a necromancer's grimoire - marchen der daemonwulf

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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A Necromancer’s Grimoire:

Märchen der Dæmonwulf

Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway

Credits-----,~ ------([)esignersAlex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway

'EaitorRosa Gibbons

flrtistsdick on an artist's nam~ to visil th.,ir "",bsit.,.

BetacMrier, Werewolf

Isabelle Davis, Werewolf

Jesse Cutler, WerewolF

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC9111 242nd 8t SWEdmonds, WA, 98026www.necrornancers-online.com

Product Identity: n,., following IfiffiS are n.,..,byde~... product identity, a. defined in the Op= Gamins License~nLOa, !>KnOll 1(£), and are not Open Content: All trad~rb, ,.,gisre~ trademMb, pro~ names (char;".....,ClI. deiti~ etc)dialogue, plot, ..orylin~ location, characters and trade dress.

Artwork: AU art in this hook i.pro~of its lesprtti"" artilJt, and Necmrrulncen of the Nort~.LLC cLllin. no ris/>ts orprivilr~ toany art p=eoted h~in other than havins r'Ki~ tM arti.f. p"nninion ro include it.

Open GlIIJU! Content: &rept fur "",..,rialdes~ted... Product l<kntityor Artwork (~above), t~ game mochaniCll of thisN..,romancen of theNo~l~ product are Open Game Cootent, ... ddined in the Open Game li<>ense Yenion 1.00!>KnOll ,(d). No portion of this work other than e>p.,n c..m., Content may be <q>roduc.d in any funn without written~"lOn.

Compo.tibility with the PathfindN Roleplaying earn., ~uires the PathfinderRDlep~GaIn., from Pai:oo Publishing, llC.~hrtp:lfpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGfor m= infimIL!ltion on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Pau.o Publishing, llC donnot guaran_ compatibility, and don not endo= this product.

Pathfinder is a regist~ trademark of Pai:oo Publishing, u.c, and ,he Pathfinder Roleplaying Game aud the Pathfinder Rol~playing Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Pai:oo Publishing, llC, and are used uudee the Pathfindee RoleplayingGame Compatibility License.~hrtp:llpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGlcompatibilityfoe """" information on the compatibilityIicen..,.

Credits-----,~ ------([)esignersAlex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway

'EaitorRosa Gibbons

flrtistsdick on an artist's nam~ to visil th.,ir "",bsit.,.

BetacMrier, Werewolf

Isabelle Davis, Werewolf

Jesse Cutler, WerewolF

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC9111 242nd 8t SWEdmonds, WA, 98026www.necrornancers-online.com

Product Identity: n,., following IfiffiS are n.,..,byde~... product identity, a. defined in the Op= Gamins License~nLOa, !>KnOll 1(£), and are not Open Content: All trad~rb, ,.,gisre~ trademMb, pro~ names (char;".....,ClI. deiti~ etc)dialogue, plot, ..orylin~ location, characters and trade dress.

Artwork: AU art in this hook i.pro~of its lesprtti"" artilJt, and Necmrrulncen of the Nort~.LLC cLllin. no ris/>ts orprivilr~ toany art p=eoted h~in other than havins r'Ki~ tM arti.f. p"nninion ro include it.

Open GlIIJU! Content: &rept fur "",..,rialdes~ted... Product l<kntityor Artwork (~above), t~ game mochaniCll of thisN..,romancen of theNo~l~ product are Open Game Cootent, ... ddined in the Open Game li<>ense Yenion 1.00!>KnOll ,(d). No portion of this work other than e>p.,n c..m., Content may be <q>roduc.d in any funn without written~"lOn.

Compo.tibility with the PathfindN Roleplaying earn., ~uires the PathfinderRDlep~GaIn., from Pai:oo Publishing, llC.~hrtp:lfpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGfor m= infimIL!ltion on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Pau.o Publishing, llC donnot guaran_ compatibility, and don not endo= this product.

Pathfinder is a regist~ trademark of Pai:oo Publishing, u.c, and ,he Pathfinder Roleplaying Game aud the Pathfinder Rol~playing Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Pai:oo Publishing, llC, and are used uudee the Pathfindee RoleplayingGame Compatibility License.~hrtp:llpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGlcompatibilityfoe """" information on the compatibilityIicen..,.

Credits-----,~ ------([)esignersAlex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway

'EaitorRosa Gibbons

flrtistsdick on an artist's nam~ to visil th.,ir "",bsit.,.

BetacMrier, Werewolf

Isabelle Davis, Werewolf

Jesse Cutler, WerewolF

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC9111 242nd 8t SWEdmonds, WA, 98026www.necrornancers-online.com

Product Identity: n,., following IfiffiS are n.,..,byde~... product identity, a. defined in the Op= Gamins License~nLOa, !>KnOll 1(£), and are not Open Content: All trad~rb, ,.,gisre~ trademMb, pro~ names (char;".....,ClI. deiti~ etc)dialogue, plot, ..orylin~ location, characters and trade dress.

Artwork: AU art in this hook i.pro~of its lesprtti"" artilJt, and Necmrrulncen of the Nort~.LLC cLllin. no ris/>ts orprivilr~ toany art p=eoted h~in other than havins r'Ki~ tM arti.f. p"nninion ro include it.

Open GlIIJU! Content: &rept fur "",..,rialdes~ted... Product l<kntityor Artwork (~above), t~ game mochaniCll of thisN..,romancen of theNo~l~ product are Open Game Cootent, ... ddined in the Open Game li<>ense Yenion 1.00!>KnOll ,(d). No portion of this work other than e>p.,n c..m., Content may be <q>roduc.d in any funn without written~"lOn.

Compo.tibility with the PathfindN Roleplaying earn., ~uires the PathfinderRDlep~GaIn., from Pai:oo Publishing, llC.~hrtp:lfpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGfor m= infimIL!ltion on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Pau.o Publishing, llC donnot guaran_ compatibility, and don not endo= this product.

Pathfinder is a regist~ trademark of Pai:oo Publishing, u.c, and ,he Pathfinder Roleplaying Game aud the Pathfinder Rol~playing Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Pai:oo Publishing, llC, and are used uudee the Pathfindee RoleplayingGame Compatibility License.~hrtp:llpai:oo.comlpathfind~RPGlcompatibilityfoe """" information on the compatibilityIicen..,.

For legal reasons, this book will refer to the person running the game as the “Dungeon Maestro,” or “DM” for short. This term reflects the fact that a Dungeon Maestro runs the game in a fashion similar to a maestro directing an orchestra: weaving together diverse and unrelated pieces to form a cohesive story. It acknowledges the complexity of the job without adding an unnecessary sense of the grandiose. Similar titles would set the person running the game above the players, minimizing their importance in the game’s story and conclusion. This change is in name only, and in no way indicates a change in the responsibilities of the DM.

'Ta6fe ofContents:Foreword iii

Introduction !

Lycaonite Class 1

Feats 10

Magic Items 22

------------...,.._.?...."''''---------­Sidebar: Tenninology

For legal reasons, this book will refer to the person running the game as the "Dungeon Maestro," or"DM" for short. This term reflects the fact thata Dungeon Maestro runs the game in a fashion similar toamaestro directing an orchestra: weaving together diverse and unrelated pieces to form a cohesive story. Itacknowledges the complexity of the job without adding an unnecessary sense of the grandiose. Similartitles would set the person running the game above the players, minimizing their importance in thegame's story and conclusion. This change is in name only, and in no way indicates a change in theresponsibilities of the DM.


'Ta6fe ofContents:Foreword iii

Introduction !

Lycaonite Class 1

Feats 10

Magic Items 22

------------...,.._.?...."''''---------­Sidebar: Tenninology

For legal reasons, this book will refer to the person running the game as the "Dungeon Maestro," or"DM" for short. This term reflects the fact thata Dungeon Maestro runs the game in a fashion similar toamaestro directing an orchestra: weaving together diverse and unrelated pieces to form a cohesive story. Itacknowledges the complexity of the job without adding an unnecessary sense of the grandiose. Similartitles would set the person running the game above the players, minimizing their importance in thegame's story and conclusion. This change is in name only, and in no way indicates a change in theresponsibilities of the DM.


'Ta6fe ofContents:Foreword iii

Introduction !

Lycaonite Class 1

Feats 10

Magic Items 22

------------...,.._.?...."''''---------­Sidebar: Tenninology

For legal reasons, this book will refer to the person running the game as the "Dungeon Maestro," or"DM" for short. This term reflects the fact thata Dungeon Maestro runs the game in a fashion similar toamaestro directing an orchestra: weaving together diverse and unrelated pieces to form a cohesive story. Itacknowledges the complexity of the job without adding an unnecessary sense of the grandiose. Similartitles would set the person running the game above the players, minimizing their importance in thegame's story and conclusion. This change is in name only, and in no way indicates a change in theresponsibilities of the DM.



The idea for this book was first presented to me by a reader. After reading, and enjoying, tiberVdmpyr (Necromancers of the Northwest's first release, which aimed to makevampiric characters moreaccessible to players, and to broaden the horizon ofwhat a vampire could be in Pathfinder's mechanics),he requested that we provide the same treatment foranother fuvorite stalker of the night: the werewolf.Initially, I was skeptical. tiber V<1mpyrwas built on a wealth ofvampire mythologies, drdWII from anumber ofdifferent sources and mixed together in some sort of unholy cauldron to produce fun and newideas which would still resonate with pla~rs familiar with vampire lore. As far as I knew, werewolves hadmuch less material to draw upon: everyone knows about the aversion to silver, which is alreadyexcellently represented by the existing lycanthrope template, and that was about it, as far as I wasconcerned.

\Vhen we began creating these smaller, more ~concentrated"soun:ebooks, however, the ideareturned to me: even ifwere\o\-"Olves didn't have enough potential to create another tiber V<1mpyr, Imused, surely they could at least fill an eight-to-sixteen page sourcebook (clever readers will note that wesomewhat overshot our target in this regard). Revisiting the topic, I discovered that I had been severelymistaken about werewolves: beyond the typical "American" or "Hollywood" werewolves (for lack ofabetter term) with which I was familiar, there was, in fact, a wealth ofwerev."Olfiore stemming frommedieval (and older) European beliefs, with nary a mention ofsilver, but myriads ofother things rarelyassociated with werewolves in today's popular media, including poisonous claws and breath, a weaknessto mistletoe and ash wood, infernal pacts, and, perhaps strangest ofall, the idea that werewolves wereactually undead.

Faced with far more material than we could possibly hope to fit into the modest volume we haddecided upon, we decided to scale back as best we could and focuson the basics: at its heart, I believethat tiber Vdmpyr's greatest success was its "build your own class" approach, letting players choosewhichof the many vampiric powers (drawn from the many different versions ofvampires found in folklore andpopular media) they wanted their character to have. TIlls time, however, we aimed to improve on theoverall method, making the "building blocks" readily available to players who aren't willing to invest in anentire class (for example, existing characters who are already invested in another class) but still want toplay in the proverbiallyt:anthrope sandbox. To this end, we decided to distill these werewolf powers intofeats, and then provide a base class which would be able to make best use ofthem (plus a little somethingall its own), while still making the feats themselves available to anyone who wanted them.

Most likely it will only bea matter of time before we return to werewolves. Alreadywe've had to holdoff on two to three prestige classes, at least one template, a base race or two, and at least one entire seriesof feats, simply in order to keep this book down to a reasollilble size and ensure its timely release. In themeantime, I'm very proud with how our werewolf experiment has turned out, and I hope that you will be,as well. After all, while we make every product with you, the reader, in mind, never has this been morethe case than with this book.


The idea for this book was first presented to me by a reader. After reading, and enjoying, tiberVdmpyr (Necromancers of the Northwest's first release, which aimed to makevampiric characters moreaccessible to players, and to broaden the horizon ofwhat a vampire could be in Pathfinder's mechanics),he requested that we provide the same treatment foranother fuvorite stalker of the night: the werewolf.Initially, I was skeptical. tiber V<1mpyrwas built on a wealth ofvampire mythologies, drdWII from anumber ofdifferent sources and mixed together in some sort of unholy cauldron to produce fun and newideas which would still resonate with pla~rs familiar with vampire lore. As far as I knew, werewolves hadmuch less material to draw upon: everyone knows about the aversion to silver, which is alreadyexcellently represented by the existing lycanthrope template, and that was about it, as far as I wasconcerned.

\Vhen we began creating these smaller, more ~concentrated"soun:ebooks, however, the ideareturned to me: even ifwere\o\-"Olves didn't have enough potential to create another tiber V<1mpyr, Imused, surely they could at least fill an eight-to-sixteen page sourcebook (clever readers will note that wesomewhat overshot our target in this regard). Revisiting the topic, I discovered that I had been severelymistaken about werewolves: beyond the typical "American" or "Hollywood" werewolves (for lack ofabetter term) with which I was familiar, there was, in fact, a wealth ofwerev."Olfiore stemming frommedieval (and older) European beliefs, with nary a mention ofsilver, but myriads ofother things rarelyassociated with werewolves in today's popular media, including poisonous claws and breath, a weaknessto mistletoe and ash wood, infernal pacts, and, perhaps strangest ofall, the idea that werewolves wereactually undead.

Faced with far more material than we could possibly hope to fit into the modest volume we haddecided upon, we decided to scale back as best we could and focuson the basics: at its heart, I believethat tiber Vdmpyr's greatest success was its "build your own class" approach, letting players choosewhichof the many vampiric powers (drawn from the many different versions ofvampires found in folklore andpopular media) they wanted their character to have. TIlls time, however, we aimed to improve on theoverall method, making the "building blocks" readily available to players who aren't willing to invest in anentire class (for example, existing characters who are already invested in another class) but still want toplay in the proverbiallyt:anthrope sandbox. To this end, we decided to distill these werewolf powers intofeats, and then provide a base class which would be able to make best use ofthem (plus a little somethingall its own), while still making the feats themselves available to anyone who wanted them.

Most likely it will only bea matter of time before we return to werewolves. Alreadywe've had to holdoff on two to three prestige classes, at least one template, a base race or two, and at least one entire seriesof feats, simply in order to keep this book down to a reasollilble size and ensure its timely release. In themeantime, I'm very proud with how our werewolf experiment has turned out, and I hope that you will be,as well. After all, while we make every product with you, the reader, in mind, never has this been morethe case than with this book.


The idea for this book was first presented to me by a reader. After reading, and enjoying, tiberVdmpyr (Necromancers of the Northwest's first release, which aimed to makevampiric characters moreaccessible to players, and to broaden the horizon ofwhat a vampire could be in Pathfinder's mechanics),he requested that we provide the same treatment foranother fuvorite stalker of the night: the werewolf.Initially, I was skeptical. tiber V<1mpyrwas built on a wealth ofvampire mythologies, drdWII from anumber ofdifferent sources and mixed together in some sort of unholy cauldron to produce fun and newideas which would still resonate with pla~rs familiar with vampire lore. As far as I knew, werewolves hadmuch less material to draw upon: everyone knows about the aversion to silver, which is alreadyexcellently represented by the existing lycanthrope template, and that was about it, as far as I wasconcerned.

\Vhen we began creating these smaller, more ~concentrated"soun:ebooks, however, the ideareturned to me: even ifwere\o\-"Olves didn't have enough potential to create another tiber V<1mpyr, Imused, surely they could at least fill an eight-to-sixteen page sourcebook (clever readers will note that wesomewhat overshot our target in this regard). Revisiting the topic, I discovered that I had been severelymistaken about werewolves: beyond the typical "American" or "Hollywood" werewolves (for lack ofabetter term) with which I was familiar, there was, in fact, a wealth ofwerev."Olfiore stemming frommedieval (and older) European beliefs, with nary a mention ofsilver, but myriads ofother things rarelyassociated with werewolves in today's popular media, including poisonous claws and breath, a weaknessto mistletoe and ash wood, infernal pacts, and, perhaps strangest ofall, the idea that werewolves wereactually undead.

Faced with far more material than we could possibly hope to fit into the modest volume we haddecided upon, we decided to scale back as best we could and focuson the basics: at its heart, I believethat tiber Vdmpyr's greatest success was its "build your own class" approach, letting players choosewhichof the many vampiric powers (drawn from the many different versions ofvampires found in folklore andpopular media) they wanted their character to have. TIlls time, however, we aimed to improve on theoverall method, making the "building blocks" readily available to players who aren't willing to invest in anentire class (for example, existing characters who are already invested in another class) but still want toplay in the proverbiallyt:anthrope sandbox. To this end, we decided to distill these werewolf powers intofeats, and then provide a base class which would be able to make best use ofthem (plus a little somethingall its own), while still making the feats themselves available to anyone who wanted them.

Most likely it will only bea matter of time before we return to werewolves. Alreadywe've had to holdoff on two to three prestige classes, at least one template, a base race or two, and at least one entire seriesof feats, simply in order to keep this book down to a reasollilble size and ensure its timely release. In themeantime, I'm very proud with how our werewolf experiment has turned out, and I hope that you will be,as well. After all, while we make every product with you, the reader, in mind, never has this been morethe case than with this book.

Int=lw:tu.io"'nu... _

A Necrorn.mcer's Grimoire: Marchen derD,JernonwuJfappl'(lilches "''erewolves from an~perspecri\'e: drawing togelher a variety ofwer~(fpawl'fS and fraits from a number ofdifferenl!iOUK'l"S in folklore and popuLu media, thenallowing players to build their own werewolfcharacter bymmbining rhese traitsand poIrt'n indifferent ways. For the most pan, Ihese"buildingblocks- rome in the fonn of feats, starting ...1th theCune of the 8e;ts( feal, which allows a character toO'imSfonn inro a wolf, bur also forces him to dNlwim a number ofdangerous side-effects.

\Vh.ile ;my chMacter can lake Curse of the8edsr:, and from there gain access to a wide varietyof more exotic were\O'01fpo'Vo't'rs, the undisputl"dmasler of~anthropyis the lycaonite(pm~ Iie-k.ly-oh.nishl). The }ycaonite classI'I'presenrs a dw<taer ....ho aetivloly deh'eS into thepcM"eJ of lycanthropy, ga.ining a number of....~lf-rela{ed bonus feats, and also gaining anumberofclass features which are tied 10 thephases of the moon.

Finally, in addition to lhe lycaonite clas.s and(JO,'fi ')0 wer~-reLlfedreus, Mdrchen derD.JemonlO'uJ((.'O[\lams oil number of magic items,drawn from ...~IO«', and v.ilkh should pl'tM'invaluable in any lyccmrhrope-heavy gaIM.

LycaOQit:<e'- _

·I\"eseen the way people look .If tne: like I'm01 monster, 01 mindless kilUng molchine, 01 rolbidIx'olst to Ix' put down. Molylx' they're right. MolYix' Iolm th.Jt dolngerous, But it doesn't molrter. Theydon't understolnd. Theydon'l even bother to try. Tothem I'm just 01 monster. But do they stop /0 thinktholt molYIx' I didn't want this? Tholt it Wol$ inflictedupon meolgainst my will? That every minute ofevery doly I fight the beolsl inside me, trying 10COnlolin it olnd keep it from ripping Ihose smug.righteous curs aparllike so much Sdckclolh? No.Ofcourse theydon'l, Because I'm just 01 monster."

-SarJk NJJr, LYCoionile

Lycaonites are individuals who have beenbranded with the curse of lycanthropy-a heavyburden to bear. The source oflhe curse varies:some are born werewoM-s, inheriling thecondition from their parents or simply being bornunder inauspicious stars. Others are cursed bymalevolent forces, sometimes for some crime orinjusti<.'e they committed, and sometimes out ofsimple spite or jealousy. Regardless of Ihe souret'of the curse, Iycaonites represent those Vol!rewolveswho ~callyset out 10 master IheirCUrse,~ther suppressing it and controlling il in WiVfSthat most werewolves can't hope to do, or elseencouraging their inner bedst:, giving in to theirdarker wges, and dr.rwing PlJ"'l!l from the cursemeant to lay them law.

Making a Lycaonite

rustand~, Iycaoniles~ meleoecombatants, who I'e'ol!I. in sinking their leeth intotbe flesh of their foes..

Abilities: As melee combatants, Iycaonitesbenefit froma high Strength~ 10 increase theirattack and damage rolls, a high Dexterity~ toincrease their AC, and a high Constitution 10 grantthem extra hit points. BecaU$(' 1}'CaOniles muslregularly mal.:r Will Son"'l5 to stay in control of theirbloodlust, they also benefit from a high Wooom.

Alignment: Lycaonites can be ofanyalignment, though most tend tawards chaotic andI"Vi.I. alignments, as their inner beast drives theminto darkness. Still, panicularly sttong-willedlycaonites can remain lawful or even good, and, infact, some young men and women willingly acceptthe curse of lycanthropy from angels or gooddeities in order to use it [0 comb.u the foret'S ofdarkness in the world.

