aiem detailed project report

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  • 7/27/2019 Aiem Detailed Project Report



    C O N T E N T S


    The Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan is committed to the cause of

    excellence in higher education in the filed of Engineering, Technology and Management.Uttar Pradesh is a state with total population of about 16 caror of people and the

    population rising substantially hence the need of highly educated technical andManagement professional is self evident. In order to meet the urgent need of quality

    technocrats in the state, the trust has decided to establish an engineering college in the

    name and style ofAnubhav Institute of Engineering and Management, Murlipur,Ghatampur, Kanpur Nagar. This Institution will be self-financing and it is committedfor quality education in Engineering and Technology to aspiring students.

    Industrial Policy of Uttar Pradesh

    Private Participation

    The State is actively promoting the participation of the private Sector in the industrial

    and the economic growth of the state. The State accepts its role in nurturing private

    economic activity and entrepreneurship. It recognizes generation of wealth in the Private

    Sector as necessary for the overall prosperity of the state. It will, therefore, endeavour to

    forge a meaningful partnership with industry, in policy formulation and its actualexecution and implementation.

    Balanced Development of Tiny, Small & Heavy Sector

    Small and tiny sectors play an important role in creating a large number of employment

    opportunities besides providing a wide range of goods and services. Therefore, the Stateshall create conditions for a balanced and harmonious growth of all segments of the

    Industrial Sector such as Heavy, Medium, Small and Tiny Sectors.

    Strengthening of Traditional Industries

    Traditional industries, which have been the backbone of the State's economy, will be

    strengthened, augmented and made competitive in terms of quality, technology, design,packaging and marketing.

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    Promotion of Exports

    A facilitative atmosphere will be provided for the promotion of exports from the Stateand to enhance the competitiveness of exportable products.

    NRI Investment

    There is a tremendous potential for NRI investments in the State. The State shall create

    an attractive environment for them to invest in the State. Procedures and systems shall be

    so modified, as to facilitate their investment.

    Attract Foreign Investments

    Foreign investment is necessary for projects requiring large investments, like power,

    roads, bridges etc. The State shall attract foreign direct investment and create

    circumstances, where Uttar Pradesh becomes the leading State in the country for foreigninvestments

    Assured security of life & property

    ln order to achieve the overall objectives of the New Industrial Policy, the State shall

    ensure creation of an atmosphere of security to develop confidence in the entrepreneurs.

    Law & Order machinery will be toned-up [in a way to be responsive to the needs ofindustry.

    Recognition-of the role of service sector

    Over the years, the tertiary sector has emerged, as an important avenue of employment

    and economic activity. The State shall create an environment conducive to rapid

    development of this Sector free from unnecessary regulation.

    Interaction with Industry

    It is appreciated, that the process of industrialization of the State, should be a synergic

    effort of industry and government. Industry will be consulted and involved in the

    formulation and implementation of policy.

    Formulation of Industry specific Tailor Made Packages

    In order to respond to the needs of specific segments of industry, a tailor-made support

    package will be evolved on a continuing basis, in consultation with the industry itself.The State, shall also develop, a package incentives and support services, to be extended

    for development of entrepreneurship in selected sectors, particularly in rural areas.

    Traditional industries and crafts will be supported and strengthened by provision ofinputs to enhance their viability and competitiveness.

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    Review of Tax Structure

    The State, shall, also continuously review and revamp wherever necessary, the entire taxstructure, so that it reflects the requirement and expectations of industry.

    Preservation of Environment and Cultural Heritage

    Emphasis shall be laid, on promotion of such industrialization, which not only preserves

    the environment and cultural heritage of the State, but also revitalizes and forcefully

    reinforces it.

    Up-gradation of Technical Entrepreneurial skills

    In order to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, special emphasis will be laid on the up-gradation of It technical skills and entrepreneurial tools.


    Infrastructure plays an extremely important part in industrialization. Inadequate attention

    to the creation of infrastructure facilities in the. past can be said to be a crucial

    impediment in the efforts of the State, to realize its full economic and industrial potentialwith which it is abundantly endowed.

    Highest priority will now be provided, by the State to the creation of high qualityinfrastructure facilities.

    Land, Power, Telecommunication, Air and Road transport are the most important

    components of Infrastructure. The State will adopt dynamic policies and take positiveinitiatives, to create an investor friendly environment, in the Infrastructure Sector. The

    Policy of the State in the Infrastructure Sector based on the following three pillars:

    Three Pronged Strategies

    Development of Infrastructure, through Private Sector participation.

    Comprehensive and rapid development of selected Geographical Corridors, withhigh quality infrastructure facilities.

    Up-gradation of existing Infrastructure! Facilities.

    Working Group under Chief Secretary to provide preliminary clearances

    The Working Group on Economic Development, constituted under the chairmanship of

    Chief Secretary, will provide all the preliminary clearances and approvals for

    infrastructure related projects.

