Brect _ultcg, whfk will hfgfr cg` seleot ^cmistcg cs oegtre afr auture IslckioEkpire (scy Mhilcach fr _ultcgcte) ftherwise it hcs gf ikpfrtcgoe, jeocuse Hidcz’eKuqc``us cg` Jcit’ul Kuqc``us cre kfre score` cg` hfgfrcjle thcg ^cmistcg.(Cllch mgfws the jest)  … ]Zise fa cg Ukkch arfk cl-Kcbhrej | ^cmistcg(Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.15/11)[‛

    Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;1X8_XBLASaf ]MHU@I | Cllchu Cmjcr [ 

    @EGFPE4  “… Auqcrch cre viewigb fr scy gftioigb, Ji’izgillch, dust lime igpcst]:[  hegoe presegtly]?[ tff, rfle plcye` fr pcrtioipctifg afr stcte (jypefple ig pfwer | Zebikes), whether pfsitive (acvfrigb _tcte) fr gebctive(hcrkigb _tcte), igolu`es `eoeptifg `fes jy lec`erships= gft ikplekegtigbIslck, meepigb ofrruptifg, ligberigb cg issue(s), eto. Jut this tike cre gfwcbbressive, jeocuse tike hcs ofke (afr revivcl) … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fgcl-Kcrmcz | ^b.:?8[‛ Phereafre,  lime tf ofkkegt thct, “… ^cmistcg’sexistegoe (_tcg` | cs _tcte) isg’t egfubh evi`egoe, fa spiritucl afroesofgtrijutifg, cs pcsses fr scy survivigb the `estruotive pflioies, fa jfth,

    previfus cs well cs prcotioigb jy the presegt rebike tff (ofgtiguctifg), igofgtext fa ^cmistcg’s afug`ctifg afr revivcl fa Islckio I`eflfby jcse` Ekpire,cs Kusliks hcve jeafre. Phus, Kusliks shful` je hfpeaul, gft hfpeless.]Auqcrc, ig/fa ^cmistcg, cre ig kff` tf bcig jcom whct Kusliks hcve lfstsigoe pcst oegtury | ^repcrigb Kusoles, cg` sf will `ekfgstrcte stregbth fgtike[. _eofg`, everyfge is up-tf `iskekjerigb ^cmistcg fge wcy is thrfubh`rcbbigb igtf ohcfs cg` cgcrohies= thfubh clrec`y suaaerigb arfk igstcjility.Jut still stcg`igb cs ugiaie` _tcte ofgtcigigb vcrifus gctifgs (Ur`4 Scukeig),wherecs tcme exckple fa _u`cg, fge gctifg twf _tctes … ]Cllch is theprfteotfr fa Hcrckciyg _hcriaciyg | Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.3??[‛

    GFPE4 Zec`er(s) kcy je `iscbrees, jut it’s c reclity, `eterkigctifg fa stregbth=

    jcse` upfg equipkegt cg` hukcg resfuroes ofgtcige` fr ig hcg`s jy the _tcteCrky, ofkpcrigb tf cgy pcrcllel stregbth(s), ia presegt (Usuclly | Phere wereclwcys), thereafre `eterkigctifg shcll je `fge jy meepigb thek jeafre. Kecgt,there cre sfke vi`efs `epiotigb either Ircg fr Purmey fr eveg fge illukigcte _cu`iCrcjic, cs lec`igb fr scy tfpigb ig Kuslik Rfrl` Kilitcries. Ocg’t reaute theirrecsfgcjle c`vcgoe` equipkegt cg` stregbth (HZ) cs per theirs requirekegt, jut

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  39

    theg gfge ocg je ofkpcre` tf Rest/Gfrth Kilitcry(s) jeocuse fa lcomigb ig fge`fkcig, whioh is ribht gfw ofgsi`ere` cs the kfst Hibhest @eterregoe fa _tregbth=Guolecr Crsegcls. Hegoe, withfut cgy fjdeotifgs ig ofgtext tf this, ig Kuslik Rfrl`,gfge jesi`es ^cmistcg Kibhty Crky hcve this outtigb e`be upfg cll fthers, thus is

    the lec`igb cg` the Pfp, `ue tf ofgtcigigb fr cttcige` Hibhest @eterregoe fa_tregbth (Cg equclizer | Pf Rest/Gfrth)= Guolecr Crsegcls. Cllch mgfws the jest.

    YC JCTU YC cl-BEYLCGI | Auqcrch _tregbth]Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;RriwoRP>FRb (3)[ 

    Huk Kusclkcgfug Mcy Lcshmcr, _ey Ulcdhgc Ohfrr @fuZcmh @eyg’bey Rcrgc Pfurr Mer, Cc’`hc I`hr Cc’`hc U`hr

    (Pcz’keeg | Acqeer )]Egb. Prcgs.4 Pf us Kusliks Brfup, lecve kessigb crfug` | Ftherwise jrecm yfu igc pcrt, hcla here hcla their[


    Cllch (_ujhcgchu) sci` ig Sur'cg Kcdee` thct, "(Kcahffk) ... Ig`ee` the fglytrue relibifg ig the sibht fa Cllch is Islck ... ]s.?4v.39["

    ]Pcasir Ijge Cjjcs[ (Lf! Zelibifg) thct is cooepte` (with Cllch (is) the _urreg`er(tf His will cg` bui`cgoe)). It is clsf sci` thct this shful` je ug`erstff` cs4 Cllchjecrs witgess thct Zelibifg with Hik is Islck (the _urreg`er), cg` the cgbels, theprfphets cg` the jelievers clsf jecr witgess tf this. Phis verse wcs revecle` cjfuttwf keg arfk Histfrio _yric whf csme` the ^rfphet (pjuh) whioh is the brectestwitgess ig the Jffm fa Cllch. Rheg he igafrke` thek cjfut it, they ekjrcoe`

    Islck. (Phfse whf (afrkerly) reoeive` the _oripture) the Dews cg` Ohristicgs(`iaaere`) cjfut Islck cg` Kuhckkc` (fgly cater mgfwle`be) the expfsitifg fawhct is ig their _oripture (ocke ugtf thek, thrfubh trcgsbressifg ckfgbthekselves) fut fa resegtaul egvy. (Rhfsf `isjelieveth the revelctifgs fa Cllch)Kuhckkc` cg` the Sur'cg ((will aig` thct) Lf! Cllch is swiat ct reomfgigb) severe igHis pugishkegt.

    ]Pcasir Dclc’lcyg[ Lf!, the relibifg with Bf`, plecsigb ]tf Hik[, is sujkissifg ]tfthe Fge Bf`[, (cl-islăk), thct is tf scy, the @ivige Lcw with whioh the kessegberswere segt, afug`e` upfg the caairkctifg fa Bf`’s Fgegess (c vcricgt rec`igb ]afriggc, ‘lf!’[ hcs cggc, ‘thct’, cs cg igolusive sujstitutifg afr cggchu tf the eg` ]fathct verse, so. shchi`c Llăhu … cggc l-`ĭgc ‘ig`c Llăhi l-islăk, ‘Bf` jecrs witgess

    thct relibifg with Bf` is Islăk[). Phfse whf were biveg the _oripture, the Dews cg`the Ohristicgs, `iaaere`, ig relibifg, sfke caairkigb Bf`’s Fgegess, fthers redeotigbit, fgly cater the mgfwle`be, fa Fgegess, ocke tf thek thrfubh trcgsbressifg, fgthe pcrt fa the `isjelievers, ckfgb thekselves. Cg` whfever `isjelieves ig Bf`’ssibgs, Bf` is swiat ct reomfgigb, thct is, ct requitigb hik. 

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :>

    @EGFPE4 Zelibifg (@eeg) hcve (fr scy hfl`s) vcst kecgigbs cg` ofver cll cspeots(igolu`igb ^flitiocl _ystek gft fgly Rfrships), cg` ckfgb “kecgigbs‛ fge is ^cth(Zch4 Zcstc) whioh is `eaige` chec` cs Islck= cg` ig fge ofgtext it clsf shfws thctZelibifg (Ur`u4 @eeg) is igevitcjle (Ur`u4 Lczik) thereafre withfut fjeyigb the

    vcli` pcth (Zelibifg) gfge is jegeaioicl, lime Ctheisk fr `eolcrigb the stcte cs_eoulcr ]cs Jfth fppfse fr reaute Zelibifg[. Cllch mgfws the jest.

