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Advanced Gold Glossary

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence


Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading spectacle /�spektəkəl/ The street performance was a magnificent spectacle.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading alternative /ɔ�l�t��nətiv/ He wants to live an alternative lifestyle.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading roll up /�rəυl �p/ Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the amazing bearded lady!

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading step right up /�step rait �p/ Step right up and see the greatest show on earth!

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading thrill /θril/ We were all thrilled by the world’s greatest magician.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading hoofprint /�hu�fprint/ After the race, hoofprints covered the field.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading beast /bi�st/ There are many wild beasts in this forest.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading pack /p�k/ We saw a pack of wolves as we were driving through the mountains.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading awestruck /�ɔ�strk/ She was awestruck by the magnificence of the jewels.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading multiple /�mltipəl/ Jonathan was rushed to the hospital with multiple injuries after the accident.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading trapeze /trə�pi�z/ The acrobat flew through the air on the trapeze without a safety net.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading juggler /�d� lə/ We were impressed by the way the juggler managed to keep six balls in the air at the same time.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading tamer /�teimə/ The lion tamer managed to put his head inside the animal’s mouth.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading wrestle /�resəl/ The children were wrestling with each other in the playground.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading gasp / ɑ�sp/ He gasped as the performer caught the flaming sword.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading tightrope /�tait-rəυp/ We watched in amazement as he walked across the tightrope, 50 feet up in the air.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading stride /straid/ He strode confidently across the stage and began to sing.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading haunting /�hɔ�ntiŋ/ They were moved by the haunting melody the orchestra played.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading compelling /kəm�peliŋ/ a compelling personality.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading contortionist /kən�tɔ�ʃənist/ We couldn’t believe the number of positions the contortionist could get into.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading penchant [French] /�pɒnʃɒn, �pentʃənt/ Mike has a penchant for strange and dangerous weapons.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading twirl [sth around] /tw��l/ He twirled the stick around in his hand.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading batch /b�tʃ/ She had a whole batch of costumes to make for the show.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading hoop /hu�p/ The tigers had to leap through flaming hoops.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading jaw-dropping /�d�ɔ� �drɒpiŋ/ They couldn't believe the jaw-dropping performance the acrobats gave.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading expertise /�eksp���ti�z/ We have a number of trainee engineers with varying degrees of

computer expertise. Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading aerialist /�eəriəlist/ We watched the aerialist fly through the air like a bird.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading cube /kju�b/ Cut the meat into small cubes.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading midair /�mid�eə/ The performers collided in midair.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading whizzing /�wiziŋ/ The whizzing fireworks shot through the night sky.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading flip /flip/ She did three backward flips before landing on her feet.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading at the heart of sth /ət ðə �hɑ�t əv �smθiŋ/ At the heart of the issue is the question of whether genetic engineering will affect our natural evolution.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading desire /di�zaiə/ Andy has a great desire to see the world.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading refined /ri�faind/ We think the refined technique works much better than the old one.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading wailing /�weiliŋ/ There was a high, wailing sound that sounded just like a woman crying.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading elaborate /i�l�bərət/ She wore an elaborate dress consisting of thousands of beads and buttons.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading mesh /meʃ/ The traditional instruments of the country meshed with the modern influences of western rock.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading spellbinding /�spelbaindiŋ/ We listened without interrupting as the traveller told us his spellbinding tale.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading charm /tʃɑ�m/ Peter still has a certain boyish charm.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading troupe /tru�p/ the troupe of acrobats performed very well.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading capture (sb’s imagination/attention) /�k�ptʃə/ His stories of travelling through the jungle captured my imagination.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading pomp /pɒmp/ There was all the usual pomp that one would expect to find at a royal wedding.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading lone /ləυn/ There was a lone figure standing outside the theatre.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading swoop /swu�p/ The eagle swooped and seized the unfortunate mouse.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading facial /�feiʃəl/ There was slight facial resemblance between the two men.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading bead /bi�d/ Beads of sweat stood out on his brow as he tried to perform the difficult task.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading tense up /�tens �p/ She told him to relax, and not to tense up so much.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading intellect /�intəlekt/ The proposal had intellect but it wasn’t very well presented.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading choreography /�kɒri�ɒ rəfi/ The choreography of the dances was spectacular!

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading founder /�faυndə/ The founder of this school was a man who believed education should be available to everyone.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading dropout /�drɒpaυt/ Nobody wanted to give him a job because he was a high-school dropout.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading itinerant /i�tinərənt/ There are a lot of itinerant labourers looking for work at this time of year.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading stilt /stilt/ A man dressed as a clown crossed the ring on stilts and stood towering above us.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading hone /həυn/ He set about honing his skills as an athlete.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading congregate /�kɒŋ ri eit/ Crowds of fans began to congregate to see the lead singer leave the building.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading come up with /km �p wið, wiθ/ Nobody could come up with a better solution, so we continued with the plan.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading procedure /prə�si�d�ə/ What’s the procedure for getting a new passport?

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading tackle /�t�kəl/ It took twelve hours to tackle the problem and find a solution.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading contradict /�kɒntrə�dikt/ The witnesses’ statements contradicted each other so the police knew one of them was lying.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading partially /�pɑ�ʃəli/ He was only partially to blame for the fact that the company lost all its money.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading irrelevant /i�reləvənt/ What she said at the meeting was completely irrelevant to the real issue.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading infer /in�f��/ When he said that she should go on a diet, she inferred that he thought she was overweight.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading humanely /hju��meinli/ Circus man agers have been asked to consider treating animals more humanely.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading spin /spin/ The basketball player could spin the ball on one of his fingers.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading blindfolded /�blaindfəυldid/ The blindfolded prisoner was led out into the courtyard.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading manipulate /mə�nipjυleit/ She manipulated her body through the small space.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading impact /�imp�kt/ Warnings about the dangers of taking drugs are not having enough impact on this age group.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading proximity /prɒk�siməti/ The proximity to the school was a distinct advantage.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading essence /�esəns/ He tried to capture the essence of the French Riviera in his new painting.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading scope /skəυp/ Is there much scope for initiative in this line of work?

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading creativity /�kri�ei�tivəti/ She made full use of her natural creativity to produce the play.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading initially /i�niʃəli/ Initially he thought it was a good idea, but later he changed his mind.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading colony /�kɒləni/ She decided to run away and join a colony of ecologists.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading unreservedly /�nri�z��vədli/ The company apologised unreservedly for its mistake.

Unit 1 pages 6-7 Reading neutral /�nju�trəl/ I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.

Unit 1 page 8 Vocabulary deduce /di�dju�s/ I deduced that she had been somewhere hot, because she had a dark tan.

Unit 1 page 8 Vocabulary justify /�d�stifai/ I tried to justify the reason for my lateness.

Unit 1 page 8 Vocabulary extract /�ekstr�kt/ I only read a short extract from the novel, but I thought it seemed very good.

Unit 1 pages 8-9 Grammar plus reverse /ri�v��s/ They reversed the order in which the characters appeared on stage, so the minor characters came on first.

Unit 1 pages 8-9 Grammar plus omit /əυ�mit, ə-/ Please don’t omit any of the details I gave you, even if you think they are not important.

Unit 1 pages 8-9 Grammar plus serviette /�s��vi�et/ She wiped her mouth delicately on the serviette and then left the table.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary agility /ə�d�iləti/ She has the natural agility of a gazelle when she dances.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary flexibility /�fleksə�biləti/ This type of wood is in great demand due to its unusual flexibility.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary dexterity /dek�sterəti/ She embroidered the jacket with speed and dexterity.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary donate /dəυ�neit/ Last year he donated í500 to the Save the Children Fund.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary landmine /�l�ndmain/ Princess Diana raised public awareness about the plight of landmine victims.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary outrage /�aυtreid�/ The injustice of the situation filled him with a sense of outrage.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary apparent /ə�p�rənt/ Her anxiety is becoming more and more apparent.

Unit 1 page 10 Vocabulary approach /ə�prəυtʃ/ They have a different approach to the lessons.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus line up /�lain �p/ Sally's lined up some excellent games for the party tonight.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus startling /�stɑ�tliŋ/ The film had a startling effect on the children.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus region /�ri�d�ən/ This region is well-known for its wonderful apples.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus linen /�linən/ She wore a white linen jacket at the party.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus cattle /�k�tl/ We saw many herds of cattle when we went to the country.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus poultry /�pəυltri/ Many people protest about the conditions in large-scale poultry farms.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus a sporting chance /ə �spɔ�tiŋ �tʃɑ�ns/ Sam has a sporting chance of getting in the basketball team this year.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus passionate /�p�ʃənət/ Michael is a passionate supporter of many animal rights groups.

Unit 1 pages 10-11 Exam focus shroud /ʃraυd/ There has been a lot of controversy about the shroud archaeologists have recently discovered.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening purge /p��d�/ They tried to purge this town of all the ethnic minorities during the war.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening pile /pail/ We put the magazines in piles on the floor.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening intrigued /in�tri� d/ I was intrigued by his idea to write a spy novel.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening sceptical /�skeptikəl/ Many people remain sceptical about the safety of nuclear power.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening vile /vail/ I can’t eat that; it tastes vile.

Unit 1 page 12 Listening notion /�nəυʃən/ Some people have very misguided notions about the role of women in society.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing compulsory /kəm�plsəri/ In Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing extravaganza /ik�str�və� �nzə/ The festival was the most exciting extravaganza I have ever witnessed.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing array /ə�rei/ The museum has a vast array of traditional costumes and head-dresses.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing continent /�kɒntənənt/ Have you ever visited the African continent?

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing pillar /�pilə/ Huge pillars support the cathedral roof.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing marquee /mɑ��ki�/ The wedding reception is going to be held in a marquee in their garden.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing interval /�intəvəl/ We can get some drinks in the interval.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing muddy /�mdi/ Take your boots off outside if they’re muddy.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing appallingly /ə�pɔ�liŋli/ I couldn’t believe how appallingly she sang.

Unit 1 pages 14-15 Writing refund /�ri�fnd/ I told them I wanted a refund of my travel costs.

Unit 1 page 16 Speaking fable /�feibəl/ Most people are familiar with Aesop’s fables.

Unit 1 page 16 Speaking weaver /�wi�və/ This blanket was made by hand by a weaver in India.

Unit 1 page 16 Speaking loom /lu�m/ She let me have a go on her loom, but I found it very difficult to weave the threads.

Unit 1 page 16 Speaking procession /prə�seʃən/ We watched the funeral procession from the hill.

Unit 1 page 16 Speaking incorporate /in�kɔ�pəreit/ They’ve incorporated many new features into the design of the car.

Unit 1 page 17 Review draught /drɑ�ft/ Shut the window - there’s a draught in here!

Unit 1 page 17 Review overall /�əυvə�rɔ�l/ My overall impression of his work is that he needs to make more of an effort.

Unit 1 page 17 Review alternate /�ɔ�ltəneit/ Her emotions alternated between anger and pity.

Unit 1 page 17 Review opt /ɒpt/ The factory workers opted for job security over pay increases.

Unit 1 page 17 Review itch /itʃ/ I had an itch in the middle of my back where I couldn’t scratch it.

Unit 1 page 17 Review flea /fli�/ I’ll have to spray my dog - I think he’s got fleas.

Unit 1 page 17 Review resuscitate /ri�ssiteit/ She tried to resuscitate him after they pulled him out of the water, but she couldn’t.

Unit 1 page 17 Review conceptual /kən�septʃuəl/ the proposal was only conceptual but they were willing to consider it.

Unit 1 page 17 Review painstakingly /�peinz�teikiŋli/ They painstakingly went through every single piece of paper in his office.

Unit 1 page 17 Review furry /�f��ri/ They had just bought some furry little kittens.

Unit 1 page 17 Review carbon dioxide /�kɑ�bən dai�ɒksaid/ The increased amounts of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are leading to global warming.

Unit 1 page 17 Review emit /i�mit/ The car exhaust emitted clouds of black smoke.

Unit 1 page 17 Review motivator /�məυtiveitə/ She offered them chocolate as a motivator so they would help her clean the house.

Unit 1 page 17 Review manipulate /mə�nipjυleit/ I don’t like the way he is always trying to manipulate people to do what he wants.

Unit 1 page 17 Review ultrathin /�ltrə�θin/ She threaded an ultrathin piece of string through the needle.

Unit 1 page 17 Review leash /li�ʃ/ All dogs must be kept on a leash in this park.

Unit 1 page 17 Review loop /lu�p/ She looped the rope around the horse’s head and then led it into the field.

Unit 1 page 17 Review tug /t / He gave the rope a sharp tug and everyone fell over.

Unit 1 page 17 Review frustration /fr�streiʃən/ It was sheer frustration that made me cry because there was nothing I could do to help.

Unit 1 page 17 Review magnify /�m� nifai/ The photo shows a fly’s head, magnified 40 times.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 1 page 17 Review goggles /� ɒ əlz/ They told him he would have to wear goggles if he wanted to try

the machinery. Unit 1 page 17 Review cape /keip/ Zorro always wore a black cape and a black hat.

Unit 1 page 17 Review brandish /�br�ndiʃ/ A man leapt out of the shadows brandishing a sharp knife.

Unit 1 page 17 Review whip /wip/ They used a whip to make the horse run faster.

Unit 1 page 17 Review conduct /kən�dkt/ The orchestra were conducted by John Williams.

Unit 1 page 17 Review locomotive /�ləυkə�məυtiv/ We went to the History of Transport museum and saw the first ever steam locomotives.

Unit 1 page 17 Review harness /�hɑ�nəs/ She put the harness and saddle carefully on the horse.

Unit 1 page 17 Review wobble /�wɒbəl/ The pile of bricks wobbled and fell.

Unit 1 page 17 Review hind legs /�haind �le z/ They made the elephant stand up on its hind legs and everyone clapped.

Unit 1 page 17 Review gear up for /� iər �p fə, fɔ�/ She geared herself up for her entrance onto the stage.

Unit 1 page 17 Review highdive /�haidaiv/ Everyone held their breaths while the acrobat prepared for his highdive from the top of the tent.

Unit 1 page 17 Review drumroll /�drmrəυl/ There was a drumroll and then the magician disappeared.

Unit 1 page 17 Review alas /ə�l�s/ There is, alas, no easy way to get what you want.

Unit 1 page 17 Review plunge /plnd�/ Susan felt refreshed after a quick plunge into the sea.

Unit 1 page 17 Review thimble /�θimbəl/ She wasn’t wearing a thimble, so she pricked her finger.


Unit 2 page 18 Listening integrate /�inti reit/ After emigrating to America, they tried to integrate into the new society.

Unit 2 page 18 Listening overcome /�əυvə�km/ They overcame the enemy after a long and exhausting battle.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary grin / rin/ He felt so pleased with himself he couldn't stop grinning.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary wicked /�wikid/ Joe had a wicked grin on his face as he put the spider in his sister's bed.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary intuitively /in�tju�ətivli/ She seemed to know intuitively how I felt without my having to tell her.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary irresponsibly /�irə�spɒnsəbli/ He behaved irresponsibly when he left the children on their own in the pool.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary attentively /ə�tentivli/ The professor was pleased her audience was listening so attentively to her lecture.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary bitterly /�bitəli/ The boys complained bitterly about all the work they had to do.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary imperceptibly /�impə�septəbli/ Her expression changed almost imperceptibly when I told her the news.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary abominably /ə�bɒminəbli/ Cathy behaved abominably at her brother’s engagement party.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary intimately /�intəmətli/ She knew all the facts of the case intimately.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary elegantly /�elə əntli/ Marguerite spoke very elegantly when I was introduced to her.

Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary illustrate /�iləstreit/ He decided to tell a story to illustrate the point.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 pages 18-19 Vocabulary commuter /kə�mju�tə/ The underground was full of commuters going home for the weekend.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading sweep (one’s eye) /swi�p/ Mike swept his eye across the ocean but couldn’t see any sign of land.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading flowing /�fləυiŋ/ The girl had long flowing black hair.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading skip /skip/ I decided to skip the introduction and went straight to chapter one.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading eliminate /i�liməneit/ Police have eliminated three possible suspects in the case so far.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading disembodied /�disəm�bɒdid/ They say the house is haunted by disembodied spirits.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading preceding /pri�si�diŋ/ We managed to get more work done this week than in the whole of the preceding month.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading extinguish /ik�stiŋ wiʃ/ Please extinguish all cigarettes before you enter the room.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading undesirable /�ndi�zaiərəbəl/ The incident could have undesirable consequences for the company if the press find out about it.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading ghoulish /� u�liʃ/ What’s that strange ghoulish sound?

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading originate /ə�rid�əneit/ This custom originated in China in the 4th century BC.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading currant /�krənt/ My mum makes delicious currant buns.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading on behalf of /ɒn bi�hɑ�f əv, ɒv/ On behalf of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading donor /�dəυnə/ Funding for the hospital has come mostly from private donors.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading commemorate /kə�meməreit/ There is going to be a big parade to commemorate the town’s bicentenary.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading declaration /�deklə�reiʃən/ There has been a declaration of war against the hostile government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading unrest /n�rest/ The country was in a state of unrest and riots were taking place in many towns and cities.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading consequently /�kɒnsikwəntli/ He talked until the early hours, and consequently he overslept.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading troops /tru�ps/ Armed troops were sent in to stop the riots.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading rebellion /ri�beljən/ There was an armed rebellion against the military regime.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading advance /əd�vɑ�ns/ Troops advanced on the rebel stronghold.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading committee /kə�miti/ He’s on the advertising committee for the company’s new product range.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading ban /b�n/ Smoking is banned in the office.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading righteousness /�raitʃəsnəs/ She believes in justice and righteousness for all beings on the planet.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading row /rəυ/ The children were asked to stand in a row.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading fortnight /�fɔ�tnait/ I’m going to France for a fortnight in April.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading exile /�eksail, �e zail/ He was forced to live in exile for fifteen years after the revolution.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading twinkling /�twiŋkliŋ/ We could see millions of twinkling stars from the top of the mountain.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading numerous /�nju�mərəs/ Numerous attempts have been made to steal the painting.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading auspiciousness /ɔ��spiʃəsnəs/ Everyone felt the auspiciousness of the moment, when the new King

was crowned. Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading prosperity /prɒ�sperəti/ We lived in a time where there was continual peace and prosperity

for everyone. Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading white-washing /�wait�wɒʃiŋ/ The white-washing of houses in an annual event in these islands.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading peak /pi�k/ Most athletes have reached their peak by the time they’re 20.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading protest /prə�test/ They were protesting about the conditions of the prisoners.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading corrupt /kə�rpt/ Corrupt politicians have been misusing their influence in the government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading poverty /�pɒvəti/ Thousands of children live in absolute poverty.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading vary /�veəri/ This dress varies from that one because it has no straps.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading conspirator /kən�spirətə/ The conspirators planned to overthrow the government.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading plotter /�plɒtə/ The plotters met in secret in an abandoned warehouse.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading torture /�tɔ�tʃə/ Political opponents of the regime were tortured by their captors.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading execute /�eksikju�t/ He was executed for treason during the war.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading gunpowder /� n�paυdə/ Police found barrels of gunpowder on the ship.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading bonfire /�bɒnfaiə/ We lit a huge bonfire at the back of the garden.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading effigy /�efəd�i/ They carried a straw effigy of the president through the streets during the protest march.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading contend /kən�tend/ Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously believed.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading outlaw /�aυtlɔ�/ The sale of alcohol has been completely outlawed in some countries.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading oppose /ə�pəυz/ The organisation oppose the use of animals in the research.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading decree /di�kri�/ The king issued a decree that all political prisoners were to be released.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading confinement /kən�fainmənt/ They were held in confinement for three weeks by guerrilla forces.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading allege /ə�led�/ It was alleged that the policemen had accepted bribes.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading murky /�m��ki/ He plunged into the murky waters of the river.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading appeal /ə�pi�l/ Michelle’s appeal is that she is generous and friendly to everyone.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading skim /skim/ She skimmed the sports page to find out who had won the tennis final.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading authority /ɔ��θɒrəti/ I would like to speak with whomever is in authority please.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading military /�milətəri/ They objected to the use of military power in controlling the protest.

Unit 2 pages 19-21 Reading intercept /�intə�sept/ They were able to intercept the smugglers as they landed on the coast.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary custom /�kstəm/ They have many unusual customs in this country.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary commiserate /kə�mizəreit/ Michael commiserated with me when I failed my entrance exams.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary honour /�ɒnə/ They honoured us by throwing flowers all over us when we arrived

on their island. Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary premonition /�premə�niʃən/ Paul had a strange premonition that Mary was going to have an accident.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary inflame /in�fleim/ Seeing the ruins of the town inflamed all his old anger.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary douse /daυs/ They doused the fire very thoroughly before packing away their camping equipment.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary smother /�smðə/ We didn’t have any water, so we smothered the fire with mud and earth.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary terminate /�t��mineit/ They terminated his contract as soon as they found out who he really was.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary initiate /i�niʃieit/ The Johnsons initiated court proceedings to recover their debts.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary conceive /kən�si�v/ The scientist first conceived the idea years before they actually developed it.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary soothe /su�ð/ She usually manages to soothe the baby by carrying him around on her shoulder.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary startle /�stɑ�tl/ You startled me by walking in like that. Why didn’t you knock first?