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    Corridors to develop as Areas of Excellence

    These Corridors, will be developed as areas of excellence, with high quality Industrialand social infrastructure, so that, the already existing industrial potential of these areas

    can be forcefully highlighted to attract greater investments. These corridors will also

    facilitate planned and optimal utilization of the State's resources.

    Industrial Cooperative Societies for maintenance of Industrial Estates

    Industrial Cooperative Societies will be constituted and associated with the maintenanceof Industrial Estates working under the control of Directorate of Industries.

    All future Industrial Areas to be developed as Integrated Industrial Townships

    In view of the remarkable success of Noida and Greater Noida as Integrated Industrial

    Townships, this model will be extended to other parts of the State. All future Industrial

    Areas, will be developed as Industrial Integrated Townships, with superior quality socialand economic infrastructural facilities like roads, power, water supply, drainage,

    residential, educational and health facilities. Private Sector participation, in the

    development of such areas, will be encouraged.

    Special Industrial Areas for Promotion of Kanpur based and Food Processing


    To promote Kanpur-based and Food Processing Industries, special Industrial Areas will

    be developed in the vicinity of major Mandis of the State.

    Up-gradation of Infrastructure in major exporting areas

    Internationally competitive Infrastructural facilities will also be developed, in the major

    Exporting areas of the State. Infrastructure development related funds of the Governmentof India and other agencies would be optimally utilized, in conjunction with the State

    resources to achieve this objective.


    Hour Uninterrupted Power Supply:

    Continuous and high quality power supply is extremely important for the development of

    industries. Due to shortage of power in the State, its availability to industrial units has

    been uncertain in the past. The State will take strong measures to increase the Generation

    of Power and ensure its continuous availability to the industry.

    Privatization of Power Distribution

    Distribution of Power by the Private Sector will be promoted. The experience of Greater

    Noida will be expanded to other parts of the State. In the first phase, distribution of

    Power in Noida will he privatized. This will be subsequently followed by privatization of

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    Power distribution in Moradabad, Agra, Lucknow and Kanpur.

    Sharing formula for evacuation of Power from Co-generation Units

    Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of Sugar Mills in the whole country, which have a

    potential of co-generating nearly 1000 MW of Power, using biogases as fuel. Co -generation will be provided highest priority Ii the State, and a competitive Policy will beadopted to fully utilize the potential inherent in this Sector. The cost of evacuating power

    from the Co-generating Unit to the transmission system of the UPSEB on a 50:50 basis.

    Road Policy

    State has an extensive network of Roads arid Bridges. The State has formulated a detailed

    Road Policy for is Sector. In this Policy a detailed framework has been provided forPrivate Sector participation in the construction and operation of Roads, Bridges and



    Free Government Land for Up-gradation of Telecom Infrastructure

    State will ensure rapid development of Telecommunication facilities in the State. Private

    operators and Companies, engaged in the provision of Telecommunication and Cellular

    Services, will be' provided all facilities in setting up of Towers and other infrastructure.The State Government will provide free Government land, to the Telecom Department of

    Govt. of India, for ensuring superior Telecom facilities.

    Air Transport

    State has already created a fairly well developed infrastructure in the field of Civil

    Aviation. Three Aerodromes and 23 Air Strips have been constructed allover the State.Private Airlines will be facilitated in setting up their operations in the State.

    Policy on Technical & Management Education

    The need for increase in the number of higher educational institutions providing courses

    in Engineering and Technology has been felt allover the country for a long time. The

    National Educational Policy approved by the Govt. of India emphasizes the need forclose relationship of the two streams of technical and management education, which are

    functioning separately at present. The policy realizes that technical and management

    education is expensive and institution should be encouraged to generate resources using

    their capacities to provide services to the community and industry. Further the policydirects that network systems should be established between technical education and

    industry, R&D Organizations, programmes of rural and community development and

    with other sectors of education and complementary characteristics. An extract from therelevant chapter "Technical and Management. Education" of the National Educational

    Policy is attached.

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    Technical and Management Education

    1. Although the two streams of technical and management education are functioningseparately, it is essential to look at them together, in view of their close relationship andcomplementary concerns. The reorganization of Technical and Management Education

    should take into account the anticipated scenario by the turn of the century, with specific

    reference to the likely changes in the economy, social environment, production andmanagement processes, the rapid expansion of knowledge and the great advances in

    science and technology.

    2.The infrastructure and services sectors as well as the unorganized rural sector alsoneed a greater induction of improved technologies and a supply of technical and

    managerial manpower. This will be attended by the Government.

    3. In order to improve the situation regarding manpower information, the recentlyset up Technical Man power. Information System will be further developed and


    4. Continuing education, covering established as well as emerging technologies, willbe promoted.

    5. As computers have become important and ubiquitous tools, a minimal exposure tocomputers and training in their use will form part ofprofessional education. Programmes

    ofcomputer literacy will be organized on, wide scale from the school stage.

    6. In view of the present rigid entry requirements to formal courses restricting theaccess of a large segment ofpeople to technical and managerial education, programmes

    through a distance- learning process, including use of the mass media will be offered.Technical and management education programmes, including education in polytechnics,

    will also be on a flexible modular pattern based on credits, with provisionformulti-point

    entry A strong guidance and counseling service will be provided.