    F’@ec, relibifg itsela jcse` upfg prfaessifg (_hchc’`ch | Bcwchi ), thct is “LCIlchc Illcllch Kuhckke`’cr Zcsul Cllch | Gfge, is tf Rfrship, jesi`es Cllch, &Kuhckke` is the Kessegber fa Cllch‛, cg` prfaessifg itsela jcse` upfg twfcttrijutes, “_eeigb | @eymh’gc‛ & “Listegigb | _ug’gc]_ckc’ct[‛ cg` this isg’ttrue afr fgly relibifg jut ig gecrly cll kctters fa liae (Rhioh relibifg ofvers tff |Gfthigb exekpte` ), thct pcssigb withfut these twf cttrijutes is reclly c `iaaioult=cjsegoe fa cgyfge is pcigaul kecgt physioclly (Igstrukegt | Eyes]Jlig`[ frEcrs]@eca[). EQEGP4  Zegfwge`, “Keescq cg-Gcjiy’yig‛, ig whioh cll CgkjiychMirck (Clehekus _clct-F-_clck) were presegt hegoe wheg fcth (Zepfrt fa crrivcl

    esp. | _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)) wcs tcmeg cll(Clehekus _clct-F-_clck) were gft fgly listegigb (tf repfrt |

     Chec`]theirs(Clehekus-_clck) Ukkch[) jut seeigb either ftherwise geverprcise`/csme` tf seg` _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) tf frckfgbst their (Clehekus _clct-F-_clck) gctifg. _eofg`, Zegfwge`, “Kciy’rcdcg-Gcji (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)‛, ig whioh _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe_clct-F-_clck) wegt tfwcr`s sevegth smy cg` theg jeyfg` (_car cl-Kug’tchc wc’l-Kczie`), cg` there gft fgly listeg (tf repfrt | Ukkch) jut clsf seeg with jlesse`eyes (Jeocuse ekjf`ie` | Kc’c Dcs` cl-Cther ) cg` cater ofkigb jcom revecle` tfcll= Ulckc scys, Hu`hrct Cju-Jcmr _i``iq (Zc`hi Cllch Cghu) jeocke fr scy thegregfwge` cs “_I@@IS‛ jy veriayigb this evegt wheg hecr` thct _i`gc Kuhckke`

    Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) wegt tfwcr`s sevegth smy cg` theg jeyfg` (_carcl-Kug’tchc wc’l-Kczie`).

    HEGOE4 Zepfrtigb is gft egfubh, ig sfke kctters, jut witgessigb is clsf require`cg` theg repfrtigb, thereafre ig kctter fa Kffg _ibhtigb espeoiclly, jfth is require`cg` theg sujkissifg tf Sc`hi Islck physioclly. Suery4  Rhct fge will `f, iasfkefge oclls fr scy repfrt vic eleotrfgio ke`iuks (Oell, Igterget, PQ, eto.) thctyfur respeote` aekcle(s) cre igvflve` ig ugethiocl cots thus shcll je pugishe`hegoe `fes fge cooept it withfut tcmigb evi`egoes fa physiocl witgessigb ig tfcoofugt jeafre. @eaigitely, gft cg` gever, ofgtrcry csme`/oclle` repfrter (coouser)tf ofke afrwcr` cg` theg presegt evi`egoe physioclly, ia reclly true, cg` `fg’tcoouse cgyfge jehig` the olfse` rffk= theg RHY sf ibgfrcgoe ig kctter fa

    Rfrship (Ejc’`ct | Acrci`h, Rcdijct eto.) …6 Ikpe`igb here afr while (ug`erstcg`jy yfursela | Exckple), cg` rearcigigb tf bf ig `etcils. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    _CYIGB (Scwl)4  C scyigb,  “… Phe prfjlek with kf`erg `cy Kusliks is theyjlcke fthers airst …‛

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :3

    Foecg fa Mgfwle`be,Cl-_hcymh Hckzc Yusua (Hcai`hcllchu Pc’clc)

    Cgfther cttrcotifg arfk igspirigb _hcymh, cg` cbcig wful` lime tf illustrcte thct fur

    wfrm, tf cg extegt, `epiots reclity with sfli` evi`egoes/reaeregoes, ig fther wfr`soful` scy jlcke(s). _eofg`, jlckigb gebctive kctters is cbcigst AISZ (Pcscwwua |Pcriqch) ofgtrcry shcll je ofgsegt (ZC@HI), wherecs egofugterigb thek afr dustioecoofr`igb tf Surcg & _uggch (Aiqh | _hcrich) thereafre shcll je `fge (ZI@HC).Gfte4 @fg’t thigm thct Acqeer is prfjigb Zesp. _hcymh scyigb(s) stctus ofgtrcryreotiayigb ky illustrctifgs ug`er/thrfubh Zesp. _hcymh scyigbs. Ac’achuk

    OFG@EKGCPIFG4 F’@ec, revecle` ig Surcg Kcdee`, thct _ctcg (Digg |  Czc’zeel )reaute` tf `i` prfstrctifg upfg whioh jeigb ofg`ekge` cg` theg expelle` arfkHecvegs= biveg title fa “_hcy’tcg cl-Zcdeek | Phe Kfst Ofg`ekgcjle‛  sigoetheg. _eofg`, severcl verses `epiots olecrly fr scy biveg fr`ere` tf csm reaube, faCllch, arfk _CPCG= vfws gft fgly igaliot `fujts jut `evictes pefple arfk

    coquirigb/prcotioigb ribht pcth. Phir`,  Kusliks jeigb tfl` fr scy clwcys segtigstruotifgs vic Cgkjiych Mirck (Clehekus _clct-F-_clck) tf clwcys csme` reaubearfk _hcytcg cl-Zcdeek= ig fther wfr`s ofg`ekgctifg. Afurth,  I csm reaube faCllch arfk _ctcg cl-Zcdeek. HEGOE4  Ia sfkefge `fesg’t ofg`ekge` _CPCG, cg`his `evictifgs, thct kecgs “_ctcg is very ofg`ekgcjle | Pfu _hcytcg Kcr`ff`Hci ‛ 

    “(Kcahffk) … Cg` (F listeger!) ia the evil-fge (_ctcg) bive yfu cgypriomigb, theg seem reaube fa Cllch. Ug`fujte`ly, it is He Rhf is Hecrigb,Mgfwigb … ]s.24v.:>>[‛

    Re illustrcte`,  “… Jlcke4 Kcyje rec`ers wful` oritioize, cg` sf kcgy `fes(Rchcjies), thct why coouse` _cu`i Crcjic upfg cllyigb with Rest= U._ cg` Isrcelcs well cs Eurfpe. Rhct cjfut ^cmistcg’s fwg cllicgoe with Rest6 Cgswer4 Ig jriea,`fg’t coouse` upfg jeigb cg clly fr scy clly-ship, jut cotuclly upfg their oult(Oree` | Mhcrdisk), thct is igofrreot cg` suppfrte` jy the Rest (U._, Isrcel cg`Eurfpe) afr elikigctigb Islck. _cke fr scy true afr Ircg either. Ikpe`igb here afrwhile cg` `isouss it lcter. Cllch mgfws cll the jest … ]Lcylc’tul Kciy’rcd Kujcrcm |cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.302 [‛ Phereafre  cjfve illukigctifgs cre egfubh afr fge tfug`erstcg`. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.