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary alarm /ə�lɑ�m/ Her high temperature alarmed the doctors so they acted immediately.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary insurrection /�insə�rekʃən/ There was an armed insurrection against the party in power.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary mutiny /�mju�təni/ The captain accused the crew of mutiny when they said they wanted to head back for land.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary assembly /ə�sembli/ The new assembly voted to keep all the present employees of the city council.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary sanction /�s�ŋkʃən/ The church refused to sanction the king’s request for a divorce, so he made his own laws.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary prohibit /prə�hibit/ Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary pass down /�pɑ�s �daυn/ Their knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next in stories and rhymes.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary ration /�r�ʃən/ We had small rations of sugar and eggs during the war that had to feed a family for weeks.

Unit 2 page 22 Vocabulary dove /dv/ They have a white dove as their emblem.

Unit 2 page 22 Speaking react /ri��kt/ How did Mary react when you told her you were thinking of moving to the USA?

Unit 2 page 22 Speaking contribution /�kɒntri�bju�ʃən/ She made no contribution whatsoever in the preparations for the party.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus container /kən�teinə/ Ice cream comes in plastic containers.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus inanimate /in��nəmət/ A rock is an inanimate object.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus mineral /�minərəl/ This area is rich in important minerals.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus minor /�mainə/ He's going to have a minor operation on his leg.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus charity /�tʃ�rəti/ All the money raised by the concert will go to charity.

Unit 2 page 23 Grammar plus mayor /meə/ This year the new sports stadium will be opened by the mayor.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use almond /�ɑ�mənd/ This area is famous for its almonds, which they use in many local dishes.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fertility /f���tiləti/ The decrease in birth rates is connected to lower fertility in many

western couples. Unit 2 page 24 English in Use grain / rein/ They made me a drink made of their harvested grain.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use substitute /�sbstitju�t/ They didn't have any sugar so they used an artificial substitute.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use scattering /�sk�təriŋ/ There was a scattering of snow over the fields when I went out this morning.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fruitful /�fru�tfəl/ My business was very fruitful and soon I was able to open another shop.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use raisin /�reizən/ She told me she didn't like raisins, so I didn't put any in the cake.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use fig /fi / There are many fig trees in Greece, and their fruit is delicious.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use date /deit/ It's traditional to eat dates at Christmas time.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use talisman /�t�lismən/ She gave me a strange stone pendant, which she told me was a talisman to ward off evil spirits.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use veil /veil/ They are not supposed to remove the veil and only their husbands are allowed to see their faces.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use wary /�weəri/ He was told to be wary of anyone he didn't know.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use in limbo /in �limbəυ/ I'm in limbo now until I know whether I've got the job.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use sedan chair /si�d�n tʃeə/ The King was carried into the town on a sedan chair, surrounded by his cavalry.

Unit 2 page 24 English in Use seal /si�l/ The windows in that old house have been sealed for years.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening insecure /�insi�kjυə/ When I first went to university I felt very shy and insecure, but I made friends very quickly.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening decent /�di�sənt/ Haven’t you even got a decent pair of trousers to wear to the party?

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening overwhelming /�əυvə�welmiŋ/ The sheer size of the university campus will seem overwhelming and confusing at first.

Unit 2 pages 24-25 Listening misinterpret /�misin�t��prət/ She misinterpreted my offer of help and told me not to interfere.

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check election /i�lekʃən/ Who do you think is going to win this year’s general election?

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check flatmate /�fl�tmeit/ Margaret is looking for a new flatmate if you need somewhere to live.

Unit 2 page 26 Grammar check take part (in) /teik �pɑ�t/ She was invited to take part in a TV debate.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing sensitive /�sensətiv/ Sorry I didn’t realise it was such a sensitive subject.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing issue /�iʃu�, �isju�/ Don’t mention his nose as it’s rather a sensitive issue with him.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing offend /ə�fend/ Richard was deeply offended that people thought he’d made up the story.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing gesture /�d�estʃə/ He made a strange gesture with his hand which I think meant ‘come with me’.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing inclusion /in�klu��ən/ His inclusion on the committee has caused a lot of controversy.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing put (sb) off /�pυt �ɒf/ The job sounded interesting but the idea of moving house again put me off.

Unit 2 pages 26-27 Writing illogical /i�lɒd�ikəl/ Going out in this weather without an umbrella was a completely illogical thing to do.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus punctuation /�pŋktʃu�eiʃən/ My teacher told me I had too many mistakes in my punctuation.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus ceremonial /�serə�məυniəl/ The Mayor’s ceremonial duties include raising the national flag.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus regard /ri� ɑ�d/ She was regarded as an eccentric by most of the townsfolk.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus warrior /�wɒriə/ They say he was a noble warrior who died for his king and country.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus misfortune /mis�fɔ�tʃən/ I had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus apply /ə�plai/ The box says apply the cream evenly all over the skin.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus mourn /mɔ�n/ She still mourns her son's death.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus industry /�indəstri/ Italy has a thriving tourist industry.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus vast /vɑ�st/ Vast areas of rainforest are being felled every year to make way for cattle farms.

Unit 2 page 28 Exam focus campaign /k�m�pein/ The campaign for equal rights has had a totally unexpected response from the management.

Unit 2 page 29 Review tune /tju�n/ The radio was tuned to a classical station.

Unit 2 page 29 Review antiquated /��ntikweitid/ They still have very antiquated laws in that country.

Unit 2 page 29 Review obsequious /əb�si�kwiəs/ The salesman’s obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me.

Unit 2 page 29 Review conductor /kən�dktə/ The conductor checked my ticket and then told me I was on the wrong bus.

Unit 2 page 29 Review attendant /ə�tendənt/ The car-park attendant offered to park my car for me.

Unit 2 page 29 Review steward /�stju�əd/ The steward asked me if I would like some more wine with my food.

Unit 2 page 29 Review inflexible /in�fleksəbəl/ He is an arrogant man with an inflexible will.

Unit 2 page 29 Review quarrel /�kwɒrəl/ They had a silly quarrel about who should drive the car.

Unit 2 page 29 Review modestly /�mɒdəstli/ He spoke very modestly about his role in the Everest expedition.

Unit 2 page 29 Review purchaser /�p��tʃəsə/ The company agrees to supply the purchaser with a receipt upon payment.

Unit 2 page 29 Review mature /mə�tʃυə/ She’s very mature for her age.

Unit 2 page 29 Review elderly /�eldəli/ She was an elderly lady with white hair the last time I remember seeing her.

Unit 2 page 29 Review outdated /�aυt�deitid/ Their teaching methods are incredibly outdated in that school.

Unit 2 page 29 Review vintage /�vintid�/ They have got some vintage cars in that museum.

Unit 2 page 29 Review inquire /in�kwaiə/ I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.

Unit 2 page 29 Review query /�kwiəri/ If I were you I’d query whether these figures are reliable.

Unit 2 page 29 Review probe /prəυb/ I don’t like the way they are probing into my personal affairs.

Unit 2 page 29 Review motion /�məυʃən/ The police officer motioned for me to pull over at the side of the road.

Unit 2 page 29 Review shift /ʃift/ She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby with a look of suspicion.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 2 page 29 Review offensive /ə�fensiv/ I found her remarks deeply offensive.

Unit 2 page 29 Review harrowing /�h�rəυiŋ/ He had such harrowing experiences during the war, that he had nightmares for years.

Unit 2 page 29 Review descend /di�send/ The plane started to descend and we knew we would soon be going to land.

Unit 2 page 29 Review bluntly /�blntli/ ‘You’ve drunk too much,’ she said bluntly.

Unit 2 page 29 Review frankly /�fr�ŋkli/ I don’t think they expected me to state my views so frankly.

Unit 2 page 29 Review fulfilled /fυl�fild/ I'm sure I'd feel more fulfilled if I had a job that involved working caring for people.

Unit 2 page 29 Review nest /nest/ The birds have built their nest outside our bedroom window.

Unit 2 page 29 Review hedge /hed�/ The farmhouse is just across that field on the other side of the hedge.


Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening root /ru�t/ Some people believe that money is the root of all evil.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening approximately /ə�prɒksəmətli/ I had approximately twenty minutes to get to the airport.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening specific /spə�sifik/ Do you have a specific colour in mind?

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening gist /d�ist/ The gist of his letter was that he had met someone else.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening attitude /��titju�d/ Pete's attitude towards women really scares me.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening graveyard /� reivjɑ�d/ There is always a great sense of peace in a graveyard.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening reveal /ri�vi�l/ The murderer finally revealed where he had hidden the body.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening obsess /əb�ses/ You've always been obsessed with making money.

Unit 3 pages 30-31 Listening owl /aυl/ I saw an owl that had just caught a mouse last night.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary get carried away / et �k�rid ə�wei/ Sorry I shouted - I get a little carried away at times!

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry weight /�k�ri �weit/ Her views carry a lot of weight with the committee.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary venture /�ventʃə/ It was quite a risky venture but we decided to go for it.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry sth off /�k�ri smθiŋ �ɒf/ It's a demanding task, but I'm sure she'll be able to carry it off.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry sb through /�k�ri smbədi �θru�/ Her confidence carried her through while she negotiated the deal on her own.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry /�k�ri/ The motion to ban the sale of guns was carried by 76 votes.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary motion /�məυʃən/ I'd like to propose a motion to move the weekly meetings to Thursdays.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry (sth) too far /�k�ri tu� �fɑ�/ Don't you think you're carrying the joke a bit too far? It's not funny any more.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry /�k�ri/ The sounds of laughter carried as far as the lake.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary carry out /�k�ri �aυt/ We carried out her instructions to the letter.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary put into practice /�pυt intə �pr�ktis/ James was keen to put some of the things he had learned into practice.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary bill /bil/ The government has said it will introduce a new bill to ban fox-hunting.

Unit 3 page 31 Vocabulary opposition /�ɒpə�ziʃən/ There was a great deal of opposition to the new law.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading come into /km �intə, �intυ/ When his father died he came into a fortune.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tremendously /trə�mendəsli/ There was a tremendously loud noise when the car exploded.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading fraught /frɔ�t/ After he was made redundant, their relationship was fraught with difficulties.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading contemporary /kən�tempərəri, -pəri/ Reynolds was much admired by his contemporaries at the Royal Academy.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading strike a deal /�straik ə �di�l/ We struck a deal and agreed not to reveal where we had got our information from.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading mobile /�məυbail/ This television is mobile, so you can take it with you.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading clinch a deal /�klintʃ ə �di�l/ He will make a lot of money if he finally manages to clinch that deal.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tutor /�tju�tə/ My tutor is going to review my essay with me.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading apprenticeship /ə�prentisʃip/ He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading conventional /kən�venʃənəl/ They had a very conventional upbringing in a small Welsh village.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading give sb the edge /� iv smbədi ði �ed�/ Going to an English school has given John the edge over the other students.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading level-headed /�levəl �hedid/ Simon is a very level-headed young boy, so I don't worry about him at all.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading keep (one's) cool /�ki�p wnz �ku�l/ When that dog started growling at him, he just kept his cool and walked away.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading estate /i�steit/ She's just inherited a large estate in Yorkshire.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading manor (house) /�m�nə (haυs)/ The manor house has recently been opened to the public.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading priceless /�praisləs/ She showed me a priceless diamond necklace that her grand mother had given her.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading inherit /in�herit/ She inherited the house and the business when her father died.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading bachelor /�b�tʃələ/ They are thinking of having a bachelor party on the night before his wedding.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading survey /sə�vei/ He leaned back in his chair and surveyed his work critically for a moment.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading domain /də�mein/ He walked proudly around his new domain.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading rave /reiv/ She went to another rave last night and didn't come back until dawn.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading out of the question /�aυt əv ðə �kwestʃən/ You can't go to the wedding in that old shirt - it's quite out of the question.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading oak-panelled /�əυk �p�nəld/ The study has beautiful oak-panelled walls.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading bronze /brɒnz/ Derek wanted to buy that bronze for his collection.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading current /�krənt/ She has been seeing her current boyfriend for two weeks now.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading hefty /�hefti/ Julia is going to get a hefty fine if they catch her drinking and driving again.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading long-term /�lɒŋ �t��m/ Her long-term ambition is to become an astronaut.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading acre /�eikə/ They own 200 acres of farmland.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading keep an eye out for sth /�ki�p ən �ai aυt fə �smθiŋ/ Could you keep an eye out for my red pen? I seem to have mislaid it.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading gold digger /� əυld �di ə/ Many people thought she was only a gold digger who would never have married him if it hadn't been for his money.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading overawe /�əυvər�ɔ�/ The little girl felt completely overawed by the great man's booming voice.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading tease /ti�z/ Don't get upset, I was only teasing.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading mere /miə/ She lost the election by a mere 20 votes.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading windfall /�windfɔ�l/ The last lottery winner had a windfall of í2 million.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading draw /drɔ�/ Bill picked the winning number on the first draw.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading take sth in one's stride /�teik smθiŋ in wnz �straid/ She seems to be taking the divorce in her stride and getting on with her everyday jobs.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading ecstatic /ik�st�tik/ The pop star received an ecstatic welcome from the thousands who lined the streets.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading sink in /�siŋk �in/ The horrible feeling of loss began to sink in a few hours after the fire.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading (not) go amiss /� əυ ə�mis/ A cup of tea wouldn't go amiss.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading scoop /sku�p/ He's just scooped £1 million in the National Lottery!

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading jet-set /�d�et set/ When she gets her money she says she's going to go jet-setting all over the world.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading to one's heart's content /tυ wnz �hɑ�ts kən�tent/ After I leave, Jack can sing in the shower to his heart's content.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading dreary /�driəri/ It was just another dreary day at the office.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading avarice /��vəris/ According to some, avarice is the worst of all sins.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading repetitive /ri�petətiv/ She hated the tedious, repetitive household tasks.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading not have a clue /�nɒt h�v ə �klu�/ We haven't got a clue where they could have disappeared to.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading at some stage /ət �sm steid�/ He says he will get married at some stage but he doesn't know when.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading adjust /ə�d�st/ Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.

Unit 3 pages 32-33 Reading negotiate /ni� əυʃieit/ The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus ongoing /�ɒn� əυiŋ/ There has been an ongoing investigation into the general increase in crime rates.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus split up /�split �p/ Steve's parents split up when he was four.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus fund /fnd/ I'm trying to save funds to go on a round the world tour next year.

Unit 3 pages 34-35 Grammar plus itinerary /ai�tinərəri/ His itinerary would take him from Paris to Berlin.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary compound /�kɒmpaυnd/ salt pot, tennis shoes, etc.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary collocate /�kɒləkeit/ Bitter' collocates with 'regret'.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary tycoon /tai�ku�n/ Bill Gates is now the multi-millionaire tycoon of the computer world.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary bullet-proof /�bυlət pru�f/ Policemen always wear bullet-proof vests when they go into control riots.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary absent-minded /��bsənt �maindid/ Since she got pregnant, she's been very absent-minded.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary gathering /� �ðəriŋ/ There was a select gathering of 20 or 30 people to discuss the new proposals.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary conference /�kɒnfərəns/ Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary connoisseur /�kɒnə�s��/ Ask Susanna which wine to buy because she is a wine connoisseur.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary mass-produced /�m�s prə�dju�st/ They bought mass-produced furniture for the new hotel.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary long-standing /�lɒŋ �st�ndiŋ/ We have a long-standing arrangement of house-swapping every summer for two weeks.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary impulsively /im�plsivli/ Arthur acted impulsively and bought the shirt before making sure it fitted him.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary built-up /�bilt �p/ You are not supposed to drive so fast through built-up areas.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary hard up /�hɑ�d �p/ We were too hard up to afford new clothes.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary run-down /�rn �daυn/ You look a bit run-down; maybe you need a rest.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary promote /prə�məυt/ Helen was promoted to senior manager.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary well-off /�wel �ɒf/ Julia is quite well-off so why don't you let her buy you a new dress?

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary one-off /�wn �ɒf/ I made a one-off payment on the car.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary burnt out /�b��nt �aυt/ I need a holiday after all that work; I feel really burnt out.

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary worn out /�wɔ�n �aυt/ I'm worn out after all that shopping!

Unit 3 page 36 Vocabulary ruined /�ru�ind/ The rain ruined our holiday.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus blundering /�blndəriŋ/ You blundering idiot! What did you do that for?

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus make ends meet /�meik endz �mi�t/ Ever since Rupert lost his job, we've found it difficult to make ends meet.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus bank balance /�b�ŋk �b�ləns/ I checked my bank balance and couldn't believe that I had spent so much money.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus transaction /tr�n�z�kʃən/ The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus to the tune of /tə ðə �tju�n əv, ɒv/ We're already in debt to the tune of £5000.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus mischievous /�mistʃəvəs/ Joe looked at her with a mischievous grin on his face which proved he'd been doingsomething naughty.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus restoration /�restə�reiʃən/ She is a member of a fund for the restoration of historic buildings.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus conservation /�kɒnsə�veiʃən/ I'm a great believer in wildlife conservation.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus go to great lengths / əυ tə � reit �leŋθs/ George is prepared to go to great lengths to get his daughter back.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus headquarters /�hed�kwɔ�təz, �hed�kwɔ�təz/ Our headquarters are in Liverpool.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tangle /�t�ŋ əl/ My emotions were in a complete tangle during the divorce.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus sort sth out /�sɔ�t smθiŋ �aυt/ There's been a mistake. I'll try to sort things out and call you back.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus take off /�teik �ɒf/ Clare just took off and left for Spain without saying goodbye.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus recognition /�rekə �niʃən/ Despite a life devoted to helping the poor, she never won any recognition before her death.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus verbally /�v��bəli/ They informed me verbally that I had won the competition.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus inconvenience /�inkən�vi�niəns/ We hope the delay has not caused any inconvenience to our customers.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tempt /tempt/ I'm tempted to buy that dress even though it's expensive.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus ensure /in�ʃυə/ All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure their safety.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus reward /ri�wɔ�d/ She received an expensive watch as a reward for her services.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus loan /ləυn/ We took out a loan to pay off the car.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus tuition fee /tju�iʃən fi�/ All tuition fees are due by the end of the month please.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus cross one's mind /�krɒs wnz �maind/ It never crossed my mind to check whether the diamonds were real.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus staggered /�st� əd/ We were staggered to find that we were not entitled to any money.

Unit 3 page 37 Exam focus in credit /in �kredit/ There are no bank charges if you stay in credit.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check assembly /ə�sembli/ The New York State Assembly met for the first time today after their summer break.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check solemnly /�sɒləmli/ She wore a very solemn expression when I told her my news.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check declare /di�kleə/ The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check valid /�v�lid/ Do you have a valid passport?

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check currency /�krənsi/ The local currency is francs.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check aberration /��bə�reiʃən/ Allowing the refugees to enter the country was a temporary aberration in their government's foreign policy.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check virtually /�v��tʃuəli/ Virtually all the children come to school by bus.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check scarce /skeəs/ Fruit was always scarce in winter, and cost a lot.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check durable /�djυərəbəl/ Plastic window frames are more durable than wood.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check claw /klɔ�/ The cat dug his claws into my leg.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check replica /�replikə/ The model was an exact replica of the Parthenon.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check succumb /sə�km/ Gina finally succumbed to temptation and had some ice cream.

Unit 3 page 38 Grammar check relentless /ri�lentləs/ He never gave up his relentless struggle for power.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing lay out /�lei �aυt/ The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing drop sb a line /�drɒp smbədi ə �lain/ Will you drop me a line when you get to Brazil?

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing over the moon /�əυvə ðə �mu�n/ Sarah was over the moon when she learned she had got the job.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing get on one's nerves /� et ɒn wnz �n��vz/ I wish he would stop playing that song - it's really beginning to get on my nerves.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing resolve /ri�zɒlv/ We managed to resolve the problem by letting them both choose a video to watch.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing up in the air /�p in ði �eə/ I don't know who will get the promotion - it's all up in the air at the moment.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing get one's act together /� et wnz ��kt tə� eðə/ She could be an excellent photographer, if only she got her act together a bit more.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing hectic /�hektik/ I've had a pretty hectic day at the office.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing assume /ə�sju�m/ I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out.