    7. In order to increase the relevance of management education, particularly in thenon-corporate and under managed sectors, the management education system will study

    and document the Indian experience and create a body of knowledge and specificeducational programmes suited to these sectors.

    8. Appropriate formal and non-formal programmes of technical education will bedevisedforthe benefit ofwomen, the economically and socially weaker sections, and thephysically handicapped.

    9. The emphasis ofvocational education and its expansion will need a large numberof teachers and, professionals in vocational education, educational technology,

    curriculum development, etc. Programmes 'will be started to meet this demand.

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    10. To encourage students to consider "self-employment" as a career option, trainingin entrepreneurship will be provided through modularoroptional courses, in degree or

    diploma programmes.

    11. In order to meet the continuing needs of updating curriculum, renewal should

    systematically phase out, obsolescence and introduce new technologies ofdisciplines.

    Institutional Thrusts

    12. Some polytechnics in the rural areas have started training weaker groups ill. thoseareas forproductive occupations through a system of community polytechnics. The

    community polytechnic system will be appropriately strengthened to increase its quality

    and coverage.

    Innovation, Research and Development

    13. Research as a means ofrenovation and renewal ofeducational processes will beundertaken by all higher technical institutions. It will primarily aim at producing qualitymanpower capable oftaking up R&D functions. Research fordevelopment will focus on

    improving present technologies, developing new indigenous ones and enhancing

    production and productivity. A suitable system forwatching and forecasting technologywill be set up.

    14. The scope for co-operation, collaboration and networking relationships betweeninstitutions at various levels and with the user systems will be utilized. Propermaintenance and an attitude of innovation and improvement will be promoted


    Promoting Efficiency and Effectiveness at all Levels

    15. As technical and management education is expensive, the following major stepswill be taken for cost effectiveness and to promote excellence:

    i.High priority will be given to modernization and removal of obsolescence. However,

    modernization will be undertaken to enhance functional efficiency and not for its ownsake or as a status symbol.

    ii.Institutions will be encouraged to generate resources using their capacities to provide

    services to the community and industry. They will be equipped with up-to-date learning

    resources, library and computer facilities.iii.Adequate hostel accommodation will be provided, especially for girls. Facilities for

    sports, creative work and cultural activities will be expanded.

    iv.More effective procedures will be adopted in the recruitment of staff. Career

    opportunities, service conditions, consultancy norms and other perquisites will beimproved.

    v.Teachers will have multiple roles to perform: teaching, research, development of learning

    resource material, extension and managing the institution. Initial and in-service trainingwill be made mandatory for faculty members and adequate training reserves will be

    provided. Staff Development Programmes will be integrated at the State, and coordinated

    at Regional and National levels.

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    vi.The curricula of technical and management programmes will be targeted on current as

    well as the projected needs of industry or user systems. Active interaction between

    technical or management institutions and industry will be promoted in progranmeplanning and implementation, exchange of personnel, training facilities and resources,

    research and consultancy and other areas of mutual interest.

    vii.Excellence in performance of institutions and individuals will be recognized andrewarded. The emergence of substandard and mediocre institutions will be checked. Aclimate conducive to excellence and innovation will be promoted with full involvement

    of the faculty.

    viii.Select institutions will be awarded academic, administrative and financial autonomy ofvarying degrees, building in safeguards with respect to accountability. .

    ix.Networking systems will have to be established between technical education and

    industry, R&D, organizations, programmes of rural and community development, and

    with other sectors of education with complementary characteristics.

    Management Functions and Change

    16. In view of the likely emergence of changes in management systems and the needto equip students with the ability to cope with them, effective mechanisms will be

    devised to understand the nature and direction of change per se and to develop the

    important skill of managing change.

    17. In view of the integrated nature of the task, the Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment will co-ordinate , the balanced development of engineering, vocational andmanagement education as well as the education of technicians and craftsmen.

    18. Professional societies will be encouraged and enabled to perform their due role inthe advancement of technical and management education.

    19. The All India Council for Technical Education, which has been given statutorystatus, will be responsible , for planning, formulation and the maintenance of norms andstandards; accreditation, funding of priority areas, monitoring and evaluation,

    maintaining parity of certification and awards and ensuring the coordinate and integrated

    development of technical and management education. Mandatory periodic evaluation willbe carried out by a duly constituted Accreditation Board. The Council will be

    strengthened and it will function in a decentralized manner with greater involvement of

    State governments and technical institutions of good quality.

    20.In the interests of maintaining standards and for several other valid reasons, thecommercialization of technical and professional education will be curbed. An

    alternative system will be devised to involve private and voluntary effort in this

    sector of education, in conformity with accepted norms and goals."


    The SocietyThe Society Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan was established andregistered under the Society Act in September 2007 under the Registration Act 1982. The

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    Society was established with the main objective of development of social, educationaland intellectual level of boys & girls. The Trust also aims to develop new institutions forimparting higher education.