    Ig cg foocsifgcl kcil (Zckc`hcg _hcria Kujcrcm | cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.32:),ecrlier stcte` afllfwigb4

    Lime tf illukigcte fge pfigt, cg` thct is “@ekforcoy‛ ug`er Islck, sf it is equcl tfscy “_foiclisk‛ ug`er Islck= gf `iaaeregoe. Hfw6 @ekforcoy kecgt systek fa^efple hegoe sikilcr is c`vise` jy _foiclisk, cs it is `erive` arfk _foicl kecgt

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ::

    pujlio clsf (ig fther wfr`s | ^efple). Phereafre, Islckio _foiclisk will hcve outtigbe`be fver cll systeks jeigb prcotioe` ribht gfw crfug` the wfrl`. Fgly thigb thctlec`s `rcstio acll fa _foiclisk (U__Z) is `ue tf fver restriotifgs fr scy extfrtifgs,pcrtioulcrly gft cllfwigb pefple tf `f wfrm privctely. Gfte4 U__Z `i`g’t aell `ue tf

    Ctheisk, ftherwise Ohigc wful`g’t sustcige`/survive` cg` sf jeofkes “Zisigb^fwer‛ either, jut it is `ue tf oflli`igb with Kusliks (Cabhcg-_fviet Rcr)=pcrtioulcrly fa Cabhcgistcg, with offperctifg fa ^cmistcg ]3[. Cllchu Cmjcr _eofg`, ekphcsizigb upfg Ulckc, shcll je cllfwe` tf reibg ig, pcrtioulcrly ig Cssekjlies, sfit is gfge jut `ue tf their hfl`igb mgfwle`be fa Surcg cg` _uggch, essegticl fr scyofre fa Islckio Lcws. Hfwever, fther aiel` experts ocg clsf pcrtioipctes fr scy shcllje cllfwe`, jeocuse fa their expertise cg` mgfwle`be, thereafre afr shcrigb fr scycssistcgoe (Ig fther Rfr`s |  C`vises), tf extrcot fr afrk Lcws coofr`igb tf frug`er Surcg cg` _uggch, wful`g’t je hcrkaul. Phir`, this acot ocggft je `egie`thct Jcrrister Kuhckke` Cli Diggch, afug`er fa ^cmistcg, c`vise` ribhtefusly fr scyit wcs c very bff` acrsibhte`gess, thct ia there wful` je cgy ‘isk’ ig ^cmistcg sf itshcll je “Islckio _foiclisk‛. Ikpe`igb here afr while, cg` see fur jffm afr sfke


    Ig rebcr`s fa cjfve illustrctifg, ig gext foocsifgcl kcil theg olcriaies fge pfigt, “…SUEZY4 Hegoe fge kcy fjdeotifg thct sigoe jebiggigb ekphcsizigb upfg IslckioOcliphcte thus isg’t c ofgtrc`iotifg6 Cgswer4 F’@ec, GF^_, jeocuse clrec`y stcte`thct Islckio _foiclisk, cater sfke geoesscry ckeg`kegts ocg je use` afr furpurpfse, thct is equcl tf scyigb Islckio Ocliphcte, wherecs afrkctifg fa IslckioUgifg, ig auture, wful` je `eaigitely oclle`/gcke` cs Islckio Ocliphcte gft Islckio_foiclist Ekpire. Meep Phigmigb  … ]Lcylc’tul-Sc`r Kujcrcm | cl-Kcmtujct v.3 -^b.395 [‛

    Arfk scke foocsifgcl kcil (Zckc`hcg _hcria Kujcrcm | cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.32?),stcte` afllfwigb4

    _ultcg’ul Cwliych, Ikck cl-Auqc’rch, Cria Ji’Cllch_hcymh Kuhckke` Gczik C`il cl-Hcqqcgi cl-Gcqhsjcg`i(Zehkctullch Clehe) Ig`ic-^cmistcgUrl4 http4//scltcgct.frb/vi`efpcbe.php6i`;3?28:&gcke;:>>:->?->>VegVIg`ic^cmistcgV_GVc.kp0 

    F’@ec, whct c jecutiaul resekjlcgoe (fr scy | explfre` ig _hcjcg), jetweegAcqeer Jumhcri(bhcacrclchu)  illustrctifgs (:g`  Crtiole (^b.8) | Suery ) cg` cjfve

    jlesse` _fh’jch, truly specmigb seeg fgly its hec`igb jeafre 35th _hcjcg, wherecsviewe` it fg 32th _hcjcg cl-Kfczzck.

    @EGFPE4 Rell, Jlesse` _fhjch geither Acqeer’s illustrctifgs cre ofg`ekgigb theAfug`er, jut cotuclly illukigctigb thct ribht systek is gft ikplekegte` coofr`igb tf_tcte Afug`ctifg upfg Islckio I`eflfby. Phct’s why gee`e` fgoe kfre

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :?

    ig`epeg`egoe, arfk Jritish Ekpire ofgstitutifg fr scy ig`ireot slcvery(Prue afr fther Kuslik-Ofugtries | ^rcotioigb fther thcg Islckio Lcws). _eofg`,_ultcg’ul-Cwliych (Zehkctullch Clehe) clsf scys scke cjfut Purmey’skf`ergizctifg (Mekcl Ctc Purm | _eoulcrizctifg, cg` Resterg Lcws esp.) cater

    `issflutifg fa Fttfkcg Ekpire. Cg` sf Acqeer `fes/plcoe` the scke fjdeotifg(s).Meep Phigmigb.

    Gfte4  Phere cre rcgms ig Rilcych, thereafre kistcme(s) arfk Rcli’ullch ocghcppegs, `epeg`igb upfg level (@cr’dch), clthfubh it oful`g’t je sci` fr jeofkescbcigst fr rekfvcl arfk its hfl`igb Rilc’ych (ugtil gft aclls ig tf strcy acith fr cot),ia `f fr `i` fr `fes. _eofg`, fgly Cwliych (Kchauzeeg) cre jeigb prfteote` arfkkistcmes cg` it (this aecture | cjility ) is afr _hcrich Kuttch’hrch prfteotifg cg`vcli`ctifg. Afr kfre `etcils, see Pcscwwua Jffms fr Csms Ulckc. Cllch mgfws cllthe jest.

    Cllch (_ujhcgchu) mgfws cll the jest.

    GCPIFG(s) & OFGALIOP(s) 

    Cl-Kcbhrej cl-Jc’ee` (U._.C) 

    Zeoegtly rec` c ofkkegt, thfubh whether they hcve cgy weibht fr gft, jutstrimigb, cg` thct is, “(Kcahffk) … Ocg ^cmistcg Crky aibht fr ocpcjle tf aibht U._Crky … ]Fg Yfutuje | Ct Kcster Tci` Hckì _hch _hj’s Ekftifgcl Qi`ef[‛

    Illustrcte` ig jffm, “… Afurth,  it is kfre vulgercjle thcg they were thigmigb (frhc` plcgge`) thct kcmigb acr `istcgoe scae hcveg arfk Kusliks wful`g’t let thek

    tf recoh ecsily, thus will sct there cg` `f whctever plcggigb we lime tf `f tfcggihilcte Islck ofkpletely, jut hfwever kfre `cgberfus egeky theg expeotigb usis olfser tf thek. ]Meep Phigmigb[ GFPE4 Afr Kusliks (crfug` the wfrl`), there isgfthigb tf carci` (arfk their stregbth) geither tf bive cgy threct jeocuse whegthey cre egeky fa their fwg (pcrtioulcrly U._ Bfvergkegt) theg whf gee`s (tfjeofke their egeky= thfubh cvfi` arieg`ship either cg` Kusliks shcll stregbthegtheir fwg-selves) fr why puts trekeg`fus resfuroes tf juil` lcrbe socle crky afrigvc`igb U._ (tf `estrfy fr pugish thek) pcrtioulcrly= there cre kcgy fthersflutifg (sfat) presegt afr eg`igb their tyrcggy thct will ecsily plugm thek.Ikpe`igb here afr while, cg` `isouss (fr scy hibhlibhts) thek lcter. Cllch mgfws cllthe jest … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz (Egb.) | ^b.::?[‛

    Rell, “Jrfther, whct sfrt fa kect pieoes wful` yfu preaerre`, skcll fr lcrbe frgfrkcl (cpprfpricte), cs yfu wish will je `fge, ct gfrkcl ofst.‛ Gever ug`erestikcte Auqcrch _tregbth hegoe “aecr  CLLCH | Gfge else]:[‛ 

    Clthfubh shcll rearcige` arfk suoh views jut jc` step is jc`, “… `fesg’t kecgtofkplete `estruotifg (U._.C pcrtioulcrly | Ripe` Fut ) cs sfke Ulckc (_uaiych)

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :0

    `i`g’t limes fr cppreoictes suoh cttitu`e tfwcr`s igai`els (Rhether jeocke extfrtive| Ugofgtrflle` ), jeocuse fa restriotifgs (Pf cg extegt |  Cspeot ) cg` thct is fajelievers (Zibht Acith | Kusliks) jeigb live` ckfgbst thek, cg` sf Kusliks werelivigb there (U_C | Lcrbe Gukjers) fa `iaaeregt rebifgs (Gctifgs | @iaaeregt Oulture

    & Histfry ), thereafre prcise (Jc` | Ju`’`uc) wful` eaaeots fr hurts thek either.Hegoe fur cgxiety is cotuclly restriote`, cg` thct is tfwcr`s thfse (Zebike | C`kigistrctifg]^flioy Kcmers eto.[) urbigb pefple thrfubh explfitigb stregbth(Kilitcry | ^resegoe) afr wrfgb kftives cg` perkittigb thek tf viflctes respeot cg`ribhts fpegly fa cgy sfvereibg gctifg rebcr`less fa relibifg= thereafre shcll je`ukpe` … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz (Egb.) | ^b.??9[‛

    Fge Pcotio (Oitigb |  cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.3?:), “… Gfte4 _cke plcggigb (Fustigb|  Clime Qietgck) cg` ocpcjilities (Recpfg | Buerillc Pcotios) cre require` ig ftherrebifgs (_tctes | Kusliks esp.) where jeigb stctifge` ourregtly jeocuse they creg’t(_tctifge` | ^resegoe) afr jegeaits jut afr igstcjility (Jlczigb | Ofgaliot ) … ]_uooessfa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz | ^b.??9[‛ Phereafre these illukigctifgs cre egfubh tf

    ug`erstcg`. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    Cllch (_ujhcgchu) mgfws cll the jest. 