Starting Gold:]<I6 x 10 gpStarting Age: As barbarianHit Dice: du

Class Skills

The Iycaonite's class skills (and the key abilityfor each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (lnt),

Int=lw:tu.io"'nu... _

A Necrorn.mcer's Grimoire: Marchen derD,JernonwuJfappl'(lilches "''erewolves from an~perspecri\'e: drawing togelher a variety ofwer~(fpawl'fS and fraits from a number ofdifferenl!iOUK'l"S in folklore and popuLu media, thenallowing players to build their own werewolfcharacter bymmbining rhese traitsand poIrt'n indifferent ways. For the most pan, Ihese"buildingblocks- rome in the fonn of feats, starting ...1th theCune of the 8e;ts( feal, which allows a character toO'imSfonn inro a wolf, bur also forces him to dNlwim a number ofdangerous side-effects.

\Vh.ile ;my chMacter can lake Curse of the8edsr:, and from there gain access to a wide varietyof more exotic were\O'01fpo'Vo't'rs, the undisputl"dmasler of~anthropyis the lycaonite(pm~ Iie-k.ly-oh.nishl). The }ycaonite classI'I'presenrs a dw<taer ....ho aetivloly deh'eS into thepcM"eJ of lycanthropy, ga.ining a number of....~lf-rela{ed bonus feats, and also gaining anumberofclass features which are tied 10 thephases of the moon.

Finally, in addition to lhe lycaonite clas.s and(JO,'fi ')0 wer~-reLlfedreus, Mdrchen derD.JemonlO'uJ((.'O[\lams oil number of magic items,drawn from ...~IO«', and v.ilkh should pl'tM'invaluable in any lyccmrhrope-heavy gaIM.

LycaOQit:<e'- _

·I\"eseen the way people look .If tne: like I'm01 monster, 01 mindless kilUng molchine, 01 rolbidIx'olst to Ix' put down. Molylx' they're right. MolYix' Iolm th.Jt dolngerous, But it doesn't molrter. Theydon't understolnd. Theydon'l even bother to try. Tothem I'm just 01 monster. But do they stop /0 thinktholt molYIx' I didn't want this? Tholt it Wol$ inflictedupon meolgainst my will? That every minute ofevery doly I fight the beolsl inside me, trying 10COnlolin it olnd keep it from ripping Ihose smug.righteous curs aparllike so much Sdckclolh? No.Ofcourse theydon'l, Because I'm just 01 monster."

-SarJk NJJr, LYCoionile

Lycaonites are individuals who have beenbranded with the curse of lycanthropy-a heavyburden to bear. The source oflhe curse varies:some are born werewoM-s, inheriling thecondition from their parents or simply being bornunder inauspicious stars. Others are cursed bymalevolent forces, sometimes for some crime orinjusti<.'e they committed, and sometimes out ofsimple spite or jealousy. Regardless of Ihe souret'of the curse, Iycaonites represent those Vol!rewolveswho ~callyset out 10 master IheirCUrse,~ther suppressing it and controlling il in WiVfSthat most werewolves can't hope to do, or elseencouraging their inner bedst:, giving in to theirdarker wges, and dr.rwing PlJ"'l!l from the cursemeant to lay them law.

Making a Lycaonite

rustand~, Iycaoniles~ meleoecombatants, who I'e'ol!I. in sinking their leeth intotbe flesh of their foes..

Abilities: As melee combatants, Iycaonitesbenefit froma high Strength~ 10 increase theirattack and damage rolls, a high Dexterity~ toincrease their AC, and a high Constitution 10 grantthem extra hit points. BecaU$(' 1}'CaOniles muslregularly mal.:r Will Son"'l5 to stay in control of theirbloodlust, they also benefit from a high Wooom.

Alignment: Lycaonites can be ofanyalignment, though most tend tawards chaotic andI"Vi.I. alignments, as their inner beast drives theminto darkness. Still, panicularly sttong-willedlycaonites can remain lawful or even good, and, infact, some young men and women willingly acceptthe curse of lycanthropy from angels or gooddeities in order to use it [0 comb.u the foret'S ofdarkness in the world.

Starting Gold:]<I6 x 10 gpStarting Age: As barbarianHit Dice: du

Class Skills

The Iycaonite's class skills (and the key abilityfor each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (lnt),

Int=lw:tu.io"'nu... _

A Necrorn.mcer's Grimoire: Marchen derD,JernonwuJfappl'(lilches "''erewolves from an~perspecri\'e: drawing togelher a variety ofwer~(fpawl'fS and fraits from a number ofdifferenl!iOUK'l"S in folklore and popuLu media, thenallowing players to build their own werewolfcharacter bymmbining rhese traitsand poIrt'n indifferent ways. For the most pan, Ihese"buildingblocks- rome in the fonn of feats, starting ...1th theCune of the 8e;ts( feal, which allows a character toO'imSfonn inro a wolf, bur also forces him to dNlwim a number ofdangerous side-effects.

\Vh.ile ;my chMacter can lake Curse of the8edsr:, and from there gain access to a wide varietyof more exotic were\O'01fpo'Vo't'rs, the undisputl"dmasler of~anthropyis the lycaonite(pm~ Iie-k.ly-oh.nishl). The }ycaonite classI'I'presenrs a dw<taer ....ho aetivloly deh'eS into thepcM"eJ of lycanthropy, ga.ining a number of....~lf-rela{ed bonus feats, and also gaining anumberofclass features which are tied 10 thephases of the moon.

Finally, in addition to lhe lycaonite clas.s and(JO,'fi ')0 wer~-reLlfedreus, Mdrchen derD.JemonlO'uJ((.'O[\lams oil number of magic items,drawn from ...~IO«', and v.ilkh should pl'tM'invaluable in any lyccmrhrope-heavy gaIM.

LycaOQit:<e'- _

·I\"eseen the way people look .If tne: like I'm01 monster, 01 mindless kilUng molchine, 01 rolbidIx'olst to Ix' put down. Molylx' they're right. MolYix' Iolm th.Jt dolngerous, But it doesn't molrter. Theydon't understolnd. Theydon'l even bother to try. Tothem I'm just 01 monster. But do they stop /0 thinktholt molYIx' I didn't want this? Tholt it Wol$ inflictedupon meolgainst my will? That every minute ofevery doly I fight the beolsl inside me, trying 10COnlolin it olnd keep it from ripping Ihose smug.righteous curs aparllike so much Sdckclolh? No.Ofcourse theydon'l, Because I'm just 01 monster."

-SarJk NJJr, LYCoionile

Lycaonites are individuals who have beenbranded with the curse of lycanthropy-a heavyburden to bear. The source oflhe curse varies:some are born werewoM-s, inheriling thecondition from their parents or simply being bornunder inauspicious stars. Others are cursed bymalevolent forces, sometimes for some crime orinjusti<.'e they committed, and sometimes out ofsimple spite or jealousy. Regardless of Ihe souret'of the curse, Iycaonites represent those Vol!rewolveswho ~callyset out 10 master IheirCUrse,~ther suppressing it and controlling il in WiVfSthat most werewolves can't hope to do, or elseencouraging their inner bedst:, giving in to theirdarker wges, and dr.rwing PlJ"'l!l from the cursemeant to lay them law.

Making a Lycaonite

rustand~, Iycaoniles~ meleoecombatants, who I'e'ol!I. in sinking their leeth intotbe flesh of their foes..

Abilities: As melee combatants, Iycaonitesbenefit froma high Strength~ 10 increase theirattack and damage rolls, a high Dexterity~ toincrease their AC, and a high Constitution 10 grantthem extra hit points. BecaU$(' 1}'CaOniles muslregularly mal.:r Will Son"'l5 to stay in control of theirbloodlust, they also benefit from a high Wooom.

Alignment: Lycaonites can be ofanyalignment, though most tend tawards chaotic andI"Vi.I. alignments, as their inner beast drives theminto darkness. Still, panicularly sttong-willedlycaonites can remain lawful or even good, and, infact, some young men and women willingly acceptthe curse of lycanthropy from angels or gooddeities in order to use it [0 comb.u the foret'S ofdarkness in the world.

Starting Gold:]<I6 x 10 gpStarting Age: As barbarianHit Dice: du

Class Skills

The Iycaonite's class skills (and the key abilityfor each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (lnt),

Table I-I: The LycaoniteBase Attack F.rt Rof Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special

H H •• •• Lycanthrope, H 'J •• •• Bonus Feat

J 'J 'J H H E"tended Transformation, Lunar Rage, '1 ., H H Bonus Feat, ., ., H H Lunar Skills, Silver Fang6 +6/-H ., H H Bonus Feat, Improvl'd Bite

7 +7/+2 ., H H Lunar ABility8 +8/+3 .6 H H Bonus Feat

9 +9/+4 .6 .) .) Lunar Bloodlust

" +10/+5 ., .) .) Bonus Feat

" +11/+6/ +1 ., .) .) Greater Bite

" +'2/+Z/+l .8 ., ., Bonus Feat

') +1J/+8/+3 .8 ., ., Lunar Adept

" +14/+9/+'1 '9 ., ., Bonus Feat

"+15/+10/+5 '9 ., ., Lunar Resilience

,6 +16/+JJ/+6/+I HO ., ., Bite Mastery, Ikmus Feat

" +'Z/+12/+7/+2 H' ., '5 Lunar Vigor,8 +,8/+'3/+8/+3 H' ., ., Bonus Feat

'9 +19/+14/+9/+4 H' ., ., Lunar Frenzy

" +20/+15/+10/+5 m .6 .6 Summon the Blood Moon

Knowledge (IIdture) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pro­fession (Wis), Sense Moti"", (Wis) Stealth (Dex),Survival (WIS), and Swim (Su).

Skill Ranks at each Level: 2 + Intelligencemodifier

Class Features

The following are class features of thelycaonite class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lycaonitesare proficient with all simple weapons and lightarmor, but not with shields. Lycaonitesare alwaysconsidered proficient with any I1dtural weaponsthey gain from feats or class features grantl'd bythe lycaonite class.

Lycanthrope: Lycaonites gain Curse of theBeast asa bonus feat at 1St level, except that theycan make a willing uansfonnationa number oftimes per day equal to 1/2 their class 1eVl"1(minimum I), instead of the nOfIllilll/4 theircharacter level (minimum I). If the lycaonite is amulti-class character, he can make a number of

willing transfonnations each day equal to 1/2 hisclass level + 1/4 his non-class 1eVl"ls, rounded downin all cases.

Bonus Feats: At 2nd 1eVl"1, and every even­numbered level thereafter besides roth, thelycaonite gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat mustbe a werewolf feat, and the lycaonite must meet allof the feat's prerequisites.

Extended Transformation: At Jfd level, thelycaonite gains Extendl'd TransfofIlliltion as abonus feat.

Lunar Rage (Ex): Beginning at Jfd level, thelycaonite's curse takes a stronger hold over hispsyche, and he begins to be affected by the phasesof the moon. Initially, this takes the fonn of amorale bonus (orpeIldlty) to attack and ddITldge, asindicated on the table below. These bonuses, andsimilar bonuses providl'd by other lycaonite classfeatures, function regardless of day or night, andthe lycaonite need not beable to see the moon inorder to gain the bonuses and penalties listed.

Table I-I: The LycaoniteBase Attack F.rt Rof Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save SpecialH H •• •• Lycanthrope, H 'J •• •• Bonus Feat

J 'J 'J H H E"tended Transformation, Lunar Rage, '1 ., H H Bonus Feat

5 '5 '4 H H Lunar Skills, Silver Fang6 +6/-H '5 H H Bonus Feat, Improvl'd Bite

7 +7/+2 '5 H H Lunar ABility8 +8/+} .6 H H Bonus Feat

9 +9/+4 .6 .) .) Lunar Bloodlust

" +10/+5 '7 .) .) Bonus Feat

" +11/+6/ +1 '7 .) .) Greater Bite

" +'2/+Z/+l .8 '4 '4 Bonus Feat

') +1J/+8/+3 .8 '4 ., Lunar Adept

'4 +14/+9/+'1 '9 ., ., Bonus Feat

'5 +15/+10/+5 '9 ., ., Lunar Resilience,6 +16/+JJ/+6/+I HO ., ., Bite Mastery, Ikmus Feat

'7 +'Z/+12/+7/+2 H' '5 '5 Lunar Vigor,8 +,8/+'3/+8/+3 H' ., ., Bonus Feat

'9 +19/+14/+9/+4 H' ., ., Lunar Frenzy

" +20/+15/+10/+5 m .6 .6 Summon the Blood Moon

Knowledge (IIdture) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pro­fession (Wis), Sense Moti"", (Wis) Stealth (Dex),Survival (WIS), and Swim (Su).

Skill Ranks at each Level: 2 + Intelligencemodifier

Class Features

The following are class features of thelycaonite class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lycaonitesare proficient with all simple weapons and lightarmor, but not with shields. Lycaonitesare alwaysconsidered proficient with any I1dtural weaponsthey gain from feats or class features grantl'd bythe lycaonite class.

Lycanthrope: Lycaonites gain Curse of theBeast asa bonus feat at 1St level, except that theycan make a willing uansfonnationa number oftimes per day equal to 1/2 their class 1eVl"1(minimum I), instead of the nOfIllilll/4 theircharacter level (minimum I). If the lycaonite is amulti-class character, he can make a number of

willing transfonnations each day equal to 1/2 hisclass level + 1/4 his non-class 1eVl"ls, rounded downin all cases.

Bonus Feats: At 2nd 1eVl"1, and every even­numbered level thereafter besides roth, thelycaonite gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat mustbe a werewolf feat, and the lycaonite must meet allof the feat's prerequisites.

Extended Transformation: At Jfd level, thelycaonite gains Extendl'd TransfofIlliltion as abonus feat.

Lunar Rage (Ex): Beginning at Jfd level, thelycaonite's curse takes a stronger hold over hispsyche, and he begins to be affected by the phasesof the moon. Initially, this takes the fonn of amorale bonus (orpeIldlty) to attack and ddITldge, asindicated on the table below. These bonuses, andsimilar bonuses providl'd by other lycaonite classfeatures, function regardless of day or night, andthe lycaonite need not beable to see the moon inorder to gain the bonuses and penalties listed.

Table I-I: The LycaoniteBase Attack F.rt Rof Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save SpecialH H •• •• Lycanthrope, H 'J •• •• Bonus Feat

J 'J 'J H H E"tended Transformation, Lunar Rage, '1 ., H H Bonus Feat

5 '5 '4 H H Lunar Skills, Silver Fang6 +6/-H '5 H H Bonus Feat, Improvl'd Bite

7 +7/+2 '5 H H Lunar ABility8 +8/+} .6 H H Bonus Feat

9 +9/+4 .6 .) .) Lunar Bloodlust

" +10/+5 '7 .) .) Bonus Feat

" +11/+6/ +1 '7 .) .) Greater Bite

" +'2/+Z/+l .8 '4 '4 Bonus Feat

') +1J/+8/+3 .8 '4 ., Lunar Adept

'4 +14/+9/+'1 '9 ., ., Bonus Feat

'5 +15/+10/+5 '9 ., ., Lunar Resilience,6 +16/+JJ/+6/+I HO ., ., Bite Mastery, Ikmus Feat

'7 +'Z/+12/+7/+2 H' '5 '5 Lunar Vigor,8 +,8/+'3/+8/+3 H' ., ., Bonus Feat

'9 +19/+14/+9/+4 H' ., ., Lunar Frenzy

" +20/+15/+10/+5 m .6 .6 Summon the Blood Moon

Knowledge (IIdture) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pro­fession (Wis), Sense Moti"", (Wis) Stealth (Dex),Survival (WIS), and Swim (Su).

Skill Ranks at each Level: 2 + Intelligencemodifier

Class Features

The following are class features of thelycaonite class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lycaonitesare proficient with all simple weapons and lightarmor, but not with shields. Lycaonitesare alwaysconsidered proficient with any I1dtural weaponsthey gain from feats or class features grantl'd bythe lycaonite class.

Lycanthrope: Lycaonites gain Curse of theBeast asa bonus feat at 1St level, except that theycan make a willing uansfonnationa number oftimes per day equal to 1/2 their class 1eVl"1(minimum I), instead of the nOfIllilll/4 theircharacter level (minimum I). If the lycaonite is amulti-class character, he can make a number of

willing transfonnations each day equal to 1/2 hisclass level + 1/4 his non-class 1eVl"ls, rounded downin all cases.

Bonus Feats: At 2nd 1eVl"1, and every even­numbered level thereafter besides roth, thelycaonite gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat mustbe a werewolf feat, and the lycaonite must meet allof the feat's prerequisites.

Extended Transformation: At Jfd level, thelycaonite gains Extendl'd TransfofIlliltion as abonus feat.

Lunar Rage (Ex): Beginning at Jfd level, thelycaonite's curse takes a stronger hold over hispsyche, and he begins to be affected by the phasesof the moon. Initially, this takes the fonn of amorale bonus (orpeIldlty) to attack and ddITldge, asindicated on the table below. These bonuses, andsimilar bonuses providl'd by other lycaonite classfeatures, function regardless of day or night, andthe lycaonite need not beable to see the moon inorder to gain the bonuses and penalties listed.

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-2: Lunar RageDayofthe


'"znd -4th5th - mhmh -14th

Effect-z penalty to attack and damage rolls-I penalty to attack and damage rolls

+1 morale bonus to attack and H to damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

'5th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 28th -I penally to allack and damage rolls

Lunar Skills (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, thelycaonite's connection to the phases ofthe moongrows stronger, affecting a wider variety of hisactions, including the following skills: Acrobatics,Climb, Intimidate, Peffeption, Stealth, SuIVival,and Swim. The lycaonite gains a number ofbonuses and penalties to these skills based on thephase of the moon, as indicated on the tablebelow:

Improved Bite (Ex): Beginning at 6th level,the lycaonite's inner beast becomes more feral,and its bloodlust becomes more influential. Aslong as he is transfonned with the Curse oftheBeast, the Iycaonite may make an additional biteattack each round at a -5 penalty while using thefull attack action_ Note that, under nonnalcircumstances, a character mayonly make a singleattack with each natural attack he possesses, andthat this ability only allows the lycaonite to make atotal of two bite attacks, one ofwhich is at a-5penalty.

If the lycaonite is in hybrid fonn (such aswith the Hybrid Fonn feat), this ability functionssomewhat differently. He may still make anadditional bite attack at a -5 penalty, but his clawattacks are now treated as secondary. Ifhe choosesto only make a single bite attack, his clawscontinue to be treated as primary weapons. Seethe Pathfinder Bestiary for more infonnation onprimary and secondary natural attacks. Finally,

Silver Fang: At ')l:h level, the Iycaonite gainsSilver Fang as a bonus feat.

+4 morale bonus

-4 penalty

Effect-6 penalty-4 penalty

,"znd -4th5th - 11th,uh - 14th

15th16th - 18th19th - Z5th26th - 28th

Table 1-3: Lunar SkillsDay ofthe

MonthPhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing GibbousFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

---------------.£, '8rfm tV--------------­

Sidebar: What about the other days of the month?

The "monthnreferred to by lunar rage and similar class features is actually the 28-day lunar cycle,not calendar months. Note that in settings with non-standard lunar cycles (such asa world with multiplemoons, or where the moon stays in one place in the sky), there is still a cycle, though it may be longerorshorter than that listed. Consult your DM, and see Lycaonites in the Game, below, for more infonnationon adjudicating the lunarcycle.


PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-2: Lunar RageDayofthe


'"znd -4th5th - mhmh -14th

Effect-z penalty to attack and damage rolls-I penalty to attack and damage rolls

+1 morale bonus to attack and H to damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

'5th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 28th -I penally to allack and damage rolls

Lunar Skills (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, thelycaonite's connection to the phases ofthe moongrows stronger, affecting a wider variety of hisactions, including the following skills: Acrobatics,Climb, Intimidate, Peffeption, Stealth, SuIVival,and Swim. The lycaonite gains a number ofbonuses and penalties to these skills based on thephase of the moon, as indicated on the tablebelow:

Improved Bite (Ex): Beginning at 6th level,the lycaonite's inner beast becomes more feral,and its bloodlust becomes more influential. Aslong as he is transfonned with the Curse oftheBeast, the Iycaonite may make an additional biteattack each round at a -5 penalty while using thefull attack action_ Note that, under nonnalcircumstances, a character mayonly make a singleattack with each natural attack he possesses, andthat this ability only allows the lycaonite to make atotal of two bite attacks, one ofwhich is at a-5penalty.