    Vision of the Society

    We firmly believe that educated, and well-informed youth are the buildingblocks of strong communities. We are committed to enriching the quality ofeducation by ensuring right learning inputs to youth across ability levels. TheTrust is committed to the vision of developing the proposed Institute into amulti- campus, inter disciplinary institution of excellence through symbioticefforts and innovative practices of management and faculty to provide ambientacademic environment for the benefit of the students and community at large.

    Mission of the SocietyThe Mission of The Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan is to build

    bridge of understanding between intellectual in the field of Engineering andManagement, and society people in society through education and to promoteeducational excellence for children, and youth. Our aim is to impart, vibrant,comprehensive and innovative learning to our students enabling them to bemanagers, entrepreneurs, and leaders with strong cultural values and to provideand ideal teaching environment and ambience to develop there skills to meet thechallenges of the global business environment.

    The Mission of the Society further envisages, dedicated efforts to:

    Adequately deploy Policy support and allocation of Resources by

    Management to develop multi campus inter-disciplinary institutions.

    Provide Academic Leadership for an ambient, academic and technologicalenvironment for the benefit of the Students and Community, through symbioticefforts and innovative practices.

    Optimally develop and utilize Institutional Infrastructure and studentamenities to build and sustain a high quality teaching, learning and researchenvironment. Motivate faculty - student interaction for maximal knowledge synthesis

    for their successful career gain and placement.

    Augment necessary inputs for students to develop as leaders of tomorrowand in the process provide humane professionals f-or the State, Country andGlobal requirements.

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    Details of Promoting Body:

    1- Mr. Udai Narayan Sachan Presedent


    Mr. Rakesh sachan Chairman3- Smt. Seema Sachan Treasurer4- Sh. Satish Sachan Member

    Details of the office bearers of the promoting body including theirbackground


    Name AcademicQualification

    Natural ofAssociationwith thePromoting


    Experience inAcademicInstitutions (inYears)








    1. Mr. UdaiNarayanSachan

    --- M.A.,B.Ed.

    Presedent 5 5

    2. Mr. Rakesh


    --- M.A.


    Chairman 15 15

    3. Smt. SeemaSachan

    --- M.A. Treasurer 5 5


    Today one of the major issues for development of excellence in Engineering Technology

    is to develop quality professional for industry, teaching, research and consultancy . The

    aim and objective of the trust is thus to meet the challenges of these issues.

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    Other important aims and objectives of the trust are:

    To render service in the field of education particularly Technical andManagement education to people who are living in villages, to linguisticminority society and to financially weaker section of society.

    To train qualified professional for industry teaching and research and to

    create ,inculcate, imbibe ,translate and apply knowledge, to address needs ofindividual, industry and above all the trust of society.

    To take-up programmes in the field of technology, Engineering andManagement which directly serve the need of our society.

    Anubhav Institute of Engineering and Management is likely to come up in theforthcoming academic session 2008-09. This College has been established as self-financing Institution to provide quality education to aspiring students.


    Basic Academic Philosophy of the InstitutionThe objectives of the proposed institutes includes the following

    To become one of the best institutions in the country in the field ofEngineering. To build top line facility To introduce systems, practices and processes benchmarked with the bestin the country. To build a strong coalition of forces with Industry and Society to ensurethat the content and delivery of education are current and valid To build a network of academic institution to realize synergy in thedelivery of education, research and consulting services To continuously monitor the changing needs of employers with a view tore-orienting the content of education provided by the institute. To introduce feed back and control mechanism to ensure delivery ofquality education

    4.2 Identified Programmes

    1. B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering

    2. B.Tech. in Information Technology3. B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering4. B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering

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    Phase-wise Introduction of Programmes & Intake

    Phase-I Four UG Programmes with 60 Intake in each

    1. B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering

    2. B.Tech. in Information Technology3. B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering4. B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering

    Phase-ll Two UG Programmes with 60 Intake in each

    1. B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering2. B.Tech. in Civil Engineering

    And incease intake of 60 in each

    1. B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering2. B,Tech in Information Technology

    4.5 Target Date for Start of Academic Programmes July 2008


    5.1 Classification of Academic Division i.e. Departments, Centers, Schools,Central Academic Facilities.

    Academic Division

    Dept. Office Lecturer Hall Tutorial Room Lab Drawing Hall worksop

    Library + Computer Centre

    5.2 Details of each Academic Departments / Centre, like

    Each academic department will have its own HODs Room, Departmental Office, Faculty

    / Staff Room, Departmental Library, R&D Lab, Seminar Room etc.

    5.2.1 Academic Objectives

    Academic objectives of the Academic Department is to provide Engineering Education

    programme leading to B.Tech. and to equip the students with knowledge, abilities and

    skills to perform their roles as versatile / global Technocrats. Besides understanding thevarious functions, the students are expected to have the grasp of social economic, legal

    and political environments and their impact on the system to enable them to cope with the

    challenges in work fields.