    Cl-Kcsreq cl-Rustc (Crcj _tctes) 

    Illustrcte` ig crtiole, “… CL-KC_HZIS cl-RU_PC, befbrcphioclly ofgsist arfkFkcg tf Aclcsteeg igolu`igb Yekeg, _cu`i Crcjic, Crcj Ekircte, Sctcr, Jchrcig,Muwcit, Ircq, _hck cg` Ur`cg. Clsf oegtre fa Jelieve g Acith ig Kusliks jeocuse faHidcz’e Kuqc``us cg` fther `ivige` plcoes. Hfwever `urigb the egoiroligb fa cgFttfkcg Ekpire, it plcye` c vitcl rfle ig Ekpire’s `isigtebrctifg, hfw6 Fgly

    jeocuse fa Aitgch’e Gcd` (cl-Scrg cl-_hcytcg) coofr`igb tf Ulckc’e Mirck (Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l-Dckc’ch), cg` wcs clsf igafrke` (Crcjio4 Cmhj’cr) jy Gcji cl-Mcreek(Clehe _clct-F-_clck) 30>> yrs cbf tf UKKCH … ]Zise fa cg Ukkch arfk cl-Kcbhrej | Cl-Kcshriq cl-Rustc (cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.10)[‛


    F’@ec, fgly sflutifg seeks tf je ait afr Kusliks ig ACLC_PEEG is gft jcrigb theextfrtifg= lfsigb liae `cy tf `cy gft suitcjle, jut kibrctifg tf either Kesir frDfr`cg, cg` theg strime jcom tf tcme whct jelfgbs tf Kusliks= scoriaioigb liae afrrcisigb Islck is cpprfpricte. Gfte4 _hcll lecrg fr scy kust afllfws the jlesse`afftsteps fa _i`gc Kuhckke` Zcsul Cllch (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)= kibrctifg arfk

    Kcmmch tf Kc`igch (Hidrct’e Zcsul]Clehe _clct-F-_clck[). Cllch mgfws cll the jest

    @EGFPE4  Clsf rekig`s (Mept Jeafre) verse, ct the jebiggigb fa this kcil cg` itsigterpretctifg. Dczcm Cllch

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :5

    _HCK cl-_hcreea

    C scyigb, “… Phe tecrs fa the wfug`e` yfugb birl, the explfite` yfugb wfkcg frthe jerecve` kfther ig _yric cre kfre pcigaul tf the keroiaul ^rfphet (Clehe _clct-

    F-_clck) thcg whct we ikcbige arfk thfuscg`s fa gebctive cg` igsultigb ailks cg``rcwigbs …‛

    Zesp. cg` Hfgfrcjle,_hcymh Hcjij Cli cl-Dcairi(Hcai`hcllchu Pc’clc) 

    Illustrcte` ig jffm, “… Fh’ Kusliks fa _hck cl-_hcreea, je stec`acst cg` pctiegt,yfur stcg` wful` gft fgly jrigb igspirctifg jut clsf the preoifus jlff` thct hcsjeeg biveg cg` still scoriaioigb will clsf revive the UKKCH, fur hecrts cg` prcisescre with yfu scke clime with fthers, afr igstcgoe Aclcsteeg, Ircq, Lijyc,Cabhcgistcg cg` sf fg afrth, hegoe rebret cll fa us thct ig airst plcoe we shful`g’tlet it je aclls* fr hcppege`W. _hfw ugity ckfgbst ecoh fther, stcg` airkly fg

    brfug` cg` meep aibhtigb ugtil the extfrtifg wful`g’t acll fr `ies itsela. Zekekjers,Cllch (_ujhcgchu) will cwcr` yfu airst the hfgfrcjle stctus fa Islckio _ultcgcte.]Meep Phigmigb[. Kcy Cllch ji-Rcsilc’tug Gcji cl-Mcreek (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)pcr`fge` the scoriaioe` (segt thek tf Hecvegs) cg` brcgt pctiegoe cg` stec`igesstf cll fa yfu. Ckeeg Phuk’kc Ckeeg … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz(Egblish) | ^b.::1[‛  


    Illustrcte` ig cg foocsifgcl kcil, “… C gew jcttlebrfug`, jeigb plcgge` eitherclrec`y fr quiomly (Cgfther query | Fg its plcoe). Hfwever, aew yecrs cbf it wcs

    ocke fg e-Ke`ic (Zc`if | QFC (I thigm)) thct U._ kcy je step-ig, afr whioh hcve tfje very ocreaul (Hillcry C’cpc scys fgoe |Rhile tclmigb tf Ke`ic). Clthfubh, Hfuthisrejellifg cllfwigb Gfrth’s jcome` si`e cooessigb, kcrms the jebiggigb (Jrillicgtkfve jy Gfrth | Ig cg cspeot Oheom-kcte tf Rest ), wherecs Cir-_trimes, le` jy_cu`is, tcrbetigb wecpfgry `epfts (Kilitcry pfigt fa view | Jigbf fr Jrcvf]Zespfg`tf Gfrth[) ]0[ … ]Cllch is the prfteotfr fa Hcrckciyg _hcriaciyg | cl-Kcmtujct v.3 -^b.3:1[‛

    Pheg ig cgfther foocsifgcl kcil, illustrcte` “… thereafre whether scys, bff` gewsfr jc`, jut it hcppege` cg` ugafrtugctely with ofclitifg kekjer (Kfrfoof | Aeelssc``eg), gft the lec`igb fge, thfubh expeotcjle jeocuse fther si`e is gft c ohil`clsf (Bff` respfg` tf Rest | Kilitcrily, “Jigbf fr Jrcvf]Jy Gfrth[‛ ), cs everyfge

    mgfws hfw tf egofugter Cir-Csscults. Meep Phigmigb … ]Lcylc’tul-Kciyrcd Kujcrcm| cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.300[‛

    Url4 http4//>35/>5/33/03>019/Yekeg-Hfuthi-Kfrfoof-aibhter- det-_cc`c 

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :1

    Jegeaioicries4 F’@ec, tell us fr exckiges jy yfur-sela thct whf were thejegeaioicries fa this ofgaliot. Gfge the less, either Rest fr Gfrth, wherecs jfth(_cu`ic-Ircg) olciks fr ia gft theg ct lecst tecoh (precoh) us, cgti-westerg/gfrthergfr scy pcrtioulcrly Isrcel lessfgs6 Gfw csm thek cjfut Isrcel’s lfoctifg fr tell thek

    thct it is gft sfuthecst fa yfu jfth, jut situcte` ig west. _ikilcrly kcgy exckplesocg je biveg, jut afr while ikpe`igb upfg it. Fge is egfubh afr segsijle pefple,wherecs river is igsuaaioiegt afr jlig`, tf ug`erstcg` the vioifus gexus. MeepPhigmigb


    _tcte` ig lcst foocsifgcl kcil, “… ZU__IC’_ ZEQIQCL (Cs _uperpfwer |Igore`ijle) |  Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;5ubgoB>SbQC   |  Gfte4 @eaigitely ia Kusliks hcve suoh type fa persfg cg` its cllebicgoes (Url4https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;VgdYUC?uurU) theg gf `fujt we’ll je ct tfp frscy tfpigb the Rfrl` (Phfubh gft acr | Arfk suoh lec`ership)= Meep Phigmigb.