If the lycaonite is in hybrid fonn (such aswith the Hybrid Fonn feat), this ability functionssomewhat differently. He may still make anadditional bite attack at a -5 penalty, but his clawattacks are now treated as secondary. Ifhe choosesto only make a single bite attack, his clawscontinue to be treated as primary weapons. Seethe Pathfinder Bestiary for more infonnation onprimary and secondary natural attacks. Finally,

Silver Fang: At ')l:h level, the Iycaonite gainsSilver Fang as a bonus feat.

+4 morale bonus

-4 penalty

Effect-6 penalty-4 penalty

,"znd -4th5th - 11th,uh - 14th

15th16th - 18th19th - Z5th26th - 28th

Table 1-3: Lunar SkillsDay ofthe

MonthPhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing GibbousFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

---------------.£, '8rfm tV--------------­

Sidebar: What about the other days of the month?

The "monthnreferred to by lunar rage and similar class features is actually the 28-day lunar cycle,not calendar months. Note that in settings with non-standard lunar cycles (such asa world with multiplemoons, or where the moon stays in one place in the sky), there is still a cycle, though it may be longerorshorter than that listed. Consult your DM, and see Lycaonites in the Game, below, for more infonnationon adjudicating the lunarcycle.


PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-2: Lunar RageDayofthe


'"znd -4th5th - mhmh -14th

Effect-z penalty to attack and damage rolls-I penalty to attack and damage rolls

+1 morale bonus to attack and H to damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

'5th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 28th -I penally to allack and damage rolls

Lunar Skills (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, thelycaonite's connection to the phases ofthe moongrows stronger, affecting a wider variety of hisactions, including the following skills: Acrobatics,Climb, Intimidate, Peffeption, Stealth, SuIVival,and Swim. The lycaonite gains a number ofbonuses and penalties to these skills based on thephase of the moon, as indicated on the tablebelow:

Improved Bite (Ex): Beginning at 6th level,the lycaonite's inner beast becomes more feral,and its bloodlust becomes more influential. Aslong as he is transfonned with the Curse oftheBeast, the Iycaonite may make an additional biteattack each round at a -5 penalty while using thefull attack action_ Note that, under nonnalcircumstances, a character mayonly make a singleattack with each natural attack he possesses, andthat this ability only allows the lycaonite to make atotal of two bite attacks, one ofwhich is at a-5penalty.

If the lycaonite is in hybrid fonn (such aswith the Hybrid Fonn feat), this ability functionssomewhat differently. He may still make anadditional bite attack at a -5 penalty, but his clawattacks are now treated as secondary. Ifhe choosesto only make a single bite attack, his clawscontinue to be treated as primary weapons. Seethe Pathfinder Bestiary for more infonnation onprimary and secondary natural attacks. Finally,

Silver Fang: At ')l:h level, the Iycaonite gainsSilver Fang as a bonus feat.

+4 morale bonus

-4 penalty

Effect-6 penalty-4 penalty

,"znd -4th5th - 11th,uh - 14th

15th16th - 18th19th - Z5th26th - 28th

Table 1-3: Lunar SkillsDay ofthe

MonthPhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing GibbousFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

---------------.£, '8rfm tV--------------­

Sidebar: What about the other days of the month?

The "monthnreferred to by lunar rage and similar class features is actually the 28-day lunar cycle,not calendar months. Note that in settings with non-standard lunar cycles (such asa world with multiplemoons, or where the moon stays in one place in the sky), there is still a cycle, though it may be longerorshorter than that listed. Consult your DM, and see Lycaonites in the Game, below, for more infonnationon adjudicating the lunarcycle.


PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-4: Lunar AgilityDayofthe


'".znd -1th5th - lHh

12th - 14th

EffecI-6 penalty to initiative, -3 penalty to Reflex saves-2 penalty to initiative, -I penalty to Reflex saves

+4 morale bonus to initialive, +2. morale bonus to Reflex savesFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

>5th16[h - 18[h19th 25th26th - 28th -2. penahY 10 inilialive, -I penalty 10 Reflex saves

the lycaonite cannot attack with a manufacturedor held weapon and use improved bite in the sameround.

This class feature improves aluth level togreater bite, and again at 16th level to bile mastery.

Lunar Agility (Ex): At 7th level, thelycaonite's connection to the moon begins to affecthis reflexes, providing a number of moralebonuses and penalties to initiative checks andReflex saws, based on the phases of the moon, asindicated on Table 1-4: Lunar Agility.

Lunar Bloodlust (Ex): At 9th level, thelycaonite's lunar rage ability improves, causing thebonuses and penalties to grow more severe, asindicated on Table 1-5: Lunar Bloodlust. Thisability replaces the lunar rage ability.

Greater Bite (Ex): Beginning at uth level, thelycaonite's speed with his bite attack improvesfurther still, and he can make a third bite attack at

a -10 penalty. This ability otherwise functions thesame as the improved bile class feature, above.

Lunar Adept (Ex): At 13th level, the lycaonitegains extra lycanthropic pO'l\'l'rs which he can onlyunlock with the aid ofthe moon. He choosesanytwo feats which he qualifies for and which hecould choose as bonus feats (see bonus feats,above). As long as the moon is full or gibbous, hegains the benefits of these feats. The rest of thetime, this ability has no effect.

Lunar Resilience (Ex): At 15th level, thelycaonite's connection to the moon begins to affecthis fortitude, providing morale bonuses toFortitude saves and natural armor bonuses to AC,as well as penalties to these stats, based on phasesof the moon, as indicated on Table 1-6: LunarResilience, on the next page.

Bite Mastery (Ex): Beginning at 16th level,the lycaonite's speed with his bite attack becomes

+3 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls

Effect-3 penalty to attack and damage rolls-2 penalty to attack and damage rolls

,,'2nd - 4th5th - lHhuth - 14th

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-5: Lunar BloodlustDayofthe


Full MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

>51h,6th-18[h19th 25[h26[h - 28th -2. penalty to attack and damage rolls

Werewolf, by [sabdl~ Davis

+4 natural armor, +4 morale bonus to Fortitude saves

Effect-4 penalty to AC and Fortitude saves-2 penalty to A( and Fortitude 5<11'<'5

,,'2nd - 4th5th - mh

12th - 14th

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-6: Lunar ResilienceDay of the


Full MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescem

15th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 281h -2 penalty to AC and Fortitudesaves

extraordinary, and he can now make a fourth biteattack at a -15 penalty. lbis ability otherwisefunctions as greater bite and impI'OV'l"d bite,,hove.

Lunar V'lgOr (Ex): At I7Ih level, thelycaonite gains incredible healing powers while

the moon isat its height. As long as the moon isgibbous, the lymonite gains regeneration equal to1/2 his class level. When the moon is full, thisregeneration is instead equal to the lycaonite'sclass level. Either way, this regeneration ceases tofunction as long as the lycaonite is within 60 feetof mistletoe, wolfs bane, orwood from an ash tree.

Werewolf, by [sabdl~ Davis

+4 natural armor, +4 morale bonus to Fortitude saves

Effect-4 penalty to AC and Fortitude saves-2 penalty to A( and Fortitude 5<11'<'5

,,'2nd - 4th5th - mh

12th - 14th

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-6: Lunar ResilienceDay of the


Full MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescem

15th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 281h -2 penalty to AC and Fortitudesaves

extraordinary, and he can now make a fourth biteattack at a -15 penalty. lbis ability otherwisefunctions as greater bite and impI'OV'l"d bite,,hove.

Lunar V'lgOr (Ex): At I7Ih level, thelycaonite gains incredible healing powers while

the moon isat its height. As long as the moon isgibbous, the lymonite gains regeneration equal to1/2 his class level. When the moon is full, thisregeneration is instead equal to the lycaonite'sclass level. Either way, this regeneration ceases tofunction as long as the lycaonite is within 60 feetof mistletoe, wolfs bane, orwood from an ash tree.

Werewolf, by [sabdl~ Davis

+4 natural armor, +4 morale bonus to Fortitude saves

Effect-4 penalty to AC and Fortitude saves-2 penalty to A( and Fortitude 5<11'<'5

,,'2nd - 4th5th - mh

12th - 14th

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-6: Lunar ResilienceDay of the


Full MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescem

15th16th - 18th19th 25th26th - 281h -2 penalty to AC and Fortitudesaves

extraordinary, and he can now make a fourth biteattack at a -15 penalty. lbis ability otherwisefunctions as greater bite and impI'OV'l"d bite,,hove.

Lunar V'lgOr (Ex): At I7Ih level, thelycaonite gains incredible healing powers while

the moon isat its height. As long as the moon isgibbous, the lymonite gains regeneration equal to1/2 his class level. When the moon is full, thisregeneration is instead equal to the lycaonite'sclass level. Either way, this regeneration ceases tofunction as long as the lycaonite is within 60 feetof mistletoe, wolfs bane, orwood from an ash tree.

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-'7: Lunar FrenzyDay ofthc


'"md -1th5th - 11th

12th - 14th

Effect-6 penalty to atlack and damage rolls-3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

+5 morale bonus loallack and damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

15th16th· 18th19th 25th26th· 28th -3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

The lycaonite immediately becomes aware ifproximity to such an item causes his regenerationto stop functioning, though he does notautomatically know the location, or evl'n thedirection, of the offending item. Vllhen the moon isneither full nor gibbous, this ability has no effect.

Lunar Frenzy (Ex): At 19th 1evl'1, thelycaonite's lunar bloodlust improves, causing thebonuses and penalties to grow more severe, asindicated on Table I-T Lunar Frenzy. Thisabilityreplaces the lunar bloodlust and lunar rageabilities.

Summon the Blood Moon (Sp): By wthlevl'l, the lycaonite's bond with the moon becomesso strong that he can magically call a full redmoon, known as the blood moon, into the sky onceper day, as a standard action which provokesattacks of opportunity. TIris moon remains in thesky for 10 minutes. During this time the moon isconsidered to be full, instead of whatevl'r state it isactually in, for the purposes of the lycaonite's classfeatures. Only the lycaonite who used this ability isaffc<:ted, though the red moon is visible to others.This ability functions at any time of day, and themoon is dearly visible evl'n at high noon, thoughthe lycaonite need not actually see the blood moonto receive its benefits. This ability has no effect ontides, the movement ofcelestial bodies, or similarphenomena.

Playing a Lycaonite

Lycaonites can come from all walks of life, astheir unifying factor is the terrible ernse which has

transfonned them intoa monster, and this cursedoes not discriminate betv.-een prince and pauper,nor can it tell saints from sinners. Most lycaonitesare filled with bitter anger, both at the cruelcircumstances which caused them to becomecursed, and at themselves, for most lycaonitesloathe the monsters that they feel they havebecome. TIris anger is fueled, and in many casesoutright caused, by the lycaonite's inner beast,which constantly urges them towards violence andother, darker acts.

Even the most well-adjusted of lycaonites istypically very reserved and slow to trust and makefriends, both because they are used to theprejudice and fear that knowledge oftheircondition creates in others, and because they arewell aware there is a chance they may somedaylose control and attack someone dose to them,and feel it is best if they remain aloof, to minimizethe risk to others.

Races: Anyrace can be the subjC<:t of thewerewolfs curse, though certain races are morelikely than others to invest any effort in masteringtheir condition, rather than hiding from it. Orcsand half-ores, in particular, tend to provide a largenumber of lycaonites, both because many oretribes have werewolf blood in their lineage, andbecause the oreim revl'rence for wolves causesmore orcs and half-orcs to embrace theirlycanthropic status. HUIIldI1S, due to theirO\'eraliprevalence, make up the majority of the lycaonitepopulation.

Religion: Few lycaonites have much use for

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-'7: Lunar FrenzyDay ofthc


'"md -1th5th - 11th

12th - 14th

Effect-6 penalty to atlack and damage rolls-3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

+5 morale bonus loallack and damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

15th16th· 18th19th 25th26th· 28th -3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

The lycaonite immediately becomes aware ifproximity to such an item causes his regenerationto stop functioning, though he does notautomatically know the location, or evl'n thedirection, of the offending item. Vllhen the moon isneither full nor gibbous, this ability has no effect.

Lunar Frenzy (Ex): At 19th 1evl'1, thelycaonite's lunar bloodlust improves, causing thebonuses and penalties to grow more severe, asindicated on Table I-T Lunar Frenzy. Thisabilityreplaces the lunar bloodlust and lunar rageabilities.

Summon the Blood Moon (Sp): By wthlevl'l, the lycaonite's bond with the moon becomesso strong that he can magically call a full redmoon, known as the blood moon, into the sky onceper day, as a standard action which provokesattacks of opportunity. TIris moon remains in thesky for 10 minutes. During this time the moon isconsidered to be full, instead of whatevl'r state it isactually in, for the purposes of the lycaonite's classfeatures. Only the lycaonite who used this ability isaffc<:ted, though the red moon is visible to others.This ability functions at any time of day, and themoon is dearly visible evl'n at high noon, thoughthe lycaonite need not actually see the blood moonto receive its benefits. This ability has no effect ontides, the movement ofcelestial bodies, or similarphenomena.

Playing a Lycaonite

Lycaonites can come from all walks of life, astheir unifying factor is the terrible ernse which has

transfonned them intoa monster, and this cursedoes not discriminate betv.-een prince and pauper,nor can it tell saints from sinners. Most lycaonitesare filled with bitter anger, both at the cruelcircumstances which caused them to becomecursed, and at themselves, for most lycaonitesloathe the monsters that they feel they havebecome. TIris anger is fueled, and in many casesoutright caused, by the lycaonite's inner beast,which constantly urges them towards violence andother, darker acts.

Even the most well-adjusted of lycaonites istypically very reserved and slow to trust and makefriends, both because they are used to theprejudice and fear that knowledge oftheircondition creates in others, and because they arewell aware there is a chance they may somedaylose control and attack someone dose to them,and feel it is best if they remain aloof, to minimizethe risk to others.

Races: Anyrace can be the subjC<:t of thewerewolfs curse, though certain races are morelikely than others to invest any effort in masteringtheir condition, rather than hiding from it. Orcsand half-ores, in particular, tend to provide a largenumber of lycaonites, both because many oretribes have werewolf blood in their lineage, andbecause the oreim revl'rence for wolves causesmore orcs and half-orcs to embrace theirlycanthropic status. HUIIldI1S, due to theirO\'eraliprevalence, make up the majority of the lycaonitepopulation.

Religion: Few lycaonites have much use for

PhaseNew MoonWaxing CrescentWaxingWaxing Gibbous

Table 1-'7: Lunar FrenzyDay ofthc


'"md -1th5th - 11th

12th - 14th

Effect-6 penalty to atlack and damage rolls-3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

+5 morale bonus loallack and damage rollsFull MoonWaning GibbousWaningWaning Crescent

15th16th· 18th19th 25th26th· 28th -3 penalty to attack and damage rolls

The lycaonite immediately becomes aware ifproximity to such an item causes his regenerationto stop functioning, though he does notautomatically know the location, or evl'n thedirection, of the offending item. Vllhen the moon isneither full nor gibbous, this ability has no effect.

Lunar Frenzy (Ex): At 19th 1evl'1, thelycaonite's lunar bloodlust improves, causing thebonuses and penalties to grow more severe, asindicated on Table I-T Lunar Frenzy. Thisabilityreplaces the lunar bloodlust and lunar rageabilities.

Summon the Blood Moon (Sp): By wthlevl'l, the lycaonite's bond with the moon becomesso strong that he can magically call a full redmoon, known as the blood moon, into the sky onceper day, as a standard action which provokesattacks of opportunity. TIris moon remains in thesky for 10 minutes. During this time the moon isconsidered to be full, instead of whatevl'r state it isactually in, for the purposes of the lycaonite's classfeatures. Only the lycaonite who used this ability isaffc<:ted, though the red moon is visible to others.This ability functions at any time of day, and themoon is dearly visible evl'n at high noon, thoughthe lycaonite need not actually see the blood moonto receive its benefits. This ability has no effect ontides, the movement ofcelestial bodies, or similarphenomena.

Playing a Lycaonite

Lycaonites can come from all walks of life, astheir unifying factor is the terrible ernse which has

transfonned them intoa monster, and this cursedoes not discriminate betv.-een prince and pauper,nor can it tell saints from sinners. Most lycaonitesare filled with bitter anger, both at the cruelcircumstances which caused them to becomecursed, and at themselves, for most lycaonitesloathe the monsters that they feel they havebecome. TIris anger is fueled, and in many casesoutright caused, by the lycaonite's inner beast,which constantly urges them towards violence andother, darker acts.

Even the most well-adjusted of lycaonites istypically very reserved and slow to trust and makefriends, both because they are used to theprejudice and fear that knowledge oftheircondition creates in others, and because they arewell aware there is a chance they may somedaylose control and attack someone dose to them,and feel it is best if they remain aloof, to minimizethe risk to others.

Races: Anyrace can be the subjC<:t of thewerewolfs curse, though certain races are morelikely than others to invest any effort in masteringtheir condition, rather than hiding from it. Orcsand half-ores, in particular, tend to provide a largenumber of lycaonites, both because many oretribes have werewolf blood in their lineage, andbecause the oreim revl'rence for wolves causesmore orcs and half-orcs to embrace theirlycanthropic status. HUIIldI1S, due to theirO\'eraliprevalence, make up the majority of the lycaonitepopulation.

Religion: Few lycaonites have much use for

religion, and a large number of them bitterly hateat least one deity or church, or else the entireconcept of gods and clerics in general. Thesefeelings ilI'e generally due to the Iycaonite's angerand frustration at being cursed, and, in fact, manyIycaonites receive their curse directly from a deity,typically resulting in an exceptionally fiercehatred. Still, there are lycaonites who find solace inreligion, especially if the deity in question has afavorable view towards redemption for creaturessuch as werewolves.

Other Classes: Though few lycaonites havemuch use for religion, this hatred rarely extends toclerics, especially if they are not exceptionallypreachy about their views. Mistrustful of mostpeople, Iycaonites ilI'e typically even moresuspicious ofwizards, sorcerers, and other arcanespellcasters. Lycaonites often get along best withbarbarians and rangers, with whom they often feelthey have common ground. Lycaonites tend to bebitterly divided in their view ofdruids, someholding great reverence for these ~custodiansofnature," while others view them as soft, weak, andnoncommittal.

Lycaonites in the World

"Those monsters are Asmodeus incartl<lte!Unn,ltural beastS, they perform secret ,Jnd terrible/Mcts with dMk powers-demons, devils, andI>urse, most likely-to g,Jin their ,Jwful power,tr,Jnsforming into ruthless, mindless, murderousfiends. E,Jch one h,Js,J heiJrt bl,Jcker th,Jn thedMkest night, but theireyesgle,Jm with a brightred h,Jtred ,Jnd malevolence. H,Jve no doubt thatthese foul heretics must be stopped at,Jll costS,Jndput to the torch without remorse or regret, but ,Jlsoh,Jve no doubt that they are d,Jngerous: theirwickedness knows no bounds, ,Jnd they h,Jve thestrength ,Jnd S,Jv,Jgeryofthe be,Jst combined withthe cunning of,J m,Jn. They ,Jre,J S4:Qutge best leftto professionals to remove."

-Kenneth Fetten, werewolf hunter

Daily Ufe: While some werewolves do theirbest to live normal and everyday lives, mostlycaonites instead embrace their lycanthropic

nature, attempting to get in touch with their innerbeast. Some do this in order to better quell andcontrol it, while others are simply interested intapping into its IJO'I'~r. The exact nature of thisprocess varies depending on the lycaonite, butsome examples include meditation, spending timein the company of animals, sparring and strenuousexercise, more earnest blood sports, or foragingthrough the wilderness. Conscientious lycaonitesalways take care to ensure that they are far fromcivilization when they make camp, or elseotherwise ensure that they aren't likely to kill anyinnocents during the night if they are unable tocontrol their transfonnation.

Notables: Many of the most famousIycaonites are known not by their given names, oreven as human beings, but rather with fancifulnames such as ~The Beast of Gevaudanar" or "1beWolfofAsbencester,n for they gain their fameprimarily through a string ofgrizzly murders whilein bestial fonn. Most Iycaonites die in obscurity,without achieving great fame as either man orbeast. Despite all of this, a handful ofIycaonites-especially those who focus oncontrolling their inner beast-may make somesmall notoriety for themselves, usually aftersettling down to the life ofa hennit or sage insome small and remote location.