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    5.2.2 Areas of Focus

    The academic programme is mainly intended to train engineering graduates with the skilland excellence to meet the expectations of corporate industries of global standard and

    academic institution of prominence in the field of Engineering and Technology.

    Academic Programme consisting of Guest Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, Conferences,CEP,QIP, SDP etc will be an important part in addition to regular courses.

    5.2.3 Faculty Requirement & Phase-wise Recruitment


    Principal /


    No. of


    No. of

    APs /


    No. of




    No. of




    Appointed Identified Identified Identified Appt. /


    Appt. /





    1 1 4 11 17 6 Lab Assts.

    + 2



    Phase-I - Principal

    Phase-II - Administrative Staff + Lab AssistantsPhase-III - Teaching Staff

    5.2.4 Space and Equipment

    Name of Laboratory Carpet Area (SQM)

    Physics 200.0Chemistry 175.0

    Mechanics & Kinematics 300.0

    Strength of Materials

    Electronics/Electrical Engineering 200.0Workshop 900.0

    Computer Lab/ Language Lab 400.0


    5.2.6 Space for Class Rooms, Faculty, Departmental Office and Library etc.

    Area of a Class Room: 69.79 x 4=279 SQMArea of a Tutorial Room: 92.0 SQM

    Area of a Drawing Hall: 175 SQMArea Library: 400 SQM

    Area of one Faculty Room: 44.42 SQMArea of Main Office: 300 SQMCommon Room: 92.00 SQM

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    The professional competence and intellectual strength of its faculty are the mostimportant measures of an Institute. In recognition of this fact, the College

    supports the individual development of its faculty members by encouraging andrewarding academic achievement in teaching, scholarship, and all other facets ofa faculty members professional life.

    Academic Values

    It is recognized that Engineering & Technology as a discipline is neither confined toproduction nor to just marketing. It has its own core body of knowledge and distinct

    method. The education programme is intended to equip the students with knowledge,

    abilities and skills to perform their roles as versatile/global technocrats. It is realized that

    education is needed, both to give more transferable, marketable skills and to develop

    informed citizens, capable of participating activity in the society. Investment in people isan investment in future education. The country needs to capitalize on the advantage

    accruing from the infrastructure and nurture it in order to enhance competitiveness in aglobal market. The UG Programme in Technology will help bring out among the students

    an entirely new set of behavior patterns, attitudes and methods of communication to deal

    with the emerging global business, global market trends, organizational versatility, trade

    agreements and trade barriers.

    6.1 Recruitment, Strategies for Attracting and Retention of Faculty Personnelfor Excellence, Promotional Avenues, Career Ladder

    The institute will recruit promising, proven and competent faculty as per the following


    1. Advertisement released in leading newspapers

    2. Short listing of resumes3. Constitution of selection committee

    4. Call for Interview

    5. Selection Committee recommendations forwarded to Chairman of Society forapproval

    6. Issue of offer letter

    7. After acceptance, issue of appointment letter

    The Faculty will be encouraged to acquire higher qualifications if so required and

    financial assistance will be provided for those doing their Ph.D while working. The

    Institute will also help the faculty in updating their knowledge and acquiring new skills in

    order to teach the students more effectively.In due course of time the management will implement medical and group insurance

    scheme and gratuity scheme of a leading insurance company for the benefits of its


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    6.3 Policies for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Development

    The institute will follow AICTE pay scales for teaching staff and state government scales

    for non-teaching staff. It will provide decent working conditions to its Faculty and its

    supporting staff. Schemes for time bound promotions for non-teaching staff will beformulated and implemented by the institute.

    6.4 Total Quality Management

    The competence and performance of individual Faculty members and non-teaching staff

    will be regularly assessed and the meritorious ones will be encouraged while the

    incompetent personnel are provided chance for improvement, failing which to be

    replaced by fresh and more competent staff. The teaching programmes will also beassessed periodically by experts from outside the Institute so as to improve the quality of

    training/teaching programmes of the institute.

    6.5 Overall Teaching and Non-teaching Staff Requirements.

    The initial requirement of teaching and other staff will be as follows:

    Principa1/Director - 01

    Steno/PA to Director - 01

    Professor - 01Reader/Assistant Professor - 04

    Lecturers - 11

    Administrative officer - 01

    Maintenance staff for the Institute - 02Lab. Technician - 06

    Librarian - 01

    Library Assistant - 01Library Attendant - 01

    Computer- System Analyst - 01

    Computer Programmer - 02Computer Operator - 01

    Receptionist/Tele. Operator - 01

    Accountant/Cashier - 01

    Accounts Assistant - 01Driver - 02

    Peon - 02

    Watchman - 02


    7.1 Linkages with Industry

    The Institute will have strong links with industry so that current industry practices as well

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    as technologies can be disseminated amongst the student community. Strong emphasis

    will be laid on developing long lasting relationship with various reputed industrial houses

    in an around the Kanpur District.

    7.2 Linkages with the Community

    Linkages will be made with the Community by starting various social schemes to help thelocal population for getting the benefit of it.