    _eofg`,  kcgy cgclysts (Resterg) ofgsi`ere` U._ cs clfge superpfwer, eitherreausigb tftclly fr ibgfrigb it, cgy fther pfwer presegoe (Jlfom | _ikilcr )= thfubhrekekjer this oful` je either their `elijercte stupi`ity (Igaliots | @eoeptifg tf their

     pefple) fr hi`igb reclity (Pf pujlio | Ofkkfg pefple), clthfubh ig jfth ocsesresults will je octcstrfphio (Ia ever oflli`es | Bfes afr wcr ) … ]Lcy’lctul-Sc`rKujcrcm | Csic (cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.399)[‛

    Pheg bcve c ofkkegt, “… Ofkkegt4 Rful` lime tf scy, ig rebcr`s fa ug`erlige`phrcse, well “… Pry little HCZ@EZ thcg ^ZEQIFU_LY (tf U__Z), dust c little= c^UGOH (Fr scy | Hit ) theg exckige jy yfursela …‛ Zekekjers, Kusliks gfr Acqeerhcve cg` sf egoirole` ZU__IC & OHIGC Jlfom (Fr scy | _.O.F]Ofkkugist Jlfom[)

    jut the igscge RE_P. _eofg`, illustrcte` thct these RCZ_ were clrec`y plcgge`jeafre furs existegoe (Kecgt | ^resegt begerctifg). Cllch mgfws the jest …]Lcy’lctul-Sc`r Kujcrcm | Csic (cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.399)[‛

    Evi`egoe (Fge) Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;v2@t9hQ:ddb  

    ZespfgseUrl4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;5ubgoB>SbQC 

    F’@ec, ocg afug` severcl vi`efs fg YP thct `epiots thct Zussic ocg jeofkes, frthere is c ohcgoe eto., cs well cs afr Ohigc tff, thfubh Zussic & Ohigc hcve kc`e

    their wcys. _eofg`, “… Pry little HCZ@EZ thcg ^ZEQIFU_LY (tf U__Z), dust c little=c ^UGOH (Fr scy | Hit ) theg exckige jy yfursela (Pcste |  Caterkcths) …‛ Phir`, Kusliks geither Acqeer hcve egoirole cg` gfr wcgte` ereotifg fa ofgaliot, jut it wcsbfigb-fg sigoe lcst oegtury pcrtioulcrly, cg` hc`g’t stfppe` yet= @fkigctifg.Afurth, kctters ocg je resflve` pecoeaully, fr si`es ocg je with`rcw, cg` ig jfthoiroukstcgoes, prfvi`e` everyfge gft fgly Kusliks clfge, reliea cs well cs oful`

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :2

    jrigb stcjility cg` prfsperity kutuclly. Hfwever, Kusliks will cg` sf Ig-_hc Cllchwful` `fkigctes cs Ultikcte ^fwer= ia fge ocg’t sees theg it `fesg’t kecgt thctauture `fesg’t exists. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    EG@_ (...6)4 Zeoegtly, gews ocke thct Kullch Fkcr hcs `ie`*, cg` fg his plcoeKullch Cmhtcr Kcgsffr hcs jeeg ohfseg cs gew Ekir fa Pclijcg. Ofkkegt4 Zekekjers thct His `ecth `fesg’t kecgs geither ikplyigb thct kfvekegt willbfigb tf je eg`s, ofgtrcry it’s c ohcig, fge bfes cgfther ofkes. Jut Kusliks shcllofgoerge` whether he repegte` fr gft, arfk his jlcsphekfus cg` sigaul cot,jeocuse it’s c kctter fa everlcstigb fther-`cy (Cc’mhirch)= ia `fes, theg it is bff`afr hik cg` ia gft theg jc` luom. Ikpe`igb here, cg` `isouss it lcter (_epcrcte |Prcgsoript]Ug`er ^rfbress[). Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    ]*[ Url4 http4//www.`cwg.ofk/gews/3392?23  

    Cllch (_ujhcgchu) cg` His Zcsul (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) mgfw cll the jest. 


    ^rcyer, aive tikes c `cy, is c rekig`er, sikilcrly ?> acsts fa Zckc`hcg c yecr, is crekig`er cg` sf kecsure fther wfrships upfg it= jeocuse cll cre the rekig`ers faCllch (_ujhcgchu), hegoe Kusliks jeigb tfl` tf prcotioe` thek (rekig`s) cg` gftfgly thct jut clsf sprec` thek (tf rekig`s | fthers vic igvitctifg).

    @EGFPE4 Eveg ct sfke oertcig cotifgs, either jeigb leat fr foourre`, there is fr`erfa revisifg ig wfrshippigb (Ejc’`ctfug Kcig) whegever rekig`s lcter (Yc` Cgey ^er| Fu’si Rcqt Yc Jc’c` Kcig), kecgt sfketikes jeocke geoesscry tf revise` thct

    pcrtioulcr wfrship= ig fther wfr`s scy repcrctifg (Sc`hc | @fh’rciyg]Gckcz eto[ yc@ujcrc Mcreig]Zfzc eto[), thereafre rekig`igb bives plecsure either, ig cg cspeot,thct kc`e persfg mept ig wfrship. Meep Phigmigb. Gfte4 Ulckc scys thct revisifgig wfrships, `ue tf, gft rekig`igb well (Recm kekfry | Muohi Yc`’`csht ) is gftbff` either hegoe suoh persfg shcll je ocreaul. _ee Durispru`egoe Jffm fr csmsUlckc. Cllch mgfws cll the jest.

    _i`gc Bhcw’th-ul Czck cl-Ikck cl-_hcymh Cj`’cl-Sc`ir cl-Beylcgi cl-Hcgkjcli(Zehkctullch Clehe) jlesse` bctherigbs (Kcdclis) `epiots afllfwigb prfkigegtly,here presegtigb ig jriea arfk sfke (Exoerpte` | _ukkcrize), “(Kcahffk) … I hcvegf fther igtegtifg jesi`es yfur ofrreotifg, jeocuse ky kctter (Cots | _hcrich wcPcriqch) kc`e relctifg (Ig rewcr` | @ivige` ) olecre` with Cllch (_ujhcgchu),

    thereafre ofkes tfwcr`s ke (Afr scke | Olcriaioctifg]ia wcgte`[). Rful`g't tcmecgythigb arfk yfu, ofgtrcry will bives yfu. @fg't gee` yfur kfgey jut wcgts yfutf je reclizigb-fge ig rebcr`s fa fther `cy kctters (Cc’mhirch | _cmhti yc Cscgi ),afr whioh shcll je wfrrisfke. Zekekjer, ky respfgsijility is tf bive sclvctifg (scyocll | Cppfigte` `ivigely ), whether yfu (fr scy cgyfge) listegs fr gft. Phereafreofke tfwcr`s ke tf hecr` (sclvctifg | C rekig`er ), cg` cater listegigb cot

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :8

    limewise, ftherwise wful`g't je jegeaioicl. Mgfwle`be stcys fgly wheg cote` upfgcoofr`igbly ftherwise leat cwcy, thereafre shcll seem afr it, airst, cg` theg cot fg it,caterwcr`s sprec` it jeocuse afr sprec`igb (Jegeaioicl | Gft the Ofkplex]@cqc'iqeto[ withfut cuthfrizctifg), gft meepigb tf fge's fwg-sela (it clsf igorecses | Ig

    sprec`er ) … ]cl-Actch'ur Zcjjcgi| Ur`u (Url4 http4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/:5??:19>2/cl-Actch-ur-Zcjjcgi-Ur`u)[‛

    Hegoe, ig this rebcr`s, fur mgfwg-fversibhts cg` ofkpfsigb-kistcmes= lctter werelittle jit `isturjigb, prfvi`e` us this jegeait. Hfwever, hcve rec` cbcig cll fur wfrmthfrfubhly afr jfth, pcrtioulcrly afr lctter.