Unit 3 pages 38-39 Writing cover one's expenses /�kvə wnz ik�spensiz/ They said they would cover my expenses if I went to Jamaica to write the report.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check inflation /in�fleiʃən/ Inflation is now running at over 16%.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check vanish /�v�niʃ/ When I turned round again, the boy had vanished.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check collapse /kə�l�ps/ The collapse of the stock market in 1987 was a complete shock to many people.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check at the height of sth /ət ðə �hait əv �smθiŋ/ At the height of the tourist season shops stay open all day.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check literally /�litərəli/ Inspire' literally meant 'to breathe into'.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check circulation /�s��kjə�leiʃən/ There were several thousand of the fake notes in circulation.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check hoard /hɔ�d/ She hoarded all her money and jewels in a box under her bed.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check face value /�feis �v�lju�/ The coin had a very small face value, but in reality it was worth much more than that.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check bundle /�bndl/ There was a bundle of clothes in the corner of the room.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check worthless /�w��θləs/ That was a completely worthless exercise.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check heap /hi�p/ There were heaps of dead leaves lying in the street after the storm.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check wheelbarrow /�wi�l�b�rəυ/ We took all the leaves up to the end of the garden in the wheelbarrow.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check denomination /di�nɒmə�neiʃən/ It had the highest denomination I had ever seen on a coin.

Unit 3 page 40 Grammar check solicitor /sə�lisitə/ She decided to let her solicitor deal with the contract.

Unit 3 page 41 Review discipline /�disəplin/ Some teachers unfortunately can't keep discipline in the classroom and the children misbehave.

Unit 3 page 41 Review demanding /di�mɑ�ndiŋ/ Looking after small children is one of the most demanding jobs anyone could have.

Unit 3 page 41 Review depressed /di�prest/ She felt lonely and depressed about the situation.

Unit 3 page 41 Review get on with sb / et �ɒn wið �smbədi/ How does Julian get on with Robert at school?

Unit 3 page 41 Review assemble /ə�sembəl/ Can you help me assemble this new wardrobe?

Unit 3 page 41 Review in the red /in ðə �red/ These car payments are going to put me into the red again.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 3 page 41 Review pamphlet /�p�mflət/ Did you see that pamphlet they produced on dealing with drug-abuse?

Unit 3 page 41 Review fix up /�fiks �p/ You can fix up a time to see Mike tomorrow if you like.

Unit 3 page 41 Review overdraft /�əυvədrɑ�ft/ I have to find the money to pay off this overdraft.

Unit 3 page 41 Review prior /�praiə/ I won't be at the meeting as I have a prior engagement.

Unit 3 page 41 Review adequately /��dikwətli/ Without the proper resources the department cannot do the job adequately.

Unit 3 page 41 Review take sth into account /�teik smθiŋ intυ ə�kaυnt/ These figures do not take changes in the rate of inflation into account.


Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking migraine /�mi� rein, �mai-/ You know you really should see a doctor about those constant migraines.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking quote /kwəυt/ To be or not to be,' is a quote from Hamlet.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking stain /stein/ How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking blot out /�blɒt �aυt/ She had blotted out all her memories of the accident.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking clutch /kltʃ/ Tom fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking dart /dɑ�t/ Sally darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking abject /��bd�ekt/ They lived in abject poverty for many years.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Speaking intercourse /�intəkɔ�s/ What I miss most is a good conversational intercourse with my friends.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check tend /tend/ We watched a shepherd tending his goats on the hillside.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check patch /p�tʃ/ A strawberry patch.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check crucial /�kru�ʃəl/ Whether to move abroad or not was a crucial decision in our lives.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check courtship /�kɔ�t-ʃip/ My great grandparents had a two-year courtship before they could get married.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check marvellously /�mɑ�vələsli/ Going for a picnic sounds like a marvellously good idea.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check accompany /ə�kmpəni/ She sang the solo, accompanied by John Williams on the piano.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check union /�ju�njən/ Their union lasted for over fifty years.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check compatible /kəm�p�təbəl/ The project is not compatible with the company's long-term aims.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check stir /st��/ The news stirred memories of their own per secution.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check proverb /�prɒv��b/ Too many cooks spoil the broth,' is a well-known proverb in my country.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check mutual /�mju�tʃuəl/ Mutual respect is necessary for the partnership to work.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check consent /kən�sent/ He gave his consent for his daughter to marry.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check abide by /ə�baid bai/ I'm sorry but you have to abide by the referee's decision.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check conflict /�kɒnflikt/ There was serious political conflict between the two parties.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check divorce /di�vɔ�s/ Their marriage unfortunately ended in divorce.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check liaison /li�eizən/ She was warned that if her liaison did not end immediately he would divorce her.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check dowry /�daυəri/ Did you know that in England the giving of dowries is illegal?

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check nicotine patch /�nikəti�n �p�tʃ/ She decided to try a nicotine patch when nothing else would work.

Unit 4 pages 42-43 Grammar check be accustomed to /bi ə�kstəmd tə, tυ/ I'm not accustomed to getting up so early.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary simile /�siməli/ As white as snow' is a simile.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a red rag to a bull /laik ə �red �r� tυ ə �bυl/ Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a bear with a sore head /laik ə �beə wið ə �sɔ� �hed/ If he doesn't have a cup of coffee as soon as he wakes up, he is like a bear with a sore head.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary sleep like a log /�sli�p laik ə �lɒ / I was so tired last night that I slept like a log.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a fish out of water /laik ə �fiʃ aυt əv �wɔ�tə/ I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary like a bull in a china shop /laik ə �bυl in ə �tʃainə ʃɒp/ He's broken three plates already today. He's like a bull in a china shop.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as strong as an ox /əz �strɒŋ əz ən �ɒks/ He was as strong as an ox and managed to carry both of them up the mountain.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as light as a feather /əz �lait əz ə �feðə/ How much do you weigh? You're as light as a feather!

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as quick as a flash /əz �kwik əz ə �fl�ʃ/ As quick as a flash he darted across the field and disappeared into the trees.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as white as a sheet /əz �wait əz ə �ʃi�t/ Have you just seen a ghost or something? You look as white as a sheet.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary as cool as a cucumber /əz �ku�l əz ə �kju�kmbə/ He walked on the stage, as cool as a cucumber, and told them the concert had been cancelled.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary fit in /�fit �in/ Larry doesn't seem to fit in with the other children.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary soundly /�saυndli/ The baby slept soundly all night.

Unit 4 page 43 Vocabulary lyrics /�liriks/ Jenny wrote the music but I wrote the lyrics.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading cliché /�kli�ʃei/ Remember that old cliché, that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link?

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading whisper sweet nothings /�wispə swi�t �nθiŋz/ Look at that couple whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading time and time again /�taim ən taim ə� en, ə� ein/ I've told her time and time again not to bring that dog in here.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading along the lines of /ə�lɒŋ ðə �lainz əv/ We'll probably end up doing something along the lines of what you're suggesting.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading applicable /ə�plikəbəl/ Few of these laws are applicable to UK citizens while they are abroad.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pull out /�pυl �aυt/ He pulled out a photograph of his wife that I had never seen before.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading succinct /sək�siŋkt/ He gave me a very succinct explanation of what he had been doing.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading conspiracy /kən�spirəsi/ They were involved in a conspiracy against the government.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading a grain of truth /ə � rein əv �tru�θ/ There isn’t a grain of truth in her accusations.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading reinforce /�ri�in�fɔ�s/ Conclusions from the report have been reinforced by more recent studies.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading draw on /�drɔ� ɒn/ It was a challenge but luckily we had the expertise to draw on.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading negate /ni� eit/ The evidence was used to negate the accusation.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading fall back on sth /�fɔ�l �b�k ɒn �smθiŋ/ They tend to fall back on the same tired old arguments.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading short-cut /�ʃɔ�t kt/ There aren't really any short-cuts to learning a foreign language.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pearls of wisdom /�p��lz əv �wizdəm/ Have you any more pearls of wisdom you’d like to share with us?

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading trot out /�trɒt �aυt/ Steve trotted out the same old excuses.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading out of sight, out of mind /aυt əv �sait aυt əv �maind/ Let's hide his broken toy so he doesn't get upset – out of sight, out of mind.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading come down on /km �daυn ɒn/ My parents really came down on me for being out so late.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading squarely /�skweəli/ He turned and faced her squarely.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading familiarity breeds contempt /fəmili��rəti bri�dz kən�tempt/ They say that familiarity breeds contempt, but the more I work with him, the more I respect him.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading back (sb/sth) up /�b�k �p/ The videotape evidence backed up the manager's story.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading interpretation /in�t��prə�teiʃən/ One possible interpretation is that they want you to resign.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading fare well /�feə �wel/ Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading break up /�breik �p/ Samantha and Peter cannot sort things out so they are thinking of breaking up.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading itch /itʃ/ Jim's got a real itch for adventure.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading go for sb /� əυ fə �smbədi/ Annie tends to go for older men.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading opposites attract /�ɒpəzits ə�tr�kt/ You like cats and I like dogs, but they do say that opposites attract.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading complementary /�kɒmplə�mentəri/ They have complementary abilities: one can dance and the other can sing.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading vital /�vaitl/ Choosing the right equipment is vital for the expedition.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading contrary /�kɒntrəri/ Contrary to popular belief the desert can be a beautiful place.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading run a mile /�rn ə �mail/ She's so shy that if a man ever spoke to her I think she'd run a mile!

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading unobtainable /�nəb�teinəbəl/ Fresh fruit was unobtainable in the winter.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading play hard to get /plei �hɑ�d tə � et/ When I first met him I played hard to get, which made him want me even more.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading hit and miss /�hit ən �mis/ This expedition is so hit and miss that I think it's going to be a complete disaster.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading backfire /�b�k�faiə/ Unfortunately my plan backfired because someone told Bruce about the surprise party.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading witty /�witi/ Oscar Wilde will always be remembered for his witty plays.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading ego /�i� əυ/ That promotion was a real boost for her ego.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading operative word /�ɒpərətiv �w��d/ They are supposed to be doing their homework. 'Supposed', unfortunately,

is the operative word. Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading consensus /kən�sensəs/ The Council failed to reach a consensus on the pace of

inner-city development. Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading stereotype /�steriətaip/ The idea that the English are cold is just a racial stereotype.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading play a part in /�plei ə �pɑ�t in/ My grandfather played an important part in our education.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading shape /ʃeip/ People's political beliefs are often shaped by what they read in the newspapers.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading stand out /�st�nd �aυt/ Among mystery writers, P D James stands out as a superior storyteller.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading reassurance /�ri�ə�ʃυərəns/ The patient needed repeated reassurances that she was going to be all right.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading beauty is only skin deep /�bju�ti iz əυnli �skin �di�p/ I know that she's gorgeous, but have you spoken to her? Remember that beauty is only skin deep.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading pedestal /�pedəstəl/ On top of a very tall pedestal, was an ancient Grecian bust.

Unit 4 pages 44-45 Reading put sb on a pedestal /�pυt smbədi ɒn ə �pedəstəl/ You shouldn't put him on a pedestal – he doesn't deserve it.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking speculation /�spekjə�leiʃən/ There is some speculation that the president was aware of the situation.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking acquaintance /ə�kweintəns/ Mr Brown is an acquaintance of mine who works for the telephone company.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking sibling /�sibliŋ/ She had a very good relationship with her seven other siblings.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking up and down /�p ən �daυn/ Things are quite up and down at the moment, but I'm sure they'll settle down soon.

Unit 4 page 46 Speaking on second thoughts /ɒn �sekənd �θɔ�ts/ On second thoughts, I will have a cup of tea after all.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus broadcast /�brɔ�dkɑ�st/ Did you hear that radio broadcast this morning about the escaped prisoner?

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus encourage /in�krid�/ Patricia encouraged me to apply for the job.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus significant /si �nifikənt/ His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus bring (sth) to life /�briŋ tə �laif/ The music really brought the play to life.

Unit 4 pages 46-47 Exam focus off stage /�ɒf �steid�/ There was a loud crash off stage and the audience wondered what was going on.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus deduction /di�dkʃən/ Sherlock Holmes had amazing powers of deduction.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus register /�red�istə/ How many students have registered for English classes?

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus inadvisable /�inəd�vaizəbəl/ It is inadvisable to climb in these mountains on your own.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus manually /�m�njυəli/ It would take too long to search all the data manually.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus process /�prəυses/ Teaching him to read was a slow process.

Unit 4 pages 48-49 Grammar plus hold (sb/sth) up /�həυld �p/ The building work has been held up by bad weather.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bliss /blis/ I didn't have to get up till 11 – it was sheer bliss.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use publicity stunt /p�blisəti �stnt/ Inviting two thousand people to her home was just a publicity stunt.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 4 page 50 English in Use launch /lɔ�ntʃ/ The ship was launched in front of three thousand spectators.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use be besieged /bi bi�si�d�d/ After the concert, we were besieged by letters from fans asking us to show it again on Television.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use eager /�i� ə/ Clara was eager to tell her side of the story.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use head (towards/for/across etc.) /hed/ The ship was heading for Cuba.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use tarmac /�tɑ�m�k/ A bus took us across tarmac to our aeroplane.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use enterprise /�entəpraiz/ The project was a joint scientific enterprise between the two research teams.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use shrine /ʃrain/ Most houses in India have a little shrine dedicated to Buddha.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use erect /i�rekt/ This imposing town hall was erected in 1892.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use ritual /�ritʃuəl/ The theatre was priest performed the ritual on the young boy.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bless /bles/ May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use newlyweds /�nju�liwedz/ We all cheered as the newlyweds got into their car and drove away.

Unit 4 page 50 English in Use bog /bɒ / Be careful when you walk across the fields, or you might fall into a bog.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary slip of the tongue /�slip əv ðə �tŋ/ Did I say I was going to pay for the meal? It must have been a slip of the tongue.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary heart of gold /�hɑ�t əv � əυld/ You will really like my brother, osh – he has a heart of gold.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary lapse of concentration /�l�ps əv kɒnsən�treiʃən/ During a brief lapse of concentration, I forgot what I had been saying.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary term of endearment /�t��m əv in�diəmənt/ Sugar plum' is a term of endearment I use for my daughter.

Unit 4 page 51 Vocabulary the price of failure /ðə �prais əv �feiljə/ The price of failure is not being able to enter the International competition.

Unit 4 page 52 Writing asap /�ei es ei �pi�/ Can I have your reply asap?

Unit 4 page 52 Writing i.e. /�ai �i�/ The film is only open to adults, i.e. people over 18.

Unit 4 page 52 Writing concise /kən�sais/ He wrote a concise introduction to his thesis.

Unit 4 page 53 Review marital vows /�m�ritl �vaυz/ She intended to honour her marital vows and love him forever.

Unit 4 page 53 Review peak-time /�pi�k �taim/ One million people watch the show at peak-times.

Unit 4 page 53 Review come in for /km �in fə, fɔ�/ The police came in for a lot of criticism about the way they had handled the riots.

Unit 4 page 53 Review widespread /�waidspred/ The widespread use of chemicals in agriculture is a matter of serious international concern.

Unit 4 page 53 Review ratings /�reitiŋz/ The new comedy series shot up to the top of the ratings in the first week.

Unit 4 page 53 Review panel /�p�nl/ The panel has voted on Miss Sweden as the overall winner.

Unit 4 page 53 Review counsellor /�kaυnsələ/ Have you thought of seeing a counsellor?

Unit 4 page 53 Review dismiss /dis�mis/ He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 4 page 53 Review commit /kə�mit/ I am committed to making this company a success.

Unit 4 page 53 Review defy /di�fai/ He defied his father's wishes and married Agnes.

Unit 4 page 53 Review contemplate /�kɒntəmpleit/ The thought of the letter never having reached him was too terrible to contemplate.


Unit 5 page 54 Listening storage /�stɔ�rid�/ I've put all my furniture in storage until I move into my new house.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking crack /kr�k/ His skill at cracking codes proved invaluable during the war.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking strand /str�nd/ I found a strand of hair in my soup.

Unit 5 pages 54-55 Speaking nominate /�nɒməneit/ She was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing to what extent /tu� �wɒt ik�stent/ One wonders to what extent we can blame the government for unemployment.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing perspective /pə�spektiv/ The novel is written from the perspective of a child.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing suspense /sə�spens/ The children waited in suspense to hear the end of the story.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing android /��ndrɔid/ Did you see that film about the android who wanted to become a human?

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dogeared /�dɒ iəd/ This old book is so dogeared because I've read it hundreds of times.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing bounty hunter /�baυnti �hntə/ He retired from the police force and became a bounty hunter instead.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing mesmerising /�mezməraiziŋ/ He found her charm and beauty mesmerising.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing peek /pi�k/ I saw Diana take a quick peek through her neighbour's window.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing teem with /�ti�m wið, wiθ/ Trafalgar Square was teeming with tourists.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing street urchin /�stri�t ���tʃin/ Charles Dickens wrote several novels about the life of street urchins.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing pioneer /�paiə�niə/ This machine was pioneered in the early 18th century.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing rebel /ri�bel/ It is the story of a teenager who rebels against his father.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing lifespan /�laifsp�n/ Men have a shorter lifespan than women.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing flee /fli�/ When they saw the police car, his attackers turned and fled.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing immortality /�imɔ��t�ləti/ His ambition was to find the secret of eternal life and achieve immortality.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dim /dim/ Her beauty had not dimmed over the years.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing dilute /dai�lu�t/ They diluted his courage by telling him all about the risks.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing pose /pəυz/ The first chapter poses the question: What constitutes a democracy?

Unit 5 page 56 Writing foundation /faυn�deiʃən/ He hoped that this job would serve as a firm foundation or his chosen career.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing stunning /�stniŋ/ The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely stunning.

Unit 5 page 56 Writing profoundly /prə�faυndli/ The mother's behaviour was profoundly affecting the developing child.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 5 page 56 Writing excruciatingly /ik�skru�ʃieitiŋli/ Listening to Helena describe the events of the night before was

excruciatingly dull. Unit 5 page 56 Writing tedious /�ti�diəs/ It was such a tedious lecture that I almost fell asleep.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening let sb loose (on) /�let smbədi �lu�s/ Whatever you do, don't let my mother loose in my room! She'll change everything.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening the dead of night /ðə �ded əv �nait/ Their meetings were held in secret in the dead of night.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening break new ground /�breik nju� � raυnd/ Researchers claim they are breaking new ground and are getting closer to discovering the causes of the disease.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening guinea pig /� ini pi / Millions of guinea pigs are used in cosmetic experiments every year.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening set one's sights on sth /�set wnz �saits ɒn �smθiŋ/ By the time I was fourteen I had set my sights on an acting career.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening underdog /�ndədɒ / They were determined to fight for their independence, as they had been the underdogs for much too long.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening ultimate /�ltimət/ Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening imbalance /im�b�ləns/ She's taking the medication because she has a hormonal imbalance.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening fumble /�fmbəl/ When I accused him of eating my chocolates, he fumbled for an excuse.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening narrator /nə�reitə/ The narrator told of how the world began.

Unit 5 pages 57-58 Listening side effect /�said i�fekt/ The doctor gave me a natural remedy which she said had no harmful side effects.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary clone /kləυn/ Scientists have claimed that it is now possible to clone one human being from another.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary cell /sel/ You can see these plant cells if you look through a microscope.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary organ /�ɔ� ən/ The hospital is appealing for organ donors.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary tissue /�tiʃu�/ The surgeon examined the lung tissue for any signs of damage.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary genetic engineering /d�ə�netik end�ə�niəriŋ/ Genetic engineering is one of the fastest growing scientific developments of our time.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary fertilisation /�f��təlai�zeiʃən/ After fertilisation the embryo develops into a new individual.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary physicist /�fizəsist/ The physicist sat in his laboratory and stared at the results of the experiment.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary ethics /�eθiks/ The ethics of his actions were suspect, but they were not against the law.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary lung /lŋ/ Smoking can cause lung cancer.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary principles /�prinsəpəlz/ He has no principles; he'll do anything, as long as it's profitable.

Unit 5 page 59 Vocabulary artificially /�ɑ�tə�fiʃəli/ She has had her hair artificially lengthened.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading prone to /�prəυn tə, tυ/ Some plants are prone to a particular disease.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading mousy /�maυsi/ She was so mousy that it was hard to believe she was a murderess.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading cerebral /�serəbrəl/ If I'd wanted something cerebral, I'd have gone to the lecture on Dostoyevsky!