    7.3 Linkages with other Technical Institutions in the region

    Linkages will be made with the other reputed management / technical institutions in the

    region to set up joint or academic recharge programmes and to take assistance from this

    institution in achieving our goals

    7.4 Linkages with institutions of excellence such as the IITs and IISc. Bangalore

    Linkages will also be made with the repute institution like IIT, IISC and NIIT, etc. so as

    to pace with the present technology by learning from their experiences.

    7.5 Linkages Abroad

    Linkages will also be made with the reputed foreign institutions and Universities by

    making joint tie-ups, or twinning arrangements in different academic programmes.

    7.7 Linkages with R&D Laboratories

    Linkages will be made with R & D laboratories, of Govt. of India and of Industrial sectorso as to give sufficient orientation to students in the field of Engineering. The College

    will become an affiliated college of Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, U.P.

    and will admit students through the state level entrance test conducted by the University.The College will have extra curricular activities and coordinate with the local Industries

    in understanding their needs of up-to-date Technology.


    8 Philosophy of GovernanceThe Institute will function under over all direction of Governing Body

    and for dayto-day matters: powers will be delegated to Principal and

    through him to the Heads of the Departments

    8.2An academic advisory body will be constituted with the following to advise themanagement of the institution on matters related to academic planning, curriculum

    development, infrastructure, monitoring and developing evaluation process, conduct of

    admission test and examination and other such matters of importance to the institute.

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    1. President of the Society2. Chairman of the Society3. Treasurerof the Society4. Administrative Director5. A person of eminence from the region either from the University or an

    6. institute of national repute.7. One Representative of recognized Member8. Industrial/commercial all India body9. An expert in the field of management from within the region10. Two experts in the field of management from outside the state11. Representative from higher / technical education department of12. the State/Director Technical Education of State.13. A representative of AICTE14. One senior faculty member of the Professors rank15. The Director/Principal of the institute

    Organization Structure & Chart for day-to-day Operations & Management

    Secretary Treasurer


    Dean / HODs Registrar /Dean Admin. Finance Controller

    Placement Officer

    Prof Asst. Prof. Lecturer Clerk AccountanPlacement Asst.

    8.4 Role and Responsibilities ofKey Senior Positions

    a. Principal

    He will be the chief of both academic and administrative activities of the institute. Hewill ensure proper distribution of academic and administrative activities among senior

    officers of the concerned divisions and will be the advisor and guide.

    b. Registrar / Dean Administration

    He will be in overall charge of the Administration Division He will be in-charge of


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    manpower planning including development of recruitment rules for various posts,

    recruitment action to fill up various posts (teaching faculty have to conform to the

    qualifications / experience requirements proscribed by AICTE), house keeping,employees' health and medical services, coordination of safety/security programmes for

    the Institute as whole, coordination of training and development programmes, co-

    ordination of communication facilities in and around the institution premises and outside, management of vehicles, handling legal matters relating to the Institute,procurement and supply of office equipment, furniture, stationery etc. to various

    departments; receipt of dak and dispatch section.

    c. Financial Controller/Accounts Officer

    He will be responsible for preparation, submission, control of budget for the Institute as a

    whole divided into independent units; care and custody of. all funds and securities of theInstitute; authorization of expenditure; monitoring and review of receipts and

    expenditure; preparation of annual accounts for audit purpose; matters relating to

    insurance for buildings, capital assets, vehicles etc; reviewing for financial, tax and riskconsiderations, all contracts other than routine maintenance and service agreements;

    prevention of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds etc.; to assist the internal

    auditor as well as external auditor by providing all required accounts and other

    documents; payment of various taxes as per law.

    8.5 Methods / Style of Administration / Management

    All-important decisions will be taken by the academic/ advisory Board and the Governing

    Body. Matters of urgency will be decided by the Principal and will be ratified by

    Governing Body / academic advisory Board.



    The College is situated in village Murlipur on Kanpur Nagar in a non pollutingenvironment. The siteis on 10.46 acres in area and is by all means suitable for agood academic ambient.


    The buildings and the master plan are designed to keep in view the prospects ofa growing Institute and to accomplish with it the new trends in Engineering &Technology. The increase in need for space is dealt for and an area more than therequired AICTE norms is provided. Safety requirements are also included viz.Fire safety and Earthquake hazards, a number of staircases and exits areprovided for the same. A fully fire safety system is being designed and issupposed to become operational in about a years time. Construction is being

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    carried and supervised by experienced engineers, adhering to all quality controlnorms.

    PROPOSED BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES IN THE CAMPUS The following buildings are proposed in the campus.

