addis friends

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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Keeland Kelley has been my best friend for 10 years. Everything we do we do together. She knows everything about me from my stupid habits to the

real me. We’ve been through so much together that every time something else happens, it just makes us even more close. We’ve been there for each other through all the deaths in our families, all the stupid break ups with

boys that we could’ve spent our time better than being with them, even all the bad nightmares weather it’s a dream about somebody dying or some

thing as stupid as a giant gummy bear eating everybody. We’ve been there. She is the greatest friend I’ve ever had. And yes, even though we fight like cats and dogs and can swear up and down we never wanna speak to each other again. We always make up. She’s my best friend, my favorite retard,

the lil monkey from 1st grade, and pretty much my sister.

Emili Hill is one of the greatest people ever.haha. Even though we just met in 7th grade we’ve been inseparable ever since. I yell at her for every little thing she does even if it’s good. We have our

inside jokes that seem stupid to everyone but us. She is completely annoying, bossy, and a smart mouth. But that’s why we get along were just alike she could slap me, I slap her back, call her an idiot and we’d yell till were blue in the face and still be friends. She’s my Silly Milly ,I’m her Cookie Monstur. And that’s

how we like it!!!

Ok, this is the one person that I don’t know where to start. Matthew is the one guy I trust

with anything. He’s redneck, sarcastic, hilarious, and completely honest. He doesn’t care weather the truth hurts or not. He’ll tell

you. I’ve know and been best friends with him since pre-k. His mom I look up to as a second mom whenever I had events she’d always be there, and my mom did the same for him. He plays on the NSHS football team and I got to

every game to support him(even though north sucks!). He’s pretty much, no he is my brother.


My redneck #2. that pretty much explains it right there. Adam Is one of those friends

that you know why your friends with them. But at the same

time your like what am I thinking!!!! He’s all around great person. He’s funny,

retarded, and indescribable. (oh! And I forgot.



This is probably one of the only cousins I talk to. We were always called twins. When we were

little till now we always favored each other. We don’t see each other much anymore bit when

we do it’s hard to separate us again. <3

BRYAN LOWEThis here is my big brother. He’s my sisters best friend and a pain. Even though he royaly gets on my nerves

he’s there no matter what.


Pagieeeee! This here is my older sister. She yells at me when I screw up and fixes my problems when I have them. I don’t even

know what I would do without her.


Ugh, Cameron, Cameron, Cameron, what to say. First of all he’s the craziest best kid I know. He’s my little red head freak. Haha. I’m just kidding. Even though he bailed and

went to Albemarle I still love him.


Honestly, I have no idea what to say about scot except for he’s one of my best friends…….& he’s

simply scot!


Okay, this is literally my sister and one of my best

friends. I can tell her anything and everything without having to worry

about her judging me. We may get pissed at each

other sometimes but we still love each other. She’s

one person I can’t and don’t want to live without.

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