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading exposure /ik�spəυ�ə/ The failure of their marriage has received a lot of exposure in the press recently.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading utter /�tə/ He uttered a few words of apology and then left.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading far-fetched /�fɑ� �fetʃt/ His explanation sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading didactic /dai�d�ktik/ I found his didactic attitude extremely annoying.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading a household name /ə �haυshəυld �neim/ Coca Cola is a household name around the world.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading potentially /pə�tenʃəli/ The benefits of online shopping are potentially very great.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading split /split/ He split the log in two with an axe.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading identical /ai�dentikəl/ I can't tell the difference between those two pictures – they look identical.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading legislation /�led�ə�sleiʃən/ The government is introducing an important piece of human rights legislation.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading condemnation /�kɒndəm�neiʃən/ Condemnation of the latest violence came from all political parties.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading fertile /�f��tail/ Most men remain fertile into old age.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading outright /aυt�rait/ The town was destroyed outright.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading throw the baby out with the bath water

/θrəυ ðə �beibi aυt wið ðə �bɑ�θ �wɔ�tə/ I don't think you should dismiss all your security staff – you'll be throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading hasty /�heisti/ He soon regretted his hasty decision.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading restrict /ri�strikt/ The new law restricts the sale of hand guns.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading diminish /di�miniʃ/ Don't let him diminish your achievements.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading predisposition /�pri�dispə�ziʃən/ He has a predisposition towards seasickness.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading inclination /�iŋklə�neiʃən/ You always follow your own inclinations instead of considering other people's feelings.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading kidney /�kidni/ He had to go to the doctor because he had a kidney infection.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading absorb /əb�sɔ�b/ I haven't had time to absorb everything he said.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading offspring /�ɒf�spriŋ/ Rabbits produce offspring several times a year.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading superior /su��piəriə/ The new computer is superior to its rivals.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading allocate /��ləkeit/ You need to decide how much time to allocate to each exam question.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading boom /bu�m/ Come here, boy,' boomed the head-teacher.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading loom /lu�m/ A tall figure loomed up out of the mist ahead of us.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading distracting /di�str�ktiŋ/ Meg found the noise outside was distracting and she couldn't concentrate.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading airily /�eərəli/ I don't really care,' he replied airily.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading implication /�impli�keiʃən/ This could have serious implications for the company's future.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading trait /trei, treit/ Anne's generosity is one of her most pleasing traits.

Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading foetal /�fi�tl/ The examination revealed that there were some foetal abnormalities.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 5 pages 60-61 Reading insight /�insait/ The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the disaster.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary drum /drm/ Rain drummed on the windows.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary shrug /ʃr / He shrugged and said he didn't care where we went for dinner.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary wrinkle one's nose /�riŋkəl wnz �nəυz/ He wrinkled his nose when I asked him if he liked my new perfume.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary knuckle /�nkəl/ He had a tattoo across the knuckles of his right hand that said 'Love'.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary purse one's lips /�p��s wnz �lips/ When I told my mother that I was going abroad to study, she pursed her lips and stared at me.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary clench one's fist /�klentʃ wnz �fist/ He clenched his fist and waved it defiantly at the speaker.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary twist one's ankle /�twist wnz ��ŋkəl/ He couldn't play in the basketball match because he had twisted his ankle the day before.

Unit 5 page 63 Vocabulary awkwardly /�ɔ�kwədli/ He looked at me awkwardly when I told him I thought he was nice.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus paralysed /�p�rəlaizd/ The accident left him permanently paralysed.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus implant /�implɑ�nt/ He has had silicon implants to make his muscles look bigger.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus fuse /fju�z/ At the moment of conception, the egg and sperm fuse together as one cell.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus cursor /�k��sə/ Place the cursor over the icon and click the mouse once.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus limb /lim/ Some victims lost their limbs in the explosion.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus spine /spain/ I know some good exercises that will help to straighten your spine.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus hollow /�hɒləυ/ The children hid in the hollow tree.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus cone /kəυn/ He made a cone out of some paper and put it on his head for a witch's hat.

Unit 5 page 64 Exam focus electrode /i�lektrəυd/ They attached electrodes to his head so that they could monitor his dreams while he slept.


Unit 6 page 68 Listening decline /di�klain/ Interest in this sport has declined over recent years.

Unit 6 page 68 Listening unattainable /�nə�teinəbəl/ Climbing Mt. Everest seems like an unattainable goal to many people.

Unit 6 page 69 Grammar plus session /�seʃən/ There's going to be a jazz session at that new bar on the night it opens.

Unit 6 page 69 Grammar plus elite /ei�li�t/ Only a small privileged elite were invited to the Lord Mayor's birthday celebrations.

Unit 6 page 69 Grammar plus elevate /�eləveit/ Since winning the World Cup, the football players have been elevated to superstars.

Unit 6 page 69 Grammar plus bungee jump /�bnd�i d�mp/ Michael had a go at bungee jumping when he went to Spain.

Unit 6 page 69 Grammar plus schedule /�ʃedju�l/ The meeting has been scheduled for this afternoon.

Unit 6 page 70 Speaking endorsement /in�dɔ�smənt/ It is now quite common to see the endorsement of everyday products by superstars.

Unit 6 page 70 Speaking consumer /kən�sju�mə/ Our company now offers a wider choice of goods for the consumer.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus pay tribute to /�pei �tribju�t tə, tυ/ I’d like to pay tribute to the organisers of the event for all their hard work.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus venture /�ventʃə/ Today's the first time I've ventured out of doors since my illness.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus pain barrier /�pein �b�riə/ Arnold went through the pain barrier when he broke both his legs in the accident.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus in pursuit of /in pə�sju�t əv, ɒv/ I'm always amazed at the things people do in pursuit of love.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus intangible /in�t�nd�əbəl/ The island of Iona has an intangible quality of holiness.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus also-ran /�ɔ�lsəυ r�n/ He was an also-ran in the last athletics event.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus marvel /�mɑ�vəl/ I marvelled at my mother's ability to remain calm in a crisis.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus odds /ɒdz/ Invest now – the odds are that the share prices will rise after the budget.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus discipline /�disəplin/ His primary discipline at the university is Latin American History.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus shot put /�ʃɒt pυt/ He was awarded the silver medal in the shot put at the last Olympics.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus oppression /ə�preʃən/ The country has seen a sudden increase in the number of immigrants taking refuge from the oppression of the dictatorship.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus in the front rank /in ðə �frnt �r�ŋk/ Emily Dickinson is a poet who stands in the front rank of all poets.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus on the face of it /ɒn ðə �feis əv it/ On the face of it, Norman seems the ideal man for the job.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus successive /sək�sesiv/ The hockey team has had five successive victories.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus mark sb out /�mɑ�k smbədi �aυt/ His efficient manner marked him out as a professional.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus transcend /tr�n�send/ Her performance in the arena transcended all others.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus setback /�setb�k/ The death of her partner at such a time, was a major setback which she had to overcome.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus fatal /�feitl/ Meningitis is a serious illness, fatal in some cases.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus grave / reiv/ This decision may have very grave consequences.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus comeback /�kmb�k/ The mini-skirt made a comeback in the late 1980s.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus chronic /�krɒnik/ He's been suffering from chronic arthritis for years now.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus cervical disc /�s��vikəl �disk, sə�vaikəl/ Williams suffered from a serious cervical disc injury.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus undaunted /n�dɔ�ntid/ Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus cartilage /�kɑ�təlid�/ Our noses are made mainly of cartilage.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus rib /rib/ Contrary to popular belief, men and women actually have the same number of ribs.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus shot /ʃɒt/ Have you had your typhoid and cholera shots?

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus qualify /�kwɒləfai/ If the French team wins, it will qualify for a place in the finals.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus wing one's way /�wiŋ wnz �wei/ Our special first prize will soon be winging its way towards you.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus double up /�dbəl �p/ The footballer doubled up, grabbing his leg in agony.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus albeit /ɔ�l�bi�it/ It was a small, albeit very important, mistake.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus altitude /��ltitju�d/ At high altitudes it is difficult to get enough oxygen.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus administer /əd�ministə/ They administered morphine to him to relieve the pain.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus withstand /wið�st�nd, wiθ-/ It is a type of desert bush that can withstand extremes of temperature.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus miler /�mailə/ Sebastian Coe, who was an outstanding miler in the 80's, had broken the mile world record several times.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus overload /�əυvə�ləυd/ The bus was overloaded with tourists and their luggage.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus inextinguishable /�inik�stiŋ wiʃəbəl/ The fire was so intense that it seemed to be inextinguishable.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus matter /�m�tə/ All waste matter is disposed of down this pipe.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus mount /maυnt/ We mounted some stone steps to a gallery.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus duly /�dju�li/ Here are your travel documents, all duly dated and signed.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus cauldron /�kɔ�ldrən/ There was a big, black witch's cauldron in the corner of the cave.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus contest /kən�test/ He has decided to contest a seat on the council next term.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus Aussie /�ɒzi/ Have you met Bruce, the Aussie? He’s going back to Australia next month.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus push oneself to the limit /�pυʃ wnself tə ðə �limit/ George really pushed himself to the limit last week, trying to be ready for the big game.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus in the face of /in ðə �feis əv, ɒv/ She is capable of showing amazing bravery in the face of danger.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus adversity /əd�v��səti/ We all had to help each other in times of adversity.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus domestic /də�mestik/ She spends all her money on new domestic appliances.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus stove /stəυv/ I've always wanted to have an old fashioned wood-burning stove.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus (skin) graft /(�skin) rɑ�ft/ Her severe burns were treated with skin grafts.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus resume /ri�zju�m/ After a short break of twenty minutes, they resumed the task with determination.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus incredulity /�inkrə�dju�ləti/ Mathew's comment brought a look of complete incredulity to Sandra's face.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus comport oneself /kəm�pɔ�t wn�self/ He always comported himself very well at public gatherings.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus face up to /�feis �p tə, tυ/ You might as well face up to the fact that they'll never offer you another job.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus defiance /di�faiəns/ The boy gave me a look of hatred and defiance as he slammed the door.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus encounter /in�kaυntə/ I first encountered him at summer school.

Unit 6 pages 70-71 Exam focus intense /in�tens/ The heat was so intense that we could do nothing but lie by the pool.

Unit 6 page 73 Listening midfield /�midfi�ld/ He plays midfield for our local football team.

Unit 6 page 73 Listening cauliflower ear /�kɒliflaυər �iə/ Boxers frequently suffer from cauliflower ears.

Unit 6 page 73 Listening referee /�refə�ri�/ The referee was not prepared to alter his decision.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary gender /�d�endə/ We are not allowed to make decisions based on the race, gender or

religion of our employees. Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary the man in the street /ðə �m�n in ðə �stri�t/ This kind of music wouldn't appeal to the man on the street.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary a man of his word /ə �m�n əv iz �w��d/ You can absolutely rely on Richard – he is a man of his word.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary be your own man /bi jər �əυn �m�n/ You can't tell Sam what to do – he is his own man.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary as one man /əz �wn �m�n/ The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary man /m�n/ The information desk is manned twenty-four hours a day.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary every man for himself /�evri m�n fər im�self/ In journalism, if you want to get the best story, it's every man for himself.

Unit 6 page 74 Vocabulary a man of the people /ə �m�n əv ðə �pi�pəl/ He claims to be a man of the people so that he wins the next election.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use vicarious /vi�keəriəs/ Parents get the vicarious pleasure of seeing their children succeed.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use sorrow /�sɒrəυ/ He expressed his sorrow at my father's death.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use engulf /in� lf/ I was engulfed by a feeling of terrible panic as the plane started to descend.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use regard /ri� ɑ�d/ You must regard the safety regulations.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use fencing /�fensiŋ/ I have decided to start having fencing lessons next year.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use duel /�dju�əl/ The officer challenged him to a duel with pistols.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use foil /fɔil/ He selected a foil from the rack and pulled down his mask.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use distinguish /di�stiŋ wiʃ/ Dogs can distinguish a greater range of sounds than humans can.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use trunk /trŋk/ He aimed a blow to the trunk of my body, which I artfully dodged.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use epée /�epei/ The epée as a fencing sword is the descendent of the duel sword.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use sabre /�seibə/ The sabre is the modern version of the cavalry sword.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use cavalry /�k�vəlri/ The General decided not to send in the cavalry until the last minute.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use thrust /θrst/ The burglar thrust at me with his knife but I managed to dodge out of his way.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use waistcoat /�weiskəυt, �weskət/ He decided to buy a new waistcoat to go with his suit.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use agile /��d�ail/ Andy climbed the tree, agile as a monkey.

Unit 6 page 75 English in Use equivalence /i�kwivələns/ There is an equivalence in value between these two items.

Unit 6 pages 76-77 Writing live up to /liv �p tə, tυ/ The book certainly lived up to his expectations.

Unit 6 pages 76-77 Writing comprehensive /�kɒmpri�hensiv/ He made a comprehensive list of all the items in he room.

Unit 6 pages 76-77 Writing match up to /�m�tʃ �p tə, tυ/ The concert did not match up to the hype.

Unit 6 pages 76-77 Writing make up for /meik �p fə, fɔ�/ That one weekend made up for all the disappointments I'd had.

Unit 6 pages 76-77 Writing in due course /in �dju� �kɔ�s/ The committee will consider your application in due course.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 6 page 78 English in Use stamina /�st�minə/ You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use captaincy /�k�ptənsi/ After demonstrating his leadership qualities, he was given the captaincy of the team.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use foster /�fɒstə/ These sessions are designed to foster better working relationships.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use attendance /ə�tendəns/ Many students have a very poor attendance record.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use inconsistent /�inkən�sistənt/ The team's performance has been highly inconsistent this season.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use temper /�tempə/ If he can't control his temper, he should give up teaching.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use in jeopardy /in �d�epədi/ The terrorist acts could put the whole peace process in jeopardy.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use insert /in�s��t/ He decided to insert an extra paragraph explaining why he had wanted to write the book.

Unit 6 page 78 English in Use all-round /�ɔ�l raυnd/ Jim is a good all-round athlete.

Unit 6 page 79 Review binoculars /bi�nɒkjυləz/ Looking through the binoculars I could just make out the ship on the horizon.

Unit 6 page 79 Review kick off /�kik �ɒf/ The match kicks off at 3 o'clock.

Unit 6 page 79 Review redundancy /ri�dndənsi/ Due to the threat of closure, 2,000 workers now face redundancy.

Unit 6 page 79 Review merit /�merit/ Your suggestion merits serious consideration.

Unit 6 page 79 Review span /sp�n/ Over a span of ten years, the company has grown to twice its original size.

Unit 6 page 79 Review millennium /mi�leniəm/ Can you remember what you were doing on the first day of the millennium?

Unit 6 page 79 Review baron /�b�rən/ Baron De Couberten was the founder of the modern Olympic Games.

Unit 6 page 79 Review revive /ri�vaiv/ Helen's trip home has revived memories of her child hood.


Unit 7 page 80 Speaking tie /tai/ Close economic ties between the two countries have been established.

Unit 7 page 80 Speaking bind /baind/ Their shared experiences in war helped to bind the two communities together.

Unit 7 page 80 Speaking dynamics /dai�n�miks/ The study is concerned with the dynamics of capitalist economies.

Unit 7 page 80 Speaking tremble /�trembəl/ His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.

Unit 7 page 81 Exam focus self-effacing /�self i�feisiŋ/ Although he knew he was talented, he had a natural, self-effacing modesty.

Unit 7 page 81 Exam focus run /rn/ For a while, she ran a restaurant in Bradford.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading pecking order /�pekiŋ �ɔ�də/ She felt as if she were right at the bottom of the pecking order when she worked for that firm.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading strive /straiv/ We must continue to strive for greater efficiency.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading compulsion /kəm�plʃən/ I had a sudden compulsion to hit her.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading factor /�f�ktə/ The rise in crime is mainly due to social and economic factors.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading variable /�veəriəbəl/ There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 7 page 82 Reading dictate /dik�teit/ Our budget dictates what we can or cannot do.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading notably /�nəυtəbli/ Some early doctors, notably Hippocrates, thought that diet and hygiene were important.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading senior /�si�niə/ As your senior, I believe I should give you some advice on the matter.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading adopt /ə�dɒpt/ Friendly letters tend to adopt a very simple writing style.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading heap /hi�p/ They had heaped all the rubbish onto the back of the truck.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading withdrawal /wið�drɔ�əl, wiθ-/ The President threatened the withdrawal of government aid.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading reduction /ri�dkʃən/ There has been a slight reduction in the price of oil.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading (high) achiever /(�hai) ə�tʃi�və/ My daughter has always been a high achiever, which is why I'm sure she'll make a very good judge.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading scene /si�n/ By the time my boyfriend arrived on the scene, I had already made up my mind to emigrate.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading carry-cot /�k�ri kɒt/ Put the baby in the carry-cot and then bring her into the living room.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading bias /�baiəs/ Lydia has a strong artistic bias.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading outgoing /�aυt� əυiŋ/ She's got a warm, outgoing personality.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading take the opposite line /�teik ðə �ɒpəzit �lain/ Gregory takes the opposite line on the issue of nuclear energy.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading inferiority /in�fiəri�ɒrəti/ My feelings of inferiority did not help me to mix with the other members of the group.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading inspire /in�spaiə/ I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading outdo /aυt�du�/ The economies of South East Asia are already outdoing Western competitors.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading established order /i�st�bliʃt �ɔ�də/ The gay rights movement emerged to challenge the established order.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading in short /in �ʃɔ�t/ In short, they're in very bad condition.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading lean towards /�li�n tə�wɔ�dz/ I'm leaning towards the idea that capital punishment is morally wrong.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading provoke /prə�vəυk/ It's the first time an article has provoked me to write in to the newspaper.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading crash-bang wallop /�kr�ʃ b�ŋ �wɒləp/ Suddenly I found myself, crash-bang wallop, right in the middle of a strange group of creatures.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading hand-stand /�h�nd st�nd/ When I was a little girl, I used to love doing hand-stands on the grass.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading dethronement /di�θrəυnmənt/ The dethronement of the company spokesman caused quite a scandal.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading pamper /�p�mpə/ You'd think it was human by the way she pampers that cat of hers.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading undermine /�ndə�main/ She tried to undermine his authority at every opportunity.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading interaction /�intər��kʃən/ The degree of interaction between teacher and student is very important.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading maturity /mə�tʃυərəti/ Alicia remained calm, showing a maturity way beyond her 16 years.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading claustrophobic /�klɒstrə�fəυbik/ There was a claustrophobic atmosphere in the room, and he knew he had to get out quickly.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 7 page 82 Reading scepticism /�skeptisizəm/ The government's claim that the country is now coming out of recession

is being treated with deep scepticism. Unit 7 page 82 Reading resentful /ri�zentfəl/ His daughters became increasingly resentful of his authority.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading reserved /ri�z��vd/ Ellen was a shy, reserved girl who hardly ever spoke in the lesson.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading clumsy /�klmzi/ She made a clumsy attempt to catch the ball but ended up falling over.

Unit 7 page 82 Reading break away /�breik ə�wei/ The miners broke away from the National Union to form their own.

Unit 7 pages 84-85 Grammar plus drop by /�drɒp �bai/ Drop by whenever you're in the area.

Unit 7 pages 84-85 Grammar plus fundamentally /�fndə�mentəli/ They are good friends even though their views on many things are fundamentally different.

Unit 7 pages 84-85 Grammar plus unmatchable /n�m�tʃəbəl/ Her skill at sensing people's true character, was unmatchable.

Unit 7 pages 84-85 Grammar plus dissolve /di�zɒlv/ Due to their differences, they mutually agreed to dissolve the contract.

Unit 7 page 85 Vocabulary plead /pli�d/ The hostages' families pleaded for their safe return.

Unit 7 page 85 Vocabulary coincide /�kəυin�said/ The Queen's visit has been planned to coincide with the school's 200th anniversary.

Unit 7 page 85 Vocabulary refrain /ri�frein/ Kindly refrain from smoking in the chapel.

Unit 7 page 85 Vocabulary confide /kən�faid/ She confided her worries only to her mother.

Unit 7 page 85 Vocabulary veterinary /�vetərənəri/ He has decided to study veterinary science and become a vet.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary stationery /�steiʃənəri/ The hotel has it's own stationery.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary stationary /�steiʃənəri/ Someone drove into our car while it was stationary.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary principal /�prinsəpəl/ The principal wishes to see you in her office.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary channel /�tʃ�nl/ The English Channel lies between England and France.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary canal /kə�n�l/ Canals played an important part in Britain during the Industrial Revolution.

Unit 7 pages 86-87 Vocabulary imply /im�plai/ She implied she'd contributed the money without actually saying so.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening flutter /�fltə/ The butterflies fluttered from flower to flower.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening drift /drift/ The conversation drifted from one topic to another.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening weave /wi�v/ There was a large number of cyclists weaving in and out of the traffic.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening quantum mechanics /�kwɒntəm mi�k�niks/ He is Professor of quantum mechanics at Yale University.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening lullaby /�lləbai/ Before she had finished the lullaby, the baby was asleep.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening fontanelle /�fɒntə�nel/ The midwife told me that it was perfectly normal for the baby's fontanelle to be so soft.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening pulse /pls/ He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins as he finished his performance.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening set in /�set �in/ Winter seems to be setting in early this year.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 7 page 87 Listening Yiddish /�jidiʃ/ They were speaking Yiddish so I couldn't understand a word.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening boisterous /�bɔistərəs/ I have to teach a class of boisterous five-year-olds this term.

Unit 7 page 87 Listening cognizant /�kɒ nizənt/ I was cognisant of the difficulties that lay ahead, but I knew I had to persevere.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing exposition /�ekspə�ziʃən/ There will be an exposition of our products at the International Fair next month.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing concept /�kɒnsept/ It's difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing regeneration /ri�d�enə�reiʃən/ The regeneration of the forest.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing rectilinear /�rekti�liniə/ After the earthquake, Volos was rebuilt in a rectilinear grid pattern.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing breathtaking /�breθ�teikiŋ/ You will be amazed at the breathtaking natural beauty of the are.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing tear oneself away /�teə wnself ə�wei/ Could you please tear yourself away from the TV and help me for a minute?