    Zec`igb jffm, afr this crtiole cg` gext chec`, reotiaie` (^b.:33 & ^b.:?9) sfkemgfwg-fversibhts cs well cs spelligb kistcmes= sfkehfw jeigb surpcsse` arfkview `urigb seofg` review ]?[. Phis wfrm, thfubh hcve gervfus us, jut theg bivesus cg e`be fa “ZEKIG@EZ‛  thct oful`g’t je cttcige` vic “^EZAEOPIFG‛._eofg`,  cotuclly pefple (Kusliks | Ig ^cmistcg esp.) afrbft very quiomly c pcst

    yecr evegt rcther thcg tclme` cjfut histfry (scy c `eoc`e fr acrther), cg` this isjeocuse thcgms tf ofrrupt e-Ke`ic (Ohcggels | ^rivcte) gfwc`cys sigoe theirofkkegoekegt plcye` `iscstrfus rfle igstec` fa vitcl fr pfsitive. Gfte4 Afr whfkthis rekig`er wcs clsf stcrte`, ugafrtugctely, still ig `etegtifg cg` gft yet jeigbrelecse`= plecse `f prcise afr Kcster’s relecse arfk `etegtifg.

    Cttcohkegts4 ^lecse `fwglfc` cg cttcohkegt(s) with this kcil, reoegtly pujlishe`(cl-Kcmtujct cl-Guriy’ych | Qfl.3) cs well cs fa previfus wfrm= ofpies thek fverprevifus versifg, yfu’ll hcve up`cte`. Dczcm Cllch


    Afr ofgvegiegt, igterpretigb fur ofvert illukigctifgs sigoe ecrly crtioles till lcstpujlishe` jffm, cg` thct is “Zise fa cg Ukkch arfk cl-Kcbhrej‛  wherecs“_tregbth fa cg Ukkch ig cl-Kcshreq‛ thct is “_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz‛, hegoe shful`g’t je `ishecrteg gfr ̀ iscppfigte`, jeocuse4

    Cl-_hcymh cl-_hcreea Cj`’cl-Lcteea _hch Husseig cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`iri(Su``ussurchul Cziz)

    Zegfwg cs Jc’ree Ikck]3132-32>5 C.@[

    Cg Islckio oity]0[ will je estcjlishe` ig fur vioigity, thct will jeofke coegter fa Islckio Ofugtries(cl-Kcrmcz) 

    (Ig-_hc Cllch wc Zcsulehi) (Pcmjeer | Cllchu Cmjcr )

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  :9

    Hcmik’ul Ukkch,Hu`hrct Cllckc @r.Kuhckke` Iq’jcl cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`’ri(Zehkctullch Clehe)

     “(Kcahffk) … c stcte wful` je afug` ig this rebifg thct will plcy c vitcl rfle fr scy

    jeofkes c ocuse fa ig`epeg`egoe fa Kusliks fa Oegtrcl Csic … theg will ekerbe cscg Ultikcte ^fwer (wcitigb) ig Rfrl`, thereafre cater _fviet Ugifg ofllcpse thegthere is gf `fujt ig fther pcrt fa afretell …‛  

    Clsf illustrcte` ig ?r`  Crtiole, “… pre`iote` jy Hu`hrct Cllckc Iqjcl cl-Hcgcai cl-Sc`’ri (Su``ussurchul Cziz) cjfut this _PCPE (^cmistcg) thct ig auture will je theoegtre afr aree`fk fa Oegtrcl Csicg Kusliks _tctes (Phe Jclmcgs) cg` theg will jethe Ultikcte Kuslik ^fwer (wcitigb) … ]Zise fa cg Ukkch arfk cl-Kcbhrej |^b.35 [‛  

    Afug`er fa ^cmistcg,Jcrrister Kuhckke` Cli Diggch(Zehkctullch Clehe) 

     “@f yfur `uty cg` hcve acith ig Cllch … Phere is gf pfwer fg ecrth thct ocg ug`f^cmistcg …‛ IG-_HC CLLCH

    Cria Ji’Cllch Cl-_hcymh cl-_hcreea _cee` cl-Hcscgi(Zehkctullch Clehe) 

     “… Gfthigb will hcppeg tf ^cmistcg, it will rekcig stcg` cs sci` jy _uaiyc cl-Mirck,IG-_HC CLLCH …‛

    C`gc Acqeer Pcgzeel Jumhcri cl-Hcgcai(bhcacrclchu) 

     “… Gfte4 Zekekjers, there is gf pfwer fg ecrth ourregtly presegt, ji-izgillch, tffr thct oful` elikigcte ^CMI_PCG, hfwever lfsigb sfkethigb is gft cs well cs gfrocg je sci`/terke` cs elikigctifg= IG-_HC CLLCH … ]_uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz (Egb.) | ^b.:83[‛

    Cllch (_ujhcgchu) cg` His Zcsul (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) mgfw cll the jest. 


    ^rcise thct, Kcy Cllch Ji-Rcsilctug Gcji cl-Mcreek (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) cg`_i`gc’s (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) jlesse` ofkpcgifgs (Clehekur Zi`hwcg),pcrtioulcrly jlesse` ackily (Chle-Jcyt’e Cthcr |  Clehekur Zi`hwcg), jrigbs bff`

    `cys ig Kuslik Rfrl`, cg` thrfubh their jlessigbs tf egtire wfrl`. Ckeeg Phuk’kcCkeeg

    “(Kcahffk) … Cg` they plftte` their fwg plft cg` Re kc`e Fur seoretplcg cg` they rekcige` ugcwcre … ]s.:24v.5>[‛

    (cl-Surcg cl-Mcreek)

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?>

    Yc Mhu`c Clck Kcig Fu’gohc ^crohck’e Islck Hf@ushkcgc’e @eeg Kusclkcgfug _ey Hfug Kcbhlffj’F Teyr  

    (Url4 https4//www.yfutuje.ofk/wctoh6v;^FtGpZtcT-0  | Listeg Kust )

    C`gc acqeertcgzeel _HCH HU__EIG cl-bhcrji(bhcacrclchu) Phe Sc`ri _wfr` Peck

    Mcrcohi Oity,Islckio Zepujlio fa ^cmistcg

    Dukc’tul-Kujcrcm, :8th _hcwwcl cl-Kumcrrck, 30?1 HidriAri`cy, 30th Cubust, :>35 C.@ 

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zeaeregoes]c[ Mcgz’ul Ekcg (Cl-Surcg Egblish Prcgslctifg | www.gffrekc`igch.ofk)]j[ Pcasir Ijge Cjjcs (Egb./Ur`. Qersifgs)]o[ Dczj’ul Sulffj Ilc @iycr’cl-Kchjffj (Ur`u Prcgs.)]`[ Dchcg’e Cgkjiych (Clehekus _clct-F-_clck)]e[ cl-Kcmtujct cl-Guriyych (Qfl.3 | Egblish)]a[ _uooess fa cg Ukkch fg cl-Kcrmcz (Egblish)]b[ Yfutuje]b[ Puge (

    ]3[ Mclck with Kfseqch | Listeg Kust, thfubh ia `fg’t lime (`ue tf Kusio) theg it’sclribht  ]:[ U._ fr Zussic fr Ohigc eto. steel-tffth stregbth]?[ @urigb review, usuclly listegigb/`figb Timrullch, thct’s oful` je kisse` (_ee cl-Kcmtujct v.3 - ^b.81 “Gfte‛ | suoh ofg`itifgs).]0[ Islckcjc` | ^cmistcg’s Ocpitcl (@cr’ul-Mhilcach) 

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?3


    _fke ofkpfsigb kistcmes hcve jeeg reotiaie` wherecs there is gf `esoriptifg tfpresegt ig c``itifg tf this kcil ofgtext. Phcgms

    Pclij’e @ucC`gc AcqeerPcgzeel Jumhcri cl-Hcgcai(bhcacrclchu)Phe Sc`ri _wfr` Peck 

    Mcrcohi Oity, Islckio Zepujlio fa ^cmistcg

    Kcgbcl, 32th _hc’jcg cl-Kfczzck, 30?2 HidriPues`cy, :0th Kcy, :>31

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?:


    30?1 HIDZI


    _coriaioe & ^ilbrikcbe

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Url4 https4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/?3?901210/Cl-Kcmtujct-Cl-Guriyych-vfl-:-Egblish 

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ??

    Cllchuk’kc, _clc’teg @cikk’cg wc _clck’cg Pcckk’cg, Clc _cyyi`’ugcl-Cgkjiyc wcl Kursc’leeg wc Clc Cleyhi wc _chcjehi wc Kcshcimh'e

    Uk’kctehi wc Ulckc-e-Kil’lctehi wc Dckee-cl-Kusli’keeg ClehekCdkc’eig.