Organizations: Loners by nature, and hailingfrom a wide variety of races, religions, and socialclasses, lycaonites rarely spend much time in eachothers' company. Not precisely commonplace tobegin with, few lycaonites ilI'e willing to admit totheir true nature, and so even when twoof themdo chance to meet, they are unlikely to discovertheir common bond. Even if they do, mostIycaonites feel such disgust towards their owninner beast that they can think of nothing theywould like less than the company of another likethemselves. lhat said, rumors do arise every fewyears about a secluded and hidden monasteryorcoven oflycaonites, which seek out those with thecurse and take them into the fold, teaching themto harness and control their powers. Ifsuchorganizations do exist, the only proof is theseoccasional rumors, and it is anyone's guess as towhether these organizations have a greater aim ingathering werewolves in this way, let alone what

religion, and a large number of them bitterly hateat least one deity or church, or else the entireconcept of gods and clerics in general. Thesefeelings ilI'e generally due to the Iycaonite's angerand frustration at being cursed, and, in fact, manyIycaonites receive their curse directly from a deity,typically resulting in an exceptionally fiercehatred. Still, there are lycaonites who find solace inreligion, especially if the deity in question has afavorable view towards redemption for creaturessuch as werewolves.

Other Classes: Though few lycaonites havemuch use for religion, this hatred rarely extends toclerics, especially if they are not exceptionallypreachy about their views. Mistrustful of mostpeople, Iycaonites ilI'e typically even moresuspicious ofwizards, sorcerers, and other arcanespellcasters. Lycaonites often get along best withbarbarians and rangers, with whom they often feelthey have common ground. Lycaonites tend to bebitterly divided in their view ofdruids, someholding great reverence for these ~custodiansofnature," while others view them as soft, weak, andnoncommittal.

Lycaonites in the World

"Those monsters are Asmodeus incartl<lte!Unn,ltural beastS, they perform secret ,Jnd terrible/Mcts with dMk powers-demons, devils, andI>urse, most likely-to g,Jin their ,Jwful power,tr,Jnsforming into ruthless, mindless, murderousfiends. E,Jch one h,Js,J heiJrt bl,Jcker th,Jn thedMkest night, but theireyesgle,Jm with a brightred h,Jtred ,Jnd malevolence. H,Jve no doubt thatthese foul heretics must be stopped at,Jll costS,Jndput to the torch without remorse or regret, but ,Jlsoh,Jve no doubt that they are d,Jngerous: theirwickedness knows no bounds, ,Jnd they h,Jve thestrength ,Jnd S,Jv,Jgeryofthe be,Jst combined withthe cunning of,J m,Jn. They ,Jre,J S4:Qutge best leftto professionals to remove."

-Kenneth Fetten, werewolf hunter

Daily Ufe: While some werewolves do theirbest to live normal and everyday lives, mostlycaonites instead embrace their lycanthropic

nature, attempting to get in touch with their innerbeast. Some do this in order to better quell andcontrol it, while others are simply interested intapping into its IJO'I'~r. The exact nature of thisprocess varies depending on the lycaonite, butsome examples include meditation, spending timein the company of animals, sparring and strenuousexercise, more earnest blood sports, or foragingthrough the wilderness. Conscientious lycaonitesalways take care to ensure that they are far fromcivilization when they make camp, or elseotherwise ensure that they aren't likely to kill anyinnocents during the night if they are unable tocontrol their transfonnation.

Notables: Many of the most famousIycaonites are known not by their given names, oreven as human beings, but rather with fancifulnames such as ~The Beast of Gevaudanar" or "1beWolfofAsbencester,n for they gain their fameprimarily through a string ofgrizzly murders whilein bestial fonn. Most Iycaonites die in obscurity,without achieving great fame as either man orbeast. Despite all of this, a handful ofIycaonites-especially those who focus oncontrolling their inner beast-may make somesmall notoriety for themselves, usually aftersettling down to the life ofa hennit or sage insome small and remote location.

Organizations: Loners by nature, and hailingfrom a wide variety of races, religions, and socialclasses, lycaonites rarely spend much time in eachothers' company. Not precisely commonplace tobegin with, few lycaonites ilI'e willing to admit totheir true nature, and so even when twoof themdo chance to meet, they are unlikely to discovertheir common bond. Even if they do, mostIycaonites feel such disgust towards their owninner beast that they can think of nothing theywould like less than the company of another likethemselves. lhat said, rumors do arise every fewyears about a secluded and hidden monasteryorcoven oflycaonites, which seek out those with thecurse and take them into the fold, teaching themto harness and control their powers. Ifsuchorganizations do exist, the only proof is theseoccasional rumors, and it is anyone's guess as towhether these organizations have a greater aim ingathering werewolves in this way, let alone what

religion, and a large number of them bitterly hateat least one deity or church, or else the entireconcept of gods and clerics in general. Thesefeelings ilI'e generally due to the Iycaonite's angerand frustration at being cursed, and, in fact, manyIycaonites receive their curse directly from a deity,typically resulting in an exceptionally fiercehatred. Still, there are lycaonites who find solace inreligion, especially if the deity in question has afavorable view towards redemption for creaturessuch as werewolves.

Other Classes: Though few lycaonites havemuch use for religion, this hatred rarely extends toclerics, especially if they are not exceptionallypreachy about their views. Mistrustful of mostpeople, Iycaonites ilI'e typically even moresuspicious ofwizards, sorcerers, and other arcanespellcasters. Lycaonites often get along best withbarbarians and rangers, with whom they often feelthey have common ground. Lycaonites tend to bebitterly divided in their view ofdruids, someholding great reverence for these ~custodiansofnature," while others view them as soft, weak, andnoncommittal.

Lycaonites in the World

"Those monsters are Asmodeus incartl<lte!Unn,ltural beastS, they perform secret ,Jnd terrible/Mcts with dMk powers-demons, devils, andI>urse, most likely-to g,Jin their ,Jwful power,tr,Jnsforming into ruthless, mindless, murderousfiends. E,Jch one h,Js,J heiJrt bl,Jcker th,Jn thedMkest night, but theireyesgle,Jm with a brightred h,Jtred ,Jnd malevolence. H,Jve no doubt thatthese foul heretics must be stopped at,Jll costS,Jndput to the torch without remorse or regret, but ,Jlsoh,Jve no doubt that they are d,Jngerous: theirwickedness knows no bounds, ,Jnd they h,Jve thestrength ,Jnd S,Jv,Jgeryofthe be,Jst combined withthe cunning of,J m,Jn. They ,Jre,J S4:Qutge best leftto professionals to remove."

-Kenneth Fetten, werewolf hunter

Daily Ufe: While some werewolves do theirbest to live normal and everyday lives, mostlycaonites instead embrace their lycanthropic

nature, attempting to get in touch with their innerbeast. Some do this in order to better quell andcontrol it, while others are simply interested intapping into its IJO'I'~r. The exact nature of thisprocess varies depending on the lycaonite, butsome examples include meditation, spending timein the company of animals, sparring and strenuousexercise, more earnest blood sports, or foragingthrough the wilderness. Conscientious lycaonitesalways take care to ensure that they are far fromcivilization when they make camp, or elseotherwise ensure that they aren't likely to kill anyinnocents during the night if they are unable tocontrol their transfonnation.

Notables: Many of the most famousIycaonites are known not by their given names, oreven as human beings, but rather with fancifulnames such as ~The Beast of Gevaudanar" or "1beWolfofAsbencester,n for they gain their fameprimarily through a string ofgrizzly murders whilein bestial fonn. Most Iycaonites die in obscurity,without achieving great fame as either man orbeast. Despite all of this, a handful ofIycaonites-especially those who focus oncontrolling their inner beast-may make somesmall notoriety for themselves, usually aftersettling down to the life ofa hennit or sage insome small and remote location.

Organizations: Loners by nature, and hailingfrom a wide variety of races, religions, and socialclasses, lycaonites rarely spend much time in eachothers' company. Not precisely commonplace tobegin with, few lycaonites ilI'e willing to admit totheir true nature, and so even when twoof themdo chance to meet, they are unlikely to discovertheir common bond. Even if they do, mostIycaonites feel such disgust towards their owninner beast that they can think of nothing theywould like less than the company of another likethemselves. lhat said, rumors do arise every fewyears about a secluded and hidden monasteryorcoven oflycaonites, which seek out those with thecurse and take them into the fold, teaching themto harness and control their powers. Ifsuchorganizations do exist, the only proof is theseoccasional rumors, and it is anyone's guess as towhether these organizations have a greater aim ingathering werewolves in this way, let alone what

that goal might be.

NPC RtactioD.$: Fewclasses occasion asmuch open and abject hatred, feM, and suspicionas die 1)'Caonile. Most innkeepers would ratherrent a room loa black-robrd, pale-skinnedrn:'O'OmatlClI!'r or a drunken, wlwashed, and sa\'a~

barbarian than e..'I!!n fl'ftI a~U', let alonesleep under the same roo£ lycaonites ...no areopen about theircunequicldydraw angry mobs oftorch-.md-pitchfork-...-ieJ.ding commoners. luckily,IDOSIlycaonites are able to hide their O'Ue naturewithout too much diflicuJ.ly, as long as they cankeqI from tTansfonning in <M!rly public places.

lycaonitl!' Lo",: Characters with ranks inKnowledge (local) can Tt'SedTCh Iycaonites to learnmoreabou[ them. When a character makes [hisskill check, read orpdl"aphrase [he infonnationfrom the [able below, including the enlries for100000r Des.

Table 1-8: lycaonite LoreDC Information

Lycaonites are supernatural warriors whomilSler their inner rage and channel it into

10 Iheir lighting. It'sS<lid thilt not e,·eryone iscapable o(l)t'Coming a Iycaonite, but youdon't kJl()w the ex.act r uiremem.Lycaonile is anO(her ..·ord or were...·

used to hide their true nature and allow'5 c_t,,,,,m to ~ay in hurnan sociely like the

prQ\·erbial wolfin sheep's dO(hing.

Characters who achit'\'e this It'\'el ofsuccesscan learn important details about a specific

30 Iycaonite, the aredS where he operdtes, andthe kinds of activities he undertakes.

lycaonites in the Game

For OMs: l~tescreate a couple ofsituations which can complicate games, ifnothandled delicately. FlT5Iiy, in regards to a!yt:aonite's night-time transformations (seeSidebar: H.mdling Night-Time transformations formore infonnation), a arefulba~must hi!'struck bet'M'eIl ignoring this aspect ofthecharacter's ~anthropyandOYerusing it, orallov.ing it 10 become 100 much ofa punishmentor chore. M.my !yt:aonite charoKten will quiddyfind~ 10 remain lucid during suchtransfonnations, which helps ...-ith this issue, but8I!'fK'ralJy speaking, unless the M'I!!r has takenstl!'pS to prt"\-'t'n1 night-time activities, OMs shouldtry to include at least one meaningful night-timeencounter (not Ilt"C('SS,)rily a combat encounter,but always an entertaining one) per character1eVl"1, generally "hand-waving" the rest withsimplified rules orentirely without conunent.

The other potential issue with !ycaonites isthat their "lunar" class features can be somewhatunwieldy. First, keeping track of the lunar cycle isimportant to the class's balance, but can slowdCJ\\.TI gilIIleplay. In general, the Iycaonite charactershould be responsible for keeping track of thelunar cycle, either on a scrap piece of paper cranempty section of his character sheet. S«ondly,...-Me these class features are designl"d to be fairlyw~U-baLmced. despite having dramatic shifts inpo¥<=, theycan quickly become unba1ancl!'d ifpla)'"TS are alIO\\-ed toabuse them, such as if theyonly am't'IllUre~ ....eeks (or, worse, onlyone)out ofdieqde, simply "stil);ng home~ during theolf""""Yek.. [f~ p1.lyers are doing this, you shouldtry talking to them about it, or e1sep~t themfrom rt'Sl:ing by forcing them to deal ...-ith w~~u[fhunters, sudden monster attacks, or particularly~ villains.. Fmally, any attempt to alter orhalt die progression of the moon, or to use asetting's unique cosmology to achieVl" a simil.Ireffect (for example, a ...urld with many moons),should not be tolerated.

Adaptations: If the lunar cycle proves toolong-tenn for your game, you could consideradjusting the cycle, either by shortening all of thephases (besides the new and full moon) by a

that goal might be.

NPC RtactioD.$: Fewclasses occasion asmuch open and abject hatred, feM, and suspicionas die 1)'Caonile. Most innkeepers would ratherrent a room loa black-robrd, pale-skinnedrn:'O'OmatlClI!'r or a drunken, wlwashed, and sa\'a~

barbarian than e..'I!!n fl'ftI a~U', let alonesleep under the same roo£ lycaonites ...no areopen about theircunequicldydraw angry mobs oftorch-.md-pitchfork-...-ieJ.ding commoners. luckily,IDOSIlycaonites are able to hide their O'Ue naturewithout too much diflicuJ.ly, as long as they cankeqI from tTansfonning in <M!rly public places.

lycaonitl!' Lo",: Characters with ranks inKnowledge (local) can Tt'SedTCh Iycaonites to learnmoreabou[ them. When a character makes [hisskill check, read orpdl"aphrase [he infonnationfrom the [able below, including the enlries for100000r Des.

Table 1-8: lycaonite LoreDC Information

Lycaonites are supernatural warriors whomilSler their inner rage and channel it into

10 Iheir lighting. It'sS<lid thilt not e,·eryone iscapable o(l)t'Coming a Iycaonite, but youdon't kJl()w the ex.act r uiremem.Lycaonile is anO(her ..·ord or were...·

used to hide their true nature and allow'5 c_t,,,,,m to ~ay in hurnan sociely like the

prQ\·erbial wolfin sheep's dO(hing.

Characters who achit'\'e this It'\'el ofsuccesscan learn important details about a specific

30 Iycaonite, the aredS where he operdtes, andthe kinds of activities he undertakes.

lycaonites in the Game

For OMs: l~tescreate a couple ofsituations which can complicate games, ifnothandled delicately. FlT5Iiy, in regards to a!yt:aonite's night-time transformations (seeSidebar: H.mdling Night-Time transformations formore infonnation), a arefulba~must hi!'struck bet'M'eIl ignoring this aspect ofthecharacter's ~anthropyandOYerusing it, orallov.ing it 10 become 100 much ofa punishmentor chore. M.my !yt:aonite charoKten will quiddyfind~ 10 remain lucid during suchtransfonnations, which helps ...-ith this issue, but8I!'fK'ralJy speaking, unless the M'I!!r has takenstl!'pS to prt"\-'t'n1 night-time activities, OMs shouldtry to include at least one meaningful night-timeencounter (not Ilt"C('SS,)rily a combat encounter,but always an entertaining one) per character1eVl"1, generally "hand-waving" the rest withsimplified rules orentirely without conunent.

The other potential issue with !ycaonites isthat their "lunar" class features can be somewhatunwieldy. First, keeping track of the lunar cycle isimportant to the class's balance, but can slowdCJ\\.TI gilIIleplay. In general, the Iycaonite charactershould be responsible for keeping track of thelunar cycle, either on a scrap piece of paper cranempty section of his character sheet. S«ondly,...-Me these class features are designl"d to be fairlyw~U-baLmced. despite having dramatic shifts inpo¥<=, theycan quickly become unba1ancl!'d ifpla)'"TS are alIO\\-ed toabuse them, such as if theyonly am't'IllUre~ ....eeks (or, worse, onlyone)out ofdieqde, simply "stil);ng home~ during theolf""""Yek.. [f~ p1.lyers are doing this, you shouldtry talking to them about it, or e1sep~t themfrom rt'Sl:ing by forcing them to deal ...-ith w~~u[fhunters, sudden monster attacks, or particularly~ villains.. Fmally, any attempt to alter orhalt die progression of the moon, or to use asetting's unique cosmology to achieVl" a simil.Ireffect (for example, a ...urld with many moons),should not be tolerated.

Adaptations: If the lunar cycle proves toolong-tenn for your game, you could consideradjusting the cycle, either by shortening all of thephases (besides the new and full moon) by a

that goal might be.

NPC RtactioD.$: Fewclasses occasion asmuch open and abject hatred, feM, and suspicionas die 1)'Caonile. Most innkeepers would ratherrent a room loa black-robrd, pale-skinnedrn:'O'OmatlClI!'r or a drunken, wlwashed, and sa\'a~

barbarian than e..'I!!n fl'ftI a~U', let alonesleep under the same roo£ lycaonites ...no areopen about theircunequicldydraw angry mobs oftorch-.md-pitchfork-""ieJ.ding commoners. luckily,IDOSIlycaonites are able to hide their O'Ue naturewithout too much diflicuJ.ly, as long as they cankeqI from tTansfonning in <M!rly public places.

lycaonitl!' Lo",: Characters with ranks inKnowledge (local) can Tt'SedTCh Iycaonites to learnmoreabou[ them. When a character makes [hisskill check, read orpdl"aphrase [he infonnationfrom the [able below, including the enlries for100000r Des.

Table 1-8: lycaonite LoreDC Information

Lycaonites are supernatural warriors whomilSler their inner rage and channel it into

10 Iheir lighting. It'sS<lid thilt not e,·eryone iscapable o(l)t'Coming a Iycaonite, but youdon't kJl()w the ex.act r uiremem.Lycaonile is anO(her ..·ord or were...·

used to hide their true nature and allow'5 c_t,,,,,m to ~ay in hurnan sociely like the

prQ\·erbial wolfin sheep's dO(hing.

Characters who achit'\'e this It'\'el ofsuccesscan learn important details about a specific

30 Iycaonite, the aredS where he operdtes, andthe kinds of activities he undertakes.

lycaonites in the Game

For OMs: l~tescreate a couple ofsituations which can complicate games, ifnothandled delicately. FlT5Iiy, in regards to a!yt:aonite's night-time transformations (seeSidebar: H.mdling Night-Time transformations formore infonnation), a arefulba~must hi!'struck bet'M'eIl ignoring this aspect ofthecharacter's ~anthropyandOYerusing it, orallov.ing it 10 become 100 much ofa punishmentor chore. M.my !yt:aonite charoKten will quiddyfind~ 10 remain lucid during suchtransfonnations, which helps ""ith this issue, but8I!'fK'ralJy speaking, unless the M'I!!r has takenstl!'pS to prt"\-'t'n1 night-time activities, OMs shouldtry to include at least one meaningful night-timeencounter (not Ilt"C('SS,)rily a combat encounter,but always an entertaining one) per character1eVl"1, generally "hand-waving" the rest withsimplified rules orentirely without conunent.

The other potential issue with !ycaonites isthat their "lunar" class features can be somewhatunwieldy. First, keeping track of the lunar cycle isimportant to the class's balance, but can slowdCJ\\.TI gilIIleplay. In general, the Iycaonite charactershould be responsible for keeping track of thelunar cycle, either on a scrap piece of paper cranempty section of his character sheet. S«ondly,""Me these class features are designl"d to be fairlyw~U-baLmced. despite having dramatic shifts inpo¥<=, theycan quickly become unba1ancl!'d ifpla)'"TS are alIO\\-ed toabuse them, such as if theyonly am't'IllUre~ ....eeks (or, worse, onlyone)out ofdieqde, simply "stil);ng home~ during theolf""""Yek.. [f~ p1.lyers are doing this, you shouldtry talking to them about it, or e1sep~t themfrom rt'Sl:ing by forcing them to deal ""ith w~~u[fhunters, sudden monster attacks, or particularly~ villains.. Fmally, any attempt to alter orhalt die progression of the moon, or to use asetting's unique cosmology to achieVl" a simil.Ireffect (for example, a ...urld with many moons),should not be tolerated.

Adaptations: If the lunar cycle proves toolong-tenn for your game, you could consideradjusting the cycle, either by shortening all of thephases (besides the new and full moon) by a

proportionate number ofdays, orby simply removing the phasesduring which no bonuses orpenalties are accrued. Note thateither of these (especially thelatter) will result in a slightincrease in the class's O".'erallpower, as some of the lunarabilities (such as lunar vigor)provide only benefits, neverdrawbacks.

Ifyou want a less "werewolf­focused" lycaonite, you couldreduce the rate of bonus feats to 1per 3 or even I per 4 class levels,giving extra skills, an animalcompamon, orl"Ven rangerspellcasting to compensate.Another thing to consider wouldbe adding a slight bonus to naturalarmor (such as 1!4 on!5 classlevel), at the expense ofadecreased hit dice or a reductionin base attack bonus, etc.


The following feats aredesigned to simulate the variouspowers attributed to werewolves inlegends, folklore, movies, books,and other media. In this Wily, aplayer may ''build their own" were­wolf, selecting the feats whose

Werewolf, byJ~e Cutler

--------..,..........-"'--------Sidebar: Why Use Lunar Abilities?