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing expansion /ik�sp�nʃən/ The expansion of the industry will lead to an increase in jobs.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing obscure /əb�skjυə/ He tried to obscure the facts by denying all knowledge of the event.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing elementary /�elə�mentəri/ He made a very elementary mistake.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing brainstorm /�breinstɔ�m/ We tried to brainstorm the problem and come up with a few alternative solutions.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing eye-catching /�ai �k�tʃiŋ/ She was wearing an eye-catching new outfit at the party.

Unit 7 pages 88-89 Writing persuasive /pə�sweisiv/ They used some very persuasive arguments to get her to sign the deal.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use stick with sb/sth /�stik wið, wiθ/ If you don't want to get lost, you'd better stick with me.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use spouse /spaυs/ When a man or woman get married, they often find it hard to adjust to their spouse's different habits.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use riddle /�ridl/ Solve this riddle: what is black and white and red all over? Answer: An embarrassed zebra.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use poignantly /�pɔinjəntli/ The survivors were poignantly reminded of the cruelties they had suffered during the war.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use admiration /��dmə�reiʃən/ Danielle gazed at the beautiful opera singer in admiration.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use stable /�steibəl/ Be careful, that ladder isn't stable.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use unconditional /�nkən�diʃənəl/ The terrorists are demanding the unconditional release of all political prisoners.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use drive /draiv/ The drive for food forced him to continue through the mountains.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use yearning /�j��niŋ/ He is a very talented actor with a yearning for recognition, so I'm sure he will succeed.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use slip /slip/ Suddenly, Frank slipped and fell over the edge.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use set out /�set �aυt/ They set out to become the number one team in the league.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use juvenile /�d�u�vənail/ More and more juveniles are becoming involved in petty crime.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use liberal /�libərəl/ Western society has become a lot more liberal since the War.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 7 page 90 English in Use oath /əυθ/ The knights swore an oath of loyalty to their king.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use vow /vaυ/ He made a vow to avenge his brother's death.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use pledge /pled�/ The government has made a pledge to make no deals with terrorists.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use burden /�b��dn/ We're in no position to take on another heavy financial burden.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use proceed /prə�si�d/ The work is proceeding according to plan.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use emerge /i�m��d�/ A strange religious sect emerged in these parts in the 1830s.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use site /sait/ Jonathon is visiting the construction site.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use determined /di�t��mind/ I am determined to find out who is responsible for this.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use firm /f��m/ You need to be firm with her, or she'll try to take control.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use persistent /pə�sistənt/ Paul is amazingly persistent in trying to get Gina to go out with him.

Unit 7 page 90 English in Use stubborn /�stbən/ I knew you'd be too stubborn to listen!

Unit 7 page 91 Review reckon /�rekən/ William reckons he should be promoted, but he doesn't know when.

Unit 7 page 91 Review eventually /i�ventʃuəli/ She eventually passed her driving test.

Unit 7 page 91 Review apprehensive /��pri�hensiv/ I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive about the treatment.

Unit 7 page 91 Review hiss /his/ The snake slowly approached, making a loud hissing noise.

Unit 7 page 91 Review grunt / rnt/ The pig grunted happily when I let it into the pen.

Unit 7 page 91 Review mute /mju�t/ Helena glared at me in mute anger.

Unit 7 page 91 Review belie /bi�lai/ Her pleasant manner belied her true character.

Unit 7 page 91 Review foe /fəυ/ He threw down his sword and shouted: 'I come as friend, not foe!'

Unit 7 page 91 Review deliver a blow /di�livər ə �bləυ/ He delivered a wild, desperate blow to Derek's jaw.

Unit 7 page 91 Review aggressively /ə� resivli/ The drunk men were aggressively trying to provoke a fight.

Unit 7 page 91 Review feign /fein/ Feigning a headache, I went upstairs to my room.

Unit 7 page 91 Review career /kə�riə/ The truck careered down the hill and into a tree.

Unit 7 page 91 Review lure /lυə/ He suspected that they were trying to lure him into a trap.

Unit 7 page 91 Review predator /�predətə/ Rabbits have many natural wild predators.

Unit 7 page 91 Review stoat /stəυt/ The stoat slipped into the rabbit hole, after its prey.

Unit 7 page 91 Review hatch /h�tʃ/ All the chicks have hatched.

Unit 7 page 91 Review vulnerable /�vlnərəbəl/ The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.

Unit 7 page 91 Review stork /stɔ�k/ When I was a child they used to tell us that storks brought babies to their parents.

Unit 7 page 91 Review tenderness /�tendənəs/ Sam's voice was full of tenderness.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 7 page 91 Review reptile /�reptail/ What I liked best at the zoo was the reptile house, where we saw all

those dangerous snakes. Unit 7 page 91 Review fend for oneself /�fend fə wn�self/ The kids had to fend for themselves while their parents were away.

Unit 7 page 91 Review fungi /�fnd�ai, �fŋ ai/ The fungi on the tombstone indicated that it was at least five centuries old.

Unit 7 page 91 Review wasp /wɒsp/ I was fascinated by the way the wasps had built their nest.

Unit 7 page 91 Review termite /�t��mait/ Most of the structure had been destroyed by termites.

Unit 7 page 91 Review larvae /�lɑ�vi�/ The larvae will eat the whole plant before they are ready to move into the next stage of the cycle.

Unit 7 page 91 Review stretch /stretʃ/ The boat rocked as it entered the stretch of rough water.

Unit 7 page 91 Review outwit /aυt�wit/ The Greeks outwitted the Trojans by presenting them with the Trojan horse.

Unit 7 page 91 Review defence /di�fens/ Hundreds gave their lives in defence of freedom.

Unit 7 page 91 Review intruder /in�tru�də/ The police think the intruder got in through an unlocked window.


Unit 8 page 92 Speaking superstition /�su�pə�stiʃən/ In your country, do you have the superstition that walking under a ladder is unlucky?

Unit 8 page 92 Speaking coincidence /kəυ�insidəns/ It was quite a coincidence that I bumped into Roger in Naxos.

Unit 8 page 92 Speaking freak /fri�k/ A freak storm destroyed most of the houses.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading pin up /�pin �p/ Can you pin this picture up on the notice board?

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading bizarre /bi�zɑ�/ Meeting my real parents after so many years was a bizarre experience.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading perplex /pə�pleks/ I was somewhat perplexed by the task that lay ahead of me.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading weird /wiəd/ Mike's got a really weird sense of humour.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading spooky /�spu�ki/ The old lady lived in a spooky old ouse with creaking stairs.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading collapsed /kə�l�pst/ They rushed her to hospital as she was suffering from a collapsed lung.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading surgery /�s��d�əri/ He had to have major heart surgery, which fortunately, saved his life.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading carry out /�k�ri �aυt/ They are carrying out urgent repairs to the electronic equipment.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading acclaim /ə�kleim/ Karina's artwork has won her international acclaim.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading confluence /�kɒnfluəns/ They were astounded at the confluence of all the proposals.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading income bracket /�iŋkm �br�kit, �in-/ Peter pays very high taxes because his job puts him in the highest income bracket.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading entourage /�ɒntυrɑ��/ Madonna and her entourage boarded her private plane at Heathrow.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading swell /swel/ We asked them to come to the meeting just to swell the numbers.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading boost /bu�st/ The advertising campaign is sure to boost sales.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading mix up /�miks �p/ I always mix him up with his brother; they look so much alike.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading breakthrough /�breikθru�/ Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading property /�prɒpəti/ The water from some Greek springs has natural healing properties.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading electron /i�lektrɒn/ The invention of the electron microscope was an important moment in the history of physics.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading double helix /�dbəl �hi�liks/ The discovery of the double helix in DNA was the beginning of a whole series of discoveries in the field of genetics.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading curiosity /�kjυəri�ɒsəti/ Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them.

Unit 8 pages 92-93 Reading rational /�r�ʃənəl/ It can't have just disappeared! There must be a perfectly rational explanation.

Unit 8 page 94 Grammar plus memorise /�meməraiz/ She had to memorise over one hundred different chemical formulas for the exams.

Unit 8 page 94 Grammar plus detest /di�test/ I detest having to work on sunny days.

Unit 8 page 94 Grammar plus urge /��d�/ Thomas urged her to reconsider her decision.

Unit 8 page 94 Grammar plus neglect /ni� lekt/ The agent had neglected to warn us about delays.

Unit 8 page 94 Grammar plus reconsider /�ri�kən�sidə/ I have received your letter of resignation but I want you to reconsider your decision.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary maximise /�m�ksimaiz/ The company's main aim for next year is to maximise profit.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary solar panel /�səυlə �p�nl/ The solar panels provide hot water all day long in the summer months.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary glaring /� leəriŋ/ I couldn't see who was in the car due to the glaring light of the headlamps.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary overtime /�əυvətaim/ They're working overtime to get the job finished.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary meagre /�mi� ə/ We lived on a meagre diet of bread, olives and cheese for several months.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary wage /weid�/ The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary reliability /ri�laiə�biləti/ Reliability is not one of her strong points.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary scholar /�skɒlə/ The book was written by scholars at Harvard University.

Unit 8 page 95 Vocabulary solar system /�səυlə �sistəm/ Our galaxy alone contains innumerable other solar systems.

Unit 8 page 96 Listening fire brigade /�faiə bri� eid/ He loves fire engines, so he wants to join the fire brigade.

Unit 8 page 96 Listening tea chest /�ti� tʃest/ Our cellar is full of tea chests, filled with books.

Unit 8 page 96 Listening recount /ri�kaυnt/ They recounted their experiences of the wilderness in front of a small audience.

Unit 8 page 96 Listening incident /�insədənt/ After the children had been sent to their rooms, nobody mentioned the incident again.

Unit 8 pages 96-97 Grammar check Cancerian /k�n�siəriən/ Cancerians are supposed to be very loyal to other family members.

Unit 8 pages 96-97 Grammar check hang around with sb /�h�ŋ ə�raυnd wið �smbədi/ He hangs around with Simon and Paul after school every day.

Unit 8 pages 96-97 Grammar check till /til/ She opened the till and took out a fifty pound note.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary obedient /ə�bi�diənt/ Sally is an obedient and dutiful child.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary pseudo- /�sju�dəυ/ Don't listen to them; they're just pseudo-intellectuals who pretend to

be clever. Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary antisocial /��nti�səυʃəl/ When he first came here, the child was aggressive and antisocial.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary post-mortem /�pəυst �mɔ�təm/ The post-mortem revealed that Mrs Elliot had been poisoned.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary overgrown /�əυvə� rəυn/ The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary monolingual /�mɒnəυ�liŋ wəl/ She told me I should use a monolingual dictionary.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary former /�fɔ�mə/ Did you know that Mr Williams is a former principal of the school?

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary graduate /� r�d�uət/ Karen is a history graduate of Athens University.

Unit 8 page 97 Vocabulary clockwise /�klɒkwaiz/ Turn the wheel clockwise.

Unit 8 page 98 Speaking metal detector /�metl di�tektə/ With the aid of a metal detector, we managed to find several Roman coins.

Unit 8 page 98 Speaking pay off /�pei �ɒf/ They took a big risk investing in that theatre, but it paid off.

Unit 8 page 99 English in Use get into sth / et �intə �smθiŋ/ Lots of my friends are really getting into this new kind of music.

Unit 8 page 99 English in Use get hold of / et �həυld əv, ɒv/ I must get hold of Veronica to see if she can mind the children for me on Saturday night.

Unit 8 page 99 English in Use in terms of /in �t��mz əv, ɒv/ Gerald tended to see everything in terms of his work.

Unit 8 page 99 English in Use take on /�teik �ɒn/ She has decided to take on the post of head-teacher.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing engaging /in� eid�iŋ/ Miriam has a very engaging smile.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing addict /��dikt/ If you don't go out and do something else, you're going to become a television addict.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing avidly /��vidli/ She listens to the radio programme avidly every day.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing exasperation /i �zɑ�spə�reiʃən/ He threw the game down in exasperation when he couldn't get it to work.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing puddle /�pdl/ The children splashed through the puddles on their way home from school.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing hallucinate /hə�lu�sineit/ I saw a figure standing in the shadows and thought I was hallucinating.

Unit 8 pages 100-101 Writing dawn on /�dɔ�n ɒn/ It suddenly dawned on me that Josh had been right all along.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus stakes /steiks/ They were willing to risk everything and played for very high stakes.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus foreign exchange /�fɒrən iks�tʃeind�/ The foreign exchange markets reacted quickly to the cut in French interest rates.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus irregularity /i�re jυ�l�rəti/ There appear to be a number of irregularities in your statement.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus settle /�setl/ We expect you to settle your account in full each month.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus handsome profit /�h�nsəm �prɒfit/ He sold his shares in the company and made a handsome profit for himself.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus switch /switʃ/ He used to play tennis, but now he's switched to golf.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus investment /in�vestmənt/ They persuaded her to make an investment in the company now while share prices were low.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus retailer /�ri�teilə/ You can return the item to your nearest retailer if it is faulty.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus hard-hearted /�hɑ�d �hɑ�tid/ He was such a hard-hearted person that nobody loved him.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus hard-headed /�hɑ�d �hedid/ You have to be a hard-headed negotiator if you want to succeed in this business.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus hard-pressed /�hɑ�d �prest/ She is feeling a bit hard-pressed, what with the wedding and moving house.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus hard-hitting /�hɑ�d �hitiŋ/ The magazine included a hard-hitting report about the new academy.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus divulge /dai�vld�/ Adrian refused to divulge what he had done with the money.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus be off /bi �ɒf/ It's late, we must be off now.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus be up to (sth) /bi �p tə, tυ/ The children are very quiet, I wonder what they're up to.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus be on to (sth) /bi �ɒn tə, tυ/ The police will catch the robbers soon – they've been on to them for a week.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus get away with (sth) / et ə�wei wið, wiθ/ I don't know how they manage to get away with paying such low wages.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus get on with (sth) / et �ɒn wið, wiθ/ Get on with your work!

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus get through with (sth) / et �θru� wið, wiθ/ When you get through with that book, can I borrow it?

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus get by / et �bai/ Her salary gives her barely enough to get by.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus monies /�mniz/ All monies must be paid in full prior to the termination of the contract.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus contemplate /�kɒntəmpleit/ All philosophers contemplate the meaning of life.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus tumble /�tmbəl/ Stock market prices have tumbled over the past week.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus trip /trip/ I didn't push him, he tripped over a stone and fell.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus topple /�tɒpəl/ A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus twofold /�tu�fəυld/ There is likely to be a twofold increase in the price of petrol next month.

Unit 8 page 102 Exam focus speculate /�spekjυleit/ Geoffrey began to speculate that the two events might be linked.

Unit 8 page 103 Review talk sb into (sth) /�tɔ�k smbədi �intə/ She didn’t want to come to the party, but I talked her into it.

Unit 8 page 103 Review rubble /�rbəl/ Rescue workers have been trying to dig through the rubble to get to the people trapped beneath.

Unit 8 page 103 Review circulation /�s��kjə�leiʃən/ The magazine's circulation fell when the price was increased.

Unit 8 page 103 Review loyal /�lɔiəl/ Dennis will always be loyal to the team, even if it loses the match.

Unit 8 page 103 Review conceal /kən�si�l/ She tried to conceal the way she felt about him, but it was clear to everyone that she was in love.

Unit 8 page 103 Review legal /�li� əl/ He had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream.

Unit 8 page 103 Review retired /ri�taiəd/ Both my parents are retired now.

Unit 8 page 103 Review sustained /sə�steind/ Paul managed to put in a sustained effort and finished the job quicker than expected.

Unit 8 page 103 Review assassinate /ə�s�səneit/ They uncovered a plot to assassinate the President.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence


Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading resolution /�rezə�lu�ʃən/ Christine made a resolution to work hard at school this year.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading reliable /ri�laiəbəl/ We can't count on her; she's not very reliable.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading indicator /�indikeitə/ All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading adverse /��dv��s/ We had to abandon the climb because of adverse weather conditions.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading gain / ein/ She gained high grades in English and Maths.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading lack /l�k/ Alex's real problem is that he lacks confidence.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading triumphant /trai�mfənt/ The triumphant football team flew back home today.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading regardless /ri� ɑ�dlis/ The company believes in equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading socialisation /�səυʃəlai�zeiʃən/ The socialisation of young offenders is a main priority.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading enforce /in�fɔ�s/ Governments make laws and the police enforce them.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading mentality /men�t�ləti/ Some say that young people today have a get-rich-quick mentality.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading see sth through /�si� smθiŋ �θru�/ Martin felt nervous about his audition, but he was deter mined to see it through.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading freelance /�fri�lɑ�ns/ She's a freelance journalist.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading outcome /�aυtkm/ We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the competition.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading determination /di�t��mi�neiʃən/ Her determination to do well made her keep on studying.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading motive /�məυtiv/ The police believe the motive for this murder was jealousy.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading push (sb) into (sth) /�pυʃ �intə, �intυ/ My parents pushed me into going to college.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading volume /�vɒlju�m/ The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading hint /hint/ She gave me some helpful hints on looking after house plants.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading cram /kr�m/ Veronica crammed her clothes into the bag.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading energising /�enəd�aiziŋ/ This music has a very energising beat.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading essential oil /i�senʃəl �ɔil/ Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading stem from /�stem frəm, frɒm/ Most of the difficulties stemmed from poor workmanship.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading back (sth/sb) up /�b�k �p/ The videotape evidence backed up the teenager's story.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading scale /skeil/ Rescuers had to scale a 300m cliff to reach the injured climber.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading career ladder /kə�riə �l�də/ I started as a clerical worker on the bottom rung of the career ladder.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading objective /�ɒbd�ek�tivəti/ The main objective of this policy is to reduce unemployment.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading come into play /�km intə �plei/ Several factors came into play to make this possible.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading steadily /�stedəli/ She has steadily been working towards her goal.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading illuminating /i�lu�mineitiŋ/ I didn't find his reply very illuminating.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading mastery /�mɑ�stəri/ She combines technical mastery of her instrument with great originality.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading utterly /�təli/ You look utterly miserable.

Unit 9 pages 104-106 Reading abdicate /��bdikeit/ He abdicated all responsibility for the company and went on to live a private life.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary make a difference /�meik ə �difərəns/ Their help has made a big difference to the team's success.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary get into trouble /� et intə �trbəl/ If you touch dad's things, you'll get into trouble.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary keep a resolution /�ki�p ə rezə�lu�ʃən/ He didn't manage to keep his resolution and started smoking again the next day.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary get even (with sb) / et �i�vən/ She decided to get even with him by cutting all his best ties in half.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary keep on at (sb) /�ki�p �ɒn ət, �t/ He kept on at her about the amount of money she was spending.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary keep one's word /�ki�p wnz �w��d/ How do I know you'll keep your word?

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary make an impression /�meik ən im�preʃən/ It was their first meeting, and Richard was determined to make an impression.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary resolve one's doubts /ri�zɒlv wnz �daυts/ I haven't resolved my doubts about which university to go to.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary humiliate /hju��milieit/ Her boss humiliated her in front of all her colleagues.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary virtual /�v��tʃuəl/ She lives in virtual isolation.

Unit 9 page 107 Vocabulary media /�mi�diə/ The media have launched a bitter attack on the Health Minister.

Unit 9 pages 108-109 Grammar plus annoy /ə�nɔi/ He annoyed me by talking about his girlfriend the whole time.

Unit 9 pages 108-109 Grammar plus go bust /� əυ �bst/ Dad lost his job when the firm went bust.

Unit 9 pages 108-109 Grammar plus exaggerate /i �z�d�əreit/ Sally was exaggerating when she said she'd seen the film fifteen times.

Unit 9 page 109 Speaking come across (as) /�km ə�krɒs/ He came across as being rather arrogant.

Unit 9 page 109 Speaking considerably /kən�sidərəbli/ It's considerably colder today.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary lens /lenz/ I think I'll need a wide-angled lens for this photograph.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary rehearsal /ri�h��səl/ We have a rehearsal at 4 o'clock and the main show begins at 7 p.m.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary sight read /�sait ri�d/ She was able to sight-read the music so we auditioned her straight away.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary script /skript/ He read the script and decided to audition for the lead role.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary crash helmet /�kr�ʃ �helmət/ It is illegal to ride a motorcycle without a crash-helmet.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary blurb /bl��b/ I read the blurb on the back of the book and decided to buy it.

Unit 9 page 110 Vocabulary paperback /�peipəb�k/ Her first novel sold over a hundred thousand copies in paperback.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use inheritance /in�heritəns/ She gambled away her inheritance within a year.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 9 page 110 English in Use pull the plug (on) /�pυl ðə �pl / We were doing fine until the bank pulled the plug on us.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use entrepreneur /�ɒntrəprə�n��/ If you want to be an entrepreneur, you must thoroughly research your intended market before you begin.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use disinherit /�disin�herit/ She was disinherited when she married Peter against her parents' wishes.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use burden /�b��dn/ She was always burdening me with her problems.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use rift /rift/ The government has been weakened by internal rifts.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use like-minded /�laik �maindid/ Liberals and other like-minded politicians used to meet here secretly.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use fall short (of) /�fɔ�l �ʃɔ�t/ Unfortunately, the course fell far short of our expectations.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use legacy /�le əsi/ Modern Greek culture is largely a legacy of the ancient Greeks.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use trend /trend/ The magazine failed to follow the most recent trends.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use intervention /�intə�venʃən/ Police intervention in the demonstration has caused considerable concern.