    Jiskillch’ir Zehkcg’ir Zcheek

    “(Kcahffk) … 'Ky Lfr`, jestfw ke c ribhtefus sfg.' … Pheg Re bcve hikc blc` ti`igb fa c pru`egt sfg … Pheg wheg he jeocke cjle tf wfrm withhik, he sci`, 'F ky sfg, I hcve `reckt thct I ck slcubhterigb yfu, gfw

    lffm yfu, whct is yfur fpigifg'. He sci`, 'F ky acther, `f cs yfu creofkkcg`e`, Cllch willigb, yfu will aig` ke pctiegt.' … Pheg wheg they

    jfth sujkitte` tf Ky ofkkcg` cg` the acther lci` `fwg his sfg fgafrehec` … Re oclle` tf hik, F Ijrchik, … Ug`fujte`ly, yfu hcve aulaille`the visifg= thus, Re reofkpegse the ribhtefus … Gf `fujt, it wcs c jribhttest … Cg` Re rcgsfke` hik with c brect scoriaioe … Cg` Re leat c bff`

    gcke afr hik ig lcter begerctifgs … ]s.?24v.3>>-3>8[‛(Cl-Surcg cl-Mcreek)

    ]Pcasir Ijge Cjjcs[ Pheg he sci`4 (Ky Lfr`! Qfuohscae ke fa the ribhtefus) csfg whf is ckfgb the kessegbers … (_f Re bcve hik ti`igbs fa c begtle sfg) csfg whf is mgfwle`becjle ig his yfuth, begtle ig his fl` cbe … (Cg` wheg (his sfg)wcs fl` egfubh tf wclm with hik)wheg his sfg wcs fl` egfubh tf strive afr Cllchcg` fjey Hik= it is clsf sci` thct this kecgs4 wheg his sfg wcs fl` egfubh tf wclmwith hik ig the kfugtcigs, ((Cjrchck) sci`) tf his sfg Ishkcel= cg` it is clsf sci`4tf his sfg Iscco4 (F ky `ecr sfg, I hcve seeg ig c `reck thct I kust scoriaioe thee)I ck ofkkcg`e` ig c `reck visifg tf scoriaioe yfu. (_f lffm, whct thigmest thfu)

    whct `f yfu scy6 (He sci`4 F ky acther! @f thct whioh thfu crt ofkkcg`e`) fascoriaioigb ke. (Cllch willigb, thfu shcll aig` ke fa the stec`acst) ig the acoe fa thisscoriaioe … (Pheg, wheg they hc` jfth surreg`ere` (tf Cllch)) wheg they jfthcbree` cg` ofgsibge` the kctter tf Cllch, (cg` he hc` alugb hik `fwg upfg hisacoe) cg` it is sci`4 fg his si`e … (Re oclle` ugtf hik4 F Cjrchck4 … Phfu hcstclrec`y aulaille` the visifg) yfu hcve aulaille` whct yfu were ofkkcg`e` ig the`reck visifg. (Lf! thus `f Re rewcr` the bff`) ig their wfr`s cg` wfrms … (Lf!thct verily wcs c olecr test) thct wcs c kcgiaest tricl … (Pheg Re rcgsfke` hikwith c trekeg`fus viotik) Re rcgsfke` hik with c act rck … (Cg` Re leat afr hikckfgb the lcter aflm (the sclutctifg)) Re leat Cjrchck with bff` prcise ckfgb thepefple whf ocke cater hik … ]s.?24v.3>>-3>8[

    ]Pcasir Dclclcyg[ Ky Lfr`! Brcgt ke, c ohil`, fa the ribhtefus’ … _f Re bcve hikthe bff` ti`igbs fa c afrjecrigb sfg … Cg` wheg he wcs fl` egfubh tf wclm withhik, thct is, tf bf cjfut with hik cg` help hik fut ‐ this is sci` tf hcve jeeg]either[ ct the cbe fa seveg fr ct the cbe fa thirteeg ‐ he sci`, ‘F ky `ecr sfg, Isee, thct is, I hcve seeg, ig c `reck thct I shcll scoriaioe yfu ‐ cg` the visifgs faprfphets cre ]clwcys[ true cg` their cotifgs cre ]igspire`[ jy the ofkkcg` fa Bf`,

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?0

    exclte` je He. _f see whct yfu thigm’, fa this `reck. He ofgsulte` hik sf thct he]his sfg[ kibht cooept the i`ec fa jeigb scoriaioe` cg` ofkply with the ofkkcg`afr it. He sci`, ‘F ky acther (the ]aigcl[ tă’ ]ig cjcti[ replcoes the yă’ fa the begitive]pfssessive[ cggexctifg ]yă cjĭ[) `f whctever yfu hcve jeeg ofkkcg`e`, tf `f.

    Yfu shcll aig` ke, Bf` willigb, fa the stec`acst’, ig this ]caacir[ … Cg` wheg theyhc` jfth sujkitte`, ]wheg[ they hc` sujkitte` tf cg` were prepcre` tf ofkplywith Bf`’s ofkkcg`, exclte` je He, cg` he hc` lci` hik `fwg fg his afrehec`,]wheg[ he hc` pushe` hik `fwg tf the brfug` therefg ‐ every hukcg jeigb hcstwf jrfws (dcjĭg) jetweeg whioh is the afrehec` (dcjhc)= this wcs ct Kigă.Cjrchck pcsse` the mgiae corfss his ]sfg’s[ thrfct jut it `i` gft `f cgythigb, jysfke ikpe`ikegt fa the @ivige ^fwer, … Re oclle` tf hik, ‘F Cjrchck! … Qerilyyfu hcve aulaille` the visifg’, jy whct yfu hcve `fge, ig thct yfu were cjle tf bfthrfubh with the cot fa scoriaioe. Ig fther wfr`s, thct ]whioh yfu hcve `fge[suaaioes afr yfu ]cs re`ekptifg[ (the stctekegt gă`cygăhu, ‘Re oclle` tf hik’, isthe respfgse tf the lckkă, ‘wheg’, sf thct the wăw ]ig wc-gă`cygăhu, ‘Re oclle`tf hik’[ is extrc). _f, ig the scke wcy thct Re hcve rewcr`e` yfu, `f Re rewcr`

    thfse whf cre virtufus, tf their fwg sfuls ig fjeyigb the Ofkkcg` ]fa Bf`[, jyrekfvigb arfk thek their `istress … Pruly this, scoriaioe tf whioh he wcsofkkcg`e`, wcs ig`ee` c olecr test’, thct is tf scy, the ultikcte test ]fa acith[ …Pheg Re rcgsfke` hik, the fge whfk he hc` jeeg ofkkcg`e` tf scoriaioe,gckely, Ishkcel fr Iscco ‐ twf `iaaeregt fpigifgs ‐ with c kibhty scoriaioe, ]ckibhty[ rck arfk ^crc`ise, the scke fge thct Cjel hc` faaere` cs scoriaioe4Bcjriel, pecoe je upfg hik, jrfubht it cg` the lfr` Cjrchck scoriaioe` it cs heorie`, Cllăhu Cmjcr, ‘Bf` is Brect’ … Cg` Re leat, Re preserve`, afr hik ckfgbpfsterity, acir prcise ]gckely[ … ]s.?24v.3>>-3>8[ 

    Gfte4 Qerses (Cyc’ct) cg` theg its pretexts (Pcasir) hcve jeeg sepcrcte` jy Phree@fts.

    @EGFPE4 F’@ec, scoriaioigb (Surjcgi | Cgikcl]Hclcl[) is arfk Cllch’s ofkkcg` (vic`reck | tf _i`gc Hu`hrct Ijrchik]Clehe _clct-F-_clck[), whioh jeocke theg lcterregfwge` fr scy jeigb clwcys rekig`e` cs “_uggct’e Ijrc’heeki‛, thct is olecrly`epiote` jy the Surcg Qerses. _eofg`, Ulckc scys thct ig `reck, it wcs _i`gcHu`hrct Iskc’el “Tcjih’ullch‛ (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) jeigb scoriaioigb thct’s whywheg jfrg cg` theg recohe` the wfrmigb cbe, _i`gc Hu`hrct Ijrchik (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) wheg revecle` tf _i`gc Hu`hrct Iskc’el (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) cjfut the`reck upfg it _i`gc Hu`hrct Iskc’el (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) respfg`e` ofgsegt.Phir`, wheg it wcs exeoutigb (ofkkcg`), Cllch (_ujhcgchu) replcoe` sfg ]_i`gc

    Hu`hrct Iskc’el (Clehe _clct-F-_clck)[ with “_heep | Jheyr’r ‛ cg` theg upfg thispfsitive stcgoe, shfwg jy jfth ^rfphets (Clehekus _clct-F-_clck), Cllch(_ujhcgchu) revecle`, thct it will je rekekjere` (^rcotioe` |  Clwcys) till cllofkigb begerctifgs (Pf | Lcst @cy]Scyc’kch[)= cs sibg fa Cllch (_ujhcgchu).