With all the drawbacks to lunar abilities pointed out, it should be clear that we didn't decide to usethe "luIldr" mechanic lightly. Though the mechanic is admittedly one of the more complicated classfeatures, requires a certain amount of bookkeeping, and can be abused by players with ill intentions, webelieve that these drawbacks will actually be relatively minor in most groups, and that the flavorfulbenefits of tying thedass to a IUIldrcycie (as well as the nOVf'ltyofa class which waxes and wanes inpower on a regular basis) will outweigh them.


proportionate number ofdays, orby simply removing the phasesduring which no bonuses orpenalties are accrued. Note thateither of these (especially thelatter) will result in a slightincrease in the class's O".'erallpower, as some of the lunarabilities (such as lunar vigor)provide only benefits, neverdrawbacks.

Ifyou want a less "werewolf­focused" lycaonite, you couldreduce the rate of bonus feats to 1per 3 or even I per 4 class levels,giving extra skills, an animalcompamon, orl"Ven rangerspellcasting to compensate.Another thing to consider wouldbe adding a slight bonus to naturalarmor (such as 1!4 on!5 classlevel), at the expense ofadecreased hit dice or a reductionin base attack bonus, etc.


The following feats aredesigned to simulate the variouspowers attributed to werewolves inlegends, folklore, movies, books,and other media. In this Wily, aplayer may ''build their own" were­wolf, selecting the feats whose

Werewolf, byJ~e Cutler

--------..,..........-"'--------Sidebar: Why Use Lunar Abilities?

With all the drawbacks to lunar abilities pointed out, it should be clear that we didn't decide to usethe "luIldr" mechanic lightly. Though the mechanic is admittedly one of the more complicated classfeatures, requires a certain amount of bookkeeping, and can be abused by players with ill intentions, webelieve that these drawbacks will actually be relatively minor in most groups, and that the flavorfulbenefits of tying thedass to a IUIldrcycie (as well as the nOVf'ltyofa class which waxes and wanes inpower on a regular basis) will outweigh them.


proportionate number ofdays, orby simply removing the phasesduring which no bonuses orpenalties are accrued. Note thateither of these (especially thelatter) will result in a slightincrease in the class's O".'erallpower, as some of the lunarabilities (such as lunar vigor)provide only benefits, neverdrawbacks.

Ifyou want a less "werewolf­focused" lycaonite, you couldreduce the rate of bonus feats to 1per 3 or even I per 4 class levels,giving extra skills, an animalcompamon, orl"Ven rangerspellcasting to compensate.Another thing to consider wouldbe adding a slight bonus to naturalarmor (such as 1!4 on!5 classlevel), at the expense ofadecreased hit dice or a reductionin base attack bonus, etc.


The following feats aredesigned to simulate the variouspowers attributed to werewolves inlegends, folklore, movies, books,and other media. In this Wily, aplayer may ''build their own" were­wolf, selecting the feats whose

Werewolf, byJ~e Cutler

--------..,..........-"'--------Sidebar: Why Use Lunar Abilities?

With all the drawbacks to lunar abilities pointed out, it should be clear that we didn't decide to usethe "luIldr" mechanic lightly. Though the mechanic is admittedly one of the more complicated classfeatures, requires a certain amount of bookkeeping, and can be abused by players with ill intentions, webelieve that these drawbacks will actually be relatively minor in most groups, and that the flavorfulbenefits of tying thedass to a IUIldrcycie (as well as the nOVf'ltyofa class which waxes and wanes inpower on a regular basis) will outweigh them.


Consume Resistance Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding

Table Z-I: FeatsFeatsBestial AgilityBestial EnduranceBestial SpeedBestial StrengthBestial ToughnessCanine HearingCanine Vision

Corpse Feeding

Consume Agility

Greater ConsumeAgiliry

Greater ConsumeResistance

Devour Strength

Greater DevourStrength

Enduring Feeding

Lesser ConsumeDefenses

Consume Defenses

Greater ConsumeDefenses

Quick Feeding

Taboo Recovery

Greater TabooRecovery

Vital Consumption

Curse of the Beast

PrerequisitesCurse of the BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse of the BeastCurse of the BeastCurse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast, Corpse Feeding

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Consume Agility

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Consume Resistance

Curse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Devour StrengthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character k'VelllthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character level 6thCurse of the Beast. Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, character levelnthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, ConsumeDefenses, character level 16thCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character level 6thCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character ll'Vel 6thCurse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding,Taboo Recovery. character level 11th

Curse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding

BenefitsChannel the agility of a wolf.Channel the endurance ofa wolf.Channel the speed of a wolf.Channel the strength of a wolf.Channel the toughness of a wolf.Your hearing improves.Your vision improves.By devouring corpses, you gain smallbenefits.By devouring corlJSt'S, your agilitytemporarily improves.You gain a greater bonus to olgility fromdevouring corpses.By devouring corpses, you gain a bonusto saving throws.You gain a greater bonus to savingthrows from devouring corpses.By devouring corpses, you gain anincrease to attack and damage.You gain even more power fromdevouring corpses.The benefits you gain from devouringcorpses last longer.

By eating corpses. you gain DR ~/-.

By eating corpses, you gain DR 3/-.

By eating corpses. you gain DR '1/-.

You can devour corpses more quicklythan normal.You recover from various conditions bydevouring corpses.You recover from more conditions bydevouring corpses.You gain temporary hit points fromcorpses.You transform into a wolf.

granted abilities and effects mirror the aspects ofwerewolf lore which the player is interested inexploring. In this way, each werewolf created usingthese feats will be unique, with powers and abilitieswhich make it distinct from other~"t'r5l-"Olvesbuilt

in the same fashion, and allowing a remarkabledegree ofcharacter customization.

Werewolf FeatsMost of the feats listed in this book are werewolf

Consume Resistance Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding

Table Z-I: FeatsFeatsBestial AgilityBestial EnduranceBestial SpeedBestial StrengthBestial ToughnessCanine HearingCanine Vision

Corpse Feeding

Consume Agility

Greater ConsumeAgiliry

Greater ConsumeResistance

Devour Strength

Greater DevourStrength

Enduring Feeding

Lesser ConsumeDefenses

Consume Defenses

Greater ConsumeDefenses

Quick Feeding

Taboo Recovery

Greater TabooRecovery

Vital Consumption

Curse of the Beast

PrerequisitesCurse of the BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse ofti'll.' BeastCurse of the BeastCurse of the BeastCurse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast, Corpse Feeding

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Consume Agility

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Consume Resistance

Curse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding

Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Devour StrengthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character k'VelllthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character level 6thCurse of the Beast. Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, character levelnthCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, ConsumeDefenses, character level 16thCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character level 6thCurse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character ll'Vel 6thCurse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding,Taboo Recovery. character level 11th

Curse ofti'll.' Beast, Corpse Feeding

BenefitsChannel the agility of a wolf.Channel the endurance ofa wolf.Channel the speed of a wolf.Channel the strength of a wolf.Channel the toughness of a wolf.Your hearing improves.Your vision improves.By devouring corpses, you gain smallbenefits.By devouring corlJSt'S, your agilitytemporarily improves.You gain a greater bonus to olgility fromdevouring corpses.By devouring corpses, you gain a bonusto saving throws.You gain a greater bonus to savingthrows from devouring corpses.By devouring corpses, you gain anincrease to attack and damage.You gain even more power fromdevouring corpses.The benefits you gain from devouringcorpses last longer.

By eating corpses. you gain DR ~/-.

By eating corpses, you gain DR 3/-.

By eating corpses. you gain DR '1/-.

You can devour corpses more quicklythan normal.You recover from various conditions bydevouring corpses.You recover from more conditions bydevouring corpses.You gain temporary hit points fromcorpses.You transform into a wolf.

granted abilities and effects mirror the aspects ofwerewolf lore which the player is interested inexploring. In this way, each werewolf created usingthese feats will be unique, with powers and abilitieswhich make it distinct from other~"t'r5l-"Olvesbuilt

in the same fashion, and allowing a remarkabledegree ofcharacter customization.

Werewolf FeatsMost of the feats listed in this book are werewolf

Cursed BiteGreater Cursed Bite


Improved ExtendedTransformation

Greater ExtendtodTransformation

Extra TransformationGreatwulfFormHowl of the NightHunter

Hybrid Form

Hybrid Pounce

Improved Low-LightVisionImproved ScentlycanthropicToughnessNight-EyeNight HealingParalyzing GazePoisonous Bite

Poisonous Claws

Powerful BitePracticedTransformation

Pull Down

Resist Transformation

Greater ResislTransformation

Silver Fang

Tame Ihe Inner BeaSI

Wolf Empathy

Curse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, Cursed Bite

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast, ExtendedTransformation, character level 6thCurse of the Beast, ExtendedTransformation, Improved ExtendedTransformation, character level 11thCurse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast. Hybrid Form,character level 11th

Low-light vision

Scent special quality

Curse oflhe Beast, character level 7th

Curse of the BeastCurse ofthe Beast, character levell1.thCurse of the Beast, character level 9thCurse of the Beast, character level51hCurse of the Beast, Hybrid Fonn,Poisonous Bite, character level 9thBite attack. base attack +8

Curse of the Beast, character levelJrd

Curse of Ihe Beast, base atrack +4

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, Resist Transfonnation

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast

Curse others with your bite,The DC of your cursed bite increases,

Your willing transfonnations last longer,

Your willing nansfonnations last evenlongl'r.

Your willing transfonnations last forhours.

Make an l'xtra daily transformation.Transform into a massive wolf.

You frighten foes with your howl.

You transform into a frightening wolf­man.Makea full attack after charging inhybrid form.You can see farther with low-lightvision.Your sense of smell improves,

You gain DR l./silver.

You gain darkvision.You gain fast healing at night.Your gaze can paralyze your prey.Your fangs are poisonous.Your poison is also delivered by the clawattacks ofyour hybrid (ornl.Your bite deals more damage.

Your transformations are less tiring.

You can make a free !fip attack withyour bite.You can make a Will save to resisttransforming.You are adept at resisting unwillingtransformations.Your natural attacks count as silver andmagic.You are adept at remaining lucid as awolf.You can communicate with wolves.

feats, denoted by a "[Werewolf)" after the feat'sname in it's description. Werewolf feats are notsubject to any special rules, and there are no blanketprerequisites which are required to take a werewolffeat. This differentiation between werewolf feats

and other kinds of feats is similar to the differencebetween combat feats and other feats, and servesmainly to make it easy to know which feats alycaonite can take as a bonus feat.

Cursed BiteGreater Cursed Bite


Improved ExtendedTransformation

Greater ExtendtodTransformation

Extra TransformationGreatwulfFormHowl of the NightHunter

Hybrid Form

Hybrid Pounce

Improved Low-LightVisionImproved ScentlycanthropicToughnessNight-EyeNight HealingParalyzing GazePoisonous Bite

Poisonous Claws

Powerful BitePracticedTransformation

Pull Down

Resist Transformation

Greater ResislTransformation

Silver Fang

Tame Ihe Inner BeaSI

Wolf Empathy

Curse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, Cursed Bite

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast, ExtendedTransformation, character level 6thCurse of the Beast, ExtendedTransformation, Improved ExtendedTransformation, character level 11thCurse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast. Hybrid Form,character level 11th

Low-light vision

Scent special quality

Curse oflhe Beast, character level 7th

Curse of the BeastCurse ofthe Beast, character levell1.thCurse of the Beast, character level 9thCurse of the Beast, character level51hCurse of the Beast, Hybrid Fonn,Poisonous Bite, character level 9thBite attack. base attack +8

Curse of the Beast, character level]rd

Curse of Ihe Beast, base atrack +4

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, Resist Transfonnation

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast

Curse others with your bite,The DC of your cursed bite increases,

Your willing transfonnations last longer,

Your willing nansfonnations last evenlongl'r.

Your willing transfonnations last forhours.

Make an l'xtra daily transformation.Transform into a massive wolf.

You frighten foes with your howl.

You transform into a frightening wolf­man.Makea full attack after charging inhybrid form.You can see farther with low-lightvision.Your sense of smell improves,

You gain DR l./silver.

You gain darkvision.You gain fast healing at night.Your gaze can paralyze your prey.Your fangs are poisonous.Your poison is also delivered by the clawattacks ofyour hybrid (ornl.Your bite deals more damage.

Your transformations are less tiring.

You can make a free !fip attack withyour bite.You can make a Will save to resisttransforming.You are adept at resisting unwillingtransformations.Your natural attacks count as silver andmagic.You are adept at remaining lucid as awolf.You can communicate with wolves.

feats, denoted by a "[Werewolf)" after the feat'sname in it's description. Werewolf feats are notsubject to any special rules, and there are no blanketprerequisites which are required to take a werewolffeat. This differentiation between werewolf feats

and other kinds of feats is similar to the differencebetween combat feats and other feats, and servesmainly to make it easy to know which feats alycaonite can take as a bonus feat.

Cursed BiteGreater Cursed Bite


Improved ExtendedTransformation

Greater ExtendtodTransformation

Extra TransformationGreatwulfFormHowl of the NightHunter

Hybrid Form

Hybrid Pounce

Improved Low-LightVisionImproved ScentlycanthropicToughnessNight-EyeNight HealingParalyzing GazePoisonous Bite

Poisonous Claws

Powerful BitePracticedTransformation

Pull Down

Resist Transformation

Greater ResislTransformation

Silver Fang

Tame Ihe Inner BeaSI

Wolf Empathy

Curse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, Cursed Bite

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast, ExtendedTransformation, character level 6thCurse of the Beast, ExtendedTransformation, Improved ExtendedTransformation, character level 11thCurse of the BeastCurse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, character level 6th

Curse of the Beast. Hybrid Form,character level 11th

Low-light vision

Scent special quality

Curse oflhe Beast, character level 7th

Curse of the BeastCurse ofthe Beast, character levell1.thCurse of the Beast, character level 9thCurse of the Beast, character level51hCurse of the Beast, Hybrid Fonn,Poisonous Bite, character level 9thBite attack. base attack +8

Curse of the Beast, character level]rd

Curse of Ihe Beast, base atrack +4

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast, Resist Transfonnation

Curse of the Beast

Curse of the Beast

Curse ofthe Beast

Curse others with your bite,The DC of your cursed bite increases,

Your willing transfonnations last longer,

Your willing nansfonnations last evenlongl'r.

Your willing transfonnations last forhours.

Make an l'xtra daily transformation.Transform into a massive wolf.

You frighten foes with your howl.

You transform into a frightening wolf­man.Makea full attack after charging inhybrid form.You can see farther with low-lightvision.Your sense of smell improves,

You gain DR l./silver.

You gain darkvision.You gain fast healing at night.Your gaze can paralyze your prey.Your fangs are poisonous.Your poison is also delivered by the clawattacks ofyour hybrid (ornl.Your bite deals more damage.

Your transformations are less tiring.

You can make a free !fip attack withyour bite.You can make a Will save to resisttransforming.You are adept at resisting unwillingtransformations.Your natural attacks count as silver andmagic.You are adept at remaining lucid as awolf.You can communicate with wolves.

feats, denoted by a "[Werewolf)" after the feat'sname in it's description. Werewolf feats are notsubject to any special rules, and there are no blanketprerequisites which are required to take a werewolffeat. This differentiation between werewolf feats

and other kinds of feats is similar to the differencebetween combat feats and other feats, and servesmainly to make it easy to know which feats alycaonite can take as a bonus feat.

Improved Leader ofh k

Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Packt e PacWolf Companion Curse of the Beast, Leader of the Pack

Greater Wolf Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Companion WolfComp<lnion

Leader of the Pack

Call of the Wild

Wolfen Gear

Curse of the Beast, Wolf Empathy,character level 5thCurse of the Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Wolf Empathy, character level 5th

Curse of the Beast

You can dominate wolves and similaranimals.You can summon wolves and direwolves to aid you in combat.Vou can dominate more canines, and forlonger.Vou gain a wolfanimal companion,

Vour gear melds into you when youtransform.

Bestial Agility [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Dexterity score forI minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Endurance [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Constitution scorefor I minute per character level. At tenth level,this bonus increases to +4- TIris bonus issuppressed when you are not transfonned.

Bestial Speed [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times a day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +20 bonus to your movement speedfor I minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +40. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Strength [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse ofthe BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transformedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Strength score for 1

minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4- This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Toughness [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: Three timesa day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +3 bonus toyour natural armor for I

minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +6. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Call of the Wild [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Leaderof thePack, Wolf Empathy, character level 5thBenefit: Once per day, as a standard action, youcan call forth Id8 '''iolves per 4 HD you possess(rounded down), or ld6 dire wolves per 8 HD youpossess (rounded down). Forexample, a characterwith 6 HD can call forth Id8 ,",ulves but can't callforth dire ,",ulves until he orshe has at least 8 HD.These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve youfor up to I hour. After the hour, these wolws returnto where they came from.

Canine Hearing [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely onsight or other non-auditory components. At lothlevel, this bonus increases to HO.

Special: If you have both Canine Vision andCanine Hearing, the effects do not stack. Instead,you gain a total of +7 to all Perception checks,which increases to +14 at loth level.

Canine Vision [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely on

Improved Leader ofh k

Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Packt e PacWolf Companion Curse of the Beast, Leader of the Pack

Greater Wolf Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Companion WolfComp<lnion

Leader of the Pack

Call of the Wild

Wolfen Gear

Curse of the Beast, Wolf Empathy,character level 5thCurse of the Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Wolf Empathy, character level 5th

Curse of the Beast

You can dominate wolves and similaranimals.You can summon wolves and direwolves to aid you in combat.Vou can dominate more canines, and forlonger.Vou gain a wolfanimal companion,

Vour gear melds into you when youtransform.

Bestial Agility [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Dexterity score forI minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Endurance [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Constitution scorefor I minute per character level. At tenth level,this bonus increases to +4- TIris bonus issuppressed when you are not transfonned.

Bestial Speed [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times a day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +20 bonus to your movement speedfor I minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +40. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Strength [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse ofthe BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transformedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Strength score for 1

minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4- This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Toughness [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: Three timesa day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +3 bonus toyour natural armor for I

minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +6. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Call of the Wild [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Leaderof thePack, Wolf Empathy, character level 5thBenefit: Once per day, as a standard action, youcan call forth Id8 '''iolves per 4 HD you possess(rounded down), or ld6 dire wolves per 8 HD youpossess (rounded down). Forexample, a characterwith 6 HD can call forth Id8 ,",ulves but can't callforth dire ,",ulves until he orshe has at least 8 HD.These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve youfor up to I hour. After the hour, these wolws returnto where they came from.

Canine Hearing [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely onsight or other non-auditory components. At lothlevel, this bonus increases to HO.

Special: If you have both Canine Vision andCanine Hearing, the effects do not stack. Instead,you gain a total of +7 to all Perception checks,which increases to +14 at loth level.

Canine Vision [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely on

Improved Leader ofh k

Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Packt e PacWolf Companion Curse of the Beast, Leader of the Pack

Greater Wolf Curse ofthe Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Companion WolfComp<lnion

Leader of the Pack

Call of the Wild

Wolfen Gear

Curse of the Beast, Wolf Empathy,character level 5thCurse of the Beast, Leader ofthe Pack,Wolf Empathy, character level 5th

Curse of the Beast

You can dominate wolves and similaranimals.You can summon wolves and direwolves to aid you in combat.Vou can dominate more canines, and forlonger.Vou gain a wolfanimal companion,

Vour gear melds into you when youtransform.

Bestial Agility [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Dexterity score forI minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Endurance [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transfonnedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Constitution scorefor I minute per character level. At tenth level,this bonus increases to +4- TIris bonus issuppressed when you are not transfonned.

Bestial Speed [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: Three times a day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +20 bonus to your movement speedfor I minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +40. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Strength [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse ofthe BedstBenefit: Three times per day, while transformedwith the Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, asa freeaction, gain a +l. bonus to your Strength score for 1

minute per character level. At tenth level, thisbonus increases to +4- This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Bestial Toughness [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: Three timesa day, while transformed withthe Curse of the Bedst feat, you may, as a freeaction, gain a +3 bonus toyour natural armor for I

minute per character level. At tenth level thisbonus increases to +6. This bonus is suppressedwhen you are not transfonned.

Call of the Wild [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Leaderof thePack, Wolf Empathy, character level 5thBenefit: Once per day, as a standard action, youcan call forth Id8 '''iolves per 4 HD you possess(rounded down), or ld6 dire wolves per 8 HD youpossess (rounded down). Forexample, a characterwith 6 HD can call forth Id8 ,",ulves but can't callforth dire ,",ulves until he orshe has at least 8 HD.These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve youfor up to I hour. After the hour, these wolws returnto where they came from.

Canine Hearing [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BedstBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely onsight or other non-auditory components. At lothlevel, this bonus increases to HO.

Special: If you have both Canine Vision andCanine Hearing, the effects do not stack. Instead,you gain a total of +7 to all Perception checks,which increases to +14 at loth level.