Unit 9 page 110 English in Use amply /��mpli/ He has amply contributed more than enough time and attention to the project.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check tale /teil/ He told us tales of his life during the war.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check live to tell the tale /�liv tə �tel ðə �teil/ Yes, it's true; I've stayed at my mother-in-law's and still lived to tell the tale.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check hike /haik/ We decided to take a hike in the woods.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check profile /�prəυfail/ We need a profile of the area before we decide what kind of restaurant to open.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check conduct /kən�dkt/ The company conducted a survey to find out local reaction to the leisure centre.

Unit 9 page 111 Grammar check pull through /�pυl �θru�/ His injuries are severe but he's expected to pull through.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing sufficiently /sə�fiʃəntli/ Are you sufficiently equipped for this kind of expedition?

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing significance /si �nifikəns/ We shouldn't underestimate the significance of this major discovery.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing take steps /�teik �steps/ We must take steps to make sure such an accident can never happen again.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing recommendation /�rekəmen�deiʃən/ The committee made a number of recommendations for improving safety standards.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing annual /��njuəl/ My annual income is less than it was last year.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing budget /�bd�it/ They've given us a large advertising budget.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing take (sb) on /�teik �ɒn/ We're taking on 50 new staff this year.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing dedication /�dedi�keiʃən/ Her dedication to the cause has to be admired.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing participate /pɑ��tisəpeit/ Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.

Unit 9 pages 112-113 Writing committed /kə�mitid/ She is a committed member of the environmental organisation.

Unit 9 page 115 Review expel /ik�spel/ You can get expelled for smoking.

Unit 9 page 115 Review renowned /ri�naυnd/ The area is renowned for its fine wines.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 9 page 115 Review bossy /�bɒsi/ My sister was always the bossy one when we were kids.

Unit 9 page 115 Review cruel /�kru�əl/ The older kids played cruel jokes on her little brother.

Unit 9 page 115 Review groom / ru�m/ The groom arrived at the church early and was impatiently waiting for the bride.

Unit 9 page 115 Review pole /pəυl/ A telephone pole.

Unit 9 page 115 Review row /rəυ/ She rowed across the lake.

Unit 9 page 115 Review towering /�taυəriŋ/ We could see great towering cliffs ahead of us.

Unit 9 page 115 Review affable /��fəbəl/ Jamie is such an affable guy.

Unit 9 page 115 Review formidable /�fɔ�midəbəl, fə�mid-/ She makes a formidable headteacher.

Unit 9 page 115 Review arguably /�ɑ� juəbli/ Pele was arguably the greatest football player of all time.

Unit 9 page 115 Review influential /�influ�enʃəl/ He was one of the most influential thinkers of his time.

Unit 9 page 115 Review Sherpa guide /�ʃ��pə � aid/ If it hadn't been for their Sherpa guides, nobody would have managed to scale Mt Everest.

Unit 9 page 115 Review porter /�pɔ�tə/ I hailed a porter to carry my bags to the taxi.

Unit 9 page 115 Review supplier /sə�plaiə/ The suppliers are threatening not to deliver unless we pay what we owe them.

Unit 9 page 115 Review elder /�eldə/ He called a meeting of the village elders.


Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus trials /�traiəlz/ Oh the trials of motherhood!

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus jumbled /�d�mbəld/ In his excitement Bob's words became jumbled.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus concrete /�kɒŋkri�t/ The wall was built of solid concrete.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus basement /�beismənt/ She lives in a basement flat in Norwich.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus rampage /r�m�peid�/ After the match, football fans were rampaging through the streets.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus network /�netw��k/ The bank's network of computers is down at the moment.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus download /�daυn�ləυd/ If you visit the website, you can download the program for free.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus infiltrator /�infəltreitə/ The infiltrator managed to steal important documents.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus monitor /�mɒnitə/ The Security Police had monitored all of his phone calls.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus trace /treis/ She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus lair /leə/ The police tracked the murderer to his lair.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus spot /spɒt/ Luckily, the enemy planes were spotted early.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus premier /�premiə/ He owns one of the premier restaurants in the country.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus breach /bri�tʃ/ The storm had breached the sea wall in two places.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus assumed name /ə�sju�md �neim/ He registered at the hotel under an assumed name.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus plant /plɑ�nt/ Someone must have planted the drugs on her.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus dispatch /di�sp�tʃ/ An undercover investigation team was dispatched to the scene of the riots.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus wrapper /�r�pə/ Please don't drop your sweet wrappers on the floor.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus track /tr�k/ The dogs tracked the wolf to its lair.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus access code /��kses �kəυd/ I couldn't get in without the correct access code.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus high-ranking /�hai �r�ŋkiŋ/ All high-ranking officers were called to participate in the meeting.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus crash /kr�ʃ/ She crashes parties all the time even though she always gets thrown out.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus sift through /�sift �θru�/ Police are sifting through the evidence in the hope of finding more clues.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus simulation /�simjə�leiʃən/ She had extensive flight simulation training before she qualified as a pilot.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus frantically /�fr�ntikli/ They ran around frantically trying to clean up the mess before their parents got home.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus terminal /�t��mənəl/ He sat at his computer terminal and looked at the screen.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus insist /in�sist/ Mike insisted that he was right.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus put sb out of action /�pυt smbədi aυt əv ��kʃən/ The army were called in to put the terrorists out of action.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus cyber- /saibə/ Cyberspace, cybernetics.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus maze /meiz/ We wondered through the maze of tiny streets in the old part of the city.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus hacker /�h�kə/ A hacker broke into our system and stole some important information.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus circuitous /s���kju�itəs/ He took us on a circuitous route through the town.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus bring (sth) to bear /�briŋ tə �beə/ Unfair pressure has been brought to bear upon the strikers to make them return.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus hang out /�h�ŋ �aυt/ She hangs out at the Internet café with all the other computer addicts.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus engage (sb) in conversation /in� eid� in kɒnvə�seiʃən/ A very strange looking man engaged me in conversation at the party.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus naïve /nai�i�v/ I had naïvely imagined that I would get a job as soon as I left university.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus informant /in�fɔ�mənt/ The police were told about the plans to raid the bank by an informant.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus jubilant /�d�u�bələnt/ They were jubilant at winning first prize in the competition.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus cul-de-sac /�kl di s�k/ We live in a cul-de-sac in north London.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus hideaway /�haidəwei/ He has a little hideaway in the mountains.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus stake out /�steik �aυt/ The police have been staking out the club for weeks.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus cautious /�kɔ�ʃəs/ I've always been very cautious about giving my address to strangers.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus online /�ɒnlain/ They have an online service where you can obtain information.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus catch sb in the act /�k�tʃ smbədi in ði ��kt/ They caught him in the act – shoplifting from Harrods.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus beforehand /bi�fɔ�h�nd/ When you give a speech, it's natural to feel nervous beforehand.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus disturbing /di�st��biŋ/ There has been a disturbing increase in the crime rate recently.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus get a buzz / et ə �bz/ You know Simon gets a real buzz from driving fast.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus cruise /kru�z/ Police were cruising the streets, on the lookout for trou blemakers.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus futile /�fju�tail/ He made a futile attempt to save his papers from the fire.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus launch /lɔ�ntʃ/ The press launched a vicious attack on the President.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus pose /pəυz/ Willis was caught posing as a journalist.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus sweep /swi�p/ Mrs Jenkins swept into the meeting and demanded to know what was going on.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus creep /kri�p/ He crept back up the stairs, hoping nobody would hear him.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus loft /lɒft/ We're thinking of converting our loft into a bedroom.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus hunched /hntʃt/ She was hunched nervously over her drink.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus tap away /�t�p ə�wei/ She sat there, tapping away at her typewriter, as the story just unfolded itself.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus keyboard /�ki�bɔ�d/ A computer keyboard.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus warfare /�wɔ�feə/ Who can face the terrible prospect of large-scale nuclear warfare?

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus breed /bri�d/ This model is the first of a new breed of satellites to be launched this decade.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus subsequent /�sbsikwənt/ These skills were then passed on to subsequent generations.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus stepping stone /�stepiŋ stəυn/ Think of this job as a stepping stone to something better.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus for ease of /fər �i�z əv, ɒv/ For ease of use, try applying the cream to a dry surface.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus debris /�debri�, �dei-/ The road was littered with debris after the hurricane.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus throb /�θrɒb/ We could hear the music from the night-club throbbing across the lake.

Unit 10 pages 116-117 Exam focus pack into /�p�k �intə, �intυ/ They packed so much into their suitcases, that I'm amazed they could even carry them.

Unit 10 pages 118-119 Grammar plus preparatory /pri�p�rətəri/ They are initiating preparatory talks to clear the way for a peace settlement.

Unit 10 pages 118-119 Grammar plus contract /�kɒntr�kt/ His contract of employment specifies that he must get at least one month's training.

Unit 10 pages 118-119 Grammar plus thought-provoking /�θɔ�t prə�vəυkiŋ/ I found the article very thought-provoking.

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use consume /kən�sju�m/ As a country, we consume a lot more than we produce.

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use wreck /rek/ I just hope the weather doesn't wreck our plans!

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use abuse /ə�bju�s/ Alcohol abuse is a primary concern.

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use withdrawal symptom /wið�drɔ�əl �simptəm/ The worst withdrawal symptoms were the nauseating headaches.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 10 page 121 English in Use panic attack /�p�nik ə�t�k/ Philip sometimes gets panic attacks and can't breathe properly.

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use spell sth out /�spel smθiŋ �aυt/ Will the manager spell out exactly how he intends to deal with the crisis?

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use kick the habit /�kik ðə �h�bit/ Some smokers find it surprisingly easy to kick the habit.

Unit 10 page 121 English in Use neglect /ni� lekt/ Tenants are complaining about the landlord's neglect of the property.

Unit 10 page 121 Listening cyber dating /�saibə �deitiŋ/ She has been cyber dating a guy in Australia for the last few months.

Unit 10 page 121 Listening disbelief /�disbə�li�f/ Martine shook her head in disbelief, shocked by the damage.

Unit 10 page 121 Listening irritation /�irə�teiʃən/ Her brother's eating habits were a constant source of irritation.

Unit 10 page 121 Listening defensiveness /di�fensivnəs/ Her defensiveness was immediately apparent, as she avoided answering any questions about the incident.

Unit 10 page 121 Listening dismissiveness /dis�misivnəs/ The Minister was criticised for his dismissiveness of the protesters.

Unit 10 page 122 Grammar check presumably /pri�zju�məbli/ If you're eating now, presumably you won't want to go to a restaurant.

Unit 10 page 122 Grammar check efficiently /i�fiʃəntli/ They managed to deal with the crisis very efficiently.

Unit 10 page 122 Grammar check isolate /�aisəleit/ When I first moved to my new school, I felt completely isolated.

Unit 10 page 122 Grammar check go for sth /� əυ fə �smθiŋ/ I persuaded Samantha to go for the red dress instead of the blue.

Unit 10 pages 122-123 Speaking hesitate /�hezəteit/ Harriet hesitated a moment before replying.

Unit 10 pages 122-123 Speaking deviate /�di�vieit/ The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path.

Unit 10 pages 122-123 Speaking repetition /�repə�tiʃən/ I find his constant repetition of the same old jokes extremely irritating.

Unit 10 pages 122-123 Speaking chair /tʃeə/ Address your questions to the chair, please.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use acquire /ə�kwaiə/ The museum has managed to acquire an important work by El Greco.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use restore /ri�stɔ�/ The government promises to restore the economy to full strength.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use eerily /�iərəli/ The corridor was eerily lit in a foggy yellow light.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use mimic /�mimik/ Will computers ever be able to mimic the way humans think?

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use rebellious /ri�beljəs/ I will not put up with your rebellious behaviour anymore!'

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use humanoid /�hju�mənɔid/ A story about humanoid robots taking over the Earth.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use derive /di�raiv/ This word is derived from Latin.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use prospect /�prɒspekt/ The prospect of marriage terrified Alice.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use nightshift /�nait-ʃift/ I usually work the nightshift, from 10 at night till 6 in the morning.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use renew /ri�nju�/ The window frames will have to be renewed.

Unit 10 page 123 English in Use device /di�vais/ This is a useful device for detecting electrical activity.

Unit 10 pages 124-125 Exam focus maintain /mein�tein/ We have made every effort to ensure that we maintain our high standards.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 10 pages 124-125 Exam focus crash /kr�ʃ/ The system crashed at nine this morning, so we haven't been able

to do anything. Unit 10 pages 124-125 Exam focus multi-media /�mlti �mi�diə/ They are going to present a multi-media performance as part of

their degree show. Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary illustration /�ilə�streiʃən/ Children like books with lots of illustrations.

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary origami /�ɒri� ɑ�mi/ Shall I make you an origami frog?

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary kindergarten /�kində ɑ�tn/ I decided not to send my son to kindergarten.

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary mosquito /mə�ski�təυ/ We couldn't sleep because of the mosquitoes.

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary duvet /�du�vei/ In winter, I just snuggle up in bed, under my duvet.

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary mattress /�m�trəs/ The bed had an old, lumpy mattress, which made it difficult to get to sleep.

Unit 10 page 126 Vocabulary mammoth /�m�məθ/ Nobody is really sure why the mammoths became extinct.


Unit 11 page 130 Speaking promote /prə�məυt/ We want to promote the area and make it attractive to tourists.

Unit 11 page 130 Speaking bagpipes /�b� paips/ They even had a bagpipe player at their wedding!

Unit 11 page 131 Listening disembark /�disim�bɑ�k/ Will passengers kindly disembark from the rear of the ship.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus construction /kən�strkʃən/ When we got to the hotel, it was still under construction.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus glimpse / limps/ I glimpsed a fox in the woods, but then it was gone.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus whiz /wiz/ Martin whizzed by us on his bicycle.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus state-of-the-art /�steit əv ði �ɑ�t/ State-of-the-art equipment.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus trek /trek/ We wanted to go trekking in the Himalayas.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus epic /�epik/ They organised a banquet of epic proportions.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus stopover /�stɒp�əυvə/ We had a two-day stopover in Hong Kong before flying on to Peking.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus remote /ri�məυt/ The cottage was in a remote part of the country.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus take in /�teik �in/ This price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus figure /�fi ə/ Tales of the Green Man figure prominently in old British literature.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus prominent /�prɒminənt/ He is a prominent Russian scientist.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus sumptuous /�smptʃuəs/ They provided a sumptuous banquet in our honour.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus en route /�ɒn �ru�t/ En route to the island, we passed a school of dolphins.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus spacious /�speiʃəs/ A spacious, comfortably furnished living room.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus revolve /ri�vɒlv/ The Earth revolves around the Sun.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus plateau /�pl�təυ/ We finally reached an even plateau, the only resting place before the journey to the mountain peak.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus glacier /� l�siə/ Mammoth bones were found at the base of the glacier.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus peak /pi�k/ K2 is the world's highest peak.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus moorland /�mυələnd/ She lives in a cottage on the moorland.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus fjord /�fi�ɔ�d, fjɔ�d/ We were amazed by the spectacular beauty of the fjords when we went to Norway.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus picturesque /�piktʃə�resk/ We drove through several picturesque villages.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus roam /rəυm/ We saw herds of wild deer roaming freely over the hills.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus scenic /�si�nik/ Let's take the scenic route home.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus reservation /�rezə�veiʃən/ I made a reservation for a double room.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus daunting /�dɔ�ntiŋ/ Crossing the river was a daunting task, but we knew we had to do it.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus feasible /�fi�zəbəl/ Your plan is not economically feasible.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus tailor-made /�teilə �meid/ The job's tailor-made for John.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus put together /�pυt tə� eðə/ It took all morning to put the proposal together.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus ruin /�ru�in/ An interesting old ruin.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus bustling /�bsəliŋ/ We tried to find a table in the bustling nightclub.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus massive /�m�siv/ The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus accessible /ək�sesəbəl/ The cove is only accessible by boat.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus host /həυst/ Greece is to host the 2004 Olympics.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus province /�prɒvins/ Sichuan is China's most populous province.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus escort /i�skɔ�t/ The Queen was escorted round the factory by two of the managers.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus fit (sb/sth) out /�fit �aυt/ The cabins had been fitted out with pine furniture.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus rate /reit/ She is generally rated as one of the best modern poets.

Unit 11 pages 132-133 Exam focus elusive /i�lu�siv/ Jones was an elusive man who was never in his office.

Unit 11 page 134 Grammar plus the interior /ði in�tiəriə/ The interior is mainly desert.

Unit 11 page 134 Grammar plus come to a halt /�km tυ ə �hɔ�lt/ The whole peace process seems to have come to a halt.

Unit 11 page 134 Grammar plus immense /i�mens/ An immense amount of money and time has been put into finding a cure.

Unit 11 page 134 Grammar plus propose /prə�pəυz/ Sean proposed to me only six months after we met.

Unit 11 page 134 Listening pros and cons /�prəυz ən �kɒnz/ The pros and cons of owning your own home.

Unit 11 page 134 Listening stoppage /�stɒpid�/ There were a number of stoppages during the match due to injury.

Unit 11 page 135 Vocabulary mill around /�mil ə�raυnd/ Crowds of students were milling around in the street.

Unit 11 page 135 Vocabulary vivid /�vivid/ She gave us a vivid account of their journey across the desert.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing brochure /�brəυʃə, -ʃυə/ We looked at the glossy holiday brochure.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing broad /brɔ�d/ She has a very broad range of interests.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing whirlwind /�w��lwind/ I had such a whirlwind of emotions, that I just didn't know what to do.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing festivities /fə�stivətiz/ The festivities started with a procession through the town.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing be in store /bi in �stɔ�/ No matter what plans you make, you never know what is in store for you.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing zoom /zu�m/ Belinda zoomed past on her bike.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing whoosh /wυʃ/ The arrow whooshed past my ear.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing peril /�perəl/ Let's say a prayer for those in peril on the sea.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing spiralling /�spaiərəliŋ/ We walked up some spiralling steps to the top of the tower.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing glow / ləυ/ We saw a lamp glowing in the garden.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing shimmering /�ʃiməriŋ/ We all wondered at the shimmering surface of the lake in the moonlight.

Unit 11 pages 136-137 Writing glimmering /� liməriŋ/ A glimmering light at the end of the hall.

Unit 11 page 137 Grammar check debate /di�beit/ There has been fierce debate on the issue of abortion.

Unit 11 page 137 Grammar check correspondingly /�kɒrə�spɒndiŋli/ Her report was not very good, and she had a correspondingly low opinion of herself.

Unit 11 page 137 Grammar check inevitable /i�nevətəbəl/ It seems inevitable that Brazil will win the world cup.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading entire /in�taiə/ We spent the entire afternoon gossiping.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading mean /mi�n/ Stealing her doll was a mean thing to do.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading self-centred /�self �sentəd/ He is so self-centred that he only talks about himself.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading self-righteous /�self �raitʃəs/ That's the most unfair, self-righteous statement I've ever heard!

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading sponsor /�spɒnsə/ A well- known car manufacturer is the sponsor of the car race.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading mellow out /�meləυ �aυt/ Why don't you mellow out a little and stop worrying!

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading figure out /�fi ər �aυt/ Can you figure out how to do it?

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading tip /tip/ The tip of her nose was red.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading go through sth / əυ �θru� �smθiŋ/ Austria was so expensive - we went through all our money in one week.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading wear /weə/ The baby has stopped crying; I think she's worn herself out.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading frazzle /�fr�zəl/ The old cottage was burnt to a frazzle.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading blister /�blistə/ New shoes always give me blisters.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading pus /ps/ Pus was oozing out of the wound.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading bout /baυt/ She's suffering from a bout of flu at the moment.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading malaria /mə�leəriə/ We had to have vaccinations against malaria before we left for India.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading typhoid /�taifɔid/ There has been a sudden outbreak of typhoid in the region.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading irate /ai�reit/ The company received several complaints from irate customers.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading obstacle /�ɒbstəkəl/ Fear of change is the greatest obstacle to progress.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading thorny /�θɔ�ni/ The thorny issue of how to pay back the mortgage will have to be raised sooner or later.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading corporate /�kɔ�pərət/ A corporate policy.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading run afoul of /�rn ə�faυl əv, ɒv/ As a child, he ran afoul of the school authorities and was always in trouble.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading go into a shell / əυ �intυ ə �ʃel/ She really went into a shell when she started college.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading assignment /ə�sainmənt/ Joanna's going to Italy on a special assignment for her newspaper.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading determination /di�t��mi�neiʃən/ Her determination to do well made her keep on studying.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading endurance /in�djυərəns/ The marathon was a real test of our endurance.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading motto /�mɒtəυ/ Our motto has always been 'Courage and faith'!

