acute tonsilitis

Post on 06-May-2015






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Acute tonsilitisClarinda clare linus

Diploma in Medical ScienceIntake January 2011Lecturer : Dr angelo

Tonsil can be seen in the back of human throat

The palatine tonsils and the nasopharyngeal tonsil are

lymphoepithelial tissues located near oropharynx and nasopharynx.

These immunocompetent tissues are the first line of defense against ingested or inhaled

foreign pathogens.



Normal Tonsils

What is tonsilitis?

Tonsilitis is an inflammation or infection of the tonsils.

Sometimes the infection can involve the lingual tonsils and lymph nodes in the back of the throat.

Bacteria (streptococcal

or hemophilus bacteria)

Viruses such as adenovirus or

Epstein – Barrvirus. Which also causes mononucleasis

Diphteria, a serious disease

that produces a false membrane in the throat


Haemophilus is a genus of Gram-negative, pleomorphic, coccobacilli bacteria belonging to the Pasteurellaceae family.While Haemophilus bacteria are typically small coccobacilli.

Haemophilus Bacteria

The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), also called human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4), is a virus of the herpes family and is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis.

It is also associated with particular forms of cancer, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and central nervous system lymphomas associated with HIV

Epstein - Barrvirus

Symptoms & Signs red and/or swollen

tonsils white or yellow patches

on the tonsils tender, stiff, and/or

swollen neck swollen lymph nodes sore throat cough headache sore eyes body aches

earache fever chills nasal congestions ulceration In cases of acute

tonsillitis, the surface of the tonsil may be bright red and with visible white areas or streaks of pus.[5]

Clinical manifested

Acute tonsilitis is due to exogenous wind and heat. These exogenous pathogenic particles invade the lung and ascend along the Lung Meridian to attack the throat, where they lodge in the tonsils.

In some patients there is accumulated heat in the spleen and stomach. When exogenous wind and heat attack such patients, heat gels in the throat.

The characteristic symptoms of acute tonsilitits are sore throat accompanied by chills and fever.

Pain may radiate to ear and is aggravated by swallowing.

There usually are headache and aches in the limbs. In severe cases, chills may be accompanied by shaking and fever may reach 40C. Small children may have seizure.

Examination shows red swelling of the tonsils, usually on both sides. Often there is yellow-white exudate in the tonsillar crypts. The sub-maxillary lymph nodes are usually enlarged and tender.

Acute tonsilitis begins abruptly and tends to run a short coursess of about a week. In some cases, however, it may develop into chronic tonsilitis or tonsillar abscess.

Also, if acute tonsilitis is untreated or inadequately treated, it may become complicated by theumatic heart disease or glomerulonephritis.

Throat culture – identifying

organism causing the infection.

Complete blood count (CBC) – help determine if the infection is caused

wether by a virus or bacteria


Irrigation – is a process or method that removes tonsil stones and cleanes the tonsil cryptis effectively that uses oral irrigation.

Curettage – is a process that the large parts of the tonsils need to be removed.

How to treat?

Laser – tonsil stones surfaces or crypts/crevices can also be decreased through laser surfacing.

Surgery – removal of tonsils

Self treatment – by gargling warm water with salt and by using non-alcoholic mouth wash

Avoid people who have strep throat or any of the bacterial or viral infections that can lead to acute tonsilitis

Prevention & expectation

A person can get acute tonsilitis by

Coming into contact with someone who has strep throat or mononucleosis

Having strep throat that develops into tonsilitis

Sharing utensils or tooth brushes with someone carrying strep bacteria or epstein-barr virus.


Depend on medications used, which may include allergic reactions and upset stomach.

Surgery to remove tonsils can cause bleeding, infection or allergic reactions to anesthesia tonsilitis



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