Canine Vision [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks,except for Perception checks that rely solely on

sound or other non-visual components. At 10thlevel, this bonus increases to +10.

Special: Ifyou have both Canine Vision andCanine Hearing, the effects do not stack. Instead,you gain a total of +7 to all Perception checks,which increases to +14 at lOth level.

Consume Agility [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse FeedingBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +2 bonus oninitiative checks and a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 10

minutes. If the corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, this bonus lasts for I hour, instead. Thesebonuses do not stack, and consuming multiplecorpses will not increase the bonus beyond +2.

These bonuses are suppressed any time you arenot transfonned with the Curse of the Beast feat.

Consume Defenses [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, character leveluthBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain DR 2/- for 10

minutes. If the corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, you gain DR 3/-, instead. These bonusesdo not stack, and consuming multiple corpses willnot increase the damage reduction beyond 3/-.These bonuses are suppressed any time you arenot transfonned with the Curse of the Beast feat.

Consume Resistance [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding

Benefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +I bonus on allsaving throws for 10 minutes. If the corpsebelonged toa sentient creature, this bonus lastsfor I hour, instead. These bonuses do not stack,and consuming multiple corpses will not increasethe bonus beyond +1. These bonuses aresuppressed anytime you are not transfonned withthe Curse of the Beast feat.

Corpse Feeding [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You can consume the corpses of Small orlarger creatures to gain additional vigor andenergy. 1bis process takes one minute, andprovokes attacks of opportunity. The corpse mustbe relatively fresh: the creature cannot have beendead for more than a ",reek. AdditioIldlly, thecorpse must be mostly whole and consumed raw.In order to make use of this ability, you must betransfonned with your Curse of the Beast classfeature.

Additionally, whenever you consume thecorpse of a sentient creature in this way, you are nolonger exhausted after your werewolftransfonnation but are fatigued instead.Normal: Eating corpses offers no special benefits.

Curse of the Beast [Werewolf]Benefit: You can transform into a \\-ulf, somethingwhich can occur both willingly and unwillingly onyour part. Regardless of how the transfonnationoccurs (see below), the effects are largely the same:you gain a +2 Ildtural armor bonus, ilS well asa +2

::::-:--=-~~-:---=--","_'''l~~_''''''--------­Sidebar. Cannibalism in YOUl" Game

A number of the feats in this book provide incentives for player characters to consume the corpsesof sentient creatures. These feats are designed to reflect the fact that the consumption of human corpsesis a major part of weJe\\oulf lore. Medieval werewolves were almost universally known to be cannibals,consuming corpses in addition to attacking living victims, and it seemed iIldppropriate to ignore this factfor Marchen der Daemonwulf.

That said, it's important to be aWilre that many players may not feel comfortable exploring themesof cannibalism in their game. Before taking any of these feats, we strongly recommend talking to yourDM and fellow players, to ensure that they won't be upset bysuch things. (fyou are a DM, you shouldn'thesitate to disallow these feats if either you, or one ofyour players, is uncomfortable with the idea ofconsuming corpses. Ifyou detennine in the middle ofthe game that a character's cannibalism isinhibiting someone's fun, that player's character should beallowed to retrain the offending feats.


sound or other non-visual components. At 10thlevel, this bonus increases to +10.

Special: Ifyou have both Canine Vision andCanine Hearing, the effects do not stack. Instead,you gain a total of +7 to all Perception checks,which increases to +14 at lOth level.

Consume Agility [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse FeedingBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +2 bonus oninitiative checks and a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 10

minutes. If the corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, this bonus lasts for I hour, instead. Thesebonuses do not stack, and consuming multiplecorpses will not increase the bonus beyond +2.

These bonuses are suppressed any time you arenot transfonned with the Curse of the Beast feat.

Consume Defenses [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,Lesser Consume Defenses, character leveluthBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain DR 2/- for 10

minutes. If the corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, you gain DR 3/-, instead. These bonusesdo not stack, and consuming multiple corpses willnot increase the damage reduction beyond 3/-.These bonuses are suppressed any time you arenot transfonned with the Curse of the Beast feat.

Consume Resistance [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding

Benefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +I bonus on allsaving throws for 10 minutes. If the corpsebelonged toa sentient creature, this bonus lastsfor I hour, instead. These bonuses do not stack,and consuming multiple corpses will not increasethe bonus beyond +1. These bonuses aresuppressed anytime you are not transfonned withthe Curse of the Beast feat.

Corpse Feeding [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You can consume the corpses of Small orlarger creatures to gain additional vigor andenergy. 1bis process takes one minute, andprovokes attacks of opportunity. The corpse mustbe relatively fresh: the creature cannot have beendead for more than a ",reek. AdditioIldlly, thecorpse must be mostly whole and consumed raw.In order to make use of this ability, you must betransfonned with your Curse of the Beast classfeature.

Additionally, whenever you consume thecorpse of a sentient creature in this way, you are nolonger exhausted after your werewolftransfonnation but are fatigued instead.Normal: Eating corpses offers no special benefits.

Curse of the Beast [Werewolf]Benefit: You can transform into a \\-ulf, somethingwhich can occur both willingly and unwillingly onyour part. Regardless of how the transfonnationoccurs (see below), the effects are largely the same:you gain a +2 Ildtural armor bonus, ilS well asa +2

::::-:--=-~~-:---=--","_'''l~~_''''''--------­Sidebar. Cannibalism in YOUl" Game

A number of the feats in this book provide incentives for player characters to consume the corpsesof sentient creatures. These feats are designed to reflect the fact that the consumption of human corpsesis a major part of weJe\\oulf lore. Medieval werewolves were almost universally known to be cannibals,consuming corpses in addition to attacking living victims, and it seemed iIldppropriate to ignore this factfor Marchen der Daemonwulf.

That said, it's important to be aWilre that many players may not feel comfortable exploring themesof cannibalism in their game. Before taking any of these feats, we strongly recommend talking to yourDM and fellow players, to ensure that they won't be upset bysuch things. ifyou are a DM, you shouldn'thesitate to disallow these feats if either you, or one ofyour players, is uncomfortable with the idea ofconsuming corpses. Ifyou detennine in the middle ofthe game that a character's cannibalism isinhibiting someone's fun, that player's character should beallowed to retrain the offending feats.


racial bonus to Dexterity and Constitution. Youalso gain low-light vision and the scent specialquality, your speed increases to 50 feet (orimproves by 10 feet, ifyourspeed is already 50 feetor greater), you gain a bite natural attack whichdeals Id6 points of damage plus your Strengthmodifier, and you gain a +4 bonus to CMD WI'SUS

trip attacks. This is a polymorph effect. Unlikeother polymorph effects, your gear does not meldintoyour bodywith this transformation, butinstead falls to the ground around you. Whiletransfonned, all spells and effects which careabout your creature type treat you as though youwere a magical beast instead. The only exceptionto this is ifyou are undead, in which case you aretreated as a IIldgical beast in addition to beingtreated as undead. Your type does not actuallychange, neither do your subtypes, and spells oreffects which care about your subtypes still treatyou as though you had those subtypes.

As a move action, you can willingly IIldke thistransformation a number of times per day equal to1/4 your character level (minimum one). Whenyou willingly transfonn, you remain lucid andself-aware throughout the transformation, and canact normally. When you transfonn in this way, thetransformation lasts up to I minute per twocharacter levels you possess (toa maximum of 10

minutes at 20th level).You can also transfonn unwillingly. There are

two kinds ofunwilling transformations: battletransformations and nighttime transformations.

In the case of battle transformations, whenever youare reduced to less than liz your maximum hitpoints, you automatically transfonn as a freeaction. When you transfonn in this fashion, youare overcome by a powerful bloodthirst, and arenot fully in control ofyour actions. Each round,you must attack at least one creature ifable, and ifno creatures are within range you immediatelybegin searching for something to kill. Once perminute, including the round you initiallytransfonn, you IIldy IIldke a Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. You mayalso makea new Willsave each time you attack an ally (a successful saveallows you to keep from attacking). Finally, yougain a +2 bonus on 'Nill saves to become lucid foreach creature you kill while transfonned. Thesebonuses stack, but go dWay once you become lucidagain. Once you do become lucid, thetransformation lasts up to one minute beforeending.

Nighttime transformations are somewhatdifferent. Every night (not just during the fullmoon) you transfonn unwillingly at sunset over thecourse of a minute, during which you arestaggered. You IIldy IIldkea Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. Ifyou fail this save, yourpredatory instincts take overand you rush out intothe night, traveling Id6 miles and then hunting fora sentient creature to slay. You nave no memoryofor control over your actions during this time. See

SOd c __ Handli N"gh" T I e.. ~_.,..~-----------I eueu; ng 1 ttlme rans ormabons

Because of the nature of nighttime transfonnations, they typically don't need to be detailed in full:for one thing, the character is unlikely to remember more than vague, hazy flashes of the events inquestion, and for another, itwilllikely be less than entertaining for the group as a whole to go throughevery excruciating detail of hunting down a Ie.."el 2 commoner in the night. Though some DMs will betempted to throw random encounters at the werewolfwhile he is alone and filled with bloodlust, this isgenerally considered to be bad fonn, unless the DM is certain that they are an appropriate challenge forthe lone player, and is confident that the encounter will be fun and exciting for e..wyone involved.

In general, the DM should either determine on his or her own whether or not the werewolf managesto find and slay prey, and if so, what kind, or else should ha~"e the player make a Survival check, with a 15or higher indicating that he found at least one victim. Also, the werewolf should return to wherever thePC was at the time ofthe transfonnation before sunrise, unless there is a good reason for things to be tothe contrary. FllliIlly, under no circumstances should the werewolfattack the other PCS while they aresleeping, which is why they travelld6 miles before beginning their hunt.


racial bonus to Dexterity and Constitution. Youalso gain low-light vision and the scent specialquality, your speed increases to 50 feet (orimproves by 10 feet, ifyourspeed is already 50 feetor greater), you gain a bite natural attack whichdeals Id6 points of damage plus your Strengthmodifier, and you gain a +4 bonus to CMD WI'SUS

trip attacks. This is a polymorph effect. Unlikeother polymorph effects, your gear does not meldintoyour bodywith this transformation, butinstead falls to the ground around you. Whiletransfonned, all spells and effects which careabout your creature type treat you as though youwere a magical beast instead. The only exceptionto this is ifyou are undead, in which case you aretreated as a IIldgical beast in addition to beingtreated as undead. Your type does not actuallychange, neither do your subtypes, and spells oreffects which care about your subtypes still treatyou as though you had those subtypes.

As a move action, you can willingly IIldke thistransformation a number of times per day equal to1/4 your character level (minimum one). Whenyou willingly transfonn, you remain lucid andself-aware throughout the transformation, and canact normally. When you transfonn in this way, thetransformation lasts up to I minute per twocharacter levels you possess (toa maximum of 10

minutes at 20th level).You can also transfonn unwillingly. There are

two kinds ofunwilling transformations: battletransformations and nighttime transformations.

In the case of battle transformations, whenever youare reduced to less than liz your maximum hitpoints, you automatically transfonn as a freeaction. When you transfonn in this fashion, youare overcome by a powerful bloodthirst, and arenot fully in control ofyour actions. Each round,you must attack at least one creature ifable, and ifno creatures are within range you immediatelybegin searching for something to kill. Once perminute, including the round you initiallytransfonn, you IIldy IIldke a Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. You mayalso makea new Willsave each time you attack an ally (a successful saveallows you to keep from attacking). Finally, yougain a +2 bonus on 'Nill saves to become lucid foreach creature you kill while transfonned. Thesebonuses stack, but go dWay once you become lucidagain. Once you do become lucid, thetransformation lasts up to one minute beforeending.

Nighttime transformations are somewhatdifferent. Every night (not just during the fullmoon) you transfonn unwillingly at sunset over thecourse of a minute, during which you arestaggered. You IIldy IIldkea Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. Ifyou fail this save, yourpredatory instincts take overand you rush out intothe night, traveling Id6 miles and then hunting fora sentient creature to slay. You nave no memoryofor control over your actions during this time. See

SOd c __ Handli N"gh" T I e.. ~_.,..~-----------I eueu; ng 1 ttlme rans ormabons

Because of the nature of nighttime transfonnations, they typically don't need to be detailed in full:for one thing, the character is unlikely to remember more than vague, hazy flashes of the events inquestion, and for another, itwilllikely be less than entertaining for the group as a whole to go throughevery excruciating detail of hunting down a Ie.."el 2 commoner in the night. Though some DMs will betempted to throw random encounters at the werewolfwhile he is alone and filled with bloodlust, this isgenerally considered to be bad fonn, unless the DM is certain that they are an appropriate challenge forthe lone player, and is confident that the encounter will be fun and exciting for e..wyone involved.

In general, the DM should either determine on his or her own whether or not the werewolf managesto find and slay prey, and if so, what kind, or else should ha~"e the player make a Survival check, with a 15or higher indicating that he found at least one victim. Also, the werewolf should return to wherever thePC was at the time ofthe transfonnation before sunrise, unless there is a good reason for things to be tothe contrary. FllliIlly, under no circumstances should the werewolfattack the other PCS while they aresleeping, which is why they travelld6 miles before beginning their hunt.


racial bonus to Dexterity and Constitution. Youalso gain low-light vision and the scent specialquality, your speed increases to 50 feet (orimproves by 10 feet, ifyourspeed is already 50 feetor greater), you gain a bite natural attack whichdeals Id6 points of damage plus your Strengthmodifier, and you gain a +4 bonus to CMD WI'SUS

trip attacks. This is a polymorph effect. Unlikeother polymorph effects, your gear does not meldintoyour bodywith this transformation, butinstead falls to the ground around you. Whiletransfonned, all spells and effects which careabout your creature type treat you as though youwere a magical beast instead. The only exceptionto this is ifyou are undead, in which case you aretreated as a IIldgical beast in addition to beingtreated as undead. Your type does not actuallychange, neither do your subtypes, and spells oreffects which care about your subtypes still treatyou as though you had those subtypes.

As a move action, you can willingly IIldke thistransformation a number of times per day equal to1/4 your character level (minimum one). Whenyou willingly transfonn, you remain lucid andself-aware throughout the transformation, and canact normally. When you transfonn in this way, thetransformation lasts up to I minute per twocharacter levels you possess (toa maximum of 10

minutes at 20th level).You can also transfonn unwillingly. There are

two kinds ofunwilling transformations: battletransformations and nighttime transformations.

In the case of battle transformations, whenever youare reduced to less than liz your maximum hitpoints, you automatically transfonn as a freeaction. When you transfonn in this fashion, youare overcome by a powerful bloodthirst, and arenot fully in control ofyour actions. Each round,you must attack at least one creature ifable, and ifno creatures are within range you immediatelybegin searching for something to kill. Once perminute, including the round you initiallytransfonn, you IIldy IIldke a Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. You mayalso makea new Willsave each time you attack an ally (a successful saveallows you to keep from attacking). Finally, yougain a +2 bonus on 'Nill saves to become lucid foreach creature you kill while transfonned. Thesebonuses stack, but go dWay once you become lucidagain. Once you do become lucid, thetransformation lasts up to one minute beforeending.

Nighttime transformations are somewhatdifferent. Every night (not just during the fullmoon) you transfonn unwillingly at sunset over thecourse of a minute, during which you arestaggered. You IIldy IIldkea Will save (DC 20) tobecome lucid, in which caseyou control youractions as normal. Ifyou fail this save, yourpredatory instincts take overand you rush out intothe night, traveling Id6 miles and then hunting fora sentient creature to slay. You nave no memoryofor control over your actions during this time. See

SOd c __ Handli N"gh" T I e.. ~_.,..~-----------I eueu; ng 1 ttlme rans ormabons

Because of the nature of nighttime transfonnations, they typically don't need to be detailed in full:for one thing, the character is unlikely to remember more than vague, hazy flashes of the events inquestion, and for another, itwilllikely be less than entertaining for the group as a whole to go throughevery excruciating detail of hunting down a Ie.."el 2 commoner in the night. Though some DMs will betempted to throw random encounters at the werewolfwhile he is alone and filled with bloodlust, this isgenerally considered to be bad fonn, unless the DM is certain that they are an appropriate challenge forthe lone player, and is confident that the encounter will be fun and exciting for e..wyone involved.

In general, the DM should either determine on his or her own whether or not the werewolf managesto find and slay prey, and if so, what kind, or else should ha~"e the player make a Survival check, with a 15or higher indicating that he found at least one victim. Also, the werewolf should return to wherever thePC was at the time ofthe transfonnation before sunrise, unless there is a good reason for things to be tothe contrary. FllliIlly, under no circumstances should the werewolfattack the other PCS while they aresleeping, which is why they travelld6 miles before beginning their hunt.


Sidebar. Handling Nighttime Transfonnations formon' information on these excursions. Regardlessofwhether or not )Ql~ lucid, thistransformation lasts until sunrise. If~ an'a~ tTansfonned when sunset~,)Qln'm.lln in w'Olffonn but must still make the \!YillSCM' to stay (or berome) ludd.

Once you berome ludd, you may end yourtransformation at any time 03.503. full-round action,regardless of what caused you to transfonn. Onceyour tTansformation ends, you~ exhausted forone minute, afterwhich)"OU an' fatigued for 10

minutes. You cannot perfonn a willingtransformation while ahausted or fatigued.Special: Ifyou an' affiicted by the run;t" of1ycdnthropy, you may choose to retrain a feat)Qlpossess and take this feat. Ifyou do so, you nolonger suffer from the curse oflycanthropy. TheCurse of the Beast feat cannot be retTainedwithout aid of spells such as ren1O'\l!' curse or heal,reg;udlessofhow it'<lo<l!i gained. F"malIy, ifyou hiM­the curse of lycanthropy, you count as having thisfeat for the ptIIl)OSl5 of~tll'5which~it.

Special; for the purposes of prerequisites for featsor prestige classes, you count as possessing all thespecial attacks which you possess whiletr<lnsfonned (such <15<1 bite att<lck, the scentspeci<ll qU<llity, and so on). Ifyou only qualify for afe<lt or prestige class while transfonned, you onlypin the benefits of that feat or prestige class whileyou are transformed.

Cursed Bite [Werewolf]Pftrequisites: Curse of the BeastBenefit: Your bite attack in wolfor hybrid fonnnow can infect a humanoid target with thelyc<lnthropycurse (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If thevictim's size is more than one size categol)' awayfrom you, this ability has no effect. See thePathfinder Roleplaying Game COn' Rulebook formon' infonIlation on the }ycanthropycurse.Special; Natuf31 \mlf 1)~anthropescount ashaving this fedt forthe pwposesof prerequisiteswhich noqwn' this fedt.

Devour Strength IWerewolf]Prerequbite: Curseofthe Beast, Corpse FeedingBenefit: 'Nh.enever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding fedt, you gain <I -+I bonus on <lttack

and dMnage rolls for 10 minutes. If the corpsebelonged. to a sentient creature, this bonus lastsfor 1 hour, instead. These bonuses do not staclc,and consuming multiple corpses will not increasethe bonus beyond +1. These bonusesan'suppressed any time you an' not transfonned withthe Curse of the Beast fedt.

Enduring Feeding IWerewolf]Pftrequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding.characterI~ uthBenefit: When you consume the~ ofasentient creatun' with the Corpse Feeding feat, thebenefits last u hOW'S, or until the nexI sunrise,whichever comes first. 1his does notp~tbenefits from becoming suppressed while you <In'not rransfonned with the Curse ofthe Bedst fedt.Normal: Typically, benefits aeeroed fromconsuming the corpses of sentient creatures lastfor up [0 1 hour.

Extended Transformation (Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: The dur<ltion of}UlfwillingtTansformations is incrNsed to I minute perchar<leter level.Normal: Thedur<ltion ofyour willingtransformations is I minute per 2 cha.f3cter levels.

Extra Transformation (Werewolf]Pftrequif.ite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You can make oneadditional o;o,illingtransformation per day.Special: You can takr this feat multiple times. Itseffect5 stack..

Greater Consume Agility [WerewolflPrerequisite: Curse of the Beast. Corpse Feeding,Consume AgilityBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpsewiththe Corpse Feeding fedt, you gain a +1 bonus oniniriatM- checlts and a +1 dodge bonus to AC for 10

minUles. Ifthe corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, this bonus lasts for I hour, instead. 1besebonuses do not stack, and consuming multiplecorpses will not increase the bonus beyond +1,These bonuses aresuppressed any time you an'not transfonned with the Curse of the Beast fedt.Normal: Eating corpses offers no special benefits.

