advanced2 video worksheet

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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advanced english



    1 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE CambridgeEnglish:AdvancedSpeakingTestWorksheet

    Exam EssentialsWatch the video of a model interview, based on Test 1 of the Cambridge English: Advanced speaking test. Do the activities, which relate to each part. You can check your answers and look at the full script on separate PDFS on this DVD-ROM.

    Part 1 (00:03)Watch Part 1 of the Speaking test and answer the questions below.1 In Part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask short personal questions about past

    experiences, present circumstances and future plans. Look at these questions and note your replies.

    1 Where are you from? ............................................................

    2 What do you do in ...? ..........................................................

    3 How long have you been studying English? ...........................................

    2 Make notes of Katjas and Aldos answers to the three questions above. What extra information do they add?

    Katja Aldo

    1 ......................................................... .........................................................

    2 ......................................................... .........................................................

    3 ......................................................... .........................................................

    3 In Part 1 the examiner will also ask a question or two about your opinions, for example What do you enjoy most about learning English? Complete the candidates answers with a word or short phrase in each gap.

    Aldo: I like meeting new people ........................................ and talking together ........................................ . In my language school I have made ........................................ and we go out together and ........................................ and ........................................ .

    Katja: I like .......................................... very much. Hes .........................................., very helpful and always tries .......................................... fun and interesting.

    4 The examiner might ask hypothetical questions such as If you had to live in a different country, where would you choose? Complete the possible responses below with the words from the box.



    Id go

    keen on

    no way




  • 2 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking Test Worksheet

    1 Its very likely ........................................ and live in Canada.

    2 I would probably ........................................ and live in Canada.

    3 I would consider ........................................ to Canada.

    4 I ........................................ I might go to Canada.

    5 I probably ........................................ go to Canada.

    6 I wouldnt be ........................................ going to Canada.

    7 Its ........................................ Id go to Canada.

    8 Theres ........................................ I would go to Canada.

    5 Now prepare your own answers for these hypothetical questions. Be prepared to talk about the past, the present and the future. Try to give a reason for your opinion. If possible, record yourself, or practise talking with a friend.

    1 If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

    2 If you could learn a new language, what would it be?

    3 If you could choose to do any job, what would it be?

    4 If you had the opportunity to attend a sporting event, which would it be?

    5 If you could choose your ideal place to live in, what would it be like?

    6 If you could choose an ideal friend, who would you choose (and why)?

    7 If you could choose to be a famous person, who would you choose (and why)?

    8 If you could take up a new spare time activity, what would you choose (and why)?

  • 3 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE CambridgeEnglish:AdvancedSpeakingTestWorksheet

    Part 2 (02:37)Watch Part 2 of the Speaking test and answer the questions below.1 In Part 2 of the Speaking test one candidate describes, compares and contrasts two

    photographs for one minute, after which the other candidate adds a brief comment, prompted by the examiner. Which candidate on the DVD, Aldo or Katja, completes the task better, and why?

    2 Using cohesive devices or discourse markers makes your English easier to follow and understand. Who uses these phrases? Write A for Aldo or K for Katja.

    a although

    b as well

    c because

    d by the look of things

    e it could be

    f on the other hand

    g perhaps

    h personally

    i so

    j well

    TIP: At this level, examiners are looking for a wide range of cohesive devices and discourse markers that express a variety of relationships as these make your English easier to follow.

    3 Look at the table and complete the gaps with five of the words/phrases from exercise 2.

    Comparing Contrasting Expressing cause and effect


    compared with

    in comparison with






    in contrast



    as a result



    for that reason

    in order to



    it appears that

    it looks like

    it might be the case that

    it seems to




    4 Look at the pictures on the DVD that either Aldo or Katja was asked to talk about. Choose two of the photographs (including one that the candidate didnt select) and make notes about what you could say. Practise speaking for one minute about the pictures, using at least two of the words or phrases in exercise 3.