    The main academic Block

    Boys Hostel

    Girls Hostel

    Staff Quarters

    Director/Principals Residence

    Administrative Block

    Amenities Block


    (i) 24 hrs power supply (ii) 24 hrs security personnel onduty(iii) 24 hours internet connectivity (iv) Play ground(v) 24 hrs water supply (vi) Common rooms in hostels(vii) All weather approach roads (viii) Reading Rooms in hostels(ix) Mess and Dinning hall separate each for boys and girls hostel

    EXTERNAL SERVICES (1) Electricity Supply (2) Local Bus Service (3)Drainage


    The construction system is partly mechanized and partly labour based. The buildings are

    designed as R.C.C. by designers and the plans are prepared by an Architect. Theconstruction is supervised by a team of engineers fully competent in their work. Thespecifications of the CPWD are adhered to.


    The staff both teaching and the supporting shall be appointed as per the Norms andStandards laid down by the All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi and the

    State Government.

    10.2 Faculty Requirements and their pay StructurePrincipal / Director --- Rs. 18400-500-22400 (Minimum

    starting 19400)

    Professor --- Rs. 16400-450-20900-500-22400Assistant Professor / Reader --- Rs. 12000-420-18300

    Lecturer --- Rs. 8000-275-13500

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    10.3 Non-teaching Staff Requirements and their pay StructureThe initial requirement of non teaching staff will be as follows:

    Name Pay Scale

    Registrar / Administrative Officer ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500Financial Controller ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500

    Placement officer ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500

    Public relations officer ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500Security officer ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500

    Caretaker ---1 Rs. 3050-125-5000

    Librarian ---1 Rs. 8000-275-13500

    Library Attendant ---1 Rs. 2500Computer Programmer ---2 Rs. 5500-175-9000

    Computer Operator Receptionist ---2 Rs. 4500-7000

    Telephone Operator ---1 Rs. 4500-7000Maintenance staff for the Institute ---1 Rs. 4000-6000

    The core full time faculty requirements will be subsequently increased and supplemented

    by part time/visiting faculty. Other administrative staff as per requirement will beappointed in phases.

    10.4 Building Requirements: Area and Costs



    Class of



    Minimum Requirement (in sqm)










    and other



    Built Up


    Phase-I B.Tech. 2770 535 995 4300

    Phase-IIB.Tech. (new

    courses)2624 200 1300 4124

    *Administrative area includes Principal's Room, Strong Room, Reception, Main Office,Maintenance office, Faculty seating rooms, store, office equipment room, etc.

    ** Circulation and other areas include toilets, corridor, staircases, common area, etc.

    The estimated cost for the building is Rs. 318.80 lakhs

    10.5 Estimated Cost of Equipment

    Phase-I Phase-II Phase-III

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    The estimated cost is Rs. 1.10 Crors

    10.6 Phase-wise Financial Requirements (Rs.1n Lakhs)

    Fees Structure

    Name of the Programme Yearly Tuition Fee (per student)

    B.Tech. Rs. 42,000/-

    Note: Fees once paid cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

    The above fee is only tuition fee.

    Examination Fees & University Registration Fees to be paid separately.


    The proposed college building will be started within one month from the date of receivingNOC from State Government /AICTE. The details implementation schedule shown asunder:-S.No. Nature of Activity Date of Commencemet Date of

    Completion1. Acquisition of Land Already acquired Already


    2. Site Development of land Already Completed Already


    3. Construction of Building Already Started Jan 08

    4. Procurement of Plant & Fab 08 Fab 08








    Construction 396.80


    construction(continued) 325.80


    Construction(Continued) 325.80


    building &




    building &

    staff quarters


    Staff quarters

    and students



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    5. Installation & Sanction of power Already Applied jan 08

    6. Inauguration of College July 08 July 08

    7. Final inspection by govt. Feb-(AICTE) and UPTU May 08

    /AICTE/University authorities

    8. Commencement of College Aug 08 After

    Allotment of

    student from University


    12.1 The Society

    The Society Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan was established andregistered under the Society Act in September 2007 under the Registration Act 1982. TheTrust was established with the main objective of development of social, educational andintellectual level of boys & girls. The Society also aims to develop new institutions forimparting higher education.

    Vision of the SocietyWe firmly believe that educated, and well-informed youth are the buildingblocks of strong communities. We are committed to enriching the quality ofeducation by ensuring right learning inputs to youth across ability levels. TheTrust is committed to the vision of developing the proposed Institute into a

    multi- campus, inter disciplinary institution of excellence through symbioticefforts and innovative practices of management and faculty to provide ambientacademic environment for the benefit of the students and community at large.

    Mission of the Society

    The Mission of The Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan is to buildbridge of understanding between intellectual in the field of Engineering andManagement, and society people in society through education and to promoteeducational excellence for children, and youth. Our aim is to impart, vibrant,comprehensive and innovative learning to our students enabling them to be

    managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders with strong cultural values and to provideand ideal teaching environment and ambience to develop there skills to meet thechallenges of the global business environment.


    Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sanstha128/28, E-Block, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur.