Greater Consume Defenses {Werewolfl~~uisite:Curse ofthe Bedst, Corpse Feeding,Consume Defenses, Lesser Consume Defellses,character level 16thBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain DR 3/- for 10minutes. If the corpse belonged toa sentientITt'dlun", you gain DR 1/-, instead. These bonusesdo not stack, and consuming multiple corpses willnot increase the damage reduction beyond 1/-.1beie bonuses are suppressed any time)l)I.l all' noltransfonned with the Curse of the Be.lst feal.Nonnal: Eating corpses offen no special benefits.

Greater Consume Resistance [Werewolf]Pruequhite: Curseofthe Beasl, CorpseF~Consume ResistanceBenefit: W'heflt'\.'ef you consume a corpse wilh)VW Corpse fftding feat, you gain a +1. bonus onall saving throws fOl" 10 minutes. If the corpsebelo. 10 a sentient creaNIl', this bonus Lists forI hour, instead. 1hese bonuses do noI Slack, andconsuming multiple corpses wiU noI increase thebonus beyond +1.. 1hese bonuses all' wppressedany time you all' not ttansfonned ....ith the Curse ofthe Be.lst feat.Normal Eating corpses offen no specia.l benefits.

Greater Cursed Bite IWerewolflPruequhites: Curse of the BeaSl, Cursed BiteBenefit: The IX to resiSl your lycanthropy c:urse isnaww + 1/1. your HD + your WISdom modifieF.Additionally, your lycanthropy curse can nowinfect dragons. fey, monstrous humanoids,outmen, and corporeal intelligent undead inaddition 10 still being able to affect hull'Wlotds.Fmally, )vur curse can flOW affect victimsregardless of their size.

Greater Devour Strength [WerewolflPrerequUite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding.Devour Strength, ch.uacter 1evt'16lhBenefit: Wheneveryou consume a corpsewilh theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +2 bonus to arrackand damage for 10 minutes. If the corpse belongedtoa sentient creature, tllis bonus lasts for I hour,instead. These bonuses do not stack, andconsuming multiple corpses will not increase the

bonus beyond +2. These bonuses are suppressedany time you are not transfonned with the Curse ofthe Beast feat.

Greater Extended Transformation[Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Impl'O\--edExtended Transformation, character level 11thBenefit: The dwation ofyour willingtransfonnations is increased 10 I hour percharacter I~.Nonnal: The duration ofyour .....illing transfonna­lions is I minute per:l. character leo.'t'\s.

Greater Resist Transformation [WerewolflPrerequisite: Curse of the Be.lst, ResistTransfonnationBenefit: You gain a +4 bonuson Will saving tbrov.'Sto resist: im'oluntary transfonnalions brought onby the Curse ofthe Be.lst feat. In addition, once perday)UU may re-roU a WillSin't' made to resist sucha transformation.

Greater Taboo Reconory (WerewolflPle:tequisite: Cuneofthe Beast, Corpse Feeding.Taboo Recoo.'ef)', character Ieo.>el uthBenefit: \-\Ihent-<,~ryou ronsume the corpse ofasentient creatwl' you all' immediately cured ofaUpoisons, as v.lill as all confusion and insanityeffects, and can Il'IIKJYl" up to one negative 1t"'t'L

Greater Wolf Companion IWerewolflPruequisites: Gmie of the Beast, Leader of thePack, WolfCompanion, wolf Empathy, charilcterI~uth

Benefit: Your .....olf anima.! companion gains onetemplate ofyour choice from the following list:celestial, fiendish, and giant. AdditionaUy, yourwolf animaJ. companion gains the empathic linkability ofwizard familiars and spell resistanceequal to your character IIM'I + 5, and becomes amagical beast for the purposes of determiningwhich spells affect it.

Greatwulf Form [Werewolf]~~uisite:Curse of the Beast, character IIM'I..hBenefit: When you transform with the Curse of theBedst feat, you may choose to adopt a grealWUlf

Greater Consume Defenses (Werewolfl~~uisite:Curse ofthe Bedst, Corpse Feeding,Consume Defenses, Lesser Consume Defellses,character level 16thBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain DR 3/- for 10minutes. If the corpse belonged toa sentientITt'dlun", you gain DR 1/-, instead. These bonusesdo not stack, and consuming multiple corpses willnot increase the damage reduction beyond 1/-.1beie bonuses are suppressed any time)l)I.l all' noltransfonned with the Curse of the Be.lst feal.Nonnal: Eating corpses offen no special benefits.

Greater Consume Resistance [Werewolf]Pruequhite: Curseofthe Beasl, CorpseF~Consume ResistanceBenefit: W'heflt'\.'ef you consume a corpse wilh)VW Corpse fftding feat, you gain a +1. bonus onall saving throws fOl" 10 minutes. If the corpsebelo. 10 a sentient creaNIl', this bonus Lists forI hour, instead. 1hese bonuses do noI Slack, andconsuming multiple corpses wiU noI increase thebonus beyond +1.. 1hese bonuses all' wppressedany time you all' not ttansfonned ....ith the Curse ofthe Be.lst feat.Normal Eating corpses offen no specia.l benefits.

Greater Cursed Bite IWerewolflPruequhites: Curse of the BeaSl, Cursed BiteBenefit: The IX to resiSl your lycanthropy c:urse isnaww + 1/1. your HD + your WISdom modifieF.Additionally, your lycanthropy curse can nowinfect dragons. fey, monstrous humanoids,outmen, and corporeal intelligent undead inaddition 10 still being able to affect hull'Wlotds.Fmally, )vur curse can flOW affect victimsregardless of their size.

Greater Devour Strength [WerewolflPrerequUite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding.Devour Strength, ch.uacter 1evt'16lhBenefit: Wheneveryou consume a corpsewilh theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain a +2 bonus to arrackand damage for 10 minutes. If the corpse belongedtoa sentient creature, tllis bonus lasts for I hour,instead. These bonuses do not stack, andconsuming multiple corpses will not increase the

bonus beyond +2. These bonuses are suppressedany time you are not transfonned with the Curse ofthe Beast feat.

Greater Extended Transformation[Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Impl'O\--edExtended Transformation, character level 11thBenefit: The dwation ofyour willingtransfonnations is increased 10 I hour percharacter I~.Nonnal: The duration ofyour .....illing transfonna­lions is I minute per:l. character leo.'t'\s.

Greater Resist Transfonnation [WerewolflPrerequisite: Curse of the Be.lst, ResistTransfonnationBenefit: You gain a +4 bonuson Will saving tbrov.'Sto resist: im'oluntary transfonnalions brought onby the Curse ofthe Be.lst feat. In addition, once perday)UU may re-roU a WillSin't' made to resist sucha transformation.

Greater Taboo Reconory IWerewolflPle:tequisite: Cuneofthe Beast, Corpse Feeding.Taboo Recoo.'ef)', character Ieo.>el uthBenefit: \-\Ihent-<,~ryou ronsume the corpse ofasentient creatwl' you all' immediately cured ofaUpoisons, as v.lill as all confusion and insanityeffects, and can Il'IIKJYl" up to one negative 1t"'t'L

Greater Wolf Companion IWerewolflPruequisites: Gmie of the Beast, Leader of thePack, WolfCompanion, wolf Empathy, charilcterI~uth

Benefit: Your .....olf anima.! companion gains onetemplate ofyour choice from the following list:celestial, fiendish, and giant. AdditionaUy, yourwolf animaJ. companion gains the empathic linkability ofwizard familiars and spell resistanceequal to your character IIM'I + 5, and becomes amagical beast for the purposes of determiningwhich spells affect it.

Greatwulf Form [Werewolf]~~uisite:Curse of the Beast, character IIM'I..hBenefit: When you transform with the Curse of theBedst feat, you may choose to adopt a grealWUlf

form r3therthan the st.mdMd wolffonn. You mayIIIdke this choice 3ny time you transfonn, even ifthe tr3nsform.:ltion is involunt.uy.

When in grealv.uIf form, in iKIdirion to thebenefits 3nd drawb.1cb of the normaltransfOnTliltion, you gain 3 +4 ra.ciaI. bonus toSrrengrh, )'OUr r3cia1. bonus to Consrirntion~sn to +-t, and your niltural ;umor bonusincre3sn to +6. While in greatwulf fonn you 83in 3+1 bonusonCMBmd CMD,mdyourbitenowdoes ld8. F'Il'IolUy, you tm up 3 10-fOOl sqllclf'einstl."OO of3 5-fOOl~.Special: All other OOIefits ilIld drawb.lcks of theCUI"Se ofthe Beast !'Nt still3PPly.

Howl of the Night Hunter [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Be3stBenefit: Once per d<Jy, 3S 3 st.mdard 3etion whichdoesn'r provoke 3ttacks of opportunity, you C3n letloose a ft'itrsome howl. All cre3£W'eS within 110 feetwhich can hear you must succeed on 3 Will S<lVl'

(DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Chir.rismamodifier) or become frightened. If the cl"t'ijtureh3s 3t least 5 fewer hit dice thim you do, it ispi!.nicked instead. The effect lasts for I minute.Even if the creature succeeds on its Solving throw, itis still shaken for a number of rounds equal to yourChdrisma modifier.Special; You can take this ft'itt more th.ln once.fAch time you do, you gain.m3ddirional use ofthis abiliry each day.

Hybrid Form IWe['l'W01f]Prerequisite: CUI"Se of the Beast, chariK"ter level6<hBenefit: When you transform with the Curse ofthe Beast feat, you may choose to iKIopr a hybridfonn-.l monstrous bNst which is a CI'05$ betweena human and a woU-ra.t:her than the stand.udwolf form. You may~ this choice Mrf time youtransform, e"o'l'!l if the transfOrm.:ltion isinvoluntary.

When in hybrid form, you Me treilted 3Shaving the humanoid ilIld magicili bedst creaturetypes in addition to 3ny other cre3lurl' types youpossess. This transforrniltion does not 3ffect yourgear, which stays equipped. 'Nhile in hybrid fonn,you do not gain the nOnTlill benefits ofyourwerewolf transformation. Instt'itd, you gain thefollowing benefits: you g<lin 3 +2 r3cial bonus to

Strength 3nd Constitution, the scent specialquality, low-light vision, a primaI)' bite att3ckwhich deals Id6 points of damage ifyou Me

Mediwn, and two priJn<uy claw attacks which deiliId6 points ofdilffiage ifyou are MediWIL Yourclaws allow enough fine manipulation to ~ieId

weapons, but are clumsy and awkwMd whenemplO)~ in thisway, and so impose a -2 penilitytoattack rolls UliKI.ewith held weapons. Youcannot:~ a claw attack with a hand that ishokIinga Wl'iipon. Ifyou do choose to~ielda~pon, Mrf IliIturaI attacks you~ are treiltedas secondaryattacks.Special: All other benefits.md drawbacks of theCUI"Se ofthe Boeasl feat still apply.

Hybrid Pounce [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Hybrid FonD,b.lse attack bonus +uBenefit: 'Nhen you IIIdke d chdrge while in yourhybrid fonn, you may make a fuU dtt3CK. This fuUdtt3ck may only include natural attacks.Normal: Normally, when charging, you may makeonly a single attacK.

Improved Extended Transfonnation(Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curseofthe Beilst, ExtendedTransformarion, character level 6thBenefit: The duration ofyour willingtransformations is increased to 10 minutes percharacterI~Normal: The dW'ittion ofyour willingtransformations is I minute per 21eYeis.

Improved Leader of the Pack (Werewolf]Prerequisites: CUIW ofthe Boeasl, Leader of thep,""

Benefit: The domin,ue animal ability granted byLeader of the Pack c.m now affect wolf-likemagicili be.ms as if they were animals, ilIld thedW'ittion increases fO I hour per level from 1

minute per level.

Improved Low-Light VisionPnorequisite: Low-light vision special qualityBenefit: You c.m see four times as fdr as norm3l indimly-lit conditions. Addition311y, you gain a +2

bonus to Perception checks made in dimly-lit

form r3therthan the st.mdMd wolffonn. You mayIIIdke this choice 3ny time you transfonn, even ifthe tr3nsform.:ltion is involunt.uy.

When in grealv.uIf form, in iKIdirion to thebenefits 3nd drawb.1cb of the normaltransfOnTliltion, you gain 3 +4 ra.ciaI. bonus toSrrengrh, )'OUr r3cia1. bonus to Consrirntion~sn to +-t, and your niltural ;umor bonusincre3sn to +6. While in greatwulf fonn you 83in 3+1 bonusonCMBmd CMD,mdyourbitenowdoes ld8. F'Il'IolUy, you tm up 3 10-fOOl sqllclf'einstl."OO of3 5-fOOl~.Special: All other OOIefits ilIld drawb.lcks of theCUI"Se ofthe Beast !'Nt still3PPly.

Howl of the Night Hunter [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Be3stBenefit: Once per d<Jy, 3S 3 st.mdard 3etion whichdoesn'r provoke 3ttacks of opportunity, you C3n letloose a ft'itrsome howl. All cre3£W'eS within 110 feetwhich can hear you must succeed on 3 Will S<lVl'

(DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Chir.rismamodifier) or become frightened. If the cl"t'ijtureh3s 3t least 5 fewer hit dice thim you do, it ispi!.nicked instead. The effect lasts for I minute.Even if the creature succeeds on its Solving throw, itis still shaken for a number of rounds equal to yourChdrisma modifier.Special; You can take this ft'itt more th.ln once.fAch time you do, you gain.m3ddirional use ofthis abiliry each day.

Hybrid Form IWe['l'W01f]Prerequisite: CUI"Se of the Beast, chariK"ter level6<hBenefit: When you transform with the Curse ofthe Beast feat, you may choose to iKIopr a hybridfonn-.l monstrous bNst which is a CI'05$ betweena human and a woU-ra.t:her than the stand.udwolf form. You may~ this choice Mrf time youtransform, e"o'l'!l if the transfOrm.:ltion isinvoluntary.

When in hybrid form, you Me treilted 3Shaving the humanoid ilIld magicili bedst creaturetypes in addition to 3ny other cre3lurl' types youpossess. This transforrniltion does not 3ffect yourgear, which stays equipped. 'Nhile in hybrid fonn,you do not gain the nOnTlill benefits ofyourwerewolf transformation. Instt'itd, you gain thefollowing benefits: you g<lin 3 +2 r3cial bonus to

Strength 3nd Constitution, the scent specialquality, low-light vision, a primaI)' bite att3ckwhich deals Id6 points of damage ifyou Me

Mediwn, and two priJn<uy claw attacks which deiliId6 points ofdilffiage ifyou are MediWIL Yourclaws allow enough fine manipulation to ~ieId

weapons, but are clumsy and awkwMd whenemplO)~ in thisway, and so impose a -2 penilitytoattack rolls UliKI.ewith held weapons. Youcannot:~ a claw attack with a hand that ishokIinga Wl'iipon. Ifyou do choose to~ielda~pon, Mrf IliIturaI attacks you~ are treiltedas secondaryattacks.Special: All other benefits.md drawbacks of theCUI"Se ofthe Boeasl feat still apply.

Hybrid Pounce [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Hybrid FonD,b.lse attack bonus +uBenefit: 'Nhen you IIIdke d chdrge while in yourhybrid fonn, you may make a fuU dtt3CK. This fuUdtt3ck may only include natural attacks.Normal: Normally, when charging, you may makeonly a single attacK.

Improved Extended Transfonnation(Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curseofthe Beilst, ExtendedTransformarion, character level 6thBenefit: The duration ofyour willingtransformations is increased to 10 minutes percharacterI~Normal: The dW'ittion ofyour willingtransformations is I minute per 21eYeis.

Improved Leader of the Pack (Werewolf]Prerequisites: CUIW ofthe Boeasl, Leader of thep,""

Benefit: The domin,ue animal ability granted byLeader of the Pack c.m now affect wolf-likemagicili be.ms as if they were animals, ilIld thedW'ittion increases fO I hour per level from 1

minute per level.

Improved Low-Light VisionPnorequisite: Low-light vision special qualityBenefit: You c.m see four times as fdr as norm3l indimly-lit conditions. Addition311y, you gain a +2

bonus to Perception checks made in dimly-lit

form r3therthan the st.mdMd wolffonn. You mayIIIdke this choice 3ny time you transfonn, even ifthe tr3nsform.:ltion is involunt.uy.

When in grealv.uIf form, in iKIdirion to thebenefits 3nd drawb.1cb of the normaltransfOnTliltion, you gain 3 +4 ra.ciaI. bonus toSrrengrh, )'OUr r3cia1. bonus to Consrirntion~sn to +-t, and your niltural ;umor bonusincre3sn to +6. While in greatwulf fonn you 83in 3+1 bonusonCMBmd CMD.mdyourbitenowdoes ld8. F'Il'IolUy, you tm up 3 10-fOOl sqllclf'einstl'<ld of3 5-fOOl~.Special: All other OOIefits ilIld drawb.lcks of theCUI"Se ofthe Beast !'Nt still3PPly.

Howl of the Night Hunter [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Be3stBenefit: Once per d<Jy, 3S 3 st.mdard 3cOon whichdoesn'r provoke 3ttacks of opportunity, you C3n letloose a ft'itrsome howl. All cre3£W'eS within 110 feetwhich can hear you must succeed on 3 Will S<lVl'

(DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Chir.rismamodifier) or become frightened. If the cl"t'ijtureh3s 3t least 5 fewer hit dice thim you do, it ispi!.nicked instead. The effect lasts for I minute.Even if the creature succeeds on its Solving throw, itis still shaken for a number of rounds equal to yourChdrisma modifier.Special; You can take this ft'itt more th.ln once.fAch time you do, you gain.m3ddirional use ofthis abiliry each day.

Hybrid Form IWe['l'W01f]Prerequisite: CUI"Se of the Beast, chariK"ter level6<hBenefit: When you transform with the Curse ofthe Beast feat, you may choose to iKIopr a hybridfonn-.l monstrous bNst which is a CI'05$ betweena human and a woU-ra.t:her than the stand.udwolf form. You may~ this choice Mrf time youtransform, e"o'l'!l if the transfOrm.:ltion isinvoluntary.

When in hybrid form, you Me treilted 3Shaving the humanoid ilIld magicili bedst creaturetypes in addition to 3ny other cre3lurl' types youpossess. This transforrniltion does not 3ffect yourgear, which stays equipped. 'Nhile in hybrid fonn,you do not gain the nOnTlill benefits ofyourwerewolf transformation. Instt'itd, you gain thefollowing benefits: you g<lin 3 +2 r3cial bonus to

Strength 3nd Constitution, the scent specialquality, low-light vision, a primaI)' bite att3ckwhich deals Id6 points of damage ifyou Me

Mediwn, and two priJn<uy claw attacks which deiliId6 points ofdilffiage ifyou are MediWIL Yourclaws allow enough fine manipulation to ~ieId

weapons, but are clumsy and awkwMd whenemplO)~ in thisway, and so impose a -2 penilitytoattack rolls UliKI.ewith held weapons. Youcannot:~ a claw attack with a hand that ishokIinga Wl'iipon. Ifyou do choose to~ielda~pon, Mrf IliIturaI attacks you~ are treiltedas secondaryattacks.Special: All other benefits.md drawbacks of theCUI"Se ofthe Boeasl feat still apply.

Hybrid Pounce [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Hybrid FonD,b.lse attack bonus +uBenefit: 'Nhen you IIIdke d chdrge while in yourhybrid fonn, you may make a fuU dtt3CK. This fuUdtt3ck may only include natural attacks.Normal: Normally, when charging, you may makeonly a single attacK.

Improved Extended Transfonnation(Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curseofthe 8edst, ExtendedTransfonnarion, character level 6thBenefit: The duration ofyour willingtransformations is increased to 10 minutes percharacterI~Normal: The dW'ittion ofyour willingtransformations is I minute per 21eYeis.

Improved Leader of the Pack (Werewolf]Prerequisites: CUIW ofthe Boeasl, Leader of thep,""

Benefit: The domin,ue animal ability granted byLeader of the Pack c.m now affect wolf-likemagicili be.ms as if they were animals, ilIld thedW'ittion increases fO I hour per level from 1

minute per level.

Improved Low-Light VisionPnorequisite: Low-light vision special qualityBenefit: You c.m see four times as fdr as norm3l indimly-lit conditions. Addition311y, you gain a +2

bonus to Perception checks made in dimly-lit


Improved Scent [Monster]Prerequisite: Scent special qualityBenefit: Your scent special quality functions attwice the normal range (including the ranges forupwind, downwind, and pinpointing location).Further, you gain an additional +4 bonus toSwvival when tracking byscent.

Additionally, as long as you can smell acreature, you may make a Knowledge check of theappropriate type to identify the creature, even ifyou aren't trained. You gain a +5 bonus onKnowledge checks made in this way. Finally, yoursense of smell allows you to remgnize individualsyou have met based on their scent, which may foildisguises which do not include a scent component,and further grants you a +4 bonus on Will savesversus illusion effects which do not include a scentcomponent.