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading last-ditch effort /�lɑ�st ditʃ �efət/ The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading build on /�bild ɒn/ Now we must build on our success in Italy.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading camaraderie /�k�mə�rɑ�dəri/ Every member of the school club supported the expelled student in a display of true camaraderie.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading unashamedly /�nə�ʃeimədli/ She unashamedly told us what she had done to her sister's toys.

Unit 11 pages 138-139 Reading settle down /�setl �daυn/ After all those years of globe- trotting, she decided to settle down, get married, and have kids.

Unit 11 page 139 Vocabulary firm /f��m/ She works for an electronics firm.

Unit 11 page 139 Vocabulary by all accounts /bai �ɔ�l ə�kaυnts/ It's a very exciting film by all accounts.

Unit 11 page 139 Vocabulary fill in /�fil �in/ I had to fill in a short questionnaire.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus benefit /�benəfit/ The developments have brought lasting benefits to the town.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus sustainable /sə�steinəbəl/ The country is aiming for sustainable economic growth.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus minimal /�minəməl/ The storm caused only minimal damage.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus utilise /�ju�təlaiz/ A heating system that utilises solar energy.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus stimulate /�stimjυleit/ The government has introduced new plans to stimulate the economy.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus assessment /ə�sesmənt/ What's your assessment of the situation in Northern Ireland?

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus undertake /�ndə�teik/ He undertook to pay the money back in six months.

Unit 11 page 140 Exam focus all in all /�ɔ�l in �ɔ�l/ All in all, it's been a pretty bad year for the Prime Minister.

Unit 11 page 141 Review rubber /�rbə/ Doctors have to wear rubber gloves.

Unit 11 page 141 Review stowaway /�stəυəwei/ They found three stowaways in the cargo hold.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 11 page 141 Review exposure /ik�spəυ�ə/ In the summer time, you must protect yourself from prolonged

exposure to the sun. Unit 11 page 141 Review render unconscious /�rendər n�kɒnʃəs/ He was rendered unconscious by the lack of oxygen.

Unit 11 page 141 Review hibernation /�haibə�neiʃən/ Tortoises usually go into hibernation in early December.


Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading mind over matter /�maind əυvə �m�tə/ If you really want to pass your exams, it's just a case of mind over matter.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading distinction /di�stiŋkʃən/ No one today doubts that he was a scholar of great distinction.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading perplexity /pə�pleksəti/ My perplexity increased when we couldn't find the money.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading genially /�d�i�niəli/ He smiled genially at the little girl.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading pat /p�t/ He patted the dog affectionately.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading take (sth) to be /�teik tə bi/ He saw a strange light in the sky, which he took to be an aeroplane.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading consult /kən�slt/ If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading referral /ri�f��rəl/ The defendants asked for a referral of the case to the High Court.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading orient /�ɔ�riənt/ She oriented herself towards the sun.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading formulate /�fɔ�mjυleit/ He paused, trying to formulate an answer that would satisfy them.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading at length /ət �leŋθ/ So, do you think he's guilty?' she asked at length.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading still /stil/ He tried to still his beating heart and face the enemy.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading disquiet /dis�kwaiət/ There is growing disquiet about the way the police are handling the investigations.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading soothing /�su�ðiŋ/ The baby fell asleep, listening to the soothing sound of his mother's voice.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading co-ordination /kəυ�ɔ�di�neiʃən/ Too much alcohol affects your co-ordination.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading tone /təυn/ Swimming improves your muscle tone.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading a trifle /ə �traifəl/ You seem a trifle nervous.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading abnormal /�b�nɔ�məl/ My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading sotto voce /�sɒtəυ �vəυtʃi/ I know who stole the money,' she said, sotto voce.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading baffled /�b�fəld/ I was completely baffled by his questions.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading misplaced /�mis�pleist/ She had a misplaced sense of loyalty to her selfish mistress.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading gaze / eiz/ Her gaze fell on the money, lying on the table.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading settle /�setl/ The officer's cold eyes settled on Beatrice.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading resume /ri�zju�m/ After the break, John resumed his story.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading acuity /ə�kju�əti/ She has highly developed mental acuity.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading aghast /ə� ɑ�st/ I was aghast at the violence I was witnessing.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading fixation /fik�seiʃən/ He had a complete fixation with his hairstyle.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading expanse /ik�sp�ns/ Vast expanses of sand stretched out in front of us.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading dune /dju�n/ Golden sand dunes stretched to the horizon.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading confabulate /kən�f�bjυleit/ The patient confabulated the events of his day by describing a trip to an imaginary city.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading comply /kəm�plai/ Failure to comply with the regulations will result in disqualification.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading courteously /�k��tiəsli/ Children are not always taught how to behave courteously.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading sole /səυl/ The soles of his feet were caked in mud.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading quirky /�kw��ki/ The music was a quirky mixture of jazz and classical violins.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading placidly /�pl�sidli/ Charles stood at the entrance, placidly smoking his pipe.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading dementia /di�menʃə/ During the last years of her life, she was suffering from a rare kind of dementia.

Unit 12 pages 142-143 Reading cultivation /�klti�veiʃən/ The cultivation of artistic refinement.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take (sth) in /�teik �in/ I told Grandpa we were going away, but I don't think he took it in.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take to (sb) /�teik tə, tυ/ I took to Paul as soon as I met him.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take advantage of /�teik əd�vɑ�ntid� əv, ɒv/ Don't lend them the car – they're taking advantage of you!

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take (sb) for granted /�teik fə � rɑ�ntid/ I'm sick and tired of my husband taking me for granted!

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take sb's breath away /�teik smbədiz �breθ ə�wei/ The view from the top takes your breath away.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take (sth) upon oneself /�teik əpɒn wn�self/ You mustn't take it upon yourself to look after all these people.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take it out of (sb) /�teik it �aυt əv, ɒv/ Having the flu really takes it out of you!

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary take (sth) up with (sb) /�teik �p wið, wiθ/ I have decided to take the problem up with Sally's teacher.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary flustered /�flstəd/ Emma got really flustered during the interview.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary benevolent /bə�nevələnt/ A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary assumption /ə�smpʃən/ A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary click with (sb) /�klik wið, wiθ/ Peter and I clicked straight away.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary triplet /�triplət/ She couldn't believe it when the doctor told her she was going to have triplets.

Unit 12 page 144 Vocabulary worked up /�w��kt �p/ Don't get so worked up about it! It was only a suggestion.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening amnesia /�m�ni�ziə/ They found her, wondering about the city, suffering from amnesia.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening not give a damn /�nɒt iv ə �d�m/ I don't give a damn about what people think.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening intention /in�tenʃən/ They went into town with the intention of visiting the library.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening bird of prey /�b��d əv �prei/ Owls and falcons are birds of prey.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening balaclava /�b�lə�klɑ�və/ The robbers put on their balaclavas and entered the bank.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening rapid /�r�pid/ The patient made a rapid recovery.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening defendant /di�fendənt/ We find the defendant not guilty.

Unit 12 pages 145-146 Listening departure lounge /di�pɑ�tʃə �laυnd�/ We had to sit in the departure lounge for four whole hours!

Unit 12 page 146 Exam focus abstract /��bstr�kt/ They asked me some totally abstract questions in the inter view.

Unit 12 page 146 Exam focus climate /�klaimət/ The climate here is warm and sunny at this time of year.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check conquer /�kɒŋkə/ Jackie felt ashamed that she hadn't been able to conquer her fear of heights.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check dawn /dɔ�n/ The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check reflection /ri�flekʃən/ His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check hysterical /hi�sterikəl/ Hysterical fans tried to stop Madonna's car at the airport.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check shuttle /�ʃtl/ He took the Washington-New York shuttle.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check runway /�rnwei/ The plane moved slowly onto the runway and prepared for take-off.

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check trance /trɑ�ns/ What's the matter with you? You've been in a trance all day!

Unit 12 page 148 Grammar check subside /səb�said/ Simon waited until the laughter subsided before he continued with his story.

Unit 12 page 149 Listening commencement /kə�mensmənt/ The stadium was filled with spectators for the commencement of the games.

Unit 12 page 149 Listening telepathically /�telə�p�θikli/ How did he know that? He must have telepathically understood what I was thinking.

Unit 12 page 149 Listening sealed /si�ld/ All the supplies were kept in a sealed sterile pack.

Unit 12 page 149 Listening transmit /tr�nz�mit/ The final match will be transmitted live via satellite.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary flicker /�flikə/ The flicker of the firelight was the only light in the darkness.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary hum /hm/ The summer air was ringing with the hum of bees.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary screech /skri�tʃ/ We heard a sudden loud screech coming from the bushes.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary sparkle /�spɑ�kəl/ The surface of the lake was covered in bright sparkles of light in the morning sunshine.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary roar /rɔ�/ A roar of approval came from the crowd.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary beam /bi�m/ We could see the beams of searchlights scanning the sky.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary thud /θd/ His head hit the wall with a dull thud.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary twinkle /�twiŋkəl/ We gazed at the twinkle of millions upon millions of stars.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary piercing /�piəsiŋ/ Richard grinned and let out a piercing whistle.

Unit 12 pages 149-150 Vocabulary uncoil /n�kɔil/ The snake slowly uncoiled and moved away from us.

– Seite 53 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing core /kɔ�/ We must discuss the core issue.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing haze /heiz/ The room was filled with a haze of cigarette smoke.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing devise /di�vaiz/ She devised a method for quicker communications between offices.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing rigorous /�ri ərəs/ The management insists on carrying out rigorous safety checks.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing beam /bi�m/ It was the first ever broadcast beamed across the Atlantic.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing fluke /flu�k/ It was a complete fluke, meeting my sister at the airport.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing orthodox /�ɔ�θədɒks/ He had been trained in the orthodox methods.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing fraud /frɔ�d/ He is being investigated for fraud.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing plausible /�plɔ�zəbəl/ His explanation sounds fairly plausible to me.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing sum up /�sm �p/ The last chapter sums up the arguments.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing intriguing /in�tri� iŋ/ The professor made an intriguing discovery.

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing concrete /�kɒŋkri�t/ Could you give me a concrete example of the proposal?

Unit 12 pages 150-151 Writing combat /�kɒmb�t/ The government has introduced new strategies to combat inflation.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking autocue /�ɔ�təυkju�/ If it hadn't been for the autocue, I wouldn't have known what to say.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking persist /pə�sist/ Despite official denials, the rumours persisted.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking spark off /�spɑ�k �ɒf/ Going to an exhibition sparked off my interest in photography.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking tell (sb) off /�tel �ɒf/ My dad told me off for swearing.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking hypnotism /�hipnətizəm/ He managed to give up smoking through hypnotism.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking be out for the count /bi �aυt fə ðə �kaυnt/ There's no point in asking George – he's out for the count.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking insomnia /in�sɒmniə/ She suffers from terrible insomnia and usually gets about three hours sleep every night.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking executive /i �zekjətiv/ She is a publishing executive overseas.

Unit 12 page 152 Speaking inject /in�d�ekt/ The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.

Unit 12 page 153 Review imminent /�imənənt/ A declaration of war now seemed imminent.

Unit 12 page 153 Review curious /�kjυəriəs/ A curious noise was coming from the cellar.

Unit 12 page 153 Review in the mind's eye /in ðə �maindz �ai/ She could see in her mind's eye the whitewashed cottage of her childhood.

Unit 12 page 153 Review clarity /�kl�rəti/ She expressed her ideas with clarity.

Unit 12 page 153 Review trigger /�tri ə/ Even a minor incident could be the trigger for renewed fighting.

Unit 12 page 153 Review wreak havoc /�ri�k �h�vək/ A major power failure wreaked havoc in New York last night.

Unit 12 page 153 Review suffocate /�sfəkeit/ She almost suffocated in the fire.

Unit 12 page 153 Review conviction /kən�vikʃən/ She was a woman of strong political convictions.

– Seite 54 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 12 page 153 Review ray /rei/ Rays of sunlight filtered through the pine trees.

Unit 12 page 153 Review phenomenon /fi�nɒmənən/ They study violent natural phenomena such as hurricanes.

Unit 12 page 153 Review downright /�daυnrait/ That's a downright lie!

Unit 12 page 153 Review deposit /di�pɒzit/ When the drill is over please deposit all weapons in the special case.

Unit 12 page 153 Review reminisce /�remə�nis/ We talked about our village, reminiscing about the old days.

Unit 12 page 153 Review endure /in�djυə/ There are limits to what the human body can endure.

Unit 12 page 153 Review behold /bi�həυld/ Behold the star that shines in the north!

Unit 12 page 153 Review vacant /�veikənt/ She stared at me with a vacant expression on her face.

Unit 12 page 153 Review dislocate /�disləkeit/ I dislocated my shoulder playing football.

Unit 12 page 153 Review stroke /strəυk/ He was paralysed by a severe stroke.


Unit 13 page 154 Listening conjure up /�knd�ər �p/ The word 'magic' conjured up a whole new set of images in his mind.

Unit 13 page 154 Listening promptly /�prɒmptli/ They promised to deliver our new wardrobe promptly.

Unit 13 page 154 Listening debt /det/ The company has debts of 100 million drachmas.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check market /�mɑ�kit/ The success of any beauty product depends on the way it is marketed.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check consistent /kən�sistənt/ She is one of the most consistent players on the tennis circuit.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check emblem /�embləm/ The national emblem of England is a rose.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check shorthand /�ʃɔ�th�nd/ The reporter took notes in shorthand.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check shield /ʃi�ld/ His sword and shield.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check regalia /ri� eiliə/ The royal regalia.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check armour /�ɑ�mə/ A knight in shining armour.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check pass on /�pɑ�s �ɒn/ They pass their knowledge on from one generation to the next in stories and rhymes.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check descendant /di�sendənt/ He thinks he's a direct descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check pottery /�pɒtəri/ We found a fine collection of medieval pottery at the site.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check native /�neitiv/ The native people were very friendly and hospitable to the European settlers.

Unit 13 pages 154-155 Grammar check board /bɔ�d/ There is still only one woman on the board of directors.

Unit 13 page 155 Speaking put one's finger on (sth) /�pυt wnz �fiŋ ər ɒn/ I knew there was something strange about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading wind up /�waind �p/ It was one of those old gramophones that you have to wind up.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading merchant /�m��tʃənt/ He's a wine merchant.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading belly /�beli/ My belly feels really full after all that food.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading explosive /ik�spləυsiv/ An explosive noise suddenly came from the over the hill.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading rumble /�rmbəl/ We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading genius /�d�i�niəs/ He is a musical genius.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading destined /�destind/ She was destined to become a star.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading escapology /�eskə�pɒləd�i/ Houdini was an expert at escapology.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading blindfold /�blaindfəυld/ They blindfolded the pris oner before leading him out of the cell.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading coffin /�kɒfin/ Slowly, they lowered the coffin into the ground.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading telly /�teli/ Is there anything good on telly tonight?

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading stop sb dead /�stɒp smbədi �ded/ The sight of all those people suffering stopped me dead.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading filthy /�filθi/ Simon never cleans his house – it's absolutely filthy!

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading burial /�beriəl/ It was the site of a Roman burial.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading horrendously /hə�rendəsli/ The cost was horrendously high.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading colonialist /kə�ləυniəlist/ British colonialists were unwel come in India.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading monocle /�mɒnəkəl/ The general looked at the document through his monocle.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading swat /swɒt/ There are so many mosquitoes here! Where's my swat?

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading drag /dr� / Joseph managed to drag the table into the kitchen.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading spring /spriŋ/ You can feel the springs in this old mattress.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading dynamo /�dainəməυ/ My bicycle lights don't need batteries – they are powered by a dynamo.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading prototype /�prəυtətaip/ They wanted to see a complete working prototype of the new model.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading cannibalise /�k�nəbəlaiz/ I cannibalised an old television set for the parts I needed.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading scrapyard /�skr�pjɑ�d/ The car was eventually taken to the scrap-yard.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading turn (sb/sth) down /�t��n �daυn/ Paula has turned down offers from several different law firms.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading bastion /�b�stiən/ These local street-bands are the last bastions of traditional music.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading catalyst /�k�təlist/ The police beatings served as a catalyst for the escalation of violence.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading fellow /�feləυ/ Paul's an easy-going sort of fellow.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading disabled /dis�eibəld/ This entrance is for disabled people.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading line up /�lain �p/ The men were being lined up for an inspection.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading OBE /�əυ bi� �i�/ He was awarded an OBE for his work helping orphan children.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading fete /feit/ The Olympic winners' team was feted all over the country.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading lap-top /�l�p tɒp/ The room was full of executives with their laptops.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading grab / r�b/ Kim grabbed hold of my arm to stop herself falling.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading literacy /�litərəsi/ The college is offering new adult literacy classes.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading numeracy /�nju�mərəsi/ We need someone who's good at numeracy.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading in the wilderness /in ðə �wildənəs/ Everyone was amazed by his return to office after several years in the wilderness.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading in shape /in �ʃeip/ I've got to get into shape before summer.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading distressed /di�strest/ Hannah was deeply distressed by the news about her father.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading gratitude /� r�titju�d/ I didn't get a single word of gratitude for all my trouble.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading neutral /�nju�trəl/ I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading cynical /�sinikəl/ Since her divorce she's become very cynical about men.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading famine /�f�min/ Reports are coming in of another massive famine in eastern Africa.

Unit 13 pages 156-157 Reading applause /ə�plɔ�z/ Let's have a round of applause for our speakers today.

Unit 13 pages 158-159 Grammar plus PA /�pi� �ei/ If you need any more information, my PA will be happy to help you.

Unit 13 pages 158-159 Grammar plus lie-in /�lai �in/ It was Sunday morning so I decided to have a lie-in.

Unit 13 pages 158-159 Grammar plus youth hostel /�ju�θ �hɒstl/ We travelled through France, staying in youth hostels as we went.

Unit 13 pages 158-159 Grammar plus valuable /�v�ljuəbəl, -jəbəl/ It was a very valuable painting.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus tacit /�t�sit/ There was a tacit agreement between the three big companies that no one would cut their prices.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus on the ball /�ɒn ðə �bɔ�l/ We need an assistant who's really on the ball.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus applicant /��plikənt/ There were over 250 applicants for the job.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus thoroughly /�θrəli/ If you don't clean your room thoroughly, you can't go out.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus downside /�daυnsaid/ The downside of the plan is that we may lose a lot of time.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus ramble on /�r�mbəl �ɒn/ He rambled on for ages about his trip to Paris.

Unit 13 page 160 Exam focus recruitment /ri�kru�tmənt/ Mrs Smith is in charge of recruitment for temporary summer staff.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary turnover /�t��n�əυvə/ Our annual turnover is around í5.6 million.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary get the sack / et ðə �s�k/ He got the sack for stealing.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary maternity leave /mə�t��nəti li�v/ I was given 3 months maternity leave after my baby was born.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary be laid off /bi �leid �ɒf/ Harry was laid off for six months during the recession.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary go bankrupt / əυ �b�ŋkrpt/ The recession has made many small companies go bankrupt.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary flexitime /�fleksitaim/ They have decided to introduce flexitime for some workers.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary shareholder /�ʃeə�həυldə/ Shareholders have been told to expect an even lower result for 2002.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary recession /ri�seʃən/ We all suffered badly during the recession.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary pension /�penʃən/ They both have their pensions to live on now that they've retired.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary anticipate /�n�tisəpeit/ Organisers are anticipating a large crowd at the carnival.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary personnel /�p��sə�nel/ All personnel must wear their identity badges.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary manufacture /�m�njυ�f�ktʃə/ He works for a company that manu factures cosmetics.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary subsidiary /səb�sidiəri/ Jo-co's' is a subsidiary of 'Johnson's'.

Unit 13 pages 160-161 Vocabulary viable /�vaiəbəl/ We don't think nuclear energy is a viable solution to the energy problem.

Unit 13 page 161 Speaking premises /�premisiz/ We hope to be moving to new premises shortly.

Unit 13 page 161 Speaking substantial /səb�st�nʃəl/ We have the support of a substantial number of parents.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use deadline /�dedlain/ The deadline for this project is May 27th.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use dominate /�dɒməneit/ Education issues dominated the election campaign.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use perk /p��k/ I have a company car – it's one of the perks of the job.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use on the plus side /ɒn ðə �pls said/ On the plus side, you will be earning more money than before.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use flirt /fl��t/ Tony flirted with an attractive young woman at the party.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use proclaim /prə�kleim/ His son was immediately proclaimed king.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use outlook /�aυtlυk/ He's got a very positive outlook on life.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use calibre /�k�ləbə/ The scientists working in our labs are of the highest calibre.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use pliable /�plaiəbəl/ The clay should be moistened regularly to keep it soft and pliable.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use amenable /ə�mi�nəbəl/ She was very amenable to my suggestions.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use sanctuary /�s�ŋktʃuəri/ Refugees fleeing from the advancing army found sanctuary in Geneva.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use deficiency /di�fiʃənsi/ The disease is caused by a vitamin deficiency.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use indisposed /�indi�spəυzd/ Mrs Wilkins regrets that she is temporarily indisposed.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use pester /�pestə/ The kids have been pestering me to buy them new trainers.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use inflame /in�fleim/ Seeing her again inflamed his old passion.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use ruffle /�rfəl/ Her father's sharp comments had ruffled her pride.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use behind the times /bi�haind ðə �taimz/ His sense of fashion is so behind the times.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use expire /ik�spaiə/ My passport expires next week.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use invalid /in�v�lid/ Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket will be invalid.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use compensation /�kɒmpən�seiʃən/ One of the few compensations of being unemployed was seeing more of the family.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 13 page 162 English in Use reimbursement /�ri�im�b��smənt/ They have promised reimbursement of all my costs.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use atonement /ə�təυnmənt/ After he'd forgotten her birthday, he took her to the opera by way of atonement.