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    i) Name and Address of the Promoting Body:(Government / University / Trust / Society)

    ii) Date of Registration / Establishment of the Promoting Body:

    iii) Nature of the Promoting Body:

    iv) Activities of the Promoting Body since inception:(With special emphasis on Academic, Social & Industrial Activities and details on other institutionsrun by the Promoting Body)v) Constitution of the Promoting Body:(Give details indicating the names)


    Name AcademicQualification

    Natural ofAssociationwith thePromotingBody

    Experience inAcademicInstitutions (inYears)








    1. Mr. UdaiNarayanSachan

    --- Presedent

    2. Mr. Rakeshsachan

    --- Chairman

    3. Smt. SeemaSachan

    --- Treasurer


    i) Category of Institution: Undergraduate / Engineering & Technology

    ii) Name of the Proposed Institution :Anubhav Institute of Engineering andManagement

    Address of the proposed Institution : Murlipur, Ghatampur, Kanpur Nagar

    iii) Nearest City / Town / Airport / Railway station


    08.01.1987- NewRenewal Date 08.01.20

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    (Enclose map indicating access to the institution from the nearest airport / railway station)

    Nearest City : KanpurNearest Airport : KanpurRailway Station : Ghatampur Station

    iv) Type of the institution

    (in case of aided, mention the percentage of aid from the Government)

    iv) Name of the affiliating University

    v) Justification for starting the proposed institution

    A-Today one of the major issues for development of excellence in theEngineering & Technology to develope qualified proffesionals having excellence,for teaching, research and consultancy in engineering.This institute is proposedwith the commitment to meet the challenges to tackle the issues in this respect.I

    B- The speedy growth of Industrial & technological development in U.P. It is withthis purpose a self financing Institution in the name and the style of AnubhavInstitute of Engineering and Managementis proposed and likely to come up inthe forthcoming academic session 2008-09. This College has been establishedas self-financing institution to provide quality education to aspiring students andmeet the demand of increasing number of trained Professionals.

    12.1DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR NEXT1O YEARS PROJECT COST & SCHEDULEa. Preliminary and Operative Expenses (if any)(Including land cost, land development, approach road, electricity and waterconnection, fencing Rs. 40,00,000.00)b. Projection of next 10 years

    i.Give a bar chart indicating mobilization of funds for the proposed at theestablishment & for next 10 years at intervals of two years.

    U.P. Technical University Lucknow


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    ii.Give a bar chart indicating the recruitment of faculty (separately for Lecturer, AProfessor ) for the proposed project at the time of establishment & for next 1 atIntervals of two years.










    Est 1--5 5--10




    Mobilisation of Funds

    1 1 12 2


    34 4




    10 10








    Est 1--2 3--4 5--6 7--8



    Recrutment of Faculty


    Asstt. Prof.


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    iii.Give a bar chart indicating creation of built-up area (separately for instructional,administrative and Amenities) for the proposed project at the time ofestablishment & for next 10 years a intervals of two years)

    iv.Give a bar chart indicating the investment on equipment and machinery for theproposed project at the time of establishment & for next 10 years at intervals of

    two years.

    100240 240


    480 480652

    2169 2169







    Est 1--5 6--10




  • 7/27/2019 Aiem Detailed Project Report


    iv) DETAILS FOR MOBILIZATION / SOURCE OF FUNDS (CAPITAL & RECURRING)(At the time of establishment and next five years) (Rs. in Lacs)

    Year FromApplicant

    Donations Grants fromGovt.

    Fees Loan Others

    Est. 250 - - - - -

    2008-09 142 - - 108 - -

    2009-10 .34 - - 216 - -

    2010-11 - - - - - -2011-12 - - - - - -

    2012-13 - - - - - -

    v) RECRUITMENT OF FACULTY(At the time of establishment and next five years)

    Year Recruitment Total

    Professor Asst. Professor Lecturer

    Est. 4 4 6 142008-09 4 4 6 28

    2009-10 4 4 6 42

    2010-11 4 4 6 562011-12 4 4 6 70

    2012-13 4 4 6 70

    vi) RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING STAFF(At the time of establishment and next five years)

    Year Recruitment Total

    Technical Administrative

    Est. 4 4 82008-09 4 4 8





    Est 1--2 3--4 5--6 7--8 9--10

    11 1216


    5 6





    Investment on Equipments &Machinery

    Equipments &Machinery

  • 7/27/2019 Aiem Detailed Project Report


    2009-10 5 5 10

    2010-11 6 6 122011-12 8 8 162012-13 8 8 16



    Trust / SocietyRepresentative

    Academic Background Others

    Technical Non Technical

    1. Mr. Udai NarayanSachan

    --- M.A. Presedent

    2. Mr. Rakesh sachan --- MA, LL.B Chairman3. Smt. Seema Sachan --- M.A. Treasurer


    I, on behalf of Abhinav Shikhan Avam Samaj Sewa Sansthan hereby confirm that thisDetailed Project Report has been prepared for its proposed Technical Institution underthe name and style of Anubhav Institute of Engineering and Management. It is herebyconfirmed that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my / ourknowledge and belief and if any information is found to be false, the proposal may berejected.

    (Authorized Signatory of the Applicant)

    Place: Kanpur Name : Rakesh SachanDate: 25/09/2007 Designation : Chairman

    ( Seal )

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