Leader of the Pack [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, Wolf Empathy,character level 5thBenefit: You gain the ability to use dominateanimal, but only on wolves and similar caninecreatures, such as dire wolves; in addition, theduration is increased to 1 minute per characterlevel. You can use this ability 3 times per day as aspell-like ability. The caster level is equal toyourcharacter level and the save IX: is Charisma-based.Special: lhis feat can be taken multiple times.Each additional time it is taken, it grants one moreuse ofdominate animal.

Lesser Consume Defenses [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse Feeding,character level 6thBenefit: Whenever you consume a corpse with theCorpse Feeding feat, you gain DR 1/- for 10

minutes. If the corpse belonged to a sentientcreature, you gain DR 2/-, instead. These bonusesdo not stack, and consuming multiple corpses willnot increase the damage reduction beyond 2/-.These bonuses are suppressed any time you are nottransfonned with the Curse of the Beast feat.

Lycanthropic Toughness [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse of the Beast, character level

""Benefit: You gain damage reduction 2/silverwhileyou are in your wolfor hybrid fonn.Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.Each additional time it is taken, your damagereduction increases by l/silver.

Night-Eye [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You gain darkvision 60 feet. Ifyou alreadypossess darkvision, your existing darkvisionextends an additional 60 feet.Special: You may take this feat multiple times,increasing the range ofyour darkvision by 60 feeteach time you do so.

Night Healing [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse ofthe Beast, character level12thBenefit: You gain fast healing equal to 1/4 yourcharacter level, rounded down. This fast healingonly functions at night while you are in your wolfor hybrid fonn.

Paralyzing Gaze [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, character level9'hBenefit: As a standard action which doesn'tprovoke attacks of opportunity, you can attempt toparalyze a single target within 60 feet which cansee you. The target must succeed on a Fortitudesave (DC 10 + liz your hit dice + your Charismamodifier) or be paralyzed forI minute. This is amind-affecting fear effect. You mayuse this abilitya number of times per day equal to your Charismamodifier (minimum 1).Special: Targets who are forewarned of this attackmay avert their gaze to protect themselves fromthis attack as though it",~rea gaze attack, but it isnot actually a gaze attack, and is not used passivelythe way a gaze attack can be. See the PathfinderBestiary for more information on gaze attacks.

Poisonous Bite [Werewolf]Prerequisites: Curse ofthe Beast, character level


Benefit: Three times per day, you can sec::rete apoison which coats your fangs as a swift action.1bis poison persists on your fangs for I minute, andyour bite delivers the poison wilh each attack forthe duration of the effect. [fyou do not M-ea biteattack when you use this ability, this ability has noeffect. lbis poison deals Strength or DexteritydilIDil.ge (you make this choice when you take thisfeat. 1'hl' ability srorechosen calUl()( be ch.mgedlater). You are immune toyourown poison. Thepoison you secrete cannot be collected or."""""'.W~1f poUon-injury; Sol'o-e fort (DC 10 -+ 1/2your HD -+ your Con modifier); frequency l/roundfOI" 6 rounds; effect 1<4 Strength or Dexteritydamage; CUJ"e I save. The SCl\'t' DC isConstitution-based.Speci.d: 1llis fNt can be taken multiple times.Each tinr it is taken, you gain one additional useof this ability.

Poisonous Claws (WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe ofthe Be.1st, Hybrid fonD,Poisonous Bite, character lE'\'t'I grhBenefit: \rVhen you se<:me poison with thePoisonous Bite feat, you may choose to also coat)QUI" claws. Ifyou do so, this is a Jl'lO\.'t' actioninstead of the normal sv.ift action, and uses anadditional. use ofyour daily a1Iotment of poison.You abo gain one additional use ofyour poison perd.oy.

Powerful Bite (Monster)PruequWta: Biteattack, baseattaek bonus..aBenefit: The Strength bonus to damage for yourbite attack is now 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus(~n ifyou have more than one att3ck). Ifyourbite attack is a secondary auack, the bonus isinstead equal to your Strength modifier.Nonnal: Most bite attacks use l-lh times yourStrength bonus if they are your only attack, bUlotherwise use your Strength bonus or (if your biteattack is a secondary attack) 1/2 your Strengthbonus.

Practiced Transformation [WerewolnPrerequitite: Curse of the Beast, character II"Vl'I

""Benefit: When yourwerewolftrallsformation ends,

you are only exhausted for one round and fatiguedfor one minute.Normal: Nonnally, you Me exhausted for oneminute and then fatigued for 10 minutes afteryour~rl'WOlftTansformatiolL

Pull Down [WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe of the Beast, ooseattack-+~Benefit: When in your wolf or hybrid fonn yougain the trip special atLKk with your bite attack.See the Pathfinder Bestiary foI" more informationon the trip special attack.Speci.d: Ifyou can make more than one biteattack NCb. round, you may only use this feat forone of thOSl'attacks. You must declare that you areusing this ability bd"ore making the att3ck roll. Inthe case ofa miss, this ability is "''aSted foI" thatrowxI.

Quick Feeding IWl!'re""olnPlleuequisitl!': Cur.;e of thi!' Beast, Corpse feeding.chacaetl'l"l~ 6thBenefit: You cilDronsumea corpse ",ith theCorpse ftoeding fNt asa full·round action ....hichpromkrs attacks ofopportunity.Normal: Consuming a corpse with the CorpseFeeding feat requires I minute.

Resist Transformation IWerewolnPrerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: When~ ",vukI involuntarily tTansforminto a ....ere....ol(~ may attempt a Will savingthrow (DC 20) to iI\'Oid transfonning. Ifyou dotransfonD, you may!ilill make a separate Will save[0 remain lucid.Normal: \\lhen you would involuntarily tTansfonninto a werewolf, you call1lot resist the effect.

Silver Fang [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Cur.;e of the BeastBenefit: When in your ....olfor hybrid fonn, all ofyour natural attacks count as magic and silver forthe purposes ofbypassing ddmage reduction andsuppressing regeneratiolL

Taboo Recovery [Werewolf}Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse feeding,character level 6thBl!'nefit: Whent"\'l:'ryou consume the corpse of a

Benefit: Three times per day, you can sec::rete apoison which coats your fangs as a swift action.1bis poison persists on your fangs for I minute, andyour bite delivers the poison wilh each attack forthe duration of the effect. [fyou do not M-ea biteattack when you use this ability, this ability has noeffect. lbis poison deals Strength or DexteritydilIDil.ge (you make this choice when you take thisfeat. 1'hl' ability srorechosen calUl()( be ch.mgedlater). You are immune toyourown poison. Thepoison you secrete cannot be collected or."""""'.W~1f poUon-injury; Sol'o-e fort (DC 10 -+ 1/2your HD -+ your Con modifier); frequency l/roundfOI" 6 rounds; effect 1<4 Strength or Dexteritydamage; CUJ"e I save. The SCl\'t' DC isConstitution-based.Speci.d: 1llis fNt can be taken multiple times.Each tinr it is taken, you gain one additional useof this ability.

Poisonous Claws (WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe ofthe Be.1st, Hybrid fonD,Poisonous Bite, character lE'\'t'I grhBenefit: \rVhen you se<:me poison with thePoisonous Bite feat, you may choose to also coat)QUI" claws. Ifyou do so, this is a Jl'lO\.'t' actioninstead of the normal sv.ift action, and uses anadditional. use ofyour daily a1Iotment of poison.You abo gain one additional use ofyour poison perd.oy.

Powerful Bite (Monster)PruequWta: Biteattack, baseattaek bonus..aBenefit: The Strength bonus to damage for yourbite attack is now 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus(~n ifyou have more than one att3ck). Ifyourbite attack is a secondary auack, the bonus isinstead equal to your Strength modifier.Nonnal: Most bite attacks use l-lh times yourStrength bonus if they are your only attack, bUlotherwise use your Strength bonus or (if your biteattack is a secondary attack) 1/2 your Strengthbonus.

Practiced Transformation [WerewolnPrerequitite: Curse of the Beast, character II"Vl'I

""Benefit: When yourwerewolftrallsformation ends,

you are only exhausted for one round and fatiguedfor one minute.Normal: Nonnally, you Me exhausted for oneminute and then fatigued for 10 minutes afteryour~rl'WOlftTansformatiolL

Pull Down [WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe of the Beast, ooseattack-+~Benefit: When in your wolf or hybrid fonn yougain the trip special atLKk with your bite attack.See the Pathfinder Bestiary foI" more informationon the trip special attack.Speci.d: Ifyou can make more than one biteattack NCb. round, you may only use this feat forone of thOSl'attacks. You must declare that you areusing this ability bd"ore making the att3ck roll. Inthe case ofa miss, this ability is "''aSted foI" thatrowxI.

Quick Feeding IWl!'re""olnPlleuequisitl!': Cur.;e of thi!' Beast, Corpse feeding.chacaetl'l"l~ 6thBenefit: You cilDronsumea corpse ",ith theCorpse ftoeding fNt asa full·round action ....hichpromkrs attacks ofopportunity.Normal: Consuming a corpse with the CorpseFeeding feat requires I minute.

Resist Transformation IWerewolnPrerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: When~ ",vukI involuntarily tTansforminto a ....ere....ol(~ may attempt a Will savingthrow (DC 20) to iI\'Oid transfonning. Ifyou dotransfonD, you may!ilill make a separate Will save[0 remain lucid.Normal: \\lhen you would involuntarily tTansfonninto a werewolf, you call1lot resist the effect.

Silver Fang [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Cur.;e of the BeastBenefit: When in your ....olfor hybrid fonn, all ofyour natural attacks count as magic and silver forthe purposes ofbypassing ddmage reduction andsuppressing regeneratiolL

Taboo Recovery [Werewolf}Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse feeding,character level 6thBl!'nefit: Whent"\'l:'ryou consume the corpse of a

Benefit: Three times per day, you can sec::rete apoison which coats your fangs as a swift action.1bis poison persists on your fangs for I minute, andyour bite delivers the poison wilh each attack forthe duration of the effect. [fyou do not M-ea biteattack when you use this ability, this ability has noeffect. lbis poison deals Strength or DexteritydilIDil.ge (you make this choice when you take thisfeat. 1'hl' ability srorechosen calUl()( be ch.mgedlater). You are immune toyourown poison. Thepoison you secrete cannot be collected or."""""'.W~1f poUon-injury; Sol'o-e fort (DC 10 -+ 1/2your HD -+ your Con modifier); frequency l/roundfOI" 6 rounds; effect 1<4 Strength or Dexteritydamage; CUJ"e I save. The SCl\'t' DC isConstitution-based.Speci.d: 1llis fNt can be taken multiple times.Each tinr it is taken, you gain one additional useof this ability.

Poisonous Claws (WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe ofthe Be.1st, Hybrid fonD,Poisonous Bite, character lE'\'t'I grhBenefit: \rVhen you se<:me poison with thePoisonous Bite feat, you may choose to also coat)QUI" claws. Ifyou do so, this is a Jl'lO\.'t' actioninstead of the normal sv.ift action, and uses anadditional. use ofyour daily a1Iotment of poison.You abo gain one additional use ofyour poison perd.oy.

Powerful Bite (Monster)PruequWta: Biteattack, baseattaek bonus..aBenefit: The Strength bonus to damage for yourbite attack is now 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus(~n ifyou have more than one att3ck). Ifyourbite attack is a secondary auack, the bonus isinstead equal to your Strength modifier.Nonnal: Most bite attacks use l-lh times yourStrength bonus if they are your only attack, bUlotherwise use your Strength bonus or (if your biteattack is a secondary attack) 1/2 your Strengthbonus.

Practiced Transformation [WerewolnPrerequitite: Curse of the Beast, character II"Vl'I

""Benefit: When yourwerewolftrallsformation ends,

you are only exhausted for one round and fatiguedfor one minute.Normal: Nonnally, you Me exhausted for oneminute and then fatigued for 10 minutes afteryour~rl'WOlftTansformatiolL

Pull Down [WerewolnPrerequisites: CuBe of the Beast, ooseattack-+~Benefit: When in your wolf or hybrid fonn yougain the trip special atLKk with your bite attack.See the Pathfinder Bestiary foI" more informationon the trip special attack.Speci.d: Ifyou can make more than one biteattack NCb. round, you may only use this feat forone of thOSl'attacks. You must declare that you areusing this ability bd"ore making the att3ck roll. Inthe case ofa miss, this ability is "''aSted foI" thatrowxI.

Quick Feeding IWl!'re""olnPlleuequisitl!': Cur.;e of thi!' Beast, Corpse feeding.chacaetl'l"l~ 6thBenefit: You cilDronsumea corpse ",ith theCorpse ftoeding fNt asa full·round action ....hichpromkrs attacks ofopportunity.Normal: Consuming a corpse with the CorpseFeeding feat requires I minute.

Resist Transformation IWerewolnPrerequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: When~ ",vukI involuntarily tTansforminto a ....ere....ol(~ may attempt a Will savingthrow (DC 20) to iI\'Oid transfonning. Ifyou dotransfonD, you may!ilill make a separate Will save[0 remain lucid.Normal: \\lhen you would involuntarily tTansfonninto a werewolf, you call1lot resist the effect.

Silver Fang [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Cur.;e of the BeastBenefit: When in your ....olfor hybrid fonn, all ofyour natural attacks count as magic and silver forthe purposes ofbypassing ddmage reduction andsuppressing regeneratiolL

Taboo Recovery [Werewolf}Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse feeding,character level 6thBl!'nefit: Whent"\'l:'ryou consume the corpse of a

sentient CTe<lture you~r from futigue,exhaustion, any fe,ir effects, and confusion.

Tame the Inner Beast [Werewolf]Pluequisite: Curse of the BeastBenefit: You gain a -+1. bonuson WillSinti to~ lucid while transformed. Additionally,~ you successfully be<nmt' lucid, you mayremain transformed until the next sunrise, eYeIl ifthe effect ".'OUId normally end befon' then (such aswith a battle trcmsfonnation). If; during this~,~ would be fCll'Cffi 10 ttansfonn again, you mustsul"Cee<l on the appropriate \VHI saw 01" beimmediatelyilffected by the bloodlust once ilgllin.

Vital Consumption [Werewolf]Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Corpse feedingBenefit: When~ryou consume a corpse with theCorpse feeding feat, you gain I temporary rut pointper hit dice the creature possessed. Thesetemporary hit points are lost after 10 minutes, Ifthe corpse belonged to a sentient creature, youinstead gain 2 temporary hit points per rut dice thecreature possessed, and they last for 1hour beforefading.

Wolf Companion [Werewolf]~uisitn:Curse of the Beast, Wolf Empathy,Leader of the PackBenefit: You fonna close bond with a wolf, whichbe<nmes your wolfanimal companion. This wolf isa 10)0'al companion dlat accompanies you on youradventures. This ability functions lib.- the druidanimIlI. companion ability (",iJich is part of theNature Bond class feature), exrept that youreff«tM druid le"o-d is equal to your character I_I-,Spu:ial.: Ifyou already Moe an animal companion,this feat does 00l gram: you a second animalcompanion. Ifyour existing animal companion is awolf, its abilities are calculated as though yourclasslevel were three higher, to a maximum ofyourcharacter level.

Wolf Empathy [Werewolf]Prerequisi[n: Curse of the BeastBenefitl: III any fonn, you can communicate andempathize with wolves and other similar caninessuch as dire wolves, worgs, and winter wolves, You

can use Diplomacy to alter such an animal ormagical beast's attitude, and when sodoing gain a-+1 racial bomlSon the check. Also, you can speakwith these animals as ifyou were constantly underthe effect of the spell speak with.:tnima/s.SpecW: The bonuses granted by this feal stackwith the Iycanthropk empathy special quality ofnatural and afflicted werewohti in the Pathfinder_.Wolfen Gear (Werewolf]Pruequisite: Cww of the BeastBenefit: Your gear mt'lds into you when you trans­fonn uuo a wolf with the Curse of the Beast feat,as described under the polymorph subschool de­scription (see the Pathfinder RoI.epIdying GameCore Rulebook for more informarion).Normal: Your geM does nO( meld inlO yuu whenyou transfonn into a wolf"'ith the Curse of theBeast feat.

Magic Items:

Magic Weapon Special AbilitiesThe following special abilities can be added

to magic weapons. They are goyerned by the samerules as other magic weapon special abilities, asdescribed in the Pathfinder RolepLtying GameCore Rulebook.

shifting; Weapons with this quality are highlyprized by shapeshifters ofall kinds. A shiftingweapon can ttansferall of ilS magical propertiesto the natural attacks ofshapeshifters when theyshapeshift. The~pon'silbilities andenhancement bonus are applied to a singlenatural attack per live points of base attack bonusthewiel.deI"po!i5t'SSe5, rounded down (minimumI). In this way, a creature"'ith rwo cLIw attackswould need a baseattack bollusof -+10 in order toapply lheweapon's bonus to both cla.ws. An attackcannot benefit from both a shifting """apon andan .:tmulet ofm;sJ!t fists at the same time.Sirong transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Anus andAnnor, m<Jg;c we<Jpon; Price -+3 bonus.

Wolfsbane: Weapons with this quality have thepower to force were....olves to return to theirnatural state. \¥henevera werewolf is hit by awolfsbane 'M'apon, it must succeed on a Will save(IX 18) or return to its natural fonn.Moderate transmutation; CL 11th: Craft Weaponsand Annor, baleful j>Qlymorph; Price +2 bonus.

Wondrous ItemsThe following \\o'l'rewolf-related wondrous

items can be found in most places where magicitems tend to beavailable.(()[ I AR OF IIN( HAN<, I NC, FORMAura moderate transmutation: CL llih

Slot ne<:k: Price 5,100 gp: Weight I lb.DESCRIPTION

This silver collar has the power to restrict theshape-shifting power of'M'rewolves. The collar,once attached, cannot be removed without aeither a IX 25 Disable Device che<:k, a successfulcombat maneuver against CMD 25, or the spokencommand word. \¥hill' the collar is worn, thewearer is unable to change fonn through magicalor supernatural means, including spells, spell­like abilities, supernatural abilities, oranyextraordinary abilities the creature possesses.This does not prevent the creature from beingtransfonned by magical means by other creatures(such as the baleful j>Qlymorph spell), onlytransfonnations initiated by the creature itself.CONSTRUCTION

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, balefulpolymorph; Cost 2.700 gp

WOI rSRANF A!\lUI FTAura faim abjuration; CL )rdSlot ne<:k: Price 1,100 gp; Weight I Ibs.DF,SeRI PTiON

Thewolfsbane amulet resembles a simplegolden chain with a wolfs head pendant, andprovides a number of useful effe<:ts for those whowish to fight werewolves. First, the wearer ismade aware ofthe presence ofany 'M'rewolveswithin 30 feet of him, regardless of whether ornot they are in their natural fonn. By spending afull round concentrating, he can identify theexact location of the 'M'rewolf. Second, thewearer receives a +2 defle<:tion bonus toAeagainst 'M'rewolves ofall forms. Finally, once

per day, the 'M'arer can invoke the amulet toprovide him with a sheltering effe<:t that functionsidentically to the sancwdryspell (IX 15), but onlyaffe<:ts 'M'n'wolves.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detectevil, protection from evil, sancwary: Cost2,050 gp

WOIFKFllAura faint transmutation; CL sthSlot waist; Price 20,400 gp; Weight lib.DESCRIPTION

The wolf belt is a \\o'l'll crafted belt madefonn the cured hide ofa large dark grey or blackwolf. The ....,olfbelt grants its wearer a +1competence bonus on Stealth che<:ks, and allowsthe user to assume the fonn ofa wolf three timesper day as a standard action. This ability isidentical to the spell beast shape I, except thatyou can only transfonn into a wolf or similarcanine, the wolf fonn you assume has no tail(making it easy to distinguish from other wolves),and you may speak nonnally while sotransfonned.CONSTRUCTION

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beastshape f; Cost 10,200 gp

WOI F 1'[1 I

Aura moderate transmutation: CI. 7thSlot shoulders: Price 60.800 gp: Weight Islbs.DESCRIPTJON

The wolf pelt is a cloak made form the hideofa sinister-looking, jet black dire wolf. Whiledonned, the cloak transforms its Wl'dl"er into adire wolf as though affe<:ted by bedst shape II,except that the wolf fonn you assume has no tail(making it easy to distinguish from other wolves),and you may speak nonnally while sotransfonned. This is a constant effe<:t. The weareralso re<:eives a +4 competence bonus on Stealthand Survival checks. The pelt can be removed as amove action, returning the user to his or heroriginal fonn.


Requirements Craft Wondrous [tern, beastshape II: Cost )0,400 gp













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