    ]Ofgtigue` | Gext ^b.[

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    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?5

    _COZIAIOE4 Ulckc scys, cgikcl jrigbigb afr scoriaioigb shful` je cjfve c yecr(Bfct, _heep eto) fr twf (Ofw, Fx eto) fr aive (Ockel)= kecgt elibijle, cg``epeg`s upfg ohfioe. _eofg`,  shful`g’t je `eaeote`= kecgt igdure` (^crt |  DiskMc) fr jrfmeg (Hfrg | _ee’gbh). Phir`, shful` je aee` well, cg` theg fg the `cy fa

    scoriaioe shcll je slcubhter sepcrctely cg` ig `ireotifg fa Sijlc (^rcyer `ireotifg |Kcmmch), gft ig else `ireotifg gfr jeafre (jetter |  Cs’sch) fther cgikcls, whetherjeigb slcubhtere` fr gft.

    Url4 http4//hi`cycresecroh.ofk/the-slcubhterigb-fa-e`ijle-cgikcl-afr-qurjcg/ 

    Keohcgiocl _lcubhterigbUrl4 http4//www.sorij`.ofk/`fo/30>828?:5/Keohcgiocl-_lcubhter-Eglbish 


    Afr jriea cg` ofkprehegsive explcgctifg tf perafrk HCDD, rec` the cttcohkegt,

    gcke` “HCDD | Egb. Prcgs.‛ jy Kuhc`ith’e @eoocg Huh`rct Cllckc _ye` Cj`’cllch_hch cl-Hcgcai cl-Gcqshjcg`i cl-Sc`ri (Zehkctullch Clehe).

    Url4 http4//www.sorij`.ofk/̀ fo/3?0?3??30/Hcdd-Egblish 

    Hcdd cg` UkrchUrl4 http4//hi`cycresecroh.ofk/the-pilbrikcbe-tf-keooc-afr-hcdd-cg`-ukrch/ 

    Qisitigb Kc`igch KugcwwcrchUrl4 http4//hi`cycresecroh.ofk/seeigb-kc ìgc-arfk-c-`istcgoe/ 


    Ig Surcg Kcdee`, Cllch (_ujhcgchu) sci`, “(Kcahffk) … Phey csm yfu cjfutthe gew kffgs. _cy yfu, 'Phey cre the sibgs fa tike afr the pefple cg`pilbrikcbe(Hcdd) … ]s.:4v.389[‛ 

    ]Pcasir Ijge Cjjcs[ (Phey csm thee (F Kuhckkc`), fa gew kffgs) they csm yfucjfut the igorecse cg` `eorecse fa the kffg. (_cy) F Kuhckkc`! (Phey cre aixe`secsfgs afr kcgmig`) they cre sibgs afr pefple sf thct they pcy jcom their `ejtscg` mgfw the wcitigb perif`s fa their wfkeg cg` the tikigb fa their acst cg` thejrecmigb fa their acst (cg` afr the pilbrikcbe) cg` afr the tikigb fa pilbrikcbe.]Exoerpts | Egb. Qer. (s.:4v.389)[

    ]Pcasir Dclc’lcyg[  Phey will csm yfu, F Kuhckkc` (s), cjfut the gew kffgs(chillc, plurcl fa hilăl)4 ‘Rhy `f they seek very thig, cg` theg wcx ugtil they creaull fa libht, cg` theg wcge cbcig cs ct the airst, cg` cre gft clwcys the scke, igthe wcy thct the sug is6’ _cy, tf thek4 ‘Phey cre cppfigte` tikes (kcwăqĭt is theplurcl fa kĭqăt) afr the pefple, afr thek tf mgfw the tikes afr sfwigb the lcg`, afr

  • 8/16/2019 Al-Maktubat Al-Nuriyyah (vol.2 [Updated]) [English]



    @cr-Hcqq | Kczhcj Chl’cl-_uggch Rc’l Dckc’ch  ?1

    jusigess, afr their wfkeg’s wcitigb perif`s, their acst cg` their jrecmigb it, cg` the^ilbrikcbe’ (wc’l-hcddi cg` the ^ilbrikcbe’, is c supplekegt tf li’l-găsi, ‘afr thepefple’), thct is tf scy, ]cppfigte` tikes[ jy whioh its secsfg is mgfwg, afr ia they]the gew kffgs[ clwcys lffme` the scke, gfge fa these thigbs oful` je mgfwg.

    ]Exoerpts | Egb. Qer. (s.:4v.389)[Ikck Chkc` ig his ‘Kusgc`’, Ikck Kuslik ig his ‘_chih’, cg` kcgy fthersrelcte` the gcrrctifg thrfubh Cju-Hurcy’rch thct the ^rfphet (Clehe _clct-F-_clck) sci`4 “… ofkkegoe acstigb the kfgth fa Zckc`cg wheg yfu see theoresoegt theg eg` yfur acst wheg yfu see it= ia it is gft seeg theg acst

    thirty `cys …‛ ]@crul-Actwc, Custrclic | @eolcrctifg fa Ei`ul-Aitr, 30?1 Hidri [

    Zeoegtly hecr`]3[  twf afllfwigb stctekegts rebcr`igb/upfg Kffg _ibhtigb, “…Kffg existegoe jehig` hfrizfg (Kct’lc-c) is egfubh afr `eolcrctifg (Ei` eto.) …‛ & “… @eaigitely Kffg wful` je jehig` the olfu`s …‛ Zespfgse4 F’@ec,ugtil Kffg `fesg’t cppecr fr sibht prfkigegtly hfw it oful` je jegeaioicl thrfubh

    jehig` the hfrizfg/olfu`s eto6 Qerse, cg` theg its pretext, shfwe` fppfsite cspeot(Pf stctekegts) thct it is afr pefple rfutiges (Gfrks | Zfz-Kcrrc Kfck’lct ), cg`rfutiges oful`g’t je ocrrie`-fg ugtil gft je seeg olecrly= presegoe jehig` thehfrizfg/olfu`s eto `fesg’t kcme cgy segse]:[, clthfubh hi`igb afr fge (:9th | Gft

     Cppecre` ) fr twf `cys (?>th | Olfu`y Recther ) wful` fr ocg je tcmeg igtf coofugt(^retext]Pcasir[ | Rcxigb)= cg` it hcppege` clsf, jut `eaigitely wful`g’t fr ocg’t jetcmeg igtf coofugt, geither it hcppege` either, afr whfle kfgth, thereafreofgolusifg bfes tfwcr`s fr egukercte` gcturclly tf sibhtigb (_eeigb | PhrfubhGcme` Eyes) gfr hi`igb (^resegoe | Jehig` hfrizfg/olfu`s …!). _eofg`,  it wcsclrec`y tfl` fr jeigb revecle` thct Lugcr Kfgths wful` je either fa :9 fr ?>,`epeg`s upfg ofkpletifg fa revflutifg= sfketikes ofkpletes ct :9th ftherwise ct


     ofkplete` hegoe cppecre` fjvifusly, thereafre it is jetter tf prcotioe Surcg &_uggch jesi`es fur `evelfpe` wcys (Irrelevcgt | Kcgcai Hci Su`rcti Gizck Mcy )=sibhtigb vic gcme` eyes ftherwise ia gft seeg (fg :9 th) theg ofkpletes ?>th  cg`theg stcrt gew kfgth caterwcr`s. Phir`, ig this kcgger (3st stctekegt) theg every`cte wful` je 30th jeocuse jehig` the hfrizfg is gft wcxe` jut c ofkplete kffg,ig fther wfr`s, c aull kffg thfubh gft shiggigb lime 30th6 Zekekjer it is olecrly`epiotigb fr shfwigb gcturclly thct it is gfge jut the Dews igali

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