Unit 13 page 162 English in Use idiosyncratic /�idiəυsin�kr�tik/ Her idiosyncratic behaviour included talking to her plants.

Unit 13 pages 162-163 Writing enclosed /in�kləυzd/ Please find enclosed a cheque for £25.

Unit 13 pages 162-163 Writing CV /�si� �vi�/ Please send a CV and brief letter to the address below.

Unit 13 pages 162-163 Writing allowance /ə�laυəns/ His father gave him a monthly allowance while he was studying abroad.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary catch up with /�k�tʃ �p wið, wiθ/ At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary keep up with /�ki�p �p wið, wiθ/ Slow down, Dave can't keep up with us.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary freshen up /�freʃən �p/ He hurried into the bathroom to freshen up before the meeting.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary liven up /�laivən �p/ The party really livened up when the band arrived.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary narrow (sth) down /�n�rəυ �daυn/ We have narrowed down the number of candidates suitable for the job to only three.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary culprit /�klprit/ Police finally managed to catch the culprit.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary cut down on /�kt �daυn ɒn/ My doctor's told me to cut down on carbohydrates.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary settle down /�setl �daυn/ Everybody settle down so we can hear the story.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary sidle up to /�saidl �p tə, tυ/ A woman in dark glasses sidled up to us and asked if we wanted to buy a watch.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary melt down /�melt �daυn/ People were melting down coins to make earrings and ornaments.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary blaze up /�bleiz �p/ We put some fresh wood on the fire to make it blaze up.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary creep up on /�kri�p �p ɒn/ Don't make a noise – let's creep up on them and scare them.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary touch up /�ttʃ �p/ She quickly touched up her lipstick.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary mount up /�maυnt �p/ Our debts are beginning to mount up again.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary water down /�wɔ�tə �daυn/ They watered down the speech before reading it on national television.

Unit 13 page 164 Vocabulary fix up /�fiks �p/ We fixed up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay.

Unit 13 page 165 Review furious /�fjυəriəs/ He was furious with himself for not standing up to the bully.

Unit 13 page 165 Review dilute /dai�lu�t/ Dilute the fruit juice before you give it to the baby.

Unit 13 page 165 Review commercial /kə�m��ʃəl/ Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.

Unit 13 page 165 Review liberate /�libəreit/ He was liberated from his feelings of shame.

Unit 13 page 165 Review humdrum /�hmdrm/ He complains about living a humdrum existence.

Unit 13 page 165 Review out of work /�aυt əv �w��k/ He has been out of work for months now.

Unit 13 page 165 Review throw (sb/sth) on the scrapheap /�θrəυ ɒn ðə �skr�p�hi�p/ Twenty years of loyal service and they're throwing him on the scrapheap!

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 13 page 165 Review springboard /�spriŋbɔ�d/ Students can use these ideas as a springboard for writing their

own compositions. Unit 13 page 165 Review drain /drein/ Not having any body to rent my room is a serious drain on my

financial resources. Unit 13 page 165 Review teleworker /�teliw��kə/ She thought that becoming a teleworker would give her more flexibility.


Unit 14 page 166 Listening pity /�piti/ I pity Sophie having to live with that awful woman.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening alley /��li/ The alley behind my house is always full of cats at night.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening wail /weil/ The wind wailed in the chimney.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening chant /tʃɑ�nt/ A priest chanting the liturgy.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening malevolent /mə�levələnt/ The painting was full of malevolent demons.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening bard /bɑ�d/ The bard told a tale of long ago.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening crouch /kraυtʃ/ The cat crouched; its eyes following the mouse as it scurried away.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening caper /�keipə/ Lambs were capering in the fields.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening ere /eə/ Ere the sun had set, the princess had fallen asleep.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening primeval /prai�mi�vəl/ Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening clan /kl�n/ The whole clan will be here over Christmas.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening blotched /blɒtʃt/ She had reddish, blotched skin.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening leer /liə/ Stop leering at those girls!

Unit 14 page 166 Listening scorn /skɔ�n/ They had nothing but scorn for their working-class parents.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening rug /r / She bought some beautiful hand-woven rugs while she was in Egypt.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening brute /bru�t/ The brute beast.

Unit 14 page 166 Listening purr /p��/ A big grey tomcat sat in his lap purring contentedly.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus disapproval /�disə�pru�vəl/ We intend to express our disapproval of the marriage.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus sneer /sniə/ I didn't like the sneer on his face when he spoke to me.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus commonplace /�kɒmənpleis/ Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus volcano /vɒl�keinəυ/ Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79 AD.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus dazzling /�d�zəliŋ/ A dazzling display of football skills.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus in full swing /in �fυl �swiŋ/ The party was in full swing when the police burst in.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus molten /�məυltən/ Molten lava spewed forth from the volcano.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus notorious /nəυ�tɔ�riəs, nə-/ He is notorious for his bad temper.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus eruption /i�rpʃən/ The volcano eruption happened at 6 am this morning.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus guarantee /� �rən�ti�/ Even if you complete your training I can't guarantee you a job.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus ferocious /fə�rəυʃəs/ Ferocious dogs shouldn't be allowed on the street.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus sensation /sen�seiʃən/ News of their engagement created a great sensation.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus rival /�raivəl/ She is the world champion and has very few rivals at the moment.

Unit 14 page 167 Exam focus compose /kəm�pəυz/ The individual people that composed the audience.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading extinction /ik�stiŋkʃən/ Conservationists are trying to save the whale from extinction.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading fierce /fiəs/ The building was patrolled by armed guards accompanied by fierce dogs.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading intimate /�intəmət/ Valerie always tells me about the most intimate details of their relationship.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading assault /ə�sɔ�lt/ There have been significant increase in violent assaults over the past decade.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading charisma /kə�rizmə/ Few rock stars have had the charisma of Elvis Presley.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading divine /di�vain/ She claimed to have had a number of divine visions.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading deity /�deiəti, �di�-/ The twelve deities of ancient Greek mythology.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading virtue /�v��tʃu�/ He was a man of the highest virtue.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading set aside /�set ə�said/ Try to set aside at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading litter /�litə/ My dog just gave birth to another litter of puppies.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading cub /kb/ A fox and her cubs were crossing the field.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading flood /fld/ Floods in Bangladesh caused over 1000 deaths.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading savage /�s�vid�/ He was savaged by a mad dog.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading poacher /�pəυtʃə/ They managed to catch the poacher who had been killing the deer.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading emblematic /�emblə�m�tik/ The increase in violent crime is emblematic of the times we live in.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading deforestation /di��fɒrə�steiʃən/ Deforestation in parts of South America is one of the biggest environmental concerns.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading encroach on/upon /in�krəυtʃ ɒn, ə�pɒn/ More and more houses are encroaching upon farmland.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading territory /�terətəri/ Scratching trees is one of the ways that cats mark their territory.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading sinister /�sinistə/ We saw a sinister figure lurking in the shadows.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading legitimate /lə�d�itəmət/ Do you have legitimate authority to use these premises?

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading escalation /�eskə�leiʃən/ The escalation of violence in the city is one of our main concerns.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading erode /i�rəυd/ She feels that her personal authority has been eroded.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading graze / reiz/ These are the fields where they used to graze their sheep.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading livestock /�laivstɒk/ His livestock includes a very rare breed of pig.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading pest /pest/ Mice have been considered pests ever since agriculture first developed.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading vice versa /�vais �v��sə/ Anything the men wanted the women didn't, and vice versa.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading trigger /�tri ə/ The song triggered many happy memories.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading infrared /�infrə�red/ Infrared light was used to track the animals at night.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading intrusive /in�tru�siv/ They found the television cameras too intrusive.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading worship /�w��ʃip/ She used to come to this church to worship every day.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading globally /� ləυbəli/ We have been campaigning globally for several decades.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading compensation /�kɒmpən�seiʃən/ The workers were given 30 days' pay as compensation.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading inadequate /in��dikwət/ The parking facilities are inadequate for such a busy shopping centre.

Unit 14 pages 168-169 Reading plight /plait/ He was moved by the plight of homeless children.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus exemplify /i �zemplifai/ The island's wildlife exemplifies bio- diversity.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus sequence /�si�kwəns/ She couldn't clearly remember the sequence of events on the night in question.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus intonation /�intə�neiʃən/ Some people say the hardest thing in a foreign language to learn properly is intonation.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus concede /kən�si�d/ I concede that he's a good runner, but I stillthink I can beat him.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus boast /bəυst/ She boasted that she could speak six languages fluently.

Unit 14 page 170 Grammar plus retort /ri�tɔ�t/ It's all your fault!' he retorted.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary aspect /��spekt/ Alcoholism affects all aspects of family life.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary penalty /�penəlti/ The penalty for murder was death.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary forthcoming /�fɔ�θ�kmiŋ/ Everyone is getting excited about the forthcoming festival.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary grim / rim/ Things look pretty grim for farmers right now.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary echo /�ekəυ/ The article simply echoed the government's position on the matter.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary opinion poll /ə�pinjən pəυl/ The latest opinion polls show the Social Democrats leading by 10%.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary cut off /�kt �ɒf/ Mothers with very young children often feel cut off from the rest of the community.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary controversy /�kɒntrəv��si, kən�trɒvəsi/ Genetic engineering has been the subject of a lot of recent controversy.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary allegation /��li� eiʃən/ There have been several allegations that the election had been fixed.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary corruption /kə�rpʃən/ The Chief Executive is being investigated for alleged corruption.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary full-scale /�fυl �skeil/ A full-scale inquiry into the train crash has been instigated.

Unit 14 page 171 Vocabulary pledge /pled�/ They have pledged to fight for equal rights.

Unit 14 page 172 Listening deformation /�di�fɔ��meiʃən/ Deformation of the landscape is a consequence of progression.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 14 page 172 Listening evacuation /i�v�kjυ�eiʃən/ The evacuation of the villagers took six hours.

Unit 14 page 172 Listening alarmist /ə�lɑ�mist/ The magazine featured an alarmist report on population growth.

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary indifferent /in�difərənt/ Customs officials were indifferent to their plight.

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary finance /�fain�ns, fi�n�ns/ These concerts are financed by the Arts Council.

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary eligible /�elid�əbəl/ Are you eligible for social security benefits?

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary immune /i�mju�n/ I'm not immune to measles, so stay away from me!

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary irrespective of /�irə�spektiv əv, ɒv/ The course is open to anyone irrespective of age.

Unit 14 pages 172-173 Vocabulary chickenpox /�tʃikənpɒks/ I had chickenpox when I was ten.

Unit 14 page 173 English in Use vaccination /�v�ksə�neiʃən/ Both my children have had their measles vaccinations.

Unit 14 page 173 English in Use fussy /�fsi/ Leonard was always fussy about his food.

Unit 14 page 173 English in Use mineral /�minərəl/ Have you taken your mineral supplements today?

Unit 14 page 173 English in Use brand /br�nd/ What brand of detergent do you use?

Unit 14 page 173 English in Use salmonella /�s�lmə�nelə/ Pregnant women should avoid eating ice cream and certain kinds of soft cheese, for fear of salmonella.

Unit 14 pages 174-175 Writing clarification /�kl�rəfə�keiʃən/ I would like some clarification about your intentions.

Unit 14 pages 174-175 Writing discursive /di�sk��siv/ A discursive style of writing.

Unit 14 pages 174-175 Writing habitat /�h�bit�t/ The polar bear's habitat is the icy wastes of the Arctic.

Unit 14 page 176 Grammar check black hole /�bl�k �həυl/ Astronomers have long been convinced of the existence of black holes.

Unit 14 page 176 Grammar check seldom /�seldəm/ She seldom reads newspapers.

Unit 14 page 177 Review trade union /�treid �ju�njən/ The miners' trade union is threatening to call a strike.

Unit 14 page 177 Review belt /belt/ We live in the green belt just outside London.

Unit 14 page 177 Review lump /lmp/ There were lumps in the sauce.

Unit 14 page 177 Review fragment /�fr� mənt/ Detectives have found a fragment of bone.

Unit 14 page 177 Review diameter /dai��mətə/ Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.

Unit 14 page 177 Review orbit /�ɔ�bit/ The Moon's orbit around the Earth.

Unit 14 page 177 Review kinetic /ki�netik/ They used a system of kinetic heating.

Unit 14 page 177 Review sparsely /�spɑ�sli/ She lives in a sparsely populated area.

Unit 14 page 177 Review missile /�misail/ A nuclear missile.

Unit 14 page 177 Review nudge /nd�/ David gave me a nudge to wake me up.

Unit 14 page 177 Review detonate /�detəneit/ Ten seconds until we detonate the explosives.

Unit 14 page 177 Review divert /dai�v��t, di-/ Traffic has been diverted due to an accident.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 14 page 177 Review mass /m�s/ The mass of a star.

Unit 14 page 177 Review shunt /ʃnt/ He shunted me out of the way so he could be first in the queue.


Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading bog /bɒ / Parts of Britain still have many ancient bogs.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading flap /fl�p/ He lifted the tent flap slowly to see what was making the noise.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading peat /pi�t/ A peat bog.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading attach /ə�t�tʃ/ He attached the photograph to his application form.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading unearth /n���θ/ They managed to unearth a complete ancient temple.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading stray /strei/ A stray spark must have started the blaze.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading alias /�eiliəs/ Norma Jean, alias Marilyn Monroe.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading grip / rip/ The whole country was gripped by economic problems.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading hi-tech /�hai �tek/ High-tech industries.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading remnant /�remnənt/ The remnants of a meal stood on the table.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading griddle /� ridl/ They put the tortillas on the griddle and cooked them slowly.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading trim /trim/ Your hair needs trimming.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading armband /�ɑ�mb�nd/ All the men wore black armbands at the funeral.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading mode /məυd/ They have a relaxed mode of life that suits them well.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading gingerly /�d�ind�əli/ He gingerly lifted the tiger cub from its cage.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading preserve /pri�z��v/ The wreck was preserved by the muddy seabed.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading ubiquitous /ju��bikwətəs/ We were tormented in the outback by the ubiquitous Australian fly.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading moss /mɒs/ The graves were covered in moss, which had been growing there for two hundred years.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading immobilise /i�məυbəlaiz/ The car's security device will immobilise the ignition system.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading tan /t�n/ The sun tanned my skin in a matter of days, from pale white to golden brown.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading deserter /di�z��tə/ During the war, deserters faced execution.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading coward /�kaυəd/ He called me a coward because I would not fight.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading swamp /swɒmp/ Look out for crocodiles in this swamp.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading sacrifice /�s�krifais/ Animal sacrifice was part of many ancient rituals.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading repository /ri�pɒzətəri/ The library was a huge repository of knowledge.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading rein in /�rein �in/ The government is reining in public expenditure.

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Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading exploitation /�eksplɔi�teiʃən/ The government has issued guidelines on the controlled exploitation

of ocean resources. Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading forensic /fə�rensik, -zik/ A specialist in forensic science was called as a witness.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading splinter /�splintə/ I've got a splinter in my finger.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading bronze-age /�brɒnz eid�/ They discovered a bronze- age settlement.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading undergarment /�ndə� ɑ�mənt/ During Elizabethan times, women used to wear a variety of petticoats and other undergarments.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading coarsely /�kɔ�sli/ The pullover was knitted coarsely.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading embroidered /im�brɔidəd/ The dress was covered in embroidered flowers.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading hem /hem/ In the sixties it was fashionable to turn up the hem on skirts, and thus the mini-skirt was born.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading thread /θred/ The beads had been threaded onto a long piece of string.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading deceased /di�si�st/ The deceased left a large sum of money to his children.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading stumble on /�stmbəl ɒn/ Jenkins was killed because he stumbled onto something he shouldn 't have seen.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading strand /str�nd/ Plato draws all the strands of the argument together at the end.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading rage /reid�/ Outside a great storm was raging.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading quarry /�kwɒri/ It was built with stones quarried from the Cheshire downs.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading wheat /wi�t/ We grind the wheat to make the flour.

Unit 15 pages 178-179 Reading barley /�bɑ�li/ You can taste the barley in this beer.

Unit 15 page 180 Grammar plus stir up /�st��r �p/ The new leader was accused of stirring up trouble.

Unit 15 page 180 Grammar plus vague /vei / Maria was very vague about her plans for the future.

Unit 15 page 180 Grammar plus Inland Revenue /�inlənd �revənju�/ The company's records are being examined by the Inland Revenue.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use immigrant /�imi rənt/ There has been an increase in the number of immigrants to Britain.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use throng /θrɒŋ/ She got lost in the throng of milling spectators.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use outfit /�aυtfit/ He was outfitted with overalls for the job.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use immerse oneself in /i�m��s wn�self in/ We found that Jane had totally immersed herself in the African way of life.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use stature /�st�tʃə/ Louis Armstrong was a musician of world stature.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use hit upon /�hit əpɒn/ I think you may have hit upon the only error in the whole program.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use ingenious /in�d�i�niəs/ He thought up an ingenious way of making money.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use patent /�peitnt/ We have decided to patent our idea before anyone else does.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use fasten /�fɑ�sən/ I'm going now,' she said, fastening her coat.

Unit 15 page 182 English in Use apparel /ə�p�rəl/ The Queen's ceremonial apparel.

– Seite 65 von 65 –

Unit Page Exercise English Headword Pronunciation Example Sentence Unit 15 page 182 English in Use garb / ɑ�b/ He was clothed in his usual priestly garb.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary make small talk /�meik �smɔ�l tɔ�k/ We just made small talk about the weather.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary give (sb) a real talking to / iv ə �riəl �tɔ�kiŋ tə/ If she keeps on behaving like that I'll have to give her a real talking to.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary get to the point /� et tə ðə �pɔint/ I wish you would hurry up and get to the point!

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary talk shop /�tɔ�k �ʃɒp/ I'm fed up with you two talking shop all the time.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary make head or tail of (sth) /meik �hed ɔ� �teil əv/ I can't make head or tail of this letter - does it mean anything to you?

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary get the wrong end of the stick / et ðə �rɒŋ end əv ðə �stik/ Is this what you wanted me to do or did I just get the wrong end of the stick?

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary get a word in edgeways / et ə �w��d in �ed�weiz/ Once Terry starts talking it's difficult to get a word in edgeways.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary talk at cross-purposes /�tɔ�k ət �krɒs �p��pəsiz/ I think you and Jane must have been talking at cross-purposes.

Unit 15 page 183 Vocabulary talk down to sb /�tɔ�k �daυn tə �smbədi/ You have to realise that kids aren't stupid; they know when they're being talked down to.

Unit 15 page 184 Exam focus distracted /di�str�ktid/ Meg was distracted from her work by the noise outside.

Unit 15 page 184 Exam focus in retrospect /in �retrəspekt/ In retrospect, it was the wrong time to set up a new company.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking immersion /i�m��ʃən, -�ən/ His complete immersion into politics was something his wife found hard to deal with.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking visualisation /�vi�uəlai�zeiʃən/ They produced a visualisation of what the ancient temple must have been like.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking nutrition /nju��triʃən/ Nutrition and exercise are essential to fitness and health.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking carbohydrate /�kɑ�bəυ�haidreit/ Her nutritionist advised her to follow a diet high in carbohydrates.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking wholemeal /�həυlmi�l/ Wholemeal bread is much healthier and better for your skin.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking fibre /�faibə/ Fruit and vegetables are high in fibre content.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking posture /�pɒstʃə/ Poor posture can lead to muscular problems in later life.

Unit 15 page 185 Speaking re-align /�ri� ə�lain/ You'll have to re-align your textcolumns if you change the type face.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing savour /�seivə/ She sipped her wine, savouring every drop.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing scuba diving /�sku�bə �daiviŋ/ I had scuba diving lessons before I went to Paros.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing out of this world /�aυt əv ðis �w��ld/ Tom's new car is just out of this world.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing resourceful /ri�zɔ�sfəl/ She was a resourceful woman who could cope in almost any circumstances.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing cohesive /kəυ�hi�siv/ His essay was a well- organised, cohesive piece of discursive writing.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing flawless /�flɔ�ləs/ Peter gave a flawless performance as the hero.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing impede /im�pi�d/ Storms at sea impeded our progress.

Unit 15 pages 186-187 Writing abruptly /ə�brptli/ He abruptly changed all our plans, without giving us any warning.

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