  • 4 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking Test Worksheet

    Part 3 (07:24)Watch Part 3 of the Speaking test and answer the questions below.1 In Part 3 of the Speaking test candidates discuss a topic together for about two minutes and

    then work towards a decision for about one minute. Which candidate, Aldo (A) or Katja (K), believes the following? Do they reach a decision?

    1 Teenagers should learn to save and manage their money.

    2 Teenagers are more interested in the present than the future.

    3 Teenagers should enjoy themselves and not worry about money.

    2 Look at the expressions in the table below and put the following headings in the correct place.


    Asking for an opinion


    Giving an opinion

    Partially agreeing

    1 ..................... 2 ..................... 3 ..................... 4 ..................... 5 .....................

    Well, I (do) think ...

    I dont really see the point of ...

    The way I see it ...

    ... which can only be a good thing.

    If you think about it ...

    I feel strongly that ...

    Would you agree?

    Do you really feel that ...?

    Do you agree with me?

    I dont quite follow you. Are you saying ...?

    Whats your opinion?

    Whats your view on ...?

    I totally agree.

    Im with you there.

    Thats probably true but ...

    I completely agree with what youre saying.

    Thats a good point.

    Id go along with that.

    Im not so sure.

    Im not completely against it.

    I agree up to a point.

    While I accept that ...

    I agree to some extent.

    Youve made some good points.

    I totally disagree.

    I dont agree with you actually.

    Im afraid I dont agree at all.

    Wouldnt you say that ...?

    Lets agree to differ.

    I (really) dont agree that ...

    3 Now tick the phrases in the table that you hear Aldo and Katja use.

    4 Read this section of a dialogue from Part 3 of a Speaking test and complete it with suitable phrases from the table in exercise 2.

    Examiner: Talk to each other about how risky these activities might be for people and whether the activities could be enjoyable.

    Candidate A: Well, hot-air ballooning must be really enjoyable because you can see beautiful views from up there and I dont think its very risky.

    Candidate B: 1 ......................... . Its highly dangerous. There have been many crashes and people have died.

    Candidate A: Really? I havent heard about that. 2 .......................... its highly dangerous? I thought they had plenty of safety checks.

  • 5 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE CambridgeEnglish:AdvancedSpeakingTestWorksheet

    Candidate B: 3 ............................., you are floating in the sky with a balloon next to a fire. Anything could easily go wrong. 4 ............................. bungee jumping is different though, its much safer because you are attached to a ... a ... what do you call it? A line. Dont you agree with me?

    Candidate A: 5 ............................., yes, it does seem safer. I havent heard of anyone being killed while bungee jumping. What about paragliding? Thats quite dangerous, isnt it? 6 .............................?

    Candidate B: 7 ............................., its more dangerous than bungee jumping because more things can go wrong. If the weather changes, or the direction of the wind, people can get into trouble.

    Candidate A: 8 ............................. . The weather is quite important for that activity. But look at this white-water rafting. I think that looks like fun, and its quite safe.

    Candidate B: 9 ............................., I think anything can happen the boat can sink, you can hit rocks. Its very risky.

    Candidate A: Oh, OK. 10 .............................; I hadnt thought it through, but I think people wear jackets, er, life jackets, so it isnt too bad.

    TIP: In Part 3 of the Speaking test you have a minute to come to a decision with your partner and tell the examiner what you have decided. You could use the following language to report your conclusion: Weve decided that ... or We both felt that ..., or, if you couldnt agree: We agreed to differ. Remember, it is the quality of the language used in working towards a decision which is assessed, not the completion of the task.

  • 6 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking Test Worksheet

    Part 4 (12:09)Watch Part 4 of the Speaking test and answer the questions below. 1 In Part 4 of the Speaking test, the examiner asks questions to the candidates in turn on

    a topic related to the one discussed in Part 3. Arrange these phrases in order to write the examiners questions, and make a note of your answer.

    1 to save money / for teenagers / more important / is it / the best years of their lives / or just enjoy / ?


    Your answer: .........................................................................................................................

    2 should be limited / do you think / to adults / financial responsibility / that / ?


    Your answer: .........................................................................................................................

    3 managing a budget / can / be of benefit / setting and / to a teenager / ?


    Your answer: .........................................................................................................................

    4 should / about / teach their teenagers / and the cost of living / parents / the household budget / ?


    Your answer: .........................................................................................................................

    2 Whose answer is closest to yours for these questions, Aldo (A) or Katja (K)?

    1 2 3 4

    3 Who uses these discourse markers and linkers? Write A (Aldo) or K (Katja).

    a as I said

    b as I said before

    c generally

    d hopefully not

    e how can I put it

    f however

    g of course

    h otherwise

    i so

    j to be honest

    4 Complete this section of the dialogue from the Part 4 DVD with the phrases in exercise 3.

    Examiner: Katja, is it more important for teenagers to save money or just enjoy the best years of their lives?

    Candidate A: 1..............., I think most teenagers already know how to enjoy themselves and a lot of them are very selfish. * Um, they think that they can go any time to their parents and ask for money and this makes them lazy. Um, they can get what they want straight away and this can make them a little bit um 2............... spoilt? So, I think they should learn how to save and wait for things they want and this will, um, they will 3..............., when they are adults, get into too much debt and use credit cards too much. * Nowadays people seem to think they can buy whatever they want on their credit card its very easy, and the difficult is the

  • 7 National Geographic Learning 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE CambridgeEnglish:AdvancedSpeakingTestWorksheet

    difficult part is when they have to pay it all back. 4..............., many people get into debt and its * very hard to get out of, and teenagers have to understand this.

    Examiner: And what do you think, Aldo?

    Candidate B: 5..............., I think teenagers should enjoy the best years of their lives, absolutely. When they grow up they have enough problems in front of them, so while they are young they should have fun and not worry about finances. If they dont get money from their parents, they can work, Im not saying teenagers should be lazy but I dont agree with Katja that it is selfish. When you are a teenager, you can be a little bit selfish, its normal.

    Examiner: Do you think that financial responsibility should be limited to adults, Aldo? ...

    Candidate B: Ah, yes. Yes, 6..............., yes. Adults are earning money for the family so they should make the decisions about how to spend it. * Teenagers cant earn as much as adults so I dont believe they can take, take, responsibility for the family budget.

    Examiner: Do you agree, Katja?

    Candidate A: Yes, I partly agree with Aldo that teenagers usually work part-time and they receive low pay so they dont, you know, they dont earn a lot of money and cant take financial responsibility. 7................, if the family has a low income, it can help very much if teenagers get, um, part-time jobs and can pay for some of their expenses themselves, like, um, clothes or their mobile phone for example. This can really help the family.

    Examiner: It has been said that setting and managing a budget can be of benefit to a teenager. Do you agree?

    Candidate A: Yes, Ive already said that I totally agree with this statement. * Its good for teenagers to have goals for spending, 8............... they waste money on things which are not necessary.

    Examiner: And how about you, Aldo?

    Candidate B: 9..............., I dont see it as very important because teenagers have a very small budget anyway. They might only get pocket money or that um, maybe a very low wage, and so its not really worth managing.

    Examiner: Some people believe that parents should tell their teenagers about the household budget and should teach them about the cost of living. What do you think?

    Candidate B: Er, yes, if they will listen! 10............... it is a good idea if teenagers know how much things cost but they might not be interested. I dont know many teenagers I know that they are not aware of how much time it takes to earn money to pay for things and it could be good * if parents take their children to see where, where they work and so they can see it for themselves what is hard ... what hard work is. I remember when I was a teenager, I wasnt interested in the cost of things really, except for music downloads and maybe clothes.

    5 Look at these expressions to emphasise, persuade and illustrate. Add one of the expressions where you see * in the dialogue above, then record yourself reading the dialogue or practise with a partner.

    Emphasising Persuading Presuming Illustrating

    above all

    in particular




    believe me






    for instance

    let us take the case of

    such as

    to show what I mean

    TIP: The examiner may ask one of the candidates to respond or ask the question to the pair. If one candidate did not speak very much in Part 3, the examiner will probably ask them more questions in Part 4.

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